List of 50 "In Conclusion" Synonyms—Write Better with ProWritingAid

Alex Simmonds

By Alex Simmonds

Cover image for in conclusion article

Table of Contents

Why is it wrong to use "in conclusion" when writing a conclusion, what can i use instead of "in conclusion" for an essay, what are some synonyms for "in conclusion" in formal writing, what are some synonyms for "in conclusion" in informal writing, what is another word for "in conclusion", what should a conclusion do in an article or paper.

The final paragraphs of any paper can be extremely difficult to get right, and yet they are probably the most important. They offer you a chance to summarize the points you have made into a neat package and leave a good impression on the reader.

Many people choose to start the last paragraph with the phrase in conclusion , but this has its downsides.

Firstly, you should only use it once. Any more than that and your essay will sound horribly repetitive. Secondly, there is the question of whether you should even use the phrase at all?

Image showing synonyms for in conclusion

Though it’s okay to use in conclusion in a speech or presentation, when writing an essay it comes across as stating the obvious. The phrase will come across as a bit unnecessary or "on the nose."

Its use in an essay is clichéd, and there are far cleaner and more elegant ways of indicating that you are going to be concluding the paper. Using in conclusion might even irritate and alienate your audience or readers.

Thankfully, there are hundreds of synonyms available in the English language which do a much better (and much more subtle) job of drawing a piece of writing to a close.

The key is to choose ones which suit the tone of the paper. Here we will look at both formal options for an essay or academic paper, and informal options for light-hearted, low key writing, or speeches.

Image showing as has been demonstrated in a sentence

If you are writing an academic essay, a white paper, a business paper, or any other formal text, you will want to use formal transitional expressions that successfully work as synonyms for in conclusion .

The following are some suggestions you could use:

As has been demonstrated

A simple way of concluding all your points and summarizing everything you have said is to confidently state that those points have convincingly proven your case:

As the research has demonstrated , kids really do love chocolate.

As all the above points have demonstrated , Dan Brown really was the most technically gifted writer of the 20th Century.

As has been demonstrated in this paper , the side-effects of the vaccine are mild in comparison to the consequences of the virus.

As has been shown

This is another way of saying as has been demonstrated , but perhaps less scientific and more literary. As has been shown would work well in literature, history, or philosophy essays.

For example:

As has been shown above , the First World War and industrialization were the drivers for a new way of seeing the world, reflected in Pound’s poetry.

In the final analysis

This is a great expression to use in your conclusion, since it’s almost as blunt as in conclusion , but is a more refined and far less clichéd way of starting the concluding paragraph.

Once you have finished your argument and started drawing things to a close, using in the final analysis allows you to tail nicely into your last summation.

In the final analysis , there can be little doubt that Transformers: Dark of the Moon represents a low point in the history of cinema.

Image showing final analysis as a substitute for in conclusion

Along with let’s review , this is short and blunt way of announcing that you intend to recap the points you have made so far, rather than actually drawing a conclusion.

It definitely works best when presenting or reading out a speech, but less well in an essay or paper.

However, it does work effectively in a scientific paper or if you wish to recap a long train of thought, argument, or sequence before getting to the final concluding lines.

To review , of the two groups of senior citizens, one was given a placebo and the other a large dose of amphetamines.

Image showing phrases to use instead of in conclusion

Another phrase you could consider is in closing . This is probably better when speaking or presenting because of how double-edged it is. It still has an in conclusion element to it, but arguably it could also work well when drawing an academic or scientific paper to a conclusion.

For example, it is particularly useful in scientific or business papers where you want to sum up your points, and then even have a call to action:

In closing then, it is clear that as a society, we all need to carefully monitor our consumption of gummy bears.

Or in an academic paper, it offers a slightly less blunt way to begin a paragraph:

In closing , how do we tie all these different elements of Ballard’s writing together?

Perhaps the most similar expression to in conclusion is in summary . In summary offers a clear indication to the reader that you are going to restate the main points of your paper and draw a conclusion from those points:

In summary , Existentialism is the only philosophy that has any real validity in the 21st century.

In summary , we believe that by switching to a subscription model...

On top of those previously mentioned, here are some other phrases that you can use as an alternative to in conclusion :

To summarize

Overall, it may be said

Taking everything into account

On the whole

In general, it can be said that

With this in mind

Considering all this

Everything considered

As a final observation

Considering all of the facts

For the most part

In light of these facts

When it comes to finishing up a speech, a light-hearted paper, blog post, or magazine article, there are a couple of informal phrases you can use rather than in conclusion :

In a nutshell

The phrase in a nutshell is extremely informal and can be used both in speech and in writing. However, it should never be used in academic or formal writing.

It could probably be used in informal business presentations, to let the audience know that you are summing up in a light-hearted manner:

In a nutshell , our new formula Pro Jazzinol shampoo does the same as our old shampoo, but we get to charge 20% more for it!

You can also use it if you want to get straight to the point at the end of a speech or article, without any fluff:

In a nutshell , our new SocialShocka app does what it says on the tin—gives you an electric shock every time you try to access your social media!

At the end of the day

This is a pretty useful expression if you want to informally conclude an argument, having made all your points. It basically means in the final reckoning or the main thing to consider is , but said in a more conversational manner:

At the end of the day , he will never make the national team, but will make a good living as a professional.

At the end of the day , the former President was never destined to unite the country…

Image showing a wedding toast

Long story short

Another informal option when replacing in conclusion is to opt for to make a long story short —sometimes shortened to long story short .

Again, this is not one you would use when writing an academic or formal paper, as it is much too conversational. It’s a phrase that is far better suited to telling a joke or story to your friends:

Long story short , Billy has only gone and started his own religion!

Would you ever use it in writing? Probably not, except for at the end of friendly, low-key presentations:

Long story short , our conclusion is that you are spending far too much money on after work company bowling trips.

And possibly at the end of an offbeat magazine article or blog post:

Long story short , Henry VIII was a great king—not so great a husband though!

Other "In Conclusion" Synonyms for Informal Writing

You can use any of the synonyms in this article when writing informally, but these are particularly useful when you want your writing to sound conversational:

By and large

On a final note

Last but not least

For all intents and purposes

The bottom line is

To put it bluntly

To wrap things up

To come to the point

To wind things up

Image showing list of words to replace in conclusion

Instead of opting for one of the above expressions or idioms, there are several different singular transition words you can use instead. Here are a couple of examples:

The perfect word to tell the reader you are reaching the end of your argument. Lastly is an adverb that means "at the end" or "in summary." It is best used when you are beginning your conclusion:

Lastly , with all the previous points in mind, there is the question of why Philip K Dick was so fascinated with alternate history?

But can also be used at the very end of your conclusion too:

Lastly then, we are left with Eliot’s own words on his inspiration for "The Waste Land."

Finally does exactly the same job as lastly . It lets the reader know that you are at the final point of your argument or are about to draw your conclusion:

Finally , we can see from all the previous points that...

Another word that can be used at beginning of the conclusion is the adverb ultimately . Meaning "in the end" or "at the end of the day," it can be used as a conclusion to both informal and formal papers or articles:

Ultimately , it comes down to whether one takes an Old Testament view of capital punishment or...

It can also be used in more survey, scientific, or charity appeal style articles as a call to action of some sort:

Ultimately , we will all need to put some thought into our own carbon footprints over the next couple of years.

A good word to conclude a scientific, or survey style paper is overall . It can be used when discussing the points, arguments or results that have been outlined in the paper up until that point.

Thus, you can say:

Overall , our survey showed that most people believe you should spread the cream before you add the jam, when eating scones.

Other Transition Words to Replace "In Conclusion"

Here are a few transition word alternatives to add to your arsenal:





Pro tip: You should use transition words throughout your essay, paper, or article to guide your reader through your ideas towards your conclusion. ProWritingAid’s Transitions Report tells you how many transition words you’ve used throughout your document so you can make sure you’re supporting your readers’ understanding.

ProWritingAid transition report shows a conclusion word

It’ll also tell you what type of transitions you’ve used. If there are no conclusion words in your writing, consider using one of the synonyms from this article.

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One of the most effective ways of finishing up a piece of writing is to ask a question, or return to the question that was asked at the beginning of the paper using. This can be achieved using how , what , why , or who .

This is sometimes referred to as the "so what?" question. This takes all your points and moves your writing (and your reader) back to the broader context, and gets the reader to ask, why are these points important? Your conclusion should answer the question "so what?" .

Image with so what question

To answer that, you circle back to the main concept or driving force of the essay / paper (usually found in the title) and tie it together with the points you have made, in a final, elegant few sentences:

How, then, is Kafka’s writing modernist in outlook?

Why should we consider Dickens’ work from a feminist perspective?

What, then , was Blake referring to, when he spoke of mind forged manacles?

In Conclusion

There are plenty of alternatives for drawing an effective and elegant close to your arguments, rather than simply stating in conclusion .

Whether you ask a question or opt for a transition expression or a single transition word, just taking the time to choose the right synonyms will make all the difference to what is, essentially, the most important part of your paper.

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Alex Simmonds

Alex Simmonds is a freelance copywriter based in the UK and has been using words to help people sell things for over 20 years. He has an MA in English Lit and has been struggling to write a novel for most of the last decade. He can be found at

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10 Other Ways to Say “In Conclusion” (With Examples)

Wrapping up an essay, report, or presentation effectively is just as important as starting it off on the right foot. Using the phrase “in conclusion” repeatedly can become monotonous and may not always fit the tone or context of your content. To keep your writing fresh and engaging, it’s beneficial to explore other ways to say “in conclusion.”

In this blog post, we’ll delve into ten different expressions that can add variety and clarity to your closing remarks. From the formal “to conclude” to the more conversational “to wrap up,” these alternatives will help you finish your writing with impact and style.

What to Say Instead of “In Conclusion”

Here are 10 different ways to say “in conclusion”:

  • To conclude
  • As a final point

Here are the explanations and examples for each alternative way to say “in conclusion”:

1. To sum up

“To sum up” is a concise way to bring together all the main points discussed. It works well in both formal and informal contexts. This phrase indicates that you are about to summarize the essential information.

Usage examples:

  • To sum up , our project was a success due to the team’s dedication and hard work.
  • To sum up , your performance this quarter has been exceptional, and I am very proud of your achievements.
  • To sum up , this has been an insightful discussion, and your contributions were invaluable.

2. In summary

“In summary” is often used in formal writing and presentations to provide a brief overview of the key points. It signals that you are about to recap the main ideas in a concise manner.

  • In summary , the data shows a significant improvement in our sales figures.
  • In summary , you have shown remarkable growth in your role, and I’m very proud of you.
  • In summary , our findings support the hypothesis and provide a clear direction for future research.

3. Ultimately

“Ultimately” is used to present the final outcome or conclusion of a discussion. It emphasizes the end result after considering all factors.

  • Ultimately , the decision was made to proceed with the new strategy.
  • Ultimately , your dedication and hard work have paid off, and I am incredibly proud of you.
  • Ultimately , the project was a success, thanks to everyone’s contributions.

4. All in all

“All in all” is a casual way to sum up the overall picture. It is often used in spoken language and informal writing to provide a general conclusion.

  • All in all , it was a great year for our team.
  • All in all , you did an excellent job, and I am very proud of your efforts.
  • All in all , this experience has been highly rewarding and educational.

5. To conclude

“To conclude” is a formal phrase used to signal the end of a discussion or presentation. It indicates that you are wrapping up your points and providing a final summary.

  • To conclude , the evidence supports our initial theory.
  • To conclude , I want to commend you on your outstanding performance.
  • To conclude , we have seen significant progress, and I’m proud of what we’ve achieved together.

6. In closing

“In closing” is used to indicate that you are about to end your remarks. It is often used in speeches and presentations to prepare the audience for the conclusion.

  • In closing , I want to thank everyone for their hard work and dedication.
  • In closing , your accomplishments this year have been remarkable, and I am proud of you.
  • In closing , let’s continue to strive for excellence in all that we do.

7. In the end

“In the end” is used to present the final outcome after considering all the factors. It is suitable for both formal and informal contexts.

  • In the end , the project was a success thanks to everyone’s efforts.
  • In the end , your perseverance and hard work have made me very proud.
  • In the end , we achieved our goals and set a new standard for success.

8. As a final point

“As a final point” is used to introduce the last important idea or conclusion. It emphasizes that you are about to make your closing remarks.

  • As a final point , I want to highlight your exceptional teamwork and dedication.
  • As a final point , your contributions have been invaluable, and I am proud of your achievements.
  • As a final point , let’s remember the importance of collaboration and innovation.

9. To wrap up

“To wrap up” is a more casual way to indicate that you are concluding your discussion. It works well in both formal and informal settings.

  • To wrap up , I want to express my gratitude for your hard work.
  • To wrap up , you have exceeded expectations, and I am very proud of you.
  • To wrap up , this has been a productive and successful project.

10. Finally

“Finally” is a straightforward way to introduce the last point or conclusion. It is commonly used in both spoken and written language to signal the end.

  • Finally , I want to congratulate you on your outstanding achievements.
  • Finally , your hard work and dedication have paid off, and I am very proud of you.
  • Finally , let’s continue to build on our successes and strive for even greater accomplishments.

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10 Other Ways To Say “In Conclusion”

The phrase “in conclusion” is often overused. We’ll go over synonyms for “in conclusion” (five formal and five casual) and provide examples showing how to use them.

Writing an essay and need an in conclusion synonym? Here are ten other words for in conclusion.

What’s Another Way To Say “In Conclusion”?

There are many other phrases that can be used in place of in conclusion when writing an essay, report, or any other type of text.

A formal synonym you can use instead is in summary .

  • In summary , the results of the experiment supported our hypothesis.

A casual way of saying in conclusion is to wrap things up .

  • To wrap things up , that’s everything we had to deal with today.

Need Another Way of Saying “In Conclusion”?

The mighty conclusion : along with the introduction, it’s the most vital piece of your writing. It’s what readers will remember the most, what will be branded into their brains. Do you really want to start this vital paragraph with a lackluster phrase like in conclusion?

Some writers may see no problem with using this phrase, as it might be the one that fits their writing best. But if you’re looking for synonyms for in conclusion, you’ve come to the right place.

Synonyms for “In Conclusion”: Formal Phrases

Below, you’ll find five synonyms for in conclusion that are best suited for formal settings, such as professional and academic writing.

1) In summary

Like in conclusion , the phrase in summary serves as a transition phrase that signals you are starting the last paragraph of your writing. When using in summary , you should briefly review the main points of your text.

In summary , the destruction of natural habitats will soon become a problem not just for the animals but for humans, too.

2) Ultimately

Ultimately is an effective transition word you can use in place of in conclusion. It indicates that you’ve clearly expressed the central idea of your writing, but it’s particularly useful for declaring the importance of a specific call to action.

Ultimately , the decision is up to humans on whether saving the ecosystem is on our list of priorities.

3) As has been demonstrated

As has been demonstrated is a great transition expression that shows that as a writer, you are confident that you’ve thoroughly presented enough evidence or reasoning to prove your point.

As has been demonstrated in this paper, if corporations aren’t held accountable for their role in plastic pollution, millions of different species of fish, dolphins, corals, and more will become endangered.

4) In closing

In closing is another effective transition expression to let your readers know you are at the end of your writing. After using this synonym for in conclusion , you can either summarize the central principle of your text or write a call to action.

In closing , everyone can benefit from transitioning from single-use plastics to eco-friendly alternatives, like stainless steel.

This synonym for in conclusion is especially useful in argumentative or informative essays when you are about to make the last point. It is commonly found in the first or last sentence of the conclusion.

Lastly , you should remember that no change is insignificant. Small changes make a big difference.

Need an in conclusion synonyn for an essay? Try using the synonyms above.

Synonyms for “In Conclusion”: Casual Phrases

Sometimes in conclusion is too lofty for the topic you’re writing about. Here are five casual synonyms you could use instead :

6) In a nutshell

This phrase is a friendly and informal equivalent of to summarize . After this transition expression, you’d review the prominent points of your text.

In a nutshell , the beach clean-up was a fun yet important activity for the kids.

7) Long story short

This synonym for in conclusion is best reserved for writing that carries a conversational tone. It also signals that you will briefly state the essence of what you’ve written.

Long story short , the field trip to the beach was a success, and I’d highly recommend other teachers try it.

8) To sum up

This transition phrase is another informal synonym of to summarize. Again, this phrase is best used for casual writing and signals you’ve reached the end of your text.

To sum up , all the activities showed the kids that living an eco-friendly life is both easy and important.

9) At the end of the day

This is the informal way of saying ultimately . Similarly, it’s helpful in pointing out a call to action.

At the end of the day , it’s up to the adults to teach the children how to live a sustainable life.

10) To wrap things up

Another informal synonym of in conclusion is to wrap things up. These linking words illustrate that you’ve reached the end of your writing and will briefly summarize the main idea.

To wrap things up , a beach clean-up was an effective way of letting the students have fun while learning about the importance of taking care of nature.

Commas are necessary in almost every synonym to in conclusion ; where they are placed depends on the wording.

All In All, Conclusions Are Important

Regardless of how you decide to conclude your writing, the most significant aspect of the conclusion is proper spelling and grammar. A simple typo or incorrect placement of a comma can make readers forget about everything you’ve written.

LanguageTool helps you avoid this by checking for spelling and grammar errors as you type. This intelligent, multilingual text editor will also enhance your writing by providing synonyms and suggesting stylistic improvements. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether you want flawless writing or not.


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another word for conclude in an essay

59 Ways to Say 'In Conclusion'

another word for conclude in an essay

In this article, we’ll learn 59 alternative ways to say ‘in conclusion.’ In other words, you’re going to learn some synonyms of the common expression.

If you find yourself using the words ‘in conclusion’ a lot and wish you knew of other ways to say it, then you’ve come to the right place.

Other Ways to Say ‘In Conclusion'

So you want to learn new ways to say ‘in conclusion?’ Whether it’s for a formal or more casual setting, knowing alternative words for this popular expression can always come in handy.

So without further ado, let’s dive in.

‘In Conclusion’ Definition

First of all, what does ‘in conclusion’ mean? That’s an excellent place to start.

  • It's an expression you use at the end of an idea to wrap up what you’ve said so far and to introduce your findings or thoughts on the matter.
  • You’ll usually find these words at the end of a paragraph, a section, or at the very end of the piece itself.

Here are some examples of texts where you’ll often (if not always) find a conclusion:

  • A blog article
  • A research paper

For example, any well-structured blog deserves to be concluded. If you scroll to the end of any of our articles, you’ll always find that the very last section is a conclusion section where we summarize what was learned throughout the blog and any final thoughts on the topic.

Formal Ways to Say ‘In Conclusion’

The expression ‘in conclusion’ is often used in formal writing, such as academic essays or research papers, because those are the kinds of writing that require one. But if there’s one crucial thing in a well-written paper, it’s avoiding repetition and showing that you have a wide and varied vocabulary.

Is that you? Are you currently writing an academic paper or other text you hope to impress with? If so, this section is for you.

Here are some alternative ways to say ‘in conclusion’ in a formal setting:

1. By way of conclusion 2. To conclude 3. On a final note 4. To summarize 5. In closing 6. All things considered 7. Finally 8. In brief 9. Ultimately 10. For all intents and purposes 11. In essence 12. The bottom line is 13. To bring things to a close 14. To wrap things up 15. The main takeaway 16. If you take anything from this, let it be that 17. As I've demonstrated 18. As has been shown 19. Lastly 20. To review 21. By way of final observation

Casual Ways to Say ‘In Conclusion’

22. In a nutshell 23. Basically 24. Long story short 25. All in all 26. At the end of the day 27. So what I’m saying is 28. The gist of it is 29. On the whole 30. To sum up 31. To get to the point 32. After all is said and done

Different Ways to Conclude

There are a bunch of other ways you can conclude your argument, text, or speech. I'm going to list these below, and while they're not synonymous with 'in conclusion' like the phrases outlined above, they're still effective for rounding up or finalizing your argument.

33. By and large 34. Mostly 35. In general 36. Most importantly 37. Taking everything into account 38. In the end 39. As a result 40. As you can see 41. In the final analysis 42. For the most part 43. In the main 44. Chiefly 45. In short 46. Upon consideration 47. Upon further review 48. Overall 49. Predominantly 50. What I mean by that 51. In summary 52. What this means 53. Generally 54. With this in mind 55. Considering all this 56. Everything considered 57. All things considered 58. Considering all of the facts 59. In light of these facts

Examples in a Sentence

Okay, so now we’ve got some alternative ways of saying ‘in conclusion,’ how about we look at how to use some of these in context?

Let’s use some real-life sentence examples to illustrate.

Here are some formal setting examples:

To summarize our findings, it appears that when the rats were in a peaceful setting, they chose healthier food. For all intents and purposes, their hearts are in the right place. All things considered, the girls seemed just as likely as the boys to want to play team sports. I think the important thing here is to look at the bottom line. The bottom line is that it’s good for the soul to listen to music .

And now some examples of more casual conversations:

In a nutshell, I think you and I should be together. So what I'm saying is, what counts is what you do, not what you don't do. The gist of it is that it makes more sense to book in advance than to show up on the day. Long story short, I'm back in New York and looking for a job. At the end of the day, he just does whatever he wants to, regardless of the consequences.

Final Thoughts

And this is the moment where we begin our conclusion to this article. As I mentioned earlier, all good articles need a conclusion.

Let’s summarize what we’ve learned:

  • Use a conclusion at the end of your text, speech, or argument.
  • Choose the correct expression based on the context you’re in.
  • Use the concluding section to make any final remarks about your findings or your thoughts on the topic.

And if you found this article helpful, head to our blog , where you’ll find lots more like this.

Learn More:

  • 83 Ways to Say 'Goodbye'
  • 'For Example' Synonyms: 41 Other Ways to Say 'For Example'
  • 29 Ways to Say 'You're Welcome'
  • 17 Ways to Say 'To Whom It May Concern'
  • 41 Different Ways to Say 'I Love You'
  • 21 Ways to Say 'Thank You'
  • 51 Ways to Say 'Happy Birthday'
  • 77 Ways to Say 'Have a Good Day'
  • 81 Different Ways to Say 'Good Morning'
  • 153 Ways to Say 'I Miss You'
  • 109 Ways to Say 'Hello'
  • 105 Different Ways to Say 'Yes'
  • 131+ Ways to Say 'Hi' or 'Hello'
  • 301 Ways to Say 'Beautiful'
  • 110 Ways to Say 'Good Job'

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another word for conclude in an essay

30 ‘In Conclusion’ Synonyms and How To Use Them Write Better Essays

another word for conclude in an essay

  • How To Write A Conclusion
  • Step 1 - Sign off your argument: Terms like ‘in conclusion’ are the perfect way to indicate that your argument is drawing to a close. Try to find engaging synonyms or snappy alternatives that highlight that you’re building up to a well crafted conclusion.
  • Step 2 - Restate your topic: In a conclusion section, you should re-emphasise the topic, or the questions you were aiming to answer. This helps to refocus the reader and ensures there are no loose ends left by your argument.
  • Step 3 - Summarize key points: Highlight the essential points from each section of your essay without repeating them exactly as you already have. You don’t have to cover all of the information in your essay, just the most significant points for your argument. The points you choose should be the most persuasive and impactful.
  • Step 4 - Be reflective: Some essays require more reflection than others, but, in general, the conclusion is a great place to highlight the broader implications of your findings and arguments.
  • Step 5 - A final call to action: Leave a lasting impression with a punchy final thought or a call to action. This is the line or statement that you want to resonate with the reader. It will either provoke further thought or encourage them to take immediate action.
  • Should You Use ‘In Conclusion’ When Finishing An Essay?

Formal Vs. Casual Conclusions

another word for conclude in an essay

  • A List Of Synonyms for ‘In Conclusion’
  • Myriam-Webster Dictionary
  • To sum up: To sum up, the results indicate a need for further research.
  • In summary: In summary, our project was a success.
  • to summarise: To summarise, we have achieved all our goals.
  • To conclude: To conclude, we recommend immediate action.
  • In closing: In closing, I'd like to thank everyone for their hard work.
  • In brief: In brief, the meeting was productive.
  • In short: In short, the proposal was accepted.
  • All in all: All in all, it was a profitable year.
  • Ultimately: Ultimately, the decision lies with you.
  • At the end of the day: At the end of the day, we must prioritise safety.
  • To wrap up: To wrap up, let's review the main points.
  • As a final point: As a final point, remember to submit your reports.
  • To finalise: To finalise, here are the next steps.
  • In a nutshell: In a nutshell, we need more funding.
  • Finally: Finally, I appreciate your attention to this matter.
  • Last but not least: Last but not least, congratulations to the team.
  • On the whole: On the whole, the project was a success.
  • Overall: Overall, the feedback has been positive.
  • In the end: In the end, it was a valuable experience.
  • To recapitulate: To recapitulate, the key findings are summarised.
  • To round off: To round off, let's acknowledge our sponsors.
  • In essence: In essence, our goals remain unchanged.
  • To close: To close, I wish you all the best.
  • As a summary: As a summary, the main points are listed below.
  • In retrospect: In retrospect, we could have planned better.
  • Thus: Thus, we have decided to extend the deadline.
  • Therefore: Therefore, I propose we take immediate action.
  • Hence: Hence, we should revise our strategy.
  • Consequently: Consequently, we expect higher sales.
  • Summing up: Summing up, our efforts have paid off.
  • Need More Help With Crafting The Perfect Conclusion?

Introducing Transition Words: What Are They and How to Use Them

Introducing Transition Words: What Are They and How to Use Them

We’re going to explore what transition words for essays are, why they matter, and how you can use them. We’ll even discuss the specific categories of transition words, including transition words for conclusions, contrast transition words, and more. Before we get into how to use these, let’s first talk about what transition words are.

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50+ Synonyms for “In Conclusion” with Examples | Other Ways to Say “In Conclusion”

Crafting a well-rounded conclusion is essential to the impact of your writing. It’s the final opportunity to emphasize the main points and create a lasting impression. While the classic phrase “in conclusion” signals the end of your discourse, it can become tiresome with overuse. There are numerous alternatives that can enhance your writing with subtlety and sophistication.

In Conclusion Synonyms

50+ Synonyms for “In Conclusion” with Examples | Other Ways to Say "In Conclusion"

In Conclusion Meaning

“ In conclusion ” is a transitional phrase used to indicate that you are approaching the end of your writing. It serves to summarize the main points or indicate a final thought or opinion. Using synonyms for “in conclusion” can help maintain your reader’s interest and offer a sense of variety and sophistication in your writing.

  • In conclusion , the research findings strongly support the need for additional funding in the healthcare sector.
  • In conclusion , it is crucial to prioritize sustainability in all future urban development projects.
  • In conclusion , it is imperative to reevaluate the current marketing strategy to reach a wider audience.

List of Synonyms for In Conclusion

  • In summary,…
  • After all is said and done,..
  • All in all,…
  • All things considered,…
  • As a result,…
  • As a final observation,…
  • At the end of the day…
  • Briefly to conclude…
  • Bringing up rear,…
  • By and large,…
  • Considering all of these,…
  • Everything considered,…
  • Finally, it may be concluded…
  • Finally/ Lastly,…
  • In a nutshell…
  • In closing,…
  • In concluding,…
  • In consolidation,…
  • In ending this,…
  • In essence,…
  • In review,…
  • In the end,…
  • In the final analysis…
  • It is concluded that…
  • It’s apparent that through…
  • Last but not least…
  • On a final note…
  • On the whole,…
  • Overall, it may be said…
  • Summing up,…
  • Taking everything into account,…
  • Taking this into account,…
  • The research papers in the main…
  • To briefly paraphrase…
  • To come to the point…
  • To conclude,…
  • To end things off…
  • To make the long story short…
  • To put it all together…
  • To put it bluntly…
  • To sum up,…
  • To summarise the above…
  • To summarise,…
  • To wrap it all up,…
  • Ultimately,..

Types of Synonyms for In Conclusion

  • In summary : To summarize, in short, to sum up
  • Finally : Ultimately, lastly, in the end
  • To conclude : To wrap up, to finish, to close
  • Overall : All in all, in general, on the whole
  • In closing : To end, in finality, to finish off

Common Synonyms for In Conclusion

In conclusion vs. in summary.

The phrases “ in conclusion ” and “ in summary ” are often used to signal the end of a discussion or presentation, but they have slightly different connotations.

“ In conclusion ” is typically used to emphasize the final remarks or main points of an argument or presentation. It often indicates a more formal and definitive ending to the discussion.

“ In summary ” is used to provide a brief overview or recap of the main points or key findings without necessarily signaling the end of the discussion. It is often used in a more neutral or objective tone.

  • In conclusion , the evidence overwhelmingly supports the need for stricter environmental regulations.
  • In summary , the study highlighted the correlation between regular exercise and improved cognitive function.

In Conclusion vs. In A Nutshell

“ In conclusion ” is typically used to summarize the main points or arguments of a discussion or presentation. It is often used at the end of an essay, speech, or formal presentation to bring together the key ideas and provide a sense of closure.

“ In a nutshell ” is also used to summarize information, but it tends to be more informal and concise. It is often used in casual conversations or when providing a quick overview of a complex topic.

  • In conclusion , it is clear that climate change presents a significant threat to the planet, and urgent action is needed to address this issue.
  • In a nutshell , the new tax policy aims to simplify the tax code and reduce the burden on middle-income earners.

In Conclusion vs. To Sum Up

“ In conclusion ” and “ to sum up ” are both phrases used to signal the end of a discussion or presentation and to summarize the main points.

“ In conclusion ” is typically used in formal writing or public speaking to signal the final thoughts or remarks on a topic.

“ To sum up ” is more commonly used in informal conversations or presentations to provide a brief overview or recap of the main points.

  • The team’s research clearly demonstrates the need for more sustainable practices in the manufacturing industry. In conclusion , it is imperative that we take immediate action to reduce our environmental impact.
  • To sum up , the key takeaways from today’s meeting are increased productivity and better communication.

Purpose of Formal Conclusions

In academic writing, we recognize the importance of a formal conclusion as a critical component that encapsulates our discussion in a coherent manner. We employ this section to achieve several key objectives.

Firstly,  we summarize  the main points we have presented, providing a concise recapitulation of our argument’s core elements. This enables our readers to easily recall the fundamental aspects of our discourse without having to revisit the entire text.

Secondly,  we synthesize  our ideas, demonstrating how individual arguments coalesce into a unified thesis. This synthesis not only clarifies the relationship between discrete sections of our work but also emphasizes the integrated nature of our research findings.

Moreover,  we articulate the implications  of our arguments, outlining potential impacts on the field of study or further research. This aspect of the conclusion underscores the relevance and contribution of our work to the broader academic conversation.

Lastly, we aim to leave our readers with  a final thought or recommendation , which can range from a call to action to a suggestion for future inquiry. It is through this parting notion that we invite ongoing engagement with the subject matter.

To ensure clarity and formality, we employ specific phrases as signposts to indicate that we are drawing our discourse to a close. Below is a list of formal synonyms that can be suitively applied in academic conclusions:

  • To summarize
  • Upon consideration

By adhering to these conventions, we ensure that our conclusions fulfill their intended purpose with the appropriate academic rigor.

Synonyms for In Conclusion in Different Contexts

Formal writing.

  • To summarize: To summarize,  the quarterly results exceeded expectations due to a rise in online sales.
  • Ultimately: Ultimately,  the merger between the two firms will lead to a greater market share.
  • Finally: Finally , to denote the last point in a series.

Academic Essays

  • In summary: In summary,  the experiment’s outcomes support the initial hypothesis.
  • Overall: Overall,  the literature points to a need for further research in this area.


  • In closing: In closing,  I’d like to thank everyone for their active participation.
  • To wrap this up: To wrap this up,  let’s revisit the main points discussed today.

Business Meetings

  • In brief: In brief,  we must increase our marketing efforts to meet our sales targets.
  • To conclude: To conclude,  I propose a follow-up meeting next week to discuss the implementation plan.

Daily Communication

Casual conclusions.

  • In a nutshell: In a nutshell , the game was thrilling.
  • In short: In short , it was a great day.

Informal Summarizations

  • So: So , we’ll touch base next week.
  • Basically: Basically , that’s what happened.
  • Long story short: Long story short , it all worked out in the end.
  • To cut a long story short: To cut a long story short , we met our goals.

Absolute and Near Synonyms for In Conclusion

Absolute synonyms for in conclusion.

Word Meaning
To summarize Indicates a presentation of main points or a condensed version of what has been discussed.
In summary Serves as a preamble to a concise recapitulation of the content or arguments.

Near Synonyms for In Conclusion

Word Meaning
Ultimately Suggests a sense of finality and conclusion derived from the preceding content or discussion.
On the whole Indicates consideration of everything that has been said before making a final general statement.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some alternative phrases to use in place of ‘in conclusion’ for summarizing a report?

Alternative phrases that effectively summarize a report include “To summarize,” “Overall,” and “Taking everything into account.” These provide a clear signal to the reader that a summary is forthcoming without repeating the common ‘in conclusion.’

Could you provide examples of how to effectively end an essay without using ‘in conclusion’?

One way to end an essay is to say, “Ultimately,” which denotes the final point without redundancy. Another is “In summary,” which cues the reader to a wrap-up of the essay’s main points.

What does ‘in conclusion’ imply, and what are other terms with similar meanings?

‘In conclusion’ implies that you are summarizing the main points or providing a final perspective. Terms with similar meanings include “To wrap up,” “In essence,” and “To sum up.”

  • As A Result
  • Furthermore
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Conclusion transition words: Phrases for summarizing and ending

another word for conclude in an essay

Transition words help us structure our thoughts and guide the reader or listener through what we are saying. When it’s time to summarize your message or end a paragraph, conclusion transition words let you signal this closing.

It’s good to know some synonyms for ‘in conclusion’ and ‘to conclude’, because although these are good examples of concluding words, they can get repetitive.

Our comprehensive list of transition words for conclusion and summary should give you all the inspiration you need, whether you are writing an essay or speech, or just want to become more confident forming an argument. These signal words can also be helpful for restating ideas, drawing attention to key points as you conclude.

We have included plenty of examples of how you can use these transition words for concluding paragraphs or sentences, so by the end of this article, you should be clear on how to use them properly.

another word for conclude in an essay

Conclusion transition words with examples

We have grouped these summarizing and concluding transition words according to how and where they can be used. For example, some should only be used when forming a final conclusion, whereas others can be used to summarize sections mid-way through your speech or writing.

First, let’s be clear about the difference between a summary and a conclusion .

Summary vs conclusion

A conclusion comes at the end of a speech, chapter, or piece of text, and it brings together all of the points mentioned. A summary, however, can be placed anywhere (even at the beginning). A summary gives a brief outline of the main points but is not as in-depth as a conclusion.

If you are giving a presentation or writing a blog, you may wish to summarize the main points in your introduction so that people know what you are going to cover. You could also summarize a section part-way through before moving on to another angle or topic.

In contrast, the conclusion always comes at the end, and you should only use specific conclusion transition words as you are drawing to a close.

Transition words for conclusion paragraphs

Let’s begin with some discourse markers that signal you are moving to the concluding paragraph in your presentation, speech, essay, or paper. These can all be used to start a conclusion paragraph.

  • In conclusion
  • To conclude
  • We can conclude that
  • Given these points
  • In the final analysis
  • As can be seen
  • In the long run
  • When all is said and done
  • I’ll end by
  • As we draw to a close

The last three on this list, the ‘closing’ transition words, would generally only be used in spoken discourse.

Some transition words for order and sequencing should also help with structuring what you want to say, including the ending.

Example conclusion sentences

The following sentences show how to use conclusion words correctly:

  • In conclusion , we can say that plan A will be of greater benefit to the company.
  • When all is said and done , it’s clear that we should steer clear of this investment strategy.
  • Given these points , I believe the trial was a great success.
  • I’ll end by reminding you all that this experiment was just the beginning of a much larger project.
  • To wrap up , let’s look at how this learning can be applied.
  • In the long run , we will make more profit by investing heavily in new machinery.
  • Having analyzed seven of our competitors in detail, we can conclude that our content marketing strategy should be updated.

Transition words for summary

The following summary transition words may be used as part of a conclusion paragraph, but they are especially helpful for concisely drawing together several points.

  • To summarize
  • On the whole
  • Generally speaking
  • All things considered
  • In a nutshell (informal)
  • In any case

Note that although you can insert summary transition words anywhere, the specific phrases ‘In summary’, ‘To summarize’ and ‘To sum up’ are generally only used at the end, similar to conclusion phrases.

Example summary sentences

  • In brief , this presentation is going to cover the pros and cons of the device and how we can apply this to our own product development.
  • This new technology is, in a word , revolutionary.
  • All things considered , we found that Berlin was a great city for a weekend break.
  • To summarize , we can say that Shakespeare’s writing continues to have a global influence.
  • We can say that the combustion engine was, on the whole , a good invention.
  • In any case , we should put the necessary precautions in place.
  • Generally speaking , girls are more thoughtful than boys.

Transition words to end a paragraph

You may wish to add ending transition words in the final sentence of a paragraph to conclude the ideas in that section of text, before moving on to another point.

Here are some transition words to conclude a paragraph:

  • This means that
  • With this in mind
  • By and large
  • For the most part

Note that some of these could equally be used to begin a new paragraph, so long as that paragraph is summarizing the points previously mentioned.

Cause and effect transition words could also be helpful in this context.

Examples of transition words for the end of a paragraph

  • Jamie is a vegan and Sheryl has a lot of allergies. This means that we should be careful which restaurant we choose.
  • The weather forecast said it would rain this afternoon. With this in mind , should we postpone our hike?
  • Each of the students has their own opinion about where to go for the field trip. Ultimately , though, it’s the teacher who will decide.

Restating points as you conclude

Conclusion transition words can also signal that you are restating a point you mentioned earlier. This is common practice in both writing and speaking as it draws the reader or listener’s attention back to something you want them to keep in mind. These are, therefore, also examples of transition words for emphasizing a point .

Here are some helpful transition words for concluding or summarizing by restating points:

  • As mentioned previously
  • As stated earlier
  • As has been noted
  • As shown above
  • As I have said
  • As I have mentioned
  • As we have seen
  • As has been demonstrated

You may switch most of these between the passive and active voice, depending on which is most appropriate. For example, ‘As has been demonstrated’ could become ‘As I have demonstrated’ and ‘As shown above’ could become ‘As I have shown’.

Example sentences to restate a point in conclusion or summary

  • As I stated earlier , the only way we can get meaningful results from this survey is by including at least a thousand people.
  • As has been demonstrated throughout this conference, there are exciting things happening in the world of neuroscience.
  • As shown by this study, the trials have been promising.

If you were researching these transition words for concluding an essay, you might find it helpful to read this guide to strong essay conclusions . Of course, there are many ways to use summary transition words beyond essays. They may be a little formal for casual conversation, but they certainly can be used in speech as part of a presentation, debate, or argument.

Can you think of any other concluding words or phrases that should be on this list? Leave a comment below to share them!

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  • 55 Other Ways to Say in Conclusion: Want a Memorable Finish?
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Synonyms for in conclusion

In order to be a better writer or speaker, you need to use synonyms for in conclusion. After all, everyone knows ‘in conclusion’, and if you want to stand out you need to mix things up! So, if you’re ready to vary the way you end a piece of writing or finish a presentation read on for 55 alternatives for in conclusion!

Table of Contents

55 synonyms for in conclusion

What’s another word for in conclusion? Take a look at these in conclusion replacements:

  • All in all,
  • All things considered,
  • As a conclusion,
  • As a final observation,
  • As a final point,
  • As demonstrated,
  • As you can see,
  • At the end of the day,
  • Briefly to conclude,
  • By and large, we can say
  • Considering all of this,
  • Everything considered,
  • For the most part,
  • For these reasons,
  • Generally speaking,
  • In a nutshell,
  • In closing,
  • In general, it may be concluded that…
  • In summary,
  • In summation,
  • In the end,
  • It can be concluded…
  • Last but not least,
  • On a final note,
  • On the whole,
  • Simply put,
  • Summing up,
  • Taking everything into account,
  • The bottom line is…
  • The conclusion is…
  • To conclude,
  • To cut a long story short,
  • To end things off,
  • To end with,
  • To put it all together,
  • To put it briefly,
  • To summarize,
  • To wrap it all up,
  • Ultimately,
  • Upon analyzing,
  • Upon reflection,
  • Upon review,
  • With this in mind,

There you have it, 55 alternatives for in conclusion! Many of these can also be used as in conclusion transition words or as a transition phrase.

This should allow you to form a variety of in conclusion phrases for your academic essay or any other piece of writing you are working on.

If you’re not currently writing anything, but want to practice using some of these for real, check out these 50 prompts for narrative writing .

Otherwise, for some other in conclusion phrases and their pronunciation, check out this video:

But when should you use these and what is the meaning of in conclusion?

In conclusion meaning

‘In conclusion’ means to evaluate and summarise everything that came before and provide a final argument. It can be used in both the academic and professional environment and you will find it in some form or another at the end of essays, speeches, books, reports and sales pitches.

Arguably, a conclusion makes up the most important part of academic and professional writing. This is because it lets the reader know that there is a conclusion coming and forms a key part of the overall written structure. Plus, if you know how to write a conclusion that sticks in the mind of the reader, they are much more likely to remember your message.

When to use in conclusion?

In conclusion, or one of the many in conclusion synonyms, can be used at the end of a piece of writing or speaking when you want to indicate to your audience that you are approaching your closing words and are about to summarise what you have written before.

Using in conclusion in speeches and oral presentations actually works every well. Some people would argue that it works even better than in academic or professional writing, where using in conclusion may sometimes be unnecessary. Alternatively, you might just want to find a better, more suitable term to replace it. After all, that’s why we created this list!

Before we go any further, if you want an in conclusion paragraph example, let’s sum up this article:

In conclusion, a conclusion can be found at the end of a piece of writing and evaluates and summarises everything that came before. It lets the reader know what they have read and can also establish your final argument and closing position on the subject.

In conclusion or to conclude?

In conclusion and to conclude are what are known as complete synonyms and mean exactly the same thing. You can therefore interchange them as much as you like and use whichever fits best.

In summary or in conclusion?

You may have already seen variations of the word ‘summary’ in this article. In summary can be used in the same way as in conclusion, which is at the end of a piece of writing or speaking to indicate the beginning of the closing statement. However, it doesn’t have the exact same meaning as in conclusion and is therefore known as a close synonym. Nevertheless, you can replace in conclusion with in summary in most instances and it is a great example of another way to say in conclusion. Speaking of which, here are a variety of in conclusion examples using some of the other words we outlined above:

In conclusion synonyms with examples

All in all , the event was a great success.

All things considered ; it’s clear that the internet radically changed the world.

At the end of the day , he made a mistake by not preparing correctly.

By and large , we can say that polar bears prefer a cold environment.

Lastly , the computer course is clearly great value.

In a nutshell , the manager hadn’t resolved his problem.

In brief , the meeting didn’t go well.

In conclusion , squirrels preferred acorns to nuts from the supermarket.

In short , they weren’t ready and this caused their downfall.

In sum , they should reduce their expenses.

In summary , money is needed in order to survive.

In the end , a draw was a fair result.

Last but not least , it will definitely help the employees.

On the whole , I’m against the statement.

To conclude , DVDs were always going to be replaced by new technology.

To sum up , there is only one obvious solution.

To summarise , this wasn’t the right approach.

Ultimately , they decided on the best course of action.

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35 Transition Words for Conclusions

35 Transition Words for Conclusions

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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transition words for conclusion, explained below

When transitioning to conclusions, we can simply use the term “In conclusion”, but over time, this word starts to feel tedious and repetitive. There are better ways to do it.

Transition words help your essays flow more easily and act as signposts for your reader so they know when you’re moving from one part of an essay to another.

So, for your next essay conclusion , consider the following transition words which can help you to improve your vocabulary and academic writing skills .

I’ve saved five bonus transition words for the very end which are my personal favorites. These are for advanced students who really want to demonstrate an academic tone – don’t miss them! They’re at the very end.

Transition Words for Conclusions

1. in conclusion.

This phrase is typically used to signal the final remarks in a piece of writing. It helps summarize the main points or findings that have been discussed throughout the text. It is still generally appropriate to use, but can sometimes appear rudimentary use of the English language.

Sample Sentences:

“ In conclusion , implementing green technology in our daily lives can significantly reduce carbon footprints.”
“The research findings were quite revealing. In conclusion , more emphasis should be put on early childhood education.”

2. To sum up

This is often used to encapsulate the main points of a discussion or argument in a succinct way. It is used almost as frequently as ‘in conclusion’.

“ To sum up , a balanced diet and regular exercise are crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.”
“The evidence points towards the need for more environmental protections. To sum up , without immediate action, our natural resources may become irreversibly damaged.”

3. In summary

Similar to “to sum up”, this phrase is used to provide a brief overview of the main points or findings discussed in the writing.

“ In summary , the research suggests a strong correlation between air pollution and respiratory diseases.”
“ In summary , the novel is a fascinating exploration of human resilience in the face of adversity.”

4. All in all

This phrase is used to express a final general statement or judgment considering everything that has been said. It is somewhat more colloquial than the three phrases above, making it potentially less valuable for an essay. However, in reflective pieces, it may be used. See the reflective examples below.

“ All in all , the team performed well despite the challenging circumstances.”
“ All in all , the benefits of recycling outweigh any potential disadvantages.”

5. Ultimately

This word is used to indicate the final result or fundamental reason after considering everything.

“ Ultimately , the success of the project depends on the dedication of the team members.”
“Despite initial hurdles, the venture was successful. Ultimately , perseverance and commitment were key to our success.”

6. Therefore

This word is used to introduce a logical conclusion from the evidence or reasons previously stated. It is used best to conclude a paragraph of sub-section than as the final essay conclusion.

“The cost of production has significantly decreased. Therefore , we can expect an increase in profit margins.”
“He didn’t meet the eligibility criteria. Therefore , his application was rejected.”

This is similar to “therefore” and is used to introduce a conclusion, a result or an implication. As with ‘therefore’, ‘It ‘hence’ is used best to conclude a paragraph of sub-section than as the final essay conclusion.

“He was late for his interview. Hence , he didn’t make a good impression.”
“The data was incomplete. Hence , the results of the study may not be entirely accurate.”

8. Consequently

This word is used to express a result or effect of a previous statement. It is best used mid-paragraph or in the middle of a sub-section, not an overall conclusion.

“There was heavy rainfall throughout the night. Consequently , the match was postponed.”
“The company didn’t adapt to the changing market trends. Consequently , they faced heavy losses.”

This is used to denote the conclusion or summary of something previously stated. It indicates that what follows is a result or inference from what has been stated before. It is best used mid-paragraph or in the middle of a sub-section, not an overall conclusion. While I quite like this term, some teachers see it as a bit old-timey.

“She didn’t study hard. Thus , she failed the exam.”
“The evidence is clearly inadmissible. Thus , the case should be dismissed.”

10. This essay’s final analysis is…

This phrase is used to introduce the ultimate conclusion that has been reached after consideration of all the facts.

“ This essay’s final analysis is that it is the lowest earners in society who have been hit hardest by this economic downturn.”
“ This essay’s final analysis is that it’s clear that the policy has had a positive impact on the community.”

11. On the whole

This phrase is often used when you want to make a general summary statement about a larger body of information or arguments. It implies that the statement accounts for all the details and complexities discussed previously. Generally, this is more colloquial so should only be used in less formal essay styles.

“On the whole” can help to simplify complex arguments, and it can signal that the writer has given due consideration to different perspectives or evidence before arriving at their conclusion.

“ On the whole , the company’s strategy has been effective, leading to an increase in profits and customer satisfaction.”
“Despite some negative feedback, on the whole , the policy has received wide public approval.”

12. To conclude

Similar to “In conclusion,” this phrase is a clear signal that the writer is about to wrap up their argument or findings.

“To conclude” can provide a sense of closure for the reader and it reaffirms the significance of the arguments or findings that have been presented.

“ To conclude , the study revealed that regular exercise can significantly reduce stress levels.”
“ To conclude , it is evident from the data that our marketing strategies have significantly boosted sales.”

13. To recap

This phrase is used when the writer wants to summarize the key points of their argument or discussion.

“To recap” can help to reinforce the importance of these points for the reader and it also serves as a quick reference or summary.

“ To recap , our findings suggest that the new drug can effectively alleviate symptoms in 80% of patients.”
“ To recap , our team achieved all project milestones on time and under budget.”

14. In essence

This phrase is often used when the writer wants to encapsulate the fundamental nature or core idea of their argument or discussion.

“In essence” can help to distill complex ideas or arguments down to their most basic and important elements.

“ In essence , the concept of freedom is at the heart of democratic societies.”
“ In essence , our project aims to develop sustainable solutions for waste management.”

15. In retrospect

This phrase is typically used when the writer wants to look back on a situation, decision, or period of time and make a summary statement or conclusion about it. Use it in reflective essays.

“In retrospect” can be useful for conveying a sense of learned wisdom or insight gained after the fact. It often suggests that the writer’s perspective has evolved or deepened over time.

“ In retrospect , investing in renewable energy technologies was a wise business decision.”
“ In retrospect , we could have implemented additional measures to ensure the safety of our staff during the pandemic.”

16. Overall

This is commonly used to indicate a consideration of all factors or an assessment of the situation in its entirety.

“Overall” is often used to summarize complex scenarios involving multiple elements. It represents a comprehensive viewpoint that takes into account all the variables discussed.

“ Overall , our company’s performance this year has been exceptional, with growth in nearly all sectors.”
“While the program faced some obstacles initially, overall , it has been successful in achieving its main objectives.”

17. Finally

This word is often used to indicate the last point or idea in a list or sequence.

“Finally” is a transition word that suggests the end of a discussion. It can also indicate the final and often most important point in an argument or discussion.

“ Finally , the most compelling evidence for climate change is the consistent rise in global temperatures over the past century.”
“ Finally , it’s worth mentioning the commitment and dedication of our team, which played a significant role in the project’s success.”

18. Accordingly

This word is used to express the idea that something is a logical result of something else.

“Accordingly” signifies that the statement that follows is based on what was previously mentioned. It reflects a cause-effect relationship between two points or arguments.

“We have noticed a significant increase in demand for our product. Accordingly , we have decided to increase our production capacity.”
“The weather forecast predicts heavy snowfall. Accordingly , we have postponed the event.”

19. As a result

Similar to “accordingly”, this phrase is used to indicate that something is a consequence of a previous action or situation.

“As a result” introduces the outcome of a given circumstance or set of circumstances, signifying a cause-effect relationship.

“Our competitors have lowered their prices. As a result , we have also decided to adjust our pricing strategy.”
“The new policies were not well received. As a result , the company faced significant backlash from the public.”

20. In short

This phrase is used when you want to summarize a complex idea, argument, or discussion in a concise way.

“In short” helps to condense complex or lengthy explanations into a simpler and shorter summary. It indicates a concise conclusion.

“ In short , the environmental benefits of renewable energy make it a vital component of our fight against climate change.”
“ In short , the project was a success, meeting all its goals and objectives within the allocated time and budget.”

21. In brief

This phrase is used to provide a concise summary of information or to draw a quick conclusion.

“In brief” helps to distill longer discussions or complex arguments into their most critical points. It aims to convey the gist of the matter succinctly.

“ In brief , adopting sustainable practices is not just beneficial for the environment, but it also makes economic sense.”
“ In brief , our research findings confirm the hypothesis that regular exercise can improve mental health.”

22. To summarize

This phrase helps encapsulate the key points discussed in the conversation or writing.

“To summarize” allows the writer to highlight the most important points or findings, reaffirming them for the reader. It reinforces the primary arguments or conclusions.

“ To summarize , we believe investing in renewable energy is a strategic decision that will yield long-term benefits.”
“ To summarize , the data clearly shows an upward trend in consumer demand for eco-friendly products.”

This word is often used to introduce a conclusion or a result based on the previous discussion.

“So” is a simple and effective way to link cause and effect, or problem and solution. It leads the reader directly to the outcome or conclusion.

“The experiment failed to produce the expected results, so we’ll need to revise our approach.”
“Our marketing campaign has been highly successful, so we plan to increase our advertising budget.”

24. Clearly

This word is often used to express that something is obvious or noticeable, especially after analyzing the data or arguments presented.

“Clearly” can emphasize the strength of the evidence or arguments, and it signals confidence in the conclusion.

“ Clearly , our efforts to improve customer service have resulted in higher client satisfaction rates.”
“After reviewing the data, it’s clearly evident that our sales have significantly increased since launching the new product line.”

25. After all

This phrase can be used to emphasize a decisive argument or fact that should be considered.

“After all” often introduces a compelling reason or justification that supports the conclusion. It can help stress the importance of the points previously mentioned.

“We should move forward with the merger, after all , it presents a unique opportunity to expand our market reach.”
“The committee decided to fund the project, after all , it aligns with our goals and has significant potential.”

26. As mentioned earlier

This phrase refers back to something that was stated previously in the conversation or text.

“As mentioned earlier” can be used to re-emphasize an important point or piece of evidence that supports the conclusion. It can reinforce the argument by reminding the reader of what has been discussed previously.

One downside of this is it seems redundant – why are you repeating what you said earlier rather than doing what a conclusion should do: summarizing and synthesizing your points.

“ As mentioned earlier , the correlation between the variables is strong, indicating a significant relationship.”
“ As mentioned earlier , our success is largely due to our dedicated and talented team.”

27. As has been noted

This phrase is often used to restate something important that has been pointed out in the discussion.

“As has been noted” functions similarly to “as mentioned earlier,” serving to underscore a significant point or detail previously discussed. It strengthens the conclusion by referencing crucial information.

As with the phrase “as mentioned earlier”, this one may come across as a redundant phrase and could even signal that you’re repeating yourself rather than adding value through an evaluation or revision exercise.

“ As has been noted , the high turnover rate in the company is a significant concern that requires immediate attention.”
“ As has been noted , the initiative has resulted in substantial benefits for our community.”

28. As has been shown

This phrase is used to reference evidence or arguments that have been presented earlier.

“As has been shown” emphasizes the proof or reasoning that led to the conclusion. It reaffirms the legitimacy of the conclusion based on the presented evidence.

This can also come across as redundant, though.

“ As has been shown , our new marketing strategies have significantly boosted our brand visibility.”
“ As has been shown , the new policy has had a substantial positive impact on our employees’ work-life balance.”

29. As we have seen

Similar to the above, this phrase refers to the evidence or arguments discussed earlier in the text.

“As we have seen” serves to revisit important details or arguments that have been presented. It strengthens the conclusion by directly linking it to the evidence discussed.

“ As we have seen , the implementation of stricter environmental regulations has led to significant improvements in air quality.”
“ As we have seen , investing in staff training and development leads to increased productivity and employee satisfaction.”

30. Given the above points

This phrase is used to draw a conclusion from the arguments or points that have been presented.

“Given these points” signals that the following statement is based on the information discussed earlier. It helps establish a logical connection between the conclusion and the supporting points.

“ Given the above points , it’s clear that we must take immediate action to address the climate crisis.”
“ Given the above points , our company should continue to prioritize customer service as a key aspect of our business strategy.”

31. By and large

This phrase is often used to indicate a general conclusion, considering all the information.

“By and large” is used to sum up general trends or themes that have been discussed. It signals that the conclusion takes into account all the points made, rather than focusing on one particular point.

However, it can come across as a bit informal.

“ By and large , our team’s performance this quarter has exceeded expectations.”
“ By and large , customer feedback about our new product line has been positive.”

32. For the most part

Similar to “by and large”, this phrase indicates that the conclusion drawn applies broadly but allows for exceptions.

“For the most part” suggests a nuanced conclusion that covers the majority of situations or cases but acknowledges that there may be exceptions. It indicates a balanced and fair summary.

This one’s formality level is also quite low

“ For the most part , the new legislation has been successful, though there are a few areas that require further refinement.”
“ For the most part , our employees have embraced the new remote working arrangements, though a small number have experienced challenges.”

33. As has been demonstrated

This phrase refers to the evidence or arguments presented in the body of the text that support the conclusion.

“As has been demonstrated” underscores the points or evidence that have been made and connects them directly to the conclusion. It is a way of affirming the strength of the presented arguments or evidence.

“ As has been demonstrated , the innovative design features of our product set us apart from the competition.”
“ As has been demonstrated , implementing green initiatives in our operations has both environmental and economic benefits.”

34. With this in mind

This phrase suggests that the conclusion follows logically from the information or arguments that have been presented.

“With this in mind” sets up the conclusion as a direct response or reaction to the evidence or points made. It indicates that the conclusion is informed by these considerations.

“ With this in mind , we propose an expansion of our research and development department to drive future innovation.”
“ With this in mind , it’s crucial that we continue our efforts to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable practices.”

35. Taking everything into account

This phrase is used to express a comprehensive conclusion that considers all the arguments, evidence, or factors presented.

“Taking everything into account” shows a thorough and thoughtful conclusion that takes into account all aspects of the discussion. It signifies a balanced and careful consideration of all the relevant information.

“ Taking everything into account , we recommend a strategic pivot towards digital marketing in order to reach a broader audience.”
“ Taking everything into account , our analysis suggests that investing in renewable energy sources would be beneficial for our long-term growth.”

Advanced Transition Phrases for Conclusions

The following are five phrases I personally use in my own academic conclusions, especially for argumentative essays. They’re for advanced students aiming to show depth of knowledge!

36. Based on the available evidence

This phrase is demonstrating that you’re about to sum up the essay’s key arguments. You are saying that you’re making an evaluation after examining all of the evidence and research on the topic. It helps to show your argument is based on evidence , which is good to show in an academic paper.

“ Based on the available evidence , it appears that the best path forward for addressing AI in the workplace is to allow it but regulate it to prevent unwanted negative externalities such as job losses.”
“ Based on the available evidence , teachers should be paid more than they currently are, given that they contribute significantly to social and economic development of societies.”

37. According to the key literature outlined in this paper

Similar to the above example, this one demonstrates that your final decision and thesis statement in your argumentative essay is based on real evidence and research, not just your opinion. So, you could begin your conclusion like this!

“ According to the key literature outlined in this paper , it appears that the best path forward for addressing AI in the workplace is to allow it but regulate it to prevent unwanted negative externalities such as job losses.”
“ According to the key literature outlined in this paper , teachers should be paid more than they currently are, given that they contribute significantly to social and economic development of societies.”

38. From an evaluation of the above arguments

This point doesn’t lean on evidence for your conclusion directly, but it does lean on the culminated evidence of the arguments you’ve put forward. You’re saying that you have put forward a range of arguments, and now, you’re going to powerfully sum them up and present your final thesis statement.

“ From an evaluation of the above arguments , the most compelling argument is that students should still be given homework, despite the fact there is evidence on both sides of the homework argument.”
“ From an evaluation of the above arguments , it is the position of this paper that schools should start later to allow children to sleep in and therefore be more rested when it is time to study.”

39. The balance of evidence finds

This statement highlights that you have looked at both the pros and cons of your topic before coming to a position. The metaphor of ‘balance’ makes us think of someone holding the points for one side of the argument in one hand, the opposing points in the other hand, and they’re weighing each up before deciding which is heavier.

“ The balance of evidence finds that essays help students to reinforce their knowledge, learn more deeply, and develop academic skills.”
“ The balance of evidence finds that taxation should be lowered in order to stimulate economic growth which, on balance, will lead to a more prosperous and thriving society.”

40. The research compellingly indicates

Lastly, the phrase “the research compellingly indicates” can be used in a transition to a conclusion because it demonstrates that you’re about to sum up all the research you’ve just made and you’re going to make a final evaluation.

“ The research compellingly indicates that visiting the doctor for a yearly check-up saves money overall, prevents backlog in hospitals, and prolongs life.”
“ The research compellingly indicates that essay writing helps students to learn their topics more deeply, develop critical thinking skills, and improve long-term retention of knowledge.”

Other Types Of Transition Words

  • Compare and Contrast: In comparison, In contrast, However, Despite this, Other researchers argue, Unlike the above point, Conflicting research finds
  • Cause and Effect : Therefore, Thus, As a result, This has led to, As a result, Because, Consequently, For that reason, Hence, For that reason
  • List Order: First, Second, Third, Forth, In the first instance, In the second instance, Firstly, Secondly, Next, Lastly, Finally
  • Time Order: Afterwards, Concurrently, Later, Meanwhile, Following, In the meantime, Simultaneously, Concomitantly, Subsequently
  • Evidence Transition Words : As can be seen in, To demonstrate, Evidence of this fact can be seen in, Proof of this point is found in, For instance, For one thing, Compelling evidence shows
  • Transitioning to examples : For example, for instance, as illustrated by, take the following case in point.
  • Emphasis and addition : In fact, Indeed, Furthermore, Particularly, Surely, Undeniably, Indesputably, Confirms, Certifies, Proves
  • Similarity: Similarly, In a similar way, Concurring research finds, likewise, equivalently, also, significantly

Well, how would someone conclude an article about how to write a good conclusion? I’ll finish up like this: every conclusion is unique. Work on your own writerly voice, come up with your own transition words for conclusions, and be creative with it. The biggest challenge you will face is staying within the formal guidelines of an academic essay. For this, rely on your teacher. Keep asking for feedback, and even specifically ask for feedback on your transition words. This will help you learn what your teacher prefers and help you to keep refining your writing style.


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15 Other Ways to Say “In Conclusion”

Other Ways to Say In Conclusion

Think of all the times you’ve had to wrap up a speech, presentation, or written work. You’ve probably found yourself repeatedly using the phrase “in conclusion.”

While it’s a perfectly acceptable way to signal the end of your message, there are plenty of other expressions that can add a touch of creativity and freshness to your closing remarks.

Whether you’re bidding farewell to your audience, wrapping up an essay, or concluding a public speaking engagement, let’s explore some imaginative alternatives to “in conclusion.”

Table of Contents

Other Ways to Say “In Conclusion”

Closing remarks.

When you’re rounding off a presentation or speech, consider using these phrases:

1. Final Thoughts

Example: “Before we conclude today’s meeting, I’d like to share my final thoughts on the matter.”

Meaning: Last insights or opinions shared at the end of a discussion or presentation, often to summarize key points.

Usage: Effective in encouraging the audience to reflect on the main ideas presented and leaving them with something to ponder.

2. To Sum It Up

Example: “ To sum it up , our project’s success relies on effective communication, collaboration, and dedication.”

Meaning: A concise way to provide a summary of the main points or key takeaways.

Usage: Clear and straightforward, suitable for various contexts to reiterate the message succinctly.

Wrapping It Up

If you’re concluding a written work, you might opt for these alternatives:

3. In Summary

Example: “ In summary , the research findings suggest a strong correlation between exercise and mental well-being.”

Meaning: To provide a brief overview or recap of the primary content or findings.

Usage: Neatly summarizes the main ideas, often used in academic or professional writing.

4. To Conclude

Example: “ To conclude this essay, it’s evident that technology has revolutionized various aspects of our lives.”

Meaning: To signal the end of an argument, discussion, or written work with a slightly formal tone.

Usage: Commonly used in academic papers and formal essays to wrap up the content.

5. Bringing It All Together

Example: “ Bringing it all together , our marketing strategy integrates social media, content marketing, and influencer partnerships.”

Meaning: Emphasizing the synthesis and interconnectedness of ideas or components.

Usage: Indicates that the various elements discussed are unified and complement each other.

Parting Words

When you’re bidding farewell to your audience, these phrases can add a touch of elegance:

6. In Farewell

Example: “ In farewell , I wish you all continued success in your endeavors.”

Meaning: A formal and courteous way to bid farewell or say goodbye.

Usage: Suitable for speeches and formal occasions, conveying good wishes as you part ways.

7. In Closing

Example: “ In closing , let’s remember the importance of environmental conservation in preserving our planet for future generations.”

Meaning: Similar to “in conclusion,” but with a polished and sophisticated tone, used to summarize key points.

Usage: Suitable for formal speeches and presentations, providing a polished closure.

8. To Wrap It Up

Example: “ To wrap it up , our fundraising campaign has exceeded our expectations, thanks to your generous contributions.”

Meaning: A casual yet effective way to indicate that you’re bringing a discussion or presentation to a close.

Usage: Conveys a sense of informality while summarizing the main points.

9. To Close Out

Example: “ To close out this chapter of our journey, I want to express my gratitude to our loyal customers.”

Meaning: Suggests that you’re concluding your remarks or a particular phase.

Usage: Effective in both formal and informal settings to signal the end of a discussion or period.

10. Last but Not Least

Example: “And finally, last but not least , I’d like to acknowledge the dedication of our hardworking team.”

Meaning: Emphasizes the importance or significance of the final point or idea being presented.

Usage: Adds a touch of significance to the concluding statement, often used in speeches or presentations.

team meeting

11. In the Final Analysis

Example: “ In the final analysis , the success of our business venture hinges on effective market research and adaptability.”

Meaning: Adds a formal touch and suggests a comprehensive examination of the topic.

Usage: Suitable for formal reports, presentations, or discussions to convey a thorough examination of the subject matter.

Broad Perspective

12. in the grand scheme of things.

Example: “ In the grand scheme of things , individual setbacks are minor compared to the collective progress we’ve achieved.”

Meaning: Places ideas or events in a broader context, highlighting their relative significance.

Usage: Effective when discussing larger, long-term implications or perspectives.

13. To Bring the Curtain Down

Example: “And with that final revelation, we bring the curtain down on this captivating story.”

Meaning: Adds drama and flair to the conclusion, often used in creative or storytelling contexts.

Usage: Creates a sense of closure in a dramatic or narrative manner.

Gentle Closure

14. to draw to a close.

Example: “As the sun sets on this memorable day, let us draw this celebration to a close. ”

Meaning: A gentle and elegant way to signal the end of an event, discussion, or written work.

Usage: Provides a graceful conclusion, particularly in formal or celebratory contexts.

Direct Conclusion

15. in the end.

Example: “ In the end , our shared values and commitment will lead us to success.”

Meaning: A straightforward way to indicate the final remarks, summary, or conclusion.

Usage: Commonly used in both formal and informal settings to wrap up discussions or presentations.

15 Other Ways to Say In Conclusion Infographic

Choosing the Right Expression

The choice of which alternative to use depends on the context and your relationship with your audience. Here’s a breakdown of when to use different closing expressions:

Formal Presentations and Academic Settings

In formal presentations, lectures, or academic papers, it’s essential to maintain a professional tone. Opt for expressions like “to conclude” or “in summary” to wrap up your ideas succinctly. These phrases are clear and indicate that you’re bringing your discourse to an orderly close.

Casual Conversations and Informal Settings

In more relaxed settings, such as conversations with friends, family, or casual gatherings, you have more freedom to use informal and friendly expressions. Phrases like “closing remarks” or “final thoughts” work well in these situations, as they maintain a friendly tone while signifying the end of your discussion.

Speeches and Public Speaking

When delivering speeches or public addresses, you may want to choose expressions like “in farewell” or “in closing” to add a touch of formality and elegance to your conclusion. These phrases can leave a strong impression on your audience, especially in more ceremonial or celebratory contexts.

Written Works and Essays

For written pieces like essays, articles, or reports, it’s essential to select closing expressions that align with the overall tone and purpose of your work. “In summary” or “to sum it up” work well for academic and informative pieces, while “bringing it all together” can be suitable for more creative or reflective writing.

In conclusion, the choice of words in the concluding part of an invitation is crucial in leaving a lasting impression on the recipients. By selecting the right phrase, you can effectively summarize your message and create excitement for your event.

For more detailed examples and a comprehensive list of synonyms for “in conclusion,” you can explore the article 50+ Synonyms for ‘In Conclusion’ with Examples on 7ESL.

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Smartly Guide

Other Ways to Say In Conclusion in an Essay

Struggling to ditch the tired “In Conclusion”? This comprehensive outline offers 100 creative alternatives to craft impactful and memorable closings for your writing.

Other Ways to Say In Conclusion in an Essay

Conclusions are crucial in leaving a lasting impression on readers. A varied conclusion enriches the narrative, ensuring that the key points are effectively reinforced and remembered. Understanding the importance of diverse conclusions can elevate writing, making it more impactful and memorable.

Using different conclusion phrases helps tailor the ending to the context and audience, enhancing readability and engagement. It prevents monotony, keeps the content fresh, and showcases the writer’s versatility and creativity.

Why This List Matters

This list “ 100+ Other Ways to Say In Conclusion ” provides writers with a valuable toolkit for crafting diverse conclusions. It encourages experimentation and helps avoid repetitive endings, ultimately improving the quality and effectiveness of written communication.

Also, you can able to know,

Classic Alternatives

Classic conclusion phrases have stood the test of time, providing a reliable way to wrap up writing in a formal and effective manner.

These phrases offer a sense of closure and completeness, making them ideal for traditional writing contexts.

Whether you’re writing an academic paper, a business report, or a formal letter, these timeless expressions help you succinctly summarize your points and leave a lasting impression.

Traditional Phrases for Formal Writing

  • To conclude
  • In conclusion

Conversational Wrap-Ups

For more casual and approachable content, conversational wrap-ups are perfect. These phrases give your writing a friendly, relatable tone, making it feel like a natural end to a conversation.

They help to connect with the reader on a personal level, ensuring that your conclusion feels authentic and engaging. Ideal for blogs, informal articles, and everyday communication, these phrases wrap up your points in a relaxed and easy-going manner.

Casual Ways to Conclude

  • All things considered
  • When all is said and done
  • To wrap things up
  • To bring it all together
  • At the end of the day

Academic and Professional Closures

In academic and professional writing, precision and clarity are paramount. Scholarly endings not only summarize the key points but also reflect the depth of analysis and research.

These phrases help reinforce the validity of your arguments and provide a concise review of your findings.

Whether writing a research paper, a professional report, or a thesis, these endings ensure your conclusions are communicated effectively and professionally.

Scholarly Endings for Papers and Reports

  • To encapsulate
  • In retrospect
  • To summarize

Creative and Engaging Endings

Injecting creativity into your conclusions can captivate your audience and leave a memorable impression. Creative and engaging endings offer unique and imaginative ways to bring your writing to a close, making your work stand out.

These phrases are particularly useful in literary works, creative writing, and content that aims to entertain or inspire. They ensure your conclusion is not only informative but also enjoyable to read.

Unique Phrases to Capture Attention

  • To draw to a close
  • In the final analysis
  • Bringing it all together
  • In the final reckoning
  • To round off

Business and Marketing Final Thoughts

In the business and marketing world, a strong conclusion can significantly impact how your message is received.

Effective closures for business documents need to be clear, persuasive, and to the point. These phrases help reinforce your main points, summarize your value proposition, and leave your audience with a compelling final thought.

Perfect for business plans, marketing reports, and corporate communications, these endings drive your message home.

Effective Closures for Business Documents

  • The bottom line is
  • As a final point
  • To conclude with

Persuasive and Impactful Conclusions

When writing persuasive content, your conclusion needs to be powerful and convincing. Persuasive and impactful conclusions provide the final push needed to sway your audience.

These phrases help reinforce your argument, summarize your points convincingly, and leave a lasting impression.

Ideal for opinion pieces, persuasive essays, and speeches, they ensure your conclusion is as compelling as your main argument.

Convincing Phrases for Persuasive Writing

  • To sum it all up
  • To close the loop
  • As a result

Literary and Artistic Endings

For literary and artistic works, a poetic and reflective conclusion can enhance the overall impact of your writing.

These endings add a touch of artistry and introspection, making your conclusion resonate with readers on a deeper level.

They are perfect for novels, poems, and other creative endeavors where the conclusion needs to evoke emotion and thought, leaving the audience with a lasting impression.

Poetic and Reflective Phrases

  • So, in the end
  • In the grand scheme
  • To conclude artistically
  • To wrap the narrative

Technical and Scientific Summaries

In technical and scientific writing, clarity and precision are crucial. Clear and concise technical closures help summarize complex information in an understandable way.

These phrases provide a succinct review of your findings, ensuring that your conclusion is easily comprehensible.

Ideal for research papers, technical reports, and scientific studies, they help convey your results effectively and professionally.

Clear and Concise Technical Closures

  • To summarize the findings
  • In light of the evidence
  • From the data presented
  • To synthesize the results
  • To conclude the analysis
  • In review of the research

Narrative and Storytelling Closures

Storytelling requires a conclusion that ties together the narrative threads and provides a satisfying end to the tale.

Narrative and storytelling closures offer engaging ways to bring your story to a close, ensuring that your readers are left with a sense of completion.

These phrases are perfect for novels, short stories, and other narrative forms, providing a fitting end to your storytelling journey.

Concluding Phrases for Storytelling

  • To bring the story to a close
  • In a nutshell
  • As the story ends
  • To close the chapter
  • Thus ends the tale
  • To conclude the narrative

Historical and Reflective Endings

Reflecting on historical events or analysis requires a thoughtful and introspective conclusion. Historical and reflective endings offer a way to summarize your points while providing a reflective perspective on the past.

These phrases are ideal for historical essays, reflective pieces, and analytical writing, helping to draw meaningful conclusions from your analysis and leave your readers with something to ponder.

Reflective Phrases for Historical Analysis

  • In hindsight
  • With this in mind
  • Looking back
  • From a historical perspective
  • To reflect on
  • In reflection

Emotional and Motivational Closures

To inspire and motivate your readers, emotional and motivational closures are key. These phrases offer a way to end your writing on an uplifting and encouraging note, leaving your audience with a sense of hope and motivation.

Perfect for motivational speeches, inspirational articles, and personal reflections, these endings ensure that your message resonates emotionally and encourages positive action.

Inspirational Ways to End

  • To conclude with a thought
  • On a final note
  • To end on a high note
  • With hope for the future
  • To leave you with this

Brief and Succinct Endings

Sometimes, a short and direct conclusion is the most effective way to wrap up your writing. Brief and succinct endings provide a quick summary of your main points without unnecessary elaboration.

These phrases are ideal for concise reports, short articles, and straightforward communication, ensuring that your conclusion is clear and to the point.

Short and Direct Conclusion Phrases

  • Summarizing briefly
  • To wrap up quickly

Humorous and Light-Hearted Closures

Adding a touch of humor to your conclusion can leave your readers with a smile. Humorous and light-hearted closures offer a playful and engaging way to end your writing, making it memorable and enjoyable.

Perfect for light-hearted articles, blogs, and content meant to entertain, these phrases ensure your conclusion is as delightful as the rest of your writing.

Funny and Witty Ending Phrases

  • To cut a long story short
  • In the end, it’s all good
  • To end on a funny note
  • To wrap up with humor
  • In conclusion, let’s laugh

Comparative and Contrasting Endings

When discussing comparisons or contrasts, a conclusion that highlights these differences can be very effective. Comparative and contrasting endings help to summarize the key points of comparison and emphasize the contrasts.

These phrases are ideal for analytical essays, comparison reports, and any writing that involves weighing different aspects, ensuring your conclusion clearly reflects your analysis.

Concluding with Comparisons

  • When comparing
  • In comparison
  • Contrastingly
  • In contrast
  • To weigh the differences
  • In juxtaposition

Context-Specific Conclusions

Tailoring your conclusion to the specific context of your writing can enhance its relevance and impact.

Context-specific conclusions offer a way to end your writing in a manner that is directly tied to the content and situation discussed.

These phrases are perfect for specialized reports, targeted articles, and any writing where the context is crucial to the message, ensuring your conclusion is highly relevant.

Tailoring Endings to Context

  • In the context of
  • With respect to
  • Considering all aspects
  • Given the circumstances
  • In light of the situation
  • Pertaining to this context

Call to Action and Future Outlooks

Ending with a call to action or a forward-looking statement can inspire your readers to take the next step.

Call to action and future outlooks provide a proactive conclusion, encouraging your audience to act or reflect on the future implications of your message.

Ideal for persuasive articles, motivational speeches, and future-oriented content, these endings ensure your conclusion drives action and forward-thinking.

Ending with a Call to Action

  • As a call to action
  • Moving forward
  • Looking ahead
  • To inspire future action
  • As we move on
  • To challenge you

Summary and Recap

Summarizing the main points of your writing provides a clear and concise conclusion. Summary and recap endings help to revisit the key elements discussed, ensuring that your readers leave with a solid understanding of your message.

These phrases are perfect for reports, articles, and any content that benefits from a clear and comprehensive recap.

Recapitulating Main Points

  • Summarizing
  • Revisiting the main points
  • To go over again
  • In summation
  • To bring back the highlights

Cultural and International Variations

Exploring conclusion phrases from different cultures can add a unique touch to your writing. Cultural and international variations provide diverse ways to end your content, reflecting the global nature of communication.

These phrases are ideal for international reports, multicultural content, and writing aimed at a global audience, ensuring your conclusion resonates across different cultures.

Phrases from Different Cultures

  • In essence (In Spanish: En esencia)
  • In summary (In French: En résumé)
  • To sum up (In German: Zusammenfassend)
  • Conclusively (In Italian: Conclusivamente)
  • To conclude (In Portuguese: Para concluir)
  • In the final analysis (In Japanese: 最終分析で)

Philosophical and Deep Reflections

For content that delves into deep or philosophical topics, a reflective conclusion can be very impactful.

Philosophical and deep reflections offer a way to end your writing with thought-provoking and contemplative phrases.

Perfect for essays, philosophical pieces, and any writing that seeks to provoke thought, these endings ensure your conclusion leaves a lasting intellectual impression.

Thought-Provoking Endings

  • In the grand scheme of things
  • To reflect deeply
  • Philosophically speaking
  • In ultimate reality
  • To ponder upon
  • In the final contemplation

Scientific and Evidence-Based Closures

In scientific writing, a conclusion grounded in evidence is essential. Scientific and evidence-based closures provide a way to summarize your findings based on the data and research presented.

These phrases are ideal for research papers, scientific articles, and technical reports, ensuring your conclusion is firmly supported by evidence.

Evidence-Based Conclusion Phrases

  • Based on the evidence
  • In light of the findings
  • Conclusively
  • Empirically speaking
  • Scientifically concluding
  • In research conclusion

Environmental and Sustainability Closures

Focusing on environmental and sustainability issues requires a conclusion that reflects these themes. Environmental and sustainability closures offer a way to end your writing with a nod to ecological consciousness and future sustainability.

These phrases are perfect for environmental reports, sustainability articles, and any content that addresses ecological issues, ensuring your conclusion aligns with the green message.

Eco-Friendly Ending Phrases

  • To conclude sustainably
  • In light of the environmental impact
  • For a greener future
  • Environmentally speaking
  • To wrap up with sustainability
  • In conclusion, go green

Legal and Policy Conclusions

In legal and policy writing, a conclusion that adheres to the specific language and frameworks of the field is crucial.

Legal and policy conclusions provide a way to summarize your points within the context of regulations and laws.

These phrases are ideal for legal documents, policy reports, and any writing within the legal sphere, ensuring your conclusion is authoritative and clear.

Legal Phrases for Ending

  • In summary of the law
  • Legally concluding
  • As per the regulation
  • In policy conclusion
  • To conclude legally
  • In legal terms

Medical and Health-Related Closures

For medical and health-related content, a conclusion that emphasizes well-being and health outcomes is essential.

Medical and health-related closures provide a way to wrap up your writing with a focus on health implications and recommendations.

These phrases are perfect for medical reports, health articles, and any writing focused on health issues, ensuring your conclusion promotes health and well-being.

Health-Conscious Ending Phrases

  • Medically speaking
  • To summarize healthily
  • In health conclusion
  • For a healthier life
  • In medical terms
  • To conclude on health

Educational and Learning Conclusions

In educational writing, summarizing the key lessons and educational outcomes is crucial. Educational and learning conclusions provide a way to end your content with a focus on the key takeaways and learning objectives.

These phrases are ideal for educational articles , lesson plans, and any content aimed at learning and teaching, ensuring your conclusion reinforces the educational message.

Educational Phrases for Endings

  • To sum up educationally
  • In conclusion of learning
  • To wrap up the lesson
  • For educational purposes
  • To conclude the study
  • In summary of the lesson

Technological and Digital Closures

For content related to technology and digital advancements, a conclusion that reflects the dynamic nature of the field is important.

Technological and digital closures provide a way to summarize your points with a focus on innovation and future developments.

These phrases are perfect for tech articles, digital reports, and any writing focused on technology, ensuring your conclusion is forward-thinking and relevant.

Tech-Savvy Ending Phrases

  • In conclusion of tech
  • Digitally speaking
  • To wrap up technologically
  • In the digital realm
  • Technologically concluding
  • In summary of technology

Entertainment and Media Endings

In the entertainment and media industry, a conclusion that reflects the engaging nature of the content is key.

Entertainment and media endings offer a way to wrap up your writing with a nod to the entertainment value and audience engagement.

These phrases are perfect for reviews, media articles, and any content within the entertainment sphere, ensuring your conclusion is as captivating as the main content.

Media-Specific Conclusion Phrases

  • To wrap up the show
  • In entertainment conclusion
  • As the credits roll
  • In media terms
  • To conclude the broadcast
  • In summary of the episode

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The bottom line

The significance of varied conclusions cannot be overstated. They enhance the effectiveness of communication by ensuring that the final message is clear, impactful, and memorable.

Writers are encouraged to experiment with different conclusion phrases to find the perfect match for their content. This practice not only improves writing skills but also enriches the reader’s experience.

In conclusion, embrace the diversity of conclusion phrases to refine your writing. Experiment with different styles to find what best suits your message and audience. This approach will undoubtedly lead to more engaging and effective communication.

another word for conclude in an essay

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What Is Another Way to Say “In Conclusion”?

December 18, 2023

Linda Brown

Looking for synonyms for in conclusion ? We’ve got you covered!

Here’s a list of other ways to say in conclusion.

  • To conclude
  • As a final point
  • All things considered
  • In the final analysis
  • Conclusively
  • In a nutshell

Want to learn how to say in conclusion professionally? Keep reading for examples and use cases.

1. Ultimately

Appropriate Use : Ideal for emphasizing the final point or core message after a series of arguments or discussions. Example : “Ultimately, our strategic plan must focus on both short-term gains and long-term sustainability.”

Appropriate Use : Suitable for the last in a series of points or steps in a discussion or process. Example : “Finally, I would like to highlight the key milestones achieved by our team this quarter.”

3. Summing up

Appropriate Use : Used to encapsulate the main points or essence of the discussion succinctly. Example : “Summing up, the proposed changes will significantly increase operational efficiency.”

4. In summary

Appropriate Use : Ideal for providing a concise overview of the main points or conclusions drawn. Example : “In summary, our analysis suggests a positive trend in market growth.”

5. To conclude

Appropriate Use : Formal and clear, indicating the final part of a presentation or document. Example : “To conclude, this partnership aligns perfectly with our organization’s strategic objectives.”

6. To sum up

Appropriate Use : Similar to ‘summing up’, used for a brief recapitulation of key points. Example : “To sum up, three major factors contribute to our success in this market.”

7. In closing

Appropriate Use : Formal and suitable for the end of speeches or written communications. Example : “In closing, I would like to thank everyone for their dedicated efforts.”

8. As a final point

Appropriate Use : Emphasizes the last and often significant point in a discussion. Example : “As a final point, I’d emphasize the need for continuous innovation in our field.”

Appropriate Use : Indicates the final item in a list or series of points. Example : “Lastly, let’s discuss the implementation timeline for this project.”

10. All things considered

Appropriate Use : Useful for concluding with a balanced view after considering all aspects. Example : “All things considered, the benefits of this strategy outweigh its risks.”

11. In the end

Appropriate Use : Suitable for summarizing the ultimate outcome or decision. Example : “In the end, our focus must be on customer satisfaction and quality service.”

12. In the final analysis

Appropriate Use : Formal, used for emphasizing the ultimate conclusion after a thorough examination. Example : “In the final analysis, investing in renewable energy is not only beneficial for the environment but also economically viable.”

13. To wrap up

Appropriate Use : Informal, suitable for concluding speeches, meetings, or informal presentations. Example : “To wrap up, I encourage everyone to provide their feedback on the proposal.”

14. Therefore

Appropriate Use : Indicates a logical conclusion drawn from the preceding arguments or data. Example : “Therefore, it is imperative that we adjust our marketing strategy immediately.”

Appropriate Use : Similar to ‘therefore’, used for deriving a conclusion from previous statements. Example : “Hence, we must prioritize developing our digital infrastructure.”

16. Conclusively

Appropriate Use : Used to assert the finality or definitiveness of the conclusion reached. Example : “Conclusively, the data supports the need for a more aggressive sales approach.”

17. In a nutshell

Appropriate Use : Suitable for summarizing complex information in a very concise way. Example : “In a nutshell, the project will enhance efficiency and reduce costs.”

18. In essence

Appropriate Use : Ideal for distilling the core idea or fundamental aspect of the discussion. Example : “In essence, our success hinges on our ability to innovate continuously.”

19. In brief

Appropriate Use : Used for a very short summary or conclusion. Example : “In brief, the merger will strengthen our position in the global market.”

20. Overall

Appropriate Use : Ideal for presenting a general conclusion or summarizing the overarching theme. Example : “Overall, the quarter’s results reflect significant progress towards our strategic goals.”

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Thesaurus for In conclusion

Related terms for in conclusion - synonyms, antonyms and sentences with in conclusion, similar meaning.

  • as a conclusion
  • when all is said and done
  • in summation
  • in the final analysis
  • in winding up
  • as a final point
  • in consummation
  • in the long run
  • in a nutshell
  • in the sequel
  • finally yet importantly
  • last but not least
  • to conclude

Opposite meaning

  • first and foremost
  • in the first place
  • first of all
  • at the beginning
  • before anything else
  • in the beginning
  • without further ado
  • at the outset
  • to begin with
  • from the beginning
  • at the start
  • in the first instance
  • before all else
  • before everything
  • to start with
  • most importantly

Common usage

  • close a deal
  • brief summary
  • summarized information

Sentence Examples

Proper usage in context.

  • Finally, in conclusion, let me say just this Peter Sellers
  • A word in conclusion on cooperation between our two institutions
  • A word in conclusion on Mr Seppänen's report
  • Allow me in conclusion to thank the rapporteurs
  • I wish in conclusion to commend UNAMID for its activities
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noun as in end

Strongest matches

closure , completion , consequence , denouement , development , ending , outcome , result

Strong matches

cease , cessation , close , culmination , eventuality , finale , finish , issue , payoff , period , stop , termination , upshot , wind-up , wrap

Weak matches

desistance , end of the line

noun as in judgment, decision

agreement , conviction , inference , opinion , resolution , settlement , verdict

corollary , deduction , determination , illation , ratiocination , resolve

Example Sentences

The conclusions were drawn by the majority staff under committee Chairman Peter DeFazio.

It has been a difficult journey for her, but fortunately it has a happy conclusion.

The real conclusion, yet again, is that getting the most bang out of your altitude buck is complicated and highly individual.

Westlake has disputed the conclusions and details of a legislative report that corroborated three women’s complaints that he made unwanted sexual advances.

Local research into police stops has reached similar conclusions.

Was there an investigation of people at DOJ before they arrived at that conclusion?

Editorial and political cartoon pages from throughout the world almost unanimously came to the same conclusion.

Following this line of reasoning to its logical conclusion, the way to achieve world peace is to give everyone atomic bombs.

In that sense, the last Report was mildly unsatisfying as a conclusion, in that it left so much unresolved.

Magnum came into being as a cooperative only two years after the conclusion of World War II.

And the others, not knowing that he had that day repented, sat at their distance and tried to form no conclusion.

The conclusion is reached that, despite these drawbacks, the Jesuit mission in Canada has made a hopeful beginning.

The interest of the story is now at an end; but much yet remains before the conclusion.

How would the involuntary accusation have been embittered, had he known that the Empress drew the same conclusion!

I made the experiment two years ago, and all my experience since has corroborated the conclusion then arrived at.

Related Words

Words related to conclusion are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word conclusion . Browse related words to learn more about word associations.

noun as in something successfully done, completed

  • achievement
  • bringing about
  • carrying-out
  • consummation
  • fulfillment
  • performance
  • proficiency
  • realization

noun as in judgment

  • determination
  • pronouncement

noun as in putting regard in as true

  • expectation
  • postulation
  • presumption
  • presupposition
  • supposition
  • understanding

noun as in unpleasant termination

noun as in center or central factor

  • final decision
  • fundamentals
  • meat and potatoes
  • name of the game
  • nitty-gritty
  • nuts and bolts
  • sum and substance
  • what it's all about
  • whole story

Viewing 5 / 84 related words

From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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Essay Conclusion | Example Words & Phrases

Do you know what people remember most from your essay or speech? It is the beginning and the conclusion.

Our professionals know how to make your report catchy. One can learn helpful tips from our mature writers or order a ready-made captivating text with a strong conclusion.

Why does the conclusion matter?

The last paragraph reflects your ability to select the most important things from the whole flow of information and title . This abstract ends the text; thus, it makes the final impression.

We know from experience that the last phrase forms sort of aftertaste. Rest assured that it will be associated with your paper. So, pay enough attention to your closing words.

Good conclusion for your essay | Tips from experts

A conclusion is a final push to your brilliant essay. You have already spent so many efforts to come up with original ideas, find strong facts, and explain the core points of your project.

Now it is time to sum up your thoughts and reveal key findings. Do not give it up since you are one step away from success. If you feel absolutely exhausted at this stage, turn to our specialists for help.

For those who feel power and enthusiasm to write an essay till the last point, we have selected effective recommendations.

A magic formula to write a conclusion for an essay

For more than ten years of successful writing experience, we have written an unlimited number of conclusions for essays. We have found that the final paragraph should be composed according to the rule.

1. Short and to the point

The final part of the essay is definitely not for long reflections and new suggestions. The point is to recap all the information you have presented above. Do not overload your readers.

2. Memorable

Use eye-catching phrases to conclude your essay. You can reach this goal by selecting the most suitable words.

3. Valuable

The sense of the conclusion boils down to summarizing and, what is more important, analyzing all the above information. Herein lies its value for a reader.

A strong conclusion leaves a lasting impression on the reader. It is what shows the best of your essay.

Essay conclusions: the ultimate list of pro tips

We want to share our experience and, thus, provide this guidance on effective endings for your high school and college essays. Inspiration and in-depth knowledge enable us to write a conclusion in one breath. But what if a muse does not come? Then, one can try some routine ways. Here we emphasize practical advice.

1. Make a list of the core ideas presented in the main part

It will help you concentrate attention around them for summing up. Meantime, having this outline in front of eyes, you avoid repeating the same wordings.

2. Reread the introduction

The conclusion must follow from the first part of the paper. Start with a transition sentence connecting the initial idea to your closing thoughts.

3. Rewrite the main thoughts

Rephrase wordings to avoid duplication. Or ask our rewriter to do it . Wrapping up is essential for this part of the report. Meantime, it cannot be an end in itself.  A conclusion should be much more than a summary.

4. Look one more time at your final abstract

Cross out new arguments and facts from it.

5. “Dig deeper”

What is the sense of my essay? What is my central message? Why is it helpful? What is the value of my suggestions for a reader (field of science, humankind, in general...) Ask yourself similar questions to synthesize and highlight key points of your project.  A professor expects to see a logical flow of thoughts related to each other in your conclusion.

6. Add confidence

If you need a powerful conclusion, eliminate all the doubts from this paragraph. Avoid words: “probably,” “maybe,” “I am not sure,” etc.

7. Give food for thought

If the format of the essay allows, end it on a provocative note. A rhetorical question is remembered since it leaves a reader alone with his/her thoughts.

Are there any alternatives to conclusions?

It happens that an essay has no conclusion in the traditional sense. Yes, sometimes, professors do not require to end a paper according to academic standards. So, you are free to come up with new ideas.

Here are some prompts for inspiration and practical use.

  • Describe only implications of the core issue.
  • Speculate on the further course of events.
  • Pose an unexpected question to the reader. (Still it, should be relevant to the topic.)
  • Go from the particular to the general. Show how the object of your study influences the whole picture.

Rules for writing conclusions may vary depending on the type of the essay. Let’s figure it out in detail.

What is the best conclusion for a critical essay?

A critical essay is a matter of analysis, firstly. Students might associate it with a negative review (critique), yet, it’s not like that. The sense is to study a particular object and give an objective evaluation. Therefore, the final part of these papers must contain the core findings made during this examination.

Some ideas on how to write it:

  • put it all together;
  • find stronger wordings to recap the main suggestions,
  • come up with a succinct phrase reflecting your discovery.

Conclusions for academic papers

Obviously, academic papers require a serious approach to writing. Educational institutions set their rules for composing essays, and their chapters, in particular. Students are restricted with these standards and have to operate within rigid frames. These may vary according to colleges and types of academic papers. Yet, we can reveal the most common of them.

In fact, you need to answer the following questions in a couple phrases.

  • What is the purpose of the paper?
  • What is the best way to prove your thesis statement?
  • Why is your academic paper worth reading? Demonstrate the importance of your insights.
  • Is there any value of your treatise for further research?

Conclusions that irritate

The truth is your teachers and professors read thousands of essays every year. They explain the rules of good conclusions and give practical recommendations. Still, some students go against these principles and common sense, in general.

Our assistants have selected phrases that may spoil the overall impression of your report. However, do take them as the only truth. You could have quite another college policy.

1. “In conclusion,” “the conclusion is...”

If you want to stand out among other multiple applicants and pupils, think about more interesting wording. Stop being Captain Obvious, look for new catchphrases, and get a well-earned A. 

2. “And now let’s talk about a new concept (event, phenomena, theme)...”

Wait, it is the conclusion, not a new chapter. Thus, do not give any new facts and explanations. The reader expects a summary but not a continuation or a beginning, which is even worse. Calculations, clarifications, statistics, and other arguments must be written in the main part.

3. “Look  at this issue from the new angle,” “I have just revealed that, ...”

Unexpected conclusions are good for fiction. An academic field does not appreciate such twists. They definitely need “spoilers” in the body of your paper.

4. “That’ all, folks…”

It’s not a good idea to cite Looney Tunes cartoons in essays for high schools or colleges. The same can be said about jargon and slang.

Here are some more variants on how to annoy a professor.

Typical mistakes in conclusions

We want you to avoid common misconceptions concerning the final paragraph. For this purpose, we have selected some of the most popular remarks from professors.

✓ It is too long

You need to monitor the proportions of this part. Obviously, the conclusion cannot be longer than the main part.

✓ Pupils start a new page to write it

The conclusion is the last part of an essay. It is not the same as a new chapter of a dissertation.

✓ The style of the conclusion differs from the manner of writing of the previous parts

Sometimes we witness this dissonance, and it really comes across as something weird. Your teacher might also think that another person wrote it.

Conclusion in an opinion essay

The purpose of the opinion essay is to express a personal point of view. One can take it as an opportunity to show individuality. Importantly, this principle must be reflected in the final paragraph.

Here is an abstract from an essay by an actor James Franco . He demonstrates his positive attitude to selfies and sums up thoughts in one beautiful abstract.

essay conclusion - example


Some hints from our authors

  • Do not change your attitude in the final part

It is not recommended to write sudden new views. You need to demonstrate a consistent piece of writing.

  • Formulate your viewpoint in one phrase

Learn to be concise. The conclusion is not for repeating the same thoughts that are presented in the body of the essay. What is even more important, it is not about overloading your readers with a bunch of information.

Show the uniqueness of your thoughts and reflections. Your fresh view is what professors will definitely appreciate.

A conclusion from “an essay about knowledge in 2020” (random example from our author):

“In fact, one needs to know only the basic things and principles. Yet, you need to understand much more. The sense is not to memorize encyclopedic data but to comprehend it. Your abilities are unlimited when you are good at observing, analyzing, and predicting.”

How to conclude a problem solution essay?

One clear answer is what a professor wants to read at the end of your problem solution essay. You can come up with various decisions, yet do not forget about a concise manner of the final abstract. Here are some of our variants from our specialists:

✓ reveal preventive measures;

✓ show well-known ways of fight against the issue;

✓ determine the most effective strategies;

✓ demonstrate the effectiveness of your solution;

✓ add your personal recommendations.

General phrases for an essay conclusion

There are numerous synonyms to a banal phrase “in conclusion.”  If you cannot find proper words for your final part, check out our hints.

  • by and large,

A little bit sophisticated :

  • unquestionably,
  • all things considered,
  • in view of all the above aspects,
  • in the final analysis.


  • most would agree that,
  • as a result of,
  • there is general agreement that,
  • the present findings confirm.

In case you need academic wordings:

  • The findings of this essay can be understood as…
  • The research leads to the following findings…
  • The results demonstrate...
  • These outcomes suggest that...

Parts of an essay conclusion

For your convenience, we present a classical structure of the essay conclusion. It could help you put thoughts together and finish your text quickly and efficiently.

1. So, how to start a conclusion?

Formulate the thesis using new words. It could be your first sentence.

2. The main part of the conclusion

“Squeeze” essential moments from the body of the essay.

3. The final concluding sentence

It is a place for the best “polished” thoughts and ideas.

Purposes of conclusions:

  • leave an aftertaste (it is not compulsory to end your essay on a positive note. It depends on the topic of the paper),
  • draw attention to the bottom line of the essay.

Things to avoid in conclusions:

  • new data on your topic,
  • long abstracts,
  • irrelevant information.

Strategies for writing conclusions

1. Three layers of “so-what?”

We know firsthand that “ So-what model ” of analysis is helpful for writing conclusions. The thing is to get to the root of the issue.Let’s consider an example. Say, you are working on an essay “The importance of education in 2020.” You need to answer three questions:

  • What is the core message of the report?

Education is extremely essential for students today.

You cannot get a dream job without a college degree.

Ignoring education, you deprive yourself of opportunities to succeed in life.

In fact, you need to question your takeaway and prove the point. Herein lies the sense of in-depth analysis that forms the basis of a well-considered essay.

2. Tie it to the introduction

A sense of completion is what your conclusion must leave. A reader has to find brief answers to questions posed at the beginning.

3. Analyze, but do not repeat

There is no value in duplicating the same thoughts at the end of the essay. Instead, you need to reveal cause and effect, provide an outlook, interpret the results from your angle. In doing so, you add value to your piece of writing.

4. Find a balance between emotions and rational suggestions

In most cases, sentimental phrases are not acceptable for academic writing. Still, sometimes you can draw emotional images to add sincerity.

Conclusion examples for inspiration

Have you read an essay by Angelina Jolie about so-called “wicked” women?

It is about female power and independence.

how to conclude an essay - example


Expert opinion:

We really appreciate this article for revealing such acute matters. And the conclusion is written perfectly. What do we see here?

1. Summing. It is about the significance of a woman’s self-sufficiency and her active life position, since “there is nothing more attractive and enchanting.”

2. Catchphrase. We like this wording about the love of “wicked” women and, especially, of men who accept them. It comes across as a sincere message.

If you need a similar essay, you can order it from our team of skilled writers . 

George Orwell’s essay on an atomic bomb was the reason for numerous discussions all over the world back in the day.

essay by George Orwell


Expert’s opinion:

It is a classic example of a short-and-to-the-point conclusion. It concisely demonstrates the implications of the atomic bomb, which is a restriction of the savagery and establishing some semblance of peace.

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good way to conclude your essay

This conclusion does not contain banal words. Apparently “the bottom line” sounds better than “in conclusion.” One can find an answer to the question “Your services are good, so what?” Here we show obvious benefits you get: better grades and ratings.

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As we see, attention is drawn to the academic level of services, which is the main thought of this post. The last question makes readers ponder on their wishes.

Send us your essay to get a review on your conclusion or order essay writing and related services on our website.

What is it all for?

We are sure this post will be helpful for you sooner or later. If you have read it till the end, you might become a “ guru of conclusions .” Having studied the above tips and examples, you can write the ending for your essay in a snap. If you are stuck with this assignment, our writing agency will do it with skill.

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Synonyms of conclusion

  • as in inference
  • as in decision
  • as in outcome
  • as in ending
  • as in cessation
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Thesaurus Definition of conclusion

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • determination
  • consequence
  • deliverance
  • presumption
  • supposition
  • instruction
  • adjudication
  • disposition
  • commandment

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • matter of course
  • implication
  • development
  • precipitate
  • aftereffect
  • ramification
  • repercussion
  • side reaction
  • side effect
  • by - product
  • consideration
  • determinant
  • inspiration
  • instigation
  • culmination
  • consummation
  • grand finale
  • homestretch
  • high - water mark
  • coup de grace
  • coup de grâce
  • introduction
  • termination
  • discontinuation
  • discontinuance
  • interruption
  • continuation
  • continuance
  • persistence
  • prolongation

Examples of conclusion in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'conclusion.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Phrases Containing conclusion

  • draw a conclusion

Thesaurus Entries Near conclusion


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“Conclusion.” Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 26 Sep. 2024.

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The guide to writing an essay for beginners.

Writing an essay may be intimidating, especially for beginners. The process becomes easier if you understand the fundamental structure and strategy. Essays effectively convey ideas, argue, and critique issues. This guide will help you write an essay from structure to final draft revision. Even beginners will find the procedure easy with clear instructions and examples. Anyone can learn to write a convincing essay with the appropriate instruction. Essays allow complicated ideas to be expressed clearly with structure. Mastering essay writing will help you in many sectors, whether you’re writing for school, college, or personal projects.

Understanding Essay Structure

Essays have a simple framework that organizes thoughts and ideas. This framework underpins your writing, making it clear and easy to understand. An introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion are standard in all essays. The beginning introduces your thesis and establishes the tone for the essay. Support your argument with evidence, analysis, and examples throughout the essay. Each body paragraph should address one thesis-related concept. The conclusion concludes your argument, summarizes your essential arguments, and supports your thesis. Writing a well-organized and successful essay starts with understanding this basic framework.

Introduction: Capturing Attention

The start is crucial to your essay. Your reader will notice it first, setting the tone for the rest. A good introduction does more than present the topic—it captivates the reader. You may start with a fun fact, a challenging question, or a pertinent quotation. This hook should include background information that contextualizes your issue and makes it worth researching. Your introduction should conclude with a concise thesis statement that states your essay’s central idea. Your thesis guides your readers through the paper.

Body Paragraphs: Building Your Argument

Your essay’s body develops your thesis and provides proof. Each paragraph’s topic or opening sentence should state its central theme. The rest of the paragraph should support the topic phrase using facts, quotations, or examples. After providing the facts, explain how they help your premise and enhance your case. A coherent narrative requires each paragraph to flow logically into the next. Paragraph transitions assist the reader in going from thought to idea. After reading the body, your reader should grasp your argument and how each piece of evidence fits together.

Conclusion: Wrapping Things Up

The conclusion of your essay is your last chance to strengthen your case and wow the reader. Restate your argument based on the evidence you’ve offered throughout the essay. Avoid word-for-wording your thesis. Instead, rewrite it to reflect your newfound understanding and ideas from writing the essay. You should also briefly outline your main points and explain how they support your thesis. Firm conclusions don’t merely regurgitate facts; they bring closure. You may close with a thought-provoking comment, a reflection on your argument’s more enormous ramifications, or an action request. Your conclusion should keep readers thinking about your essay long after they finish.

Using Services for Writing

If you can’t compose an essay or don’t have time, try employing a professional writing service. Using these services, you may hire qualified writers to write a high-quality essay that matches your needs. Before using a writing service, you should review the service you want to use. Some services may not be high-quality or timely. Read customer reviews to make the proper pick. For example, services like ScamFighter can share their experiences to help you make decisions. Read reviews to avoid unreliable services and locate a writing platform that matches your demands.

Revising and Editing Your Essay

The writing process must include revising and editing. Break from your initial draft and return to it with new eyes. When reworking, focus on essay structure and flow. Does every paragraph support your thesis? Is your argument clear and logical? After fixing these significant flaws, you may edit more closely. Check for repetitious or unneeded material and simplify sentences. Finalize your essay by checking grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Grammarly and Hemingway can help you find errors and enhance your writing.

Common Types of Essays

Each type of essay has its own purpose and style. Knowing the varieties of essays will help you write effectively. For instance, narrative essays convey stories. They make sharing a personal tale or experience innovative and intriguing. On the other hand, descriptive essays describe a person, location, or object in great detail. These pieces use sensory details and sophisticated language to create vivid descriptions. Expository essays clarify an idea or provide information. They demand clear, logical thinking and breaking down complicated ideas into simpler bits. Persuasion is the focus of argumentative writing. In an argumentative essay, you take a stand on a subject and give evidence to persuade the reader.

Essay writing might be difficult, but with the appropriate attitude and mindset, it’s easier. By knowing the essay format, outlining your thoughts, and reviewing your work, you may write a convincing essay. Professional services can help you write a good essay if you find it too difficult. Read reviews before picking a service to be sure you’re choosing wisely. This guide shows novices how to create an intriguing essay for academic, career, or personal improvement.

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Key elements of an effective IELTS Writing Task 2 conclusion

IELTS Writing Task 2 Conclusion Examples: How to End Your Essay Effectively

  • Restate the main idea
  • Summarize key points
  • Provide a final thought or call to action
  • Maintain a formal tone
  • Avoid introducing new information

Key elements of an effective IELTS Writing Task 2 conclusion

Examples of Strong IELTS Writing Task 2 Conclusions

Let’s examine some examples of effective conclusions for different IELTS Writing Task 2 question types.

Example 1: Opinion Essay

Question: Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Conclusion: In conclusion, while there are valid arguments for making unpaid community service mandatory in high schools, I believe that the potential drawbacks outweigh the benefits. Forcing students to participate may lead to resentment and a lack of genuine engagement. Instead, schools should focus on educating students about the value of volunteering and provide opportunities for those who are interested. By encouraging rather than mandating community service, we can foster a more authentic sense of social responsibility among young people.

Example 2: Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

Question: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of living in a multi-generational household.

Conclusion: In summary, living in a multi-generational household presents both significant benefits and challenges. While it offers financial advantages, emotional support, and cultural continuity, it can also lead to privacy issues, conflicts, and reduced independence. Ultimately, the success of such living arrangements depends on clear communication, mutual respect, and the ability to balance individual needs with family obligations. As society evolves, it is crucial to recognize and address both the positive and negative aspects of multi-generational living to ensure harmonious family dynamics.

Advantages and disadvantages of multi-generational households

Example 3: Problem and Solution Essay

Question: The number of people who are overweight is increasing. What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?

Conclusion: To conclude, the rising prevalence of obesity is a complex issue stemming from various factors, including poor dietary habits, sedentary lifestyles, and socioeconomic influences. Addressing this problem requires a multi-faceted approach. By implementing comprehensive education programs, promoting active lifestyles, and creating supportive environments for healthy choices, we can work towards reducing obesity rates. It is crucial for governments, communities, and individuals to collaborate in these efforts to ensure a healthier future for all.

Example 4: Discussion Essay

Question: Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Conclusion: In conclusion, while both parents and schools play vital roles in shaping children into responsible members of society, I believe that the primary responsibility lies with parents. The home environment provides the foundation for a child’s values and behavior, which is then reinforced and expanded upon in school settings. Ideally, a collaborative approach between parents and educational institutions would be most effective, ensuring that children receive consistent guidance and support in developing the skills and values necessary to contribute positively to society. By recognizing the complementary roles of both parties, we can create a more comprehensive and impactful approach to raising socially conscious individuals.

Tips for Writing Effective Conclusions

  • Keep it concise: Your conclusion should be about 40-50 words or 2-3 sentences.
  • Use transition phrases: Start with phrases like “In conclusion,” “To sum up,” or “Overall” to signal the end of your essay.
  • Echo your introduction: Refer back to your thesis statement and main points, but use different wording.
  • Avoid repetition: Don’t simply copy and paste from your introduction or body paragraphs.
  • End with impact: Leave the reader with a final thought that resonates.

Tips for writing effective IELTS Writing Task 2 conclusions

Common Mistakes to Avoid in IELTS Writing Task 2 Conclusions

  • Introducing new information: The conclusion is not the place for new ideas or arguments.
  • Being too repetitive: While you should restate your main points, avoid simply repeating sentences from earlier in your essay.
  • Using informal language: Maintain a formal tone throughout, including in your conclusion.
  • Writing a lengthy conclusion: Keep it concise and to the point.
  • Failing to answer the question: Ensure your conclusion directly addresses the essay prompt.

By avoiding these mistakes and implementing the tips and examples provided, you can craft strong, effective conclusions for your IELTS Writing Task 2 essays. Remember, practice is key to perfecting your conclusion-writing skills. Try writing conclusions for various essay types and seek feedback to continually improve your performance.


As you prepare for your IELTS exam, focus on developing a clear, concise, and impactful concluding paragraph for each practice essay. With time and effort, you’ll find that crafting strong conclusions becomes second nature, helping you to leave a lasting impression on the examiner and boost your overall Writing Task 2 score.

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