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How to Write a First-Class Law Essay

Studying law at university entails lots of essay writing. This article takes you through the key steps to writing a top law essay.

Writing a law essay can be a challenging task. As a law student, you’ll be expected to analyse complex legal issues and apply legal principles to real-world scenarios. At the same time, you’ll need to be able to communicate your ideas clearly and persuasively. In this article, we’ll cover some top tips to guide you through the process of planning, researching, structuring and writing a first-class law essay with confidence. 

1. Start In Advance

Give yourself plenty of time to plan, research and write your law essay. Always aim to start your law essay as soon as you have the question. Leaving it until the last minute does not only create unnecessary stress, but it also leaves you insufficient time to write, reference and perfect your work.

2. Understand The Question

Do not begin until you fully comprehend the question. Take the time to read the question carefully and make sure that you understand what it’s asking you to do. Highlight key terms and annotate the question with definitions of key concepts and any questions that you have have. Think about how the question links back to what you’ve learned during your lectures or through your readings.

3. Conduct Thorough Research

Conducting thorough research around your topic is one of the most fundamental parts of the essay writing process. You should aim to use a range of relevant sources, such as cases, academic articles, books and any other legal materials. Ensure that the information you collect is taken from relevant, reliable and up to date sources. Use primary over secondary material as much as possible.

Avoid using outdated laws and obscure blog posts as sources of information. Always aim to choose authoritative sources from experts within the field, such as academics, politicians, lawyers and judges. Using high-quality and authoritative sources and demonstrating profound and critical insight into your topic are what will earn you top marks.

4. Write A Detailed Plan

Once you’ve done your research, it’s time to plan your essay. When writing your plan, you’ll need to create an outline that clearly identifies the main points that you wish to make throughout your article. Try to write down what you wish to achieve in each paragraph, what concepts you want to discuss and arguments you want to make.

Your outline should be organised in a clear, coherent and logical manner to ensure that the person grading your essay can follow your line of thought and arguments easily.  You may also wish to include headings and subheadings to structure your essay effectively This makes it easier when it comes to writing the essay as starting without a plan can get messy. The essay must answer the question and nothing but the question so ensure all of your points relate to it.

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5. Write A Compelling Introduction

A great introduction should, firstly, outline the research topic.  The introduction is one of the most crucial parts of the law essay as it sets the tone for the rest of the paper. It should capture the readers attention and provide the background context on the topic. Most importantly, it should state the thesis of your essay.

When writing your introduction, avoid simply repeating the given question. Secondly, create a road map for the reader, letting them know how the essay will approach the question. Your introduction must be concise. The main body of the essay is where you will go into detail.

6. Include A Strong Thesis Statement

Your thesis should clearly set out the argument you are going to be making throughout your essay and should normally go in the introduction. Your thesis should adopt a clear stance rather than being overly general or wishy-washy. To obtain the best grades, you’ll need to show a unique perspective based upon a critical analysis of the topic rather than adopting the most obvious point of view.

Once you’ve conducted your research and had a chance to reflect on your topic, ask yourself whether you can prove your argument within the given word count or whether you would need to adopt a more modest position for your paper. Always have a clear idea of what your thesis statement is before you begin writing the content of your essay. 

7. Present the Counter-argument

To demonstrate your deeper understanding of the topic, it’s important to show your ability to consider the counter-arguments and address them in a careful and reasoned manner. When presenting your counterarguments, aim to depict them in the best possible light, aiming to be fair and reasonable before moving on to your rebuttal. To ensure that your essay is convincing, you will need to have a strong rebuttal that explains why your argument is stronger and more persuasive. This will demonstrate your capacity for critical analysis, showing the reader that you have carefully considered differing perspectives before coming to a well-supported conclusion.

8. End With A Strong Conclusion

Your conclusion is your opportunity to summarise the key points made throughout your essay and to restate the thesis statement in a clear and concise manner.  Avoid simply repeating what has already been mentioned in the body of the essay. For top grades, you should use the conclusion as an opportunity to provide critical reflection and analysis on the topic. You may also wish to share any further insights or recommendations into alternative avenues to consider or implications for further research that could add value to the topic. 

9. Review The Content Of Your Essay

Make sure you factor in time to edit the content of your essay.  Once you’ve finished your first draft, come back to it the next day. Re-read your essay with a critical perspective. Do your arguments make sense? Do your paragraphs flow in a logical manner? You may also consider asking someone to read your paper and give you critical feedback. They may be able to add another perspective you haven’t considered or suggest another research paper that could add value to your essay. 

10. Proofread For Grammatical Mistakes

Once you’re happy with the content of your essay, the last step is to thoroughly proofread your essay for any grammatical errors. Ensure that you take time to ensure that there are no grammar, spelling or punctuation errors as these can be one of the easiest ways to lose marks. You can ask anyone to proofread your paper, as they would not necessarily need to have a legal background – just strong grammar and spelling skills! 

11. Check Submission Guidelines

Before submitting, ensure that your paper conforms with the style, referencing and presentation guidelines set out by your university. This includes the correct font, font size and line spacing as well as elements such as page numbers, table of content etc. Referencing is also incredibly important as you’ll need to make sure that you are following the correct referencing system chosen by your university. Check your university’s guidelines about what the word count is and whether you need to include your student identification number in your essay as well. Be thorough and don’t lose marks for minor reasons!

12. Use Legal Terms Accurately

Always make sure that you are using legal terms accurately throughout your essay. Check an authoritative resource if you are unsure of any definitions. While being sophisticated is great, legal jargon if not used correctly or appropriately can weaken your essay. Aim to be concise and to stick to the point. Don’t use ten words when only two will do.

12. Create a Vocabulary Bank

One recurring piece of advice from seasoned law students is to take note of phrases from books and articles, key definitions or concepts and even quotes from your professors. When it comes to writing your law essay, you will have a whole range of ideas and vocabulary that will help you to develop your understanding and thoughts on a given topic. This will make writing your law essay even easier!

13. Finally, Take Care of Yourself

Last but certainly not least, looking after your health can improve your attitude towards writing your law essay your coursework in general. Sleep, eat, drink and exercise appropriately. Take regular breaks and try not to stress. Do not forget to enjoy writing the essay!

Words by Karen Fulton

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How to Write a Law Essay: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples

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Let's put it this way: if you are studying law, you will agree that writing a law essay is no easy feat. Whether you’re dealing with case law, statutes, or legal principles, structuring your essay correctly and presenting your arguments effectively are key to achieving a high grade. This guide will walk you through the essentials of writing a law essay, including structure, introduction examples, and practical tips to help you produce a first-class essay.

A Law Essay Structure

What is the basic structure of a law essay? A well-structured essay not only presents your arguments clearly but also demonstrates your grasp of legal concepts. Here’s a typical structure for a law essay:


Overview : Briefly introduce the topic and outline the key issues. Thesis Statement : Clearly state your main argument or position. Purpose : Indicate how the essay will address the issues and what the reader can expect.

Issue Identification : Clearly identify and explain the legal issues or questions. Legal Analysis : Discuss relevant case law, statutes, and legal principles. Argument Development : Develop your arguments logically, providing evidence and analysis to support your points. Counterarguments : Consider and address potential counterarguments or alternative viewpoints.

Summary : Recap the main points and arguments. Reinforcement : Restate your thesis in light of the evidence presented. Final Thoughts : Offer any final reflections or implications of your analysis.

Crafting an Effective Introduction

The introduction of a law essay sets the tone for the rest of your work. A strong introduction should provide a clear overview of the topic and establish the context for your argument. Here’s how you can structure it:

  • Hook : Start with an engaging statement or question related to the topic. This could be a relevant quote, a brief anecdote, or a provocative question.
  • Context : Provide background information to help the reader understand the relevance of the topic.
  • Thesis Statement : Clearly outline your main argument or position. This should guide the direction of your essay.
  • Roadmap : Briefly outline how you will address the issues and structure your argument.

Example of a Law Essay Introduction:

“The principle of judicial review is a cornerstone of the British legal system, ensuring that all public authorities act within their legal boundaries. This essay explores the scope and limits of judicial review, focusing on recent judicial decisions that have reshaped its application. By analysing key case law and statutory developments, this essay will argue that while judicial review remains a vital check on executive power, recent trends indicate a shift towards more restrained judicial intervention. The discussion will be organised into three main sections: an examination of the historical development of judicial review, an analysis of contemporary judicial approaches, and an evaluation of the implications for future judicial oversight.”

Writing the Body of the Essay

The body of your law essay is where you provide detailed analysis and develop your arguments. Follow these steps to ensure clarity and depth in your writing:

  • Identify the Issues : Clearly define the legal issues or questions at hand. This section should set the foundation for your analysis.
  • Provide Legal Analysis : Discuss relevant case law, statutes, and legal principles. Be sure to provide brief summaries of relevant cases, discuss any statutes or legislative provisions relevant to the topic and explain any key legal principles or doctrines that apply to the issues.
  • Develop Your Arguments : Present your arguments logically, using evidence and analysis to support your points. Ensure that each paragraph transitions smoothly to the next, maintaining a clear and coherent flow.
  • Address Counterarguments : Consider potential counterarguments or alternative viewpoints. Address these within your essay to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Example of Argument Development

“In the landmark case of R (on the application of Miller) v. Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union (2017), the UK Supreme Court reaffirmed the principle that significant constitutional changes require parliamentary approval. The court’s decision highlighted the importance of maintaining parliamentary sovereignty in the face of executive decisions. However, recent judicial trends suggest a cautious approach towards intervening in political matters, reflecting a broader shift towards judicial restraint. This shift raises questions about the future scope of judicial review and its role in holding the executive accountable.”

Crafting a Strong Conclusion

Your conclusion should summarise the key points discussed and reinforce your thesis. Avoid introducing new information; instead, focus on synthesising your arguments and providing a final perspective. Keep in mind the following:

  • Summarise Main Points : Briefly recap the key issues and arguments presented in the body.
  • Restate Thesis : Reaffirm your thesis statement, demonstrating how it has been supported by your analysis.
  • Final Thoughts : Offer any concluding reflections or implications. This could include suggestions for further research or practical implications of your findings.

Example of a Law Essay Conclusion:

“In conclusion, while the principle of judicial review continues to serve as a crucial mechanism for ensuring accountability, recent developments indicate a more nuanced approach by the judiciary. The balance between maintaining judicial oversight and respecting the limits of judicial intervention is delicate. As demonstrated through recent case law and statutory changes, the evolving nature of judicial review reflects broader shifts in constitutional theory and practice. Future developments will likely continue to shape the scope and application of judicial review, underscoring the need for ongoing scholarly and judicial attention.”

Final Tips for Writing a Law Essay

  • Use clear and precise language to convey your arguments. Avoid jargon and overly complex sentences.
  • Ensure all claims and arguments are well-supported by legal evidence and analysis.
  • Always edit and proofread your essay for clarity, coherence, and correctness. Ensure that your writing adheres to legal academic standards.

Read some complete law essay examples here.

Final Remarks

Writing a law essay involves understanding the structure, crafting an effective introduction, developing your arguments, and presenting a clear conclusion. By following the guidelines and examples provided, you can create a well-organised and compelling essay. Remember, the quality of your analysis and the clarity of your arguments are key to achieving a first-class result.

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How to Write a Law Essay: 8 Steps

December 28, 2023

1. Choosing an Essay Topic

When it comes to writing a law essay, choosing an appropriate topic is crucial. A well-chosen topic will make your research and writing process smoother and more enjoyable, while a poorly chosen topic can lead to frustration and a lackluster essay.

Firstly, consider what has piqued your interest in your law studies so far. Perhaps there was a case or topic that you found particularly intriguing, or an aspect of law that you feel needs further exploration. Alternatively, you could focus on a current legal issue that you feel strongly about and want to delve deeper into.

It’s also important to make sure your topic isn’t too broad or too narrow. Too broad of a topic can result in a lack of focus, while a topic that is too narrow won’t give you enough research material to work with.

Ultimately, choosing a law essay topic is about finding a balance between your personal interests and the practical aspects of your assignment. Take the time to carefully consider your options, and don’t be afraid to ask for input or guidance from your professor or classmates.

Possible Law Essay Topics

  • The impact of social media on defamation laws.
  • Analyzing the constitutionality of mandatory minimum sentencing.
  • The effectiveness of restorative justice in reducing recidivism rates.
  • Legal implications of artificial intelligence in the workplace.
  • Exploring the rights of privacy versus national security in the digital age.
  • Examining the legal and ethical issues surrounding euthanasia.
  • Assessing the role of international law in combating climate change.
  • Analyzing the legal framework for cyberbullying and online harassment.
  • The legalization and regulation of recreational marijuana: a critical analysis.
  • Exploring the intersection of intellectual property rights and emerging technologies.

Remember to choose a topic that aligns with your interests and research availability, while ensuring that it is adequately focused for a detailed analysis within the scope of your essay.

2. Researching the Topic

Before diving into writing a law essay, it’s essential to conduct thorough research on the chosen topic. This step is critical to ensure that the essay is factually correct, well-supported, and logically structured. Here are some tips on how to research effectively for a law essay:

  • Begin by gathering basic information. Use specialized textbooks, journals, and databases to gain a foundational understanding of the topic.
  • Use secondary sources to gain a broader perspective on the topic. Utilize reputable news sources, government publications, and online legal databases to broaden your search.
  • Access case law. To support your arguments, cite legal cases that illustrate your argument. Access online case law databases that have accessible search functions.
  • Use primary sources. Primary sources include statutes, regulation, and the constitution. It’s important to have a good grasp of the primary sources since they are the basis of much of legal research.
  • Take notes. Keep track of all relevant information, including sources and citations. Use an organized format that will make outlining and writing the essay a simpler process.
  • Evaluate and analyze. Through the research process, it’s important to analyze the information found. Determine what is and is not relevant, and how it factors into your argument.

By conducting thorough research, you will be able to support your argument with a well-evidenced and structured essay. Remember to keep track of all sources and citations as they will be necessary in the writing process.

3. Developing Strong Thesis Statement

Developing a strong thesis statement is essential when writing a law essay. This powerful statement sets the tone for the entire article and guides the reader’s understanding of your argument. To create an effective thesis statement, you must first fully understand the topic and question at hand. Take your time to research and gather relevant information to support your viewpoint. As you delve deeper into the subject, analyze different perspectives and identify the key arguments surrounding the topic. Once you have a clear understanding of the various viewpoints, narrow down your focus and craft a concise and persuasive thesis statement that clearly states your position. Remember, a strong thesis statement should be debatable, specific, and assertive. Spend time honing your thesis to ensure it effectively conveys your argument and engages the reader’s interest.

Example thesis statement:

“The death penalty should be abolished in the United States because it violates the Eighth Amendment, fails to act as an effective deterrent, and disproportionately affects marginalized communities.”

4. Structuring the Law Essay

Structuring your law essay is crucial to ensure clarity, coherence, and a logical flow of ideas. Here’s a breakdown of how to structure your law essay:


  • Provide a brief overview of the topic and its significance.
  • Present the thesis statement, clearly stating your argument.

Background and Context:

  • Provide necessary background information to help the reader understand the topic.
  • Explain relevant legal concepts, principles, or statutes related to your argument.
  • Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that relates to your thesis statement.
  • Present your arguments and support them with evidence, case law, or legal authorities.
  • Use clear and concise language to explain your points and provide analysis.


  • Acknowledge and present the counter-argument(s) objectively and logically.
  • Refute the counter-argument(s) with reasoned explanations and supportive evidence.


  • Summarize your main arguments and their supporting evidence.
  • Restate your thesis statement and highlight its significance.
  • Offer some final thoughts or suggestions for further research or action.

Remember to use appropriate headings and subheadings to structure your essay effectively. Use transition words and phrases to ensure a smooth flow between paragraphs. Additionally, ensure proper citations and referencing throughout the essay to maintain academic integrity.

5. Writing the Introduction

Writing the introduction is your opportunity to grab the reader’s attention and set the tone for your entire law essay. Here’s how you can effectively structure your introduction:

Start with a hook:

  • Use a compelling statement, anecdote, or a relevant quote to engage the reader and create interest in your topic.

Provide background information:

  • Give a brief overview of the legal issue or topic you will be discussing.
  • Explain the significance and relevance of the topic to the field of law or society at large.

State the purpose and scope of your essay:

  • Clearly state your thesis statement, which should encapsulate your main argument.
  • Mention the key points you will address and the legal principles, cases, or statutes you will analyze.

Outline the essay structure:

  • Provide a brief outline of how your essay will be structured.
  • Mention the main sections or arguments you will present.

Establish the context:

  • Explain any necessary legal concepts, terms, or background information that the reader needs to understand.

Remember to keep your introduction concise and focused. It should provide enough information to orient the reader and generate interest in your essay. However, save the detailed arguments and evidence for the main body of your essay. Aim to make your introduction clear, engaging, and persuasive, setting the stage for the rest of your law essay.

6. Developing the Body Paragraphs

Developing the body paragraphs is the core of your law essay, where you present and support your arguments with evidence and analysis. Here’s how to effectively structure and develop your body paragraphs:

Start with a topic sentence:

  • Each body paragraph should begin with a clear topic sentence that relates to your thesis statement.
  • The topic sentence sets the tone and direction for the paragraph.

Present your argument:

  • Clearly state your argument or point of view in the opening sentences of each paragraph.
  • Provide supporting evidence, such as case law, statutory provisions, or legal principles, to back up your argument.

Analyze and interpret the evidence:

  • Explain the significance of the evidence in relation to your argument.
  • Analyze how the evidence supports and strengthens your position.

Use legal authorities and sources:

  • Cite relevant cases, statutes, or legal commentary to support your arguments.
  • Refer to authoritative legal sources, such as court decisions or academic articles, to provide credibility.

Use clear and concise language:

  • Clearly articulate your ideas using logical transitions and precise language.
  • Avoid unnecessary jargon or overly complex language that may confuse the reader.

Remember to properly structure your paragraphs, provide sufficient evidence and analysis, and link your arguments back to your main thesis statement. Each paragraph should contribute to the overall coherence and flow of your essay, ensuring a convincing and well-supported argument.

7. Present the Counter-argument

Presenting the counter-argument is an essential component of writing a persuasive law essay. Failing to acknowledge opposing viewpoints weakens your argument and makes it appear biased. Therefore, it is crucial to identify different perspectives surrounding the topic and analyze these perspectives objectively. Once you have identified the counter-argument, you can present it in your essay, offering evidence and explanations to support it. Addressing counter-arguments in your essay strengthens your credibility as a writer and demonstrates your ability to look at a topic from multiple perspectives. Additionally, this approach makes your essay more convincing by acknowledging and addressing potential criticism of your argument. Keep in mind that effectively presenting the counter-argument requires thorough research, logical reasoning, and evidence-based arguments. Therefore, take your time to critically analyze opposing views to ensure your argument is backed up by relevant and reliable supporting evidence. By doing so, you can construct a well-reasoned and thoughtful essay that can withstand any counter-argument.

8. Crafting the Conclusion

Crafting a strong conclusion is essential to leave a lasting impression on the reader and effectively summarize your arguments in a law essay. Here are some key steps to consider when writing your conclusion:

Summarize your main points:

  • Recapitulate the main arguments you presented in the body paragraphs.
  • Provide a brief overview of the evidence you presented to support each argument.

Reinforce your thesis statement:

  • Restate your thesis statement in a concise manner to remind the reader of your main argument.
  • Emphasize the significance and relevance of your thesis in the context of the larger legal issue.

Offer a broader perspective:

  • Connect your arguments to the wider legal or societal implications of the topic.
  • Discuss the potential consequences or impact of your findings on the field of law or legal practice.

Suggest areas for further research:

  • Highlight any unanswered questions or areas of debate that may require future exploration.
  • Propose avenues for future research or policy development related to your topic.

Conclude with a compelling closing statement:

  • Leave the reader with a thought-provoking final remark that leaves a lasting impression.
  • Use a concise and powerful statement to tie together your essay and reinforce your main message.

Ensure that your conclusion is concise, focused, and aligned with your overall argument. It should serve as a strong ending to your law essay, leaving the reader with a clear understanding of your position and the importance of the topic discussed.

Use Legal Terms Accurately

In the realm of writing law essays, the accurate and precise use of legal terms is paramount. This subheading focuses on the importance of correctly employing legal terminology in order to craft an exceptional law essay.

Mastering legal terminology is essential for two reasons. Firstly, it demonstrates an understanding and grasp of the subject matter, showcasing your expertise to both professors and potential employers. Secondly, using legal terms accurately enhances the clarity and coherence of your arguments, making your essay more persuasive and compelling. However, it is crucial to strike a balance – overusing legal jargon may alienate readers who are not well-versed in the law.

To ensure accuracy, it is imperative to consult reliable legal sources such as authoritative textbooks, journals, or statutes. Moreover, reading and analyzing sample essays or exemplary legal writing can provide guidance on how to effectively incorporate legal terms into your own work. By diligently honing your legal language skills, you will significantly elevate the quality and impact of your law essays.

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How to Write a Law Essay in 9 Steps

How to Write a Law Essay

Samuel Gorbold

A law essay is a formal piece of academic writing that requires a clear and structured analysis of a legal issue or problem. It demands a deep understanding of relevant legal principles, the ability to apply them to specific cases, and the skill to construct a coherent argument. This guide will outline the essential steps on how to write a law essay, including:

  • Understanding the question
  • Conducting thorough research
  • Developing a clear argument
  • Structuring your essay effectively
  • Citing sources accurately.

By following these steps diligently, you can produce a well-crafted and persuasive law essay. However, if, after completing this guide, you still find yourself grappling with this assignment, EssayHub essay writing service online offers comprehensive assistance. Our team of experienced legal experts can provide tailored support, from brainstorming ideas to proofreading your final draft.

Law Essay Structure

Begin Early

Effective time management and early planning are essential components of successful law essay writing. So, starting working on a law essay well in advance is crucial to producing a high-quality piece. By initiating the writing process early, you afford yourself ample time to conduct thorough research, develop cogent arguments, and refine your writing. Procrastination, on the other hand, can lead to rushed work, increased stress, and a suboptimal final product.

Understand The Prompt

Understanding the prompt is the most crucial step in writing a law essay. A clear comprehension of the question will guide your research, argumentation, and structure.

Here's a breakdown of what it involves:

  • Question or Statement: This is the core of the prompt, clearly outlining the topic.
  • Directive Words: These words indicate the approach you should take (e.g., analyze, discuss, evaluate, compare, contrast).
  • Scope: This defines the boundaries of your essay (e.g., specific legal area, time period, jurisdiction).
  • Focus: This highlights the specific aspects of the topic you should address.

Perform In-depth Research

For your research, use relevant keywords to find articles, books, and online resources. Explore legal databases like LexisNexis, Westlaw, and JSTOR. To organize the sources, develop a system to record key information and use tools like Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote.

Tips for Effective Research:

  • Be Specific: Focus on sources directly related to your essay topic.
  • Read Critically: Analyze information from different perspectives.
  • Take Notes Efficiently: Summarize key points and arguments.
  • Stay Organized: Keep track of your sources and research progress.
  • Time Management: Allocate sufficient time for research.

Research for "Critically analyze the effectiveness of the Human Rights Act 1998 in protecting economic, social, and cultural rights in the UK"

  • Primary Sources: Human Rights Act 1998, relevant case law (e.g., R (on the application of Wilson) v Secretary of State for Health ).
  • Secondary Sources: Law review articles analyzing the Act's impact on economic, social, and cultural rights, as well as textbooks on human rights law.
  • Tertiary Sources: General overviews of the Human Rights Act 1998 for initial understanding.

Develop A Comprehensive Outline

To develop an outline, begin with a general framework and gradually add details. Here's a detailed breakdown:

I. Introduction
II. Body Paragraphs
III. Conclusion

Craft An Engaging Introduction

The introduction is your first opportunity to capture your reader's attention and establish the direction of your essay. It should be concise, informative, and engaging. Consider these tips for writing:

  • Avoid unnecessary information or overly complex language.
  • Make your writing more engaging and dynamic.
  • Ensure there are no errors in grammar or spelling.

Example Introduction:

Prompt: Critically analyze the effectiveness of the Human Rights Act 1998 in protecting economic, social, and cultural rights in the UK.

The United Kingdom, a bastion of human rights, enshrined these protections into domestic law through the Human Rights Act 1998. While the Act has been instrumental in safeguarding civil and political rights, its efficacy in protecting economic, social, and cultural rights remains a subject of considerable debate. This essay will critically analyze the Act's effectiveness in upholding these fundamental rights, examining its strengths, weaknesses, and potential avenues for improvement.

State A Clear Thesis

A thesis statement is the backbone of your law essay. It clearly and concisely outlines the main argument you will be making. Qualities of a strong thesis include:

Crafting an Argument in a Law Essay

  • Clear and concise: Directly states your main argument.
  • Specific: Focuses on a particular aspect of the topic.
  • Arguable: Presents a claim that can be supported with evidence.
  • Comprehensive: Encompasses the main points of your essay.

Example Thesis:

Thesis: While the Human Rights Act 1998 has made significant strides in incorporating international human rights standards into UK law, its impact on the protection of economic, social, and cultural rights has been limited due to factors such as judicial interpretation, legislative inaction, and the Act's horizontal effect.

See related article on how to write a personal statement for law school .

Address The Counterargument

A strong law essay doesn't just present your side of the argument, but it also acknowledges and refutes opposing viewpoints. This demonstrates critical thinking and strengthens your overall argument. Here's how to do it:

  • Identify potential counterarguments: Consider opposing viewpoints that could be raised.
  • Present the counterargument fairly: Explain the opposing viewpoint without bias.
  • Refute the counterargument: Offer evidence and reasoning to challenge the opposing viewpoint.
  • Transition back to your argument: Reiterate your own position and explain why it is stronger.
  • Counterargument: Some might argue that the Human Rights Act of 1998 has been effective in protecting economic, social, and cultural rights through its impact on legislation and public awareness.
  • Refutation: While the Act has undoubtedly raised awareness of economic, social, and cultural rights, its impact on legislation has been limited. Many of these rights remain unjustifiably restricted, indicating a gap between legal recognition and practical implementation.

Consider the option to buy essay online if this sounds too demanding of a task.

Conclude Powerfully

The conclusion should reinforce your main argument, summarize key points, and provide a sense of closure. Strategies for a powerful conclusion:

  • Avoid Simply Summarizing: Go beyond restating your points and offer new insights.
  • Create a Sense of Closure: Provide a satisfying ending to your essay.
  • Leave a Lasting Impression: End with a memorable thought or statement.
  • Maintain Academic Tone: Avoid overly dramatic or emotional language.

Proofread Your Essay

Proofreading is the final, crucial step in crafting a polished law essay. It involves a meticulous review to identify and correct errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, and overall clarity. Here are some common errors to look for:

  • Grammar: Subject-verb agreement, pronoun agreement, tense consistency.
  • Punctuation: Commas, periods, semicolons, apostrophes.
  • Spelling: Common misspellings and homophones.
  • Clarity: Ambiguous or unclear sentences, redundant phrases.
  • Citation Format: Correct citation style according to the required guidelines.

how to write a law essay book

Verify Submission Requirements

Before submitting your essay, carefully review your university's specific guidelines for formatting, referencing, and presentation. This includes details like:

  • line spacing
  • page numbering
  • a table of contents
  • student ID number.

Following these guidelines is essential to avoid losing marks for minor errors. Make sure your referencing style matches your university's requirements, and accurately cite all sources. If you'd prefer expert help, you can hire our experienced academic team, who write essays for money .

Employ Legal Terminology Correctly

Precise language is essential in law. Always ensure legal terms are used correctly. When in doubt, consult a reliable legal dictionary or textbook. While demonstrating a strong legal vocabulary is beneficial, excessive jargon can hinder clarity. Strive for conciseness and avoid unnecessary complexity. Additionally, be aware of the context in which legal terms are used, as the meaning can vary depending on the situation. Consistently revisiting and revising your understanding of legal terms will help maintain accuracy in your writing.

Establish a Vocabulary Repository

Building a legal vocabulary is invaluable for effective law essay writing. Collect key terms, definitions, and phrases from your readings and lectures. This repository will serve as a valuable resource when constructing your arguments and expressing your legal knowledge.

Organize your vocabulary bank by topics or categories for easier reference. Regularly update it with new terms you encounter in your studies. According to our law essay writing service , using flashcards or apps can help reinforce your memory of these terms. Engaging with peers in study groups can also enhance your understanding and application of legal vocabulary.

By following these steps and using available resources, you can produce a high-quality law essay. Here's a simple breakdown:

  • Clearly define the task and scope.
  • Gather relevant legal materials.
  • Construct a clear thesis and support it with evidence.
  • Ensure a logical flow from the introduction to the conclusion.
  • Use precise legal language and avoid jargon.
  • Check for accuracy in grammar, spelling, and citation.
  • Follow formatting and referencing requirements.

If you still find the assignment challenging, simply pay for essay and let our team of experienced legal experts provide comprehensive assistance for research, writing, and proofreading!

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How to Write a Good Conclusion for a Law Essay?

How to structure a law essay, what is law essay.

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Stacie Strong

How to Write Law Essays & Exams 2nd Edition, Kindle Edition

  • ISBN-13 978-0199287550
  • Edition 2nd
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  • Publisher Oxford University Press
  • Publication date August 27, 2003
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  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B002C74MKI
  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Oxford University Press; 2nd edition (August 27, 2003)
  • Publication date ‏ : ‎ August 27, 2003
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • File size ‏ : ‎ 3415 KB
  • Text-to-Speech ‏ : ‎ Not enabled
  • Enhanced typesetting ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
  • X-Ray ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
  • Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Enabled
  • Sticky notes ‏ : ‎ Not Enabled
  • Print length ‏ : ‎ 272 pages
  • #274 in One-L Legal Writing
  • #1,079 in Legal Education Writing
  • #1,376 in Law Legal Education

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  1. How to Write Law Essays and Exams

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  2. How to Write Law Essays Infographic

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  3. How To Write A Law Essay Like A Pro

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  4. How To Write A Law Essay: Guide For Law Student

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  6. How to Write a Law Essay

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  1. How to Write Law Essays & Exams 6th Edition

    6th Edition. How to Write Law Essays and Exams provides law students with a practical and proven method of analysing and answering essay and exam questions. The book focuses on those questions that give students the most trouble, namely problem questions, but its techniques are equally applicable to other types of essays.

  2. How to Write Law Essays and Exams

    How to Write Law Essays & Exams. $34.22. (24) In Stock. This practical guide includes cases and worked examples, enabling students at all levels to adopt good essay writing techniques and methods of analysing exam questions. It provides a framework for analysing legal problems that should continue to be useful in the workplace.

  3. How to Write Law Essays & Exams 4th Edition

    How to Write Law Essays & Exams. $29.95. (24) Only 1 left in stock - order soon. How to Write Law Essays and Exams provides law students with a practical and proven method of analyzing and answering essay and exam questions. The book focuses on those questions that give students the most trouble, namely problem questions, but its techniques are ...

  4. How to Write Law Essays and Exams

    How to Write Law Essays & Exams. $35.83. (24) Usually ships within 5 to 6 days. How to Write Law Essays and Exams provides law students with a practical and proven method of analysing and answering essay and exam questions. The book focuses on those questions that give students the most trouble, namely problem questions, but its techniques are ...

  5. How to Write Law Essays & Exams

    How to Write Law Essays and Exams provides law students with a practical and proven method of analyzing and answering essay and exam questions. The book focuses on those questions that give students the most trouble, namely problem questions, but its techniques are equally applicable to other types of essays. In addition to providing a framework for analyzing and writing law essays, the book ...

  6. How to Structure a Law Essay (Tips from a Former LLB Lecturer)

    Plan the main body. Make a list of key arguments. The central argument is the key argument made in your essay. But in order to convince your readers to agree with your central argument your essay should be full of supporting arguments. Typically, an essay of 2,500 words will have around 3-4 supporting arguments, each of which will contain a ...

  7. Strong, How to Write Law Essays & Exams 6e

    Description. How to Write Law Essays and Exams provides you with a practical and proven method of analysing and answering essay and exam questions in all areas of the law. Through examination of real-life student essays, the author helps you to identify common errors and ways in which answers can be improved.

  8. How to Write Law Essays and Exams

    The book focuses on those questions that give students the most trouble, namely problem questions, but its techniques are equally applicable to other types of essays. In addition to providing a framework for analysing and writing law essays, the book teaches students how to identify relevant legal authorities, distinguish and harmonise ...

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  10. How To Write Better Law Essays eBook

    How to Write Better Law Essays is your indispensable guide to succeeding in written law assessments, helping you to research, write and present assignments with the precision and clarity required to achieve the best grades at degree level. This edition provides: Coverage of all the main types of undergraduate law assessment Annotated sample writing with commentary to help you understand what ...

  11. How to Write a First-Class Law Essay

    In this article, we'll cover some top tips to guide you through the process of planning, researching, structuring and writing a first-class law essay with confidence. 1. Start In Advance. Give yourself plenty of time to plan, research and write your law essay. Always aim to start your law essay as soon as you have the question.

  12. How to Write a Law Essay: A Comprehensive Guide with Examples

    The body of your law essay is where you provide detailed analysis and develop your arguments. Follow these steps to ensure clarity and depth in your writing: Identify the Issues: Clearly define the legal issues or questions at hand. This section should set the foundation for your analysis. Provide Legal Analysis: Discuss relevant case law ...

  13. How to Write a Law Essay

    How to Write a Law Essay: 8 Steps. 1. Choosing an Essay Topic. When it comes to writing a law essay, choosing an appropriate topic is crucial. A well-chosen topic will make your research and writing process smoother and more enjoyable, while a poorly chosen topic can lead to frustration and a lackluster essay.

  14. How Law Students Can Use Templates to Write Successful Essay Responses

    So, try taking a page out of a lawyer's book and create forms, or in this case, essay templates. This will allow you to plan ahead of time and have your issues and rules written out to preempt having to do it for the first time on a law school timed midterm examination, final examination, or bar examination.

  15. How to Write Law Essays & Exams

    How to Write Law Essays and Exams provides law students with a practical and proven method of analysing and answering essay and exam questions. The book focuses on those questions that give students the most trouble, namely problem questions, but its techniques are equally applicable to other types of essays. Designed for law students of all levels, including those on A-level, university ...

  16. How to Write a Law Essay: Outline, Tips, FAQs & More

    Clear and concise: Directly states your main argument. Specific: Focuses on a particular aspect of the topic. Arguable: Presents a claim that can be supported with evidence. Comprehensive: Encompasses the main points of your essay. Example Thesis: Prompt: Critically analyze the effectiveness of the Human Rights Act 1998 in protecting economic, social, and cultural rights in the UK.

  17. Structure Of Law Essays and Reports

    A good structure for a law report would be as follows: Title Page: showing the title of the report, the author, the person for whom the report is prepared, and the date of completion. Summary/Synopsis/Executive Summary: (approx 10% of word count) - this will identify: The purpose of the report, The scope of the report - issues covered/not ...

  18. How to Write Better Law Essays: Tools & Techniques for Success in Exams

    Coverage of all main types of law assessment including legal essays, problem questions, exam questions, extended and advanced essays, projects, postgraduate work and dissertations. Annotated sample writing to illustrate good vs. bad technique with commentary to help students spot and avoid poor practices and improve writing performance.

  19. Referencing & Citations Guide For Law Essays

    Guide to Referencing and Citations for Law Essays. Accurate and consistent referencing is essential in all academic work. Whenever you refer to either the work or ideas of someone, or are influenced by another's work, you must acknowledge this. Similarly if you make a direct quotation from someone's work this should be referred to accurately.

  20. How to Write a Law Essay Introduction (Law Lecturer's Guide)

    In general, starting an essay-style assignment by discussing the key legal concept is very good practice that will improve your marks. Introduce the central argument. . Now, on to the next part of the introduction - the central argument. Central argument is the main argument which you will be arguing throughout your essay.

  21. How to Write Better Law Essays: Tools & Techniques for Success in Exams

    The book is very clear in explaining the application of case law for essay writing and exam answering. Read more. One person found this helpful. Helpful. Report. See more reviews. Top reviews from other countries Jodie Sharley. 5.0 out of 5 stars Really useful. Reviewed in the United Kingdom on April 29, 2019 ...

  22. How to Write Law Essays & Exams 2nd Edition, Kindle Edition

    How to Write Law Essays and Exams provides law students with a practical and proven method of analyzing and answering essay and exam questions. The book focuses on those questions that give students the most trouble, namely problem questions, but its techniques are equally applicable to other types of essays. Designed for law students of all ...