1. PDF Law School Guide to Answering Essay Questions

    Law School Guide to Answering Essay Questions The purpose of this guidance This guide is intended to serve a baseline level of guidance for approaching essay questions in any subject offered by the Law School as part of your undergraduate law degree. It cannot, and does not purport to be, exhaustive. It is structured in a

  2. How to Write Law Essay Questions

    A law essay question requires you to make an argument about some aspect of the law. For example, it might ask whether Bloggs vs Smith was correctly decided, how would you reform the law of murder, and so on. This guide provides tips and tricks for improving your legal essay writing skills.

  3. PDF Essay Questions and Selected Answers

    This publication contains the four essay questions from the October 2017 California First-Year Law Students' Examination and two selected answers for each question. The answers were assigned high grades and were written by applicants who passed the examination. The answers were produced as submitted by the applicant, except that

  4. Answering Law Questions: How To Craft Effective Responses To Law Essay

    As you may know, Law problem questions are not the same as essay questions. Problem questions are those law questions that tell live stories about the relationship between people and then require you to identify legal issues from those interactions, address the issues with relevant authorities and then to advise the parties on their different ...

  5. How to Answer Law Essay Questions (Law Lecturer's Guide)

    The two basic types of law essay questions are: essay-style question and problem-style question. Essay-style questions An essay-style question is usually a sentence that you are asked to comment on, a proper question with a question mark or a quotation that you are asked to provide an opinion on. In order to answer this type of question you ...

  6. Writing Law Problem Questions

    How to Write a Legal Problem Essay Law problem question essays give you an imaginary scenario. They then ask you to comment on the legal issues that arise and advise the parties. This guide will explain how to answer a problem essay with eight handy tips. 1. Read the Facts The first step to answering…

  7. Interpreting Law Essay Questions

    Interpreting Law Essay Questions. The first step with a law essay question is to identify what exactly you are being asked to do. Most law essay questions contain directives as to what is required, and the most common ones are defined below. For those we have missed, try looking up the actual word in the dictionary ( Account for:


    c. Recognition and statement of the rules, standards or principles of law pertinent to those issues, including qualifications and limitations; d. Application of the law to the facts and reasoning to a sound conclusion; and e. Coherent communication of such analysis and reasoning. 2. Read the facts and questions completely. Answer the question ...

  9. Bar Exam Sample Essays

    Try writing a response to a practice question, then comparing your response to the model answer. Some bar exam questions require the application of state law (e.g., California civil procedure), and may not be helpful if you are studying federal law. Read the question carefully. Subject coverage will vary by exam and by state.

  10. Answering Essay and Problem Questions

    When writing an essay, think about what the examiner is looking for and the skills that are being tested: communication skills; analytical skills; research skills; and the ability to construct an argument. Problem Questions: Unlike essay questions, problem questions are presented as lengthy scenarios in which one or more legal disputes arise.