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  • Science and Technology Essay


Essay on Science and Technology

Science and technology is the ultimate need of an hour that changes the overall perspective of the human towards life. Over the centuries, there have been new inventions in the field of science and technology that help in modernizing. Right from connecting with people to using digital products, everything involves science and technology. In other words, it has made life easy and simple. Moreover, humans now have to live a simple life. There is modern equipment explored by tech experts to find something new for the future.

Science and technology have now expanded their wings to medical, education, manufacturing and other areas. Moreover, they are not limited to cities, but also rural areas for educational purposes. Every day new technologies keep coming, making life easier and more comfortable.

Brief about Science

Throughout history, science has come a long way. The evolution of the person is the contribution to science. Science helped humans to find vaccines, potions, medicines and scientific aids. Over the centuries, humans have faced many diseases and illnesses taking many lives. With the help of science, medicines are invented to bring down the effect or element of these illnesses.

Brief of Technology

The mobile, desktop or laptop which you are using for reading this essay, mobile you use for connectivity or communication or the smart technology which we use in our daily life, are a part of technology. From the machinery used in the factory to the robots created all fall under tech invention. In simpler words, technology has made life more comfortable.

Advancement in science and technology has changed the modern culture and the way we live our daily life.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Science and Technology

Science and technology have changed this world. From TV to planes, cars to mobile, the list keeps on going how these two inventions have changed the world we see through. For instance, the virtual talks we do use our mobile, which was not possible earlier. Similarly, there are electrical devices that have made life easier.

Furthermore, the transportation process we use has also seen the contribution of science and technology. We can reach our destination quickly to any part of the world.

Science and technology are not limited to this earth. It has now reached mars. NASA and ISRO have used science and technology to reach mars. Both organizations have witnessed success in sending astronauts and technologies to explore life in the mars.

Other Benefits

Life is much simpler with science and technology

Interaction is more comfortable and faster

Human is more sophisticated


With the progress in science and technology, we humans have become lazier. This is affecting the human mind and health. Moreover, several semi-automatic rifles are created using the latest technology, which takes maximum life. There is no doubt that the third world war will be fought with missiles created using technology.

Man has misused the tech and used it for destructive purposes.

 Man uses them to do illegal stuff.

Technology such as a smartphone, etc. hurts children.

Terrorists use modern technology for damaging work.

Science and Technology in India

India is not behind when it comes to science and technology. Over the centuries, the country has witnessed reliable technology updates giving its people a better life. The Indian economy is widely boosted with science and technology in the field of astronomy, astrophysics, space exploration, nuclear power and more. India is becoming more innovative and progressive to improve the economic condition of the nation.

The implementation of technology in the research work promotes a better life ahead. Similarly, medical science in India is progressing rapidly, making life healthy and careful. Indian scientists are using the latest technology to introduce new medical products for people and offer them at the lowest price.

The Bottom Line

The main aim of writing this essay on science and technology is to showcase how humans have evolved over the years. Since we are advancing, the science and technology industry is also advancing at a faster pace. Although there are challenges, the road ahead is exciting. From interaction to transportation and healthcare in every sector, we will witness profitable growth in science and technology.


FAQs on Science and Technology Essay

1. How technology changed humans?

Technology has certainly changed the way we live our lives. Not a single piece of technology has failed and is continuously progressing. Be it the small industry or large, technology is a boom to your society. Technology can encompass ancient technologies like calculators, calendars, batteries and others. In future, the technology worlds include Blockchain technologies, smart cities, more advanced intelligent devices, quantum computers, quantum encryption, and others. Humans are updated with technology. This is a good sign for the coming generation.

2. What are the top technologies?

In the last few years, there has been a massive update in technology. From individuals to companies, everywhere, the use of technology is required. Some of the top technologies we are witnessing are

 Data Science

 Internet of Things


 Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

 Virtual Reality

 Edge Computing

Intelligent apps

Artificial Intelligence

Each of these technologies is in the use of daily life and even in making products. However, to use this technology, there is a requirement of skilled professionals and they need proper training to use them.

3. Is the topic Science and Technology an appropriate topic for students?

Yes, Science and Technology are one of the most important topics every student should know in their schooling. The world is growing rapidly at an increasing rate where one should be equipped with minimum knowledge about these concepts. Science and technology have become a part of everyone’s life today. Therefore understanding them is definitely important.

4. Does writing essays improve English?

Yes, of course it does. Writing is absolutely fundamental to language learning. As with anything, however, it is important to learn when and what you write. If you do it all the time, your writing might sound forced. If you only do it when you don't have anything better to do, you might find yourself procrastinating, and not do it at all. It's also a lot more effective to compose essays when you are in that mindset of an essay. So, to answer your question, yes.

  • Paragraph Writing
  • Paragraph About Technology

Paragraph on Technology - Check Samples for Various Word Limits

Technology is the study of scientific knowledge in order to create tools and processes that may be used to change the world by increasing efficiency in nearly every aspect of our lives. Technology has made our lives easier, and all human beings have become entirely dependent on technology. It is now difficult to imagine a step ahead without technology. So to get an idea about writing a paragraph on technology, refer to the samples given in the article.

Table of Contents

Paragraph on technology in 100 words, paragraph on technology in 150 words, paragraph on technology in 200 words, paragraph on technology in 250 words, frequently asked questions on paragraph on technology.

Scientific innovations or technology is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to humankind. In this modern world, technology is no more a luxury; it has become a necessity. Life without technology is next to impossible since humans have become dependent on technological advancements. For every human activity, we need a machine, and then there comes technology. It has made all our lives easier and more convenient and has also made transportation, education, labour, etc., more accessible. Technological breakthroughs change from time to time in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world. However, in today’s world, technology plays a critical role in strengthening a country’s economy and people’s lives.

We are all surrounded by technology from all corners. From waking up in the morning till we sleep, in some way or the other, we need technology. Technology, our new present and future, is making human lives easier and more convenient. With new technological innovations, human beings have become more dependent on science and technology. We rely on technology for all our activities, and have become an integral part of our lives. The entire civilization has become reliant on the modern technology it employs. Life and business would come to a halt without technology. It is beneficial to society, but it must be handled cautiously. It is helpful, and at the same time, it is harmful. It has reduced man’s labour and improved the productivity of the work, but it has also reduced employment at the same time. So, technology should be used only to a certain extent by not depending on it completely.

Science and technology have become essential aspects of our lives. Technology was a luxury at a point in time, but now it has become a necessity. It is impossible to survive without electricity, television, music systems, mobile phones, internet connections, etc. We start and end our day with technology. So it is indeed difficult to imagine our life without technology, but it should be used with caution. If we become too dependent on technology, it will end up being harmful to us and our health. Overuse of technology can also become self-destructive, so it is important everyone uses technology only when necessary.

Advanced technology has increased productivity across all fields of work.  Technology is our new present and future, and it has made life easier and more convenient for us. Humans have become more reliant on science and technology as a result of technological advancements. Every human activity has now been replaced by one created by machines. We rely on technology for every aspect of our lives, and it has become an inseparable element of our lives. The use of contemporary technology has made the entire civilization reliant on it. Without technology, life and business would grind to a halt.

From the moment we open our eyes, we are surrounded by technology. The fans, lights, televisions, computers, induction stoves, etc. It is just not possible to move a step further without using technology. There was a time when people used to wait for months to receive a letter from their close ones. But now, we all are just a click away. If you are missing someone, you just have to click once for a video call or text message. The cost has also reduced with time. If you crave a piece of cake, then the microwave is the solution. If you are tired and unable to wash utensils, then a dishwasher is the solution. If you want to party, then the music system is the solution. Technology is the ultimate solution to every problem that a human being is facing, and scientists are so alert about the same that they come up with new and innovative solutions to every problem. It is, however, important that you do not completely rely on technology.

Technology has become a vital part of our daily lives since we rely on it for all of our activities. The use of contemporary technology has made the entire civilization dependent. Without technology, life and commerce would grind to a halt. Technology has a positive impact on society, but it must be managed with caution. It is both beneficial and detrimental.

How is technology important?

For every activity, we need technology, and that makes it an integral part of our life.

How do I write a paragraph about technology?

To write a paragraph about technology, we will have to write about the importance of technology in our day-to-day life. We can explain how humans are dependent on technology and other technological inventions.

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essay on technology for class 6

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Importance of Computer Essay for Class 6

Nowadays, technology has been an important part of life. It helps people make work easier and makes life better to live.

The computer is one of them. A computer is an electronic device. It can perform many tasks like messaging, calculations, writing, storing data, printing, etc.

We are providing two essay samples for students of class 6 on the topic Importance of Computer for reference.

Short Essay on Importance of Computer of 100 Words

Technology has changed every aspect of our daily life. A computer is one of them which made our life better.When the computer was invented first; it was not as simple as it is now. It was too big and difficult.

Computer is currently the best option for communication. I have a laptop in my house. My father uses this for his work. He taught me how to make documents and drawings there. It was fun.

The computer gives very accurate answers to everything, including math and science.

I think a computer is essential in life because it can do anything. We shouldn’t overuse computer. It can affect our health. Also, we shouldn’t waste time misusing computer and surfing videos.

Engage your kid into diverse thoughts and motivate them to improve their English with our  Essay for Class 6  and avail the Simple Essays suitable for them.

Long Essay on Importance of Computer of 150 Words

The computer is now a very popular electronic device. One can use a computer to write documents, send an email, play games, make designs and presentations, browse the Web and many more. We use computer in various places: schools, colleges and offices. I have a computer in my house.

In school, teachers taught me how to paint on a computer and said that it could help design in future. I am now learning how to write documents on computer. But I love to play games on computer. My favourite game is chess because the computer wins most of the time and this encourages me to play more.

There is another thing I love in computer is video call. I can call my friends when they are far. Once I called my cousin, who is living in the United States. It was fun.

We can learn many new things through the computer and internet and can also do our work efficiently and quickly on computer.

10 Lines on Importance of Computer In English

  • Computer is a device for storing and processing data.
  • Computer takes data as input, processes data using programs and gives information as output.
  • In the 18th-century computer was invented by Charles Babbage.
  • We can explore many new things through the internet.
  • Computer stores a lot of data. Even various offices use computer hard drive as a data store.
  • Computer is now used everywhere: Schools, colleges, hospitals etc.
  • Communication is now very easier for computer. We can directly connect people from the point of Earth to another.
  • Computer can answer everything very accurately, including math and science.
  • Computer helps to improve student learning and basic skills.
  • Now we can transfer money from a bank to another through a computer.

Frequently Asked Questions on Importance of Computer

Question: What are the five essential parts of Computer?

Answer: The essential parts of a computer are Central Processing Unit, Power Supply, Mouse, Keyboard, and Monitor.

Question: What is the full form of VGA?

Answer: The full form of VGA is a Video Graphics Array. It is a standard connector used for computer video output.

Question: What can a computer be used for?

Answer: Computer is an electronic device that takes data as input. It can store, retrieve, and process data. We can use a computer to type documents, send an email, play games, make designs and presentations, browse the Web and many more.

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Essay on Technology

Essay on Technology | Technology Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Technology: A tiny seed holds the potential to feed an entire family. As the essence and richness of a seed find suitable conditions to germinate, it blossoms into a storehouse of magnanimity. Changes in the society breed in ideas. These ideas find ‘ translation into action in a suitable governance environment. It is this translation that eventually proves the worth of an idea. In cases of ideas enjoying a popular; support, technology acts as a catalyst to enhance the effectiveness of the application of the ideology for the larger good of the society.

Long Essay on Technology 600 Words in English

Short essay on technology 150 words in english, 10 lines on technology.

  • Why do we need technology?
  • How technology is useful in education?
  • How technology changed our lives?
  • What are the advantages of Technology?

Long and Short Essays on Technology for Students and Kids in English

If you are searching for a well-written Essay on Technology in English, then this article provides you with two types of content, a 600 words Long Essay on Technology and another 200-word short Essay on Technology in English. These essays can be used by school children, students and teachers for various activities in schools and colleges.

Essay about Technology

Long Essay on Technology is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Ideas have the power to bring revolutions and topple dynasties. Histories of nations stand testimony to the strength that an innocuous idea can gather and the course of destiny it charts for the society. As idea gains popular currency, it can brew, an uprising, or rewrite social contract for the land. They blossom into ideologies, supported by intellectuals and utilized in the minefield of politics by astute leaders. The conviction of a nation in a particular ideology begins to underline the trajectory of its story.

Ideology, just like technology, is the product of mental churning. Science resides in every action and particle of this universe. However, the knack to transform the dreary scientific principles and equations into a tool of technology is the product of an ingenious human mind. While ideologies spurned from the mental hullaballoo have more value connotations, technology as a facilitator devises ways for effective and unbiased distribution of that value in the society. It is the synergy of their constructive mix which has the potential to positively alter the way of life for individuals.

Different schools of thought, backed by intellectuals, are supporters of different ideologies for the conduct of governance of the state. The norms of the social contract in society develop accordingly. These norms define parameters for the conduct of interactions, means of production, economic guidelines, and rules of engagement with the government. In any stable society, the order is dictated by the accepted ideology of state which must result in a minimal incremental enhancement in the quality of life of the citizens. The absence of such enrichment becomes the cause of discontent.

The seeds of change germinate on grounds of discontentment. The “status quo” of the prevailing order and its underlying ideology faces the questions by a rising tide of dissent. Another rung of intellectuals promotes an alternative ideology in this period of societal upheavals. Old orders are broken down. New rules of the game is framed. Structural changes are carried out to facilitate the processes in this new ideological backdrop. Often the heads of tyrants also roll down in such ideological landscape transformation. However, the intention behind all such churnings deserves attention. Ideology fails to strike a chord unless it delivers a hope of a better quality of life for the individual. This hope is the essence of acceptance or rejection of any ideology.

Quality of life of citizens is the litmus test about the effectiveness of any ideology. It is this test which demands a fruitful translation of the tenets of any ideology into benefits for a larger section of the society. An ideology may be perfect in the domain of grey cells but its’ ultimate utility is judged only in harsh domains of ground, realities by the quality of its application. It is this aspect of judgment where the tools of technology step in to complement the ideology. The spread achieved by technology aids the depth of ideology for the benefit of society.

Every ideology has space for a specific technology to breed and deliver accordingly. Technology, as a tool, ensures optimum utilization of resources of that society, within the ideological contours decided by the state. The technologies for better oil exploration in the Gulf nations or bio-fuel development in Brazil developed to deliver prosperity to the societies without challenging the ideological designs of these states. Transcending the borders of ideology, the technology to locate potential fishing banks is helping the capitalist coast of the USA and the communist coastline of Cuba without any distinction.

The tool of technology is apolitical and unbiased. Overages, like a loyal servant of the scientific masters, it has simplified numerous procedures and fives. The very strength of this tool is its neutrality. It has never been subservient to any particular ideology and should not be dragged to deepen the ideological fissures. Rather it must mend fissures and divides of class, gender, race, and religions. The prevailing ideology of any state has marked influence on the nature of, the technology it promotes. Amongst the myriad areas of research, the ideology of the state dictates the priority of focus areas. The bitter ideology of one up man ship during the era of the Cold War led to major advancements in defense technology for both the USA and the Soviet Union.

Huge budget allocations and acumen of scientists was invested in building up the military might of the nation. Space exploration also spurred a race for supremacy and the power blocs focused on outsmarting the other through better technology. The Cold War to establish the supremacy of either capitalist or communist ideology was executed by innovating smarter technology. The triumph of the market-led “choice” model over the “communes” was crystallized by fragmentation of the Soviet Union. Just like technology, ideology to runs its course.

The entropy in any society is settled when the transition from one ideological contour to another is achieved smoothly. Ideological acceptance and triumph is a contextual concept. It varies from time to time. There is no constancy in its applicability over time and space. Unless the ideology manages to deliver qualitatively to the grassroots, it is bound to crumble in due course. This flexibility to evolution is essential for the survival of any ideology. Technology can likewise be tweaked to deliver fruits of development to the citizens of the society. China’s growth over the past few decades highlights a pragmatic approach of synchronized evolution of ideology and technology. To carry a large population base and deliver growth, it maintained a focus on the rapid development of manufacturing technology.

Technology Essay

Technology related to automation of plants, advancements in assembly-line procedures, workshop, and management technologies led to rapid industrialization. This transformed the huge manpower resource into an asset for the nation and also furthered the ideological tenets of the reigning party. Even the mammoth expenditure on the modernization of military might and infrastructure by China is in line with an eye on the future, where these parameters become critical for claiming global leadership. The Indian society has traditionally been an agro-based primarily rural society.

The growth of our nation is inextricably linked to the development of our villages. This ideological focus always emphasized on agricultural and farm-based technologies. Despite the small size of landholdings, researches in the field of better agricultural tools like combined harvester and threshers, high yielding variety of seeds, economical irrigation technologies, dryland farming methodologies, coastal land reclamation and promotion of alternative livelihood mean for diversification of agriculture have better potential to deliver fruits of development and social justice for a larger base of population.

In the backdrop of socialism as a leading ideology of that time, industrial development relied heavily on foreign collaborations and investments in large scale Public Sector Units (PSUs) and factories. Heavy machinery for bulk production in plants and factories defined the order of the era as the role of the state was considered critical to provide employment opportunities and similar wages. As grains of sand ran down the glass hour, it was realized that PSUs had become white elephants of the Indian economy. Later as the ideological contours ushered in policy support for Information Technology and electronics, technology took no time to gain ground in the market. It soon flooded the market with televisions, Video Cassette Recorders, Audio Players, and other gadgets according to the diktats of policy which pumped sufficient funds accordingly.

The opening of the economy and the market-led growth ideology tempered with a commitment to inclusive growth aims to provide greater goods to greater numbers at the bottom of the pyramid. With such pressing constraints of ideology, technological investments always had a humane concern as its’ guiding light. The affordability issue of high-end technology would introduce the class divide in the user segment and cater only to “haves” of the society. This is where the state must step in periodically with options like the low-cost Aakash tablets. Such subsidized interventions would help in the dissemination of technology to all classes of society and prevent technology from creating a divide in society. This would justify the stated ideological philosophy of “inclusive growth”.

Advancement in satellite technology has added to the delivery of vital services to the’ needy. Resource mapping to decide the best land use, weather forecasting to keep the fishermen off the stormy oceans, soil testing to decide the best choice of fertilizers, telemedicine to deliver healthcare to remotest locations, village resource centers for numerous queries of farmers and tele-education are all highlights of technology delivering social justice in our nation. There have also been instances of clashes between the ideological framework of state and the performance of prevailing technology.

As automation stepped up in factories to improve the economy and efficiency of production, huge workforce had to be laid off. In nations struggling to provide employment opportunities to a burgeoning youth population, automation in wake of globalization was seen as a curse. However, the bigger picture tells a different story. Instead of castigating technology and blaming it for increasing unemployment, a positive view of the situation puts things in a better perspective.

Automation is always the need of time to compete and thrive in a globalized world. It improves the economy of production and helps the industry to survive and perform in the competitive scenario. Better production yields better profits and hence a higher contribution to the growth of the nation. It is the fruits of this growth that percolate to improve the lives of these factory workers and also create more employment opportunities for them. Also, technological changes come as a challenge for the workforce to upgrade their skills and remain relevant in this progressive world. Thus, such technological changes introduce the best use of resources – manpower or capital; create employment in the long run and helps in the qualitative growth of both the individual and the society.

The influence of technology on ideology cannot be ignored either. Technology opens up new vistas and has the potential to give a new course of direction to the prevailing ideologies. In the march of civilization on the face of this planet, the application of science either by accident or design has formed the backbone of progress. The era of nomadic existence of early man transformed into a new ideological framework of settled agriculture after the scientific discovery of fire.

The invention of wheels and its’ application in locomotion further broadened the evolving dimensions of the human thought process. Technology kept opening newer, unknown, and unexplored frontiers for humanity providing it with a continuous challenge to form suitable social norms accordingly. The ideological contours developed thereby gave further impetus to better utilization of resources through technological advancements. The complementarities of these products of human thought processes have led the civilization from one pedestal of development to another.

The world is shrinking. And the global village superimposes an umbrella ideology over the exclusive individual ideologies of nations and societies. A nation can afford to neglect its preparedness for this ideology at its own peril. In the contemporary era, it is the ideology of globalization which has emerged as the major challenge for economies of the world. The internal rules of the game have been altered by each nation accordingly. It was the growing technological advancements that ushered this ideological robe on every nation.

Short Essay on Technology is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

The sophistication of IT technologies led to shrinking borders and diminishing barriers. Trade found a new platform through portals and e-commerce. Exchange of data and security related challenges assumed global dimensions. As such an era of global hub dawned riding a wave of technological advancements, nations became vary of new opportunities and challenges. Individual ideologies of nations were reframed in the context of the unleashing of global energies. They had to be synchronized with the overarching ideology of globalization.

The competition would value the smart utilization of resources and skills with only the fittest surviving at the end of the day. The tables had been turned this time. This challenge has been thrown at the ideological doorsteps by technology. To sail through this successfully smart society will have to reform on aligning the strengths of ideology and technology. The aim of both these tools of change is to facilitate a simpler way of life and a richer quality of life. The tussle, if any, which surfaces is merely cosmetic and ends up in re-invoking a new stable order of peace, justice, and development of society.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing, and many more.

  • Technology has become an integral part of industry and livelihood.
  • Technology has completely changed the world and our daily life to a significant extent.
  • Things which we couldn’t even imagine a few years ago have become part of our lives.
  • The technological advancements in information technology have enhanced connectivity.
  • Internet is one of the most important inventions of the 20th century.
  • With the advent of technology, we have reached the moon and set up a human colony on Mars.
  • Technology is not always a boon it even proved to be dangerous at times.
  • The future of technology is bright, and it is improving day by day, simplifying the lives of the people.
  • Do remember that Technology is a Good Servant but a Bad Master.
  • The use of technology should be in a balanced way maintaining the equilibrium between nature and technology.

How technology changed our lives

FAQs on Technology

1.  Why do we need technology?

Technology is important because it makes you feel more secure with every area in life for both personal and business reasons.

2. How technology is useful in education?

The implementation of technology in schools helps close that gap. Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun.

3. How technology changed our lives?

Our lives are so different when we have modern technology on our side. Technology has changed the meaning of productivity and our lives will be very much different if we have technology on our side.

4. What are the advantages of Technology?

We need technology for plenty of reasons and we have mentioned some of them. They are as such

  • Speed, Efficiency, and Agility.
  • Storage and Sharing.
  • Mobility and Remote Connectivity.
  • Automation.
  • Communication.

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Essay on Technology for School Students and Children

Essay on Technology: Technology changes how we do things, making life easier, but we need to use it carefully to keep the world safe and happy. Check below the essay on technology for students.

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November 17, 2023

Essay on Technology

Table of Contents

Essay on Technology: Technology is everywhere in our lives, changing how we do things. From the very first inventions like the wheel to the advanced gadgets we use today, it keeps evolving and reshaping how we live, work, talk, and have fun. It’s all about the tools and machines that make things easier and better for us every day. Below we are providing Essay on Technology in 500 words, Essay on Technology in 250 words and Short Essay on Technology. 

Essay on Technology in English

In the fast-paced world of the 21st century, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, transforming the way we live, work, communicate, and conduct business. This essay explores the multifaceted aspects of technology, from its rapid advancement to its profound impact on various sectors, while also shedding light on both its advantages and disadvantages.

The Advancement of Technology

In recent times, there have been a lot of amazing progress in technology. This means that making new and better things is not just something extra nice – it’s something we really, really need. From the invention of the wheel to the development of artificial intelligence, technology has consistently evolved to meet the ever-growing needs of society. The digital age, characterized by the Internet, smartphones, and sophisticated computing systems, has redefined the way we perceive and interact with the world.

Technology is Our Part of Life

In contemporary society, technology is inseparable from our daily routines. Smartphones have become extensions of ourselves, offering instant access to information, communication, and entertainment. Social media platforms connect people across the globe, fostering a global village where ideas and cultures converge. The integration of technology into our lives has become so seamless that it is challenging to imagine a world without it.

Benefits of Technology in All Fields

The pervasive influence of technology extends to virtually every aspect of human endeavor, bringing about transformative benefits in diverse fields.

Technology in Communication

One of the most significant impacts of technology is evident in the realm of communication. The advent of the Internet and the rise of social media platforms have revolutionized how we connect and share information. Instant messaging, video calls, and social networking have made the world a smaller place, enabling real-time communication irrespective of geographical boundaries.

Technology in the Office or Workplace

In the business world, technology has streamlined operations and increased efficiency. From advanced project management tools to cloud computing, businesses now have the ability to collaborate seamlessly and access data from anywhere in the world. Automation has optimized routine tasks, allowing human resources to focus on more strategic and creative aspects of their work.

Technology in Education

The educational landscape has been significantly transformed by technology. Digital classrooms, e-learning platforms, and interactive educational software have enhanced the learning experience, making education more accessible and engaging. Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies are revolutionizing how students perceive and interact with information.

Technology in Banking

The financial sector has undergone a radical transformation with the integration of technology. Online banking, mobile payment systems, and cryptocurrency have revolutionized the way we manage and transfer money. Financial transactions that once took days can now be completed in a matter of seconds, enhancing convenience and accessibility.

Manufacturing and Production Industry Automation

Automation technologies have revolutionized the manufacturing and production industries. Robotics, artificial intelligence, and advanced machinery have increased efficiency, reduced production costs, and improved product quality. The seamless integration of technology into manufacturing processes has paved the way for smart factories, where machines communicate and collaborate with minimal human intervention.

Technology in the Healthcare Industry

In the healthcare sector, technology has played an important role in diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. Electronic health records have streamlined the management of patient information, improving accuracy and accessibility. Telemedicine has made healthcare services more accessible, especially in remote areas. Advanced medical imaging technologies and robotic-assisted surgeries have enhanced precision and outcomes.

Technology in Agriculture

The agricultural sector has not been left untouched by technological advancements. Precision agriculture, drones, and smart farming techniques have optimized crop management, resource utilization, and yield prediction. Technology has empowered farmers with real-time data and analytics, enabling them to make informed decisions for sustainable and efficient farming practices.

Disadvantages of Technology

While the benefits of technology are undeniable, it is crucial to acknowledge its drawbacks as well.

Dependency and Addiction: The constant use of technology has led to dependency and addiction, particularly concerning smartphones and social media. Excessive screen time can have adverse effects on mental health and interpersonal relationships.

Privacy Concerns: The digital age has raised significant concerns about privacy. Data breaches, identity theft, and surveillance pose serious threats to individuals’ privacy, leading to a growing sense of vulnerability.

Job Displacement: Automation and artificial intelligence have led to the automation of various jobs, raising concerns about job displacement. The need for reskilling and upskilling is more critical than ever to adapt to the changing job market.

Environmental Impact: The production and disposal of electronic devices contribute to environmental pollution. E-waste management and the carbon footprint of technology pose challenges to sustainable development.

Essay on Technology in 500 Words

Below is the Essay on Technology in 500 Words.

Technology has become an integral part of our lives, affecting nearly every aspect of our existence. In simple terms, technology refers to tools, machines, devices, and systems that help solve problems, make tasks easier, and improve our lives. From the invention of the wheel to the smartphones we use today, technology has constantly evolved, revolutionizing how we live, work, communicate, and entertain ourselves.

One of the most remarkable aspects of technology is its ability to make things more accessible and efficient. Communication, for example, has drastically changed with the advent of technology. In the past, people relied on sending letters or using landline telephones to communicate over long distances. Today, we can instantly connect with someone on the other side of the world through emails, social media, video calls, and instant messaging. This has made the world a smaller and more connected place.

Furthermore, technology has transformed the way we work. Automation and machinery have made production processes faster and more precise. Computers and software have streamlined office tasks, making data management, analysis, and communication quicker and more accurate. This has increased productivity and efficiency in various industries.

Healthcare is another field greatly impacted by technology. Advanced medical equipment and breakthroughs in treatments have improved the quality of care and extended human life expectancy. From MRI machines to minimally invasive surgeries, technology has enabled healthcare professionals to diagnose diseases more accurately and treat them more effectively.

Education has also been revolutionized by technology. Access to information and learning materials is now easier than ever. Online courses, educational videos, and interactive learning tools have made learning more engaging and accessible, breaking down geographical barriers.

Entertainment is yet another area significantly influenced by technology. Streaming services, video games, social media platforms, and virtual reality have transformed the way we entertain ourselves. We can now access a vast amount of entertainment options from the comfort of our homes.

However, technology also brings challenges and concerns. One of the major concerns is the impact of technology on our social interactions. With the prevalence of social media and digital communication, face-to-face interactions have diminished, leading to concerns about social isolation and the erosion of genuine human connections.

Moreover, the rapid pace of technological advancement raises questions about job displacement due to automation and artificial intelligence. As machines become more capable, some traditional jobs might become obsolete, necessitating the need for retraining and new skill acquisition.

Another critical issue is the environmental impact of technology. The production and disposal of electronic devices contribute to environmental pollution. Addressing this issue requires sustainable and eco-friendly practices in the manufacturing and disposal of technology.

Technology has undoubtedly t ransformed our lives in numerous positive ways, making tasks easier, improving communication, enhancing healthcare, and offering new forms of entertainment and education. However, it also presents challenges that need to be addressed, such as its impact on social interactions, potential job displacement, and environmental concerns. Striking a balance between embracing technological progress and mitigating its negative effects is crucial for a sustainable and prosperous future.

Essay on Technology in 250 Words

Below is the Essay on Technology in 250 Words.

Technology is like a superpower that helps us do things better and faster. It’s the tools and gadgets we use to make life easier. Imagine life without phones, computers, or even simple machines like the wheel! From the past to now, technology has made big changes.

Communication is much easier because of technology. Instead of sending letters, we can chat instantly with people anywhere using phones or computers. This makes the world feel smaller, bringing everyone closer together.

Work and industry have changed a lot too. Machines and computers help us do things faster and with fewer mistakes. Whether it’s making things in a factory or doing office work, technology makes tasks simpler and quicker.

Healthcare has gotten better due to technology. We have machines that can look inside our bodies and find problems. New treatments and medicines help people live healthier and longer.

Education has transformed with technology. Now, we can learn using computers and the internet. There are videos, games, and online classes that make learning more fun and accessible to many more people.

But technology has some challenges too. Some worry that it might affect how we talk and spend time together. Jobs might change or go away because machines can do some work. Technology has made life better in many ways. But we need to be careful and think about how to use it wisely to avoid its problems. Balancing the good and the challenges of technology is important for a better future.

Short Essay on Technology 

Below is the Short Essay on Technology.

Technology is all about the cool things that help us every day. It’s like a magic box full of tools and gadgets that make life easier and more fun.

Our phones, computers, and even simple things like toasters are all technology. They help us talk to friends, play games, learn new things, and do our work faster.

Technology has made the world smaller. We can talk to people far away in an instant using texts, calls, or video chats. It’s like having friends all around the world, right in our pockets.

At work, technology is a superhero. It helps us do things faster and better. Machines and computers in factories and offices make our jobs easier and more accurate.

In the doctor’s office, technology helps keep us healthy. There are amazing machines that can see inside our bodies to find problems and fix them.

Even school is more fun with technology. We can learn on computers, watch videos, and play educational games. Learning feels more like an adventure!

Technology is like a superpower. It makes life better, but we need to be careful how we use it. Balancing the good and not-so-good sides of technology is important for a happy and healthy world.

Essay on Technology FAQs

Technology encompasses tools, machines, devices, and systems designed to solve problems, simplify tasks, and improve our lives.

Technology has revolutionized communication, enabling instant connectivity through various mediums like emails, social media, video calls, and instant messaging.

Technology has significantly increased efficiency in work and industry through automation and computerization, making processes faster and more precise.

Advanced medical equipment and breakthrough treatments have elevated the quality of healthcare, aiding in precise diagnostics and more effective treatments.

Technology has made education more accessible through online courses, educational videos, and interactive learning tools, breaking geographical barriers and making learning engaging.


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Paragraph on Technology 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students, and Children

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

Paragraph on Technology: Technology is something that is gaining increasing importance in the world today. Wherever you look, there is technology. Even the device you are using to read this article uses technology. In simple words, technology is when we use science to apply it for practical purposes.

For example, in a mobile phone, which is a form of technology, we are taking the practical purpose of communication and mixing it with science to create a phone. Here are some paragraphs on technology for children and students.

You can read more  Paragraph Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Paragraph on Technology – 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

Technology is a very amazing thing that scientists create. Scientists look at all the things that we as human beings will need in our lives, then make a cool gadget or object. For example, scientists knew that we needed a way to communicate with each other even when we are not together. Because of this, they created a telephone which we can use to talk to other people even when we are not with them.

Technology uses many different ideas like this one, to make our lives very easy and problem-free. It helps us by making our work less because technology does a lot of our work for us.

Paragraph on Technology - 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

Paragraph on Technology – 150 Words for Classes 4, 5 Children

Technology is all around you – in your gaming gadgets like the Wii, Playstation, Xbox, etc. and in your mobile phones, iPads, computers, etc. Most of the things we have in our kitchen, like the microwave, toaster, fridge, etc. are all different types of technology. Technology is when we take something from the world of science and then create it into something that humans use.

We must keep our food cold so that it is not spoilt by being out in the warm weather. This concept of science helped scientists develop technology to keep our food cold when we are not eating it by using the fridge. However, all of us like to eat hot food. So, to instantly make food hot, scientists created a microwave. In this way, scientists used technology to help all of us with our daily lives. Technology is very useful in our daily lives.

Paragraph on Technology – 200 Words for Classes 6, 7, 8 Students

When we look around us, we see a huge number of examples of technology. The mobile phone in our hands, the headphones we wear for listening to music, the microwave we use to heat our food, and even the construction of the buildings we live in – all use some or the other type of technology.

Technology is so important in today’s world that it is almost impossible to imagine a life without it. Could you imagine what you would do if you weren’t able to watch television every once? Or what would you do if you were unable to talk to your grandmother who lives away from you on the phone for some time now and then?

Not having technology in our lives would make us feel like something in our lives is missing. Yes, that’s how big a role technology plays in our lives if we think deeply about it.

One of the best and most accessible forms of technology is the mobile phone or, more precisely, the smartphone. A smartphone is a phone which can connect to the internet. They have many advanced features in a phone and are a very good example of technology.

Paragraph on Technology – 250 to 300 Words for 9, 10, 11, 12, and Competitive Exam Students

Technology is the most useful form of science for the general population. In simple words, technology is when we take the concepts of science and transform them into gadgets and devices that are useful to us as human beings. When we look around us, almost everything is a result of or a form of technology.

For example, the device you are using right now is a form of technology made for communication, or the refrigerator in your kitchen is a use of science that helps to keep your food fresh and cool. With these examples, we see how dependent we are on technology and how important it is for us in our daily lives.

It isn’t easy to imagine our lives without using any form of technology. For the smallest of communications, we tend to turn to our mobile phones. Even most of the food we eat is packaged in factories using various technologies. Thus, imagining a life without technology is impossible. It is not only a fact of life but also a necessity for all of us.

In fact, the smartphone, that is, a mobile phone which can connect to the internet, is becoming one of the fastest-growing and most accessible forms of technology around the world. On a smartphone, you can click photographs, browse the internet, listen to music, and use social media. With the advent of smartphone technology, the practical purpose of not only communicating with your friends is met, but also so many others, as mentioned.

Thus, in today’s world, the importance of technology becomes more and more as the years pass. Scientists have done so much to advance humans using technology, and we still have a long way to go.

Paragraph on Technology - 250 to 300 Words for 9, 10, 11, 12, and Competitive Exam Students

FAQ’s on Paragraph on Technology

Question 1. What is technology?

Answer: Technology refers to when a concept of science is used to create something that serves a practical purpose in human life. For example, the telephone helps two people to talk to each other even when they are not physically together.

Question 2. Why is technology important?

Answer: Technology is very important simply because it helps to make our lives much easier and comfortable. For example, walking around to different places can be very tiring. Hence, our lives are made easier by using a car to get to places rather than by walking.

Question 3. What does it mean by technological advancements?

Answer: Technological advancements refer to when scientists make new discoveries in the world of technology that could further help us make our lives even easier.

Question 4. What are some daily life examples of technology?

Answer: Some daily life examples of technology include mobile phones to communicate with people, kitchen appliances, televisions, etc.

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Technology Essay

Technology is the use of scientific knowledge to produce new machinery and devices that can be used to provide different services or can be employed further to create more devices. The application of information to design and produce machines and other goods to make life more convenient for the human beings is known as technology. Here are some essays of varying lengths on Technology to help you with the topic in your class tests and exams.

Long and Short Essay on Technology in English

Essay on technology 1 (200 words).

The term technology has been derived from Greek words technne and logos . Technne means the skill required to craft something and logos stands for knowledge or discussion about something. Technology thus means the use of knowledge to create something to enhance life. Several big and small things we use in our day-to-day lives have been an outcome of technological development.

Scientists conduct research and experiment with different things to come up with newer ideas. Technologists use these ideas to develop newer devices. People these days have grown extremely accustomed to the use of these technological inventions that they simply cannot do without them. They await the launch of newer and more advanced devices. Mobile phones and cars are the best examples of this. People wait for the new models and replace them without giving it a second thought.

The smart phones offer so much, from amazing gaming experience to instant connectivity with people, that it is hard to take your eyes off it. Your car, air conditioner, microwave and other technologically advanced devices also seem as good because of the convenience they offer. However, it is wise not to go overboard with their use. Maintain a balance between science and nature to lead a peaceful life and keep your surroundings healthy.

Essay on Technology 2 (300 words)

Technology has helped in the growth and development of the mankind as a whole. Technological inventions have made living convenient. Connecting with people in different parts of the world, travelling long distance, having constant sources of entertainment and ease of cooking and storing food are some of the best things technology has offered us. But is technology really a boon to the mankind?

Technology: A Boon to the Mankind?

Well, this has always been a point of debate. While technology has paved the way for a better living its downside cannot be overlooked. The continual use of technologically advanced equipments as well as the process of their production has led to a drastic rise in all types of pollution. The rising pollution has become the cause of several health issues. Excessive use of technology has also contributed to problems such as obesity and visual impairment. Besides, it has isolated people socially more than connecting them. It has also led to a decrease in the employment opportunities particularly for the labour class.

The Relationship between Science and Technology

While science and technology are interdependent, these are two completely distinct fields of study. Science contributes to technology in several ways. It is the knowledge of science that gives way to new and innovative ideas to build different technological tools. The research and experiments conducted in science laboratories lead to the designing of various technological techniques and devices. Knowledge about science also helps in understanding the impact of technology on the environment and the society. Technology on the other hand extends the agenda of science. When the ideas are put to use, the scientists are inspired and motivated to research and experiment further to come up with newer ideas.

Technology certainly has given way to an improved lifestyle and contributed towards the growth of economies; however, the amount of damage it has done to the environment as well as the mankind is a cause of serious concern.

Essay on Technology 3 (400 words)

From the television you watch to the mobile phone you use to connect with your near and dear ones, from the car you drive to the refrigerator you use to store your food, from the air conditioners you use to beat the heat to the laptops you use to accomplish various tasks –  everything is a gift of technology.

Technology – An Integral Part of Our Life

Technology has become an integral part of our lives. It is ever-evolving and is responsible for our changing lifestyle. Newer technological inventions are taking the market by storm and people hardly take any time to get accustomed to these.

Technological advancements have also led to the growth and development of the nations as a whole.

The Downside of Technology

Here is a look at the downside of technology:

The use of technological equipment has given rise to various types of pollution. The industrial waste is thrown in the seas and other water bodies, thereby leading to water pollution, the smoke emitted by factories and vehicles causes air pollution, noise pollution is also a result of the production/ use of technological devices. Industrial waste has also led to soil pollution. Technological advancement has also given way to thermal, radioactive and light pollution.

  • Depletion of Natural Resources

Many natural resources are being over-exploited to produce technological equipment. While these equipment have proved to be useful in many ways this practice is resulting in the depletion of natural resources which is a threat to the environment.

  • Health Issues

Rise in the level of pollution and the weakening of natural environment has led to several health issues. The use of technology has also reduced physical activities which again has given rise to various health problems. Breathing problems, lung infection and obesity are among the problems that are on an all time high due to the increasing use of technology.

  • Unemployment

The work which was once done manually is now accomplished with the help of machines. The production of machines has thus taken away the livelihood of several people.

  • Nuclear Weapons

Technology has also led to the production of nuclear weapons that are a threat to the mankind.

Almost everything we use in our day-to-day life is a gift of technology and we cannot imagine our lives without most of these things. However, as much good as the technology has done to the mankind, we cannot deny the fact that it has also caused as much harm to our surroundings.

Essay on Technology 4 (500 words)

Technology is commonly defined as the use of scientific and technical information to design, create and monitor machinery, electronic devices and various other kinds of goods to serve the mankind. Technology has been classified into different categories with each of them having its own unique purpose.

Types of Technology

Here is a look at the different types of technologies:

  • Industrial Technology

This type of technology deploys manufacturing and engineering technology for the production of machines and other equipment. Employing these technologies makes the production process quicker and more efficient. The process is also made simpler.

  • Alternative Technology

This type of technology is known to be environment friendly compared to the other technologies that are more dominant in today’s scenario. Some of the examples of alternative technology include the use of wind turbines to produce electricity, the process of composting, use of solar panels, anaerobic digestion, biodiesel, vegetable oil, wind generators and grey-water recycling.

  • Creative Technology

It includes art, product design and advertising made with the use of software based, electronic or data-driven device. This includes the use of 3D printing, computer graphics, virtual reality and wearable technology among other things.

  • Architectural Technology

This involves the use of technology to design and build buildings. It is a part of architecture and building engineering. It is closely associated with the advancement in building science. At times, it is seen as a separate discipline.

  • Low Technology

This is a term given to simple technology that does not make use of non-mechanical things to create new objects. This was mainly prevalent before the industrial revolution. It can be practiced with low capital investment and is not capable of producing high-end devices.

  • Assistive Technology

This involves making use of different kinds of goods and services to aid people with disabilities. It includes non-mechanical, non-electronic aids, mechanical, electronic and microprocessor based equipment as well as exclusive instructional materials and services to assist disabled people in learning and functioning. It is also used to make the environment easily accessible for them.

  • Instructional Technology

It is the practice of development, utilization, management and assessment of the procedures and resources of teaching and learning. Its main purpose is to generate engaging and effective learning experiences.

  • Micro Technology

It is basically a technology that makes use of microelectronics. It was in the year 1960 that the scientists learned that by bringing together microscopic transistors on one chip, one could build microelectronic circuits that can enhance performance and functionality with reduced cost.

  • Medical Technology

As the name suggests, this type of technology produces various devices and equipment to diagnose and treat different medical conditions affecting human beings and animals.

  • Information Technology

It involves the utilization of computer systems and telecommunication to study, store, send and retrieve information. Internet is the most common example of information technology.

While technology has been classified into several categories each serving its own purpose, the core motive of all these remains the same,  that is to design and build newer devices to make life more convenient.

Essay on Technology 5 (600 words)

Technology is basically the application of information to build equipment and devices that can be put to different use. Technology has gradually become a part of our everyday life. The things we use everyday including the gas stove, refrigerator, bike, laptop, phone, air conditioner, car, lamps and internet connection have all been sourced by technology.

While technology has made life convenient for us, the negative repercussions it has cannot be overlooked. Here is how technology has impacted our lives and also how to strike a balance to overcome this impact.

Addiction towards Technology

The use of technology for improving one’s way of living is fine. However, addiction with technological devices can prove to be disastrous. Unfortunately, we have come a way too far when it comes to using the technology. Almost everyone today is glued to the technology these days. One of the apt examples of this can be the cell phones. Whether you are in a café, office or at home – everyone around just seems busy fiddling with his/her smartphone.

Similar is the addiction to air conditioners. During summers, it is almost impossible to sit without air conditioners. Summers used to be as hot a few years ago too but people did without this air cooling device but now it has become an addiction. Another example of technological addiction is the use of vehicles. We have almost forgotten how it is like to walk.

Similarly, we have grown addicted to most of the technological devices.

Negative Repercussions of Technology

This addiction towards technology is destroying us physically as well as mentally. Here is how:

  • Engrossed in technology, children these days develop social isolation that results in lack of social skills. Extreme use of technology and a socially isolated life can even lead to depression.
  • Abundant sources of entertainment are available at home and thus people do not feel the need to go out. Most kids these days stay indoors rather than indulging in outdoor activities. This leads to health problems such as obesity, poor sleeping habits and stress.
  • The use of technology has led to a drastic increase in pollution which in turn is responsible for various health problems.

Striking a Balance between Technology and Nature

Most people are unable to strike a balance between technology and nature. There are certain people who are too addicted to technology and their high standard of living that they have almost forgotten how it is like to live the natural way. On the other hand, there are those who are still stuck with the old ways of living and are hesitant to use technology to improve their standard of living.

The idea is to strike a balance between them. You must not go overboard with any of the two modes of living. It is understandable that you cannot stop working on your laptop or avoid using your mobile due to the nature of your job. However, you can certainly put it aside when you are with your family and friends. Talk to the people sitting next to you rather than constantly chasing the ones far away. Similarly, it is a good idea to try hands at gardening on the weekend rather than spending time watching movies.

Instead of using elevator or escalators it is suggested to take the stairs. Also for travelling small distances, it is better to go walking rather than using your vehicle. This way you will not only indulge in physical activity but will also do your bit to control the vehicular pollution.

Technology seems addictive due to the convenience and easy sources of comfort and entertainment it offers. However, being one with the nature is no less ecstatic. Try striking a balance between the two and you will see how your life changes for good.

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Uses of Mobile Phones Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on uses of mobile phones.

Mobile phones are one of the most commonly used gadgets in today’s world. Everyone from a child to an adult uses mobile phones these days. They are indeed very useful and help us in so many ways.

Uses of Mobile Phones Essay

Mobile phones indeed make our lives easy and convenient but at what cost? They are a blessing only till we use it correctly. As when we use them for more than a fixed time, they become harmful for us.

Uses of Mobile Phone

We use mobile phones for almost everything now. Gone are the days when we used them for only calling. Now, our lives revolve around it. They come in use for communicating through voice, messages, and mails. We can also surf the internet using a phone. Most importantly, we also click photos and record videos through our mobile’s camera.

The phones of this age are known as smartphones . They are no less than a computer and sometimes even more. You can video call people using this phone, and also manage your official documents. You get the chance to use social media and play music through it.

Moreover, we see how mobile phones have replaced computers and laptops . We carry out all the tasks through mobile phones which we initially did use our computers. We can even make powerpoint presentations on our phones and use it as a calculator to ease our work.

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Disadvantages of Mobile Phones

While mobile phones are very beneficial, they also come to a lot of disadvantages. Firstly, they create a distance between people. As people spend time on their phones, they don’t talk to each other much. People will sit in the same room and be busy on their phones instead of talking to each other.

Subsequently, phones waste a lot of time. People get distracted by them easily and spend hours on their phones. They are becoming dumber while using smartphones . They do not do their work and focus on using phones.

Most importantly, mobile phones are a cause of many ailments. When we use phones for a long time, our eyesight gets weaker. They cause strain on our brains. We also suffer from headaches, watery eyes, sleeplessness and more.

Moreover, mobile phones have created a lack of privacy in people’s lives. As all your information is stored on your phone and social media , anyone can access it easily. We become vulnerable to hackers. Also, mobile phones consume a lot of money. They are anyway expensive and to top it, we buy expensive gadgets to enhance our user experience.

In short, we see how it is both a bane and a boon. It depends on us how we can use it to our advantage. We must limit our usage of mobile phones and not let it control us. As mobile phones are taking over our lives, we must know when to draw the line. After all, we are the owners and not the smartphone.

FAQs on Uses of Mobile Phones

Q.1 How do mobile phones help us?

A.1 Mobile phones are very advantageous. They help us in making our lives easy and convenient. They help us communicate with our loved ones and carry out our work efficiently. Furthermore, they also do the work of the computer, calculator, and cameras.

Q.2 What is the abuse of mobile phone use?

A.2 People are nowadays not using but abusing mobile phones. They are using them endlessly which is ruining their lives. They are the cause of many ailments. They distract us and keep us away from important work. Moreover, they also compromise with our privacy making us vulnerable to hackers.

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Essay on Technology for Students in English | 500+ Words Essay

December 20, 2020 by Sandeep

Essay on Technology: Technology has made everything reachable at our fingertips. With the rapid growth in internet and mobile communications, the world has become a small place to live. The culmination of engineering, pure and applied scientific knowledge, has created a rapid series of growth processes and techniques. Technology has both advantages and disadvantages. They have transformed our lives positively, yet have negative implications.

Essay on Technology 500 Words in English

Below we have Technology Essay in English, written in easy and simple words for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

It is right to say that we live in a technology-driven world. Development is linked to technology. The advancements made in the realms of technology have changed how we live today. We have evolved through these changes. A new thing appears almost every day, which makes life easier and more comfortable. Technology refers to the usage of scientific discoveries to meet our demands. These demands include tools, machinery, and pieces of equipment used for different purposes. Technology increases our productivity and makes things work at a faster pace.

Modern technology has radically changed the state of our economy. It has taken over the global markets and is one of the major reasons for the development of a nation. Despite being so beneficial, technology has some loopholes. We cannot choose to ignore its negative effects. Here we are going to discuss how technology has impacted us and what changes we can bring to overcome its drawbacks.

Positive Impact of Technology

Technology surely has a great role to play in all the advancements we have made in recent times. It is because of the technology that we witness a modernized version of our world. The history of humankind has noticed revolutionary changes. From the discovery of wheels to the designing of microchips for mobiles and computers, we have come a long way. This has all been made possible because of technology.

Today manual labour has been replaced by automation. The risky operations at the mines have been controlled. Now we have machines to replace our efforts. This has not only made the task more efficient but also faster to achieve. Modern equipment used in our day to day life has altered our reality. Computers, mobiles, the internet , cars, aeroplanes, etc. are all outputs of technology. Can you imagine a world without any of these? We are surrounded by so many different options. We can book tickets, order food, watch a movie, and communicate with our friends from anywhere in this world- all thanks to technology.

The agriculture field has new tools and equipment which have increased the yield. The farmer benefits from this, and so do the consumers. Even the food industry has been continuously growing due to technological gain. Food packaging largely depends on this. Thousands of factories have installed automated machines to deal with the production of goods. Technology has helped us predict the unfavourable climate changes . Today we can predict an upcoming storm before its arrival.

This has saved thousands of lives by evacuation programs during floods and hurricanes. Moreover, medical technology has blessed us with life-saving cures. Heart and stem cell transplants, remote surgeries, etc. can be done today. The average age of a person has increased, and the death rate has significantly decreased. Some of the major revolutions of technology have been made in space. Starting from satellites to spacecraft, technology has equipped us with the greatest tools.

Technology has its applications in the field of robotics as well. Robots are commonly used in industries nowadays. People also utilize them at their homes now. Handling hazardous, radioactive waste can be dealt with easily today. Technological tools have helped us design means to clean and manage them. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has grown enormously by the power of technology. The advancements made in this field are extraordinary.

AI has its use in warfare, healthcare, communication, security, and many other areas. It is an efficient tool that can behave like us. We apply it for purposes like planning, learning, problem-solving, and critical reasoning. Besides, there are lower risks of error involved in it. Facial recognition and biometric systems have evolved as an outcome. Today robots can mimic human expression. Moreover, we have automatic cars which have significantly reduced the number of road accidents.

Negative Impact of Technology

Modern-day technology has greatly impacted our lives. However, there are few drawbacks to it. We cannot ignore these negative points. People can access the benefits of technology at their convenience. And some of them try to misuse it. Digital technology has led to virtual abuse, stalking, and bullying. Cybercrime , money laundering, and identity thefts are common these days.

Increased pollution rate is another outcome of technology. Our environment is contaminated and our natural resources have depleted. Newer technological applications in the industries have polluted our atmosphere. This has a disastrous effect on all humans, birds, and animals. Moreover, there has been a great scope of unemployment due to technology. Automation has made machines work better than humans. This means no job for thousands of workers. Apart from that, we have misused mobiles to a large extent. The primary purpose of mobile was to be able to communicate. Nowadays, children are addicted to their phones.


Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology

Students are often asked to write an essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology


Modern technology is a crucial part of our lives. It has its advantages and disadvantages which we will explore.

Firstly, technology makes our life easier. For example, we can communicate with others instantly. Secondly, it provides endless entertainment options. Lastly, it’s a great tool for education.


However, there are downsides. Over-reliance on technology can lead to less physical activity. Additionally, it can cause social isolation. Lastly, it can be a distraction from studies.

In conclusion, while technology has its benefits, it’s important to use it wisely to avoid its pitfalls.

250 Words Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology

Advantages of modern technology.

Modern technology enhances efficiency and productivity. Tools like computers, software, and artificial intelligence can automate repetitive tasks, freeing humans to focus on complex, creative pursuits. Moreover, technology enables instant communication and fosters global connectivity. Platforms such as social media, email, and video conferencing have bridged geographical distances, fostering a global culture of collaboration and shared knowledge.

Disadvantages of Modern Technology

However, the reliance on technology can lead to issues such as privacy invasion and data theft. With the increasing amount of personal information shared online, individuals become vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Furthermore, the extensive use of technology can lead to physical and mental health problems. The sedentary lifestyle promoted by screen-based activities can contribute to obesity, while constant connectivity can lead to stress and anxiety.

In conclusion, while modern technology has significantly improved our lives, it has also introduced new challenges. It’s crucial to strike a balance, leveraging the benefits of technology while being aware of its potential pitfalls. As we continue to innovate, we must also develop strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of technology.

500 Words Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology

Modern technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, influencing every aspect from communication to business, from education to healthcare. The advancements in technology have brought numerous benefits, but they also come with their own set of drawbacks. This essay aims to delve into the advantages and disadvantages of modern technology.

One of the most significant benefits of modern technology is the enhancement of communication. With the advent of smartphones, social media, and instant messaging apps, people can now connect with each other from any corner of the world in real-time, fostering global collaboration and cultural exchange.

In the field of education, technology has transformed the learning experience. Online education platforms, digital textbooks, and virtual classrooms have made learning more accessible, personalized, and flexible.

Despite its advantages, modern technology also has its downsides. One of the main disadvantages is the issue of privacy and security. With the increasing amount of data being shared online, there is a growing concern about data breaches, identity theft, and cybercrime.

Moreover, the rapid pace of technological change can lead to job displacement. Automation and artificial intelligence threaten to replace human labor in certain sectors, leading to job loss and increased social inequality.

In conclusion, while modern technology offers numerous benefits such as improved communication, advancements in healthcare, and transformation in education, it also poses significant challenges, including privacy and security concerns, mental health issues, and job displacement. Therefore, it is essential to strike a balance between leveraging the benefits of modern technology and mitigating its potential drawbacks. As we continue to innovate and advance, we must also ensure that we are addressing these challenges and shaping a future where technology serves as a tool for societal improvement rather than a source of disruption.

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Essay on Mobile Phone: 100 Words, 300 Words, 500 Words

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  • Feb 21, 2024

essay on my mobile phone

Mobile Phones are portable electronic devices used to make calls, browse the internet, click pictures, and do several other tasks. However, the mobile phones discovered in the early 1970s were quite different from the compact and slim devices we use today. Cell phones were invented by John F. Mitchell and Martin Cooper of Motorola in 1973.

As modern humans, we all use mobile phones for our day-to-day functioning. At academic and higher education levels, students are given the task of writing an essay on mobile phones. An essay on mobile phones requires a comprehensive and detailed study of their history, major developments and the purposes it serve. In this article, we have provided essays on mobile phones for class 6,7,8.9, 10, and 12th standard students. Students can refer to these sample essays on mobile phones to write their own. Keep reading to find out essays on mobile phones and some fun facts about the device.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (100 Words)
  • 2 Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (300 words)
  • 3 Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (500 words)
  • 4 Essay on Mobile Phone: 5+ Facts About Smartphones

Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (100 Words)

Mobile phones are also known as cell phones or smartphones. It is a revolutionary technology that can connect people even from a distance. A smartphone can be used to call, text, click photos, send photos, manage calendars, calculate things, browse the internet, play music, watch movies, or simply use social media. Even banking activities can be done by using a smartphone. To this day and date, almost everyone is a mobile phone user. Although mobile phones are not recommended for children, it is a versatile tool that can be used by a student of any age.  Hence, it has become a significant part of everyday life.

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Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (300 words)

In the modern world, a smartphone is a necessity. Human beings have become dependent on devices to do their important work. The reason is, mobile phones have several applications that make the daily life of the user easier. It is no longer a luxury to own a mobile phone. The prices have gone down so much that an average middle-class person can afford it. It is the most important and affordable tool available in the market.

An average mobile phone can perform several tasks. Starting with connecting people at a distance through calls or texts to playing games. For example, a Nokia 1100 can have applications that can assist in calls, texting, listening to the radio, playing games, calendars, and more. A more advanced mobile phone such as an Android device or an iPhone can connect the device to the internet and open up plenty of possibilities. That is, on a smartphone along with the basic functions customers can send emails, and use social media applications like Facebook, Instagram, and X.  

Along with the advantages, a mobile phone comes with disadvantages too. However, the disadvantages of a smartphone are less based on the device. It is more related to how a user used the device. It can cause health problems such as poor eyesight, and sleep disruption. Aside from this, being excessively dependent on the phone can result in social isolation and less productivity.

Mobile Phone is an excellent device that can perform several functions for a user. Due to its advantages, it has become an indispensable tool in the modern world. However, with its benefits comes the cons. A user should not be too dependent on a smartphone. It can result in health problems, social isolation, and less productivity. 

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Sample Essay on Mobile Phone (500 words)

Mobile Phone is a portable telephone that performs a variety of functions for its users. The smartphone can be used to text, call, watch movies, listen to music, and even use social media applications. This cellular device has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, most of the disadvantages of a mobile phone circle around its overuse or misuse. The price of a mobile phone can vary between INR 2000 to $48.5 million based on the model and brand. 

Mobile phones have several advantages. For this reason, it has become a modern-day necessity. Some of the advantages of mobile phones are listed below:
The main reason why anyone would purchase a mobile phone is to make calls. Smartphones make it easy for a user to communicate with another user. Be it video calls, normal calls, or texting it can all be done on a mobile phone.
Browsing the Internet:
The Internet makes it easier to access information at your fingertips. A mobile phone user can use the internet to browse the internet, and even use applications that run on the internet. Thus, it can help a user to listen to music, watch movies, send emails, manage social accounts are more.  Furthermore, it also helps users to make online payments
Performing Business
Several established businesses use marketing strategies to promote their products and services. These are done with the help of the Internet. Mobile phone users can use social media accounts to promote their products and services. It also enables users to engage with other businesses.
Learning Applications
A variety of applications available on cellular devices help users to learn and grow. For example, educational materials such as online courses are available on these platforms/

There are several disadvantages to using mobile phones. Some of them are listed below:
Social Isolation
People are more interested in mobile phones than actually communicating with others face-to-face. Hence, mobile phones have created a time when people are connected and disconnected at the same time.
Lack of Productivity
Mobile phones have become so engrossing that it has resulted in smartphone addiction.  Being on the device for too long can make a person be in the virtual world more, and not in the real world. Thus, making a person unproductive.
Health Problems 
Smartphone addiction can result in disrupted sleep, poor eyesight, bad posture, depression, and other health ailments.  Hence, using mobile phones for a long duration is bad for a person’s health.
Lack of Privacy
Mobile phones can compromise the privacy of their users. Anyone can access information about any person. Moreover, viruses, phishing attacks, etc. can result in loss of data.

A mobile phone has its pros and cons. Smartphones can perform several functions and have made life easier for humans. The limited use of mobile phones can be incredibly useful.  The importance of mobile phones can’t be denied in today’s world. However, using the devices for too long can result in several health ailments and social isolation. 

Essay on Mobile Phone: 5+ Facts About Smartphones

Here we have listed some of the interesting facts about smartphones. These facts can be added to the ‘essay on mobile phones’ to make it more interesting. Below are the 5 interesting facts about smartphones:

  • The most expensive smartphone in the world is the Falcon Supernova iPhone 6 Pink Diamond. It is worth  $48.5 million.
  • The cheapest mobile phone in the world is the Freedom 251. It just cost INR 251.
  • Apple is the world’s most popular smartphone
  • The first phone greeting was “Ahoy-hoy, who’s calling please?” 
  • The first smartphone was invented by IBM. It was released by IBM in 1994. The original screen name of the 1st smartphone was “Simon.” 
  • The first text message in the world was ‘Merry Christmas’

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A mobile phone system gets its name from diving the service into small cells. Each of these cells has a base station with a useful range in the order of a kilometre/mile.

Mobile phones have become extremely important due to the ease of communication it has brought about. Moreover, it can perform several major tasks easily and effectively. For example, a calculator. Aside from this mobile phones can help a user connect to the internet, and use social media applications, and other applications. Mobile phones can even assist in online payment. 

The full form or the meaning of a Moble is Modified, Operation, Byte, Integration, Limited, Energy”. John F. Mitchell and Martin Cooper of Motorola discovered the device in 1973. An essay on mobile phones can include the mobile phone full form.

Related Articles

Mobile phones have become an indispensable part of our lifestyle. There are several advantages and disadvantages of having a smartphone. However, the pros outweigh the cons. A mobile phone essay can be written by including both the advantages and disadvantages. To discover more articles like this one, consult the study abroad expert at Leverage Edu.

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Blessy George

Blessy George is a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu, boasting over a year of experience in the industry. Her expertise lies in crafting compelling content tailored to online courses, making her a go-to source for those navigating the vast landscape of digital learning. In addition to online classes, she writes content related to study abroad, English test preparation and visas. She has completed her MA degree in Political Science and has gained valuable experience as an intern.She is known for her extensive writing on various aspects of international education, garnering recognition for her insights and contributions. Apart from her professional pursuits, Blessy is passionate about creative writing, particularly poetry and songwriting.

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Essay on Technology

essay on technology

Here we have shared the Essay on Technology in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Technology in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Technology in 150-250 words

  • Essay on Technology in 300-400 words

Essay on Technology in 500-1000 words

Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives, revolutionizing the way we live, work, and communicate. It encompasses a wide range of tools, devices, and systems that enhance productivity, efficiency, and convenience. From smartphones and computers to advanced medical equipment and smart home devices, technology has transformed every aspect of our world.

The impact of technology is evident in various sectors, including education, healthcare, transportation, and communication. It has improved access to information, enabling faster and more efficient learning. In healthcare, technology has revolutionized diagnosis, treatment, and patient care, saving lives and improving outcomes. Transportation has become more efficient and safer with the advent of smart vehicles and navigation systems. Communication has transcended physical boundaries, connecting people across the globe instantly.

While technology brings numerous benefits, it also presents challenges. Concerns about privacy, cybersecurity, and the impact of technology on employment and social interactions have emerged. It is essential to harness technology responsibly and ethically to mitigate these challenges.

In conclusion, technology has transformed our lives, providing us with unprecedented convenience, efficiency, and connectivity. It continues to evolve and shape the world around us. As we embrace technology, we must also navigate the associated challenges and ensure that it is utilized for the betterment of society. The responsible and ethical use of technology is key to harnessing its full potential and creating a positive impact on individuals and communities.

Essay on Technology in 300-450 words

Technology has become an inseparable part of our modern lives, revolutionizing the way we live, work, and communicate. It encompasses a vast array of tools, systems, and devices that have transformed every aspect of our world. From smartphones and computers to artificial intelligence and advanced robotics, technology has brought about significant advancements and improvements in various fields.

One of the most significant impacts of technology is in the realm of communication. The advent of the internet and social media platforms has connected people from all corners of the world, enabling instant communication and global collaboration. The ability to share information, ideas, and experiences has fostered cultural exchange, expanded educational opportunities, and promoted social interactions on an unprecedented scale.

Technology has also revolutionized the business world, enhancing efficiency, productivity, and profitability. Automation and digitalization have streamlined processes, increased accuracy, and reduced human error. Organizations can now analyze vast amounts of data to make informed decisions, target specific markets, and personalize customer experiences. E-commerce platforms have opened new avenues for entrepreneurs and small businesses to reach a global customer base.

Education has also been greatly influenced by technology. Digital learning tools and online platforms have expanded access to education, making it more inclusive and flexible. Students can now engage in interactive and personalized learning experiences, access a wealth of educational resources, and collaborate with peers from around the world. Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies have also transformed the way we perceive and engage with educational content, bringing subjects to life and making learning more immersive and interactive.

The healthcare sector has witnessed remarkable advancements with the aid of technology. Medical devices, imaging technologies, and telemedicine have improved diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. Electronic health records and data analytics have enhanced efficiency and accuracy in medical processes. Moreover, wearable devices and mobile applications have enabled individuals to monitor their health, promote wellness, and access medical information easily.

While technology brings numerous benefits, it also poses challenges and concerns. Privacy and security issues have become more prevalent, as personal data is increasingly stored and shared digitally. The rapid pace of technological advancements has also raised concerns about job displacement and the widening digital divide. Moreover, over-reliance on technology can lead to sedentary lifestyles, social isolation, and addiction.

In conclusion, technology has become an integral part of our society, transforming the way we live, work, and communicate. It has brought numerous advancements and benefits across various sectors, enhancing efficiency, connectivity, and accessibility. However, it is crucial to address the challenges associated with technology, such as privacy and security concerns, job displacement, and the need for digital literacy. By harnessing technology responsibly and ethically, we can ensure that it continues to bring positive changes and improves the lives of individuals and communities around the world.

Title: Technology – The Evolution and Impact on Society

Introduction :

Technology has become an integral part of our modern lives, permeating every aspect of society. From communication and transportation to education and healthcare, technology has revolutionized the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. This essay explores the evolution of technology, its impact on various sectors, and the challenges and opportunities it presents.

Evolution of Technology

The journey of technology can be traced back to the early inventions of the wheel, the printing press, and the steam engine. However, the rapid advancement of technology in the 20th and 21st centuries has transformed the world at an unprecedented pace. The invention of computers, the internet, and mobile devices have laid the foundation for the digital age we live in today.

The Impact of Technology on Communication

Technology has revolutionized communication, making the world more interconnected than ever before. The advent of the internet and social media platforms has transformed the way we communicate, allowing for instant global connectivity. Individuals can connect with friends, family, and colleagues across the globe through video calls, messaging apps, and social networks. Moreover, technology has facilitated the exchange of information and ideas on a global scale, fostering cultural exchange, promoting social activism, and increasing awareness of global issues.

Impact on Education

Technology has reshaped the landscape of education, providing new opportunities for learning and knowledge sharing. Digital learning tools, online platforms, and educational apps have expanded access to education, making it more flexible and inclusive. Students can engage in interactive and personalized learning experiences, access a wealth of educational resources, and collaborate with peers from different backgrounds. Additionally, technology has enabled remote learning, allowing individuals to pursue education regardless of geographical constraints. Virtual reality and augmented reality technologies have also enhanced the learning experience, bringing subjects to life and making education more immersive and engaging.

Impact on Healthcare

The healthcare sector has experienced significant advancements with the aid of technology. Medical devices, imaging technologies, and telemedicine have revolutionized diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. Electronic health records and data analytics have improved efficiency and accuracy in medical processes. Moreover, wearable devices and mobile applications have empowered individuals to monitor their health, promote wellness, and access medical information easily. The integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning has the potential to revolutionize healthcare further, enabling predictive analytics, personalized medicine, and improved patient outcomes.

Challenges and Concerns

Despite the numerous benefits of technology, it also poses challenges and concerns. Privacy and security issues have become more prevalent as personal data is increasingly stored and shared digitally. Cyberattacks, data breaches, and identity theft are growing concerns. The rapid pace of technological advancements also raises concerns about job displacement and the widening digital divide. As automation and artificial intelligence continue to advance, certain job roles may become obsolete, impacting employment rates and economic inequality. Additionally, over-reliance on technology can lead to sedentary lifestyles, social isolation, and addiction. Striking a balance between utilizing technology for its benefits while mitigating its negative impacts is crucial.

Conclusion :

Technology has transformed society, bringing unprecedented advancements and opportunities. It has revolutionized communication, education, healthcare, and various other sectors. However, it is essential to address the challenges and concerns associated with technology, such as privacy, job displacement, and the need for digital literacy. By harnessing technology responsibly and ethically, we can ensure that it continues to bring positive changes and improve the lives of individuals and communities worldwide. Technology should be seen as a tool to enhance human capabilities and foster human connections, while always striving for a balance between innovation and the preservation of humanity’s core values.

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The Evolution of Technology

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Published: Dec 18, 2018

Words: 640 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Technology Essay: Hook Examples

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  • From Stone Tools to Silicon Chips: Human history is marked by technological advancements. Join us as we journey through time, exploring the milestones that have propelled humanity from the Stone Age to the Information Age.
  • The Ethical Crossroads: Advancements in technology bring forth ethical dilemmas. This essay examines the ethical challenges posed by emerging technologies, from genetic engineering to surveillance, and the need for responsible innovation.
  • Technology in Education: Education is undergoing a digital transformation. Explore how technology is revolutionizing classrooms, expanding access to knowledge, and reshaping the way we learn.
  • The Future Unveiled: What does the future hold in the realm of technology? In this essay, we’ll peer into the crystal ball of tech trends, from quantum computing to space exploration, and envision the world that awaits us.

Works Cited

  • Feeney, A. (2019). Overcoming Fear: Finding the Courage to Face Your Fears and Embrace Change. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Seligman, M. E. (2006). Learned optimism: How to change your mind and your life. Vintage.
  • Adams, S. K. (2019). How to Overcome Fear and Find Your Courage: Overcoming Fear, Gaining Confidence, Building Trust, and Improving Self Esteem. Independently Published.
  • Brown, B. (2012). Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead. Avery.
  • Knaus, W. J. (2006). Fearless: Imagine Your Life Without Fear. American Management Association.
  • Chansky, T. E. (2014). Freeing your child from anxiety: Powerful, practical solutions to overcome your child’s fears, worries, and phobias. Harmony.
  • Lerner, H. G. (2015). Fear and other uninvited guests: Tackling the anxiety, fear, and shame that keep us from optimal living and loving. HarperCollins.
  • Rappaport, J. (2017). The Courage Habit: How to Accept Your Fears, Release the Past, and Live Your Courageous Life. New Harbinger Publications.
  • McGrath, C. (2018). The Psychology of Fear in Organizations: How to Transform Anxiety into Well-being, Productivity and Innovation. Kogan Page.
  • Gilbert, E. (2019). Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear. Riverhead Books.

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Paragraph on Technology – Long and Short Paragraphs

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Technology is the exploration of scientific knowledge to develop tools and techniques to transform the world by improving efficiency in almost everything we do. With every new technological invention , it is dramatically changing the society and the environment . Today, it has become unimaginable to be in a world without technology.

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You will find below a number of short paragraphs on the topic Technology of varying word lengths. We hope these paragraphs on Technology will help students in completing their school assignments. These will also help children write and read out paragraphs in simple words and with small sentences. Students can select any Technology paragraph according to their particular requirement.

Long and Short Paragraphs on Technology

Paragraph on technology 100 words.

Technology is a necessity of the modern lifestyle. Every day there are new ideas and advancements in the technology as the world becomes more involved in discovering and utilizing the potential of natural resources. Technology has improved human lives significantly by providing convenience and efficiency. It has made easily possible for us to access education, communication, medicine, transportation, sports, etc.

In this fast pace and ever-changing world, technological innovations take no time in becoming obsolete. However, today for any nation’s development technology plays a vital role in improving its economy and the lives of the people. Technology is the present and future of this era.

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Paragraph on Technology 150 Words

Starting from smart phones to wake you up, fitness bands to keep you fit, to the computers you work upon and the electricity you use – everything is the whimsical world of technology. The technological innovations like internet and smart phones have made possible for people to connect with others all over the globe, get information about any nook and corner of the world, create a digital and a global economy, seek entertainment and the list continues. Human lives are so intricately connected to technology that they just cannot function without it.

Today, every nation is thriving on technology to generate economy, employment all leading towards a smart lifestyle. Technology has so much to offer and everyday its potential is tested to new limits. However, with technologies like artificial intelligence, nuclear weapons are a threat not only to the environment but mankind also and their scale of mass destruction and damage cannot be imagined.

Paragraph on Technology 200 words

Technology has evolved remarkably over the past few decades. The beginning of modern technology could be seen in early 1800s – the start of industrial revolution and since then there has been no looking back.

Gone are the days of waiting for months to receive a letter from your friend or relative residing in a distant place. At the click of some buttons you can talk to anyone sitting in a remote part of the world. Earlier people used to flock to library for research work or pleasure reading which has now been replaced with e books and search engines.

Some 100 years back, people could not predict the incoming hurricane, its position and time of attack but now anyone with a mobile phone can find these details and interpret it accurately. The outdoor activities have now been replaced with computers and Play Station. Now a days, kids prefer spending time on what their virtual friends are up to rather than spending quality time with their family or friends.

Technology is advancing with a speed of light making it difficult to cope up with. It has transformed our lives and has turned the world into a global village. Its potential is limitless and awaits great discoveries in the near future.

Paragraph on Technology 250 Words

Mankind has used technology to explore and discover the mysteries of nature and its existence. In that quest, technology has also managed to bring luxuries and comfort to our daily lives. Technology has helped scientists to peek into the dark space, explore the world of gadgets, test the powers of nuclear energy and discover the undiscovered.

Everyday scientists are exploring ways to exploit solar energy, wind energy and harnessing power from it, converting salty ocean water to pure fresh water, predicting climatic conditions and much more. New technologies are coming up to intricately study the lives of different species whom we know very little about. Technological efforts are being made to preserve endanger species and produce better and healthy crops by genetically modifying them.

Technology must be Used Wisely

However, technology can become a reason for self-destruction if not used decisively. Thus, it becomes very important to strike a balance between technology and nature, as technology knows no limit and can turn disparaging. A lot of E-waste is generated because of the excessive use of smart phones, televisions and so many other electronics.

These E-wastes are getting dumped onto fields polluting the land and a lot of natural resources are wasted. Nuclear energy and biological warfare are a threat to the nature as it has long lasting and destructive effects to the environment. Manufacturing of modern day technologies, cars and industries have resulted in air, water and land pollution which has resulted in alarming situations of climate change and global warming.

Advantages and Disadvantages of technology

Advantages of Technology:

  • Efficiency & Productivity: Automation and modern tools increase efficiency and allow for more output in a shorter amount of time.
  • Connectivity: With the internet and mobile technology, communication and collaboration become instantaneous, bridging distances.
  • Access to Information: Digital technology, especially the internet, provides vast amounts of information at our fingertips.
  • Enhanced Learning: e-Learning platforms and digital tools enhance education by making it more interactive and accessible.
  • Medical Advancements: From advanced medical equipment to telemedicine, technology has improved patient care and prognosis.

Disadvantages of Technology:

  • Dependence: Over-reliance on technology can make us too dependent, causing helplessness when technology fails.
  • Privacy Concerns: With everything going digital, there’s a risk of personal data being compromised or misused.
  • Job Displacement: Automation and AI can lead to job losses in certain sectors as machines replace human roles.
  • Physical Health: Prolonged use of technology can lead to health issues, such as eye strain, bad posture, and sedentary lifestyles.
  • Mental Health: Overuse of social media and digital platforms can lead to mental health concerns like anxiety, depression, and decreased face-to-face social skills.

To decide whether technology is a friend to the mankind or an enemy solely depends upon the user.

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Paragraph on Technology 300 Words

The 21 st century is empowered with gifts of technology like internet, smart phones, super-fast computers, smart televisions, artificial intelligence (robots), etc. Today the world is envisioning the future as some kind of a science fiction movie – a world of incredible technology. It has become a part and parcel of everyone’s daily routine and has revolutionized their lives in unimaginable ways. It has made possible to access any information just at the press of the key!

Benefits of Technology

Technology has aided in the evolution of the modern world and how we imagine it. The technological innovations have made the lives of human beings convenient, easy and better than what it was yesterday. It has made possible for people to connect from all over the world through smart phones, emails, video calls, etc.

Technology has replaced the conventional modes of transportation to faster and convenient ways like metros and airplanes. Medical innovations to cure diseases and rectify them so easily would not have been possible without technological innovations like MRI scans, surgical machineries and other advanced techniques. Technology has now become one of the most integral parts in the development of any nation.

Drawbacks of Technology

As we know, nothing interesting is ever completely one-sided there are downsides to the technology as well. It has brought a vicious cycle of cyber warfare, hackers, terrorist attacks, social stress and lot more. It has made people addicted to social networking sites, making them lethargic and ignorant. Modern technology is eliminating the creativity of human hands and brain.

Technology has certainly paved ways for a better lifestyle, but it has also caused damage and destruction to the environment. Despite of its various consequences, technology is here to stay and there is no escaping it. Technology is a tool to be used with rationality. Hence, it is upon the user to decide its potential.

Paragraph on Technology 350 Words

Technology has revolutionized the world of gadgets to a whole new platform. It is said one technology opens the doorways for hundred other technologies, and these become the forces for changes in our society, way of living and environment. Technology has helped in understanding the existing problems and situations and from there take on to provide multiple solutions to them.

Education and Technology

Since the invention of computers and calculators, technology has transformed the dynamics of education. With the increasing popularity of internet and its powers, online search engines have opened the doorways of accessing any information just by the press of a key. Bringing technology to classrooms by introducing smart boards, and projectors that screen digital simulations and models helps teachers to explain concepts with such ease and also helps students grasp faster and better. It helps students connect at a global level. Technology has also made the system of assessment easier and efficient. However, there are no less cases where technology has hindered student’s ability to learn and served more as a distraction than a way of learning.

Medicine and Technology

Technology has brought a reform in the healthcare and medicine sector. From genetically modified crops for better yielding to a great increase in the life expectancy rate, from the use of X-rays, MRI scans for identifying diseases to the use of various surgical machines – everything is a miracle of technology. Technology has helped in combating diseases that were once thought to be incurable. It has helped in performing complex surgeries at utmost precision which is nearly impossible to be achieved via a human hand. A lot of people believe that technology has resulted in focusing and treating only on the sick part of the body rather than caring of the patient as a whole.

Besides creating a revolution in the field of medicine and education, a lot of different types of technologies like 3d printing, virtual reality, graphic technology, information technology, architecture-related soft wares have evolved over time and are changing the world at such a fast pace that there is no stopping to it. Digital technology has gifted us with its enormous Pandora box of gadgets and applications. Millions of people every day thrive on it for their survival.

Paragraph on Technology 400 Words

Technology affects our society both positively as well as negatively. Its impact depends on how and to what extent we use it. Technology is fast paced and ever changing. Today’s technology in no time becomes obsolete. Hence it becomes very important to keep up with the upcoming technological trends.

Positive Impacts of Technology

Here are some of the positive impacts of technology on different fields:

  • Effective Transportation Facilities

Technological advancement in transportation is one of the key areas for a country to progress economically. It has helped flourish trade between various countries. Technology has proved to be advantageous in road, water and air transport by facilitating smooth flow of goods and people.

  • Improved Agricultural Techniques

Agricultural biotechnology has opened up the possibilities of growing crops in the desert, which is today considered as no less than a miracle. Use of modern machines, improved irrigation systems, cooling facilities, genetically produced plants, etc. has led to better yield of crops.

  • Longer Lives

The average life expectancy has increased due to tremendous advancement in health and medicine sector. Introduction of various medicines, vaccines, tools and techniques have led to better healthcare facility improving the lives of people.

Negative Impacts of Technology

  • Social Interaction

Technology is making people more isolated to the real world. This results in mental stress and depression among people. Nowadays, people are so engaged in the virtual world which makes them unaware about their surroundings. The excessive use of social media has led to a decline in real time communication resulting in a lack of much needed social skills.

  • Impact on health

Nowadays people are suffering from anxiety, depression and phobia due to excessive usage of multimedia technology. This also leads to physical, mental, social and emotional disturbances. Children these days prefer watching TV rather than outdoor activities making them obese. Prolonged use of computer or mobile screens has led to straining of eyes. Certain video games induce aggression and violence in children which poses serious health problems.

  • Degradation of Environment

The technologies that we use in our daily life consume a lot of natural resources and power gradually leading to their depletion. Air, water, land and noise pollution is caused by producing and using technology. Industrial companies that manufacture electronics emit toxic fumes into air resulting in air pollution. Manufacturing technology creates a huge amount of E-waste and proper disposal of it is required to avoid deadly chemicals to leach into the ground.

Striking a balance between technology and nature is the need of the hour. With limitless power of technology, it becomes very important to understand when to stop and define limits. Judicious and decisive use of technology could help in creating a balance between technology and nature.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Paragraph on Technology

What is technology introduction.

Technology is a collection of tools, machines, and methods used to solve problems and make our lives easier.

What is new in technology?

New technology refers to recent innovations and developments that change the way we live, work, and communicate.

Why is it called technology?

It's called technology because the word comes from the Greek techne (art or skill) and logia (study), which means the study of skills or techniques.

What is an example of technology?

An example of technology is a smartphone, which lets us call, text, and browse the internet.

What is the history of technology?

The history of technology traces the evolution of tools and methods from ancient times to the modern era, like moving from stone tools to computers.

Why is technology important in our life?

Technology is important because it makes our tasks easier, connects us, and provides access to information and entertainment.

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7 Research Findings About Technology and Education

Here’s what research shows about the effectiveness of technology for learning and when less tech can be more productive.

Photo of elementary teacher and students on ipads in classroom

Do students perform better on digital or paper assessments? Does the amount of time spent on an app correlate to learning growth? How much valid and reliable research is typically behind an educational application? These are questions that busy educators often wonder about, yet they may not have an easy way to find answers. Fortunately, there is research on education apps and devices as well as learning growth and outcomes in the research journals. Below are seven things that educators should know about the research on the effectiveness of technology for learning—note that research findings can evolve over time, and the points below are not definitively settled.

Advantages and disadvantages of Tech

1. When screens are present but not being used for learning, students tend to learn less. Whether it’s a laptop or a smartphone , studies have found that the mere presence of these devices reduces available cognitive capacity in college students. Long-term recall and retention of information decreases when students at the university level have screens present during direct instructional time . Just having a laptop screen open or a cell phone next to a student (but not being used) is enough to distract their brain from fully focusing on the class activities.

Further, studies found that students in college who send off-task text or IM messages during class or engage with social media on their devices typically take lower-quality notes, and their overall academic performance is worse than that of those who didn’t engage in those activities during class. It’s important to note that when a student doesn’t have a device but is near another student who is using a device during class, both students’ grades will likely be negatively affected.

2. Literacy applications often have little valid and reliable research associated with them. A number of applications in the app stores (such as Google Play) do not have much, if any, valid and reliable research associated with them. According to a study looking at the top-rated early literacy applications , 77 percent of the applications have zero reliable research behind them. And the few apps that did have research only considered the look and feel of the application (such as ease of navigation or visual appeal), rather than if the child was likely to learn foundational literacy skills from the app.

There are apps that are effective , but finding them in the sea of all available apps—many of them poorly designed, with inadequate backing evidence—is a daunting task.

3. Neither the amount of time spent on an app nor the number of sessions in an app correlates with effectiveness. A recent study found that the “dosage” of the app, such as the number of sessions, time spent per session, and duration of the study, did not predict effectiveness of the app . Thus, learning outcomes did not change if a student spent more or less time in an application. The quality of the application matters more in determining learning growth or outcomes than the amount of time or number of times an application is used.

4. Students who read online tend to comprehend less than those who read via paper. Studies have shown that when it comes to comprehension and reading online versus on paper , the type of text matters. One study discovered that when it comes to leisure reading , the more complex the text, the more likely students will comprehend the content better when reading on paper.

Print reading over a long period of time could boost comprehension skills by six to eight times more than digital reading. The same study found that younger children (ages 6–12) seem to benefit the most from print reading over online. Further, another recent study found that university students tend to annotate more when reading on paper versus digital text, though this does not improve their subsequent memory of the text.

5. Students tend to perform worse when testing online compared with those who test on paper. While many standardized tests have moved online, there’s research that doesn’t support this as the best medium for optimal outcomes. A 2018 study determined that students tend to score worse when testing online versus paper in both math and English language arts. In particular, English language learners, children from lower-income homes, and students on individualized education programs perform worse online than on paper.

Some studies are finding that the use of computers in formal assessments creates an obstacle for students who need special accommodations like text-to-speech readers or language translators. For example, students with visual impairments tended to perform worse on computer-based tests that provided a digital reader, compared with similar students who took paper tests with a human reader.

6. Online classes are best for students who can self-regulate and are independent learners. The Brookings Institution’s Executive Summary on online learning finds that online learning is best suited for students who are high achievers and self-motivated. The research they reviewed found that academically strong students can benefit from fully online courses, while students who are not academically strong tend to do worse in online courses than they would in in-person classes.

One example is the Back on Track study, which looked at ninth-grade students taking credit recovery algebra. The study compared students in a fully online algebra credit recovery course with students in an in-person credit recovery algebra course; the fully online students had worse overall academic outcomes and were less likely to recover credit. Additionally, students in fully online courses with no face-to-face instructor interaction typically fared worse than students in face-to-face classes. The good news is that students in blended courses (part online and part in-person) appear to do about the same as those in fully in-person classes.

7. The type of device matters. While schools often shop for the least expensive option for student devices, it is important to note that a recent study looking at remote learning found that the type and quality of student devices matters in learning outcomes. Students who used devices that were older and had slower processors had a worse quality of learning experiences than those who had newer devices with stronger specifications.

These are some highlights from recent studies that can inform teachers and school districts when it comes to decision-making with purchasing technology, creating policies, or devising alternative academic offerings. It is important to understand the evidence behind any edtech-related decisions that could impact many students.

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Home » Extras » Class 6 Malayalam I Onam Exam Question Paper 2024 | Kerala Std 6 First Term Malayalam I Question Paper PDF

Class 6 Malayalam I Onam Exam Question Paper 2024 | Kerala Std 6 First Term Malayalam I Question Paper PDF

Class 6 Malayalam I Onam Exam Question Paper 2024 is published after exam. You can download the Kerala Std 6 First Term Malayalam I Question Paper PDF from here on aglasem. The latest and previous year question paper of Onam Exam for class 6 Malayalam I helps you prepare for the upcoming first term Malayalam I test . And after studying with this Kerala Syllabus 6th Standard Malayalam I Question Paper , you can download Onam Exam Question Paper for Class 6 for other subjects as well.

Class 6 Malayalam I Onam Exam Question Paper 2024

This is the Onam Exam Question Paper for 6th Standard Malayalam I. Kerala Syllabus 6th Standard Question Paper for First Term Onam Exam for Malayalam I subject is as follows.

Class 6 Malayalam I Onam Exam Question Paper 2023-24 Click Here to Download Question Paper PDF

Class 6 Malayalam I Onam Exam Question Paper 2022-23 – Click Here to Download Question Paper PDF

Class 6 Malayalam I Onam Exam Question Paper 2024 PDF

The complete question paper is as follows.

The latest available previous year Question Paper is given below.

essay on technology for class 6

Kerala Std 6 First Term Malayalam I Question Paper with Answer Keys

  • Just after the exam you must be looking for Class 6 Malayalam I Onam Exam Question Paper 2024 with Answer Key .
  • The Kerala 6th Standard First Term Malayalam I Answer Key contains answers of all questions asked in the test.
  • Many 6th standard teachers of Kerala Board publish Kerala Syllabus 6th Standard Question Papers and Answers for Malayalam I .
  • Therefore you can obtain the Onam Exam Question Paper 2024 with Answer Key for Class 6 Malayalam I directly from teachers or their social media channels.

Kerala Class 6 First Term Onam Exam Question Papers

If you are in class 6, then you must be appearing in 6th Standard Onam Examination for many subjects in addition to Malayalam I. So here are the Onam Exam Question Paper of Class 6 for all subjects.

  • Basic Science
  • Health & Physical Education, Art, Work Education
  • Malayalam I
  • Malayalam II
  • Social Science

Kerala First Term Onam Exam Question Papers

The Kerala Board schools hold Onam (First Term) exams for all classes. Here are class wise question papers of the same.

  • Class 1 Onam Exam Question Papers
  • Class 2 Onam Exam Question Papers
  • Class 3 Onam Exam Question Papers
  • Class 4 Onam Exam Question Papers
  • Class 5 Onam Exam Question Papers
  • Class 6 Onam Exam Question Papers
  • Class 7 Onam Exam Question Papers
  • Class 8 Onam Exam Question Papers
  • Class 9 Onam Exam Question Papers
  • Class 10 Onam Exam Question Papers

Kerala Board Question Papers

Similarly, here are all previous year question papers of the Kerala Board exams.

  • Onam Exam Question Papers
  • Kerala SSLC Question Papers
  • Kerala Plus One Question Papers
  • Kerala Plus Two Question Paper

Class 6 Malayalam I Onam Exam Question Paper – An Overview

Key highlights of this preparation guide material are as follows.

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SubjectMalayalam I
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Paper HereKerala Class 6 First Terminal Exam Malayalam I Question Paper
All Previous Year Question Papers of This Class
All Previous Year Question Papers of This Exam
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  • CBSE Class 11

CBSE Class 11 Retail Sample Papers 2024-25 Released for Skill Subjects: Downoad Now!

Cbse sample papers and marking scheme 2025: cbse has released the sample papers of retail skill subjects for class 11 for the 2025 board exams. download the retail sample question papers with marking scheme in pdf here. .

Anisha Mishra

CBSE Class 11 Retail Skill Subject Sample Papers 2025: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has made sample papers available for the all subjects for classes 11 on its official website. These sample papers help them to practice and perform better in examinations. In this article, we have provided the sample paper for the CBSE Class 11 Retail sample paper 2025 , along with the section wise questions and direct link to download the sample paper to prepare and practice. For now, students can take a look at the Skill Subject Sample Papers. Read the complete article to download the free PDF of the Retails sample papers and the marking scheme as well.

CBSE Class 11 Retail Skill Subject: General Instructions:

1. Please read the instructions carefully.

2. This Question Paper consists of 24 questions in two sections – Section A & Section B.

3. Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains Subjective type questions.

4. Out of the given (6 + 18 =) 24 questions, a candidate has to answer (6 + 11 =) 17 questions in the allotted (maximum) time of 3 hours.

5. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.

  • This section has 06 questions.
  • There is no negative marking.
  • Do as per the instructions given.
  • Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.
  • This section contains 18 questions.
  • A candidate has to do 11 questions.

CBSE Class 11 Retail Sample Question Papers of Skill Subjects 2024-25 

Find below the sample question papers of Retail skills subjects for the academic year 2024-25 for class 11. 

CBSE Class 11 Retail Sample Question Papers of Skill Subjects 2024-25 Download PDF 

Cbse class 11 retail marking scheme 2024-25, cbse class 11 retail marking scheme 2024-25 download pdf.

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CBSE Board Exam 2025: Class 10, 12 Sample Papers, Marking Scheme Released

The dates of the cbse board exams 2025 for classes 10 and 12 are set for february 15 to april 15..


The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) released the sample question papers (SQPs) and marking schemes (MS) for classes 10 and 12 for the 2024–25 student batch on September 5. Sample papers and marking schemes for Class 10 and Class 12 may be found on . To ensure curriculum coverage and uniformity, the Board has made sample papers and grading schemes available. “Further, SQPs give a broad understanding about the question paper design and need to be used for classroom teaching and learning activities with an overall focus on promoting the application of concepts in real-life,” the CBSE notification read.

CBSE Class 10, 12 Sample Papers 2025

The topics and sections covered in the 2024–25 syllabus are included in the CBSE Class 10 and Class 12 sample papers. Multiple choice, assertion-reasoning, short answer, long answer, case-based, situation-based, and open-ended short answer questions will all be included in the sample papers for the CBSE 2025 test. Three hours will pass during the exam.

How to download?

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-Visit the official CBSE Academic website, -Locate and click on the 'CBSE Class 10, 12 Sample Papers 2025' link on the website.


-When you click, a new PDF file will open with links to the sample papers for Classes 10 and 12. -Click the link, and the example paper will appear on the screen. -Decide which subject you wish to check the sample paper for. -When finished, print a physical copy of the example paper and store a copy for later use.

CBSE Board Exams 2025 The dates of the CBSE board exams 2025 for Classes 10 and 12 are set for February 15 to April 15. On the official website, , the official CBSE exam date sheet for 2024–25 is anticipated to be released in November or December. Additionally, it is anticipated that the CBSE 2025 results would be released in May.


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    ICSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10; ISC Previous Year Question Papers; ICSE Specimen Paper 2021-2022 Class 10 Solved; ... Paragraph on Technology - 200 Words for Classes 6, 7, 8 Students. When we look around us, we see a huge number of examples of technology. The mobile phone in our hands, the headphones we wear for listening to ...

  14. Long and Short Essay on Technology in English

    Essay on Technology 1 (200 words) The term technology has been derived from Greek words technne and logos. Technne means the skill required to craft something and logos stands for knowledge or discussion about something. Technology thus means the use of knowledge to create something to enhance life. Several big and small things we use in our ...

  15. Essay on Technology

    A. An essay on technology means the student must write about technology in a detailed manner. That is, the essay must include an introduction, body, and conclusion. Moreover, the student can add details about the history, advantages, and disadvantages of technology in the body of the essay. Q3.

  16. Uses of Mobile Phones Essay for Students and Children

    A.1 Mobile phones are very advantageous. They help us in making our lives easy and convenient. They help us communicate with our loved ones and carry out our work efficiently. Furthermore, they also do the work of the computer, calculator, and cameras.

  17. Essay on Technology for Students in English

    Essay on Technology 500 Words in English. Below we have Technology Essay in English, written in easy and simple words for class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students.

  18. Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Modern Technology

    Disadvantages of Modern Technology. Despite its advantages, modern technology also has its downsides. One of the main disadvantages is the issue of privacy and security. With the increasing amount of data being shared online, there is a growing concern about data breaches, identity theft, and cybercrime. Another disadvantage is the impact on ...

  19. Essay on Contribution of Technology in Education for School Students

    Essay on Contribution of Technology in Education (100 words) In this revolutionary era, education and technology are the two powerful tools that help students learn about personalized learning opportunities. Interactive whiteboards and projectors have replaced the traditional methods of studying in classrooms.

  20. Essay on Mobile Phone: 100 Words, 300 Words, 500 Words

    An essay on mobile phones requires a comprehensive and detailed study of their history, major developments and the purposes it serve. In this article, we have provided essays on mobile phones for class 6,7,8.9, 10, and 12th standard students. Students can refer to these sample essays on mobile phones to write their own.

  21. Essay on Technology: 250, 500-1000 words for Students

    You can use this Essay on Technology in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. Topics covered in this article. Essay on Technology in 150-250 words. Essay on Technology in 300-400 words.

  22. The Evolution of Technology: [Essay Example], 640 words

    Details. The society has been dramatically changed with the evolution of technology. Before the advent of modern technology, life was burdensome and everyday chores consumed too much of our time. Immense opportunities are being provided by technologies which play an important role in human life. The access to education, medicine, industry ...

  23. Paragraph on Technology

    First name. Last name. You will find below a number of short paragraphs on the topic Technology of varying word lengths. We hope these paragraphs on Technology will help students in completing their school assignments. These will also help children write and read out paragraphs in simple words and with small sentences.

  24. Research on the Effectiveness of Technology for Learning

    3. Neither the amount of time spent on an app nor the number of sessions in an app correlates with effectiveness. A recent study found that the "dosage" of the app, such as the number of sessions, time spent per session, and duration of the study, did not predict effectiveness of the app.Thus, learning outcomes did not change if a student spent more or less time in an application.

  25. CBSE Class 10 Maths Chapter-Wise Competency-Based Questions With Answer

    CBSE Class 10 Maths Competency-Based Questions With Answers 2024-25: CBSE Class 10 students check and download the competency-focused practice questions and answer key for all chapters of Mathematics.

  26. Class 6 Malayalam I Onam Exam Question Paper 2024

    Kerala Std 6 First Term Malayalam I Question Paper with Answer Keys. Just after the exam you must be looking for Class 6 Malayalam I Onam Exam Question Paper 2024 with Answer Key.; The Kerala 6th Standard First Term Malayalam I Answer Key contains answers of all questions asked in the test.; Many 6th standard teachers of Kerala Board publish Kerala Syllabus 6th Standard Question Papers and ...

  27. CBSE Class 11 Retail Sample Papers 2025: Sample Question Papers of

    CBSE Class 11 Retail Skill Subject: General Instructions: 1. Please read the instructions carefully. 2. This Question Paper consists of 24 questions in two sections - Section A & Section B.

  28. CBSE Board Exam 2025: Class 10, 12 Sample Papers, Marking Scheme Released

    The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) released the sample question papers (SQPs) and marking schemes (MS) for classes 10 and 12 for the 2024-25 student batch on September 5.