math homework hackerrank solution in python

Martin Kysel

Coding Challenges and More

HackerRank 'Lily's Homework' Solution

Martin Kysel · September 21, 2018

Short Problem Definition:

Whenever George asks Lily to hang out, she’s busy doing homework. George wants to help her finish it faster, but he’s in over his head! Can you help George understand Lily’s homework so she can hang out with him?

Consider an array of m distinct integers, arr = [a[0], a[1], …, a[n-1]]. George can swap any two elements of the array any number of times. An array is if the sum of a[i] - a[i-1] among 0 < i < n is minimal.

Lily’s Homework


time complexity is O(N\*log(N))

space complexity is O(N)

Let us rephrase the problem to a sorting problem: Find the number of swaps to make the array sorted. We need to consider both ascending and descending arrays. The solution assumes no duplicates.

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To learn more about solving Coding Challenges in Python, I recommend these courses: Python Algorithms , Python Coding Interview .

Hackerrank Solution: Find Angle MBC in Python [4 Methods]

August 14, 2022

Hacker Rank Python

Question: Find Angle MBC - Hacker Rank (Python)


ABC  is a right triangle,  90 o  at  B . Therefore,  angle ABC  =  90 o . Point  M  is the midpoint of hypotenuse  AC .

You are given the lengths  AB  and  BC . Your task is to find the angle  MBC  in degrees.

Input format:

The first line contains the length of side  AB . The second line contains the length of side  BC .


  • 0 < AB <= 100
  • 0 < BC <= 100
  • Lengths  AB  and  BC  are natural numbers.

Output format:

Output  angle MBC  in degrees.

Note:  Round the angle to the nearest integer.

Examples : If angle is 56.5000001°, then output  57° . If angle is 56.5000000°, then output  57° . If angle is 56.4999999°, then output  56° .

Sample input:

Possible solutions

As we will be provided by the sides and then we have to find the angle. For this question, we can come up with multiple solutions.

  • Using math module
  • Using math module: Alternative solution
  • Using math module with fewer lines of code
  • Alternative solution

Solution-1: Using math module

The math module is a standard module in Python and is always available. To use mathematical functions under this module, you have to import the module using import math. Let us import the math module and find the angle using the given sides of the triangle.

As you can see, we get the 45-degree angle as required.

Solution-2: Using a math module: Alternative solution

Now, we will transform the above code into fewer lines as an alternative solution shown below:

As you can see, we get 45 degrees which was required in the sample.

Solution-3: Using Math module with fewer lines

We can even reduce the number of lines to make our code more optimized and readable.

As you can see, we were able to get the same result using fewer lines of code.

Solution-4: Alternative Solution

Now, we will use another simple method to calculate the angle.

The char(176) in the code represents the degree sign.

As we were supposed to find the angle of a triangle when the sides were given. In this short article, we come up with multiple solutions to solve the  FIND ANGLE question from Hacker Rank.

Python math Question on Hacker rank: Find Angle MBC in Python

Related Keywords: hackerrank find angle mbc solution in python, hackerrank find angle mbc solution in python3, 1find angle mbc hackerrank solution

Bashir Alam

Bashir Alam

He is a Computer Science graduate from the University of Central Asia, currently employed as a full-time Machine Learning Engineer at uExel. His expertise lies in Python, Java, Machine Learning, OCR, text extraction, data preprocessing, and predictive models. You can connect with him on his LinkedIn profile.

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math homework hackerrank solution in python

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math homework hackerrank solution in python

Solutions to HackerRank Coding Challenges in Python

One of the best ways to absorb and retain new concepts that I have learnt about coding in Python is through documentation! As part of my journey to future-proof my data career and also to improve my proficiency in the python language, I have spent some of my free time to solve coding challenges on HackerRank . In this blog post, I shared the solutions to some of the practice challenges which I have completed and successfully passed the code in the compiler on HackerRank . Do click on Read More or the title of this blog post for the Python 3 solutions which I have created.

Arithmetic Operators

Print function, write a function, python introduction (easy) questions.

Given an integer, n , perform the following conditional actions:

  • If n is odd, print Weird
  • If n is even and in the inclusive range of 2 to 5 , print Not Weird
  • If n is even and in the inclusive range of 6 to 20 , print Weird
  • If n is even and greater than 20 , print Not Weird

Input Format: A single line containing a positive integer, n .


  • 1 <= n <= 100

Output Format: Print Weird if the number is weird. Otherwise, print Not Weird .

The provided code stub reads two integers from STDIN, a and b . Add code to print three lines where:

  • The first line contains the sum of the two numbers.
  • The second line contains the difference of the two numbers (first - second).
  • The third line contains the product of the two numbers.

Print the following:

Input Format: The first line contains the first integer, a . The second line contains the second integer, b .

Output Format: Print the three lines as explained above.

Sample Input 0

Sample Output 0

The provided code stub reads two integers from STDIN, a and b . Add logic to print two lines. The first line should contain the result of integer division, a//b . The second line should contain the result of float division, a/b .

No rounding or formatting is necessary.

  • The result of the integer division 3//5 = 0 .
  • The result of the float division is 3/5 = 0.6 .

Input Format

The first line contains the first integer, a . The second line contains the second integer, b .

Output Format

Print the two lines as described above.

The provided code stub reads and integer, n , from STDIN. For all non-negative integers i < n , print i**2 .

The list of non-negative integers that are less than n = 3 is [0,1,2] . Print the square of each number on a separate line.

Input Format: The first and only line contains the integer, n .

Constraints: 1 <= n <= 20

Output Format: Print n lines, one corresponding to each i .

The included code stub will read an integer, n , from STDIN.

Without using any string methods, try to print the following: 123 . . . n

Note that “…” represents the consecutive values in between.

Example n=5

Print the string 12345 .

Input Format: The first line contains an integer n .

Constraints: 1 <= n <= 150

Output Format: Print the list of integers from 1 through n as a string, without spaces.

Python Introduction (Medium) Questions

An extra day is added to the calendar almost every four years as February 29, and the day is called a leap day. It corrects the calendar for the fact that our planet takes approximately 365.25 days to orbit the sun. A leap year contains a leap day.

In the Gregorian calendar, three conditions are used to identify leap years:

  • The year can be evenly divided by 100, it is NOT a leap year, unless:
  • The year is also evenly divisible by 400. Then it is a leap year. This means that in the Gregorian calendar, the years 2000 and 2400 are leap years, while 1800, 1900, 2100, 2200, 2300 and 2500 are NOT leap years.

Given a year, determine whether it is a leap year. If it is a leap year, return the Boolean True , otherwise return False .

Note that the code stub provided reads from STDIN and passes arguments to the is_leap function. It is only necessary to complete the is_leap function.

Input Format: Read year , the year to test.


1900 <= year <= 10 ** 5

Output Format: The function must return a Boolean value (True/False). Output is handled by the provided code stub.

Explanation 0

1990 is not a multiple of 4 hence it’s not a leap year.



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HackerRank Write a function problem solution in python

In this HackerRank write a function problem solution in python , An extra day is added to the calendar almost every four years as February 29, and the day is called a leap day. It corrects the calendar for the fact that our planet takes approximately 365.25 days to orbit the sun. A leap year contains a leap day.

Given a year, determine whether it is a leap year. If it is a leap year, return the Boolean True, otherwise return False.

Note that the code stub provided reads from STDIN and passes arguments to the is_leap function. It is only necessary to complete the is_leap function.

HackerRank Write a function solution in python

Problem solution in Python 2 programming.

Problem solution in Python 3 programming.

Problem solution in pypy programming., problem solution in pypy3 programming., related tutorials.

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Coding Made Simple

Array Mathematics in Python | HackerRank Solution

Hello coders, today we are going to solve Array Mathematics HackerRank Solution in Python .

Array Mathematics in Python

Basic mathematical functions operate element-wise on arrays. They are available both as operator overloads and as functions in the  NumPy  module.

You are given two integer arrays,  A  and  B  of dimensions  N X M . Your task is to perform the following operations:

  • Add ( A  +  B )
  • Subtract ( A  –  B )
  • Multiply ( A  *  B )
  • Integer Division ( A  /  B )
  • Mod ( A  %  B )
  • Power ( A  **  B )

Note There is a method numpy.floor_divide() that works like numpy.divide() except it performs a floor division.

Input Format

The first line contains two space separated integers,  N  and  M . The next  N  lines contains  M  space separated integers of array . The following  N  lines contains  M  space separated integers of array  B .

Output Format

Print the result of each operation in the given order under  Task .

Sample Input

Sample Output

Use  //  for division in Python 3.

Solution – Array Mathematics in Python

Disclaimer: The above Problem ( Array Mathematics ) is generated by Hacker Rank but the Solution is Provided by CodingBroz . This tutorial is only for Educational and Learning Purpose.

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math homework hackerrank solution in python

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3 Easy 10 Warm up
4 Easy 10 Warm up
5 Easy 10 Warm up
6 Easy 10 Warm up
7 Easy 10 Warm up
8 Easy 10 Warm up
9 Easy 10 Warm up
10 Easy 10 Warm up
11 Solution Easy 10 Implementation
12 Solution Easy 10 Implementation
13 Solution Easy 10 Implementation
14 Solution Easy 10 Implementation
15 Solution Easy 10 Implementation
16 Solution Easy 10 Implementation
17 Solution Easy 10 Implementation
18 Solution Easy 10 Implementation
19 Solution Easy 10 Implementation
20 Solution Easy 10 Implementation
21 Solution Easy 10 Implementation
22 Solution Easy 15 Implementation
23 Solution Easy 15 Implementation
24 Solution Easy 15 Implementation
25 Solution Easy 20 Implementation
26 Solution Easy 15 Implementation
27 Solution Easy 20 Implementation
28 Solution Easy 20 Implementation
29 Solution Easy 20 Implementation
30 Solution Easy 15 Implementation
31 Solution Easy 15 Implementation
32 Solution Easy 20 Implementation
33 Solution Easy 20 Implementation
34 Solution Easy 25 Implementation
35 Solution Medium 20 Implementation
36 Solution Easy 20 Implementation
37 Solution Easy 25 Implementation
38 Solution Easy 20 Implementation
39 Solution Easy 25 Implementation
40 Solution Easy 20 Implementation
41 Solution Easy 20 Implementation
42 Solution Medium 25 Implementation
43 Solution Easy 25 Implementation
44 Solution Easy 30 Implementation
45 Solution Easy 30 Implementation
46 Solution Easy 10 Strings
47 Solution Easy 15 Strings
48 Solution Easy 15 Strings
49 Solution Easy 15 Strings
50 Solution Easy 15 Strings
51 Solution Easy 20 Strings
52 Solution Easy 20 Strings
53 Solution Easy 25 Strings
54 Solution Easy 20 Strings
55 Solution Easy 20 Strings
56 Solution Easy 20 Strings
57 Solution Easy 25 Strings
57 Solution Easy 35 Strings
58 Solution Easy 20 Sorting
59 Solution Easy 30 Sorting
60 Solution Easy 30 Sorting
61 Solution Easy 30 Sorting
62 Solution Easy 30 Sorting
63 Solution Easy 30 Sorting
63 Solution Easy 30 Sorting
64 Solution Easy 35 Sorting
65 Solution Easy 35 Sorting
66 Solution Easy 30 Search
67 Solution Easy 45 Search
68 Solution Medium 50 Search
69 Solution Easy 40 Search
70 Solution Easy 15 Greedy
71 Solution Easy 30 Greedy
72 Solution Easy 35 Greedy
73 Solution Easy Greedy
74 Solution Medium 35 Greedy
75 Solution Easy 40 Greedy
76 Solution Easy 40 Greedy
77 Solution Medium 45 Dynamic Programming
78 Solution Easy 20 Bit manipulation
79 Solution Easy 30 Bit manipulation
80 Solution Easy 40 Bit Manipulation
81 Solution Easy 25 Debugging
82 Solution Medium 40 Debugging
83 Solution Easy 25 Debugging
84 Solution Easy 15 Implementation
85 Solution Easy 20 Implementation
86 Solution Easy 15 Implementation
87 Solution Easy 10 Implementation
88 Solution Easy 15 Implementation
89 Solution Easy 15 Implementation
90 Solution Easy 15 Implementation
91 Solution Easy 20 Implementation
92 Solution Easy 30 Implementation
93 Solution Easy 30 Implementation
94 Solution Easy 25 Implementation
95 Solution Easy 30 Implementation
96 Solution Easy 20 Implementation
97 Solution Easy 20 Implementation
98 Solution Easy 25 Implementation
99 Solution Easy 20 Implementation
100 Solution Easy 20 Strings
101 Solution Easy 25 Strings
102 Solution Easy 30 Strings
103 Solution Easy 20 Greedy
104 Solution Medium 30 Bit Manipulation
105 Solution Easy 30 Implementation
106 Solution Meidum 40 Debugging
107 Solution Meidum 30 Implementation
108 Solution Hard 80 Implementation
109 Solution Easy 25 Implementation
110 Solution Easy 20 Greedy
111 Solution Easy 25 Strings
112 Solution Easy 10 Sorting
113 Solution Easy 30 Greedy
114 Solution Easy 20 Greedy
115 Medium 20 Implementation
116 Easy 30 Greedy
117 Medium 40 Implementation
# Problem Solution Difficulty Points Sub domain
1 Solution Easy 5 Introduction
2 Solution Easy 10 Introduction
3 Solution Easy 10 Introduction
4 Solution Easy 10 Introduction
5 Solution Easy 10 Introduction
6 Solution Medium 10 Introduction
7 Solution Easy 20 Introduction
8 Solution Easy 10 Basic data types
9 Solution Easy 10 Basic data types
10 Solution Easy 10 Basic data types
11 Solution Easy 10 Basic data types
12 Solution Easy 10 Basic data types
13 Solution Easy 10 Basic data types
14 Solution Easy 10 Strings
15 Solution Easy 10 Strings
16 Solution Easy 10 Strings
17 Solution Easy 10 Strings
18 Solution Easy 10 Strings
19 Solution Easy 10 Strings
20 Solution Easy 20 Strings
21 Solution Easy 10 Sets
22 Solution Medium 50 Sets
23 Solution Easy 10 Sets
24 Solution Easy 10 Sets
25 Solution Easy 10 Sets
26 Solution Easy 10 Sets
27 Solution Easy 10 Sets
28 Solution Easy 10 Sets
29 Solution Easy 10 Sets
30 Solution Easy 20 Sets
31 Solution Easy 10 Sets
32 Solution Easy 10 Sets
# Problem Solution Difficulty Points Sub domain
1 Easy 5 Introduction
2 Easy 5 Introduction
3 Easy 10 Introduction
4 Easy 10 Introduction
5 Easy 10 Introduction
6 Easy 10 Introduction
7 Easy 10 Introduction
8 Easy 10 Introduction
9 Easy 30 Introduction
10 Easy 10 Strings
11 Easy 10 Strings
12 Easy 10 Classes
13 Easy 10 Classes
14 Easy 20 Classes
15 Easy 30 Classes
16 Medium 30 Classes
17 Medium 30 Classes
18 Medium 40 Classes
19 Easy 10 STL
20 Easy 10 STL
# Problem Solution Difficulty Points Sub domain
1 Easy 5 Introduction
2 Easy 5 Introduction
3 Easy 10 Introduction
4 Easy 10 Introduction
5 Easy 10 Introduction


If you are interested in helping or have a solution in a different language feel free to make a pull request. You can also reach me on through the following media if you want to talk.

  • Email - [email protected]
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  • I'm on hackerrank as well

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Contributors 3.

  • Python 59.1%
  • JavaScript 3.4%

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  20. GitHub

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  22. GitHub

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  23. Programming Problems and Competitions :: HackerRank

    Code your solution in our custom editor or code in your own environment and upload your solution as a file. 4 of 6; Test your code You can compile your code and test it for errors and accuracy before submitting. 5 of 6; Submit to see results When you're ready, submit your solution! Remember, you can go back and refine your code anytime. 6 of 6