what's a phd by publication

  • PhD by Publication – Explained
  • Types of Doctorates


Obtaining a PhD by publication is relatively uncommon in higher education. It can, however, be especially useful for established researchers who have published work but don’t yet have a PhD. This article gives information on exactly what a PhD by publication is, how it works and what the advantages and disadvantages are. Read on to learn more.

What is a PhD by Publication?

A PhD by publication is a doctoral degree awarded to a person who has several peer-reviewed publications that have been put together as separate ‘chapters’, contributing to a unified research theme within a specific field.

This format typically consists of a significant introductory chapter, up to 10,000 words, similar to a traditional thesis, followed by around five published research papers and a final chapter to bring things to a conclusion. Although these papers will be separate bodies of work, it’s important that they’re connected along one research theme.

This route to PhD can be attractive to researchers that have published a lot in their academic career but have not followed the traditional PhD path. It helps them gain recognition for their contributions to their research field and recognition that the work they have done has been of a doctoral level without having to write a separate PhD thesis.

A PhD by publication is awarded following a  viva (also known as an oral examination) with examiners, similar to the process of a traditional PhD.

What are the Advantages?

A clear advantage of a PhD by publication is that you’re submitting a portfolio of work that has already gone through extensive peer review. This means that by the time you come to defend your work at a viva, it’s much easier. For example, the questions your examiners may ask you could be very similar to the questions you were asked by your reviewers during your paper publication phase and so you will already have prepared suitable responses to these.

Another advantage of this route is that it’s a much quicker way of obtaining a PhD degree; traditional PhD programmes take between three and four years from registration to completion whereas you can get a PhD by publication within one year of registration with the University, assuming that you enrol on this degree having already published all the papers that you will include in your portfolio of work. The shorter duration means that you often will only have to pay for one year of University fees, meaning that this approach is cheaper than a traditional method. It’s often possible that you can work any part-time job alongside preparing your publication portfolio for viva examination submission.

What are the Disadvantages?

Not all research fields or questions are suitable for a PhD by publication. In some cases, it may be necessary to design, set up and run a new PhD project in the field, recording the generation of further data. Additionally, it may be difficult to expand upon your previous publications and explore different research ideas as you put together your portfolio of papers. As this approach is a relatively uncommon way to get a PhD, some institutions may be unfamiliar or not set up to facilitate a PhD by publication. While the final viva examination will be the same as that in a traditional PhD, there is always the risk that some examiners may not see this publication route as being a ‘real’ PhD.

You’re also likely to miss out on some other aspects of PhD life by going down the publication route, including opportunities to teach or supervise undergraduate students and the experience of working within a research lab alongside other PhD students.

How Long Does a PhD by Publication Take?

You should expect a PhD by publication to take six months to one year to obtain from your point of registration with a UK University. This is on the basis that you have already published work for all the material that you would plan to include within your PhD portfolio, or that it is currently going through the review process. This approach is shorter than pursuing a traditional PhD, which typically takes between three and four years as a full-time student.

What is the Application Process?

You apply using the standard process required by the university to enrol, in the same way as the traditional route of a PhD. In addition, however, you will be asked to submit a portfolio of your prior publication track record and a supporting statement outlining the work of these existing publications, detailing how they tell a coherent story with the relevant subject area you’re applying to. You won’t need to submit a formal PhD research proposal as most, if not all, of the research should already have been completed.

Do you have Supervision?

Yes, in the same way that a traditional PhD student will have a primary supervisor to oversee your project. The role of the supervisor will be to help you establish a clear narrative for the theme you’re putting together of your publications, offering critical appraisal where necessary.

He or she will advise you on how to structure the introductory and concluding bodies of work that are required before you submit your portfolio for external examination and viva. Remember that the supervisor is there to advise and not tell you how to structure your dissertation; this is the same for any research student doing a standard PhD.

With this researcher-supervisor relationship, your options may be open in terms of whether you need to be based at the University in person or if you choose to work remotely as a distance learning student, communicating with your supervisor over email or video calls.

How does Assessment Work?

The body of work that you submit will be read and assessed by two examiners that are experts within your subject area of research. This will be followed by the viva examination with the two examiners, in line with the conventional PhD approach. To be awarded this research degree you will need to demonstrate that your work has made an original contribution to furthering the subject knowledge within your field.

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How Much Does It Cost?

As a PhD by publication usually takes about a year to complete, most universities typically charge a fee equivalent to one year of PhD study. The exact amount will vary depending on the University, but usually, the tuition fee will be around  £4,500  for one year for UK and EU students, and considerably more if you are an international student. It’s challenging to secure funding for these types of PhD degrees and you will find that you’re unlikely to be eligible for financial support from research councils or other routes of funding.

What Kind of Publications Can I use in my Portfolio?

Universities will have specific guidance about factors such as how many publications you can include in your portfolio and there may be some restrictions on when they should have been published. Typically, you will include 5 publications in your submission to your PhD examiners, but this can in some circumstances be as low as 3 or 4 or as high as 10 separate papers. Most often these will be in the form of  journal articles accepted by peer reviewed journals but can also include published book chapters, scientific or technical reports that have been published or other forms of publication that have gone through a level of peer review.

A PhD by publication is a good way for you to graduate with a doctorate if you enter this research programme having already published several academic papers on a single research theme. You need to demonstrate that you have made a significant contribution to your field through previous research. At this stage it is likely to be the cheapest and fastest route to gaining a PhD. However, applicants should be mindful when they apply that it may be challenging to secure funding for this.

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PhD by publication

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PhD awards for published researchers

Explore how you can turn your existing peer reviewed research publications into a PhD qualification

What is a PhD by publication?

A PhD by publication is a postgraduate research degree that's based on research you've already undertaken and had published (excluding self-publishing) before registering with us.

Depending on the subject area, peer reviewed  academic papers, complete books, chapters in anthologies, or equivalent materials accepted for publication, exhibited or performed  may be  eligibl e. You'll have to submit these materials for examination between 6–12 months after registering with us.

These materials will be accompanied by a commentary of 5,000–10,000 words, which outlines your work's coherence, significance and contribution to knowledge, and you'll be examined through an oral defence of your research, known as a viva voce. Applicants must have held a first or higher degree from a UK higher education institute – or a recognised equivalent non-UK degree of the same standard – for at least 5 years.

Once you've been awarded a PhD by publication, you'll be in a great position to move onto further research or to use your new postgraduate qualification to progress your career.

The cost of getting a PhD by publication in most of our subject areas is £4,500 for external candidates – check your research subject area page  for more details.

How to apply

To be considered for a PhD by publication, you'll need to have held an undergraduate or postgraduate degree – awarded either by a UK higher education institute or a recognised non-UK equivalent – for at least 5 years.

To apply you'll need:

  • A CV and the names of two referees
  • A title of the proposed PhD
  • A listing of the published work on which the application is based
  • A statement of not more than 1000 words setting out your view of the nature and significance of the work submitted

Apply from the relevant subject area page .

If your application is successful, you'll need to submit the already-published materials – those that you wish to be considered as part of your PhD by publication award – between 6–12 months after registering with us.


Why get a PhD by publication (and other career tips)

Finding the ‘golden thread’ in your academic path can offer an opportunity to reflect and grow, writes James Derounian

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James Derounian

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Towards the end of my full-time academic career, during a 2020 Covid lockdown, I submitted my PhD by published work. In this article, I argue that this doctoral route offers academics – whether newbies or gnarled veterans – a precious chance to reflect, achieve and grow.

A doctorate by published work can be approached in two ways. If you don’t have a PhD, it can be researched and written as a prospective thesis, which can enable you to pursue research and journal-article production that map out a coherent path. Or, if you are like me, you can work on a retrospective doctorate, identifying a “golden thread” through which to look back and make sense of your academic career. The academic Susan Smith has written the gospel on this subject, entitled, would you believe, PhD by Published Work – which I heartily recommend.

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As Smith suggests, my endeavour in this doctorate aligned with the UK Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education’s 2011 requirement to present a “series of peer-reviewed academic papers, books, citations or other materials that have been published…accompanied by a substantial commentary linking the published work and outlining its coherence and significance”.

So I selected nine of my academic publications – a single-authored chapter in an edited book, single-authored journal articles, co-authored academic articles, co-authored project reports for the Higher Education Academy – plus 10 practitioner publications of mine that supported my case but were not formally included. I argued that together these made an original, significant contribution to scholarship and public knowledge equivalent in scope and esteem to work required for a traditional PhD. Furthermore, I demonstrated my unique input to scholarship in the fields of higher education pedagogy and community development, as well as the sufficiency and coherence of this work and accompanying publications.

The “golden thread” or commentary in my case reflected on a central theme from previous publications, namely to explore and determine the nature and degree of connectedness between HE teaching and learning, and community development theory and practice. Somewhat to my relief, I discovered that my 40-plus-year academic career did, indeed, have some coherence. And the process of looking back bore out Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard’s 1843 contention that life “can only be understood backwards; but must be lived forwards”.

Tried-and-tested advice for a successful academic career

Beyond the career-defining interrogation of a PhD through exploring your own published works, I offer four further career tips that have stood me in good stead.

1. Follow your interests

First, (as far as possible) be true to yourself and follow what interests you, whether in teaching, research, administration or consultancy (rather than where management might push you). An example of this for me was undertaking consultancy work reviewing community development projects and activities. These examples of action research then provided up-to-date case studies to feed into student contact sessions. Of course, there will be horse trading, whereby you might have to give ground to gain some. Such is life.

2. Get the balance right

This links to my second suggestion: try, for example via annual staff appraisals, to work towards your preferred balance of teaching-admin-research-consultancy. For example, I volunteered to look after work-based modules, such as internships, across my department because I came into academia from practice and believed in the value of work experience for undergraduates; and I researched and published on this topic in academic journals and books. To vary the metaphor, seek to steer the ship that is you and your career rather than be bounced by the strong tides of administrative urgency.

3. Be a good colleague

Third, make alliances and friendships with colleagues – seek those with humanity who are not just work dominated or totally driven. As Iain Hay comments in his 2017 book  How to Be an Academic Superhero , connect to “good colleagues; be a good colleague…to the best of your abilities, try to help out…The web of obligations is two-sided and you will receive reciprocal favours over time”. I deliberately worked with other national teaching fellows (NTF) at my higher education institution to seek to influence teaching policies and practices, similarly helping applicants to gain an NTF on the basis of climbing a mountain and helping colleagues to make the ascent. It helped others and I felt good in offering a hand.

4. Never stop learning

Finally, keep learning as you proceed (in your academic career); don’t assume you have “arrived” (down that road lie fossilisation and lack of currency). In this vein, I undertook a beginners’ Spanish module, joining in like any other student in the class. As well as giving me words of use when I visited the Alhambra in Granada, it taught me valuable lessons for teaching: how you need to be ever so careful and clear in what you say and how you say it, pause regularly to check that students understand what has just been covered and have time to ask questions.

Oh, and enjoy the ride! Yes, there are downsides to academic life, such as the administrative tail wagging the teaching dog, insecure short-term job contracts…but, equally, I maintain that an academic life can give you so much freedom as well as the ability to travel, write, teach, publicise research findings to improve life and the planet…

James Derounian lectures on community governance. He is a national teaching fellow and a visiting professor at the University of Bolton, UK.

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PhD by Publication – Explained

Published 16 October, 2023


A PhD by publication, also known as a “publication-based PhD” or a “documentary PhD”, is a doctoral degree that is awarded on the basis of published scholarly work instead of on the completion of an original research thesis. This type of PhD is often available to mid-career researchers who have already produced a significant body of work, and it may be undertaken on a part-time or full-time basis.

This article provides an overview of the PhD by publication, including its benefits and drawbacks, the process of completing one, and what it can mean for your career.

What is a PhD by Publication?

Generating a PhD by Publication is becoming an increasingly popular option for doctoral candidates, particularly in disciplines where traditional research methods are less feasible or desirable. In essence, a PhD by Publication entails the compilation of a body of publication-worthy work that meets the standards set forth by one’s academic institution. 

The structure and requirements for a PhD by Publication can vary considerably from one institution to another. Some programs may require that candidates submit a traditional research thesis along with their portfolio of published work, while others may allow the thesis to be replaced entirely by the publications. In most cases, however, candidates will be expected to produce a certain amount of new, original research in addition to their published work.

The PhD by Publication is attractive to many candidates because it allows them to draw on their existing experience and expertise, rather than starting from scratch with a new research project. This can be particularly beneficial for mid-career researchers who already have a significant body of work to their credit. It can also be a good option for candidates who wish to pursue a PhD on a part-time basis, as they can work on their publications while continuing to work in their field.

However, the PhD by Publication is not without its drawbacks. Because it is a relatively new and uncommon type of degree, there is often less institutional support available for candidates pursuing this route. Additionally, the assessment criteria for a PhD by Publication can be difficult to define, which can make the process of completing one feel rather ambiguous.

What is the Application Process for PhD for Publication?

The application process for a PhD by Publication can vary depending on the institution. In most cases, candidates will need to submit a portfolio of their published work, along with a research proposal outlining their plans for any new, original research that needs to be undertaken. Candidates may also need to provide evidence of their teaching experience and other academic achievements.

It is important to note that the PhD by Publication is not an option for everyone. In order to be eligible, candidates must usually already have a significant body of work to their credit. This means that it is generally not possible to complete a PhD by Publication on a part-time basis; candidates usually need to be able to dedicate themselves full-time to their research in order to complete the degree in a reasonable timeframe.

How to Complete a PhD by Publication

If you are interested in pursuing a PhD by Publication, the first step is to check with your institution to see if they offer this type of degree. Some programs may have specific requirements or guidelines that you will need to follow.

Once you have determined that your institution does offer a PhD by Publication, the next step is to begin compiling your body of work. This will typically involve collecting together all of the papers, book chapters, and other publication-worthy materials that you have produced over the course of your career. The format typically consists of 10,000 words per paper/chapter, with a minimum of five papers required.

Once you have collected all of your published work, the next step is to write an overview or “map” of this work. This overview should discuss how your individual publications fit together to form a coherent whole, and how they contribute to your larger argument or research goals. The overview should also demonstrate that your work meets the standards required for a PhD-level thesis.

Once you have completed your overview, you will need to submit it along with your published work to your institution for assessment. The exact process for this will vary from one institution to another, but in most cases, you will be required to present your work to a panel of academics and defend it against their critiques. If your work is deemed to be of sufficient quality, you will be awarded your PhD.

How Much Does PhD by Publication Cost?

The cost of a PhD can be quite high, especially if you are studying in the UK. For one year of study on average universities charge £4 500 for British and European students whereas international applicants will have to pay much more due to limitations with funding sources like research council grants which may make it difficult or impossible altogether.

PhDs by Publication are no different, and can end up costing a fair amount depending on the institution you attend.

Some universities will charge a flat fee for your entire PhD program, regardless of how long it takes you to complete it. Others may charge on a per-year basis, or on a per-credit basis. In most cases, the total cost of a PhD by Publication will be somewhere between £10,000 and £30,000.

This cost can be offset somewhat by the fact that you will likely already have most of your published work in hand before you begin your PhD program. This means that you will not have to pay for the costs associated with producing new research, such as fieldwork or laboratory costs.

It is also worth noting that some universities may offer reduced fees for students who are able to complete their PhDs in a shorter timeframe. This is often the case for students who already have a large body of published work to their credit.

Can I hire a supervisor for PhD by publication?

Yes, it is possible to hire a supervisor for PhD by publication. This is typically done when the applicant already has a strong background in the field and has published extensively. The supervisor is then hired to help guide and oversee the research project.

The process of hiring a supervisor by publication can be a little more complicated than just finding someone with the right qualifications. It’s important to make sure that both the supervisor and the applicant are on board with the arrangement, and that all corresponding paperwork is in order.

Additionally, it’s important to be aware of any potential conflicts of interest that may arise from this type of arrangement. For example, if the supervisor is also the editor of a journal in which the applicant hopes to publish their work, there may be some concern about potentially biased decision-making.

What Kind of Publications Can I use in my Portfolio?

The types of publications that you can use in your PhD by Publication portfolio will vary depending on the requirements of your institution. However, in general, most institutions will accept a wide range of publication types, including:

  • Journal articles
  • Book chapters
  • Conference papers

What Completing a PhD by Publication Can Mean for Your Career

Successfully completing a PhD by Publication can open up a number of new career opportunities. In many cases, it can lead to tenure and promotion within your current institution. It can also make you more competitive for senior academic positions at other institutions.

Additionally, completing a PhD by Publication can give you a certain level of visibility and prestige within your field, which can help you to attract new students and collaborators.

And finally, it can provide you with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that comes from knowing you have made a significant contribution to your field of study.

With the PhD by Publication becoming an increasingly popular option for candidates seeking to earn their doctorate, it is important to understand what this type of degree entails. This overview should give you a better understanding of what the PhD by Publication is, how it differs from a traditional PhD, and what completing one can mean for your career.

Advantages of Choosing PhD by publication

The advantages of a PhD by the publication include:

  • Recognition of your existing work: A PhD by publication allows you to have your existing work recognised and accredited as part of your doctoral studies, rather than starting from scratch.
  • A shorter path to a PhD: Because you are not required to conduct original research, a PhD by publication can be completed in a shorter time frame than a traditional PhD.
  • Increased visibility: As your work is already published, it is more likely to be seen and read by others in your field, which can help to raise your profile.
  • A sense of accomplishment: Completing a PhD by publication can provide you with a great sense of satisfaction and achievement.

Disadvantages of PhD by Publication

The various disadvantages of a PhD by Publication include:

  • Your work must meet certain standards: in order to be awarded a PhD by publication, your work must meet the same high standards as that required for a traditional PhD.
  • You may need to write an overview: depending on your institution’s requirements, you may need to write an overview or “map” of your work, which can be a daunting task.
  • There is no guarantee of success: because your work will be assessed by a panel of experts, there is no guarantee that you will be awarded your PhD.

Difference Between Traditional PhD & PhD by Publication

Choosing to complete a PhD by publication should not be taken lightly. It is a significant decision that will have an impact on your career, so it is important to understand the difference between a traditional PhD and a PhD by publication.

The main differences between a traditional PhD and a PhD by publication include:

Conduct original research and write a dissertation on your findings. Compile a portfolio of your existing publications.
You are required to defend your dissertation in front of a panel of experts.  You may need to write an overview of your work, but you will not have to defend your dissertation.
A traditional PhD takes anywhere from three to four years to complete. A PhD by publication can be completed in a shorter time frame.
You are usually required to complete coursework and pass exams, in addition to conducting research and writing your dissertation. There are no such requirements.
The assessment process for a traditional PhD is usually based on your dissertation alone The assessment process for a PhD by publication takes into account the entire body of your work.

Earning a PhD by publication can offer many benefits, but it is not the right choice for everyone. It is important to carefully consider your decision and make sure you understand the difference between a traditional PhD and a PhD by publication. If you decide that a PhD by publication is the right choice for you, be prepared to work hard to ensure that your work meets the high standards required.

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School of Engineering

Phd by publication.

PhD by Publication

PhD by Publication Engineering

To satisfy the requirements of the degree of PhD, a thesis must constitute a substantial original contribution to knowledge and is, in principle, worthy of peer-reviewed publication

Application Process

Consideration process, registration, what is it.

Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering by Published Work.

A PhD awarded for the submission of a portfolio of published research to the standard of a regular PhD.

Who can apply?

Candidates may apply for the PhD by published work under Regulation 38 Link opens in a new window . Candidates must be either:

  • members of academic staff or administrative or library staff of equivalent status of the University and normally have been employed by the University for at least three years immediately prior to the submission of published work; or
  • graduates of at least seven year’s standing normally holding a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent.


To satisfy the requirements of the degree of PhD in Published Work, the submitted material must constitute a substantial original contribution to knowledge. The material shall be clearly and concisely written and well-argued. The covering document shall explain the inter-relationship between the material presented and the significance of the published works, as a contribution to original knowledge within the relevant fields. It shall contain, as an appendix, a full bibliography of all the work published by the candidate.

A candidate must submit for examination two copies of material from a nominated field of study together with a covering document of 5,000 - 10,000 words. The covering document must explain the inter-relationship between the material presented and the significance of the published works as a contribution to original knowledge within the relevant fields. In addition, the covering document must include, as an appendix, a full bibliography of all the peer-reviewed work published by the candidate. A candidate may include with their submitted material work that has not been published only with the prior approval of the Chair of the Board of Graduate Studies.

NOTE: Speculative applications are not recommended.

Candidates must make a formal application for study, details here: www.warwick.ac.uk/pgrengineering . The course is the MPhil/PhD in Engineering and candidates should state clearly on the form that they wish to be considered for the PhD by Published Works.

The degree is a Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering; therefore, candidates will need a suitable academic supervisor. The candidate's portfolio of work needs to be engineering-related and be a topic related to research undertaken in the School of Engineering.

Admission for a PhD requires at least an upper second-class honours standard or the equivalent and/or a Masters degree at Merit level or its equivalent. The application form will require the following items:

  • Previous degree certificate and transcripts.
  • Two academic references. You should nominate referees who can provide an informed view of your academic ability and suitability for your chosen programme of study.
  • English language qualification: If your first language is not English, you will be expected to obtain one of the tests accepted here Link opens in a new window
  • Candidates should then submit their full CV (this can be uploaded with their application) and copies of their publications to be considered.
  • Submit between 3 - 8 publications, which will form the intellectual basis of the examination for the award, for consideration (this may vary depending on the discipline and focus of the candidate's research).
  • Submissions should include further contextual information regarding the publications, including, but not limited to, the profile of journals in which articles have been published, the candidate's individual contribution to each of their publications, the number of citations, and their significance to the field.
  • It is helpful to include a personal statement outlining your reasons for wanting to apply for this degree.
  • All documents can be uploaded to the online application form (stage 2 www.warwick.ac.uk/pgrengineering ).
  • The Head of the relevant department will initially consider the application submission. (S)he will appoint an Academic Advisor to provide guidance to the candidate on the presentation of the published work.
  • The Academic Advisor should produce a statement which outlines the Candidate's suitability for admission to a PhD programme, an assessment of the quality of publications presented, and any further relevant details regarding the Candidate, including their employment (current or past), the area of expertise and profile within their discipline/field of research.
  • If the Head of Department is satisfied with the submission, (s)he will ask that the Chair of the Faculty Education Committee consider the submission.
  • If the Chair of the relevant Faculty Board is of the view that the Works are of the appropriate standard, (s)he will make a recommendation to the Chair of the Board of Graduate Studies that the candidate is admitted to the PhD.
  • An offer can only be made once the Chair of the Board of Graduate Studies has given his/her approval following consideration of the aforementioned recommendation.
  • Candidates should be aware that a successful application does not guarantee the award of the degree – candidates are required to successfully complete the examination process as set out in the Guide to Examinations for Higher Degrees by Research .
  • The normal period of registration will be for 12 months.
  • Where the candidate is not a member of the staff of the University, submission for examination for the degree of PhD may be made after a minimum period of six months' registration.
  • Where the candidate is a member of the staff of the University, submission for examination for the degree of PhD may be made after a minimum period of three months' registration.
  • During the period of registration, students will additionally need to submit the Works to be assessed and a Covering Document of between 5,000 and 10,000 words setting out the relationship between the Works presented, the significance of the Works as a contribution to original knowledge within the relevant field, and, as an appendix, a full bibliography of all of the works ever published by the candidate.
  • Research Postgraduate students Band 2 - https://warwick.ac.uk/services/finance/studentfinance/fees/pgr/ Link opens in a new window  
  • The fee for members of staff and for graduates of the University is charged at 20% of the home full-time postgraduate research fee.
  • In addition, an examination fee is levied which is set annually by the University’s Council.

Further information

All enquiries regarding applying for a PhD by published work, should be directed to the Postgraduate Admissions Link opens in a new window team. For detailed information on the requirements for and examination of the PhD by published work, see Regulation 38 Link opens in a new window . For information on the fees for your registration for the PhD by published work, please consult Student Finance Link opens in a new window .

  • Contact the School of Engineering Team .
  • Application Enquiries contact the Postgraduate Admissions Team .
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  • Telephone: +44 (0) 24 7652 2046 or +44 (0) 24 7652 4826

Postal address:

Postgraduate Office School of Engineering Library Road University of Warwick Coventry CV4 7AL

 My decision to study for PhD at Warwick was informed by the school’s reputation for world leading research.

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Essential Information

Degree title:

Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (PhD)

Course code: P-H1Q2

Application deadline:

None, applications accepted all year round.

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PhD by Publication

PhD by Publication

Coventry University’s unique PhD by Publication programme is designed for active researchers who have already produced a number of publications but have not been awarded a PhD.

This route differs from a ‘traditional’ PhD as it allows you to use existing publications to form a research portfolio.

The PhD by Publication route offers two pathways:

  • Candidates who have a complete set of existing outputs from previous research will be enrolled on a two-year pathway. You will receive supervision to identify the outputs for your portfolio and complete the PhD submission process.
  • Candidates who have a small amount of existing outputs from previous research will be enrolled on a three-year pathway, where you will work with a supervisor to undertake further scholarly or practice-based work and/or produce further outputs before submission.

The portfolio of research outputs must be accompanied by a critical overview, which indicates the coherence of, and rationale for, the submitted work.

The pathway you follow will be determined at application, following academic consideration by the PGR Lead/PGR Tutor (or nominee) and the proposed Director of Studies.


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Dr Stephen Dawkins

My experience of completing a PhD by Publication with Coventry University has been nothing but positive. The process for completing is very clear and the support from everyone, from my supervisory team to the staff in the Doctoral College, has been amazing. Like any PhD, it is a significant undertaking, especially when working full-time, but it is the level and quality of support that helped me to successfully complete.

How to apply

Your programme supervision will be conducted by one of the University’s Research Centres.

Please ensure your application is made via the correct Research Centre by using the relevant link:


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A PhD by publication or how I got my doctorate and kept my sanity

what's a phd by publication

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what's a phd by publication

Doing a PhD is a difficult business. Long hours, personal stress, institutional pressure to complete on time – and all this for what?

Increasingly a PhD alone does not guarantee an academic career. We are expected to publish, teach and contribute to professional development. Oh and did I mention you have to publish, publish, publish?

However there is a way to publish and do a PhD - hopefully without perishing.

I recently completed my PhD by publication, which for me was a way of getting a doctorate while keeping my sanity.

What is a PhD by publication?

A PhD by Publication is just what it sounds like, instead of producing one large monograph, you produce a series of articles to be published in peer reviewed journals or as book chapters.

The normal format is four to five research papers bookended by a substantial introductory chapter and a concluding chapter. The thesis must still read as a cohesive whole and therefore despite the articles being stand alone pieces, they must also relate to each other.

The aim is that when they are read together they become more than just the sum of their parts.

It is a relatively new concept within the social sciences and humanities but has been around for a while in the hard sciences here in Australia. It is much more common in European Universities where it is often the standard approach for doctoral studies.

The advantages

There are many advantages to doing a PhD this way. One of the more self-evident ones is that it allows you to publish and finish a PhD – academically hitting two birds with one stone.

There are many pressures of doing a PhD that are taken away from publishing. PhD by publication focused my writing on achieving output and helped to avoid the trap of always pushing the publications to the side.

A PhD by publication also helps you to develop practical skills. Through my own process, I learnt how to write to journal editors, deal with rejection and pitch articles – all skills that are important for professional academic life.

This method also divides the PhD up into more manageable chunks – sometimes the hardest thing about a PhD is the enormity of the task it presents. But dividing it up into five discrete papers allowed me to see a way ahead making the PhD seem more achievable.

Last but not least, you can get both expert feedback and it can provide that “tick” factor. PhD students were usually high achieving undergraduate students used to receiving recognition and reward for their work. Entering the land of doctoral studies, you don’t get the pay off from your work until the end of many years and lack of recognition can be deeply un-motivating.

But each time something is published is a chance to celebrate and take a deep breath before moving on to the next portion.

The expert feedback you get during this process is also very helpful even it’s not always pleasant (see below). By the time your PhD goes to examiners it has already gone through a rigorous peer review process.

In times of PhD panic, it was comforting to think that my work can’t be that bad if someone had already agreed to publish it.

The disadvantages

Of course, though, there are some disadvantages to electing to do a PhD in this way.

Chief among them is the pressure to start publishing immediately. Publishing is hardly a quick process; it can sometimes take up to two years from submission to a journal long periods of fieldwork may not be compatible.

Therefore candidates taking this route need to start straight away. Aim to have your first paper finished within the first 6 months.

It’s also worth recognising that this is not a format for the faint hearted. Rejections from journals can be brutal. You need to be prepared to take this on the chin and send it out again.

That said, this is a skill you need to develop for academia. Being exposed to it early helped me develop a thick skin and be humble about my work.

With the benefit of feedback, there’s also the downside of extra work. You may often need to rewrite work for journal editors.

After all, editors have their own agenda and interests and in some respect you are writing for them and not for you. However this taught me to stand my ground with editors and defend things I wished to keep as well as framing things for different audiences.

Another thing to be wary of when considering a PhD by publication is that you need to understand that it’s not a professional Doctorate. A Professional Doctorate recognises contribution to a profession and usually doesn’t include the same level of original contribution or indeed a thesis.

PhD by publication is still examined to the same standards as a traditional PhD. However countering this assumption that it is not a “real” PhD is sometimes hard.

Finally, because you’re likely to be treading new ground in your institution, there’s not always a clear path before you.

I did my PhD in a department which was still sorting out its policy towards this format. As a consequence I needed the strong support of your supervisor and head of department to make this work (which I was lucky enough to have). You shouldn’t expect a clear set of instructions here; guidelines and policies seem to vary between departments, disciplines and universities.

The up shot

The biggest advantage is that I have come out of my doctoral studies not only with a PhD but with a healthy publication record. This I hope will assist me when taking the next step in my career.

For me, PhD with publication provided a framework, a way forward from which I could see the path to submission. It provided me with a way to get my doctorate without worrying about the process. It allowed me the opportunity to contribute to debates while developing my ideas.

If academia is to expect Australian candidates to now finish their PhD and publish, then it should promote and encourage alternative formats such as this. It can only be good for both PhD candidates and the profession at large.

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Postgraduate course

Doctor of Philosophy (by Published Work)

This PhD award is a recognition of your previously published research, your work and your knowledge. Immerse yourself in writing a critical review of your chosen specialism and showcasing your passion for your chosen topic. Study on campus or by distance learning.

Two people sat at desk with laptops discussing ideas on paper

This PhD option is based on a track record of previous published research, demonstrating a novel and independent contribution to a particular discipline or topic area. The published research may have been produced as part of your practice or time in industry. Depending on the subject area, it might include peer-reviewed academic journal articles, and books, or equivalent published materials from exhibitions or performances. Our expert supervisors will help you select from this body of work and curate a PhD thesis.

Course location York campus or by distance learning

  • Duration – 3 months to 1 year, part time
  • Start date – February 2025, June 2024, October 2024

Minimum entry requirements

2:1 degree in a related subject

Master's qualification

Tuition fees

UK 2024-25 £2,393 full time

International 2024-25 £7,000 full time

Course overview

This course is not a traditional route to a PhD. Instead it functions as a recognition of your knowledge that has developed throughout your career. You will be assessed on a diverse body of work that has been published in the academic and/or public sphere before the start of this course.

When you choose to study with us, you will gain plenty of opportunities to enhance your professional skills. These could include:

  • Gaining teaching experience
  • Presenting your research at conferences and events
  • Working with the community
  • Engaging in networking and knowledge exchange

Professional development and training

During your PhD, you will discuss additional training needs with your supervisory team. Your supervisors will help you identify your strengths and highlight areas for development.

The University delivers a blended training programme that will help you to develop your research and professional skills, enhancing your CV and your employability.

Distance learning

Our PhD is also available by distance learning. Studying by distance learning will enable candidates to work remotely and engage with their supervisor through online meetings.

The PhD by distance learning is available to study full time or part time. Fees, assessment requirements and milestones are the same as PhDs on campus, and so are the expectations of time commitment and supervisory meetings.

Course structure

How you will study.

You will analyse and review the published work you have chosen to be a part of your PhD assessment. You will be expected to obtain ethical approval and coherent chapters for your thesis. During this period you will still be able to present your work at conferences. You will have a formal annual review to ensure your project is progressing.

You will have a final formal review alongside your regular supervisor meetings. At the end of your final phase, you will submit your thesis and undertake your viva voce. During this oral examination you will discuss and critically defend your thesis and research you have previously published. An independent chair and examiners will be present to assess your research and findings.

Each piece of published research should be an original piece, providing novelty and breadth of research, and there should be evidence of rigorous peer-review processes in place for the published works.

Entry Requirements


2:1 degree in a related subject See full entry requirements including GCSEs

International students

If you are an international student you will need to show that your qualifications match our entry requirements.

Information about international qualifications and entry requirements can be found on our International pages.

If English is not your first language you will need to show that you have English Language competence at IELTS level 6.5 (with no skill below 6.0) or equivalent.

International entry requirements

Applying for Doctor of Philosophy (by Published Work)

Alongside the standard PhD entry requirements, you will also need to demonstrate that you can study successfully remotely. This includes showing that you:

  • Can conduct your research with the resources available at your study site
  • Have access to appropriate IT facilities
  • Have the time, commitment and attitude to study successfully off-campus
  • Have access to support for study-related disabilities, if appropriate

You will need to agree a commitment statement to confirm these requirements before you enrol.

Fees and funding

Uk 2024 - 2025.

The tuition fee for this PhD in the 2024 - 2025 academic year course is £2,393   for UK, Jersey, Guernsey and Isle of Man students.

Doctoral loans are available to help you pay for your course. Find out more about UK Government Doctoral loans .

More information about funding your PhD is available on our Funding your research degree page.

International 2024 - 2025

The tuition fee for this PhD course is £7,000 in the 2024 - 2025 academic year for international candidates.

More information about funding your PhD is available on our International Fees and Funding page.

International Visa and Immigration

UK 2024-25 £2,393 full time

Additional costs

Depending upon the nature of your research project, a bench fee might be applied as a separate cost to your tuition fee. Bench fees are normally incurred for laboratory consumables and other significant project costs and any goods will remain under the property of the University.

If you have any queries regarding bench fees, please speak to your potential supervisor during the application process.

Any bench fees will be included in your offer letter and if you accept, the charge will be in addition to your tuition fees.

Contact us to discuss your proposal

If you know what subject you want your PhD to be on, or you just want to find out more, contacting a School Postgraduate Research Lead is a great first step.

Our School Postgraduate Research Leads are the right people to talk to about a research degree. They can put you in contact with an academic who is researching a similar subject, and who could be your research supervisor during your course.

School Postgraduate Research Leads

School Postgraduate Research Lead : Claire Hind - [email protected]

Contact Claire if you are interested in subjects relating to:

  • Drama and theatre
  • Music performance and production
  • Fine art, illustration and photography
  • Media production
  • Visual communication

School Postgraduate Research Lead: Dr Emma Clarke - [email protected]  

Contact Emma if you are interested in subjects relating to:

  • Language and linguistics
  • Children, young people and families
  • Teaching and education
  • Psychology and mental health

School Postgraduate Research Lead:  Robert Edgar -  [email protected]  

Contact Robert if you are interested in subjects relating to:

  • History and American studies
  • Politics and international relations
  • Religion, theology, philosophy and ethics
  • English literature and media studies

School Postgraduate Research Lead:  Adam Odell -  [email protected]  

Contact Adam if you are interested in subjects relating to:

  • Maths and data science
  • Computer science
  • Biomedical science
  • Sport and exercise science
  • Health sciences

School Postgraduate Research Lead: Rosie Binfield-Smith - [email protected]

Contact Rosie if you are interested in subjects relating to:

  • Business and management
  • Sociology, criminology and policing
  • Accounting, economics and finance
  • Tourism, hospitality and events

School Postgraduate Research Lead: Dr Khaled Kesseba -  [email protected]

Contact Khaled if you are interested in subjects relating to:

  • Management, Business Management and International Business
  • Management Studies Research
  • Public Health and Global Healthcare Management
  • Digital Marketing
  • Project Management
  • Computer and Data Science

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what's a phd by publication

  • Translation

Understanding and preparing a ‘PhD by Publication’

By charlesworth author services.

  • Charlesworth Author Services
  • 12 April, 2022

The importance of publication for the academic

The reality is that to “survive” academia, publications are a must . Employers and funding bodies will review your publication history to factor into their decision-making. To better prepare for this reality, an increasing number of institutions are beginning to allow PhD students to submit their body of published literature that they have created during their PhD programme as the thesis that they would need to produce for earning their degree.

‘PhD by publication’ explained

A PhD by publication (also known as a paper-based thesis ) does what it says on the tin: it’s a mode of submission that allows the candidate to submit their body of published work created during their PhD as a thesis. The idea is to help graduates hit the ground running with a publication history that will help them on their next steps as researchers. While not universally accepted at the time of writing/publishing this article, it is an emerging model that has become more popular in certain disciplines and institutions.

Note: PhDs don’t typically focus on publications

During your PhD, while you are encouraged to actively engage with the publication process, it isn’t usually the focus. There will be a long and arduous learning curve , most likely for the first half of your PhD, where you improve your skills to take on the bulk of the PhD work. In fact, many PhD students report that the bulk of the content for their thesis was created in the final year of their degree.

Getting started with a PhD by publication

That said, if you are considering or have been advised to do a PhD by publication, then the best time to translate this into action is as early as possible. Here’s what you’ll need to think about:

  • Find out i f your institution allows PhD by publication (if it’s something you’ve thought of rather than something you were advised to do).
  • Identify the stage a publication needs to be at to qualify as submission for examination for your doctoral qualification. For example, some institutions do not require that the PhD candidates have actually had their papers accepted and published, but just that the papers are prepared to a sufficient standard that is ready for submission .

Considerations and challenges in preparing a PhD by publication

A. deciding on the number of papers.

While there is no set number of publications you’ll need to publish, you’ll want to think about how many papers you’ll need to prepare to adequately communicate the full extent of your research to your examiners, and think about timing accordingly . If you are in a STEM discipline, you’ll also want to factor in time for extra experimentation, if required.

b. Considering co-authorship

Make sure you also consider co-authorship as a reflection of your contribution to the research. Don’t feel the need to publish by yourself and do all of the work alone. It is not uncommon to co-author papers, particularly if you are doing your PhD as part of a larger research project and group, and so these collaboratively written papers may still be accepted as part of your submission. However, consider the contribution you made to the piece, and consult with your institution to make sure that whatever you plan to produce would be acceptable.

c. Undergoing peer review

Finally, a common thought to this mode of submission will likely be:

What if I don’t pass peer review?

While a valid concern, it’s important to remember that rejection is a part of the publication process , and d oes not necessarily reflect the quality of your work . Also bear in mind that you don’t usually need to decide on whether you would prefer to opt for a ‘PhD by publication’ at the commencement of your PhD programme. So, you will still be able to submit a more traditional thesis should your publication plans not pan out.

A thesis by publication can be a worthy undertaking to add additional challenge to your PhD journey. It will teach you to go through the motions of what researchers rely on for their next project: publications. So, if you feel up for the challenge and your institution allows it, then go for it! Just remember the key points discussed in this article and ensure that you prepare your submission according to the specific requirements of your institution .

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Demystifying Retrospective PhDs by Publication: A Collective Approach

  • First Online: 28 September 2022

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what's a phd by publication

  • Sally Brown 3  

431 Accesses

The Retrospective PhD by Publication provides an attractive alternative doctoral route for colleagues wishing to gain a PhD through a largely self-directed route, usually by building up a body of publications over a period of time then uniting them through a connecting narrative showing the golden thread that provides the coherence, originality and contribution of the oeuvre in a way that is equivalent to or better than traditional doctoral study approaches. This chapter describes my original, un-funded and creative approach to supporting around a dozen candidates for Retrospective PhD by publication over a nine-year period, informally and collectively alongside my husband (and co-author) Prof Phil Race domestically.

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Cirillo, F. (2006). The pomodoro technique (the pomodoro). Agile Processes in Software Engineering, 54 (2), 35.

Google Scholar  

Eardley, A. F., Banister, E., & Fletcher, M. (2020). Can academic writing retreats function as wellbeing interventions? Journal of Further and Higher Education , 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1080/0309877X.2020.1744542

Grant, B. M. (2006). Writing in the company of other women: Exceeding the boundaries. Studies in Higher Education, 31 (4), 483–495.

Article   Google Scholar  

Holgate, P., & Sambell, K. (2020). The professional doctorate by portfolio: Alternative assessment for advanced practitioner-led scholarship? Practitioner Research in Higher Education, 13 (1), 57–69.

Murray, R., & Kempenaar, L. (2018). Why do women attend writing retreats? Gender and Education, 32 (3), 1–18.

Scherman, R. (2019). Student writing weekends: A model for encouraging undergraduate student publication. Frontiers in Psychology, 10 , 1183.

Smith, S. (2015). PhD by published work: A practical guide for success . Macmillan International Higher Education.

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Emerita Professor, Leeds Beckett University, Leeds, UK

Sally Brown

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Correspondence to Sally Brown .

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Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK

Sin Wang Chong

Wearside View, St Peter's Campus, University of Sunderland, Sunderland, UK

Neil Johnson

Questions used for the informal survey of participants:

What effect did coming for a 24 hour residential reasonably regularly have on your progress towards completion of your PhD?

What impact did it have on you that you were thereby meeting other people all working towards the same goal?

What impact did the weekends have on your motivation, confidence and belief that you could finish the task?

If you have not completed your PhD as a result of the weekends, what reasons would you give (e.g. deciding this was not a course of action you wanted to take right now)?

What has been the impact on you personally of achieving the PhD if indeed you have?

Any other comments on process?

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© 2022 The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG

About this chapter

Brown, S. (2022). Demystifying Retrospective PhDs by Publication: A Collective Approach. In: Chong, S.W., Johnson, N. (eds) Landscapes and Narratives of PhD by Publication. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04895-1_9

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-04895-1_9

Published : 28 September 2022

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-031-04894-4

Online ISBN : 978-3-031-04895-1

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PhD by published work

The PhD by published work route is intended primarily for mid-career research-active academics who, for one reason or another, haven’t had the opportunity to undertake a research programme leading to a PhD.

Submissions for this award will consist of a coherent body of work which is of the same quality, rigour and volume as required of a standard PhD in your field and which constitutes an original contribution to knowledge.

We welcome applications from Westminster staff and from outside the University. Applications are considered on their merits within the relevant colleges and applicants are advised to approach the relevant members of academic staff for an informal discussion before applying.

If your application is successful, you will be assigned one or more supervisors who will advise on which of your publications should form your final submission to be examined and how your commentary should be written. The commentary (15,000 words) describes the aims of the research you’ve undertaken to produce your publications, incorporates an analytical discussion of the main results and puts the total work submitted in context.

What kind of publications are considered to be appropriate for a submission via this route?

  • books and book chapters
  • refereed journal papers
  • Other media/other public output (eg architectural or engineering designs)
  • The submission of a single book, work or artefact is also possible
  • The body of work may not include any material produced more than ten years before the date of submission

How do I apply?

You should first make contact with the relevant academic or  relevant College  for an informal discussion of your publications and how they might be considered for a PhD by Published Work. If you decide to apply, you will make an application in the normal way.

What should my application consist of?

In addition to the standard application process, your application should also include a portfolio of publications, accompanied by a proposal not exceeding 2,000 words in length, which contextualises the selected publications, demonstrates their coherence and outlines the intended contribution to knowledge.

View the guidance on  how to write your PhD by published work research proposal .

What happens after I’ve applied?

Your application will be considered by a College panel, which will assess the quality and the coherence of your publications and your proposal, and if the panel wishes to take your application further, it will invite you to interview, following which you will receive a decision.

How long will it take from initial enrolment to final submission of the work for examination?

This is a part-time programme which takes a minimum of 12 months and a maximum of 24 months.

What should I do next?

  • Check that you meet the entry requirements and review your options for funding your programme
  • Find out if we cover your proposed area of research and if there is a supervisory team available

If you decide to proceed, you can find links to apply and all the information you need on our Research area pages .

Related pages

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A PhD by prior publication/portfolio will typically take one year. The award allows people who have not followed the traditional academic route towards a PhD to obtain academic recognition for having undertaken and produced research, and developed their research skills and subject knowledge to doctoral level. 

This may include people entering higher education in mid-career, especially in practice-based disciplines.   Word length for the PhD thesis varies according to discipline; it will include substantial published work and an introductory section of about 10,000 words. On completion it will be the subject of an oral examination, in which you will show how you have:

  • critically investigated your area of research; and
  • made an independent and original contribution to knowledge.

Further guidance is available in our PhD by prior publication/portfolio guidelines (PDF).

Students applying to the Faculty of Engineering, Computing and the Environment or the School of Life Sciences, Pharmacy and Chemistry should also read the additional subject-specific guidance:  SEC PhD publication guidelines for PhD by prior publication /portfolio (PDF)

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  • Publishing During a PhD

Written by Ben Taylor

Getting published during your PhD can be an extremely rewarding experience, allowing you to gain a wider audience for your research along with some valuable experience of the peer review process. While not usually a strict PhD requirement, successfully submitting your work to an academic journal could help prepare you for postdoctoral opportunities or other early career roles.

This page will give you an introduction to the options for publication during a PhD, explaining how it works differently in the Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences and STEM subjects.

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Why should you publish during a phd.

Publishing articles and papers during your doctorate can be a great way to boost your academic CV and increase your profile. If you plan on building a career in academia or applying for postdoc positions, publishing numerous articles during a PhD could well set you apart from the competition.

It can also be an incredibly rewarding experience, knowing that the academic community considers your research to be worthy of publication and consideration by other scholars. Finally, publication is a great opportunity to engage with the academic community in your discipline and connect your work with other research in your field.

How many papers should you publish during a PhD?

There isn’t necessarily an average number of publications that you should aim for as a PhD student. In the UK it’s not a requirement for research students to be published while completing their PhD. However, in some countries – particularly North America and Asia – publishing may be a condition for finishing a PhD.

In STEM subjects based around laboratory work it’s more common for PhD students to find their research published as part of a collaborative effort with their supervisor and / or other colleagues within their research group. In AHSS, most articles are written by a sole author and the competitiveness of journals can make it relatively unusual for someone to be published during a PhD.

Can you publish in academic journals without a PhD?

Yes, you can publish in an academic journal if you don’t have a PhD. Your work will be subject to the same rigorous peer review standards as someone with a doctorate.

Publishing during an Arts, Humanities or Social Sciences PhD

While the nature of STEM research means that PhD students are more likely to find publication as a co-author or part of a collaborative team, AHSS scholars usually publish articles as the sole author , which can make publications harder to come by.

However, there are still plenty of ways you can gain publications as a AHSS student, each with their own advantages for your academic career. We’ve listed the main publishing routes below.

Peer-reviewed publication in a journal

Getting an article accepted by an academic journal is one of the most prestigious kinds of publication you can gain as a PhD student. This is because of the rigorous peer-review process , which involves two or more specialists taking a close look at your work and deciding whether it’s worthy for publication. Peer review is usually carried out ‘blind’ which means that you won’t know who your appointed reviewers are, and nor will they know who the author of the piece is. This ensures that all articles – including those by PhD students – are judged entirely according to their academic merits, not the profile of their author. The process can be a lengthy one though, sometimes taking several months.

If you are published in a peer-reviewed journal, it’s a sign of the relevance, authority and quality of your work, and you should be rightfully proud of yourself. It’s also something that you’ll be able to refer to on your academic CV when applying for postdoc opportunities and job positions.

Your supervisor will usually be able to advise you on whether your work is suitable for submission to an academic journal. Papers are normally in the region of 5,000 words, so it might involve reworking the draft of a dissertation chapter or even part of your Masters thesis.

Book chapter

Another publication option is to write a chapter for an edited book on your research specialism. Book chapters don’t normally go through as rigorous a peer review process as a journal article would (instead, selection is usually down to the volume editors), but still make an impressive addition to your CV.

Having a good academic networking can come in handy when it comes to be invited to submit to edited volumes. For example, if your supervisor or one of their contacts / colleagues has been asked to edit a collection of articles on an area that has crossover with your research specialism, they may ask you to contribute a chapter to the book. In general, it’s useful to keep your ear to the ground for potential opportunities that might come about as a result of your department’s publishing schedule.

Book review

In addition to original research articles, most academic journals also carry reviews of recent work in their field (such as monographs, edited collections and so on). Writing these book reviews might be one of the simplest ways to get published as a PhD student. If you get in touch with the reviews editor of an academic journal and introduce yourself / your research specialism, they may ask you to write a short (normally 1,000 words or so) review of a book that they’ve been sent by a publisher.

You’ll then be sent a copy of the book in question, some review guidelines and a deadline. It’s a good idea to read previous reviews in the journal to get a feel for the tone of voice and style. Although book reviews aren’t necessarily subject to the same peer review standards as an article, they can be a great way to understand what’s happening in your field and begin to get your name about as an academic. You’ll (normally) get to keep the book/s too, which is nice.

PhD by publication

Not to be confused with publishing during your PhD, a PhD by publication allows people to be recognised for a portfolio of previously published work. This means that a PhD can awarded to well-published authors without them having to write a new thesis. You can find out more in our full guide to the PhD by publication .

Publishing during a STEM PhD

If you’re studying a PhD in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM), it’s less likely that you’ll be published as a sole author of a paper.

Instead, you may be named as a co-author or multi-author of a publication, along with your supervisor or the laboratory team you’re working collaboratively within.

As is the case with AHSS academic journals, anything you submit to a STEM journal will be subject to a scrupulous peer review process in order to ensure its quality.

Publications depend on the nature of your research and whether you’re working with a new or existing dataset / methodology. If you’re devising something new, you can expect to take longer to get published. If you’re working within a larger laboratory, it’s more likely than you’ll be published as a multi-author on a particular research project. Working closely with your supervisor will often lead to a publication as a co-author .

Another publication route for STEM PhD students is via conference proceedings (AHSS students can also be published using this method). Conference proceedings form a record of what happened at an academic event, with details of the presented papers and research. If you present at an academic conference during your PhD, it’s worth bearing in mind that it can also present a great opportunity for publication in this way.

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Ben worked in the FindAPhD content team from 2017 to 2022, starting as an Assistant Content Writer and leaving as Student Content Manager. He focused on producing well-researched advice across a range of topics related to postgraduate study. Ben has a Bachelors degree in English Literature from the University of Sheffield and a Masters from the University of Amsterdam. Having also spent a semester at the University of Helsinki through the Erasmus programme, he’s no stranger to study abroad (or cold weather!).

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Margaret Merga

September 18th, 2024, is your thesis by publication policy hostile to students.

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Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Reflecting on writing her own thesis by publication and her work in developing institutional thesis by publication policies Margaret K. Merga highlights how arbitrary article limits and rigid rules around publication can make this doctoral pathway less attractive to students.

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It is increasingly a norm for students across a range of institutions and disciplines to publish during candidature, and to use these publications as part of their thesis, producing a Thesis by Publication . This benefits universities seeking to enhance their volume of high-quality scholarly publication. A study of 246 doctoral graduates found that students “developed over 1,200 research papers, and an average of five papers, which is a valuable contribution to university outputs”.

Completing a thesis in this way can offer a range of benefits for students’ career prospects, skill development, and ability to share their research findings. However, it also involves challenges for students. Success may be shaped by students’ skills and attributes as well as external factors , and institutional support for publication can widely vary.

Completing a thesis in this way can offer a range of benefits for students’ career prospects, skill development, and ability to share their research findings.

Since completing my own thesis by publication in 2014 I have collaborated with other researchers on  thesis by publication related research projects, supervised  and delivered training and seminars on  the subject across a range of institutions. I have also advised on policies exploring how theses by publication can encourage research excellence and ethics while being student supportive.

While there is a growing body of research on theses by publication, there is no universal model for best practice. In developing fit for purpose policies, universities may draw heavily from extant available policies and research. Institutions may seek to develop policies that support publication in doctoral candidates, while at the same time, ensuring the thesis reflects somewhat ambiguous notions of quality relating to PhD attainment. At university level, debates during policy development and revision processes may become complicated by a lack of shared vision around the purposes of the policy, and conflicting notions of what a thesis by publication is or should be, particularly in relation to how it can best serve societal, institutional, supervisory and student goals.

While there are many relevant considerations, two contentious areas recur specifically relating to publications (while theses by publication can include a wide range of scholarly outputs, I’ll often refer to these as articles, as they are the most common output included ).

Should your thesis by publication policy specify required inclusion of a minimum number of accepted publications?

Some policies require that students include a minimum number of accepted publications in their thesis. However, including an arbitrary minimum number can result in serious issues. I’ll use the example of a four-publication minimum to illustrate my point.

A thesis is not just a pile of publications lumped together. It needs to detail a compelling and cohesive narrative of research. A single high-quality article situated in a thesis by publication with supporting and linking material may be better received by examiners than one with the required four articles presented in a disjointed manner, or where there is considerable duplication. The first thesis may make a more significant contribution to its research field; the single article may represent complete and in-depth reporting on findings relating to a key research question.

A thesis is not just a pile of publications lumped together. It needs to detail a compelling and cohesive narrative of research.

Having a requirement for four publications pressures students to publish early in candidature, perhaps before they have meaningfully progressed in their research project. Anyone who has completed a thesis by publication, or who has supervised one, understands that research design must consider the desired publication outputs. A thesis that forces four outputs as a minimum requires the student to have at least four related, but also stand-alone aspects to their research, artificially dictating the scope of the research.

The insistence on an arbitrary number of publications can also encourage unethical publication behaviours , such as self-plagiarism, salami-slicing and duplicative publications. Students who need to meet a minimum number of publications won’t be free to include work that is less likely to be accepted in peer-reviewed journals, such as experimental work where a null result is possible. While early planning at the outset of the research journey may attempt to ensure that there are four discrete but related areas worthy of individual publication, the results cannot be controlled, and the value of entirely predictable research must be questionable.

The insistence on an arbitrary number of publications can also encourage unethical publication behaviours

The supervisor and student have little control over the length of the peer review process, and it can be an unpredictable journey . While supervisors use experience to inform selection of journals with a speedy projected process, these journals may not necessarily be the best outlets for the research. Furthermore, while the supervisor can attempt to guide journal choice for balance of quality and speed, even usually reliable journals can have unexpected and dramatic peer-review lags. The smartest, most hardworking student may still fail to meet an arbitrary minimum of four accepted journal articles due to these lags, particularly as they typically need to complete their degree in a timely manner, which leads to the next question.

Should only published work be permitted for inclusion in a thesis by publication?

Some policies don’t allow for the inclusion of under review content, requiring that work be published or accepted to be incorporated in the final thesis.

This is unrealistic, particularly given the tight timeframes of a PhD, the novice status of the student, and the unpredictable and uncontrollable elements of peer review. It can inhibit students from being ambitious, and again, it may lead students to avoid including research questions in their projects that have the potential to yield null results. This limitation may lead to incomplete reporting of research findings, with only the most palatable and peer-reviewer friendly being incorporated within the thesis, and the rest concealed.

Furthermore, denying flexibility in publication status may significantly impede completion, which is certainly not in anyone’s best interests. For example, at the time of submission, my thesis included two articles under review, five formally accepted for publication, and three that had been published, and this was fine as the policy at my university was very flexible.

Furthermore, denying flexibility in publication status may significantly impede completion

To comply with a more a restrictive policy, I would have had to re-write the two under-review papers as chapters. Alternatively, I would have had to wait until acceptance of all of my articles to submit. Given that the last two articles were written near the end of my PhD, this would have dramatically slowed my completion time. The knowledge that unaccepted outputs could be incorporated in the thesis inspired me to write more than four articles without having to worry about how to deal with under review content.

Being risk averse, I would not have attempted a thesis by publication without a flexible policy to support me. Universities need policies that are responsive to the realities and challenges of both the PhD degree and the contemporary academic publication environment.

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Image Credit:  fizkes  on Shutterstock .

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About the author

what's a phd by publication

Dr Margaret Merga is an Associate Professor at the University of Notre Dame Australia. She has conducted extensive research in higher education, research communication, literacy and librarianship. She has published books on literacy, librarianship and research methods, and is a strong advocate of communicating research findings beyond academia.

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Skills Lab: How to Read a Phase 3 Clinical Trial Paper

Bishal Gyawali, MD, PhD

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Disclosure: Bishal Gyawali, MD, PhD, has disclosed the following financial relationships:   Serve(d) as a consultant for: Vivio Health

This transcript has been edited for clarity. 

Hello, everyone. This is Dr Bishal Gyawali from Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, and I'm happy to be back with you. This is Skills Lab: How to Interpret Clinical Research With Dr Bishal Gyawali . Today we'll discuss how to read a phase 3 clinical trial publication. 

Let's say you have the PDF in your hand of a new drug trial that has been published, which is a phase 3 randomized trial. How do you go about reading that? There are a couple of points that I want to highlight that you should look at carefully. 

Before we start delving into the paper, we need to look at the following: (a) who the sponsor or the funder of the trial is; (b) what the role of the sponsor or the funder was; (c) who are the authors; and (d) are there any conflicts of interest among the authors?

You might be surprised that I'm asking this question of who wrote the paper, because the obvious answer would be, of course, that the authors wrote the paper. As you will see in many new cancer drug trials, the authors actually don't write the paper. I'll give you some examples of that.

First, you need to check who funded the trial. Usually for new cancer drugs, almost 100% of the time, it's funded by the industry that manufactures the drug. Depending on which journal you are looking into, there are specific places where you can find this information. For example, in The New England Journal of Medicine , you'll find this information at the end of the abstract.

Second, you should look at the conflicts of interest and the affiliations of the authors. In many of these papers, you will see that there are some authors from the company itself in the authorship byline. 

Third, as I mentioned, we want to look at the role of the funder. In some of the trials, you will see a statement saying that the funder had no role in the study design, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, or writing of the report, which is perfect, and that is what the role of the funder should ideally be.

In many of the new cancer drug trials, you'll see that the funder was involved in the design, collection, analysis, and interpretation of the data, as well as the writing of the manuscript. I have no problem with the funder being involved in designing the trial and collection of the data, but the analysis should be done independently of the funder, who has a big financial stake in the outcomes.

The analysis may be done by the funder, but at the very least, the interpretation should not be done by the funder. We see in most cases that the interpretation is also being done by the funder. 

Most important is the writing of the manuscript. We would assume that authors write the manuscript, but you should look carefully into the trial publication. In most of these cases, you'll see that even the manuscript was not written by the authors, but by professional medical writers who were funded by the industry. 

Why am I being so critical about this? When you write a manuscript and you have billions of dollars at stake, then you will try to write the manuscript in a way that will make your drug look much better than what it actually is. This is what we call a spin. 

If you see these red flags in the manuscript, that the manuscript was written by professional medical writers funded by the company, then you need to very carefully look into whether there are several spins in the trial, and you should be very careful about interpreting the trial results based on how the publication is interpreting it. Do not rely on the publication's interpretation. We have to interpret it ourselves, and that's what we are going to do in this course. 

Just to give you an example of the conflict of interest of the authors, which can also be important in how the results are framed, even if the paper is not written by professional writers and is written by the authors, if the authors have a huge conflict of interest, then that can also lead to bias and spin.

In one of our studies where we looked at highly paid oncologists in the United States, we saw that among the 1% of medical oncologists in the US who received industry payments of more than $100,000 per year, the median value of payment they received was $150,000 per year. The highest earners would earn more than their annual salary through conflict of interest, through payments from the industry. 

Now, when such a huge amount is at stake, when people are earning more from consulting jobs in the industry than from their actual work, then it's not difficult to understand why people might want to present the results in a much more favorable light than what the data show.

That's some background information that we need to look into even before we start delving into the paper. Thank you.


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