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Fuel Conservation Essay | Essay on Fuel Conservation for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Fuel Conservation Essay: the first thing that we need to know about fuel conservation is what it truly means and why we need fuel conservation. We need fuel conservation because our Earth, though rich in natural resources and fossil fuels, has a specific limit. If we do not conserve and use our resources wisely, we will have to face the consequences.

In this article, we have provided an Fuel Conservation essay and a brief essay along with ten lines on the topic of fuel conservation so that children can write this Essay in their examinations.

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Long and Short Essay on Fuel Conservation for Students and Kids in English

Given below is a Fuel Conservation essay composed of 500 words on fuel conservation and a brief composition comprising around 100-150 words on the same topic.

Long Essay on Fuel Conservation in English 500 words

Essay on Fuel Conservation is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Fuel conservation is a fundamental concept that most people need to understand. While talking about environmental issues, we must keep in mind that fuel wastage and maintenance are the two things that we must follow.

There are two kinds of resources in this world – renewable resources and non-renewable resources, renewable resources can be recycled and reused repeatedly. Thus, they are not wasteful. Non-renewable resources refer to the ones that cannot be reused and recycled. These are wasteful and cause pollution.

Fuels are also of two kinds. Fossil fuels like coal, petroleum, and diesel are non-renewable fuels. Once used, they take millions of years to reform and thus =, are practically non-reusable. On the other hand, alternative fuels like solar energy, wind energy, and hydroelectricity are renewable fuels, and they rarely run out of supply.

When we talk about fuel conservation, we must concentrate on the harmful effects of using fossil fuels. Petroleum and oil are obtained by digging huge wells. The oil-producing parts of the ocean are dugout for the extraction of oil. Millions of dollars are spent on the importation of petroleum from the Middle Eastern countries.

Coal is a fuel that takes millions of years to form. It is inconvenient for usages as it emits enormous amounts of smoke, which is harmful to the environment. We are using fossil fuels at an alarming rate, and this is very likely to harm us. Once the resource runs out of supply and depletion of resources begins, humankind will not be left with another choice.

Fuel conservation refers to the attempt to conserve and preserve these fossil fuels. We can use alternative sources of energy and, thus, minimize the use of fossil fuels. Alternative sources of energy guarantee sustainable development and, therefore, pave a path for us to leave behind the limited and non-renewable sources of ammunition for our next generations.

Solar energy is an extraordinarily cheap and enjoyable way of conserving fuels. We can harness solar power by using solar panels. Solar panels are usually fixed on the rooftops of buildings. Solar energy can be used to heat water and run solar cookers. Thus, the use of fossil fuels is reduced. Scientists are also researching ways to use solar energy for running vehicles. Biogas is another excellent way of conserving fuels.

Biogas is prepared by processing cow dung in a pollution-free environment. Biogas can be used to cook and heat things. Wind energy and water energy, preferably hydroelectricity, can be an excellent replacement for fossil fuels. Hydroelectricity is harnessed in dams and can be used to provide electricity at homes.

Thus, avoiding the use of fossil fuels is a step forward towards fuel conservation. Using Natural gas in vehicles also helps to reduce the use of petroleum. Natural gas also causes less pollution and is a more convenient fuel for automobiles. Fossil fuels must be saved for the next generations. They are precious, and we must understand their worth. Fuel conservation is necessary for the creation of a beautiful world.

Short Essay on Fuel Conservation in English 150 words

Fuel Conservation Essay is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Fuel conservation is an essential part of saving and protecting the environment. The smoke and gases produced due to the combustion of fossil fuels are hazardous. We need to keep our fuels from getting rapidly depleted. We can start by using wind energy to produce electricity. The windmills set up near seashores harness power, and that is very safe.

We can also use natural gas in our cars instead of using petrol and diesel. Oil wells in the sea cause enormous pollution and put marine life in grave danger. We must understand and empathize with these situations. In villages, using coal for cooking is very prevalent. But this causes pollution. Using biogas as a fuel for food will help to reduce this. We must work towards sustainable development.

10 Lines on Essay on Fuel Conservation in English

  • Fuel conservation is essential to promote sustainable development.
  • Fossil fuels like coal, petrol, and diesel take millions of years to form and cannot be renewed. It is a detailed chemical process, and they are not unlimited on Earth.
  • Fuel conservation refers to conserving our natural resources so that our next generations do not have to suffer the consequences of fuel depletion.
  • Using biogas and solar energy to cook food is an excellent way to start fuel conservation. Solar energy is unlimited and does not cause any pollution.
  • Using battery-driven cars and motors in place of using petroleum assures the conservation of fuel.
  • We must also empathize with the harm caused to marine life due to digging oil reserves in oceans and take steps to reduce it.
  • In some India, using natural gas as a fuel for auto-rickshaws became compulsory to prevent the enormous smoke emitted.
  • Fuel conservation helps us to make our planet a more habitable place.
  • We must also acknowledge how scientists are continually trying to develop alternative sources of fuels.
  • We must conserve and use fuel wisely to make Earth a better planet.

Frequently Asked Questions on Fuel Conservation Essay

Question 1. What are fossil fuels?

Answer: Fossil fuels are non-renewable fuels that take a long time to form and are harmful to the environment. Coal, petroleum, etc., are fossil fuels.

Question 2. Can we get petroleum in India?

Answer: Petrol is mostly imported to India from the Middle Eastern countries like UAE, Syria, Iran, etc.

Question 3. How can we harness solar energy?

Answer: Solar energy can be harnessed by using solar panels and converting it to heat energy. It can be used to cook food in solar cookers.

Question 4. What is hydroelectricity?

Answer: Hydroelectricity refers to the electricity extracted from water—it id done in dams and hydroelectricity projects.

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Why are fossil fuels so hard to quit?

We understand today that humanity’s use of fossil fuels is severely damaging our environment. Fossil fuels cause local pollution where they are produced and used, and their ongoing use is causing lasting harm to the climate of our entire planet. Nonetheless, meaningfully changing our ways has been very difficult.

But suddenly, the COVID-19 pandemic brought trade, travel, and consumer spending to a near-standstill. With billions of people recently under stay-at-home orders and economic activity plunging worldwide, the demand for and price of oil have fallen further and faster than ever before. Needless to say, oil markets have been in turmoil and producers around the world are suffering.

Some pundits are now asking if this crisis could be the push the world needs to move away from oil. One asked: “ Could the coronavirus crisis be the beginning of the end for the oil industry? ” Another: “ Will the coronavirus kill the oil industry and help save the climate? ” Meanwhile, 2020 annual greenhouse gas emissions are  forecast to decline  between 4 – 7% as a result of the virus’ effects, and some of the world’s smoggiest cities are currently enjoying clear skies.

The idea that the pandemic could ultimately help save the planet misses crucial points. First and foremost, damaging the world’s economy is not the way to deal with climate change. And in terms of oil, what will take its place? We haven’t found a good substitute for oil, in terms of its availability and fitness for purpose. Although the supply is finite, oil is plentiful and the technology to extract it continues to improve, making it ever-more economic to produce and use. The same is also largely true for natural gas.

Climate change is real and we see its effects clearly now: In 2019 worldwide, 15 extreme weather events , exacerbated by climate change, caused more than $1 billion in damage each. Four of these events each caused more than $10 billion in damage. The large-scale use of fossil fuels tops the list of factors contributing to climate change. But the concentrated energy that they provide has proven hard to replace. Why?

A reporter raised that very question to me after a press Q&A that I did at a conference a few years ago. “We know that oil contributes to climate change and other environmental problems — why do we still use it? Why don’t we just quit already?,” he asked me.

Until that moment, I hadn’t thought enough about how my experience and background give me a clearer view than many on the promise and challenge of moving to a cleaner energy system. I have gained a wide-angle view of the energy industry as I’ve moved through my career, working in government and in consulting — for both oil and gas and clean energy clients — and then moving into the think tank world.

fossil fuel Generated from the decomposition of ancient plant and animal matter over millions of years. Coal, oil, and natural gas are fossil fuels.

To deal with the challenge of climate change, we must start by understanding the fossil fuel system — namely how energy is produced and used. Although fossil fuel companies are politically powerful, in the United States and around the world, their lobbying prowess is not the key reason that their fuels dominate the global energy system. Likewise, the transition to an all-renewable energy system is not a simple task. But the politics of blame are popular, as we’ve seen during the 2020 election campaign and in light of recent lawsuits against fossil fuel companies. There is plenty of blame to go around, from fossil fuel companies that for years denied the problem to policymakers reluctant to enact the policies needed to force real change. It has been easier for everyone to stick with the status quo.

The world needs technology and strong policy to move in a new direction. Throughout history, humanity’s energy use has moved toward more concentrated, convenient, and flexible forms of energy. Understanding the advantages of today’s energy sources and the history of past transitions can help us understand how to move toward low-carbon energy sources. With greater understanding of the climate challenge, we are making huge strides in developing the technology we need to move toward a low-carbon future. Still, understanding how we got here and why the modern world was built on fossil fuels is crucial to understanding where we go from here.

Our energy comes from the sun, one way or another

In the pre-industrial age, solar energy met all of humanity’s energy needs. Plants convert solar energy into biomass through the process of photosynthesis. People burned this biomass for heat and light. Plants provided food for people and animals, which, in turn, used their muscle power to do work. Even as humans learned to smelt metals and make glass, they fueled the process with charcoal made from wood. Apart from photosynthesis, humans made some use of wind and water power, also ultimately fueled by the sun. Temperature differences in the atmosphere brought about by sunlight drive the wind, and the cycle of rainfall and flowing water also gets its energy from sunlight. But the sun is at the center of this system, and people could only use the energy that the sun provided in real time, mostly from plants.

biomass Plant material, including leaves, stalks, and woody mass. Biomass can be burned directly or processed to create biofuels , like ethanol.

This balance between human energy use and sunlight sounds like utopia, but as the human population grew and became more urban, the bio-based energy system brought problems. In England, wood became scarce in the 1500s and 1600s, since it was not only used for fuel, but also for building material. London, for instance, grew from 60,000 people in 1534 to 530,000 in 1696, and the price of firewood and lumber rose faster than any other commodity. The once lush forests of England were denuded.

In 1900, roughly 50,000 horses pulled cabs and buses around the streets of London, not including carts to transport goods. As you can imagine, this created an enormous amount of waste. As Lee Jackson writes in his book “ Dirty Old London ,” by the 1890s London’s immense horse population generated roughly 1,000 tons of dung per day. All this manure also attracted flies, which spread disease. The transportation system was literally making people sick. The pre-fossil era was not the utopia we envision.

Fossil fuels opened new doors for humanity. They formed from the transformation of ancient plants through pressure, temperature, and tens to hundreds of millions of years, essentially storing the sun’s energy over time. The resulting fuels freed humanity from its reliance on photosynthesis and current biomass production as its primary energy source. Instead, fossil fuels allowed the use of more energy than today’s photosynthesis could provide, since they represent a stored form of solar energy.

First coal, then oil and natural gas allowed rapid growth in industrial processes, agriculture, and transportation. The world today is unrecognizable from that of the early 19th century, before fossil fuels came into wide use. Human health and welfare have improved markedly, and the global population has increased from 1 billion in 1800 to almost 8 billion today. The fossil fuel energy system is the lifeblood of the modern economy. Fossil fuels powered the industrial revolution, pulled millions out of poverty, and shaped the modern world.

How energy density and convenience drove fossil fuel growth

The first big energy transition was from wood and charcoal to coal, beginning in the iron industry in the early 1700s. By 1900, coal was the primary industrial fuel, taking over from biomass to make up half the world’s fuel use. Coal has three times the energy density by weight of dry wood and is widely distributed throughout the world. Coal became the preferred fuel for ships and locomotives, allowing them to dedicate less space to fuel storage.

Oil was the next major energy source to emerge. Americans date the beginning of the oil era to the first commercial U.S. oil well in Pennsylvania in 1859, but oil was used and sold in modern-day Azerbaijan and other areas centuries earlier. Oil entered the market as a replacement for whale oil for lighting, with gasoline produced as a by-product of kerosene production. However, oil found its true calling in the transportation sector. The oil era really took off with the introduction of the Ford Model-T in 1908 and the boom in personal transportation after World War II. Oil overtook coal to become the world’s largest energy source in 1964.

Oil resources are not as extensively distributed worldwide as coal, but oil has crucial advantages. Fuels produced from oil are nearly ideal for transportation. They are energy-dense, averaging twice the energy content of coal, by weight. But more importantly, they are liquid rather than solid, allowing the development of the internal combustion engine that drives transportation today.

Different fuels carry different amounts of energy per unit of weight.  Fossil fuels are more energy dense than other sources. 

Oil changed the course of history. For example, the British and American navies switched from coal to oil prior to World War I, allowing their ships to go further than coal-fired German ships before refueling. Oil also allowed greater speed at sea and could be moved to boilers by pipe instead of manpower, both clear advantages. During World War II, the United States produced nearly two-thirds of the world’s oil, and its steady supply was crucial to the Allied victory. The German army’s blitzkrieg strategy became impossible when fuel supplies could not keep up, and a lack of fuel took a toll on the Japanese navy.

Natural gas, a fossil fuel that occurs in gaseous form, can be found in underground deposits on its own, but is often present underground with oil. Gas produced with oil was often wasted in the early days of the oil industry, and an old industry saying was that looking for oil and finding gas instead was a quick way to get fired. In more recent times, natural gas has become valued for its clean, even combustion and its usefulness as a feedstock for industrial processes. Nonetheless, because it is in a gaseous form, it requires specific infrastructure to reach customers, and natural gas is still wasted in areas where that infrastructure doesn’t exist.

A final key development in world energy use was the emergence of electricity in the 20th century. Electricity is not an energy source like coal or oil, but a method for delivering and using energy. Electricity is very efficient, flexible, clean, and quiet at the point of use. Like oil, electricity’s first use was in lighting, but the development of the induction motor allowed electricity to be efficiently converted to mechanical energy, powering everything from industrial processes to household appliances and vehicles.

Over the 20th century, the energy system transformed from one in which fossil energy was used directly into one in which an important portion of fossil fuels are used to generate electricity. The proportion used in electricity generation varies by fuel. Because oil — an energy-dense liquid — is so fit-for-purpose in transport, little of it goes to electricity; in contrast, roughly 63% of coal produced worldwide is used to generate electricity. Methods of generating electricity that don’t rely on fossil fuels, like nuclear and hydroelectric generation, are also important parts of the system in many areas. However, fossil fuels are still the backbone of the electricity system, generating 64% of today’s global supply.

Fossil fuels still dominate global electricity generation.

In sum, the story of energy transitions through history has not just been about moving away from current solar flows and toward fossil fuels. It has also been a constant move toward fuels that are more energy-dense and convenient to use than the fuels they replaced. Greater energy density means that a smaller weight or volume of fuel is needed to do the job. Liquid fuels made from oil combine energy density with the ability to flow or be moved by pumps, an advantage that opened up new technologies, especially in transportation. And electricity is a very flexible way of consuming energy, useful for many applications.

Back to the future – the return of the solar era

Fossil fuels allowed us to move away from relying on today’s solar flows, instead using concentrated solar energy stored over millions of years. Before we could make efficient use of solar flows, this seemed like a great idea.

carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide is gas released when carbon-containing fuels (biomass or fossil fuels) are burned. Carbon dioxide is the most important gas contributing to climate change.

However, the advantages of fossil fuels come with a devastating downside. We now understand that the release of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) from burning fossil fuels is warming our planet faster than anything we have seen in the geological record. One of the greatest challenges facing humanity today is slowing this warming before it changes our world beyond recognition.

Now that there are almost eight billion of us, we clearly see the impact of rising CO 2 concentrations. Going back to the old days of relying mostly on biomass for our energy needs is clearly not a solution. Nonetheless, we need to find a way to get back to reliance on real-time solar flows (and perhaps nuclear energy) to meet our needs. There are so many more of us now, interacting via a vastly larger and more integrated global economy, and using much more energy. But we also have technologies today that are much more efficient than photosynthesis at transforming solar flows to useful energy.

Since 1900, global population and economic activity have skyrocketed, along with fossil fuel consumption.

Unfortunately, the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide, the most consequential greenhouse gas, has steadily climbed at the same time, along with global average temperature. .

The earth gets plenty of energy from the sun for all of us, even for our modern energy-intensive lives. The amount of solar energy that reaches habitable land is more than 1,000 times the amount of fossil fuel energy extracted globally per year. The problem is that this energy is diffuse. The sun that warms your face is definitely providing energy, but you need to concentrate that energy to heat your home or move a vehicle.

renewable energy Renewable energy is from a source that is naturally replenished. (Ex: capturing wind using turbines or sunlight using solar cells does not change the amount of wind or sunlight that is available for future use.)

This is where modern technology comes in. Wind turbines and solar photovoltaic (PV) cells convert solar energy flows into electricity, in a process much more efficient than burning biomass, the pre-industrial way of capturing solar energy. Costs for wind and solar PV have been dropping rapidly and they are now mainstream, cost-effective technologies. Some existing forms of generating electricity, mainly nuclear and hydroelectricity, also don’t result in CO 2 emissions. Combining new renewables with these existing sources represents an opportunity to decarbonize — or eliminate CO 2 emissions from — the electricity sector. Electricity generation is an important source of emissions, responsible for 27% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2018.

However, unlike fossil fuels, wind and solar can only generate electricity when the wind is blowing or the sun is shining. This is an engineering challenge, since the power grid operates in real time: Power is generated and consumed simultaneously, with generation varying to keep the system in balance.

greenhouse gas A gas that traps heat in the earth’s atmosphere, including carbon dioxide, methane, ozone, and nitrous oxides.

Engineering challenges beget engineering solutions, and a number of solutions can help. Power grids that cover a larger area are easier to balance, given that if it isn’t windy or sunny in one location, it may be somewhere else. Demand-response strategies can encourage customers with flexibility in their processes to use more power when renewable power is available and to cut back when it isn’t. Power storage technologies can save excess electricity to be used later. Hydroelectric dams can serve this function now, and declining costs will make batteries more economic for power storage on the grid. Storage solutions work well over a timeframe of hours — storing solar power to use in the evening, for example. But longer-term storage poses a greater challenge. Perhaps excess electricity can be used to create hydrogen or other fuels that can be stored and used at a later time. Finally, fossil fuel generation often fills in the gaps in renewable generation today, especially natural gas generation, which can be efficiently ramped up and down to meet demand.

Transforming solar energy flow into electricity is a clear place to start in creating a decarbonized energy system. A simple formula is to decarbonize the electricity sector and electrify all the energy uses we can. Many important processes can be electrified — especially stationary uses, like in buildings and many industrial processes. To deal with climate change, this formula is the low-hanging fruit.

The two parts of this formula must proceed together. A shiny new electric vehicle in the driveway signals your concern about the environment to your neighbors, but achieving its full potential benefit also requires a greener power system. For today’s power system in the United States, and nearly everywhere in the world, electric vehicles provide emissions benefits , but the extent of those benefits varies greatly by location. Achieving the full potential benefit of electric vehicles would require a grid that supplies all renewable or zero-carbon power, something that no area in the United States consistently achieves today.

Wind and solar power aren’t everything – the remaining challenges

“Electrify everything” is a great plan, so far as it goes, but not everything can be easily electrified. Certain qualities of fossil fuels are difficult to replicate, such as their energy density and their ability to provide very high heat. To decarbonize processes that rely on these qualities, you need low-carbon fuels that mimic the qualities of fossil fuels.

The energy density of fossil fuels is particularly important in the transportation sector. A vehicle needs to carry its fuel around as it travels, so the weight and volume of that fuel are key. Electric vehicles are a much-touted solution for replacing oil, but they are not perfect for all uses. Pound for pound, gasoline or diesel fuel contain about 40 times as much energy as a state-of-the-art battery. On the other hand, electric motors are much more efficient than internal combustion engines and electric vehicles are simpler mechanically, with many fewer moving parts. These advantages make up for some of the battery’s weight penalty, but an electric vehicle will still be heavier than a similar vehicle running on fossil fuel. For vehicles that carry light loads and can refuel often, like passenger cars, this penalty isn’t a big deal. But for aviation, maritime shipping, or long-haul trucking, where the vehicle must carry heavy loads for long distances without refueling, the difference in energy density between fossil fuels and batteries is a huge challenge, and electric vehicles just don’t meet the need.


Gasoline carries much more energy per unit of weight than a battery. a gas-powered car with a 12.4-gallon tank carries 77.5 pounds of gasoline., a 77.5-pound battery, in contrast, would only carry an electric car 21 miles., an electric car with a range of 360 miles would need a 1,334 pound battery., weight of vehicle, despite the weight of the battery, other components of electric vehicles are lighter and simpler than their counterparts in a gasoline car. thus, the overall weight penalty for electric vehicles isn’t as severe as the weight penalty for the battery alone. .

Industrial processes that need very high heat — such as the production of steel, cement, and glass — pose another challenge. Steel blast furnaces operate at about 1,100° C, and cement kilns operate at about 1,400° C. These very high temperatures are hard to achieve without burning a fuel and are thus difficult to power with electricity.

Renewable electricity can’t solve the emissions problem for processes that can’t run on electricity. For these processes, the world needs zero-carbon fuels that mimic the properties of fossil fuels — energy-dense fuels that can be burned. A number of options exist, but they each have pros and cons and generally need more work to be commercially and environmentally viable.

Biofuels are a possibility, since the carbon released when the biofuel is burned is the same carbon taken up as the plant grew. However, the processing required to turn plants into usable fuels consumes energy, and this results in CO 2 emissions, meaning that biofuels are not zero-carbon unless the entire process runs on renewable or zero-carbon energy. For example, the corn ethanol blended into gasoline in the United States averages only 39% lower CO 2 emissions than the gasoline it replaces, given the emissions that occur from transporting the corn to processing facilities and converting it to fuel. Biofuels also compete for arable land with food production and conservation uses, such as for recreation or fish and wildlife, which gets more challenging as biofuel production increases. Fuels made from crop waste or municipal waste can be better, in terms of land use and carbon emissions, but supply of these wastes is limited and the technology needs improvement to be cost-effective.

Another pathway is to convert renewable electricity into a combustible fuel. Hydrogen can be produced by using renewable electricity to split water atoms into their hydrogen and oxygen components. The hydrogen could then be burned as a zero-carbon fuel, similar to the way natural gas is used today. Electricity, CO 2 , and hydrogen could be also combined to produce liquid fuels to replace diesel and jet fuel. However, when we split water atoms or create liquid fuels from scratch, the laws of thermodynamics are not in our favor. These processes use electricity to, in effect, run the combustion process backwards, and thus use large amounts of energy. Since these processes would use vast amounts of renewable power, they only make sense in applications where electricity cannot be used directly.

Carbon capture and storage or use is a final possibility for stationary applications like heavy industry. Fossil fuels would still be burned and create CO 2 , but it would be captured instead of released into the atmosphere. Processes under development envision removing CO 2 from ambient air. In either case, the CO 2 would then be injected deep underground or used in an industrial process.

The most common use for captured CO 2 today is in enhanced oil recovery, where pressurized CO 2 is injected into an oil reservoir to squeeze out more oil. The idea of capturing CO 2 and using it to produce more fossil fuel seems backwards — does that really reduce emissions overall? But studies show that the captured CO 2 stays in the oil reservoir permanently when it is injected in this way. And if enough CO 2 is injected during oil production, it might make up for the combustion emissions of the produced oil, or even result in overall negative emissions. This won’t be a panacea for all oil use, but could make oil use feasible in those applications, like aviation, where it is very hard to replace.

Carbon capture is today the cheapest way to deal with emissions from heavy industries that require combustion. It has the advantage that it can also capture CO 2 emissions that come from the process itself, rather than from fuel combustion, as occurs in cement production when limestone is heated to produce a component of cement with CO 2 as a by-product.

When considering how carbon capture might contribute to climate change mitigation, we have to remember that fossil fuels are not the ultimate cause of the problem — CO 2 emissions are. If maintaining some fossil fuel use with carbon capture is the easiest way to deal with certain sources of emissions, that’s still solving the fundamental problem.

Our biggest challenges are political

Science clearly tells us that we need to remake our energy system and eliminate CO 2 emissions. However, in addition to the engineering challenges, the nature of climate change makes it politically challenging to deal with as well. Minimizing the impact of climate change requires re-making a multi-trillion-dollar industry that lies at the center of the economy and people’s lives. Reducing humanity’s reliance on fossil fuels requires investments here and now that provide uncertain, long-term benefits. These decisions are particularly difficult for politicians, who tend to focus on policies with immediate, local benefits that voters can see. Last year The New York Times asked , for instance, “whether any climate policy is both big enough to matter and popular enough to happen.” Durable climate policy requires securing buy-in from a range of actors, including politicians from both parties, business leaders, and civil society. Their perspectives inevitably differ, and the lack of consensus — combined with very real efforts to exert pressure on the policymaking process — is a key reason that climate action is so politically difficult. (To try your hand at navigating the policy dilemmas, play our — admittedly simplified! — game below: “A president’s climate quandary.”)

In the United States and other parts of the wealthy world, current efforts focus on reducing the greenhouse gas emissions from our energy-intensive lives. But the second part of today’s energy challenge is providing modern energy to the billion people in the developing world that don’t currently have it. You don’t hear as much about the second goal in the public discourse about climate change, but it’s crucial that developing countries follow a cleaner path than the developed world did. The need to provide both cleaner energy and more energy for developing countries magnifies the challenge, but a solution that leaves out the developing world is no solution at all.

Plentiful and inexpensive fossil fuels make transitioning away from them more difficult. Around 15 years ago, pundits were focused on “peak oil” — the idea that the world was running out of oil, or at least inexpensive oil, and that a reckoning was coming. Events of the past decade have proven that theory wrong. Instead of declining oil production and rising prices, we’ve seen the opposite, nowhere more than here in the United States. Technology has brought about a boom in oil production; geologists long knew the resources were there, but did not know how to make money producing them. There’s no reason to expect this trend to slow down anytime soon. In other words, running out of oil will not save us. The world will need to transition away from oil and other fossil fuels while they are abundant and inexpensive — not an easy task.

To achieve this technically and politically challenging transition, we need to avoid one-dimensional solutions. My own thoughts about how we need to deal with climate change have certainly evolved over time, as we understand the climate system better and as time passes with emissions still increasing. As an example, I used to be skeptical of the idea of carbon capture, either from industrial processes or directly from the air. The engineer in me just couldn’t see using such an energy-hungry process to capture emissions. I’ve changed my mind, with a greater understanding of processes that will be hard to decarbonize any other way.

The accumulation of CO 2 in the atmosphere is like putting air into a balloon. It’s a cumulative system: We’re continually adding to the total concentration of a substance that may last in the atmosphere for up to 200 years. We don’t know when the effects of warming will become overwhelming, but we do know that the system will become stretched and compromised — experiencing more negative effects — as the balloon fills. The cumulative nature of the climate system means that we need more stringent measures the longer that we wait. In other words: Sooner action is better. We need to take action now where it’s easiest, in the electricity and light vehicle sectors, and in making new buildings extremely energy efficient. Other sectors need more technology, like heavy transport and industry, or will take a long time, like improving our existing stock of buildings.

Those pushing to end fossil fuel production now are missing the point that fossil fuels will still be needed for some time in certain sectors. Eliminating unpopular energy sources or technologies, like nuclear or carbon capture, from the conversation is short-sighted. Renewable electricity generation alone won’t get us there — this is an all-technologies-on-deck problem. I fear that magical thinking and purity tests are taking hold in parts of the left end of the American political spectrum, while parts of the political right are guilty of outright denialism around the climate problem. In the face of such stark polarization, the focus on practical solutions can get lost — and practicality and ingenuity are the renewable resources humanity needs to meet the climate challenge.

Correction: An earlier version of a graphic in this piece mistakenly indicated that renewables comprise 0.6% of global electricity generation. It has been corrected to 9.3%.

About the Author

Samantha gross, related content.

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Editorial: Jeff Ball, Bruce Jones, Anna Newbyu

Research: Historical summaries of energy transitions owe a debt of gratitude to Vaclav Smil, a prolific author on the topic and the grandfather of big-picture thinking on energy transitions.

Graphics and design: Ian McAllister, Rachel Slattery

Web development: Eric Abalahin, Abigail Kaunda, Rachel Slattery

Feature image: Egorov Artem/Shutterstock

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Essay on Fuel Conservation

Students are often asked to write an essay on Fuel Conservation in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Fuel Conservation

Understanding fuel conservation.

Fuel conservation refers to the practice of saving and preserving fuel resources. It’s crucial because fuel, like petrol and diesel, is non-renewable.

Why is it Important?

Fuel conservation is important because it helps reduce pollution and save money. Additionally, it extends the lifespan of our non-renewable resources.

Ways to Conserve Fuel

We can conserve fuel by using public transport, carpooling, using energy-efficient appliances, and adopting renewable energy sources.

In conclusion, fuel conservation is a responsibility we all share. By making small changes in our daily lives, we can make a big difference.

250 Words Essay on Fuel Conservation

The need for fuel conservation.

The world’s energy demands are escalating at an alarming rate, leading to an increased exploitation of fossil fuels. This excessive use of non-renewable energy sources is causing environmental degradation and climate change. Moreover, the finite nature of these resources underscores the urgency for fuel conservation.

Methods of Fuel Conservation

Conservation can be achieved through various means. At an individual level, one can resort to energy-efficient appliances, use public transport, and practice carpooling. Industries can adopt cleaner technologies, recycle waste, and optimize energy use. Policymakers can enforce regulations promoting renewable energy and create public awareness about the importance of conservation.

Benefits of Fuel Conservation

Fuel conservation aids in mitigating climate change, preserving natural resources, and reducing dependence on fossil fuels. It also promotes economic stability as energy efficiency leads to cost savings. Furthermore, it encourages innovation and the development of renewable energy technologies.

In conclusion, fuel conservation is a critical aspect of sustainable development. It requires the collective effort of individuals, industries, and governments. By adopting conservation practices, we can ensure a cleaner, healthier, and sustainable future.

500 Words Essay on Fuel Conservation

Introduction: the imperative of fuel conservation.

Fuel conservation is a critical issue that requires our immediate attention. As we deplete our natural resources at an alarming rate, the need for fuel conservation has never been more pressing. The rapid industrialization and urbanization of our society have led to an exponential increase in fuel consumption, which in turn, has resulted in a significant depletion of our natural resources and an increase in environmental pollution.

The Concept of Fuel Conservation

Relevance of fuel conservation in the modern world.

In the modern world, the relevance of fuel conservation is multi-faceted. It is not just about preserving resources for future generations, but also about mitigating the impacts of climate change. The burning of fossil fuels contributes significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, leading to global warming. By conserving fuel, we can reduce these emissions and help slow down the pace of climate change.

There are numerous methods of fuel conservation that can be adopted at both individual and institutional levels. On an individual level, we can conserve fuel by using public transportation, carpooling, using energy-efficient appliances, and minimizing the use of air conditioning. On an institutional level, companies can adopt green technologies, optimize their operations for energy efficiency, and invest in renewable energy sources.

Challenges in Fuel Conservation

Conclusion: the future of fuel conservation.

The future of fuel conservation lies in our hands. It is a collective responsibility that requires a shift in our attitudes and behaviors. By embracing fuel conservation, we can ensure the sustainability of our natural resources, mitigate the impacts of climate change, and create a better future for ourselves and future generations. The time for action is now.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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How to Conserve Fossil Fuels

Last Updated: August 24, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff . Our trained team of editors and researchers validate articles for accuracy and comprehensiveness. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. There are 28 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article has 33 testimonials from our readers, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 415,996 times. Learn more...

Fossil fuels are non-renewable materials such as petroleum (oil and gas) and coal. In addition to causing local air pollution, the burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and contributes to climate change. Moreover, many fossil fuels are reaching their "peak" production, making extractions too expensive. For these reasons, you may want to curb—if not end—your use of these materials. You can do your part through the “three Rs” (reducing, reusing, and recycling), conserving energy, and making smart transportation choices.

Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling

Step 1 Reduce your use of plastic.

  • Buying or making reusable bags. Leave a couple in your car/on your bike for shopping. Tuck a small one into your purse for unplanned trips to the grocery store.
  • Asking your local grocery store to replace plastic bags with recycled paper bags or cardboard boxes. Even “biodegradable” plastic bags can end up in landfills, where they don’t break down properly. This makes them just as dangerous as regular plastic. [2] X Research source

Step 2 Reuse plastic containers to store food.

  • If your plastic is not considered to be food-safe, you can recycle it or reuse it for arts and crafts. For example, plastic tubs are great for storing water to rinse paintbrushes with.

Step 3 Refuse plastic as often as possible.

  • If you have a choice between paper or plastic bags, stick with paper. Of course, it would be even better if you brought your own bags.
  • Some restaurants and take-out places will allow you to bring your own food containers. Ask ahead of time if this is possible.

Step 4 Buy locally.

  • Buying food from your local farmer’s market.
  • Join a community-supported agriculture (CSA) program.
  • Growing your own food.

Step 5 Recycle what you can’t reduce or reuse.

  • For example, most recycling plants won’t recycle tissues, wax paper, or polystyrene. Unless they offer single-stream recycling, you’ll likely have to separate paper, plastics, glass, and metals. [7] X Research source
  • In some cities, recycling plants pay money for aluminum cans. Search online to see if your city offers this service. If it does, look for what kinds of aluminum cans are accepted. For example, some centers accept beverage cans but not pet food cans. [8] X Research source

Conserving Energy

Step 1 Use energy-efficient light bulbs.

  • LEDs are brighter than incandescent bulbs. If you’re sensitive to bright lights, look into fitting your lamps with darker lamp shades. For ceiling fixtures, consider installing LED-compatible dimmers. [9] X Research source

Step 2 Reduce lighting use.

  • Keep the lights off in rooms that you are not currently using.
  • On sunny days, open the curtains for some free solar lighting.
  • Consider switching to timers or motion sensors if you need lights on in unused areas for security or safety reasons. This is great for garden pathways.
  • Use dimmers and less lighting later at night to help your body get ready for sleep.
  • Switch to smaller, energy-efficient lights. If you’re reading or sewing, use a desk lamp rather than a ceiling lamp.

Step 3 Unplug small appliances and electronics.

  • If you have multiple electronics in, consider using a power strip. This way, you can simply turn the strip off to cut the power.

Step 4 Turn down the heat and air conditioner.

  • Insulate your home with weather stripping, caulk, and eco-friendly insulation. This will prevent cold winter air and hot summer air from making your home uncomfortable.

Step 5 Ditch the clothes dryer.

  • Clothes dryers can be rough on clothing. By switching to air drying, you may find that your clothes last longer.

Step 6 Use cooler water.

  • Don’t worry about germs surviving in cool water. As long as you’re using soap, you’ll still kill germs. [13] X Research source

Step 7 Power up with renewables.

  • Solar panels come in a variety of sizes for rooftops and yards. [16] X Research source If you prefer wind power, you can build or buy a turbine small enough for your backyard. [17] X Research source
  • If you’re an apartment/condo dweller or if you rent your home, look into buying offsets. Check online for power companies that match your energy consumption with clean power. You can stay with your current utility company, and it only takes a few minutes to sign up. [18] X Research source

Choosing Transportation Wisely

Step 1 Choose zero-carbon transportation.

  • If your community doesn’t have bike lanes/cycleways, contact your city council and campaign for them to be added.
  • Remember to practice good safety habits. If you are traveling in a dark area, have a reflector on you so that cars and other vehicles can see you. Wear a helmet when you bike.

Step 2 Use public transportation.

  • If your city doesn’t have mass transit, try to organize a carpool or vanpool in your neighborhood. This can reduce fossil fuel consumption by taking up to 15 vehicles off the road. [20] X Research source

Jane Goodall

Take action in your own life to protect the environment. "You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make."

Step 3 Don’t let your car idle.

  • If you live in a location that relies on coal-based electricity, you’ll still be using fossil fuels when you charge your car. However, you can reduce your impact by charging overnight when the grid is under less pressure. [23] X Research source

Step 5 Reduce your number of flights.

  • For business trips, ask your employer if you can telecommute instead of flying. The company will save money on airfare, and you’ll cut back on your carbon footprint.
  • If you have family members who live thousands of miles away, download video chat software like Skype. If your relatives also have it installed on their computers, you can talk for hours “face-to-face” without spending money or burning fossil fuels. [25] X Research source

Spreading the Word

Step 1 Talk to your friends and neighbors.

  • A great way to spread information is by going door-to-door.
  • If you want to hand out pamphlets, make sure that you use recycled paper.
  • Consider hosting a meeting or presentation at a community center so that you can educate a bunch of people at once.

Step 2 Contact your elected officials.

  • If you are still a kid, consider talking to your school principal or student council. They may find solutions for saving energy and paper.

Step 3 Join the divestment movement.

  • For example, if your bank or credit card company funds these projects, tell them you will do business with more responsible companies if they don't divest.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Follow news stories about innovations in cleaner jet fuels and ways that airlines are working on efficiency. [28] X Trustworthy Source NASA Independent agency of the U.S. government in charge of the aerospace research and the space program Go to source Send messages of support to airlines taking these measures. They need to know the average traveler cares about this issue. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If you must drive, try to do it outside of peak traffic times. This will give you a smoother, faster run that uses less fuel. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Try cycling or walking if your destination is nearby Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

Tips from our Readers

  • Another one is to use fewer chemical cleaning supplies. A lot of them are made by burning fossil fuels, so try to use more natural cleaners like baking soda and vinegar when you can.

essay on conservation of fossil fuels

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  • ↑ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-04-06/wind-and-solar-are-crushing-fossil-fuels
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  • ↑ http://www.rideshareonline.com/Commuters/vanpool.html
  • ↑ https://www.boston.gov/departments/environment/facts-about-idling-your-car
  • ↑ http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/Hybrid/story?id=97518&page=1
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About This Article

wikiHow Staff

To conserve fossil fuels, reduce your use of plastic items and recycle or repurpose the plastic items you do use. You can easily conserve energy by replacing the incandescent light bulbs in your home with energy-efficient LED bulbs and by turning off lights and small appliances when you're not using them. Eco-friendly transportation alternatives like riding your bike, using public transit, and carpooling can also help you reduce your carbon footprint! To learn about joining organizations dedicated to conserving fossil fuels, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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essay on conservation of fossil fuels

The Understand Energy Learning Hub is a cross-campus effort of the Precourt Institute for Energy .

Understand Energy Learning Hub

Introduction to Fossil Fuels

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Fast Facts View our summary of key facts and information. ( Printable PDF, 151KB )

Before You Watch Our Lecture Maximize your learning experience by reviewing these carefully curated videos and readings we assign to our students.

Our Lecture Watch the Stanford course lecture.

Additional Resources Find out where to explore beyond our site.

Smoke stack emitting smoke from burning fossil fuels

Fast Facts About Fossil Fuels

Principal Energy Uses: Electricity, Heat, Transportation Form of Energy: Chemical

The three fossil fuels are oil , natural gas , and coal . Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons formed from deeply-buried, dead organic material subject to high temperature and pressure for hundreds of millions of years. They are a depletable, non-renewable energy resource.

Fossil fuel combustion (converting chemical energy into heat) powered the Industrial Revolution and is the largest contributor to climate change and air pollution. Significant infrastructure, economic value, geopolitical conflict, and legacy environmental issues are associated with fossil fuels.


Energy Mix 82% of world 🌎 82% of US 🇺🇸

Electricity Generation 60% of world 🌎 61% of US 🇺🇸

Fossil Fuel Dependence of Global End Uses 95% of transportation >60% of heat 60% of electricity is provided by fossil fuels

Change in Global Consumption Increase: ⬆ 3% (2017-2022)

GHG Emissions Attributed to Fossil Fuels 74% of world 🌎 82% of US 🇺🇸

Stages and Impacts of Fossil Fuel Utilization

Exploration and extraction.

Drilling and mining impact natural ecosystems and nearby communities.

Transportation, Storage, and Refining

Transportation of fossil fuels expends energy: coal is moved by rail, barge, or truck, while pressurized pipelines deliver natural gas and crude oil.

Oil requires refining into other petroleum products such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel before it can be used. Refining is an extremely energy-intensive process.

Combustion and Post‑Combustion

Burning fossil fuels for electricity, heat, and transportation is one of the most polluting human activities, releasing greenhouse gases (CO 2 ), air pollutants (NO x and SO 2 ), and toxins. Power plants also use water for cooling.

After combustion , pollutants such as coal ash require management and disposal. Air pollutants can be removed from the smokestack.

Legacy Impacts and Issues

Abandoned infrastructure (mines, wells, and refineries) associated with all of the previous stages can cause ongoing environmental problems that outlast the production and use of fossil fuels.

Millions of oil and gas wells and coal mines that are no longer producing still remain. If not properly decontaminated and sealed, they continue polluting the environment.

Proved Fossil Fuel Reserves

Proved oil reserves.

Pie chart using 2020 data to show the countries in which global proved oil reserves are located. Canada total includes oil sands (95% of Canada's proved reserves). 70% of proved oil reserves are in OPEC nations: Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, and Other OPEC.

Pie chart using 2021 data to show the states in which US proved oil reserves are located. 70% of the US’s proved reserves are located in just 4 states - Texas (41%), North Dakota (11%), New Mexico (11%), and Alaska (8%).

Proved Natural Gas Reserves

Pie chart using 2020 data to show the countries in which global proved natural gas reserves are located. 59% of proved reserves are concentrated in the Middle East and Russia.

Pie chart using 2021 data to show the states in which US proved natural gas reserves are located. Estimates of Pennsylvania's resources have increased ~30x since 2008 due to the Marcellus and Utica shales. The US is the largest producer and consumer of natural gas in the world.

Proved Coal Reserves

Pie chart using 2021 data to show the countries in which global proved coal reserves are located. Five countries have 75% of the world's proved coal reserves.

Pie chart using 2022 data to show the states in which recoverable coal reserves are located. 75% of US proved coal reserves are located in just 4 states–Wyoming, Illinois, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania.

Fossil Fuel Producers and Consumers

  • Abundant and widely available
  • Relatively low private costs (but high social and environmental costs are not factored into the price)
  • Ongoing innovation in extraction drives down costs and increases available resources
  • Government interventions (e.g., subsidies and low taxes) have significantly increased the growth of fossil fuel use (with huge social costs)
  • Easy to store and transport (via pipeline, ship, rail, truck)
  • Sunk cost and existing infrastructure motivate continued use
  • When used for electricity generation, considered a flexible/dispatchable resource that can be ramped up and down based on needs of the electricity grid
  • Few non-fossil substitutes for transportation fuels
  • Depletable and non-renewable
  • Largest source of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutants
  • Public health impacts near sites of fossil fuel production and consumption
  • Fuel prices are volatile, reliant on geopolitical conditions
  • Legacy issues with abandoned infrastructure (e.g., wells, mines, pipelines, refineries) and solid waste (e.g., mine tailings, metal catalysts used in refining, coal ash)
  • Many other externalities, including oil spills, methane leakage, water use and contamination, inter-state conflict

Climate Impact: High

High gradient

  • Carbon emissions released during fossil fuel combustion are the single-largest driver of climate change
  • Methane leakage during oil, natural gas, and coal extraction or from natural gas pipelines

Environmental Impact: High

  • Fossil fuel combustion is a major source of air pollution: SO 2 (acid rain), NO x (acid rain and smog), CO, particulate matter, and toxins (e.g., mercury)
  • Habitat destruction during extraction, water contamination during transportation, high water use in combustion

Updated March 2024

Before You Watch Our Lecture On Introduction to Fossil Fuels

We assign videos and readings to our Stanford students as pre-work for each lecture to help contextualize the lecture content. We strongly encourage you to review the Essential videos and readings below before watching our lecture on  Introduction to Fossil Fuels . Include selections from the  Optional and Useful list based on your interests and available time.

  • Fossil Fuels 101 . Student Energy. May 17, 2015. (2 min) An overview of how coal, oil, and natural gas are formed, used, and extracted.
  • History of Fossil Fuels . Stanford Understand Energy. October 3, 2022. (27 min) An introduction to the history of fossil fuels.
  • Oil and Gas Formation . EarthScience WesternAustralia. September 5, 2014. (3 min) A visualization of how oil and gas deposits are formed and the methods used to explore them.
  • Oil and Natural Gas Resource Categories Reflect Varying Degrees of Certainty . EIA Today in Energy. July 17, 2014. (2 pages) An overview of the four categories in which oil and natural gas resources are defined.
  • Fossil Fuels for Kids . Learn Bright. November 11, 2019. (12 min) Smile and channel your inner child on this one.
  • 300 Years of Fossil Fuels in 300 Seconds . Post Carbon Institute. November 8, 2010. (5 min) An overview of the many ways we rely on fossil fuels and a look at transitioning to a post-carbon future. 
  • Why Are Fossil Fuels So Hard to Quit? . Gross, Samantha. The Brookings Institution. June 2020. (17 pages) An overview of fossil fuel energy systems and factors involved in moving toward low-carbon energy sources.
  • US Fossil Fuel Consumption by Source and Sector, 2023 . EIA Monthly Energy Review. 2024. (2 pages) A visual representation of how fossil fuels are consumed in the United States.

Optional and Useful

  • Petroleum . NEED.org. 2023. (4 pages) An introduction to petroleum from the National Energy Education Development (NEED) project.
  • Overview of the Petroleum Industry - Part I . GulfPublishingCo. August 18, 2009. (8 min) Fundamentals of the oil and gas industry. An oldie but goodie.
  • Energy Crisis: What Can 1973 Teach Us? . The Economist. January 12, 2023. (15 min) An overview of the 1973 oil embargo and its geopolitical relevance today.

Our Lecture on Introduction to Fossil Fuels

This is our Stanford University Understand Energy course lecture that introduces fossil fuel energy resources: coal, oil, and natural gas. We strongly encourage you to watch the full lecture to understand the origins of fossil fuels, how they work, and their significant role in the global energy landscape. For a complete learning experience, we also encourage you to watch / read the Essential videos and readings we assign to our students before watching the lecture.

Jane Woodward

Presented by: Jane Woodward , Adjunct Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University; Founder and Managing Partner, WovenEarth Ventures; Founding Partner, MAP Energy Recorded on: October 2, 2023  Duration: 30 minutes

Table of Contents

(Clicking on a link will take you to YouTube.) 00:00 Introduction  03:35 Relevance and Origin  18:36 Resources and Reserves  24:41 Environmental Impacts

Lecture slides available upon request .

Additional Resources About Fossil Fuels

Stanford university.

  • Basin Processes and Subsurface Modeling Industrial Affiliates Program
  • Stephan Graham - Enhanced oil recovery, natural gas
  • Roland Horne - Enhanced oil recovery, unconventional oil & gas
  • Ilenia Battiato - Enhanced oil recovery, unconventional oil & gas
  • Adam Brandt - Unconventional oil & gas, natural gas
  • Environmental Assessment and Optimization (EAO) Group
  • Rob Jackson - Unconventional oil & gas, natural gas

Government and International Organizations

  • International Energy Agency (IEA) Fossil Fuels
  • US Energy Information Administration (EIA) Petroleum , Natural Gas , Coal
  • US Energy Information Administration (EIA) Today in Energy Oil , Natural Gas , Coal
  • US Geological Survey (USGS). Fossil Fuels Research
  • US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Oil and Gas Sector Information
  • US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Coal-Fired Power Plant Enforcement
  • US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Oil , Natural Gas
  • US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Coal , Oil and Gas
  • US Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Division of Energy and Mineral Development
  • US Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Oil and Gas Energy
  • US Office of Fossil Fuels and Carbon Management (FECM)
  • The Prize: The Epic Quest for Oil, Money & Power - Daniel Yergin (1991) 9-part video , also as a book  
  • History of Oil - Robert Newman (2007) 8-part video
  • Winning the Oil End Game – Innovation for Profits, Jobs, and Security - Amory Lovins, et al., Rocky Mountain Institute (2004)
  • Coal: A Human History - Barbara Freese (2003)  find at a library near you
  • Part 1: The Story of Energy Wait But Why (June 2, 2015)

Other Organizations and Resources

  • Energy Institute Statistical Review of World Energy Oil, Natural Gas, and Coal Chapters (great resource for fossil fuel production and consumption data)
  • National Energy Education Development (NEED) Petroleum , Natural Gas , Coal
  • World Bank Fossil Fuel Energy Consumption
  • Our World in Data Fossil Fuels
  • Kimray Bbl, BOE, BTU, Mcf and Other Common Oil and Gas Abbreviations
  • Mineralwise Mineral Rights by State

Next Topic: Prospecting for Oil and Natural Gas   Other Energy Topics to Explore

Fast Facts Sources

  • Energy Mix (World 2022): Energy Institute. Statistical Review of World Energy . 2023.
  • Energy Mix (US 2022): US Energy Information Agency (EIA). Total Energy: Energy Overview, Table 1.3 .
  • Electricity Mix (World 2022): Energy Institute. Statistical Review of World Energy . 2023.
  • Electricity Mix (US 2022): US Energy Information Agency (EIA). Total Energy: Electricity, Table 7.2a.
  • Dependence of Global End Uses on Fossil Fuels (Transportation 2022): International Energy Agency (IEA). Energy Consumption in Transport by Fuel in the Net Zero Scenario, 1975-2030 . June 15, 2023.
  • Dependence of Global End Uses on Fossil Fuels (Heat 2022): International Energy Agency (IEA). Heating: Tracking . 2023.
  • Dependence of Global End Uses on Fossil Fuels (Electricity 2022): Energy Institute. Statistical Review of World Energy . 2023.
  • Change in Global Consumption (2017-2022): Energy Institute. Statistical Review of World Energy . 2023.
  • GHG Emissions Attributed to Fossil Fuels (World 2020): World Resources Institute (WRI). Climate Watch Historical Country Greenhouse Gas Emissions Data . 2022;  International Energy Agency (IEA). Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Energy Data Explorer: Fugitive Emissions, Total GHG Emissions from Energy per Product . 2023. August 2, 2023.
  • GHG Emissions Attributed to Fossil Fuels (US 2022): US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Inventory of US Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks 1990-2022 . 2024.
  • Proved Oil and Natural Gas Reserves  (World 2020): Energy Institute. Statistical Review of World Energy . 2023.
  • Proved Oil and Natural Gas Reserves  (US 2021): US Energy Information Agency (EIA). US Crude Oil and Natural Gas Proved Reserves, Year-End 2021 . December 30, 2022.
  • Proved Coal Reserves (World 2021): US Energy Information Agency (EIA). Coal Explained: How Much Coal is Left, What is the Amount of World Coal Reserves? . October 19, 2022.
  • Proved Coal Reserves (US 2022): US Energy Information Agency (EIA). Annual Coal Report 2022, Table 14 . October 2023.
  • Fossil Fuel Producers (World 2021): US Energy Information Agency (EIA). Total Energy Production Rankings . 2023.
  • Fossil Fuel Consumers (World 2022): Energy Institute. Statistical Review of World Energy Data, Primary Energy: Consumption by Fuel Type - Exajoules (2021 and 2022) . 2023.

More details available on request . Back to Fast Facts

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Saving Earth | Encyclopedia Britannica

Fossil fuel

essay on conservation of fossil fuels

Fossil fuel , any of a class of  hydrocarbon -containing materials of biological origin occurring within Earth’s crust that can be used as a source of  energy .

Fossil fuels include  coal ,  petroleum ,  natural gas ,  oil shales ,  bitumens ,  tar sands , and  heavy oils . All contain  carbon  and were formed as a result of geologic processes acting on the remains of organic matter produced by  photosynthesis , a process that began in the  Archean Eon  (4.0 billion to 2.5 billion years ago). Most carbonaceous material occurring before the  Devonian Period  (419.2 million to 358.9 million years ago) was derived from  algae  and  bacteria , whereas most carbonaceous material occurring during and after that interval was derived from  plants .

essay on conservation of fossil fuels

All  fossil  fuels can be burned in  air  or with  oxygen  derived from air to provide  heat . This heat may be employed directly, as in the case of home furnaces, or used to produce  steam  to drive generators that can supply  electricity . In still other cases—for example, gas  turbines  used in  jet aircraft—the heat yielded by burning a fossil fuel serves to increase both the  pressure  and the  temperature  of the  combustion  products to furnish motive  power .

Today fossil fuels supply more than 80 percent of all the energy consumed by the industrially developed countries of the world.

Since the beginning of the  Industrial Revolution  in Great Britain in the second half of the 18th century, fossil fuels have been consumed at an ever-increasing rate. Today they  supply  more than 80 percent of all the energy consumed by the industrially developed countries of the world. Although new  deposits  continue to be discovered, the reserves of the principal fossil fuels remaining on Earth are limited. The amounts of fossil fuels that can be recovered economically are difficult to estimate, largely because of changing rates of  consumption  and future value as well as  technological developments .

essay on conservation of fossil fuels

Advances in  technology —such as hydraulic fracturing ( fracking ), rotary drilling, and directional drilling—have made it possible to extract smaller and difficult-to-obtain deposits of fossil fuels at a reasonable cost, thereby increasing the amount of recoverable material. In addition, as recoverable supplies of conventional (light-to-medium) oil became depleted, some petroleum-producing companies shifted to extracting heavy oil, as well as liquid petroleum pulled from tar sands and oil shales.  See also   coal mining ;  petroleum production .

An Internal combustion engine.

One of the main by-products of fossil fuel combustion is carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). The ever-increasing use of fossil fuels in industry, transportation , and construction has added large amounts of CO 2  to Earth’s  atmosphere . Atmospheric CO 2 concentrations fluctuated between 275 and 290 parts per million by volume (ppmv) of dry air between 1000 CE and the late 18th century but increased to 316 ppmv by 1959 and rose to 412 ppmv in 2018 ( see also Keeling Curve ). CO 2  behaves as a  greenhouse gas —that is, it absorbs  infrared radiation  (net heat energy) emitted from Earth’s surface and reradiates it back to the surface. Thus, the substantial CO 2  increase in the atmosphere is a major contributing factor to human-induced  global warming .  Methane  (CH 4 ), another potent greenhouse gas, is the chief constituent of natural gas, and CH 4  concentrations in Earth’s atmosphere rose from 722 parts per billion (ppb) before 1750 to 1,859 ppb by 2018. To counter worries over rising greenhouse gas concentrations and to diversify their energy mix, many countries have sought to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels by developing sources of  renewable energy  (such as  wind ,  solar ,  hydroelectric ,  tidal ,  geothermal , and  biofuels ) while at the same time increasing the  mechanical efficiency  of engines and other technologies that rely on fossil fuels.

Written by Otto C. Kopp , Professor Emeritus of Geological Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

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Curbing fossil fuel supply to achieve climate goals

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  • https://doi.org/10.1080/14693062.2020.1804315

1. Introduction

2. what is supply-side climate policy, 3. barriers to enacting supply-side policy, 4. moving forward: domestic opportunities to manage supply, 5. scaling up: opportunities for international cooperation, 6. conclusion, additional information.

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By signing on to keep global warming well below 2°C through the Paris Agreement, governments have implicitly agreed to dramatically reduce the use of fossil fuels, the predominant contributor to climate change, over coming decades. What is missing from international climate deliberations and from most domestic climate mitigation plans, however, is a strategy for phasing down fossil fuel production . This has led to a vast disconnect between climate goals and energy production plans: a 2019 analysis of national energy plans found that governments are collectively intending to produce 50% more fossil fuels by 2030 than would be consistent with limiting warming to 2°C, and 120% more than could be safely burned while keeping warming below 1.5°C (SEI et al., Citation 2019 ).

Governments continue to plan on, and invest heavily in, the expansion of fossil fuel production for the purposes of economic development and revenue generation, and also as a geopolitical strategy. However, the 2020 crash in oil prices, driven by oversupply and collapsing demand following the COVID-19 pandemic, highlights why betting on continued growth in fossil fuel demand is a risky strategy. Workers and communities in fossil fuel dependent regions can be left stranded when the industry contracts, and governments who rely heavily on fossil fuel revenue streams may find themselves facing a crisis as their budgets diminish. While the sharp drop in oil demand in 2020 reflects exceptional circumstances and specific dynamics in oil markets, it signals why careful planning for a managed decline in fossil fuel production needs to be part of the climate conversation.

A small, but growing, number of governments are beginning to recognize the need to reconcile their climate mitigation plans with their energy production strategies, and are enacting new forms of ‘supply-side’ climate policy to limit coal, oil and gas production (Erickson et al., Citation 2018 ; Gaulin & Le Billon, Citation 2020 ; SEI et al., Citation 2019 ; Tudela, Citation 2020 ). This can take the form of bans on exploration and extraction, removal of fossil fuel production subsidies, restrictions on finance for fossil fuel projects, and transition planning for workers and communities (Lazarus & van Asselt, Citation 2018 ). Such initiatives are involving not just governments, but also an array of non-state actors, with investors divesting from fossil fuels, communities developing transition plans, and even some fossil fuel companies Footnote 1 redefining themselves as ‘energy’ rather than oil or coal companies, to enable them to move into a post-fossil fuel era (SEI et al., Citation 2019 ).

The academic literature has, for the most part, lagged behind this policy shift, with limited attention paid to the design and implementation of supply side climate policies. In particular, there is still little understanding of their feasibility and effectiveness, and how they might complement more traditional ‘demand-side’ policies. Moreover, the reasons why some jurisdictions are willing to pursue limits on supply, while others race to extract, are not well explored.

This special issue brings together pioneering new work on supply side climate policy. The contributions span across disciplines, geographies and scales of governance, to bring to light some of the barriers to, and opportunities for, supply side action. An important theme running through the special issue is that a new ‘anti fossil fuel norm’ is emerging in climate policy (Green, Citation 2018 ). While governments are still far from aligning energy production and climate mitigation ambitions (SEI et al., Citation 2019 ), the papers highlight that feasible economic, political and social pathways exist that can bring down fossil fuel production in line with climate goals.

Fossil fuels account for more than three-quarters of the anthropogenic GHG emissions driving climate change (IEA, Citation 2019 ), and thus have been a key focus for climate policymakers. Overwhelmingly, mitigation policy has tended to emphasize reducing demand for fossil fuels, through measures such as carbon pricing, or supporting the development of alternative energy sources to displace fossil fuels. More recently, however, a new suite of policies has emerged that focuses attention upstream, on fossil fuel supply (Erickson et al., Citation 2018 ). This so-called ‘supply-side’ policy emphasizes limiting the exploration, extraction and transport of coal, oil and gas in the name of combatting climate change (Green & Denniss, Citation 2018 ; Lazarus & van Asselt, Citation 2018 ).

Proponents of a supply-side approach emphasize its value as a complement to existing policies aimed at reducing fossil fuel demand. Clearer signals on the future of fossil fuel production can help prevent the construction of new infrastructure that locks in future emissions growth (Erickson et al., Citation 2015 ). This, in turn, reduces risks of asset stranding if climate or financial imperatives force the early retirement of fossil fuel assets. The combination of supply and demand side measures can help reduce the overall cost of achieving emission reduction goals, and provide an insurance policy if any individual policy measure fails (Asheim et al., Citation 2019 ; Green & Denniss, Citation 2018 ). Moreover, constraining supply brings a range of additional sustainability benefits, such as reducing biodiversity loss, and localized pollution and health impacts associated with fossil fuel production (Epstein, Citation 2017 ; Harfoot et al., Citation 2018 ; Tudela, Citation 2020 ).

Governments are beginning to recognize the additional value of limiting fossil fuel supply, in addition to reducing demand. In this issue, Tudela ( Citation 2020 ) charts some of the pioneering attempts to constrain fossil fuel production with explicit environmental rationales and offers early examples from Latin America. He highlights the case of Costa Rica, for instance, which has had a ban on oil extraction in place since 2002. While this ban was initially enacted for reasons of biodiversity conservation, rather than climate change, it now forms a pillar of the country’s climate strategy, alongside its carbon neutral goals.

To examine the prevalence of these types of policy innovations more broadly, Gaulin and Le Billon ( Citation 2020 ) have compiled a new ‘Fossil Fuel Cuts Database’ to collect examples of supply-side policies worldwide. They identify more than 1300 supply-side initiatives implemented between 1988 and 2017 by governments, civil society and financial funds worldwide. This growth in new policies suggests that ‘supply-side’ policy is moving closer to the mainstream of climate change policymaking.

While the work of Gaulin and Le Billon ( Citation 2020 ) and Tudela ( Citation 2020 ) highlights a growing momentum, policies to limit fossil fuel supply are still the exception rather than the norm, particularly in countries that are major fossil fuel producers. Several contributions to this special issue highlight the challenges to enacting supply-side policies faced by governments.

Most major fossil fuel producing nations suffer from the problem of ‘carbon entanglement’, where dependence on fossil fuels generates a vested interest in bringing fossil fuels to market, making it both politically and economically challenging to step away from production (Gurría, Citation 2013 ). This is evident in the Norwegian case, highlighted by Bang and Lahn ( Citation 2020 ), where oil and gas has provided a major source of welfare funding for the state. Through prudent management of oil and gas revenues, Norwegian oil wealth has translated into prosperity and long-term security for its citizens. At the same time, it has created a deep dependence on these revenues, which has made it difficult for the government to reconcile oil production with its climate leadership ambitions.

As a consequence of this ‘carbon entanglement’, many governments have created institutional and financial support systems for the fossil fuel industry, which enable continued production. Gençsü et al. ( Citation 2020 ) draw attention to the issue of fossil fuel production subsidies in the European Union, showing how governments continue to make climate goals harder to reach by providing €21 billion per year of support for oil, gas and coal production (with €2.6 billion of this amount allocated to the transition away from coal). Indeed, this subsidization continues despite international agreement to ‘mak[e] finance flows consistent’ with the Paris goals of decarbonization (UNFCCC, Citation 2015 ; Article 2.1), aided by a lack of transparency around fossil fuel financing.

Government support for industry expansion continues, in part, because of the political power of the incumbent fossil fuel industry in many jurisdictions. Curran ( Citation 2020 ) provides a powerful description of how this operates in Australia, where the coal industry holds sway over aspects of decision making in both the financial sector and the political system. As Curran highlights – and as reflected in several papers in this issue and beyond (see for example: Bang & Lahn, Citation 2020 ; Graham et al., Citation 2019 ; Stokes, Citation 2020 ; Strambo & González Espinosa, Citation 2020 ) – close networks between fossil fuel industry actors, financiers, and political elites have helped the industry perpetuate fossil fuel dependence, hindering the clean energy transition. Reducing the influence of these vested interests on climate policy remains a significant task.

Finally, several contributions to this issue highlight that a key barrier to supply side policy includes our cultural discourses around the role of fossil fuels in society. In Colombia, for instance, Strambo and González Espinosa ( Citation 2020 ) illustrate that the government itself often perpetuates the idea that fossil fuelled development is both inevitable and necessary for economic growth. This is echoed in the Norwegian case, where the industry has successfully propagated the idea that oil is an indispensable source of welfare for the country (Bang & Lahn, Citation 2020 ). This narrative about the importance of fossil fuel production for economic growth is rarely challenged; its dominance helps explain why many countries continue to subsidize and support the industry past the point where it clearly makes more economic sense to look to alternative sources of energy.

Despite these barriers, some countries have taken steps to wind down their fossil fuel production. From developing nations, such as Belize and Costa Rica, to industrialized countries such as Denmark, France, New Zealand and Spain, supply-side approaches are increasingly being adopted in the real world (Gaulin & Le Billon, Citation 2020 ; SEI et al., Citation 2019 ; Tudela, Citation 2020 ). These ‘first movers’ in the area of supply-side action are critical for their demonstration effect, which suggests that such approaches can form a practically and politically feasible component of the climate policy toolkit. Studying these experiences also provides important lessons to inform future action .

One clear message that cuts across several contributions is the importance of transition planning and assistance to ensure a low-carbon transition that is just, equitable and smooth. Such efforts are necessary to minimize the potential disruptions and losses faced by consumers, workers, communities, and others heavily dependent on fossil fuel assets, and help build support for climate action.

From a literature review of past and current transitions in the energy sector and beyond, Green and Gambhir ( Citation 2020 ) identify the key agents and groups that may be adversely affected by structural change associated with decarbonization and thus warrant particular consideration in any transition planning. The authors emphasize the importance of going beyond addressing only the potential financial losses associated with transitions, and looking to a larger set of possible transitional assistance policies, including support for worker re-training, community development, and other ‘forward looking’ approaches to help push new models of post-fossil fuel development. Distilling ‘best practice’ lessons for transition planning in the short, medium, and longer term, they note that comprehensive and adaptive support strategies have the greatest potential for ensuring successful transitions – but that such strategies are costlier and more complex to implement.

Offering lessons from the hard coal mining phase-out in Germany's two largest hard coal mining areas, the Ruhr area and Saarland, over the 1950–2018 period, Oei et al. ( Citation 2020 ) reflect that, in both cases, protection of the industry through subsidies led to a lengthier and more costly transition. Among policy recommendations for successful transition planning, the authors emphasize the need for decision makers to take into account long-term effects and impacts beyond local communities; the value of economic diversification; and the importance of listening both to external, independent experts, and of involving local stakeholders for locally-adapted solutions and higher acceptance.

In addition to careful government planning and support, civil society can play an important role in steering a transition away from fossil fuels. For instance, Tudela ( Citation 2020 , p. 927) credits civil society mobilization with being ‘the crucial driver’ of moratoria on oil exploration adopted in both Belize and Costa Rica. Curran’s ( Citation 2020 ) contribution similarly describes how the divestment movement played a critical role in reducing the scope and scale of the proposed Adani Carmichael coal mine through sustained pressure on national and international financiers. Rafaty et al. ( Citation 2020 ), in turn, highlight a key role for litigation, often championed by civil society, in challenging coal mining permits across the world. They argue, for instance, that a strong legal case can be made for the revocation of permits for Europe’s largest opencast lignite mine situated at Germany’s biodiverse and historically significant Hambach Forest.

At the same time, powerful incumbent forces can pose a significant challenge to civil society’s ability to effect change. In the case of Australia’s Carmichael mine, Curran ( Citation 2020 ) demonstrates how the resilience of the current energy status quo has seen the substantial mining project be approved with significant support from the Australian federal and Queensland governments in the form of tax exemptions, deferrals and capital subsidies, despite civil society opposition. Popular efforts can also pull in the opposite direction. In Costa Rica, a citizen group recently initiated a referendum initiative, which, if successful, would see the country’s 18-year-old moratorium on petroleum exploration overturned (Tudela, Citation 2020 ).

In this contested space marked by competing interests and narratives, one important avenue for supporting action to limit or curtail fossil fuel production may lie in cultivating a stronger appreciation of its broader economic and sustainable development benefits. Indeed, as Tudela ( Citation 2020 ) shows, rather than being linked to climate change concerns, the overriding considerations for the adoption of oil moratoria in Belize, Costa Rica, and parts of Mexico were protection of the local environment and biodiversity, and relatedly, safeguarding of critical economic sectors such as (eco)tourism and fisheries.

Rafaty et al.’s ( Citation 2020 ) natural capital accounting approach demonstrates how significant the economic benefits of supply-side action can be. When accounting for the environmental, societal, and health costs of Germany’s Hambach lignite mine, they estimate that the province of North Rhine-Westphalia could save in the region of €100–200 billion over the next three decades by ceasing mining operations immediately. In light of these findings, the authors make a persuasive case for the modification of legal criteria for coal mining permits to reflect considerations such as climate change, local ecology and human health; and for making natural capital assessments part of the standard protocol in the consideration of fossil fuel exploitation permits.

International cooperation can strengthen the effectiveness of supply-side approaches to limit fossil fuel production (SEI et al., Citation 2019 ). Collective action not only increases the scale of action, but also can give countries the confidence and trust that others are taking reciprocal action. Moreover, cooperation can reduce the risk of carbon leakage through the international fossil fuel market (Asheim et al., Citation 2019 ). International cooperation on supply-side climate policy can further send an important signal to policymakers, investors, companies, consumers and civil society, that the world is moving beyond a fossil fuel economy. Crucially, as Muttitt and Kartha ( Citation 2020 ) and Newell and Simms ( Citation 2020 ) emphasize in their contributions to this issue, international cooperation is also needed to ensure that such a transition takes place in an equitable way.

One way to elevate actions to curtail fossil fuel production internationally that has recently gained increased attention is to incorporate supply-side action into the existing UN climate process (Piggot et al., Citation 2018 ; SEI et al., Citation 2019 ). Despite the UN climate regime’s historical focus on demand-side action – the Paris Agreement makes no direct mention of fossil fuels – actions to limit fossil fuel supply can support achievement of the treaty’s long-term goals of limiting the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels, and pursuing efforts to stay below 1.5°C, as well as making finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate-resilient development. Various opportunities exist to integrate supply-side elements into the Paris Agreement’s architecture, including through the Agreement’s transparency framework, commitment setting, financial support and capacity building, the global stocktake, and sharing of experiences and lessons learned (Piggot et al., Citation 2018 ). Many of these approaches could initially be pursued by one country or a small group of countries, thus side-stepping the need for buy-in from all major fossil-fuel-producing and exporting nations, many of whom have traditionally been reluctant to embrace ambitious climate action (Depledge, Citation 2008 ).

But despite existing possibilities to integrate supply-side action into the UN climate regime, this approach has gained little traction to date. For instance, a 2019 assessment of 53 fossil fuel producing nations’ nationally determined contributions (NDCs) found that only two countries had included any supply-side measures in their climate pledges (Verkuijl et al., Citation 2019 ). It remains to be seen whether countries’ second round of NDCs, as well as long-term low-emission development strategies – both due for submission in 2020 – will pay more attention to this crucial dimension of climate action.

It is against this backdrop that calls have recently emerged for international cooperation to achieve the imperative of leaving most fossil fuels in the ground. Indeed, supply side policies can complement existing approaches, acting as a form of ‘insurance’ against the possibility of the global community’s failure to meet the Paris Agreement’s goals (Asheim et al., Citation 2019 ). Reflecting the role of coal as the most carbon-intensive fossil fuel, and its relatively easy substitution in many cases with alternative sources of energy, several of these calls have focused on the curtailing or elimination of coal production as a starting point (Burke & Fishel, Citation 2020 ; Christoff & Eckersley, Citation 2013 ; PIDF, Citation 2015 ).

Yet as Newell and Simms ( Citation 2020 ) note in their contribution, the majority of proven oil and gas reserves must also be left unburned to stay below the Paris Agreement’s temperature limits, and it is questionable whether this will be achieved through existing forms of cooperation. The authors thus argue that the time is ripe for an international ‘fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty’ to manage a global winddown of coal, oil, and gas extraction. Drawing parallels with the 1968 Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), they argue that both the speed at which NPT was concluded and the treaty’s three-pillar structure offer an instructive precedent to ensure a fossil fuel phase-down that is in line with science, and takes into account the development needs of the world’s poor.

Indeed, any international effort to stem the supply of fossil fuels will need to grapple seriously with questions of equity and fairness. While such issues have long been debated in the context of greenhouse gas emissions reductions, the conversation is more incipient on the supply-side, yet no less compelling. As Muttitt and Kartha’s ( Citation 2020 ) contribution demonstrates, the picture is far from straightforward. The authors cast light on the complex and variable impacts that both fossil fuel extraction, and a transition away from fossil fuels, can have on core national policy concerns, such as energy provision, national and local economies, employment, and public revenue, as well as local environmental and human rights impacts. They make tangible the varied circumstances facing different fossil fuel producing countries and regions in terms of fossil fuel dependence and capacity to transition. Combining approaches to equity, the authors offer five principles as a starting point for equitably curbing fossil fuel extraction within climate limits: (1) phasing down global extraction at a pace consistent with limiting warming to 1.5°C; (2) enabling a just transition for workers and communities; (3) curbing extraction consistent with environmental justice; (4) reducing extraction fastest where doing so will have the least social costs; and (5) sharing transition costs fairly, according to ability to bear those costs. Taking steps to operationalize these principles, they argue, is not only a moral, but also a political imperative, as it will raise the chance of success for global cooperation to prevent extreme climate disruption.

At the time of writing this editorial, the COVID-19 pandemic is still wreaking havoc across the world. The economic consequences in many countries are predicted to be dire: in an effort to mitigate the worst effects of the global economic recession, governments are injecting trillions of dollars equivalent into their economies. From a climate perspective, governments find themselves at a crossroads: will their decisions pave the way to a green recovery, or further lock in their dependence on fossil fuelled development pathways?

Worryingly, initial analyses of stimulus and recovery packages suggest that public resources are predominantly being committed to high-carbon sectors (Harvey, Citation 2020 ). Yet some governments are also recognizing that recovery presents a unique opportunity to overcome carbon entanglement. For instance, in the midst of the pandemic, Spain – one of the hardest-hit countries – released its proposal for a new climate law, with a stated intention to ban all new fossil fuel projects and to develop a just transition strategy (MITECO, Citation 2020 ). Similarly, the new Irish coalition government has also pledged to introduce a Climate Action Bill that includes an end to new oil and gas exploration and extraction licenses (Bray, Citation 2020 ). The road to recovery may thus offer fertile ground for supply-side climate action, speeding up the phase-out of fossil fuel production while meeting climate goals.

The papers in this special issue confirm that a new anti-fossil fuel norm is taking hold in climate policymaking (Green, Citation 2018 ). A growing number of countries are adopting supply-side policies, and in countries lacking such policies, new debates are arising about the need to reconcile energy and climate policy. This, in turn, has spawned new ideas around governing the transition away from fossil fuels – from innovative approaches to transition planning at the local level, to new ideas for governing the transition at the global level, such as a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty. From a research perspective, the topic raises many important new avenues of interrogation, suggesting that it may merit similar attention and dedicated research tools and methods as enjoyed by other strands of climate policy, such as carbon pricing or renewable energy.

Achieving the ambitious goals of the Paris Agreement requires consideration of a fuller suite of policy levers for reaching net zero emissions. As this special issue shows, supply-side climate policy should be part of this portfolio. It is growing in importance not just as a rich vein for both intellectual inquiry but for practical and effective climate action. We hope that the contributions in this issue inspire other researchers and policymakers to continue this momentum.

1 See for example, Ørsted, the former Danish National Oil and Gas company (DONG), which has transformed from an oil and gas producer to a renewable energy company (Spector, Citation 2017 ).

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Summary and Conclusion

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essay on conservation of fossil fuels

  • Almas Heshmati 4 ,
  • Shahrouz Abolhosseini 5 &
  • Jörn Altmann 5  

3314 Accesses

Ongoing concerns about climate change have made renewable energy sources an important component of the world energy consumption portfolio. Renewable energy technologies could reduce CO 2 emissions by replacing fossil fuels in the power generation industry and the transportation sector. Because of some negative and irreversible externalities in conventional energy production, it is necessary to develop and promote renewable energy supply technologies and demand for renewable energy. Power generation using renewable energy sources should be increased in order to decrease the unit cost of generation. Energy consumption depends on several factors including economic progress, population, energy prices, weather, and technology.

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Heshmati, A., Abolhosseini, S., Altmann, J. (2015). Summary and Conclusion. In: The Development of Renewable Energy Sources and its Significance for the Environment. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-287-462-7_8

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References (64), cited by (39).


International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Fossil fuel resources and their impacts on environment and climate ☆.

  • 1. (a) encourage the more efficient end use of energy;
  • 2. (b) promote the expeditious development of energy sources that add little or no CO 2 to the atmosphere, thereby permitting one to keep the global fossil fuel use, and hence CO 2 emission, at the present level.
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Environmental impact of energy use.

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Untersuchung der beeinflussung des klimas durch anthropogene faktoren, prog. phys. geogr., a systems study of energy and climate, j. appl. met., a novel multiple spark ignition strategy to achieve pure ammonia combustion in an optical spark-ignition engine, cobalt nanoparticle supported on layered double hydroxide: effect of nanoparticle size on catalytic hydrogen production by nabh<inf>4</inf> hydrolysis.

Heavy dependence on fossil fuel is not sustainable and causes environmental problems such as global warming, climate change, air pollution, depletion of ozone layer as well as acid rains (Bach, 1981; von Hippel, Raskin et al., 1993; Veziroglu, 2012; Likens and Butler, 2018; Abe, Popoola et al., 2019).

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Ethanol production from corn stover hemicellulosic hydrolysate using immobilized recombinant yeast cells, ws<inf>2</inf>–wc–wo<inf>3</inf> nano-hollow spheres as an efficient and durable catalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction, solar energy storage by molecular norbornadiene–quadricyclane photoswitches: polymer film devices.

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The world’s energy problem

The world faces two energy problems: most of our energy still produces greenhouse gas emissions, and hundreds of millions lack access to energy..

The world lacks safe, low-carbon, and cheap large-scale energy alternatives to fossil fuels. Until we scale up those alternatives the world will continue to face the two energy problems of today. The energy problem that receives most attention is the link between energy access and greenhouse gas emissions. But the world has another global energy problem that is just as big: hundreds of millions of people lack access to sufficient energy entirely, with terrible consequences to themselves and the environment.

The problem that dominates the public discussion on energy is climate change. A climate crisis endangers the natural environment around us, our wellbeing today and the wellbeing of those who come after us.

It is the production of energy that is responsible for 87% of global greenhouse gas emissions and as the chart below shows, people in the richest countries have the very highest emissions.

This chart here will guide us through the discussion of the world's energy problem. It shows the per capita CO2 emissions on the vertical axis against the average income in that country on the horizontal axis.

In countries where people have an average income between $15,000 and $20,000, per capita CO 2 emissions are close to the global average ( 4.8 tonnes CO 2 per year). In every country where people's average income is above $25,000 the average emissions per capita are higher than the global average.

The world’s CO 2 emissions have been rising quickly and reached 36.6 billion tonnes in 2018 . As long as we are emitting greenhouse gases their concentration in the atmosphere increases . To bring climate change to an end the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere needs to stabilize and to achieve this the world’s greenhouse gas emissions have to decline towards net-zero.

To bring emissions down towards net-zero will be one of the world’s biggest challenges in the years ahead. But the world’s energy problem is actually even larger than that, because the world has not one, but two energy problems.

The twin problems of global energy

The first energy problem: those that have low carbon emissions lack access to energy.

The first global energy problem relates to the left-hand side of the scatter-plot above.

People in very poor countries have very low emissions. On average, people in the US emit more carbon dioxide in 4 days than people in poor countries – such as Ethiopia, Uganda, or Malawi – emit in an entire year. 1

The reason that the emissions of the poor are low is that they lack access to modern energy and technology. The energy problem of the poorer half of the world is energy poverty . The two charts below show that large shares of people in countries with a GDP per capita of less than $25,000 do not have access to electricity and clean cooking fuels. 2

The lack of access to these technologies causes some of the worst global problems of our time.

When people lack access to modern energy sources for cooking and heating, they rely on solid fuel sources – mostly firewood, but also dung and crop waste. This comes at a massive cost to the health of people in energy poverty: indoor air pollution , which the WHO calls "the world's largest single environmental health risk." 3 For the poorest people in the world it is the largest risk factor for early death and global health research suggests that indoor air pollution is responsible for 1.6 million deaths each year, twice the death count of poor sanitation. 4

The use of wood as a source of energy also has a negative impact on the environment around us. The reliance on fuelwood is the reason why poverty is linked to deforestation. The FAO reports that on the African continent the reliance on wood as fuel is the single most important driver of forest degradation. 5 Across East, Central, and West Africa fuelwood provides more than half of the total energy. 6

Lastly, the lack of access to energy subjects people to a life in poverty. No electricity means no refrigeration of food; no washing machine or dishwasher; and no light at night. You might have seen the photos of children sitting under a street lamp at night to do their homework. 7

The first energy problem of the world is the problem of energy poverty – those that do not have sufficient access to modern energy sources suffer poor living conditions as a result.

The second energy problem: those that have access to energy produce greenhouse gas emissions that are too high

The second energy problem is the one that is more well known, and relates to the right hand-side of the scatterplot above: greenhouse gas emissions are too high.

Those that need to reduce emissions the most are the extremely rich. Diana Ivanova and Richard Wood (2020) have just shown that the richest 1% in the EU emit on average 43 tonnes of CO 2 annually – 9-times as much as the global average of 4.8 tonnes. 8

The focus on the rich, however, can give the impression that it is only the emissions of the extremely rich that are the problem. What isn’t made clear enough in the public debate is that for the world's energy supply to be sustainable the greenhouse gas emissions of the majority of the world population are currently too high. The problem is larger for the extremely rich, but it isn’t limited to them.

The Paris Agreement's goal is to keep the increase of the global average temperature to well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels and “to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C”. 9

To achieve this goal emissions have to decline to net-zero within the coming decades.

Within richer countries, where few are suffering from energy poverty, even the emissions of the very poorest people are far higher. The paper by Ivanova and Wood shows that in countries like Germany, Ireland, and Greece more than 99% of households have per capita emissions of more than 2.4 tonnes per year.

The only countries that have emissions that are close to zero are those where the majority suffers from energy poverty. 10 The countries that are closest are the very poorest countries in Africa : Malawi, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

But this comes at a large cost to themselves as this chart shows. In no poor country do people have living standards that are comparable to those of people in richer countries.

And since living conditions are better where GDP per capita is higher, it is also the case that CO 2 emissions are higher where living conditions are better. Emissions are high where child mortality is the lowest , where children have good access to education, and where few of them suffer from hunger .

The reason for this is that as soon as people get access to energy from fossil fuels their emissions are too high to be sustainable over the long run (see here ).

People need access to energy for a good life. But in a world where fossil fuels are the dominant source of energy, access to modern energy means that carbon emissions are too high.

The more accurate description of the second global energy problem is therefore: the majority of the world population – all those who are not very poor – have greenhouse gas emissions that are far too high to be sustainable over the long run.


The current alternatives are energy poverty or fossil-fuels and greenhouse gases

The chart here is a version of the scatter plot above and summarizes the two global energy problems: In purple are those that live in energy poverty, in blue those whose greenhouse gas emissions are too high if we want to avoid severe climate change.

So far I have looked at the global energy problem in a static way, but the world is changing  of course.

For millennia all of our ancestors lived in the pink bubble: the reliance on wood meant they suffered from indoor air pollution; the necessity of acquiring fuelwood and agricultural land meant deforestation; and minimal technology meant that our ancestors lived in conditions of extreme poverty.

In the last two centuries more and more people have moved from the purple to the blue area in the chart. In many ways this is a very positive development. Economic growth and increased access to modern energy improved people's living conditions. In rich countries almost no one dies from indoor air pollution and living conditions are much better in many ways as we've seen above. It also meant that we made progress against the ecological downside of energy poverty: The link between poverty and the reliance on fuelwood is one of the key reasons why deforestation declines with economic growth. 11 And progress in that direction has been fast: on any average day in the last decade 315,000 people in the world got access to electricity for the first time in their life.

But while living conditions improved, greenhouse gas emissions increased.

The chart shows what this meant for greenhouse gas emissions over the last generation. The chart is a version of the scatter plot above, but it shows the change over time – from 1990 to the latest available data.


The data is now also plotted on log-log scales which has the advantage that you can see the rates of change easily. On a logarithmic axis the steepness of the line corresponds to the rate of change. What the chart shows is that low- and middle-income countries increased their emissions at very similar rates.

By default the chart shows the change of income and emission for the 14 countries that are home to more than 100 million people, but you can add other countries to the chart.

What has been true in the past two decades will be true in the future. For the poorer three-quarters of the world income growth means catching up with the good living conditions of the richer world, but unless there are cheap alternatives to fossil fuels it also means catching up with the high emissions of the richer world.

Our challenge: find large-scale energy alternatives to fossil fuels that are affordable, safe and sustainable

The task for our generation is therefore twofold: since the majority of the world still lives in poor conditions, we have to continue to make progress in our fight against energy poverty. But success in this fight will only translate into good living conditions for today’s young generation when we can reduce greenhouse gas emissions at the same time.

Key to making progress on both of these fronts is the source of energy and its price . Those living in energy poverty cannot afford sufficient energy and those that left the worst poverty behind rely on fossil fuels to meet their energy needs.

Once we look at it this way it becomes clear that the twin energy problems are really the two sides of one big problem. We lack large-scale energy alternatives to fossil fuels that are cheap, safe, and sustainable.


This last version of the scatter plot shows what it would mean to have such energy sources at scale. It would allow the world to leave the unsustainable current alternatives behind and make the transition to the bottom right corner of the chart: the area marked with the green rectangle where emissions are net-zero and everyone has left energy poverty behind.

Without these technologies we are trapped in a world where we have only bad alternatives: Low-income countries that fail to meet the needs of the current generation; high-income countries that compromise the ability of future generations to meet their needs; and middle-income countries that fail on both counts.

Since we have not developed all the technologies that are required to make this transition possible large scale innovation is required for the world to make this transition. This is the case for most sectors that cause carbon emissions , in particular in the transport (shipping, aviation, road transport) and heating sectors, but also cement production and agriculture.

One sector where we have developed several alternatives to fossil fuels is electricity. Nuclear power and renewables emit far less carbon (and are much safer) than fossil fuels. Still, as the last chart shows, their share in global electricity production hasn't changed much: only increasing from 36% to 38% in the last three decades.

But it is possible to do better. Some countries have scaled up nuclear power and renewables and are doing much better than the global average. You can see this if you change the chart to show the data for France and Sweden – in France 92% of electricity comes from low carbon sources, in Sweden it is 99%. The consequence of countries doing better in this respect should be that they are closer to the sustainable energy world of the future. The scatter plot above shows that this is the case.

But for the global energy supply – especially outside the electricity sector – the world is still far away from a solution to the world's energy problem.

Every country is still very far away from providing clean, safe, and affordable energy at a massive scale and unless we make rapid progress in developing these technologies we will remain stuck in the two unsustainable alternatives of today: energy poverty or greenhouse gas emissions.

As can be seen from the chart, the ratio of emissions is 17.49t / 0.2t = 87.45. And 365 days/87.45=4.17 days

It is worth looking into the cutoffs for what it means – according to these international statistics – to have access to energy. The cutoffs are low.

See Raising Global Energy Ambitions: The 1,000 kWh Modern Energy Minimum and IEA (2020) – Defining energy access: 2020 methodology, IEA, Paris.

WHO (2014) – Frequently Asked Questions – Ambient and Household Air Pollution and Health . Update 2014

While it is certain that the death toll of indoor air pollution is high, there are widely differing estimates. At the higher end of the spectrum, the WHO estimates a death count of more than twice that. We discuss it in our entry on indoor air pollution .

The 2018 estimate for premature deaths due to poor sanitation is from the same analysis, the Global Burden of Disease study. See here .

FAO and UNEP. 2020. The State of the World’s Forests 2020. Forests, biodiversity and people. Rome. https://doi.org/10.4060/ca8642en

The same report also reports that an estimated 880 million people worldwide are collecting fuelwood or producing charcoal with it.

This is according to the IEA's World Energy Balances 2020. Here is a visualization of the data.

The second largest energy source across the three regions is oil and the third is gas.

The photo shows students study under the streetlights at Conakry airport in Guinea. It was taken by Rebecca Blackwell for the Associated Press.

It was published by the New York Times here .

The global average is 4.8 tonnes per capita . The richest 1% of individuals in the EU emit 43 tonnes per capita – according to Ivanova D, Wood R (2020). The unequal distribution of household carbon footprints in Europe and its link to sustainability. Global Sustainability 3, e18, 1–12. https://doi.org/10.1017/sus.2020.12

On Our World in Data my colleague Hannah Ritchie has looked into a related question and also found that the highest emissions are concentrated among a relatively small share of the global population: High-income countries are home to only 16% of the world population, yet they are responsible for almost half (46%) of the world’s emissions.

Article 2 of the Paris Agreement states the goal in section 1a: “Holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels, recognizing that this would significantly reduce the risks and impacts of climate change.”

It is an interesting question whether there are some subnational regions in richer countries where a larger group of people has extremely low emissions; it might possibly be the case in regions that rely on nuclear energy or renewables (likely hydro power) or where aforestation is happening rapidly.

Crespo Cuaresma, J., Danylo, O., Fritz, S. et al. Economic Development and Forest Cover: Evidence from Satellite Data. Sci Rep 7, 40678 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1038/srep40678

Bruce N, Rehfuess E, Mehta S, et al. Indoor Air Pollution. In: Jamison DT, Breman JG, Measham AR, et al., editors. Disease Control Priorities in Developing Countries. 2nd edition. Washington (DC): The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank; 2006. Chapter 42. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK11760/ Co-published by Oxford University Press, New York.

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essay on conservation of fossil fuels

Fuel Conservation: An essential part of saving and protecting the environment.

Fuel conservation is a fundamental concept that most people need to understand. While talking about environmental issues, we must keep in mind that fuel wastage and maintenance are the two things that we must follow.

There are two kinds of resources in this world – renewable resources and non-renewable resources, renewable resources can be recycled and reused repeatedly. Thus, they are not wasteful. Non-renewable resources refer to the ones that cannot be reused and recycled. These are wasteful and cause pollution.

Fuels are also of two kinds. Fossil fuels like coal, petroleum, and diesel are non-renewable fuels. Once used, they take millions of years to reform and thus are practically non-reusable. On the other hand, alternative fuels like solar energy, wind energy, and hydroelectricity are renewable fuels, and they rarely run out of supply.

When we talk about fuel conservation, we must concentrate on the harmful effects of using fossil fuels. Petroleum and oil are obtained by digging huge wells. The oil-producing parts of the ocean are dugout for the extraction of oil. Millions of dollars are spent on the importation of petroleum from the Middle Eastern countries.

Coal is a fuel that takes millions of years to form. It is inconvenient for usages as it emits enormous amounts of smoke, which is harmful to the environment. We are using fossil fuels at an alarming rate, and this is very likely to harm us. Once the resource runs out of supply and depletion of resources begins, humankind will not be left with another choice.

Fuel conservation refers to the attempt to conserve and preserve these fossil fuels. We can use alternative sources of energy and, thus, minimize the use of fossil fuels. Alternative sources of energy guarantee sustainable development and, therefore, pave a path for us to leave behind the limited and non-renewable sources of ammunition for our next generations.

Solar energy is an extraordinarily cheap and enjoyable way of conserving fuels. We can harness solar power by using solar panels. Solar panels are usually fixed on the rooftops of buildings. Solar energy can be used to heat water and run solar cookers. Thus, the use of fossil fuels is reduced. Scientists are also researching ways to use solar energy for running vehicles. Biogas is another excellent way of conserving fuels.

Biogas is prepared by processing cow dung in a pollution-free environment. Biogas can be used to cook and heat things. Wind energy and water energy, preferably hydroelectricity, can be an excellent replacement for fossil fuels. Hydroelectricity is harnessed in dams and can be used to provide electricity at homes.

Thus, avoiding the use of fossil fuels is a step forward towards fuel conservation. Using Natural gas in vehicles also helps to reduce the use of petroleum. Natural gas also causes less pollution and is a more convenient fuel for automobiles. Fossil fuels must be saved for the next generations. They are precious, and we must understand their worth. Fuel conservation is necessary for the creation of a beautiful world.

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The carbon cycle.

The carbon cycle describes how carbon transfers between different reservoirs located on Earth. This cycle is important for maintaining a stable climate and carbon balance on Earth.

Biology, Conservation, Earth Science

Quinault River Rainforest

Full of living entities, and the formerly living, the temperate rainforest at the Quinault River in Olympic Peninsula, Washington, and places like it are rich reservoirs of carbon.

Photograph by Sam Abell

Full of living entities, and the formerly living, the temperate rainforest at the Quinault River in Olympic Peninsula, Washington, and places like it are rich reservoirs of carbon.

Carbon is an essential element for all life forms on Earth. Whether these life forms take in carbon to help manufacture food or release carbon as part of respiration , the intake and output of carbon is a component of all plant and animal life. Carbon is in a constant state of movement from place to place. It is stored in what are known as reservoirs , and it moves between these reservoirs through a variety of processes, including photosynthesis , burning fossil fuels, and simply releasing breath from the lungs. The movement of carbon from reservoir to reservoir is known as the carbon cycle . Carbon can be stored in a variety of reservoirs , including plants and animals, which is why they are considered carbon life forms. Carbon is used by plants to build leaves and stems, which are then digested by animals and used for cellular growth. In the atmosphere , carbon is stored in the form of gases, such as carbon dioxide. It is also stored in oceans , captured by many types of marine organisms . Some organisms , such as clams or coral, use the carbon to form shells and skeletons. Most of the carbon on the planet is contained within rocks, minerals, and other sediment buried beneath the surface of the planet. Because Earth is a closed system, the amount of carbon on the planet never changes. However, the amount of carbon in a specific reservoir can change over time as carbon moves from one reservoir to another. For example, some carbon in the atmosphere might be captured by plants to make food during photosynthesis . This carbon can then be ingested and stored in animals that eat the plants. When the animals die, they decompose, and their remains become sediment, trapping the stored carbon in layers that eventually turn into rock or minerals. Some of this sediment might form fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, or natural gas, which release carbon back into the atmosphere when the fuel is burned. The carbon cycle is vital to life on Earth. Nature tends to keep carbon levels balanced, meaning that the amount of carbon naturally released from reservoirs is equal to the amount that is naturally absorbed by reservoirs . Maintaining this carbon balance allows the planet to remain hospitable for life. Scientists believe that humans have upset this balance by burning fossil fuels, which has added more carbon to the atmosphere than usual and led to climate change and global warming.

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essay on conservation of fossil fuels

Renewable energy – powering a safer future

Energy is at the heart of the climate challenge – and key to the solution.

A large chunk of the greenhouse gases that blanket the Earth and trap the sun’s heat are generated through energy production, by burning fossil fuels to generate electricity and heat.

Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and gas, are by far the largest contributor to global climate change , accounting for over 75 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions and nearly 90 percent of all carbon dioxide emissions.

The science is clear: to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, emissions need to be reduced by almost half by 2030 and reach net-zero by 2050.

To achieve this, we need to end our reliance on fossil fuels and invest in alternative sources of energy that are clean, accessible, affordable, sustainable, and reliable.

Renewable energy sources – which are available in abundance all around us, provided by the sun, wind, water, waste, and heat from the Earth – are replenished by nature and emit little to no greenhouse gases or pollutants into the air.

Fossil fuels still account for more than 80 percent of global energy production , but cleaner sources of energy are gaining ground. About 29 percent of electricity currently comes from renewable sources.

Here are five reasons why accelerating the transition to clean energy is the pathway to a healthy, livable planet today and for generations to come.

1. Renewable energy sources are all around us

About 80 percent of the global population lives in countries that are net-importers of fossil fuels -- that’s about 6 billion people who are dependent on fossil fuels from other countries, which makes them vulnerable to geopolitical shocks and crises.

In contrast, renewable energy sources are available in all countries, and their potential is yet to be fully harnessed. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) estimates that 90 percent of the world’s electricity can and should come from renewable energy by 2050.

Renewables offer a way out of import dependency, allowing countries to diversify their economies and protect them from the unpredictable price swings of fossil fuels, while driving inclusive economic growth, new jobs, and poverty alleviation.

2. Renewable energy is cheaper

Renewable energy actually is the cheapest power option in most parts of the world today. Prices for renewable energy technologies are dropping rapidly. The cost of electricity from solar power fell by 85 percent between 2010 and 2020. Costs of onshore and offshore wind energy fell by 56 percent and 48 percent respectively.

Falling prices make renewable energy more attractive all around – including to low- and middle-income countries, where most of the additional demand for new electricity will come from. With falling costs, there is a real opportunity for much of the new power supply over the coming years to be provided by low-carbon sources.

Cheap electricity from renewable sources could provide 65 percent of the world’s total electricity supply by 2030. It could decarbonize 90 percent of the power sector by 2050, massively cutting carbon emissions and helping to mitigate climate change.

Although solar and wind power costs are expected to remain higher in 2022 and 2023 then pre-pandemic levels due to general elevated commodity and freight prices, their competitiveness actually improves due to much sharper increases in gas and coal prices, says the International Energy Agency (IEA).

3. Renewable energy is healthier

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 99 percent of people in the world breathe air that exceeds air quality limits and threatens their health, and more than 13 million deaths around the world each year are due to avoidable environmental causes, including air pollution.

The unhealthy levels of fine particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide originate mainly from the burning of fossil fuels. In 2018, air pollution from fossil fuels caused $2.9 trillion in health and economic costs , about $8 billion a day.

Switching to clean sources of energy, such as wind and solar, thus helps address not only climate change but also air pollution and health.

4. Renewable energy creates jobs

Every dollar of investment in renewables creates three times more jobs than in the fossil fuel industry. The IEA estimates that the transition towards net-zero emissions will lead to an overall increase in energy sector jobs : while about 5 million jobs in fossil fuel production could be lost by 2030, an estimated 14 million new jobs would be created in clean energy, resulting in a net gain of 9 million jobs.

In addition, energy-related industries would require a further 16 million workers, for instance to take on new roles in manufacturing of electric vehicles and hyper-efficient appliances or in innovative technologies such as hydrogen. This means that a total of more than 30 million jobs could be created in clean energy, efficiency, and low-emissions technologies by 2030.

Ensuring a just transition , placing the needs and rights of people at the heart of the energy transition, will be paramount to make sure no one is left behind.

5. Renewable energy makes economic sense

About $7 trillion was spent on subsidizing the fossil fuel industry in 2022, including through explicit subsidies, tax breaks, and health and environmental damages that were not priced into the cost of fossil fuels.

In comparison, about $4.5 trillion a year needs to be invested in renewable energy until 2030 – including investments in technology and infrastructure – to allow us to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.

The upfront cost can be daunting for many countries with limited resources, and many will need financial and technical support to make the transition. But investments in renewable energy will pay off. The reduction of pollution and climate impacts alone could save the world up to $4.2 trillion per year by 2030.

Moreover, efficient, reliable renewable technologies can create a system less prone to market shocks and improve resilience and energy security by diversifying power supply options.

Learn more about how many communities and countries are realizing the economic, societal, and environmental benefits of renewable energy.

Will developing countries benefit from the renewables boom? Learn more here .

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How can we conserve fossils fuel?

Fossil fuel : fossil fuels are non-renewable energy sources that will not last forever, which is why it is important to conserve them. we can conserve fossil fuels in the following ways : use public transport or carpools to travel. use air conditioners or heaters only when required. use alternative sources of energy like solar energy. consider turning off the car’s engine to save fuel at traffic signals. use energy-saving cfl bulbs over regular incandescent bulbs. prefer the stair over the lift especially when descending. use pressure cookers for cooking purposes to save lpg or kerosene. switch off the lights, fans, television, and other electrical appliances when not in use. the use of biogas as domestic fuel should be encouraged..


what are fossil fuels ? why should we conserve it ?

list any 4 methods can be used of conserving fossil fuels?



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    Fossil fuels are non-renewable energy sources that will not last forever, which is why it is important to conserve them.