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Dissertations & theses @ yale university, available from:.

yale university dissertations

University Registrar’s Office

Dissertation submission, submitting the doctoral dissertation.

Notification of Readers (NOR):

  • Set up by you or your program prior to dissertation submission, depending on departmental practice. If your program allows students to create the NOR you will see a Notification of Readers tile in the Dissertation Progress Reporting and Submission (DPRS) site. Contact your departmental registrar for questions and assistance.
  • Notify program of your intent to submit by February 15 (spring) or September 1 (fall)
  • Three readers are required with a maximum of five permitted. Two must be ladder or ladder-track Yale faculty, including the adviser. All readers must hold a PhD degree and a faculty position or be considered otherwise qualified to evaluate the dissertation by the DGS and the Graduate School.
  • NOR Submission Instructional video

Submission Information:

  • March 15 for spring degree conferral in May/June, 5:00 pm
  • October 1 for fall degree conferral in December, 5:00 pm
  • A pdf of your dissertation may be submitted using the degree petition page in the  Dissertation Progress Reporting and Submission  (DPRS) site at any time within the academic year. Dissertations submitted after the above semester submission deadlines will be processed for the following degree date
  • Final changes to the dissertation must be uploaded in DPRS within 30 days of the submission deadline. To make changes to your dissertation after it has been submitted, email  dissertationreaders@yale.edu .
  • Upon submission of your dissertation and approval of your readers by the DGS, a pdf of your dissertation will be automatically sent to all readers.
  • Upon request from a reader, students are required to and responsible for mailing a soft-bound copy of the dissertation to the reader.

IMPORTANT: Students who submit their dissertations before the end of the add/drop course enrollment period (see the  academic calendar ) are NOT eligible to register as students for the remainder of that term. Students who wish to remain registered until the end of a given semester must submit their dissertations AFTER add/drop closes in order to remain registered for that semester.

  • Submitting Degree Petition and Dissertation in DPRS:

The Degree Petition page in DPRS consists of the degree petition, links to required surveys, and a site to upload a pdf of your dissertation. No paper submission is required.

  • ​ The dissertation title is populated from your most recent Dissertation Progress Report. You can change the final title on the petition page by clicking the “No” radio button and modifying the title. Click the save button at the bottom of the page to save the title prior to submitting the dissertation
  • Survey of Earned Doctorates – submission confirmation page
  • GSAS Exit Survey – upload first page of GSAS Survey that has your email address
  • ProQuest (ETD) Publication Agreement – detail page
  • Upload a pdf of your dissertation

Degree Petition and Dissertation Submission Instructional Video

Additional Questions?

  • Dissertation Office: dissertationreaders@yale.edu   
  • Barbara Withington: barbara.withington@yale.edu
  • Austin Hanlin: austin.hanlin@yale.edu

Formatting the Doctoral Dissertation

Physical Requirements:

  • Double spaced
  • Exceptions: block quotations, bibliographic references, captions, footnotes should be single spaced, with a double space between each entry
  • Saved as a pdf to be uploaded on the Degree Petition and Dissertation Submission page in DPRS
  • No paper copy needs to be submitted

Margins: Left side margin of 1.5”, 1” margin on all other sides

Page Numbers

  • 0.5” from any edge
  • Preliminary pages are numbered with lower-case roman numerals, except title page and copyright page which are not numbered. The page following the copyright will be numbered (iii) and additional pages will be numbered sequentially
  • The dissertation proper begins with page Arabic number “1” and runs consecutively to the end            
  • 10- to 12-point font
  • Same font type should be used throughout, including header, footnotes, page numbers

Order of Sections:

  • Copyright Page
  • Table of Contents
  • Front Matter (acknowledgements, list of illustrations or tables, etc.)
  • Body of Text
  • Back Matter (appendices, bibliography, supplemental figures and tables, etc.)
  • Placed immediately preceding the title page
  • Heading centered on page
  • Dissertation title and name of author must match title page
  • Text of abstract below the heading, double spaced

Full title of dissertation

Full name of author

Year of PhD conferral (e.g., 20XX)

  • All text centered
  • Month and year of conferral (e.g., May or June 20XX, or December 20XX)
  • See attached example at end of guide

Copyright Notice:

  • Typed 3” below top margin
  • Format includes copyright symbol ©

                     © 20__ by [Student’s Name]

                     All rights reserved.

  • Note: the copyright available through ProQuest is optional and an additional fee

Tables and Figures:

  • Tables placed as close as possible to their reference in the text
  • Heading at top of table
  • Consecutive numbering throughout, or by chapter (e.g., 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2)
  • Captions placed at bottom

(Sample Title Page)

Dissertation Title: Subtitle

(first letter of each word in title should be capitalized)

A Dissertation

Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School

Yale University

In Candidacy for the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

[Full Name of Author]

Dissertation Director: [Full  Name of the Advisor(s)]

(or chairperson of advisory committee)

(month of graduation, not of submission)

Submission Policy

Dissertations for the Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Doctor of Philosophy degree must be submitted to the Graduate School by 5:00 pm on March 15 for consideration at the May meeting of the degree committee, and by 5:00 pm on October 1 for consideration at the fall meeting of the degree committee. These deadlines are established to allow sufficient time for readers to make careful evaluations and for departments to review those evaluations and make recommendations to the Graduate School. No extensions of the deadlines will be granted. Dissertations submitted after the deadlines will be considered for degree conferral during the following term.

In accord with the scholarly ideal that the candidate for a doctorate must make a contribution to knowledge, all dissertations that have been accepted by the Graduate School are made available in the Yale library.

Students do not need to be registered to be eligible to submit the dissertation.

Students who complete all PhD requirements within four continuous years of full-time study in the PhD program will be registered and charged full tuition only through the term in which the dissertation is submitted. Students who take a leave of absence must complete the four-year full tuition obligation, regardless of when they submit the dissertation.

The Graduate School does not compel departments to evaluate the dissertations of degree candidates who are no longer registered. In practice, however, departments normally agree to evaluate these dissertations.

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Q. Where can I find copies of dissertations or theses?

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Answered By: Laura Galas Last Updated: Mar 23, 2022     Views: 2743

Three great resources for dissertations or theses are as follows:

Proquest Dissertations and Theses (available through the link "Find Databases" on the library homepage .)

The Center for Research Libraries   (This database will require users to create a free account.)

Ethos  (For dissertations and theses published in the UK)

Click the "Databases" link on the library homepage, then search for each title.

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Department of History

Yale history dissertations.

yale university dissertations

During the late 1800’s, only a trickle of dissertations were submitted annually, but today, the department averages about 25 per year. See who some of those intrepid scholars were and what they wrote about by clicking on any of the years listed below.

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School of Public Health 2024–2025

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The Thesis/Dissertation

The Ph.D. thesis in Public Health should be of publishable quality and represent a substantial contribution to the advancement of knowledge in a field of scholarship. The graduate school policy in regard to the dissertation is as follows:

The dissertation should demonstrate the student’s mastery of relevant resources and methods and should make an original contribution to knowledge in the field. Normally, it is expected that a dissertation will have a single topic, however broadly defined, and that all parts of the dissertation will be interrelated, but can constitute essentially discrete units. Beyond this principle, the faculty will apply the prevailing intellectual standards and scholarly practices within their fields in advising students with regard to the suitable scope, length, and structure of the dissertation, including what constitutes an original contribution to that field.

The dissertation may be presented as a single monograph resulting in a major publication, or as (typically) a minimum of three first-authored scientific papers. One or more of the papers should be published, accepted for publication, or be in submission. The collected paper option does not imply that any combination of papers would be acceptable. For example, three papers related to background material (review papers), or three papers that reported associations of three unrelated exposures, or three papers of the same exposure but reporting different outcomes would not be acceptable. Rather, it is expected that the papers represent a cohesive, coherent, and integrated body of work. For example, one paper might be a systematic review and meta-analysis of the topic, another might develop a new methodological approach, and the third might apply those new methods to an area of current public health interest. In the collected paper option, the final thesis must include introductory and discussion chapters to summarize and integrate the published papers.

The DAC reviews the progress of the dissertation research and decides when the dissertation is ready to be submitted to the readers. This decision is made based on a closed defense of the dissertation. The dissertation defense involves a formal oral presentation to the DAC. (Per the adviser’s discretion, other invited faculty may be present.) Upon completion of the closed defense, the chair/adviser of the DAC submits its recommendation to the DGS along with the names of three appropriate readers for GSEC review.

There will be a minimum of three readers, one of whom is at YSPH. The second reader can be from YSPH or another Yale department. Both Yale readers must hold a graduate-school appointment, and at least one should be a senior faculty member. The third reader must be selected from outside the university. All readers must be recognized authorities in the area of the dissertation. The outside reader must submit a curriculum vitae for review by the GSEC. The outside reader should be an individual who has not coauthored a publication(s) with members of the student’s DAC and/or the student within the preceding three years. However, this restriction does not apply to mega-multiauthored publications. Members of the DAC are not eligible to serve as readers. After the completed readers’ reports are received by the graduate school, they are reviewed by the DGS prior to making a School of Public Health recommendation to the graduate school that the degree be awarded. The DAC may be asked to comment on the readers’ reports before recommendations are made to the graduate school.

Oral Presentation of the Doctoral Dissertation

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) dissertations in Public Health must be presented in a public seminar. This presentation is scheduled after the closed defense, after submission of the dissertation to the readers, and preferably prior to the receipt and consideration of the readers’ reports. At least one member each of the DAC and GSEC is expected to attend the presentation. It is expected to be presented during the academic term in which the dissertation was submitted and must be widely advertised within YSPH.

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Marcus Alaimo: “The Romantic-Utilitarian Debate” directed by David Bromwich, Leslie Brisman, Stefanie Markovits

Andie Berry: “This Has Not Happened: African American Performances At The Edge Of The Century” directed by Daphne A. Brooks, Tavia Nyong’o, Marc Robinson

Daniel de la Rocha: “Frustrated Journeys: Social Immobility and the Aesthetics of Disappointment in Nineteenth-Century Fiction” directed by Ruth Bernard Yeazell, Marta Figlerowicz, Stefanie Markovits

Seamus Dwyer: “Scripts and Literature in the Manuscripts of England and France, 1370-1425” directed by Jessica Brantley, Ardis Butterfield, Emily Thornbury

Emily Glider: “Geopolitical Players: Diplomacy, Trade, and English Itinerant Theater in Early Modern Europe” directed by David Kastan, Lawrence Manley, Ayesha Ramachandran

Tobi Haslett: “All This Sociology and Economics Jazz: Blackness, Writing, and Totality after Civil Rights” directed by Jacqueline Goldsby, Michael Warner, Michael Denning

Adam C. Keller: “Character in Conflict: Soldiers and the Formation of Eighteenth-Century Literary Character” directed by David Bromwich, Jill Campbell, Anastasia Eccles

Elizabeth R. Mundell-Perkins: “Matter of the Mind: Narrative’s Knowledge and the Novel of Impressionability, 1897-present” directed by Ruth Bernard Yeazell, Marta Figlerowicz, Juno Richards

Colton Valentine: “Between Languages: Queer Multilingualism in the British Belle Époque” directed by Marta Figlerowicz, Stefanie Markovits, Katie Trumpener, Ruth Bernard Yeazell

Elizabeth Colette Wiet: “Maximalism: An Art of the Minor” directed by Marc Robinson, Joseph Roach

Helen Hyoun Jung Yang: “Healed by Water: American Hydropathy and the Search for Meaning in Nature” directed by Caleb Smith, John Durham Peters, Wai Chee Dimock

December 2023

Shu-han Luo: “Didactic Poetry as Formal Experiment in Early Medieval England” directed by Emily Thornbury, Ardis Butterfield, Lucas Bender

Cera Smith: “Blackened Biology: Physiology of the Self and Society in African American Literature and Sculpture” directed by Jacqueline Goldsby, Tavia Nyong’o, Aimee Meredith Cox

Michael Abraham: “The Avant-Garde of Feeling: Queer Love and Modernism” directed by Langdon Hammer, Marta Figlerowicz, Ben Glaser

Peter Conroy: “Unreconciled: American Power and the End of History, 1945 to the Present” directed by Joe Cleary, Joseph North, Paul North

Trina Hyun: “Media Theologies, 1615-1668” directed by John Durham Peters, Catherine Nicholson, Marta Figlerowicz, John Rogers (University of Toronto)

Margaret McGowan: “A Natural History of the Novel: Species, Sense, Atmosphere” directed by Jonathan Kramnick, Katie Trumpener, Marta Figlerowicz

Benjamin Pokross: “Writing History in the Nineteenth-Century Great Lakes” directed by Caleb Smith, Greta LaFleur, Michael Warner

Sophia Richardson: “Reading the Surface in Early Modern English Literature” directed by Catherine Nicholson, Lawrence Manley, John Rogers(University of Toronto)

Melissa Shao Hsuan Tu: “Sonic Virtuality: First-Person Voices in Late Medieval English Lyric” directed by Ardis Butterfield, Jessica Brantley, John Durham Peters

Sarah Weston: “The Cypher and the Abyss: Outline Against Infinity” directed by Paul Fry, Tim Barringer, John Durham Peters

December 2022

Anna Hill: “Sublime Accumulations: Narrating the Global Climate, 1969-2001” directed by Joe Cleary, Marta Figlerowicz, Ursula Heise (UCLA)

Christopher McGowan: “Inherited Worlds: The British Modernist Novel and the Sabotage and Salvage of Genre” directed by Joe Cleary, Michael Denning, Katie Trumpener

Samuel Huber: “Every Day About the World: Feminist Internationalism in the Second Wave” directed by  Jacqueline Goldsby, Margaret Homans, Jill Richards

Shayne McGregor: “An Intellectual History of Black Literary Discourse 1910-1956” directed by Joseph North, Robert Stepto

Brandon Menke: “Slow Tyrannies: Queer Lyricism, Visual Regionalism, and the Transfigured World” directed by Langdon Hammer, Wai Chee Dimock, Marta Figlerowicz

Arthur Wang: “Minor Theories of Everything: On Popular Science and Contemporary Fiction” directed by Amy Hungerford, John Durham Peters, Sunny Xiang

December 2021

Sarah Robbins: “Re(-)Markable Texts: Making Meaning of Revision in Nineteenth-Century African American Literature” directed by Caleb Smith, Jacqueline Goldsby, Anthony Reed

David de León: “Epic Black: Poetics in Protest in the Time of Black Lives Matter” directed by  Langdon Hammer, Daphne Brooks, Marta Figlerowicz

Clio Doyle: “Rough Beginnings: Imagining the Origins of Agriculture in Late Medieval and Early Modern Britain” directed by Lawrence Manley, David Kastan, Catherine Nicholson

Clay Greene: “The Preexistence of the Soul in the Early English Enlightenment: 1640-1740” directed by John Rogers, Jonathan Kramnick, Lawrence Manley

December 2020

Wing Chun Julia Chan: “Veritable Utopia: Revolutionary Russia and the Modernism of the British Left” directed by Katie Trumpener, Jill Richards, Katerina Clark

James Eric Ensley: “Troubled Signs: Thomas Hoccleve’s Objects of Absence” directed by Jessica Brantley, Alastair Minnis, Ardis Butterfield

Paul Franz: “Because so it is made new”: D. H. Lawrence’s charismatic modernism directed by David Bromwich, Ben Glaser, and Langdon Hammer

Chelsie Malyszek: Just Words: Diction and Misdirection in Modern Poetry directed by Lanny Hammer, David Bromwich, and Ben Glaser

Justin Park: “The Children of Revenge: Managing Emotion in Early English Literature” directed by Roberta Frank, Alastair Minnis, David Kastan

Peter Raccuglia: “Lives of Grass: Prairie Literature and US Settler Capitalism” directed by Michael Warner, Jonathan Kramnick, Michael Denning

Ashley James: “ ‘Moist, Fleshy, Pulsating Surfaces’: Seeing and Reading Black Life after Experientiality” directed by Professors Jacqueline Goldsby, Elizabeth Alexander, and Anthony Reed

Brittany Levingston: “In the Day of Salvation: Christ and Salvation in Early Twentieth-Century African American Literature” directed by Professors Jacqueline Goldsby, Robert Stepto, and Anthony Reed

Lukas Moe: “Radical Afterlives: U.S. Poetry, 1935-1968” directed by Professors Langdon Hammer, Jacqueline Goldsby, and Michael Denning

Carlos Nugent: “Imagined Environments: Mediating Race and Nature in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands” directed by Professors Wai Chee Dimock, Amy Hungerford, and Michael Warner

Anna Shechtman: “The Media Concept: A Genealogy” directed by Professors Amy Hungerford, John Durham Peters, and Michael Warner

December 2019

Bofang Li: “Old Media/New Media: Intimate Networked Publics and the Commodity Text Since 1700” directed by Professors Wai Chee Dimock, R. John Williams, and Francesco Casetti

Scarlet Luk: “Gender Unbound: The Novel Narrator Beyond the Binary” directed by Professors Margaret Homans, Jill Campbell, and Jill Richards

Phoenix Alexander: “Voices with Vision: Writing Black, Feminist Futures in Twentieth-Century African America” directed by Professors Jacqueline Goldsby, Daphne Brooks, Anthony Reed, and Wai Chee Dimock

Andrew S. Brown: “Artificial Persons: Fictions of Representation in Early Modern Drama” directed by Professors David Kastan, John Rogers, and Joseph Roach

Margaret Deli: “Authorizing Taste: Connoisseurship and Transatlantic Modernity, 1880-1959” directed by Professors Ruth Yeazell, Joseph Cleary, and R. John Williams

Ann Killian: “Expanding Lyric Networks: The Transformation of a Genre in Late Medieval England” directed by Professors Ardis Butterfield, Jessica Brantley, and Alastair Minnis

Alexandra Reider: “The Multilingual English Manuscript Page, c. 950-1300” directed by Professors Roberta Frank, Ardis Butterfield, and Alastair Minnis

December 2018

Seo Hee Im: “After Totality: Late Modernism and the Globalization of the Novel” directed by Professors Joseph Cleary, Katie Trumpener, and Marta Figlerowicz

Angus Ledingham: “Styles of Abstraction: Objectivity and Moral Thought in Nineteenth-Century British Literature” directed by Professors David Bromwich, Jill Campbell, and Stefanie Markovits

Jason Bell: “Archiving Displacement in America” directed by Professors Caleb Smith, Wai Chee Dimock, and Jacqueline Goldsby

Joshua Stanley: “If but Once We Have Been Strong: Collective Agency and Poetic Technique in England during the Period of Early Capitalism” directed by Professors Paul Fry, David Bromwich, and Anthony Reed

December 2017

Carla Baricz: “Early Modern Two-Part and Sequel Drama, 1490-1590” directed by Professors David Quint, Lawrence Manley, and David Kastan

Edward King: “The World-Historical Novel: Writing the Periphery” directed by Professors Joseph Cleary, R. John Williams, and Michael Denning

Palmer Rampell: “The Genres of the Person in Post-World War II America” directed by Professors Amy Hungerford, Michael Warner, and R. John Williams

Anya Adair: “Composing the Law: Literature and Legislation in Early Medieval England” directed by Professors Roberta Frank, Ardis Butterfield, and Alastair Minnis

Robert Bradley Holden: “Milton between the Reformation and Enlightenment: Religion in an Age of Revolution” directed by Professors David Quint, Bruce Gordon, and John Rogers

Andrew Kau: “Astraea’s Adversary: The Rivalry Between Law and Literature in Elizabethan England” directed by Professors Lawrence Manley, David Quint, and David Kastan

Natalie Prizel: “The Good Look: Victorian Visual Ethics and the Problem of Physical Difference” direcgted by Professors Janice Carlisle and Tim Barringer

Rebecca Rush: “The Fetters of Rhyme: Freedom and Limitation in Early Modern Verse” direcgted by Professors David Quint, David Kastan, and John Rogers

Prashant Sharma: “Conversions to the Baroque: Catholic Modernism from James Joyce to Graham Greene” directed by Professors Paul Fry, Joseph Cleary, and Marta Figlerowicz

Joseph Stadolnik: “Subtle Arts: Practical Science and Middle English Literature” directed by Professors Ardis Butterfield and Alastair Minnis

Steven Kirk Warner: “Versions of Narcissus: The Aesthetics and Erotics of the Male Form in English Renaissance Poetry” directed by Professors John Rogers and Catherine Nicholson

December 2016

Kimberly Quiogue Andrews: “The Academic Avant-Garde: Poetry and the University since 1970” directed by Professors Langdon Hammer, Paul Fry, and Wai Chee Dimock

Alexis Chema: “Fancy’s Mirror: Romantic Poetry and the Art of Persuasion” directed by Professors David Bromwich and Paul Fry

Daniel Jump: “Metadiscursive Struggle and the Eighteenth-Century British Social Imaginary: From the End of Licensing to the Revolution Controversy” directed by Professors Michael Warner, Jill Campbell, and Paul Fry

Jordan Brower: “A Literary History of the Studio System, 1911-1950” directed by Wai Chee Dimock, JD Connor, and Joe Cleary

Ryan Carr: “Expressivism in America” directed by Michael Warner, Caleb Smith, and Paul Fry

Megan Eckerle: “Speculation and Time in Late Medieval Visionary Discourse” directed by Jessica Brantley and Alastair Minnis

Gabriele Hayden: “Routes and Roots of the New World Baroque: U.S. Modernist Poets Translate from Spanish” directed by Landon Hammer and Wai Chee Dimock

Matthew Hunter: “The Pursuit of Style in Shakespeare’s Drama” directed by David Kastan, Lawrence Manley, and Brian Walsh

Leslie Jamison: “The Recovered: Addiction and Sincerity in 20th Century American Literature” directed by Wai Chee Dimock, Amy Hungerford, and Caleb Smith

Jessica Matuozzi: “Double Agency: A Multimedia History of the War on Drugs” directed by Jacqueline Goldsby, Amy Hungerford, and Anthony Reed

Aaron Pratt: “The Status of Printed Playbooks in Early Modern England” directed by David Kastan, Lawrence Manley, and Keith Wrightson

Madeleine Saraceni: “The Idea of Writing for Women in Late Medieval Literature” directed by Jessica Brantley, Ardis Butterfield, and Alastair Minnis

J. Antonio Templanza: “Know to Know No More: The Composition of Knowledge in Milton’s Epic Poetry” directed by John Rogers and Paul Fry

Andrew Willson: “Idle Works: Unproductiveness, Literature Labor, and the Victorian Novel” directed by Janice Carlisle, Stefanie Markovits, and Ruth Yeazell

December 2015

Melina Moe: “Public Intimacies: Literary and Sexual Reproduction in the Eighteenth Century” directed by Katie Trumpener, Wendy Lee, Jonathan Kramnick, and Jill Campbell

Merve Emre: “Paraliterary Institutions” directed by Wai Chee Dimock and Amy Hungerford

Samuel Fallon: “Personal Effects: Personal and Literary Culture in Elizabethan England” directed by David Kastan, Catherine Nicholson, and Lawrence Manley

Edgar Garcia: “Deep Land: Hemispheric Modernisms and Indigenous Media” directed by Wai Chee Dimock, Langdon Hammer, and Anthony Reed

Jean Elyse Graham: “The Book Unbound: Print Logic between Old Books and New Media” directed by David Kastan, Catherine Nicholson, and R. John Williams

December 2014

Len Gutkin: “Dandiacal Forms” directed by Amy Hungerford, Sam See, and Katie Trumpener

Justin Sider: “Parting Words: Address and Exemplarity in Victorian Poetry” directed by Linda Peterson, Leslie Brisman, and Stefanie Markovits

William Weber: “Shakespearean Metamorphoses” directed by David Kastan

Thomas Koenigs: “Fictionality in the United States, 1789-1861” directed by Michael Warner, Jill Campbell, and Caleb Smith

Andrew Kraebel: “English Traditions of Biblical Criticism and Translation in the Later Middle Ages” directed by Alastair Minnis, Jessica Brantley, and Ian Cornelius

Tessie Prakas: “The Office of the Poet: Ministry and Verse Practice in the Seventeenth Century” directed by John Rogers, David Kastan, and Catherine Nicholson

Nienke Christine Venderbosch: “‘Tha Com of More under Misthleothum Grendel Gongan’: The Scholarly and Popular Reception of Beowulf ’s Grendel from 1805 to the Present Day” directed by Roberta Frank and Paul Fry

Eric Weiskott: “The Durable Alliterative Tradition” directed by Roberta Frank, Alastair Minnis, Ian Cornelius

December 2013

Anthony Domestico: “Theologies of Crisis in British Literature of the Interwar Period” directed by Amy Hungerford and Pericles Lewis

Glyn Salton-Cox: “Cobbett and the Comintern:  Transnational Provincialism and Revolutionary Desire from the Popular Front to the New Left” directed by Katie Trumpener, Katerina Clark, and Joe Cleary

Samuel Alexander: “Demographic Modernism: Character and Quantification in Twentieth Century Fiction” directed by Professors Pericles Lewis and Barry McCrea

Andrew Karas: “Versions of Modern Poetry” directed by Professors Paul Fry and Langdon Hammer

James Ross Macdonald: “Popular Religious Belief and Literature in Early Modern England” directed by Professors David Kastan and John Rogers

December 2012

Michael Komorowski: “The Arts of Interest: Private Property and the English Literary Imagination in the Age of Milton” directed by Professors David Quint and John Rogers

Fiona Robinson: “Raising the Dead: Writing Lives and Writing Wars in Britain, 1914-1941” directed by Professors Katie Trumpener, Margaret Homans, and Sam See

Nathalie Wolfram: “Novel Play: Gothic Performance and the Making of Eighteenth Century Fiction” directed by Professors Joseph Roach and Katie Trumpener

Michaela Bronstein: “Imperishable Consciousness: The Rescue of Meaning in the Modernist Novel” directed by Professors Ruth Yeazell and Pericles Lewis

David Currell: “Epic Satire: Structures of Heroic Mockery in Early Modern English Literature” directed by Professor David Quint

Andrew Heisel: “Reading in Darkness: Sacred Text and Aesthetics in the Long Eighteenth Century” directed by Professors Jill Campbell and Elliott Visconsi

Hilary Menges: “Authorship before Copyright: The Monumental Book, 1649-1743” directed by Professors Jill Campbell and John Rogers

Nathan Suhr-Sytsma: “Poetry and the Making of the Anglophone Literary World, 1950-1975” directed by Professors Wai Chee Dimock and Langdon Hammer

December 2011

Patrick Gray: “The Passionate Stoic: Subjectivity in Shakespeare’s Rome” directed by Professors Lawrence Manley and David Quint

Christopher Grobe: “Performing Confession: American Poetry, Performance, and New Media 1959” directed by Professors Amy Hungerford and Joseph Roach

Sebastian LeCourt: “Culture and Secularity: Religion in the Victorian Anthropological Imagination” directed by Professors Linda Peterson and Katie Trumpener

Laura Saetveit Miles: “Mary’s Book: The Annunciation in Middle England” directed by Jessica Brantley and Alastair Minnis

Stephen Tedeschi: “Urbanization in English Romantic Poetry” directed by Professors Paul Fry and Christopher R. Miller

Julia Fawcett: “Over-Expressing the Self: Celebrity, Shandeism, and Autobiographical Performance, 1696-1801” directed by Professors Jill Campbell and Joseph Roach

Daniel Gustafson: “Stuart Restorations: History, Memory, Performance” directed by Professor Joseph Roach and Elliott Visconsi

Sarah Mahurin: “American Exodus: Migration and Oscillation in the Modern American Novel” directed by Professors Wai Chee Dimock and Robert Stepto

Erica Levy McAlpine: “Lyric Elsewhere: Strategies of Poetic Remove” directed by Professors David Bromwich and Langdon Hammer

Sarah Novacich: “Ark and Archive: Narrative Enclosures in Medieval and Early Modern Texts” directed by Professors Roberta Frank and Alastair Minnis

Jesse Schotter: “The Hieroglyphic Imagination: Language and Visuality in Modern Fiction and Film” directed by Professors Peter Brooks and Pericles Lewis

Matthew Vernon: “Strangers in a Familiar Land: The Medieval and African-American Literary Tradition” directed by Professor Alastair Minnis

Chia-Je Weng: “Natural Religion and Its Discontents: Critiques and Revisions in Blake and Coleridge” directed by Professors Leslie Brisman and Paul Fry

Nicole Wright: “‘A contractile power’: Boundaries of Character and the Culpable Self in the British Novel, 1750-1830” directed by Professors Jill Campbell and Katie Trumpener

December 2010

Molly Farrell: “Counting Bodies: Imagining Population in the New World” directed by Professor Wai Chee Dimock

John Muse: “Short Attention Span Theaters: Modernist Shorts Since 1880” directed by Professors Joseph Roach and Marc Robinson

Denis Ferhatović: “An Early English Poetics of the Artifact” directed by Professor Roberta Frank

Colin Gillis: “Forming the Normal: Sexology and the Modern British Novel, 1890-1939” directed by Professors Laura Frost and Pericles Lewis

Katherine Harrison: “Tales Twice Told: Sound Technology and American Fiction after 1940” directed by Professor Amy Hungerford

Jean Otsuki: “British Modernism in the Country” directed by Professors Paul Fry and Margaret Homans

Erin Peterson: “On Intrusion and Interruption: An Exploration of an Early Modern Literary Mode” directed by Professor John Rogers

Patrick Redding: “A Distinctive Equality: The Democratic Imagination in Modern American Poetry” directed by Professors David Bromwich and Langdon Hammer

Emily Setina: “Modernism’s Darkrooms: Photography and Literary Process” directed by Professors Langdon Hammer and Pericles Lewis

Jordan Zweck: “Letters from Heaven in the British Isles, 800-1500” directed by Professor Roberta Frank

December 2009

Elizabeth Twitchell Antrim: “Relief Work: Aid to Africa in the American Novel Since 1960” directed by Professor Wai Chee Dimock

Emily Coit: “The Trial of Abundance: Consumption and Morality in the Anglo-American Novel, 1871-1907” directed by Professors Catherine Labio and Ruth Bernard Yeazell

Andrew Goldstone: “Modernist Fictions of Aesthetic Autonomy” directed by Professors Langdon Hammer and Amy Hungerford

Matthew Mutter: “Poetry Against Religion, Poetry As Religion: Secularism and its Discontents in Literary Modernism” directed by Professors David Bromwich and Pericles Lewis

Anna Chen: “Kinship Lessons: The Cultural Uses of Childhood in Late Medieval England” directed by Professors Jessica Brantley and Lee Patterson

Anne DeWitt: “The Uses of Scientific Thinking and the Realist Novel” directed by Professor Linda Peterson

Irina Dumitrescu: “The Instructional Moment in Anglo-Saxon Literature” directed by Professor Roberta Frank

Susannah Hollister: “Poetries of Geography in Postwar America” directed by Professors Paul Fry and Langdon Hammer

James Horowitz: “Rebellious Hearts and Loyal Passions: Imagining Civic Consciousness in Ovidian Writing on Women, 1680-1819” directed by Professors Jill Campbell and Elliott Visconsi

Ben LaBreche: “The Rule of Friendship: Literary Culture and Early Modern Liberty” directed by Professors David Quint and John Rogers

December 2008

Sarah Van der Laan: “What Virtue and Wisdom Can Do: Homer’s Odyssey in the Renaissance Imagination” directed by Professor David Quint

Annmarie Drury: “Literary Translators and Victorian Poetry” directed by Professor Linda Peterson

Jeffrey Glover: “People of the Word: Puritans, Algonquians, and the Politics of Print in Early New England” directed by Professors Elizabeth Dillon and Wai Chee Dimock

Dana Goldblatt: “From Contract to Social Contract: Fortescue’s Governance and Malory’s Morte ” directed by Professors David Quint and Alastair Minnis

Kamran Javadizadeh: “Bedlam and Parnassus: Madness and Poetry in Postwar America” directed by Professor Langdon Hammer

Ayesha Ramachandran: “Worldmaking in Early Modern Europe: Global Imaginations from Montaigne to Milton” directed by Professors Annabel Patterson and David Quint

Jennifer Sisk: “Forms of Speculation: Religious Genres and Religious Inquiry in Late Medieval England” directed by Professor Lee Patterson

Ariel Watson: “The Anxious Triangle: Modern Metatheatres of the Playwright, Performer, and Spectator” directed by Professor Joseph Roach

Jesse Zuba: “The Shape of Life: First Books and the Twentieth-Century Poetic Career” directed by Professors Langdon Hammer and Amy Hungerford

December 2007

Rebecca Boggs: “The Gem-Like Flame: the Aesthetics of Intensity in Hopkins, Crane, and H.D.” directed by Professor Langdon Hammer

Maria Fackler: “A Portrait of the Artist Manqué : Form and Failure in the British Novel Since 1945” directed by Professors Pericles Lewis and Ruth Bernard Yeazell

Melissa Ganz: “Fictions of Contract: Women, Consent, and the English Novel, 1722-1814” directed by Professor Jill Campbell

Siobhan Phillips: “The Poetics of Everyday Time in Frost, Stevens, Bishop, and Merrill” directed by Professors David Bromwich and Langdon Hammer

Morgan Swan: “The Literary Construction of a Capital City: Late-Medieval London and the Difficulty of Self-Definition” directed by Professor Lee Patterson

Andrea Walkden: “Lives, Letters and History: Walton to Defoe” directed by Professors David Quint and John Rogers

Rebecca Berne: “Regionalism, Modernism and the American Short Story Cycle” directed by Professors Wai Chee Dimock and Vera Kutzinski

Leslie Eckel: “Transatlantic Professionalism: Nineteenth-Century American Writers at Work in the World” directed by Professors Wai Chee Dimock and Jennifer Baker

December 2006

Gregory Byala: “Samuel Beckett and the Problem of Beginning” directed by Professors Paul Fry and Pericles Lewis

Eric Lindstrom: “Romantic Fiat” directed by Professors David Bromwich and Paul H. Fry

Megan Quigley: “Modernist Fiction and the Re-instatement of the Vague” directed by Professors David Bromwich and Pericles Lewis

Randi Saloman: “Where Truth is Important: The Modern Novel and the Essayistic Mode” directed by Professors David Bromwich and Laura Frost

Michael Wenthe: “Arthurian Outsiders: Heterogeneity and the Cultural Politics of Medieval Arthurian Literature” directed by Professor Lee Patterson

Christopher Bond: “Exemplary Heroism and Christian Redemption in the Epic Poetry of Spenser and Milton” directed by Professors David Quint and John Rogers

Lara Cohen: “Counterfeit Presentments: Fraud and the Production of Nineteenth-Century American Literature” directed by Professors Elizabeth Dillon and Wai Chee Dimock

Nicholas Salvato: “Uncloseting Drama: Modernism’s Queer Theaters” directed by Professors Joseph Roach and Michael Trask

Anthony Welch: “Songs of Dido: Epic Poetry and Opera in Seventeenth-Century England” directed by Professor David Quint

December 2005

Brooke Conti: “Anxious Acts: Religion and Autobiography in Early Modern England” directed by Professor Annabel Patterson

Brett Foster: “The Metropolis of Popery: Writing of Rome in the English Renaissance” directed by Professors Lawrence Manley and David Quint

Curtis Perrin: “Langland’s Comic Vision” directed by Professor Traugott Lawler

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EliScholar > Nursing > Yale School of Nursing Digital Theses

Yale School of Nursing Digital Theses

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Improving Treatment Outcomes For American Indians With Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Through The Use Of Telepsychaitry , Shaylice Meserole

Building Psychological Safety In An Organization Under Chronic Stress , Nicole Messina

Obstructive Sleep Apnea Screening And Sleep Specialist Referral In Outpatient Psychiatric Populations , Jeremy Michael Mills

A Mixed Methods Exploration Of Stigma, Discrimination, And Sleep Among Those On Medication For Opioid Use Disorder , Uzoji Nwanaji-Enwerem

Reducing 30-Day Readmission Rates For Copd Patients: A Care Standardization & Quality Improvement Project , Oana Raluca Randolph

The Adaptation And Implementation Of A Comprehensive Retirement Transition Program For Members Of Law Enforcement , Renee White

Development Of An Educational Program To Elevate The Financial Cumen Of Nurse Managers , Quyen Wong

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Nurses, Politics And Policy: Moving A Critical Initiative Forward Through Education, Inspiration And Motivation For Political Activity , Elizabeth Clark

Assessing Risk For Right Heart Failure After Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation , Mary-Ann Lombardi Cyr

A Nurse-Driven Protocol To Increase Metabolic Screening And Interventions For Inpatients On Antipsychotic Medications , James Thomas Demarco

Creating A Welcoming, Inclusive, And Affirming Primary Care Environment For Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex And Asexual Patients , Samantha Korbey

Retention Of The Newly Licensed Registered Nursing Workforce Post-Coronavirus (covid-19): Establishing A Trauma-Informed Wellness Program, The Registered Nurse Residency Script For The Future (rnrx) (© Maryellen Hope Kosturko, 2022) , Maryellen Hope Kosturko

Sepsis Discharge Program: An Interdisciplinary Approach To Reduce Sepsis Readmissions , Rex Daniel Demetria Lomboy

A Standardized Transition To Practice Program For Novice Advanced Practice Registered Nurse(s) In A Federally Qualified Health Center Setting , Taína R. Lopez-Cartagena

Educational Program For Caregivers Of Children With Tympanostomy Tube Otorrhea: Impact On Caregiver Self-Efficacy And Clinical Outcomes , Wendy Lord Mackey

Implementing A Peer And Mentor Transition Support Program For New Graduate Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners , Christina Maroone

Implementation Of A Medication Adherence Protocol In A Large Urban Safety Net Hospital , Carlie Martinez

Adoption Of Teamstepps® To Promote Collaboration And Problem-Solving: A Pilot Training Program For Clinical Nursing Leaders , Manvir Nijjar

Using Telemedicine To Optimize The Delivery Of Care In Patients With Liver Disease , Samantha Ramirez

Improving Treatment Outcomes For Veterans With Ptsd And Sleep Disturbance , Gia Santoro

Embedding Licensed Independent Providers In A Va Regional Clinical Contact Center , Bonnie Sommers-Olson

Reducing Unnecessary Primary Cesarean Sections: A Quality Improvement Project , Jennifer L. Suess

Enhancing The Assessment Of Suicidal Ideation In The Long-Term Care Environment: A Quality Improvement Project , Carissa Ann Tufano

Use Of Teach-Back During Informed Consent In Cancer Clinical Trials , Christa Varnadoe

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Addressing Nursing Retention: A Web-Based Approach Focusing On Joy In Work , Faye Christen

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Dissertation search tools available at Yale

  • Orbis (Yale dissertations only) Orbis holds records for all Yale dissertations for which microfilm copies exist, i.e. all dissertations completed in departments of the Graduate School since 1965, plus select dissertations completed in departments of the Graduate School between 1892 & 1965. Yale dissertations can be located in Orbis by: (1) Entering the author / title in a Simple Search (2) Using the terms “dissertation” or “thesis” and words known to be in the bibliographic record in a Keyword search. more... less... If you do not locate a Yale dissertation in Orbis, check the card catalog at Manuscripts and Archives. Except for some early dissertations that are not available, all Yale dissertations are held at Manuscripts and Archives.
  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses This database makes nearly every dissertation ever filed in the United States available in PDF format. Not all dissertations are available, however, as authors with dissertations under contract with a press are sometimes encouraged not to make their dissertations freely available. In these cases you can at least read an abstract. Note that you can search by school, department, and adviser.

From European institutions

  • DART-Europe The European portal for finding electronic theses and dissertations. DART-Europe is a partnership of research libraries and library consortia who are working together to improve global access to European research theses.
  • Deutsche Nationalbibliothek German dissertations since 1998 are comprehensively collected by the National Library of Germany, so search its online catalog by clicking on the link above.
  • Dissonline Searches electronic university publications held by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, including dissertations and "Habilitationen".
  • Electronic Theses Online Service (EThOS) EThOS offers free access, in a secure format, to the full text of electronically stored UK theses--a rich and vast body of knowledge.
  • Index to Theses A Comprehensive Listing of Theses with Abstracts Accepted for Higher Degrees by Universities in Great Britain and Ireland since 1716. Abstracts are available from many theses since 1970 and for all since 1986.
  • Österreichische Dissertationsdatenbank This database references over 55,000 dissertations and theses held at Austrian universities; select dissertations are available online.

From international institutions

  • CRL Center for Research Libraries Foreign Doctoral Dissertations Holds 800,000 dissertations from universities outside the U.S. and Canada. However, only 20,000 of these are cataloged in the database. If you know the exact title of a dissertation and do not find it in the database, CRL recommends searching the CRL Catalog. If the title does not appear in the database or the catalog, contact CRL directly to inquire if it is held. CRL continues to acquire about 5,000 titles per year from major universities.
  • Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations (NDLTD) The NDLTD is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination, and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs). The NDLTD Catalog contains more than one million records of electronic theses and dissertations. For students and researchers, the Union Catalog makes individual collections of NDLTD member institutions and consortia appear as one seamless digital library of ETDs.
  • The Universal Index of Doctoral Dissertations in Progress This site holds a database of voluntarily-registered, author-identified doctoral dissertations in progress around the world. Its goal is to avoid duplications in doctoral dissertations, create the ultimate meeting place for researchers, and allow for interaction between them. Bear in mind, though, that only dissertations which have been registered by their authors can be found in the database. Registration and access to the database are free.
  • Theses Canada This is your central access point for Canadian theses. From here you will be able to: - search AMICUS, Canada's national online catalog, for bibliographic records of all theses in Library and Archives Canada's theses collection; - access & search the full text electronic versions of numerous Canadian theses and dissertations; - find out everything you need to know about Theses Canada, including how to find a thesis, information on copyright, etc.
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Teaching Architecture to the Masses: Vkhutemas and the Pedagogy of Space, 1920-1930 (2017)

Abstract: My dissertation explores the mass character of early twentieth century design education in Soviet Russia as an essential condition for the modernist paradigm. The Higher Art and Technical Studios in Moscow, known as Vkhutemas (Russian: BxyтeMac, acronym for Vysshiye Khudozhestvenno-Tekhnicheskiye Masterskive) adopted the “objective method” in order to facilitate instruction on a mass scale. The objective method translated contemporary scientific knowledge and abstract visual language into modern design pedagogy. The central figures in this undertaking—the architects and pedagogues Nikolay Ladovsky, Vladimir Krinsky, and Nikolay Dokuchaev—called themselves “Rationalists,” believing that they had devised a “rational” knowledge of form and space based on universal principles and the laws of perceptual psychology. Their colleagues, Vasily Kandinsky, Alexander Rodchenko, Lazar Lissitzky, and Moisey Ginzburg, contributed to shaping the Rationalist doctrine through their theorization, teaching, design, and critiques.

The core curriculum at Vkhutemas was the first venture of its kind to implement an accessible mass design education. It combined nascent industrialized and long-standing academic methods to initiate a new type of pedagogy, which I call universalist. A significant condition of this educational agenda was that the subject itself was deductive and stripped of historicized embellishment, as the principal elements explored in the core curriculum—space, volume, color, plane, and line—were a priori abstract. Since modernism as a sphere of knowledge, was untested at the time, all of the established conventions of existing design education had to be reexamined.

As opposed to the classical training that required knowledge of historical canons, the universalist approach was explorative in nature and built around a continuous feedback between assignments and solutions. The top down academic instruction was recast into a model of open mass education based on active exchange between students and teachers. The thesis examines the way in which the Vkhutemas core curriculum exercises challenged the established canons of academic tradition by replacing it with an open- ended inquiry into abstract form and traces how the resultant architectonic experiments were articulated into architectural and urban projects within the framework of the school’s advanced studios. This universalist educational model is explored through four separate channels—the institution, its research, its pedagogy, and its practice—each grounded in a different set of historical sites. The first chapter of the dissertation focuses on the institution, from its immediate context to its international outreach; the second is grounded within the research organizations and laboratories of Vkhutemas, contextualizing these through the theoretical doctrines and scientific achievements of its time; the third looks inside the classrooms, focusing on the methods and materials of the core curriculum; while the fourth addresses the pedagogy and practice of architecture, shifting its focus to the city itself—whether to its streets or the sky above it.

Bio: Anna Bokov is an architect, urban designer, educator, and historian. She holds a Ph.D. from Yale University, a Master’s degree in Architecture from the Harvard Graduate School of Design, and a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Syracuse University. She has taught at the Cooper Union, Yale School of Art, Northeastern University School of Architecture, the Moscow Architectural Institute, and Strelka Institute.

Anna has worked as an architect and urban designer with Office for Metropolitan Architecture in Rotterdam; NBBJ in Moscow; Gluckman Mayner Architects and Polshek Partnership (Ennead) in New York; and the City of Somerville Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development in Somerville, Massachusetts. She has served as an editor for the Project Russia magazine, a leading architectural periodical in Russia. Her work has been presented at the Walker Art Center, Venice Biennale, Moscow Architectural Biennale, and AIA New York.

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Slavic Languages and Literatures

Graduate study abroad program, rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi gumanitarnyi universitet (rggu) russian state university for the humanities, moscow.

Beginning in the fall of 2009, second-year graduate students in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures who have successfully completed their first year of study will be eligible to enroll for one semester in RGGU as part of the Ph. D. program in Russian literature and culture. Graduate students who successfully complete an approved, full semester’s load of course work at RGGU will receive up to 4 graduate course term credits toward the departmental Ph. D. The cost of study in Moscow, as well as room, board, and airfare, will be covered by each graduate student’s university stipend.

Requests from graduate students who are writing their dissertations and have University Dissertation Fellowships will also be considered.

This special program offers graduate students the opportunity to take courses in areas not covered in the department and to experience contemporary cultural life in Russia.

For more information, contact Professor Harvey Goldblatt, Department Chair, harvey.goldblatt@yale.edu and Professor Bella Grigoryan, Director of Graduate Studies, bella.grigoryan@yale.edu .

Yale Daily News

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Yale to consider institutional neutrality

University President Maurie McInnis convened a committee to recommend, by the end of the semester, whether the University should abstain from taking positions on current events.

Staff Reporter

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Tim Tai, Senior Photographer

A committee of seven professors, convened by University President Maurie McInnis, will consider institutional neutrality at Yale. 

Under institutional neutrality policy, higher education institutions refrain from taking stances on current events in which they are not directly involved. In her first major public act as president, McInnis announced Tuesday afternoon that the committee will recommend to her whether to adopt neutrality by the end of the semester. 

“One topic has emerged as top of mind for many people in our community: the question of when Yale, as an institution, speaks on issues of the day,” McInnis wrote in a University-wide email. “I have asked the committee to examine when the university, or those speaking on its behalf, should comment on matters of public significance.”

The announcement comes as approximately 20 universities have adopted institutional neutrality in recent years following increased public scrutiny of free expression in higher education. Just hours before McInnis’ announcement, the University of Pennsylvania’s interim president also announced a move toward neutrality.

In the announcement, McInnis wrote that she instructed committee members to consider Yale’s commitment to “diverse viewpoints and open dialogue and debate” and the University’s engagement with the world when making their recommendation. She noted that Yale’s free expression protections are not under scrutiny.

The committee’s members hold appointments in Yale College, the Law School, the Divinity School, the School of Medicine and the School of Management.

The co-chairs of the committee are Michael Della Rocca, Sterling Professor of Philosophy, and law professor Cristina Rodríguez ’95 LAW ’00. Its members are applied physics professor Charles Ahn, surgery professor Nita Ahuja, economics professor Kerwin Charles, religious studies professor Jennifer Herdt and history professor Stephen Pitti ’91.

The committee will hold in-person listening sessions and has created a web form to collect feedback from students, faculty and staff.

The concept of institutional neutrality comes from the University of Chicago’s 1967 Kalven Report . It has picked up steam in recent years, as many universities across the country, including Harvard University , Stanford University and Columbia University , adopted versions of such policy. 

Last year, over 150 faculty members joined a Faculty for Yale group, which explicitly endorses institutional neutrality as laid out in the Kalven Report. 

At the same time, another letter from over 200 faculty members, addressed to Salovey’s successor before McInnis’ appointment, called on Yale to eschew adopting neutrality, saying the policy “acquiesc[es] to those who wish to destroy academic freedoms, dictate what we can teach, to reverse the progress achieved in inclusion of previously ignored and marginalized voices in our society.”

In March, former University President Peter Salovey told the News that he would like to see his successor consider neutrality.

“I think we should have some kind of conversation about it on campus, probably through a committee, but it would be something I encourage my successor to do,” he said.

On Aug. 1, exactly one month after beginning her presidency, McInnis told the News that she was interested in sourcing community opinions on free expression in response to a question about whether she planned to consider institutional neutrality.

“It is the 50th anniversary of the Woodward Report. This is probably a good year for our community to be thinking about all such issues that pertain,” she said, referencing the 1974 report at the core of Yale’s free expression policies. “I have spoken a lot in my past roles and consistently uphold the values for a content-neutral approach [to] policies that are related to free expression.”

Maurie McInnis assumed the presidency on July 1.


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  1. Resources to Find Dissertations: Home

    ETDs: Virginia Tech Electronic Theses and Dissertations Digital Library and Archives allows searching for citations and abstracts of over 6,700 theses and dissertations. Free full-text access is provided for over 4,500 of these items. M.I.T. Theses Contains selected theses and dissertations from all MIT departments.

  2. Browse Dissertations and Electronic Theses

    Yale School of Nursing Digital Theses (School of Nursing) Starting with the Yale School of Nursing (YSN) graduating class of 2012, students who completed a master's thesis have submitted it to the ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database. Additionally in 2014 the YSN Doctor of Nursing Practice program (DNP) have submitted their final capstone ...

  3. Dissertations & theses @ Yale University

    Description based on version viewed March 29, 2017. Access restricted by licensing agreement. Searchable database of dissertations and theses in all disciplines written by students at Yale University from 1861 to the present. Full text PDF versions available for some titles from 1878. More recent years available in full text.

  4. Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Dissertations

    Towards Tumor Cell Specific Proteolysis Targeting Chimeras: Identification of Oncogenic KRASG12C, DcpS, and MAGE-A3 Degraders, Michael Joseph Bond. PDF. Magel2 and Hypothalamic POMC Neuron Modulation of Infant Mice Isolation-Induced Vocalizations, Gabriela M. Bosque Ortiz. PDF.

  5. Q. Where can I find copies of Yale dissertations?

    Current Yale students, faculty and staff can access Yale dissertations and theses. After dissertations are accepted by and submitted to the Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, they are sent to ProQuest/UMI for microfilming according Yale University policy. In most cases, this process takes 8 months to a year before the original and the m icrofilm copy are returned to the Yale University ...

  6. Find Books and Dissertations

    Full text is available for most Yale dissertations. Full text is available for most of the dissertations added since 1997 from other universities. DART-Europe E-theses Portal DART-Europe is a partnership to provide researchers with a single European portal for the discovery of electronic theses and dissertations.

  7. Dissertation Submission

    Yale University. In Candidacy for the Degree of. Doctor of Philosophy. by [Full Name of Author] ... Dissertations for the Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Doctor of Philosophy degree must be submitted to the Graduate School by 5:00 pm on March 15 for consideration at the May meeting of the degree committee, and by 5:00 pm on October 1 ...

  8. Finding Dissertations

    Searchable database of Yale dissertations and theses in all disciplines written by students at Yale University from 1861 to the present. Full text PDF versions available for some titles from 1878. More recent years available in full text. << Previous: Finding Articles

  9. Yale Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2022. PDF. Learning Non-Parametric and High-Dimensional Distributions via Information-Theoretic Methods, Soham Jana. PDF. Does Soil Carbon support Climate Resilient Agricultural Systems? Searching for Evidence and Developing New Measurement Tools, Daniel Kane.

  10. Q. Where can I find copies of dissertations or theses?

    Answered by: Laura Galas. Three great resources for dissertations or theses are as follows: Proquest Dissertations and Theses (available through the link "Find Databases" on the library homepage .) The Center for Research Libraries (This database will require users to create a free account.) Ethos (For dissertations and theses published in the UK)

  11. Yale History Dissertations

    The dissertation represents the culmination of years of graduate training. For many, the pages of the dissertation are stained with blood, sweat and tears. And coffee. And more tears. Since 1882, when the first dissertation was presented to the history department for doctoral qualification at Yale, hundreds of scholars have since followed that same path, dedicating themselves

  12. Architecture Research @ Yale: Dissertations & Theses

    A searchable databases with dissertations and theses in all disciplines written by students at Yale from 1861 to the present. Yale University Architecture Theses Included in Art, architecture, and art history theses and projects, Yale University (1915-2014) Yale University Master of Fine Arts Theses in Graphic Design

  13. Art History Research at Yale: Dissertations & Theses

    Dissertations & Theses @ Yale University A searchable databases with dissertations and theses in all disciplines written by students at Yale from 1861 to the present. Yale University Master of Fine Arts Theses in Graphic Design Finding aid for Arts Library Special Collections holdings of over 600 individual theses from 1951 to the present.

  14. The Thesis/Dissertation

    The dissertation may be presented as a single monograph resulting in a major publication, or as (typically) a minimum of three first-authored scientific papers. One or more of the papers should be published, accepted for publication, or be in submission. The collected paper option does not imply that any combination of papers would be acceptable.

  15. Dissertations

    May 2022. Samuel Huber: "Every Day About the World: Feminist Internationalism in the Second Wave" directed by Jacqueline Goldsby, Margaret Homans, Jill Richards. Shayne McGregor: "An Intellectual History of Black Literary Discourse 1910-1956" directed by Joseph North, Robert Stepto. Brandon Menke: "Slow Tyrannies: Queer Lyricism ...

  16. Classics: Dissertations & Theses

    Classics: Dissertations & Theses. A guide to online and print library resources for the study of all aspects of Greco-Roman antiquity at Yale University. This page is not currently available due to visibility settings.

  17. Yale School of Nursing Digital Theses

    Yale School of Nursing Digital Theses. Starting with the Yale School of Nursing (YSN) graduating class of 2012, students who completed a master's thesis have submitted it to the ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database. Additionally in 2014 the YSN Doctor of Nursing Practice program (DNP) have submitted their final capstone project to ProQuest.

  18. German Language and Literature: Dissertations & Theses

    Searches electronic university publications held by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, including dissertations and "Habilitationen". Electronic Theses Online Service (EThOS) EThOS offers free access, in a secure format, to the full text of electronically stored UK theses--a rich and vast body of knowledge.

  19. Dissertation Anna Bokov

    Proquest. Bio: Anna Bokov is an architect, urban designer, educator, and historian. She holds a Ph.D. from Yale University, a Master's degree in Architecture from the Harvard Graduate School of Design, and a Bachelor's degree in Architecture from Syracuse University. She has taught at the Cooper Union, Yale School of Art, Northeastern ...

  20. Valeriia Mutc

    2021, "From Playscript to Performance," Yale University. Invited Talks: "Nikolai Shelonsky's In the Future World." "The Other 19v" Seminar. October 21, 2022. ... 2019-2020, Russian Studies Dissertation Fellowship, The Whitney and Betty MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies, Yale University. Yale.

  21. Ievgeniia Sakal

    MA Thesis Submitted to Central European University (2012) Download. Ievgeniia Sakal, Yale University, History Department, Graduate Student. Studies History, Theology, and Medieval Studies. 111.

  22. Graduate Study Abroad Program

    Rossiiskii Gosudarstvennyi Gumanitarnyi Universitet (RGGU) Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow. Beginning in the fall of 2009, second-year graduate students in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures who have successfully completed their first year of study will be eligible to enroll for one semester in RGGU as part of the Ph. D. program in Russian literature and ...

  23. Yale to consider institutional neutrality

    Last year, over 150 faculty members joined a Faculty for Yale group, which explicitly endorses institutional neutrality as laid out in the Kalven Report.. At the same time, another letter from over 200 faculty members, addressed to Salovey's successor before McInnis' appointment, called on Yale to eschew adopting neutrality, saying the policy "acquiesc[es] to those who wish to destroy ...