internet the greatest invention essay

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The Invention of the Internet

By: Editors

Published: June 11, 2024

internet the greatest invention essay

Unlike technologies such as the phonograph or the safety pin, the internet has no single “inventor.” Instead, it has evolved over time. The internet got its start in the United States in the late 1960s as a military defense system in the Cold War. For years, scientists and researchers used it to communicate and share data with one another. Today, we use the internet for almost everything, and for many people it would be impossible to imagine life without it.

The Sputnik Scare

On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the world’s first artificial satellite into orbit. The satellite, known as Sputnik, did not do much: It relayed blips and bleeps from its radio transmitters as it circled the Earth. Still, to many Americans, the beach ball-sized Sputnik was proof of something alarming: While the U.S. economy was booming and its consumer technologies were advancing, the Soviets had been focusing on training scientists—and were positioned to win the Space Race , and possibly the Cold War , because of it.

Did you know? Nearly two-thirds of the world’s 8 billion people used the internet in 2023.

After Sputnik’s launch, many Americans began to think more seriously about science and technology. Schools added courses on subjects like chemistry, physics and calculus. Universities and corporations took government grants and invested them in scientific research and development. And the federal government itself formed new agencies, such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Department of Defense’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), to develop space-age technologies such as rockets, weapons and computers.

The Birth of the ARPAnet

Scientists and military experts were especially concerned about what might happen in the event of a Soviet attack on the nation’s telephone system. Just one missile, they feared, could destroy the whole network of lines and wires that made efficient long-distance communication possible. 

In 1962, a scientist from ARPA named J.C.R. Licklider proposed a solution to this problem: a “ intergalactic network ” of computers that could talk to one another. Such a network would enable government leaders to communicate even if the Soviets destroyed the telephone system.

In 1965, Donald Davies, a scientist at Britain’s National Physical Laboratory developed a way of sending information from one computer to another that he called “packet switching.” Packet switching breaks data down into blocks, or packets, before sending it to its destination. That way, each packet can take its own route from place to place. Without packet switching, the government’s computer network—now known as the Arpanet—would have been just as vulnerable to enemy attacks as the phone system.

On October 29, 1969, Arpanet delivered its first message: a “node-to-node” communication from one computer to another. (The first computer was located in a research lab at UCLA and the second was at Stanford; each one was the size of a large room .) The message—“LOGIN”—was short and simple, but it crashed the fledgling Arpanet anyway: The Stanford computer only received the note’s first two letters.

The Network Grows

By the end of 1969, just four computers were connected to the Arpanet, but the network grew steadily during the 1970s.

In 1972, it added the University of Hawaii’s ALOHAnet, and a year later it added networks at London’s University College and the Norwegian Seismic Array. As packet-switched computer networks multiplied, however, it became more difficult for them to integrate into a single worldwide “internet.”

By the mid-1970s, a computer scientist named Vinton Cerf had begun to solve this problem by developing a way for all of the computers on all of the world’s mini-networks to communicate with one another. He called his invention “Transmission Control Protocol,” or TCP. (Later, he added an additional protocol, known as “Internet Protocol.” The acronym we use to refer to these today is TCP/IP.) One writer describes Cerf’s protocol as “the ‘handshake’ that introduces distant and different computers to each other in a virtual space.”

The World Wide Web

Cerf’s protocol transformed the internet into a worldwide network. Throughout the 1980s, researchers and scientists used it to send files and data from one computer to another. However, in 1991 the internet changed again. That year, a computer programmer working at the CERN research center on the Swiss-French border named Tim Berners-Lee introduced the World Wide Web: an internet that was not simply a way to send files from one place to another but was itself a “web” of linked information that anyone on the Internet could retrieve. Berners-Lee created the Internet that we know today.

In 1992, a group of students and researchers at the University of Illinois developed a sophisticated browser that they called Mosaic. (It later became Netscape.) Mosaic offered a user-friendly way to search the Web: It allowed users to see words and pictures on the same page for the first time and to navigate using scrollbars and clickable links.

That same year, Congress authorized the National Science Foundation to connect the country’s research- and education-focused internet services to commercial networks. As a result, companies of all kinds hurried to set up websites of their own, and e-commerce entrepreneurs began to use the internet to sell goods directly to customers. By the 2000s, companies including Amazon and eBay emerged as dominant players in the online retail space.

In the first decade of the 2000s, social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram emerged, changing the way people connected, created and shared content. By around 2015, more people accessed the internet from smartphones than from other kinds of computers. By the early 2020s, companies, including OpenAI, Google, Microsoft and others starting rolling out advanced artificial intelligence systems to the public.

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Internet Essay- The Internet is the Greatest Invention of Mankind- Discuss

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Lily Kim Sing

The Internet Is The Greatest Invention of Mankind

There are two sides to every story, and in this case, two sides to every argument. The above statement poses such questions as: if the Internet is not the best invention of mankind, what is? And, what would life be like without computers and the Internet? I hope to answer these questions and form a fact-based opinion on whether I think that the Internet truly is the greatest invention of mankind.

One of the obvious benefits of the Internet is that it provides people with fast accessible information; mainly through search engines such as Google or Yahoo. These search engines are easily accessed, and they provide links to website containing information on what you searched for. Using these search engines, you can also search for images of whatever you want. But, we must ask, is this easy access to images and websites safe for young children?

There are many upsides to the Internet. It can be used for banking, for buying products, for helping with revision, for providing information, directions, communication, education, news broadcasts and listening to music. Undoubtedly, it has provided many people with new business opportunities. The Internet has helped many people and since its invention, the Internet has become a household necessity. Over the period of April-June 2003 and estimated 12 million households in the UK could access the Internet from home.

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The Internet has seen the launch of many businesses, and advertising campaigns. Google, the search engine is now one of the largest advertising vehicles the world has ever seen. This year, Google is expected to have and advertising revenue of $9.5 billion.

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The Internet benefits people in many ways; communication, capitalisation, and convenience, but it does have its downsides. There are increasing numbers of Internet porn websites: definitely not safe for children. There are also a number of paedophiles using instant messenger services to talk to young defenceless children, pretending they are someone they are not and arranging meetings: definitely not safe for children.

There are other ways in which the Internet can cause harm to its users. It is often used as a way of spreading lies, rumours and hearsay. The Internet is abused by people using chatrooms, forums, and even specific websites dedicated to causing harm to another person. It is the source of many high profile cases: the Internet is used to post pictures and false information, which is then spread around the web. The Internet is, in effect, a game of Chinese whispers to some. Information is passed from person to person, changing and often developing into stories which are entirely false.

Another factor which may put some people off the Internet as a whole is the distraction it is to young people, mainly teenagers. They can get sidetracked into chatting to friends on MSN or Myspace. Many children have stated that instead of doing homework or coursework, they often get distracted into other things. Some parents do not let their children use the Internet other than for homework and research, purely because of the fact that it may distract them from working.

Perhaps because of the Internet, there has been an increase in the number of reported identity thefts and credit card frauds. The Internet has effectively provided a gateway for fraudsters to steal credit card numbers, addresses, pin numbers and personal information. The Internet is not as secure as it is made out to be, which is why many doubt its reputation. And, if there is any doubt that the Internet is safe, then surely the doubt should be eradicated somehow, by fixing the problems?

‘Nowadays, anyone who cannot speak English and is incapable of using the Internet is regarded as backward.’ - Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Alsaud.

I think that in this short statement, the man has summed up our modern lifestyle, and our view of the Internet and those who do or do not use it. He is saying that people these days generally think that if you cannot speak English, and you cannot use the Internet, then you are backward: you have something wrong with you. I think that in this statement, he is trying to show that we as a population have become obsessed with the Internet, and that we find it essential, and that any who does not know of it, and does not understand it is backward. He is saying that in these times, most everybody knows how to use the Internet, that it is strange and weird for someone not to be able to.

And what of the other inventions of mankind? Are there not other inventions that are undoubtedly better, more useful, and more valuable than the Internet?

I believe so. I think that there are many inventions which are better than the Internet, which we as humans have come to depend on.

For instance the invention of the car. I think that this invention is worth far more than the Internet. But, where would we be with cars without the wheel? I think that the wheel is probably one of the best inventions. Without the wheel we would not have cars, planes, bicycles and buses. Without the wheel we would not have been able to create such monuments as we have today. Without the wheel we would not have been able to transport goods. Without the wheel, we would not be able to get around ourselves.

Another invention which has been with us a long time, but which will always be one of the most useful to us, is the telephone. The telephone has long been a great means of communication, and I believe that it will always be needed far more than the Internet.

But, we are forgetting (In my opinion) the most important invention of all, and that is electricity. Without electricity, we would not have many of these other inventions such as the telephone, and more importantly the Internet.

Undoubtedly, the Internet provides many people with a living, it provides millions of people each day with means of communication, and means of purchasing products, but, I do not think that the Internet is the greatest invention of mankind, nor do I think that it comes close; there are other far more beneficial inventions, such as the wheel, the telephone, and, of course, electricity.

I believe that the Internet is a great invention, with upsides and downsides, but I believe it never was and never will be the greatest.

Teacher Reviews

Here's what a teacher thought of this essay.


Victoria Cooke

This is an impressive piece of writing. Structure plays an important part in the success of this piece. Sentences are structured effectively, using a mixture of complex, compound and short sentences. Sentence starters vary throughout, using both connectives and adverbial sentence starters. Both the beginning and end link and the ending acts as a solid conclusion. The piece gets slightly repetitive and there is room to use more interesting language. For higher grades examiners are looking for a sustained piece of writing so it is important to keep the strength of the beginning, throughout the whole piece of writing. ****

Internet Essay- The Internet is the Greatest Invention of Mankind- Discuss

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  • Subject English

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Essay on Importance of Internet: Samples for Students

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  • Jun 20, 2024

essay on importance of internet

Internet is not just a need or luxury, it has become a household necessity. It was used as a source of entertainment but now it is impossible to work in offices or study without the Internet. When the global pandemic locked everyone in their house, it became an important medium to connect, study and work. Students were able to study without the risk of catching COVID-19 because of the Internet. The importance of the internet is also a common topic in various entrance exams such as SAT , TOEFL , and UPSC . In this blog, you will learn how to write an essay on the importance of the Internet.

This Blog Includes:

Tips to write the perfect essay on internet, sample 1 of essay on the importance of the internet (100 words), sample essay 2 – importance of the internet (150 words), sample essay 3 on use of internet for student (300 words).

internet the greatest invention essay

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Now the task of essay writing may not always be easy, hence candidates must always know a few tips to write the perfect essay. Mentioned below are a few tips for writing the correct essay:

  • Prepare a basic outline to make sure there is continuity and relevance and no break in the structure of the essay
  • Follow a given structure. Begin with an introduction then move on to the body which should be detailed and encapsulate the essence of the topic and finally the conclusion for readers to be able to comprehend the essay in a certain manner
  • Students can also try to include solutions in their conclusion to make the essay insightful and lucrative to read.

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The last few years have witnessed heavy reliance on the Internet. This has been because of multiple advantages that it has to offer – for instance, reducing work stress and changing the face of communication most importantly. If we take the current scenario, we cannot ignore how important the Internet is in our everyday lives. It is now indeed a challenging task to visualize a world without the internet. One may define the internet as a large library composed of stuff like – records, pictures, websites, and pieces of information. Another sector in which the internet has an undeniably important role to play is the field of communication. Without access to the internet, the ability to share thoughts and ideas across the globe would have also been just a dream. 

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With the significant progress in technology, the importance of the internet has only multiplied with time. The dependence on the internet has been because of multiple advantages that it has to offer – for instance, reducing work stress and changing the face of communication most importantly. By employing the correct usage of the internet, we can find various information about the world. The internet hosts Wikipedia, which is considered to be one of the largest best-composed reference books kept up by a vast community of volunteer scholars and editors from all over the world. Through the internet, one may get answers to all their curiosity.

In the education sector too, it plays a major role, especially taking into consideration the pandemic. The Internet during the pandemic provided an easy alternative to replace the traditional education system and offers additional resources for studying, students can take their classes in the comforts of their homes. Through the internet, they can also browse for classes – lectures at no extra cost. The presence of the Internet is slowly replacing the use of traditional newspapers. It offers various recreational advantages as well. It can be correctly said that the internet plays a great role in the enhancement of quality of life.

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One may correctly define the 21st century as the age of science and technology. However, this has been possible not only by the efforts of the current generation but also by the previous generation. The result of one such advancement in the field of science and technology is the Internet. What is the Internet? So the internet can be called a connected group of networks that enable electronic communication. It is considered to be the world’s largest communication connecting millions of users.

The dependence on the internet has been because of multiple advantages that it has to offer – for instance, reducing work stress and changing the face of communication most importantly. Given the current scenario, the Internet has become a massive part of our daily lives, and it is now a challenging task to imagine the world without the Internet. The importance of the Internet in the field of communication definitely cannot be ignored.

Without access to the internet, the ability to share thoughts and ideas across the globe would have been just a dream. Today we can talk to people all over the globe only because of services like email, messenger, etc that are heavily reliant on the internet. Without the internet, it would be hard to imagine how large the world would be. The advent of the internet has made the task of building global friendships very easy.

The youth is mainly attracted by entertainment services. Streaming platforms like Amazon , Netflix, and YouTube have also gained immense popularity among internet users over the past few years. The presence of the Internet is slowly replacing the use of traditional newspapers among people too. 

In addition to these, it has various recreational advantages to offer as well. For instance, people can search for fun videos to watch and play games online with friends and other people all over the globe. Hence, we can say the internet holds immense importance in today’s era. Internet technology has indeed changed the dynamics of how we communicate, respond or entertain ourselves. Its importance in everyday life is never-ending. It can be correctly said that the internet plays a great role in the enhancement of quality of life. In the future too, we will see further changes in technology .

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Here are five uses of the internet: email; sharing of files; watching movies and listening to songs; research purposes; and education.

The Internet has also altered our interactions with our families, friends, and life partners. Everyone is now connected to everyone else in a more simplified, accessible, and immediate manner; we can conduct part of our personal relationships using our laptops, smartphones, and tablets.

This was all about an essay on importance of Internet. The skill of writing an essay comes in handy when appearing for standardized language tests. Thinking of taking one soon? Leverage Live provides the best online test prep for the same. Register today to know more!

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Nikita Puri

Nikita is a creative writer and editor, who is always ready to learn new skills. She has great knowledge about study abroad universities, researching and writing blogs about them. Being a perfectionist, she has a habit of keeping her tasks complete on time before the OCD hits her. When Nikita is not busy working, you can find her eating while binge-watching The office. Also, she breathes music. She has done her bachelor's from Delhi University and her master's from Jamia Millia Islamia.

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Professionals conduct business over the Internet using a webcam.

Since its beginning, the Internet has changed a great deal. Advances in technology have made using the Internet quicker and easier. No longer limited to personal computers, the Internet can be accessed via tablet computers and most cell phones and televisions. As more and more people use the Internet, the quantity of information continues to grow.

History of the Internet

In the 1960s the U.S. government, businesses, and colleges worked together to make a system that would let computers across the United States share information. They created an early form of the Internet called ARPANET in 1969. In 1971 electronic mail, or e-mail, was invented as a way to send a message from one computer to another.

By the mid-1970s many groups of computers were connected in networks. Machines called routers were invented to connect the networks. This is how the original ARPANET eventually grew into the Internet.

In 1989 hypertext was invented. Hypertext is a link between different parts of an electronic document or between different documents. Hypertext became the basis of the World Wide Web, or “the Web,” which was created in the early 1990s.

The World Wide Web

Students use the Internet to research and to work on their school assignments.

People often use the Web as a part of their schoolwork or job. They use search engines—such as Google, Yahoo!, and Bing—to look for information on the Web. People also use the Web for entertainment. In the early 2000s some of the most popular Web sites were social networking and shopping sites. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat are social networking sites. They help people communicate with friends. Amazon and eBay are sites for shopping.

Internet Safety

There are many ways for people to save documents, e-mail messages, photographs, and videos on the Internet. When people do that they have the option to share what they save with only certain people or to post information so that it is public. Information that a person makes public on the Internet becomes what is known as that person’s digital footprint. It is important for people to think very carefully about what they put online. They should control the information they save online and what is shared with the public.

Many Web sites allow visitors to write messages on a message board or to chat with others that visit the site. These chats can often be read by anyone. It is not easy to know if someone is telling the truth in a chat room. People should never make plans to meet anyone whom they have met and chatted with on the Internet.

A person’s real name, e-mail address, telephone number, home address, and school should be kept private. Just as people should never share personal information with strangers, they should never post personal information about themselves for anyone to find. Always get permission from a teacher, parent, or guardian before registering or logging in to a Web site.

Cyberbullying is another way a person may not feel safe on the Internet. A cyberbully puts words, photos, or videos on the Internet to embarrass or threaten another person.


Every computer connected to the Internet needs to be protected from cybercrime. Cybercrime is when someone uses a computer to do something illegal. Cybercrimes include hacking, phishing, and the use of malware.

Hackers are users who break into computer systems. Once they gain access to a system, they may steal sensitive information, such as credit card numbers or personal information. Hackers may also expose company or government information that is meant to be kept secret.

Phishing is an e-mail that looks like it comes from a trustworthy source. The e-mail takes the user to a Web site that asks for personal or financial information. This information can then be used by cybercriminals to commit fraud, such as identity theft (using a person’s private information without permission, usually for financial gain).

Like phishing, malware can be sent through e-mail. It can also invade computers through Web sites, software, or hardware. Malware takes over computers. It slows them down and damages data.

Computers can be protected from cybercrime by using cybersecurity such as anti-virus programs and firewalls. Firewalls filter data that travels to computers, phones, or tablets from the Internet to make sure it is safe.

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Reasons Why the Internet Is One of the Greatest Inventions Ever

Anyone is capable of coming up with a great invention. People are more knowledgeable today than ever before and there are several helpful invention-related resources out there to help you realize a good idea such as . As a result, you would expect some truly amazing things to be invented. And while there have been some great ones recently, arguably the best invention of all time has been around for decades.

Business Woman Browsing the Internet

Of course, we are talking about the internet. While there are many different inventions that have been monumental, it is hard to argue the internet isn’t one of the best. The first working prototype for the internet was released in the 1960s and little did the creators know the magnitude of what they had done. The internet would go on to change how people communicate, how businesses operate and nearly everything else about our world. This article is going to look at a few of the reasons why many believe the internet is the greatest invention ever.

It Has Taken Communication to the Next Level

Communication is one of the most important things for humans and has been for thousands of years. However, communication in the modern day is unlike anything humans have ever seen before. While talking on the phone and in-person communication obviously still happens, it has largely taken a back seat to communicate via the internet.

The internet allows us to instantly communicate with essentially anyone on the planet with ease. You can have full conversations through texting, can send emails anywhere in seconds and countless apps and social networks allow an unparalleled amount of communication. Without the internet, many of our most popular means of communication simply wouldn’t exist, and our culture would take several steps backward.

It Provides a Boatload of Information

When people think of the biggest benefit of the internet, many would likely say it is all of the information that it provides. No matter what you want to learn about or know, a simple search should give you thousands of relevant results in seconds. Even very abstract and high-level things can be researched with ease. Something that could’ve taken hours or days to find out about in the past can now be found in seconds.

While you might know the internet is big and houses a lot of data and information, it is hard to truly understand the scale of just how big the internet is . Also, it is continuously growing and this will continue into the foreseeable future. Without the internet, all different types of research would become incredibly difficult again.

Modern Life Would Struggle Mightily Without It

One of the marks of a great invention is how much use it gets and how much people rely on it. And with literally billions of people using the internet, it definitely qualifies. People use the internet for all different aspects of their lives from checking the weather, reading the news, learning new things, making purchases, and so many others.

However, not only do people use it because they want to, many people do because they need to. A lot of workplace communication and collaboration takes place virtually, and many jobs require access to the internet in one way or another. If the internet suddenly wasn’t here anymore, modern life as we know it would go through many difficult changes.

Hopefully, this article has helped you learn a little more about why the internet is often seen as one of the greatest inventions ever. Of course, there are many other inventions worthy of this spot, but the internet is definitely near the top for all it has done for the world.

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Home — Essay Samples — Science — Invention — The History of the Invention of the Internet and Its Influence on Society


The History of The Invention of The Internet and Its Influence on Society

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Words: 1070 |

Published: Nov 6, 2018

Words: 1070 | Pages: 2 | 6 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, historical background, contributions to society as an engineer, internet and education, internet and culture, internet and our relationships, internet and consumer patterns, the internet and the economy.

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internet the greatest invention essay

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internet the greatest invention essay

Everyone is capable of coming up with a great invention. Throughout the years, there have been created to change our way of life. One of the greatest inventions in history that is still used today is the INTERNET, which brought significant changes to how the day to day business is conducted. While, there are many different inventions that have been monumental, it is hard to argue the internet is not one of the best. Each and every invention has it’s time, and the internet is the greatest invention of our time. The first working prototype for the internet was released in the 1960’s and little did the creators know the magnitude of what they had done. The internet proceed to change how people communicate, how business operate and nearly everything else about our world. It is unfeasible to credit the invention of the internet to a single person. There are several scientists, programmers and engineers who each developed new features and technologies that eventually merged to become the “information superhighway” we know today, the internet. When we look back, the technology existed to actually build the internet, many scientists had already anticipated the existence of worldwide networks of information. The computer networking rebellion began in the early 1960s and has led us to today’s technology. The web was startlingly invented for military purposes, and then expanded to the purpose of communication among scientists. The invention also followed in part by the increasing need for computers in the 1960s. In the course of the Cold War, it was crucial to have communications links between umilitary and university computers that would not be disrupted by bombs or enemy spies. One of the extensive events that happened in the 1990s was the invention of the World Wide Web (WWW). The first Web was started in November 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN.(8) With the start of WWW and browsers to surf the Internet, the commercialization appeared and has diverse the world tremendously (especially, with the development of the GUI browsers, such as, Mosaic Communications by Marc Andreesen and Jim Clark, which were later called Netscape Communications Corporations, and their opponent Microsoft.

Why internet is the greatest invention ?

• Internet taken communication to the next level – Communication is one of the crucial things for humans and has been for thousands of years. Although, communication in the modern day is unlike anything humans have ever seen before while talking on the phone and in person communication obviously still happens, it has largely phase out to communicate via the internet. The internet permits us to instantly communicate with essentially anyone on the planet with ease. Everyone can have full conversations through texting, can send emails, anywhere in seconds and countless apps and social networks allow an unparalleled amount of communication. Without the internet, many of our most popular means of communication simply wouldn’t exist, and our culture would take several steps backwards.

• It provides a boatload of information – When humans think of the biggest benefit of the internet, many would likely say it is all of the information that it provides. No matter what you want to learn about or known , a simple search should give you thousands of relevant results in seconds. Even very conceptual and high level things can be researched with ease. Something that could have taken hours or days to find out about in the past can now be found in seconds. Although you might know the internet is big and houses a lot of data and information , it is hard to truly understand the scale of just how big the internet is. Also, it is keep growing and this will continue into the foreseeable future. If there is no internet, all different types of research would become incredibly difficult again.

• Travelling –

Alien countries don’t seem so scary when you can learn everything about them from the internet. People can rent a house, check local restaurants , and even walk the street in another city virtually without even going out. Our universe has become smaller and friendlier than ever before.

• Modern Life would struggle mightily without internet – One of the ways of a great invention, is how much use it gets and how much people rely on it. And literally billions of people using the internet, it definitely qualifies. People can use the internet for all different aspects of their lives from checking the weather, reading the news, learning new things, making purchases, and so many others. Suppose, the internet suddenly wasn’t here anymore, modern Life as we know it would go through many difficult changes. These points are enough to convince anyone that the internet is the best invention ever. In future, maybe scientists will build a teleportation device or time machine one day, but that would be a completely different story. In a conclusion, it can interpreted that, there are many great inventions, every one of them important for it’s time. The internet, even with it’s flaws, is the most important invention of our modern time.


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internet the greatest invention essay

Internet is the most important invention ever

  • IELTS Writing Task 2

IELTS Writing Task 2 with sample answer

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Many people say that the internet is the most important invention ever. Do you agree or disagree with this and if not, what do you believe to be more important?

Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

You should write at least 250 words.

Sample Answer 1: The internet has declared a new dawn in the history of human civilization and it is playing a paramount role in our daily life. It is becoming more and more crucial for nearly everybody as it is one of the magical and most forward-looking media and indeed the medium of future. So, there is not a single shed of doubt that the internet is the uttermost important innovation, since it has changed our life in a positive way rigorously.

To commence with, there is no doubt that the internet has altered our life dramatically. We can use internet at home for personal purpose and at office for professional needs. Let’s come to the first. To spend a significant amount of our daily times on the internet is for many people quite usual. They use the internet to get information on all sorts of topics. That is to say that whatever you are looking for, you will get it. Even if you want to have more specific information, you can have it in the blink of eyes. Besides, you need to send a letter, or wait for reply, or need to make some telephone calls and so forth, internet is ready to serve you. In any case, the traditional approach is the no longer the efficient one. On the other hand, the Internet is the indispensable part of the modern office. With the help of the internet, both the employers and employees are faster than ever and they can accomplish their tasks more effectively and efficiently. Communication among the employees or even among the organizations is faster than ever.

Similarly, a revolutionary change has taken place in the business sector with the help of the internet. A case in point is e-Commerce site, which has already made the traditional business approach obsolete. With the help of the internet, e-Commerce site astonishingly expands marketing channels and reaches out global consumers increasing sales of existing products to generate additional revenues. Not only can the internet boost sales leads, but also it can establish better relationship with clients.

To wrap up, the internet is the best invention of the twentieth century. It is just amazing, since with this great tool we communicate with each other, we have a plenty of information and we get it conveniently than ever before. Yet it has some bad effects but, if we use correctly this great invention, we will see the horizon of opportunities. Finally, the internet is the greatest invention of all times, that is what I have to say.

Model Answer 2:

Compared to inventions that have existed for hundreds of years, the Internet is the most important invention ever. Every day, more and more people access the Internet using a computer and a modem or Wi-Fi connection. The Internet has changed the life more than most other inventions. It plays a paramount role in every aspect of life, particularly in business, education, and entertainment.

With the birth of the Internet technology, business has changed unprecedentedly that no one could have imagined ever before. The Internet has opened a new horizon of vast opportunities to entrepreneurs, allowing them to market their products and services in a global scale. For instance, with an e-Commerce site, products and services are displayed and sold globally. That is to say that the Internet has made a new global market. Apart from that it has pave the new way of communication as it bridged the gulf between business world and its consumers. With the innovation of the Internet technology, business has become more open and connected to the consuming population. Here, email is a good example. Emails enable the business to communicate with employees, consumers as well as associates. Furthermore, a new world, termed as telecommuting, has come into the picture. Many businesses have already embraced telecommuting in which people employees can work from their convenient places. In doing so, entrepreneurs are able to cut overhead expenses as less office space and utilities are needed for day to day operation.

Similarly, the Internet has brought a revolutionary change in education. The Internet is a virtual treasure which renders us the unlimited source of information. We can get anything that is required for our educational purpose simply by logging on to the Internet search engines like Google. Not only can students study various subjects online, but also they can make assignments of their school or university. For example, I am a student of English literature and I always use Google for almost everything. That is to say that the Internet is such an innovation that solves any problem pertaining to searching new information. In addition to this, the Internet is also a great source of entertainment. We can download many great novels, movies, music and so on for free.

In conclusion, for every up there is a down. The Internet has dark side also, such as hacking, security breach, pornography etc. but that depends on our way of using it. However, from what has been discussed above it is easily concluded that the Internet is the best invention in the history of mankind.

Some people believe the Internet is the most important invention in modern history. Do you agree or disagree?

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ » — a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

  • unparalleled
  • revolutionized
  • democratized
  • vast databases
  • constraints
  • virtually eliminated
  • transformed
  • advancements
  • privacy issues
  • cybercrimes
  • significant
  • equally transformative
  • paved the way
  • social movements
  • public opinion
  • political landscapes
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89 Invention Essay Topics & Examples

Looking for a topic about invention that changed the world? You’re in the right place! Find the best invention essay examples and title ideas below.

🏆 Top Invention Essay Examples

📱 interesting invention speech topics, 👍 good essay topics on invention, ❓ invention research questions.

An invention is an innovative method, device, or process. Whether it is a small improvement or a radical breakthrough, an invention is something that changes production processes and the everyday life of people. Both the wheel and a super-modern smartphone are examples of inventions.

In your invention essay, you might want to discuss the importance of inventing in our life. Another option is to talk about a famous or your favorite invention. Want to get more ideas? In this article, we’ve gathered the best invention essay examples, speech topics, and titles. Go on reading to learn more.

  • Electricity Is the Most Important Invention This process began centuries ago, yet its most active stage was launched in the middle of the nineteenth century, and one of the major moving forces of the rapid technological development was the reception and […]
  • Ancient Chinese Contributions and Inventions Trying to point to ten most useful inventions and contributions of the Ancient China, it was really difficult to select the most necessary ones as Ancient China is famous for its contribution into the development […]
  • Dynamite Invention Influence on Politics, Society, and Economy The duality of the impact of the invention of dynamite is present in each of the three major civilizational areas mentioned above.
  • Papyrus: Its Invention and Impact on the World The invention of papyrus paper by the Egyptians changed the scene since papyrus-paper proved to be the ideal writing material of the time.
  • The Invention of Internet Several events led to the advancement of the internet in the world today. The level of computer literacy in the world played a leading role in the advancement of internet as teachers and students wanted […]
  • The Inventions of Thomas Edison Many new developments appeared due to Edison’s achievements, who was one of the founders of the practical application of current. The introduction of compressed current energy marked the transition to a new technological era.
  • Inventions That the World Would Do Without For instance, the invention of communication technology has been of great help to the entire world because of the convenience and reliability it has come with.
  • The Gunpowder Invention and Its Impacts on the World In the present times, the production of gunpowder still goes on as a continuation of the works of the ancient alchemists from China.
  • Golden Age of Islam: Inventions and Success in Science The achievements of the Muslim technology and science contributed to the development of the Western society and helped Europe come out of the Dark Ages.
  • The Flute Advancement and Its Invention The volume of the flute is dependent on the resonator’s size, the size of the air stream or the velocity of the air stream.
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internet the greatest invention essay

The Internet is the most important invention ever (contrasting ideas, linking expressions)...

Many years ago no one could ever imagine that such a thing as the Internet would be invented. Nowadays, life without the Internet for the most people is unbelievable . In my opinion every invention has its time, and the Internet is the greatest invention of our time. Firstly, the Internet provides an enormous amount of information. Everyone can find all kinds of information on millions of topics. Also, people are able to find information on every subject they are interested in. However, this easy access to so much information can sometimes be dangerous. For example, one key   issue is that children may get exposed to information that they aren’t supposed to access such as pornographic materials or violent movies. The Internet has also encouraged fraudsters who benefit from innocent users who are easily deceived to give their bank details and send money to get fake products. Secondly, people are using the internet for communication. Today, we can initiate real-time communication with someone who is in another part of the world . I n my personal experience I use all time Skype to communicate with my family and close friends. People can participate in social networks like “Facebook” , “Twitter”, “Couchsurfing”,etc. They can keep in touch with their friends in distant places, or make new ones. Nevertheless, this way of communication can sometimes be inefficient. Face-to-face conversation, at least in my opinion, is much better. Furthermore, a disvantage is it's easy to waste a lot of time on the Internet. We can start surfing, and then realize far more time has passed than you thought. Internet and television together have added to the more sedentary lifestyle of people. Moreover, the Internet include the access of personal information such as our name and address by other people and clogging up of unsolicited e-mails that serve no purpose and are unnecessary. Last but not least, the invention of the Internet could not be even possible without some earlier inventions and discoveries. First it was the discovery of fire, then the invention of the wheel. Later it was electricity, the telegraph and the computer. All this led to the invention of the Internet. It can be concluded that, there are many great inventions, every one of them important for its time. The Internet, even with its flaws, is the most important invention of our modern time.

Many years ago, no one could ever imagine that such a thing as the Internet would be invented. Now, life without the Internet for most people is unimaginable. In my opinion, every invention has its time, and the Internet is the greatest invention of ours. First, the Internet provides an enormous amount of information. Everyone can find all kinds of information on millions of topics. Also, people are able to find information on every subject they are interested in. However, this easy access to so much information can sometimes be dangerous. For example, one primary disadvantage is that children may be exposed to information that they aren’t supposed to access, such as pornographic materials or violent movies. The internet has also encouraged scammers, who benefit from users who are easily convinced to give their bank details and send money to get fake products. Second, people are using the internet for communication. Today, we can initiate real-time communication with someone who is in another part of the world. I, for one, use Skype all the time to communicate with family and close friends. People can participate in social networks like “Facebook” , “Twitter”, “Couchsurfing”, etc. They can keep in touch with their friends in distant places, or make new ones. Nevertheless, this way of communication can sometimes be inefficient. Face-to-face conversation, at least in my opinion, is much better. Another disvantage is the ease with which a person can waste a lot of time on the internet. He or she can start surfing, and then realize far more time has passed than was intended. The internet and television have both added to the more sedentary lifestyles of people. Plus, the Internet allows for the access of personal information, such as our name and address, and the cluttering of personal accounts with unsolicited and unecessary email. Last but not least, the invention of the Internet could not be even possible without some earlier inventions and discoveries. First it was the discovery of fire, then the invention of the wheel. Later it was electricity, the telegraph and the computer. All this led to the invention of the Internet. (Note from editor: How? If you cite something in an essay, you're supposed to back it up with evidence! ^_^) It can be concluded that there are many great inventions, and every one of them was important for its time. The Internet, even with its flaws, is the most important invention of our modern time.

The Internet is the most important invention ever (contrasting ideas, linking expressions)...  

Many years ago no one could ever imagine that such a thing as the Internet would be invented. Nowadays, life without the Internet for most people is unimaginable. In my opinion , every invention has its time, and the Internet is the greatest invention of ours . First , the Internet provides an enormous amount of information. Everyone can find all kinds of information on a variety of topics , and on every subject they are interested in. However, this easy access to so much information can sometimes be dangerous. For example, a primary disadvantage is that children may be exposed to information that they aren’t supposed to access , such as pornographic materials or violent movies. The internet has also encouraged scammers who benefit from users who are easily convinced to give their bank details and send money to get fake products. Second , people are using the internet for communication. Today, we can initiate real-time communication with someone who is in another part of the world . I, for one,   use Skype all the time to communicate with my family and close friends. People can participate in social networks like “Facebook” , “Twitter”, “Couchsurfing”, etc. They can keep in touch with their friends in distant places, or make new ones. Nevertheless, this way of communication can sometimes be inefficient. Face-to-face conversation, at least in my opinion, is much better. Another disadvantage is the ease with which a person can waste a lot of time on the internet. He or she can start surfing, and then realize far more time has passed than was intended . The i nternet and television have both added to the more sedentary lifestyles of people. Plus , the Internet allows for the access of personal information , such as our name and address , and the cluttering of personal accounts with unsolicited and unecessary email. Last , but not least, the invention of the Internet could not have even been possible without some earlier inventions and discoveries. First it was the discovery of fire, then the invention of the wheel. Later it was electricity, the telegraph and the computer. All of  this led to the invention of the Internet. (Note from the editor: How did this lead to the invention of the internet? When you reference something in an essay, you should back it up whit evidence! I want to know how fire and the wheel led to the invention of the internet! ^_^) It can be concluded that there are many great inventions, and every one of them was i mportant for its time. The Internet, even with its flaws, is the most important invention of our modern time.

internet the greatest invention essay

November 1, 2013

What Are the 10 Greatest Inventions of Our Time?

Before you consider, here are a few opinions from Scientific American readers in 1913 on what makes a great invention

By Daniel C. Schlenoff

A competition sponsored in 1913 by Scientific American asked for essays on the 10 greatest inventions. The rules: “our time” meant the previous quarter century, 1888 to 1913; the invention had to be patentable and was considered to date from its “commercial introduction.”

Perception is at the heart of this question. Inventions are most salient when we can see the historical changes they cause. In 2013 we might not appreciate the work of Nikola Tesla or Thomas Edison on a daily basis, as we are accustomed to electricity in all its forms, but we are very impressed by the societal changes caused by the Internet and the World Wide Web (both of which run on alternating-current electricity, by the way). A century from now they might be curious as to what all the fuss was about. The answers from 1913 thus provide a snapshot of the perceptions of the time.

internet the greatest invention essay

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internet the greatest invention essay

The airplane: The Wright Flyer for military purposes, being demonstrated at Fort Myer, Va., in 1908. Image: Scientific American - November 1, 1913

Following are excerpts from the first- and second-prize essays, along with a statistical tally of all the entries that were sent in.

The first-prize essay was written by William I. Wyman, who worked in the U.S. Patent Office in Washington, D.C., and was thus well informed on the progress of inventions. His list was:

1. The electric furnace (1889) It was “the only means for commercially producing Carborundum (the hardest of all manufactured substances).” The electric furnace also converted aluminum “from a merely precious to very useful metal” (by reducing it’s price 98 percent), and was “radically transforming the steel industry.”

2. The steam turbine, invented by Charles Parsons in 1884 and commercially introduced over the next 10 years. A huge improvement in powering ships, the more far-reaching use of this invention was to drive generators that produced electricity.

3. The gasoline-powered automobile. Many inventors worked toward the goal of a “self-propelled” vehicle in the 19th century. Wyman gave the honor specifically to Gottleib Daimler for his 1889 engine, arguing: “a century's insistent but unsuccessful endeavor to provide a practical self-propelled car proves that the success of any type that once answered requirements would be immediate. Such success did come with the advent of the Daimler motor, and not before.”

4. The moving picture. Entertainment always will be important to people. “The moving picture has transformed the amusements of the multitude.” The technical pioneer he cited was Thomas Edison.

5. The airplane. For “the Realization of an age-long dream” he gave the laurels of success to the Wright brothers, but apart from its military use reserved judgment on the utility of the invention: “It presents the least commercial utility of all the inventions considered.”

6. Wireless Telegraphy. Systems for transmitting information between people have been around for centuries, perhaps millennia. Telegraph signals got a speed boost in the U.S. from Samuel Morse and Alfred Vail. Wireless telegraphy as invented by Guglielmo Marconi, later evolving into radio, set information free from wires.

7. The cyanide process. Sounds toxic, yes? It appears on this list for only one reason: It is used to extract gold from ore. “Gold is the life blood of trade,” and in 1913 it was considered to be the foundation for international commerce and national currencies.

8. The Nikola Tesla induction motor. “This epoch-making invention is mainly responsible for the present large and increasing use of electricity in the industries.” Before people had electricity in their homes, the alternating current–producing motor constructed by Tesla supplied 90 percent of the electricity used by manufacturing.

9. The Linotype machine. The Linotype machine enabled publishers—largely newspapers—to compose text and print it much faster and cheaper. It was an advance as large as the invention of the printing press itself was over the painstaking handwritten scrolls before it. Pretty soon we won’t be using paper for writing and reading, so the history of printing will be forgotten anyway.

10. The electric welding process of Elihu Thomson. In the era of mass production, the electric welding process enabled faster production and construction of better, more intricate machines for that manufacturing process.

internet the greatest invention essay

The electric welder invented by Elihu Thomson enabled the cheaper production of intricate welded machinery. Image: Scientific American - November 1, 1913

internet the greatest invention essay

The turbine invented by Charles Parsons powered ships. Assembled in numbers, they provided an efficient means of driving electrical generators and producing that most useful commodity. Image: Scientific American - November 1, 1913

The second-prize essay, by George M. Dowe, also of Washington, D.C., who may have been a patent attorney, was more philosophical. He divided his inventions into those aiding three broad sectors: production, transportation and communication.

1. Electrical fixation of atmospheric nitrogen. As natural fertilizer sources were depleted during the 19th century, artificial fertilizers enabled the further expansion of agriculture.

2. Preservation of sugar-producing plants. George W. McMullen of Chicago is credited with the discovery of a method for drying sugar cane and sugar beets for transport. Sugar production became more efficient and its supply increased by leaps and bounds, like a kid on a “sugar buzz.” Maybe this is one invention we could have done without. But I digress.

3. High-speed steel alloys. By adding tungsten to steel, “tools so made were able to cut at such a speed that they became almost red hot without losing either their temper or their cutting edge” The increase in the efficiency of cutting machines was “nothing short of revolutionary.”

4. Tungsten-filament lamp. Another success of chemistry. After tungsten replaced carbon in its filament, the lightbulb was considered “perfected.” As of 2013 they are being phased out worldwide in favor of compact fluorescent bulbs, which are four times as efficient.

5. The airplane. Not yet in wide use as transportation in 1913, but “To [Samuel] Langley and to the Wright brothers must be awarded the chief honors in the attainment of mechanical flight.” In 2013 the annoying aspects of commercial airline flying make transportation by horse and buggy seem a viable alternative.

6. The steam turbine. As with Mr. Wyman, the turbine deserved credit not only “in the utilization of steam as a prime mover” but in its use in the “generation of electricity.”

7. Internal combustion engine. As a means of transportation, Dowe gives the greatest credit to “Daimler, Ford and Duryea.” Gottleib Daimler is a well-known pioneer in motor vehicles. Henry Ford began production of the Model T in 1908 and it was quite popular by 1913. Charles Duryea made one of the earliest commercially successful petrol-driven vehicles, starting in 1896.

8. The pneumatic tire. Cars for personal transportation were an improvement on railways. “What the track has done for the locomotive, the pneumatic tire has done for the vehicle not confined to tracks.” Credit is given to John Dunlop and William C. Bartlet, who each had a milestone on the road (pun intended) to successful automobile and bicycle tires.

9. Wireless communication. Marconi was given the credit for making wireless “commercially practical.” Dowe also makes a comment that could apply equally to the rise of the World Wide Web, stating that wireless was “devised to meet the needs of commerce primarily, but incidentally they have contributed to social intercourse.”

10. Composing machines. The giant rotary press was quite capable of churning out masses of printed material. The bottleneck in the chain of production was composing the printing plates. The Linotype and the Monotype dispensed with that bottleneck.

The essays sent in were compiled to come up with a master list of inventions that were considered to be the top 10. Wireless telegraphy was on almost everyone’s list. The “aeroplane” came in second, although it was considered important because of its potential, not because there were so many airplanes in the sky. Here are the rest of the results:

Wireless telegraphy

97 percent



X-Ray machine




Motion pictures


Reinforced concrete




Incandescent electric lamp


Steam turbine


Electric car


Calculating machine


Internal combustion engine




Submarine boats


Picture telegraphy


Electric furnace


Diesel engine


Color photography




Composing machine


Transmitting and transforming AC current


Pneumatic tire (car and bicycle)


Dirigible (airships)




Tungsten lightbulb


Electric welding


High-speed steel


Kodak portable camera


Fixation of nitrogen


Welsbach gas burner


Producer gas [a type of fuel]




Flexible photo films


Liquid air


There were also mentions for Luther Burbank's agricultural work (23); Louis Pasteur and vaccination work (20); acetylene gas from carbide (17); mercury-vapor lamp (7); preservation of sugar-producing plants (7); combined motion picture and talking machine (10); Edison's storage battery (6); automatic player piano (4); Pulmotor (a respirator machine) (4); telephone (4).

internet the greatest invention essay

The motion picture: The hard-working Thomas Edison helped make this entertainment form technically viable. Image: Scientific American - November 1, 1913

The full contents of all the prize-winning essays is available with a subscription to the Scientific American archives .


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