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Managing Thesis Effectively using MS Word: Gaya UKM Template


Managing Thesis Effectively using MS Word: Gaya UKM Template in support with IEEE Young Professionals (YP) Malaysia and IEEE Malaysia Section Consultants Network Affinity Group (CNAG) for UKM postgraduate students (IEEE and non-IEEE members). The UKM Graduate Centre regularly organise and host workshops, trainings and conferences for postgraduate students of UKM. The UKM Graduate Centre basically supports the agenda of UKM to retain Research University status.

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  • Date: 02 Aug 2018
  • Time: 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
  • All times are (UTC+08:00) Singapore


  • Training Room, The UKM Graduate Centre
  • UKM, Selangor
  • Building: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

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  • Starts 01 August 2018 08:00 AM
  • Ends 02 August 2018 09:00 AM
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Dr. Haroon Rashid was the invited trainer for this workshop who is an alumnus of UKM, graduated with MSc and PhD from the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment of UKM. He is also an ExComm of IEEE YP holding portfolio of Educational Activities as well as of IEEE Malaysia Section CNAG as Communications & Networks.

Gaya UKM - Tutorials, Tips & Tricks

Tutorials, tips and tricks on how to write a thesis following Gaya UKM using MS Word and EndNote

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  • Template Gaya UKM (UKM Style)

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Download Template of UKM Style for Microsoft Word

Figure 1. Styles Created for Gaya UKM
Figure 2. Navigation Pane

Writing Chapter using Template

Figure 3. Heading 1
Figure 4. Title Style - Modifying Chapter Style
Figure 5. Subtitle Style - Modifying Title of a Chapter
Figure 6. Heading 2 - Section in a Chapter
Figure 7. First Paragraph and Normal Styles
Figure 8. Heading 3 - Subsection of a Chapter

Generate a Table of Content

Figure 9. Generate Table of Content
Figure 10. Customizing Table of Content
Figure 11. Fixing Format of TOC


thank you :) how about the reference/citation?

template thesis ukm

You mean format of reference header? Same concept as other chapter. Use Heading 1, then enter, then type "REFERENCE" with title style.

hi, Does this means that all the chapters can be written in one document? since before this I make 1 document for only one chapter ==. if it is, this will make my life way easier.

hai, thank you for the helpfull tips. Does this mean that i can write the whole chapters in one document? since before this i have to write one chapter for one document

That is very true. Yes, you can write the whole thesis in 1 file. I am doing it. However, I only use Heading 1 and so on, for Chapters, references and appendix (with little bit of modification). In a thesis, you have to write cover page, acknowledgement, etc. Those pages are written manually. Well, this is my way. I'm welcomed if you have other option.

hi there, thanks for the feedback. just wanted to share. I've tried using the your methods in my writing and so far it is way better than my methods. way more organised. i didn't have to open and close too many documents since i only use one doc for the whole chapters. thank you so much. really appreciate it XD.

about TOC, I've already select 'none' for tab leader but after clicking OK, the '.....' tab leader still appear. do you have a solution for this problem?

TOC is a bit tricky. Each point of TOC (for example Chapter II, 2.1, 2.1.1) follows different style. Assuming you generate TOC automatically. - Chapter I, Chapter II, so on, follow style of "TOC 1" - 2.1, 2.2, so on, follow style of "TOC 2" - 2.1.1, 2.1.2, so on, follow style of "TOC 3" So, for example if you want to remove the dots of 2.1, you have to modify style "TOC 2". To modify, you have to open the Styles list. There is a small arrow right bottom of Styles, click it. Then go to "TOC 2", right click, choose modify. Choose Format, then Tabs. Then choose the second tab, select none as the leader. It is a bit complicated, hopefully you can understand.

I'm still trying to use this template, 1) For reference, when I use it as usual, in the table, it automatically written as Chapter...so what I did, i retype it manually. Is this wrong? 2) How to put the table name? 3) Why my subtitle not at the center, is it because i use Microsoft 2007? 4) How to add manually for declaration, abstract, etc.? ..because it is not clickable to add another row for sentence Sorry for bothering you. Thank you.

1. If you mean reference header, yes you use heading 1 style and yes it will be written as Chapter in the navigation pane (document map if you use Word 2007). For TOC, you have to change "Chapter.." to "References" manually. Be careful that you dont disrupt the TOC format. 2. Did you mean table title? Go to References ribbon, Insert caption, choose table as label, go to Numbering, choose 1,2,3 format, tick include chapter number. Then the table number is generated automatically. You can add the title as you like. 3. I am not sure why subtitle is not at the center. You can check the subtitle style. Right click the subtitle style, modify, and make sure the center format is active. 4. Did you mean adding them in TOC? You cant really add in the generated TOC, you have to provide blank space before the TOC. You manually write them, before the TOC. Hope this helps.

Sorry for my broken english. Thank you for helping me. One more question. I'm referring to panduan penulisan tesis. This template format is quite different for TOC How can I edit it? For example.. CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of Study 2 1.2 Problem Statement 2 Thank you.

You are right, for TOC, you need to modify it (later I will modify this guide so that you all can modify the TOC easier). For now, I'll tell you how to modify it. 1. When you use Heading 1 style. write chapter title also. Although you can't see it (because it is in white color), but it will be shown in the navigation pane and in the TOC. What I mean is that, don't leave it blank as I told you in the guide, but write the title, for example: "INTRODUCTION". 2. Go to your generated TOC (assuming you have created it), update field, update entire table. Then you will see: CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION. 3. In the TOC, change the "1" to "I" as followed in UKM Style (Gaya UKM). Done. As I mentioned before, TOC is a bit tricky, but it is better than manually writing everything :)

Thank you. Already done it :) Except, same question as faten fufoo, dots for TOC2 and TOC3 cannot be remove. Even though i tried to set it as none. Only successful for TOC1.

There are few tab stop positions. Make sure you choose the last tab stop (you can click the number in the list dialog). The purpose of the last tab stop is to position the page number. The last tab stop supposedly is 14.5 cm (or around that value) and the last tab stop's alignment is right. Then set the Leader to none.

Alhamdulillah. Already done it. Thank you so much :)

how to make the start page number 1 from the chapter 1 and not from contents?

You have to use Section Break before every chapters. In TOC pages, you use page numbers i, ii, so on. Then use Section Break after you finish writing TOC. On chapter pages, you change the format of page numbers 1,2,3, so on and make sure it starts from 1. Try to Google about section break if you still dont understand.

i am so sorry, can you help me for numbering the pages? thank you.

Assuming your last page before chapter is List of Figure. So, at the end of list of Figure, add section break (Next page). Then on the next page, insert page number. Go to the Page number format, start from 1 (instead of continue from previous section). Tick also "Different on first page". If you still cant understand, Mr Google always ready to help.

Thank you so much. Really appreciate your afford to assist others

Assalam Tuan, Do you provide ready made template, for Bahasa melayu version? Thanks

Yes. You can download the BM version (check the first step). Inform me if the template is missing something. Well..the template is not perfect as I replied other comments. I still don't have time to fix it. But you can modify accordingly.

Thank you so much. Your assistance is so useful for me. Wish u all the best and success.

Dear dps and everyone accessing here for gaya ukm, Thank you very much for providing template for gaya ukm. My thesis is almost done, now I am copying and pasting it in the template provided here. Following your instruction I left a page blank for generating TOC. When I generated TOC after copying my entire Chapter 1, the page number was ok, but when I have manually inserted the preceding pages (title page, acknowledgement, abstract etc.) , I see English numbers for all these pages. As we know according to gaya we have to use roman number for the first few pages, can I change them into roman numbers? I will highly appreciate any help in this regard.

Hi Somebody, Correction on my first step, use Section Break instead of Page Break. So, before chapter page, insert Section break - next page. Insert page number on the pages before chapters, format it to roman. On chapter page, format the page number to numeric and start from 1, also check 'different on first page'. Hope this helps. As an alternative, this year UKM has released their official template which is quite accurate. Just that they did not provide guide how to use it.

Thank you very much for taking time to reply. Yes, there is the ukm official template available, regrettably without guidelines. I have found your step by step guidelines very useful. I have finished copying my thesis in your template until chapter 3. I would highly appreciate if you could to tell me how I can insert tables in your template which are compatible to gaya ukm? Though in my previously prepared thesis (five files for five chapters and individual files for references and appendices) I prepared the tables compatible to gaya ukm, when I tried to copy these tables in your template, they become very awkward and I even cannot edit them in my effort to make them compatible to gaya ukm. However, if you could inform step by step procedures of how one can add tables, references and appendices in your template and modify the template to make it compatible to gaya ukm, many ukm students like me will be benefited and will remain thankful to you. Finally, I really appreciate your voluntary service for the student community of ukm.

Hi, To answer your question, I need to write a long guide. Currently I am busy. So, what I can do is give you rough idea. 1. Add table. Table is drawn as normal table. However, the issue is the caption of table (or figure). Caption is the table number and its title. Word can automatically generate the table number (if you have properly set the heading). I found the guide of setting caption in: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Add-format-or-delete-captions-in-Word-82fa82a4-f0f3-438f-a422-34bb5cef9c81?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US 2. References. I trick my template by treating references or appendices as Chapter. So, create a chapter with title: References. Which means, write "References" as Heading 1 and Title. 3. Appendices. Same as References. You are welcomed.

Hi dps, I have used your template not the official one as it does not have step by step guidelines like yours. May I request you to inform how to add references and appendices in your template which will be automatically generated in the navigation pane as well as in TOC. Thanks in advance.

Hi, I answered in the previous comment.

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Thesis Template-UKM style

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    Thesis Templates and Guidelines are available in the folllowing versions based on the softwares used. You may choose which ever one which you are most comfortable with depending on your level of expertise in using the respective softwares. The choices of softwares includes : 1) Word. 2) Mendeley.

  2. Templat Gaya UKM

    Thesis Templates and Guidelines are available in the folllowing versions based on the softwares used. You may choose which ever one which you are most comfortable with depending on your level of expertise in using the respective softwares. The choices of softwares includes : 1) Word 2) Mendeley 3) LaTex Templat dan e-buku ini adalah

  3. PDF The UKM Thesis Writing Guideline According to GAYA UKM

    The UKM Thesis Writing Style Guidelines or Gaya UKM are based on the original UKM Thesis Writing Style which was first formulated by committees in 1988 (see Appendix U1) and in 2005 (see Appendix U2). This set of guidelines has been in use since then and has been refined to update the content.

  4. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Thesis Template (English)

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  5. Templates

    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Thesis Template (English) GayaUKM is a LaTeX class for authoring theses that fulfill formatting specifications required by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia. It was commissioned and endorsed by UKM's Centre for Graduate Management. (v1.4 updated 19 May, 2019) LianTze Lim, Zambri Harun, Asyraf Zulkifley.

  6. PDF Guide on Using GayaUKM

    Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia GayaUKM is a LATEX class for authoring theses that ful˙ll formatting speci˙cations required by Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (ukm), Malaysia. ... • GayaUKM.cls, the LATEX class ˙le implementing the ukm thesis formatting requirements. • GayaUKM.bst, the BibTEX bibliogaphy (English) style ˙le.

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    Dissertation, Academic--Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. Academic writing -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. I Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Pusat Pengurusan Siswazah. 808.066378 . Panduan Penulisan Tesis Gaya UKM • iii ALUAN PENGARAH PUSAT SISWAZAH ... UNIVERSITI KEBANGSAAN MALAYSIA •

  12. Managing Thesis Effectively using MS Word: Gaya UKM Template

    Managing Thesis Effectively using MS Word: Gaya UKM Template Dr. Haroon Rashid was the invited trainer for this workshop who is an alumnus of UKM, graduated with MSc and PhD from the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment of UKM.

  13. Gaya UKM

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  15. Template Gaya UKM (UKM Style) ~ Journey to The End

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  16. (PDF) Thesis Template-UKM style

    To overcome the flow of fault current of the DG, this study proposes RPR to monitor the power flow to the DG. Collectively the study focuses on the protection of radial DS by using RPR and UFCL. The analysis and the modeling were conducted on the 15KV DN of the radial feeder in Debre Markos DN.

  17. template gaya ukm

    Thesis Templates and Guidelines are available in the folllowing versions based on the softwares used. You may choose which ever one which you are most comfortable with depending on your level of expertise in using the respective softwares. The choices of softwares includes : 1) Word. 2) Mendeley.