Should You Use "Dear Sir or Madam" on Your Cover Letter?

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In This Guide:

Why you shouldn’t use “Dear Sir or Madam” to start your cover letter

Avoid these equally bad salutations too

Dozens of ways to substitute “Dear Sir or Madam” for success

In conclusion

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Quick Answer: "Why you shouldn't use ""Dear Sir or Madam"" to start your cover letter. It is not acceptable to send an impersonalized cover letter. You risk leaving the impression that you are lazy, careless, or not interested in the position. There are dozens of ways to substitute ""Dear Sir or Madam"" for success, like ""Dear [First name]."" Always refer back to precise business communication rules."

Offering the best career advice means equipping you with best tools, tips, and tricks that you can't easily find on the internet.

For example, even though some experts may assure you that for an IT startup initiating your cover letter with "Hi (First name) ", we strongly advise against that.

"Dear (First name)" is a million times better alternative. Plus, you will have a chance to infuse your cover letter with your vibrant personality, demonstrating to HR that you are a pure organizational fit without having to address them like they are just one of your friends.

Similar to "Hi (First name) " is “Dear Sir or Madam” - even if you read somewhere that using it is still acceptable, don't bite that poisonous apple.

In this blog post, you will learn:

  • Why you should not use Dear Sir or Madam.
  • To avoid other equally bad salutations.
  • Ways to substitute “Dear Sir or Madam” on your cover letter.

Why you shouldn’t use “Dear Sir or Madam” to start your cover letter.

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In 2024, writing “Dear Sir or Madam” as the salutation of your application letter isn’t just old fashioned – it’s archaic. The salutation was a safe bet a couple of decades ago when you couldn’t easily find the hiring manager on LinkedIn and there was no way you could find our who’s desk your application will end up on.

Back then, of course, it was totally okay to use it.

On the contrary, today, almost any company, big or small, has a good social media presence. Corporate HRs can very well be more popular than their respective CEOs. Recruiters are the face of the organization, hence it’s easier than ever to find out the name of any HR.

Hence, if the information is just a few clicks away, it is not acceptable to send an impersonalized cover letter, starting with "Dear Sir or Madam." Doing so, you risk leaving the impression that you are a bit lazy, careless, or not so interested in the position.

How to nail the proper cover letter salutation .

Moreover, we live in a dynamic, diverse, and disruptive world. Opening your cover letter with an old-school salutation like "Dear Sir or Madam," you may sound not progressive enough. Instead, consider several inclusive and imaginative alternatives, which we’ll discuss later.

Avoid these other equally bad salutations.

While with the “Dear Sir or Madam” salutation, you would teleport the recruiter 30 years back in time, if you used “ To whom it may concern ”, they are going back to the 70s.

Even worse, such an opening will immediately diminish the power of your cover letter. These are by far the worst and most dangerous openings.

Further down the rabbit hole are expressions like:

They break the standards of proper business communication.

Dozens of ways to substitute “Dear Sir or Madam” for success.

Let's look at how you can avoid the dreaded outdated cover letter salutations but still convey your value proposition respectfully and reasonably. As a general rule, if in doubt, always refer back to the precise business communication rules. Better to stay more official than inappropriately casual.

Need to read more PRO tips on how exactly to write a cover letter that recruiters will talk about long after? Check our article How to Write a Cover Letter – Writing Guide + Examples & Downloadable Templates .

Here are a dozen backup options to completely eradicate from your Cover letter the “Dear Sir or Madam” in various scenarios:

When you know the name of the recruiter,

  • Dear [First name]
  • Dear [First and Last name]
  • Dear [Ms. Last name] - marital-status neutral salutation
  • Dear [Mr., Mrs. Ms. Last name] - if you know the gender of the HR
  • Dear [Mx Last name] - if you don't know the gender of the HR

Using the above alternatives, you show up from the start as a considerate, respectful individual with all the right know-how on proper business communication.

When you don't know and can't find the name of the recruiter.

No name? No problem. Check out how you can navigate that situation with class.

  • Dear Hiring manager
  • Dear HR manager
  • Dear Recruiter
  • Dear (Position name)

When you are addressing a whole HR team.

There are also these situations when you apply to a big multinational corporate organization or via a Recruitment agency. Typically, you would not be communicating with only one particular HR responsible for the position, but often with the whole Recruitment team. So then, the smart go-to approach is to be inclusive and address the entire group with one of the below options:

  • Dear Human Resources department
  • Dear Recruitment team
  • Dear HR Team

Now you have 12 savvy salutations for any Cover letter at your immediate disposal. Which one will you choose to open the door to the HR's heart? Head over to our cover letter builder and start enchanting from “hello”.

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“Dear Sir or Madam”: Top cover letter start alternatives

Debbie Bride

Consider these alternatives if you can’t address by name

In years past, it was common to address cover letters and job applications with “Dear Sir or Madam.” Well into the 21st century, this is no longer conventional or expected — unless, perhaps, you’ve got ongoing correspondence with the royal family. 

Now, in your daily life you may not bat an eye when a shop worker or waitress addresses you as “sir” or “ma’am,” as it’s simply a form of courtesy. That said, even that is becoming less common as the population moves away from such formal and gendered greetings. 

All the more reason to avoid this old-fashioned language in your cover letter . Your cover letter is the first impression you make on an employer, so you want to get it right. Starting off with “Dear Sir or Madam” will, at best, give the reader a bit of a chuckle — and at worst, could make you look out of touch with today’s professional norms. 

That’s why we’re going to provide you with alternatives. In this blog, we’ll discuss:

  • Is it ever okay to use “Dear Sir or Madam” in a cover letter?
  • How we got here
  • Why you should avoid this particular salutation
  • Compelling cover letter greeting alternatives to “Dear Sir or Madam”

Is “Dear Sir or Madam” ever appropriate as a cover letter salutation?

Simply, it should be avoided. While it may not be a deal-breaker for all employers, it won’t present you as a modern professional . Short of time travel, there’s just no situation where it would be to your benefit to use such a greeting. 

And, when there is a plethora of better options, why risk it? 

In addition to avoiding “Dear Sir or Madam,” there are a handful of similar greetings we recommend you stay away from: 

  • Dear Sir/Madam, Dear Madam or Sir, or Dear Sir or Madame: Changing the structure or order doesn’t change the overall meaning or concept.
  • Dear Sirs. This is especially unpleasant as it implies you don’t expect women in hiring positions)
  • Dear Sir and Madam or Dear Sirs and Madams: Pluralising the greeting does nothing to change the impact, so you can avoid this.

How did we get here?

Even a few decades ago, the business world was much more formal. It was common to begin all types of business correspondence with “Dear Sir or Madam.” Older generations may recall being taught one should always address unknown individuals, especially those in positions of power, as Sir or Madam. 

Is “Dear Sir/Madam" still used anywhere? In some cultures, language like “Dear Sir or Madam” may still be customary, so it’s important to understand cultural norms where you’re doing business. In the UK and US, however, it’s no longer de rigueur. Coming across as stuffy, old-fashioned, and at odds with today’s society, it does you no favours. 

While we don’t recommend a full “Dear Sir or Madam,” there’s no reason to avoid the first part — “Dear.” 

This is still considered suitable for all manner of correspondence, including cover letters. It strikes a balance between politeness and personability, is unlikely to cause offence, and is easy to remember.

As the digital age has continued to change the professional world by making business correspondence instantaneous and quick via email, the formality — and thus, “Dear Sir or Madam” — has decreased. Besides, with the world wide web at our fingertips, it’s easier than ever to find the name and title of the individual to whom we’re addressing our cover letter. 

Why you should avoid using “Dear Sir or Madam”

Overall, using old-fashioned and outdated language like this sends the wrong message about your candidacy. 

For starters, it can seem lazy or unmotivated. It looks like you didn’t put forth the effort to research who is hiring for the role, or even as if you just haven’t taken the time to brush up on today’s business conventions. 

Plus, using such a generic greeting might leave the impression that you’re sending the same cover letter to multiple employers without really caring about the jobs — definitely a red flag for recruiters and hiring managers. Even if that’s not the case, such language is impersonal and creates distance where you could instead be building connection. 

Another risk is appearing old school and out of touch. This is partially due to the old-fashioned language itself, but also due to the inherently gendered notion that everyone must identify as either a “Sir” or a “Madam.” 

It’s even possible that including old-fashioned greetings can lead to age discrimination if the reader uses your language to make generalisations about your age.

“Dear Sir or Madam” is even more of a negative when sending your cover letter electronically . Because emails are more informal, and much more of a modern way to correspond, using such dated language appears out of sync. 

It can also seem a little scammy; many online scam messages start with language like “Dear Sir or Madam.”

Alternatives to “Dear Sir or Madam”

The best replacement for “Dear Sir or Madam” is to use the recipient’s name or title. Address your cover letter to the hiring manager or recruiter, and simply write “Dear Mr Smith” or “Dear Dr Mendez.”

If the recipient has a gender neutral name, uses only an initial, or you’re aware they don’t identify with a specific gender, you could use salutations like “Dear Cameron Washington,” “Dear A. Alexander,” or even “Dear Mx. Harrison.” 

In a less formal industry, like tech, it’s often fine to use their first name, as in “Dear Angela.” And if you know the recipient personally or were referred to them by a mutual connection, a first-name greeting can be appropriate. 

You can uncover the name of the hiring party through online research (LinkedIn is a great place to start) or even a phone call or email to the company. Some job adverts even include the name of the recruiter or hiring manager. 

But what if you’re unable to hunt down this information? Then, is “Dear Sir or Madam” an acceptable replacement? 

Even if you can’t find the hiring authority’s name , we recommend against “Dear Sir or Madam” in your cover letter.

Similarly, you can avoid “To Whom it May Concern,” which, although slightly less objectionable, is still old-fashioned. 

Instead, choose a friendlier and less generic option and adapt it to your situation by including the company name, job title, or department.

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear HR Manager
  • Dear Human Resource Department
  • Dear HR Team
  • Dear Recruitment Team
  • Dear [Company] Recruiter — for example, Dear Nike Recruiter
  • Dear [Company] Hiring Team
  • Dear [Department] Hiring Team — e.g., Dear IT Hiring Team
  • Dear [Job Title] Hiring Manager — for instance, Dear Sales Representative Hiring Manager

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to address your cover letter professionally and clearly while appearing personable and in-the-know about today’s business world. 

Key takeaways

Anyone who entered the professional world before the past few decades was likely taught that business correspondence should be addressed with “Dear Sir or Madam” or a variation thereof. However, times have changed and that’s now viewed as old-fashioned and out of touch. Additionally, using such a salutation may imply a lack of effort or interest on the part of the job seeker. 

Instead, use your internet research skills to discover the name of the person hiring and direct your letter straight to them. If that proves difficult, there are plenty of greetings to choose from — consider the department, team, or position title. Any of these will be more impactful than “Dear Sir or Madam.”

How to sign a cover letter: a guide to professional correspondence

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How to Choose the Right Salutation for Your Cover Letter

When to Use 'Dear' or 'To Whom It May Concern' as Greetings

why is this cover letter inappropriate dear sir or madam i am responding

Cover Letter Greetings to Avoid

When you have a contact person.

  • When You Don't Have a Contact Person

Examples of General Salutations

  • When to Use 'Dear' in a Cover Letter
  • Writing a Cover Letter Salutation

Concluding Your Letter

Cover letter example, sending your letter.

Hilary Allison / The Balance 

A salutation is a greeting at the beginning of a cover letter that is included with a resume when applying for a job. When you're writing a cover letter or sending an email message to apply for a job, it's important to include an appropriate greeting at the beginning to set the tone for your letter, which should be professional and appropriate.

The greeting is the first thing the recipient will see when they read your cover letter. Therefore, you need to convey the appropriate level of familiarity and respect.

Using casual greetings, such as “Hello” and “Hi” can make your letter seem unprofessional. Reserve these casual greetings for personal email and refrain from using them in your cover letter unless you are very familiar with the recipient. Such greetings are simply too informal—not the most professional way to begin the conversation if you’re looking to land a job.

“Hi” is appropriate only in casual email correspondence with people you know well—if you're checking in with a close friend to find out if they've heard of a job opening at their company, for example. "Hello" is appropriate only in email correspondence. It should be used primarily for people you know well but can be used in very casual circumstances.

Beginning your correspondence “To Whom It May Concern,” on the other hand, may seem too impersonal and make the hiring manager believe you do not care enough to find out whom you should be addressing. The only time to use " To Whom It May Concern " as a cover letter greeting is when you simply cannot find out the specific person to whom you are writing.

You should, of course, make every effort to find the name of a contact in the specific department in which you are interested. When inquiring  with a company for unadvertised openings, this greeting may be most appropriate.

The following is a list of letter salutation examples that are appropriate for cover letters and other employment-related correspondence when you have the name of a contact.

  • Dear Mr. Jones
  • Dear Ms. Brown
  • Dear Riley Doe
  • Dear Dr. Haven
  • Dear Professor Lawrence

When You Don't Have a Contact Person

If this information was not provided in the job announcement and you cannot find it on the company’s website, then you may be able to call the company, ask to be forwarded to their human resources department (if they have one), explain that you will be applying for a job there, and ask for the name of their hiring manager.

Always make every effort to find a contact name to use in your letter. It leaves a good impression on the hiring manager if you have taken the time to use their name, especially if you had to work a little to find it.

LinkedIn is also a great tool to find out the name of the hiring manager. You can search for the company you are applying to with one or two keywords that would describe the person hiring for the position. Scroll down the list until you find the person who fits the criteria. This approach may help you pinpoint the appropriate contact person.

Many companies don't list a contact person when they post jobs because they have a team of hiring staff who sort through cover letters and resumes before passing them to the hiring manager for the appropriate department. They prefer to leave the hiring manager anonymous until he or she contacts you for an interview.

An organization may also not want to disclose who the hiring manager is to avoid emails and phone calls from applicants, particularly if they anticipate receiving a large number of applications from potential job candidates. So, don't worry if you can't find someone to address your letter to. It will be forwarded to the correct department and recipient.

If you don't have a contact person at the company, either leave off the salutation from your cover letter and start with the first paragraph  of your letter or, better yet, use a general salutation.

When using a general salutation, capitalize the nouns.

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • To Whom It May Concern
  • Dear Human Resources Manager
  • Dear Sir or Madam
  • Dear [Company Name] Recruiter

When to Use 'Dear' in a Cover Letter

It is appropriate to use “Dear” in most circumstances, such as when the potential employer is someone you know well, or they are a business acquaintance. Follow these tips on choosing the right greeting:

  • For people who you know well on a first-name basis, it's okay to use their first name only. For a business acquaintance or associate, use their first name if you have met them more than once and typically address them by their first name.
  • For potential employers, use Mr., Ms., or Dr., unless you have been instructed otherwise. Even if you know a woman is married, it is safer to use “Ms.” as opposed to “Mrs.,” as the latter may be offensive in certain circumstances.
  • If you are unsure of the appropriate greeting, play it safe and use Mr./Ms./Dr. [last name] or Mr./Ms./Dr. [first name, last name].

How to Write a Cover Letter Salutation

Standard business correspondence formatting requires that, after providing your contact information and the date of your letter, you then write down your contact person’s name, the company’s name, and the company’s address.

The formal salutation or greeting comes next: “Dear [Contact Person’s name].” If you have a contact person for your letter, include their title and name in the salutation (i.e. "Dear Mr. Franklin"). If you are unsure of the reader's gender, simply state their full name and avoid the personal title (i.e. "Dear Jamie Smith"). Follow the salutation with a colon or comma, leave one line blank, and then start the first paragraph of your letter on the following line.

Your letter greeting has the potential to improve your chances of getting an interview. To enhance your candidacy, make sure your  cover letter  maintains a professional appearance and offers relevant information, including your qualifications for the position. Choose the appropriate closing and always thank the reader for their time and consideration.

This is a cover letter salutation example. Download the salutation cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online), or see below for more examples.

Cover Letter With Salutation Example (Text Version)

Alex Applicant 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-555-5555

August 1, 2024

Brett Lee Nurse Manager St. Ansgar Hospital 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Lee:

I am writing to apply for the position of nursing attendant, as advertised on the St. Ansgar Hospital website. As a trained nursing assistant who is fulfilled by working with patients and staff, and by helping people, I would be a great asset to your nursing staff.

I completed my nurse assistant program in June of 20XX, and I also have a nurse attendant certificate from the state of New York. I have been working part-time at Dr. Ellen Mueller’s primary care office in Smithtown, NY, for the past year, so I am experienced in working with patients. In addition, I am diligent about my responsibilities, and I have a flexible schedule, which enables me to work almost any hours that you need.

I’ve attached my resume so that you can review my education and experience. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.


Signature (hard copy letter)

Alex Applicant

When you are sending your letter via email, include the reason you are writing in the subject line of your message:

Subject: First Name Last Name – Nurse Attendant Position

List your contact information in your signature, rather than in the body of the letter:

FirstName LastName Your Email Your Phone Number

Key Takeaways

  • The salutation in a cover letter sets a professional tone and should be appropriate for the job application; avoid casual greetings like "Hello" and "Hi."
  • Always try to find and use the name of a specific contact person in your salutation, as it shows effort and can leave a good impression on the hiring manager.
  • If a contact person is not available, use general salutations like "Dear Hiring Manager" or "To Whom It May Concern," but ensure the overall letter remains professional and courteous.

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Dear Sir Or Madam: When To Use It And Alternatives

  • How To Sign A Cover Letter
  • Salary Requirements In Cover Letter
  • Referral In Cover Letter
  • Cover Letter Body
  • Use Dear Sir Or Madam?
  • Use Mrs. Or Ms.?

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Common salutations such as “Dear Sir or Madam,” and “ To Whom It May Concern ,” will set the tone for the rest of your letter and can create a strong first impression, or it can make it difficult for you to win the reader over with the rest of your letter. If you’re wondering if you should put dear sir or madam in your letter, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, you’ll learn how to think this through so that you can decide what is most appropriate for your situation. Key Takeaways: Saying “Dear Sir or Madam” is still acceptable but it should be avoided because it can make you look lazy and make it sound generic. Having a grasp on the connotations of different formats, greetings, and sign-offs involved in professional correspondence can help you make the best impression possible, especially when you’re writing a cover letter to go with your resume . Try finding the name of the person you are addressing before using “dear sir or madam” otherwise it could make you look lazy and that you are sending the same cover letter to everyone. When searching for the hiring manager’s name look at the job posting, on the company’s website, or even try calling and asking someone for their name. In This Article    Skip to section Is “Dear Sir or Madam” acceptable? What to use on cover letter vs. email “Dear Sir or Madam” vs. “To Whom It May Concern” When to use something else “Dear Sir or Madam” formatting rules Why “Dear Sir or Madam” isn’t a good salutation How to find the hiring manager and avoid using “Dear Sir or Madam” “Dear Sir or Madam FAQ” References Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs Show More Is “Dear Sir or Madam” acceptable?

While the classic greeting, “Dear Sir or Madam,” is still acceptable, it should be used with caution. Because it is an old standard, it can sound stuffy, and those who don’t conform to binary genders may be offended by this salutation — not the way you want to start off your first interaction with a potential employer.

Using this greeting can make you look lazy. It’s usually possible to find the recipient’s name by looking in the company’s online directory or by doing a quick LinkedIn search.

Even if you can’t find a name (and some companies like to keep this information private to protect their hiring managers from overenthusiastic applicants), you should be able to at least find a department or position name that you can address.

It sounds like it’s the same cover letter that you sent to five other companies. This can not only make you sound insincere, but it can also raise red flags and make the recipient think that you don’t truly care about getting the position.

If you’ve done your research and feel as though you know enough about your audience to be able to avoid these pitfalls, this greeting can be an acceptable way to open your letter if you have little to no information about your recipient. You’ll just have to spend some extra effort in the body of your letter to show that you did your research on the company and position.

What to use on cover letter vs. email

You should avoid saying dear sir or madam it in an email because an email is more formal, while a cover letter is more formal it is more acceptable. Here is more information on using dear fir or madam on a cover letter vs. email:

Email. Because “Dear Sir or Madam” is so formal, it’s usually inappropriate to use in an informal email. If you can, try to use the email address you’re sending your message to create a more personalized greeting.

For example, if the email address is [email protected], you could say, “Dear Recruitment Team.” Depending on the type of job you’re applying for, you can also keep it short and sweet and stick to a less formal greeting like “Hello.”

Since email is less formal, here are some additional greetings that are appropriate to use there:

Hello, [Team or Department Name]

Hello, [Company Name]

Good morning

I hope this email finds you well

Cover Letter. A cover letter is more formal than an email, but you should still use “Dear Sir or Madam” sparingly. As with an email, make every effort to be as specific as possible. If you do find that you need to use this greeting, make sure you use the body of your letter to show that you’ve done your research on the company and position.

In fact, we recommend never using “Dear Sir or Madam” to start your cover letter. Any of its alternatives makes for a stronger choice.

If you still can’t find a name, here are some other alternatives you can use for your cover letter:

Dear [Position Title]

Dear Hiring Manager

Dear Recruiter

Dear [Department Name] Team

Dear Search Committee

Dear [Potential Future Boss’s Title]

Dear [Department Name] Manager

Be careful when using “Hello” instead of “Dear,” as it is significantly less formal. Know your audience and stick to the classic “Dear” for companies that might appreciate the added professionalism.

If you’re applying for a job with a super trendy tech company, though, “Hello” will probably suffice. You can also always use the greetings that you would use in a cover letter.

“Dear Sir or Madam” vs. “To Whom It May Concern”

Even though they sound interchangeable, there are some differences between “Dear Sir or Madam” and “To Whom It May Concern.” If you do decide that a generic greeting like this is best for your letter or email, you should know which one is most appropriate for your particular use.

“Dear Sir or Madam.” Use this when you know that you are writing to an individual (or a small group of individuals) but don’t know their name or gender. This makes it the best choice for a cover letter or emails that you’re sending with your resume as a part of a job application, as you know you’re addressing a specific hiring manager or team or recruiters.

“To Whom It May Concern.” If the concerns in your letter or email could be addressed by a wide variety of people or if you don’t know who it should go to, use this. This is appropriate to use when you’re asking general support questions or looking for information rather than applying for a specific position.

As with “Dear Sir or Madam,” you should always try to find an individual’s name or department name, but if you can’t, this is a good way to cover your bases and address the organization as a whole.

When to use something else

You should use a different salutation you know the recipient’s name and use their name instead. Here are some other things to consider when it comes to using a different salutation:

If you do know the recipient’s name, ask yourself:

Do I have a strong relationship with the recipient?

If yes: Use “Dear” or “Hello,” followed by their first name.

If no: Use “Dear” followed by their first and last name or “Dear Ms./Mr. [Last Name].”

If you don’t know the recipient’s name and can’t find it:

Do you know their job title?

If yes: Use “Dear [Job Title]”

If no: If you know their gender, use “Dear Sir or Madam” or “Dear Sir” or “Dear Madam.” If you don’t know their gender or have any doubts, use the most specific team or organization name that you can.

“Dear Sir or Madam” formatting rules

The most important thing is to make sure the rest of your letter is professional, friendly, and memorable no matter the salutation you use. Here are some formatting rules to follow when starting your email or letter:

Start building a relationship from your first line. Show that you’ve done your homework and know about the company and the position you’re applying for, and explain why you would love to be a part of it.

Make yourself seem human and create an impression by including anecdotes about your interactions with the company as well as about your skills and qualifications that would make you a valuable asset to them. Demonstrate your professionalism by using correct grammar and punctuation — have someone else proofread it for you if need be.

Correct grammar should begin with your greeting, so be sure you check it thoroughly. Here are some tips that you should use to make sure you’re punctuating it correctly:

Capitalize every word in “Dear Sir or Madam” except for “or”

Use a comma or colon at the end of your salutation. A colon is typically more formal than a comma, but both are acceptable and professional.

Add an extra line space between your greeting and the first line of your letter or email.

The same rules apply to “To Whom It May Concern,” except you should capitalize every word in that phrase. It’s also more common to follow it with a colon as opposed to a comma.

Do your best to be respectful and show that you truly want to build a relationship with the recipient and the organization. Use your gut and your knowledge of the industry to decide what tone you should use, beginning with your salutation and ending with your sign-off.

If you can, ask other experienced professionals what they would want to see in a letter and give you feedback. Take care with every piece of correspondence you send out, as this is how you are building a picture of yourself for the organization.

Why “Dear Sir or Madam” isn’t a good salutation

Using “Dear Sir or Madam” can appear lazy and it can often seem outdated. Here are some other reasons why it isn’t a good salutation:

Appears lazy. It’s almost always possible to find the name of your letter’s recipient. Even if it isn’t, you can still find out more details about the recipient, like their job title or the department name.

Seems outdated. Nobody speaks this way anymore, and using this phrase will make you appear formal to the point of absurdity.

Isn’t gender-inclusive. There’s a chance that your recipient isn’t a Sir or a Madam, in which case you’ve just gotten off on a very bad foot with a potential employer.

Makes your correspondence seem generic. Failing to address your letter to a specific person or at least attempt to direct it to the correct department will make the recipient think you don’t care very much about the opportunity. They’ll think you’ve sent the same letter to countless other hiring managers and recruiters.

Hinders relationship-building. When you start your letter with “Dear Sir or Madam,” you’re admitting that you’re a total stranger. You want to become familiar with your letter’s recipient to make a good impression . It’s hard to be personable when you kick things off with such a cold and distant greeting.

How to find the hiring manager and avoid using “Dear Sir or Madam”

You should check the job posting or look at the company’s website to avoid using “Dear Sir or Madam.” Here are some other ways to find the hiring manager’s name to avoid using “Dear Sir or Madam”

Check the job posting. Job postings won’t always include the hiring manager’s name, but sometimes you can figure it out from the email address they list (e.g., [email protected]).

Look at the company’s website. Some companies have directories of their staff available online. There you might be able to find the name of a department head or hiring manager for your desired position.

Try LinkedIn. Look around the company’s LinkedIn page and even consider reaching out to some employees who may know who you should address your letter to.

Call and ask. If all else fails, you can always call the company and get directed to someone who knows the name of the hiring manager for a given position.

“Dear Sir or Madam FAQ”

What can I say instead of “Sir or Madam?”

You should always try to address the specific person by name before saying “Sir or Madam.” You can find the person’s name by looking at the company website or the job posting. If you are unable to find their name, alternative things to use include:

Dear hiring manager

Dear search committee

Dear [department name] manager

Is saying “Dear Sir or Madam” still acceptable?

You should avoid using “Dear Sir or Madam” whenever possible but it is still acceptable to use. You should avoid using it because it can make you look lazy and make it sound like it’s a generic cover letter sent to other companies. If you do a little research, you should be able to find the person’s name, but if you cannot find it, use their job title as a greeting instead.

What is a proper greeting for a cover letter?

A proper greeting for a cover letter would be “Dear” or “Hello” followed by the person’s first name if you have a strong relationship with the recipient. If you do not have a strong relationship with them, you should say “Dear Ms./Mr.” followed by their last name.

Is “Dear Sir or Madam” formal?

Yes, using “Dear Sir or Madam” is formal and should be used on cover letters. Since a cover letter is more formal using this salutation is acceptable but you should still use “Dear Sir or Madam” sparingly.

When writing an email, it’s often more informal so “Dear Sir or Madam” is not as accepted. You should try to find the recipient’s name on the job listing or use their job title to use as the salutation.

Broad Institute – Cover Letter for a Job

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Abby is a writer who is passionate about the power of story. Whether it’s communicating complicated topics in a clear way or helping readers connect with another person or place from the comfort of their couch. Abby attended Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where she earned a degree in writing with concentrations in journalism and business.

Matt Warzel a President of a resume writing firm (MJW Careers, LLC) with 15+ years of recruitment, outplacement, career coaching and resume writing experience. Matt is also a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) and Certified Internet Recruiter (CIR) with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (Marketing Focus) from John Carroll University.

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Dear Sir or Madam Alternatives for Professional Correspondence

Stephen Greet

The Legacy of Dear Sir or Madam

The case for modern alternatives, implementing alternatives in various contexts.

  • Crafting Effective Professional Communication

Dear Sir or Madam FAQs

The salutation, Dear Sir or Madam, has been in use for hundreds of years. However, it’s a bit outdated in today’s environment.

Nowadays, you’ll occasionally hear a grocery clerk or bank teller calling someone sir or ma’am (contraction of madam) while serving them. Many people see it as polite to use when you don’t know someone’s name. However, it can have a different effect in modern professional correspondence, such as addressing the recipient with “Dear Sir or Madam” when writing a cover letter .

In a hiring context, Dear Sir or Madam can seem too impersonal. So, should you ever use it? We’ll dive into that in this article, covering the history, modern alternatives, and tips to help make your professional communication successful.

The Legacy of Dear Sir or Madam

Although using “Dear Sir or Madam” has mostly gone out of style, there is a lot of historical significance behind it. The history of it being a professional and courteous greeting is why some will still wonder if it’s right to use it.

why is this cover letter inappropriate dear sir or madam i am responding

A Glimpse into History

The use of salutations can be traced back to ancient times. People have used variations of words like sir or madam for centuries to greet each other politely when not knowing someone’s name. For example, before addressing someone as sir or madam became popular, those in medieval England would say “Hail!” or “Hail, fellow!” while greeting someone they didn’t know.

Eventually, England and other royal colonies transitioned into using more gender-specific greetings. That caused salutations like sir and madam to gain popularity in the 19th and 20th centuries. You’d often hear people use “Greetings, sir” or “Greetings, ma’am” while addressing someone they didn’t know.

However, formal writing posed a different challenge when you didn’t know the name or gender of the person you were addressing. That’s why “Dear Sir or Madam” became a polite way of starting a formal letter, covering both genders during that time.

Relevance in the Digital Age

Today, we still write formal letters. You’ll most commonly see this type of writing in the hiring process or other work-related communication. Creating a cover letter , resignation letter , and job acceptance letter are all examples of this. However, the way we address people in those letters has evolved. So, is Dear Sir or Madam still appropriate?

In most cases, starting a formal application with Dear Sir or Madam won’t work well. The biggest reason is that hiring managers and employers expect communication to feel personalized.

When you use Dear Sir or Madam, it feels like you don’t know anything about the company or who you’re writing to. That’s why we always recommend addressing a specific person directly in our resume templates. The biggest thing that’ll stand out when hiring managers receive tens or hundreds of applications for a job opening is showing you did your research and connected with what the company is all about.

The form of communication is also important to consider. Nowadays, email plays a bigger part in most hiring processes. By nature, email is less formal, so using Dear Sir or Madam in emails would be out of place. Instead, using something like “Hi/Hello [hiring manager’s name]” is more appropriate and is what almost all cover letter and resume examples recommend.

Gender-neutral greetings have also dominated. For instance, some people prefer using the pronouns they/them, so using sir/madam may feel off-putting for those who no longer identify with the terms. In any case, instead of using Dear Sir or Madam in cover letters and emails, other alternatives usually will be a better fit for today’s professional communication requirements.

The Case for Modern Alternatives

There are many reasons why modern alternatives to Dear Sir or Madam will be a better fit for professional communication. Here’s more detail on why that’s the case and some good variations you can use.

why is this cover letter inappropriate dear sir or madam i am responding

Why Change is Necessary

Let’s face it—change is sometimes difficult. Moving on from old habits or things that seemingly worked well can feel awkward. However, adapting to modern alternatives will actually be a good thing, especially when you want to stand out in the hiring process.

Most hiring managers will decide about an application within six to eight seconds of viewing it. That includes looking at the greeting and introduction of your resume to see if it’s personalized and to determine if you used the proper resume format , which is a good reason to use a resume builder or pass your resume through a resume checker .

That means using Dear Sir or Madam versus addressing the hiring manager by name at the start of your resume and cover letter could make or break your chances of getting an interview.

This is a sign that modern workplaces are adapting. Today, individuality, inclusivity, and connection are more important than ever. It creates strong workplaces where everyone involved possesses similar values and aligns with the company’s goals.

It’s similar to how someone who loves camping—while having a similar skill set as other applicants—may be the best fit for an outdoor retailer’s marketing team since they understand what customers value.

Considering those details about each individual in the hiring process can put employees in better positions to be successful and ensure companies hire the right people for their teams.

Finding ways to personalize shows you’re willing to go the extra mile in the workplace. Using alternatives to start a letter other than Dear Sir or Madam is a great way to achieve that.

All it may take is a few simple adjustments that will help significantly increase your application response rates and get you hired much quicker for a job that’s right for you.

Recommended Alternatives

The greeting you use in professional correspondence can vary depending on the situation and how well you know the person you’re addressing. To give you some ideas, here are some good modern alternatives to Dear Sir or Madam.

  • Dear [hiring manager’s name]: Addressing the hiring manager by name is a great option when crafting a cover letter , letter of interest , or similar correspondence since it personalizes it to the recipient. You can format this as “Dear [First Name Last Name]” or “Dear Ms./Mr. [Last Name]” for a respectful sir/madam alternative.
  • Dear [name of company] hiring team: This is a good option when you can’t find the name of a specific hiring manager or contact person while applying for a job. Addressing a team is also an excellent gender-neutral Dear Sir or Madam alternative when you don’t know the person you’re writing to.
  • Hello/Hi [recipient’s name]: Starting with hello or hi is a good way to start a letter other than dear. This one is fitting for emails or other less formal correspondence. You can address someone with first and last name to make it more formal or just their first name if you know them well or the message is less formal.
  • Good morning/afternoon/evening [recipient or team’s name]: This is another good letter greeting other than dear. It’s usually used for less formal correspondence or when you know the person you’re writing to well.
  • “Hey team” or “Hey everyone”: You can use this as a casual greeting when writing a workplace email to your team or the department you work with.

Implementing Alternatives in Various Contexts

To guide you on which alternatives to use, let’s examine the most common contexts where you’d want to use a modern variation of Dear Sir or Madam.

why is this cover letter inappropriate dear sir or madam i am responding

Cover Letters and Formal Emails

One of the most common reasons you’ll be writing formal letters is for cover letters during the job application process. Typically, cover letters are more formal, so you’ll want to consider that when choosing your salutation. While “Dear Sir or Madam” cover letter greetings are outdated and won’t work the best, it just takes a few minor adjustments to adapt them to modern standards.

Starting a cover letter with “Dear” is usually recommended to give it a formal feel. You could also use a greeting like “Hello” if you want an alternative to dear that still sounds professional.

Most hiring managers will appreciate it when you address them by name in the cover letter. It gives the letter a personal feel and shows you took the time to learn about the company and position. You can usually find the name of a contact person on the company’s website, in the job description, or by reviewing their social media accounts, such as LinkedIn.

That said, some companies have more information available than others. When you can’t find the name of a contact person, using “Dear [name of company] hiring team” or a variation of that is still a good option.

You’ll likely want to take a similar approach when writing formal emails. It’s usually best to address the recipient by name whenever possible. However, since emails are a bit less formal, it can work well to use alternatives to dear. Using hi or hello is usually a safe, professional option when beginning an email.

why is this cover letter inappropriate dear sir or madam i am responding

Choosing the Right Salutation

The recipient’s job title, the information you have, and how well you know them can also impact the salutation you use.

For example, while addressing someone higher up in the company, like the CEO or a member of the board of directors, you may want to begin with a more formal approach. Something like “Dear Mr./Ms. [last name]” or “Dear [first_name last_name]” could work well in this case. These are both options that show respect and professionalism.

You may also run into instances where you need to write a formal email to someone but don’t have much information about the recipient. If you don’t have someone’s name, you could start with “Dear [department name]” or “Dear [job title].” This will ensure your message gets to the right place in the company while maintaining formality.

In rare cases, “To whom it may concern” is another option. However, this is also outdated, like Dear Sir or Madam. It’s only recommended to use it if you have very little information about the recipient, such as when you don’t even know their department or job title within the company.

Lastly, your relationship with the recipient can affect your salutation. For instance, if you’ve been working with a client for a while, you may be able to take on a more casual approach to your communication, such as addressing them by their first name or using greetings like “hey.” Something like “Hey John” or “Hey Team” would work well in this case.

Beyond the Greeting: Crafting Effective Professional Communication

Crafting Effective Professional Communication

Once you’ve mastered the greeting, there are still more parts of the letter you have to cover. Here’s a quick overview of how to write a clear and professional message.

why is this cover letter inappropriate dear sir or madam i am responding

The Body of the Message

When you email someone or write formal correspondence like a cover letter, it should have a clear purpose throughout. For example, you’d want the body of your cover letter to explain how your skills and experiences make you a good fit for a company’s needs.

Aim to keep your correspondence concise and to the point. You don’t want to lose anyone’s attention, giving them too much information they don’t need. Formal communication, like cover letters, should be about one page long. Other correspondence, like business emails, should usually be around 100-200 words.

Resume templates or tools like a cover letter generator can help if you’re struggling to find the right structure. They’ll give you a good overview of what works best in professional settings, and then you can customize it to your specific needs.

You’ll also want to consider your tone as you write. The nature of your message and the recipient will usually decide the appropriate tone to use. For example, you’d likely want a more formal approach when sending a quarterly performance report to your boss. However, when emailing a co-worker you’ve known for a while, you could aim for something more friendly and casual while still maintaining professionalism.

The Closing Salutation

Just as with the greeting of your letter or email, you want the closing salutation to sound professional and leave a lasting good impression on your recipient.

When writing formal communication like a cover letter or resignation letter , closing with “sincerely” followed by your full name is often a good choice. “Thank you” is also a sound choice if you’re looking for an alternative.

Some other generally accepted closing salutations for professional letters and emails are:

  • Regards – you can also do variations of this like kind regards, warm regards, or best regards
  • Thanks – a little less formal than writing out thank you
  • Best – other variations are all the best or best wishes
  • Talk to you soon – this is a good one for emails where you want to reinforce that you’re looking forward to hearing from someone
  • Take care – another good one for emails with a similar effect as best wishes

It’s important to understand your recipient and the nature of your message to choose the right option. For example, while a closing salutation like “cheers” can sound fun and lighthearted, some may not appreciate it in professional communication due to its association with drinking. So, keep in mind the different meanings of phrases you’re using.

Common Mistakes

Common Mistakes

Before sending professional correspondence, it’s essential to proofread and ensure you avoid common mistakes that many run into. Here’s a brief overview of what to watch out for.

Avoiding Pitfalls

Some of the most common mistakes in professional correspondence are:

  • Grammatical errors: Misspelled words or misuse of punctuation will detract from the professionalism of your message. It’s one of the primary things that causes job applications to get passed over.
  • Repeating your resume: You may have used a resume checker and templates to ensure it’s top-notch, so repeating that already great information can seem like a good idea. However, it’ll make your cover letter less impactful. Instead, try to fill in any missing gaps and connect with the company rather than repeating everything.
  • Copying stock letters word for word: Stock cover letters or other templates can be used as tools to guide you, but they shouldn’t be submitted verbatim. Instead, you should personalize them to fit your needs and recipient. For example, a Dear Sir or Madam letter sample might use outdated language that won’t resonate in today’s job market.
  • Complicated jargon: While you may be an expert in your field, consider not every reader will know as much as you do. For example, someone applying to be a DevOps manager could be sending a cover letter to a hiring manager who doesn’t know all the intricacies of SDLC and agile tooling. So, try to find ways to simplify for any reader.
  • Poor subject lines: Most people get tens or even hundreds of emails daily, meaning some can get overlooked if your subject line is too vague or gives the wrong impression. Aim for something that’s brief but tells all the information needed. For example, when sending a letter of interest , a good subject line could be “Referred by Kim Johnson – Informational Interview Request.”


Using “Dear Sir or Madam” isn’t the best option for modern professional correspondence. It lacks personalization and can even be off-putting to some people. Fortunately, there are many other options and ways you can adjust your communication to ensure you stand out.

In most professional communication, addressing someone by their first and last name is a safe option. If you don’t know the recipient’s name, using company names, job titles, or department names can also work well.

While starting with “Dear” is common for formal communication, it isn’t always the best option for every type of professional letter. For example, “Hello” or “Hi” can work well in an email.

Always try to customize your message to the recipient to ensure it stands out. For instance, describing how you connect with the company in a cover letter can set you apart from other applicants with a similar skill set.

By following these guidelines and maintaining professionalism, you’ll be on your way to writing top-notch letters and emails!

Dear Sir or Madam FAQs

“Hello” or “Hi” are usually safe starters other than dear. For something more formal, hello will be the better choice. Hi is usually a good choice for informal communication. You could also use other alternatives like good morning, good afternoon, or good evening in professional emails.

A good formal replacement for Dear Sir or Madam is “Dear [First_name Last_name].” If you don’t know the recipient’s name, you could also use the company name, department name, or job title.

Both of these greetings are seen as formal but outdated. The main difference is that “to whom it may concern” is more gender-neutral since it avoids using male and female titles entirely. That means using “to whom it may concern” may be appropriate, but use it only in the worst case when you have no information about the recipient.

Dear Sir or Madam is still seen as a formal greeting but isn’t the most appropriate in today’s professional communication. The main reasons are it feels impersonal and isn’t the most inclusive phrasing since not everyone identifies with the terms sir or madam. Instead, try to choose other options, like addressing someone by name or their job title.

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  • Dear Sir or Madam | Alternatives & When to Use

Dear Sir or Madam | Alternatives & When to Use

Published on December 17, 2022 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on June 26, 2023.

Dear Sir or Madam is a standard salutation used to start an email or letter to a person whose identity you’re not sure of. Though it’s a traditional phrasing, it’s recommended to avoid it if possible since it’s very impersonal and quite old-fashioned.

It’s always best to address the person directly by name if you can find out this information. If not, other options include using the name of the group or department, the person’s job title, or, if you’re not addressing one specific person, “To Whom It May Concern.”

Dear Department of Communications, …

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Table of contents

Alternatives to dear sir or madam, dear sir or madam vs. to whom it may concern, why should you try to avoid dear sir or madam, how to use dear sir or madam correctly, other interesting language articles.

The best alternative to “Dear Sir or Madam” is always to address the specific person you’re writing to by name. You can either use their full name or a title like “Ms.” or “Mr.” followed by their last name . In more informal contexts, you might just use their first name .

Dear Dr. Fontana, …

Try your best to find out the name of the person you’re writing to, but, of course, there will be situations where you just don’t know. In these cases, other information can stand in to make your salutation more specific: the name of the department you’re writing to or the job title of the person in question.

Dear Editorial Board, …

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If you really can’t find an appropriate way to address the person or department involved specifically, you’ll have to decide on a phrase you can use as a generic salutation:

  • Dear Sir or Madam is used when you intend your email or letter to reach a specific person, but you don’t know their name or gender.
  • To Whom It May Concern is used when you’re reaching out to an organization in a more general way and don’t know who specifically will deal with your query.

There are a few reasons why we (and others) advise avoiding Dear Sir or Madam whenever possible. Using this salutation:

  • Shows the person you’re writing to that you don’t know who they are and, since this information is usually easy to find online, suggests you aren’t interested
  • Implies that this might be a mass email sent to many different people
  • Isn’t fully gender-inclusive, since some people don’t identify with either “Sir” or “Madam”

If you do end up using Dear Sir or Madam , make sure you write it correctly. “Sir” and “Madam” should be capitalized , because they are being used as proper nouns to address the person you’re writing to.

Like other salutations, this one should be followed by a comma or a colon , a blank line, and then the body of your email message or letter. It’s also better to write out “Sir or Madam” than to combine them with a slash as “Sir/Madam.”

Traditionally, a letter or email message that starts with Dear Sir or Madam should end with “Yours faithfully,” followed by your name. If you do use this salutation, it’s best to end your message in that way.

I am writing to inquire about …

Yours faithfully,

If you want to know more about commonly confused words , definitions , and differences between US and UK spellings , make sure to check out some of our other language articles with explanations, examples, and quizzes.

Confused words

  • Affect vs effect
  • Further vs farther
  • Loose vs lose
  • Whose vs who’s


  • Bear with me
  • Presumptuous

US vs. UK spellings

  • Burned or burnt
  • Canceled or cancelled
  • Dreamt or dreamed
  • Gray or grey
  • Theater vs theatre

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Caulfield, J. (2023, June 26). Dear Sir or Madam | Alternatives & When to Use. Scribbr. Retrieved September 23, 2024, from

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why is this cover letter inappropriate dear sir or madam i am responding

Dear sir/madam — how to write a winning cover letter

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Head of Maynooth University Writing Centre, National University of Ireland Maynooth

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In his wonderful collection of correspondence, Letters of Note , editor Shaun Usher includes one from Robert Pirosh, a New York copywriter.

Pirosh wanted a job as a screenwriter and in an attempt to secure such a post he composed what Usher describes as :

One of the greatest, most effective cover letters ever to be written.

Usher tells us that Pirosh’s letter got him three interviews, “one of which led to his job as a junior writer at MGM”.

Though letter writing is surely a lot less common now than in the past, writing across other genres continues to permeate contemporary professional, educational and personal lives. And it is certainly still the case that many companies will request a cover letter with a job application.

But despite the fact that so many of us write, type, text or tweet – (sometimes incessantly) every day – few of us may feel that we write well. And fewer still would consider ourselves “writers”.

If you are confronted with a writing task, and you find yourself bamboozled or blocked, you need to draw on ideas, principles and strategies that can assist. And with this in mind, here are seven top writing tips below.

Writers who are mindful of these seven tips should find that their writing is more effective and the writing process more enjoyable. And who knows it may even help you secure that dream job.

1. Know your purpose

You need to know what it is you want to say and the effect you want your writing to have. You will, for example, write differently if you are applying for a job than if you are thanking your great aunt.

When writing to secure an interview or to get shortlisted, you need to have at least two important purposes in mind. The first is to address the topic – this will mean including the necessary content of an effective cover letter . Second, you should aim to convince the readers than you are the person that they most want to recruit.

why is this cover letter inappropriate dear sir or madam i am responding

2. Name and know your audience

Every audience, you dear reader included, brings expectations to a piece of text. The text works when expectations are met, or better still, exceeded. Similarly, writing fails when the reader is disappointed or worse yet, offended by the writing.

Know your audience, and if you’re writing to get a job, work out what it is that your potential employer wants – then seek to exceed their expectations.

why is this cover letter inappropriate dear sir or madam i am responding

3. Identify the genre

Different forms of writing have different rules and conventions. They may use different language and look differently on the page or on the screen. You need to know what is typical of a genre to be able to write well in that form or style.

A formal cover letter as part of a job application will look and sound very different to a text from a pal after a night out. Do some research and find out what good models of the genre look and sound like.

why is this cover letter inappropriate dear sir or madam i am responding

It is very rare that the polished work which professional writers produce has not been drafted, redrafted and revised through several iterations. You should do the same.

why is this cover letter inappropriate dear sir or madam i am responding

5. Read it aloud

When we work with writers we always ask them to read aloud so that they can hear what they actually wrote and not what they thought they wrote. Often they stop themselves, mid-sentence, and say, “you know, that’s not what I meant to say”, at which point they start to reformulate their thinking and the articulation of their ideas.

why is this cover letter inappropriate dear sir or madam i am responding

6. Share with someone

Assuming you are writing for a reader (this may not always be the case) then it is a good idea to try out that writing on a willing volunteer before you submit a final draft. Ask your reader for a response and some feedback.

If you’re lucky, they might even help you to formulate new ideas or ways of wording. The writing process then becomes a shared one – which can be both interesting and enthusing.

why is this cover letter inappropriate dear sir or madam i am responding

7. Pause before you publish

These days, potentially any writing you give away, send out, or post online could go viral. If you aren’t content to see it on the front of a national newspaper should you really tweet it?

It can often feel risky to go public with your ideas – even as professional writers we feel that too. But the rewards can be extraordinary and the thrill of it all, exhilarating. So be courageous in your writing. Write authentically and with passion, but do make sure you give it a final once over before you hit the submit button.

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Nine Modern Ways To Say “Dear Sir or Madam”

Do you feel that using “Dear Sir or Madam” as a salutation is outdated? We wholeheartedly agree! There are better and more modern alternatives you can use to start an email. Let’s dive into them!

White text over purple background reads "Dear Sir or Madam."

Table of Contents

Avoid using “dear sir or madam”.

“Dear Sir or Madam” Alternatives

How To Start a Letter Without “Dear”

How To Avoid Using Informal Phrases in Professional Emails

A salutation is the opening line of an email or letter. There are numerous options you can use, but one that should be avoided at all costs is Dear Sir or Madam . That may sound harsh, and no, we don’t have a personal vendetta against this choice; it’s just that it’s an anachronism. Sure, it was an appropriate greeting in the past, but today, it’s clearly dated.

Below, we’ll elaborate on why Dear Sir or Madam is problematic and provide better and more professional alternatives you can use instead.

Let’s begin!

Meme shows baby with confused or disturbed face with text that reads "How it feels when someone uses Dear Sir or Madam to start an email."

“Dear Sir or Madam” Alternatives 

One of the major reasons you should avoid using Dear Sir or Madam is because it accentuates the fact that you don’t know the recipient’s name. This can inadvertently make you seem careless. You should do your best to find out who will be on the receiving end of your communication. In this digital world, all it takes is a few clicks to find that information.

However, if you’ve completed a thorough online search and are still unsure of the recipient’s name, it’s better to use a job title, position, or department name.

1. Dear [Job Title/Position], 

Dear Hiring Manager , I hope this email finds you well. I’m writing to inquire about the open position posted on the company’s website.

2. Dear [Department Name], 

Dear Human Resources Department , Thank you for taking the time to create the onboarding presentation. It was extremely helpful, and I learned a lot.

3. Dear [Company Name] Representative,

Dear LanguageTool Representative , I’m writing to schedule a meeting to discuss the possibility of collaborating.

What About “To Whom It May Concern”?

To Whom It May Concern is another common alternative, but it’s also considered outdated . Again, if you’re unsure of the recipient’s name, use the options provided in this blog post.

If you’d like to start a letter or email without Dear, consider using the following greetings :

4. Good day, [Company name] Team, 

Good day, Acme Corp Team , I’m writing to discuss the potential merger. 

5. Greetings, [Department Name], 

Greetings, IT Department, Great work on solving all the issues!

6. Good morning/afternoon/evening, [Company name] Team, 

Good morning, Lanfield Logistics Team, I hope this message finds you well and ready to tackle another productive week.

Lastly, if you find yourself writing a professional email that requires a more friendly and informal tone, the following salutations don’t require using a name or job title.

7. Hello, 

Hello, I hope you’re having a splendid day. I wanted to reach out regarding an exciting opportunity.
Hi, I recently came across your organization, and I’m genuinely impressed.

9. Hey there, 

Hey there, Our mutual colleague, Jasper, provided me with your information. He thinks our businesses would do well working together, and I do, too.

How To Avoid Using Informal Phrases in Professional Emails 

When communicating with friends and family, we tend to express ourselves with casual word choices. But with bosses and colleagues, we typically use more advanced and formal vocabulary. As impressive as this linguistic switching can be, it’s not always foolproof. 

LanguageTool can help you avoid accidentally using informal language in a professional email by suggesting more suitable phrases and expressions. This means all you have to worry about is writing the message, and LanguageTool will do all the fine-tuning. 

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Cover Letters Guide

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  • Salutation & First Paragraph
  • Middle & Closing Paragraphs
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 i.e. Dear Mr./Ms. (last name only)

  • Address your cover letter to a specific person when possible using Dear Mr. (last name of the person) or Dear Ms. (last name of the person). 
  • When you are not sure which one to use (Mr./Ms.), Dear Pat James (first and last name without using Ms./Mr.) 
  • If you don’t have a name you should use “Dear Hiring Manager”, “Dear Hiring Team etc.
  • Avoid using “To Whom It May Concern” or “Dear Sir/Madam”

screenshot of salutation section of cover letter

First Paragraph

Your first paragraph should be two to four sentences. Questions to answer in this section could include: 

  • What job are you apply for? 
  • Why are you interested in the role? 
  • Why are you a good fit for the role / company? Demonstrate that you have done some research about this organization.
  • TIP: In this first paragraph think of stating why you want to work for this organization.

Additional details to add to your first paragraph could include:

  • What education or experience do you have that connects to the job?
  • If you have a contact in the organization you're applying to, mention that person here. 

labelled screenshot of first paragraph from cover letter

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  • Dear Sir or Madam | Alternatives & When to Use

Dear Sir or Madam | Alternatives & When to Use

Published on 17 December 2022 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on 26 June 2023.

Dear Sir or Madam is a standard salutation used to start an email or letter to a person whose identity you’re not sure of. Though it’s a traditional phrasing, it’s recommended to avoid it if possible since it’s very impersonal and quite old-fashioned.

It’s always best to address the person directly by name if you can find out this information. If not, other options include using the name of the group or department, the person’s job title, or, if you’re not addressing one specific person, ‘To Whom It May Concern’.

Dear Department of Communications, …

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Table of contents

Alternatives to dear sir or madam, dear sir or madam vs to whom it may concern, why should you try to avoid dear sir or madam, how to use dear sir or madam correctly.

The best alternative to ‘Dear Sir or Madam’ is always to address the specific person you’re writing to by name. You can either use their full name or a title like ‘Ms’ or ‘Mr’ followed by their last name . In more informal contexts, you might just use their first name .

Dear Dr Fontana, …

Try your best to find out the name of the person you’re writing to, but, of course, there will be situations where you just don’t know. In these cases, other information can stand in to make your salutation more specific: the name of the department you’re writing to or the job title of the person in question.

Dear Editorial Board, …

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why is this cover letter inappropriate dear sir or madam i am responding

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If you really can’t find an appropriate way to address the person or department involved specifically, you’ll have to decide on a phrase you can use as a generic salutation:

  • Dear Sir or Madam is used when you intend your email or letter to reach a specific person, but you don’t know their name or gender.
  • To Whom It May Concern is used when you’re reaching out to an organization in a more general way and don’t know who specifically will deal with your query.

There are a few reasons why we (and others) advise avoiding Dear Sir or Madam whenever possible. Using this salutation:

  • Shows the person you’re writing to that you don’t know who they are and, since this information is usually easy to find online, suggests you aren’t interested
  • Implies that this might be a mass email sent to many different people
  • Isn’t fully gender-inclusive, since some people don’t identify with either ‘Sir’ or ‘Madam’

If you do end up using Dear Sir or Madam , make sure you write it correctly. ‘Sir’ and ‘Madam’ should be capitalised , because they are being used as proper nouns to address the person you’re writing to.

Like other salutations, this one should be followed by a comma or a colon , a blank line, and then the body of your email message or letter. It’s also better to write out ‘Sir or Madam’ than to combine them with a slash as ‘Sir/Madam’.

Traditionally, a letter or email message that starts with Dear Sir or Madam should end with ‘Yours faithfully’, followed by your name. If you do use this salutation, it’s best to end your message in that way.

I am writing to inquire about …

Yours faithfully,

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Caulfield, J. (2023, June 26). Dear Sir or Madam | Alternatives & When to Use. Scribbr. Retrieved 23 September 2024, from

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"Sir or Madam" vs "Madam or Sir" in formal letter

In a formal letter addressed to one or more unknown recipients, "Dear Sir or Madam" is the customary salutation. As a German native speaker, who is used to "Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren", writing "Sir" before "Madam" sounds impolite to my ear and I feel the urge to change the order. I know that I must never directly carry over conventional expressions from one language to another, but it makes me wonder:

Are there any differences between "Dear Sir or Madam" and "Dear Madam or Sir"? In particular, would the latter sound more polite or rather come across as outlandish?

  • expressions
  • letter-writing
  • salutations

henning no longer feeds AI's user avatar

  • 4 It's quite a weird quirk of English; after all, we usually say it the opposite way in the phrase "Ladies and Gentlemen"! –  Herr Pink Commented May 13, 2015 at 9:30

4 Answers 4

In English, "Dear Sir or Madam" is the traditional and customary order. It does sound quaint (and sexist to some) — but's that's how it is.

You would indeed be thought "outlandish" (a good choice of term there) if you were to reverse that order.

Brian Hitchcock's user avatar

  • 2 However, women are placed first when it comes to "ladies & gentleman" but I am not sure if we can write "Dear ladies & gentleman" in a formal letter. –  Imran Bughio Commented May 13, 2015 at 9:56
  • @imran Bughio: It seems you might, provided you are sure that your addressees include at least two of both. But I think this is mainly an oral expression. –  Brian Hitchcock Commented Jul 26, 2015 at 21:08
  • 1 @BrianHitchcock: At least two ladies and exactly one gentleman... –  gnasher729 Commented Aug 17, 2016 at 17:22
  • @ImranBughio Or we can write "Dear All" instead of "Dear ladies & gentleman". –  Wishwas Commented Jul 29, 2019 at 8:56
  • I hear about language rule that it is easier in such construct "X or Y" to say as first the shorter word. Shorter in terms of duration needed to say it. That is why "Ladies and Gentlemen" but "Sir or Madam". And in german "Damen und Herren". That is also why "more or less" is more convienent to say than "less or more", e.g. in polish we say in other direction "mniej, więcej" because our "mniej/less" is shorter than our "więcej/more". –  PiotrNycz Commented Jul 13, 2022 at 13:44

Dear Sir or Madam is the customary ordering, which is reason enough to do it in a formal setting. But also consider the "rhythm" of the opening; sir has half the syllables as madam , and therefore it sounds better when sir is uttered first. Same thing with Ladies and Gentlemen , where ladies has less syllables than gentlemen . Compare this to German, where Damen and Herren have an equal amount of syllables. Now, I (as an ESL writer) am not sure if this effect actually carries over to writing, though it is something to consider.

A. Kvåle's user avatar

  • This rule also applies to single syllable words - what matters here is the duration of saying that words. Like in "more or less" -- "more" is shorter in duration needed to say it. –  PiotrNycz Commented Jul 13, 2022 at 13:49

While I realize the traditional way to write it is with "Sir" first, but I practice writing most anything requiring a choice in order alphabetically. Thus, I write "her/him," "he/she" and even lists such as: "charismatic, determined, enthusiastic, influential and multi-faceted" in alphabetical order.

Sometimes, the words I'm alphabetizing seem out of order and yet, as with anything new, I expect that to be the case. Thus, I endure the discomfort and write them as I've reasoned is optimal until such feels more comfortable, which it inevitably does, save some overt flaw in my reasoning. Oh, to an earlier reference about "ladies and gentlemen," I'd opt for "gentlemen and ladies," for reasons herein explained.

I believe that this type of practice constitutes progress (even if minute) in our overall work toward gender equality and so it pleases me. I realize that some may find it confusing or off-putting, which only means that they are thinking about it and if enough of that occurs, then we all just might get to a better place.

Jennei Preston's user avatar

  • 1 It's a nice idea and I'll see how it feels. Have you seen this… ? –  Dan Commented Jul 28, 2019 at 21:50
  • WOW, I almost entirely forgot about that little nugget, Dan. Yes, I have seen it - well, possibly not the same exact post, but certainly the nearly identical content. Seeing as it is categorized in such a seemingly random and yet absolutely accurate-to-cultural-norms way, there is really no reason for me to order adjectives alphabetically after all. Thanks for the reminder - I feel a bit silly for having seen it and failed to adopt it in my writing earlier. I still hold solidly on the pronoun matter, though. Thanks mucho! :-) –  Jennei Preston Commented Jul 28, 2019 at 22:09

In English, "Dear Madam or Sir" may be used less often. But I believe this is more tradition from the anglosaxon world. In southern parts of Europe it is offensive not to go from woman to man even. In Dutch and French I know this equivalent is evenly less used but formally correct, so why should English be any different?!

Michel Kuipers's user avatar

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why is this cover letter inappropriate dear sir or madam i am responding

why is this cover letter inappropriate dear sir or madam i am responding

Step 1: 0.4 juta = 400,000. Step 2: 0.12 juta = 120,000. Step 3: 1.5 juta = 1,500,000. Step 4: 0.032 juta = 32,000. Step 5: 1.08 juta = 1,080,000. Step 6: 9.013 juta = 9,013,000. Step 7: 9 10 \frac{9}{10} 10 9 ​ juta = 900,000. Step 8: 1 2 \frac{1}{2} 2 1 ​ juta = 500,000. Step 9: 1 4 \frac{1}{4} 4 1 ​ juta = 250,000. Step 10: 1 3 4 1\frac{3}{4} 1 4 3 ​ juta = 1,750,000. Step 11: 8 4 5 8\frac{4}{5} 8 5 4 ​ juta = 8,800,000. Step 12: 6 7 8 6\frac{7}{8} 6 8 7 ​ juta = 6,875,000. Step 13: 12 1 5 12\frac{1}{5} 12 5 1 ​ juta = 12,200,000. Step 14: 3 5 8 3\frac{5}{8} 3 8 5 ​ juta = 3,625,000. Step 15: 7 3 8 7\frac{3}{8} 7 8 3 ​ juta = 7,375,000.

Read the first paragraph from a cover letter: Dear Sir or Madam: I am responding to your advertisement seeking administrative assistants. I feel I am highly qualified for the position and have a great deal of relevant experience. I am hardworking, extremely organized, and proficient on both PC and Mac computers. Because I've worked mostly for volunteer organizations, I need a lot more money. I believe that your company can provide me with that. Why is this cover letter inappropriate? A. The candidate overstates his qualifications. B. The candidate appears to be unreliable. C. The candidate appears selfish. D. The candidate tries to be witty.

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Final answer:

The cover letter is inappropriate primarily because it conveys a selfish attitude, lacks a personal connection to the company, and uses a generic salutation. These aspects undermine the candidate's professionalism and appeal. A strong cover letter should focus more on the candidate's qualifications and how they align with the employer's needs.


Inappropriate aspects of the cover letter.

The cover letter is inappropriate for several reasons that negatively impact the candidate's presentation and professionalism in seeking employment.

  • The candidate appears selfish. The statement "Because I've worked mostly for volunteer organizations, I need a lot more money" conveys a focus on personal financial needs rather than how the candidate can contribute to the company. This self-centered approach can deter employers who prefer candidates motivated by the opportunity to contribute positively to the organization.
  • Lack of connection to the company. In professional cover letters, establishing a connection with the potential employer and demonstrating understanding of their culture is crucial. The candidate fails to articulate any interest in the company’s goals or values.
  • Generic salutation usage. Addressing the letter as "Dear Sir or Madam" shows a lack of effort to personalize the letter, which can give a negative impression of the candidate's enthusiasm and professionalism.

Overall, the letter's tone, lack of professionalism, and absence of specific connection to the company's values render it ineffective.

Learn more about cover letter here:

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    Dear Sir or Madam is the customary ordering, which is reason enough to do it in a formal setting. But also consider the "rhythm" of the opening; sir has half the syllables as madam, and therefore it sounds better when sir is uttered first. Same thing with Ladies and Gentlemen, where ladies has less syllables than gentlemen.Compare this to German, where Damen and Herren have an equal amount of ...

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  22. Read the first paragraph from a cover letter: Dear Sir or Madam: I am

    Addressing the letter as "Dear Sir or Madam" shows a lack of effort to personalize the letter, which can give a negative impression of the candidate's enthusiasm and professionalism. Overall, the letter's tone, lack of professionalism, and absence of specific connection to the company's values render it ineffective.