Primary Theme Park

Growing Beans in the Classroom

the three bean seed experiment

Nothing like setting up an experiment in the classroom and it not turning out exactly how you expected, right? Well, I’m here to share all my tips and tricks for growing beans in the classroom so your experiments are a success!

  • dried beans (pole, bush, or lima beans)
  • paper towels
  • spray bottle of water
  • clear glass jar or small clear plastic cup

My #1 Tip for Success

Before I go any further, I want to tell you the one thing I feel makes or breaks this experiment. It’s what will get you tall, lovely sprouts like the picture above in only ten days:

Soak the Beans in Water Overnight!

I can’t stress enough that you should soak the beans in water overnight beforehand. I’ve tried the experiment with and without soaking the beans. Soaking the beans boosts the germination process and you see roots in a day or two. Within ten days, the bean sprouts have a tall stem with leaves growing out of the top of the jar. When I’ve not presoaked the beans, it took five or six days for the first root to begin to emerge. Even then, the entire germination process seemed to go a lot slower.

Now that you’ve soaked your beans, let’s start the experiment!

  • Fill the container about halfway with paper towels.
  • Place several beans on the outside of the paper towels in the container so you can watch them grow.
  • Spray the paper towels with water to dampen them.
  • Place the container near a window or on a window ledge.
  • Observe and watch the beans grow over the following days and weeks!

Can the Seeds Grow Without Soil?

We teach students that plants need water, air, sunlight and soil to grow. Some students may wonder how these seeds will grow without soil. It might be helpful to point out that you can germinate seeds, or help them start to grow, without soil. Why? It’s because the food the seed needs to start growing is inside the seed. The seed provides food for a short time and then you must plant the seedling in soil for it to continue to grow.

Experiment Variations

This experiment helps students learn the basic needs of seeds and plants. What happens if they don’t get what they need?

Prepare a few extra jars with beans and alter some of their growing conditions. Observe what happens.

  • No water : Don’t soak the beans in water overnight or wet the paper towels in the container.
  • No air : Use a sandwich bag for this one. Use a straw to suck as much air from the bag as possible before zipping it shut.
  • No sunlight : Place the jars away from windows or even in a dark space like a cabinet.
  • Not enough space : Place seeds in a group touching each other.
  • No soil : Seeds will germinate without soil, but will they keep growing and produce fruit (beans) if left in the container with no soil? This will take a lot longer to observe. Another option is to plant the beans in sand. Give them water and sunlight, and observe what happens.

Growing Beans FAQs

What beans did you use? I used pole and lima beans. I’ve successfully germinated both kinds.

Do I need beans from a seed packet or can I used dried beans from the grocery store? While you may certainly use a purchased seed packet of beans, I’ve always had success germinating and sprouting dried beans I’ve brought at the grocery store. I recommend soaking and germinating a couple of dried beans at home to make sure your dried beans will work before doing it with your students.

How long will it take to see anything? One or two days if you soak the beans overnight, five or six days if you don’t soak them. I soaked my beans overnight and put them in a jar and baggie. The very next day I already saw the root coming out of most of the beans.

Can I do this experiment anytime of year? I think so! I live in the Midwest and germinated these seeds towards the end of January! Even though it was cold outside and the windows themselves felt cold, there was enough sunlight and warmth to begin germination. If you want to keep the plants alive or transfer them into a garden, you will need to begin germination closer to actual planting time.

What if the paper towels get dry? Use a spray bottle of water to moisten the paper towels if you feel they are too dry.

Can I germinate beans in a sandwich bag? Absolutely! Just place a damp paper towel and several beans in a zip-top sandwich bag and seal it. Then tape or place the bag on or near a window and watch them grow!

Students learn so much about plants by growing beans in the classroom. It’s really fun to watch the little beans grow so quickly. Sometimes there’s a huge difference from day to day. I hope these tricks and tips help you and your students become expert germinators!

More Plant Resources

Parts of a Plant Lollipop Activity

Parts of a Plant Painting

Plant Videos for Kids

Plant Unit for Kindergarten and First Grade


I really enjoy to see the plant growing.

hi this is cool info

Hey there! I am soaking my Lima beans to grow in our classroom and I noticed they are wrinkling and some of them are splitting. Is this normal? Thanks so much for your info! We’re excited to try it!

That’s a great question! The wrinkles are completely normal. As for splitting, when the inside of the bean rehydrates quicker than the outside, the bean will split. It happens sometimes. You can have students examine the split beans to see what’s inside the seed. Good luck and I hope your students enjoy growing their beans!

Hi, I’m a PreK teacher and have found the past several years, that the beans get moldy in the children’s ziplock bags. How can I avoid the mold?

That’s a great question! I might try doing it with glass jars instead of baggies. I’ve never had an issue with mold when growing them in glass jars like I shared in the blog post. I also leave the lid off to allow air circulation.

If you need to use bags, you might try leaving the top open or making a few holes near the top of the zipped bag. Another idea is to only leave the beans in the bags for just a few days and plant them as soon as you can.

I hope these ideas help! Good luck!

Hi Cara! Two easy tricks are 1) spritz rather than soak the towels in water 2) staple a horizontal row of staples about two inches down the bag and place lima beans along the staples before sealing. Veteran teacher tip—best of luck!

They need to wash their hands thoroughly before “planting”.

When do you put the bean in soil?

Hi! I plant them as soon they look like the one pictured with roots, stem, and a few leaves. They shoot up very quickly, so it’s not long before they’re ready to be planted.

Now that my granddaughter brought home her bean,what do we do with? A single plant. Does it need something to climb? Or will it get bushy? We weren’t given any follow up info sadly. HELP

That’s a great question! If you can find out what kind of bean it is, that would be helpful. Some beans are runners and need to be staked or have something to climb, while others don’t. Other than that, just plant it in soil and watch it grow!

I tried this experiment with my class and we have a few moldy plants. We wet the paper towel again every day. Does this mean the plants are dead?

Hi! If you do this experiment again, I suggest just lightly spraying the paper towel with water whenever it feels dry instead of watering them each day. If you soak the beans beforehand, they already have a good bit of water inside them. I also take the top off of the jar after they begin sprouting so air can circulate. Hopefully, doing those two things will stop the mold problem. Good luck!

Suggestions on the bean plant being towering over the cup? Do I need to get dowel rods? I feel bad because my kids are taking them home and I wanted them to be successful .

That’s a great question! Even though the plants stick up over the cup, they’re usually sturdy enough to send home. If you want to give them extra support, you might stick a straw in the cup and gently tie the plant to it. I hope your students have a great experience sprouting seeds!

hi im in 5th grade and when i grow up i will show my children this and might do this for their birthdays

If the seeds have mold, does that mean they are dead? Or can I salvage them?

Additionally, how do I safely transfer them to plant so that students can take home? Do I need a certain type of soil? A pot?

Hi, Alex! Those are great questions. First, if your seeds have mold, I would throw them out and start over. When you try again, here are my tips to avoid mold:

1. Just lightly spray the paper towel with water whenever it feels dry. If you soak the beans beforehand, they already have a good bit of water inside them so they don’t need lots of water. Too much water in the jar or bag will allow mold to grow.

2. Take the top off of the jar after they begin sprouting so air can circulate. If you use zip-top bags, open the bags after the beans sprout.

3. Avoid direct sunlight for long periods. Too much heat inside the jar or bag will cause mold to grow. The beans will still sprout near a window with indirect sunlight.

If you want to plant them for students to take home, use potting soil (not garden soil) and any small plastic container like yogurt cups, bottom half of a water bottle, or other small plastic cups you might have in your recycling bin.

I hope those ideas help! Good luck!

Will pinto beans grow?

Hi, Maria! I’m so sorry I’m just seeing your question! I’m not getting emails when someone posts a comment like I usually do, and I’m not sure why. I haven’t tried pinto beans because I’ve read they don’t sprout as reliably as other beans. It might be interesting for kids to try to grow pinto beans along with other types of beans to see which ones sprout the best.

I have jars without lids. Do I need lids to begin this process?

That’s a great question! You don’t need lids to begin the process. You might put plastic wrap or aluminum foil over the jar for the first few days. I think it’d be interesting for kids to observe a covered jar and one that isn’t. Then, they can see if covering the jar affects growth.

This activity is perfect for children who love to explore what is in store for them in the real world. Thank you so much for sharing this.

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Germination of Plant

Germination of a plant refers to a phenomenon in which a seed germinates to form a new seeding or plant. The germination process results in the emergence of the radicle  (primary root) and plumule (primary shoot). Before germination, the seed remains dormant in the soil.

Then, under favourable conditions (optimum temperature, oxygen, light, water etc.), a seed germinates and promotes embryo development . Thus, an embryo is present within the seed, and the food reserves are stored in the outer layer of the seed or seed coat .

A seed is considered a dormant seed , which lacks an embryo or it does not undergo germination. The germination rate depends upon the growth conditions provided to the seeds to germinate. Germination rate up to 60% indicates that 60 out of 100 seeds will possibly undergo germination at a given period of time.

Germination capacity is another term representing the number of seeds capable of undergoing germination in a given population. This post discusses the definition, process, favourable conditions and factors affecting seed germination.

Content: Germination of Plant

Factors affecting, definition of germination.

Germination refers to the growth phase of the seeds, during which they form a germ tube that further activates the seed’s embryo and promotes the growth of new seedlings. In plants, germination can be categorized into the following two types:

  • Epigeal germination : In this kind, a hypocotyl region of the shoot system elongates and goes upward by pulling the cotyledon out of the soil. It mostly occurs in plants like cotton, papaya, onion etc.
  • Hypogeal germination : Here, an epicotyl region of the shoot system elongates, and the cotyledon remains inside the soil. It mostly occurs in plants like pea, mango, rice etc.


Process of Seed Germination

process of plant germination

It is the first and the most crucial step for a dormant or dry seed. During the imbibition stage, dry seeds absorb water that results in swelling . After absorbing water, the dry seeds get rehydrated, and the seed coat softens. Further, the swelling ruptures the soft or moistened testa, due to which a radicle comes out of the seed as a “ Primary root ”.


Seeds become metabolically active and respire vigorously in the presence of oxygen. Seeds undergo respiration to fulfil the needs of a growing plant. During this stage, seeds exploit oxygen to convert the nutrients existing in the soil into energy .

Cellular respiration in seeds involves the oxidation of the respiratory substrates to release energy. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats are the usual respiratory substrates of a seed, which on oxidation releases energy ( ATP )and carbon dioxide after breaking the C-C bonds .

The Metabolization of Reserve food

The outer aleurone layer of an endosperm produces hydrolysing enzymes via the assistance of gibberellic acid . Hydrolysing enzymes like amylases, proteases etc., helps in the metabolization of reserve food. Seeds assimilate the reserve food materials like stored starch, proteins or fats by harnessing the energy released during cellular respiration.

The hydrolysing enzymes convert the insoluble organic matter into a soluble form and organic food into an elementary form. Then, the simpler food is transported to the growing epicotyl, hypocotyl, radicle, plumule via cotyledons .

Development of the Embryo Axis into Seedling

A seedling grows from an embryo axis after food translocation from the endosperm wall to the different parts. This stage makes the cells of an embryo metabolically active. As a result, the embryo cells undergo rapid cell divisions, expansion and eventually form a seedling .

It includes some extrinsic and intrinsic factors.

Extrinsic Factors : Insufficient water supply will neither allow the seed to germinate nor promote radicle and plumule emergence. Germination requires a vigorous oxygen supply , as seeds release energy by consuming oxygen. The energy again dissipates by the seeds for the growth of an embryo. Temperature affects the rate of embryonic growth and the metabolism of food material by the seed.

conditions necessary for germination

It is a crucial source for seed germination. As already discussed, water is necessary for the seed imbibition to promote the emergence of a radicle and plumule. Excessive water may restrict seed growth.

Due to excessive water, the soil becomes soggy, resulting in insufficient oxygen supply to a plant, causing premature death. Seeds reserve food material like proteins, carbohydrates, fats etc., in a dry state. An embryo within the seed can not utilize the nutrients in dry form.

Thus, the dry organic food material needs to be converted into a liquid form for embryo development or further growth into a seedling. To prove the necessity of water, you can take two beakers. In beaker-A, place dry cotton wool at the bottom and add gram seeds (two or three) over it.


It is also a critical factor necessary for seed growth. To prove the necessity of oxygen in seed germination, you must take two beakers. In beaker-A, boil the water to remove the dissolved oxygen content. Then, cool the water and add few gram seeds to a beaker.

Necessity of oxygen for germination of plant


Seed germination occurs within a temperature range between 0 to 50 degrees Celsius. However, seeds germinate best at a moderate or an optimum temperature within 25 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Very low temperature reduces the seed’s metabolic activity, and a very high temperature destroys the embryonic tissues. Then, take two beakers and label them as ‘A’ and ‘B’ to test the temperature requirement for seed growth.

necessary of temperature

  • One grain sets inside the water.
  • A second seed sets partially in the water.
  • A third seed above the water.

three bean seed experiment

Allow the seeds to germinate and wait up to 2-3 days. This experiment proves that a seed partially dipped in the water will germinate as it gets air, light and water at the same time.

Light and Darkness

In addition to air, water and temperature, the presence or absence of light also plays an important role. Seed germination occurs in the darkness  within the soil that primarily forms a primary root.

But, seeds require light during a shoot development, under which it gets energy from the process of photosynthesis. A shoot undergoes “ Photomorphogenesis ”, during which a seedling grows, forms leaf and turns green under the presence of sunlight.

Intrinsic Factors :  Seed dormancy is a condition during which the seeds do not germinate and remain in a dormant state by a restricted growth of an embryo, restricted water and oxygen supply. Seed germination is also affected by the plant hormones like abscisic acid (ABA) that inhibits the germination process.

Related Topics:

  • Respiration in Plants
  • Chlorophyll in Plants
  • Biosphere Reserves
  • Examples of Adsorption in Daily Life

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How to Perform a Bean Seed Dissection Experiment

Last Updated: September 16, 2021

This article was co-authored by Bess Ruff, MA . Bess Ruff is a Geography PhD student at Florida State University. She received her MA in Environmental Science and Management from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 2016. She has conducted survey work for marine spatial planning projects in the Caribbean and provided research support as a graduate fellow for the Sustainable Fisheries Group. This article has been viewed 19,568 times.

One of the best ways to learn about the world is to perform hands-on experiments. One popular preschool experiment is a bean dissection and observation experiment. This project allows the child to learn how bean seeds evolve and develop, which can lead to further questions about plant and animal life. Be sure to provide adult supervision, as this project requires the use of a knife.

Preparing for the Experiment

Step 1 Gather your lab materials.

  • Use different kinds of beans to compare the seed structure across multiple varieties.

Step 2 Soak dried beans in the bowl of water for 12 to 24 hours.

Dissecting the Bean

Step 1 Split the bean in half.

  • An adult should cut or supervise the cutting of any beans.

Step 2 Examine and observe the inside of the bean.

  • Look at multiple beans of the same variety so you can notice the similarities of their insides.

Step 3 Identify the parts of the bean seed.

Concluding the Experiment

Step 1 Compare your observations to your hypothesis.

  • Was your hypothesis correct?
  • If not, what was different?

Step 2 Compare a dry bean with a soaked bean.

  • What are the similarities?
  • What are the differences?

Step 3 Observe the soaked bean after it has dried.

Expert Q&A

  • Some seeds take longer than others to soften. If you cannot easily open the seed, allow the seeds more time to soak. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Try soaking multiple types of seeds at the same time, then comparing the insides. You might try a large kidney bean and a lima bean, for example. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

Things You’ll Need

  • A magnifying glass
  • Allow an adult to supervise or handle any knives used in this experiment. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0

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Bess Ruff, MA

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the three bean seed experiment

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the three bean seed experiment

What are the three conditions necessary for the germination of seeds? How would you demonstrate this? - Biology


What are the three conditions necessary for the germination of seeds? How would you demonstrate this?

Solution Show Solution

For successful germination of any viable seed, three external conditions are necessary:

  • Water or moisture
  • Warmth or temperature
  • Air or oxygen.

We can demonstrate this with the “Three seed experiment”. This is a simple experiment to demonstrate the necessity of these factors for proper germination.

the three bean seed experiment

Experiment : Three mature dried bean seeds are taken and tied on a wooden strip at three different positions (above the figure). This strip is placed in a beaker containing water in such a way that the lower seed is completely submerged in water, the middle seed is partially submerged inside the water and the top seed is kept above water. This set-up is left in a warm place for a few days. It is observed that the middle seed shows germination and gives out radicle and shoot leaves. The top seed shows no growth and the bottom one shows negligible growth. The middle seed gets fully germinated due to the fact that this seed has all the favourable conditions required for germination i.e., air (oxygen), moisture, and warmth (favourable temperature), which are necessary for germination.


How many meiotic divisions are required for the formation of 100 seeds?

Name the following: 

Part of the  plumule  above the embryonic axis of the seed.

Name the following : 

A seed with folded  plumule  leaves.

Fill in the blanks: 

In bean  seeds, ________  grows faster and the seeds are brought _________ ground.

Give Two Differences in the Following Pairs:

Coleorhiza  and  coleoptile 

For the formation of 50 seeds, how many minimum meiotic divisions are necessary?

A seed is provided with all the conditions necessary for germination. Yet it fails to germinate. Explain.

Identify the character of angiosperms that helped in their dominance on earth.

Dicotyledons have seeds with ______ cotyledons.

During epigeal germination of seed, ______.

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Bean in a jar

April 30, 2012 By Emma Vanstone 13 Comments

This germination investigation is very simple but fascinating. Did you know you can grow a bean in a jar with just a little water? Germination is the sprouting of a seedling from a seed.

What is germination?

Three factors are important for germination .

Water – seeds need water for germination to occur. When a seed absorbs water, it starts to swell up, the outer coat of the seed cracks and roots start to grow through.

Oxygen – oxygen is needed for a plant to grow (oxygen is needed for respiration to occur ). Seeds buried too deeply in the soil won’t grow.

Temperature – the temperature can be important ( warm or cold ) depending on the type of seed.

Once a seedling has used all the nutrients from the seed, it then needs to take nutrients from the soil. Once your seed has germinated and grown a little bit, you’ll need to transfer it into a pot of soil.

Light is not needed for germination but is needed for a plant to grow.

Roots grow downwards to anchor the plant in the ground and find nutrients, and shoots grow upwards to find light.

How to grow a bean in a jar

What you need.

  • A broad bean seed
  • Kitchen roll or a napkin


  • Swirl a small amount of water around the jar.
  • Fold your napkin or kitchen roll and place it in the jar ( we made the kitchen roll very slightly damp also ).
  • Place the bean seed in the jar resting on the napkin.
  • Spray some water on the bean every few days.

The bean should start to grow roots after a few days. This is called germination.

bean in a jar - the roots can clearly be seen inside the jar

We kept one bean in the dark and one in the light. Both seeds germinated and grew into small bean plants. This shows that light is not necessary for germination .

You can see here that the plant grown in the dark is slightly less green than the one grown in the light. We have seen this before when growing cress .

bean in a jar - bean plant kept in the light

What amazes me the most is that all this can grow from one tiny seed with no additional nutrients other than those contained in the bean itself.

After a few days in the light, the bean plant kept in the dark was as luscious a green colour as its counterpart.

Two bean plants grown in a jar for a science experiment

Bean in a jar instructions

Download the instructions completely free.

Bean in a jar instructions

More plant science

Little ones will enjoy growing a bean for Jack and the Beanstalk.

Inspiration Laboratories has a lovely plant science experiment growing seeds in different soil types , such as sand and stones.

Playdough to Plato has a gorgeous sprout house !

Another idea is to dissect a plant or try one of our other fun plant science experiments for kids .

Suitable for:

Key Stage 1 Science – Plants

Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants, including trees.

Image of  bean in a jar grown for a science experiment

Last Updated on March 29, 2023 by Emma Vanstone

Safety Notice

Science Sparks ( Wild Sparks Enterprises Ltd ) are not liable for the actions of activity of any person who uses the information in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources. Science Sparks assume no liability with regard to injuries or damage to property that may occur as a result of using the information and carrying out the practical activities contained in this resource or in any of the suggested further resources.

These activities are designed to be carried out by children working with a parent, guardian or other appropriate adult. The adult involved is fully responsible for ensuring that the activities are carried out safely.

Reader Interactions

' src=

April 30, 2012 at 8:52 am

You keep coming up with really inspiring ideas. Thankyou!

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May 04, 2012 at 7:39 pm

So glad you like them!

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April 30, 2012 at 12:53 pm

I love this idea. It is so much better than the ziploc bag on the window. (Maybe it is just me, but those always get so nasty. Plus it would be great to have where the students could see actually grow and record the height. Love it.

May 04, 2012 at 7:41 pm

oooh yes, what a good idea!

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May 02, 2012 at 10:17 pm

It is fascinating and beautiful! We have to try this!

It was great! and so simple x

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May 06, 2012 at 8:29 pm

We love this activity. Ours is growing strong and we’re going to try transferring into the soil and growing further now

Thank you for linking to Tuesday Tots this week

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May 07, 2012 at 2:26 pm

love this idea.. will find some jars x

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May 11, 2012 at 3:01 am

How fun!! I love the lessons where they get to see the roots that would be underground. Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday! I hope you are having a great week!

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March 08, 2013 at 6:55 pm

Ooh great way to use my jars! Now to get some beans x

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March 08, 2013 at 8:28 pm

We grew a bean in a glass Mason jar for each kid a couple months ago. Can you believe they ate still thriving? One even grew a bean pod with beans in it. I should transfer them to a pot with soil.

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April 10, 2013 at 6:14 pm

I would like to know just why this works. Why is the one kept in the dark white? I know it has something to do with light. And why did it grow faster that the one in the light? Thank you!

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April 23, 2020 at 10:28 am

Hi there, can you use any seed for this?

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Raising Lifelong Learners

Dissect a Bean Seed: Kitchen Science for Kids

Science doesn’t always have to be complicated. In this simple kitchen science project, kids dissect a bean seed and investigate the parts of a bean seed to learn a little more about seed science and how plants grow from seeds. This easy kitchen science experiment is fast, easy, and the perfect simple activity to do right before planting your own spring garden.

Learn about the parts of a seed in this simple activity to dissect a bean seed. It's a simple kitchen science project all kids will love!

What you’ll need to dissect a bean seed:

  • Large beans (we used pinto beans)
  • Plastic knife or butter knife
  • Magnifying glass

Soak your beans in water for about 12-24 hours before starting this activity. Softer beans are easier to break apart and view the parts of the bean.

Learn about the parts of a seed in this simple activity to dissect a bean seed. It's a simple kitchen science project all kids will love!

When the beans are softened, use a plastic knife or butter knife to separate the two halves of the bean.

Learn about the parts of a seed in this simple activity to dissect a bean seed. It's a simple kitchen science project all kids will love!

Explore the three parts of a bean seed with the kids. Each bean will have three distinct parts:

  • The cotyledon

Use a magnifying glass to explore all the pieces of the beans up close.

Learn about the parts of a seed in this simple activity to dissect a bean seed. It's a simple kitchen science project all kids will love!

Expand on this activity by investigating other seeds. Do these seeds also contain the same parts? How do seeds compare to bulbs? Dissect some plant bulbs alongside the beans to determine if they use the same, or different, parts to grow.

Bean Seed Science Explained

Learn about the parts of a seed in this simple activity to dissect a bean seed. It's a simple kitchen science project all kids will love!

Beans, like all seeds, contain three specific parts.

The seed coat protects the seed and is the “shell” of the bean.

The embryo is the tiny little piece of bean that breaks apart from the rest. This is what grows into the first sprout after planting.

The cotyledon is the material that the seed uses to grow until it pulls nutrients from the sun, water, and soil after taking root and sprouting leaves.

Without any one of these parts of the seed, a seed won’t grow.

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Biology Discussion

Germination of Seed: Types, Condition Required and Other Details

the three bean seed experiment


A seed is a mature ovule, which is formed after the fertilization.

The outer covering of a seed is called seed-coat which is a protective covering and is known as testa. Seeds contain a small opening called micropyle through which water enters into the seed.

The inner layer below the testa is called tegmen. Inside, seeds contain embryo which consists of cotyledons, radicle and plumule. Seed contains endosperm. However the endosperm is absent in some seeds. Hilum is a scar, where the seed breaks from the stalk of the ovule wall.

Types of Seeds According to the Number of Cotyledons :

Seeds are of two types according to the number of cotyledons.

A. Monocotyledonous Seeds:

These seeds contain only one cotyledon; for example, wheat, bajra, maize and rice. (Fig. 3.1)

Maize Seed

B. Dicotyledonous Seeds:

These seeds contain two cotyledons; for example, mango, gram and pea. (Fig. 3.2)

Gram Seed

Types of Seeds According to the Food Storage Tissue

There are two types of seeds according to the food storage tissue.

A. Endospermic Seeds (Albuminous):

Endospermic seeds are those in which food is stored in endosperm, e.g., wheat, rice and bajra.

B. Non-Endospermic Seeds (Exalbuminous):

Non-endospermic seeds are those in which food is stored in cotyledons, e.g., pea and gram.

Germination :

Germination is a process by which the embryo in the seed becomes activated and begins to grow into a new seedling (Fig. 3.3a).

How a Seed Geminates

Types of Germination :

There are two types of germination:

1. Epigeal Germination:

In this type of germination, the hypocotyl elongates rapidly and arches upwards pulling the cotyledons which move above the soil. Bean, cotton, papaya, gourd, castor and onion have germination of this kind.

2. Hypogeal Germination:

In this type of germination, the epicotyl elongates and the cotyledons remain below the soil. Pea, mango, maize, rice, gram and groundnut have germination of this kind.

Epicotyl → The upper portion of the axis of the seedling above the cotyledons [Fig. 3.3 (b)].

Hypocotyl → The portion of seedling between the cotyledons and the radicle [Fig. 3.3 (b)].

Epicotyl and Hypocotyl

Conditions necessary for germination :

Water, air and suitable temperature are necessary for seed germination.

Three bean seed experiment :

Tie three bean seeds on a glass slide and keep this slide in water containing beaker in such a way that one seed is completely in water, the middle one is half immersed in water, upper one is in air. After few days we observe that germination has taken place in the middle seed, as it gets all three conditions air, water and temperature (Fig. 3.4).

Three Bean Seed Experiment

Experiment to prove that water is necessary for seed germination :

Some gram or pea seeds are put on dry cotton wool in beaker A and same quality seeds are put on moist cotton wool in beaker B. After two or three days we observe that there is no germination in beaker A while seeds germinate in beaker B. This experiment demonstrates that water (moisture) is necessary for germination (Fig. 3.5).

The question may arise as to why water is necessary for germination? The answer is that food is stored in the seeds in dry condition, but the developing embryo cannot utilize this dry food. Food can be utilized in liquid form only and seeds can utilize only dissolved oxygen. Excess water stops germination because once all the dissolved oxygen is utilised by the seed, further germination is not possible as the life supporting oxygen is now lacking.

Water is necessary for Seed Germination

Experiment to prove that air is necessary for seed germination :

Some seeds of gram or pea are placed on wet cotton wool in beaker A. Some water is boiled in beaker B to expel out dissolved air from water. The hot water is cooled and similar gram seeds are put in it. A few drops of oil are put on the water surface in beaker B to prevent entry of atmospheric air within two or three days it is observed that germination has taken place in beaker A but not in beaker B.

This experiment proves that air (oxygen) is necessary for seed germination (Fig. 3.6). During germination rapid cell division takes place. Energy is required for cell division. This energy is obtained from oxidation. The oxygen required for oxidation is supplied by the air. So, air is necessary for seed germination.

Air is necessary for Seed Germination

To prove that suitable temperature is necessary for seed germination :

Some seeds of gram or pea are put in beaker A & B on wet cotton wool. Beaker A is placed in an icebox containing ice or placed in a refrigerator. Within two or three days, it is observed that there is germination in beaker B but no germination in beaker A. This experiment proves that suitable temperature is necessary for seed germination. (Fig. 3.7).

Suitable Temperature is Necessary for Seed Germination

Suitable temperature is necessary because low temperature retards the embryo activity and high temperature destroys the delicate embryo tissue. Seeds usually germinate between 0°C to 50°C temperature and the optimum temperature usually lies between 25°C to 30°C.

Bean Seed Germination :

Under favourable conditions, bean seed absorbs water from the surroundings and swells up, the seed coat ruptures and the embryo emerges out. The radical grows downwards into the soil and forms root. The hypocotyl grows and becomes straight along with the cotyledons above the soil. Cotyledons form the first green leaves which make food for the growing seedling. The germination is epigeal in bean seed (Fig. 3.8).

Bean Seed Germination

Castor Seed Germination :

Castor Seed Germination

Maize Grain Germination :

The grain absorbs water and swells up. The radicle pierces through the protective sheath coleorhiza and grows downwards to form the root. The plumule pierces through the protective sheath coleoptile and grows straight to form the shoot system. The cotyledons remain underground showing hypogeal germination (Fig. 3.10).

Maize Grain Germination

Related Articles:

  • Seed Germination: Definition and Conditions | Botany
  • Factors Affecting Seed Germination: External and Internal Factors
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Seeds - Structure and Germination

Class 9 - concise biology selina, progress check 1.

Mention whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F)

  • Plumule is the future root and radicle is the future shoot of the plant.
  • Micropyle serves for the emergence of the radicle.
  • Cotyledons in castor are a big store of food for the embryo.
  • Maize grain has a large endosperm.
  • Tegmen is the outermost layer of the seed.
  • False Corrected statement — Plumule is the future shoot and radicle is the future root of the plant.
  • False Corrected statement — Endosperm in castor are a big store of food for the embryo.
  • False Corrected statement — Testa is the outermost layer of the seed.

Progress Check 2

Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct alternative

  • In a dry seed, the embryo is in ............... state. (active/quiescent)
  • Water is absorbed by the seed mainly through ............... . (entire surface/micropyle)
  • Very low temperature ............... the growth of embryo. (inhibits/destroys)
  • Germination in Pea is ............... . (epigeal/hypogeal)
  • Coleoptile is a part found in the germinating ............... . (castor/maize)
  • Alkaline pyrogallic acid is used for absorbing ............... during experiments on germination. (oxygen/carbon dioxide)
  • In a dry seed, the embryo is in quiescent state.
  • Water is absorbed by the seed mainly through micropyle .
  • Very low temperature inhibits the growth of embryo.
  • Germination in Pea is hypogeal .
  • Coleoptile is a part found in the germinating maize .
  • Alkaline pyrogallic acid is used for absorbing oxygen during experiments on germination.

Multiple Choice Type

Which one of the following plant parts is correctly matched with one of its stated characteristic?

  • Mango seed → aleurone layer
  • Bean seed → endosperm

Maize grain → coleoptile

  • Wheat grain → exalbuminous

Reason — Protective sheath enclosing the plumule in monocots like maize is called coleoptile.

Seeds sown very deep in the soil fail to germinate because they

  • cannot exert enough force to push the soil upward.
  • do not get enough sunlight.
  • get too much water.
  • do not get enough oxygen.

do not get enough oxygen & cannot exert enough force to push the soil upward.

Reason — Seeds sown very deep in the soil fail to germinate because of two main reasons:

  • No proper supply of oxygen (for respiration).
  • Insufficient pushing force in the embryonic parts (hypocotyl and epicotyl) to break through the upper layers of soil.

Fruit is a ripened :

Reason — After fertilization the ovary grows to form fruit.

Which of the following is the largest seed ?

Double coconut

Reason — Double coconut has largest seed.

The distinct whitish oval scar on the concave side of the seed is termed as :

Reason — Hilum is the distinct whitish oval scar on the concave side of the seed which represents the spot where the ovule was attached to ovary wall.

The single cotyledon of a maize grain is called:

Reason — The single cotyledon of a maize grain is called Scutellum.

The outermost hard brownish layer of the seed coat is:

  • Aleurone layer

Reason — Seed coat consists of outermost hard brownish layer known as testa and inner layer tegmen.

The part of an embryo which develops into root is

Reason — Radicle develops to form root.

Which of the following statement holds true for a maize grain?

  • The maize grain is a ripened ovary containing a single seed.
  • The fruit wall and seed coat are fused together.
  • The outermost layer of the endosperm is rich in protein.
  • All of the above.

All of the above

Reason — Maize is monocot with fruit wall and seed coat fused together.

Question 10

The kind of germination in which the cotyledons remain underground is :

  • Viviparous germination
  • Epigeal germination
  • Vegetative germination

Hypogeal germination

Reason — When epicotyl elongates, the cotyledons remain underground. This type of germination is known as Hypogeal germination.

Very Short Answer Type

Correct the following false statements by changing the first/last word only.

(a) Plumule develops into the root system.

(b) Testa is the thin inner layer of the seed coat.

(c) Endothelium separates the endosperm and embryonic region in the maize grain.

(d) Hypocotyl elongates faster in hypogeal germination.

(e) Germination is the period of rest in a seed.

(a) Plumule develops into the shoot system .

(b) Tegmen is the thin inner layer of the seed coat.

(c) Epithelium separates the endosperm and embryonic region in the maize grain.

(d) Epicotyl elongates faster in hypogeal germination.

(e) Dormancy is the period of rest in a seed.

Name the following:

(a) A monocotyledonous endospermic seed.

(b) A chemical used in experiments which absorbs oxygen.

(c) Part of the plumule above the embryonic axis of the seed.

(d) A plant which shows viviparous germination.

(e) The layer of endosperm of maize rich in protein.

(f) A seed with folded plumule leaves.

(b) Pyrogallic acid

(d) Rhizophora

(e) Aleurone layer

Fill in the blanks:

(a) In bean seeds, ............... grows faster and the seeds are brought ............... ground.

(b) ............... is a protective layer of radicle and ............... protects the rolled plumule.

(c) A seed is protected by ............... and................

(d) Seeds absorb water through ............... which also helps in diffusion of respiratory gases.

(e) Rice, wheat and maize are rich in ............... food.

(a) In bean seeds, hypocotyl grows faster and the seeds are brought above ground.

(b) Coleorhiza is a protective layer of radicle and coleoptile protects the rolled plumule.

(c) A seed is protected by testa and tegmen .

(d) Seeds absorb water through micropyle which also helps in diffusion of respiratory gases.

(e) Rice, wheat and maize are rich in starch food.

Arrange the following set of terms in order, so as to be in logical sequence. Rewrite the correct order.

(a) Embryo, 1st male gamete, zygote, egg cell, micropyle.

(b) Zygote, embryo, seed, allogamy, fusion of gametes.

(c) Seed coat bursts, hypocotyl elongates, radicle grows downward, hypocotyl forms loop above the soil, epicotyl elongates.

(a) Micropyle, 1st male gamete, egg cell, zygote, embryo.

(b) Allogamy, fusion of gametes, zygote, embryo, seed.

(c) Seed coat bursts, radicle grows downward, hypocotyl elongates, hypocotyl forms loop above the soil, epicotyl elongates.

Give two examples of each of the following :

(a) Monocot albuminous seed.

(b) Dicot albuminous seed.

(c) Monocot non-endospermic seed.

(d) Dicot non-endospermic seed.

(e) Viviparous plant.

(a) Cereals, millets

(b) Poppy, custard apple

(c) Vallisneria, orchids

(d) Pea, Gram

(e) Rhizophora, Sonneratia

Match the terms given in column A with those of column B.

Column AColumn B
ColeoptileRoot system
ScutellumShoot system
Column AColumn B
RadicleRoot system
PlumuleShoot system

(a) Two types of seeds on the basis of the number of cotyledons.

(b) Two types of seeds on the basis of endosperm.

(c) Three necessary conditions for the germination of seeds.

(d) Two main types of germination.

(e) Two layers of the seed coat.

(a) Monocots, Dicots

(b) Albuminous, Exalbuminous

(c) Water, Suitable temperature, Oxygen

(d) Epigeal, Hypogeal

(e) Testa, Tegmen

Short Answer Type

Define the following terms:

(d) Dormancy

(e) Germination

(a) Seed — A ripened ovule, which contains embryo and has capacity to develop into a new plant is called Seed.

(b) Fruits — Enlarged and ripened ovary is called Fruit.

(c) Grain — A fruit in which the fruit wall and the seed coat is fused to form a protective layer is called Grain.

(d) Dormancy — A period of rest when the embryo is inactive inside the seed, is called Dormancy.

(e) Germination — The process of formation of a seedling from embryo is called Germination.

What is the difference between an embryo and a seed?

It is a mature ovule after fertilization.Embryo remains within the seed in an inactive or dormant state.
It contains a tiny living plant called the embryo.When embryo is exposed to favourable conditions, then it germinates.

Germinated grams are considered highly nutritive. What is the reason for this belief?

Germinated grams are considered highly nutritive because the cotyledon of the seed absorbs food from the endosperm, making it nutritive. It is rich in starch and its outermost layer is rich in protein.

Why do we not use the terms maize fruit and maize seed? What do we say instead?

A fruit is a fertilised ovary and a seed is a fertilized matured ovule which contains an embryo or a growing plant. Maize grain is actually a fruit in which the fruit wall and the seed coat are fused together to form a protective layer. Therefore, we do not use the terms maize fruit and maize seed. Instead, we call such fruits as grains.

Long Answer type

Distinguish between the following pairs :

(a) Monocotyledonous and Dicotyledonous seeds

(b) Epicotyl and Hypocotyl

(c) Epigeal and Hypogeal germination

(d) Radicle and Plumule

(e) Albuminous and Exalbuminous seeds

(a) Difference between Monocotyledonous and Dicotyledonous seeds:

Monocotyledonous seedDicotyledonous seeds
Single cotyledonTwo cotyledons
Large endospermNo endosperm or less endosperm
Plumule leaves rolledPlumule leaves folded
Hilum and micropyle not visible.Hilum and micropyle visible.
Fruit wall and seed wall are fused.Seed are present inside the fruit separately.

(b) Difference between Epicotyl and Hypocotyl:

The segment of the embryo or axis between the plumule and the cotyledons is known as epicotyl.The segment of the embryo or axis between radical and the cotyledons is called Hypocotyl.
If the epicotyl elongates, the cotyledons remain underground and the germination is then called hypogeal germination.If the hypocotyl elongates, the cotyledons are pushed above the ground and the germination is then called epigeal germination.

(c) Difference between Epigeal and Hypogeal germination:

Epigeal germinationHypogeal germination
Cotyledons are pushed above the ground.Cotyledons remain underground.
Hypocotyl elongates faster.Epicotyl elongates faster.
Usually occurs in dicotyledonous seeds.Usually occurs in monocotyledonous seeds.

(d) Difference between Radicle and Plumule:

Radicle is the part of embryo that gives rise to the root.Plumule is the part of embryo that give rise to the shoot.
Radicle is the first structure to emerge during germination.Plumule remains enclosed within the seed until germination occurs.
Radicle grows downward into the soil and anchors the plant, absorbing water and nutrients from the ground.Plumule emerges from the seed and grows upwards, eventually developing into the stem and leaves of the plant.

(e) Difference between Albuminous and Exalbuminous seeds:

Albuminous seedsExalbuminous seeds
Cotyledons are thin and membranous.Cotyledons are thick and fleshy.
Endosperm persists.Endosperm does not persist.

What are the functions of the following in a seed?

(a) Seed coat

(b) Micropyle

(c) Cotyledons

(d) Radicle

(e) Plumule

(a) Seed coat — A seed coat protects the delicate inner parts of the seed from injury and from the attack of bacteria, fungi and insects. It also plays a crucial role in regulating seed dormancy. The seed coat prevents premature germination by providing a barrier that restricts water and gas exchange.

(b) Micropyle — It serves two functions:

  • When soaked in water, the seeds absorb water mainly through the micropyle and make it available to the embryo for germination.
  • It provides for the diffusion of respiratory gases for the growing embryo.

(c) Cotyledons — Cotyledons contain food for the embryo and protect it.

(d) Radicle — Radicle is the embryonic root of the plant. It grows downward into the soil and anchors the plant, absorbing water and nutrients from the ground. It develops into the primary root of the plant, which later gives rise to the entire root system.

(e) Plumule — Plumule is the embryonic shoot of the plant. It grows upwards and is responsible for the development of the above-ground parts of the plant, including stems, branches, and leaves.

Suggest an experiment to prove that a suitable temperature is necessary for germination.

Aim — To prove that a suitable temperature is necessary for germination.

Apparatus — Two beakers, wet cotton wool, refrigerator

Procedure —

(1) Take two beakers and label them as A and B.

(2) Place some gram seeds on wet cotton wool in each of the beakers.

(3) Keep beaker A at ordinary room temperature and beaker B in the refrigerator.

(4) In 1-2 days, the seeds in beaker A will germinate, showing the importance of a suitable temperature for germination. Seeds in beaker B may not show the signs of germination or may germinate after several days, though not to the extent as the seeds in beaker A.

Inference — Seeds require a suitable temperature for germination.

Sometimes the potatoes kept in a basket during the late rainy season start giving out small shoots. Would you call it germination? Give reason in support of your answer.

Yes, we call it germination because all the changes leading to the formation of a seedling collectively constitute germination. During germination, either the epicotyl or the hypocotyl elongates.

Give two differences in each of the following pairs:

(a) Coleorhiza and coleoptile

(b) Bean seed and maize grain

(c) Germination and vivipary

(a) Two differences between Coleorhiza and Coleoptile:

Protective sheath of radicleProtective sheath of plumule
Present towards the pointed end of embryonic regionPresent towards the upper broader side of the embryonic region

(b) Two differences between Bean seed and Maize grain:

Bean seedMaize grain
Two cotyledonsOne cotyledon
No endospermLarge endosperm present

(c) Two differences between Germination and vivipary:

When the embryo in the seed becomes activated and begins to grow into a new plant, then it is known as germination.Vivipary is known as the germination of seed within the fruit, while it is still attached to the parent plant.
Germination is a common and widespread method of plant reproduction.Vivipary is less common and is typically observed in plant species adapted to specific environments, such as wetlands or coastal areas.

Justify the statement that the maize grain is a 'one seeded fruit'.

A fruit is the enlarged ripened ovary in which the ovarian wall forms the fruit wall and encloses the seed. The fruit protects the seed and helps in seed dispersal. The maize grain is regarded as a 'one-seeded fruit' because the fruit wall and the seed coat are fused to form a protective layer. Such a fruit is called grain.

What is the role played by the hypocotyl in epigeal germination?

Germination of a seed which takes place above the ground is called epigeal germination. In epigeal germination, the hypocotyl grows forming a loop above the soil. It then straightens pushing the cotyledons above the ground.

Draw a neat and labelled diagram of :

(a) A twig of viviparous plant showing its germination.

(b) A seedling growing in soil.

(a) Diagram of a twig of viviparous plant showing its germination:

(b) Diagram of a seedling growing in soil:

Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the 'Experimental set-up of three-bean seed experiment' and mention the necessity of each condition for the germination of seeds.

Experimental set-up of three-bean seed experiment is shown in the diagram below:

The observations of the three-bean seed experiment are as follows:

  • The middle seed germinates. It gets both oxygen and water.
  • The top seed does not germinate at all. It gets only oxygen but no water.
  • The bottom seed does not germinate or stops germinating after the emergence of a small radicle. It gets water but very little oxygen (from the air dissolved in water).

Water, suitable temperature and air (oxygen) are necessary for germination.

  • By absorbing water, the seed swells and consequently the seed coat ruptures allowing the elongating radicle to come out and form the root system.
  • Water is essential for chemical reactions and enzyme action on stored food in cotyledons or endosperm, converting it into a diffusable (dissolved) form for the developing embryo.
  • Suitable temperature — A moderately warm temperature (25°C to 35°C) is usually favourable for germination which is also called optimum temperature. A very low temperature inhibits the growth of the embryo and a very high temperature destroys its delicate tissues.
  • Oxygen — Oxygen is needed for respiration that provides energy for the rapid cell division and cell growth during germination.

Structured/Application/Skill type

The figure shown below represents the internal structure of a certain seed. Study the figure and answer the following questions.

(a) Identify the seed and mention whether it is mono or dicotyledonous.

(b) Label the guidelines 1 to 4.

(c) Write an important role of part 2.

(d) Mention the food component found in part 4.

(e) What kind of germination takes place in the above mentioned seed ?

(a) It is a Bean seed that is dicotyledonous .

(b) The labelled guidelines are:

  • 1 → Plumule
  • 2 → Radicle
  • 4 → Cotyledons

(c) Radicle grows downward into the soil and anchors the plant, absorbing water and nutrients from the ground. It develops into the primary root of the plant, which later gives rise to the entire root system.

(d) Protein

(e) Epigeal germination

With regard to germination in bean seed, answer the following questions:

(a) State the function of the 'Micropyle'.

(b) Name the part of the seed that grows into the seedling.

(c) Name the part of the seed that provides nutrition for the growing seedling.

(d) Draw a neat labelled diagram of a mature bean seed.

(a) The 'Micropyle' serves two important functions:

  • Allows absorption of water and makes it available to the embryo for germination.
  • Enables diffusion of respiratory gases for the growing embryo.

(b) The embryo of the seed grows into the seedling.

(c) The cotyledons of the seed provide nutrition for the growing seedling or the embryo.

(d) Below is the diagram of a mature bean seed:


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Introduction: (initial observation).

A seed is a miracle waiting to happen. The embryo comes pre-packaged with a food supply and the vital genetic information needed to become a plant just like its parents. Seeds exist in a state of dormancy, absorbing oxygen, giving off carbon dioxide, and slowly using up their stored food reserves. During this process the seed continually monitors the external environment waiting for ideal conditions specific for the particular seed. Once the ideal conditions occur, the seed breaks dormancy and germinates.

In this project, you must display different stages of seed germination. You can plant different seeds and get sample at different stages and use them for your display and report.

This project guide contains information that you need in order to start your project. If you have any questions or need more support about this project, click on the “ Ask Question ” button on the top of this page to send me a message.

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Project advisor

Germination : To begin to sprout or grow.

Information Gathering:

Gather information about seed germination and plant growth. Read books, magazines or ask professionals who might know in order to learn about what a seed needs in order to germinate. Keep track of where you got your information from.

Following are samples of information that you may find:

A seed certainly looks dead. It does not seem to move, to grow, nor do anything.

Indeed if a seed is not allowed to germinate (sprout) within some certain length of time, the embryo inside will die. Each species of seed has a certain length of viability. Some maple species have seeds that need to sprout within two weeks of being dispersed, or they die. Some seeds of Lotus plants are known to be up to 2000 years old and still can be germinated.


Farmers know the best season and conditions for sowing different seeds. A database for such information is also available online .

A seed contains an embryonic plant in a resting condition, and germination is its resumption of growth. Seeds will begin to germinate when the soil temperature is in the appropriate range and when water and oxygen are available.

Germination in Dicots

  • The primary root emerges through the seed coats while the seed is still buried in the soil.
  • The hypocotyl emerges from the seed coats and pushes its way up through the soil. It is bent in a hairpin shape — the hypocotyl arch — as it grows up. The two cotyledons protect the epicotyl structures — the plumule — from mechanical damage.
  • Once the hypocotyl arch emerges from the soil, it straightens out. This response is triggered by light.

With the first warm days of spring, gardeners are anxious to get their vegetable seed in the ground. Unfortunately, it is not the air temperature, but the soil temperature that controls seed germination. We have to wait for the soil temperature to reach the optimum for a specific crop if we hope to get a good stand of vigorous seedlings.

Question/ Purpose:

What do you want to find out? Write a statement that describes what you want to do. Use your observations and questions to write the statement.

The purpose of this project is to display different stages of seed germination. You may also want to study on certain questions such as:

  • How long does it take for Kidney Beans to germinate?
  • What is the rate of germination in Kidney Beans?

Identify Variables:

When you think you know what variables may be involved, think about ways to change one at a time. If you change more than one at a time, you will not know what variable is causing your observation. Sometimes variables are linked and work together to cause something. At first, try to choose variables that you think act independently of each other.

This project can be a display project with no questions. In this case you will not need to identify any variables.

If you are studying on a question such as the rate of germination, then type of bean and germination rate are your variables.

Type of bean is called an independent variable. Germination rate is called the dependent variable.

If you are studying on a question such as the speed of germination, then type of bean and the speed of germination are your variables.

Type of bean is called an independent variable. The speed of germination is called the dependent variable.


Based on your gathered information, make an educated guess about what types of things affect the system you are working with. Identifying variables is necessary before you can make a hypothesis.

A display project will not need a hypothesis. An experimental project will need you to write a hypothesis. Following are sample hypothesis that might be used for the proposed questions.

My hypothesis is that all seeds will germinate.

My hypothesis is that seeds will germinate in about 10 days.

Experiment Design:

Design an experiment to test each hypothesis. Make a step-by-step list of what you will do to answer each question. This list is called an experimental procedure. For an experiment to give answers you can trust, it must have a “control.” A control is an additional experimental trial or run. It is a separate experiment, done exactly like the others. The only difference is that no experimental variables are changed. A control is a neutral “reference point” for comparison that allows you to see what changing a variable does by comparing it to not changing anything. Dependable controls are sometimes very hard to develop. They can be the hardest part of a project. Without a control you cannot be sure that changing the variable causes your observations. A series of experiments that includes a control is called a “controlled experiment.”

Experiment 1:

In this experiment you grow some lentils and observe their germination and growth. Lentil is a good seed for germination experiments.

  • Fill up a cup with lentils and transfer it to a bowel.
  • Add water to the bowel to about 1 inch over the lentils. Let it sit for 24 hours (one day) at room temperature (72ºF to 85ºF).
  • Discard excess water in the bowel and transfer moistened lentils to another plate. The layer of lentils in this plate can be 1/2 inch to 1 inch.
  • Cover the plate and lentils with a wet piece of cloth.
  • Inspect the lentils every day by removing the cloth. Use a spray bottle to moisten the seeds (lentils) while you are inspecting the seeds. Record any changes that you notice in your notebook. Add some water to the plate so the seeds at the bottom of the plate will also have access to enough water. Put back the cloth and moisten it with a spray gun.
  • If the changes that you observe are noticeable, remove one of the seeds and draw a picture of that. Write the date next to your drawing. Use a tape to connect the seed next to your drawing.
  • In about 10 to 15 days, seeds will germinate and will need light to continue their growth. Remove the cloth and put a desk lamp with a 60 watt bulb about 2 feet above the seeds. Leave the light on.
  • Continue daily observation, recording your notes and watering the seeds. Note that seeds must not be left dry. Also too much water is not good for plant either. In other words, plant roots must have access to both air and water. Too much water does not let the roots get the air that they need.

Lentils can grow quite high in this way and make a nice display.

the three bean seed experiment

If you are going to use a plastic or ceramic pot instead of a plate, fill the bottom of the pot with sand and make sure that the pot has a hole for excess water to exit.

Advanced experiments and collecting data

Higher grade students may need to compare the germination rate of different seeds and record their data in a data table. This is how you may do this:

Get 100 lentils and germinate them as described above. A few days after germination, count the number of lentils that are germinated and record the results in your notes.

Repeat your experiment with other seeds or beans such as white beans, red beans, kidney beans and peas.

For each type of seed you test grow 100 of them and finally count the number of seeds that are germinated.

Record your results in a table like this:

the three bean seed experiment


Need a graph?

You can visually present your results by making a bar graph. Make one vertical bar for each seed you test. Under each bar write the name of seed it represents. The height of bar will show the number of seeds germinated. 

Experiment 2: Observing Seed Germination

Introduction: Planting a seed next to a clear glass can give us the opportunity to view different stages of seed germination and take pictures or draw diagrams of each stage.

Fill up a clear glass cup with a role of paper towel.

Insert 4 Kidney Beans between the paper towels and the glass. Keep the beans away from each other, for example, place one Kidney Bean in each quarter of the cup.

Make five of these cups, each with four Kidney Beans.

the three bean seed experiment

Add some water to the cups so the paper towels will be moist; however no water must drip when you turn the cup upside down. Excess water can be harmful.

Place all the cups in a warm place. No light is necessary before germination.

Inspect the cups every day and moisten the paper towels again if needed.

Take pictures or make drawings of different stages of seed germination. Use pictures or drawings for your display.

A seed contains all the nutrients that it needs for germination, so you do not need to add any nutrients to the water.

This experiment can be performed with varieties of different seeds. Pictures on the right show how your display may look depending on the type of seeds that you test. ( Pictures are not Kidney Beans )

Rotate the cups, so they will all get the same amount of heat, light exposure and air.

When you see the first real leaves, you can make your final observation and record your results.

the three bean seed experiment

Count the number of seeds that germinated.

What percentage of all seeds are germinated? (divide the number of germinated seeds by total number of seeds)

Do the results support your hypothesis?

the three bean seed experiment

Note that the shrunken paper towel allows air to get to the roots. Both air and moisture are required for the young plant.

the three bean seed experiment

Materials and Equipment:

  • Kidney Beans
  • Paper towel
  • Clear glass cups

Results of Experiment (Observation):

Experiments are often done in series. A series of experiments can be done by changing one variable a different amount each time. A series of experiments is made up of separate experimental “runs.” During each run you make a measurement of how much the variable affected the system under study. For each run, a different amount of change in the variable is used. This produces a different amount of response in the system. You measure this response, or record data, in a table for this purpose. This is considered “raw data” since it has not been processed or interpreted yet. When raw data gets processed mathematically, for example, it becomes results.


You will need to calculate the rate of germination by dividing the number of germinated seeds by total number of seeds.

Summary of Results:

Summarize what happened. This can be in the form of a table of processed numerical data, or graphs. It could also be a written statement of what occurred during experiments.

It is from calculations using recorded data that tables and graphs are made. Studying tables and graphs, we can see trends that tell us how different variables cause our observations. Based on these trends, we can draw conclusions about the system under study. These conclusions help us confirm or deny our original hypothesis. Often, mathematical equations can be made from graphs. These equations allow us to predict how a change will affect the system without the need to do additional experiments. Advanced levels of experimental science rely heavily on graphical and mathematical analysis of data. At this level, science becomes even more interesting and powerful.


Using the trends in your experimental data and your experimental observations, try to answer your original questions. Is your hypothesis correct? Now is the time to pull together what happened, and assess the experiments you did.

Related Questions & Answers:

What you have learned may allow you to answer other questions. Many questions are related. Several new questions may have occurred to you while doing experiments. You may now be able to understand or verify things that you discovered when gathering information for the project. Questions lead to more questions, which lead to additional hypothesis that need to be tested.

Possible Errors:

If you did not observe anything different than what happened with your control, the variable you changed may not affect the system you are investigating. If you did not observe a consistent, reproducible trend in your series of experimental runs there may be experimental errors affecting your results. The first thing to check is how you are making your measurements. Is the measurement method questionable or unreliable? Maybe you are reading a scale incorrectly, or maybe the measuring instrument is working erratically.

If you determine that experimental errors are influencing your results, carefully rethink the design of your experiments. Review each step of the procedure to find sources of potential errors. If possible, have a scientist review the procedure with you. Sometimes the designer of an experiment can miss the obvious.


List of References

the three bean seed experiment

It is always important for students, parents and teachers to know a good source for science related equipment and supplies they need for their science activities. Please note that many online stores for science supplies are managed by MiniScience.


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Science Project

Summer Research Program for Science Teachers

Joanne T. Giordano

Village Community School

Using the Scientific Method to Determine Which Conditions Best Favor Plant Growth

7 th grade (Life Science)


(A) Students will develop an understanding of how environmental conditions affect biological processes.

(B) Students will determine the optimal conditions for the germination of bean seeds by tracking and recording growth patterns under variable conditions in a lab notebook using the scientific method format.

(C) Students will be able to define what a variable is, and specifically name which ones we are manipulating in this experiment. *(The conditions which will be considered include light, moisture, oxygen concentration, and temperature.)

(D) Students will write about their observations in narrative form in order to analyze the variables as represented by their data and draw meaningful conclusions from it.


Day 1: 30-40 minutes

Days 2 & 3: 10 minutes

Day 4: 20 minutes

PRE-LAB PREP ( for the teacher ):

(1) Obtain viable bean seeds from a local garden center.

(2) Make a list of student teams for the experiment (2-3 per group).

(3) Review the following terms: viable, germination, seedling, cotyledon . Show a visual of how a germinating bean seed looks and elicit questions and responses. (i.e.: Viable seeds germinate and grow by receiving nourishment from the cotyledon. What other factors contribute to their growth? ) [ 5-8 Content Standard C - Structure and function in living systems]

(4) Arrange to use a refrigerator or get a cooler of ice to use over the three-day lab period. Keep replenishing ice as needed; don't allow melted ice water to seep into seed cups placed on the ice.

(5) On lab day, check each team's setup to make sure the conditions have been properly represented. You may also want to discuss what the five setups represent:

Cup 1: Seeds deprived of water at room temperature.

Cup 2: Seeds that are watered at room temperature.

Cup 3: Seeds that are watered at cold temperature.

Cup 4: Seeds that are watered in room temperature with no light.

Cup 5: Seeds that are watered in room temperature with no oxygen.

Note : The Data Table may vary among teams, but should reveal that seeds fail to germinate when deprived of oxygen, water and warm temperatures.

Five small paper cups per team

Fifteen viable bean seeds per team

Potting soil

One black piece of felt (large enough to drape over one cup) per team

Refrigerator or cooler

Masking tape

Cotton balls

Petroleum jelly

Plastic wrap

Rubber bands.

[ Teaching Standard D - Make accessible science materials]

(1) Add potting soil to the cups so that each is about ½ full.

(2) Plant 3 bean seeds in each cup at a depth equal to the length of the seeds. Space seeds around the edge of the cup.

(3) Label the cups 1-5.

(4) Add the following:

Cup 1: Don't add anything to this cup during the experiment other than the seeds.

Cup 2: Add water until the soil is damp. Don't soak the soil. Water this cup each day for the next 2 days.

Cup 3: Add water until the soil is damp. Water this cup each day for the next 2 days. Place this container in a refrigerator or in an ice chest for the rest of the experiment. *(Make sure team members have their names on the cup to avoid mix-ups.)

Cup 4: Add water until the soil is damp. Water this cup each day for the next two days. Place a piece of black felt over this cup except for when you are watering it.

Cup 5: Add water until the soil is damp. Place several cotton balls that have been thoroughly covered with vaseline, so they completely cover the soil surface. Smear a layer of petroleum jelly around the top rim of the cup. Place a piece of plastic wrap on top of the petroleum jelly so that it completely covers the opening of the cup. Use a rubber band to firmly hold the seal in place and to keep out oxygen.

(5) Place the cups in a location where they will not be disturbed for the next 3 days.

(6) Each day for the next 2-3 days, observe what is occurring in each cup and record it in a data table in your lab notebook. It should have a title such as "Conditions for Germination", and should be set up in 3 rows by 5 columns. The five columns should be labeled with each cup number. The three rows should be labeled: "After 24 hours", "After 48 hours" and "After 72 hours". The total number of seeds that have germinated in each cup should be recorded in the proper column corresponding to the associated time interval. *(Students should be asked to comment on their observations each day, beginning to reflect on why certain things are happening or not.)

(7) A conclusion should be written in narrative form following an analysis of the data. Some questions that can serve as an outline for this statement are as follows:

In what cups did germination occur? Why do you think so? [ 5-8 Content Standard A - Cause and effect relations]

Is light required for germination? Explain your reasoning.

Is oxygen required for germination? Explain.

Is water require for germination? Explain.

Can seeds germinate under cold conditions? Explain.

List the conditions necessary for the germination of a seed. [ 5-8 Content Standard C - Regulation]

At what point in their development do you think plants must receive light to survive? Why?

How could you manipulate the variables to design a new experimental trial? [ Teaching Standard B - Orchestrate scientific discourse]


Using the "Learning Outcomes" as a guide, students can be asked to design a new experiment manipulating the given variables by degree or in new combinations, or to set up a new trial using a hydroponics medium in place of the soil. [ 5-8 Content Standard A - Design a scientific investigation]

I would also ask students to write something that applies their knowledge, such as a discussion of other fluids that might be substituted for water if we were trying to germinate seeds on another planet.

This lesson plan was obtained from Scientific Investigations: A Middle School Teacher Resource Book , written by Elaine Wood and Pam Walker, and published by Instructional Fair - TS Denison (Grand Rapids, MI), 1997. ISBN: 1-56822-424-9.

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Science project, pinto bean germination experiment.

the three bean seed experiment

Ready, set, grow! How long does it take for a bean to get growing? How does a beanstalk grow in the first place? In this experiment, you’ll investigate the growth of pinto beans and see if you can create a stronger bean plant by giving plants the nutrients they need to survive and thrive.

Track the growth of a pinto bean seedling.

  • Paper towels
  • 5 Clear plastic cups
  • 10 Pinto bean seeds
  • 5 Plant misters
  • Magnifying glass
  • Permanent marker
  • Wood ash from a fireplace
  • Liquid kelp fertilizer
  • Liquid fish fertilizer
  • 1 tsp. Epsom salts
  • Place your clear plastic cups on a table. These will be your bean nurseries.
  • Line the inside of each cup with a paper towel folded in half.
  • Squish a few paper towels together and stuff them into the cups, making sure that the paper towel lining the cup is firmly pressed against the plastic. 
  • Now, get your nutrients ready. Fill up each plant mister with water.
  • The first mister will only contain water. Add a tablespoon of finely ground wood ash from a fireplace to the second mister. Add the manufacturer’s recommended amount of a liquid kelp fertilizer to the third. Add the manufacturer’s recommended amount of liquid fish fertilizer to the fourth. Add a teaspoon of Epsom salts to the fifth. Make sure that the liquid in each is well-mixed.
  • Label each mister and each cup—water, ash, kelp, fish, and Epsom Salts.
  • Use a pair of thin tweezers to carefully place two bean seeds in the cup between the liner and the plastic and on opposites sides. Use the plant mister filled with water to spray the paper towels until they are moist, but not too wet.
  • Do the same with each cup, spraying the paper towels with the corresponding mister. 
  • Place all of the cups in a warm, sunny location. Watch the bean seeds in each container over the course of a week. What happens to the seeds? Do any of them grow more quickly than the others? Why or why not?

After 4 to 5 days, the growing bean seedlings will begin to sprout.

Inside a seed, there’s a whole new plant waiting to grow. If you take apart one of your bean seeds, you will discover that there are two sides that look like the mirror image of each other. Inside a growing bean seed, you’ll see the radicle , the future root. After the radicle emerges from the seed, out come the hypocotyl and the upper part of the shoot, the epicotyl . This shoot comes out of the top of the plant and pushes up the emerging baby leaves. Some plants go through this process more quickly than others. For a pinto bean, its germination usually begins after four to five days.

Plants need water and light to grow. They also need nutrients, and this is where your different plant misters come in. Nutrients are like vitamins for a plant; like food helps humans maintain the different processes that go on in our bodies, nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium do the same for plants. Plants need large amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, and they need smaller amounts of other nutrients such as magnesium and sulphur.

Wood ash is high in potassium, which provides the correct environment for plant metabolism. Fish fertilizer is high in nitrogen. Nitrogen helps plants make chlorophyll, which allows them to make their own food. It also helps plants create many of their structural parts and metabolic processes. Epsom salts are high in magnesium, which also helps plants create chlorophyll and helps them take in other nutrients. Liquid kelp fertilizer is full of many micronutrients. Which one helped your bean seeds growth the most? Can you think of an experiment that would help you test this in the long term? Do you think that different nutrients are important at different stages of growth?

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The Edible Schoolyard Project

ESY Berkeley Teaching Staff Edible Schoolyard Project Berkeley, CA

  • Life Sciences

Students will be able to:

  • Identify and label basic root structures with appropriate terminology.
  • Describe the process of germination using a narrative structure
  • Observe and sketch a plant and hypothesize on the root structure of that plant.
  • A computer, tablet or phone to watch the video
  • Germination of a Bean Seed – Student Version
  • A piece of paper or a notebook
  • A pen or pencil
  • Haiku Template
  • Some colored pencils or marker
  • Questions for Bean Plant Video
  • Bean Time-Lapse Video

Before you begin

  • Collect all the materials listed above.
  • Included in a lesson is a downloadable student version of the lesson plan, which details all directions on how to complete the lesson.  
  • This lesson includes worksheets. If you are not able to provide students with paper copies of the lesson or if students do not have printers, please direct them to copy the worksheets onto a sheet of paper.
  • For the worksheets that accompany this video we have provided fillable PDFs.
  • Students will watch a time-lapse video about the growth of the bean seed. To view the video, students will go to

Watch again and write

  • Students will watch the video again and pause it from as needed to respond to a series of prompts.
  • Students will write a haiku or short poem informed by their observations.


  • Students will observe the plants and trees close to their home and sketch what they see while imagining the vast root systems below.
  • Germinate: to begin to grow or develop
  • Seedling: a young plant
  • Root: the part of the plant that is usually below ground, affixes the plant to the soil and absorbs water and nutrients
  • Taproot: a straight tapering root growing vertically downward and forming the center from which subsidiary rootlets spring
  • Root hair: a hairlike outgrowth of a plant root
  • Leaf: a flattened structure of a higher plant, typically green and blade-like, that is attached to a stem directly or via a stalk/stem
  • Branch: a part of a tree which grows out from the trunk
  • Trunk: the thick main stem of a tree from which its branches grow
  • Stem: the main body of a stalk of a plant that gives rise to leaves and flowers
  • Syllable:   an interrupted segment of speech (e.g., “gar-den” has two syllables)
  • Time lapse: a type of video or photography that shows a long time period quickly
  • Extend this lesson by having students show a family member or friend their drawing. Then have them describe the different parts of the tree or plant. Finally, collaborate with that family member or friend to draw another plant together.

the three bean seed experiment

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What Type of Bean Seeds to Use for a Science Experiment

What Type of Bean Seeds to Use for a Science Experiment

How to Calculate Plant Density

If you're interested in plants and biology, a few bean seeds can form the basis of lots of fun science experiments. It's exciting to watch bean seeds sprout and turn into plants. If you don't have bean seeds in your pantry, buy them from your local garden store or supermarket.

TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Read)

Most types of dried bean seeds are suitable for science experiments such as growing beans in a bag, testing germination rate and working out what factors affect bean seed growth. If you want quick results, go for fast sprouters like lima beans, pinto beans and mung beans.

Growing Beans in a Bag

Growing beans in a bag is a great first lesson in plant biology. You can check the the progress of your seeds every day and witness them transforming into plants with roots on a stem. You need a plastic zip-top bag, a paper towel and a few bean seeds. For this experiment, any variety of dried bean from your pantry will do, but lima beans, pinto beans, mung beans and lentil beans typically sprout the fastest.

Testing Germination Rate

With a variation on the basic zip-top bag experiment, you can test the germination rate of 10 bean seeds. Use a black permanent marker to draw a frame with 10 sections on the bag. Place a moistened paper towel inside the bag, and then place one bean seed in each section of the frame. Make sure you place the bag on a flat surface (in a sunny area) to keep the seeds in place in the frame. Predict how many of the bean seeds will germinate, and then check your prediction after the seeds have germinated. Multiply the number of germinated seeds by 10 to work out the germination rate as a percentage. For example, if six seeds germinated, that's 60 percent of the 10 seeds in the bag.

It doesn't really matter what type of bean seed you use for this experiment, but larger seeds like lima beans are better for younger children's smaller fingers to grasp hold of.

Factors Affecting Bean Seed Growth

A more advanced experiment than growing beans in a bag looks at how different factors affect how a seed sprouts and grows roots. To find out whether seeds grow quicker in soil, put three to four dried bean seeds inside a zip-top bag with a paper towel. Plant another three to four dried bean seeds in a plastic cup filled three-quarters full with potting soil. Place the bag and the cup where they will receive sunlight during the day and monitor their progress. Mung beans are a good choice for this experiment because they are small seeds and can grow in compact places. For variations of the soil experiment, use different amounts of water, sunlight and fertilizer to observe how these factors affect plant growth.

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  • The Science Kiddo: Growing Beans in a Bag

About the Author

Claire is a writer and editor with 18 years' experience. She writes about science and health for a range of digital publications, including Reader's Digest, HealthCentral, Vice and Zocdoc.

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Bean There, Done That

Mung beans are a healthy food source that grow without being planted in soil. To begin the growth process, they are soaked in water for twelve hours over night. Afterward, the water is poured out and the beans start growing [courtesy of photosynthesis*]. My experiment explores whether it is better to soak mung beans in plain water, salt water, sugar-water or vinegar-water for optimal growth. The problem with raising these beans is that they can be completely unpredictable when sprouting and it is uncertain how long they will take to grow.

* Photosynthesis is the way plants eat. To make food, all plants need carbon dioxide, light and water. Plants use these materials and turn them into sugar and oxygen. The sugar is used for food and the oxygen is breathed out. This is photosynthesis.

My hypothesis is that the sugar water will be best for raising the mung beans and vinegar will be the worst. I think this because plants, [ beans, flowers, etc.] take water and turn it into food [thanks to photosynthesis] that tastes like sugar. If they have sugar in the water already, perhaps the beans won’t have to go  through the complete process from scratch.


The beans soaked in each of the different water solutions  for twelve hours overnight.  The sugar solution beans absorbed the most liquid, while the vinegar solution absorbed the least.

The water solution was emptied out each mason jar and the beans were rinsed with clean water.  As much liquid has been emptied from the jars as possible and they have been left in the window for sun exposure.  The sugar beans have started sprouting several small sprouts. The water-only beans have only one sprout, though it is larger than than the sugar bean sprouts.  Salt and vinegar have been equally unresponsive.

mung day 1

The sugar beans continue to have the most sprout, sprouting far more than the water-only beans.  Salt and vinegar have still made no process.  The vinegar solution is still present at the bottom of its jar; the mung beans have been unable to absorb all of this solution.

Sugar and water continue to grow new sprouts, with the sugar solution still leading in the amount of beans sprouted. Vinegar has finally soaked up all of its liquid, but has not sprouted yet.

mung day 3

Sugar has plenty sprouts and is looking healthy. Water has fewer sprouts than sugar, but is looking just as healthy. Vinegar still has no sprouts, and salt finally grew one.  When compared overall, the beans from the sugar solution are clearly processing liquid the best, with maximum growth/sprouts occurring.

mung day 4

The sugar beans grew best, with water in a far second. The water was good for growing the mung beans, but sugar is definitely the best source. The salt solution did grow a single sprout, but will not be best for future experiments. The vinegar solution didn’t grow sprouts at all, so it will definitely not be used in future experiments. This experiment has proved my hypothesis correct.


  • 14 dry measuring cup
  • Liquid measuring cup
  • 4 Mason jars
  • Cheese cloth
  • Rubber bands
  • Photosynthesis for Kids
  • Gardening Know How

Parent Notes:

  • My daughter did not save the links to the aforementioned resources. This is an exact copy/paste of her google doc.
  • We found the mung beans were easy to sprout from
  • This project received a high grade
  • shopping and transportation
  • developing pictures
  • help with unit conversions in solutions
  • cover image courtesy wikipedia


  1. Identify the seeds that will germinate properly

    the three bean seed experiment

  2. Chapter 6: Seeds

    the three bean seed experiment

  3. Please explain me the three-bean seeds experiment in a simple language

    the three bean seed experiment

  4. The Three-Bean Experiment DIagram to demonstrate germination Experimental Diagram ll

    the three bean seed experiment

  5. An experiment to prove the importance of necessary factors for the

    the three bean seed experiment

  6. Three bean seeds Experiment! |Seed germination

    the three bean seed experiment



  2. Time-Lapse Growth of a Bean Seed

  3. What is a fully developed node when staging R3 soybeans?

  4. Three Bean Experiment by Seema Bansal ma'am

  5. Dry Bean Seed Experiment P.1 #homesteading #selfsufficiency #seedsaving #seedstarting

  6. Year 3 Science, Lesson 26, Experiment(2)


  1. Growing Beans in the Classroom

    Experiment Variations This experiment helps students learn the basic needs of seeds and plants. What happens if they don't get what they need? Prepare a few extra jars with beans and alter some of their growing conditions. Observe what happens.

  2. Germination of Plant

    An experiment named the " Three bean experiment " also demonstrates the necessity of oxygen, water, and temperature for seed germination. This experiment makes the use of 3 bean seeds:

  3. How to Perform a Bean Seed Dissection Experiment: 9 Steps

    One of the best ways to learn about the world is to perform hands-on experiments. One popular preschool experiment is a bean dissection and observation experiment. This project allows the child to learn how bean seeds evolve and develop, which can lead to further questions about plant and animal life. Be sure to provide adult supervision, as this project requires the use of a knife. Part 1

  4. Three Bean Seed Experiment (Science Activity for kids)

    Three Bean Seed Experiment (Science Activity for kids) Mohammed Muwahid 8 subscribers 12 979 views 2 years ago Germination of Seed ...more Germination of Seed

  5. What are the three conditions necessary for the germination of seeds

    Experiment: Three mature dried bean seeds are taken and tied on a wooden strip at three different positions (above the figure). This strip is placed in a beaker containing water in such a way that the lower seed is completely submerged in water, the middle seed is partially submerged inside the water and the top seed is kept above water.

  6. Plant Science

    Find out how to grow a bean in a jar in this cool plant science experiment. Try growing one in the dark and one in the light.

  7. Parts of a Bean Seed

    Check out this fun and easy science fair project idea on germination of a seed and learn to identify exterior and interior parts of a bean seed.

  8. Dissect a Bean Seed: Kitchen Science for Kids

    Dissect a Bean Seed: Kitchen Science for Kids Science doesn't always have to be complicated. In this simple kitchen science project, kids dissect a bean seed and investigate the parts of a bean seed to learn a little more about seed science and how plants grow from seeds. This easy kitchen science experiment is fast, easy, and the perfect simple activity to do right before planting your own ...

  9. Germination of Seed: Types, Condition Required and Other Details

    Three bean seed experiment: Tie three bean seeds on a glass slide and keep this slide in water containing beaker in such a way that one seed is completely in water, the middle one is half immersed in water, upper one is in air.

  10. Seeds

    Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the 'Experimental set-up of three-bean seed experiment' and mention the necessity of each condition for the germination of seeds.

  11. Three bean seeds experiment diagram

    Three bean seed experiment diagram drawing Hello guys welcome to science creationToday I draw the diagram of three bean seeds experiment, so anyone student c...

  12. Germination

    Repeat your experiment with other seeds or beans such as white beans, red beans, kidney beans and peas. For each type of seed you test grow 100 of them and finally count the number of seeds that are germinated.

  13. The Three-Bean Experiment DIagram to demonstrate germination

    The Three-Bean Experiment DIagram to demonstrate germination Experimental Diagram ll Moturi Sri - Art & Craft 9.76K subscribers Subscribed 21

  14. Using the Scientific Method to Determine Which Conditions Best Favor

    (B) Students will determine the optimal conditions for the germination of bean seeds by tracking and recording growth patterns under variable conditions in a lab notebook using the scientific method format.

  15. Growing Beans in a Bag

    Growing beans in a bag is an easy and engaging spring science experiment for kids at home or in the classroom. Learn how to grow a seed in a ziplock bag and watch the bean sprouting and growing over the course of several days. This bean experiment will spark the interest of mini scientists of all ages!

  16. Pinto Bean Germination Experiment

    In this pinto bean germination experiment, you'll learn about how fertilizer aids in growing pinto beans into seedlings.

  17. Bean Seed Germination Experiment

    Bean Seed Germination Graphing - Coordinate Grids (recommended for 5th grade and students with enrichment or extension needs) • For each experiment: 2-3 navy or lima bean seeds, soaked in water overnight. Small plastic zipper storage bag (transparent) Paper towel. Water. Tape. Space in a window, preferably one that faces the sun.

  18. The Germination of a Bean Seed

    Summary: This lesson explores what happens below and above ground when a bean seed grows. Students will watch a video of the germination process of a bean and respond to a series of questions. Next, they will write a haiku or short poem about observations. Finally, students will observe the plants and trees close to their home and sketch what they see while imagining the vast root systems below.

  19. What Type of Bean Seeds to Use for a Science Experiment

    Most types of bean seeds are suitable for science experiments such as growing beans in a bag, testing germination rate and working out what factors affect bean seed growth. If you want quick results, go for fast sprouters like lima beans, pinto beans and mung beans.

  20. Three bean seeds Experiment! |Seed germination

    #BiologyExperiment #BeanSeedsExperiment #Biology #Science #ICSECLASS9 #BhaktisEduFun #SeedGermination #CBSE #germination #whatisgermination #germinationofase...

  21. Please explain me the three-bean seeds experiment briefly

    Krishna195327. report flag outlined. Three bean seeds experiment: -Seeds require water, air and suitable temperature to germinate. -Experiment starts with tying three seeds on a glass slide and is kept in a beaker containing water in such a way that one seed is completely immersed in water, middle one is half immersed and the last one is in air.

  22. PDF Experiment: Which Soil is Best for Growing Beans?

    You'll Need: • 2 cups each of different types of soil, such as sandy, clay, or loam (you can use potting soil for loam. Be sure to use a minimum of three types.) • 6 - 8 planters (recyclables, such as small plastic cups, cafeteria milk cartons, or yogurt containers are great) • Bean seeds (choose one variety: pinto, lima, or soybean ...

  23. Bean There, Done That

    Bean There, Done That. Mung beans are a healthy food source that grow without being planted in soil. To begin the growth process, they are soaked in water for twelve hours over night. Afterward, the water is poured out and the beans start growing [courtesy of photosynthesis*]. My experiment explores whether it is better to soak mung beans in ...