Amazing Plasma Globe Tricks That You Never Knew Before!!!


Introduction: Amazing Plasma Globe Tricks That You Never Knew Before!!!

Amazing Plasma Globe Tricks That You Never Knew Before!!!

Step 1: Get the Things!!

Get the Things!!

Step 2: Gas Discharge Tube Fun

Gas Discharge Tube Fun

Step 3: Solid-state Things Fun

Solid-state Things Fun

Step 4: Dangerous Fun!!!

Dangerous Fun!!!

Step 5: Plasma 360 Experiments...

Plasma 360 Experiments...

Step 6: (UPDATE) What Happens If You Put the Neodymium Magnets Near The...

(UPDATE) What Happens If You Put the Neodymium Magnets Near The...

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Top 10 demonstrations with the plasma globe.

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Top 10 demonstrations with the plasma globe  .

The plasma ball is an engaging and safe tool for studying high voltages and the electric field and can be used in middle school, high school, and college level physics courses. A very large voltage is created by a Tesla coil-like circuit and this creates a high electric field between the central electrode and the inner glass. The Field is strong enough to ionize the gases in the ball (it pulls their electrons off) and the freed electrons undergo collisions which liberate more electrons from other gas molecules. This process is known as cascade/avalanche or impact ionization. On first inspection, you will notice that the plasma ball responds to your touch. This is due to the polarization of your body (a decent conductor). As you approach the plasma ball you become polarized by the electric field and this attracts more charge to you. 1. Demonstrate plasma Most physical science classes require that students have a cursory understanding of plasma as the "fourth state of matter." This title is misleading because plasma is the most common state of matter in the universe and plasma was in fact the first state to exist after the big bang. Plasma is a gas-like collection of atoms that have a large number of free electric charges. This means that newly created plasma has undergone ionization (the phase transition that is after melting and boiling). When the freed electrons are regained by ionized atoms the bonding energy is often released as visible light; therefore glowing is a signature of most plasma. Like a gas, plasma has no fixed volume and like other fluids it does not have a fixed shape. Moving plasmas can usually be controlled by magnetic fields, but this will not be visible on the plasma of a plasma ball. In order to witness deflections of plasma, he charges must move for long enough times. A plasma ball operates on a high-frequency alternating voltage, and for this reason, the charges do not have much time to move in demonstrably measurable distances and get deflected. Plasma is also an excellent conductor so, once one filament forms, it becomes generally stable allowing for more current to flow through it (similar to a lightning strike). This is more obvious when you bring a finger to the plasma ball. It is important to remember that plasma is very hot and it will slowly conduct heat through the glass. 2. Touch lightning The very high voltages of the plasma ball can easily polarize a coin (or piece of aluminum foil) placed on top of the plasma ball. By bringing your finger only a few millimeters above the penny, you will be able to elicit a spark from the top of the coin. This spark will not cause pain, or electric shock, but will be hot and if you hold your finger their long enough it might begin to hurt. The tip of the finger will now show a few harmless burn marks that will rub off in a day. Let the students touch lightning too and use this sparking technique to explain how lightning forms due to the Electric Field ionizing the air. You can also have fun burning small pieces of paper with the spark. If you are too shy to touch the spark with your hand, you can touch a metal key (or any conductor) to the coin and the spark will still form while providing additional insulation. You should avoid touching the spark with your fingernail. Fingernails conduct electricity better than the skin and underneath it is a tissue that is dense lined with pain nerves. 3. Demonstrate convection The plasma threads are very hot and they will rise due to their buoyancy in the other gases inside the plasma ball. For this reason, it is difficult to get a horizontal streamer to remain unbroken for more than a second – not unlike a Jacob's Ladder. However, a vertical streamer at the top will be stabilized by the buoyancy. With practice, you should be able to get just a single vertical thread. Once again, be cautious because the glass will heat up. 4. Investigate the oscillating electric field The Electric Field created by the Tesla coil reaches beyond the glass dome and into the air surrounding the plasma ball. This Electric Field can easily be investigated with a small neon bulb or light emitting diode (LED). Bring either of these near the plasma ball and they will light up when aligned radially, but not circumferentially. This demonstrates that the voltages are decreasing with radial distance or (equivalently) that the Electric Field is radial. You will also notice no directional dependence of the diode because the field is oscillating rapidly. The circuit is providing a high-frequency alternating voltage which is necessary to "step up" the voltage to the levels needed to operate the plasma globe. Study the voltage directly by simply connecting a probe to one of the channels on an oscilloscope and you can probe the changing voltage spatially. Some experiments include determining how rapidly the voltage decreases with radial distance or whether the voltage differences are established radially or circumferentially (the answer is the former).

The LED bulb glows brighter as it approaches the plasma globe

The LED bulb glows brighter as it approaches the plasma globe

For fun or if you don't own an oscilloscope, you can also use an audio cable as a probe and listen to the frequencies on an amplifier. These will sound louder up close and quieter far away or when probed circumferentially (along an equipotential line). The human body can serve as an excellent antenna for picking up the signal so be sure to touch the tip of the cable. One last technique is to investigate the voltage differences directly by using a digital voltmeter set to read AC. Through this investigation, one can most easily verify the distance dependence of voltage as it decreases with radial distance. 5. Illuminate a fluorescent lamp This demonstration is normally done with a Van de Graaff generator but often results in you getting mild shocks. However, there is no pain or danger if you simply use the plasma ball! Borrow a long fluorescent tube from your overhead lights, or buy one from the hardware store and bring it near the plasma ball. You will notice that once a part of the mercury gas in the tube gets glowing that it can stay glowing even as you extend it. There is essentially no limit to how far you can pull the tube. It also works on the household small tubes. Emphasize that the fluorescent tube holds ionized mercury (plasma) and that plasma is a conductor (because of the free charges) and for this reason, the tube's light can be drawn with no apparent increase in resistance (no decrease in brightness). Also, note that the starting point of the tube must be close to the plasma ball where the Electric Field is largest (the voltage is changing the most rapidly). This can be demonstrated by moving the tube closer then further radially to the globe. At certain distances, the tube will not glow. There is a minimum Electric Field required to ionize the mercury gas and if the field is not strong enough the tube will not light. Explain also how the fluorescent light is produced: the low pressure, ionized mercury gas releases mostly UV and violet light when it regains its electrons. This light falls on the fluorescent paint that coats the inside of the tube. The paint then glows white. The UV light is blocked by glass, so harmful UV light does not escape the glass tubes. Thus, the process does not work in reverse: if you shine UV light on the tube from the outside the paint won't fluoresce. 6. Create a human short-circuit While you have the fluorescent tubes out, demonstrate that the Electric Field can be diverted to a grounded, shorter circuit if a lab-partner grabs part of the tube. This will reinforce the idea of lightning and currents (perhaps later on) taking the path of least resistance. It will also awaken students to the reality that their bodies are paths through which electricity can flow. (A valuable lesson in electrical safety!)

Touching the fluorescent tube diverts the current. Figure 1

Touching the fluorescent tube diverts the current.

7. Analyze the spectrum of the gases within globe When it comes to analyzing the spectrum of the gases in your plasma ball, a good place to start is to analyze the point where your finger touches. Looking straight at the plasma globe, place a finger as far to one side as possible. This should create what looks like a vertical (pink?) stripe. Analyze this with your diffraction grating and compare the spectrum to known inert (noble) gases. Since there is often more than one gas, this can be difficult but is worth the effort. To analyze the (bluish white) streamer filaments, it is helpful to create the vertical streamer from experiment #3. This vertical column will be ideal for analyzing its spectrum. It is best to have a partner supply a free hand and beware once again of the plasma heating up the glass. This may also be a good time to break out the digital spectrometer or other spectrum-analyzing equipment to get specific wavelengths measured. Different plasma globes use different gases and in different amounts, but they are almost always noble gases. 8. Hold ionized gases in the palm of your hand Ionizing gases and observing their spectra is normally associated with dangerous, high-voltage equipment that only instructors can handle. But now you can put ionized neon tubes in the hands of eager students because your plasma ball ionizes them safely. No longer is a black box needed to confuse students as to what is happening. The plasma ball's strong Electric Field rips the electrons off their atoms and unique colors are produced as electrons are reacquired by the various orbitals. Teaching about the emission spectrum of ionized gases can now become a hands-on activity.

Neon gas spectrum tube near the plasma globe

Neon gas spectrum tube near the plasma globe

9. Power up your cathode ray tube

A plasma ball provides a safe source of high-voltage that can allow you to investigate the properties of cathode rays safely. A typical concern with doing cathode ray tube experiments is that you have to connect your CRT to a dangerous high-voltage source. Teacher and student alike can now safely and easily demonstrate the magnetic deflection of electrons and relive the discoveries of J.J. Thomson thanks to their marvelous plasma globe.

10. Demonstrate an absorption spectrum

A plasma globe provides a rare chance for you to demonstrate that light is absorbed by ionized gases. Send a beam of collimated, white light into the plasma housing and you will be able to observe the absorption spectrum. Collimated light is produced by sending a bright beam through two holes on either side of a box; this guarantees that the light that emerges is a narrow column. Note that projectors that mix RGB will not suffice as a white light source – the light has to be a full rainbow. The best source is a bright incandescent flashlight or an overhead projector. Focus the beam so it passes through the plasma, then separate it with a diffraction grating or prism and project the rainbow on a screen or wall. When the plasma globe is off, the white light will split into a full rainbow. When the globe is on, some of the colors will be missing as thin bands. Most notably will be the yellow and reds observed in the emission spectrum from earlier. This will verify that emission and absorption spectra have the same wavelengths.


In conclusion, the plasma globe is an under-utilized and relatively familiar piece of lab equipment. I strongly recommend that every physics teacher include one in his or her laboratory and use them to make electrostatics as hands-on as possible.

James Lincoln

James Lincoln Tarbut V' Torah High School Irvine, CA, USA

James Lincoln teaches Physics in Southern California and has won several science video contests and worked on various projects in the past few years. James has consulted on TV's "The Big Bang Theory" and WebTV's "This vs. That" and the UCLA Physics Video Project.

Contact: [email protected]

April 03, 2013 Collin Wassilak

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Wonder of the Day #1320

How Does a Plasma Ball Work?


TECHNOLOGY — Inventions

Have You Ever Wondered...

  • How does a plasma ball work?
  • What kinds of gases are inside a plasma ball?

Who invented the plasma ball?

  • Bill Parker ,
  • chemistry ,
  • electricity ,
  • invention ,
  • Nikola Tesla ,
  • noble gas ,
  • Southwest Research Institute ,
  • technology ,

When you study history, do you have an appreciation for how early humans survived way back when? Hunting and gathering food in the wild must have been a big challenge. It must have been even harder for them to charge their devices without electricity !

Just kidding! Life was quite different back in the days before mobile phones and tablet computers . Today, we take these items — and the electricity that runs them — for granted. Can you imagine what a struggle it would be if you couldn't plug in just about anywhere to recharge the devices you rely upon every day?

Electricity is all around us every day, and we usually don't give much thought to it. When you learn about electricity in school, though, it can be a fun and exciting time. This is especially true if you have access to a plasma ball!

If you've ever seen one of those clear glass balls that lights up with what looks like bolts of electricity that stretch from a central orb to the place where your fingers touch the outside of the glass, then you know how cool plasma balls really are!

So what exactly is a plasma ball? Before we can answer that, let's first take a look at what plasma is. Although it sounds a bit mysterious, plasma is actually the most common form of matter in the universe! It's even more common than solids, liquids , and gases !

The Southwest Research Institute defines plasma as “a hot ionized gas containing roughly equal quantities of positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons." Plasma is considered a fourth state of matter that's different from solids, liquids, and gases.

A plasma ball — also sometimes called a plasma globe, lamp, dome, or sphere — is a clear glass ball filled with a mixture of noble gases with a high- voltage electrode at its center. Plasma filaments extend from the electrode to the glass when electricity is supplied, creating fascinating beams of colored light.

The plasma ball was invented by Nikola Tesla when he was experimenting with high-frequency electric currents in a glass vacuum tube. That's why the electrode at the center of a plasma ball is also often known as a Tesla coil . The modern plasma balls popular as novelty and educational items today were first designed by Bill Parker.

The electrode at the center of a plasma ball emits a high-frequency, high- voltage alternating electric current . This current flows through the plasma filaments to create colorful tendrils of light. The colors depend upon the gases used inside the plasma ball. Common gases include neon, argon, xenon, and krypton.

If you've ever touched a plasma ball when it's on, you know that placing your finger on the glass draws a colorful strand of light to your finger. It's like creating your own personal bolt of lightning from the electrode to your finger!

This phenomenon occurs because of the conductive properties of the human body. When you touch the glass, you create a discharge path with less resistance than the surrounding glass and gases.

Wonder What's Next?

Tomorrow’s Wonder of the Day pays tribute to those who have gone before you!

Wasn't today's Wonder of the Day simply shocking? Check out the following activities with a friend or family member to learn even more:

  • Curious to know more about electricity? There are a ton of fun experiments you can do right at home. Jump online to check out Energy and Electricity Experiments . Be sure to get help from an adult friend or family member. Browse through the options and choose one that looks fun and exciting. Have fun experimenting with electricity!
  • Aren't plasma balls super cool? Can you capture the beauty of a plasma ball in your own work of art? Get out your art supplies and create a picture or sculpture inspired by the colorful, electric plasma ball. What colors will you use? Share your work of art with a friend or family member. Will it inspire them to learn more about plasma balls? If so, share what you've learned with them!
  • Up for a challenge? If you have access to both a plasma ball and a fluorescent light bulb, you can try the Plasma Ball and Fluorescent Light Experiment . Before conducting the experiment, read the instructions thoroughly. Make predictions about what you think will happen, and then see if you guessed correctly. Share what you learn with your friends and family members!

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Wonder words.

  • electricity
  • alternating


Isamar Verduzco

Maybe i don't know but maybe...


We've never thought about it, dhruv. Great ideas, thought! 


We're not sure how to create plasma, but it sounds like you're ready for a Wonder Journey--search the Internet or visit your local library. 

Thanks for stopping by, ben!


Also when was this wonder made I need this for my school projects bibliography. Thanks Wonderopolis!

Hi, Jonathan! 

You can use the date you accessed the article :-) Thanks for checking!

Please use Wonderopolis as the author. Thanks for asking, Jonathan!


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josh harris


Alan W Roberts

I've had a shock from my plasma ball. I placed a large speaker magnet on top of the globe and the filaments were atracked to the magnet. The magnet acted like a capacitor and when I put my finger near a spark jumped off the magnet to my finger.

Ouch! We're so sorry to hear that this happened to you, Alan!

That is a great question, josh! This Wonder is just an introduction, and we encourage you to take a Wonder Journey and see what you can discover! 


Nice to know your mental faculties far exceed the knowledge presented here, Wonder Friend!  We hope you use your vast intellect for the betterment of society.


Did you find the answer to your question in the article?  We hope so!  Thanks for WONDERing with us, Ciaran!


 I Love wonderoplis

Thanks, Luck!  We love our Wonder Friends, too!


Thanks for commenting, Cohen! We hope you enjoyed exploring how a plasma ball works! ?


Hi, John! Since we do not list the publish date for Wonders of the Day, you can use the date you accessed this webpage for information. If that is September 13th (when you commented) you can use that date. :)


We love your enthusiasm for WONDERing and learning, saniah! We're glad you had fun exploring this Wonder! :)


Oh, we're not sure, jeff! We suspect it would probably make a BIG mess!


Isla Ramsbottom

Hi, Isla! Thanks for the suggestion! We always encourage you to keep WONDERing! Maybe you can write more questions! :)


Karina The Magnificent

Great question, Karina! The Wonder tells us that those colorful beams are plasma filaments. "Plasma filaments extend from the electrode to the glass when electricity is supplied, creating fascinating beams of colored light." Thanks for WONDERing with us! :)


Helloooooo, joel! Thanks for stopping by Wonderopolis for a LONG hello! :D

Hi, Roisin! Sometimes it helps to retread it and then talk about with someone else. You could also keep researching at your library and online! :)


TTYL texter



We're glad you enjoyed this Wonder of the Day, TTYL texter! We think you may enjoy the following Wonders! :) #1273 What Makes a Light Bulb Light Up? #714 Why Are They Called Lava Lamps®?


Twilight Sparkle

Thank you for asking, Twilight Sparkle! We find information for our Wonders of the Day from a variety of sources, including books on the subject matter and trusted Internet websites. From time to time, we also ask experts in the field that we're WONDERing about. :)


We're so glad we could help, Alex! We know you'll do a stellar job on your science project, Wonder Friend! :D


Great question, Sean! The ball component of a plasma ball is made of glass, not plastic. We're glad you're WONDERing with us, Wonder Friend! :)


Hey, Derpy! It's great to know you liked today's Wonder of the Day! We hope you're having a WONDERful day!! :)


What a great question, Rachel! You can discover more about how touch screens work in Wonder of the Day #420 ! We hope you'll check it out, Wonder Friend! :)


Nicholas M.

Thanks for WONDERing with us, Nicholas! :) At the center of a plasma ball, there's an electrode that emits a high-frequency, high-voltage alternating electric current, which flows through the plasma filaments to create colorful tendrils of light that radiate outward.

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Question 1 of 3

  • a Nikola Tesla Correct!
  • b Bob Barker Not Quite!
  • c Pete Plasma Not Quite!
  • d Bill Parker Not Quite!

Question 2 of 3

<p class=\"FreeForm\">A fourth state of matter, separate from solids, liquids, and gases, is called what?</p>

  • a vacuum Not Quite!
  • b plasma Correct!
  • c electricity Not Quite!
  • d current Not Quite!

Question 3 of 3

Which of the following is NOT a noble gas often used in plasma balls?

  • a neon Not Quite!
  • b argon Not Quite!
  • c xenon Not Quite!
  • d helium Correct!

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Plasma Ball and Fluorescent Light Experiment

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  • Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
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You can perform an interesting science experiment using a plasma ball and a fluorescent light bulb. The fluorescent bulb will light up as you bring it near the plasma ball. Control the light using your hand, so only part of it is illuminated. Here is what you do and why it works.

ThoughtCo / Anne Helmenstine

Here are the materials you will need for the experiment:

  • Plasma ball
  • Fluorescent light bulb (any type)

Steps for the Experiment

  • Turn on the plasma ball.
  • Bring the fluorescent bulb close to the plasma ball. As you near the plasma, the bulb will light up.
  • If you are using a long fluorescent stick, you can control how much of the bulb is lit using your hand. The portion of the bulb close to the plasma ball will remain lit, while the outer portion will stay dark. You can see evanescence or fading of the light as you pull the light further from the plasma ball.

How it Works

A plasma ball is a sealed glass containing low-pressure  noble gases . A high voltage electrode sits in the center of the ball, connected to the power source. When the ball is turned on, electrical current ionizes the gas in the ball, creating plasma. When you touch the surface of the plasma ball, you can see the path of the plasma filaments running between the electrode and the insulating glass shell. Although you cannot see it, the high-frequency current extends beyond the surface of the ball. When you bring a fluorescent tube near the ball, the same energy excites the mercury atoms in the fluorescent bulb. The excited atoms emit ultraviolet light that is absorbed into the phosphor coating inside the fluorescent light, converting the ultraviolet light into visible light.

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Plasma globe

Exploring the wonders of a plasma globe: an engaging and educational experience.

The plasma globe, a captivating sphere filled with awe-inspiring electrical displays, is not just a stunning visual spectacle but also a fantastic educational tool. This article delves into the science behind plasma globes, their interactive nature, and their educational value, making them a must-have in both homes and classrooms.

Understanding the Science of Plasma Globes

The display of lights is not just random; it’s a direct result of the physical properties of plasma. Plasma, often referred to as the fourth state of matter, consists of free-flowing ions and electrons. When these charged particles collide with gas molecules inside the globe, they emit photons, which we perceive as mesmerizing light displays.

Interactive Nature of Plasma Globes

Educational value of plasma globes.

Moreover, plasma globes are safe and accessible. They allow students and enthusiasts to observe and interact with plasma, an otherwise challenging state of matter to demonstrate in a classroom setting. This safe interaction encourages exploration and learning in a fun and engaging way.

Applications of Plasma Globes in Education

Plasma globes offer a tangible way to teach and learn complex scientific concepts. In educational settings, they can be used to demonstrate topics like electrical conductivity, ionization, and the nature of gases. Teachers can leverage these devices to explain how energy is transformed into light and to illustrate the behavior of plasma under different conditions.

Plasma Globes in Modern Technology and Art

Beyond education, plasma globes have found their place in modern technology and art. Artists and designers use them to create dynamic, interactive installations that blend science with visual art. In technology, the principles observed in plasma globes are applied in fields such as plasma screens and certain types of lighting. This versatility highlights the globe’s relevance not just in education but also in practical and artistic domains.

Safe Usage and Maintenance

In summary, the plasma globe is more than a captivating object; it is a gateway to understanding complex scientific phenomena. Its ability to demonstrate electrical and plasma principles in a hands-on, interactive manner makes it an invaluable educational resource. The globe’s application in both learning and artistic contexts further underscores its versatility. As a tool that illuminates the mysteries of science and sparks curiosity, the plasma globe holds a special place in both educational settings and the broader world of science and art. Its presence encourages exploration and learning, making the complex and often intangible principles of physics accessible and engaging for all ages.

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Plasma Ball Tricks

You can do great party tricks with a plasma ball, but be careful when you use it.

How Does a Plasma Ball Work?

A plasma ball is a device based on the plasma lamp originally invented by Nicola Tesla, and now it is commonly sold as a type of desktop toy or attention-getting gadget. Filled with a mixture of gases such as helium and neon, the plasma ball contains filaments of plasma, which glow and emit electromagnetic radiation in various ways depending on the items placed near the ball.

Lighting Fluorescent Bulbs

Fluorescent light bulbs will light up if placed near an active plasma ball. This is due to the electric current flowing through the plasma, which the glass of the ball does not block. LEDs and argon light bulbs also light up when placed near a plasma ball.

Writing With a Metal Pin

If you cover the plasma ball with aluminum foil then place a piece of paper on the aluminum foil, you can write on the paper with a metal pin or a sharp knife point. Whatever you write will be burned into the paper because of the interaction of the metal and the electric current.

Burning Paper Through Metal

If you place a piece of conductive metal, such as a quarter, on top of a plasma ball, you can set a piece of paper or cardboard on fire. All you need to do is place another piece of metal, such as a paper clip, on top of the paper to conduct the electric current through the paper. A bolt of what appears to be miniature lightning will work its way through the paper, burning a hole in it.

Driving a Calculator Crazy

If you place a simple calculator with an LED screen near a plasma ball, the numbers on the calculator will go crazy and start to change all by themselves. Don't try this trick with a valuable calculator, as the experiment may ruin the LED screen.

Shocking Your Friends

If you touch a plasma ball with one hand and touch another person with the other, you will give the other person an electric shock. This is because your body becomes a conductor of electricity. Make sure to warn your friends before you try this trick on them.

Lighting a Match

If you hold an unlit match a few inches over the top of a plasma ball then touch the end of the match with a pencil, the match will catch on fire. You may have to wait up to a minute for this to happen. Be very careful to blow out the match immediately and not allow the fire to spread.

Relighting the Plasma Ball

You can relight a plasma ball briefly after it's been turned off by using your own body to conduct electricity. Place your hand on the plasma ball while it's on, then turn the ball off. Place your hand back on the plasma ball immediately, and you will see electric bolts flash up to your hand. Remove your hand and clap several times. With each clap, you should see more electric bolts run through the plasma ball, even though the electricity to the ball is turned off.

Safety With a Plasma Ball

A plasma ball is a high-voltage electrical device and should be used with caution. The frequencies it emits may interfere with cell phones, Wi-Fi and cordless phones. Because the plasma ball emits electromagnetic radiation, it can interfere with pacemakers. All care should be taken if trying to use the plasma ball to create burning or fire effects, and nothing flammable should be left in contact with the plasma ball.

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The graceful purple arcs of plasma dancing in a plasma ball are created by a large alternating voltage at its centre, and that alternating voltage creates an electromagnetic field with which we can light a fluorescent tube.

plasma globe experiments

1 × plasma ball 1 (or more) × reinforced fluorescent tube(s)

The demonstration

  • Turn on the plasma globe.
  • Bring the fluorescent tube near the plasma ball. Before they touch, the tube should light!

Vital statistics

oscillating voltage: 2–5 kV at around 30 kHz

gas inside the globe: usually neon

How it works

At the centre of a plasma ball is a large alternating voltage, typically a few kilovolts oscillating at around 30 kHz. The low density of the gas in the globe (often neon) makes discharge significantly more favourable than it is in air at atmospheric pressure (the breakdown voltage of air which causes sparks from a Van de Graaff generator , for example, is 30,000 V/cm, whilst this can create arcs many centimetres long with just a few thousand volts). These fronds of plasma make their way from the centre of the globe to the edge, in a bid to reach earth. Creating an enhanced path to earth by touching the globe increases the strength of the discharge, which is why the arcs are attracted to your hand if you touch the globe.

The alternating voltage at the centre creates electromagnetic waves, and the arcs of plasma act as antennae, meaning that the extent of the electromagnetic field surrounding the ball is significantly larger than the bounds of the glass globe. Bringing the fluorescent tube near to the plasma ball allows the electrons inside to be accelerated by this field, and those moving electrons constitute an electric current, which causes the bulb to light up.

This demonstrates that an electromagnetic wave can be used to accelerate particles, providing an alternative to the large, static voltages supplied by Van de Graaff generators. In a real particle accelerator, radio-frequency, or RF, cavities are used to give the particles a kick with an electromagnetic standing wave.

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M aterials:

Touch the plasma ball with your fingers and watch the plasma filaments.


A plasma ball is a sealed glass containing low-pressure noble gases. A high voltage electrode sits in the center of the ball, connected to the power source. When the ball is turned on, electrical current ionizes the gas in the ball, creating plasma. When you touch the surface of the plasma ball, you can see the path of the plasma filaments running between the electrode and the insulating glass shell.

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Make a lemon battery

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Light the fluorescent bulb using a plasma ball!

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Science project, a plasma ball what is it and how does it work.

plasma globe experiments

Grade Level: 6th - 9th; Type: Physics

To determine what a plasma ball is and how it works.

Research Questions:

  • What is plasma? 
  • What are ions? 
  • What are inert gases? 
  • What is the Tesla coil and how is it used? 
  • What precautions should we take in working with the plasma ball? 
  • How is electricity generated and conducted in the plasma ball?

The student will acquire basic information on the phenomenon called plasma and the applications of this unique coil. First and foremost, plasma is created whenever atoms of a gas are heated up to very high temperatures. As a result the atoms have so much energy that when they collide, the electrons are thrown off. What plasma is is a group of electrons and ions. The plasma ball is an electrical apparatus invented by Nikola Tesla in 1894. In the 1980s it gained popularity. It is essentially a glass globe with a central electrode. The globe is filled with a mixture of inert gases. It works just like a teals coil and is useful in conducting electrical experiments. In fact, it can be viewed as a miniature Tesla coil. Inside the ball is a coil of wire that has a very high frequency passing through them. Translated, this means the electrons in the wires are oscillating very quickly. The result is that the atoms around the coil lose their electrons and plasma is formed. Because the globe has had some of its air removed (sucked out) it is very easy to makes electric sparks and readily sees them. In short, plasma is a partially ionized gas and therefore the ability of the negative charges to move about makes it very responsive to electromagnetic fields. Plasma, having these unique properties is considered to be the fourth state of matter.

This science fair experiment also serves to acquaint students with the essential processes of sciencing such as the importance of the use of a control, of identifying dependent and independent variables, of data collection, of pictorial and or graphic presentation of data and of being able to make better judgments as to the validity and reliability of their findings. They take on the role of scientists and in the process they learn to act as one.

  • Plasma ball (available at toy stores)
  • fluorescent light tube (available from local hardware store),
  • a wooden stool or wooden chair (not metal)
  • a few pennies and a multimeter (borrowed from the school`s physics lab).

Experimental Procedure:

  • Gather all the materials you will need for this project. These include the plasma ball, the fluorescent light tube, the wooden chair or stool, some pennies and a multimeter borrowed from the school`s physics lab. Get someone to serve as a helper or partner
  • Copy the Data Chart provided on the next page so that you can readily record your observations.
  • Start by putting your hand on the plasma ball. Record what happened.
  •  Now put the fluorescent light tube close to the plasma ball. Record what happened.
  • Get your partner to help with this. Stand on the chair and put your hand on the ball. Do not touch the ends of the fluorescent tube that you will now ask your partner to hand you. O.K. Now ask your partner to hand you the fluorescent tube. What happened? Record your observation.
  • Get off the chair. Stand on the ground and repeat step 5. What happened? Record!
  • Place a penny on the top of the plasma ball. Now, carefully, touch the penny with another penny. Don’t touch with your finger! You will get a shock!
  • Now measure the electric potential around the ball by placing the first lead on the glass surface and moving the second lead around. Prepare to diagram the electrical field around the ball by taking measurement all around it. Finalize your diagram.
  • Write up your report. Include all of your observations and your diagram. Be sure to include your bibliography as well as the basic information you obtained in your research. Did you enjoy doing this project? What did you like about it? Are there any father steps you would take to learn more about the plasma ball and plasma itself.

                                                                                   Chart of Observations

#1 .Put my hand on the ball  
#2. Placed fluorescent light tube close to the ball  
#3. Was handed fluorescent tube while on chair  
#4. Was handed fluorescent while on floor  
#5. Place a penny on ball  
#6.Touched penny to penny on ball  


                                                       diagram: label the connections.

plasma globe experiments

  •   Does the electric field look like afield around a point charge?      
  •   Can you find the equipotential lines?      
  •   Using the measurement, can you calculate how much potential energy you need to lightup the fluorescent tube?

Terms/Concepts: Matter, states of matter, electrons, ions, inert gases, Tesla coil partial vacuum, conductor, capacitate, electric field,  multimeter.


Eisenkraft,A. Active Physics, It`s About Time,Inc. Armonk, NY 1998

[email protected]

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plasma globe experiments

How Does a Plasma Ball Work?

Plasma is one of the most common states of matter in the Universe. It is a gas that consists of positive ions and negative electrons in equal quantities. We can say that it is the fourth state of matter apart from solid, liquid and gas. Children are introduced to states of matter from an early age so that they understand the basics of physics in order to acquire scientific knowledge. You can teach them about plasma and conduct science experiments for kids so that they can understand the concept of a plasma ball easily. How does a plasma ball work? Are your children aware of this phenomenon? If not, explore science project ideas related to a plasma ball to teach how a plasma ball works to children. 


  • What is a Plasma Ball?

Fun Facts about How Does a Plasma Ball Work?

Easy science project: how does a plasma ball work.

  • Aim of the Project
  • Materials Required
  • Benefits of Learning How Does a Plasma Ball Work?

Frequently Asked Questions on How Does a Plasma Ball Work?

A plasma ball consists of an electrode with 2 to 5 kilovolts at a frequency of 35 Hertz at the center of the glass filled with noble gases. These are found in stars, lightning, Earth’s ionosphere, etc. How does a plasma ball work? Most kids might want to know how a plasma ball works and the reason behind the colorful tendril lights that exist. You can conduct science activities for kids at home so that they can gain knowledge and enhance their learning experience at the same time. 

What is a Plasma Ball? 

A plasma ball is also known as a plasma globe, lamp or dome. It is a glass filled with noble gases with an electrode placed at the center. When the electricity is supplied to a plasma ball, there is a beam of colorful light that occurs. This was first invented by Nicola Tesla, which is why the electrode is also known as the Tesla coil. The electrode emits a high voltage electric current that flows through the plasma filament to produce colorful lights. How does a plasma ball work? This can be one of the interesting science project ideas for kids to learn about a plasma ball. 

These plasma balls were considered to be novelty items. The glass ball consists of gases such as argon, xenon and krypton. If you keep your fingers on the glass, you will provide a spot for energy to flow. It is believed that the human touch becomes more polarized around the electrode because of the better conductivity of electricity. These plasma balls are used as a toy to see the colorful lights by kids. Children can learn this phenomenon by conducting a simple experiment at home.

  • It is a clear glass container.
  • It consists of noble gases inside the glass lamp or a dome. 
  • Plasma filaments are responsible for beams of colored light. 
  • A plasma ball was invented by Nicola Tesla.
  • It is driven by approximately 35 kHz.
  • Keeping fingertips at the top of the glass gives an attractive beam of light.
  • 99% of the matter consists of plasma.

To enhance your child’s interest in learning, you can give them exciting science projects that enable them to learn the subject in an engaging way. It brings out the creative side of children and, at the same time, creates an engaging environment to learn science. To make them learn what plasma is and how a plasma ball works, you can demonstrate and ask them to perform the experiment. Sometimes, children would have come across a plasma ball but do not know how it works. You can make it happen by encouraging them to perform these DIY science experiments at home using a plasma ball. How does a plasma ball work? To know more about this, let us check out the simple experiment given below. 

How Does a Plasma Ball Work?

Aim of the Project 

To observe how a plasma ball works using fingertips or a pencil. Children can also use other materials available at home or in the classroom to check the conductivity of electricity. You can give them easy and clear instructions on how to perform the experiment in a fun and creative way. 

Materials Required 

  • A plasma ball
  • A table or a stool
  • Take a plasma ball and place it on the table.
  • Turn off the light in your home or classroom. 
  • Switch on the plasma ball.
  • You can see the plasma ball glowing.
  • Then, touch the plasma ball using your fingertips and observe the lights.
  • Then, take a pencil and keep it on the glass to observe the lights.  
  • Finally, compare and observe which has the highest conductivity of electricity, 

Plasma is created when there is a lot of high temperature in the glass. When you give a lot of temperature to the atoms, they collide and throw electrons.  The electrons and ions in the glass are plasma. There is an electrode at the center of the glass ball that emits a high voltage electric current which flows through the plasma filaments resulting in colorful lights. Therefore, if you touch any side of the plasma ball with your fingertips or any other materials such as a pencil, the electricity is conducted towards you or to the object. It is observed that the fingertips attract more electricity compared to the pencil. 

Benefits of Learning How Does a Plasma Ball Work? 

Some of the benefits of learning how a plasma ball works are mentioned below:

  • Develops curiosity among children to learn and understand about the plasma ball. 
  • Increases knowledge on atoms, electrons, ions, gases, electricity, etc., in children. 
  • Creates a fun and engaging learning atmosphere for children.
  • Develops problem-solving and critical thinking skills in children. 
  • Increases knowledge about the materials that have the highest conductivity of electricity as it creates colorful tendrils of light when it comes closer to the plasma ball. 
  • Develops interest to learn science by performing simple experiments at home. 
  • Enhances the learning experience of children.
  • Enables children to know interesting facts about a plasma ball. 
  • Develops understanding of basic concepts of physics among children. 

To know more information, explore science games for kids , STEM activities for kids , science activities for preschoolers in the kids learning section at Osmo.

How does a plasma ball work?

A plasma ball is a lamp or a globe filled with noble gases and an electrode placed at the center. When the electricity is supplied, the plasma, which consists of positive ions and negative electrons emits electric current to create colorful tendrils of light. The colors observed in the plasma ball are due to neon, argon, krypton and xenon gases.

What are the benefits of learning how a plasma ball works?

The benefits of learning about a plasma ball are that it imparts scientific knowledge to children about the concept of plasma. Additionally, It enables them to develop the curiosity to perform science projects and experiments for better learning outcomes.

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How Does A Plasma Ball Work?

A plasma ball

Table of Contents

You’ve surely heard the idiom— to catch lightning in a bottle, usually referring to something nearly impossible to do. You might not have the equipment or luck to capture lightning in a bottle, but how about a ball? Yep, plasma balls are cool science toys that can show how it feels to shoot lightning from your fingertips. Let’s see what plasma is and how a plasma ball works.

What’s inside a plasma ball?

First, let’s talk about what’s inside a plasma ball. At its core, a plasma ball is a glass sphere filled with a mixture of noble gases like neon, argon, or xenon. You know, those gases that light up excellent signs and give them that vibrant glow? That’s the stuff!

When electricity is passed through these gases, they form ions , which are charged particles of the gas—the plasma glow when the electricity passes through it, forming branches that look like lightning. This is because of the electrons that bump into the particles of the gas filling the plasma ball, which ionize the gases into plasma.

The colors depend on the type of gas used. Neon gas produces a classic reddish-orange glow, while argon gives off a bluish tint.

What’s even cooler is that you can interact with the plasma inside the ball. The plasma is drawn toward your touch when you touch the glass surface with your finger. Remember, your body conducts electricity, so it’s like you’re guiding the lightning inside the ball. This is why you see the lightning-like streams follow your finger around.

The role of the electrodes

Inside the glass sphere are two metal electrodes —one in the center and one on the outer surface. The inner electrode is connected to the high-frequency generator that produces the electric field , while the outer electrode is usually just a metal coating on the glass.

The electric field generated by the inner electrode is what excites the gases and creates the plasma. The outer electrode serves as a conductor for the plasma, allowing it to flow freely and follow your touch. It’s like the plasma ball’s way of reaching out to you!

Safety First

While plasma balls are awesome and safe to touch, it’s essential to remember a few things. Never try to open or break a plasma ball; the gases inside can be harmful. Also, avoid keeping your plasma ball near heat sources or in direct sunlight, as extreme temperatures can damage it.

Plasma balls may look like magic, but they’re all about the science of gas discharge and excited gas molecules. Next time you see one, you can impress your friends with your knowledge of how it works.

Plasma: A state of matter consisting of charged particles (ions and electrons) that exhibit unique electrical and physical properties.

Noble Gases: A group of chemical elements, including neon, argon, and xenon, known for their low reactivity and use in various applications, such as lighting.

Ions: Charged particles formed when atoms or molecules gain or lose electrons. Electrons: Subatomic particles with a negative charge that orbit the nucleus of an atom.

Ionize: The conversion of neutral atoms or molecules into ions by adding or removing electrons.

Electrodes: Conductive materials used to facilitate the flow of electricity, often employed in various electrical devices and experiments.

High-Frequency Generator: A device that produces electrical signals at a high frequency, used to generate the electric field in a plasma ball.

Electric Field: A region of space surrounding charged objects where other charged things experience electrical forces.

Conductor: A material that allows the flow of electric current due to the mobility of electrons.

Gas Discharge: The release of electricity through a gas medium, resulting in light emission or other effects.


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Kaluga is called the Cradle of Cosmonautics due to its links with the scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky - one of the founding fathers of Russian cosmonautics - and many of its main sights are connected with this. You can visit Kaluga as a day trip from Moscow  or combine it with travelling around other cities of the Kaluga Region.

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    The plasma ball is an electrical apparatus invented by Nikola Tesla in 1894. In the 1980s it gained popularity. It is essentially a glass globe with a central electrode. The globe is filled with a mixture of inert gases. It works just like a teals coil and is useful in conducting electrical experiments.

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    Kaluga. Kaluga is called the Cradle of Cosmonautics due to its links with the scientist Konstantin Tsiolkovsky - one of the founding fathers of Russian cosmonautics - and many of its main sights are connected with this. You can visit Kaluga as a day trip from Moscow or combine it with travelling around other cities of the Kaluga Region.

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