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Freidok plus
FreiDok plus is the institutional repository of the University of Freiburg. It serves as a publication platform, university bibliography and research documentation system.
FreiDok stands for "Freiburger (Forschungs-)Dokumentation" ("Freiburg research documentation"). According to the university's Open Science Policy , the central aim of FreiDok plus is to increase the visibility of the results of Freiburg research, simplify access to publications and (research) data following the principles of Open Science and ensure the long-term availability of the archived contents.
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Ph.D. Dissertations
In addition to excellent mentorship and advising, we provide financial support – more than half of our doctoral students are employed by the department or on affiliated research projects. Further, many of our Ph.D. students are supported by scholarships and/or grants.
The primary contact person for doctoral students is Dr. Gert Fehlner .
The following is an overview of all in-progress and completed Ph.D. dissertations, dating back to the 1990s.
(Updated: September 2023)
Table of Contents
- English Literature
Prof. Dr. Eva von Contzen
Prof. dr. monika fludernik, prof. dr. barbara korte.
- North American Studies
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hochbruck
Prof. dr. sieglinde lemke.
- English Linguistics
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Bernd Kortmann
Prof. dr. dr. h.c. christian mair, prof. dr. dr. h.c. hildegard l.c. tristram (†), english literature.
In progress :
- Anderson, Nathan "Critical Practices, Critical Theory: Literary Criticism Now and Then"
- García de Alba Lobeira, Sonia "Narratological Approaches to the Study of Interiority in Middle English Romance"
- Haufe, Dunja "Medieval Shapeshifters"
Huber, Mareike "The Functions and Effects of Invented Languages across Different Types of Media"
- Janeva, Kalina "Representations of Female Hunger in Women's Prose in English from the Early Modern Period to Modernism"
Müller, Mariam "Female Embodied Experiences in Body Horror"
- Straßburg, Sebastian "Representation of Consciousness in the Early Modern English Pastoral Romance"
Wolf, Sophia Elisabeth Philomena "Retellings of Premodern Texts"
- Herlyn, Anne "Dialogue and Narrative Structures in Middle English Verse Romances"
- Keller, Nikola | GRK 1767 "Von Sklaverei erzählen – Sklaverei abschaffen? Erzählende Passagen in deutsch- und französischsprachigen Abolitionsdramen des 18. Jahrhunderts (1725–1802)" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Judith Frömmer, Universität Freiburg)
- Kleinschmidt, Sebastian | GRK 1767 Narrating Salvation – Narrative Techniques in Middle English Afterlife Visions
- Luo, Xi "Ritual on the Contemporary Stage: Narrative and Performance"
- ALBER, Jan (2005, publ. 2007). Narrating the Prison: Role and Representation in Charles Dickens' Novels, Twentieth-Century Fiction, and Film
- ALDERS, Maximilian (2015, publ. 2016). Mind-Telling: Social Minds in Fiction and History
- BUTTER, Michael (2007, publ. 2009). The Epitome of Evil: Hitler in American Fiction, 1939–2002 (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Sabine Sielke, Universität Bonn)
- CAMBIAGHI, Mara (2015, publ. 2020). A.S. Byatt's Art of Memory
- CHRIST, Birte (2008, publ. 2012). Modern Domestic Fiction. Popular Feminism, Mass-Market Magazines, and Middle-Class Culture, 1905–1925
- FEST, Kerstin (2005, publ. 2009). ...And All Women Mere Players? The Construction of Feminine Identity in the Novels of Dorothy Richardson, Jean Rhys and Radclyffe Hall
- FONIOKOVÁ, Zuzana (2009, publ. 2015). Kazuo Ishiguro and Max Frisch: Bending Facts in Unreliable and Unnatural Narration (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Milada Franková, Masaryk-Universität, Brünn)
- FRANZEN, Johannes (2016, publ. 2018). Indiskrete Fiktionen: Theorie und Praxis des Schlüsselromans 1960–2015 (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Werner Frick, Universität Freiburg | GRK 1767)
- HAMILTON, Theresa (2012, publ. 2013). Humorous Structures in Comic English Narratives, 1200–1600
- HARTY, John Francis (2007, publ. 2009). Oscillation in Literary Modernism
- HENKE, Daniela | GRK 1767 (2021, publ. 2023) Zerborstene Texte und Wirklichkeiten in der Schwebe: Experimentelles Erzählen über den Nationalsozialismus (1990–2010) (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Sabina Becker, Universität Freiburg)
- HESTERMANN, Sandra (2001). Meeting the Other – Encountering Oneself: Paradigmen der Selbst- und Fremddarstellung in ausgewählten anglo-indischen und indisch-englischen Kurzgeschichten
- JACOBY, Nathalie (2000). "Skrupulosität im Umgang mit der elend festgeschriebenen Realität macht die schönsten Geschichten kaputt! Zur formalen Integration von fiktiven und faktischen Elementen in der Literatur am Beispiel der zeitgenössischen fiktionalen Biographie" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Willy Michel, Universität Freiburg)
- LEDERER, Thomas (2005, publ. 2007). Sacred Demonization: Saints' Legends in the English Renaissance
- MUNZ, Melina | SFB 1015 (2020). "Otiose Leisure in Contemporary Indian Fiction in English"
- NANDI, Miriam (2005, publ. 2007). M/Other India/s: Zur literarischen Verarbeitung von Armuts- und Kastenproblematik in ausgewählten Texten der indisch-englischen und muttersprachlichen indischen Literatur seit 1935
- NOOR, Farha | SFB 1015 (2022). "Leisurely Feelings: Conceptualising Emotional Manifestations of Otium in South Asia" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Hans Harder, Universität Heidelberg)
- RICCARDI, Silvia (2020). "Anatomy of Dark Romanticism. Enacting the Deviant in Literature and the Visual Arts" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Jan Alber, RWTH Aachen)
- SCHWARZ-SPRONDEL, Johanna (2010). "Mythos als philosophisches und literarisches Problem" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Hans-Helmuth Gander, Universität Freiburg | Promotionskolleg "Geschichte und Erzählen")
- SHAMS, Golnaz (2018, publ. 2020). Social Minds in Drama: The Delineation of Mentalities and Collectives
- SIVERIO, Francesca (2023) "Negotiating Temporalities. Performing the Cultural Present in Selected Works by Salman Rushdie, Jeet Thayll and Rana Dasgupta"
- SPOHN, Verena (2018, publ. 2023). Vom Du erzählen: Die Du-Anrede als narrative Strategie in volkssprachlichen religiösen Texten des späten Mittelalters (Erstbetreuung: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Henrike Manuwald, Universität Göttingen | GRK 1767)
- THOSS, Jeff (2011, publ. 2016). When Storyworlds Collide: Metalepsis in Popular Fiction, Film and Comics (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Werner Wolf, Universität Graz)
- WEILER, Christina (2017). The Romantic Roots of Cognitive Poetics: A Comparative Study of Poetic Metaphor in Herder, Novalis, Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Shelley (Erstbetreuung : Beate I. Allert, Purdue University)
- WAßMER, René | SFB 1015 (2020, publ. 2022). Muße in der Metropole: Flanerie in der deutschen Publizistik und Reiseliteratur um 1800 (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Peter Philipp Riedl, Universität Freiburg)
- WIRTH, Annika (2020). "Narrating Captivity, Narrating Identity: Identity, Ideology, and Dissidence in Factual Gulf War Captivity Narratives"
PD Dr. Benjamin Kohlmann | Chair of Prof. Fludernik
- HATTON, Nikolina (2019, publ. 2020). The Agency of Objects in English Prose, 1789–1832: Conspicuous Things
In progress – primary supervision:
- Bantle, Sophie "The Neo-Victorian Detective Series in Popular Anglophone Fiction and Television"
- Beckers, Cornelius "Through Pen and Paper: Ordering Knowledge and the Consolidation of Imperial Power in Early British India, c. 1750-1830"
- Bender, Stefanie "Future Fictions in the 21 st Century: Ethics and Aesthetics"
- Eckert, Celina "A Winding Path to Taking Roots: Concepts of Gardens and Gardening in British Travel Texts, 19 th Century to Present"
- Fortmeier, Lilli "Hellenic Universalism as Post-Imperial Practice"
- Kapp, Tanja "New Psychogeography: Inter- and Transmediality in Contemporary Forms of Walking"
- Machata, Klara "Space, Place and the Anthropocene in Contemporary Anglophone Fiction"
- Sarica, Özlem " From Victim to Hero? Reconfigurations of the Female Detective on British Television"
- Sperlich, Kristina "The Heroic in Contemporary Children's and Young Adult Fiction"
In progress – secondary supervision:
- Baumann, Uwe "Dunkle Moderne als Reiseziel. Touristifizierung und mediale Repräsentation von 'verlassenen' Architekturen europäischer Regime: Ein adriatischer Vergleich" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Markus Tauschek, Universität Freiburg)
- Riggert, Mirja "Weiblichkeitskonstruktionen in autobiografischen Reiseerzählungen und deren mediale Repräsentationen in Geschichte und Gegenwart" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Michaela Holdenried, Universität Freiburg)
- Neubrandt, Susanne „Die Rezeption Arthur Schnitzlers in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Achim Aurnhammer, Universität Freiburg)
- Winsky, Nora "Touristische Praktiken und deren mediale Repräsentationen im Kontext von Freiburg und der Schwarzwaldregion" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Tim Freytag, Universität Freiburg)
- Zimmermann, Gisela "Pilgern im Zeitalter der digitalen Kommunikation" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. Markus Tauschek, Universität Freiburg)
Completed – primary supervision:
- BAY, Katja (2012). Im Spiegel der Zukunft: Wissenskultur und -ethik in Star Trek: Voyager
- CHURN, Natalie (2014). It's Time: Social Justice and Concepts of Time in Australian Public and Popular Culture
- DUESTERBERG, Susanne (2013, publ. 2015). Popular Receptions of Archaeology : Fictional and Factual Texts in 19 th and Early 20 th -Century Britain
- EWERS, Isabell (2021). "The Sherlock Holmes Paradigm in Contemporary Crime Series"
- FLOTHOW, Dorothea (2005, publ. 2007). Told in Gallant Stories: Erinnerungsbilder des Krieges in britischen Kinder- und Jugendromanen 1870-1939
- GÖB, Kathrin (2014). KriegsreporterInnen und das Militär: Eine Untersuchung britischer und US-amerikanischer Korrespondentenmemoiren aus dem Golfkrieg 1991 und dem Irakkrieg 2003
- HADAMITZKY, Christiane (2016). "Homely, Easy and Attainable for All": The Representation of Heroism in Victorian Periodicals 1850 to 1900 – „Chamber's Journal"–"Leisure Hour"–"Fraser's Magazine"
- HERMANN, Martin (2015). A History of Fear: British Apocalyptic Fiction, 1895–2011
- KAPP, Tanja (2023). "Urban Psychogeography: City Walks and New Intermedialities"
- KATTANEK, Sita Maria (2013). "Representations of Organ Transplants: Western Fantasies and Black Market Realities"
- LECHNER, Doris (2016). Histories for the Many: The Victorian Family Magazine and Popular Representations of the Past. "The Leisure Hour" , 1852 – 1870
- LIEDKE, Heidi (2016, publ. 2018). The Experience of Idling in Victorian Travel Texts, 1850–1901
- PIRKER, Eva Ulrike (2011, publ. 2012). Narrative Projections of a Black British History
- SCHÜLY, Christoph (2009). Charles Dickens: Popularisierungen eines populären Autors im 19., 20. und 21. Jahrhundert
- SPITTEL, Christina (2009). "Based on a True Story: The Great War in Australian Novels, 1914–2008"
- TAKORS, Jonas (2014, publ. 2017). Henry VIII in Twenty-First Century Popular Culture
- ZIPP, Georg (2021). "Ways of Articulating and Negotiating Poverty and Social Inequality in 20 th - and 21 st -Century Caribbean Fiction"
Completed – secondary supervision:
- FRITSCHER-FEHR, Melanie (2016, publ. 2019). Demokratie im Ohr. Das Radio als geschichtskultureller Akteur in Westdeutschland, 1945–1963 (Primary Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sylvia Paletschek)
- FEHRLE, Johannes (2011, publ. 2012). Postmodern Gunslinger in a Transnational West: Revisions of the Western in Canadian and American Literature (Primary Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hochbruck, Universität Freiburg)
- HARDT, Maria-Xenia (2020). "Heroes Through Time: The Process of Heroization and Heroic Moments in Doctor Who " (Primary Supervisor: PD Dr. Nicole Falkenhayner, Universität Freiburg)
- KIRCHER, Marco (2011, publ. 2012). Wa(h)re Archäologie. Die Medialisierung archäologischen Wissens im Spannungsfeld von Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit (Primary Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Marlies Heinz, Universität Freiburg)
- LINDNER, Oliver (2003, publ. 2005). "Solitary on a Continent": Raumentwürfe in der spätviktorianischen Science Fiction (Primary Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Elmar Schenkel, Universität Leipzig)
- VAN TOURHOUT, Benjamin (2017). "Hybrid Heroes & Ambiguous Empathy" (Primary Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Bart Philipsen, Universität Leuven)
- VEDERNIKOV, Sergey (2021). "The Rhetoric of Disaster" (Primary Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Hochbruck, Universität Freiburg)
- WURICH, Marc (2016, publ. 2019). Urbanitätserfahrung und Erzählen. Berlin-Romane zwischen 1880 und 1920 (Primary Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Achim Aurnhammer, Universität Freiburg)
Prof. Dr. Stefanie Lethbridge | Chair of Prof. Korte
- Busch, Sarah "Emotional Audiences – An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Role of Affect in the Reception of Postdramatic Theatre"
Donelly, Orla "The Political Activism of Twenty-first-century Irish Stand-up Comedians"
Kübler, Lukas "Fremde Räume und soziokulturelle Propriozeption – Eine Raumästhetik; Selbstverortung in und durch Alternativwelten und deren Veränderung durch digitale Räume"
Sereni, Eleonora "Female Superheroes in Films and TV Series of the Comic-Book 'Modern Age'"
In progress:
- Aksay, Kübra "Narrativity and Performativity in Modern Video Games"
- Ergin, Ece "The Indigenous Experience and Trauma: Narrativizing Survival in the midst of Uncovering Canada’s Residential School Memory"
- King, Kathi "African American Woman Writers and the WPA" (AT)
- Reineke-Kurz, Anja "American Crime Fiction in Transition" (AT)
- Remy-Kovach, Léna "'Finding Direction:' Strategies for Healing and Survivance in Contemporary Wonderworks from Turtle Island"
- Rüskamp, Eva. "Caught Between Conservation and Transformation: Locating Rural Spaces and their Communities in the Sustainable Transition (Case Study: Central and Southern Appalachia)"
- Ruschen, Alina Zoe "Helden, Vorbilder, Autoritäten. Adaptionen von Klassikern in der zeitgenössischen englischsprachigen Jugendliteratur"
- Rüskamp, Eva "Caught Between Conservation and Transformation: Locating Rural Spaces and their Communities in the Sustainable Transition (Case Study: Central and Southern Appalachia)"
- Sautter, Christopher "History of Muralism"
- Seefeldt, Kristina "Heroism and the U.S. Military Complex"
- Sultany, Aiyal "Persuasion Strategies Used in Political Texts"
- Tomlinson, Donna "Staged! Representations of Adult Offspring Identities in Selected Twentieth-Century Drama Texts"
- FEHRLE, Johannes (2012). " Revisionist Westerns in Canadian and U.S. American Literature"
- FRANKIEWICZ, Shane (2018). "The Western: A Diachronic Analysis of the All-American Genre" (Erstbetreuung: Prof. Dr. S. Lemke, Universität Freiburg)
- VEDERNIKOV, Sergey (2021). "The Rhetoric of Disaster"
- WHALEN, Tom (2008, publ. 2011). "The Birth of Death and Other Comedies: The Novels of Russell H. Greenan"
- Bambey, Morgan "The Witch: Its Representation and Function in Contemporary American Culture"
- Conrady, Claudia "Closet Narratives"
- Domonell, Janek "Trauma and Cross-Cultural Solidarity: A Post-Colonial Reading of Teju Cole’s Oeuvre"
- Gezici, Özde "The (Im)possibility of Doing Nothing: Sleep, Mourning and Mindfulness in the Neoliberal Era"
- Howard, Jennifer "Cultural Change in Post-Covid America"
- Huang, Minghsa "The Arts of Subversion: On Alice Walker's Novels in the Light of Feminist Theories"
- Marx. Theresa "Representations of a Sustainable Future"
- Sands, Sarah " African American Crime Fiction of the 20 th Century"
- FRANKIEWICZ, Shane (2018). "The Western: A Diachronic Analysis of the All-American Genre"
- Raphael, Sarah Sofie "English as a Lingua Franca in the Humanities? Language Policy in Structured Doctoral Programs in Germany"
- Serditova, Dana "Salience in New Orleans English"
Completed :
- BAI, Yinchun (2023). "Towards Discourse Markers: A Cross-Linguistic Study of Grammatical Constructionalization"
- BLUMENTHAL-DRAMÉ, Alice (2011, publ. 2012). Entrenchment in Usage-Based Theories: What Corpus Data Do and Do Not Reveal about the Mind
- BOUR, Anthony (2014, publ. 2015). Description of Multiple Modality in Contemporary Scotland: Double and Triple Modals in the Scottish Borders
- EHLERDING, Hannes (2011). Changing Norms in English Language Teaching: The Present and Future of Foreign Language Education at German Gymnasien
- HERNÁNDEZ Y SIEBOLD, Nuria (2011, publ. 2012). Personal Pronouns in the Dialects of England: A Corpus Study of Grammatical Variation in Spontaneous Speech
- ILIN, Natalia (2018). Perception of Learner Errors and Non-Standard Features in the Native and Non-Native Language: Evaluation vs. Processing Cost
- JUSKAN, Marten (2016, publ. 2017). Production and Perception of Local Variants in Liverpool English: Change, Salience, Exemplar Priming
- KINSEY, Sonya (2017). "Linguistic Markers of Canadian Aboriginal English"
- MCCONNELL, Kyla (2023). "Individual Differences and Task Effects in Predictive Coding"
- RÁCZ, Péter (2012, publ. 2013). Salience in Sociolinguistics: A Quantitative Approach
- ROLLER, Katja (2016). Salience in Welsh English Grammar: A Usage-Based Approach
- SCHNEIDER, Agnes (2015, publ. 2017). Tense, Aspect and Modality in Ghanaian English: A Corpus-Based Analysis of the Progressive and the Modal Will
- SCHRÖTER, Verena (publ. 2019). Null Subjects in Englishes. A Comparison of British English and Asian Englishes
- SCHULZ, Monika (2011, publ. 2012). Morphosyntactic Variation in British English Dialects: Evidence From Possession, Obligation and Past Habituality
- SZMRECSANYI, Benedikt (2005, publ. 2006). Morphosyntactic Persistence in Spoken English. A Corpus Study at the Intersection of Variationist Sociolinguistics, Psycholinguistics, and Discourse Analysis
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Halford | Chair of Prof. Kortmann
- Nedic, Vinko Fabian "Influence of Voice Pitch and Accent on Perception"
- MAURER, Anne-Julie (2014). Acquisition of Subphonetic Variation by German L2 Learners of English
Prof. Dr. Benedikt Szmrecsanyi | Chair of Prof. Kortmann
- EHRET, Katharina (2016, publ. 2017). An Information-Theoretic Approach to Language Complexity: Variation in Naturalistic Corpora
- Bailey, Kebrina "Creole and English in a British Overseas Territory. Language Variations and Language Attitudes in 21 st Century Anguilla"
- Bonnet, Isolde "Multilingualism and identity construction among Cameroonian immigrants in Europe"
- Cuthbertson, Laura "Beyond Tense and Aspect: Temporal Conceptualisation in Present-day Spoken English"
- Mahler, Hanna "English-German Contrastive Linguistics: A Quantitative Perspective"
- Müller, Julia "Gender Systems as a Cause of Interference in Second-Language Processing"
- Neuhausen, Miriam "Language and Identity in Mennonite Communities in Southern Ontario, Canada"
- Song Shuang "Linguistic Expression of Emotions in English and Chinese Computer-mediated"
- AYAFOR, Munang Isaiah (2005). Official Bilingualism in Cameroon: An Empirical Evaluation of the Status of English in Official Domains
- CHITEZ, Madalina (2014). Learner Corpus Profiles: The Case of Romanian Learner English
- CUTHBERSTSON, Laura (2023). Beyond Tense and Aspect: Temporal Conceptualisation in Present-Day Spoken English
- DEUBER, Dagmar (2005). Nigerian Pidgin in Lagos: Language Contact, Variation and Change in an African Urban Setting
- DIACONU, Gabriela. (2012). Modality in New Englishes: A Corpus-Based Study of Obligation and Necessity
- GÜNTHER, Ulrike (2002). What's in a Laugh? Humour, Jokes and Laughter in the Conversational Corpus of the BNC
- GUNDERMANN, Susanne (2014). English-Medium Instruction: Modelling the Role of the Native Speaker in a Lingua Franca Context
- HAJIYAN, Mehdi (2015). Connectors in Contrast: A Comparative Study of Iranian-Learner and Native-Speaker Usage
- HINRICHS, Lars (2006). Codeswitching on the Web: English and Jamaican Creole in E-mail Communication
- HÖHN, Nicole (2011). Quotatives in the Jamaican Acrolect: Corpus-Based Variationist Studies of Vernacular Globalisation in World Englishes
- HONKANEN, Mirka (2018). "'like my homeboy will say, THIS NA REALLY NAIJA': African-American and Nigerian resources in U.S.-Nigerians' Digital Communication"
- HORCH, Stephanie (2016). Conversion in Asian Englishes: A Usage-Based Account of the Emergence of New Local Norms
- HUNDT, Marianne (1998). New Zealand English Grammar – Fact or Fiction? A Corpus-Based Study in Morphosyntactic Variation
- JANTOS, Susanne (2009). Agreement in Educated Jamaican English: A Corpus Investigation of ICE-Jamaica
- KOSSMANN, Bianca (2007). ' Rich' and 'Poor' in the History of English: Corpus-Based Analyses of Lexico-Semantic Variation and Change in Old and Middle English
- LAVERSUCH, Iman N. (2005). "The Discourse of Race: A Historical Analysis Based on Usage in the US: Census and Related Sources"
- LEUNG, Glenda-Alicia (2013). A Synchronic Sociophonetic Study of Monophthongs in Trinidadian English
- LI, Jingying (2020). Tense and Aspect in Second Language Acquisition: A Corpus-based Comparison of Chinese and German Learner English
- LORENZ, David (2013). Contractions of English Semi-Modals: The Emancipating Effect of Frequency
- MAZAHERYLAGHAB, Hamzeh (2013). Iranian Learner English: A Corpus-Based Study of Phrasal Verb Usage
- MOLL, Andrea (2015). Jamaican Creole Goes Web. Sociolinguistic Styling and Authenticity in a Digital Yaad
- MOLLIN, Sandra (2006). Euro-English: Assessing Variety Status
- NITZL, Irene (1999). Formen und Funktionen des Pidgin im zeitgenössischen nigerianischen Drama
- PERCILLIER, Michael (2016). World Englishes and Second Language Acquisition: Insights from Southeast Asian Englishes
- ROHE, Udo (2018). The Progressive in Present-day Spoken English: Real-time Studies of its Spread and Functional Diversification
- ROSENFELDER, Ingrid (2009). Sociophonetic Variation in Educated Jamaican English: An Analysis of the Spoken Component of ICE-Jamaica
- RUDNICKA, Karolina (2018). The Statistics of Obsolescence: Purpose Subordinators in Late Modern English
- SAND, Andrea (1996, publ. 1999). Linguistic Variation in Jamaica: A Corpus-Based Study of Radio and Newspaper Usage
- SANDERSON, Tamsin (2008). Corpus • Culture • Discourse
- SCHRÖDER, Anne (2003). Status, Functions, and Pros pects of Pidgin English: An Empirical Approach to Language Dynamics in Cameroon
- SEDLATSCHEK, Andreas (2009). Contemporary Indian English: Variation and Change
- SEGGEWISS, Friederike (2012). Current Changes in the English modals – A corpus-based Analysis of Present-day Spoken English
- TERASSA, Laura (2017). Morphological Simplification in Asian Englishes: Frequency, Substratum Transfer, and Institutionalization
- TRAŞCĂ, Luminiţa (2014). [NOUN + NOUN] Constructions in English and Romanian Written Styles: A Corpus-based, Comparative Study of Frequency, Change and the Modernisation of Discourse Norms
- VON SCHILLING, Martin (2007). Learner Training, Attitudes and Motivation – Exploring One Route to a Better Learner: An Investigation into the Effects of Learner Training on Young Adults Learning English as a Foreign Language
- WAIBEL, Birgit (2007). Phrasal Verbs in Learner English: A Corpus-Based Study of German and Italian Students
- WINKLE, Claudia (2015). Non-Canonical Structures, They Use Them Differently: Information Packaging in Spoken Varieties of English
- ZÁME ČNIK , Jiří (2019). "Information Density, Language Processing and the Rational Speaker"
- DAWSON, Christina (2011). Shared Alternatives to Subject-Verb Agreement: The 3 rd Singular Verb and its Uses in English and Brittonic
- MEINKING GUIMARAES, Luciana (2009). The Uses of Secular Rulers and Characters in the Welsh Saints' Lives in the Vespasian Legendary ( MS Cotton Vespasian A XIV )
- SCHUSTEREDER, Stefan J. (2012). Strategies of Identity Construction: The Writings of Gildas, Aneirin and Bede