
Understanding Percent Yield and Theoretical Yield

  • The Albert Team
  • Last Updated On: March 25, 2024

Explore percent yield and theoretical yield through definition, percent yield formula, examples, and practice problems.

A fundamental concept that every budding chemist must grasp is calculating percent yield, a measure that bridges the theoretical world of chemistry with its practical applications. But what exactly is this value, and why is it so crucial in the realm of chemical reactions?

Percent yield is a key indicator used by chemists to determine the efficiency of a reaction. It compares the amount of product actually obtained from a reaction to the amount that theoretically could be produced. Understanding this concept is not just about crunching numbers; it’s about connecting the dots between the lab predictions and what transpires during a chemical reaction.

This post will guide you through the essentials of finding theoretical yield and calculating percent yield. Whether you’re conducting experiments in the lab or tackling problem sets in class, mastering these calculations will enhance your chemistry toolkit, enabling you to predict and analyze the outcomes of reactions with greater precision. So, let’s dive into the world of theoretical and percent yield, where the beauty of chemistry meets the rigor of mathematics!

What We Review

How to Find Theoretical Yield

Definition and importance.

Before we dive into the how-tos, let’s define theoretical yield. The definition is the amount of product that will theoretically be produced in a chemical reaction based on the limiting reactant and the stoichiometry of the reaction. It’s the maximum possible amount of product you can get under perfect conditions where everything goes exactly as planned.

But why is this theoretical amount important? In chemistry, predicting how much product a reaction can produce is essential. This prediction helps in planning and optimizing reactions, whether you’re synthesizing a new compound in a research lab or just performing a class experiment. Therefore, it’s all about efficiency and anticipation – knowing how much you can expect helps evaluate a reaction’s success and efficiency.

Breaking Down the Steps

With this in mind, let’s break down the steps:

  • Balanced Chemical Equation : Everything starts with a balanced chemical equation. This equation tells you the ratio in which reactants combine and products form, which is crucial for the next steps.
  • Identify the Limiting Reactant : The limiting reactant is the substance that will be used up first in the reaction, determining the maximum amount of product that can be formed. Compare the mole ratios of the reactants to figure out which one is the limiting reactant.
  • Calculate Moles of Product : Using stoichiometry, convert the moles of the limiting reactant to moles of the desired product based on the coefficients in the balanced equation.
  • Find Theoretical Yield : Finally, convert the moles of the product to grams (or any other unit, depending on the context) using its molar mass. This conversion gives you the theoretical yield of the product.

Let’s further illustrate this with a simple example. Imagine you’re reacting 2 moles of hydrogen ( \text{H}_2 ) with 1 mole of oxygen ( \text{O}_2 ) to produce water ( \text{H}_2\text{O} ). According to the balanced equation 2\text{H}_2 + \text{O}_2 \rightarrow 2\text{H}_2\text{O} , you can theoretically get 2 moles of water from 2 moles of hydrogen and 1 mole of oxygen. If hydrogen is your limiting reactant, then you can expect to produce 2 moles of water, which is your theoretical yield.

Finding Theoretical Yield: Practical Tips

Common challenges and solutions.

Finding the theoretical yield in a chemical reaction is a fundamental skill in chemistry, but it can come with its own set of challenges. For example, here are some common issues students might face and how to overcome them:

  • Misinterpreting the Limiting Reactant : One common mistake is incorrectly identifying the limiting reactant. To avoid this, carefully compare the mole ratios of the reactants used to the ratios in the balanced equation. Remember, the limiting reactant is the one that would run out first, limiting the amount of product formed.

what is experimental yield

  • Calculation Errors : When converting between moles and grams, double-check your calculations. A simple arithmetic mistake can throw off your entire result. Using a calculator and rechecking your steps can minimize these errors.
  • Forgetting Units : Always include units in your calculations. Whether you’re working with moles, grams, or liters, keeping track of your units can prevent mix-ups and help ensure your calculations are correct.

Tools and Resources

In addition to understanding the common pitfalls, here are some tools and resources that can help you master finding theoretical yields:

  • Stoichiometry Calculators : There are many online calculators available that can help you with stoichiometry problems. While it’s important to understand the process yourself, these tools can be useful for checking your work.

what is experimental yield

  • Chemistry Textbooks and Guides : Don’t overlook the value of a good chemistry textbook or guide. These resources often provide step-by-step examples and can be great references when you’re stuck.
  • Educational Videos and Tutorials : Visual learners might benefit from video tutorials available on educational platforms. The step-by-step process can provide a clearer understanding of how to find theoretical yield.

Overall, by being mindful of these challenges and utilizing available resources, you can enhance your ability to accurately find the theoretical amount of product in chemical reactions, a crucial skill in chemistry.

How to Calculate Percent Yield

Understanding the percent yield formula.

Percent yield is a crucial concept in chemistry, representing the efficiency of a reaction. The formula for this is:

  • Actual Yield : The quantity of product actually produced in the reaction.
  • Theoretical Yield : The amount of product predicted by stoichiometry.

This formula calculates the percentage of the predicted amount that was actually obtained in the experiment.

Step-by-Step Guide to Calculate Percent Yield

Follow these steps:

  • Determine the Theoretical Yield : Use stoichiometry to find the theoretical yield, ensuring it is in the same units as the actual yield.
  • Measure the Actual Yield : Obtain this from your experimental data.
  • Apply the Percent Yield Formula : Insert your actual and theoretical yields into the percent yield formula to find the efficiency of your reaction.

Example Problem

If a reaction has a theoretical yield of 10.0 \text{ grams} and an actual yield of 8.0 \text{ grams} , the percent yield is calculated as:

This indicates that the reaction had an 80\% yield, meaning 80\% of the predicted product was successfully produced.

Practice Problem s

Test your knowledge with these practice problems on theoretical and percent yield. Solve the problems below before moving on to the answer section.

Practice Problem 1

Given the balanced equation 2 H_2 + O_2 \rightarrow 2 H_2O , calculate the theoretical yield of H_2O if you start with 5.0 moles of H_2 and an excess of O_2 .

Practice Problem 2

For the reaction P_4 + 6 Cl_2 \rightarrow 4 PCl_3 , if the theoretical yield of PCl_3 is 150.0 grams and the actual yield obtained from the experiment is 115.0 grams, calculate the percent yield.

Practice Problem 3

In the reaction N_2 + 3 H_2 \rightarrow 2 NH_3 , if you start with 10.0 moles of N_2 and 10.0 moles of H_2 , determine the limiting reactant and calculate the theoretical yield of NH_3 .

Practice Problem 4

Given the reaction C + 2 H_2 \rightarrow CH_4 , if you start with 12.0 grams of carbon and have an excess of hydrogen, first convert the mass of carbon to moles, determine the theoretical yield of methane in moles, and then calculate the percent yield if the actual yield is 22.0 grams of CH_4 .

Practice Problem Answers

Here are the solutions to the practice problems. Check your work and understand each step to improve your grasp of theoretical and percent yield calculations.

Practice Problem 1 Answer

For the equation 2 H_2 + O_2 \rightarrow 2 H_2O , with 5.0 moles of H_2 and an excess of O_2 , the theoretical yield of H_2O is calculated as follows:

Practice Problem 2 Answer

For the reaction P_4 + 6 Cl_2 \rightarrow 4 PCl_3 , with a theoretical yield of 150.0 grams and an actual yield of 115.0 grams, the percent yield is:

Practice Problem 3 Answer

In the reaction N_2 + 3 H_2 \rightarrow 2 NH_3 , starting with 10.0 moles of N_2 and 10.0 moles of H_2 , you must complete two stoichiometry problems, one for each reactant, to determine which would be the limiting reactant:

Since H_2 produces the least amount of NH_3 , it is the limiting reactant. This also tells you the theoretical yield, which will be 6.67 moles of NH_3 .

Practice Problem 4 Answer

For the reaction C + 2 H_2 \rightarrow CH_4 , converting 12.0 grams of carbon to moles:

The theoretical yield of CH_4 is 1.00 mole (since 1 mole of C produces 1 mole of CH_4 ). If the actual yield is 22.0 grams of CH_4 :

First, convert the amount obtained to moles:

Then, calculate the percent yield:

(Note: The percent can be over 100% due to measurement errors or impurities in the reactants.)

Congratulations on working through the fundamentals of theoretical and percent yield! These concepts are not just abstract numbers; they are essential tools that chemists use to measure the efficiency and success of their reactions. Understanding how to calculate theoretical helps you predict the maximum amount of product that can be produced in a reaction while determining percent yield gives you insight into the reaction’s efficiency in a real-world lab setting.

By mastering these calculations, you’re not just learning to crunch numbers—you’re gaining valuable skills that will help you in practical lab work and deepen your understanding of chemical processes. Remember, practice is key to becoming proficient in these concepts. The more you work through different problems and scenarios, the more intuitive these calculations will become.

So, keep challenging yourself with more complex reactions and different types of calculations. Your journey into the fascinating world of chemistry is just beginning, and these foundational skills will serve as stepping stones to more advanced topics and experiments. Keep exploring, stay curious, and enjoy the process of discovery in the wonderful world of chemistry!

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4.4 Reaction Yields

Learning objectives.

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Explain the concepts of theoretical yield and limiting reactants/reagents.
  • Derive the theoretical yield for a reaction under specified conditions.
  • Calculate the percent yield for a reaction.

The relative amounts of reactants and products represented in a balanced chemical equation are often referred to as stoichiometric amounts . All the exercises of the preceding module involved stoichiometric amounts of reactants. For example, when calculating the amount of product generated from a given amount of reactant, it was assumed that any other reactants required were available in stoichiometric amounts (or greater). In this module, more realistic situations are considered, in which reactants are not present in stoichiometric amounts.

Limiting Reactant

Consider another food analogy, making grilled cheese sandwiches ( Figure 4.13 ):

Stoichiometric amounts of sandwich ingredients for this recipe are bread and cheese slices in a 2:1 ratio. Provided with 28 slices of bread and 11 slices of cheese, one may prepare 11 sandwiches per the provided recipe, using all the provided cheese and having six slices of bread left over. In this scenario, the number of sandwiches prepared has been limited by the number of cheese slices, and the bread slices have been provided in excess .

Consider this concept now with regard to a chemical process, the reaction of hydrogen with chlorine to yield hydrogen chloride:

The balanced equation shows the hydrogen and chlorine react in a 1:1 stoichiometric ratio. If these reactants are provided in any other amounts, one of the reactants will nearly always be entirely consumed, thus limiting the amount of product that may be generated. This substance is the limiting reactant , and the other substance is the excess reactant . Identifying the limiting and excess reactants for a given situation requires computing the molar amounts of each reactant provided and comparing them to the stoichiometric amounts represented in the balanced chemical equation. For example, imagine combining 3 moles of H 2 and 2 moles of Cl 2 . This represents a 3:2 (or 1.5:1) ratio of hydrogen to chlorine present for reaction, which is greater than the stoichiometric ratio of 1:1. Hydrogen, therefore, is present in excess, and chlorine is the limiting reactant. Reaction of all the provided chlorine (2 mol) will consume 2 mol of the 3 mol of hydrogen provided, leaving 1 mol of hydrogen unreacted.

An alternative approach to identifying the limiting reactant involves comparing the amount of product expected for the complete reaction of each reactant. Each reactant amount is used to separately calculate the amount of product that would be formed per the reaction’s stoichiometry. The reactant yielding the lesser amount of product is the limiting reactant. For the example in the previous paragraph, complete reaction of the hydrogen would yield

Complete reaction of the provided chlorine would produce

The chlorine will be completely consumed once 4 moles of HCl have been produced. Since enough hydrogen was provided to yield 6 moles of HCl, there will be unreacted hydrogen remaining once this reaction is complete. Chlorine, therefore, is the limiting reactant and hydrogen is the excess reactant ( Figure 4.14 ).

Link to Learning

View this interactive simulation illustrating the concepts of limiting and excess reactants.

Example 4.12

Identifying the limiting reactant.

Which is the limiting reactant when 2.00 g of Si and 1.50 g of N 2 react?

The provided Si:N 2 molar ratio is:

The stoichiometric Si:N 2 ratio is:

Comparing these ratios shows that Si is provided in a less-than-stoichiometric amount, and so is the limiting reactant.

Alternatively, compute the amount of product expected for complete reaction of each of the provided reactants. The 0.0712 moles of silicon would yield

while the 0.0535 moles of nitrogen would produce

Since silicon yields the lesser amount of product, it is the limiting reactant.

Check Your Learning

Percent yield.

The amount of product that may be produced by a reaction under specified conditions, as calculated per the stoichiometry of an appropriate balanced chemical equation, is called the theoretical yield of the reaction. In practice, the amount of product obtained is called the actual yield , and it is often less than the theoretical yield for a number of reasons. Some reactions are inherently inefficient, being accompanied by side reactions that generate other products. Others are, by nature, incomplete (consider the partial reactions of weak acids and bases discussed earlier in this chapter). Some products are difficult to collect without some loss, and so less than perfect recovery will reduce the actual yield. The extent to which a reaction’s theoretical yield is achieved is commonly expressed as its percent yield :

Actual and theoretical yields may be expressed as masses or molar amounts (or any other appropriate property; e.g., volume, if the product is a gas). As long as both yields are expressed using the same units, these units will cancel when percent yield is calculated.

Example 4.13

Calculation of percent yield.

What is the percent yield?

Using this theoretical yield and the provided value for actual yield, the percent yield is calculated to be

How Sciences Interconnect

Green chemistry and atom economy.

The purposeful design of chemical products and processes that minimize the use of environmentally hazardous substances and the generation of waste is known as green chemistry . Green chemistry is a philosophical approach that is being applied to many areas of science and technology, and its practice is summarized by guidelines known as the “Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry” (see details at this website ). One of the 12 principles is aimed specifically at maximizing the efficiency of processes for synthesizing chemical products. The atom economy of a process is a measure of this efficiency, defined as the percentage by mass of the final product of a synthesis relative to the masses of all the reactants used:

Though the definition of atom economy at first glance appears very similar to that for percent yield, be aware that this property represents a difference in the theoretical efficiencies of different chemical processes. The percent yield of a given chemical process, on the other hand, evaluates the efficiency of a process by comparing the yield of product actually obtained to the maximum yield predicted by stoichiometry.

The synthesis of the common nonprescription pain medication, ibuprofen, nicely illustrates the success of a green chemistry approach ( Figure 4.15 ). First marketed in the early 1960s, ibuprofen was produced using a six-step synthesis that required 514 g of reactants to generate each mole (206 g) of ibuprofen, an atom economy of 40%. In the 1990s, an alternative process was developed by the BHC Company (now BASF Corporation) that requires only three steps and has an atom economy of ~80%, nearly twice that of the original process. The BHC process generates significantly less chemical waste; uses less-hazardous and recyclable materials; and provides significant cost-savings to the manufacturer (and, subsequently, the consumer). In recognition of the positive environmental impact of the BHC process, the company received the Environmental Protection Agency’s Greener Synthetic Pathways Award in 1997.

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  • Authors: Paul Flowers, Klaus Theopold, Richard Langley, William R. Robinson, PhD
  • Publisher/website: OpenStax
  • Book title: Chemistry 2e
  • Publication date: Feb 14, 2019
  • Location: Houston, Texas
  • Book URL: https://openstax.org/books/chemistry-2e/pages/1-introduction
  • Section URL: https://openstax.org/books/chemistry-2e/pages/4-4-reaction-yields

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Theoretical, experimental and percentage yield

The theoretical yield of a reaction is the amount of product you would get if you use up all of the limiting reagent, and if there is no loss, e.g. by degradation of reactant or product or by formation of byproducts. The experimental yield is the actual amount of product you obtain when performing a given experiment. The percentage yield is a calculation of how large a percentage of the theoretical yield you obtained in a given experiment. It is calculated by:

In most cases, when the yield of a reaction is mentioned without referring to either theoretical, experimental or percentage yield, it is implicitly the percentage yield that is meant.

1. Ensure you have a correctly balanced equation for the reaction performed. 2. Determine how many moles of each species were used in the reaction. 3. Determine which species is the limiting reagent, remembering to use the reaction stoichiometry. 4. From the weight of product obtained, determine how many moles of product this corresponds to. 5. Taking into account the stoichiometry, determine what % this is compared to what you could have obtained by 100 * [moles product obtained]/[ maximum moles product possible]

For example: 8.21g of cyclohexene was reacted with 17.5g of bromine in chloroform, giving 20g of trans -1,2-dibromocyclohexane.

Stoichiometry of this reaction is 1:1 Moles of each species involved: cyclohexene = 0.10 mol, Br 2 = 0.11 mol, dibromocyclohexane = 0.083 mol. Limiting reagent is therefore the cyclohexene. Theoretical yield of dibromocyclohexane is 0.10 mol., therefore, experimental yield = 0.083./0.10 = 83 %

, Department of Chemistry

what is experimental yield

Calculating Percent Yield

dissolution for calculating percent yield

Core Concepts

In this tutorial, you will learn calculating percent yield and theoretical yield are, and how to calculate it. In addition, you will walk through an example calculation.

Topics Covered in Other Articles

  • Calculating Molar Mass
  • How to Read Periodic Table
  • Molecular vs. Empirical Formula
  • Chemical Reactions Made Easy

What is Percent Yield?

When performing an experiment, there is a maximum yield you can obtain if there are perfect reaction conditions; this is the theoretical yield . However, even if you follow an experiment correctly, it is likely that you will not have a perfect yield of the product; the amount of product you end up with is your actual yield .

The percentage of the theoretical yield you obtained in your experiment is the percent yield . Let’s learn how to calculate it below!

solution with chemical reaction from which you are calculating percent yield

How to Calculate Percent Yield

You can use the equation below to calculate your yield from an experiment:

\begin{gather*} {\% \text{Yield} = \frac{\text{Actual}}{\text{Theoretical}}\cdot 100} \end{gather*}

What is Theoretical Yield

The theoretical yield is the maximum amount of product that can be obtained from a chemical reaction. It is calculated based on the stoichiometry of the reaction, which is the study of the proportions of the reactants and products in a chemical reaction. The theoretical yield is determined by using the balanced chemical equation for the reaction and the known amounts of the reactants.

10 \text{mol}

Calculating Theoretical Yield

First, you should calculate the theoretical yield of your experiment; usually, this will involve stoichiometric calculations . By looking at the chemical equation and information given, you can get an idea of what is reacting and how the product is forming.

The next step is to identify the limiting reagent, since no more product can be formed once the limiting reagent runs out.

You can then use dimensional analysis to see how much product can be formed based on the amount of limiting reagent that is given. This is the theoretical yield of your experiment.

Calculating Actual Yield

If you are physically doing an experiment, your actual yield will be the amount of product you weigh out on your balance. If you are doing a word problem, the actual yield may be given within the problem.

Percent Yield Equation

The last step, once you have both theoretical and actual yield, is plugging the numbers into the equation. Dividing the actual by the theoretical gives you the fraction of product you made. Multiplying that by 100 gives you the percent yield.

Calculating Percent Yield Example

Now that we know the steps to calculate yield, let’s walk through an example:


First step is to find limiting reagent & theoretical yield of water:

\begin{gather*} {40.00\text{g}C_{2}H_{2} \cdot \frac{1\text{mol}C_{2}H_{2}}{26.04\text{g}C_{2}H_{2}} \cdot \frac{2\text{mol}H_{2}O}{2\text{mol}C_{2}H_{2}} \cdot \frac{18.01\text{g}H_{2}O}{1\text{mol}H_{2}O} = 27.67\text{g}H_{2}O} \\ {65.00\text{g}O_{2} \cdot \frac{1\text{mol}O_{2}}{32.00\text{g}O_{2}} \cdot \frac{2\text{mol}H_{2}O}{5\text{mol}O_{2}} \cdot \frac{18.01\text{g}H_{2}O}{1\text{mol}H_{2}O} = 14.63\text{g}H_{2}O} \end{gather*}

Using dimensional analysis on both reagents, water is found to produce a lower amount of product than oxygen; because of this water is our limiting reagent.


For more example questions to try, click here !

Calculating Percent Yield Practice Problems


MgCl 2 and AgNO 3 react according to the following equation:

\begin{gather*} {MgCl_{2} + 2AgNO_{3} \rightarrow Mg\left(NO_{3}\right)_{2} + 2AgCl} \end{gather*}

Calculating Percent Yield Practice Problem Solutions


Further Reading

  • Common Polyatomic Ions
  • Kinetic Molecular Theory
  • E1 Reaction
  • E2 Reaction

Chapter 5. Stoichiometry and the Mole

Learning objectives.

1. Define and determine theoretical yields, actual yields, and percent yields.

In all the previous calculations we have performed involving balanced chemical equations, we made two assumptions: (1) the reaction goes exactly as written, and (2) the reaction proceeds completely. In reality, such things as side reactions occur that make some chemical reactions rather messy. For example, in the actual combustion of some carbon-containing compounds, such as methane, some CO is produced as well as CO 2 . However, we will continue to ignore side reactions, unless otherwise noted.

The second assumption, that the reaction proceeds completely, is more troublesome. Many chemical reactions do not proceed to completion as written, for a variety of reasons (some of which we will consider in Chapter 13 “Chemical Equilibrium” ). When we calculate an amount of product assuming that all the reactant reacts, we calculate the theoretical yield , an amount that is theoretically produced as calculated using the balanced chemical reaction.

In many cases, however, this is not what really happens. In many cases, less—sometimes much less—of a product is made during the course of a chemical reaction. The amount that is actually produced in a reaction is called the actual yield . By definition, the actual yield is less than or equal to the theoretical yield. If it is not, then an error has been made.

Both theoretical yields and actual yields are expressed in units of moles or grams. It is also common to see something called a percent yield. The percent yield  is a comparison between the actual yield and the theoretical yield and is defined as

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It does not matter whether the actual and theoretical yields are expressed in moles or grams, as long as they are expressed in the same units. However, the percent yield always has units of percent. Proper percent yields are between 0% and 100%—again, if percent yield is greater than 100%, an error has been made.

A worker reacts 30.5 g of Zn with nitric acid and evapourates the remaining water to obtain 65.2 g of Zn(NO 3 ) 2 . What are the theoretical yield, the actual yield, and the percent yield?

Zn(s) + 2 HNO 3 (aq) → Zn(NO 3 ) 2 (aq) + H 2 (g)

A mass-mass calculation can be performed to determine the theoretical yield. We need the molar masses of Zn (65.39 g/mol) and Zn(NO 3 ) 2 (189.41 g/mol). In three steps, the mass-mass calculation is


Thus, the theoretical yield is 88.3 g of Zn(NO 3 ) 2 . The actual yield is the amount that was actually made, which was 65.2 g of Zn(NO 3 ) 2 . To calculate the percent yield, we take the actual yield and divide it by the theoretical yield and multiply by 100:


The worker achieved almost three-fourths of the possible yield.

Test Yourself

A synthesis produced 2.05 g of NH 3 from 16.5 g of N 2 . What is the theoretical yield and the percent yield?

N 2 (g) + 3 H 2 (g) → 2 NH 3 (g)

theoretical yield = 20.1 g; percent yield = 10.2%

Chemistry Is Everywhere: Actual Yields in Drug Synthesis and Purification

Many drugs are the product of several steps of chemical synthesis. Each step typically occurs with less than 100% yield, so the overall percent yield might be very small. The general rule is that the overall percent yield is the product of the percent yields of the individual synthesis steps. For a drug synthesis that has many steps, the overall percent yield can be very tiny, which is one factor in the huge cost of some drugs. For example, if a 10-step synthesis has a percent yield of 90% for each step, the overall yield for the entire synthesis is only 35%. Many scientists work every day trying to improve percent yields of the steps in the synthesis to decrease costs, improve profits, and minimize waste.

Even purifications of complex molecules into drug-quality purity are subject to percent yields. Consider the purification of impure albuterol. Albuterol (C 13 H 21 NO 2 ; accompanying figure) is an inhaled drug used to treat asthma, bronchitis, and other obstructive pulmonary diseases. It is synthesized from norepinephrine, a naturally occurring hormone and neurotransmitter. Its initial synthesis makes very impure albuterol that is purified in five chemical steps. The details of the steps do not concern us; only the percent yields do:

impure albuterol → intermediate A percent yield = 70%
intermediate A → intermediate B percent yield = 100%
intermediate B → intermediate C percent yield = 40%
intermediate C → intermediate D percent yield = 72%
intermediate D → purified albuterol percent yield = 35%
overall percent yield = 70% × 100% × 40% × 72% × 35% = 7.5%

That is, only about one-fourteenth of the original material was turned into the purified drug. This gives you one reason why some drugs are so expensive; a lot of material is lost in making a high-purity pharmaceutical.

Key Takeaways

  • Theoretical yield is what you calculate the yield will be using the balanced chemical reaction.
  • Actual yield is what you actually get in a chemical reaction.
  • Percent yield is a comparison of the actual yield with the theoretical yield.

What is the difference between the theoretical yield and the actual yield?

What is the difference between the actual yield and the percent yield?

A worker isolates 2.675 g of SiF 4 after reacting 2.339 g of SiO 2 with HF. What are the theoretical yield and the actual yield?

SiO 2 (s) + 4 HF(g) → SiF 4 (g) + 2 H 2 O(ℓ)

A worker synthesizes aspirin, C 9 H 8 O 4 , according to this chemical equation. If 12.66 g of C 7 H 6 O 3 are reacted and 12.03 g of aspirin are isolated, what are the theoretical yield and the actual yield?

C 7 H 6 O 3 + C 4 H 6 O 3 → C 9 H 8 O 4 + HC 2 H 3 O 2

A chemist decomposes 1.006 g of NaHCO 3 and obtains 0.0334 g of Na 2 CO 3 . What are the theoretical yield and the actual yield?

2 NaHCO 3 (s) → Na 2 CO 3 (s) + H 2 O(ℓ) + CO 2 (g)

A chemist combusts a 3.009 g sample of C 5 H 12 and obtains 3.774 g of H 2 O. What are the theoretical yield and the actual yield?

C 5 H 12 (ℓ) + 8 O 2 (g) → 5 CO 2 + 6 H 2 O(ℓ)

What is the percent yield in Exercise 3?

What is the percent yield in Exercise 4?

What is the percent yield in Exercise 5?

What is the percent yield in Exercise 6?

Theoretical yield is what you expect stoichiometrically from a chemical reaction; actual yield is what you actually get from a chemical reaction.

theoretical yield = 4.052 g; actual yield = 2.675 g

theoretical yield = 0.635 g; actual yield = 0.0334 g

  • Introductory Chemistry- 1st Canadian Edition . Authored by : Jessie A. Key and David W. Ball. Provided by : BCCampus. Located at : https://opentextbc.ca/introductorychemistry/ . License : CC BY-NC-SA: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike . License Terms : Download this book for free at http://open.bccampus.ca

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  • Percent Yield

Key Questions

Percent yield represents the ratio between what is experimentally obtained and what is theoretically calculated, multiplied by 100%.

#"% yield" = ("actual yield")/("theoretical yield") * 100%#

So, let's say you want to do an experiment in the lab. You want to measure how much water is produced when 12.0 g of glucose ( #C_6H_12O_6# ) is burned with enough oxygen.

#C_6H_12O_6 + 6O_2 -> 6CO_2 + 6H_2O#

Since you have a #1:6# mole ratio between glucose and water, you can determine how much water you would get by

#12.0# #"g glucose" * ("1 mole glucose")/("180.0 g") * ("6 moles of water")/("1 mole glucose") * ("18.0 g")/("1 mole water") = 7.20g#

This represents your theoretical yield. If the percent yield is 100%, the actual yield will be equal to the theoretical yield. However, after you do the experiment you discover that only 6.50 g of water were produced.

Since less than what was calculated was actually produced, it means that the reaction's percent yield must be smaller than 100%. This is confirmed by

#"% yield" = ("6.50 g")/("7.20 g") * 100% = 90.3%#

You can backtrack from here and find out how much glucose reacted

#"65.0 g of water" * ("1 mole")/("18.0 g") * ("1 mole glucose")/("6 moles water") * ("180.0 g")/("1 mole glucose") = 10.8g#

So not all the glucose reacted, which means that oxygen was not sufficient for the reaction - it acted as a limiting reagent .

As a conclusion, percent yield problems always have one reactant act as a limiting reagent , thus causing a difference between what is calculated and what is actually obtained. A percent yield that exceeds 100% is never possible, under any circumstances, and means that errors were made in the calculations.

what is experimental yield

The actual yield is a product that is obtained by experimentation. The theoretical yield is obtained through stoichiometric calculation.

If the two yields are equal, you have 100 % yield.

Usually you obtain less than 100 %.

It is impossible to obtain a yield greater than 100%. If that happens, some experimental error must have occurred in the creation of the desired product, actual yield.

what is experimental yield

Actual Yield Calculator

Table of contents

This actual yield calculator will answer your questions about how to calculate the actual yield and help you find the true yield of a chemical reaction. Because reality is much different than theory, no chemical reaction is ever carried out flawlessly. Because of this, the actual yield definition states that it should always be lower than the theoretical yield. Before commencing any laboratory work, figure out what the theoretical yield is so you know how much of your product to expect from a given amount of starting material. The efficiency of your reaction will help you compute the actual yield of a chemical process using the actual yield formula - or you can simply use our amazing tool!

Remember, that we also have a theoretical yield calculator and a percent yield calculator available for your chemistry calculations!

What is actual yield? Actual yield definition

The quantity of a product received from a chemical reaction is known as the actual yield. The theoretical yield, on the other hand, is the quantity of product that could be obtained if all of the reactants were converted to product perfectly, i.e., there were no by-products. The limiting reactant is used to calculate theoretical yield. By determining the percent yield, also known as the efficiency of the chemical reaction, you can calculate the actual yield using our actual yield calculator.

How to calculate the actual yield? Actual yield formula

Now that we know the actual yield definition, let's proceed to the actual yield formula for a chemical process:

  • Y a Y_{\text{a}} Y a ​ — Actual yield;
  • Y p Y_{\text{p}} Y p ​ — Percent yield ( % \% % ); and
  • Y t Y_{\text{t}} Y t ​ — Theoretical yield.

Difference between theoretical yield and actual yield

The actual yield is usually lower than the theoretical yield because few reactions proceed to absolute completion (i.e., they aren't 100% efficient) or because not all of the product in a reaction is recovered. For example,

  • If you're recovering a precipitate, you can lose some of it if it doesn't completely crash out of the solution;
  • Some products may remain on the filter paper or make their way through the mesh and wash away if you filter the solution through filter paper;
  • Even if the substance is insoluble in a particular solvent, if you rinse it, a little bit of it may be lost due to dissolving in the solvent; and
  • Sometimes your product may undergo unwanted reactions after you have formed it due to the presence of high temperatures or other chemicals.

But, it is also possible that the actual yield exceeds the theoretical yield:

  • This happens most frequently when the solvent is still present in the product (incomplete drying), when the product is weighed incorrectly, or when an unaccounted ingredient in the reaction acts as a catalyst or causes the creation of by-products; and
  • Another reason for the increased yield is that the result is impure because another ingredient than the solvent is present.

Examples of how to find actual yield

Let's move on to real-world applications now that we've learned about the distinctions between actual and theoretical yields.

Example 1 : If the percent yield of a reaction was 45 % 45\% 45% with a theoretical yield of Y t = 4  g Y_{\text{t}} = 4\ \text{g} Y t ​ = 4   g , what is the actual yield?

You can solve this problem by using our actual yield calculator:

Input the percent yield: Y p = 45 % Y_{\text{p}} = 45\% Y p ​ = 45% .

Input the theoretical yield: Y t = 4  g Y_{\text{t}} = 4\ \text{g} Y t ​ = 4   g .

The actual yield is Y a = 1.8  g Y_{\text{a}}=1.8\ \text{g} Y a ​ = 1.8   g .

Example 2 : When making a new substance from other substances, chemists say that they have synthesized a new compound. Reactants are converted to products, and the process is symbolized by a chemical equation. For example, the decomposition of magnesium carbonate to form magnesium oxide has an experimental percent yield of 79 % 79\% 79% . The theoretical yield is known to be Y t = 19  g Y_{\text{t}}=19\ \text{g} Y t ​ = 19   g . What is the actual yield of magnesium oxide?

So, how to find the actual yield? The calculation is simple if you know the percent and theoretical yields. All you need to do is plug the values into the calculator again:

Input the percent yield: Y p = 79 % Y_{\text{p}} = 79\% Y p ​ = 79% .

Enter the theoretical yield: Y t = 19  g Y_{\text{t}} = 19\ \text{g} Y t ​ = 19   g .

The actual yield is Y a = 15  g Y_{\text{a}}=15\ \text{g} Y a ​ = 15   g .

Usually, you have to calculate the theoretical yield based on the balanced equation. In this equation, the reactant and the product have a 1 : 1 1:1 1 : 1 mole ratio, so, if you know the amount of reactant, you know the theoretical yield is the same value in moles (not grams!). You take the number of grams of reactant you have, convert it to moles (maybe with our grams to moles calculator ), and then use this number of moles to find out how many grams of product to expect.

You can find the yield of the reaction at every moment using the concentrations you can calculate with our reaction quotient calculator !

🙋 Make sure the theoretical yield and actual yield are expressed in the same unit: if you need to know the conversion, visit our weight converter .

How do I find actual yield?

To find the actual yield , simply follow these steps:

Use the actual yield formula:

Ya = (Yp /100) × Yt

Here Ya is the actual yield, Yp is the percent yield, and Yt is the theoretical yield.

Substitute the values for percent and theoretical yield.

That's it! With these two values, you can easily calculate the actual yield of a chemical reaction.

How do I find actual yield without percent yield?

To find the actual yield without percent yield , perform an experiment and weigh the product. To verify the accuracy of your measurement, you can calculate the efficiency or percent yield using the theoretical yield, which you can obtain from the reaction's stoichiometry. Percent yields below 70% usually indicate errors in the experiment or calculations.

Is actual yield the same as percent yield?

No , they are different. Actual yield refers to the product's weight produced in an experiment. In contrast, percent yield or reaction efficiency indicates how much the actual yield deviates from the theoretical amount of product expected.

What's the actual yield of CO₂ in the combustion of 14g of CH₄?

Assuming a percent yield Yp of 70% , the actual yield of CO 2 is 26.91 g :

Calculate the moles of CH 4 from its molar mass:

moles_CH 4 = 14g / 16.04 g/mol = 0.873 mol

Balance the combustion reaction:

CH 4 + 2O 2 -> CO 2 + 2H 2 O

Note that 1 mole of CH 4 produces 1 mole of CO 2 .

Calculate the theoretical yield Yt of CO 2 :

Yt_CO 2 = moles_CH 4 × molar_mass_CO 2

Yt_CO 2 = 0.873 mol × 44.01 g/mol = 38.44 g

Determine the actual yield Ya of CO 2 :

Ya_CO 2 = Yp × Yt_CO 2 Ya_CO 2 = 0.7 × 38.44 g = 26.91 g

Theoretical yield

Percent yield

Actual yield

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Percent Yield Formula and Definition

Percent Yield Definition

In chemistry, percent yield is a comparison of actual yield to theoretical yield , expressed as a percentage . Here is a look at the percent yield formula, how to calculate it, and why it may be less than or greater than 100%.

Percent Yield Formula

The percent yield formula is actual yield divided by theoretical yield in moles, multiplied by 100%:

Percent Yield = Actual Yield/Theoretical Yield x 100%

It does not matter whether you express actual and theoretical yield in grams or moles , as long as you use the same units for both values.

How to Calculate Percent Yield

Calculating percent yield requires two values: the actual yield and the theoretical yield. Yield depends on the mole ratio between reactants and products . The actual yield is the amount of product obtained from a reaction or experiment. You weigh the product and then convert the mass (usually in grams) to moles .

The theoretical yield comes from stoichiometry. In other words, it comes from the mole ratio between reactants and products in the balanced equation for the chemical reaction. Once you have the balanced equation, the next step is finding the limiting reactant. The limited reactant is the reactant that limits the amount of product because it’s consumed before the other reactant runs out. In a decomposition reaction, there may only be one reactant, which makes it the limiting reactant. In other reactions, you compare the molar masses and mole ratios. Next, use the number of moles of limiting reactant and mole ratio and calculate the theoretical yield. Finally, calculate theoretical yield.

  • Balance the chemical equation for the reaction. Note the number of moles of reactants and products.
  • Identify the limiting reactant. Calculate molar masses of all reactants. Find the number of moles of all species. Use the mole ratio and identify which reactant limits the reaction. Use the number of moles of the limiting reactant and mole ratio and find the theoretical yield.
  • Weigh the product. This is actual yield.
  • Make sure actual yield and theoretical yield have the same units (grams or moles).
  • Calculate percent yield using actual yield and theoretical yield.

Example Percent Yield Calculation (Simple)

First, here is a simple example of the percent yield calculation in action:

The decomposition of magnesium carbonate forms 15 grams of magnesium oxide in an experiment. The theoretical yield is 19 grams. What is the percent yield of magnesium oxide?

MgCO 3  → MgO + CO 2

Here, you know the actual yield (15 grams) and the theoretical yield (19 grams), so just plug the values into the formula:

Percent Yield = Actual Yield/Theoretical Yield x 100% Percent Yield = 15 g/19 g x 100% Percent Yield = 79%

Example Percent Yield Calculation (With Limiting Reactant)

Find the percent yield of a reaction when you obtain 4.88 g of AlCl 3 (s) from a reaction between 2.80 g Al(s) and 4.15 g Cl 2 (g).

First, write out the balanced equation for the reaction:

2Al( s ) + 3Cl 2 ​( g ) → 2AlCl 3 ​( s )

Next, find the limiting reactant. Start with the molar masses of the reactants and products:

2.80 g Al x (1 mol Al/26.98 g Al) = 0.104 mol Al 4.15 g Cl 2 x (1 mol Cl 2 /70.90 g Cl 2 ) = 0.0585 mol Cl 2

Compare the mole ratio to the actual number of moles present in the reaction. From the balanced equation, you see 2 moles of Al reacts with 3 moles of Cl 2 .

Mole ratio: moles Al/moles Cl 2 = 2/3 = 0.6667 Actual ratio moles Al/moles Cl 2 = 0.104/0.0585 = 1.78

The actual ratio is larger than the mole ratio, so there is excess Al and Cl 2 is the limiting reactant. (If the actual ratio is smaller than the mole ratio, it means there is excess Cl 2 and Al is the limiting reactant.)

Use the actual number of moles of Cl 2 and the mole ratio and find the maximum amount of AlCl 3 .

0.00585 mol Cl 2 x (2 mol AlCl 3 /3 mol Cl 2 ) = 0.00390 mol AlCl 3

Convert the number of moles of product into grams so the units of actual and theoretical yield are the same. Get this from the molar mass.

0.00390 mol AlCl 3 x (133.33 g AlCl 3 /1 mol AlCl 3 ) = 5.20 g AlCl 3

Finally, calculate percent yield. Actual yield is 4.88 g of AlCl 3 (given in the problem) and theoretical yield is 5.20 g AlCl 3 .

Percent Yield = Actual Yield/Theoretical Yield x 100% Percent Yield = 4.88 g AlCl 3 / 5.20 g AlCl 3 x 100% Percent Yield = 93.8%

Is Percent Yield Always Less Than 100%

Percent yield is always less than 100% (often by a lot), yet it’s possible to calculate a value greater than 100%.

There are a few reasons why percent yield always falls short.

  • Not all reactions proceed to completion.
  • Sometimes reactants and products exist in equilibrium, so the reverse reaction also occurs.
  • Two or more reactions occur simultaneously, converting some reactant to one or more side products.
  • There may be other species or impurities that interfere with the reaction.
  • Product gets lost during transfer.
  • Product gets lost during purification.

And yet, sometimes you get more product than predicted. Occasionally, an impurity contributes to product formation. But, usually there’s less product than the theoretical yield. Yet, if you collect an impure product, the mass exceeds the theoretical yield. The most common situation is weighing product that isn’t completely dry. Part of the mass is solvent , so it appears you got more product than predicted.

  • Cornforth, J. W. (1993). “The Trouble With Synthesis”. Australian Journal of Chemistry . 46 (2): 157–170. doi: 10.1071/ch9930157
  • Petrucci, Ralph H.; Herring, F. Geoffrey; Madura, Jeffry; Bissonnette, Carey; Pearson (2017). General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications . Toronto: Pearson. ISBN 978-0-13-293128-1.
  • Whitten, Kenneth W.; Davis, Raymond E; Peck, M. Larry (2002). General Chemistry . Fort Worth: Thomson Learning. ISBN 978-0-03-021017-4.
  • Vogel, Arthur Israel; Furniss, B. S; Tatchell, Austin Robert (1978). Vogel’s Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry . New York: Longman. ISBN 978-0-582-44250-4.

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Percent Yield

Percent yield refers to the percent ratio of actual yield to the theoretical yield. In chemistry, yield is a measure of the quantity of moles of a product formed in relation to the reactant consumed, obtained in a chemical reaction, usually expressed as a percentage. The amount of product actually made compared with the maximum calculated yield is called the percentage yield. Let us understand the percent yield formula using solved examples.


What is Percent Yield?

In chemistry, percent yield is the percent ratio of the weight of the product obtained to the theoretical yield. We calculate the percent yield by dividing the experimental yield by the theoretical yield and multiplying the result by 100 to express the final answer in %. Generally, the value of percent yield is lower than 100%, since the actual yield obtained after the reaction is often less than the theoretical value. This can be because of an incomplete reaction.

Percent yield can also be greater than 100%, meaning that more sample was recovered from the reaction than the initially predicted yield. Percent yield is always positive.

Percentage Yield Example

Let us see the decomposition reaction of magnesium oxide to understand the concept of percent yield better.

MgCO\(_3\) → MgO + CO\(_2\)

This means for 1 mole of reactant[MgCO\(_3\)], we will obtain 1 mole of product[MgO], i.e, the reactant and the product have a 1:1 mole ratio. When given the amount of reactant, we can find the theoretical yield by comparing the mole ratio. The ratio of actual yield given to this theoretical yield gives the percentage yield.

Percent Yield Formula

The percentage yield formula is calculated to be the experimental yield divided by theoretical yield multiplied by 100. If the actual and theoretical yield ​is the same, the percent yield is 100%. Usually, the percent yield is lower than 100% because the actual yield is often less than the theoretical value.

Percent Yield = (Actual Yield / Theoretical Yield) × 100 %

Percentage Yield Formula

Formula to Calculate Percent Yield

The formula to calculate the percent yield is:

Percentage Yield = (Actual Yield / Theoretical Yield) × 100 %

  • Actual yield - it gives the amount of product obtained from a chemical reaction
  • Theoretical yield - it gives the amount of product obtained from the stoichiometric or balanced equation, using the limiting reactant to determine the product
  • Units for both actual and theoretical yield need to be the same (moles or grams)

Examples on Percent Yield

Example 1: During a chemical reaction, 0.5 g of product is made. The maximum calculated yield is 1.6 g. What is the percent yield of this reaction?

We know that according to Percent Yield Formula,

Percentage yield = (Actual yield/Theoretical yield)× 100%

= 0.5/1.6× 100%

Therefore, the percentage yield of this reaction is 31.25%.

Example 2: During a chemical reaction 1.8 g of product is made. The maximum calculated yield is 3.6 g. What is the percent yield of this reaction?

= 1.8/3.6× 100%

Therefore, the percentage yield of this reaction is 50%.

Example 3: If the percentage yield is 45% with the theoretical yield as 4g, what would the actual yield be? Calculate using the percentage yield formula.

Using the percentage yield formula,

45 = Actual yield/4 × 100

Actual yield = 1.8

Therefore, the actual yield is 1.8g

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FAQs on Percent Yield

What is meant by percent yield.

Percent yield is a measure of the actual number of moles obtained for any reactant in any reaction in comparison to the predicted or theoretical yield.

What is Meant by Percent Yield Formula?

The percent yield formula is the percent ratio of actual yield to the theoretical yield. Yield is a measure of the quantity of moles of a product formed in relation to the reactant consumed, obtained in a chemical reaction, usually expressed as a percentage. The amount of product actually made compared with the maximum calculated yield is called the Percent yield. The formula is (Actual Yield / Theoretical Yield) × 100 %

What is the Formula to Calculate the Percent Yield?

The formula to calculate the percentage yield is:

Why do Use the Percent Yield Formula?

The percent yield is also used in the field of chemistry, where the percentage yield of a chemical reaction is considered very important. The formula to calculate the percentage yield is to compare the yield or the quantity of the product that is obtained.

Why is the Percent Yield not 100% When the Formula is Used?

In most cases, the percent yield is less than 100% because the actual yield is often less than the theoretical value. This is due to the incomplete or competing reactions and loss of samples during recovery.

Actual Yield Definition (Chemistry)

Actual Yield Versus Theoretical Yield

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Actual Yield Definition

The actual yield is the quantity of a product that is obtained from a chemical reaction . In contrast, the calculated or theoretical yield  is the amount of product that could be obtained from a reaction if all of the reactant converts to product. Theoretical yield is based on the limiting reactant .

Common Misspelling: actual yeild

Why Is Actual Yield Different from Theoretical Yield?

Usually, the actual yield is lower than the theoretical yield because few reactions truly proceed to completion (i.e., aren't 100% efficient) or because not all of the product in a reaction is recovered. For example, if you are recovering a product that is a precipitate, you may lose some product if it doesn't completely fall out of solution. If you filter the solution through filter paper, some product may remain on the filter or make its way through the mesh and wash away. If you rinse the product, a small amount of it may be lost from dissolving in the solvent, even if the product is insoluble in that solvent.

It's also possible for the actual yield to be more than the theoretical yield. This tends to occur most often if solvent is still present in the product (incomplete drying), from error weighing the product, or perhaps because an unaccounted substance in the reaction acted as a catalyst or also led to product formation. Another reason for higher yield is that the product is impure, due to the presence of another substance besides the solvent.

Actual Yield and Percent Yield

The relationship between actual yield and theoretical yield is used to calculate percent yield :

percent yields = actual yield / theoretical yield x 100%

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Experimental device for the “green” synthesis of unbranched aliphatic esters c4–c8 using an audio frequency electric field.

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EsterChemical StructureCharacteristics/UsageReferences
n-Butyl acetate Sweet scent of banana or apple employed in various industries, including food, beverage, fragrance, cosmetics, and pharmaceutical industries[ , , ]
n-Pentyl acetate Scent like bananas and apples used as a flavoring in foods and as a scent in perfumes[ ]
n-Hexyl acetate Fruity smelling scent used as a flavoring agent or as a scent in perfumes; exhibits antimicrobial activity and can be used to improve the safety of minimally processed fruits[ , , ]
n-Heptyl acetate Pear scent/essence used as flavoring in foods and as a scent in perfumes[ , ]
n-Octyl acetate Scent like oranges, grapefruits, and other citrus products used as a flavoring in foods and as a scent in perfumes[ ]
ReactantsCatalystTemperature (°C)Reaction Time (min)Yield (%)ProductExperiment SetupReferences
Oleic acid/
Oleyl alcohol
Perchloric acid
Phosphoric acid
Oleyl oleateOil bath
[ ]
Acrylic acid/
H SO 7036083.99Ethyl acrylateBath reactor[ ]
Oleic acid/
DBSA (dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid)23144098.7Octyl oleateDean–Stark
[ ]
Acetic acid/
Ionic liquid (1-(4-sulfonic acid) butylpyridinium hydrogen sulfate)10024099Ethyl acetateOil bath
[ ]
Acetic acid/
Sulfonic acid-functionalized MIL-10111030099Hexyl acetateDean–Stark
[ ]
Octanoic acid/
Candida antarctica lipase (Novozym 435)356090Hexyl octanoateGlass vials and thermoshaker[ ]
Benzoic acid/1-PropanolTriphenylphosphine and iodine853093Propyl benzoateMicrowave
[ ]
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Udrea, I.-A.; Lukinich-Gruia, A.T.; Paul, C.; Pricop, M.-A.; Dan, M.; Păunescu, V.; Băloi, A.; Tatu, C.A.; Vaszilcsin, N.; Ordodi, V.L. Experimental Device for the “Green” Synthesis of Unbranched Aliphatic Esters C4–C8 Using an Audio Frequency Electric Field. Processes 2024 , 12 , 1891. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr12091891

Udrea I-A, Lukinich-Gruia AT, Paul C, Pricop M-A, Dan M, Păunescu V, Băloi A, Tatu CA, Vaszilcsin N, Ordodi VL. Experimental Device for the “Green” Synthesis of Unbranched Aliphatic Esters C4–C8 Using an Audio Frequency Electric Field. Processes . 2024; 12(9):1891. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr12091891

Udrea, Ioan-Alexandru, Alexandra Teodora Lukinich-Gruia, Cristina Paul, Maria-Alexandra Pricop, Mircea Dan, Virgil Păunescu, Alexandru Băloi, Călin A. Tatu, Nicolae Vaszilcsin, and Valentin L. Ordodi. 2024. "Experimental Device for the “Green” Synthesis of Unbranched Aliphatic Esters C4–C8 Using an Audio Frequency Electric Field" Processes 12, no. 9: 1891. https://doi.org/10.3390/pr12091891

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Ammonia Synthesis via Membrane Dielectric-Barrier Discharge Reactor Integrated with Metal Catalyst

  • Original Paper
  • Published: 03 September 2024

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what is experimental yield

  • Visal Veng 1 ,
  • Saleh Ahmat Ibrahim 2 ,
  • Benard Tabu 1 ,
  • Ephraim Simasiku 1 ,
  • Joshua Landis 1 ,
  • John Hunter Mack 1 ,
  • Fanglin Che 2 &
  • Juan Pablo Trelles 1  

The synthesis of ammonia using non-thermal plasma can present distinct advantages for distributed stand-alone operations powered by electricity from renewable energy sources. We present the synthesis of ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen using a membrane Dielectric-Barrier Discharge (mDBD) reactor integrated with metal catalyst. The reactor used a porous alumina membrane as a dielectric-barrier and as a distributor of H 2 , a configuration that leads to greater NH 3 production than using pre-mixed N 2 and H 2 . The membrane is surrounded by catalyst powder held by glass wool as porous dielectric support filling the plasma region. We evaluated nickel, cobalt, and bimetallic nickel-cobalt as catalysts due to their predicted lower activation energy under non-thermal plasma conditions as determined through Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. The catalysts were loaded at 5% by weight on alumina powder. The performance of the catalytic mDBD reactor was assessed using electrical, optical, and spectroscopic diagnostics, as well as Fourier-Transform Infrared spectroscopy. Experimental results showed that the glass wool support suppresses microdischarges, generally leading to greater ammonia production. The Ni-Co/Al 2 O 3 catalyst produced the greatest energy yield of 0.87 g-NH 3 /kWh, compared to a maximum of 0.82 and 0.78 g-NH 3 /kWh for the Co/Al 2 O 3 and Ni/Al 2 O 3 catalysts, respectively. Although the differences in performance among the three metal catalysts are small, they corroborate the predictions by DFT. Moreover, the maximum energy yield for bare Al 2 O 3 (no metal catalyst) with dielectric support was 0.38 g-NH 3 /kWh, for mDBD operation with no metal catalyst or dielectric support was 0.28 g-NH 3 /kWh, and for standard DBD operation (no membrane, dielectric support, or catalyst) was 0.08 g-NH 3 /kWh, i.e., 2.1, 3.1, and 11 times lower, respectively, than the maximum energy yield for the Ni-Co/Al 2 O 3 catalyst with dielectric support. The study shows that the integration of dielectric membrane and metal catalyst is an effective approach at enhancing ammonia production in a DBD reactor.

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This work was support by Department of Navy award N00014-22-1-2001 issued by the Office of Naval Research. The United States Government has a royalty-free license throughout the world for all copyrightable material contained herein. This research used the resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), a U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science User Facility supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 using NERSC awards BES-ERCAP0027465 and BES-ERCAP0028368.

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Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA, USA

Visal Veng, Benard Tabu, Ephraim Simasiku, Joshua Landis, John Hunter Mack & Juan Pablo Trelles

Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Lowell, MA, USA

Saleh Ahmat Ibrahim & Fanglin Che

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Visal Veng: Investigation, Visualization, Writing – Original Draft Preparation (lead); Saleh Ahmat Ibrahim: Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations (supporting); Benard Tabu: optical emission spectroscopy (supporting); Ephraim Simasiku: Membrane DBD reactor design analysis (supporting); Joshua E. Landis: Resources: Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis (supporting); J. Hunter Mack: Resources and Supervision: Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis (lead); Fanglin Che: Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations (lead); Juan Pablo Trelles: Conceptualization (lead), Funding Acquisition (lead), Project Administration (lead), Supervision (lead), and Writing – Review & Editing (lead).

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Correspondence to Juan Pablo Trelles .

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About this article

Veng, V., Ibrahim, S.A., Tabu, B. et al. Ammonia Synthesis via Membrane Dielectric-Barrier Discharge Reactor Integrated with Metal Catalyst. Plasma Chem Plasma Process (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11090-024-10502-7

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Received : 05 February 2024

Accepted : 23 August 2024

Published : 03 September 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s11090-024-10502-7

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  1. PPT

    what is experimental yield

  2. Theoretical yield

    what is experimental yield

  3. Actual Yield Definition in Chemistry

    what is experimental yield

  4. PPT

    what is experimental yield

  5. How To Find Theoretical And Percent Yield

    what is experimental yield

  6. How to Calculate Percent Yield in Chemistry: 15 Steps

    what is experimental yield


  1. Quantum yield and experimental measurement of quantum yield

  2. Reaction Stoichiometry Calculations: Percent Yield


  4. 3.7c percent yield

  5. 1.4.3 Solve problems involving theoretical, experimental and percentage yield

  6. To prepare a sample of acetanilide from aniline


  1. Percent Yield Definition and Formula

    Percent yield is the percent ratio of actual yield to the theoretical yield. It is calculated to be the experimental yield divided by the theoretical yield multiplied by 100%. If the actual and theoretical yield are the same, percent yield is 100%.

  2. Understanding Percent Yield and Theoretical Yield

    Determine the Theoretical Yield: Use stoichiometry to find the theoretical yield, ensuring it is in the same units as the actual yield. Measure the Actual Yield: Obtain this from your experimental data. Apply the Percent Yield Formula: Insert your actual and theoretical yields into the percent yield formula to find the efficiency of your reaction.

  3. 4.4 Reaction Yields

    Percent Yield. The amount of product that may be produced by a reaction under specified conditions, as calculated per the stoichiometry of an appropriate balanced chemical equation, is called the theoretical yield of the reaction. In practice, the amount of product obtained is called the actual yield, and it is often less than the theoretical yield for a number of reasons.

  4. Theoretical, experimental and percentage yield

    The theoretical yield of a reaction is the amount of product you would get if you use up all of the limiting reagent, and if there is no loss, e.g. by degradation of reactant or product or by formation of byproducts. The experimental yield is the actual amount of product you obtain when performing a given experiment. The percentage yield is a ...

  5. Calculating Experimental Yields

    Calculating Experimental Yields. 1. Ensure you have a correctly balanced equation for the reaction performed. 2. Determine how many moles of each species were used in the reaction. 3. Determine which species is the limiting reagent, remembering to use the reaction stoichiometry. 4.

  6. Actual Yield Definition in Chemistry

    Actual Yield Definition. Actual yield is the amount of product you experimentally obtain from a chemical reaction. In contrast, theoretical yield is the amount of product you obtain if all of the reactant converts to product. Actual yield is an empirical value that you measure in the lab, while theoretical yield is a calculated value.

  7. Calculating Percent Yield

    What is Percent Yield? When performing an experiment, there is a maximum yield you can obtain if there are perfect reaction conditions; this is the theoretical yield. However, even if you follow an experiment correctly, it is likely that you will not have a perfect yield of the product; the amount of product you end up with is your actual yield.

  8. Theoretical Yield and Percent Yield

    The actual yield is the amount of product that is actually formed when the reaction is carried out in the laboratory. The percent yield is the ratio of the actual yield to the theoretical yield, expressed as a percentage. Percent Yield = Actual Yield Theoretical Yield × 100 % Percent yield is very important in the manufacture of products.

  9. Yields

    In three steps, the mass-mass calculation is. Thus, the theoretical yield is 88.3 g of Zn (NO 3) 2. The actual yield is the amount that was actually made, which was 65.2 g of Zn (NO 3) 2. To calculate the percent yield, we take the actual yield and divide it by the theoretical yield and multiply by 100: The worker achieved almost three-fourths ...

  10. Khan Academy

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  11. Percent Yield

    Percent yield represents the ratio between what is experimentally obtained and what is theoretically calculated, multiplied by 100%. #"% yield" = ("actual yield")/("theoretical yield") * 100%# So, let's say you want to do an experiment in the lab. You want to measure how much water is produced when 12.0 g of glucose (#C_6H_12O_6#) is burned with enough oxygen.

  12. Actual Yield Calculator

    The actual yield is usually lower than the theoretical yield because few reactions proceed to absolute completion (i.e., they aren't 100% efficient) ... For example, the decomposition of magnesium carbonate to form magnesium oxide has an experimental percent yield of 79 % 79\% 79%. The theoretical yield is known to be Y t = 19 g Y_ ...

  13. Percent Yield Formula and Definition

    Percent Yield Formula and Definition. Percent yield is the actual yield divided by the theoretical yield multiplied by 100%. In chemistry, percent yield is a comparison of actual yield to theoretical yield, expressed as a percentage. Here is a look at the percent yield formula, how to calculate it, and why it may be less than or greater than 100%.

  14. Percent Yield

    The percentage yield formula is calculated to be the experimental yield divided by theoretical yield multiplied by 100. If the actual and theoretical yield is the same, the percent yield is 100%. Usually, the percent yield is lower than 100% because the actual yield is often less than the theoretical value.

  15. Yield (chemistry)

    Yield (chemistry) In chemistry, yield, also known as reaction yield or chemical yield, refers to the amount of product obtained in a chemical reaction. [1] Yield is one of the primary factors that scientists must consider in organic and inorganic chemical synthesis processes. [2] In chemical reaction engineering, "yield", "conversion" and ...

  16. Actual Yield Definition (Chemistry)

    Actual Yield Definition. The actual yield is the quantity of a product that is obtained from a chemical reaction. In contrast, the calculated or theoretical yield is the amount of product that could be obtained from a reaction if all of the reactant converts to product. Theoretical yield is based on the limiting reactant.

  17. 5: Experimental Design

    Experimental design is a discipline within statistics concerned with the analysis and design of experiments. Design is intended to help research create experiments such that cause and effect can be established from tests of the hypothesis. We introduced elements of experimental design in Chapter 2.4. Here, we expand our discussion of ...

  18. Experimental Device for the "Green" Synthesis of Unbranched Aliphatic

    One of the most important reactions in organic synthesis is esterification, and the compounds generated using this process are esters with a wide range of applications in various industries. Numerous approaches have been employed to enhance the ester yield and reaction rate and establish equilibrium in esterification reactions. This study uses a non-catalytic thermal esterification method to ...

  19. Ammonia Synthesis via Membrane Dielectric-Barrier Discharge Reactor

    Experimental results showed that the glass wool support suppresses microdischarges, generally leading to greater ammonia production. The Ni-Co/Al2O3 catalyst produced the greatest energy yield of 0.87 g-NH3/kWh, compared to a maximum of 0.82 and 0.78 g-NH3/kWh for the Co/Al2O3 and Ni/Al2O3 catalysts, respectively.