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Progress Report: How to Write, Structure, and Make Project Progress Visually Attractive

progress report, how to write, structure, and make it visually attractive

Picture this: Days or weeks into a project, your supervisor asks for a progress report.

Depending on your experience with writing progress reports, you might respond with readiness, anxiety, or confusion. Where do you begin? How do you know you’ve created a satisfactory or even amazing final report? Fear not—the expert team here at Piktochart is here to help.

In this progress reporting guide, we’ll not only give you top tips on how to write a successful report but additionally provide you with progress report templates and checklists to keep you focused on the important stuff. We begin, of course, with the all-important question anyone from a newbie to even a seasoned professional might have: “What is a progress report?”

Table of contents:

What is a progress report, why is a progress report important.

  • How to write a progress report
  • How to structure a progress report
  • Free progress report templates you can edit right away

Progress report checklist

In case you prefer watching over reading, feel free to check out the video summary of this blog post:

A progress report is exactly what it sounds like—a document using simple and straightforward language that explains in detail what has been achieved and what else is needed for project completion. Essentially this document is a status update before the final report, outlining tasks completed by a team member, project manager, or team, along with what else needs to be done.

W hether you need to provide daily progress reports or even quarterly progress reports, this asset outlines the activities you’ve carried out, the tasks you’ve completed, and the milestones you’ve reached vis-à-vis your project plan .

Depending on the scope and complexity of the project, you might need to give a progress report weekly or monthly or for every 25% project milestone.

In terms of audience, a progress report is typically written for a supervisor, colleague, or client. Progress reports can be written from the perspective of one person as well as an entire team or department.

Throughout your career, you’re likely to be creating more reports than you can count (challenge for you: count them and find how many resources you’re using!).

Perhaps you find yourself spending more time crunching data and plugging numbers into graphs than actually working.

Reports don’t have to be as time-consuming as they often are. Progress report templates are time-savers! Get your free Piktochart account so you can follow along as we share more templates below.

We also tapped into the brilliance of Kevan Lee of Buffer in this interactive content experience to help you with your progress report projects.

Dive right in here, and learn some reporting hacks from Kevan .

Sometimes it might feel like writing about your progress in detail is redundant, especially when you’ve been regularly communicating with your supervisor, teammates, and client throughout the course of the project. Like any project manager, you probably think there are more important things to work on.

But this type of professional report is actually quite useful for several reasons.

1. It gets everyone on the same page

Each person who receives a copy of the report will know what has been accomplished and what is remaining. This prevents confusion about what has been or has yet to be done. Additionally, it provides proof and data about the respective project that can be cited and sourced if and when questions arise in the future.

2. Writing progress reports facilitates collaboration

This is especially important when different teams or departments work together. Knowing what another team is prioritizing helps prevent working in silos and also reduces task redundancy. Additionally, progress reporting helps a team identify areas where it can offer help or collaborate with others.

When teams can track progress on where other teams are on the project timeline, project managers get a better idea of the current status. They can reassign resources to make sure everyone is on track to hit the deadline for the current project, which can be tricky if you’re managing remote teams .

If you’d like to learn more about how you can work together with your team on a report, sign up for a free Piktochart account and try our online report maker .

3. It improves transparency and accountability by providing a paper trail

When you submit your report, you’ve placed on record that you’ve accomplished a task or explained why your results were different than expected. Once the document has been accepted, it becomes part of the project’s official documentation.

So, just in case someone accuses you in the future of failing to accomplish a task or not reporting a problem, you can point to the progress report as proof that you did so.

On the flip side, if your project ever gets nominated for an award, you can be sure validators will come seeking documents that explain how the entire thing was accomplished.

4. It improves project evaluation and review

Next time you plan for a project, your team can examine documents, including progress reports, of previous projects to find out what was done right, what went wrong, and what can be improved.

Previous reports can shed light on systemic issues, loopholes, and other causes of delay or failure—both internal and external—that must be avoided or resolved.

5. It provides insights for future planning

When the supervisor knows what tasks have been accomplished, he or she can focus on monitoring progress toward the next stages of the project.

When a report shows that delays have occurred, the supervisor is able to investigate the problems that hindered progress and take steps to prevent them from happening again in the future.

The supervisor will also be able to adjust the project timeline if absolutely needed or instruct teams to double down.

Ultimately, all the valuable insights from the project documentation can increase the chance of success for future projects.

Here is a progress report format example:

monthly report template

How to write progress report s

Have you ever found yourself stuck tapping your pen or staring at a blinking cursor, unable to begin writing?

Writer’s block is not an unusual experience when creating progress reports, especially for those whose jobs typically don’t involve drafting a long document or creating a formal report.

One reason people may find it difficult to write these reports is the thought that they’re not ‘writers.’ Yet, this is simply a negative mindset.

Reports don’t require sophisticated language—in fact, the simpler, the better.

Here are some writing tips on progress reporting:

“Piktochart is my go-to tool when I’m looking for a way to summarize data that is easy for our upper management to review. Piktochart provides me with the tools to display data in a creative, visually appealing way.” – Erica Barto, Selection, Testing & Assessment Specialist at Valero Energy Corporation Create a report, presentation, infographic, or other visuals online with Piktochart. You don’t need any graphic design experience to make professional visual content. Sign up for free .

1. Think of it as a Q&A

Before you start worrying about your reporting frequency and whether you should provide monthly reports or weekly reports, take a step back and focus on the purpose of the report itself.

In essence, the reporting process comes down to Q&A; you’re answering key questions about your progress. Imagine your manager, colleagues, or client asking you their most important questions, and you’re simply providing them with answers on the project status.

For example, let’s say that you’re organizing a weekend fair with food stalls and music and that you’re put in charge of food concessions.

The project plan might require you to have secured letters of intent (LOI) from at least 10 businesses by the end of the first month.

Your progress report would then outline the companies or entrepreneurs who have sent LOIs, including a description of their businesses and plans for their food stalls. If talks are in progress with other businesses that haven’t yet sent LOIs, you can include that and explain when they’re expected to send in their letters.

On the other hand, if you haven’t met your target, you’d have to explain why but also narrate the efforts you have exerted and the expected timeline for achieving the desired results.

roadblock, solution, timeline, problem solving

2 . Use simple and straightforward language

This doesn’t mean you can’t use technical jargon.

For example, if you’re in the construction business, you don’t have to avoid using terms like “tender” or “variation” or “risk management.”

But otherwise, speak plainly. Use clear and concise language.

One misconception in business writing is that complexity impresses. In truth, it only causes confusion. Fact is, being able to speak plainly about your subject indicates that you understand your subject matter inside out.

Let’s get specific. One thing that makes business documents dreary is the transformation of verbs into nouns—just like I did there.

If we had to rephrase that to keep the verb, we’d write, “transforming verbs into nouns.” It sounds simpler and gets to the point.

an infographic about how to transform verbs into nouns, tips for writing a progress report for project managers

3 . Avoid using the passive voice where possible

Sometimes, you can’t avoid using the passive voice in formal documents that prohibit the first-person point-of-view. But when done well, it helps to make your progress reports more relatable.

Going back to the food concession example, a passive sentence would read: “Research on potential food concessionaires was carried out.”

To make that sentence active, give it an actor (which is the team in this case), as in: “The team researched on potential food concessionaires.”

4. Be specific

A study published in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience found that when you use concrete words, you tend to engage both the left and right parts of the brain, while the right region tends to remain unstimulated by abstract words.

While the jury is still out on exactly how word meanings are represented in the mind, we can agree that the phrase “a merry sound” doesn’t stir the imagination as much as “tinkling bells”.

“A hot day” doesn’t activate visual imagery as much as “a melting popsicle” does. When a reader’s mind is stimulated by words, it’s less likely to drift off.

melting popsicle, imagery

Taking the previous example, “researched on potential food concessionaires” doesn’t evoke a visual image. Meanwhile, “built a list of 50 potential food concessionaires” is more concrete, especially when you add details of what food items might be sold.

5. Explain jargon if needed

This depends on who will be reading your progress reports, and if you’re using very specialized jargon that only members of your team would be familiar with.

For example, in a report written by a construction team addressed to the project manager , construction jargon could be used as the recipient obviously understands it.

6. Spell out acronyms when they first occur in the document

Don’t assume that every single person reading the report will understand all the acronyms you use without you spelling them out.

For instance, in construction work, SWMS should first be spelled out as “safe work method statement”. ‘Pre-starts’ should be spelled out as ‘pre-start checks’. So in your report, it would look like this: “safe work method statement (SWMS)”, then all subsequent references are free to just be SWMS.

7. Stick to facts

Avoid providing an opinion, unless it’s part of the project.

For instance, your task might be to analyze data and offer your interpretation and prediction. In that case, you can offer your speculation and point of view, as long as you have evidence to back you up.

8. Use graphics to supplement the text

Avoid writing down a long series of numbers in a sentence. Try using different types of graphs , tables or charts, especially when dealing with a series of numbers.

Here at Piktochart, we have many progress report templates, and the hiring progress report below is a great example.

hiring progress report template

When using graphs or charts, try out several types to determine which ones best present your data. You might use a bar graph , pie chart , line graph , or even scatter plot . When doing so, though, spend time distinguishing different data sets from the others by using labels and colors.

Don’t worry if this sounds daunting—there are plenty of software that can help you visualize data , including the most basic examples, MS Excel and Numbers for Mac.

How to structure progress report s

You may still be wondering about the exact process of how to write a progress report. Armed with all of these practical tips, how do you put the report together?

First, it depends on the type of report, as well as the intended reader. A progress report may be written daily, weekly, or monthly. It may be written for an individual or a team.

As you’ll see in the examples below, the main parts of a progress report are:

1. Introduction

This part provides an overview of the contents of the progress report. It’s best to write this after you’ve completed all the other parts of the report. That way, you’ll be able to provide an accurate summary.

Keep it short and simple. One or two paragraphs will do.

2. Accomplishments

Numbers and details are your friends, especially when writing this section of the progress report. The accomplishments you write should correspond to your goals.

milestones reached in a progress report

What were your goals for the period covered by the report?

This could be a goal for the day, week, month, or quarter. On the other hand, it could be a team goal, too.

Be concrete when writing goals. For instance:

goals for next month in a progress report

Avoid providing too much detailed information. The simpler this section is, the easier it is for stakeholders and the project team to see the project priorities.

4. Roadblocks

Explain what situations, if any, prevented you from achieving your goals, or may have hindered the project’s progress.

But don’t stop there. Be proactive and present an action plan and timeline for resolving the roadblocks. Include details, such as funds, materials, and human resources you may need to implement the solution.

Progress reporting templates you can edit right away

To guide you better, here are progress report template examples that are visually attractive and highly readable.

These templates are available if you sign up for a free Piktochart account . Once you log in, use any of the templates below and edit the elements and text to make it your own.

1. Daily progress report s

A daily progress report includes your goals for the day, as well as your accomplishments the previous day. It also explains challenges encountered in performing tasks and achieving goals.

Another section under the daily report is ‘lessons learned’. These need to be directly related to the day’s tasks and challenges, as well as to the previous day’s accomplishments.

daily progress report, report template piktochart

2. Weekly progress report

Weekly progress reports provide a week-by-week breakdown of what has been accomplished and what tasks remain to be completed.

Just like a daily report, a weekly progress report may include challenges and lessons learned. Examples are included in the templates below.

To get a better idea of this, let’s go back to the events example:

  • Many potential vendors were attending a week-long industry convention; couldn’t book meetings.
  • Potential vendors didn’t read the entire email.

example of challenges

Lessons Learned

  • Consider industry events when planning a timeline for contacting clients
  • Introductory emails must be short and have readable formatting

example of lessons learned

3. Monthly progress report ing

A monthly report is necessary for projects with longer durations. The report may provide both monthly and quarterly data on project progress.

cover of a monthly progress report template

4. Team progress report s

Team progress reports provide information on both team and individual milestones and progress status. Now this one is more complicated, simply because it involves several people who may have worked on different tasks.

It’s not enough to just let one person make the report. Of course, one person can do the typing, but everyone must provide input and feedback.

One way to keep a record of different team members’ input is to keep track of edits they have made.

To do this, simply enable tracking of changes on a Word document, or on Pages for Mac users. When working on a collaborative tool like Google Docs , click the pencil icon on the top-right part of the window, and choose “Edits become suggestions” on the drop-down menu. Here’s what that looks like:

suggesting mode google docs

On the other hand, team members can insert comments or questions. Again, you can do this easily on a Word document, as well as on software that let you comment on shared documents, like Google Docs and Piktochart .

Here’s what it looks like in Piktochart (learn more about this feature in our guide to annotated comments for teams ):

Here’s one example of Piktochart’s many team project report templates .

team progress report, template piktochart

One last thing… You’ve finally finished typing up your report—breathe a sigh of relief, but don’t hit ‘send’ just yet.

Go over it at least once (better to do it more than once, especially if it’s a team report). Re-read the article, edit the content as needed, then ask a teammate to proofread with a fresh pair of eyes.

checklist for reports, tips for creating reports, report checklist

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Research Progress Report

Report generator.

how to write a research project progress report

Progress reports . You heard of them, you may even think they are useful or useless. You may also think that as a student, you don’t have to write them. However, this is not always the case. A research progress report is nothing short as one of the necessary reports you need to make. When it comes to writing reports, a lot of students may feel the need to complain due to the fact that writing reports can be boring or simply a waste of time. What they don’t know is that giving a report is useful for their professors, especially when it is used as a way to know the progress of their performance, school projects, or research activities. So take a good look at these examples to help you out with your research progress report.

10+ Research Progress Report Examples

1. research progress report template.

Research Progress Report Template

  • Google Docs

2. Summer Stipend Research Progress Report

Summer Stipend Research Progress Report

Size: 31 KB

3. Biomedical Research Progress Report

Biomedical Research Progress Report

Size: 150 KB

4. Research Performance Progress Report

Research Performance Progress Report

Size: 76 KB

5. Weekly Research Progress Report

Weekly Research Progress Report

Size: 103 KB

6. Printable Research Progress Report

Printable Research Progress Report

Size: 681 KB

7. Research Fellow Progress Report

Research Fellow Progress Report

8. Human Research Progress Report

Human Research Progress Report

Size: 117 KB

9. Editable Research Progress Report

Editable Research Progress Report

Size: 113 KB

10. Candidate Research Progress Report

Candidate Research Progress Report

Size: 290 KB

11. Annual Research Progress Report

Annual Research Progress Report

What Is a Research Progress Report?

The progress of your research . Whether that progress will be a lot or not as much. The report consists of the detailed progress you give to your superior or for students’ cases to their professors on how their research assignment or research project is going. In addition to that, a research progress report not only consists of the exact progress, but it also consists of what you have been doing, how the research is going, and of course the information you are going to be giving or the evidence whether positive or negative. Everything is written there. A research progress report is a document that clearly states what it is supposed to state.

How to Write a Research Progress Report?

To write a research progress report , there are a lot of ways to do so. Regardless of how you plan it out, draft it out and finalize it, there are still some things you have to think about when you want to proceed. Here are some tips that will get you started with your research progress report.

1. Write the Title of Your Report

The title of your report should at least be about what your research is about. It does not have to be something too fancy that the whole point of the report is lost or too obvious that would make the report redundant.

2. State the Achievements That Have Been Done

Any achievement that has been done or recorded should be written down, no matter how minuscule or large these achievements are. Progress is progress and it should also be recorded.

3. State the Name of the Researchers

The researchers names should also at least be a part of the report, especially if it is a group research. It is always best to add the names of the people involved in helping you with the progress of your report or the progress of your research. Give them some credit.

4. Give the Expected Publication for the Research

There are some who may be asking for the expected publication of your research . If this were the case, at least give the expected date of the research; however, as for the report, when you are done writing it, you should immediately check if you have everything written for it to be presentable.

5. Add the Statistics and Evidence to Support Your Report

The statistics and evidence to support your report should also be present. The reason for having to add evidence for a progress report is to show your professors or your superiors enough to compare the previous progress reports to the current report, regardless if there is any progress or the lack of it.

What is a research progress report?

A research progress report is a document that summarizes the progress of a research made by students. In order for their professors to know the exact ongoing of their research, the students are tasked to write about what is going on with their report and how far are they to achieving it.

Are there other ways to write a research progress report?

There are other ways, but the most common is writing it in an essay form. Of course, you can also fill out a form that states a research progress report form. But it is usual to present it in paragraph form in order for your professors to see the details of the statistics given.

Is a research progress report short or long?

A general research progress report is expected to be a page long. However, this would depend on how much progress you have made throughout your research and how much reports you have done in order to compare from your previous ones.

We are taught to write progress reports while we are still in school, so when we are out there in the real world, we are able to understand the reason and the purpose of writing these kinds of reports. A research progress report is simply just another kind of progress report that we are taught to write. It helps your teachers know where your progress is at the moment and how long are they going to expect your research project to be completed.


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Progress Report: What is it & How to Write it? (+Examples)

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Picture this: You're a project manager juggling multiple tasks, deadlines, and team members. Keeping the balance between different tasks is hard but very important.

Enter the progress report, your secret weapon in conquering chaos and ensuring smooth sailing.

But what exactly is a progress report, and how do you craft one effectively? In this blog post, I'll demystify progress reports and guide you through the process of writing one.

From daily progress reports to weekly progress reports, using practical progress report templates and a tried-and-true format.

What is a Progress Report?

A progress report is a vital tool in project management , designed to keep different types of stakeholders informed about the ongoing status of a project.

It's a concise document highlighting current achievements, challenges, and goals, allowing the project manager to track progress and make necessary adjustments.

Project progress reports are one of the most important types of project management reports . They help maintain transparency, communication, and accountability within a team, ensuring everyone is on the same page. They also provide valuable insights for decision-makers, helping them gauge the project's overall health and success.

Here's what you can expect to find in a typical progress report:

  • Project Overview: A brief summary of the project's objectives and scope.
  • Current Status: A snapshot of where the project stands regarding completed tasks, milestones reached, and overall progress.
  • Challenges and Issues: Any technical difficulties, resource constraints, or personnel issues.
  • Next Steps: The immediate tasks and goals on the horizon and how the team plans to tackle them.
  • Progress Report Format: The layout of the report can vary depending on the organization's preferences or industry standards.

Writing a progress report can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. You'll create a valuable document that keeps everyone informed and aligned by breaking it down into manageable sections and using clear, concise language.

Embrace the progress report writing skill and watch your team's productivity and communication soar.

Why are Progress Reports Important?

Why is a progress report important?

Progress reports play a vital role in project management, serving as a communication tool to keep stakeholders updated. Let's delve into why progress reports are crucial for the success of any project or business.

Transparency and Accountability

Progress reports eliminate ambiguity and promote transparency. By regularly sharing project updates with stakeholders, the project team is held accountable for their work. This accountability ensures everyone is on track to meet the project milestones and objectives.

Identify Potential Issues Early

Progress reports help identify potential problems before they escalate. Team members can spot bottlenecks, delays, and other issues by examining project data and analyzing the progress report.

Early detection enables the team to take prompt action and prevent these issues from derailing the project.

Effective Decision-Making

Armed with accurate and timely information from progress reports, project managers and stakeholders can make informed decisions.

When a project progresses smoothly, management can allocate resources more efficiently or plan for future phases. On the other hand, if a project encounters challenges, swift decisions can be made to reallocate resources or change course.

Maintaining Momentum

A progress report's important aspect is maintaining momentum. When team members see their progress documented and shared, it fosters a sense of accomplishment and motivation.

This positive reinforcement encourages teams to keep pushing forward and maintain their productivity.

Improved Communication and Collaboration

Progress reports facilitate better communication and collaboration among team members. By sharing updates and insights, the entire team stays informed, reducing the chances of miscommunication or misunderstandings.

Moreover, progress reports provide a platform for team members to ask questions, provide feedback, and offer support.

Performance Tracking

Business progress reports, such as quarterly, monthly, or annual progress reports, help track performance over time.

By comparing past reports, management can gauge the business's overall health and identify trends or patterns. This historical data can inform future strategies and drive continuous improvement.

How to Write a Progress Report

Step 1: define the purpose.

The first step in writing a progress report is understanding its purpose. Progress reports inform stakeholders about the project's status, including what has been accomplished, any challenges encountered, and future planning. This allows project managers to keep everyone in the loop and make informed decisions.

The purpose of this monthly progress report is to update the management team on the project's status. It presents an overview of completed tasks, in-progress tasks, upcoming tasks, and any challenges faced during the reporting period. This report will also provide insight into key performance metrics and future planning .

Step 2: Know Your Audience

Determine who will read the progress report. Is it for higher-ups, clients, or team members? Tailor the language, tone, and level of detail accordingly.

Step 3: Set the Timeframe

Decide the reporting period – weekly, monthly, or quarterly. Choose a timeframe that best suits your project's pace and stakeholder expectations.

Step 4: Collect Information

Gather data on tasks completed, team members involved, and any obstacles faced. Consult previous progress reports, project documentation , and team members for accurate information.

Step 5: Organize Content

Break down the report into logical sections. Here’s what we suggest:

  • Summary: A brief overview of the report's contents.
  • Completed Tasks: List tasks accomplished during the reporting period.
  • In-Progress Tasks: Describe ongoing tasks and their current status.
  • Upcoming Tasks: Outline tasks scheduled for the next reporting period.
  • Challenges: Discuss any obstacles encountered and how they were addressed.
  • Key Metrics: Highlight key project performance indicators and progress towards goals.
  • Future Planning: Discuss plans for the next reporting period and any adjustments needed.

Step 6: Write the Summary

Craft a concise summary that provides a snapshot of the report. Mention key achievements, challenges, and plans for the future. Keep it brief but informative.

This progress report covers our team's accomplishments during Q1, with a particular focus on the completion of the website redesign and the initiation of our social media marketing campaign. We've encountered some challenges in coordinating with external vendors, but we've implemented solutions to overcome those obstacles .

Step 7: Detail Completed Tasks

List all tasks completed during the reporting period. Include the following information:

  • Task description
  • Team members involved
  • Start and end dates
  • Any relevant metrics (e.g., hours spent, budget used)
  • Task 1 – Implement a user login system.
  • Team members: Jeff and Sarah.
  • Start date: January 1st.
  • End date: January 15th.
  • Metrics: 98% successful login rate.

Step 8: Discuss In-Progress Tasks

Outline ongoing tasks, their current status, and expected completion dates. Explain any delays and their impact on the project timeline .

  • Task 2 – Develop a mobile app.
  • Current status: 70% completed.
  • Expected completion date: February 15th.

Step 9: Describe Upcoming Tasks

Identify tasks scheduled for the next reporting period. Provide details such as:

  • Assigned team members
  • Estimated start and end dates
  • Dependencies on other tasks
  • Task 3 – Launch marketing campaign.
  • Assigned team members: Anas and Mark.
  • Estimated start date: February 16th.
  • Estimated end date: March 1st.
  • Dependencies: Completion of mobile app development.

Step 10: Address Challenges

Discuss any challenges encountered during the reporting period. Describe how they were resolved or any plans to address them in the future.

  • Challenge 1 – Unforeseen technical issues causing delays.
  • Resolution: Increased resources and adjusted project timeline to accommodate the additional time required.

Step 11: Present Key Metrics

Highlight key project management performance indicators and progress toward project goals. Use visuals like charts or graphs to make the data more digestible.

  • Metric 1 – User registration rate.
  • Current status: 500 new users per week.
  • Target goal: 1,000 new users per week.

Step 12: Plan for the Future

Discuss plans for the next reporting period, including any adjustments required. This may involve reallocating resources, revising timelines, or redefining objectives.

In the next reporting period, our focus will shift to improving user retention and engagement. We plan to implement new features based on user feedback and optimize the onboarding process.

Step 13: Proofread and Revise

Review the report for clarity, accuracy, and readability. Ensure all information is presented in a clear, concise manner.

Step 14: Submit the Report

Submit the progress report to the relevant stakeholders, ensuring they have ample time to review and provide feedback.

Example Progress Report Template

Use this template as a starting point for your progress report:

Project Title[Project Name] Report
SummaryBrief overview of the report's contents, key achievements, and challenges
Completed TasksTask 1: Description, team members, start and end dates, relevant metrics
Task 2: …
In-Progress TasksTask 1: Description, current status, expected completion date
Task 2: …
Upcoming TasksTask 1: Description, assigned team members, estimated start and end dates, dependencies
Task 2: …
ChallengesChallenge 1: Description, resolution, or plan to address it
Challenge 2: …
Key MetricsMetric 1: Description, current status, target goal
Metric 2: …
Future PlanningPlans for the next reporting period: any adjustments or changes required
ConclusionRecap of the report's contents: final thoughts or recommendations

By following these steps and guidelines, you'll be well-equipped to write an effective progress report that keeps stakeholders informed and drives project success. Clear communication is key to maintaining momentum and ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Examples of Progress Reports

1. business progress report.

Business Progress Report

A business progress report helps track company growth, accomplishments, and areas for improvement. It includes:

  • Revenue and sales figures.
  • Market trends and competition.
  • Operational efficiency.
  • Employee performance.
  • Goals and milestones achieved.

2. Quarterly Progress Reports

Quarterly Business Review

These reports offer a snapshot of a project or business every three months. They cover:

  • Major achievements.
  • Challenges faced and solutions.
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Updated project timeline.
  • Budget status.

3. Monthly Progress Reports

Monthly progress reports provide more frequent updates on projects or departments. They highlight:

  • Accomplishments and setbacks.
  • Progress towards monthly goals.
  • Resource utilization.
  • Issues and risks.
  • Action items for the upcoming month.

4. Project Status

Project Status Report

Project status reports focus on a specific project's progress. They showcase:

  • Project documentation updates.
  • Completed tasks and upcoming deliverables.
  • Risks and issues encountered.
  • Team members' performance.
  • Changes to project scope or timeline.

5. Personal Progress

Personal progress reports help individuals track their growth and development. They include:

  • Personal goals and objectives.
  • Achievements and lessons learned.
  • Skill development and training.
  • Performance feedback.
  • Areas for improvement and action plans.

Best Practices for Writing Progress Reports

Progress Report Template

Know Your Target Audience

When you create a progress report, start by identifying your target audience . Project stakeholders, team members, and future decision-makers should all benefit from your report.

Write in such a way that it is easy for them to understand. Avoid technical jargon and explain industry-specific language so everyone stays on the same page.

Reporting Frequency and Dates

Establish a reporting frequency for your progress reports. Whether weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, maintain consistency. Include report dates and the expected completion date of the current project to provide a clear timeline.

Stick to the Project's Scope

Focus on the project's scope and stay within the project's purpose. Don't digress or include unrelated details. A concise report ensures that readers remain engaged and informed.

Review Previous Reports

Refer to the previous report to identify any changes or developments. Highlight the work completed, project deliverables , and any updates to the project plan. Doing so will maintain continuity and keep stakeholders informed about the department's progress.

Prioritize and Organize

Arrange project priorities logically, focusing on the most critical aspects first. Organize the information in a clear, easy-to-follow format. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points for better readability.

Be Transparent About Problems

Don't shy away from discussing problems or challenges. Addressing issues helps stakeholders understand the project's status and any hurdles that may affect successful completion. Offer potential solutions or workarounds to demonstrate proactive thinking.

Back Up Progress with Relevant Data

Use relevant data to support your progress. Figures, charts, and percentages can provide a quick overview of the project's status. Make sure your data is accurate, up-to-date, and presented in an easy-to-understand format.

Highlight Team Member Contributions

Acknowledge team members who have made significant contributions to the project. This recognition boosts morale and encourages continued excellence.

Include Future Projections

Discuss what's next for the project, such as upcoming tasks or milestones. This helps stakeholders understand the trajectory of the project and anticipate the work ahead.

Keep it Simple and Actionable

Present complex ideas in a simple, easy-to-understand language. Break down complicated concepts into manageable chunks. Offer actionable insights and practical takeaways, so stakeholders can quickly grasp the project details.

Establish a Database

Create a database to store all progress reports. This repository helps stakeholders access past reports and provides valuable insights for future projects. It also ensures that information is preserved and easily accessible when needed.

Proofread and Edit

Before sharing your progress report, proofread and edit for clarity, consistency, and accuracy. This step ensures that your report is polished, professional, and easy to understand.

Progress Reporting FAQs

A progress report is most valuable when you're working on a long-term project. It's a way to keep stakeholders updated on progress and share important insights.

The primary purpose of a progress report is to provide a clear and concise overview of a project's status. This includes: – Communicating progress toward goals – Identifying potential issues and solutions – Demonstrating accountability and commitment to the project – Providing a step-by-step guide of completed tasks and upcoming work – Offering visual aids, like charts and graphs, to illustrate data A well-crafted progress report keeps stakeholders informed and fosters collaboration. It's also valuable for maintaining momentum and motivation throughout the project.

Writing Progress Reports Does Not Need to Be Hard

So, you've reached the end of this blog post. You're now equipped with the knowledge and tools to make progress report writing a breeze. Remember, it doesn't have to be a daunting task.

Keep it simple, stick to the facts, and let your progress shine. Talk about what you achieved, any challenges you faced, and how you overcame them. Use a clear, concise, structured format to ensure your message is easily understood.

To simplify the process, check out our guide on project reporting tools .

Ask yourself:

  • What are the key takeaways from this period?
  • How can I best communicate the status of the project?
  • Are there any challenges that need addressing?

Considering these questions will make your progress report informative, actionable, and engaging. And don't forget, practice makes perfect. The more progress reports you write, the easier and more efficient the process will become.

Explore Further

  • Essential Components of Project Management
  • Best Project Management Software 2023
  • The Inspiring History of Project Management. How Did It Begin?
  • 9 Essential Roles In Project Management

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Martin loves entrepreneurship and has helped dozens of entrepreneurs by validating the business idea, finding scalable customer acquisition channels, and building a data-driven organization. During his time working in investment banking, tech startups, and industry-leading companies he gained extensive knowledge in using different software tools to optimize business processes.

This insights and his love for researching SaaS products enables him to provide in-depth, fact-based software reviews to enable software buyers make better decisions.

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Blog Business How to Write a Professional Progress Report 

How to Write a Professional Progress Report 

Written by: Daleska Pedriquez Jun 28, 2022

progress report

The first time I had to do a professional progress report, I panicked. I didn’t know where to begin my report or what to include. So I did some research and asked my co-workers for advice. 

I’m glad I did because they shared some useful tips on how to create a progress report . They also pointed me toward a ton of progress report templates to use as a starting point.

Now, I’ve filled out countless progress reports and learned some valuable lessons along the way. So, gather around everyone! I’ll show you the magic of using progress reports for your business, including how to incorporate data visualization.

Let’s get started!

Click to jump ahead:

What is a progress report?

Why are work progress reports important, what are the benefits of the project progress reports, how to write a progress report, 3 tips to write great reports, faqs about writing a professional progress report.

Let’s start with the basics. A progress report includes a detailed description of the current status of a project, as well as forecasts for the future. You can use this type of report to share insights on project status and performance. You may also project results and timelines based on the milestones your team has achieved and the challenges you’ve faced so far.

These reports often contain a summary of communications between a team member and a project manager. This helps stakeholders get a snapshot of how a project is progressing. 

Keep in mind: a progress report may be for your team alone, your company as a whole or your board of executives. Depending on the audience, you may want to include more or less granular information.

This may seem obvious, but reporting on progress is key for keeping your team on track. Consistent  project updates  will ensure everyone is working on the right tasks, at the right time. These reports also provide an opportunity for reflection…

What’s going well? What isn’t? Do the project objectives still make sense? Do they need adjusting? By taking the time to reflect  before  a project is finished, you’ll be able to catch any problems, adjust and increase your chances of success. 

Project progress reports offer several benefits to both project managers and stakeholders involved in a project. Here’s a closer look at the benefits of creating a professional progress report: 

Improves team collaboration 

As I mentioned, progress reports are all about keeping teams on the same page. Generally, everyone on your team would receive a copy of the report. That way, everyone can see what’s done and what remains to be done. 

This is also a good way to keep your team motivated during long projects. By reporting on everything that’s been accomplished, they can see just how far they’ve come.

In the initial phases of a project, your progress report may be as simple as a timeline. This type of report works well during the planning stages, too. For example, check out this weekly reporting template: 

progress report

You can customize this template however you need. Style the text, swap out the colors, add in your logo and voilà… you have a professionally branded report.

Guides decision-making throughout a project

Again, if you wait until the end of a project to reflect, you may miss opportunities to course-correct along the way. No  project plan  is perfect. There will always be unforeseen circumstances. A task that requires more time. A team member that drops out of the race… 

A progress report can help you deal with these hiccups. By proactively checking in on a project, you can make decisions about the best use of resources. Or even, whether you need to switch lanes entirely! 

Creates a detailed audit trail for all projects

While a progress report  isn’t  an audit, it does provide a record of all the work undertaken during a project. In other words, it’s useful if you or your company need to create an audit trail using project execution records.

Of course, progress reports are also useful if you’re answering to execs, giving updates to your fellow execs or simply referring back to the next time around. 

progress report

Take this quarterly project status report as an example. Using this template, you can share a high-level overview of a project with a simple progress bar featuring a clear percentage, or swap in any chart to depict progress. With Venngage’s editor, you just have to double-click on the chart and input the appropriate value.

Promotes transparency and accountability

Transparency and accountability are buzzwords in business, but with good reason. Without transparency, there’s no accountability. And without accountability, well, your project is going to be a slog. 

Progress reports are a great way to maintain transparency and accountability throughout a project. Not only can you see exactly who’s done (and doing) what, but you can also highlight the allocation of funding and resources, as well as results. 

progress report

Now that we’ve talked about the perks of using a progress report to  visualize your company’s projects , let’s dig into the good stuff. Here’s how to write a detailed progress report: 

1. Determine your report’s objectives

Of course, your report will have different objectives depending on the format. If you’re putting together a weekly report, those objectives may be tasks accomplished. You may also include notes about roadblocks or problems solved. 

A monthly or quarterly report will likely look at larger milestones instead and give a broader overview of the progress made on a project. This type of regular project evaluation may also compare progress to previous months. 

progress report

Pro tip: while designing in Venngage, you can create a new color scheme, or use one of the many automated color palettes available. If you’re on a business plan, you’ll also have access to  My Brand Kit , which allows you to upload logos, choose fonts and set color palettes. Then, you can easily apply your visual branding to every design.

2. Collect all your data

Once you’ve established your objectives, you can gather the necessary data to report on them. 

For example, with a weekly report, you may need to check in with your team members to get a status update on their tasks. With a monthly report, you may be able to pull results, in addition to a broader status update. 

Whatever claims you include in your report, just make sure you can back them up with data. If you’re saying a project is 90% complete, that percentage should be calculated based on real numbers, not estimates. 

progress report

In general, you’ll share a broader progress update on the first page of your report. Then, the following pages will show the supporting data. 

3. Perform a detailed data analysis

Now for the fun part. (Yup, I’m a data nerd.) 

Analyzing your data is the logical next step. I like to start by organizing my data into buckets. For example, I might have a bucket for tasks accomplished, outstanding tasks, blockers, budget and key learnings to date. 

Often, I’ll include a bucket for outstanding questions. And I analyze all of the above to identify patterns and make informed predictions.

Once you have all this information, make a note of which pieces of data can be visualized. Graphs, charts and other visuals help simplify complex data and reduce the amount of text you’ll need in your report. (More on visualizing your data in just a sec!) 

progress report

Pro tip: when creating a report in Venngage on a  Business Plan , you can collaborate in real-time with your team members and invite them to work on a design. You can also leave comments and get feedback, right on the platform. Alternatively, you can share your design online, via email or download a high-resolution PNG, PDF or interactive PDF. 

4. Outline and edit your report

Ah, the outline. I create an outline for everything I write, whether it’s a blog, business plan, or yes, a progress report. In my experience, it’s the best way to avoid writer’s block. With a detailed outline, you’ll never get stuck staring at a blank screen again. 

At this point, you know your objectives. You’ve collected and analyzed all your data. All that’s left is to  turn it into a story . 

I like to start with objectives and work my way backward. In my outline, I’ll cover objectives on the first page. Each one gets its own heading with supporting data underneath. I’ll also include a high-level description of my project on the first page. 

I like to organize the following sections by objective, too. This creates a natural hierarchy while keeping goals and objectives top of mind. 

progress report

5. Nail down the length of your report

Keep in mind that you don’t want your report to be the length of a bible! No one has the time or attention span for that. Here’s a quick rule of thumb: a progress report should be around two to three pages.

This should give you enough space to state your objectives, present supporting data, showcase progress and make any predictions. If your outline is more than three pages, have another look and see what you can trim. As all good writers know, sometimes you have to  kill your darlings . 

6. Design your report using visuals 

A picture is worth a thousand words — there’s a reason we’ve all heard this saying a thousand times! 

Engaging visuals  are the perfect way to turn dry data into meaningful, digestible statements. But you don’t have to create these visuals from scratch or hire a designer for that matter. By starting with one of  Venngage’s templates , you can simply customize the visuals to suit your needs.

progress report

For example, this project management status report template includes several images, charts and icons. You can swap out the images with your own or browse over three million high-quality, royalty-free photos to find something suitable. 

You can also change the icons to reflect your data. With Venngage, you get access to over 40,000 icons with thousands of diverse options to reflect a range of skin tones and cultural backgrounds. Plus, you can change the  charts to best represent your data . 

By using visuals in your design, you’ll break up walls of text and make your report both aesthetically pleasing and easy to understand. In the end, this will help you improve communication and impress any stakeholders involved. 

With Venngage’s  report maker , the design process is quick and easy. And best of all, you can do it all yourself — exactly the way you envisioned.

Related : 5 Best Report Creators for Businesses in 2022

7. Get feedback from your team 

Before sharing your final report, consider getting feedback from your team. 

They may have additional insights to share on a project’s progress. They can also help spot faulty data and prevent any embarrassing retractions down the line. This is also just good for morale. The more involved your team feels in a project, the more invested they’ll be. 

8. Finalize your report

Last step: proofreading.

Make sure to double-check everything, from spelling and grammar to project details and data visualizations. This step ties in with my point above. Getting a second pair of eyes to proofread your report is always a good idea. 

When you’ve been staring at something for weeks, it can be hard to catch mistakes. Your team members can look at your report with fresh eyes and share fresh insights.

progress report

In the data-heavy example above, a misplaced comma or rogue denominator could make all the difference. So don’t skip that final once over! At the end of the day, the goal is to create a report that’s as accurate as possible.

I’ve talked a lot about how to use visuals to create an engaging, full-featured progress report. But what about words, you ask? 

Keep these three quick tips in mind to breeze through the writing part, too: 

1. Stay focused

And I mean hyper-focused. 

Remember the first step in this guide: determine your report’s objectives. By staying focused on your objectives, you’ll avoid unnecessary tangents. Plus, you’ll have a lot less editing to do when it comes time to kill your darlings! 

If a point doesn’t tie back to your objectives, skip it. This will give your entire report a sense of direction. It will also help your team members digest and retain the information.

2. Discuss your objectives in a balanced manner

If you have multiple objectives, make sure you give each one its due. 

It’s true, one objective may be more important than the other. For example, you might dedicate more real estate to outlining project tasks than predicting future progress. Just make sure to weigh positive and negative data fairly. 

You don’t want a rose-colored report, so to speak. This will set unrealistic expectations and be more harmful than helpful down the line. Instead, use all the available data to share a balanced perspective in your progress report. 

3. Use a consistent reporting style

Reports are no place for flowery language. 

To make your report as effective as possible, use straightforward, simple language. Make sure to define any acronyms or technical terms at the beginning of your report. And remember the three Cs while you’re writing: be clear, concise and compelling.

progress report

What are the three types of progress reports?

There are three types of reports based on the time span they cover:

  • Weekly: These reports typically cover a team member’s individual progress and how it affects the entire project.
  • Monthly: These progress reports typically provide a broader overview of a project, including team member progress, methods and projections. Monthly reports are usually data-dependent and require more visuals than weekly reports.
  • Quarterly: These detailed reports cover a three-month period. Quarterly reports include a lot more data and will require more visuals to make them digestible and engaging as a result. 

What are the qualities of a good progress report?

The qualities of a good progress report are: 

  • Comprehensiveness: Provide a total overview of a project using clear objectives, simple language and a balanced ratio of text and images in your layout.
  • Data-backed: Make sure your report includes accurate data that you’ve double-checked for any discrepancies.
  • Rich in visuals: Leverage engaging visuals to break up the text in your report and turn your data into a compelling, easily digestible story.

Write a detailed professional progress report and achieve your goals

I know from personal experience that writing a progress report can be daunting at first. 

But with these tips and templates, I’m confident you can do it. So go ahead, give it a try.  Create a beautiful, raise-winning report  with Venngage for free. Just remember to clearly define your objectives first… and don’t skimp on visuals!

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Home » Research Report – Example, Writing Guide and Types

Research Report – Example, Writing Guide and Types

Table of Contents

Research Report

Research Report


Research Report is a written document that presents the results of a research project or study, including the research question, methodology, results, and conclusions, in a clear and objective manner.

The purpose of a research report is to communicate the findings of the research to the intended audience, which could be other researchers, stakeholders, or the general public.

Components of Research Report

Components of Research Report are as follows:


The introduction sets the stage for the research report and provides a brief overview of the research question or problem being investigated. It should include a clear statement of the purpose of the study and its significance or relevance to the field of research. It may also provide background information or a literature review to help contextualize the research.

Literature Review

The literature review provides a critical analysis and synthesis of the existing research and scholarship relevant to the research question or problem. It should identify the gaps, inconsistencies, and contradictions in the literature and show how the current study addresses these issues. The literature review also establishes the theoretical framework or conceptual model that guides the research.


The methodology section describes the research design, methods, and procedures used to collect and analyze data. It should include information on the sample or participants, data collection instruments, data collection procedures, and data analysis techniques. The methodology should be clear and detailed enough to allow other researchers to replicate the study.

The results section presents the findings of the study in a clear and objective manner. It should provide a detailed description of the data and statistics used to answer the research question or test the hypothesis. Tables, graphs, and figures may be included to help visualize the data and illustrate the key findings.

The discussion section interprets the results of the study and explains their significance or relevance to the research question or problem. It should also compare the current findings with those of previous studies and identify the implications for future research or practice. The discussion should be based on the results presented in the previous section and should avoid speculation or unfounded conclusions.

The conclusion summarizes the key findings of the study and restates the main argument or thesis presented in the introduction. It should also provide a brief overview of the contributions of the study to the field of research and the implications for practice or policy.

The references section lists all the sources cited in the research report, following a specific citation style, such as APA or MLA.

The appendices section includes any additional material, such as data tables, figures, or instruments used in the study, that could not be included in the main text due to space limitations.

Types of Research Report

Types of Research Report are as follows:

Thesis is a type of research report. A thesis is a long-form research document that presents the findings and conclusions of an original research study conducted by a student as part of a graduate or postgraduate program. It is typically written by a student pursuing a higher degree, such as a Master’s or Doctoral degree, although it can also be written by researchers or scholars in other fields.

Research Paper

Research paper is a type of research report. A research paper is a document that presents the results of a research study or investigation. Research papers can be written in a variety of fields, including science, social science, humanities, and business. They typically follow a standard format that includes an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion sections.

Technical Report

A technical report is a detailed report that provides information about a specific technical or scientific problem or project. Technical reports are often used in engineering, science, and other technical fields to document research and development work.

Progress Report

A progress report provides an update on the progress of a research project or program over a specific period of time. Progress reports are typically used to communicate the status of a project to stakeholders, funders, or project managers.

Feasibility Report

A feasibility report assesses the feasibility of a proposed project or plan, providing an analysis of the potential risks, benefits, and costs associated with the project. Feasibility reports are often used in business, engineering, and other fields to determine the viability of a project before it is undertaken.

Field Report

A field report documents observations and findings from fieldwork, which is research conducted in the natural environment or setting. Field reports are often used in anthropology, ecology, and other social and natural sciences.

Experimental Report

An experimental report documents the results of a scientific experiment, including the hypothesis, methods, results, and conclusions. Experimental reports are often used in biology, chemistry, and other sciences to communicate the results of laboratory experiments.

Case Study Report

A case study report provides an in-depth analysis of a specific case or situation, often used in psychology, social work, and other fields to document and understand complex cases or phenomena.

Literature Review Report

A literature review report synthesizes and summarizes existing research on a specific topic, providing an overview of the current state of knowledge on the subject. Literature review reports are often used in social sciences, education, and other fields to identify gaps in the literature and guide future research.

Research Report Example

Following is a Research Report Example sample for Students:

Title: The Impact of Social Media on Academic Performance among High School Students

This study aims to investigate the relationship between social media use and academic performance among high school students. The study utilized a quantitative research design, which involved a survey questionnaire administered to a sample of 200 high school students. The findings indicate that there is a negative correlation between social media use and academic performance, suggesting that excessive social media use can lead to poor academic performance among high school students. The results of this study have important implications for educators, parents, and policymakers, as they highlight the need for strategies that can help students balance their social media use and academic responsibilities.


Social media has become an integral part of the lives of high school students. With the widespread use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat, students can connect with friends, share photos and videos, and engage in discussions on a range of topics. While social media offers many benefits, concerns have been raised about its impact on academic performance. Many studies have found a negative correlation between social media use and academic performance among high school students (Kirschner & Karpinski, 2010; Paul, Baker, & Cochran, 2012).

Given the growing importance of social media in the lives of high school students, it is important to investigate its impact on academic performance. This study aims to address this gap by examining the relationship between social media use and academic performance among high school students.


The study utilized a quantitative research design, which involved a survey questionnaire administered to a sample of 200 high school students. The questionnaire was developed based on previous studies and was designed to measure the frequency and duration of social media use, as well as academic performance.

The participants were selected using a convenience sampling technique, and the survey questionnaire was distributed in the classroom during regular school hours. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation analysis.

The findings indicate that the majority of high school students use social media platforms on a daily basis, with Facebook being the most popular platform. The results also show a negative correlation between social media use and academic performance, suggesting that excessive social media use can lead to poor academic performance among high school students.


The results of this study have important implications for educators, parents, and policymakers. The negative correlation between social media use and academic performance suggests that strategies should be put in place to help students balance their social media use and academic responsibilities. For example, educators could incorporate social media into their teaching strategies to engage students and enhance learning. Parents could limit their children’s social media use and encourage them to prioritize their academic responsibilities. Policymakers could develop guidelines and policies to regulate social media use among high school students.


In conclusion, this study provides evidence of the negative impact of social media on academic performance among high school students. The findings highlight the need for strategies that can help students balance their social media use and academic responsibilities. Further research is needed to explore the specific mechanisms by which social media use affects academic performance and to develop effective strategies for addressing this issue.


One limitation of this study is the use of convenience sampling, which limits the generalizability of the findings to other populations. Future studies should use random sampling techniques to increase the representativeness of the sample. Another limitation is the use of self-reported measures, which may be subject to social desirability bias. Future studies could use objective measures of social media use and academic performance, such as tracking software and school records.


The findings of this study have important implications for educators, parents, and policymakers. Educators could incorporate social media into their teaching strategies to engage students and enhance learning. For example, teachers could use social media platforms to share relevant educational resources and facilitate online discussions. Parents could limit their children’s social media use and encourage them to prioritize their academic responsibilities. They could also engage in open communication with their children to understand their social media use and its impact on their academic performance. Policymakers could develop guidelines and policies to regulate social media use among high school students. For example, schools could implement social media policies that restrict access during class time and encourage responsible use.


  • Kirschner, P. A., & Karpinski, A. C. (2010). Facebook® and academic performance. Computers in Human Behavior, 26(6), 1237-1245.
  • Paul, J. A., Baker, H. M., & Cochran, J. D. (2012). Effect of online social networking on student academic performance. Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology, 8(1), 1-19.
  • Pantic, I. (2014). Online social networking and mental health. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 17(10), 652-657.
  • Rosen, L. D., Carrier, L. M., & Cheever, N. A. (2013). Facebook and texting made me do it: Media-induced task-switching while studying. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(3), 948-958.

Note*: Above mention, Example is just a sample for the students’ guide. Do not directly copy and paste as your College or University assignment. Kindly do some research and Write your own.

Applications of Research Report

Research reports have many applications, including:

  • Communicating research findings: The primary application of a research report is to communicate the results of a study to other researchers, stakeholders, or the general public. The report serves as a way to share new knowledge, insights, and discoveries with others in the field.
  • Informing policy and practice : Research reports can inform policy and practice by providing evidence-based recommendations for decision-makers. For example, a research report on the effectiveness of a new drug could inform regulatory agencies in their decision-making process.
  • Supporting further research: Research reports can provide a foundation for further research in a particular area. Other researchers may use the findings and methodology of a report to develop new research questions or to build on existing research.
  • Evaluating programs and interventions : Research reports can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of programs and interventions in achieving their intended outcomes. For example, a research report on a new educational program could provide evidence of its impact on student performance.
  • Demonstrating impact : Research reports can be used to demonstrate the impact of research funding or to evaluate the success of research projects. By presenting the findings and outcomes of a study, research reports can show the value of research to funders and stakeholders.
  • Enhancing professional development : Research reports can be used to enhance professional development by providing a source of information and learning for researchers and practitioners in a particular field. For example, a research report on a new teaching methodology could provide insights and ideas for educators to incorporate into their own practice.

How to write Research Report

Here are some steps you can follow to write a research report:

  • Identify the research question: The first step in writing a research report is to identify your research question. This will help you focus your research and organize your findings.
  • Conduct research : Once you have identified your research question, you will need to conduct research to gather relevant data and information. This can involve conducting experiments, reviewing literature, or analyzing data.
  • Organize your findings: Once you have gathered all of your data, you will need to organize your findings in a way that is clear and understandable. This can involve creating tables, graphs, or charts to illustrate your results.
  • Write the report: Once you have organized your findings, you can begin writing the report. Start with an introduction that provides background information and explains the purpose of your research. Next, provide a detailed description of your research methods and findings. Finally, summarize your results and draw conclusions based on your findings.
  • Proofread and edit: After you have written your report, be sure to proofread and edit it carefully. Check for grammar and spelling errors, and make sure that your report is well-organized and easy to read.
  • Include a reference list: Be sure to include a list of references that you used in your research. This will give credit to your sources and allow readers to further explore the topic if they choose.
  • Format your report: Finally, format your report according to the guidelines provided by your instructor or organization. This may include formatting requirements for headings, margins, fonts, and spacing.

Purpose of Research Report

The purpose of a research report is to communicate the results of a research study to a specific audience, such as peers in the same field, stakeholders, or the general public. The report provides a detailed description of the research methods, findings, and conclusions.

Some common purposes of a research report include:

  • Sharing knowledge: A research report allows researchers to share their findings and knowledge with others in their field. This helps to advance the field and improve the understanding of a particular topic.
  • Identifying trends: A research report can identify trends and patterns in data, which can help guide future research and inform decision-making.
  • Addressing problems: A research report can provide insights into problems or issues and suggest solutions or recommendations for addressing them.
  • Evaluating programs or interventions : A research report can evaluate the effectiveness of programs or interventions, which can inform decision-making about whether to continue, modify, or discontinue them.
  • Meeting regulatory requirements: In some fields, research reports are required to meet regulatory requirements, such as in the case of drug trials or environmental impact studies.

When to Write Research Report

A research report should be written after completing the research study. This includes collecting data, analyzing the results, and drawing conclusions based on the findings. Once the research is complete, the report should be written in a timely manner while the information is still fresh in the researcher’s mind.

In academic settings, research reports are often required as part of coursework or as part of a thesis or dissertation. In this case, the report should be written according to the guidelines provided by the instructor or institution.

In other settings, such as in industry or government, research reports may be required to inform decision-making or to comply with regulatory requirements. In these cases, the report should be written as soon as possible after the research is completed in order to inform decision-making in a timely manner.

Overall, the timing of when to write a research report depends on the purpose of the research, the expectations of the audience, and any regulatory requirements that need to be met. However, it is important to complete the report in a timely manner while the information is still fresh in the researcher’s mind.

Characteristics of Research Report

There are several characteristics of a research report that distinguish it from other types of writing. These characteristics include:

  • Objective: A research report should be written in an objective and unbiased manner. It should present the facts and findings of the research study without any personal opinions or biases.
  • Systematic: A research report should be written in a systematic manner. It should follow a clear and logical structure, and the information should be presented in a way that is easy to understand and follow.
  • Detailed: A research report should be detailed and comprehensive. It should provide a thorough description of the research methods, results, and conclusions.
  • Accurate : A research report should be accurate and based on sound research methods. The findings and conclusions should be supported by data and evidence.
  • Organized: A research report should be well-organized. It should include headings and subheadings to help the reader navigate the report and understand the main points.
  • Clear and concise: A research report should be written in clear and concise language. The information should be presented in a way that is easy to understand, and unnecessary jargon should be avoided.
  • Citations and references: A research report should include citations and references to support the findings and conclusions. This helps to give credit to other researchers and to provide readers with the opportunity to further explore the topic.

Advantages of Research Report

Research reports have several advantages, including:

  • Communicating research findings: Research reports allow researchers to communicate their findings to a wider audience, including other researchers, stakeholders, and the general public. This helps to disseminate knowledge and advance the understanding of a particular topic.
  • Providing evidence for decision-making : Research reports can provide evidence to inform decision-making, such as in the case of policy-making, program planning, or product development. The findings and conclusions can help guide decisions and improve outcomes.
  • Supporting further research: Research reports can provide a foundation for further research on a particular topic. Other researchers can build on the findings and conclusions of the report, which can lead to further discoveries and advancements in the field.
  • Demonstrating expertise: Research reports can demonstrate the expertise of the researchers and their ability to conduct rigorous and high-quality research. This can be important for securing funding, promotions, and other professional opportunities.
  • Meeting regulatory requirements: In some fields, research reports are required to meet regulatory requirements, such as in the case of drug trials or environmental impact studies. Producing a high-quality research report can help ensure compliance with these requirements.

Limitations of Research Report

Despite their advantages, research reports also have some limitations, including:

  • Time-consuming: Conducting research and writing a report can be a time-consuming process, particularly for large-scale studies. This can limit the frequency and speed of producing research reports.
  • Expensive: Conducting research and producing a report can be expensive, particularly for studies that require specialized equipment, personnel, or data. This can limit the scope and feasibility of some research studies.
  • Limited generalizability: Research studies often focus on a specific population or context, which can limit the generalizability of the findings to other populations or contexts.
  • Potential bias : Researchers may have biases or conflicts of interest that can influence the findings and conclusions of the research study. Additionally, participants may also have biases or may not be representative of the larger population, which can limit the validity and reliability of the findings.
  • Accessibility: Research reports may be written in technical or academic language, which can limit their accessibility to a wider audience. Additionally, some research may be behind paywalls or require specialized access, which can limit the ability of others to read and use the findings.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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Bit Blog

Progress Report: What is it & How to Write it? (Steps & Format)

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Want to create a progress report to highlight the project’s achievements? No worries, we have got you covered! Read on…

A quick question – on a scale of 1 to 10, how important is it to regularly keep track and provide project updates to your supervisors, colleagues, or clients? The answer is 12! Simply, because nobody likes being left in the dark!

For any project in a company, people around it need to be well-informed about the project status, the research being done by the project team, their decisions, and the scope for improvement. These updates are an integral part of project management and ensure that every team member is operating efficiently with their goals being met on time.

One way to showcase the status of your project and keep track of it is to write a powerful  progress report!

In fact, the American Society for Training and Development shows that having a specific place to check your progress increases the probability of  meeting a goal by 95%.

Progress reports are a great place for project managers to inform and engage their supervisors, clients, or associates, about the progress they have made on a project over a certain period.

If executed well, progress reports provide a quick overview of how things are humming along, offering valuable insights to increase productivity, provide the necessary guidance, and quickly solve emerging difficulties.

However, writing a progress report can be a little daunting, especially, when you have a diverse team and various sub-projects to manage. Well, don’t fret! We’re going to fix that. In this blog post, we’ll teach you everything about progress reports, why they are important, and how you can write one that will make everyone say ‘wow’!

  What is the Progress Report? (Definition)

A progress report is a document that explains in detail how much progress you have made towards the completion of your ongoing project.

A progress report is a management tool used in all types of organizations, that outlines the tasks completed, activities carried out, and target achieved vis-à-vis your project plan.

In a progress report, you explain any or all of the following:

  • The amount of work complete?
  • What part of the work is currently in progress?
  • The problems or unexpected things that have occurred?
  • What work is pending?
  • How the project is going in general?

Read more:  How To Write An Impressive Project Proposal?

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Why are Progress Reports Important?

No project manager wakes up thinking “ I wish I could make reports for my supervisor and team all day” ! We get it. Writing progress reports are not very fun.

However, you know that writing progress reports are part of the deal. Progressive reporting demands talking with your team or client to understand the goals and showcase the information that closely relates to the said goals.

Whether the report is about updating the investors, marketing performance, or resource management. These reports let everyone see what’s going well and what isn’t.

It also assists managers to see the overall success or failure of projects. Furthermore, progress reports help to:

1. Make Information Transparent

The glue that holds together any relationship is visibility and transparency. A well-defined progress report directly presents how your work affects the project’s bottom line and showcases the rights and wrongs!

By adding transparency to your project plan, you can build an unmatched level of credibility and trust with your team and clients.

2. Encourage Constant Interaction

Creating and discussing progress reports results in constant communication and keeps everyone in the loop. Being in constant contact with others on a weekly or monthly basis ensures a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities.

3. Improve Project Evaluation and Review

Previous progress reports will help you in clarifying loopholes, and systemic issues, and examine documents to find out what went wrong, what can be done right, and which area needs improvement.

4. Provides Insight for Future Planning

When a progress report shows all the delays that have occurred, the supervisor or a project manager can monitor and investigate the issue that hindered progress and take additional steps to prevent them from happening in the future.

Read more:  How to Write Project Reports that ‘Wow’ Your Clients?

Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a Progress Report

Step 1: understand the purpose.

Before you dive into writing your progress report, take a moment to understand its purpose. Who are you writing this for? What information do they need from you?

Knowing the audience and their needs will guide the entire structure of your report. Here are some questions to consider:

  • Who will be reading this report? Is it your manager, a team of stakeholders, or a client?
  • What decisions will they be making based on your report? Are they looking for a green light to move forward, or do they need to allocate resources?
  • What level of detail do they expect? Do they need a broad overview, or will they be diving deep into specific tasks?

By understanding the purpose of your report, you can tailor the content to provide the most relevant and useful information for your audience. This will ensure your report is clear, concise, and achieves its desired outcome.

For example, if you’re reporting to your manager on a small project you’re leading, they might just need a quick update on completed tasks and any upcoming deadlines. On the other hand, a progress report for a client on a large-scale project might require a more detailed breakdown of achievements, challenges, and future plans.

Once you understand the purpose and who you’re writing for, you can move on to step two: choosing the right format for your progress report.

Step 2: Choose the Right Format

You’ve identified the purpose of your progress report (Step 1), now it’s time to pick the best outfit for it – the format! Just like you wouldn’t wear pajamas to a job interview, the format should suit the situation and your audience.

Here are some common formats for progress reports, along with when they might be most appropriate:

  • Memo: This is a concise and professional way to update someone within your organization, like a supervisor or colleague. Memos are ideal for shorter reports (1-4 pages) that focus on key achievements and next steps.
  • Letter: Similar to a memo, a letter works well for brief, semi-formal reports. This could be used for external audiences, such as a client or a funding agency.
  • Formal Report: For lengthier projects with complex details, a formal report is the way to go. This format allows for in-depth sections on completed work, ongoing tasks, and future plans. It might also include charts, graphs, or tables to present data.
  • Presentation: If your progress report needs to be visually engaging or you’ll be presenting it to a group, consider a slide deck. Slides are great for highlighting key points and using visuals to support your information.

Step 3: Start with a Title and Date

Every good report needs a clear title and date. Here’s why these are important and how to write them effectively:

  • Think Signpost: Imagine your report is a signpost on a road trip. The title should be clear and concise, telling the reader exactly what the report is about.
  • Focus on Content: Instead of a generic title like “Progress Report,” be specific! For example, if your report is on a marketing campaign, a good title could be “Social Media Marketing Campaign Progress Report – July 2024.”
  • Keep it Short and Sweet: A long title can be overwhelming. Aim for 10-15 words that accurately represent the project and timeframe.
  • Freshness Matters: The date helps the reader understand how recent the information in the report is.
  • Specify the Reporting Period: If your report covers a specific timeframe, include those dates in the title or a subtitle. Example: “Social Media Marketing Campaign Progress Report – July 1st to July 15th, 2024”

Step 4: Provide an Introduction

The introduction of your progress report is like shaking hands for the first time – it creates a good first impression and sets the tone for the rest of the document. Here’s how to write a strong introduction:

  • Start with the basics: Briefly mention the project name and the reporting period (e.g., weekly, monthly). You can also state who the report is submitted to (e.g., supervisor, client).
  • Hook your reader: Briefly state the overall progress made on the project. Are you on track? Did you encounter any major roadblocks? This gives the reader a quick understanding of where things stand.
  • Set the context: Provide a one-sentence reminder of the project’s goals. This refreshes the reader’s memory on what you’re trying to achieve.

Here’s an example to illustrate these points:

Project: Website Redesign – Progress Report (Week 3)

This report provides an update on the website redesign project for the period of July 7th to July 13th, 2024. We’ve made significant progress this week, completing the design for the homepage and starting development on core functionalities. The overall project remains on schedule to launch by the targeted date of August 1st.

This introduction quickly establishes the context, highlights progress, and assures the reader things are moving forward. By following these steps, you can write a clear and informative introduction that sets the stage for a successful progress report.

Step 5: Detail the Work Completed

This section is where you get to showcase your hard work! You’ll explain all the tasks you successfully crossed off your list during the reporting period. Here are some pointers to make this part informative and impressive:

  • Get Specific: Skip vague statements like “made some progress.” Clearly state which tasks are done and what the results were. Instead of “Worked on the marketing campaign,” try “Finished designing the social media campaign graphics and wrote the draft for the email newsletter.”
  • Use Numbers to Show Off: Did you write 5 blog posts? Chat with 10 potential customers? Mention specific numbers to brag about the amount of work you completed.
  • Highlight Results, Not Just Actions: Being busy isn’t the same as being productive. Focus on the concrete achievements from your finished tasks. Did your research paper get the green light? Did the website update lead to a jump in traffic?
  • Organize for Easy Reading: If you tackled a bunch of different tasks, group them in a logical way. This could be by project stage, department, or any other way that makes sense for your work.

Step 6: Discuss Work in Progress

Now that you’ve covered completed tasks, it’s time to shine a light on what you’re currently working on. This section informs the reader about your ongoing efforts and sets expectations for the next reporting period.

Here’s how to approach this section effectively:

  • Clearly identify ongoing tasks: List the specific tasks you’re actively working on. Briefly explain what stage they’re in and what progress has been made so far.
  • Focus on significant tasks: Don’t overwhelm the reader with every tiny detail. Prioritize the most important ongoing tasks that are crucial for the project’s progress.
  • Mention the estimated completion date: For each ongoing task, provide a realistic timeframe for its completion. This helps the reader understand your work schedule and anticipate upcoming milestones.

Let’s say you’re writing a progress report on a website development project. In the “Work in Progress” section, you might mention that you’re currently finalizing the design for the product page. You can then add that you’re expecting to complete the design by the end of next week and move on to development in the following reporting period.

Step 7: Outline Future Tasks

We’ve explored the completed tasks and the ongoing ones. Now, let’s turn our attention to the future! This section of your progress report focuses on outlining the upcoming tasks. Here, the goal is to provide a clear roadmap of what’s next.

By outlining future tasks, you achieve several things. First, it gives your reader a transparent picture of what’s coming down the pipeline. This demonstrates your organization and showcases a well-defined plan for moving forward. Second, you can prioritize tasks, highlighting which ones are most critical and need to be tackled first. Finally, if possible, including estimated timelines for key tasks helps manage expectations and identify any potential roadblocks before they arise.

So, how do you effectively outline future tasks? Here’s the key: avoid simply listing every single thing that needs to be done. Instead, break the remaining work into manageable chunks. Think of it like creating smaller, achievable milestones. Use strong action verbs to describe each task. For instance, instead of saying “Develop marketing materials,” a stronger approach would be “Write and finalize marketing brochures by August 1st.”

If your project involves multiple people, assigning ownership for each future task is a great practice. This ensures everyone is clear on their specific roles and deadlines, fostering accountability and a smooth workflow.

Step 8: Highlight Issues and Solutions

No project operates flawlessly throughout its course. This section allows you to acknowledge any obstacles or challenges you faced while working on the project during the reporting period. Here, transparency and honesty are key. However, the focus should be on solutions, not dwelling on the problems themselves.

Here’s how to approach this step effectively:

First, provide a concise description of the issue you encountered. This could involve anything from a delay in receiving materials to a specific technical hurdle that proved more difficult than initially anticipated.

Next, explain the impact of the issue. Did it affect the established timeline? Did it necessitate additional resources that weren’t previously planned for?

Most importantly, showcase your problem-solving skills. Explain the steps you took to address the issue. Perhaps you found an alternative supplier who could provide the materials faster. Maybe you adjusted your approach to the technical challenge and found a workaround.

Step 9: Provide a Conclusion

The conclusion of your progress report acts like a closing statement. It’s your chance to summarize the key takeaways from the entire report and ensure the reader has a clear understanding of the project’s current status. Here’s how to craft a strong conclusion:

Start by briefly reminding the reader of the project’s overall goals. This helps connect the dots and reminds everyone what you’re trying to achieve. Briefly highlight the most important milestones reached during this reporting period. Did you complete a crucial task or achieve a significant breakthrough? Mention these accomplishments to showcase progress made.

Next, outline the upcoming tasks for the next reporting period. This gives the reader a sense of direction and keeps everyone informed about what’s coming next. Remember to maintain a positive and professional tone throughout the conclusion. Emphasize your commitment to moving the project forward and achieving the desired results.

The conclusion should be short and to the point. Aim for a single, well-written paragraph that effectively summarizes the report’s key points. By following these steps, you can write a conclusion that leaves a lasting impression and keeps your stakeholders informed and engaged with the project’s progress.

Read more:  Business Report: What is it & How to Write it? (Steps & Format)

Creating a Progress Report that Stands Out with Bit.ai !

If you are planning to show a progress report that looks exactly like any other bland report, chances are your readers are just going to skim it along the way or won’t read it at all.

Well, to lure your reader’s attention and proudly display the work you have done on the project, you have to make the progress report irresistibly compelling!

How about awesome visuals, accompanied by quality content that could grab the reader’s interest and encourage them to read the whole thing? No doubt, everybody likes reading something easy to grasp and visually stunning!

Luckily, we have got the perfect tool for you that will provide a reading experience like never before and bring your grey-scale progress reports to come alive! A solution like  Bit.ai

Bit.ai: Document collaboration platform for creating progress reports

Bit is a new-age cloud-based document collaboration tool that helps teams create, share, manage, and track interactive workplace documents.

Bit helps you make sure your reports are more than just plain bland text and images. Thus, apart from allowing multiple users to collaborate on reports, Bit also allows users to share any sort of rich media like campaign video, tables, charts, One Drive files, Excel Spreadsheets, GIFs, Tweets, Pinterest boards, etc. Anything on the internet with a link can be shared and Bit will automatically turn it into visual content.

Bit has a very minimal design aesthetic which makes every design element pop, awesome readability, and rich features that will prevent collaborators from messing up any documents and help them rethink the way they work!

Besides writing progress reports, you can easily create other beautiful documents like the statement of work , project documentation, operational plan , roadmap, project charter , etc. in a common workplace for other team members to collaborate, document, share their knowledge, brainstorm ideas, store digital assets, and innovate together.

The best part is that this knowledge is safely secured in your workspaces and can be shared (or kept private) with anyone in your organization or the public!

Bit features infographic

All-in-all Bit is like Google Docs on steroids! So, no more settling for those boring text editors when you have an excessively robust solution to walk you through!

Still, not sure how Bit can help you create that perfect progress report to woo your readers? Let’s see some more of Bit’s awesome capabilities!

Key Benefits of Creating Your Progress Reports on Bit.ai

Simple, clean UI:  Bit has a very minimal design aesthetic to it, allowing a newbie to quickly get on board with the platform. Even though the platform is feature-rich, it does a great job as to not overwhelm a new user and provides a systematic approach to work.

Organization of information:   Information is often scattered in cloud storage apps, emails, Slack channels, and more. Bit brings all your information in one place by allowing you to organize information in workspaces and folders. Bring all your documents, media files, and other important company data in one place.

Brand consistency:  Focus on the content and let Bit help you with the design and formatting. Bit documents are completely responsive and look great on all devices. With amazing templates and themes, Bit docs provide you with the type of brand and design consistency that is unheard of in the documentation industry

Smart search:  Bit has very robust search functionality that allows anyone to search and find their documents swiftly. You can search workspaces, folders, document titles, and the content inside of documents with Bit’s rich-text search.

Media integrations:  Companies use an average of 34 SaaS apps! No wonder why most of our time is spent hopping from one app to the next, looking for information. This is why Bit.ai integrates with over 100+ popular applications (YouTube, Typeform, LucidChart, Loom, Google Drive, etc) to help teams weave information in their documents beyond just text and images.

Multiple ways of sharing : Bit documents can be shared in  three different states :

  • Live state : A live state meaning that all changes that you make to the document will update in real-time. If you are sharing your documents with clients, partners, or customers they will always get your most up-to-date changes.
  • Embeds : You can embed Bit documents on any website or blog. Bit docs are fully responsive and render perfectly on your website.
  • Tracking : You can track your documents and gather real-time insights to understand how users interact with your content. See how much time users spend viewing documents, scroll ratio, user information, and more.

Our team at  bit.ai  has created a few more templates to make your business processes more efficient. Make sure to check them out before you go, y our team might need them!

  • Training Manual Template
  • Brainstorming Template
  • Meeting Minutes Template
  • Employee Handbook Template
  • Transition Plan Template
  • Customer Service Training Manual Template
  • Employee Contract Template
  • Performance Improvement Plan Template

A well-defined progress report is like the pulse of a project! It determines your relationship with your readers, highlights all the updates- big or small, and keeps everyone on the same page. Remember, depending on the complexity and scope of the project, you might need to share your progress report on a weekly or monthly basis for better efficiency!

Once you follow all the steps that are mentioned above, your reports are surely going to feel like a breeze of fresh air to your readers, making you look credible and professional. So what are you waiting for?

Do you write such reports in your organization, if yes, which tool do you use? Let us know in the comments below or tweet us @bit_ai

Further reads:

  • Technical Report: What is it & How to Write it? (Steps & Structure Included)
  • 11 Amazing Goal Tracking Apps and Tools! (Free & Paid)
  • 7 Types of Reports Your Business Certainly Needs!
  • Performance Report: What is it & How to Create it? (Steps Included)
  • Formal Reports: What are they & How to Create them!
  • KPI Report: What it is & How to Create a Perfect One?
  • How to Write a Project Charter Document?

how to write a research project progress report

Document Creation: 12 Dos and Don'ts to Keep in Mind!

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how to write a research project progress report

About Bit.ai

Bit.ai is the essential next-gen workplace and document collaboration platform. that helps teams share knowledge by connecting any type of digital content. With this intuitive, cloud-based solution, anyone can work visually and collaborate in real-time while creating internal notes, team projects, knowledge bases, client-facing content, and more.

The smartest online Google Docs and Word alternative, Bit.ai is used in over 100 countries by professionals everywhere, from IT teams creating internal documentation and knowledge bases, to sales and marketing teams sharing client materials and client portals.

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How to Write a Progress Report: Full Guide

Table of contents, what is a project outline, progress report guide.

So, you’re knee-deep in a project and it’s time to let everyone know how things are going.

Enter the progress report - your ticket to keeping the team aligned and stakeholders happy.

Creating progress reports involves outlining project challenges and providing insights for future planning. Documenting obstacles in a progress report enables supervisors to monitor completed tasks, investigate delays, and adjust project timelines accordingly.

But what exactly goes into a good progress report? And how can you make it less of a chore and more of a powerful tool?

That’s what we’re here to figure out.

Why are Progress Reports Important?

Progress reports are important because they keep everyone accountable, while giving your manager/boss visibility on the real-time progress of the project.

But why is a ‘report’ for important for this? Here’s 3 deeper reasons why progress reports improve accountability:

  • You’re more likely to stay on top of your tasks when you know you’ll need to report on your progress.
  • Stakeholders love transparency , and progress reports give them a clear view of where things stand.
  • They help catch problems early. By regularly reviewing progress reports, you can spot potential issues before they become major headaches.

Daily progress reports summarize daily tasks achieved, challenges faced, and overall progress towards larger goals, fostering clarity and accountability in project management.

Think of your progress report as a regular health check-up for your project.

It might not be the most exciting part of your job, but it can save you a lot of trouble down the line.

What goes into a comprehensive Progress Report?

A progress report should outline three things: your plan , how its progress is going, and if you found problems that require assistance. (We talk more about the PPP methodology here )

Using progress report templates can help structure your reports and visualize data more effectively.

Here’s how to write all of them:

Project ‘Plan’ Overview

Start with a brief refresher on what the project is all about. Think of it as the "Previously on..." segment at the start of a TV show. Keep it short and sweet - just enough to jog everyone's memory.

Progress section should inform the project reviewer about what’s been done already, what’s next, and if you’ve encountered any executional blockers.

Weekly progress reports play a crucial role in facilitating communication between managers and team members, allowing for reflection on achievements and planning for future tasks.

Accomplishments: Time to Brag (a Little)

Overcommunication is underrated . Here's where you get to show off what you've achieved since the last report. Did you hit a major milestone? Solve a tricky problem? Get that finicky bit of code to finally work? List it here. Be specific and quantify where you can. Instead of "Made good progress," try "Completed 3 out of 5 major features."

Upcoming Tasks: What's Next

Give a snapshot of what's coming up in the next phase of the project. This helps set expectations and shows you've got a plan. Pro tip: use Slite's checklist feature here to create a clear, actionable list.

Challenges: The Not-So-Fun Stuff

No project is smooth sailing all the time. Use this section to highlight any obstacles you've run into. But don't just list problems - explain how you're tackling them. This shows you're proactive and helps prevent stakeholders from panicking.

Remember, the goal is to give a clear, honest picture of where things stand. No need for novels - keep each section concise and to the point.

In the next part, we'll look at how to structure all this info in Slite to make your report easy to read and update.

Structuring Your Progress Report in Slite

Now that you know what to include, let’s talk about how to lay it all out in Slite. A well-structured report is easier to write, read, and update. Here’s how to make Slite work for you:

It is crucial to address your reports to the project manager, who plays a key role in communication and project oversight, including signing off on reports and understanding specialized jargon used by the construction team.

Use progress report templates, or make one

First things first: create a template or use ours . It's free and it looks like this:

how to write a research project progress report

This way, you're not starting from scratch every time. In Slite, you can easily set up a template with all the sections we talked about earlier. Once you've got it set up, just duplicate it for each new report. Boom - half the work's already done.

Heading hierarchy is your best friend

Use Slite's heading styles to create a clear structure. Your main sections (Project Overview, Accomplishments, etc.) can be H2s, with subsections as H3s.

Using subheadings bifurcates content thematically, leading to a better reading experience. It’s also handy because in Slite, you’ll be able to collapse/expand either of those sections like this:

This not only makes your report look neat and makes it very scannable . This is a must for long document with multiple stakeholders. Why? Your manager may already by up-to-speed on your progress and only interested to check out your blockers. Similarly, the COO might just want the top-level progress to see if everything’s good.

And if you want to maximise for readability, add a Table of Contents (ToC). Edit the layout and click ‘show table of contents’ to get a sticky, clickable ToC presented at the right sidebar.

Neat, right?

Use lists generously

For sections like Accomplishments and Upcoming Tasks, bulleted or numbered lists are your best friend. They're easy to scan and update. Plus, Slite's checkbox feature is perfect for tracking progress on upcoming tasks.

Tables for the Win

When it comes to Key Metrics, nothing beats a good table. Slite's table feature lets you create clean, easy-to-read data presentations. You can even color-code cells to highlight important info.

Embed links for all working files

Got a detailed spreadsheet or a project board you want to include? Use Slite's embed feature to bring it right into your report. For less crucial info, you can use links to keep your report clean while still providing access to additional details.

Keep It Consistent

Whatever structure you choose, stick with it. Consistency from report to report makes it easier for everyone to find the info they need quickly.

How Often Should You Report?

So, you’ve got your report structure down pat. But how often should you be sending these updates out? Well, it depends. (Don’t you just love that answer?)

A monthly report provides a comprehensive snapshot of achievements and areas needing improvement, offering critical data and a broad overview of project progress. Additionally, quarterly progress reports play a crucial role in reviewing and evaluating achievements and setbacks over a three-month period, ensuring that key performance indicators and objectives are being met.

Let’s break it down:

The "It Depends" Factors

  • Project length: A two-week sprint might need daily updates. A year-long project? Probably not.
  • Stakeholder preferences: Some folks want to know every little detail. Others just want the highlights.
  • Project phase: You might report more frequently during critical phases and less during slower periods.
  • Team size: Larger teams might need more frequent check-ins to stay aligned.

Based on the factors, pick one of the 4 most common progress report frequencies.

Find your rhythm

  • Daily: For short, intense projects or during critical phases. Keep these ultra-brief.
  • Weekly: A good default for most projects. Enough to keep everyone informed without overwhelming them.
  • Bi-weekly: Works well for longer projects with a steady pace.
  • Monthly: For extended projects or high-level overviews.

Make a decision and commit to one of these time-frames, and communicate it to all project stakeholders.

The Goldilocks Zone

You're aiming for that sweet spot where you're keeping everyone informed without spending all your time writing reports. If you're getting a lot of "What's the status on X?" questions between reports, you might need to increase frequency. If your reports are met with crickets, you might be overdoing it.

Consistency over frequency

Whatever frequency you choose, stick to it. Regular updates create a rhythm that your team and stakeholders can rely on. Use Slite's reminder feature to ping yourself when it's report time.

Quick Updates vs. Detailed Reports

Consider a mix of quick, informal updates (think bullet points in a Slite doc) and more detailed formal reports. This gives you the best of both worlds - frequent communication without report fatigue.

Remember, the goal is to keep information flowing without bogging down the project. Find a rhythm that works for you, your team, and your stakeholders.

Best practices for writing a progress report

We’ll close this guide out with some best practices for creating your progress reports and introducing them to your team’s workflow.

Whether you’re putting together a business progress report, a research progress report, or any other - here are 13 tips to help it really stand out:

5.12 Highlight the importance of the final report in providing detailed insights to the team and leadership at the end of a project. This key document summarizes a project's achievements and overall progress for a given period, ensuring everyone is aware of accomplishments and lessons learned.

1. Use data

Where you can, always use data to showcase progress or lack of it. Think about ways you can generate data with the progress reporting tools you have and display the data in a clear way; always try to show movement toward the greater goal.

2. Use visual aids if necessary

Don't be afraid to support your report submission with visuals. There's no point in wasting paragraphs of text explaining a situation when you can explain it with a screenshot. Writing a progress report isn't merely about passing information but also engaging the reader to absorb your headway with a project. If there are any stonewalls, your visual aids make them easier to identify.

3. Be transparent

Transparency is invaluable if you want your reporting structure to be productive and positively contribute towards moving forward. Highlight to staff that progress reports call for transparency. No one needs to hide behind fluff or try to optimize the status of a report for fear of looking bad. Address every project as it is. There's no need for fluff pieces or grossly unnecessary information. If your report is too short and there are not enough details to create a solid progress report document, you can ask for an extension or simply turn in your document the way it is. As long as you stay honest and write appropriately, you'd have successfully done your job.

4. Make sure everything is dated

Due dates, report dates, task deliveries, the lot. Earlier in this article, we mentioned how these project progress reports would be the backbone of research for any similar project in the company's future. If you date everything, someone can dive into systems to pull metrics they may need from correct dates, and better understand the tools and talent the company had at that particular time.

5. Include company and department goals

If your progress reports are for inter-departmental use, then it's useful to share the goals that you personally, or your department, are working towards. Double-check what you can and can't share with human resources if you’re ever unsure. In doing so, you'll give the reader greater insight into your logic and actions.

6. Discuss problems and progress

Every report is a platform for discussing problems and progress. When writing progress reports, kick conversations off via the content you provide and ask any questions you'd like answered from the reader. Write in a cordial, formal, and neutral tone.

Tip: Your reader is there to help you, no matter what role they're in within the company; you'll be surprised by the innovative ideas you can get from other departments. 💡

7. Share it wisely

Think wisely about who needs to see this document, especially the special progress report comments included by a top-level supervisor. Is it more than management? Perhaps other departments or even external stakeholders, like funding agencies, will benefit from reading this report. Try to identify those who need the report before writing it and then share it so that everyone has easy access.

8. Structure storage

You can store reports, no problem. However, think of the architecture around your report storage system. Try to build a map to guide people through reports and how they're stored. You want people to find a report quickly.

Figure out what someone needs to search for reporting project progress at any time, or the path they need to follow. This process will save a lot of time in the future and empower employees to use the reports at any time, not just when they're first delivered. That's a wrap!

9. Add a call-to-action

This is a great opportunity to get instant help for the reader or your superiors. Call-to-actions are useful when there are uncertainties, confusions, or problems with the project. These could include task differentiation, unclear milestones, or shortage of funds. A call-to-action could be asking the superior to supply clarification or some feedback in an email or a communication channel. You could also ask for a budget review or anything else your team might need to follow through to the successful completion of the project.Note that when writing a progress report, you should still limit the use of CTAs to extreme necessities.

10. Get all hands on deck

Always consult your team members when working on progress reports. If you're the team leader, you can invite everyone to pitch in and submit informal reports of their personal progress with milestones in the project. If you're a team member assigned the role of progress report writing, you could reach out to everyone individually for their input.

One of the best ways to write a solid progress report is to include the personal overviews of the members of the team pushing the project forward. This may not exactly be possible with frequent progress report schedules, such as daily and weekly, but with longer timelines, team members are invaluable to the process.

11. Ditch the passive voice

Let's be honest - a lot of your superiors don't have the time to read all the reports that come their way. Using a lot of passive voice while writing a progress report reduces readability and most times, the reader will not engage with the content.

Instead of writing: "We were instructed by our manager to restart the milestone..."

You can write: "Our manager instructed us to restart the milestone..."

If you're having trouble rephrasing one of the sentences,

  • Select the sentence
  • Click on 'Improve' from the formatting toolbar
  • Select 'Simplify language' and Eureka!

how to write a research project progress report

12. Keep the length optimal

A tricky line to walk.

If your progress report is abnormally short, no one will take you seriously. If it's too long, you can be certain your managers aren't going to read it.

It'll be really hurtful to spend so much time working on a lengthy and detailed progress report only to have it skimmed and dumped - also, it's simply not efficient.

It's important to keep the length of your report reasonable. If you can fit everything you have to report into one page, go for it. This also depends on the frequency of the report. If it's a daily progress report, keep it as short as half a page. A weekly progress report can be longer, quarterly reports can be a couple of pages while the annual report is the only one where it makes sense to have several pages in the document.

As a thumb-rule, at the beginning of every report, consider adding a 'Summary' section.

how to write a research project progress report

13. Always edit and proofread

Obviously. It's important to maintain great writing standards to communicate efficiently and impress your readers. No one will enjoy reading a report with grammatical and typographical errors.

Always read through your report at least twice or just use Slite's "Fix grammar and spelling" option. Slite will fix all your content's typos.

Enjoy Progress Reporting with Slite

Slite isn't just any regular project documentation tool, it's a feature-packed collaboration platform.

how to write a research project progress report

Slite has tons of amazing pre-developed templates for all project management activities. Our template for progress report writing will certainly take the tedium and unnecessary boredom out of updating statuses at any frequency. It's available for free download when you sign up on our app, and you should enjoy our templates' useful new features.

Below are some of the most awesome things to love about Slite:

1. Doc collections

Organizing documents can easily become a mess. Slite has a super-sweet doc collection feature, stacking them into well-organized color-coded lists with zero room for annoying sidebar clutter. We provide an easy filtering and sorting feature, quick cycling and embedding features, and you can reference your docs anywhere within the app.

You can also arrange into column types and choose different views for each team! The doc is a really helpful feature when writing a progress report. All documents relevant to the current project can be easily sorted and referenced in your report.

2. A range of super-useful collaboration tools

This is why Slite is an absolute breath of fresh air. Slite has a wide range of super-useful features and extra tools to make collaboration easy for your team:

  • Communication tools
  • Quick reactions
  • Doc embeds for progress reports
  • Rich-text formatting
  • Quote and reply function

3. Vast integration range

Slite external app integration allows you to directly import documents from applications such as G-docs or Evernote. There's no hassle switching between docs. Slite's integrations also accommodate applications such as Slack, Google Drive, Miro, Pitch, Github, and social media applications.

If the details you need to write your progress report are stored in another application, Slite makes retrieval easy and straightforward.

Manage Progress Reporting with Slite

If you’re looking to build a progress report into your team’s work schedule then we’ve already done the heavy lifting for you. Use Slite's free progress report template, and build on it. Hopefully, you’re walking away from this guide fully-equipped to introduce progress reporting to your business and start benefiting from this fantastic process — continuing to make great things happen.

how to write a research project progress report

Ishaan Gupta is a writer at Slite. He doom scrolls for research and geeks out on all things creativity. Send him nice Substack articles to be on his good side.

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Memos and Progress Reports

Determining your audience and purpose.

Like e-mail messages, memos are common in many workplaces. A memo may serve as an informal proposal to pitch a new idea to a supervisor or manager. It can also provide a quick, concise way for scientists to brief each other or their supervisors about the status of a project.

As with e-mail, carefully consider who will be reading your message and what you hope to convey before you prepare your memo. For example, if you are writing a memo to propose a new project to your supervisor, you must explain why the project is necessary and worthwhile. If you are updating your reader on the status of a project, you may need to focus on how much the project has cost so far and when you think it will be completed. Then, when you begin to prepare your memo, ask yourself: Why am I writing this? Who will read it, and what will interest them the most? Answering these questions will help you determine the appropriate tone and structure for your memo.

A progress report is a specific kind of memo that summarizes recent and future work on a specific project. The exact content and format of a progress report may vary, but the purpose is the same: to let your audience know if the work is going smoothly, where you have encountered problems, and whether you are able to keep to the initial plan. Progress reports may also explain whether you can finish the project on time and within budget.

Choosing your tone

Memos are less formal than scientific papers or lengthy technical reports, but they should still show a respectful and professional tone. Unlike e-mail messages, memos should remain formal even if you know your audience well. The goal of a memo is to convey essential information quickly, so you should not distract your audience even if you are only trying to be friendly. For this reason, memos typically do not include greetings or closings.

Choosing your tone carefully is especially important if you need to deliver bad news in your memo. For example, if you are updating your manager to tell him or her that your project is running behind schedule, you should be forthright and honest — do not adopt a tone of false cheerfulness or optimism. It is your professional responsibility to explain the situation exactly as it is, not to withhold bad news to keep your audience happy. If you have bad news to deliver, express your dismay using words like "unfortunately" or phrases like "I regret to tell you that . . . ", and explain how you will solve the problem.

Memo or report structure and content

The format of a memo is often similar to that of an e-mail message. (Note, however, that if your organization has a set format for memos, you must follow that format.) Both e-mail and memos feature certain information in their headers, but unlike e-mail, memos do not include a salutation or a closing. As with e-mail, the body of a memo may include headings, subheadings, or bullet points to highlight important information — although too many bullet points will make the most important ideas difficult to identify. If you mention colleagues in a memo, send them a copy of the memo and list their names next to "cc:", just as you would include them in the "cc:" line of an e-mail. In addition, if you need to include another document (such as a preliminary budget or a detailed timeline) as an attachment, note this in the memo and include the title of that document.

The most important part of the progress report is the introduction. Here, remind the audience what the project is and why it is important. Explain who is affected by the project, when the work began, and when you expect it to end. Finally, outline in specific terms the overall status of the project so readers can see at a glance where you are and what you have left to do.

The body of your progress report should open by noting the current status of the project. Provide an outline of what parts of the project you have already completed: What important tasks have you finished? What decisions and discoveries have you made? Next, describe what work you still have to complete. Use chronological order to show your audience what steps are yet to come and how long you think those steps will take.

Even though it seems counterintuitive, you should also describe any problems that have arisen during the project. Your audience needs to know if something went wrong along the way, and they will want to know how you responded. If you solved those problems, explain how. If you did not solve them, show that you have at least one solution in mind. Think about what problems might arise, too. This will show your audience that you have thought carefully about the project and how you will complete it.

End your progress report by summarizing the current status of the project, good news, and key problems. State again whether the project will be completed on time and on budget.

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How to Write a Solid Progress Report for Project Success


Progress reports are like project status updates that help everyone involved understand how things are going. Writing a solid progress report is crucial for keeping your project on track and ensuring its success. In this guide, we’ll break down the process of creating a great progress report, making it easy for you to communicate your project’s progress effectively. We have also included progress report templates for you to get started right away.

Progress Report Template

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What is a Progress Report

A progress report is a document that provides an overview of the status, advancements, and achievements of a project or task. It typically outlines what has been accomplished, what is currently in progress, and any challenges or obstacles encountered. Progress reports are commonly used in various settings, such as work, education, or personal projects, to keep stakeholders informed about the project’s developments and to ensure everyone is on the same page regarding the current state of affairs.

Progress Report Templates to Keep Track of Project Progress

Daily Progress Report Template

Project Status Report Template

Project Status Summary

Project Dashboard Template

Project Status Summary Template

Why You Need to Use a Progress Report

A progress report promotes a culture of collaboration, accountability, and continuous improvement in project management. Here are several reasons why a progress report is important.

Clear communication: Keeps everyone on the same page by sharing what’s happening in a project.

Tracking achievements: Highlights what has been successfully completed, boosting team morale.

Problem-solving: Identifies and addresses challenges, helping to find solutions and stay on track.

Decision-making: Provides real-time information for informed decision-making during the project.

Accountability: Holds team members responsible for their tasks and deadlines.

Learning and improvement: Creates a record of progress, facilitating learning for future projects.

Efficiency: Keeps the team working efficiently by preventing confusion and misunderstandings.

Collaboration: Encourages collaboration and coordination among team members.

Key Components of a Progress Report

The following components of a progress report collectively provide a comprehensive view of the project’s progress, challenges, and future plans, enabling effective communication and decision-making.

  • Introduction : Brief overview of the project, including its purpose and objectives.
  • Work completed : Summary of tasks or milestones achieved since the last report.
  • Work in progress : Description of current activities, tasks underway, and their status.
  • Challenges and issues : Identification and discussion of any problems, roadblocks, or challenges faced.
  • Achievements : Recognition and celebration of significant accomplishments and milestones.
  • Upcoming tasks : Outline of the next steps, tasks, or milestones planned for the future.
  • Timeline and schedule : Review or adjustment of the project timeline or schedule, if necessary.
  • Budget overview : Overview of the project’s financial status, including spendings and any budget changes.
  • Recommendations : Suggestions for improvements or changes to improve project efficiency.
  • Conclusion : A brief summary and conclusion, often including an overall project status assessment.

Challenges of Creating and Using a Progress Report

While project reports are handy for keeping track of project progress, they can pose some challenges.

Time-consuming: Writing a progress report can take time away from actual project work.

Communication issues: Making sure that everyone understands the report may be challenging.

Data accuracy: Getting accurate information for the report can sometimes be difficult.

Overlooking details: Important details may be unintentionally left out.

Balancing detail and brevity: Finding the right level of detail without making the report too lengthy can be tricky.

Tracking complex projects: Managing and reporting progress for complex projects may pose a challenge.

Ensuring regular updates: Getting everyone to consistently update progress can be a hurdle, especially in dynamic work environments.

Best Practices for Creating an Effective Progress Report

Creating an effective progress report involves following some best practices:

  • Keep your report clear and straightforward, avoiding jargon or overly complex language.
  • Highlight the most important information, emphasizing achievements and addressing challenges.
  • Use a consistent format and structure for easy comprehension.
  • Submit reports on time to make sure that the information is relevant and up-to-date.
  • Provide enough detail to convey the message, but avoid unnecessary information that may overwhelm.
  • Use charts or diagrams to visually represent data and trends for better understanding.
  • Include potential solutions when discussing challenges, promoting a proactive approach.

Create Your Next Progress Report with Creately

Simplify the process of creating progress reports and streamline project management, communication, and improve overall project success with Creately ’s visual collaboration platform.

Task tracking and assignment

Use the built-in project management tools to create, assign, and track tasks right on the canvas. Assign responsibilities, set due dates, and monitor progress with Agile Kanban boards, Gantt charts, timelines and more. Create task cards containing detailed information, descriptions, due dates, and assigned responsibilities.

Notes and attachments

Record additional details and attach documents, files, and screenshots related to your tasks and projects with per item integrated notes panel and custom data fields. Or easily embed files and attachments right on the workspace to centralize project information. Work together on project documentation with teammates with full multiplayer text and visual collaboration.

Real-time collaboration

Get any number of participants on the same workspace and track their additions to the progress report in real-time. Collaborate with others in the project seamlessly with true multi-user collaboration features including synced previews and comments and discussion threads. Use Creately’s Microsoft Teams integration to brainstorm, plan, run projects during meetings.

Pre-made templates

Get a head start with ready-to-use progress report templates and other project documentation templates available right inside the app. Explore 1000s more templates and examples for various scenarios in the community.

Comprehensive shape libraries

Create any visual aid from flowcharts to timelines with comprehensive shape libraries for over 70 types of diagrams including icons. Illustrate or make annotations easily with freehand drawing and format text without leaving the keyboard with markdown shortcuts.

Progress reports are indispensable in project management. They foster communication, accountability, and a culture of continuous improvement. Make use of the progress report templates we have provided to track your progress and stay organized.

Join over thousands of organizations that use Creately to brainstorm, plan, analyze, and execute their projects successfully.

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Amanda Athuraliya is the communication specialist/content writer at Creately, online diagramming and collaboration tool. She is an avid reader, a budding writer and a passionate researcher who loves to write about all kinds of topics.

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How to Write a Progress Report

Last Updated: May 11, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Ksenia Derouin . Ksenia Derouin is a Business Strategy Specialist, OBM, and Artist based in Grand Rapids, Michigan. With over ten years of professional experience, Ksenia works with wellness and social impact sector solopreneurs and organizations to support their business strategy, operations, marketing, and program development. Her mission is to support business owners in building thriving businesses and creating impact so that they can achieve a sense of purpose, career fulfillment, and financial independence. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 440,842 times.

Progress reports are an important part of project management, whether it's your dissertation or a project at work. You'll need to use these to keep your supervisors, your colleagues, or your clients updated about the project you're working on. You'll be focusing on what you've accomplished and what still needs to be done.

Beginning the Process

Step 1 Figure out what your purpose is for the proposal.

  • Progress report for a research program or project is going to be slightly different than for a project at work. In this case you are more likely to need to cite information and are less likely to need to consider things like cost (although not always).
  • A work report for a client is going to read somewhat differently than for a superior at work. You'll need to consider why you're writing this report for them.

Step 2 Consider your audience.

  • How are your readers connected to the project? How will the outcome of the project affect them? (The connection and how they're affected is going to be different for your superior than for the client, for example.)
  • Consider what decision your readers are going to need to make after reading the progress report (what support, money, time are they investing, for example.
  • Consider the information your reader is going to need to know to oversee and participate in the project effectively. What technical aspects of the project will they need to know. Are they comfortable with technical jargon?

Step 3 Decide on the best way to communicate with your audience.

  • A progress report could be a brief oral report at weekly or monthly staff meetings.
  • It could be periodic emails to colleagues.
  • It could be formal or informal memos to supervisors.
  • It can also be formal reports for clients or government agencies.

Step 4 Check with your supervisor.

  • When it comes to information for a client or government agency, or thesis review board, you err on the side of formality.
  • No matter the formality or informality of your tone you want it to be clear, focused, and honest.

Writing Your Report

Step 1 Decide how you want to present your material.

  • You might choose to do a bulleted list. It's a very clear way to present the material and it's easy to skim and still get the needed information. However, it can be a slightly less formal way of writing a progress report so it might be better to use it for memos to supervisors and emails to colleagues.
  • You may also consider adding in graphs or tables. This might be especially good if you're writing a progress report for a project in which you're trying to get funding, or show why you deserve the funding you've been given.

Step 2 Consider using subsections.

  • Adding subheadings to your can make this even clearer, because it lets your readers or audience know what to expect in each subsection. If there is material that they are particularly interested in they'll be able to jump right to that part.

Step 3 Write the heading.

  • The heading should include the date, when the report was submitted, the name and the position of the recipient, the writer’s name and position, and the subject of the report.

Step 4 Write the introductory section.

  • Make sure to include: the purpose of the report, introduce the project, remind that this is an update on the progress of the project.

Step 5 Do the body of the proposal.

  • Specify tasks that have been accomplished since the last report and what tasks are ongoing.
  • Discuss problems that you’ve encountered, issues that need to be addressed, and potential solutions for those problems and issues.
  • Address changes that have happened and why they needed to be made.
  • You can also include things like personnel changes, difficulty in obtaining material, what cost overruns you may have encountered, any delays or problems with technology or security.
  • It also helps to provide a timeline of the project with any relevant due dates.

Step 6 Address what is next for your project.

  • You really do want to make sure say whether the deadline for the project has changed or not.
  • Avoid sugarcoating any problems for your audience, but don’t alarm them unnecessarily or promise anything you can’t deliver.

Step 7 Add in total hours worked.

Avoiding Common Difficulties

Step 1 Make sure you stay on topic.

  • For example: if your project is about reigniting a local, nonprofit arts organization, it might be tempting to go off into a discussion of the deplorable state of arts funding, but it won't really help detail how your project is coming along.

Step 2 Keep it simple.

  • Depending on who you're writing the report for you might be cut down to a specific page limit. A good rule of thumb is to keep it as short as possible, while making sure that you fit in the appropriate information.

Step 3 Try to avoid being too vague.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Try to judge your supervisor's style. She may have a preference for the types of reports she likes to see. Some may want to see more lists or bulleted information; others will like to know as little as possible to get by. Still others may prefer as much information as possible, no matter how many pages it takes. Thanks Helpful 36 Not Helpful 10
  • Be specific throughout the progress summary, but try not to be overly wordy. Thanks Helpful 18 Not Helpful 7

how to write a research project progress report

  • In order not to be caught unprepared when it's time for a progress report, it's a good idea to record information as you go along so it's easy to put all the information together. Thanks Helpful 8 Not Helpful 6

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Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about improving your business, check out our in-depth interview with Ksenia Derouin .

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About This Article

Ksenia Derouin

To write a progress report, start by deciding how you want to present your info, like with a bulleted list or a graph. You can also add subsections to your report, which can help keep things clear and easy to follow. Then, write your heading across the top of the paper and include relevant details like the date and subject of the report. Below that, add an introduction using italics to give a brief overview of the report. Next, include details in the body, like specific tasks you worked on, and conclude it by addressing what’s next for your project. To learn why considering your audience can help you write a progress report, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Writing Progress Reports

Stacey Corbitt

Chapter Overview

It may seem like technical writing – indeed, many kinds of professional business writing – must be huge undertakings involving much effort and endless detail. With all the emphasis on being complete, accurate, and collaborative, do you wonder whether you can develop enough skill during college to compete as a writer in a technical or other business position? You may be hoping there’s an engineering or other professional position out there where you can stay under the radar and do your job without having to write anything important.

There is good news on this matter, and then there is great news.

First, the good news: virtually all entry-level professional positions present opportunities to practice writing in a variety of situations and for multiple types of readers. Writing in technical fields, as you may now realize, can require significant time commitment and collaboration, as well as various other “soft skills.” As a result, employees working to gain experience in the field may be tapped frequently to complete writing tasks.

Do you wonder exactly how the preceding paragraph is good news? Consider the great news: the day-to-day business of technical writing is largely short, direct reporting for specific purposes and audiences. While short reports aren’t necessarily easy to write, they do offer opportunities to practice crafting clear and concise documents. The progress report is one of several standard forms of short reports. This chapter aims to help students understand how to plan and write progress reports that meet the needs of their assignments as well as the standards of professionalism required by their fields of study and work.

What is the audience and purpose of a progress report?

Progress reports are typically requested and reviewed by one or more stakeholders in a project. Stakeholders is a general term for people who have a business interest in the subject project and may need progress reports because of fiscal, legal, financial, or other responsibility for the work in question. While progress reports may be required by the person or group at the next level of responsibility above your own, the readership and reach of your periodic progress reports can be greater than you know, sometimes applying to the top tier of an organization.

Put simply, stakeholders use progress reports to communicate about work on projects, including levels of completion and delays alike. These reports provide a number of opportunities for communication, including but not limited to

  • reporting early research findings
  • notifying stakeholders about problems
  • discussing potential changes in planned work, schedule, and other project factors
  • evaluating work completed

As with all technical writing opportunities, careful characterization of the audience and the context in which the report will be used is crucial to successfully achieving the purpose of a progress report. In addition to these standard considerations, other specific questions a writer should ask in preparation for writing a progress report include the following:

  • Has the requestor specified a form you must use? If so, do you have the most up-to-date form and specifications to follow?
  • What is the date of expected delivery for this report? What is the expected frequency of reporting? For example, do you need to report once weekly, or more or less frequently?
  • Is supporting documentation necessary? If so, how should you include it?
  • Is there an oral presentation component required with this report?
  • Have you set aside enough time to complete this report and obtain a peer review?

In a word, the key to writing efficient, clear progress reports is preparation . Always take the time needed to ask these practical questions about the rhetorical situation in which you will be writing a progress report for any project.

What is the necessary content for a progress report?

Depending upon the information you collect through the questioning activity outlined in the previous section, the specific content your project progress report will need can vary. In general, though, you might think about the content required in a progress report in a specific way: that is, part of the content comes from the past; part of it discusses the work you are doing today; and the third part of the content represents the project’s future.

Activity: begin drafting a progress report

Begin with an individual or group project in which you are currently involved, whether for your writing course or another class. Proceed by making notes in response to the following directions.

  • Next, a brief discussion of the work you are doing today or this week will address the present tense portion of your discussion.
  • Third, from the same point of view in the present moment, look ahead of you at all the project-related work you want to address between now and the next reporting milestone. Write a quick description of what plans you have for the project’s future, using the future tense to describe what you and your team will begin, what you will complete, and so on.
  • Finally, build a draft timeline that displays the entire list of tasks for your project, whether completed, ongoing, or to begin at a point in the future. You may consider developing a Gantt chart , like the one presented in Figure 11.7, shown below and adapted from Exploring Business, published by University of Minnesota (2016) .

Gantt Chart for Vermont Teddy Bear feautring the activities of cut fur, stuff and sew fur, cut material, sew clothes, embroider T-shirt, cut accessories, sew accessories, dress bears, package bears, and ship bears

Use the notes you have prepared in this activity to complete the Homework at the end of this chapter.

What are the important stylistic considerations for a progress report?

If you put yourself in the position of the typical audience for a progress report, you can identify the characteristics that are most important for that reader’s use of the document. As you know, writing that is clear, concise, complete, and correct is vital to the success of any technical document in reaching its audience and accomplishing its purpose. With regard to progress reports, particularly those written in business, one additional quality critical to success is brevity . The progress report is an ideal demonstration of writing that should include only significant details and nothing extraneous. To the extent a progress report for your work can be accomplished in one single-spaced page, do not make it longer.

Use active construction

Because they constitute a direct communication from the writer to one or more identified readers, progress reports are frequently presented in one of the common business correspondence formats: namely, an email, memo, or letter report. Correspondence is a genre of writing that lends itself to the use of personal pronouns like I , we , and you in particular. Being able to use a first-person voice with personal pronouns gives writers an advantage toward writing progress reports: personal pronouns make it easier to use active constructions.

Using the active voice, or active construction , essentially means that you construct sentences and passages in which the following characteristics are evident:

  • The subject performs the action of the verb rather than receiving the action of the verb.
  • The use of forms of “to be,” also known as state of being verbs, is minimized.
  • The emphasis of an active sentence is on the subject and verb, rather than on an object.

Consider the following examples:

My sister was bitten by the neighbor’s dog. (8)

The carpool is being organized by my office mate. (9)

My missing glasses have not been seen by anyone all week. (11)

Notice that the nouns first written in each sentence – my sister, the carpool, and my glasses – are all receiving the action of the verbs in the sentences.

Notice also that each of those verb phrases includes a form of to be : was bitten, is being organized, and have…been seen .

Finally, notice that the same word follows the verb phrase in each sentence – by – creating a prepositional phrase that indicates the noun or pronoun performing the action in each sentence.

Now examine the same three statements below, written in the active voice:

The neighbor’s dog bit my sister. (6)

My office mate is organizing the carpool. (7)

Nobody has seen my missing glasses all week. (8)

Notice the change in arrangement of words in each statement. You can identify the subject that appears at the beginning of each sentence; followed by the verb or verb phrase that indicates the action being performed by the subject; and finally the direct object of the sentence that receives the action of the verb. The numbers in parentheses in both sets of examples indicate the total number of words in each sentence.

What are your thoughts about converting sentence construction from passive to active for purposes of being clear in a progress report? Discuss the question with a partner in class and make some notes about your observations. Do you think the active construction has advantages over passive construction? Does active construction have disadvantages?

Near the beginning of this section, you read “… personal pronouns make it easier to use active constructions.” Do you think that statement is true? Discuss why or why not.

Stick to the facts

Your goal is to write an excellent progress report by making your work clear and complete while keeping the document brief. In the previous section, you practiced revising sentences from passive to active construction, a tactic that increases clarity while usually decreasing overall sentence length. Another useful practice in writing short reports – particularly those for the workplace – is to resist sharing your opinions, suggestions, and other unrequested content. Concentrate on reporting the facts and responding to exactly what the reader has requested.

What organizational structure should be used for a progress report?

Recall that one of your earliest tasks in preparing to write a progress report is to discover what information you must report and whether a specific form is required. In the event these details are not part of the assignment you receive, you may need to determine the clearest and most efficient way to organize the body of your report. Consider the following possibilities.

report is focused according to dates of milestones, beginning with earliest tasks undertaken/complete and ending with future tasks/milestones and their levels of completion.


reports do not repeat status of tasks previously completed: instead, begin with updates on tasks identified as in the previous report.

report begins with most critical task and its information, followed by discussion of tasks in order of importance to the overall project.


reports continue in the same fashion.

report includes discussion of separate tasks, phases, or the like that may have been predetermined for reporting purposes.


reports continue in the same fashion.

As is the case with structural considerations for any technical report, the most important point in choosing an organizational pattern is to make that pattern clear to the reader. Keep in mind that the structures delineated in the previous table are intended to guide the development of the body of your report in the event you do not receive specific guidance from the project manager or your instructor. Similarly, you may have to decide whether the report should be submitted as a letter, a memo, an email, a presentation, or another format that may be preferred by your reader.

In her 2019 book Technical Writing Essentials: Introduction to Professional Communications in the Technical Fields , author Suzan Last provides the following suggested outline of elements to include in a progress report generally (pp. 178-179):

Progress Reports: a Structural Overview

1. Introduction

Review the details of your project’s purpose, scope, and activities. The introduction may also contain the following:

  • date the project began; date the project is scheduled to be completed
  • people or organization working on the project
  • people or organization for whom the project is being done
  • overview of the contents of the progress report.

2. Project status

This section (which could have sub-sections) should give the reader a clear idea of the current status of your project.  It should review the work completed, work in progress, and work remaining to be done on the project, organized into sub-sections by time, task, or topic. These sections might include

  • Direct reference to milestones or deliverables established in previous documents related to the project
  • Timeline for when remaining work will be completed
  • Any problems encountered or issues that have arisen that might affect completion, direction, requirements, or scope.

3.  Conclusion

The final section provides an overall assessment of the current state of the project and its expected completion, usually reassuring the reader that all is going well and on schedule. It can also alert recipients to unexpected changes in direction or scope, or problems in the project that may require intervention.

4.  References section if required.

Chapter conclusion

Progress reports are an ideal example of workplace technical writing for science and engineering students to study. Progress reports represent short, clear documents with a specific purpose. These reports use typical business correspondence formats to communicate detailed technical information to a known audience. A successful progress report’s other characteristics include

  • sentences constructed in the active voice
  • factual information without opinions, speculation, or extraneous content
  • an appropriate pattern of organization

Use the notes and project schedule you prepared in the Activity earlier in this chapter to write a progress report for your current research project. Address all of the following considerations, but do not use this list to organize your report:

  • Confirm with your instructor the required report format – email, letter, memorandum, or presentation
  • Determine the appropriate organizational pattern – chronological, priority, or topic – for the body of the report
  • summarize and evaluate research findings to date
  • present the project schedule
  • problems, changes, delays, and questions

Last, S. (2019, January 1). Technical writing essentials . BCcampus OpenEd: University of Victoria. License: CC-BY-4.0 . https://pressbooks.bccampus.ca/technicalwriting

University of Minnesota. (2016, April 8). Exploring business . University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 . https://open.lib.umn.edu/exploringbusiness/

Mindful Technical Writing Copyright © 2020 by Stacey Corbitt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Progress report: What it is and how to write a progress report

Create beautiful charts & infographics get started, 10.08.2021 by infogram.

Every project manager with several large-scale projects should know what is a progress report and how important it is in staying aligned with your team and stakeholders.

Messaging through email often becomes a messy way to share progress, whereas weekly meetings take too much time. If you just want to provide an update on your project, the most effective way to do so is with asynchronous communication.

This is where progress reports come in. A wisely planned reporting process and a well-structured report template can make a huge difference. How? You’ll see.

In this article, you’ll learn:

  • What is a progress report
  • Seven reasons why progress report is important
  • How to write a progress report: Tips and templates

Keep reading to the end to discover free progress report templates from Infogram that’ll help you get started.

What is a progress report?

A progress report is a part of project documentation that confirms how far the team has progressed toward its goal. In other words, it answers questions – what have we done so far? Where are we? What are the next steps?

The progress report provides executives, managers, teams, or clients with project details like:

  • Current status of the project
  • Completed tasks
  • Reached milestones
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Unexpected issues or obstacles faced during the project
  • Priorities and next steps
  • Other performance metrics and relevant data

The regularity of progress reporting usually depends on your project’s scope, difficulty, and communication plan. When planning a project, remember to set specific timing requirements for the report – daily, weekly, monthly, or after achieving a milestone.

Why is a progress report important in project management?

Full length of young friends throwing purple blocks from cliff against white background

1. Same project, same page

Perhaps the most important benefit of reporting is bringing everyone on the same page. Writing a progress report may not always seem necessary, as you’re likely already communicating with the director of the project regularly. But it’s not only the management that should get a comprehensive view of your project.

Everyone who receives the report is aware of the project’s current state. No miscommunication and no overcommunication – that’s the beauty of progress reports.

2. Fostering team collaboration

Since everyone receiving the progress report is on the same page, it’s easier to foster collaboration . It’s especially crucial when different teams are working on the same project.

Progress reports eliminate the silo effect within teams and allow them to help each other with their knowledge, experience, or assets. It also prevents different people from doing the same thing and reduces redundancy, as everyone knows who’s done what.

To facilitate collaboration and help your team create visually compelling and professionally looking reports, you can add your whole team to the Infogram editor for teams .

3. Asynchronous communication = fewer meetings

A progress report is one of the examples of how teams and organizations can implement the principles of asynchronous communication.

Instead of running weekly status meetings, you can share weekly progress reports instead. Nowadays, when our calendars are overstuffed with meetings, an asynchronous report is a great way to save time and let everyone check progress whenever it works best for them.

4. Accountability and motivating the team

Full length side view of young man and woman building LEAD word against white background

Discipline 3 is about keeping a compelling scoreboard. “What’s the point?” you might wonder.

Individuals get more engaged and motivated to reach goals (and “ win the game ”) when they can visually see their progress. And that’s where a report can factor in. When your team can see how productive their teammates are, a healthy dose of gamification and competition can boost their motivation and sense of accountability.

Choose one of the dashboard templates or create your own dashboard with charts, graphs, images, GIFs, and other handy assets . Next, publish the visualization or embed the dashboard in the team’s intranet or shared resource. Let the games begin!

5. Transparency within the project lifecycle

Submitting a progress report is like clicking a “save” button on a shared document. If you review the history of your report, you’ll see who had done what, when they did it, and how it looked before the last updates.

Reporting provides transparency within the project execution process and creates a paper (or rather, digital) trail . If something goes wrong you can prove when and who executed the tasks and what problems were faced during the project.

6. Project analysis and overview

Progress reports, along with other project documentation, can be useful in any project. You can use these reports to explore previous performance, including success stories, areas of improvement, and things you should avoid moving forward.

Reviewing reports can help project managers to clarify loopholes, systematic issues, and identify internal and external factors affecting a team’s or individual’s productivity.

7. Insights for future planning

All the factors explored in progress reports should be used to improve team or process efficiency.

A project manager should pay close attention to their team’s answer to the question “ What’s holding you back? ” Add these insights to a knowledge base containing best practices on managing and executing projects.

How to write a progress report?

Full length of young man and woman carrying large orange bar graph against white background

The answer to how to write a progress report is pretty simple: It’s up to you .

There are situations when progress report formatting might be set in stone, like when governmental organizations or international foundations are involved. Otherwise, you can be flexible and align your report in any way that’s convenient for you. Here are the best practices for creating a progress report.

1. Don’t overdo it – stay simple

A progress report is not an essay or a super detailed, technical description of everything that’s happened. Keep it short.

Even if your project team consists of highly skilled engineers using a lot of technical vocabulary, try to use plain language. Keep it simple.

2. Q&A as progress report format

There is no one correct format for how to write a progress report. But keep in mind that your report should provide answers to all the questions that might pop into the head of your manager, client, or any other involved person.

Though it could be a fun idea, you don’t need to create a progress report in the form of an interview. Instead, make a list of all potential questions and structure your answers in three parts:

  • Progress : What have you done since the last report? What tasks and milestones did you achieve?
  • Problems : Are there any blockers affecting progress? What external or internal issues have you identified?
  • Plans : What are the next steps? What are short-term and long-term goals for the team? What are the priorities?

3. Give your progress report meaning

One crucial aspect of progress reporting is quality. Two main things might affect quality: Frequency of reporting and accuracy of answers.

To address frequency, be prudent about the reporting schedule. If you’re on a long-term project, daily progress reports could become a bureaucratic nightmare. Choose reporting frequency wisely so that you don’t lose sight of the initial goal of a report.

Most importantly, encourage specific answers when defining how to write a progress report. Instead of generic and vague answers, use KPIs and progress metrics to provide more meaningful information. Specific data makes it easier for everyone to track progress.

4. Go beyond traditional documentation

There’s nothing wrong with creating a report as a traditional text document, but if you want to create a professional-looking and interactive report (that motivates your team), challenge yourself to try something new.

What if you visualize your data? Reports have shown that presentations containing visual aids are 43% more effective in persuading audience members of your point.

Your progress report probably consists of data. Here at Infogram, we love data. Coincidence? Maybe.

However, we have a lot of progress report templates that are ready to serve your needs. Change colors and fonts, and add timelines, charts, graphs, tables, text, images, video, and anything else that might make your report more engaging.

Report templates from Infogram

Here are just a few of our report templates that you can fully adjust and design to fit your project’s or team’s needs. Explore our template library here .

With that being said, good luck to you and your team with projects! We encourage you to not think about progress reports as something that you have to do, but make the most of it instead.

Interested in discovering how Infogram can enhance your team’s work? Join a brief Zoom session with our Infogram representative to explore key features, get answers to your questions, and understand how we can assist. It’s quick, informative, and just like a coffee break chat. Schedule your call now!

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Writing a progress/status report

By michael ernst, january, 2010.

Writing a weekly report about your research progress can make your research more successful, less frustrating, and more visible to others, among other benefits.

One good format is to write your report in four parts:

  • Quote the previous week's plan. This helps you determine whether you accomplished your goals.
  • State this week's progress. This can include information such as: what you have accomplished, what you learned, what difficulties you overcame, what difficulties are still blocking you, your new ideas for research directions or projects, and the like.
  • Give the next week's plan. A good format is a bulleted list, so we can see what you accomplished or did not. Try to make each goal measurable: there should be no ambiguity as to whether you were able to finish it. It's good to include longer-term goals as well.
  • Give an agenda for the meeting. Some people like to send this as a separate message, which is fine.

The report need not be onerous. It can be a few paragraphs or a page, so it shouldn't take you long to write. Minimize details that are not relevant to your audience, such as classwork and the like, in order to keep the report focused; you will spend less time writing it, and make it more likely to be read.

Writing the progress report has many benefits.

Writing the report will make you more productive, because it will force you to think about your work in a manner concretely enough to write down. Any time that you spend organizing your thoughts will more than pay itself back in better understanding and improved productivity. When a project is complete, it is all too easy to forget some of your contributions. You can look back over your progress reports to remember what was difficult, and to think about how to work more productively in the future. You may be able to re-use some of the text when writing up your results.

Writing the report will make your meetings more productive. When you have a weekly research meeting, the report should be sent 24 hours in advance, to help everyone prepare. (Two hours is not an acceptable alternative: it does not let everyone — both you and others — mull over the ideas.) Don't delay your report because you want to wait until you have better results to report. Instead, send the report on schedule, and if you get more results in the next 24 hours, you can discuss those at the meeting.

Writing the report will give you feedback from a new point of view. The report enables others outside your research project to know what you are doing. Those people may respond with ideas or suggestions, which can help get you unstuck or give you additional avenues to explore. It also keeps you on their radar screen and reminds them of your work, which a good thing if you don't meet with them frequently. (For PhD students, a periodic report to the members of your thesis committee can pay big dividends.)

Writing the report helps explain (to yourself especially, but also to others) how you spent your time — even if there isn't as much progress as you would have preferred, you can see that you did work hard, and how to be more efficient or effective in the future.

If your meetings are more frequent than weekly, then the progress report should also be more frequent. If your meetings are less frequent, it's a good idea to still send a progress report each week.

Important tip: Throughout the day, maintain a log of what you have done. This can be a simple text file. You can update it when you start and end a task, or at regular intervals throughout the day. It takes only a moment to maintain the log, and it makes writing the report easy. By contrast, without a log you might forget what you have done during the week, and writing the report could take a long time.

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How to write an effective progress report

how to write a research project progress report

As someone who has written hundreds of progress reports, I know that writing a good progress report can keep people in the loop about how your project or product is moving. Additionally, it helps build trust by actively letting everyone know how things are going, what may have changed, and where you may need support. It can be a very helpful tool.

How To Write An Effective Progress Report

Getting started with writing progress updates can be a little tricky. There are some key steps you’ll want to navigate to ensure that your progress reports are effective, helpful, and meeting the needs of your team and stakeholders.

In this article, we’ll talk about what a progress report is, why they’re important, the elements of a progress report, and more.

What is a progress report?

A progress report is a document, usually in the form of a weekly email, that lets key stakeholders and team members who are involved in your project stay up-to-date on how things are going.

These updates can include the progress from this week, whether or not the project is on track, and if any additional leadership support is necessary to keep the project going smoothly and eliminate blockers or challenges.

Why are progress reports important?

Progress reports are important because they help build trust in the project team by keeping stakeholders in the loop with clear communication. A good progress report ensures that stakeholders don’t sit and wonder how a project is going.

Another benefit? They can help you spot issues and elevate them before problems stack up and take your project off course. You can also use a progress report to escalate blockers, or potential blockers, to the stakeholders who may be able to assist you in clearing them. Need approval before you move forward with a key part of the project? You can outline that in your update and let everyone know to expect this before it happens.

Progress reports also help keep a pulse on the pace of the project. If you know that you have important dates coming up, knowing that you have a regular time you’ll need to check in on the progress of the project can help you know if you’re on schedule.

If things start to get off track, you’ll be able to course-correct easier. And, since a progress report keeps your stakeholders in the loop, there are no big surprises to anyone if something doesn’t go according to plan.

What’s included in a progress report?

The first important thing is to really understand what your stakeholders want to see in an update. Are there particular parts of the project they might be concerned about and want more detailed insights into how that part of the project is going? If so, you may want to come up with a list and build your outline from there.

A comprehensive progress report typically includes:

  • A summary of activities completed by the team
  • What progress was made, and how the team is tracking toward their goals
  • What challenges there were, if any
  • Action items and any next steps

Activity summary

In the activity summary, you can be as detailed as is helpful to communicate to stakeholders. Ask if your stakeholders want either an in-depth or high-level summary of the work that was completed by the team.

how to write a research project progress report

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how to write a research project progress report

For example, some stakeholders want to be able to see each individual item the team completed. Some stakeholders think that a high-level summary of features is enough information. You can customize the level of detail in your activity summary for your stakeholders and team.

Progress update

Your activity summary and progress updates might sound similar, but activities are usually more task-oriented while progress is usually either an outcome or progress toward a specific outcome.

For example, let’s say that your progress update outlines that your engineering team spent time writing code for a new feature this week. Your progress report may include details about customer feedback about the new feature that your UX designer gathered.

Challenges and obstacles

While it may not be easy to talk about challenges or difficulties during a project, your stakeholders will want to know what challenges came up, how they were handled, if they’ve changed the timeline of the project, and if the team needs any help.

A great way to talk through the challenges section of your progress report is to follow a simple format:

  • A brief description of the challenge encountered. This should be no longer than 2–3 sentences.
  • A brief outline of how the challenge was addressed
  • A clear statement of whether or not the challenge is still being resolved
  • A clear ask for help, if help or support is needed

For example, here’s how this might sound in an actual progress report:

Dealing with API challenges with VendorX

This week, we had an outage in production due to a breaking API change that was made by VendorX. The customer impact was that our app was unavailable for 30 minutes. Customers saw an error message. To resolve the issue, we reached out to VendorX tech support and let them know the issue was impacting our app. They were able to resolve it, and our customers no longer have this issue.

Next steps and action items

At the end of the progress report, you’ll want to give a brief description of what the team plans to do next on the project to keep momentum. This can include the upcoming tasks or activities the team intends to tackle and how this keeps the project moving forward.

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If you are dealing with a challenge, this section may also include the challenge’s impact on progress and how you may need to plan accordingly.

If you’re thinking that sounds like a lot to keep up with, there’s a great way to make it easier — use a template.

Using a template to make progress reports that are quick and easy to read

Progress report templates are easy to create and iterate over time as the needs of the project change. Templates can make writing your progress report faster and easier. Another key benefit of using a template? It’s easier to ask for help from your teammates to help fill in the key details because you can ask them to fill out key sections.

Templates also help your stakeholders know what to expect each week. By sending the same format each week, it can make it easy to know where the relevant information they need will be located in the progress report.

Here is a very simple template on Google Docs that you can use as a weekly progress report. Go to File > Make a copy to download it and, as we’ll go over next, you can customize it how you like to fit the needs of your project:

Progress Report Template Example

Tips for customizing a template

Progress reports aren’t one-size-fits-all. In fact, they should be customized to fit the needs of your project! Here are some tips to help customize a generic template:

  • Make sections clear — Clearly outline the sections of your progress report, and let everyone know what you’ll be addressing in each section. Remember the key sections: activities, progress made, challenges or blockers encountered, and actions and next steps. You may want to include other sections, but you’ll want to include at least those four
  • Include other sections as needed for your project — Depending on the type of project, you may also include area-specific updates. If you are building a new software product, you may also include an update on KPIs or customer feedback. If you work on an engineering team, you may need to update on code quality or test coverage metrics. Remember, this is for you and for your stakeholders to communicate, so customizing it to everyone’s needs is important
  • Add some fun — Maybe you highlight new learnings, a fun fact, or a customer research anecdote as a part of your update
  • Use emojis — Another way to make sections stand out is to add emojis. On a Mac, you can use Control + Command + Space to pull up the emoji keyboard. On a Windows machine, you can use the Windows Key + Period . Add emojis to your sections to add a little fun, and make each section’s purpose stand out visually. Adding an emoji can help visually call out sections. You can also use emojis for whether or not something is on track by using colors and color coding.
  • Make updating and reading metrics easy by using tables  — If you’re reporting on a lot of metrics , make those easy to update by utilizing tables when and where you can. On the left side, include the name of the metric. On the right, include the number. Voila, an easy-to-read and easy-to-update metrics table

Once you’ve got the template, where do you store it? Ideally, put the template where you can quickly and easily access it and send it. Do you use a document repository like Sharepoint or Confluence? You can create a page that you can duplicate and edit. If you use something like Notion, you can save the page as a template that you can quickly and easily apply to any page within Notion.

Another thing to consider is how you plan to send the update each week. One option is to link to a document repository that has all of the updates linked and just schedule an automated email to send to key stakeholders with a link to the homepage. Another option? Copy and paste the text from your update into an email and link to older updates that live elsewhere.

When to update your template

If you feel trapped using a template, know that you can customize them and change them over time. As the project changed and evolved, so did our progress updates. It’s okay to change them! In fact, sometimes it’s necessary. So how do you know when it’s time to change your template?

  • You regularly get questions from stakeholders about aspects of your project that are not answered in the current template
  • The project has taken on a completely new direction but you haven’t updated your progress report to capture these new aspects of the project
  • You’ve added another team or aspect to the project but their work is not reflected in the template

All of these are signs that it’s time to update the template to include more or different information. This can be a great time to pause and ask your stakeholders what new information would be helpful for them to read about in the progress report.

Incorporating progress report comments

Your stakeholders may have follow-up questions or comments about your progress report. This is great news because it means that your stakeholders are involved and staying up to date! Of course, they may have positive feedback or negative feedback. How do you handle either situation?

Handling negative feedback about your progress report from stakeholders

You’ve sent out the progress report, and you’re excited to hear all of the positive comments on how much progress the team is making. Then the comments start rolling in, and they are disappointingly not positive. How do you address negative comments from stakeholders?

There is negative feedback about the formatting

Sometimes, stakeholders may have negative feedback about how the progress report looks instead of commenting on the contents of the report itself. This can be a good thing — they have an interest in the process!

Take their feedback into consideration and potentially make updates to the template to make incorporating their feedback easier from week to week. If there’s a way to make the report easier to read, make those adjustments. If data is missing that would help make decisions — and if the data is available — consider adding it to subsequent progress reports.

There is negative feedback about the progress being made

Sometimes, stakeholders will have questions or comments related to how quickly the project is moving or the challenges the team is encountering. Here are some steps on how to handle this when it comes up.

  • First, try to understand where the stakeholder is coming from. Are they curious about why a challenge arose? Are they concerned about the progress so far? Are they nervous about missing a critical deadline? You may need to reach out to that stakeholder to understand their concerns or feedback better so that you know how you can help
  • Once you understand where the concern is coming from, now you can work to address the stakeholder’s feedback or criticism. If they address a challenge that has come up, it may be a good time to escalate the support you need in clearing the blocker. If they’re addressing that it seems like the project is off-track, reiterate what you or the team are doing to ensure that the project stays on track
  • Sometimes, negative feedback occurs because someone is missing context or does not have all the information. In this case, it can be helpful to ensure that the stakeholder understands

Handling positive feedback about your progress report

When you get positive feedback about the progress you’re making, this is a great time to share that feedback with the entire team and celebrate. There are ways to incorporate this kind of feedback into your team’s rhythms.

One way is to surface positive feedback at a daily standup or weekly team meeting, letting them know that the leadership team or external stakeholders are happy with the progress are cheering you on. If appropriate, inviting a stakeholder to a team meeting and letting them know they’re excited about the progress can be a fun addition.

Conclusion and key takeaways

Progress reports can help keep your stakeholders in the loop, build trust, and keep them up to date about what’s happening within your project. Remember that good progress reports adapt and change as you get feedback from your stakeholders and as the project needs change. Templating your progress reports can help you save time and allow others to contribute as you assign segments to other members of the team.

Remember that you can also keep it fun by adding your touch to it. If negative feedback arises, incorporate what you can. And when positive feedback comes up, remember to pass it on.

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How to write a project report (with steps & templates).

August 16, 2024

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Juggling all the different components of a project can be quite a challenge. If that weren’t enough, you also have to write a project status report to update key stakeholders on the project’s progress. The struggle is real.

So where do you start? Fortunately, we have the answer. And that’s precisely why we put together this guide—to walk you through the process so you have a clear path from start to finish.

Learn more about creating project reports and different types of project status reports. Plus, you’ll walk away with five free project report templates, carefully crafted to streamline your project management workflow, save you time, and impress your stakeholders. 🤩

What is a Project Report?

How to write a project report, 1. project status report, 2. project progress report, 3. project cost benefit analysis report, 4. project time tracking report, 5. project resource report, 6. project risk report, 7. project variance report, 8. project performance report, 9. project completion report, 10. project management report, why is project reporting important, 1. final project report template, 2. project status report template, 3. digital marketing report template, 4. employee daily activity report template, 5. campaign report template, create professional project reports in less time with clickup.

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A project report is a document offering a comprehensive overview of a project’s objectives, progress, team performance, and milestone accomplishments. It also gives an account of the challenges faced during a project’s execution , solutions devised to tackle them, and the lessons learned during the process. 

Project managers create these reports to communicate with other project stakeholders—including team members, sponsors, clients, and other interested parties—to ensure everyone’s on the same page. The document also serves as a foundation for further evaluation and analysis to ensure the project says on track and achieves its goals. 🎯

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Creating a project report doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Follow these three simple steps to create your first project report with ease.

Understand the purpose of the report

Before you create a project report, you need to understand the purpose of the report (the “why”) and know your target audience (the “who”). This will guide the content, structure, and tone of your project report.

Gather and organize the relevant information

At this point, you need to gather project information relevant to your project report. Make sure your data is accurate, reliable, and up-to-date. Organize the gathered information in a logical and structured manner.

  • Executive summary : As its name suggests, this project summary gives readers a quick overview of the whole report. It’s a snapshot that highlights the most important parts of the project. While it’s placed at the start of the report, it’s often written last. It covers the project’s objectives, methodology, major outcomes, and conclusions. 
  • Introduction: This sets the context and expectations of the entire report. It includes the project’s purpose and scope, project schedule, the problems it aims to address, and the methodologies to get there. It also outlines the structure and organization of the rest of the report. 
  • Body: Typically, this is the longest part of project management reports because it dives into in-depth details, including project progress, data collection, analysis reports, constraints, and limitations. Remember that whatever you include here should reflect the purpose of your project report and the preferences of your target audience. 
  • Conclusions & Recommendations: Based on your findings and analysis, identify opportunities for improvement, suggest strategies for addressing them, or propose avenues for future research. 

Format and proofread the report

Ensure that your project report follows a consistent formatting style—headings, subheadings, and bullet points will make it easier to read. In addition, scan your report for spelling or grammar errors and typos.

Types of Project Reports

Project reports come in diverse formats, with each serving different use cases. Here are nine of the most commonly used types of project reports.

A project status report is a document that gives a snapshot of where your project stands at any given moment. It’s like answering the question, “How’s the project doing?”

But instead of just saying “The project is fine,” you actually dive into the project goals, tasks completed, milestones achieved, challenges faced, lessons learned, potential roadblocks, and next steps. 

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Whether it’s a weekly project status report or a monthly status report, this documentation eliminates the need for status meetings while giving stakeholders the most recent status of the project.

A project progress report is slightly similar to a status update report, as they both discuss task progress. However, the progress report is more quantitative and zooms in on individual tasks and project milestones . 

It’s like taking a magnifying glass and examining the progress of each task, one by one. For example, it could include in-depth information on the percentage of completion and current status of each task (completed, on track, delayed, etc.). 

The cost-benefit analysis report is usually prepared before a project is put into motion. Of the various project reports, this one aims to answer a simple question: “Is it worth pursuing this project?”

To answer this question, the report first assesses all project costs like operational expenses, materials, salaries, equipment, and potential risks. 

It then considers the projected benefits, such as increased profit margins, cost savings, improved efficiency, or happier customers. Finally, the report compares the costs to the benefits to determine if it’s time to move forward or explore other options.

A project time-tracking report is a document that records and summarizes time spent on project activities. Each project team member contributes to writing this report—they track and record the amount of time they’ve spent on tasks and submit it to the project manager. ⏰

Thankfully, the rise of project management tools has eliminated the need for paper-based time-tracking submissions. They make it easy for team members to submit accurate and detailed time reports to the project manager—while reducing the administrative burden of manual report compilation. 

Project managers can see how time is spent and the overall productivity of team members. As a result, they’re able to make informed decisions, such as redistributing workload (aka workload management ), reassigning tasks, and providing feedback and support to team members. 

A project resource dashboard offers a bird’s-eye view of how resources (e.g., labor, equipment, materials, budget, etc.) are allocated in a project. Think of it as a comprehensive resource inventory, listing every project task, the responsible party, and the resources being used. 

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Project reports like this help project managers keep track of resource availability, identify potential resource constraints or shortages, and make informed decisions about resource allocation and optimization.

A project risk report offers a comprehensive analysis of potential risks, their likelihood of occurrence, their potential impact on the project, and recommended mitigation strategies. 

Rather than waiting for future events to derail the project, project reports like this one allow project managers to take a more proactive approach to risk management—thereby boosting the chances of overall project success.

A project variance report reveals the gaps or deviations between project plans and the actual performance or results achieved. It compares various factors—like budget, time, resources, and scope—and their planned values with their actual values, then computes the differences (or variances). 

By analyzing these variances, project managers and stakeholders can discuss the possible reasons behind them, identify areas that need attention, and take corrective actions where necessary.

A project performance report evaluates the overall performance and achievements of a project against predetermined metrics and objectives. It includes information on project deliverables, key performance indicators (KPIs) , and stakeholder satisfaction.

This report helps project managers assess project success, identify areas for improvement, and communicate the project’s performance to stakeholders.

A project completion report marks the end of a project journey. It summarizes the entire project lifecycle, from initiation to closure. This report contains an overview of the project’s objectives, deliverables, milestones, challenges, and recommendations for future projects.

A project management report summarizes a project’s progress, status, and performance for stakeholders. It includes an overview, current status, timeline, budget, risks, resource allocation, key performance indicators (KPIs), and next steps. The report helps ensure transparency, track milestones, address issues, and guide decision-making. It provides a snapshot of where the project stands and what actions are needed to keep it on track.

Writing project reports may initially seem redundant and time-consuming. However, it plays a crucial role in achieving project success. While a few benefits were hinted at earlier, let’s get a better picture of why project reports should not be overlooked.

More clarity

Creating a project report allows you to step back and reflect on the project’s progress. As you record the milestones, successes, and challenges, a wealth of insights begin to unfold—strengths, weaknesses, and areas that need attention.

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This holistic view of the project’s health helps you steer it toward the desired outcomes and ensure it stays on track.

Encourages evaluation and analysis

Project reports allow you to evaluate and analyze the different aspects of a project in a systematic way—gathering relevant data, analyzing them, and evaluating their significance. By giving your project a critical analysis, you can uncover valuable insights, identify patterns, draw meaningful conclusions, and take strategic action. 🛠️

Enhances communication and collaboration

Creating a project report challenges you to present the project’s progress and results to stakeholders in a clear and coherent manner. A well-written report promotes project transparency and ensures everyone is on the same page.

It also facilitates collaboration by providing a common reference point for discussions, feedback, and decision-making.

Boosts professionalism and credibility

When you present a comprehensive and well-structured report, it shows that you have conducted thorough research, followed a methodical approach, and can effectively communicate complex information. This, in turn, boosts your reputation, enhances your credibility, and showcases your expertise among peers, colleagues, and potential employers.

Knowledge preservation

A project report serves as a valuable reference for future research or projects. By documenting your process, methodologies, challenges, lessons, and results, you create a resource that can be consulted and built upon by others.

This contributes to the cumulative knowledge in your field and fosters a culture of collaboration and innovation.

Improves Team Alignment

Project reports are instrumental in enhancing team alignment. They provide a clear, concise snapshot of progress, identifying accomplishments, challenges, and next steps. This enables all team members to understand the project’s current status and their respective roles in achieving the overall objectives.

Check out these project report templates for teams:

  • Nonprofit Organizations Project Report
  • Operations Teams Project Report
  • Finance Teams Project Report
  • DevOps Teams Project Report
  • Agile Teams Project Report
  • Sales Teams Project Report

5 Project Report Examples & Templates

Sure, you could write project reports from scratch and spend countless hours formatting and structuring them. But why would you when you can use free project report templates? They provide a structure and format for your report so you can simply plug in your data and customize the design to fit your needs. Not only do project report templates speed up the report creation process, but they also enhance the overall quality of your reports. 

Let’s jump right in to explore our top five project report templates. 📈

Final Project Report Template

A final project report is the perfect finishing touch to conclude a project and highlight its achievements. ClickUp’s Final Project Report Template provides a solid structure to help you put it together with the following key sections:

  • Planned vs. Actual: A quantitative breakdown of how the project deviated from the original plan with regard to its start date, completion date, duration, and budget
  • Management Effectiveness: A SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis evaluating how the project was managed
  • Project Learnings : Share the important project lessons learned by the team throughout the lifespan of the project
  • Contract Terms Checklist : A simple table listing the various contract terms, whether they were completed, and any remarks you have 
  • Overall Performance rating: A 1 out of 5 rating of the different aspects of the project, from planning and execution to leadership and communication

This template is built in ClickUp Docs , which means you have unlimited flexibility for customization—add extra sections and tweak the appearance to suit your taste. And guess what? The table of content updates in real-time as you add, edit, or delete multiple headers.

If you want to wow your team and clients, this project status report template will help you get the job done. 

Project Status Report Template

Writing a project status report is fairly straightforward. But staring at a blank document and worrying about crafting perfectly manicured sentences can make this process last a lot longer than it should. 

Thankfully, ClickUp’s Project Status Report Template is here to save the day! Built inside ClickUp Whiteboards, this template provides a hassle-free method to quickly capture key project details in a visually engaging way.

  • General information: Cover general project details (e.g., project name, objectives, project timeline , reporting period, etc.) which you’ll need to fill in only once
  • Progress details: Use color-coding to share in-progress, at-risk, delayed, and completed tasks
  • Support and resources: List out assets (e.g., labor, money, etc.) needed for a smooth operation 
  • Highlights and takeaways: Share key lessons learned and other noteworthy highlights
  • What went well/What needs improvement: Use this opportunity to reflect on the project’s progress and share the areas that performed well and what needs attention
  • Next steps: Highlight the key action items that need to get done to keep the project on track

Enter the details under each of these sections onto sticky notes, which’ll help you quickly pour down your thoughts without worrying about writing perfect sentences. It’s also very helpful for stakeholders as the information on sticky notes is short and straight to the point. 

This template removes the pressure of creating a status report and saves valuable time—all while keeping key stakeholders informed and up to date.

Digital Marketing Report Template

After running a digital marketing campaign project, you need to gather key metrics from the campaign and present it to key stakeholders for evaluation, performance analysis, and notes for future improvements. 

Sharing this info across multiple digital channels can get overwhelming but there’s no need to worry. ClickUp’s Digital Marketing Report Template has you covered with everything you need. Plus, it’s neatly broken down into the following sections:

  • Digital Marketing Performance: This section lets you summarize the overall performance of your campaign by capturing key details like project budget allocations, actual expenses, cost per acquisition, total impressions, and total clicks across multiple campaigns
  • Web Analytics Report: This section analyzes website performance during and after the project’s completion. It captures metrics like page views, bounce rate, traffic sources, and overall conversion rate
  • Social Media Campaign Performance: This section analyzes social media performance by measuring metrics like impressions, followers, and engagement rate—all in a simple table for each social media platform 

Use this template to present the performance of your digital marketing project in a simple and visually engaging way. This makes it easy to identify trends, analyze the impact of your campaign, and make informed decisions regarding future marketing initiatives.

Employee Daily Activity Report Template

A key way to stay on track and guarantee overall project success is to engage team members in the process.

The Employee Daily Activity Report Template by ClickUp has a simple tabular layout that makes it easy for team members to record and keep track of: 

  • Completed tasks and the time spent on each
  • Ongoing tasks and their due dates
  • Upcoming tasks and any support they’ll need

This template encourages each team member to get work done and ask for support when needed—while allowing you to keep the project on track by providing support and maximizing team performance.

Campaign Report Template

Remember the Digital Marketing Report Template we looked at earlier? You can choose to further analyze the marketing performance section, with elements from this Campaign Report Template by ClickUp . 

Dive deeper into how each marketing channel contributed to overall ad cost, ad revenue, and ad conversion rate. You can further break down each channel’s performance by analyzing the metrics from each individual campaign on that channel.

There you have it—your secret sauce for creating an effective project report in a fraction of the time. And that’s only scratching the surface … working inside ClickUp unlocks a lot more perks. 

Not only does ClickUp make project reporting easy and quick, but it also gives you access to free project management templates to enhance your workflow. Quickly assign tasks to your team, keep track of progress, discuss updates, and collaborate on documents and whiteboards—all in one place. ✨

Did we mention the integrations? ClickUp plays nicely with other apps, allowing you to seamlessly connect your favorite tools to supercharge your team’s productivity. And let’s not forget about the time you’ll save using ClickUp’s automations—a feature that lets you breeze through repetitive tasks that used to eat up valuable time across project management reports.

Just imagine what you can do with those extra hours—maybe enjoy a cup of coffee or catch up with your team about how best you can support them. Make project reporting a blast with ClickUp and boost your chances of a successful project. 

Get started by signing up for free on ClickUp today … Ready? Set? Report!

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Progress reporting 101: how to review your projects in 5 steps

Projects tend to take on a life of their own—twisting and turning with each new development, milestone, and lesson. 

But as you collaborate with more stakeholders and journey further into the heart of a project, the details can become overwhelming, and you may begin to lose sight of where you’ve been and where you need to go. This is where progress reports have a vital role to play.

Last updated

Reading time.

how to write a research project progress report

This guide teaches you what a progress report is, and when and how to create one, so you can update stakeholders, solve problems, plan your next steps, and learn from past projects .

Add insights to your progress reporting

Use Hotjar to understand how customers interact with your website and product to add detail and direction to your progress report.

What is progress reporting?

Progress reporting is an ongoing study into the development of a project, usually for the team members involved. It focuses on events and tactical details, like progress drivers and anticipated roadblocks, to assess what your project has achieved and where you’ll take it next. 

For example, imagine a design manager creating a progress report for a homepage redesign project. They’ll use the progress report document to share insights from the product management team and summarize recent discussions to give everyone the same context moving forward.

A status report is another performance reporting type that the design manager could use, but it isn’t interchangeable with a progress report. While a progress report is an ongoing study of the project for the team, a status report is a snapshot of current progress for stakeholders.  For example, while the homepage redesign progress report contains hands-on details for the design team, a status report for this project would tell the C-suite that the team completed its first two milestones ahead of schedule. 

Progress reporting is vital for project management because it consolidates information and identifies the next steps. The benefits of progress reporting include:

When to create a progress report

If progress reporting is an ongoing look at your project, when and how often should you create a progress document? There are two options. 

Create a progress report at regular intervals

Regular progress reporting—like weekly for shorter projects or monthly for more significant initiatives—helps when you have many stakeholders or the project moves quickly. For example, cross-functional collaboration benefits from a regular recap and check-in since not every person will be in every meeting or work session. 

Create a progress report after milestones

Alternatively, projects with smaller teams benefit from progress reporting after milestones rather than on a consistent cadence. For example, a one-person social media team would check in with their marketing manager as they complete phases of a new campaign or feature launch.

How to create a progress report in 5 simple steps

While progress reporting benefits a wide range of roles and projects, the basic structure is always the same. Here’s a 5-step progress report template to follow. 

Step 1: clarify goals and timeline

First, you need to briefly explain the project to give context to the rest of the report. Clarifying project goals and timelines brings priorities to the surface to make it easier for stakeholders reading the report to catch up.

Details to include:

Project summary: a brief overview of the project

Product objective: your immediate product goals and the long-term initiative they support. Think of these as objectives and key results (OKRs).

Milestones: the main tasks you've already completed or still need to complete for a high-level understanding of the project scope

Timeline: the progress you've made in the project’s reporting period

To illustrate the first step in progress reporting, let’s use the homepage redesign example from earlier. The design manager leading the project says their team is updating the website’s homepage to reflect rebranding and increase engagement. Then, the manager lists the major milestones, including wireframing, prototyping, and testing over a 3-month period, which they’re halfway through. 

Step 2: consider stakeholders

Reading a progress report that has nothing to do with you is confusing at best and boring at worst—so be sure to tailor your document to its audience. 

Determining who’s going to see and use the report influences what details you need to include. For example, a C-suite leader cares more about customer activation progress than a debate over whether the homepage banner should be cerulean or cyan. 

Project owner: who’s in charge of the project

Team: who’s on the team, and their role in the project

Report prepared for: who will read the report and if they had a particular motivation, question, or concern

Definitions: stakeholders might not know certain cross-functional terms. For example, your graphic designers probably haven’t reviewed a Google Analytics glossary in a while.

In our example homepage redesign project, the design team needs effective cross-functional collaboration . Throughout the project, they’ll work with the product team to test design effectiveness and with the marketing team to create copy and imagery for their target audience. Since the design manager knows this, the progress report needs to have insights across groups and summarize discussions different functions may miss. 

All together now! 👯

Effective collaboration and communication can make or break a project, whether you work with one other person or five other functions. Asynchronous communication in a shared document for project updates or new ideas is a must. Here at Hotjar, we’ve also established rules for what gets a meeting.

Every meeting requires an owner (usually the organizer) whose duties include the following:

Establishing a clear objective and agenda: what’s the purpose of the call, who’s attending, and why?

Listing relevant data and required reading so all participants can prepare

Documenting the meeting’s output and actions to share with the team on an agreed-upon channel (e.g. email, Trello, Discourse).

Learn more about our strategies and tools for better collaboration .

Step 3: share recent updates 

Progress reporting is an ongoing process, so you need to reference developments about questions or concerns stakeholders brought up in the previous report. If this is your first progress report, compare progress to any assumptions you had. 

Problem resolutions: any prior issues you resolved and how you did it

Answers to questions: queries from previous progress reports that need to be addressed

New insights: an overview of new data, metrics, priorities, or lessons that impact the project

Testing results: results and learnings from A/B tests or customer interviews  

For example, the design manager would include a screenshot of their data dashboard to provide a summary of how the first prototype of the homepage redesign performs. The progress report would also have notes from a cross-functional meeting that answered a previous question about the customer journey .

how to write a research project progress report

Hotjar’s Dashboard presents key sessions and user behavior data in charts and graphs so you don’t have to switch between multiple analytics sources

Step 4: identify drivers and blockers

Your progress report is the place to consolidate all your important Slack messages, meeting outcomes, and personal notes as you work through the project. 

Documenting what’s helping and hindering the project gets everyone on the same page, helps you prioritize the next steps, and creates a record you can learn from and reference in the future. 

Product experience (PX) insights: data that reveals how customers interact with your product or website to understand the project’s impact

Delays: anything that slows the project down

Questions: team questions or unknowns

Progress drivers: details that positively impact the project (so you know what to do more of next time!)

Upcoming events and milestones: what you’ll work on next

Let’s go back to our homepage redesign project. In this step, the design manager reminds the team they’ll be out on vacation next week and that there’s an upcoming meeting of designers, product managers, and marketing folks to watch customer recordings together . The meeting’s goal is to get new perspectives on the response to the new page design, and the team needs to document the results to include in the next progress report.

Bring your progress reports to life with product experience insights

PX insights help you break out of your team silo and get an outside perspective from the people you’re trying to help—your customers. 

Hotjar (hi, that’s us! 👋) is a product experience insights platform that adds data-informed decision-making to your progress report. Hotjar gives you:

Heatmaps (free forever) to uncover where website visitors pay the most attention

Recordings to see exactly how customers interact with your product

Surveys to learn what customers love and hate about your product

Feedback to get real-time thoughts on your design

Interviews to hear how customers describe their goals and preferences

Funnels to learn where and why customers drop off

Plus, adding context to your progress report with PX insights increases stakeholder buy-in with tangible results, gets new team members up to speed, and creates a knowledge base of your efforts to reference in the future .

how to write a research project progress report

Hotjar's tools give you a new perspective on your customers’ experiences

Step 5: list the next steps

Your progress report becomes actionable when you summarize what you’ve learned and create an action plan. 

As you create subsequent progress reports for a project, you can assess whether the tasks you'd initially set out to do were indeed the ones that took up your time. This information lets you rework future planning or rein in a project that’s straying off course. 

Tasks: deliverables needed, timeframes, and who’s responsible for what

Follow-ups: meetings to schedule or stakeholders to loop in

For example, with the progress report, the design team recognizes the need to follow up with the marketing team for the homepage’s new copy. They also need to review comments the website development team left on the first version of their homepage wireframe.

If you’re only ever focused on implementation, you’ll waste time and budget on tactics without knowing if they actually delivered growth or not. You should be constantly evaluating performance data, both qualitative and quantitative, to inform your efforts. Then, by packaging this data up in monthly, quarterly, or annual performance insights, you can use the reports to increase your organizational impact.

Use customer insights to support your progress reports

Progress reporting supports projects by clarifying what has happened and what will happen. But you need the right insights to understand project progress and decide what to do next. 

As much as confident teammates and company veterans may think they know what’s best, you need to learn from customers to create for customers . When you prioritize customer empathy and curiosity, you create an accurate and impactful progress report.

Rather than relying on assumptions or guesses, teams need to use customer and PX insights—information that helps you test and correct as you work through a project. This customer-driven data helps you focus on what matters and get results, preventing you from going too far down a path to nowhere.

Progress reporting FAQs

Progress reporting is an ongoing study into the development of a project, usually for the team members involved. It focuses on events and tactical details like progress drivers and anticipated roadblocks. The goal of a progress report is to assess where the project has been and where you’ll take it next. 

For example, imagine a design manager creates a progress report for a home page redesign project. They update the design team on insights from the product management team and summarize recent discussions to give everyone the same context moving forward. 

What are the benefits of a progress report?

A progress report lets you: 

Consolidate the main takeaways from recent collaboration , which means everyone is on the same page

Review project and product planning regularly to make continuous adjustments that keep you close to your customers and goals

Work through issues and questions with your teammates and stakeholders

When should you use a progress report?

There are two scenarios you can use a progress report:

At regular intervals , like weekly or daily progress reports for short projects or a monthly progress report for larger initiatives. Use this method if you have a lot of stakeholders or the project moves quickly. For example, a cross-functional collaboration benefits from a regular recap and check-in.

After milestones , like when the team is stuck or after you complete a significant task. Use this method if the project has fewer stakeholders, like a one-person team checking in with their boss as they complete phases of the project or as part of a product roadmap .

How do you create a progress report?

Clarify goals and timeline : what is the project and when will you work on it?

Consider the stakeholders : who’s involved?

Share recent updates : what have you done so far?

Identify drivers and blockers : what’s helping and hindering the project?

List next steps : what will you do next?

Trend report

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How to Write a Progress Report

How to Write a Progress Report

6-minute read

  • 28th September 2021

A progress report is a business document that provides updates on a project’s progress toward meeting a goal. Typically, you’ll provide a progress report for a supervisor/manager, team member, or business client to summarize a project’s status and what still needs to be completed or improved.

But how do you write an effective progress report for your business’s projects ? In our guide below, we set out the typical structure of a progress report.

1. Header Information

A progress report should start with a header that includes key details about the report and the project. Typically, this will include the:

  • Reporting period and/or the date of submission.
  • Name(s) and position(s) of the report’s recipient(s).
  • Name(s) and position(s) of the report’s author(s).
  • Subject or title of the report/project.

This will help the recipient to understand the contents of the report at a glance.

2. Introduction

The introductory paragraph of a progress report should outline the purpose and timeframe of the project, plus any other important details or insights. 

You can also include an overview of what the rest of your progress report will cover.

3. Work Completed

The next section of your report should be titled “Work Completed.” Here, you can provide a chronological list of the project tasks that you have already completed and their corresponding dates. You can also include key findings from those tasks.

4. Problems Encountered

The next section should outline any problems encountered in the project so far. You should then explain either how those problems were solved or how they will be solved, and whether any extra help will be required to do so. You will also need to mention if those problems prompted any changes to the project.

5. Future Plans

To highlight the goals for the remainder of the project, the next section of your report should outline any future project tasks with their corresponding dates or deadlines, anticipated problems, and/or ideas for the project as you move forward.

End your progress report with a brief summary of key completed tasks, ongoing tasks, and major issues encountered. You don’t need to go into too much detail here, though. Stick to the essential details.

5 Tips on How to Write a Progress Report

We also have some helpful tips you can use when writing a progress report:

  • Adapt the structure – While the structure outlined above will work for most projects, you can adapt it to suit your requirements. For instance, for a complex project with multiple goals, you may need to break it down into sections, detailing the progress, problems, and plans for each objective.
  • Choose an appropriate frequency – For ongoing progress reports, think about whether to schedule daily, weekly, or monthly updates.
  • Write clearly – Make sure to write clearly and concisely . Keep your sentences simple, straightforward, and easy to understand.
  • Know your audience – If you’re writing a report for someone outside of your organization or team, explain any industry-specific language you use.
  • Keep it professional – Make sure to use a formal tone , avoiding colloquial terms and phrases, slang, contractions, and other informal language.

Finally, to be sure your report looks and sounds professional, have it proofread. You can try our proofreading services by uploading a trial document for free today!

Example Progress Report

To see what a progress report might look like, check out our example report below:

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Date: September 24, 2021 To: J. Seymour, Head of Planning From: A. Boleyn, Planning Assistant Subject: Migration to new planning software

Since November 2016, Exemplar Inc. has used the PlanULike package to manage the company’s everyday operations. However, when we expanded to new territories in July 2021, the limitations of the software became evident, especially with regard to currency conversions when budgeting for projects in Europe. As a result, in August 2021, the decision was made to migrate to new planning software. This report covers the progress in this project made up until September 24, 2021.

Work Completed

  • August 30 – Research completed into available planning software packages. The PlanZone software is selected based on its flexible budgeting capabilities.
  • September 6 – A timeline is developed for installation and implementation of the new software package, with an initial deadline of September 30.
  • September 10 – Head of Human Resources, Jack Thacker, begins developing in-house instructional materials for the new software.
  • September 18 – Software is acquired and installed. Provisional version of internal training program is developed and tested with key staff members.
  • September 21 – IT department identifies software compatibility problems with older hardware in operations department. New equipment purchased.
  • September 24 – New computer hardware installed. After testing, training program is extended to heads of department in planning and operations.

Problems Encountered

The key problem encountered thus far has been a compatibility issue between the new software and some of the company’s existing hardware. Head of IT, Simon Robinson, reports that this was due to PlanZone including graphical features that Exemplar Inc. does not use and had not been factored into the initial planning.

Due to speedy delivery and installation of new hardware, this has not significantly affected the timeframe for the migration. But the unexpected expense does mean that the project is now significantly over budget.

In addition, the testing of the in-house training program took longer than anticipated to complete. Key staff are now familiar with the new software, but the deadline for company-wide training has been extended to November 15, 2021.

Future Plans

The improved training program will continue until November 15, 2021, when all relevant staff are expected to be familiar with the new software, after which all operational planning will use PlanZone, and the PlanULike systems will be deprecated by November 30, 2021. Due to exceeding the budget allocated for this project, a meeting will be scheduled for heads of department to discuss how the extra expenses may impact budgeting for other projects.

The company has acquired and installed new planning software (PlanZone), which is projected to enhance project planning and ease operations in new territories. However, unexpected hardware and training issues have slowed progress. Deadlines for the migration have thus been extended. Meanwhile, implications of the extra expenses will be factored into budgeting for upcoming projects.

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What Is a Progress Report And How Can You Make Them More Effective?

What is a progress report and how can you effectively manage your progress reporting process as projects become bigger and more complex?

At ScrumGenius , a tool to facilitate and automate status reporting and reduce communication overhead, we understand the value of a great reporting process.

As your company and teams grow, your projects also increase in scope and complexity. Various types of reporting, previously done ad-hoc, need to be more systematic and standardized to be manageable.

If you’re a manager, keeping track of progress reports from increasingly larger projects through email can quickly become overwhelming. How can you get meaningful information from your progress reports? Moreover, how can you prevent delays in progress report submission, especially when your team is distributed?

In this article, you'll learn:

  • What a progress report is 
  • Why a progress report is important
  • Best practices on structuring progress reports, from using the PPP methodology to setting deadlines
  • Progress report format and template
  • Why you should automate and standardize your progress reporting process

As you will read, automating your progress reports can drastically reduce the time spent in meetings, help you get meaningful answers, and make your reporting process much more efficient. 

What Is a Progress Report?

A progress report is a document that shows the progress that your team is making towards completing a project.

Progress reports give an overview to either a supervisor, a manager, a team leader, a colleague or a client on:

  •  The status of the project
  • The milestones achieved
  • Responsibilities of each employee or team member
  • The issues faced by various team members
  • ...and other important factors that affect project completion

This report is essentially a project management mechanism to prevent issues before they happen, to ensure that the project will be finished on-time, and to keep those involved informed of the project's progress.

How often the progress report should be submitted (e.g. daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) will heavily depend on the project's scope and complexity.

In general, you want your progress reports to provide meaningful insights. Setting a daily reporting schedule for a long-term project may lead to progress reports with surface-level answers.

Therefore, you may want to set a reasonable schedule and give a progress report template with standardized questions on project progress and key issues. 

Giving these questions in advance will encourage your team members to think about their responses more thoroughly before handing in the report.

Why Is a Progress Report Important?

The importance of progress reports lies beyond keeping track and managing your different projects happening simultaneously. Progress reports also provide valuable insights on how your team can finish projects more effectively.

Aside from giving an overview of the projects taking place, a well-structured progress report template also allows the project manager to identify key issues affecting the team's productivity and a project's progress toward completion.

These insights can then be fed into a knowledge base, which contains best practices on how to manage and execute future projects.

With the ScrumGenius progress report template, you can effectively track each team member's blockers. You can also see how often they report these blockers affecting project completion.

Of course, a progress report also helps foster collaboration. Simply put, knowing about each other's tasks helps prevent people from doing the same things and reduce task redundancy. 

Best Practices On How To Write a Progress Report

1. treat a progress report like a q&a.

A simple way to start learning how to write a progress report is by treating the progress report format as a question and answer sheet on the project's progress. You need answers on the progress, the blockers and the next tasks to do that lead to project completion. Nothing more. Nothing less.

2. Include questions on progress, plans and problems (PPP)

PPP is a management technique for status reporting that focuses on project progress toward completion. Questions related to PPP lead to specific and meaningful answers, instead of generic ones with unnecessary details. It's used by many people at Skype and Apple to get useful and relevant project facts.

As Cleve Gibbon puts it, PPP is "rich in stuff, low in fluff." Here's what each P means:

  • Progress - These include milestones, goals achieved, finished tasks and validated items  that contribute to project completion.
  • Plans - These include things to do, short- and long-term objectives, and other plans that affect project completion.
  • Problems - These are blockers and issues that affect project completion.

Each P should have answers with 3-5 items. If your team is having a hard time filling out the progress reports because they're too frequent, you might want to change the frequency they're submitted. 

3. Allow meaningful completion of the progress report

An often-neglected aspect of the progress reporting process is ensuring that the information acquired is at a high quality. Two things help achieve this: setting the right schedule and encouraging specific answers.

Setting appropriate deadlines is key. People doing long-term projects that last for a year or more may not want to submit daily progress reports. A wrong schedule might lead to unsatisfactory answers. That said, make sure that you set actual dates for submission. Otherwise, people may always put them as a last priority task.

Moreover, you should encourage formulating specific answers. For example, this can be emphasizing for answers to include relevant metrics, instead of vague descriptions. This helps you track progress more meaningfully. 

4. Use section headings to make reading and writing simpler

Add section headings in your progress report format to make the process of writing and reading the report a lot easier. When learning how to write a progress report, section headings help you focus on providing valuable information about the progress, in itself.

The purpose of a progress report is to give clarity on the progress of a project, not to describe every single aspect about what's currently happening in the project.

Plus, the project manager reading the project will have an easier time reading and remembering key elements in it.

ScrumGenius Progess Report (2)

With ScrumGenius, the progress report templates are structured in such a way that each progress report has clearly-defined headings.

5. Use simple and straightforward language

Learning how to write progress reports means using a progress report format with a language that's clear and straight to the point. Unless your project requires you to use jargon and technical language, keep your sentences simple, straightforward and easy to understand. 

Progress Report Format Template Example Using PPP

Progress report using PPP

Using PPP, a progress report format structure should have the following sections:

  • Introduction - This helps understand what project this report is about. Simply ask what they're working on to start the progress report.
  • PPP section - This is the main body of the progress report, and it should give enough information on the overall status of the project. As you will read in the next section, ScrumGenius allows you to have an overview of the goals and blockers reported in the status reporting process to derive important insights from.
  • Anything else to add? -  This section may also provide more holistic comments on how this project is being done.

How to Facilitate Your Progress Reporting Process Through Automation and Standardization

As your projects become larger in scope and complexity, you will need a status reporting tool like ScrumGenius to track and manage your progress reporting process.

Relying on standard communication tools like email and manually sending your team members follow up can quickly become unmanageable. Not only that, manually sifting through progress reports can take time from getting more meaningful work done.

1. Standardize and iterate on your progress report template to gain meaningful insights

To identify patterns affecting project completion and other important project management insights, you will have to standardize the sections/questions in your progress reports. This means sending out the same progress report questions on a project for your team members to answer.

Having progress report templates means that your team can invariably produce answers within the PPP framework. It also allows you to identify outlier responses affecting project progress. With ScrumGenius, you can create custom progress reports or choose from various templates. 

Custom progress report

Some team members might have run into blockers that you need to urgently address. Or someone might have found a way to more efficiently finish their tasks. Either way, these can be important project management insights for future reference.

Plus, using a template will save you and your team previously spent on formulating a structure for these reports.

2. Automate progress reporting submission

Manually doing check-ins and follow-ups via email or chat is not only cumbersome, but it's also not sustainable in the long-run as your teams grow bigger and your projects more complex.

Set teamwork on autopilot. With ScrumGenius, you can automate your whole progress reporting process by setting automatic regular deadlines on submitting progress reports.

ScrumGenius is integrated with all major chat platforms including Slack, Microsoft Teams and Cisco Webex Teams. Depending on the schedule you've set them, a bot will automatically send them these questions for people to answer within a window of time.

Configure schedule

You can also set the check-in reporting window to cater to different time zones. Read more about this here . This is especially important for globally-distributed teams.

3. Have an overview to see your team's overall progress on various projects

Having an overview of the progress reports helps you identify various patterns affecting project completion. ScrumGenius has a dashboard that allows you to see:

  • Participation - How many completed the progress report.
  • Goals - How many participants reported their goals and progress.
  • Blockers - How many participants are experiencing blockers.

Progress report team insights

This overview can help you deduce important insights on the aforementioned metrics. For example, you can see what the participation rates are for the various submission windows and act accordingly. 

4. Spend less time in meetings by using progress reports

Some studies suggest that executives spend up to 23 hours per week in meetings . With ScrumGenius, our clients have reported a reduction in meeting times by up to 300% ( read the case study here).

Our status reports have provided valuable information that has helped meetings become more efficient and focused. 

5. Create a knowledge base for your project managers, teams and new hires

Finally, these project management insights can contribute to building a knowledge base. This is a great way to set up best practices on how to manage and execute future projects more effectively.

It will also be a great resource for new hires to figure out the best processes for your company and how to achieve key metrics that they're supposed to hit (based on past successes).

Take Your Progress Reporting Process To The Next Level With ScrumGenius

A progress report allows you to get important information on project completion. ScrumGenius is a simple, yet powerful, tool that can improve your progress reporting process through automating and standardizing these reports.

Once activated, the ScrumGenius bot sends reminders to your team at a specific time each day to fill out their progress reports.

If you want to make your progress reporting process more efficient, try out ScrumGenius today.

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How to Start a Research Project: A Step-by-Step Guide

Person at desk with research materials and ideas.

Starting a research project can feel overwhelming, but breaking it down into manageable steps can make it easier. This guide will walk you through each stage, from choosing a topic to preparing for your final presentation. By following these steps, you'll be well on your way to completing a successful research project.

Key Takeaways

  • Choose a topic that interests you and is feasible to research.
  • Develop clear research questions and objectives to guide your study.
  • Conduct a thorough literature review to understand the existing research.
  • Create a detailed research plan with a timeline and methodology.
  • Engage with stakeholders and incorporate their feedback throughout the project.

Choosing a Research Topic

Identifying research interests.

Start by thinking about what excites you. Pick a topic that you find fun and fulfilling . This will keep you motivated throughout your research. Make a list of subjects you enjoy and see how they can relate to your field of study.

Evaluating Topic Feasibility

Once you have a few ideas, check if they are too broad or too narrow. A good topic should be manageable within the time you have. Ask yourself if you can cover all aspects of the topic in your thesis.

Consulting with Advisors

If you have difficulty finding a topic, consult with your advisors. Present your ideas to them and seek their guidance. They can provide valuable insights and help you refine your topic to ensure it is both engaging and manageable.

Defining the Research Problem

Formulating research questions.

Once you have a topic, the next step is to formulate research questions . These questions should target what you want to find out. They can focus on describing, comparing, evaluating, or explaining the research problem. A strong research question should be specific enough to be answered thoroughly using appropriate methods. Avoid questions that can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no".

Justifying the Research Problem

After formulating your research questions, you need to justify why your research problem is important . Explain the significance of your research in the context of existing literature. Highlight the gaps your research aims to fill and how it will contribute to the field. This step is crucial for crafting a compelling research proposal.

Setting Research Objectives

Finally, set clear research objectives. These are the specific goals you aim to achieve through your research. They should align with your research questions and provide a roadmap for your study. Establishing well-defined objectives will make it easier to create a research plan and stay on track throughout the research process.

Conducting a Comprehensive Literature Review

Finding credible sources.

Start by gathering reliable sources for your research. Use academic databases, libraries, and journals to find books, articles, and papers related to your topic. Make sure to evaluate the credibility of each source. Primary sources like published articles or autobiographies are firsthand accounts, while secondary sources like critical reviews are more removed.

Analyzing Existing Research

Once you have your sources, read through them and take notes on key points. Look for different viewpoints and how they relate to your research question. This will help you understand the current state of research in your field. Skimming sources initially can save time; set aside useful ones for a full read later.

Identifying Research Gaps

Identify areas that haven't been explored or questions that haven't been answered. These gaps can provide a direction for your own research. For example, if you're studying the impact of WhatsApp on communication, look for what hasn't been covered in existing studies. This will make your research more valuable and original.

Developing a Detailed Research Plan

Creating a solid research plan is crucial for the success of your thesis . It helps you stay organized and ensures that you cover all necessary aspects of your research.

Engaging with Stakeholders

Identifying key stakeholders.

To start, you need to identify all the key stakeholders involved in your research project. Stakeholders can include funders, academic supervisors, and anyone who will be affected by your study. Identifying potential resistance early on can help you address concerns before they become major issues.

Conducting Stakeholder Meetings

Once you have identified your stakeholders, the next step is to conduct meetings with them. These meetings are crucial for understanding their needs and expectations. Here are some steps to ensure productive meetings:

  • Identify all stakeholders : Make a list of everyone affected by your project, including customers and end users.
  • Keep communication open: Regular updates and open discussions help in aligning everyone's expectations.
  • Present your project plan: Explain how your plan addresses stakeholders' expectations and be open to feedback.
  • Determine roles: Decide who needs to see which reports and how often, and identify which decisions need approval and by whom.

Incorporating Stakeholder Feedback

Engaging stakeholders allows organizations to identify potential sources of resistance early in the change process. Incorporating their feedback is essential for the success of your project. Make sure to document all feedback and adjust your research plan accordingly. This will not only improve the quality of your research but also ensure that all stakeholders are on board with your project.

Selecting Appropriate Research Methods

Researchers collaborating in a colorful lab setting.

Qualitative vs Quantitative Methods

When choosing research methods , you need to decide between qualitative and quantitative approaches. Qualitative methods involve collecting non-numerical data, such as interviews and focus groups, to understand experiences and opinions. On the other hand, quantitative methods focus on numerical data and statistical analysis, like surveys and experiments. Sometimes, a mixed-method approach, combining both qualitative and quantitative techniques, can provide a more comprehensive understanding of your research problem.

Choosing Data Collection Tools

Selecting the right data collection tools is crucial for gathering accurate and reliable data. Common tools include:

  • Surveys : Useful for collecting data from a large number of participants.
  • Interviews : Provide in-depth insights through one-on-one conversations.
  • Focus Groups : Gather diverse perspectives through group discussions.
  • Observations : Allow you to study behaviors in natural settings.

Each tool has its strengths and weaknesses, so choose the one that best aligns with your research objectives.

Ensuring Ethical Compliance

Ethical compliance is a fundamental aspect of any research project. Make sure to obtain informed consent from all participants and ensure their privacy and confidentiality. Additionally, consider any potential risks to participants and take steps to minimize them. Ethical research not only protects participants but also enhances the credibility of your study.

Implementing the Research Plan

Researcher at desk with books and charts

Data Collection Procedures

To start, you need to establish clear data collection procedures . This involves selecting the right tools and methods for gathering data. Whether you choose surveys, interviews, or experiments, ensure that your methods align with your research objectives. It's crucial to define the purpose of your project and identify research objectives before diving into data collection.

Data Analysis Techniques

Once data is collected, the next step is to analyze it. Choose appropriate data analysis techniques that suit your research design. This could involve statistical analysis for quantitative data or thematic analysis for qualitative data. Remember, the goal is to derive meaningful insights that address your research questions.

Maintaining Research Integrity

Maintaining research integrity is essential throughout the implementation phase. This means adhering to ethical guidelines, ensuring data accuracy, and avoiding any form of bias. By maintaining high standards, you ensure the credibility and reliability of your research findings.

Writing the Research Proposal

Structuring the proposal.

Creating a well-structured research proposal is essential for clearly communicating your research plan. Start with an introduction that outlines the background and significance of your study. Follow this with a literature review that situates your research within the existing body of work. Next, detail your research design and methodology, explaining how you will collect and analyze data. Finally, include a timeline and budget if required. A clear structure helps reviewers understand your research plan and its feasibility.

Articulating the Research Statement

Your research statement is the heart of your proposal. It should clearly define the problem you aim to address and why it is important. Make sure your statement is specific, measurable, and achievable. This will guide your entire research process and help you stay focused. A strong research statement is crucial for convincing reviewers of the value of your study.

Defining KPIs and Metrics

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and metrics are essential for measuring the success of your research. Identify the specific outcomes you aim to achieve and how you will measure them. Common metrics include data accuracy, response rates, and completion times. Including KPIs in your proposal shows that you have a clear plan for evaluating your research's impact.

Managing the Research Project

Setting milestones.

Creating a timeline with specific milestones is essential for tracking your progress. For example, aim to complete your literature review by the end of the first month. These milestones will help you stay on track and make adjustments as needed. Regularly review and update your timeline to reflect your current status and any changes in your schedule.

Tracking Progress

To ensure that you are meeting your milestones, it's important to track your progress consistently. Use tools like Gantt charts or project management software to visualize your progress. Regular check-ins with your team can also help identify any issues early on and keep everyone aligned with the project goals.

Adjusting the Plan as Needed

Flexibility is key in managing a research project. Unexpected challenges may arise, requiring you to adjust your plan. Be prepared to reallocate resources or extend deadlines if necessary. Consulting with your advisors can provide valuable insights and help you make informed decisions when adjustments are needed.

Drafting and Revising the Research Paper

Organizing the paper.

Start by creating a clear structure for your paper. This includes an introduction, body, and conclusion. Use a mind map or outline to group your ideas logically . This will help you stay organized and ensure that your paper flows smoothly.

Revising for Clarity and Coherence

Revising is a crucial part of the writing process. Read your paper out loud to catch any awkward sentences or unclear points. Make sure each paragraph supports your thesis statement and that your ideas are clearly organized. Don't hesitate to remove or revise sections that don't fit.

Maintaining Academic Integrity

Always cite your sources correctly to avoid plagiarism. Use a consistent citation style and double-check your references. This not only upholds academic standards but also enhances the credibility of your work.

Preparing for the Final Presentation

Creating visual aids.

Visual aids are essential for making your presentation engaging and easy to follow. Use slides, charts, and graphs to highlight key points . Ensure that your visuals are clear and not cluttered with too much information. Effective visual aids can make complex data more understandable and keep your audience engaged.

Practicing the Presentation

Practice is crucial for a successful presentation. Rehearse multiple times to get comfortable with the material and the flow of your talk. Consider practicing in front of friends or family to get feedback. This will help you refine your delivery and timing. Remember, the goal is to communicate your research clearly and confidently.

Handling Q&A Sessions

Anticipate questions that your audience might ask and prepare answers in advance. This will help you handle the Q&A session smoothly. Be honest if you don't know an answer and offer to follow up later. Handling questions well can demonstrate your deep understanding of the topic and leave a positive impression on your audience.

Getting ready for your final presentation can be nerve-wracking, but it doesn't have to be. Start by organizing your main points and practicing your delivery. Remember, confidence comes from preparation. For more tips and a step-by-step guide to ace your presentation, visit our website today !

Starting a research project may seem daunting, but breaking it down into manageable steps can make the process much more approachable. By clearly defining your research subject, engaging with stakeholders, crafting a precise research statement, and establishing key performance indicators, you set a strong foundation for your project. Choosing the right methodology and creating a detailed timeline will help ensure that your research is well-organized and on track. Remember, the key to a successful research project is thorough planning and consistent effort. With these steps, you can confidently navigate your research journey and achieve meaningful results.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i choose a good research topic.

Start by thinking about what interests you. Pick a topic that you find fun and fulfilling. This will keep you motivated throughout your research. Make a list of subjects you enjoy and see how they can relate to your field of study.

What should I include in the introduction of my research paper?

Your introduction should set the stage for your research. Provide some background information and clearly state what your research will cover. This helps readers understand the context and significance of your work.

How do I create a timeline for my research project?

Break down your research into smaller tasks and assign time frames to each. This helps you manage your time and stay organized throughout the project. Use a table or chart to keep track of deadlines.

What is the best way to organize my research data?

Review the data you have and reorganize it so that the most important parts are central to your research. Set aside any information that is less relevant. Use digital folders or reference management software to keep everything organized.

How do I choose a thesis supervisor?

Look for a supervisor who is supportive and knowledgeable in your area of study. Good communication is key, so make sure you establish a good rapport with them from the start.

Where should I place my thesis statement?

A good place for your thesis statement is at the end of your introduction. This helps to clearly outline your main argument or point right from the start.

What should I do if I feel stuck during my research project?

If you feel stuck, take a break and revisit your work with fresh eyes. Talk to your advisor or peers for new perspectives. Sometimes, stepping away for a bit can help you see things more clearly.

How do I ensure my research is ethical?

Make sure your research complies with ethical guidelines. This includes getting consent from participants, ensuring their privacy, and being honest about your findings. Consult your institution's ethics board if you have questions.

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(4) How to Write Project Report: Step-By-Step Guide

By archtc on December 26, 2017 — 21 minutes to read

Make Your Project Reports Speak for Themselves—A Thorough Guide

At some point during the implementation of a project, a certain report has to be generated in order to paint a mental image of the whole project. Ultimately, a project report must maximize the insight gained with minimal effort from the reader. Apart from describing its results, it must also explain the implications of those results to the organization and its business operations.

  • How to Write and Create Project Reports Part 1
  • Project Report Free Download Part 2
  • Additional Sources Part 3

There are a number of ways project reporting helps an organization, a team, and even the project itself and here are some of them:

It tracks the progress of the project

It helps identify risks, it helps manage project cost, it gives stakeholders an insight on how the project is performing.

Project reports provide stakeholders a bird’s eye view of its current state. It gives the team a clear understanding of their roles and the tasks that they are to accomplish. For the project manager, the reports provide them with updated relevant data. Lastly, project reports serve a basis for the decisions that have to be made at the top management level.

Project Status Report

The most common type of project report, a progress report provides a general state of the project to its stakeholders. It quantifies work performed and completed in measurable terms. It compares this with an established baseline to see if the project is on track or; if adjustments have to be made if the project is behind its schedule. It keeps everyone on the same page and manages each other’s expectations.

Project status reports are accomplished to serve the following purposes;

  • to keep an updated flow of information in relation to the project’s progress
  • to immediately address issues and concerns that may come up at any point of the project’s implementation or duration
  • to document reasons for changes and adjustments made to the original plan for the project
  • to monitor fund utilization and to ensure that the project expenses are still within the budget
  • to serve as a basis for decision-making and addressing problems
  • to keep track of the team’s performance and individual contributions
  • to act as a uniform procedure for communicating project development to the stakeholders.

Status reports are most effective when they follow a standard form with predefined fields that need to be regularly updated. Doing so will save time and provide consistency and predictability of the information the stakeholders will receive about the status of the project.


For a status report to be comprehensive, it must include the following elements:

Summary/overall health of the project, facts on the project progress, target vs. actual accomplishments, action(s) taken, risks and issues, keys to an effective project status report.

  • Submit the report on time . A status report is time sensitive and sending it late defeats the purpose of such a report.
  • Giving complete but inaccurate information is just as bad as giving accurate but incomplete information . Since stakeholders rely on the status report for a heads-up on the project, and its content is used as the basis for decision-making, it is critical that the report provides both complete and accurate information.
  • Do not cover up bad news or adverse reports as these are all part of the transparency of the status report . Keep in mind that being open with the stakeholders, whether the project is sailing smoothly or not, will benefit both the team and the client, since any problems there are will be immediately given attention and solved.
  • Be proud of the team’s accomplishments, after all, this is what the clients and the stakeholders will want to know about .
  • Anticipate questions from the clients or stakeholders and be prepared to answer them .
  • Be familiar with the culture of the organization and respect the information hierarchy they observe . There are instances when the CEO wants to be the first to know about the contents of these reports before cascading it to his downlines. On the other hand, middle managers will want a head start on these reports so they can also anticipate and prepare for any reaction from the top executives.
  • Craft the status report in such a way that there will be no information overload . It should contain necessary information that the stakeholders need to know. Lengthy reports will consume not only the writer’s time but also that of the reader. Too many details also give an impression of micro management.

Risk Registers

All projects, or any activities of business, face risks. It is just a matter of how an organization identifies, assesses, analyzes, and monitors these risks. With a Risk Register, an organization is equipped with a tool to better respond to problems that may arise because of these risks. It helps in the decision-making process and enables the stakeholders to take care of the threats in the best way possible.

A Risk Register, also called an Issue Log, is iterative because it will be updated periodically depending on how often the team identifies a potential risk. It may also be updated if the characteristics of the existing potential risks change as the project progresses. 

The Risk Register document contains information about the following:

Risk Identification

  • Risk Category:  Grouping these risks under different categories is helpful. Doing so will provide a way to make a plan of action that will address most, if not all of the risks falling under the same category, saving time, effort, and resources.
  • Risk Description:  Provide a brief explanation of the identified potential risk. The description can be done in a variety of ways depending on the level of detail. A general description can be difficult to address while giving too much detail about the risk may entail a significant amount of work. Three factors to consider when making a risk description are: the way these risks are going to be managed, who will handle them, and the reporting requirements of the person receiving the risk register.
  • Risk ID:  Assign a unique identification code to each risk identified to track it in the risk register easily. Create a system of coding in such a way that the category to which the said risk belongs is easily identifiable.

Risk Analysis

  • Project Impact: Indicate the potential effect of the assumed risk on different aspects of the project such as budget, timelines, quality, and performance.
  • Likelihood: Referring to the possibility of the risk occurring, the likelihood can be expressed qualitatively—high, medium, low—or quantitatively, if there is enough information available. Whatever criteria are to be used, assign a number—with the highest value corresponding to that which is most likely to occur.

A. Negligible B. Minor C. Moderate D. Significant E. Severe 

Here’s how it will look in a tabular form:









Risk Evaluation





Delay in the delivery of office supplies Natural calamities are damaging the infrastructure.


Absence of  key personnel Running out of budget


Using the table above, the identified risk can be ranked this way:

Risk Likelihood Severity Result
Natural calamities damaging the infrastructure 1 5 5
Running out of budget 2 4 8
Delay in the delivery of office supplies 1 2 2
Absence of key personnel 2 2 4
  • Risk Trigger: These are the potential risk events that will trigger the implementation of a contingency plan based on the risk management plan. This plan should have been prepared prior to the development of a risk register.

Risk Treatment

  • Prevention Plan: This enumerates the steps or action to be taken to prevent the risks from occurring.
  • Contingency Plan: On the other hand, the contingency plan determines the steps or action to be taken once the risk events have occurred. This program also contains the measures to be taken to reduce the impact of such risks to the project.
  • Risk Owner: The person responsible for managing risk, and the implementation of the prevention and contingency plans, it can be anyone among the stakeholders—members of the team, a project manager, or project sponsors.
  • Residual Risk: Sometimes, a risk cannot be entirely eliminated after treatment. Part of it may linger throughout the duration of the project, but once it has been treated, it can be considered as a low-level risk.

Keys to an Effective Risk Register

  • The first risk register must be created as soon as the project plan and the risk management plan has been approved . This initial risk register must be integrated into the project plan.
  • Active risks during a particular period must also be included in the project status report .
  • Risk management is an iterative process which is why the risk register must also be updated from time to time . Updates can be made when new risks are identified or there have been changes in the risks already in the register.
  • The numerical value assigned to the likelihood and severity levels must remain constant throughout the duration of the whole project .
  • Likewise, any terms used must be defined, and this definition must be utilized consistently .

Project Closure Report

As the end of a project, a Project Closure Report signals its culmination. Its submission officially concludes a project and implies that funds and resources will no longer be needed, and everything will go back to its status prior to the implementation of the project.

This process is critical as it will officially tie up all loose ends and prevent confusion among stakeholders.

This particular type of project report summarizes information on the project results, the criteria used to measure the effectiveness of the project delivery process, and the feedback from the stakeholders. Each performance metric includes an assessment and a narration of how the team performed on such metrics.

This performance metric describes how the team utilized the budget in carrying out the project effectively. Under this performance metric, the following aspects are measured:

Component Breakdown

Budget variance, explanations for key variances.

Describe how the team implemented the project within the expected time frame and schedule.

Overall Project Duration

Schedule variance, the explanations for key variances, change management.

This metric refers to the team’s ability to handle and manage changes throughout the project’s implementation effectively. It is measured through the following:

Total Number of Changes

The impact of the changes, the highlight of changes, quality management.

This particular metric refers to the team’s ability to observe and comply with quality standards during the project’s implementation.

Total Number of Defects Identified

The explanation for resolved defects, risk and issue management.

This metric deals with how risks and matters that occurred during project implementation were handled and resolved by the team. Key points to include are the following:

The impact of the Risks and Issues to the Project

Human resource management.

This refers to the team’s ability to carry out the project effectively.

Project Organization Structure

This metric looks at how the stakeholders participated in the project.


Communication management.

Under this metric, communication throughout the duration of the project is assessed.

Communication Management Plan

  • Summarize essential feedback collected . Describe the method by which these comments were gathered and who was solicited for feedback. Also include how they responded to each question and briefly discuss which items received great responses from the participants and which ones got few answers.
  • Take note of common themes or trends of feedback gathered .
  • From the feedback gathered, also take note of any opportunities from this feedback and discuss how these opportunities can be applied to future projects, or in the organization itself .

Lesson Learned

  • Give a brief discussion of what the team learned when carrying out the project . Among these learnings, discuss which ones can be applied to future projects and how it will impact not only those future projects but also the whole organization.

Other Metrics

Other points of interest may not have been captured in the Project Status Report and may be included in the Project Closeout Report. Some of these factors include:

Duration and Effort by Project Phase

Benefits realized, benchmark comparisons, keys to an effective project closure report.

  • The closure report is mostly a summary of all efforts related to the project . It is important to ensure that all highlights of the project have been properly documented so that retrieval of these reports is easier and all efforts will be acknowledged.
  • Emphasize the high points the project delivered, how efficiently it was done, and what has been learned from the process.
  • If there are notable variances during the project implementation, make sure to provide a fact-based explanation on it . In addition, the impact of this difference must also be described.
  • A critical point in a project closure report is establishing the link between the project performance, the lessons learned, and the steps that will be taken by the organization for its continuous improvement . Aside from the project deliverables, another valuable output of a project is the learnings derived from the process and how it will be translated into concrete concepts applicable to the business processes of the organization.

Executive Summary

A little bit different from the types of project reports previously mentioned, an Executive Summary  is a distinct kind of report which uses different language. It is a high-level report which aims to provide a bigger and deeper understanding of the project—how it will benefit the organization and how it will fit into future business strategies. It is written with a busy executive in mind, someone who has a lot of important things to do and may find reading a lengthy piece of prose a waste of precious time. Factual and objective, this particular type of project report must be able to provide a realistic status of the project, as business executives understand that everything may not go according to the plan.

Some may confuse an executive summary with an abstract but, in reality, they are clearly distinct from one another and serve a different purpose.

An abstract is usually written for academic or scientific papers. It is written with a topic sentence which, generally, gives an overview of what the article is about. It is, then, supported by two or three supporting sentences which support the main idea of the topic sentence.

An executive summary, on the other hand, is composed of different sections discussing almost every significant aspect of an undertaking. It consists of sequentially arranged key points supported by conclusions and recommendations. Check our in-depth article on how to write an effective executive summary .

Things to Remember in Writing Project Reports

Here are some of the principles that need to be observed in writing an effective project report;

Write for the reader

The report should have a structure, ensure that the report is evidence-based and is supported by data, make it as objective as possible, project report: free download.

project status report

Download Project Status Report XLSX

project update report

Download Project Update Report DOC

project updated report 2

Download Project Update Report 2 DOCX

general project report

Download General Project Report DOCX

Additional Sources

  • How to Write an Outstanding Weekly Report + Free Template Download
  • How to Write a Project Status Dashboard and Project Tracking + Free Template Download
  • How to Create a Project Meeting Template + Free Download

How to Write a Progress Report (Sample Template)

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  • PPP - Plans, Progress, Problems

With over 10 years of experience, Weekdone has provided tens of thousands of teams from startups to Fortune 500 with a simple goal-setting, status updates and progress reporting tool . This is why we developed  Weekdone .

Weekdone is your solution for connecting managers and employees through real-time updates, e-mail reports and social newsfeed.   Tr y it here ! It’s free forever for small teams and offers a free trial for larger ones! Read about the benefits here .

Falling efficiency, lack of focus, no drive. Said the team leader who doesn’t have good reporting software

The perceived negative qualities listed above come and go in companies over time. But shouldn’t we try to avoid them? Or, at the very least, take control in situations where we have the ability to do so? I think so!

Just like our bodies need to fight spring fever with the right mix of nutrients, we should give our organizations proper treatment when productivity falls below a critical level.

We’re not so arrogant, calling our service a ‘company doctor’ – but there is a simple cure out there for those of you looking to save your organization from this lack of efficiency. The cure is of course, the reason you’re here – progress reports!

Imagine if you were able to automate the process of transferring weekly status updates into a combined report at each week’s end. Sounds awesome, right? Weekdone helps you do that and so much more. It’s a status reporting tool for teams and a software that automates some of your most time-consuming management tasks.

Screen shot of Team Compass status reporting software.

The information in these reports help managers track team and individual’s progress while observing both company and team goals.

However, not many are familiar with the benefits of progress reporting.

So, let’s fix that too!

Progress reports used by teams encourage engagement and transparency. It’s been said that having a specific place to check in your progress increases the probability of meeting a goal by 95%.

For managers, progress reports offer concrete information about your employees’ contributions. It encourages the exchange of ideas and opinions. Truthfully, it is a very simple form of two-way communication. With some guidelines and basic understanding of the format, everyone can file an excellent report on their own.

Progress Report – The Basics

The foundation of every good progress report is a “PPP methodology”, something the  Weekdone is built on. This stands for Progress, Plans and Problems. It may seem overly simplistic, but there is a deep framework hidden underneath.

PPP is “rich in stuff, low in fluff”. Cleve Gibbon

Gibbon’s thought is shared by the likes of Emi Gal (CEO of Brainient) and Colin Nederkoorn (CEO of Customer.io), both of whom use PPP to organize and streamline their respective enterprises.

Even companies like Skype, Ebay, and Facebook picked up on the benefits of PPP.

So, what does PPP mean exactly?

Progress Reports

  • Progress. Progress lists employee’s accomplishments, finished items, and closed tasks. This category gives a good assessment of how much work has been done.
  • Plans are the tasks you plan to accomplish over the course of one week. At Weekdone, we recommend setting these 3-7 plans on the Friday prior to “their work week”. All of the items listed under Plans are potential items of Progress. However, leave room for changes and accept that your Plans are not set in stone. Also consider, that these should ultimately help drive your Quarterly team goals forward.
  • Problems. Problems lay out challenges and pitfalls. Some people leave correcting mistakes for last, but it is highly recommended to do this throughout the project.

When you keep in mind these three things, you already have what it takes to write a simple report. Should you choose to try Weekdone for free , these 3 categories are the ones in the default weekly status update form. *Which you can change and customize the titles of, if something else resonates more to you 🙂

Who, How and What of Progress Reports

Furthermore, if you really want to succeed in communicating the details and nuances of progress reports, you should always have these three questions in the back of your mind: who, how, and what?

The key part of progress reports is your team. Michele Puccio, Sales Director of Arrow,  says that they helped him “stay connected with the team”. This is why your immediate focus should be on your colleagues and team dynamics.

Reports need to be concise and focused, so you should understand what your colleagues want. To help yourself with this task, ask a few questions:

  • How are the readers connected to the project?
  • Do they know the details and goals of the project?
  • Are the readers comfortable with technical language?

Next, consider the tone of writing. Managers and executives may not understand the intricacies of employees’ conversational style. Use longer, comprehensible sentences but also try to refrain from writing essays. Ideally, there should be 5-7 keywords per sentence.

Do's and don'ts for writing plans for progress reports

Take a look at a sample report for further guidelines and inspiration. Remember that the modern world is metrics-driven, so figures are more important than descriptions.

Instead of: “ we need to increase the output ” Try: “ we need to increase the output by X% ”.

Concrete goals are more inspirational and, at the same time, more attainable.

The one mistake people tend to make when writing a progress report is avoiding writing about mistakes altogether. The purpose of progress reports is to objectively identify key difficulties and concerns and help them along the way. Even if the problem was already addressed, it needs to be put into writing to help avoid making the same kind of mistake in the future.

Secondly, keep in mind the relevance of your writing. Explain how every individual item connects and compares to Progress.

Keep It Simple

Even when progress seems small and changes are minimal, keep updating your reports. It enables transparency on all levels and can help assess challenges so you can plan your next actions accordingly.

Going back to our interview with IT distribution company, Arrow , Michele Puccio shares this example of how progress report influence your performance:

“In the beginning of the week, you decide to call 5 new customers. You write it down and have it under your nose. By the end of the week, you will call 5 new customers. You have made the commitment, communicated it to the rest of the team, and now need to honor this.” Michele Puccio

Progress report templates are made to save time for everyone, so it is illogical to spend most of your workday on writing them. This can be easily aided by reporting tools. Many teams use Google docs or emails to do this.

That being said, it is better to use tools that are specifically developed with progress reports in mind and allow you to automate the process of writing them. Availability and accessibility are key for an excellent progress report .

do's and don'ts for writing progress reports deadlines

The key to progress reports is regularity. Progress reports need to be done at least on a monthly basis, though weekly is encouraged. With a notification system integrated in Weekdone, you ensure that everybody remembers to send their reports in time.

Try Team Compass for automated weekly progress reports.

Implementing Progress Reports

1. make sure to explain benefits to employees.

This one seems a bit obvious, but going ahead without explaining employee benefits risks employee buy-in later. You need to explain the ‘whys’ to everyone. Some easy benefits to sell include: employees having a voice within the organization, and raised productivity and focus on new plans. To find out more about selling the benefits to your team, we recommend drawing from this infographic .

2. Make sure that communication goes both ways

Create a culture that allows discussions to be held from both sides and allow team members to provide feedback to their superiors as well as the other way around. Making a culture that encourages feedback as the default model improves overall company communication and makes progress reports more meaningful to employees and managers alike.

3. Spend less time in meetings by using progress reports as a substitute

Use progress reports (and other tools like our Weekdone ) to decrease the amount of time wasted at meetings by encouraging frequent updating through the web and mobile-based services. If your status meetings stay in one place, you’ll save countless hours every month by writing instead of speaking.

4. Sign up with an online tool that offers you ready-made solutions

It may sound a little promotional, but online tools can make the implementation process so much easier. Progress reporting can be done via e-mail, word document or spreadsheet, but the challenges are far greater and you risk not having all of your information in one, easily accessible place. Combing through Google docs and emails is a colossal waste of time,  after all.  One of the advantages online tools have is that they automatically remind your team to fill their form, compile the received information, and then present it to you in a way that’s both appealing and fun.

Implementing progress reports with a tool

1. make the progress report meet your needs.

Using a ready-made template does not mean that you have to adjust to its specifications. Actually, these tools are flexible enough to meet your standards and needs. What is more, they provide you with even better ideas that might have been missed otherwise.

2. Write down Objectives and Key Results

Before inviting your whole team, make sure you have set up Objectives. The goals that need to be reached in a certain period and key results that help the team achieve these. Try this management technique used by LinkedIn, Twitter and Google. For a more in depth understanding of OKRs, feel free to check the Weekdone step-by-step guide to OKRs .

3. Invite your team

After you have set up all crucial information, it is time to invite your team. Send them an automatic e-mail to sign up.

4. Contacting product support to give a quick demo for everyone

Explaining this new tool to everyone on the team might be a challenge. Especially when you are not too familiar with it. No worries, that is exactly why product support people are here for. Remember, there is no such thing as a dumb question. There are only dumb answers. Don’t be afraid to contact the support for additional materials, demo or whatever is on your mind.

Sign up for free Weekdone team management software trial to implement best practice based progress reporting in your team. Set structured goals to align activities throughout your organization via leading OKR software . Track weekly plans and progress. Provide feedback and move everyone in a unified direction. Try it now !

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Great White Shark Information Report – Writing Project

Updated:  29 Aug 2024

Get your students writing an informational text about sharks using this age-appropriate fact file and writing scaffold.

Editable:  Google Slides

Non-Editable:  PDF

Pages:  1 Page

  • Curriculum Curriculum:  CCSS, TEKS

Grades:  3 - 5

  • Printable PDF - Color (pdf) Sign up to Plus
  • Printable PDF - Black and White (pdf) Sign up to Plus
  • Google Slides Sign up to Plus


Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.


Ccss.ela-literacy.w.5.2, elar 3.12(b).

Compose informational texts, including brief compositions that convey information about a topic, using a clear central idea and genre characteristics and craft;

ELAR 4.12(B)

Elar 5.12(b).

Great White Shark Information Report – Writing Project teaching resource

Write an Informational Text About Sharks

At the end of a writing unit, teachers tend to assess students’ understanding of the genre by having them write a text independently.

This informational text writing project has been designed by our experienced teacher team for this very purpose! This resource will support your students in writing a high-quality information text about one of the ocean’s most iconic apex predators  – the great white shark. Students will be guided through the process of researching facts about great white sharks and then using these facts to write a detailed information report. Here’s how:

  • Research – Students will gather important information about great white sharks using the fact file included as well as other sources of their choice.
  • Record – Students will complete the graphic organizers to sort the information they have collected into groups.
  • Write – Students will use the research they have gathered to write a great white shark information report on the pages provided. Alternatively, they may like to present their information using a medium of their choice.

You’ll find everything you need to implement this great white shark information text project in the comprehensive student workbook. The workbook contains the following:

  • Great white shark fact file
  • Research graphic organizer
  • 2-page writing scaffold
  • Lined writing page
  • Unlined writing page

This great white shark information text writing project downloads as a:

  • PDF with full-color fact file
  • PDF with black-and-white fact file
  • Google Slides file (containing both the color and black-and-white fact files)

This writing project is an engaging way to teach students how to write a comprehensive, well-structured information text. By combining structured support with opportunities for research and creativity, this resource caters to a wide range of learning needs. Whether working independently, in groups or with the whole class, students will strengthen their writing skills while gaining a deeper understanding of one of the ocean’s top predators.

Differentiate This Informational Writing Project

Are you looking for some ideas as to how you might differentiate this writing activity in your classroom? Here are some suggestions you might like to consider:

  • For less confident readers and writers, simplify the task so that they only research one characteristic of the great white shark, for example, its appearance, its habitat or its diet. This makes the task less overwhelming and increases students’ likelihood of being successful in the task.
  • For more confident readers and writers, extend the task so that they research and write about additional characteristics of great white sharks not included in the fact file. This enables students to make choices and research other aspects of the shark that they are interested in.

Download to Start Writing Great White Shark Information Reports

Use the dropdown menu on the Download button above to access the PDF or editable Google Slides file. (Note: You will be prompted to make a copy of the Google Slides template before accessing it).

This resource was created by Lindsey Phillips, a teacher in Michigan and a Teach Starter collaborator.

Browse More Informational Writing Prompts

Teach Starter has created a wide variety of informational writing prompts to support and engage your students. Click below to explore a selection from our range:

Image of 5 Expository Writing Prompts

teaching resource

5 expository writing prompts.

Use this set of 5 writing prompts to assess your students’ expository writing skills.

Image of Koala Information Report – Writing Project

Koala Information Report – Writing Project

Get your students writing a koala information report using this age-appropriate fact file and writing scaffold.

Image of Information Text Fact Files and Scaffolding Sheet

Information Text Fact Files and Scaffolding Sheet

Use this set of informational writing prompts to support your students in writing a detailed and well-structured factual report.

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how to write a research project progress report

A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing a New Employee Progress Report

  • Ossian Muscad
  • February 7, 2023

A step-by-step guide to writing a new employee progress report, providing essential information and tips for effective evaluation.

Last Updated on August 20, 2024 by Ossian Muscad

New employee progress reports are critical for organizations. They provide valuable insights into a new hire’s performance, identify areas for growth, and facilitate effective communication between employees and their supervisors. A well-crafted report can contribute significantly to the overall success of a team and the organization as a whole.

So, with that said, how can you create a comprehensive and informative new employee progress report? This article will guide you through the essential steps, providing practical tips and examples to ensure your reports are effective and valuable.

Table of Contents

What is a New Employee Progress Report?

What is a New Employee Progress Report

A new employee progress report, also known as a new employee evaluation report or new employee performance review, is a formal document that assesses the performance and development of a new hire during their initial employment period. It serves as a valuable tool for both the employee and the organization, providing feedback, identifying areas for improvement, and tracking progress toward goals.

These reports typically cover a specific time frame, such as the first 90 days or six months of employment. They often include sections on the employee’s job responsibilities, key accomplishments, areas for growth, and overall performance evaluation. The goal is to provide a comprehensive overview of the employee’s performance and to set the stage for future development.

The Importance of a New Employee Progress Report

New employee progress reports play a crucial role in the success of both the individual and the organization. They offer valuable insights into a new hire’s performance, identify areas for growth, and facilitate effective communication. By regularly assessing and providing feedback, these reports help to ensure that new employees are on track to meet expectations and contribute meaningfully to the team.

Here are five key reasons why new employee progress reports are essential:

  • Performance Evaluation: Progress reports provide a structured framework for evaluating a new hire’s performance against established goals and expectations. This helps to identify strengths and weaknesses and determine whether the employee is meeting the requirements of their role.
  • Feedback and Development: Regular feedback is essential for employee development. Progress reports offer an opportunity to provide constructive feedback, identify areas for improvement, and set growth goals. This can help new employees develop their skills and knowledge and become more effective contributors to the team.
  • Goal Setting and Tracking: Progress reports can be used to set clear goals for new employees and track their progress toward achieving those goals. This helps ensure that employees are focused and motivated and that they are making meaningful contributions to the organization.
  • Communication and Collaboration: Progress reports can facilitate open and honest communication between employees and their supervisors. By discussing performance and development, both parties can build a stronger working relationship and improve collaboration.
  • Retention and Engagement: A well-structured new employee progress report can help to improve employee retention and engagement. By providing clear expectations, regular feedback, and opportunities for growth, organizations can create a positive and supportive work environment that encourages employees to stay and contribute.

Elements of a New Hire Progress Report

Elements of a New Hire Progress Report

A comprehensive new employee progress report should include several key elements to provide a clear and informative assessment of the employee’s performance. These elements help to ensure that the report is valuable for both the employee and the organization.

Here are the key elements to consider when writing a new employee progress report:

  • Employee Information: This section should include basic information about the employee, such as their name, position, start date, and department.
  • Job Responsibilities: Clearly outline the employee’s job duties and responsibilities, referencing the original job description. This helps to ensure that the employee’s performance is evaluated against the correct criteria.
  • Performance Goals: Review the specific goals and objectives that were set for the employee at the beginning of their employment. Assess their progress towards achieving these goals and identify any challenges or obstacles.
  • Key Achievements: Highlight the employee’s significant accomplishments and contributions to the team or organization. This can include specific examples of tasks completed, projects successfully executed, or problems solved.
  • Areas for Improvement: Identify any areas where the employee could benefit from further development or training. Provide specific feedback and suggestions for improvement, focusing on areas that are relevant to their role and responsibilities.
  • Feedback and Recommendations: Summarize the overall assessment of the employee’s performance and provide any recommendations for future development or actions. This might include suggestions for additional training, mentoring, or changes to their role or responsibilities.
  • Conclusion: Conclude the report with a brief summary of the employee’s performance and a statement of overall satisfaction or areas for improvement.

Sample New Employee Progress Report

  • Employee: John Doe 
  • Position: Sales Representative 
  • Start Date: August 15, 2024

Job Responsibilities

  • Generate new leads and cultivate customer relationships through cold calling, networking, and attending industry events.
  • Conduct in-depth product demonstrations and presentations to potential clients.
  • Negotiate and close sales deals, ensuring favorable terms and conditions for the company.
  • Provide exceptional customer service by addressing customer inquiries, resolving issues, and building long-term relationships.
  • Meet or exceed monthly sales targets as outlined in the company’s sales performance metrics.

Performance Goals

  • Achieve a monthly sales quota of 50 units, with a minimum average selling price of $2,500 per unit.
  • Increase customer satisfaction ratings by 10% compared to the previous quarter, as measured by customer surveys.
  • Complete the company-mandated sales training program within the specified timeframe and achieve a passing score of 80% or higher.

Key Achievements

  • Exceeded monthly sales quota in three out of four months, consistently surpassing the target by an average of 15%.
  • Successfully closed a major deal with a long-standing competitor, resulting in a 20% increase in sales revenue for the quarter.
  • Received positive feedback from customers for exceptional customer service, with multiple compliments on his product knowledge, responsiveness, and problem-solving skills.
  • Participated in a company-wide sales competition and secured third place, demonstrating his strong sales abilities and competitive drive.

Areas for Improvement

  • Improve time management skills to prioritize tasks more effectively and avoid falling behind on deadlines.
  • Strengthen product knowledge of new product features and technical specifications to better address customer inquiries and objections.

Feedback and Recommendations

  • John has demonstrated strong sales skills and a positive attitude. He has exceeded expectations in terms of sales performance and customer satisfaction. His ability to build rapport with clients and close deals effectively is commendable.
  • To further enhance his effectiveness, John should focus on improving his time management skills to ensure that he can handle a larger workload and meet tight deadlines. Additionally, he should deepen his product knowledge to become a more knowledgeable and persuasive sales representative.
  • It is recommended that John participate in additional sales training to develop advanced negotiation techniques and learn about emerging sales trends and best practices.

John Doe has been a valuable addition to the sales team. His performance has exceeded expectations, and he has demonstrated a strong commitment to achieving company goals. With continued development and support, John has the potential to become a top-performing sales representative and a valuable asset to the organization.

Tips for Writing a New Employee Progress Report

A well-written new employee progress report is essential for evaluating performance, providing feedback, and fostering employee development . By following these tips and best practices, you can create a report that is informative, constructive, and valuable for both the employee and the organization.

Here are six key tips for writing a new employee progress report:

Tips for Writing a New Employee Progress Report

  • Be Specific and Concrete: Avoid vague or general statements. Use specific examples and data to support your assessments. For instance, instead of saying, “John is a hard worker,” provide examples of specific tasks he completed on time or projects he successfully executed.
  • Offer Constructive Feedback: Focus on providing feedback that is helpful and actionable. Avoid negative language or personal attacks. Instead, offer suggestions for improvement and provide resources or support to help the employee succeed.
  • Be Fair and Objective: Avoid bias and ensure that your evaluation is based solely on the employee’s performance. Consider all relevant factors, including job responsibilities, goals, and feedback from colleagues and supervisors.
  • Use a Consistent Framework: Use a consistent framework for your progress reports to ensure that they are comparable over time. This can help you track progress, identify trends, and assess the effectiveness of your feedback and development strategies.
  • Involve the Employee: Give the employee an opportunity to review the report and provide feedback. This can help to ensure that the report is accurate and that the employee understands your assessment.
  • Follow-Up: After the report is submitted, follow up with the employee to discuss your feedback and any recommended actions. This can help reinforce your message and ensure that the employee is committed to making the necessary improvements.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: how often should new employee progress reports be conducted.

The frequency of new employee progress reports can vary depending on the organization’s policies and the specific needs of the employee. However, it is generally recommended to conduct progress reports at regular intervals, such as every 30, 60, or 90 days during the initial employment period. This allows for timely feedback and adjustments to ensure the employee’s success.

Q2: Who should be involved in the new employee progress report process?

Typically, the new employee’s direct supervisor is responsible for conducting the progress report. However, other stakeholders may also be involved, such as the employee’s team leader, human resources representative, or mentors. Their input can provide valuable insights and perspectives on the employee’s performance.

Q3: What should be included in a new employee progress report?

A new employee progress report should include a variety of elements, such as:

  • Employee information: Name, position, start date.
  • Job responsibilities: A clear outline of the employee’s duties and expectations.
  • Performance goals: The specific goals and objectives set for the employee.
  • Key achievements: A list of the employee’s significant accomplishments.
  • Areas for improvement: Identification of areas where the employee can develop.
  • Feedback and recommendations: Constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement.

Q4: How can I ensure that the new employee progress report is fair and objective?

To ensure fairness and objectivity in a new employee progress report, it is important to:

  • Use specific examples: Support your assessments with concrete evidence.
  • Avoid bias: Be impartial and avoid personal opinions or prejudices.
  • Consider multiple perspectives: Gather feedback from different sources, such as colleagues and supervisors.

Q5: How can I make the new employee progress report process less stressful for the employee?

To make the process less stressful for the employee, it is important to:

  • Communicate openly and honestly: Be transparent about the purpose of the report and the expectations.
  • Provide constructive feedback: Focus on areas for improvement rather than negative criticism.
  • Offer support and resources: Provide the employee with the necessary tools and resources to succeed.

Q6: How can I use new employee progress reports to improve employee retention and engagement?

New employee progress reports can be used to improve retention and engagement by:

  • Providing recognition and rewards: Acknowledge the employee’s achievements and accomplishments.
  • Offering opportunities for growth: Identify areas for development and provide support.
  • Creating a positive work environment: Foster a supportive and inclusive culture.

New employee progress reports are a valuable tool for evaluating performance, providing feedback, and fostering employee development. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can create comprehensive and informative reports that contribute to the success of both the employee and the organization.

The goal of this blog post has been to provide you with a clear and actionable guide to writing effective new employee progress reports. By understanding the key elements of these reports and following the tips and best practices provided, you can ensure that your evaluations are fair, objective, and beneficial for all involved.

We encourage you to put these guidelines into practice and to continuously refine your approach to writing new employee progress reports. By doing so, you can create a positive and supportive work environment that fosters employee growth, engagement, and success.

Create New Employee Progress Reports with DATAMYTE

DATAMYTE is a quality management platform with low-code capabilities. Our Digital Clipboard , in particular, is a low-code workflow automation software that features a workflow, checklist, and smart form builder. This tool lets you easily create and customize new employee progress report templates, ensuring that they align with your organization’s specific requirements and evaluation criteria.

DATAMYTE also lets you conduct layered process audits (LPA), a high-frequency evaluation of critical process steps, focusing on areas with the highest failure risk or non-compliance. Conducting LPA with DATAMYTE lets you effectively identify and correct potential defects before they become major quality issues, such as errors in new employee progress reports.

With DATAMYTE , you have an all-in-one solution for streamlining the entire new employee progress report process, from creation and distribution to data analysis and reporting. Book a demo now to learn more.

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Experts in the Connected Factory

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how to write a research project progress report

The University of Chicago The Law School

Federal criminal justice clinic—significant achievements for 2023-24.

The Federal Criminal Justice Clinic is the nation’s first legal clinic devoted to representing indigent clients charged with federal felonies, pursuing impact litigation through criminal cases in federal court, and spearheading systemic change within the federal criminal system to combat racial, economic, and other inequities. Professor Alison Siegler, the Clinic’s Founding Director, and Professor Judith Miller work together with students to advocate in these areas.

Freedom Denied Systemic Reform Project

Students working with Professor Siegler on the FCJC’s Freedom Denied Project have continued to drive systemic change nationally in the area of federal pretrial jailing and detention, building on the Clinic’s study, Freedom Denied: How the Culture of Detention Created a Federal Jailing Crisis (2022). In this report, the FCJC identified a federal jailing crisis and presented hard data to judges and other stakeholders about various ways in which people’s rights are violated during federal bail hearings. Since then, the FCJC has been pulling every possible lever to address this crisis, reduce federal jailing rates, and reduce the accompanying racial disparities.

In ten of the federal courts where the FCJC engaged in district-specific interventions, federal jailing rates decreased by fifteen percent on average. Over the five years since our work began, federal jailing rates have decreased by five percent nationwide. While it is difficult to know what part of the decrease is attributable to the Clinic’s efforts, many judges and policymakers have informed Professor Siegler that the Clinic’s work is fundamentally reshaping how the federal system addresses pretrial detention and release.

This year, the FCJC distributed a bound hard copy of our 300-page Freedom Denied report to 700 federal judges, including every Chief US District Court Judge and every US Magistrate Judge in the country who makes pretrial jailing decisions. We received many letters and emails from judges nationwide, thanking us and reflecting on our report as an excellent and practical resource for the judiciary. (The printing, binding, and mailing of the report was made possible by an additional and very generous gift from the Astor Street Foundation.)

In our report, the FCJC was the first to identify a massive access-to-justice problem, and our interventions on that issue are creating monumental change. Specifically, our investigation revealed that in one-quarter of the federal courts in this country, judges regularly detain people in jail without lawyers. This is a clear violation of federal laws that require the appointment of counsel during the first court hearing, known as the initial appearance.

The FCJC advocated to the Department of Justice and the Judicial Conference of the United States, and they responded by working with us to rectify the access-to-counsel problem. In 2023, the DOJ issued a new directive requiring federal prosecutors to recognize the statutory right to counsel. After that, FCJC students and Professor Siegler conducted an extensive additional investigation to identify the federal courts where the right-to-counsel crisis is most acute, and approached the Judicial Conference with our findings. In response, Judicial Conference committees ultimately issued a directive in March 2024 requiring federal judges to appoint counsel to represent every indigent defendant during their initial appearance hearing, stating: “Courts that do not currently ensure that every defendant has active representation by counsel during the initial appearance must comply with the governing statute and rules.” This is an enormous milestone.

While awaiting this directive, Professor Siegler published an op-ed in USA Today to further educate stakeholders about the crisis and spread nationwide attention and awareness, explaining: “Our [Clinic’s] findings document the shocking number of people denied public defenders at their first bail hearing, which virtually guarantees that they will be jailed rather than released home to their families.” In the wake of these changes, we have been heartened to learn that federal courts that for decades had an entrenched practice of locking defendants in jail without lawyers are now regularly appointing counsel.

The Clinic engaged in additional systemic change efforts to address the broader federal jailing crisis this year, including:

  • Widely distributing the Clinic’s template motions for pretrial release via the Westlaw Forms database to ensure that federal criminal defense attorneys have access to effective legal tools.
  • The centerpiece of this year’s trainings was a presentation at the Seventh Circuit Judicial Conference, an upcoming panel at the Tenth Circuit Judicial Conference, and a multi-day national bail workshop for Federal Public Defenders.
  • Additional speeches included presentations at the National Association of Pretrial Services Agencies 50 th Annual Conference and Training, a presentation at the annual national conference of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), and a speech at a conference organized by the Honorable Salvador Mendoza of the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

Retroactivity Project

Under Professor Judith Miller’s leadership, FCJC student teams represented four incarcerated clients in motions to have their sentences reduced under the newly passed Amendment 821 to the Sentencing Guidelines. The Sentencing Commission issued the retroactive Amendment in light of new data showing that two components of the Guidelines overstated certain individuals’ risk of recidivism. Under this Amendment, incarcerated individuals can ask the court to reduce their sentences to the low-end of their new, amended Guideline range. Once the court determines that the individual is eligible for a reduction, it applies the usual factors under the sentencing statute, 18 U.S.C. § 3553(a), to determine whether a reduction is warranted.

The FCJC recognized that the Clinic could play an important role by representing clients who might be eligible for release after the change in the law. In this project, Clinic students used their outstanding research, writing, and investigation skills to help individuals in need of counsel push novel legal and factual issues posed by the new Amendment. As of early July 2024, one client has been released, one client’s sentence has been reduced, and two cases are still pending.

Two of the Clinic’s four cases were ultimately uncontested. Of the uncontested cases, our released client is now home with her family, after receiving a twenty-one-month sentence reduction. This was an especially sweet victory as the Clinic had previously represented this client at trial in 2019. In the second case, student advocacy persuaded the government to agree to the reduction. If granted, the motion will reduce our client’s sentence by nearly a year, to his mandatory minimum sentence.

As for the two contested pending cases, both present fascinating and important legal issues. In the first, students successfully persuaded the Court to grant the client an eighteen-month sentence reduction. This victory was an uphill battle. Both Probation and the government initially concluded that the client was ineligible for relief. Students nonetheless persuaded Probation to change its position, and the government then conceded eligibility after reading the students’ motion.

The student team argued that our client’s sentence should be reduced to account for dramatic changes in sentencing law that robbed him of the benefit of his earlier bargain, among other things. Years before we began representing him, our client received an agreed 150-month sentence in exchange for the government dropping additional charges that could have led to a thirty-year mandatory minimum sentence. The student team argued that our client was eligible for relief under a recent Supreme Court case, contrary to the government’s claims. Clinic students extensively researched the legal issues, documented our client’s post-sentencing success in prison, worked closely with our Clinic’s social worker, delved into the social science of age and recidivism, and drafted the motion.

After reading the Clinic’s briefing, the Court quickly concluded that our client deserved a sentence reduction, highlighting the same points the students raised in their briefing. Among other things, the Court observed that our client had obtained jobs requiring “technical expertise and trust,” and “demonstrate[d] a strong network of family and friends who vouch for his character.” The team looks forward to celebrating our client’s freedom once he is released.

The second contested case raises a circuit split over our client’s eligibility for relief in the first place. Our motion argues that Seventh Circuit case law conclusively entitles our client to relief. The § 3553(a) factors likewise support reducing our client’s grossly unfair sentence—he was sentenced twice for the very same conduct. The original federal judge intended for our client to serve a 196-month sentence, but a subsequent state sentence added an unexpected twenty-four months on top of that. Clinic students investigated and documented the double-sentencing, strategized over how to frame the issue, researched the circuit split, and drafted the motion. If the Clinic’s motion is granted, our client will receive a twenty-five-month sentence reduction.

Advocacy in Stash House Cases

FCJC students under Professor Siegler’s supervision partnered with a team led by Professor Erica Zunkel and students in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Clinic in filing a motion for compassionate release on behalf of a client currently serving a thirty-five-year sentence in a fake stash house case. This case builds on the Clinic’s prior federal impact litigation alleging unconstitutional racial discrimination in stash house cases in the Chicago area. The FCJC previously co-counseled cases on behalf of forty-three clients, nearly all of whom were released with time-served sentences. Additional people ensnared in the Chicago stash house operations were subsequently released thanks to compassionate release litigation led by Professor Zunkel.

Given these prior successes, the Clinics’ current client is one of just two people still serving a decades-long sentence for the stash house operation, which the federal government has now repudiated. He has already served seventeen years in federal prison. We are requesting his immediate release.

The Drugs on the Docket Podcast recently featured two episodes about the FCJC’s contributions to the stash house litigation. In Episode one , Professor Siegler discusses the Clinic’s pretrial litigation and how we ultimately helped shut down this racially discriminatory policing tactic nationwide. In Episode two , Professor Zunkel discusses the subsequent compassionate release litigation she led, which convinced judges to release eight other clients, most of whom were serving twenty-five-year sentences, sparing each approximately ten additional years in prison.

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  • Hersh Goldberg-Polin

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At the Jerusalem synagogue where Hersh Goldberg-Polin danced in life, grief and anger reign after his death

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JERUSALEM — Three hundred and thirty-two days after Hersh Goldberg-Polin danced in the courtyard next to his Jerusalem synagogue on the holiday of Simchat Torah, more than a thousand people gathered there in grief and prayer to mourn his murder by Hamas terrorists in Gaza.

During the Sunday night vigil, the courtyard railings were lined with oversized yellow ribbons to symbolize advocacy for the hostages, Hapoel Jerusalem soccer flags — the 23-year-old’s favorite team — and posters that read, “We love you, stay strong, survive,” a mantra coined by his mother, Rachel Goldberg-Polin.

Just hours earlier, one of the posters had been hanging over the balcony of the home of Shira Ben-Sasson, a leader of Hakhel, the Goldberg-Polins’ egalitarian congregation in the Baka neighborhood of Jerusalem.

“We were sure we would take it down when he came home,” Ben-Sasson said.

The community wanted to unite while respecting the Goldberg-Polins’ desire for privacy, she said, prompting them to organize the prayer gathering.

“But it’s like a Band-Aid or giving first aid, it’s what you do in an emergency. I don’t know how we go on after this,” she said.

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A covered courtyard at the Hakhel congregation was filled with mourners the day after Hersh Goldberg-Polin, whose family are prominent members, was found to have been killed in Gaza. Hundreds of other people crowded outside the gates, Sept. 1, 2024. (Deborah Danan)

She added that the community, which has a large contingent of English-speaking immigrants, was not prepared for the High Holidays, which begin in about a month. She said, “Seeing his empty seat is hard.”

For Ben-Sasson, who wore a T-shirt bearing the Talmudic dictum “There is no greater mitzvah than the redeeming of captives,” the tragedy is especially painful because, she said, it could have been avoided with a ceasefire agreement that freed hostages.

“Hersh was alive 48 hours ago. We think a deal could have saved him. There is no military solution to this,” she said.

That feeling of bereavement, often mixed with betrayal, pervaded gatherings across Israel on Sunday, as the country struggled with the news that six hostages who may have been freed in an agreement were now dead as negotiations continue to stall. Speakers at protests in Tel Aviv blamed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who himself apologized for not getting the hostages out alive but blamed Hamas for obstructing a deal. The country’s labor union, the Histadrut, has called a national strike on Monday to demand a deal.

A rare early September rain lashed parts of Israel on Sunday, leading to a widespread interpretation: God, too, was weeping.

Some at the Jerusalem gathering, including the relative of another former hostage, said Netanyahu had chosen defeating Hamas over freeing the captives.

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Josef Avi Yair Engel’s grandson Ofir was released from Hamas captivity in November. He paid tribute to Hersh Goldberg-Polin, murdered in captivity, in Jerusalem, Sept. 1, 2024. (Deborah Danan)

Josef Avi Yair Engel, whose grandson Ofir, 18, was released from Hamas captivity in November during that month’s ceasefire deal, expressed shock over Hersh’s murder but said he was not surprised, given the wartime policies of Netanyahu’s government.

“We knew months ago this was going to happen. Bibi’s formula, to dismantle Hamas and return the hostages, wasn’t logical. It’s an either/or situation,” Engel said, referring to Netanyahu by his nickname. “He’s tearing the country apart. I’m afraid that in the coming months there won’t be a state at all.”

Engel said he felt a close bond with Hersh’s father Jon Polin, not only because of their joint activism in the hostage families’ tent outside the Prime Minister’s Residence, but also because of their shared identity as Jerusalemites.

“There aren’t many of us in the hostage circle,” he said. “We’re like family.”

Sarah Mann, who did not know the family personally, said the weekend’s tragedy reminded her of Oct. 7.

“This day has sparks of the seventh, which created numbness and an inability to talk. Just complete shock,” she said.

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Mourners left notes at a gathering at Hersh Goldberg-Polin’s family synagogue in Jerusalem. Many of the messages used the Hebrew word for “sorry.” (Deborah Danan)

Part of the reason for that, Mann said, was Rachel, who she described as a “force of faith.” Goldberg-Polin’s mother emerged as the most prominent advocate for the hostages globally and became a symbol in her own right as she crisscrossed the world calling for her son’s freedom.

“Millions of people around the world held onto her. Once that was cut, people’s ability to hold onto faith was knocked out today. But even though this has shattered us, we need to keep holding onto God,” Mann said.

For Susi Döring Preston, the day called to mind was not Oct. 7 but Yom Kippur, and its communal solemnity.

She said she usually steers clear of similar war-related events because they are too overwhelming for her.

“Before I avoided stuff like this because I guess I still had hope. But now is the time to just give in to needing to be around people because you can’t hold your own self up any more,” she said, tears rolling down her face. “You need to feel the humanity and hang onto that.”

Like so many others, Döring Preston paid tribute to the Goldberg-Polins’ tireless activism. “They needed everyone else’s strength but we drew so much strength from them and their efforts, “she said. “You felt it could change the outcome. But war is more evil than good. I think that’s the crushing thing. You can do everything right, but the outcome is still devastating.”

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Guy Gordon, with his daughter Maya, added a broken heart to the piece of tape he has worn daily to mark the number of days since the hostage crisis began, Sept. 1, 2024. (Deborah Danan)

Guy Gordon, a member of Hakhel who moved to Israel from Dublin, Ireland, in the mid-1990s, said the efforts towards ensuring Hersh’s safe return have been an anchor for the community during the war. The community knew him as the family described him in its announcement of his funeral on Tuesday, as “a child of light, love and peace” who enjoyed exploring the world and coming home to his family, including his parents and younger sisters, Leebie and Orly.

“It gave us something to hope for, and pray for and to demonstrate for,” he said. “We had no choice but to be unreasonably optimistic. Tragically it transpired that he survived until the very end.”

Gordon, like many others in the crowd, wore a piece of duct tape marked with the number of days since Oct. 7 — a gesture initiated by Goldberg-Polin’s mother. Unlike on previous days, though, his tape also featured a broken red heart beside the number.

Nadia Levene, a family friend, also reflected on the improbability of Hersh’s survival.

“He did exactly what his parents begged him to do. He was strong. He did survive. And look what happened,” Levene said.

She hailed Rachel Goldberg-Polin’s “unwavering strength and belief in God,” adding, “There were times I lost faith. I suppose I was angry with God. But she just kept inspiring us all to pray, pray, pray.”

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Leah Silver of Jerusalem examined stickers showing Rachel Goldberg-Polin’s mantra for her son Hersh, who was murdered in captivity in Gaza, at a gathering after Hersh’s death, Sept. 1, 2024. (Deborah Danan)

Jerusalem resident Leah Silver rejected politicizing the hostages’ deaths.

“Everything turns political so quickly. I came here because I felt that before all the protests, we need to just mourn for a moment and to pray. And show respect for each other,” she said. “We’ve become confused about who the enemy is. It’s very sad.”

But not everyone at the gathering joined in to sing Israel’s national anthem at the closing of the prayer gathering.

“I’m sorry, I can’t sing ‘Hatikvah,'” Reza Green, a Baka resident who did not know the Goldberg-Polins personally, said. “I’m too angry. We shouldn’t be here.”

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    1. Treat a progress report like a Q&A. A simple way to start learning how to write a progress report is by treating the progress report format as a question and answer sheet on the project's progress. You need answers on the progress, the blockers and the next tasks to do that lead to project completion. Nothing more.

  22. How to Start a Research Project: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Starting a research project may seem daunting, but breaking it down into manageable steps can make the process much more approachable. By clearly defining your research subject, engaging with stakeholders, crafting a precise research statement, and establishing key performance indicators, you set a strong foundation for your project.

  23. (4) How to Write Project Report: Step-By-Step Guide

    The most common type of project report, a progress report provides a general state of the project to its stakeholders. It quantifies work performed and completed in measurable terms. It compares this with an established baseline to see if the project is on track or; if adjustments have to be made if the project is behind its schedule.

  24. How to Write a Progress Report (Sample Template)

    1. Make the progress report meet your needs. Using a ready-made template does not mean that you have to adjust to its specifications. Actually, these tools are flexible enough to meet your standards and needs. What is more, they provide you with even better ideas that might have been missed otherwise. 2.

  25. Great White Shark Information Report

    This great white shark information text writing project downloads as a: PDF with full-color fact file; PDF with black-and-white fact file; Google Slides file (containing both the color and black-and-white fact files) This writing project is an engaging way to teach students how to write a comprehensive, well-structured information text.

  26. How to Write a New Employee Progress Report?

    A new employee progress report, also known as a new employee evaluation report or new employee performance review, is a formal document that assesses the performance and development of a new hire during their initial employment period. It serves as a valuable tool for both the employee and the organization, providing feedback, identifying areas for improvement, and tracking progress toward goals.

  27. Gathering insights of the global scenario of floating-bed agriculture

    Research Gap: While floating-bed agriculture is practiced in various countries, there is a lack of a global comparative analysis that evaluates the success factors, challenges, and best practices from different geographical and socio-economic contexts [70]. Such research could inform the adaptation and implementation strategies in India [7]. •

  28. The effect of project-based learning (PjBL) Class Model on Chinese

    Significant progress has been made in the research on the PjBL Class Model, and notable achievements have been made. ... Step 6: revising the project project. A Writing Scoring Criteria from CET-4 was assigned to each group member to help evaluate and ... each group member was required to submit a self-report. This report detailed ...

  29. Federal Criminal Justice Clinic—Significant Achievements for 2023-24

    In this project, Clinic students used their outstanding research, writing, and investigation skills to help individuals in need of counsel push novel legal and factual issues posed by the new Amendment. As of early July 2024, one client has been released, one client's sentence has been reduced, and two cases are still pending.

  30. At the Jerusalem synagogue where Hersh Goldberg-Polin danced in life

    JERUSALEM — Three hundred and thirty-two days after Hersh Goldberg-Polin danced in the courtyard next to his Jerusalem synagogue on the holiday of Simchat Torah, more than a thousand people ...