Drexel University Supplemental Essays 2022-23

Drexel supplemental essays 2022-23.

Located in the heart of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Drexel University is undeniably an excellent school for students to add to their college lists. The school has over 80 Drexel majors and minors, but the school is most known for its STEM majors, especially computer science and engineering. In this article, we will discuss the Drexel supplemental essays, their importance, and how to respond to the Drexel essay prompts with strong Drexel essays that will boost your acceptance odds.

History of Drexel University

Since 1919, Drexel University has been a  co-operative educational institution , which is an amazing type of educational program that students might not have heard about before. “Co-operative” means that all  Drexel undergraduate students work six months at a job in their chosen field as part of their education at Drexel. This work experience is unique and greatly helps strengthen job applications after graduation.

Drexel rankings

The Drexel University ranking is #105 in U.S. News for Best Colleges nationally. While Drexel doesn’t crack the top 100 colleges in the U.S. News list, a ranking of 105 is still high and quite impressive. This Drexel University ranking is proof that Drexel is a well-respected university in Philadelphia, therefore students should take care in answering the Drexel supplemental essays to help their application stand out. 

Drexel University is considered to be a good school due to many varying factors. It is important to remember that a “good school” is determined by so much more than ranking alone. Other factors to consider include program offerings, campus life, and career-placement opportunities after graduation. Furthermore, ultimately, a “good school” will depend on what an applicant is looking for in their own personal college experience.  

What is the Drexel acceptance rate like?

One factor that can be considered when thinking about if a school is a good school for you is acceptance rate. While the Drexel University acceptance rate is 83% , it is important to remember that acceptance is certainly not guaranteed. Not all students who apply gain admission. Because of this, one should not slack on any part of the application process, in particular, the Drexel essays.

Drexel University takes into consideration several things when determining admission. These variants include a student’s high school performance, letters of recommendation, standardized test scores, and, of course, the Drexel supplemental essays. 

Drexel supplemental essay review

Now, you might be wondering why Drexel University supplemental essays are necessary for your application. Writing the Drexel essays are a chance for students to share with the Drexel admissions committee who they are beyond grades, test scores, and recommendations . This means that students should put the appropriate amount of thought and consideration into their answers to the Drexel essay prompts in order to highlight their positive attributes and unique qualities. 

If you are interested in applying to Drexel University, you might feel a bit overwhelmed by the Drexel supplemental essays. You may be wondering how to craft strong responses to the Drexel essay prompts. Luckily, you’re in the right place! Our comprehensive guide will expertly break down the requirements of the Drexel supplemental essays, while also highlighting some key information about Drexel University to help students have the highest chance of gaining admission with their Drexel supplemental essays. 

Drexel Essay Prompts: Quick Facts

  • Drexel University Acceptance Rate:  83%– U.S. News’s Drexel University ranking makes Drexel a  more selective   school. 
  • All applicants must submit a 250 to 650-word personal essay.
  • Applicants to specific programs may be asked to complete additional Drexel University supplemental essays.
  • Drexel University Application:  Students must submit their Drexel University application via the  Common Application  or the  Coalition Application . Make sure to have all of your Drexel supplemental essays and other  required application materials  ready when applying. 
  • Early Decision: November 1st
  • Early Action: November 1st
  • Regular Decision: January 15th 
  • Drexel University Essay Tip:  There is only one Drexel University essay that is required, and this is the personal essay. So, it is important to make your essay count. Make sure you take the time to answer thoughtfully and make the most impact within the 250 to 650-word limit.

Does Drexel University have supplemental essays?

Drexel University does, in fact, have specific Drexel University supplemental essays. Most undergraduate applicants will be required to submit a personal essay for all college applications via the Common App or Coalition App. Drexel is no exception. The personal essay topics will vary, but the primary purpose of these essays is to tell the Drexel admissions committee things about yourself that cannot be found in any other part of your application. So, we should note that the standard personal essay is different from the Drexel University supplemental essays, but is still a requirement.

More than just the personal essay

In addition to the personal essay, students who apply for certain majors or special programs within the university will be asked to submit additional Drexel essays that express their passion for their intended major. These Drexel supplemental essays provide applicants with the opportunity to help their application stand apart from the rest!

The Drexel essays are dependent upon the program a student applies for, which can be determined from the list of Drexel majors. Later on,  we’ll dive deeper into a few of these programs, as well as introduce the Drexel essay prompts later in this article. 

Use the essays to your advantage

It is important to make the absolute most of your Drexel supplemental essays! Do not make the critical mistake of waiting until the last minute to begin writing your Drexel supplemental essay draft. Allow yourself enough time for editing and proofreading, and you’ll beat that Drexel University acceptance rate.

Follow our guide for tips and recommendations on how to write the best Drexel supplemental essay before the application deadline to help strengthen your application. So, read on to dive into our tips and tricks for writing the Drexel University supplemental essays!

Drexel University Essay Requirements

Drexel University requires the submission of one personal essay between 250 and 650 words. There are also additional Drexel University supplemental essays that are specific to certain programs or majors. Like all supplemental college essays, any of the  Drexel essay prompts will have a suggested word count. Additionally, the Drexel website states that it is important for students to take any and all requirements into consideration while writing. Students can see all requirements, including the required (and optional) Drexel University supplemental essays, by visiting the Drexel University website here .

Complete program-specific essays

As we mentioned, additional Drexel essays will be required if a student is applying to certain programs within the university. Because of this, it is important for students to evaluate all of the potential majors in order to apply for the correct program. To do this, we recommend checking out our resources on how to choose a major as well as considering the specific Drexel majors offered.

Submit by the deadline

It is critical for students to ensure they submit their application, including any required Drexel supplemental essays, by the application deadline . Failure to submit all materials by this date will almost guarantee a rejection letter from the university. Time management, along with test scores, recommendations, and what you say about yourself in your Drexel supplemental essays, will all play an equally important role in the decision of the admissions committee. 

Now, let’s break down several of the programs within Drexel University. And, we’ll take a look at the Drexel University essay prompts required for admission to each of these programs. 

Westphal College of Media Arts and Design Writing Supplement

As previously mentioned, the Drexel supplemental essays vary from program to program. One such program is the Westphal College of Media Arts and Design. This is the an arts and design school within Drexel University that houses many majors in the creative arts industry. From graphic design to dance, the Westphal College of Media Arts and Design has a wide range of majors to choose from. This program has its own specific supplemental essay required for admission.

Westphal College of Maria Arts and Design prides itself on teaching design, media, and performance in a different way. Being predominantly studio-based, the class sizes are small and hands-on, empowering students to excel in highly creative fields. 

Small class sizes mean fewer acceptances, which means that this program is more selective with acceptances. This is very important to keep in mind when writing the Drexel supplemental essays, either for the Westphal College of Maria Arts and Design or other Drexel programs. 

Breaking down the Westphal supplemental

The essay required for admission into this program differs from the personal undergrad essay that is required for all applicants to submit to Drexel University. This additional essay provides students the opportunity to express interest in their chosen major and provide background information on any previous experience within that field. 

Let’s take a look at the prompt:

Please write a short essay describing why you are interested in pursuing your major of choice at Drexel University’s Westphal College. What have you done that prepares you to study in your major of choice? (Maximum 500 words)

As you can see, this prompt can be categorized as a “why major” essay. This is a twist on the more classic “why school” essay. A “why school” essay is a common type of college application essay that  asks, “Why is this school a fit for you?” and a “why major” essay refers to an essay that asks, “Why is this major a fit for you?”

This specific Drexel essay prompts the student to cite reasons why they are interested in their major of choice. In this instance, it is necessary to know your chosen major at the time of application. It is important to follow the guidelines of the prompt. So, incorporating more than one major interest within this essay would not be advised. Students will have 500 words to respond to this essay. 

Drexel’s BA/BS + MD Writing Supplement

Drexel University offers an early acceptance program for biological sciences, chemistry, and biomedical engineering majors known as the BA/B + MD Early Assurance Program . This program is a 4 + 4 combined program. It offers students early acceptance into both their undergraduate program and their medical school simultaneously.

This unique opportunity is certainly more selective than a traditional undergrad acceptance. Because of this, any Drexel supplemental essays for the BA/B + MD Early Assurance Program will extremely important. It is advised to begin the essay writing process with plenty of time to brainstorm your Drexel supplemental essays, draft your Drexel supplemental essays, and have your Drexel supplemental essays reviewed by several sources prior to submission. We will explain this process in more detail later in this article.

In addition to many admissions requirements, Drexel’s BA/BS + MD program requires its own supplemental essay. This gives applicants the opportunity to share why they are interested in the program at Drexel University College of Medicine.

Let’s take a look at the prompt: 

Tell the Admission Committee why you are applying to the joint program with the Drexel University College of Medicine. Be sure to explain why you want to be a physician and, more specifically, why you want to obtain your medical education at the Drexel University College of Medicine. The essay should be approximately 500 words long.

As you can see, this prompt is also classified as a “why school” essay. Additionally, it could be considered a “why major” essay. So, students have the opportunity to express why they have chosen this program and want to pursue medicine. Utilize this opportunity to touch on your strongest why(s) and highlight your past experience to elevate your application.

Does Drexel University care about essays?

Having to worry about Drexel supplemental essays in addition to all other requirements for college application submission can feel overwhelming. But, it’s important to remember that Drexel University really does care about essays. Otherwise, they would not ask applicants to waste their time writing.

There is a lot more that goes into an admission decision than just numbers. Schools want to know who you are, how you are unique, and how diverse your background is. So, take any opportunity to showcase these elements to the Drexel admissions committee to help your application stand out .

Test-optional policy

Another important thing to note is that Drexel University has a test-optional admission policy. Students do not have to submit their ACT or SAT scores. If you feel your test scores are not indicative of your academic achievement, don’t stress! In other words, only submit test scores if you do well on the SAT or ACT.

Because of this, the Drexel University admissions committee most likely values the Drexel supplemental essays even more. Therefore, students should put a lot of effort into making their essay shine for the admissions committee. Think of this as the time to really allow your personality and experience to shine through. 

How to write the Drexel Supplemental Essays?

Next, let’s discuss how to approach writing the Drexel supplemental essays. 

Understand the prompt

The best way to begin is to review the prompt and get a full grasp of what it is asking. Break down the question into separate sections. Dissect every part of it fully so that you have a clear direction when writing.

Next, start by drafting a list of all the reasons why you want to attend Drexel University. The admissions committee wants to know your “why this school” logic to determine if you are a good fit. A solid brainstorming session is the foundation of a strong essay, so this is a super important step. 

While writing your list, it is best to be as specific and personal as possible. The more personalized your reasons, the easier it will be to decide which one to focus on. Because the essay is limited to 650 words, we recommend highlighting no more than three reasons for your “why this school”.   

Free writing & drafting

Once you have completed the above steps to set the foundation for your essay, it’s time to free write. Freewriting is a great way to get all of your ideas out and organize your thoughts. You can use the writing you do during this time as a reference point to begin your story.

With both your brainstorm and free write behind you, begin drafting your Drexel supplemental essay. Having already done the prep work, you can choose what you would like to utilize. Knowing the direction of your essay is important. And, remember that you do not have to focus on word count or grammar at this stage. The key is to allow your creativity to flow as you answer the prompt clearly and express yourself to the admissions committee. 

Proofread, proofread, proofread

After your Drexel supplemental essay draft is complete, you will want to proofread your draft for all grammar edits, as well as ensure your essay fits within the word count requirements. From there, your draft will be ready for review by external sources. We recommend that you have your essay reviewed by several people to gain different perspectives. 

It’s advisable to seek out sources who work within education, like teachers, advisors, or counselors, if possible. The goal is for these sources to revise for grammatical errors, as well as offer feedback on the overall structure of your Drexel supplemental essay.

You can utilize this workflow for any of the Drexel supplemental essays you will have to submit, including the essays for specific programs within the university. 

Drexel Supplemental Essays – 5 Takeaways

Completing the Drexel supplemental essays can feel overwhelming, so let’s simplify five key takeaways to take with you into your Drexel University application process:

Five Main Takeaways

#1- keep it personal.

Prompts for the Drexel supplemental essays will most likely ask personal questions. Personal essays give applicants the opportunity to express themselves and share who they are and why they want to attend the university or major in a specific field with the admissions team. The supplemental essay will be the only component of your application that allows for the admissions committee to see beyond grades and extracurriculars, so it is important to fully utilize the opportunity and answer the question clearly to help your application stand out. 

#2- Follow the word count

The Drexel supplemental essays will be no more than 650 words. However, the Drexel supplemental essays vary in length between 250-650 words. Whether your prompt states 250 words or 650 words, it is critical to follow the word count guidelines. Be sure to narrow down your thoughts dependent on the length of your essay. The shorter the word count, the fewer ideas you will want to include. If you are only including one idea in your essay, make sure it is your strongest. 

#3- Plan for a “Why Major” essay

Another thing to note is that the Drexel supplemental essays differ depending on which program a student applies to. While it is likely your essay prompts will be a “why major” essay, each question will be tailored to the program. That is why it is crucial to know your chosen major prior to applying to Drexel University to ensure acceptance into your desired program. It is also important to note that some programs may be more selective than others, in which case your Drexel supplemental essays will matter even more.

#4- Brainstorm!

Brainstorm a list to narrow down no more than three strong reasons to your “why this school”. That is the first step you should take prior to drafting your Drexel supplemental essay, and it will help to set you up for success. This list will allow you to visually see which ideas are the strongest to incorporate into your essay. Setting the foundation with one to three key ideas will really help visualize the overall structure and concept of your essay.

#5- Leave time to review your essays

Finally, choose several sources to review your Drexel supplemental essays before submitting them to the admissions committee. Prior to submitting your Drexel supplemental essays, it is advised to have several trusted sources review your essay for grammatical errors and structural edits. Having different perspectives and viewpoints can be super helpful for your final revision and might even spark some ideas for your essay that take it to new heights. 

Still need more support?

You’re in the right place! At CollegeAdvisor, we’re here to assist you every step of the way in your college application journey. From formulating your college list to helping with your supplemental essays, our team is ready to help you. And don’t forget to check out our list of the top colleges in Pennsylvania when crafting your college list. And, be sure to reference our essay guides and strong essay examples if you would like to dive deeper into the supplemental essay writing process.

This guide was written by Nora Eckler. Looking for more admissions support? Click here to schedule a free meeting with one of our Admissions Specialists. During your meeting, our team will discuss your profile and help you find targeted ways to increase your admissions odds at top schools. We’ll also answer any questions and discuss how CollegeAdvisor.com can support you in the college application process.

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Supplemental Essay Guide 2024-25

What do the 2024-25 supplemental essay prompts really mean, and how should you approach them? CEA's experts are here to break them all down.

Acceptance Rate

Undergrad population.

  • Liberal Arts (59)

* Tuition filtering is based on out-of-state fees

How to Approach Supplemental Essays

When our students dig into the college application process, they are often surprised to encounter not only the main Common Application’s personal statement , but also a host of supplemental essay questions. These assignments are often school-specific writing prompts for which a student must also craft thoughtful, well-written replies.

Supplemental essays are often more focused than the Common App assignment, though they vary in length and scope. Their prompts tackle subjects that range from deeper explorations of a student’s background to their collegiate and academic interests.

We often encourage our students to nail down their personal statement topic first, then ask them to approach their supplemental essays in priority order, according to submission deadlines. Many schools will offer prompts that are similar in theme and content to one another (for example, many institutions now ask about a student’s most important activity ), so it is helpful for students to gather and review all supplemental questions before beginning the brainstorm process to see where they might naturally overlap.

Elite institutions often have extensive supplemental sections, as do some honors programs, so students should keep this in mind as they hunt for their essay questions and map out their plan of attack.

All supplemental essays should be given the same time and care as the main Common Application essay. These supplements not only are an excellent opportunity to show a school both your competence and level of devotion to their institution, but also offer opportunities to paint some personality into your application. So embrace supplements, use your unique voice, and show these schools what you’re made of!

Why Choose College Essay Advisors for Supplemental Essay Support

College Essay Advisors has over twenty years of experience guiding students one-on-one through the essay writing process for school-specific supplements. We take a holistic approach to these essays and short answers, considering each student’s application package as a whole and identifying their strengths to highlight. It’s incredibly important to us that each student’s voice is preserved, and we pride ourselves in helping students to write successful supplemental essays that differentiate them from similarly qualified applicants. For more information, submit a contact form below or review our one-on-one advising services or list of student acceptances . 

Agnes Scott College 2024-25 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

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Alvernia University 2024-25 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide  

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It really depends. Typically, the more competitive the university, the more arduous the supplemental essay requirements. Most top universities ask for at least three supplemental essays, but some only require one short essay.

The most common supplemental essay topics are:

  • The Why Essay , which asks applicants to discuss their interest in their intended major and/or the school in question.
  • The Activity Essay , which asks applicants to describe their involvement in an activity that is meaningful to them.
  • The Community Essay , which asks about a community the applicant belongs to and the role that community plays in their life (and vice versa!).
  • The Diversity Essay , which often asks applicants to explore how they champion diversity and inclusion in their communities and/or how they engage with people from different backgrounds or who hold opposing views. 
  • The Short Answer , which asks applicants to answer prompts in very few words (or characters) to add context to their application and a splash of personality.
  • The Oddball Essay , which asks applicants to tap into their creativity to connect curveball questions to their lives and interests.

Just like with the Common App personal statement, you’re going to want to write authentically about yourself while addressing all parts of each supplemental essay prompt. Many schools want to better understand how you see yourself contributing to their campus community and/or diversity and inclusion efforts along with how you hope to use your education to achieve your goals. So, be honest and forward-thinking, and don’t forget to customize each supplemental essay so it’s specific to each school you’re submitting to. That means doing research and weaving information into your essays that demonstrates the amount of time and thought you’ve put into your application. 

We have a few successful supplemental essay examples in our Free Resources section.

Each admissions department has their own process for reviewing applications, and some admissions committees put more weight on supplemental essays than others, but all admissions departments that offer applicants the opportunity to pen additional essays are doing so for a reason: to better understand the applicant and compare similarly qualified candidates. It’s in the applicant’s best interest to not only provide admissions with as much information regarding their candidacy as possible, but also go the extra mile. At highly competitive institutions, admissions officers are looking for reasons to remove students from the applicant pool—don’t let poorly written or (*gulp*) incomplete supplemental essays work against you!

Absolutely not. Please do not reuse content from your Common App essay in your supplements. Although it’s possible for you to expand upon an idea, activity, or community that you mention in your Common App essay in your supplements, you should never recycle content or any phrasing word for word.

Start by reading through all the prompts. Next, jot down ideas that come to your mind (no matter how silly they may seem!). Everyone has a story to tell, and we’re willing to bet you’re more interesting than you think. Give yourself plenty of time to consider different topics and revise, revise, revise! Also, our handy dandy Supplemental Essay Guides are sure to help you on your writing journey.

We have been reading supplemental essays for over twenty years now, so we know a thing or two about the most common mistakes students make. The most common mistakes to avoid are:

  • Repeating the prompt in your essay.

You want to make sure every word counts, and repeating the prompt in your essay is a huge waste of space. Rest assured that admissions officers know which prompt you’re responding to. Instead, start your essay off with a strong hook that pulls your reader in (rather than puts them to sleep!). 

  • Trying to sound like an academic.

Time and time again, schools post advice on their websites encouraging students to speak in their authentic voices and let the admissions officers reading their applications get to know them. Aaaand time and time again, we read essays students have written in which they go to great lengths to elevate their vocabulary, and in the process, they lose their own voice.

  • Using cliches.

Cliches are not your friends when it comes to writing supplemental essays. You may feel like a diamond in the rough, that the world is your oyster, or that love conquers all, but even reading those, did you feel your eyes glazing over? All cliches do is make your essay blend in with the thousands of others in the pile. Emphasize your uniqueness with concrete examples and personal anecdotes, because cliches are rather ineffective, boring, and—let’s face it—lazy.

North Park University 2024-25 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

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supplemental essay drexel

How to Write the Drexel University Supplement Essays 2020-2021

supplemental essay drexel

We’ve updated this post! Please check out the 2021-2022 Drexel essay guide .

Drexel University, located across three campuses in urban Philadelphia, is a private research institution that is ranked #23 in Most Innovative Schools and among the Top 100 National Universities and Best Value Schools by U.S. News and World Report.

Drexel is well known for its cooperative-education program that offers students the opportunity to gain 18 months of full-time, major-related work experience while pursuing a degree.

Though Drexel does not have a universal required prompt outside of the Common App, certain schools and programs have specific required essays. This post will help you understand those prompts. Want to know your chances at Drexel? Calculate your chances for free right now.

Drexel University Application Essay Prompts

Custom-designed applicant prompt, please write a 500- to 800-word vision statement/essay describing in detail what you want to study, what you hope to accomplish during your time in the program, and why your educational goals cannot be met by pursuing a traditional drexel major, a double major, or a major combined with minors. your vision statement/essay should also include how you expect this program to prepare you for life after college, detailing what career or pursuits the custom-designed major will facilitate and how you plan to impact the world. finally, the vision statement/essay should contain a plausible plan of study for achieving your goals by drawing upon two or more existing drexel programs. a sample vision statement can be found on the custom-designed major prospective students page. information about existing programs and courses at drexel can be found in the university catalog. (response required in 500-800 words.) *this essay is required for custom-design applicants only..

Drexel’s Custom-Designed Major offers students the opportunity to pursue an individualized and interdisciplinary course of study that uniquely satisfies their interests. Designed for the highly motivated, it allows students to lay out their own educational roadmap that is supplemented with one-on-one mentorship from faculty.

Note: Prior to applying for the Custom-Designed Major, check out Drexel’s extensive list of majors and minors to make sure that your desired course of study cannot be fully satisfied by an existing program. Some examples of Custom-Designed Majors include Quantitative Behavioral Finance, Sustainable Design, Science and Technology Policy, and New Media Entrepreneurship.

Despite appearing in the essay section of the Common App, this prompt can be more accurately described as a “vision statement.” It is very specific in its requirements and outlines all of the content that Drexel wants to see from applicants. It can be broken down into five key points.

Vision Statement Key Points:

  • What do you want to study?
  • What do you hope to accomplish while in the program?
  • Why do you need a Custom-Designed Major?
  • How will a Custom-Designed Major prepare you for your career/pursuits and help you impact the world?
  • What is your plan of study?

Don’t be intimidated by the large block of text in the prompt because at it’s core, the vision statement simply asks you to explain why and how a personalized education path at Drexel will benefit you.

Why a Custom-Designed Major?

A strong way to start off your vision statement is by identifying a societal or professional need for an educational pathway that is currently nonexistent at the school. You can open with a personal experience or an observation that shows why an interdisciplinary approach is necessary. By doing so, you immediately grab the attention of your reader and give him/her the lenses to understand the rest of your writing from your perspective.

Once you highlight that need, you should specify a course of study by selecting at least two existing programs and discussing their intersection to form a Custom-Designed Major. Ideally, you want to come up with a name for your major, which could be based on either a professional field or your own experiences. Make sure you describe the programs in detail because your vision statement is centered around them.

Make sure to answer the “why” by explaining the future benefits of your course of study. Higher education helps you become better prepared for your pursuits later on in life, so you must express some kind of a trajectory that necessitates your Custom-Designed Major.

If you know exactly what you want to do in the future, write about your specific career path and how having a solid foundation in multiple fields will strengthen your skills and insight. If you are not certain of the specific job you would like to work at but have a general idea of what you want to do, discuss the shortcomings that currently exist and how your interdisciplinary studies prepare you to better respond to situations.

How will you take advantage of the program?

How will you use your time at Drexel? The admissions officers want to know that you are going in with clearly defined goals. Remember, this program is for students who are driven to pursue a specific path, and not for those who are still exploring. You need to make sure that you clearly demonstrate that you will make full use of the resources available.

That said, your vision statement must outline your key goals while in the program. Think about what you want to accomplish. For example, maybe you want to develop an in-depth understanding of how two fields relate so that you can one day make improvements to an existing industry. Whatever you decide your goals should be, make sure that they connect back to the interdisciplinary nature of your custom-designed major.

Plan of Study

Once you know what you hope to accomplish in the program, ask yourself how you will achieve those objectives. What academic resources will put you on the right trajectory? Here, Drexel wants you to be specific and discuss which aspects of existing programs you will merge to form the crux of your Custom-Designed Major.

Your proposed Plan of Study should be a term-by-term outline of the courses that you want to take. Notice how the prompt specifies you to look at existing courses in the University Catalogue . You want to create an organized table that lists out the specific classes you plan on taking during each term of each academic school year.

The majority of the academic departments at Drexel operate under a quarter system , permitting you to take classes even during the summer if desired. This gives you the option of overloading on courses, but make sure your proposal is one that you could realistically manage.

In addition to listing out the courses you want to take, make sure you include the ones that are degree requirements for all Custom-Designed Majors. These requirements include a number of CSDN/WEST courses as well as fulfilling a number of credits in the humanities, social sciences, mathematics, and sciences.

Note: This plan does not necessarily need to be set in stone, but it should be thorough enough to indicate that you have the foresight to succeed as a student in the program.

Here’s an example :

  • You can write about noticing that current government policies are failing to adapt to the changing pace of technology, and therefore creating a large number of social problems that will have to be resolved by this generation. You could then argue that it is important to have proactive policies that account for likely problems associated with developments in technology, rather than having reactionary policies. By merging Political Science with Computer Science and Computer and Security Technology courses , you would learn to draft government policy as a forward-thinking innovator capable of taking on societal challenges in a way that surpasses career politicians with no technical background. Then, you can proceed to discuss the benefits of gaining experience in the cooperative-education program by working for leading artificial intelligence firms to give you insight prior to working in government. Finally, you would provide a well-documented list of courses you intend on taking for the major requirements and across disciplines.

If you need more concrete examples, Drexel offers vision statements on the Prospective Students section of the Custom-Designed Major page.

supplemental essay drexel

Westphal College Applicant Prompt

Please write a short essay describing why you are interested in pursuing your major of choice at drexel university’s westphal college. what have you done that prepares you to study in your major of choice (response required in 500 words.) *this essay is required for westphal college applicants only..

Drexel’s Westphal College of Media Arts & Design is unlike traditional arts school. Westphal encompasses a variety of majors that help artistic and creative individuals find practical and sustainable applications of their craft to high-demand industries. Similar to the application for Custom-Designed Major, the Westphal College application is direct and focuses in on your specific path. It also asks a core question: “Why pursue your selected major, and what experience have you had?”

Note: Prior to writing your essay, you should first select a specific Westphal major that has significance/relevance in your life.

Why your major?

When answering the “why,” you can take a number of different approaches as long as you satisfy your primary goal of demonstrating that you are passionate about a subject. Why are you inspired to pursue your desired major? Why is your desired major important to you? Why will your desired major permit you to impact society? These are all questions that you should be considering as you write.

You can write about an experience that significantly impacted your life and has sparked your interest in a subject. Maybe it was a book, movie, or class that just clicked for you and helped you realize what you want to do with your life. Discuss how a subject excites you or changes the way in which you understand the world. Try to zone in on building a narrative so that the reader understands your perspective and thinks, “ I can’t see this student studying anything but this major .”

What experience have you had?

After introducing your interest, you want to explain what you have done that makes you qualified to be a student of a particular major at Westphal. Ideally, you want to develop an image of yourself as someone who found a passion and pursued it.

If you have allowed your love for a subject to manifest outside of the classroom in the form of a personal project/pursuit or extracurricular activity, discuss that. It will show that you took advantage of your opportunities and turned an interest into something tangible and impactful.

If you haven’t quite had the chance to further your interests, you can write about classes you’ve taken in school or books that you’ve read that relate to your desired major. Make sure you demonstrate your knowledge by delving deeply into the subjects to build around the underlying passion that you want to drive your essay.

Even if you haven’t had much specific experience relating to your desired major, you can still write a strong essay . Often times, your inspiration for pursuing a subject is the source of your experience. For example, someone seeking to study Game Design & Production may not have actually designed video games before, but perhaps has spent significant hours playing Pokémon and thus understands user interface and graphics.

The primary goal is to indicate that your passion for a subject has manifested in ways that have given you insight and experience into your desired major, to prove that you are suited for the program.

For example :

  • A student can talk about how she grew up playing Pokémon, which provided her with an escape from difficulties in her childhood. It sparked her imagination and brought her immense joy in the form of imaginary adventures in a world that she could control, unlike the real world that often disappointed her. Though she has not had extensive experience with Game Design & Production, she took a programming course in Python in which she made basic games, such as Brick Breaker and Air Hockey. She could express how it excited her to know that if she studied Game Design & Production, she would one day be able to merge her experience as a gamer with technical skills to bring the kind of joy to other children that Pokémon brought to her!

If you’re applying elsewhere as well, check out our database of essay prompts for hundreds of other colleges!

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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, what does the drexel supplemental essay involve.

Hey all, I'm applying to Drexel and just saw that they have a supplemental essay. Does anyone know what topics they typically ask about, and how much weight does it carry in the admissions process?

The Drexel University supplemental essay is an opportunity for you to express parts of your personality and interests that are not evident from the rest of your application. Typically, the prompts touch upon aspects like why you're interested in Drexel, your intended major, and how you see yourself contributing to the campus community. It’s crucial to tailor your response specifically to Drexel, mentioning programs, research opportunities, or aspects of campus life that attract you to the school.

The supplemental essay is your chance to stand out and to give the admissions committee a more well-rounded view of who you are. It certainly carries weight in the admissions process, as it reflects your genuine interest in the university and can demonstrate fit. Since the prompts can vary from year to year, it's important to check the most current application requirements for the specific essay topics.

Be sure to spend a good deal of time drafting and revising your essay. It's not an afterthought; it's a piece of the puzzle that can tilt the scales in your favor if well-crafted and truly resonant with Drexel's values and offerings.

In sum, approach the Drexel supplemental essay as a significant part of your application and use it to your advantage to show why you’re a great candidate for admission.

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Drexel University College of Medicine Secondary Application Essay Prompts & Tips

  • Cracking Med School Admissions

Every medical school student and alumnus we have met from Drexel University College of Medicine has absolutely loved his or her experience there! Drexel is a very popular medical school students both from the east coast and California apply to. It is important to convey why you would be a great fit for the Drexel University community on your Drexel secondary application. Drexel is a community-oriented school, and it is important to talk about how you have been involved with your local community. Additionally, you should write how you want to contribute to Philadelphia, where Drexel is located, throughout your Drexel secondaries. We can also help you personalize your secondary  through our  secondary essay editing packages . 

Read our other Drexel School of Medicine secondary application tips below for advice on how to answer each question. While Drexel previously did not have any secondary questions, the admissions office now gives students an opportunity to share additional information. 

The Drexel Medical School changed its Drexel secondary application prompts last year (2023-2024 application cycle). We would advise students to NOT pre-write this in the 2024 medical school admissions cycle.

Our Cracking Med School Admissions team has a strong track record of helping our mentees receive acceptances to Drexel Medical School for the past several years. Make sure to ask us any questions  you have about what to emphasize on your Drexel secondaries.  

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Drexel University College of Medicine Secondary Application Questions: 2023 – 2024

Note: The Drexel Secondary Essay Prompts changed this year

  • Please discuss all of your current and recent activities and engagements that have prepared you for medical school. Please be sure to include any traditional and/or non-traditional clinical exposures and volunteering experiences that you have done that are not already included in your application.  (2,000 characters)
  • Why are you interested in Drexel? Please also explain how you meet various elements of our  mission  – compassionate care, diversity, spirited inquiry, collaboration, and opportunity.  (1,500 characters)
  • (optional)  Please describe any extenuating circumstances that may have affected your medical or non-medical service experiences, including any circumstances that impacted your engagement in activities, academics, and MCAT that would have helped to prepare you for medical school.  (1,500 characters)

Tips to Answer Drexel Secondaries

  Drexel Pre-Writing Guidance:  Because Drexel University College of Medicine Secondary essays changed in the 2023-2024 cycle, we would not recommend applicants to start pre-writing the Drexel Med secondaries prior to the official release of the Drexel secondary essay prompts.

  • Download our   Cracking Med Secondary Essay Workbook and Examples .

Drexel Secondary Application Tip #1: Take advantage of the essentially no word limit. No, that does not mean you  have to submit 2 page answers for each question. But, we hear of students who submit a few sentences for their responses, and  we think this is a wasted opportunity to stand out to the Admissions Committee!

Drexel Secondary Application Tip #2: For the Drexel secondary application question, “ Please discuss all of your current and recent activities and engagements that have prepared you for medical school. Please be sure to include any traditional and/or non-traditional clinical exposures and volunteering experiences that you have done that are not already included in your application. “

  • Because of Drexel’s mission and based on the students our Cracking Med School Admissions team observes getting interview invites during the admissions process, it is important to highlight: 1) Patient care and 2) Community service or community engagement in this essay.
  • Read Dr. Rachel Rizal’s article in U.S. News :  Link Premed Nonclinical Experiences to Medicine
  • We typically recommend students to write at least 3 sentences about each activity.
  • Highlight leadership and initiatives you have with each activity, if applicable.

Drexel Secondary Application Tip #3: Include stories. For example, you can discuss a memorable patient story from one of your activities in the last year. Or, if you helped somebody build a home through Habitat for Humanity in one of your community service activities, then talk about how you impacted a specific family. Or, if you are a science teacher in elementary schools, you can talk about one of your favorite classes to teach! The goal is to paint a story and allow the reader to visualize you in action making a difference in your community.  

Drexel Secondary Application Tip #4:  For the Drexel Med School secondary application prompt, “ Why are you interested in Drexel? Please also explain how you meet various elements of our  mission – compassionate care, diversity, spirited inquiry, collaboration, and opportunity ” …. students often get confused about what makes each medical school’s mission unique. Yes, every medical school states that it cares about the community, intellectual curiosity, teamwork, patient centered care, and diversity. 

From our experience, successful applicants discuss these aspects on the “Why Drexel Med School” secondary application essay:

  • Interest in urban health and patient care in urban settings. If you have worked in Philadelphia, that is a plus!
  • Community service experience and desire to serve the community surrounding Drexel College of Medicine.
  • Creative or innovative ideas to improve healthcare, especially community health.

Our Cracking Med School Admissions team knows the nuances of each medical school and what admissions committees tend to look for. Work with us on your Drexel secondaries and all other secondary application packages so that you can stand out  through our secondary essay packages . 

  • Read our HIGH YIELD blog post:  Why this Medical School? Secondary Essay Example

Drexel Secondary Application Tip #5:  Emphasize and highlight any life experiences, clinical care experiences, or commitment to community service in Philadelphia. We have heard from students at Drexel Med School that the Drexel University Admissions Committee wants to attract a student body who has  had experiences in urban health so that they can contribute to the greater Philadelphia during medical school. 

What if you don’t have experiences in Philadelphia? Then highlight any urban health experiences . Have questions? Contact us below.

Drexel Secondary Application Tip #6: Connect your Drexel secondaries to what you want to do as a medical student at Drexel. Remember, accepted students and matriculants often do community health, community health research, or community service projects throughout their time at Drexel University College of Medicine.

[ Read more secondary essay tips from other medical colleges: New York Medical College , University of Pennsylvania (UPenn Perelman School of Medicine) , George Washington , Lewis Katz Temple  ]

Drexel University College of Medicine Secondary Application Questions: 2022 – 2023

  • If you are a recent graduate, please tell us what you have been doing since graduation. If you have not yet graduated, please discuss your current activities and engagements. We understand that it may have been difficult to obtain clinical or volunteer service experiences during the pandemic; therefore, be sure to discuss any traditional and /or nontraditional clinical exposures and volunteering experiences that you have done during this time. (no word limit)
  • What else do you feel is important for us to know about you? You can use this space to highlight something not addressed in your application, including new experiences not in your AMCAS application . You can also talk about how COVID -19 impacted you. For example, it may have caused disruptions or changes in your plans. If there is something you would like to share regarding how this event impacted you, share that information here. (1,000 words max)

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Drexel University College of Medicine Secondary Application Questions: 2021 – 2022

  • What else do you feel is important for us (Drexel Medical School Admissions Committee) to know about you? You can use this space to highlight something not addressed in your application, including new experiences not in your AMCAS application (primary application). You can also talk about how COVID -19 impacted you. For example, it may have caused disruptions or changes in your plans. If there is something you would like to share regarding how this event impacted you, share that information here. (1,000 words max)

Drexel University College of Medicine Secondary Application Questions: 2020 - 2021

  • If you are a recent graduate, please tell us what you have been doing since graduation. You may answer “Not applicable”. (No word limit)
  • What else do you feel is important for us (Drexel Medical School Admissions Committee) to know about you? You can use this space to highlight something not addressed in your application, including new experiences not in your AMCAS application (primary application). You can also talk about how COVID -19 impacted you. For example, it may have caused disruptions or changes in your plans. If there is something you would like to share regarding how this event impacted you, share that information here. (500 words max)

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Drexel University College of Medicine Secondary Application Questions: 2019 – 2020

  • If you are a recent graduate, please tell us what you have been doing since graduation. You may answer “Not applicable” . (No word limit)
  • (Optional) What else do you feel is important for us (Drexel Medical School Admissions Committee) to know about you? Please use this space to highlight something not addressed in your application, including new experiences not in your AMCAS application (primary application). (200 words max)

Drexel University College of Medicine Secondary Application Questions: 2018 – 2019

  • We at Drexel University College of Medicine have a rich history and a valued mission. Each individual contributes to, supports and enriches our community. Please share with us how you plan on contributing to our College. (200 words max)

Drexel University College of Medicine Secondary Application Questions 2017 – 2018

  • (Optional) What else do you feel is important for us (Drexel Medical School Admissions Committee) to know about you? Please use this space to highlight something not addressed in your application, including new experiences not in your AMCAS application. (200 words max)

Drexel University College of Medicine Secondary Application Questions 2016 – 2017

  • We at Drexel University College of Medicine have a rich history and a valued mission. Each individual contributes to, supports and enriches our community. Please share with us how you plan on contributing to our College. (200 word character limit)
  • (Optional) What else do you feel is important for us (Drexel Medical School Admissions Committee) to know about you? Please use this space to highlight something not addressed in your application, including new experiences not in your AMCAS application. (200 word character limit)

Drexel University College of Medicine Secondary Application Questions 2015 – 2016

There were no essay prompts in the Drexel Medical School secondary application for the 2015-2016 cycle.

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Drexel Essay

<p>I just realized that Drexel has a seperate essay on their website that is part of the application. What did you guys write about? And how much emphasis is put on this essay versus the essay on the Common App. Oh, and I am not applying to the Westphal College or for an accelerated degree.</p>

<p>I applied using the common app and they had no supplement. Is this essay required only if you apply using Drexel’s online app?</p>

<p>misslisa90 - after reading your post I went on Drexel’s website and I saw the reference to the essay but I couldn’t access it. Do you have a link? I’m worried because I already submitted my application (used CA) and I wasn’t aware of the extra essay. There’s no link to it from the CA. Does it have to be submitted separately? Any info would be great!</p>

<p>under the freshman application checklist, step 3 is the essay. i have no idea whether the common app covers this or not. i did it anyways…it can’t hurt. </p>

<p>[Drexel</a> University | Undergraduate Admissions | Apply Now | Freshmen Instructions](<a href=“ http://www.drexel.edu/em/undergrad/apply/freshmen-instructions/default.aspx]Drexel ”> http://www.drexel.edu/em/undergrad/apply/freshmen-instructions/default.aspx )</p>

<p>You can either choose to write the essay on why you chose your major, or you can just pick a topic of your choice, and I believe that whether you apply by mail or on the internet you need to write an essay either way.</p>

<p>misslissa90 - thank you! I was finally able to access through the link you posted.</p>

<p>In case anyone else applied using CA like I did, I called and was told that the CA essay is sufficient. </p>

<p>The Drexel essay about major or topic of choice is for those who apply online using Drexel’s app. If you send the Drexel app by mail, then you do have to go online and complete their essay.</p>

<p>i submitted mine through commonapp</p>

<p>Hello! I am an undergraduate student and I started my applications process from Drexel University…But after submitting my application to Drexel i learnt that i have made a mistake in typing MY ADDRESS…which means my address number is "473A’’ but instead i HAve typed ‘‘4073A’’. So i need to recorrect it,if there is anyone who could give me a little advise pleasssseeeeeeee Please reply back Thnk u</p>

<p>Just call the admissions office and ask them what to do. They’ll probably tell you to email your correction to <a href=“ mailto:[email protected] ”>[email protected]</a>. It’s not a big problem, so don’t worry!</p>

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List of Supplemental Essays Required By Top Colleges

By Michaela • October 31, 2021 • College Application Early Admission

Looking for a quick reference to the essays required by the colleges on your list? Check out our list of supplemental essays required by many of the top colleges students apply to each year. If you need help with these essays schedule a meeting with one of our essay coaches today!

Adelphi University The Honors College is a community of students who love to engage with ideas that come from a broad range of sources. All applicants to the Honors College are welcome to submit a short essay in response to the prompt. For this essay, please consider an idea from a book, song, poem, play, painting, or another piece of art that has shaped your understanding of the world or the way you behave. The essay should not exceed 250 words.
Adelphi University The Joint Degree Committee reviews all applicants holistically and values student motivation. Please provide a brief statement, no longer than one page, of your interest in Adelphi University’s joint degree program and your selected profession.*
Albany College of Pharmacy Please write a paragraph about how you responded to an academic or personal obstacle.*
Albany College of Pharmacy Supplemental Statement: Please explain your choice of major, your career goals, and why you are applying to ACPHS. (Recommended 50 to 250 words)
Baylor What are you looking for in a university, why do you want to attend Baylor, and how do you see yourself contributing to the Baylor community?
Boston College At Boston College, we hope to draw on the Jesuit tradition of finding conversation partners to discuss issues and problems facing society. Who is your favorite conversation partner? What do you discuss with that person?
Boston College Each year at University Convocation, the incoming class engages in reflective dialogue around a common text. What book would you recommend for your class to read and explore together – and why?
Boston College In 2020, we faced a national reckoning on racial injustice in America – a reckoning that continues today. Discuss how this has affected you, what you have learned, or how you have been inspired to be a change agent around this important issue.
Boston College Socrates stated that “the unexamined life is not worth living.” Discuss a time when reflection, prayer, or introspection led to clarity or understanding of an issue that is important to you.
Boston College Students at Boston College are encouraged to consider critical questions as they pursue lives of meaning and purpose. What is a question that matters to you and how do you hope Boston College will help you answer it?
Boston University The Accelerated Programs Admission Committee is interested in learning more about you. Please write an essay of no more than 750 words on why you wish to enter the health professions, including what experiences have led you to this decision and what you hope to gain from your chosen profession. Please make sure this essay is completely distinct from your Common Application Personal Essay.*
Boston University Trustee Scholarship Essay

Please write an essay of 600 words or less in response to one of the following two topics:

1. Howard Thurman, who was the dean of BU’s Marsh Chapel from 1953-1965, once wrote: “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Can you describe a particular experience you have had or an activity that you participate in that makes you come alive? How would you try to integrate that experience or activity into your time at BU?


2. Describe a time when you felt out of your comfort zone or marginalized in a situation. How did you respond to that moment and how has it informed your actions moving forward?*

Boston University What about being a student at Boston University most excites you?
Brown University Brown students care deeply about their work and the world around them. Students find contentment, satisfaction, and meaning in daily interactions and major discoveries. Whether big or small, mundane or spectacular, tell us about something that brings you joy.
Brown University Brown’s culture fosters a community in which students challenge the ideas of others and have their ideas challenged in return, promoting a deeper and clearer understanding of the complex issues confronting society. This active engagement in dialogue is as present outside the classroom as it is in academic spaces. Tell us about a time you were challenged by a perspective that differed from your own. How did you respond?
Brown University Brown’s Open Curriculum allows students to explore broadly while also diving deeply into their academic pursuits. Tell us about any academic interests that excite you, and how you might use the Open Curriculum to pursue them while also embracing topics with which you are unfamiliar.
Brown University Committing to a future career as a physician while in high school requires careful consideration and self-reflection. What values and experiences have led you to believe that becoming a doctor in medicine is the right fit for you?
Brown University How do you envision the Program in Liberal Medical Education (PLME) helping you to meet your academic personal and professional goals as a person and as a physician of the future?
Brown University Select one of the following to answer for the second essay:
A) Health care is constantly changing, as it is affected by racial and social disparities, economics, politics, and technology, among other factors. How will you, as a future physician, make a positive impact?
B) How do you feel your personal background provides you with a unique perspective of medicine?
California Northstate University Personal statement
Case Western Reserve By applying to the Pre-Professional Scholars Program, you are applying to gain admission to professional school earlier than students who apply in the traditional way. Please indicate why you’re interested in your chosen profession. How do you see yourself being particularly suited to this field? What events and/or experiences have led you to your choice?
Case Western Reserve University In the college application process, you are constantly prompted for a list of your achievements, awards, and accomplishments. While this information is useful to us, we are interested in hearing more about you. Describe an event, achievement, or experience of which you are particularly proud but that will not show up on a resume, may not garner any recognition, and does not appear anywhere else on your admission application.
College of New Jersey Why are you interested in The College of New Jersey?
Columbia A hallmark of the Columbia experience is being able to learn and live in a community with a wide range of perspectives. How do you or would you learn from and contribute to diverse, collaborative communities? (200 words or fewer)*
Columbia List the titles of the books, essays, poetry, short stories or plays you read outside of academic courses that you enjoyed most during secondary/high school.
Columbia List the titles of the required readings from academic courses that you enjoyed most during secondary/high school.
Columbia Please tell us what from your current and past experiences (either academic or personal) attracts you specifically to the areas of study that you noted in the application.
Columbia Why are you interested in attending Columbia University?
Columbia University Columbia students take an active role in improving their community, whether in their residence hall, classes or throughout New York City. Their actions, small or large, work to positively impact the lives of others. Share one contribution that you have made to your family, school, friend group or another community that surrounds you.
Columbia University List the movies, albums, shows, museums, lectures, events at your school or other entertainments that you enjoyed most during secondary/high school (in person or online).
Columbia University List the titles of the print or digital publications, websites, journals, podcasts or other content with which you regularly engage.
Cornell University College of Architecture, Art, and Planning: What is your “thing”? What energizes you or engages you so deeply that you lose track of time? Everyone has different passions, obsessions, quirks, inspirations. What are yours?
Cornell University College of Arts and Sciences: Students in Arts and Sciences embrace the opportunity to delve into multifaceted academic interests, embodying in 21st century terms Ezra Cornell’s “any person…any study” founding vision. Tell us about the areas of study you are excited to explore, and specifically why you wish to pursue them in our College.
Drexel University Tell the Admission Committee why you are applying to the joint program with the Drexel University College of Medicine. Be sure to explain why you want to be a physician and, more specifically, why you want to obtain your medical education at the Drexel University College of Medicine.
Duke Duke University seeks a talented, engaged student body that embodies the wide range of human experience; we believe that the diversity of our students makes our community stronger. If you’d like to share a perspective you bring or experiences you’ve had that would help us understand you better, perhaps a community you belong to or your family or cultural background, we encourage you to do so here. Real people are reading your application, and we want to do our best to understand and appreciate the real people applying to Duke.
Duke Duke’s commitment to diversity and inclusion includes sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression. If you would like to share with us more about your identity in these areas, you can do so here, or use any previous essay prompt you feel is appropriate.
Duke Please share with us why you consider Duke a good match for you. Is there something in particular about Duke’s academic or other offerings that attracts you? (200 word limit) *
George Washington University (Optional) Every applicant can choose from one of the following two essay prompts to submit.

Essay Prompt 1
At the George Washington University, our students frequently interact with policymakers and world leaders. These experiences and those of our alumni can shape the future of global affairs. If you had the power to change the course of history in your community or the world, what would you do and why?

Essay Prompt 2
The George Washington University encourages students to think critically and to challenge the status quo. Thus, civil discourse is a key characteristic of our community. Describe a time when you engaged others in meaningful dialogue around an issue that was important to you. Did this exchange create change, new perspectives, or deeper relationships?

George Washington University As a top tier research university, George Washington is committed to providing opportunities for practical application of theoretical knowledge and hands-on experiences in your field of interest. Please discuss the ways in which GW’s academic approach appeals to you and how that approach will strengthen your ability to succeed as a future physician.
Approximately 500 words.*
Georgetown University APPLICANTS TO GEORGETOWN COLLEGE: What does it mean to you to be educated? How might Georgetown College help you achieve this aim? (Applicants to the Sciences and Mathematics or the Faculty of Languages and Linguistics should address their chosen course of study.)

APPLICANTS TO THE SCHOOL OF NURSING & HEALTH STUDIES: Describe the factors that have influenced your interest in studying health care. Please specifically address your intended major (Global Health, Health Care Management & Policy, Human Science, or Nursing).

Georgetown University As Georgetown is a diverse community, the Admissions Committee would like to know more about you in your own words. Please submit a brief essay, either personal or creative, which you feel best describes you.
Georgetown University Briefly (approximately one-half page, single-spaced) discuss the significance to you of the school or summer activity in which you have been most involved.
Hofstra University Why are you applying to Hofstra?
Howard University If you had the chance to meet any one of the over 100,000 Howard University alumni (living or dead), who would you choose and why? (250 words maximum)
Howard University Please briefly elaborate on one of your extracurricular activities or work experiences. You may express why this activity is important to you, lessons learned from said activity, or any related details that give us more information on your passions, goals and/or experiences. While not required, this section gives our committee further details on your interests outside of the classroom. (250 words maximum)
Howard University Presume there was only one spot left in your first choice major program. Given you have thoroughly researched said program, why should we offer the spot to you over another student? Please feel free to discuss your reasons for pursuing your first choice major, your unique talents & skills, and/or how said program aligns with your long-term goals. (250 words maximum)
Howard University The College of Arts and Sciences is comprised of three divisions: Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences. The curriculum of the College is designed to meet the needs and interests of a diverse, multicultural student body. Explain what interests you in the Arts or Sciences, and how studying at Howard University will help you achieve your overall goals?*
Howard University The year is 2030, and you have been invited to be the keynote speaker at an event of your choice. If you were to give this very important speech, what would it be about? You may reflect on a passion of yours, an important personal/global issue, or something that piques your interest; please feel free to be as creative as you’d like. (250 words maximum)*
Howard University Why are you interested in Medicine, and how will you serve people who may be less privileged than yourself within the professional?*
Johns Hopkins Founded in the spirit of exploration and discovery, Johns Hopkins University encourages students to share their perspectives, develop their interests, and pursue new experiences. Use this space to share something you’d like the admissions committee to know about you (your interests, your background, your identity, or your community), and how it has shaped what you want to get out of your college experience at Hopkins.
Massachuessetts Institute of Technology At MIT, we bring people together to better the lives of others. MIT students work to improve their communities in different ways, from tackling the world’s biggest challenges to being a good friend. Describe one way in which you have contributed to your community, whether in your family, the classroom, your neighborhood, etc.
Massachuessetts Institute of Technology Describe the world you come from; for example, your family, clubs, school, community, city, or town. How has that world shaped your dreams and aspirations?
Massachuessetts Institute of Technology Pick what field of study at MIT appeals to you the most right now, and tell us more about why this field of study appeals to you.
Massachuessetts Institute of Technology Please tell us more about your cultural background and identity in the space below.
Massachuessetts Institute of Technology Tell us about the most significant challenge you’ve faced or something important that didn’t go according to plan. How did you manage the situation?
Massachuessetts Institute of Technology We know you lead a busy life, full of activities, many of which are required of you. Tell us about something you do simply for the pleasure of it.
New York University Why NYU? We would like to know more about your interest in NYU. What motivated you to apply to NYU? Why have you applied or expressed interest in a particular campus, school, college, program, and or area of study? If you have applied to more than one, please also tell us why you are interested in these additional areas of study or campuses. We want to understand – Why NYU?
NJIT The Honors College develops leaders who are engaged members of their community and profession. How have you been of service to your community and what has that taught you about being a leader? How will you contribute to the Honors community? See our website for additional information http://honors.njit.edu.*
NJIT Why do you want to pursue an accelerated program in medicine, law, dentistry, optometry, physical therapy or physician assistant, and what academic, educational or other experiences have provided you with a foundation for the accelerated program? Limit your response to 400 words.*
Penn State University Describe one non-academic activity during your high school years that has been the most meaningful to you.
Penn State University Describe what you think your strongest qualities are as well as weaknesses that you would like to improve upon.
Penn State University Please tell us something about yourself, your experiences, or activities that you believe would reflect positively on your ability to succeed at Penn State. This is your opportunity to tell us something about yourself that is not already reflected in your application or academic records.
Penn State University Tell us about a time you were unsuccessful and how you grew from this experience.
Penn State University Write a personal statement indicating why you want to be a physician, why you want an accelerated program and why you’ve selected this Penn State/Kimmel program.
Princeton University As a research institution that also prides itself on its liberal arts curriculum, Princeton allows students to explore areas across the humanities and the arts, the natural sciences, and the social sciences. What academic areas most pique your curiosity, and how do the programs offered at Princeton suit your particular interests? (Please respond in about 250 words.)
Princeton University At Princeton, we value diverse perspectives and the ability to have respectful dialogue about difficult issues. Share a time when you had a conversation with a person or a group of people about a difficult topic. What insight did you gain, and how would you incorporate that knowledge into your thinking in the future?
Princeton University Briefly elaborate on an activity, organization, work experience, or hobby that has been particularly meaningful to you.
Princeton University Princeton has a longstanding commitment to service and civic engagement. Tell us how your story intersects (or will intersect) with these ideals.
Princeton University Submit a graded written paper
Princeton University What brings you joy?
Princeton University What is a new skill you would like to learn in college?
Princeton University What song represents the soundtrack of your life at this moment?
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute List the names and dates of any college courses you have taken or are currently taking (including the Institution name).
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute State your reasons for aspiring to a career in medicine
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Why are you interested in Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute?
Rutgers University-Newark Describe your health-related volunteer experiences and the time devoted to them. (150 words)
Rutgers University-Newark Discuss what has attracted you to apply to the School of Arts & Sciences-Newark , apart from the BA/MD program. (150 words)
Rutgers University-Newark Discuss why you are interested in pursuing a career in medicine. (150 words)
Rutgers University-Newark Discuss why you are specifically interested in attending Rutgers New Jersey Medical School (NJMS) over other medical schools. (150 words)
Siena College Describe a personal service experience in your high school or community, what you have gained from this experience, and how it reflects the unique values of the Siena College/Albany Medical College Program.
St. Bonaventure University Applying to Medical School,” which details your interest in working in the profession of medicine and why you are interested in starting that process at SBU and then continuing at GW.
St. Louis University Students must be accepted and then complete Medical Scholars Program online application
with two short essay questions
Stevens Institute of Technology Please provide an essay of 500 words or less on why you want to go into the medical field. If the personal statement you submitted with your application addresses this topic, no additional essay is required. If that is the case, submit the phrase “Submitted with Common App Essay” to complete this writing requirement.*
Stony Brook University “What aspects about medicine/dental medicine intrigue you? Describe how these aspects influence your life.” 650 words
Stony Brook University “Why you believe you will be a good fit for your preferred honors program.”
The College of New Jersey Why are you interested in The College of New Jersey?
Tulane University Please describe why you are interested in attending Tulane University
Tulane University Tulane values the lessons gained from pursuing an education alongside a student body that represents a wide range of experiences and perspectives and is reflective of our multicultural world. If you would like to share a perspective related to your family, cultural group, sexual or gender identity, religious group, or some other aspect that has shaped your identity, please do so here.
Tulane University TAP-TP Briefly describe your reason for applying to the TAP-TP program.
  What was the single most meaningful volunteer experience you have had?
  Describe a time when you had to interact with people who have a different viewpoints, backgrounds, or cultures than you own
  Please list your hobbies and non-academic interests.
UConn Please briefly share the influences on your decision to pursue the field of medicine, including shadowing experiences and other medical related activities.
UConn Please describe a role you have held in a meaningful group/peer-related activity.
UConn Please describe your interests, activities, hobbies, etc., outside the area of health sciences.
UIC How will your engagement with the Honors College foster your academic, personal, and professional growth?
UIC Please describe in detail ways that you have sought out academic challenges and personal growth opportunities while in high school. Examples can include activities both inside or outside of your school.
University at Albany The University at Albany is noted for attracting students who seek careers that will enable them to lead and to serve. Please share in one or two paragraphs how you believe a UAlbany education would empower you to achieve your goals.
University at Albany The University at Albany is noted for attracting students who seek careers that will enable them to lead and to serve. Please share in one or two paragraphs how you believe a UAlbany education would empower you to achieve your goals.
University of Chicago Choose 1 of 6
University of Chicago How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to UChicago
University of Illinois – Urbana Champlain How does your selected first-choice major relate to your future career goals?
University of Illinois – Urbana Champlain In the past 3 to 4 years, what experience(s) have you had (inside or outside of the classroom) related to your selected first-choice major or academic interest?
University of Illinois at Chicago How will your engagement with the Honors College foster your academic, personal, and professional growth?
University of Illinois at Chicago Please describe in detail ways that you have sought out academic challenges and personal growth opportunities while in high school. Examples can include activities both inside or outside of your school.
University of Illinois at Chicago Please provide an essay that explains why you chose your intended program of study. What interests you the most about this major? Please be specific – those evaluating these essays are highly interested in your response. If Undecided, what areas of study do you look forward to studying in college? (50-500 words)*
University of Michigan Describe the unique qualities that attract you to the specific undergraduate College or School (including preferred admission and dual degree programs) to which you are applying at the University of Michigan. How would that curriculum support your interests?
University of Michigan Everyone belongs to many different communities and/or groups defined by (among other things) shared geography, religion, ethnicity, income, cuisine, interest, race, ideology, or intellectual heritage. Choose one of the communities to which you belong, and describe that community and your place within it.
University of Oklahoma Please briefly explain your meaningful international experience.
University of Oklahoma The University of Oklahoma believes strongly in educating leaders of communities in Oklahoma, as well as across the country and the world. Please share your leadership experiences and why they are important to you. (Please answer in 650 words or less.)
University of Oklahoma The University of Oklahoma is home to a vibrant, diverse and compassionate University community that is often referred to as “the OU family.” Please describe your cultural and community service activities and why you chose to participate in them. (Please answer in 650 words or fewer
University of Pittsburgh If you could change anything in the world, what would it be? Explain why and how you would change it.
University of Pittsburgh The personal statement is your opportunity to communicate directly with the Admissions Committee. Applicants are welcome to submit anything that helps tell their story, being mindful and thoughtful about the quantity and quality of information shared. Share information not included elsewhere in your application.
University of Toledo Compose an essay of 400-500 words on the following topic: Reflect on a time when you challenged a belief or idea. What prompted you to act? Would you make the same decision again?
University of Toledo Please summarize your high school, college or community activities, leadership positions, special awards, and work experience. Community Activities
UPenn At Penn, learning and growth happens outside of the classroom, too. How will you explore the community at Penn? Consider how this community will help shape your perspective and identity, and how your identity and perspective will help shape this community.
UPenn Considering the specific undergraduate school you have selected, how will you explore your academic and intellectual interests at The University of Pennsylvania?
Villanova University St. Augustine states that well-being is “not concerned with myself alone, but with my neighbor’s good as well.” How have you advocated for equity and justice in your communities?

What is the truest thing that you know?

One of the themes in St. Augustine’s book, Confessions, is the idea of redemption. Tell us your story of being given a second chance.

In the Villanova community, we believe that we all learn from one another. What is a lesson in life that you have learned that you would want to share with others?

Augustine’s “Miracles are not contrary to nature but only contrary to what we know about nature.” Tell us about a societal issue that you believe the wonder of technology is well-poised to help solve.

Villanova University You may be aware that our community, which we have affectionately named “Nova Nation,” is an exciting place to be. With a legacy spanning nearly 180 years, there is rich history to look back on, and an abundant future to look forward to. Our second Villanova essay question asks: Why do you want to call Villanova your new home and become part of our community? For this short response, please reveal what you find appealing about Villanova in 150 words.
Virgina Commonwealth University Comment on your motivation for, and interest in, medicine.
Virgina Commonwealth University Discuss one thing about you that is unique, which has not been addressed anywhere else in this application.

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  1. First-Year Application Instructions

    Note: Students gain access to Discover Drexel after submission of a completed Common Application or the Coalition Application, powered by Scoir. Supplemental applications will only be available in Discover Drexel for those students who meet the initial requirements to apply. Please refer to the requirements of each listing for more information.

  2. How to Write the Drexel University Essays 2024-2025

    To successfully answer this prompt, you'll need to consider answers to both questions. Focus on your reasons for pursuing the medical field for about 300-350 words of your essay and why you're interested in attending Drexel University's College of Medicine for about 150-200 words. However, before you get started, consider these tips for ...

  3. Drexel University 2024-25 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

    Drexel University 2024-25 Application Essay Question Explanations. The Requirements: 1 essay of 350-500 words. Supplemental Essay Type (s): Why. Reflect on your experiences, personal characteristics, and unique traits that have prepared you for the challenges and opportunities associated with your chosen major.

  4. Drexel Supplemental Essays

    The Drexel supplemental essays will be no more than 650 words. However, the Drexel supplemental essays vary in length between 250-650 words. Whether your prompt states 250 words or 650 words, it is critical to follow the word count guidelines. Be sure to narrow down your thoughts dependent on the length of your essay.

  5. Admissions Requirements

    All undergraduates must apply online through either the Common Application or Coalition Application. For the full list of requirements to apply to Drexel, please visit our First-Year Instructions. For Westphal first year applicants, we require an additional Westphal supplemental essay of 500 words and an eight to 12 piece portfolio for some of ...

  6. Tips for How to Apply for College

    Additionally, some universities, like Drexel, may require an additional writing supplement or portfolio for certain programs of study. Transfer applicants can also use the Drexel University Admissions Application. View your application options when applying to Drexel. Write Your College Essay. Most applications require a personal essay.

  7. Supplemental Essay Guide 2024-25

    Supplemental essays are often more focused than the Common App assignment, though they vary in length and scope. Their prompts tackle subjects that range from deeper explorations of a student's background to their collegiate and academic interests. ... Drexel University 2024-25 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide.

  8. How to Write the Drexel University Supplement Essays 2020-2021

    Custom-Designed Applicant Prompt. Please write a 500- to 800-word vision statement/essay describing in detail what you want to study, what you hope to accomplish during your time in the program, and why your educational goals cannot be met by pursuing a traditional Drexel major, a double major, or a major combined with minors.

  9. Drexel University's 2023-24 Essay Prompts

    BA/BS+MD Early Assurance Program Essay. Required. 500 Words. Tell the Admission Committee why you are applying to the joint program with the Drexel University College of Medicine. Be sure to explain why you want to be a physician and, more specifically, why you want to obtain your medical education at the Drexel University College of Medicine.

  10. How to Write a Personal Essay for College

    We've put together a few tips for writing a memorable personal essay. Drexel University Online requires personal essays to complete your application. Learn tips on how to write a personal essay for your college application and increase your chances of acceptance. Find out more about what your program is looking for and apply today!

  11. Watch me analyze every Drexel BSMD / BAMD program supplemental essay

    Check out Dr. Shemmassian's expert analysis of the Drexel BA/MS+MD EAP supplemental essay prompt to help guide your writing process and maximize your odds of...

  12. What does the Drexel supplemental essay involve?

    The Drexel University supplemental essay is an opportunity for you to express parts of your personality and interests that are not evident from the rest of your application. Typically, the prompts touch upon aspects like why you're interested in Drexel, your intended major, and how you see yourself contributing to the campus community. ...

  13. Undergraduate Application Instructions

    2. Read the Application Instructions. Be sure to submit all required materials before your application deadline. 3. Complete Your Application. Drexel accepts both of the applications listed below for first-year students. Please submit either application. Students may only have one active application on file at a time.

  14. Drexel University Essay Prompts

    Conclude by discussing the potential long-term impact you hope to have in addressing this challenge, and how Drexel will help you take the first step toward realizing this goal. Drexel University also accepts the Common App supplemental essay and the prompts for the Common App essays can be found here.

  15. How I Wrote my Supplement Essays with a Coherent Theme

    KEY: SE = supplemental essay; CA = Common App essay THE STEPS (+TIPS): I wrote my Common App essay first. Your CA essay is the most important essay because every college will see it, so you should base all of your application essays around this one. Once you know what you wrote your CA about, you will have a better idea of what to write about ...

  16. Making Your Peace with the Supplemental Essays: It's Easier ...

    Organize your supplemental essays. I suggest organizing your supplemental essay by colleges and common supplemental essays. I have one I'll share with you if you email me at [email protected]. Then, I suggest making google doc folders for each college and copy and paste the topic and word count at the top of a google sheet as you ...

  17. whats the supplemental essay? : r/Drexel

    There's no supplemental essay for CS majors. Only majors that require a supplemental essay are Westphal majors (and some also need a portfolio), BS/MD applicants, and Custom Design. The last two actually have an entire supplementary application. The supplemental essay for Westphal just asks why they want to do that major and why at Drexel. Reply.

  18. Drexel Secondaries: Essay Prompts & Tips to Stand Out

    Tips to Answer Drexel Secondaries Drexel Pre-Writing Guidance: Because Drexel University College of Medicine Secondary essays changed in the 2023-2024 cycle, we would not recommend applicants to start pre-writing the Drexel Med secondaries prior to the official release of the Drexel secondary essay prompts. Download our Cracking Med Secondary Essay Workbook and Examples.

  19. BA/BS+MD Early Assurance Program

    Drexel offers a BA/BS+MD Early Assurance Program, a 4 + 4 combined program that allows students to gain early acceptance into both their undergraduate program and medical school at the same time. The program is open to the following majors on the four-year, one-co-op track: Students interested in the BA/BS+MD Early Assurance Program cannot ...

  20. School-Specific Supplemental Essay

    This is a must read for anybody writing the Stanford roommate essay: included is an example essay, a detailed breakdown, helpful tips along the way, and a section on how to revise your essay too. Write supplemental essays for hundreds of the most competitive colleges. Follow our step-by-step guides and read our supplemental essay examples that ...

  21. Drexel Essay

    Drexel Essay. Colleges and Universities A-Z Drexel University. misslisa90 January 15, 2008, 4:37pm 1. <p>I just realized that Drexel has a seperate essay on their website that is part of the application. What did you guys write about?

  22. Transfer Admissions Requirements

    We view the Westphal supplemental essay as an opportunity for students to express their interest in Westphal and passion for their intended major. The Westphal supplemental essay is different from the Common or Coalition essay and should specifically speak to your interest in the visual, media, or performing arts majors at Westphal. The essay ...

  23. List of Supplemental Essays Required By Top Colleges

    Check out our list of supplemental essays required by many of the top colleges students apply to each year. If you need help with these essays schedule a meeting with one of our essay coaches today! Adelphi University. The Honors College is a community of students who love to engage with ideas that come from a broad range of sources.