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Thesis Topics in History: The List of 100 Perfect Ideas

history thesis examples

When choosing a thesis topic in history, several essential factors come into play. Firstly, consider your passion and interest in the subject matter. Opt for a topic that genuinely intrigues you, as this will motivate and drive your research efforts. Secondly, strive for originality and significance. Look for gaps in the existing historical literature and propose a fresh perspective or a novel approach to a well-studied topic. Your goal should be to contribute new insights and knowledge to the field. If your ideas are recognized, then perhaps in the future some history thesis examples will be written based on them.

Feasibility is crucial in selecting a thesis topic. Ensure that you have access to the necessary primary and secondary sources, archives, or data required to support your research. Additionally, consider the relevance of your chosen topic to current historical debates or contemporary issues. Demonstrating the significance of your research in the broader context adds depth and impact to your work.

Ultimately, the result you should strive for is a well-crafted thesis topic that not only showcases your academic prowess but also excites and captivates your readers or academic committee. Your chosen topic should be engaging, thought-provoking, and capable of advancing the collective understanding of historical events or phenomena. By meticulously selecting a compelling thesis topic and conducting thorough research, you can embark on a rewarding journey of scholarly exploration and contribute meaningfully to the ever-evolving field of history.

✨ Top-20 History Thesis Ideas

  • The Role of Media in Shaping Public Perception during the Cold War
  • The Great Depression: Economic and Social Impacts on American Society
  • The Age of Exploration: Cultural Exchanges and Global Interactions
  • Women's Suffrage Movement: Analyzing Strategies and Achievements
  • The French Revolution: Causes, Consequences, and Historical Interpretations
  • The African-American Civil Rights Movement Essay : Leaders, Strategies, and Legacies
  • The Rise and Fall of Ancient Empires: Lessons from Mesopotamia and Egypt
  • World War II: Examining the Global Impact and Lessons Learned
  • The Scientific Revolution: Advancements in Science and their Societal Impact
  • Slavery and Abolition: A Comparative Study of Different Regions
  • The Cultural Exchange along the Silk Road: Connecting East and West
  • The Age of Imperialism: Colonialism, Resistance, and Global Consequences
  • The Renaissance and Its Influence on Art, Literature, and Politics
  • The Native American Experience: Examining Histories and Perspectives
  • The Impact of the Protestant Reformation on European Society and Religion
  • The Construction and Fall of the Berlin Wall: Symbolism and Global Implications
  • The Spanish Inquisition: Religious Orthodoxy and Power Dynamics
  • The Industrial Revolution: Changes in Work, Society, and the Environment
  • The Mongol Empire: Conquest, Governance, and Cultural Integration
  • The Crusades: Motivations, Outcomes, and Effects on Christian-Muslim Relations

✍️ History Thesis Topics for Bachelor's Degree: Tips and Tricks

Writing a diploma thesis in history is a significant milestone for university graduates. It allows students to showcase their research skills, critical thinking, and expertise in the subject. Crafting a compelling and well-structured thesis requires careful planning and adherence to specific guidelines. Here are some recommendations and criteria to consider when undertaking a history dissertation:

  • Topic Selection: Choose a topic that genuinely interests you and aligns with your academic passions. A well-chosen topic will keep you motivated throughout the research process.
  • Originality: Strive for originality in your research. Identify gaps in existing historical literature and propose a unique perspective or fresh analysis.
  • Research Depth: Conduct thorough research using a variety of primary and secondary sources. Academic journals, historical documents, and reputable books are essential resources.
  • Structure and Format: Follow the prescribed structure and format provided by your university or department. Adhere to proper citation and referencing guidelines.
  • Word Count: Depending on your university's requirements, diploma theses in history typically range from 60 to 100 pages. However, check the specific word count guidelines for your institution.
  • Abstract: Include a clear and concise abstract that summarizes the key objectives, research methods, and findings of your thesis.
  • Introduction: Introduce your topic, provide background information, and state your research question or thesis statement.
  • Literature Review: Review relevant literature to demonstrate your understanding of existing research on the topic.
  • Methodology: Explain the research methods and approaches you used to collect and analyze data.
  • Analysis and Findings: Present your research findings and analyze them in the context of your research question.
  • Conclusion: Summarize your main arguments, discuss the implications of your findings, and suggest avenues for future research.
  • References: Provide a comprehensive list of all the sources you cited in your thesis.

When starting your dissertation, begin with extensive reading and research to gain a solid understanding of the topic. Take notes and organize your sources efficiently. Create a detailed outline that will serve as a roadmap for your writing process. Seek guidance from your advisor or professors throughout your research journey, as their insights and feedback will be invaluable.

As you write, maintain a clear and coherent writing style, and avoid excessive jargon. Use headings and subheadings to structure your thesis logically. Remember to proofread and edit your work carefully to ensure accuracy and clarity.

In conclusion, writing a diploma thesis in history requires dedication, critical thinking, and meticulous research. By following these recommendations and adhering to the given criteria, you can create a compelling and well-argued thesis that contributes meaningfully to the field of history. Embrace this opportunity to delve into the past, unearth new insights, and leave a lasting academic legacy as you embark on this exciting academic journey.

If you still have not found suitable historical theses, then we continued the list with examples, one of which is right for you

🌆American History Thesis Topics

  • The American Revolution : Causes, Consequences, and Legacies
  • 1950s Body Image History
  • The 1950s vs Modern Era
  • 1960s Entertainment
  • Abigail Adams Letter Rhetorical Analysis
  • Abigail Williams in The Crucible
  • American Imperialism: Factors, Impact, and Legacy
  • The American and French Revolutions: Causes, Key Events, and Outcomes
  • A Comparative Analysis of Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine
  • About The Underground Railroad
  • Colin Kaepernick Argument: a Controversial Figure in American Sports
  • Mitch Landrieu Speech Analysis
  • Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X in the Civil Rights Movement
  • Causes of the Civil War
  • Harlem: A Community Profile Examination
  • Harriet Hollywood Film
  • Manifest Destiny: Expansion, Impact, and Legacy
  • A Day Of Infamy: Speech Analysis
  • The Lasting Impact of Slavery
  • How the Columbian Exchange Benefited Europe and North America

🗺️ Ideas for Thesis Topics in European History

  • The Life of Adolf Hitler: Understanding the Emergence of a Monster
  • Biography of Adolf Hitler
  • Factors Contributing to the Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Alexander The Great: a Rhetorical Analysis
  • Christopher Columbus: Legacy and Impact
  • Julius Caesar: Funeral Speech Analysis
  • The Industrial Revolution in Europe: Technological Advancements and Social Changes
  • The Cold War in Europe: Superpower Rivalries and the Division of the Continent
  • The Age of Exploration: European Voyages and Global Encounters
  • The Profound Impact of the Black Death
  • The Russian Revolution : Revolution and the Formation of the Soviet Union
  • The Crusades: Religious Wars and Their Influence on Europe and the Middle East
  • The Treaty of Versailles: Evaluating Its Role in Shaping Post-World War I Europe
  • The Spanish Inquisition: Investigating Religious Persecution and Its Consequences
  • The Age of Imperialism: European Colonization and Its Global Consequences
  • The Holocaust : Examining the Holocaust and the Dark Chapters of European History
  • The Berlin Wall: The Divided City and Its Symbolism during the Cold War
  • The Byzantine Empire: A Comprehensive Study of Its Contributions and Decline
  • The Napoleonic Era: Napoleon Bonaparte's Impact on European Politics and Warfare
  • The Reformation and Counter-Reformation: Religious Conflicts and Their Resolutions in Europe

🎭 Ideas for Art History Thesis Topics

  • The Renaissance Masters : Analyzing the Artistic Achievements of Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Raphael
  • Impressionism and Its Influence on Modern Art
  • The Evolution of Abstract Art: From Kandinsky to Pollock
  • Women in Art: Celebrating Female Artists and Their Impact on Art History
  • A Great And Mighty Walk Analysis
  • Compare Reverend Hale and John Proctor
  • Mark Antony's Speech: A Masterclass in Rhetoric
  • Iconography and Symbolism in Religious Art
  • African Art and Cultural Identity
  • Surrealism: Exploring Dreams and the Subconscious in Art
  • The Art of Ancient Civilizations: Uncovering the Aesthetics of Egypt, Greece, and Rome
  • The Birth of Modern Photography: Pioneering Photographers and Their Contributions to Art
  • Investigating the Relationship between Artistic Expression and Sociopolitical Movements
  • Postmodernism in Art: Deconstructing Boundaries and Challenging Tradition
  • The Harlem Renaissance: African-American Art and Culture in the 1920s
  • Pop Art: Examining the Pop Culture Movement and Its Influence on Contemporary Art
  • Islamic Art and Architecture: Tracing Aesthetics across Different Eras and Regions
  • Asian Art and Cultural Heritage: A Comparative Study of China, Japan, and India
  • Exploring the Intersection of Digital Media and Creative Expression
  • The Role of Museums in Shaping Art History

📒 History Thesis Topics for Master’s Degree

Choosing an appropriate history dissertation topic for your master's degree is a key step. It is important to choose a subject that matches academic interests and hobbies. The theme should also offer room for originality and contribution to the existing body of historical knowledge. A master's thesis in history is a comprehensive academic work, often 80 to 100 pages or more. This requires careful research, analysis of primary and secondary sources, and critical evaluation of historical arguments. In addition, the dissertation must comply with the guidelines and formatting requirements set by the academic institution. Seeking advice from faculty advisors and professors is invaluable in the dissertation writing process. Their experience and feedback can determine the direction of the research and ensure its scientific rigor. Here are some examples of possible History Thesis Topics for Master's Degree that can serve as a basis for you:

  • Abigail Williams: A Villain Analysis
  • Early Colonial Government Policies Still in Use Today
  • A Kingdom Strange: Analysis
  • History of Egypt
  • Compare and Contrast Inca and Aztecs
  • Positive Effects of Colonialism in Africa
  • Benefits of Colonialism to Europeans and the Colonies
  • Japan’s Rise and Fall in the Global Electronics Market
  • Information On The Holocaust
  • An Analysis of the Leadership Style of Mahatma Gandhi
  • Comparison and Contrast of Egypt and Mayans
  • Oppression: Contemporary Manifestations, and Resistance
  • Analyzing Cultural Exchange along the Ancient Silk Road
  • Medieval Queens: Agents of Power and Diplomacy
  • Ottoman Empire: Socio-Political Changes and Legacy
  • The Transatlantic Slave Trade: Africa's Role and Impact on the America
  • The Fall of Ancient Civilizations: Lessons from Rome and Greece
  • Reevaluating the Causes and Impacts of the American Revolution
  • Propaganda in World War II: Shaping Public Perception
  • The Impact of the Russian Revolution: Political Ideologies and Social Shifts

In conclusion, theses and dissertations serve different purposes and have different requirements depending on the academic level. Each represents a milestone in the student's academic journey, and mastering the arts of research, analysis, and critical thinking is essential to success at every level. Whether you are writing a short abstract or a comprehensive dissertation, the pursuit of knowledge and scientific contributions remains at the center of all academic research. And of course, to prepare a quality thesis, you will have to start choosing your topic among the many history thesis examples. We hope that we have helped you with finding an idea to start. And in the following articles we will try to develop this topic so that you can write an interesting and individual thesis.

topics in history

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thesis ideas history

UCLA Department of History

Thesis Statements

What is a thesis statement.

Your thesis statement is one of the most important parts of your paper.  It expresses your main argument succinctly and explains why your argument is historically significant.  Think of your thesis as a promise you make to your reader about what your paper will argue.  Then, spend the rest of your paper–each body paragraph–fulfilling that promise.

Your thesis should be between one and three sentences long and is placed at the end of your introduction.  Just because the thesis comes towards the beginning of your paper does not mean you can write it first and then forget about it.  View your thesis as a work in progress while you write your paper.  Once you are satisfied with the overall argument your paper makes, go back to your thesis and see if it captures what you have argued.  If it does not, then revise it.  Crafting a good thesis is one of the most challenging parts of the writing process, so do not expect to perfect it on the first few tries.  Successful writers revise their thesis statements again and again.

A successful thesis statement:

  • makes an historical argument
  • takes a position that requires defending
  • is historically specific
  • is focused and precise
  • answers the question, “so what?”

How to write a thesis statement:

Suppose you are taking an early American history class and your professor has distributed the following essay prompt:

“Historians have debated the American Revolution’s effect on women.  Some argue that the Revolution had a positive effect because it increased women’s authority in the family.  Others argue that it had a negative effect because it excluded women from politics.  Still others argue that the Revolution changed very little for women, as they remained ensconced in the home.  Write a paper in which you pose your own answer to the question of whether the American Revolution had a positive, negative, or limited effect on women.”

Using this prompt, we will look at both weak and strong thesis statements to see how successful thesis statements work.

While this thesis does take a position, it is problematic because it simply restates the prompt.  It needs to be more specific about how  the Revolution had a limited effect on women and  why it mattered that women remained in the home.

Revised Thesis:  The Revolution wrought little political change in the lives of women because they did not gain the right to vote or run for office.  Instead, women remained firmly in the home, just as they had before the war, making their day-to-day lives look much the same.

This revision is an improvement over the first attempt because it states what standards the writer is using to measure change (the right to vote and run for office) and it shows why women remaining in the home serves as evidence of limited change (because their day-to-day lives looked the same before and after the war).  However, it still relies too heavily on the information given in the prompt, simply saying that women remained in the home.  It needs to make an argument about some element of the war’s limited effect on women.  This thesis requires further revision.

Strong Thesis: While the Revolution presented women unprecedented opportunities to participate in protest movements and manage their family’s farms and businesses, it ultimately did not offer lasting political change, excluding women from the right to vote and serve in office.

Few would argue with the idea that war brings upheaval.  Your thesis needs to be debatable:  it needs to make a claim against which someone could argue.  Your job throughout the paper is to provide evidence in support of your own case.  Here is a revised version:

Strong Thesis: The Revolution caused particular upheaval in the lives of women.  With men away at war, women took on full responsibility for running households, farms, and businesses.  As a result of their increased involvement during the war, many women were reluctant to give up their new-found responsibilities after the fighting ended.

Sexism is a vague word that can mean different things in different times and places.  In order to answer the question and make a compelling argument, this thesis needs to explain exactly what  attitudes toward women were in early America, and  how those attitudes negatively affected women in the Revolutionary period.

Strong Thesis: The Revolution had a negative impact on women because of the belief that women lacked the rational faculties of men. In a nation that was to be guided by reasonable republican citizens, women were imagined to have no place in politics and were thus firmly relegated to the home.

This thesis addresses too large of a topic for an undergraduate paper.  The terms “social,” “political,” and “economic” are too broad and vague for the writer to analyze them thoroughly in a limited number of pages.  The thesis might focus on one of those concepts, or it might narrow the emphasis to some specific features of social, political, and economic change.

Strong Thesis: The Revolution paved the way for important political changes for women.  As “Republican Mothers,” women contributed to the polity by raising future citizens and nurturing virtuous husbands.  Consequently, women played a far more important role in the new nation’s politics than they had under British rule.

This thesis is off to a strong start, but it needs to go one step further by telling the reader why changes in these three areas mattered.  How did the lives of women improve because of developments in education, law, and economics?  What were women able to do with these advantages?  Obviously the rest of the paper will answer these questions, but the thesis statement needs to give some indication of why these particular changes mattered.

Strong Thesis: The Revolution had a positive impact on women because it ushered in improvements in female education, legal standing, and economic opportunity.  Progress in these three areas gave women the tools they needed to carve out lives beyond the home, laying the foundation for the cohesive feminist movement that would emerge in the mid-nineteenth century.

Thesis Checklist

When revising your thesis, check it against the following guidelines:

  • Does my thesis make an historical argument?
  • Does my thesis take a position that requires defending?
  • Is my thesis historically specific?
  • Is my thesis focused and precise?
  • Does my thesis answer the question, “so what?”

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US History Research Paper Topics: Moments that Shaped a Nation


Table of contents

  • 1.1 Interesting US History Topics for Research Paper Before 1877
  • 1.2 US History Paper Topics on the Civil War
  • 1.3 American History Topics for Research Paper on Industrialization
  • 1.4 American History Research Topics on Reconstruction
  • 1.5 20th-Century American History Paper Topics
  • 1.6 US History Term Paper Topics in World War I and II
  • 1.7 American History Paper Topics about the Civil Rights Movement
  • 1.8 Native American History Thesis Topics
  • 2 Which Topics to Choose for History Research?
  • 3 Conclusion: Reflections on America’s Past

Exploring the rich and complex narrative of the United States, this article is designed as a resource for students and researchers embarking on assignments that require a deep dive into American history. Perfect for term papers, thesis projects, and detailed historical analyses, the guide presents a curated selection of interesting US history research paper topics.

  • We provide a comprehensive guide for students, researchers, and history enthusiasts seeking engaging and insightful topics for their research papers on American history.
  • These topics cover critical eras and events shaping America, from the early days before 1877 to the transformative 20th century.

With these good US history research topics in mind, let’s go over each one in-depth, creating a foundation for smart research and analysis.

List of 160 American History Research Paper Topics

History is a rich and complex subject, ripe for exploration in academic research. Whether you’re a student seeking a topic for an assignment or a history enthusiast looking to delve deeper into America’s past, this list offers a diverse range of subjects. From early colonial times to the modern era, each topic provides a unique lens through which to examine the nation’s history.

Interesting US History Topics for Research Paper Before 1877

  • The impact of European colonization on Native American societies.
  • The Salem Witch Trials: Causes and effects.
  • The role of the Seven Years’ War in shaping early American society.
  • The Declaration of Independence: Context and legacy.
  • The Articles of Confederation: Strengths and weaknesses.
  • The Constitutional Convention of 1787: Key debates and outcomes.
  • The Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist debate: Impact on the US Constitution.
  • The Louisiana Purchase: Motivations and consequences.
  • The War of 1812: Causes, course, and outcomes.
  • Manifest Destiny: Ideology and impact on westward expansion.
  • The Trail of Tears and Native American Removal Policies.
  • The role of slavery in antebellum America.
  • The Mexican-American War: Origins and effects.
  • The Gold Rush of 1849 and its impact on American expansion.
  • The Compromise of 1850 and its role in the lead-up to the Civil War.
  • The Dred Scott Decision: Implications and controversy.
  • The Underground Railroad: Key figures and operations.
  • The election of 1860 and its role in the secession crisis.
  • The role of women in antebellum America.
  • Early American foreign policy: Principles and practices.

US History Paper Topics on the Civil War

  • The causes of the American Civil War: A comprehensive analysis.
  • Abraham Lincoln’s presidency and its impact on the Civil War.
  • The role of slavery in sparking the Civil War.
  • Military strategies of the Union and the Confederacy.
  • The Emancipation Proclamation: Intentions and effects.
  • Key battles of the Civil War: Gettysburg, Antietam, and others.
  • The role of technology in the Civil War.
  • The impact of the Civil War on civilian life in the North and South.
  • The role of African American soldiers in the Civil War.
  • The diplomatic dimensions of the Civil War.
  • Reconstruction plans: Lincoln vs. Johnson.
  • The assassination of Abraham Lincoln: Impact on post-war America.
  • The economic consequences of the Civil War for the South.
  • The role of women during the Civil War.
  • The Draft Riots of 1863: Causes and impact.
  • The impact of the Civil War on American literature and art.
  • The role of nurses and medical practices during the Civil War.
  • The use of propaganda in the Civil War.
  • The transition from slavery to freedom during and after the Civil War.
  • The legacy of the Civil War in American memory.

American History Topics for Research Paper on Industrialization

  • The Second Industrial Revolution: Key innovations and their impact.
  • The rise of American industrial tycoons: Carnegie, Rockefeller, and others.
  • The impact of the railroad expansion on American society and economy.
  • Urbanization in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
  • Labor movements and strikes of the late 19th century.
  • The rise of monopolies and antitrust laws in the United States.
  • The impact of immigration on American industrial growth.
  • The role of women and children in industrial labor.
  • Technological advancements and their societal impact during industrialization.
  • The emergence of consumer culture in the late 19th century.
  • The environmental impact of industrialization.
  • Social Darwinism and its influence on American society.
  • The rise of organized labor and the American Federation of Labor.
  • The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire and its aftermath.
  • The Homestead Strike: Causes and consequences.
  • The impact of the Industrial Revolution on American agriculture.
  • The role of education during the Industrial Revolution.
  • Transportation innovations and their impact on American life.
  • The evolution of American business practices during industrialization.
  • The Gilded Age: Wealth, poverty, and social disparity.

American History Research Topics on Reconstruction

  • The Reconstruction Amendments: Impact and limitations.
  • Presidential vs. Congressional Reconstruction: A comparative analysis.
  • The role of the Freedmen’s Bureau in post-Civil War America.
  • Sharecropping and tenant farming: Continuation of slavery by another name?
  • The rise and impact of the Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction.
  • The Compromise of 1877 and the end of Reconstruction.
  • The Black Codes: Purpose and effects.
  • The impeachment of President Andrew Johnson: Causes and consequences.
  • The role of African Americans in politics during Reconstruction.
  • Economic challenges of the South during Reconstruction.
  • The establishment of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs).
  • The legacy of Reconstruction in the South.
  • The Jim Crow laws: Origins and impact.
  • The role of women during Reconstruction.
  • The Slaughterhouse Cases and their impact on civil rights.
  • The Enforcement Acts and their effectiveness in protecting African American rights.
  • The impact of Reconstruction on Northern society and politics.
  • Education reform in the South during Reconstruction.
  • The role of the U.S. military in enforcing Reconstruction policies.
  • The long-term effects of Reconstruction on American race relations.

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20th-Century American History Paper Topics

  • The Progressive Era: Reforms and key figures.
  • The impact of World War I on American society and politics.
  • The Roaring Twenties: Culture, economics, and politics.
  • The Great Depression: Causes and the New Deal response.
  • The impact of World War II on the American home front.
  • The Cold War: Key events and American foreign policy.
  • The Civil Rights Movement: Key figures and legislative milestones.
  • The Vietnam War: Causes, course, and impact on American society.
  • The Women’s Rights Movement of the 1960s and 1970s.
  • The Watergate Scandal and its impact on American politics.
  • The Space Race: Technological advancements and Cold War implications.
  • The rise of environmentalism in the 20th century.
  • The impact of the automobile on 20th-century American life.
  • The rise of the American suburbs in the post-World War II era.
  • The counterculture of the 1960s and its impact on American society.
  • The Reagan Era: Policies and impact on the United States.
  • The War on Drugs: Origins, strategies, and consequences.
  • The impact of technological advancements on late 20th-century life.
  • The rise of the internet and its impact on society and culture.
  • The 9/11 attacks and their aftermath on American foreign policy.

US History Term Paper Topics in World War I and II

  • The causes and consequences of American entry into World War I.
  • The impact of the Treaty of Versailles on post-war America.
  • American isolationism between World War I and World War II.
  • The Lend-Lease Act and American support for the Allies before entering World War II.
  • The attack on Pearl Harbor: Causes and immediate effects.
  • The home front during World War II: Women, minorities, and the war effort.
  • The role of propaganda in American support for World War II.
  • The development and use of the atomic bomb.
  • The impact of World War II on American foreign policy.
  • The internment of Japanese Americans during World War II.
  • The role of African Americans in World War II.
  • The D-Day invasion: Planning, execution, and significance.
  • The Battle of Midway: Turning point in the Pacific War.
  • American military strategy in the European and Pacific theaters.
  • The Holocaust and American responses to it.
  • The post-war world order and the establishment of the United Nations.
  • The GI Bill and its impact on post-war American society.
  • The Nuremberg Trials: Legal and moral implications.
  • The Marshall Plan and American post-war economic policy.
  • The start of the Cold War: Origins and early confrontations.

American History Paper Topics about the Civil Rights Movement

  • The Montgomery Bus Boycott: Causes and outcomes.
  • The role of Martin Luther King Jr. in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The Little Rock Nine and school desegregation.
  • The Freedom Rides: Objectives and impact.
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964: Development and effects.
  • The Voting Rights Act of 1965: Importance and consequences.
  • The role of women in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The Black Power Movement: Ideals and key figures.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on other minority groups.
  • The assassination of Malcolm X: Context and aftermath.
  • The Selma to Montgomery marches: Significance and outcomes.
  • The role of the NAACP in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The Birmingham Campaign and the use of nonviolent protest.
  • The role of the media in shaping public perception of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The Civil Rights Movement in the North: Challenges and Achievements.
  • The Economic Bill of Rights proposed by the Poor People’s Campaign.
  • The role of music in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on American law and society.
  • The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC): Contributions and challenges.
  • The legacy of the Civil Rights Movement in contemporary America.

Native American History Thesis Topics

  • The impact of European colonization on Native American cultures.
  • The Trail of Tears: Causes, course, and consequences.
  • Native American resistance movements: King Philip’s War, Pontiac’s Rebellion, and others.
  • The impact of the Indian Removal Act of 1830.
  • Native American life on reservations in the 19th and 20th centuries.
  • The role of Native Americans in American wars.
  • The Ghost Dance Movement and the Wounded Knee Massacre.
  • Native American boarding schools: Policies and impact on culture.
  • The Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 and its implications.
  • The American Indian Movement (AIM): Goals and major actions.
  • The impact of the Dawes Act on tribal land and culture.
  • The role of Native American women in their societies.
  • Contemporary Native American issues: Sovereignty, land rights, and cultural preservation.
  • The Native American Renaissance: A cultural and literary overview.
  • The impact of environmental changes on Native American communities.
  • The repatriation of Native American artifacts and remains.
  • The role of treaties in Native American history.
  • Native American spiritual beliefs and practices.
  • The impact of the fur trade on Native American societies.
  • Contemporary Native American political activism.

Which Topics to Choose for History Research?

Given the breadth and diversity of US history topics, choosing one to write about can be difficult. To reduce your options, think about your interests and the extent of your investigation. Look for themes that provide a balance of available materials and new perspectives to explore.

When choosing a topic, consider its significance in the larger context of American history. Consider how the topic has influenced or reflected societal, political, or economic trends. For example, topics such as the Civil Rights Movement and World War II provide insights into moments of revolutionary change and struggle. Writing a well-structured and thoroughly researched U.S. history paper can be challenging. For those needing expert assistance, professional research paper writing services can provide the necessary guidance to ensure your paper is of high quality. Also, examine the availability of primary and secondary sources. A well-documented topic provides for a more thorough study and a stronger argument. Always ensure that your chosen topic adheres to the criteria and objectives of your assignment or research aim.

Conclusion: Reflections on America’s Past

In this journey through American history, we have explored various topics that offer a window into the nation’s complex and multifaceted past. From the struggles and triumphs of early American society to the transformative events of the 20th century, these topics provide a foundation for understanding how the United States has evolved. Engaging with these topics enriches our historical knowledge and deepens our understanding of the present. As students, scholars, or simply curious minds, delving into these aspects of America’s past can provide valuable insights and perspectives on the nation’s journey and its ongoing story.

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Writing a Thesis and Making an Argument

Almost every assignment you complete for a history course will ask you to make an argument. Your instructors will often call this your "thesis"– your position on a subject.

What is an Argument?

An argument takes a stand on an issue. It seeks to persuade an audience of a point of view in much the same way that a lawyer argues a case in a court of law. It is NOT a description or a summary.

  • This is an argument: "This paper argues that the movie JFK is inaccurate in its portrayal of President Kennedy."
  • This is not an argument: "In this paper, I will describe the portrayal of President Kennedy that is shown in the movie JFK."

What is a Thesis?

A thesis statement is a sentence in which you state an argument about a topic and then describe, briefly, how you will prove your argument.

  • This is an argument, but not yet a thesis: "The movie ‘JFK’ inaccurately portrays President Kennedy."
  • This is a thesis: "The movie ‘JFK’ inaccurately portrays President Kennedy because of the way it ignores Kennedy’s youth, his relationship with his father, and the findings of the Warren Commission."

A thesis makes a specific statement to the reader about what you will be trying to argue. Your thesis can be a few sentences long, but should not be longer than a paragraph. Do not begin to state evidence or use examples in your thesis paragraph.

A Thesis Helps You and Your Reader

Your blueprint for writing:

  • Helps you determine your focus and clarify your ideas.
  • Provides a "hook" on which you can "hang" your topic sentences.
  • Can (and should) be revised as you further refine your evidence and arguments. New evidence often requires you to change your thesis.
  • Gives your paper a unified structure and point.

Your reader’s blueprint for reading:

  • Serves as a "map" to follow through your paper.
  • Keeps the reader focused on your argument.
  • Signals to the reader your main points.
  • Engages the reader in your argument.

Tips for Writing a Good Thesis

  • Find a Focus: Choose a thesis that explores an aspect of your topic that is important to you, or that allows you to say something new about your topic. For example, if your paper topic asks you to analyze women’s domestic labor during the early nineteenth century, you might decide to focus on the products they made from scratch at home.
  • Look for Pattern: After determining a general focus, go back and look more closely at your evidence. As you re-examine your evidence and identify patterns, you will develop your argument and some conclusions. For example, you might find that as industrialization increased, women made fewer textiles at home, but retained their butter and soap making tasks.

Strategies for Developing a Thesis Statement

Idea 1. If your paper assignment asks you to answer a specific question, turn the question into an assertion and give reasons for your opinion.

Assignment: How did domestic labor change between 1820 and 1860? Why were the changes in their work important for the growth of the United States?

Beginning thesis: Between 1820 and 1860 women's domestic labor changed as women stopped producing home-made fabric, although they continued to sew their families' clothes, as well as to produce butter and soap. With the cash women earned from the sale of their butter and soap they purchased ready-made cloth, which in turn, helped increase industrial production in the United States before the Civil War.

Idea 2. Write a sentence that summarizes the main idea of the essay you plan to write.

Main Idea: Women's labor in their homes during the first half of the nineteenth century contributed to the growth of the national economy.

Idea 3. Spend time "mulling over" your topic. Make a list of the ideas you want to include in the essay, then think about how to group them under several different headings. Often, you will see an organizational plan emerge from the sorting process.

Idea 4. Use a formula to develop a working thesis statement (which you will need to revise later). Here are a few examples:

  • Although most readers of ______ have argued that ______, closer examination shows that ______.
  • ______ uses ______ and ______ to prove that ______.
  • Phenomenon X is a result of the combination of ______, ______, and ______.

These formulas share two characteristics all thesis statements should have: they state an argument and they reveal how you will make that argument. They are not specific enough, however, and require more work.

As you work on your essay, your ideas will change and so will your thesis. Here are examples of weak and strong thesis statements.

  • Unspecific thesis: "Eleanor Roosevelt was a strong leader as First Lady."  This thesis lacks an argument. Why was Eleanor Roosevelt a strong leader?
  • Specific thesis: "Eleanor Roosevelt recreated the role of the First Lady by her active political leadership in the Democratic Party, by lobbying for national legislation, and by fostering women’s leadership in the Democratic Party."  The second thesis has an argument: Eleanor Roosevelt "recreated" the position of First Lady, and a three-part structure with which to demonstrate just how she remade the job.
  • Unspecific thesis: "At the end of the nineteenth century French women lawyers experienced difficulty when they attempted to enter the legal profession."  No historian could argue with this general statement and uninteresting thesis.
  • Specific thesis: "At the end of the nineteenth century French women lawyers experienced misogynist attacks from male lawyers when they attempted to enter the legal profession because male lawyers wanted to keep women out of judgeships."  This thesis statement asserts that French male lawyers attacked French women lawyers because they feared women as judges, an intriguing and controversial point.

Making an Argument – Every Thesis Deserves Its Day in Court

You are the best (and only!) advocate for your thesis. Your thesis is defenseless without you to prove that its argument holds up under scrutiny. The jury (i.e., your reader) will expect you, as a good lawyer, to provide evidence to prove your thesis. To prove thesis statements on historical topics, what evidence can an able young lawyer use?

  • Primary sources: letters, diaries, government documents, an organization’s meeting minutes, newspapers.
  • Secondary sources: articles and books from your class that explain and interpret the historical event or person you are writing about, lecture notes, films or documentaries.

How can you use this evidence?

  • Make sure the examples you select from your available evidence address your thesis.
  • Use evidence that your reader will believe is credible. This means sifting and sorting your sources, looking for the clearest and fairest. Be sure to identify the biases and shortcomings of each piece of evidence for your reader.
  • Use evidence to avoid generalizations. If you assert that all women have been oppressed, what evidence can you use to support this? Using evidence works to check over-general statements.
  • Use evidence to address an opposing point of view. How do your sources give examples that refute another historian’s interpretation?

Remember -- if in doubt, talk to your instructor.

Thanks to the web page of the University of Wisconsin at Madison’s Writing Center for information used on this page. See for further information.

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History Dissertation Topics

Published by Grace Graffin at January 9th, 2023 , Revised On June 3, 2024

Choosing the most appropriate topic for a history dissertation can be tricky. Before selecting a topic, it is imperative to have an in-depth knowledge of the historical events or phenomena you wish to evaluate. Complete comprehension of a topic area is necessary before you can go about the task of completing your dissertation.

To help you get started with brainstorming for history topic ideas, we have developed a list of the latest topics that can be used for writing your history dissertation.

PhD qualified writers of our team have developed these topics, so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the topic,  research question ,  aim and objectives ,  literature review,  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation examples  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

Review the full list of  dissertation topics here.

Topic 1: Who was Responsible for the European Civil Wars? An Exploratory Study Identifying the Determinants of the 1870 Franco-Prussian War

Research Aim: This research aims to determine various political, social, and economic factors which caused European civil wars. It will use the 1870 Franco-Prussian War as a case study to analyse which political, social, or economic forces played their part in exaggerating this war. Moreover, it will use various historical lenses to evaluate the available evidence in this area to determine the factors objectively. Lastly, it will recommend ways through a historical viewpoint that could’ve saved lives in these wars.

Topic 2: What were the Socio-Economic Discontents of the Second Industrial Revolution? A Marx-Engels Perspective

Research Aim: This study identifies various socioeconomic discontents of the Second Industrial Revolution through the Marx-Engels communist lens. It will analyse how the second industrial revolution brought undesirable socio-economic changes in Europe and the rest of the world. It will develop a socio-economic framework by using Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels’s critique of capitalism and social class theory to show the second industrial revolution divided the entire world into two classes. Moreover, it will show how imperialist powers used the Second Industrial Revolution to change the world order.

Topic 3: Did Mongols Bring Social Change in Ancient Arab? Impact of Mongol Invasion on Ancient Arab Culture and Traditions

Research Aim: This research intends to analyse the social change brought by Mongols in ancient Arab. It will find the impact of the Mongols’ invasion on ancient Arab culture and traditions by identifying channels such as slavery, forced marriages, etc., through which Mongols brought a cultural change. Moreover, it will find whether Arabs could come back to their original state or whether modern Arabs have their traits. And through which ways did ancient Arabs resist those changes?

Topic 4: What is Common among the United States’ Iraq, Japan, Afghanistan, and Cuba Invasions? A Comparative Study Finding the United States Common Political and Economic Motives

Research Aim: This study compares the United States’ Iraq, Japan, Korea, Afghanistan, and Cuba invasions. It will identify the United States’ common political and economic motives among these invasions, which gave it an incentive to pursue. It will be a multidisciplinary study exploring geopolitical, geo-economic, geo-strategic, and historical aspects of the invasions. Moreover, it will also compare the post-invasion situation of these countries to show how these countries dealt with it.

Topic 5: The Life and Work of William Shakespeare: His Influence on The Modern Theater- A Critique of Dr. Johnson

Research Aim: This study sheds light on the life and work of William Shakespeare by analysing his role in modern theatre. It will try to highlight his contribution to the field of literature and theatre but through the approach of Dr Johnson. Johnson’s works will be evaluated to see whether William Shakespeare has done something significant for modern theatre or it is just a one-sided view of William Shakespeare’s followers. It will analyse various works of William Shakespeare from Johnson’s critical lens to provide an objective assessment.

COVID-19 History Research Topics

Topic 1: the history of coronavirus..

Research Aim: This study will explore the historical facts and theories related to the coronavirus pandemic.

Topic 2: History of Spanish flu

Research Aim: In 1918, a deadly pandemic called Spanish flu hit the world, and many people lost their lives. This study will highlight the history of the disease, its symptoms, and similarities with the present crisis of COVID-19.

Topic 3: The history of various types of pandemics and their consequences

Research Aim: This study will investigate the history of various types of pandemics and their consequences on people’s health, the economy, and the world’s transformation after it.

New History Research Topics

Topic 1: types of communications in history.

Research Aim: This research aims to identify the types of communications in history

Topic 2: Terrorism and its impact on people's life

Research Aim: This research aims to address terrorism’s impact on people’s life

Topic 3: Treaty of Lausanne and the world's predictions about Turkey in 2023

Research Aim: This research aims to conduct a study on the Treaty of Lausanne and the world’s predictions about Turkey in 2023

Topic 4: Mythological stories and their impact on the youth

Research Aim: This research aims to study the impact of mythological stories on the youth.

Dissertation Topics from the Nineteenth Century

Topic 1: analysis of church wealth expropriation and political conflict in 19th-century colombia..

Research Aim: The research will explore the events of political violence after independence in Colombia regarding the redefinition of the Catholic Church’s property rights. The study primarily focuses on the country after 1850 to measure the influence of that expropriation of the Church’s assets on political violence.

Topic 2: Exploring the impact of the 19th-century development of refrigeration on The American meatpacking industry.

Research Aim: The city of Chicago in the United States is known to be the centre of modern refrigeration development due to it being the hub of the meatpacking industry. The proposed research will analyse Chicago’s meatpacking sector’s development and its significant role in developing critical technologies such as refrigeration. The study will examine the development of refrigerated transport and cold storage units to comprehend the city’s meatpacking industry’s local and later global success throughout the 19th century.

Topic 3: Examining the impact of the telegraph in the United States of America

Research Aim: The research uses document analysis to examine the influence of the invention of the telegraph in the United States of America. Specifically, the study will analyse how the telegraph revolutionised communication and news broadcasting to newspapers over national and international networks.

Topic 4: The impact of industrial conflict and technology on the development of technical education in 19th-century England.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the role that 19th-century employers played in training and educating young industrial workers in England. The purpose of the study is to comprehend the various factors that influenced the development of technical education while discovering the reason for antagonistic relations with skilled workers, which may have caused the Great Strike and Lockout of 1897.

Topic 5: The impact of changing gender relations on childbearing populations in the 19th-century Netherlands.

Research Aim: The research will look to comprehend the changes in childbearing patterns using a sequence analysis approach. The study will also try to understand the association between gender relations, historical fertility records, and women’s reproductive patterns in the 19th-century Netherlands.

Topic 6: Examining the shift of hierarchical and ethnocentric foreign relations to the Western model of international relations in 19th-century Japan.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the 19th century, a period of transition in Japanese foreign policy. The study will mainly focus on Russo-Japanese relations using document analysis to assess the four stages of shift that led Japan from an ethnocentric foreign policymaker to the Western type without colonisation and defeat in war.

History and Religious Dissertations

Topic 1: the impact of popular culture on evangelical christians in america..

Research Aim: The research uses document analysis to examine the impact that popular culture has had in shaping Evangelical Christian thought in the United States from the 1960s to the 2000s. The study focuses on analysing the variables that have allowed Evangelicalism to become a middle-class populist movement.

Topic 2: Fertility, feminism, and the American revolution

Research Aim: The research using document analysis, analyses the impact of the American Revolution on declining birth rates in the colonies and the increase of family limitation among white free women. The research will investigate the intentions of founding American women in their rejection of abundant fertility and a patriarchal family and the existent or non-existent role that colonial Christians played.

Topic 3: The decline of irrational and magical ideologies in England 1500-1600.

Research Aim: The research analyses how the introduction of religion, specifically early Christianity, had an impact on declining the conventional thought processes that used irrationality or magic as their basis. The research will use document analysis as its research method.

Topic 4: The impact of religion on innovation, 1604.

Research Aim: The research examines how Sir Frances Bacon’s epistle “Of Innovations” argues for the positive potential of innovation from the understanding of the Biblical scriptures. The study will also explore the relationship between Bacon and the English Protestant Church.

Topic 5: The role of churches and religion in World War II.

Research Aim: The research looks to examine the role of churches in Europe during WWII. The study will also analyse their religious ideologies and their deeds as institutions to impact the perceptions of World War II. The research will be conducted using document analysis.

History and Sociology Dissertations

Topic 1: race, poverty, and food deserts in cardiff, 1980-2016..

Research Aim: The research examines the demographic and spatial patterns that have shaped access to supermarkets in low-income neighbourhoods in Cardiff from 1980 to 2016. The research methods used will be quantitative.

Topic 2: Impact of World War II rationing on British cuisine

Research Aim: The research analyses the impact of rationing items by the British Ministry of Food on the specific culture from the 1940s to the 1980s. The research uses variables of socio-economic classes and geographic locations of the country to examine the cultural impacts it had on the British palate during the time. The research methods will include quantitative and qualitative analysis.

Topic 3: Impact of religious doctrines and ideologies on racism and racist factions in the USA.

Research Aim: The research analyses the relationship between different Christian sects and racial prejudice among groups of Christians based on geographic location (North or South) in the United States after the 2016 presidential elections. The research will be quantitative in nature but will incorporate qualitative techniques of historical document analysis to examine how racism in the country has changed since the Civil Rights Era of the United States.

Topic 4: The historical development and impact of public transportation in Shanghai, China, 1843-1937.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the impact of public transportation on the development of Shanghai’s urban landscape using the variables of tradition vs modernity, state and social relationships, and technology and society relations. The research will provide a historical analysis of the city from the British and the Opium Wars’ colonisation to the 20th century. The study will use qualitative document analysis and quantitative techniques as research methods.

Topic 5: The impact of water resource management, technological solutions, and urban growth after World War II on Atlanta, Georgia.

Research Aim: The purpose of the dissertation is to examine the origins of water-related issues in Atlanta by discovering the challenges that public officials, activists, and engineers faced in the area in terms of planning and enacting an effective environmental policy after World War II in the metropolitan area of Atlanta. The research will use historical document analysis as its methodology.

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Historical People and Events Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: examining the events and people giving rise to winston churchill.

Research Aim: The research examines the network of friends and colleagues of former Prime Minister Winston Churchill on how they influenced the primer’s reputation after his retirement and death. The study will analyse the history of the Churchill Archives Centre, Cambridge, and the influence that Sir John Colville had on shaping Churchill’s image.

Topic 2: The rise of the right-wing woman in 20th-century Britain- Analysing Margaret Thatcher and Mary Whitehouse

Research Aim: The relationship between conservative powerhouses Margaret Thatcher and Mary Whitehouse was well known to the public for its traditional undertones. The research will examine the relationship between the two women using document analysis, particularly the public presentation relationship, to better understand the importance of conservative women in Britain. The research will analyse the twentieth-century political and cultural contexts that gave rise to these two women.

Topic 3: Examining the cooperative transformational leadership of Nelson Mandela and F. W. de Klerk.

Research Aim: The research will study the transfer of power in South Africa by focusing on the cooperative leadership strategies, policies, and personal characteristics of leaders such as Nelson Mandela and F. W. de Klerk. The research will examine how these two leaders could bring systematic revolution through democratic and peaceful means.

Topic 4: Pablo Picasso- The making of “Guernica” and its historical context.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the history of paintings of people suffering from the convulsion of war, explicitly focusing on Goya. The paper will examine the factors and influences on Pablo Picasso that led to the development of “Guernica.” The research will analyse how Picasso depicted real history snatches with symbolism that resonated with people.

Topic 5: Analysing the role of women in the Crusade Movement.

Research Aim: The research examines women’s contribution to the Crusades and its impact on propaganda, recruitment, organisation of the crusades, and financing of the campaigns. The study will also survey their roles in looking after families and properties while also giving liturgical support at home for those on the crusade campaigns.

Topic 6: The impact of the Harlem Renaissance on urban landscaping, Jazz music, and literature.

Research Aim: The research will examine the Great Migration of the 1910s in the United States, where a concentration of African American population moved North, causing demographic shifts. The study will analyse Toni Morrison’s Jazz, Persia Walker’s Black Orchid Blues, and other works regarding music and urbanisation.

Topic 23: John F. Kennedy- Rise of American foreign power and South Vietnam.

Research Aim: The research will analyse John F. Kennedy’s foreign policy strategies’ central themes. The paper examines the themes of counterinsurgency, credibility, and commitment in South Asia, particularly South Vietnam, to improve his credibility after the Bay of Pigs incident. The paper will observe the president’s fascination regarding psychological warfare, military forces, and countering ‘communism’ aggression in Southeast Asia.

Italian Unification History Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the preservation of italy- analysing the fragility of italian unity 1866-68..

Research Aim: The research analyses the impact of the Austro-Prussian War at its conclusion in July 1866. The paper analyses factors such as the fall of the Liberal government in Britain that impacted the fragility of the Italian Unification. The paper examines the historical event through the bilateral relationship between a newly rising Italy and Britain.

Topic 2: Analysing the Italian post-unification period- Racial and colonial factors influencing modern Italians.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the rise of Italian fascism with the premise that it rose from the failures of previous liberal governments. The study particularly examines the first Liberal period after unification, which led to the explosion of civil war in the South of Italy. The study will analyse the racial and colonial factors that influenced the competition with Western European nations for imperialistic endeavours.

Topic 3: Prison system management in 19th-century Italian prisons after unification.

Research Aim: The research analyses accounting practices in prisons using documentation analysis of the prison management system of major Italian States in the early 19th century. The study aims to use various accounting methods to uncover the potentially socially damaging tools of accounting in prison reforms to discipline individuals of lesser status.

Topic 4: The impact of the mafia on Italian education after unification.

Research Aim: The research will use historical point data to analyse the impact the Mafia had on the level of education between 1874 and 1913. The particular geographic constraint of the study will be restricted to Sicily, Italy, after the unification of the Italian Kingdom in 1861.

German Unification History Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: examining the parties and problems of governance in the german empire..

Research Aim: The research will examine, using document analysis, the various processes for political restructuring that caused the founding of many political parties, interest groups, and civic associations. The research analyses how the Federal Republic strategised to transfer German Democratic Republic citizens’ sovereign rights to international institutions and the Federal Republic institutions.

Topic 2: Analysing the collapse of the GDR and the reunification of Germany.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the factors and influences surrounding the collapse of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) from 1898 to 1990 and the reunification of East and West Germany. The research will also analyse the role of businesses with regard to the collapse, particularly the German business elites and their relationship with the Soviet Union.

Topic 3: Analysing the impact of Bismarck on the capitulation of German liberalism.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the impact the German National Liberal party of 1866 to 1867 had on supporting Otto von Bismarck’s policy of German unification. The study will examine the political stakes involved and the philosophy of Realpolitik in the Unification of the German Empire.

Topic 4: The impact of radical nationalism and political change after Bismarck.

Research Aim: The research will examine the factors that gave rise to the radicalisation of the German right under the politics of Otto von Bismarck. The study looks to find evidence of German fascism prior to World War II. To conduct the research, a thorough document analysis will be done with an extensive literature review.

World War I Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the response of german immigrants to discrimination in the usa during world war i.

Research Aim: The research will examine the impact of caste-based discrimination on assimilation patterns of immigrant minorities, specifically German immigrants in the United States during WWI. The study will understand if discriminated minority groups increase their assimilation efforts to avoid discrimination and public harassment. The research will use naming patterns of children and records of petitions of naturalisations to conduct the study empirically.

Topic 2: Analysing the impact of affective experience and popular emotion on WWI International Relations.

Research Aim: The research will examine the factors of communal emotion and mass emotion during the outbreak of WWI to demonstrate the political significance of widespread sentiment. The research looks to study the factors with regard to contemporary populism.

Topic 3: The impact of military service in WWI on the economic status of American Veterans?

Research Aim: The research will analyse the different registration regimes during the WWI draft to find their impact on economic outcomes. The research will use empirical from 1900 to 1930 United States to study short-term impact of military service, while the United States census of 1960 is used to determine the long-term impacts. The data collected will be of household income and draft population of the time in WW1.

Topic 4: Examining the Impact of Quarrying Companies Royal Engineers in WWI to support British armies on the Western Front.

Research Aim: The research will examine the history of the Quarrying Companies unit within the Royal Engineers in WWI. The study will analyse the impact that the group had on British armies on the Western Front, particularly for the aid of the British Expeditionary Forces until its disbandment in 1919.

The Great Depression (Britain 1918-1939) Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the impact of the great depression on labour productivity..

Research Aim: The research will examine the labour productivity of the UK manufacturing industry during the Great Depression. The research will be of empirical methodology and collect data on actual hours of work, real output, and employment statistics. The study will prove that during the Great Depression, output per work hour was counter-cyclical between 1929 and 1932.

Topic 2: Analysing the discourse of British newspapers during the Great Depression.

Research Aim: The research will use document analysis and text analysis to examine the rhetoric of British newspapers when unemployment rises. The study will accurately analyse the Great Depression in Britain by determining how the stigmatisation of poverty changes in the rhetoric of newspapers when discussing unemployment.

Topic 3: The Impact of the Great Depression on British Women Migration 1925-1935.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the impact that the Great Depression had on the migration of women out of Britain to the rest of its empire. The study will use empirical data to analyse the Society for Overseas Settlement of British Women (SOSBW). The research will assess if the society’s training programme influenced the employment and migration of women.

Topic 4: The Great Depression and British industrial growth- Analysing economic factors contributing to the Great Depression in Britain.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the British deceleration of industrial growth and the percentage rate of growth as the cause of the Great Depression in Britain. The research will examine the contribution of the Industrial Revolution and its initial rapid percentage of rate of growth causing ‘retardation.’ The study will be empirical and analyse historical patterns of Britain’s national economy.

Second World War Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: analysing brazilian aviation in world war ii.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the extent to which Brazilians were actively engaged in combat on the Brazilian coast and in the European theatre. The study will primarily focus on the global conflict through the Forca Aerea Brasileira, FAB, or the Brazilian Air Force development before participation in the Second World War.

Topic 2: The impact of invention secrecy in World War II.

Research Aim: The research will examine the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) patent secrecy orders which put over 11,000 US patent applications given secrecy orders. The study will analyse how this policy impacted keeping technology from the public during the war effort, specifically radar, electronics, and synthetic materials.

Topic 3: Analysing aerial photographic intelligence in WWII by British geologists.

Research Aim: The research will examine the period of WWII from 1939 to 1945 when intelligence was collected from aerial photographs by the Allied Central Interpretation Unit. The study will assess the history of aerial photographic information based on geology contributing to the Allied landings in Normandy in 1944.

Topic 4: Analysing British propaganda in the United States during WWII.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the strategies that British propagandists used to understand the American opinion of WWII during the war and for post-war relationships. The study will investigate the policies and factors that contributed to keeping the wartime alliance and creating an acceptable political climate in the United States for post-war cooperation.

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History of Nazi Germany Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the impact of discrimination against jewish managers on firm performance in nazi germany..

Research Aim: The research will examine the large-scale increase in discrimination in Nazi Germany to cause the dismissal of qualified Jewish managers in large firms. The study will analyse the persistent stock prices of firms, dividend payments, and return on assets after the discriminatory removal of Jewish managers.

Topic 2: Examining children’s literature in Nazi Germany

Research Aim: The research will analyse children’s literature which was propagandised between 1933 and 1945 under the National Socialists party. The paper will examine the various themes, specifically the Nordic German worldview, and how German values were distorted to produce a homogenous folk community.

Topic 3: Shifting from liberal education of the Weimar Republic to Nazi educational reforms- Analysing educational reforms under the Nazi government.

Research Aim: The research will examine education reform that the National Socialist government implemented in elementary education. The research will look to accumulate personal accounts of families and students who experienced the era to better comprehend the educational reforms. The study seems to under how these educational reforms moulded student ideologies.

Topic 4: The effects of antisemitism in film comedy in Nazi Germany.

Research Aim: The research will explore the themes of antisemitism in film comedy produced during the reign of the Nazi party in Germany. The research will study how themes impacted the perceptions of people living in Germany post-war. The research will use document analysis and empirical analysis to document and examine the themes and attitudes.

History of Cinema Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: analysing the history and politics of bollywood..

Research Aim: The research will explore the various events in Indian film history that have allowed it to become a global sensation. The paper will analyse its market-driven triumph against Hollywood imports starting from the 1930s. The paper will also examine the nationalist social views of films produced in Bollywood during the 1950s.

Topic 2: The role of cinematic depictions influencing popular understanding of the Spanish Civil War.

Research Aim: The research will examine the role that cinema played in shaping the understanding of the Spanish Civil War. The study will focus on fictional films that were produced in Spain and Hollywood between the 1940s and the early years of the 21st century.

Topic 3: Analysing distinctive characteristics of Korean films.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the characteristics of Korean films and examine their historical development. The research will focus on the eras of the Japanese colonial period to 1945 when the American army occupied South Korea. The study will analyse the role of censorship throughout this time period in producing Korean films.

Topic 4: Examining the history of cinema in Britain since 1896.

Research Aim: The research will explore the development of cinema exhibitions and cinema-going in Britain in 1896. They will analyse various factors that led to the rapid growth of cinema in Britain just before WWI. The study will examine factors such as the position of cinema, the development of modern spaces, artistic respectability, the invention of sound, and cinema as individual entertainment.

History of Racism Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: analysing the factors influencing institutional racism in america..

Research Aim: The research will explore the complicated history of racism in the United States. It will analyse how racism has become embedded throughout American society, from land ownership, education, healthcare, employment, and the criminal justice system. The research will use a mixed-methods research approach to gather data.

Topic 2: Examining the relationship between racism and environmental deregulation in the Trump Era.

Research Aim: The research will analyse the possible relationship between environmental deregulation and racism between 2016 and 2017 under the Trump Administration. The study will primarily collect data from executive actions, ecological events, and tweets from the President during this time period. The study will document racist events that were targeted at people of colour, Asians, Arabs, South Asians, Muslims, and indigenous persons.

Topic 3: Analysing the experience of racism in English schools towards Eastern European Migrants.

Research Aim: The research will use qualitative design to analyse the experience of racism faced by students of Eastern European descent. The research will use the framework proposed by the Critical Race Theory and Critical Conceptions of Whiteness to conduct the study. The research will focus on the racism experienced by these students as marginal whiteness for their various linguistic accents.

Topic 4: The impact of racism on Afro-Italian entrepreneurship.

Research Aim: The research will use qualitative data to analyse the participation of Afro-Italian women entrepreneurs in start-ups relating to beauty, style, and hair care lines. The study explores the obstacles that young black women entrepreneurs face in Italian due to racism and how their inclusion in small economies changes the perception of Blackness and Black womanhood related to Italian material culture.

Also Read: Religion, Theology and Philosophy Dissertation Topics

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History of Spanish Civil War Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: examining the role of international nurses during the spanish civil war..

Research Aim: The research will use document analysis, primarily memoirs, to explore the life and work of international nurse participation during the Spanish Civil War. The study will examine their role with regard to contributions made to Spanish nursing during the war.

Topic 2: Examining republican propaganda during the Spanish Civil War.

Research Aim: The research will explore the propaganda used by the Republicans of the Spanish Civil War from 1936 to 1939 to support their ideology of the war. The paper will focus on three primary forms of media – newspapers, cinema, and music. The study will conduct the analysis using historical context to examine its effectiveness in propagating the Republican messages.

Topic 3: The history of British Battalions in the International Brigades of the Spanish Civil War.

Research Aim: The research will examine the role, experiences, and contributions of British volunteers to the Spanish Republic through the British Battalion of the 15th International Brigade. The study will accurately analyse the motivations of the volunteers to join the International Brigades and participate in the Spanish Civil War.

Topic 4: British cultural perspectives on the Spanish Civil War.

Research Aim: The research will explore the cultural perspectives of the political understanding of the British responses to the Spanish Civil War. The study will examine the mass culture and personal experiences of British visitors to Spain in the 1930s.

History of the United States Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the impact of ‘the frontier’ on american expansion and imperialism..

Research Aim: The research explores the idea of ‘manifest destiny, its connection to the American frontier, and its impact on imperialism. The study focuses on how the American perception of savagery and civilisation is related to expanding the American frontier.

Topic 2: Analysing the American public opinion on the War in Vietnam.

Research Aim: The research uses empirical data to analyse the American public attitude with regard to the Vietnam War. The data will be analysed using demographic groups and perception studies. The study will investigate how these perceptions eventually shaped government policy preferences during the Vietnam War.

Topic 3: Analysing the inaugural speeches of re-elected US presidents since WWII.

Research Aim: The research identifies, analyses, and assesses the use of individual style in inaugural speeches of re-elected US presidents since WWII. The research will be conducted using document analysis of lexical and semantic levels. The study will assess how the inaugural addresses are shaped to reflect the public policy of re-elected presidents.

Topic 4: Analysing the rise of white power and paramilitary groups in the United States.

Research Aim: The research analyses the rise and expansion of white nationalists and racist far-right groups using government publications, journalistic accounts, and archival records. The research focuses on the failure in Vietnam, giving rise to white power movements. The study will examine various events to assess the factors and significance that caused an increase in paramilitary groups in the United States.

Topic 5: Examining the rise of new white nationalism in America.

Research Aim: The research will use data acquired from speeches, books, and internet sources written by white nationalists to assess the shift of white nationalist ideas of oppression of other races to a view of victimhood of white nationalists. The research will use an extensive literature review to document the development of white nationalism in American history while also considering the development of social media.

Historic Events of Early Twentieth-Century Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: the creation of uniquely american musical sounds; changes in classical music from the 19th to 20th century..

Research Aim: The research explores the changes in American classical music, shifting from its traditional European origins to a more defined American sound. The study will contend that historical events such as the upheaval and shifts of society during the American Civil War were the main factors in the creation of new American classical music.

Topic 2: The influence of political parties on democracy and party-state relations in the 20th-century.

Research Aim: The research will analyse institutional reforms of party-state relations, including constitutions, electoral laws, and party laws in France and Italy during the 20th century. The study will examine the impact of party entanglement on contributing to democratisation in Europe.

Topic 3: The impact of suspicion and distrust on conflict coverage- A case study of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Research Aim: The research will use inductive-qualitative analysis to examine the journalistic narratives of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. To do so, the factors of suspicion of information sources, awareness of being under suspicion, and distrust of peer journalists are used to examine the trust of journalists and the dilemmas they face in hostile environments.

Also Read: Project Management Dissertation Topics

List Of Top Trending Dissertation Topics For History Students

  • Decolonisation Movements and the Reshaping of Global Power Dynamics
  • The Rise of Social Media and Its Influence on Historical Narratives
  • Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Historical Research
  • The Cold War’s Legacy in the Context of Contemporary Geopolitical Tensions
  • Redefining National Identity in a Globalised World
  • A Long-Term Analysis of The Environmental Consequences of Industrialization
  • The Representation of Race and Gender in Historical Film and Television
  • The Ethics of Cultural Appropriation in Museums and Historical Sites
  • Space and its Influence on International Cooperation
  • Cyberwarfare and its Implications for Global Security
  • The Role of Technology in Shaping Revolutions Throughout History
  • The Power of Propaganda and its Role in Shaping Public Opinion
  • The Interconnectedness of Global Trade Routes and Historical Exchange
  • The Black Death’s Devastating Impact and its Long-Term Social Repercussions
  • The Rise of Populism and its Challenges to Democratic Institutions
  • The History of Censorship and its Impact on Freedom of Expression
  • The New World and its Devastating Consequences on Indigenous Populations
  • The Scientific Revolution and its Challenges to Religious Authority
  • The French Revolution’s Legacy: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, and Their Unfinished Business
  • The Unintended Consequences of Technological Advancements Throughout History
  • The Power of Social Movements in Driving Political and Social Change
  • The History of Espionage and its Influence on International Relations
  • The Role of Diplomacy in Resolving International Conflicts
  • The Vietnam War’s Legacy and its Enduring Impact on American Society
  • The Civil Rights Movement in the United States and its Global Influence
  • The History of LGBTQ+ Rights and the Ongoing Fight for Equality
  • The Challenges and Opportunities of Urbanisation Throughout History
  • The History of Mental Health and the Changing Attitudes Towards Treatment
  • The Role of Religion in Shaping Historical Events and Social Development
  • The History of Education and its Impact on Social Mobility
  • The Power of Literature and Art in Reflecting and Influencing Historical Change
  • The Role of Espionage in Shaping the Outcomes of Major Historical Events
  • The Challenges of Preserving and Interpreting Historical Artifacts for Future Generations

Important Notes:

As a student of history looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment with existing history theories – i.e., to add value and interest to your research topic.

The field of history is vast and interrelated to so many other academic disciplines like literature , linguistics , politics , international relations , and more. That is why it is imperative to create a history dissertation topic that is particular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic; it is the basis of your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic creditability, the research may not make logical sense, and there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in writing your dissertation as you may end up in a cycle of rejection at the very initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

While developing a research topic, keeping our advice in mind will allow you to pick one of the best history dissertation topics that fulfils your requirement of writing a research paper and add to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalising your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and can also be practically implemented. Take a look at some of our sample history dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure Your History Dissertation

A well-structured dissertation can help students to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes the project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems to be addressed. An outline of the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review : This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analysing published and unpublished literature available on the chosen research topic, in light of research questions to be addressed. The purpose is to highlight and discuss the relative weaknesses and strengths of the selected research area while identifying any research gaps. Break down of the topic, and key terms can have a positive impact on your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology : The data collection and analysis methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes research design , research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods, and data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis : Findings of the research are analysed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include graphs, charts, and tables in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and Conclusion : The researcher presents his interpretation of the results in this chapter, and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section is to establish the link between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regard to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References : Make sure to complete this in accordance with your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices : Any additional information, diagrams, or graphs that were used to complete the dissertation but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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ResearchProspect is a  UK based academic writing service  that provides help with  Dissertation Proposal Writing ,  Ph.D. Proposal Writing ,  Dissertation Writing ,  Dissertation Editing, and Improvement .

Our team of writers  is highly qualified. They are experts in their respective fields. They have been working for us for a long time. Thus, they are well aware of the issues and the trends of the subject they specialise in.

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How to find dissertation topics about history.

  • History era or event that excites you!
  • Look for the historical roots of modern issues.
  • Seek guidance from professors with research areas you like.
  • Consider the availability of research materials for your topic.
  • Narrow a broad topic into a specific research question.

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433 Brilliant World History Topics, Essay Prompts & Examples

Writing an essay on world history is one of the most interesting and engaging tasks a student can do. However, brainstorming these topics for your paper can prove to be a real challenge. There are so many ideas concerning the history of the whole world. Especially, when there are no limitations on the period and geography of your title.

So, what is the best solution?

Find thought-provoking and comprehensive world history topics carefully prepared for you by IvyPanda ! The article is aimed to help with discovering the best ideas for your essay. Plus, you’ll find out how to choose a perfect topic.

We divided the list into four main sections. There are sections for essay questions, term paper, thesis, and research ideas. We’ll also explain how to start your world history paper and list various essay prompts.

  • ☀️ What Are Some Good World History Topics?

💡 Most Interesting World History Topics to Write about

👍 good essay topics on world history, 🏆 best world history topic ideas & essay examples, ✅ simple & easy world history essay titles, 📑 good research topics about world history, 📌 interesting topics to write about world history, 😎 how to start a world history paper.

  • ✍️ Essay Questions
  • 🧐 Research Paper Topics
  • ✒️ Term Paper Topics
  • 📖 Thesis Topics

⭐ World History Essay Prompts

❓ world history essay questions, 🌞 what are some good world history topics.

Choosing your perfect world history topic is a fascinating process. When choosing the best topic you must take into account several pieces of advice:

1. The topic must correspond with the goal of your work.

The title is dependent on the required format. Basically, your assignment determines how you’re going to write and how your topic should look like.

Essay formats demonstrate it best:

The argumentative essay differs from an opinion essay by the number of necessary viewpoints. In an opinion essay, the author gives their own opinion about a historical event or persona. In an argumentative one, it is vital to list several opinions on the subject.

Cause and effect essays contain an explanation of the event itself and its historical consequences. Persuasive essays should create an impression on the reader. Compare and contrast works should analyze and contrast historical events, figures, eras, etc.

Tip for essay writing regardless of the essay type.

Topics for your research paper must be specific to research one subject. Also, it should be possible to divide your paper into logical sections. Titles for term papers and theses must contain themes and periods familiar, engaging to a student. Plus, they should correlate with the format of your educational facility.

2. Topics must be logical and coherent.

When discussing history, there should be no inconsistencies. Always re-read and proofread your works before submitting them.

3. Your topic can be unusual if it’s justified.

If your idea isn’t standard, this can be an advantage to your paper. You may look at a historical event from a different point of view or find something unexplored before.

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  • Modernization Poised Between History and Prophecy Secondly, the stage of ‘preconditions of take-off’ is characterised by the spread of the idea of the possibility of economic prosperity which is a necessity for other desired societal conditions. The last stage of economic […]
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  • Themes in U.S. & World History The need for the African Americans to be treated like lawful United States citizens has been noted in the years preceding the slave trade.
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  • World History: Gunpowder Technology Its adoption in Europe marked a significant milestone in terms of state development, as the use of gunpowder technology catalyzed the emergence of centralized states and the abolition of feudalism.
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  • Islamic World History: Ottoman Empire & Qajar Iran In ancient times, leadership in some regions of the world was in the form of Empires and kingdoms that were ruled by Kings and queens.
  • Empires’ Success in Ancient World History They include The Roman empire, the Persian empire, Indian empire and the Parthian empire, there are also a lot of other empires that were also formed. The British empire was also able to withstand a […]
  • Early World Civilizations’ Influence on Modern Society It is clear to everyone that the world had a long and complex way of transformation before it became similar to the world we live in now.
  • Events in the 1910s and Their Effect on the World History The most significant of these events was the sinking of the Lusitania after an attack by German U-boats, the Zimmerman telegraph that added insult to the injury caused to the the sinking of the […]
  • Essential World History by Duiker & Spielvogel One of the greatest legacies of Greek civilization is their contribution to the development of arts and sciences. Christianity and its pacifism are also said to have killed the militantism of the Romans.
  • Ideas of Lenin, Stalin, and Mao in World History To begin with, it is necessary to mention, that the Ideas of Lenin Stalin, and Mao have the same origin Marxism and the essence of communism stated in the communist manifesto by Marx.
  • French Revolution in World History The French revolution, in this part of the world at least, was the inspiration for all subsequent uprisings and revolts throughout Europe in the nineteenth century and its ideals, in part, are visible in many […]
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  • The Act of Torture in World History: Physical and Mental The concept and ethicality in terms of justifying torture are of crucial importance, especially nowadays in the light of the recent events regarding the terrorist attacks in the United States and in the United Kingdom.
  • Warfare and Culture in the World History For example, the impact of the war in literature is reflected through a method that authors choose to portray the events.
  • Great Women Artists in the World History The first overreaching cause of the absence of great female artist throughout history was the subjugated position of women as a gender in the majority of societies.
  • Power Acquisition and Balance: Modern World History In contrast to the ideas of Communism, Marxism stressed the victory of capitalism over feudalism and emphasized its role in the development of the economy.
  • Ecological Imperialism in World History Therefore, the impact of the conquest of America is that it led to the introduction of new diseases to different countries.
  • Ottoman Empire in World History The main reason for this is the fact that Britain had stakes in India, Egypt, and the Mediterranean all of which were under significant impact from the Ottoman Empire. The stability of the empire was […]
  • World History From the 20th to the 21st Century The ideology presupposed the elimination of the institution of the market as it had led, according to Marx, to the erosion of society and its segregation.
  • Western Dominance Decline in World History The Western civilization has clearly left a mark on the evolution of the humankind, spawning the changes of a tremendous scale in all domains of life, including the cultural, the political, the economic, and the […]
  • Analyzing the Georgia High School World History Curriculum The high school world history curriculum designed by Georgia Department of Education for the World History course of the state of Georgia is targeted at providing students with a comprehensive overview and study of the […]
  • New Imperialism’ Role in the World History On balance, it is possible to note that the new imperialism was concerned with the desire to get access to resources and new markets.
  • Impacts of Slavery and Slave Trade in Africa Slavery existed in the African continent in form of indentured servitude in the previous years, but Atlantic slave trade changed the system, as people were captured by force through raids before being sold to other […]
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  • Industrial Revolution Significance The Industrial Revolution started in 1760, while the French revolution started in 1789 and ended in 1799. The Industrial Revolution was established in England in 1760 and lasted until the late 1840s.
  • New York and Bombay History From 1500 to the XX Century 4 In the case of New York, it is early settlers who initiated a range of economic activities, mostly related to trade, but for Bombay, the main economic activity of early settlers was not trade, […]
  • The History of the Silk Road Islamization Muslims used the word ‘Islam’ to mean the submission of a community to the authority of another community; it did not mean the spread of their beliefs.
  • Ireland History and Development 8 million people live in the Republic of Ireland while the rest inhabit Northern part of Ireland and is part of the United Kingdom.
  • The Christian Commonwealth of Byzantium The success of the Roman Empire’s eastern half depended on such aspects as the strategic geographical position of Constantinople as the capital city, the centralized authority based on the principle of caesaropapism, the power of […]
  • Historical Primary Sources: Discussing and Comparing The charters and fueros, as well as the Digger Pamphlet, proves that the relations between poor and rich people had their own peculiarities and principles in different centuries and defined the quality of life according […]
  • History: Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site Under Authority records, you will find the document “The Fortress of Louisbourg National Historic Site” The Fortress of Louisbourg document like any other historical manuscript seeks to create an understanding of the events that led […]
  • History in “Empire: A Very Short Introduction” by Stephen Howe In the very beginning of his book, the author emphasizes that the influences and connections between the empires and the territories they colonized and owned in the past keep lasting decades and even centuries the […]
  • The Mayan Civilization History In the 17th century, the kingdom dubbed the Mayan society comprised of influential cities that covered both north of Honduras and south of Mexico.
  • History: French Operations in Algeria 1954-1962 Fig 1: Map of Algeria with Tunisia on its North East Border The intense and brutal campaign undertaken by French forces to counter the FLN network of terror contributed to the failure of France in […]
  • Technology and Innovation: Western Civilization History The people living in the Western world were stuck in the innovation and technology that was available in the Medieval Age.
  • World History: Enlightenment in Society A new intellectual force was realized in the fields of literature, science, art, and music during the German enlightenment era. It is also crucial to mention that additional emphasis was laid in the study of […]
  • History: The Imperial Succession Problem The establishment of the imperial family in Russia was promulgated by Emperor Paul I in the fundamental laws of the Russian Empire.
  • Nomadic Pastrolism History During the thirteenth century, Chinggis Khan forged the tribes of the Mongol into an alliance that builds the largest empire in the world.
  • Ordinary People’s Involvement in Politics In addition, the receptive nature and openness attitude of the Mongols eased the Europeans exploration of the Asian region in the 15th century.
  • Muslims Increase and the Spread of Islam Also, the paper will highlight the reasons that have hampered the spread of Islam in the US and in the modern world.
  • The Significance of Scientific Revolution in Our History People used religion to explain the happenings of and within the universe by viewing the universe as godly beginning with nothing to do with scientific development.
  • Scientific Thought Through the History In France, Voltaire and colleagues struggled to enlighten the society that strongly held the culture of church and monarchy.d’Alembert, Montesquieu, and Pierre were some of the arebellious’ who supported Voltaire in the campaign for freedom […]
  • Protestant Reformation and Enlightenment Certain ceremonies that demonstrated customary practices such as baptism and sacraments were abolished by the reformed churches, and this affected the lives of the people because the initial rituals used to shape the social lives […]
  • Concepts of the Penal Laws: The Popery Acts 1695-1756 Penal laws sought to continue the supremacy of the Church of England over Roman Catholics and nonconformist Protestants. Nevertheless, many Catholics in Ireland lost property and land at the expense of penal laws.
  • America and Britain Strategies The cultural, intellectual, and religious existence observed in most of the British colonies significantly changed from the fiscal 1700 to 1750.
  • Expeditions of Europeans Sailors to New Lands This chapter also reveals the impact of sailors and explorers and how their actions led to the exploitation of resources and the establishment of colonial administration in these territories.
  • Cortes and Machiavelli’s Type of Conquest Using Christianity as a decoy, he found his way up to the top and succeeded in overthrowing Montezuma, who had been previously doubtful of being outnumbered by Cortes’ men.
  • World History: the Ottoman, Safavid and Mughal Empires Conquest of the new territories and taking over the lands of other tribes and people has been the main strategy of spreading power and influence of the Empires.
  • Feedback Control: An Invisible Thread in the History of Technology The invention of the mechanical clock towards the end of the 13th century led to a remarkable accuracy and reliability in the measurement of time.
  • History of Abolishing Slavery The abolishment of slavery in Britain empires and the involvement of the British in preaching against slavery contributed immensely towards the end of slavery in the United States and France.
  • The Post World War II Nuclear Arms Race Costs The nuclear arms race led to a monumental increase in the military expenditure of the US and the Soviet Union.
  • The Biggest Estate on Earth: How Aborigines Made Australia The Europeans came and took over the land of the Aboriginal people and even adopted their methods of farming. According to Tony Stephens who reviewed the book by Gammage, the author’s aim was to inform […]
  • Ethnographic State in India He stated that their ignorance of the customs and beliefs of the Indian people had a hit against the British and that this had resulted to a distant loss of administrative power to British government.
  • Major Impacts of Consumerism in Contemporary World History This was spread to the rest of the world. Consumerism has necessitated the need to have advanced methods of doing business because products must be delivered to the market in mass, in time and of […]
  • “The Dead Hand” by David E. Hoffman After the end of the cold war and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, there were still huge amounts of nuclear weapons that left on the face of the earth.
  • Moral Treatment of the Mental Illness Before the 19th Century confinement and use of mechanical restraints was prevalent mode of treatment for the patients who were mentally ill in many parts of the world.
  • The Case of American Involvement in the Philippines Insurrection and the French in Algeria Similarities The French military involvement in Algeria during the counterinsurgency displayed a couple of similarities and differences with the tactics that the American forces used in countering the insurgency in Philippine.
  • Seven Weeks’ War Through the Lens of Clausewitz’s Paradoxical Trinity Concept Bismarck considered Austria as a potential ally and there were no need to waste combat power when the object was to neutralize the force of Austria, which followed the principles of Clausewitz’s paradoxical trinity exactly, […]
  • Revolution: America and France Between 1775 and 1815, a revolution was witnessed in warfare that corresponded with the advent of American and French revolutions. Military personnel were made to take a new oath of commitment to France and unwilling […]
  • How Did the Cold War Order of the Asia-Pacific Differ From That of Europe? The primary difference in the cold war order of the Asia-Pacific and that of Europe was instigated by the reason for security arrangements between the two regions.
  • Constructing Boundaries: Five Famous Walls In this essay, I will discuss five walls, namely: The Hadrian wall The Great wall of China The Berlin wall which separated East Germany from west Germany Moroccan wall The Maginot line between the border […]
  • The Role of the Cold War in Shaping Transatlantic Relations in the Period 1945 to 1970 It was considered to give a connotation to the international structure throughout the cold war and could work as a dynamic aspect in generating the dynamics of the east-west conflict.
  • Contribution of Empiricism and Rationalism to the Emergence of the Scientific Perspective in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries This paper seeks to critically discuss the contribution of empiricism and rationalism to the emergence of the scientific perspective in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
  • Michigan Newspapers’ Biased Coverage of Jewish Persecution in Germany In the period of 1933-1939, which encompasses Hitler’s rise to power that saw a sustained persecution of Jews in Germany and the pogroms, which culminated in the Night of The Broken Glass, the reception of […]
  • The Relationship Between the Rubber Boom and the Second Industrial Revolution The practical use of rubber was not well developed until 1800s when the first rubber factory was built in the United Kingdom, France and the United States increasing the demand of the product in the […]
  • Issues that Affected the History of Australia and the Aborigines As a result of the diversity of the communities of the Aborigines, there are historical differences in the cultural practices of the people.
  • Lessons Learned From the History of the Marshall Plan About the Importance of the USA in the Process of European Integration Suffice to say most of the countries exceeded the developments targets by the end of the plan in 1952. To make this possible the US made it known to the Europeans that the efforts to […]
  • Misperceptions and the Cold War After the WW II, the America rose to become the most powerful nation in the world, however, the USSR perceived this negatively, which resulted into fierce rivalry between the two nations and the war hang […]
  • Cuban Missile Crisis Management The US administration of the time believed that Moscow’s activities in Cuba were a threat to International security, hence; the ballistic missiles deployed in Cuba enhanced a major security blow to the leadership of United […]
  • The Role of Sea Power in International Trade The historical influence that the marines or the navy has had on international trade and the complications in comparing measures of sea power has been issues of discussion in the past.
  • Schelling and Kahn on the Deterrence Power Schelling proposed that the power of deterrence in the nuclear age is pegged not only on the equality or balance of the nuclear-possessing countries, but on the “stability of the balance”.
  • Showdown Between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. The first consequence of the Second World War was the disintegration of the alliance between the Soviet Union and the western allies.
  • The Problem of Slavery in Africa The capture of Constantinople by Ottoman in 1453 led to a stop of the movement of slaves from the Balkans and the Black Sea region.
  • French and Spanish Conquests This analysis is going to address the French and Spanish conquest in the new world and the establishment of their respective empires.
  • New Imperialism and Politics 1850 and 1914 One of the characteristics of the new imperialism was that Britain was no longer a major economic and political power in the world politics due to the emergence of other powers such as the United […]
  • Impacts of the First World on British Policies in India However, the reasoning of freedom fighters, including the officials of the National Congress Movement, was that helping the British to win the war would elevate the status of India.
  • Total War in Modern World History In this paper, I will explore the validity of the above-stated at length, while promoting the idea that the very emergence of the term ‘total war’ cannot be discussed outside of the fact that, throughout […]
  • History of Soviet Union and America in 20th Century In order to be successful in any armed conflict, a country must be stable in a number of ways and some of the key aspects to observe here are things such as economical status and […]
  • The First World War’s Aftermath For instance, one can mention the formation of ANZAC or the troops formed by the soldiers for Australia and New Zealand.
  • The Perfect Machine: Building the Palomar Telescope On the other hand, the impact of the war resulted in the stopping of the building of the telescope by drawing of the labor force as well as resources.
  • The West: Encounters and Transformations The battle of the Somme was one of the deadliest battles in the history of humanity. Thus, it is possible to assume that it is an antiwar story as it shows horrors of the war.
  • Influence of Japanese Culture in Hawaii From the census, it is clear that the culture and the cuisine Hawaii, which are known today, were created by the history of the migration of Japanese to Hawaii when they settled there to work […]
  • The Colonial War in Southwest Africa In the article “German Military Culture and the Colonial War in Southwest Africa, 1904-1907”, Isabel Hull states that the reaction of the German militaries to the revolt in Southwest Africa can be classified from the […]
  • Purposes of Historical Reenacting One must be very enthusiastic about this course and must reflect on the past and be seen to be happy since a re-enactor gets to immerse himself in the deep world of the past, learn […]
  • The First Industry Revolution: A Description of Impacts It is important to note that the description will sample some work and lives of key members of the Lunar Society, a provincial scientific society, because the society occupies an exceptional place in the history […]
  • The Onset of the Cold War The majority of historians adhere to the idea that the period of ideological tension dates back to the period after the World War II whereas other scholars agree that its beginning refers to the end […]
  • The Book The Age of Empire In the text, the author describes the period as important because it led to the establishment of new empires and political structures.
  • Human Rights in History Teaching One of the foremost aspects of how history is being taught to students in Western countries is the fact that teachers usually stress out the full objectiveness of how they evaluate the significance of a […]
  • The Social Labor Movement as an Important Political Force The leaders of the movement could effectively confront the Communist system because they proposed the realization of the public’s democratic rights with references to the interests of workers and ordinary people.
  • Atomic Audit: Nuclear Posture Review Michael notes that the use of Weapons of Mass Destruction, such as nuclear bombs, tends to qualify the infiltration of security threats in the United States and across the world.
  • Modernism, Modernization and Modernity in Australia, 1919-1939 The figure of the ‘flapper’ and her mode of dressing initiated Australians quest for pleasure and changes in moral and social values and attitudes.
  • History: Imperialistic Inclinations of European Countries In the end of the nineteenth century European countries divided the continent into areas of their control. Of course, the struggle in Africa was a great inspiration for the African Americans.
  • Conquest and Colonization of America by Europeans Countries
  • Historical Political Event: The Marshall Plan
  • The Ottoman Military and Political Organization
  • Imperialism History and Legacy
  • Using Science and Technology as the Measure, When Did the Modern World Begin?
  • King Leopold’s Ghost: European Power Crimes in Congo
  • Congo’s Brutal History of Conflict
  • Parallels Between the Revolutions of 1848 and Arab Revolutions
  • Beginnings of British Colonization of America
  • The Industrial Revolution and Beyond: Culture, Work, and Social Change
  • Conflicts in the World
  • Indifference Has Robbed Generations of Our History
  • Cold War Politics, Culture and Wars
  • Social Consequences of Industrial Revolution
  • Impact of the United States on Europe During 1945-1990
  • Documented Journalism: Black Death
  • Mexican and Russian Revolution: Comparative Analysis
  • The Origins of Fascism’s Brutal Ideology
  • The History of the 9/11 Decade
  • Technological Catastrophe: Titanic in 1912
  • Mad and Depressed Women in America
  • Economic Factors That Explain Britain’s Total Domination of India During the First One Hundred Years of British Rule
  • British Dominion in India
  • British Policy and the Indian Mutiny
  • How New Imperialism Was Shaped
  • Ottoman Empire: The Tanzimat Period
  • The Consequences of Interaction in Cultures and Civilizations
  • Political Organizations Through the History
  • British Involvement in the Atlantic Slave Trade
  • Major Historical Vents: Evolution or Revolution
  • Australian Law and Native Title
  • How Did the Gold Rushes Change Colonial Australia?
  • The Impact of Racial Thought on the Aboriginal People in Relation to Australian History
  • World War II as the Most Devastating War in World History
  • The Merits and Pitfalls of Using Memoir or Biography as Evidence for Past Events
  • Imperialism and Modernization
  • The Protestant Church Reformation
  • Battles and Wars Through the History
  • Australian Aborigines Genocide
  • First Draft of Policeman of the World Paper
  • Comparing and Contrasting three Versions of Slavery
  • The Perils of Imperialism: Through the Lens of History
  • Has Nationalism Been a Unifying or Divisive Force During the 19th and 20th Centuries?
  • The Ottoman Empire: A Political, Social, and Economic Description and Its Relationship to Western Europe
  • Picasso and His Paintings in the Modern World History
  • Concept of Imperial Powers in History
  • The Industrialization Era
  • The Role of Peter the Great and Catherine the Great in Modernizing Russia
  • Diffusion of Water as the Important Factor in the Development Egypt and in United States
  • The Great Depression’ Influence on the World
  • Islam, Democracy and the West Summary
  • Colonialism in North America
  • The Global Economic Recession of the United States
  • A Comparative Perspective: African Slave Trade and Spanish Rule in Peru
  • Turning the Course of History Back: The Questions Which Have Been Left Unanswered
  • History of the European Union
  • Eurasian Region: Developing Global Trade
  • Influence of Imperialism on World Cultures
  • The Beginning of Modern World Based on Science and Technology
  • Comparison Between Chinese and Spanish Colonialism
  • Origins of the Cold War
  • Chapter Review: The Epic First Voyage
  • NATO: From Creation to Current Status
  • History of the Australian Referendum During the 1967
  • The 1972 Munich Olympics
  • Calvino’s Perspective on the World History
  • World History: A Peace to End All Peace by David Fromkin
  • Global Evolution in “Midaq Alley” by Mahfouz Naguib
  • The Atlantic Slave Trade: Causes, Operation, and Effects
  • Middle East Studies in Fromkin’s A Peace to End All Peace
  • The Cold War Between the United States and the Soviet Union
  • Impact of Industrialization and Colonization on Both the British and Indian People
  • Influence of Nationalism and Communism on the Non-Western World
  • Age of Enlightenment: The Rebirth of Europe
  • The Major Causes of the Cold War Between the Soviet Union and the United States
  • Reasons of the Cold War Between the Soviet Union and the US
  • History of Law
  • The Ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh: A Woman in World History Book
  • Enlightenment and Revolution: Europe, America, and India
  • Industrialism, Progress or Decline
  • How Capitalism Beat Communism/Socialism
  • Technological Change in the Industrial Revolution
  • The Ottoman-Turks and the Third Empire: They Came, they Saw, They Conquered
  • The Ottoman Empire’s Policies Against Secessionist Minorities During the Period of 1820-1918
  • The American vs. French Revolution: Ideals Matter
  • History of NATO in 20th and 21th Centuries
  • Decolonization or Nationalistic Self-Determination Movements
  • David Birmingham’s “The Decolonization of Africa”
  • Ottoman and Safavid Empire
  • Historical Causes and Effects
  • The Second Industrial Revolution and Its Social Consequence

📋 Ultimate World History Essay Topics List

Here you’ll find the historical topics we prepared for you. We divided the list into four sections to ease your studies.

✍ World History Essay Questions

Essay questions can help you to brainstorm ideas and write a comprehensive paper. Here you will find the best world history essay topics.

  • What defines a civilization?
  • How and why did the first civilizations appear in the Middle East? Explore geopolitical conditions that allowed these civilizations to thrive.
  • What led Greek and Phoenician civilizations to their initial success in the Mediterranean?
  • Why was the Mediterranean considered the center of the world in Antiquity?
  • What were the leading powers of the early Antiquity? Explore the reasons behind their success.
  • How did Ancient Rome rise to power on the Apennine peninsula?
  • Why did the Qin dynasty emerge victorious from the Warring States period in Ancient China?
  • How did Rome defeat Carthage? Explain how Romans eventually prevailed over the superior Carthaginian fleet.
  • How did the Roman military system evolve?
  • Why is the Han period considered the golden age in Chinese history?
  • What were the factors that led to the fall of the Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire?
  • How Chinese technology advanced during the Three Kingdoms period?
  • What events caused the fall of the Western Roman Empire? Explore why and how the Eastern Roman Empire survived in these uneasy times.
  • How can you describe the Early Middle Ages?
  • How did Islam arise in the Arabian peninsula?
  • What are the events that caused a split of Islamic religion into Sunnis and Shias? Delve into other branches of Islam that were created at that time.
  • How did Christianity rise in the Middle East?

The Middle East is the birthplace of Christianity.

  • What events led to the division of the Roman Empire into the Western and Eastern?
  • Why were the Islamic conquests so successful?
  • Why was the Islamic world so prosperous in both riches and culture?
  • Why did Europe become obsessed with the idea of Crusades to the Holy Land?
  • How did the Crusades affect Christian and Muslim nations?
  • What were the consequences of the Black Plague?
  • How did Europe eventually rise from the Dark Ages into the Age of Renaissance? Analyze factors that define the Renaissance.
  • What events caused Europeans to begin the Age of Discovery?
  • What philosophical ideas led to the Age of Enlightenment?
  • What was the cause of the American Revolution? Explore the events that defined it.
  • What was the cause of the French Revolution? Explore the events that defined it.
  • How did Napoleonic wars shape XIXth century Europe and affected the modern world we live in?
  • What were the reasons behind the Cold War?
  • Why were there so many proxy wars in the XXth century? Dive into the details and reasons behind them.
  • Why did European nations increase their colonization efforts? Analyze and compare colonial nations and their impact on modern-day Africa.

Europeans explored and colonized for gold, glory, and God.

  • What was the general picture of the world at the dawn of the XXth century?
  • What ideologies emerged at the end of the XIXth century?
  • Why is World War I so important?
  • How is World War I connected to World War II?
  • What is a Bipolar World term? Investigate its origins and characteristics.
  • Why did the United States of America lose the Vietnam War? Explore the events that led to the withdrawal of the US forces from Vietnam.
  • Soviet-Afghan War: Soviets’ Vietnam? Explain why the Soviet Union was largely unsuccessful in the Soviet-Afghan War. Elaborate why many historians draw parallels between America’s defeat in Vietnam and the Soviets’ defeat in Afghanistan.
  • Why did the USSR fall apart? Explain the complications behind its political and economic system.

🧐 World History Research Paper Topics

World history is full of fascinating events. They should be analyzed and researched to discover new facts about them.

Below, you’ll find the best world history topics for research:

  • King Gilgamesh. His personality and deeds. Why is he still a popular character today?
  • The leading nations of the Bronze Age.
  • The personality of Julius Caesar and his effect on Rome .
  • Family institute in Ancient Rome. Dive into the ordinary life of Roman citizens and explore the structure of a Roman family.
  • Circus Maximus in Rome .
  • Jewish tribes and kingdoms of the Bronze Age.

Israel first appears shortly before the Bronze Age collapse.

  • The expansion of Indo-European languages.
  • Ancient Greek civilization history .
  • The dominance of Athens and Sparta over other Greek city-states.
  • Alexander the Great: Western civilization .
  • The kings of Ancient Egypt .
  • The origins of Roman imperialism . Explain how Rome conquered the world and the consequences of its dominance.
  • Engineering in the Roman Empire. Analyze what engineering solutions Rome used to dominate culturally, politically, and militarily.
  • The personality of Constantine the Great and his deeds.
  • The Dark ages as the golden ages of European History .
  • Abbasid Caliphate: The age of Muslim Enlightenment.
  • Women in World War II .
  • Denazification of Germany after World War II. Explore the means of Germany’s denazification efforts after World War II and their effectiveness.
  • Espionage of the Cold War. How the USSR and the USA spied on each other.
  • The anti-war movement and American views on the Vietnam War .
  • Iraq and Afghanistan wars impact on the USA’s economy .
  • The War of Spanish Succession. Talk about one of the crucial periods of European history and explain why Spain’s global power started to decline.
  • The Caribbean and the golden age of pirates in the XVIIIth century.
  • American Civil War and its impact on American society.
  • Japanese Revolution and the Meiji Restoration in Japan.
  • T.E. Lawrence and his efforts to create an independent Arab World. Explore the personality of Thomas Edward Lawrence and his life.
  • The effect of new ideologies on Europe and the Americas.

✒ World History Term Paper Topics

A term paper is a research done on a specific subject. Students are usually assigned to this task at the beginning or the middle of the semester. It should test their comprehension of a subject and their ability to analyze. However, choosing the right topics for world history can prove difficult.

Here you’ll find the best ideas for your research:

  • Region of Ancient Mesopotamia. Sumerian and Akkadian civilizations.
  • The rise of Babylonian and Assyrian empires.
  • Cultural and trade connections between Rome and Ancient China.
  • Law and Order in Rome.
  • Life and death of Prophet Muhammad. His influence on the minds of Arab tribes.
  • Psychological impacts of Christianity and Islam on the Medieval world.
  • The era of Holy Crusades. Analyze their goals and impact.
  • Means of Warfare and violence in ancient times.
  • Life and Death in Ancient Egypt. Explain the life of different classes in the Old Kingdom, their religious beliefs, warfare, civil life, etc.
  • How did the conquests of Alexander the Great affect the ancient world?

Many of the cities that Alexander founded were named Alexandria.

  • Medicine and spiritualism in Ancient Rome.
  • Women’s roles in the societies of Early Antiquity.
  • Art in Rome and Greece. The pinnacle of human thought.
  • The birth of modern sports in Ancient Rome.
  • King Richard I and Saladin. A rivalry between great leaders. Analyze and compare the personalities of both Richard I and Saladin, describe their relationship.
  • The Black Death, the Late Medieval demographic crises, and the standard of living controversies.
  • Weapons and warfare of the Medieval Era. Analyze weapons and means of warfare in the Medieval Era, their use, and evolution.
  • Reconquista of Spain and Age of Discovery. Talk about these events and explain their connection.
  • Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire. Reasons behind its spread across the Empire.
  • Religious customs of the Roman Empire and its successors.
  • The rise of the Sassanid Empire. Its political system, military, and Parthian heritage.
  • The religion of Islam. Geopolitical reasons behind the rise of Islam in the Arabian peninsula.
  • The Borgia family. Their impact on Renaissance Italy.
  • Great Italian painters of the Renaissance. Study and analyze their characters, works, relations with influential families and the Pope.
  • Qing Empire: the last dynasty of China.
  • Technological military advancements of the XVII-XVIII centuries. Spanish Tercio and invention of the flintlock.
  • Rise of the Russian Empire and Peter I. Dive into events that lead to the creation of the Russian empire and Peter I character.
  • Liberty! The American Revolution . Dive into the exciting period of American history that defined the nation. Explore precursors and main events of the American Revolution.
  • The World Wars of the XXth century and their influence on the modern world.
  • The post World War II nuclear arms race .

📚 World History Thesis Topics

Writing a thesis is one of the most challenging and crucial tasks a student can have. For this paper, you spend years researching, writing, and perfecting your paper. So, choosing the right topic is essential.

See intriguing and well-composed major topics of world history worthy of your time and energy below:

  • The samurai of Japan: why were they so effective? Explore the rich and mesmerizing military history of Japan. Remember to talk about the rise of Feudalism and samurais, their role in Sengoku Jidai, and the abolition of this warrior class in the modern era.
  • Trail of Tears and the tragedy of Native American people. Explain why the United States government was forcefully relocating Native American tribes and the Indian Removal Act of 1830. Talk about the hardships on that journey.
  • History of Earth’s Electrification. Present a detailed overview of electricity’s history and scientists who contributed to its development.
  • The importance of the Crusades. Analyze their influence and the Christian and Muslim worlds.

Crusades were organized by western European Christians.

  • The Gold Rush of the XIXth century. Analyze the roots of the Gold Rush around the world and the USA. Discuss how miners seeking their fortune contributed to San Francisco’s rapid growth and creation of the Californian Dream .
  • The Automobile. A case study of the automotive industry. Discuss the first car prototypes and their creators who pioneered the industry. Remember to talk about the first automotive companies and their innovations.
  • Oil. The Black gold of the XXth century. Talk about the discovery of oil and how it eventually became a strategic resource. Explore fiery competition between the first oil tycoons.
  • African American involvement in the Vietnam War. A case study. Talk about African Americans in the Vietnam War and the extent of inequality they had to deal with.
  • The tragedy of Afghan wars. How the Soviet’s invasion of Afghanistan led to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Dive into Afghanistan’s history to analyze their perseverance against foreign occupation. Talk about the CIA and Saudi involvement in the Soviet-Afgan war, the creation of the mujahideen and the Taliban.
  • Trench warfare in World War I. Provide detailed characteristics, origins, and reasons behind the trench warfare doctrine in World War I.

In World War I, trenches became a fundamental part of the strategy.

  • The impact of World War II on the global political landscape. Analyze the political and economic consequences of the Second World War.
  • The Cuban Missile Crisis. A case study of the biggest Soviet-American standoff. Analyze political motifs behind one of the darkest events in human history and use sources on nuclear warfare to speculate what would have happened, if the situation had had not deescalated.
  • Vietnam Anti War of the 1960s. Describe anti-war movements across the United States in the 1960s and the hippie counterculture as a way to oppose the war.

Now you’ve chosen one of the topics on world history to write about. But how do you start the actual paper? How to compose an entertaining and informative essay? How to get both a good mark and respect from your professor?

If you follow several simple and solid rules listed below, you’ll have no problem beginning a good paper. Each piece of advice is explained in detail for your convenience.

Essay structure consists of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

To start a comprehensive paper:

  • Determine what ideas you want to discuss in a paper. Think about the key ideas you want to mention in your essay. They will determine the general outline of your work, making it easier for the reader to follow.
  • Find good evidence (use reliable sources). Reliable and comprehensive sources are crucial for a historical paper. Try to be skeptical of its neutrality and remember to cross-check everything. Search for reliable secondary and primary sources and carefully check the facts if the data is ambiguous. You’ll never find a completely unbiased source, as every historian has some personal opinion on the subject.
  • Make an outline. Even when you don’t struggle with the body of your paper, outline your work. You will waste less energy with a general plan.
  • Introduce your topic. Make your introduction concise and explicit. You should catch the reader’s attention with a hook. Avoid using vague statements and facts.
  • Compose a clear thesis statement. A good thesis determines whether your whole work is going to succeed or not. Make sure you answer the main question of your paper and present your perspective on a subject. After stating your thesis, elaborate on it in every paragraph.
  • Analyze the information. So many students tend to make the mistake of retelling instead of analyzing the event. Of course, some context is necessary to give the idea of an event but never go too far with it. Analyze the found information before writing it down.
  • Don’t abuse your sources and quote reasonably. If the majority of your work consists of excerpts from your sources, you are in trouble. Quotes cannot exceed 10-15% of the total word count. Use them within reason to prove your point. Remember, your analysis is the key aim of your paper.
  • Start beforehand. Never postpone your term/thesis/research paper. The sooner you start—the better.
  • Use writing prompts. Find examples or prompts to rely on, writing a history paper for the first time. You can use our prompts to start your essay.

A writing prompt provides a potential topic idea of an essay.

  • Alexander the Great’s conquests should be accredited to his father Philip II, as he was the original creator of the mighty Macedonian phalanx. Do you agree with that statement? What can you say about Philip’s actions to modernize his army and state? Plan and write an essay in which you compare and contrast.
  • The fall of the Roman Empire was inevitable. Internal complications played a bigger role in Rome’s downfall than external ones. Do you agree with that statement? What can you say about Rome’s political system in the Late Antiquity?
  • Tatar-Mongol Yoke of Russia was a centuries-long symbiosis of the two cultures. Russians gained more things than lost from the Yoke. Do you agree with that statement? What can you say about Russian state affairs under the Yoke?
  • The Fall of Constantinople sparked the Age of Discovery and Renaissance in Europe. Do you agree with that statement? Describe Europe’s reaction to the Fall of Constantinople.
  • If France and Britain did not cripple Germany with reparations after the end of World War I, the Second World War would not have happened. Do you agree with that statement? Talk about the aforementioned reparations and why they played a role in Germany’s ideological radicalization.

Writing prompts can help you to develop your writing style and turn into a more mature writer.

Thank you for reading our article. We sincerely hope that this ultimate list of world history topics will assist in preparing and writing your perfect paper. Share it with other people who might need some guidance for their studies.

  • How Versailles Treaties Shaped World History?
  • What Are the Six Major Time Periods of World History?
  • What Are the Seven Concepts of World History?
  • How the Middle Ages Changes in History Impacted World History?
  • How the Arab Spring Changed the World History?
  • How Did the Renaissance Influence Europe and World History?
  • How Can a Discipline of World History Remain Relevant?
  • Why Is the Year 1968 Considered as Unique Year in World History?
  • What Is President Truman’s Impact on World History?
  • Where Does the World History Begin?
  • What Is American Revolution’s Effects on World History?
  • What Are the Sources of World History?
  • Why Is the Black Death Pandemic Was Important for World History?
  • Who Is Called the Father of World History?
  • Why Is the French Revolution Has So Much Impact on World History?
  • What Were the Consequences of Roman Empire’s Fall for World History?
  • What Is the Difference between Global History and World History?
  • What Role Did Cross-Cultural Trade Play in World History?
  • What Is the Balance of Power in the Context of World History?
  • Were Gender Issues Always a Problem in World History?
  • What Are the Five C’s of World History?
  • What Do Polyethnicity and National Unity Mean in World History?
  • What Place Did the Turks Take in World History?
  • What Is the Rise of the West in World History in 1500-1850?
  • What Does Consumerism Mean in World History?
  • What Are the Axial Civilizations in World History?
  • What Are the Five Theories of World History?
  • What Was the Ordeal of Elizabeth Marsh in World History?

🔗 References

  • World History Topics:
  • 100 Good Research Paper Topics for History Class: Jule Romans, Owlcation
  • Hot Topics in World History: World History Center, University of Pittsburgh
  • Writing a Good History Paper: Writing Resources, Hamilton College
  • Writing a Thesis and Making an Argument: History, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, The University of Iowa
  • How to Write a Research Paper: David R. Caprette, Rice University
  • How to Write a Research Question: The Writing Center, George Mason University
  • Guidelines For Term Papers: Donald Simanek’s Page
  • Beginning the Academic Essay: Patricia Kain, for the Writing Center at Harvard University
  • How To Write Academic Papers, A Comprehensive Guide: The College Puzzle.html
  • Before You Start Writing That Paper…: Student Learning Center, Berkeley University of California
  • Demographics Topics
  • Crime Ideas
  • Heritage Ideas
  • Immigration Titles
  • Culture Topics
  • Economic Topics
  • Globalization Essay Topics
  • Ethnographic Paper Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, March 1). 433 Brilliant World History Topics, Essay Prompts & Examples.

"433 Brilliant World History Topics, Essay Prompts & Examples." IvyPanda , 1 Mar. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '433 Brilliant World History Topics, Essay Prompts & Examples'. 1 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "433 Brilliant World History Topics, Essay Prompts & Examples." March 1, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "433 Brilliant World History Topics, Essay Prompts & Examples." March 1, 2024.


IvyPanda . "433 Brilliant World History Topics, Essay Prompts & Examples." March 1, 2024.

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