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Writing Effective Research Paper Titles: Advice and Examples


Are you ready to submit your research paper for publication but haven't settled on a title yet? Do you have a title but aren't sure if it will be the right one for the journal editor or research database search engines? This article will help you fine tune or create an effective research paper title for your work.

Now that you have finished your research and analysis, and you're ready to take the final step before sending your work to journal editors and reviewers. The first thing journal editors and search engine results will see and show is your research paper title. Creating an effective research paper title is highly important to getting your paper in front of the right people. It is also going to be the only part of your paper that is available to everyone for free, and it will be what search engines use to index and show your work in search results. You therefore must design a clear and persuasive title that accurately represents your work.

When writing an effective research paper title, you want to ensure that the title includes all the relevant aspects of your work. Showcase those aspects in a way that entices the audience to read more. Be sure to use the nomenclature common in your field of study, because that will help your work show up in more search results and it will grab the attention of journal editors looking for articles that clearly represent the industry. If you are studying landslides, for example, you will want to include keywords relating to soil composition or grain size; if you are working on a study about organ transplants, then include the specific feature or procedure that affected successful transplants. Identify what parts of your research are going to interest your intended audience.

There are two key pieces of information that people will need to see in your paper title: the subject and the objective. Because you are already familiar with your study and its purpose, creating an effective research paper title is simply a matter of whittling down the words that describe the important aspects of your paper. The advice below will help you take steps to identify key areas of your research, organize the information, and trim it down to the right size for a title.

Develop a topic statement

To get started, consider a topic statement of your paper that includes the subject and scope of the study. The first step in building a topic statement is to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is your research paper about? "My paper is about gene therapy and how it can improve cognitive function in dementia patients."
  • What was the subject of your study? "I used data from 40 dementia patients from 10 states in the US."
  • What method did you use to perform your research? "I performed a randomized trial."
  • What were the results? "My study showed that gene therapy improved cognitive function in those who received the treatment."

Once you have answered those questions (such as in the example answers above), make a list of the keywords you used. For this example, those keywords would include the following:

  • gene therapy
  • cognitive function
  • 40 dementia patients
  • improved cognitive function
  • 10 states in the US
  • randomized trial

Then, create your topic statement using those keywords. It might read something like this:

"This study is a randomized trial that investigates whether gene therapy improved cognitive function in 40 dementia patients from 10 states in the US. The results show improved cognitive function in those who received the treatment."

This statement has 36 words — too long for a title. However, it does contain the main required elements: the subject and the objective. It also includes a summary of the results, which can be used to increase the persuasive nature of the title. If you are writing this down on paper, it may be helpful to underline or circle the keywords you used in the statement, as this will help you visually see how the keywords work together in your statement.

Trim the statement

The next step is to remove all unnecessary words to create a working title. Unnecessary words include elements that make the sentences complete sentences. Also remove words that are not central to your study or that would not be used in a research database search.

" This study is a randomized trial that investigates whether gene therapy improved cognitive function in 40 dementia patients from 10 states in the US. The results show improved cognitive function in those who received the treatment ."

Next, take those words and move them around to form a new phrase. This may take a few tries to get it right, but it is worth the time.

"A randomized trial investigating whether gene therapy improved cognitive function in 40 dementia patients from 10 states in the US showed improved cognitive function."

This sample now has 24 words. We still need to get it down to the ideal 15 or fewer total words, with just the exact information journal editors will want. One way to do this is to use the keywords at the beginning and end of your title. Remove any irrelevant facts that other researchers will not be searching for. For example, the method you used is not usually the most searched-for keyword.

" A randomized trial investigating whether gene therapy improved cognitive function in 40 dementia patients from 10 states in the US showed improved cognitive function. "

The final result may be something like this:

"Investigating the impact of gene therapy on cognitive function in dementia patients"

The resulting title has 13 words, had the main action at the beginning, and the main subject of the study at the end. This is a good example of how to create an effective research paper title that will increase journal editors' and reviewers' interest, and it may even help your paper receive more citations down the road.

Main tips to remember

If you are working on your first research paper title, the process can seem intimidating. Even with the process outlined above, creating the best research paper title possible for your work can be difficult and time consuming. Be sure to set aside a good amount of time to developing your title so that you don't feel rushed. Some writers go through 20 or more iterations before they arrive at a title that achieves effectiveness, persuasiveness, and clarity of purpose all in one.

In addition to the above process, keep the following main tips in mind when writing an effective research paper title:

  • Write your paper and abstract first, then work on your title. This will make the process much easier than trying to nail a title down without a full, finished paper to start from.
  • Keep your title short! Do not include more than 15 words.
  • Do not use a period at the end of your title.
  • Be sure that the keywords you use truly represent the content of your paper.
  • Do not use abbreviations in your title.
  • Include all essential key terms from your paper. This ensures your paper will be indexed properly in research databases and search engines. If you are unsure of the best keywords to use, talk to an academic librarian at your institution. They can help you identify keyword and search trends in your research field.

Examples of research paper titles

The lists below illustrate what effective and ineffective research paper titles look like. Use these examples to help guide your research paper title.

Effective titles

  • Nurses on the Move: A Quantitative Report on How Meditation Can Improve Nurse Performance
  • Correction of the ion transport defect in cystic fibrosis transgenic mice by gene therapy
  • Landslide mapping techniques and their use in the assessment of the landslide hazard
  • HLA compatibility and organ transplant survival: Collaborative Transplant Study

Ineffective titles

  • Meditation Gurus
  • The landslide story
  • Landslide hazard and risk assessment
  • Pharmacodynamics of oral ganciclovir and valganciclovir in solid organ transplant recipients

No matter what kind of field you are doing research in, you have the opportunity to create an amazing and effective research paper title that will engage your readers and get your paper in front of the journal editors and reviewers you want. By taking the time to go through the title development process, you will finish your work with a title that matches the work outlined in your research paper.

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Enago Academy

6 Important Tips on Writing a Research Paper Title

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When you are searching for a research study on a particular topic, you probably notice that articles with interesting, descriptive research titles draw you in. By contrast, research paper titles that are not descriptive are usually passed over, even though you may write a good research paper with interesting contents. This shows the importance of coming up with a good title for your research paper when drafting your own manuscript.

Importance of a Research Title

The research title plays a crucial role in the research process, and its importance can be summarized as follows:

Importance of a Research Title

Why do Research Titles Matter?

Before we look at how to title a research paper, let’s look at a research title example that illustrates why a good research paper should have a strong title.

Imagine that you are researching meditation and nursing, and you want to find out if any studies have shown that meditation makes nurses better communicators.  You conduct a keyword search using the keywords “nursing”, “communication”, and “meditation.” You come up with results that have the following titles:

  • Benefits of Meditation for the Nursing Profession: A Quantitative Investigation
  • Why Mindful Nurses Make the Best Communicators
  • Meditation Gurus
  • Nurses on the Move: A Quantitative Report on How Meditation Can Improve Nurse Performance

All four of these research paper titles may describe very similar studies—they could even be titles for the same study! As you can see, they give very different impressions.

  • Title 1 describes the topic and the method of the study but is not particularly catchy.
  • Title 2 partly describes the topic, but does not give any information about the method of the study—it could simply be a theoretical or opinion piece.
  • Title 3 is somewhat catchier but gives almost no information at all about the article.
  • Title 4 begins with a catchy main title and is followed by a subtitle that gives information about the content and method of the study.

As we will see, Title 4 has all the characteristics of a good research title.

Characteristics of a Good Research Title

According to rhetoric scholars Hairston and Keene, making a good title for a paper involves ensuring that the title of the research accomplishes four goals as mentioned below:

  • It should predict the content of the research paper .
  • It should be interesting to the reader .
  • It should reflect the tone of the writing .
  • It should contain important keywords that will make it easier to be located during a keyword search.

Let’s return to the examples in the previous section to see how to make a research title.

Title Predicts content? Interesting? Reflects tone? Important keywords?

Yes No No Yes

No Yes Yes No

No Yes No No

Yes Yes Yes Yes

As you can see in the table above, only one of the four example titles fulfills all of the criteria of a suitable research paper title.

Related: You’ve chosen your study topic, but having trouble deciding where to publish it? Here’s a comprehensive course to help you identify the right journal .

Tips for Writing an Effective Research Paper Title

When writing a research title, you can use the four criteria listed above as a guide. Here are a few other tips you can use to make sure your title will be part of the recipe for an effective research paper :

  • Make sure your research title describes (a) the topic, (b) the method, (c) the sample, and (d) the results of your study. You can use the following formula:
[ Result ]: A [ method ] study of [ topic ] among [ sample ] Example : Meditation makes nurses perform better: a qualitative study of mindfulness meditation among German nursing students
  • Avoid unnecessary words and jargons. Keep the title statement as concise as possible. You want a title that will be comprehensible even to people who are not experts in your field. Check our article for a detailed list of things to avoid when writing an effective research title .
  • Make sure your title is between 5 and 15 words in length.
  • If you are writing a title for a university assignment or for a particular academic journal, verify that your title conforms to the standards and requirements for that outlet. For example, many journals require that titles fall under a character limit, including spaces. Many universities require that titles take a very specific form, limiting your creativity.
  • Use a descriptive phrase to convey the purpose of your research efficiently.
  • Most importantly, use critical keywords in the title to increase the discoverability of your article.

example title in research paper

Resources for Further Reading

In addition to the tips above, there are many resources online that you can use to help write your research title. Here is a list of links that you may find useful as you work on creating an excellent research title:

  • The University of Southern California has a guide specific to social science research papers: http://libguides.usc.edu/writingguide/title
  • The Journal of European Psychology Students has a blog article focusing on APA-compliant research paper titles: http://blog.efpsa.org/2012/09/01/how-to-write-a-good-title-for-journal-articles/
  • This article by Kristen Hamlin contains a step-by-step approach to writing titles: http://classroom.synonym.com/choose-title-research-paper-4332.html

Are there any tips or tricks you find useful in crafting research titles? Which tip did you find most useful in this article? Leave a comment to let us know!

  • Hairston, M., & Keene, M. 2003. Successful writing . 5th ed. New York: Norton.
  • University of Southern California. 2017. Organizing your social sciences research paper: choosing a title . [Online] Available at: http://libguides.usc.edu/writingguide/title

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Thank you so much:) Have a nice day!

Thank you so much, it helped me.. God bless..

Thank you for the excellent article and tips for creating a research work, because I always forget about such an essential element as the keywords when forming topics. In particular, I have found a rapid help with the formation of informative and sound titles that also conforms to the standards and requirements.

I am doing a research work on sales girls or shop girls using qualititative method. Basicly I am from Pakistan and writing on the scenario of mycountry. I am really confused about my research title can you kindly give some suggestions and give me an approperaite tilte

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Hi Zubair, Thank you for your question. However, the information you have provided is insufficient for drafting an appropriate title. Information on what exactly you intend to study would be needed in order to draft a meaningful title. Meanwhile, you can try drafting your own title after going through the following articles our website: https://www.enago.com/academy/top-10-tips-on-choosing-an-attractive-research-title/ , https://www.enago.com/academy/writing-a-good-research-title-things-to-avoid/ , https://www.enago.com/academy/write-irresistible-research-paper-title/ We would be happy to give you feedback and suggest changes if required. Did you get a chance to install our free Mobile App? https://www.enago.com/academy/mobile-app/ . Make sure you subscribe to our weekly newsletter https://www.enago.com/academy/subscribe-now/ .

thanks for helping me like this!!

Thank you for this. It helped me improve my research title. I just want to verify to you the title I have just made. “Ensuring the safety: A Quantitative Study of Radio Frequency Identification system among the selected students of ( school’s name ).

(I need your reply asap coz we will be doing the chap. 1 tomorrow. Thank u in advance. 🙂 )

I am actually doing a research paper title. I want to know more further in doing research title. Can you give me some tips on doing a research paper?

Hi Joan, Thank you for your question. We are glad to know that you found our resources useful. Your feedback is very valuable to us. You can try drafting your own title after going through the following articles on our website: https://www.enago.com/academy/top-10-tips-on-choosing-an-attractive-research-title/ , https://www.enago.com/academy/writing-a-good-research-title-things-to-avoid/ , https://www.enago.com/academy/write-irresistible-research-paper-title/

We would be happy to give you feedback and suggest changes if required. Did you get a chance to install our free Mobile App? https://www.enago.com/academy/mobile-app/ . Make sure you subscribe to our weekly newsletter https://www.enago.com/academy/subscribe-now/ .

That really helpful. Thanks alot

Thank you so much. It’s really help me.

Thanks for sharing this tips. Title matters a lot for any article because it contents Keywords of article. It should be eye-catchy. Your article is helpful to select title of any article.

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I need help. I need a research title for my study about early mobilization of the mechanically ventilated patients in the ICU. Any suggestions would be highly appreciated.

Thank you for posting your query on the website. When writing manuscripts, too many scholars neglect the research title. This phrase, along with the abstract, is what people will mostly see and read online. Title research of publications shows that the research paper title does matter a lot. Both bibliometrics and altmetrics tracking of citations are now, for better or worse, used to gauge a paper’s “success” for its author(s) and the journal publishing it. Interesting research topics coupled with good or clever yet accurate research titles can draw more attention to your work from peers and the public alike. You can check through the following search results for titles on similar topics: https://www.google.com/search?q=early+mobilization+of+the+mechanically+ventilated+patients+in+the+icu&rlz=1C1GCEU_enIN907IN907&oq=&aqs=chrome.0.69i59.4920093j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 .

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How to Write a Good Research Paper Title: Tips and Examples

Learn how to create good titles for research papers with our comprehensive guide. Discover tips, techniques, and examples to make your research stand out.

example title in research paper

Kate Windsor

Jun 16, 2024

How to Write a Good Research Paper Title: Tips and Examples

Writing a research paper is a crucial part of academic life, but crafting a compelling title can be just as important as the content itself. A good research paper title not only captures the essence of your work but also attracts potential readers and helps your paper stand out in a sea of academic literature. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the importance of good titles for research papers, provide tips on creating effective titles, and share examples to inspire your own title-writing process.

Understanding the Importance of a Research Paper Title

Why a good research paper title matters.

A suitable research paper title matters because:

a) It draws readers in and makes a research study stand out.

b) An effective research paper title is less likely to be overlooked.

c) It contributes to the professionalism and impact of the research.

According to a study by Jamali and Nikzad (2011), articles with shorter titles tend to be downloaded more often than those with longer titles. This highlights the importance of creating concise and engaging titles for your research papers.

Dr. John Smith, a renowned professor of psychology, states on research titles, "The title of a research paper is the first thing that readers, including peer reviewers and journal editors, will see. It's crucial to make a strong first impression with a clear, concise, and compelling title."

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The role of a title in a research paper

A research title plays a critical role in the research process as it:

a) Facilitates the dissemination of knowledge.

b) Contributes to the professionalism and impact of the research.

c) Serves as a critical component of the overall research communication process.

Moreover, a well-crafted and good title or a good research title can increase the chances of your research paper being accepted for publication in your target journal or a reputable journal. Editors and reviewers often use the title as a first screening tool to determine the relevance and quality of the research.

Crafting a Compelling Research Paper Title

Crafting a Compelling Research Paper Title

Identifying research study keywords for a strong title

Research titles matter. The best research paper title starts with:

a) Finding the most important parts of your research questions.

b) Choosing only the most important terms for your keywords.

c) Drawing 3 to 8 keywords maximum, avoiding very lengthy titles.

When selecting keywords for your research paper title, consider using tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to identify high-traffic, relevant keywords in your field of study.

Look at social science research papers or for example, looking at a research paper in the field of environmental science might have a title like: "The Impact of Deforestation on Biodiversity: A Meta-Analysis of Neotropical Rainforests." This title effectively uses keywords such as "deforestation," "biodiversity," and "Neotropical rainforests" to convey the main focus of the research.

Using keywords to create a working research paper title

Descriptive research titles draw keywords.

a) Use the identified keywords to create a research title

b) Ensure the title accurately captures what you have done

c) Keep the title concise and relevant

Easily pronounces technical words in any field

Characteristics of Effective Research Paper Titles

Key qualities of a good research paper title.

A good research title should have the elements below to make it stand out.

a) A good research title should be concise and to the point

b) Accurately reflects or the research title describes the content of the research paper.

c) Easy to understand and remember.

d) Unique and not easily confused with other research titles.

What makes a research paper title stand out

A good title should:

a. Predict the content of the research paper.

b. Be interesting to the reader.

c. Reflect the tone of the writing.

d. Contain important keywords for easier location during a keyword search.

Supporting Evidence:

A study by Habibzadeh and Yadollahie (2010) found that articles with questions in their titles are more likely to be cited than those without. Consider incorporating a question into your research paper title to pique readers' curiosity and encourage engagement.

For instance, a research paper in a particular academic journal like the field of psychology might have a title like: "Can Mindfulness Meditation Reduce Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression? A Randomized Controlled Trial." This title effectively uses a question to grab the reader's attention and clearly conveys the main focus of the research.

Writing a Research Paper Title that Grabs Attention

Writing a Research Paper Title that Grabs Attention

Techniques for crafting a compelling research paper title

a) Use a clear and concise format, such as [method] study of [topic] among [sample].

b) Use keywords from the research topic to make the title more discoverable.

c) Keep the title short and to the point, avoiding unnecessary words or phrases.

When writing your research paper title, consider the writing tips and best practices for writing scientific papers to ensure your title is effective and engaging.

Avoiding common mistakes in research paper titles

a) Avoid using abbreviations or acronyms unless they are commonly used in the field and are essential to convey the research focus.

b) Eliminate any nonessential words and phrases from your title.

c) Aim for a word count of 16 words or fewer.

The Role of Subtitles in Research Paper Titles

When to use a subtitle and how to write one effectively.

Add a subtitle after a colon to provide more immediate details about methodology or sample. Be aware of the specific journal author instructions for research paper titles.

If your research paper includes an annex , consider mentioning it in the subtitle to provide additional context for your readers.

Examples of Good Research Paper Titles

Analyzing effective research paper titles.

Titles can be interesting but incomplete, complete but uninteresting, or too informal in tone

Examples of research paper titles that work

Good titles that are concise and contain all relevant terms increase citation counts and Altmetric scores.

Here are a few examples of effective research paper titles:

  • " The Impact of Social Media on Adolescent Mental Health: A Systematic Review ". This title effectively uses keywords such as "social media," "adolescent," and "mental health" to convey the main focus of the research. The use of "systematic review" indicates the comprehensive nature of the study.
  • " Exploring the Relationship Between Exercise and Cognitive Function in Older Adults ". This title clearly states the main variables being investigated (exercise and cognitive function) and the specific population (older adults). It is concise and easy to understand.
  • " Evaluating the Effectiveness of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in Chronic Pain Management ". This title effectively communicates the intervention being studied (mindfulness-based stress reduction) and the specific application (chronic pain management). It is specific and informative.
  • " The Role of Exosomes in Cancer Progression: A Comprehensive Review ". This title uses keywords such as "exosomes" and "cancer progression" to convey the main focus of the research. The use of "comprehensive review" indicates the depth and breadth of the study.
  • " Machine Learning Approaches for Predicting Stock Market Trends: A Comparative Analysis ". This title effectively communicates the main techniques being investigated (machine learning approaches) and the specific application (predicting stock market trends). The use of "comparative analysis" suggests that different approaches will be evaluated and compared.

Refining Your Research Paper Title

Refining your title: removing nonessential words and phrases.

Eliminate any nonessential words and phrases from your title and keep the title concise and relevant. Aim for a word count of 16 words or fewer.

Getting feedback on your research paper title

Consider delegating your most complex tasks to skilled writers. Get feedback from peers, mentors, or editors to refine your title.

When refining your research paper title, consider the order of authors and how it may impact the perceived importance of each contributor.

It is crucial to seek feedback and guidance from your advisors and colleagues when refining your research paper title. They can provide valuable insights and help ensure that your title accurately represents your research and aligns with the requirements of your specific academic discipline. Don't hesitate to reach out to your network for support and advice throughout the title-writing process.

Final Tips for a Good Research Paper Title

Good Research Paper Title

Additional tips for writing a good research paper title

Keep in mind the formatting, word count, and content when writing a research paper title and aim for a concise and relevant title. Use a good research paper title to make a significant difference in the success of a research study

In her book "Stylish Academic Writing," Helen Sword (2012) emphasizes the importance of crafting engaging and informative titles to capture readers' attention and effectively communicate the content of your research.

Best practices for research paper titles

A good research paper title should be concise, informative, and accurately represent the content and purpose of the study. Paperpal can help generate outstanding research titles in a click.

Consider the UK's Research Excellence Framework when crafting your title. The UK's Research Excellence Framework (REF) is a system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions.

When crafting your research paper title, consider how it aligns with the REF's criteria for research quality, which include originality, significance, and rigor. A well-crafted title that effectively communicates the value and impact of your research can contribute to a stronger REF submission.

Joshua Schimel's "Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get Funded" (2012) provides valuable insights into the art of scientific writing, including the importance of creating compelling research paper titles that accurately reflect the content and significance of your work.

Additional Resources for Crafting Effective Research Paper Titles:

1. The Academic Phrasebank - A useful resource for finding appropriate phrases and terminology for your research paper title.

2. Paperpal Title Generator - An online tool that helps generate effective research paper titles based on your keywords and research focus.

In conclusion, writing a good research paper title is a critical aspect of the research process, as it can significantly impact the visibility and success of your work. By understanding the importance of titles, following best practices, and refining your title based on feedback, you can create compelling titles that accurately represent your research and attract the attention of your target audience. Whether you're conducting theoretical research or applied research , a well-crafted title is essential for effectively communicating your findings to the scientific community.

As Michael Alley notes in his book "The Craft of Scientific Writing" (2018), a well-written research paper title not only captures the essence of your work but also serves as a critical tool for attracting readers and increasing the impact of your research.

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Effective Research Titles

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Title Writing Tips

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Research Paper Titles

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How To Write A Research Paper

Research Paper Title

John K.

How to Write a Good Research Paper Title

10 min read

Published on: Jan 5, 2024

Last updated on: Jul 19, 2024

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In scholarly writing, the title plays a subtle yet pivotal role. Ever wondered how a simple string of words can make or break a research paper's impact?

Your research paper's title serves as the initial point of contact for your reader, forming their first impression of your work. Therefore, careful consideration of your title is crucial.

There are fundamental principles to bear in mind: your title should be informative, attention-grabbing, and contextually fitting. 

This guide provides a detailed view of these essential qualities, by looking at the steps to write a research paper title. We'll break down what makes a great title. 

So let’s get started!

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What is Research Paper Title, and Why is it Important?

A research paper title is a concise and informative heading that encapsulates the main theme or focus of a research study. It serves as the first point of contact between the reader and the research paper, providing a peek into the purpose of the study. 

It is important because the research paper title tells readers what the study is about almost instantly. 

A good title not only grabs attention but also helps in finding the research online. It shows the professionalism of the study and makes it easier for everyone to understand and engage with the research. 

So, a well-crafted title is like a guide that leads readers to the core of the research.

Characteristics of a Good Research Title

According to rhetoric scholars Hairston and Keene , creating an effective paper title involves achieving the goals outlined below:

  • Content Preview: A good title gives a glimpse of the research content.
  • Engagement Factor: An effective title sparks reader interest.
  • Tone Alignment: It reflects the scholarly tone of the paper.
  • Keyword Integration: Includes essential keywords for better searchability.
  • Prioritize Clarity: Use clear, concise language for broad understanding.
  • Embrace Conciseness: Keep titles brief, omitting unnecessary details.
  • Ensure Specificity: Include unique details to distinguish the research.

With these 7 characteristics of a research title in mind, let's now explore the steps to craft an ideal research paper title.

How to Write a Research Paper Title in 5 Steps

In the following sections, we'll walk through a five-step process designed to help you create a title that is truly impressive. 

Step 1: Define the Core Elements of Your Research

Before crafting your research paper title, it's essential to answer key questions about your study. These questions help you identify the main focus and key components of your research paper. Consider:

  • Research Topic: What is the primary subject of your study?
  • Research Problem or Question: What issue are you addressing, or what question are you seeking to answer?
  • Methodology: What methods or approaches did you use in your research?
  • Results/Findings: What are the main outcomes of your study?

What is my research about?

My research investigates how smoking cessation programs impact long-term health outcomes in individuals attempting to quit smoking.

What methods/techniques did I use to perform my study?

It's a case study.

What or who was the subject of my study?

I examined 50 cases of individuals aged 25-45 participating in smoking cessation programs across different regions.

What did I find?

The study revealed a significant improvement in long-term health outcomes for participants who successfully completed the smoking cessation program.

Step 2: Identify Essential Keywords

Identify significant keywords related to your research paper. These terms will play a crucial role in creating a title that effectively communicates your study's focus.

For the smoking cessation program study, keywords might include: "smoking cessation," "health outcomes," "quitting smoking," "long-term effects," "participants," and "impact."

My research investigates how smoking cessation programs impact long-term health outcomes in individuals attempting to quit smoking.

smoking cessation programs, long-term health outcomes, individuals, quit smoking

This is a case study.

case study

I examined 50 cases of individuals aged 25-45 participating in smoking cessation programs across different regions.

50 cases, individuals, aged 25-45, smoking cessation programs, different regions

The study revealed a significant improvement in long-term health outcomes for participants who successfully completed the smoking cessation program.

significant improvement, long-term health outcomes, participants, smoking cessation program

Step 3: Constructing a Research Title Using Keywords 

Combine the identified keywords into a concise and descriptive research paper title. Weave together the essential elements of your study while maintaining clarity and relevance.

"We conducted a case study of 50 individuals aged 25-45 participating in smoking cessation programs to evaluate the impact of program intensity on long-term health outcomes; findings reveal a positive correlation between increased program intensity and improved health after successful smoking cessation."

The sentence above, describing the research on smoking cessation programs, is undoubtedly too lengthy for a research paper title . Therefore, the forthcoming steps will involve refining and succinctly polishing the title for clarity and conciseness.

Step 4: Develop a Working Research Title

To create a working title, remove elements that make it a complete sentence but keep everything important to the study. Delete unnecessary and redundant words not central to the research or likely excluded from a database search.

Original Working Title:

"A case study of 50 individuals aged 25-45 participating in smoking cessation programs assessing the impact of program intensity on long-term health outcomes, revealing a positive correlation between increased program intensity and improved health after successful smoking cessation."

Word Count: 34

Refined Title:

"A case study of 50 individuals in smoking cessation programs assessing program intensity's impact on health outcomes, revealing a positive correlation with increased intensity and improved health after cessation."

Word Count: 27

Note: The goal is to shorten the title to 16 words or fewer, making it concise and effective for a research paper.

Step 5: Trim Unnecessary Words and Phrases

Remove any nonessential words and phrases from your title. The number of subjects studied and exact outcomes may not be crucial, and detailed methods can be omitted for conciseness. Focus on key terms for database search optimization.

"A case study of 50 individuals in smoking cessation programs assessing program intensity's impact on health outcomes, revealing a positive correlation with increased intensity and improved health after cessation."

Word Count: 27

Final Refined Title: 

"Assessing program intensity's impact on health outcomes in smoking cessation."

Adding a Research Paper Subtitle

If your title needs additional details about your methodology or sample, consider adding a subtitle after a colon.

"Assessing program intensity's impact on health outcomes in smoking cessation: a case study of US adult patients ages 25-45."

Research Paper Title Examples

Let's start by examining research title examples suitable for students. We will explore the basic formats for research paper title pages, including MLA and APA styles.

Research Paper Title Page MLA

Title Page For A Research Paper APA Style

Title Page For A Research Paper APA Style - CollegeEssay.org

Scientific Paper Title

Here are 5 examples of research titles for scientific papers:

"Exploring the Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity Patterns in Tropical Rainforests: A Multidisciplinary Analysis"

"Quantifying the Influence of Microplastic Pollution on Aquatic Ecosystems: A Comprehensive Field Study"

"Genomic Insights into Antibiotic Resistance Mechanisms in Pathogenic Bacteria: Implications for Public Health"

"Neural Correlates of Cognitive Enhancement: An fMRI Investigation of Nootropic Substance Effects on Human Cognition"

"Assessing the Ecological Consequences of Urbanization on Bird Species Diversity: A Case Study in Metropolitan Environments"

Tips on Formulating a Good Research Paper Title

When creating a title for your research paper, consider the following general tips to capture the reader's attention and effectively convey the purpose of your study:

  • Summarize your research in the fewest possible words to maintain clarity and reader engagement.
  • Incorporate essential keywords that researchers working in your field are likely to use.
  • Use compelling and attention-grabbing language to make your title stand out.
  • Ensure your title accurately captures the purpose of your research, conveying the central question or objective.
  • Clearly define the scope of the study in the title, indicating the specific focus of your research.
  • Consider phrasing your title in the form of a question if it enhances the intrigue and aligns with the nature of your research.
  • Prioritize readability and clarity to make your title easily understandable for a broad audience.
  • Optimize your title for search engines by including relevant keywords that researchers might use when seeking similar studies.
  • Minimize the use of field-specific jargon that may alienate readers unfamiliar with your subject.
  • Ensure the title summarizes the core findings or contributions of your research.

Research Paper Title Checklist

Here's a checklist table to guide you on how to write a research paper title:


Clearly states the topic and focus




Succinct and not excessively long




Directly relates to the study's content




Includes essential keywords for easy searching




Indicates the scope and specifics of the study




Unique and not too generic or cliché




Reflects the core findings of the research




Draws attention without being misleading



Avoids Jargon

Understandable to a broad audience



Reflects Depth

Reflects the depth of the study's importance



Formatting Guidelines

Follows specific formatting requirements



In conclusion , writing an effective research paper title is a vital skill that demands accuracy, clarity, and engagement. Prioritize conciseness and specificity while ensuring relevance to the research content. Remember to integrate essential keywords for enhanced searchability. 

If you find yourself struggling, fear not. CollegeEssay.org is here to assist. With a wealth of experience aiding scholars worldwide, our professional writing service ensures meticulously crafted titles that resonate with your research. 

Connect with our research paper writing service for expert assistance – let us elevate your paper's impact and resonance.

Can abbreviations or acronyms be used in the research paper title?

While sparingly acceptable, it's advisable to initially use full terms in the title for clarity. Introduce abbreviations later in the paper to avoid potential confusion for readers unfamiliar with the terms.

Is it advisable to formulate the research paper title as a question?

Crafting the title as a declarative statement is preferable. It provides a clear indication of the study's main focus and findings, enhancing reader engagement and comprehension.

Should the research paper title be in sentence case or title case?

Follow the specific style guidelines recommended by your institution or the publisher. Some styles prefer sentence case (where only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized), while others recommend title case (where major words are capitalized). Consistency is key to maintaining a polished appearance.

Is it permissible to change the research paper title after submission?

Post-submission changes to the title may be challenging, so it's crucial to carefully finalize and review the title before submitting the paper to avoid complications in the publication process.

Is it beneficial to include specific keywords in the research paper title?

Yes, incorporating keywords relevant to your study increases the discoverability of your research. It helps search engines, databases, and readers quickly identify the core themes of your paper.

John K. (Research)

John K. is a professional writer and author with many publications to his name. He has a Ph.D. in the field of management sciences, making him an expert on the subject matter. John is highly sought after for his insights and knowledge, and he regularly delivers keynote speeches and conducts workshops on various topics related to writing and publishing. He is also a regular contributor to various online publications.

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How to Choose the Best Title for Your Research Paper

Here we go over how to choose the best title for your research paper, providing tips and tricks.

The journal Publications can help scholars with its innovative research on the publication process itself. Much of its research is related not only to paper titles and formatting, but other elements that affect the production of papers, such as academic pressure and plagiarism. It is worth a look.

Choosing the best title for your research paper

From our 25 years of publishing open access papers, here are six things to keep in mind that you probably hadn’t thought of.

Describe rather than ask

Some authors feel that phrasing their paper’s title as a question can stir curiosity and inspire views. However, questions are also greatly limiting. They only list what you hope to achieve, rather than going into any specifics about your outcomes. You’re not able to add as much context and value.

Notably, the top five most viewed MDPI papers of all time have titles that accurately describe the experiment carried out in the text. For example, the most viewed MDPI paper is ‘ Recent Trend in Hydroclimatic Conditions in the Senegal River Basin ’ in Waters .

Include the key details

It’s important to arrange all the important points from your article into your title. Often, academics are obligated to explain their research in a couple of sentences to friends and family outside academia. From this description, it’s easier to arrive at a better title.

As explained in our 25 Ways to Improve Your Research paper article , titles that avoid technical terminology are more streamlined. They allow people outside of your field or newcomers to the field to access your research.

A perfect example of this is ‘ Future Climate Change Impacts on Streamflows of Two Main West Africa River Basins: Senegal and Gambia’ in Hydrology . This title features all the key details of the paper in language that everyone can understand.

Be as concise as possible

Having said that, titles should not be long and rambling. Shorter titles are indicative of well-thought-out papers with simple yet effective conclusions.

As the research of Carlo Galli and Stefano Guizzardi points out, many academics have claimed that shorter titles can increase citations by making papers stand out amongst others. Their study found that titles with over 30 words had far fewer citations. Moreover, they outline that verbose or wordy titles had fewer citations.

The paper ‘ Biodegradability of Plastics ’ is a perfect example of keeping things short and sweet.

Use wordplay or humour

Some authors use clever phrases to attract attention to their papers. A funny title can make authors pause, smile, and laugh. They’re more likely to be drawn to the paper.

An example of this is ‘ Beyond Meatless, the Health Effects of Vegan Diets: Findings from the Adventist Cohorts ’. It’s a pun on the popular vegan meat substitute producer Beyond Meat.

However, consider whether this wordplay translates into other languages. Researchers come from all corners of the globe and the academic community is truly international. If an academic doesn’t understand a title, then they may decide not to read the paper.

Make it more searchable

Researchers in the field will search for papers based on keywords that they associate with their topic. Therefore, use keywords and acronyms that are used frequently in the field, and possibly outside of the field, to have a greater impact.

Many papers do this exceedingly well. Just look at ‘ Identification and Expression Analysis of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) E-Selectin during Embryonic Development ’, which uses both the common name for the zebrafish and its Latin name. This means that it will appear no matter which term the searcher uses.

However, remember that the keywords and acronyms must be related to your research findings and the content of your manuscript.

Have several options

Draft different versions of your title so that you have options to choose from. Then, you can share these with peers for different opinions.

Submit research to MDPI

We hope these tips help show you how to choose the best title for your research paper. We encourage all MDPI authors to publish innovative research. For more information about how to submit your manuscript, please click here .

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Research Paper Guide

Research Paper Title

John K.

Crafting a Winning Research Paper Title: A Complete Guide

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Ever find it hard to come up with a catchy title for your research paper? You're not alone! Many people struggle with creating titles that grab attention and show what their work is about.

It can be frustrating because your title is like a first impression. If it's not interesting, people might ignore your research. 

But no worries! 

In this blog, we'll give you practical tips and examples to make sure your research paper title stands out. 

Whether you're a beginner or an expert, we want to help you write research paper titles that would make others excited about your work!

So, let’s get started.

Arrow Down

  • 1. What is a Research Paper Title, and Why Does it Matter?
  • 2. How to Write a Good Research Paper Title in 5 Steps
  • 3. Step 2: Keep it Clear and Concise
  • 4. Research Paper Title Examples
  • 5. Tips for Writing an Effective Research Paper Title

What is a Research Paper Title, and Why Does it Matter?

A research paper title is like the name tag for your work. It tells people what your research paper is about. It's the first thing readers see, and it's important because it helps them decide if they want to read more.

Think of it like this: Have you ever picked up a book because the title sounded interesting? It's kind of the same idea. A good title grabs attention and makes people curious about what's inside.

In the world of research, a well-crafted title is crucial because it sets the stage for your whole paper. 

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Key Characteristics of a Good Research Paper Title

Here are some important factors that create an engaging and interesting research paper title:

  • Clarity and Precision: Clearly conveys the main idea.
  • Relevance to Content: Reflects core focus and findings.
  • Conciseness: Keeps title brief and to the point.
  • Keywords and Phrases: Includes important search keywords.
  • Captivating Language: Engages interest without sacrificing accuracy.
  • Reflects Paper's Tone: Matches the research paper's tone and style.

How to Write a Good Research Paper Title in 5 Steps

Writing an effective research paper title doesn't have to be difficult. Follow these five straightforward steps to craft a title that not only reflects your research but also captures the reader's interest.

Step 1: Understand Your Paper's Main Message

Think of your research as a big idea or a story. Imagine it as the most important thing you want to share with others. 

Ask yourself: What's the main thing or research problem I want people to know about my research? 

Once you're clear on this, you're ready to move on.

If your research study is about the benefits of reading for mental well-being. Your main message could be: "The Magic of Books: Reading for a Happier Mind."

Step 2: Keep it Clear and Concise

When making your title, make it short and simple. Don't use too many words or make it confusing. 

The goal is to make it easy for people to understand what your paper is about right away. Think of it like telling a quick and clear story with your title!

Suppose your research is about the positive effects of outdoor activities on mental well-being. 

A clear and concise title could be: "Nature's Therapy: Boosting Mental Health Outdoors."

Step 3: Be Specific, Not Too General

When writing your title, make sure it talks about your research and not just anything general. Don't use titles that could fit lots of different studies. 

Being specific helps people know exactly what your paper is going to tell them. It's like giving them a clear roadmap to your research!

General Title: "The Impact of Music on People"

Specific Title: "Harmony in the Classroom: Exploring Music's Influence on Student Concentration in Learning Environments"

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Step 4: Inject a Hint of Creativity or Intrigue

Make your title a little exciting! Use engaging words or ask a fun question to make people curious. Imagine your title as a little mystery that makes them want to learn more

For a study on the benefits of laughter on mental health, a creative title could be: "Giggle Therapy: The Joyful Impact on Mental Well-being."

Step 5: Check for Keywords and Relevance

Think about the words people might use when searching for research like yours. Use those words in your title to help people find your work. 

Including relevant keywords can improve the visibility of your paper in searches.

Suppose your study is about the use of social media in relationships. A relevant title might be: "Social Connect: Navigating Relationships in the Digital Age."

Adding a Research Paper Subtitle

A research paper subtitle is like an extra description that comes after the main title. It gives more details about what your research is about. 

Adding a subtitle is a choice, but it can be helpful. If your main title is short and you want to say more about your research, a subtitle is a good idea. 

It's like a bonus that provides extra information for readers. Consider using a subtitle when you want to give a bit more insight into your research topic.

Let's say your main title is "The Impact of Climate Change on Wildlife." If you want to add more specifics, you can include a subtitle like "Adapting Habits and Conservation Strategies." 

Research Paper Title Examples

Check out the examples below and see how they perform in front of different factors:

"Exploring the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Modern Society"GoodGoodGoodGood
"Investigating the Relationship Between Exercise and Overall Well-being in Adults"GoodGoodAverageGood
"A Comparative Study of Different Renewable Energy Sources for Sustainable Solutions"AverageGoodGoodGood
"Analyzing the Effects of Social Media on the Behavior of Adolescents in the Digital Age"GoodGoodGoodGood
"Urban Gardening: Enhancing Sustainable Living in Modern Cities"GoodGoodGoodGood

Tips for Writing an Effective Research Paper Title

Follow these tips to make your research paper title engaging and attention-grabbing:

  • Add important words related to your research for better search results.
  • Make your title brief and clear to convey your research focus effectively.
  • Use words that grab attention and spark curiosity about your study.
  • Craft a title that anyone, whether an expert or newcomer, can understand.
  • Aim for a title that's not too general or too technical, striking the right balance.

In conclusion,

Writing a standout research paper title is a crucial step to ensure your work gets the attention it deserves. Following the simple tips shared in this guide can help you create a title that is clear, engaging, and perfectly aligned with your research focus. 

Remember, your title is the first thing readers see, so making it count is key!

However, if you need writing assistance, MyPerfectWords.com is here for you. Our skilled writers are not only ready to help with writing compelling titles but can also write custom research paper just for you.

So don’t wait! Reach out and buy custom essay online today and take your academic writing to the next level!

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John K.

John K. is a professional writer and author with many publications to his name. He has a Ph.D. in the field of management sciences, making him an expert on the subject matter. John is highly sought after for his insights and knowledge, and he regularly delivers keynote speeches and conducts workshops on various topics related to writing and publishing. He is also a regular contributor to various online publications.

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6 tips for writing a great title for your research article

example title in research paper

Title is the first thing the reader sees from your research article. Based on the title the reader decides to have a look at the article — or not. So a better title will attract more readers and quite possibly increase the impact of your research. If you wonder what makes a good title, and how you can formulate one for your paper as well, then check out our six tips for writing a great research article title.

Goal: catch the attention of the *right* reader

A good title helps the reader quickly recognize whether this paper is relevant for them. The title should give the reader an accurate picture of the article — and motivate the *right* reader to go on and read the article.

Additionally, an ideal title is memorable : researchers are reading many papers, some will be inevitably forgotten. A good title ensures that your paper will stick in your reader’s mind.

Case study: Important paper missed because of its title

Let me tell you an example from my own research, about an important paper that we missed because of its title.

Article entitled Distinct contributions of Na V 1.6 and Na V 1.2 in action potential initiation and backpropagation has been published in July 2009 in the prestigious journal Nature Neuroscience .

A couple of months later I started to work on a project that later became my PhD thesis. And the above mentioned article turned out to be the most important study on which my whole work was based.

Yet when I started, I didn’t know about the paper. My supervisor and another professor working on similar topics didn’t know about it either.

They had surely seen the title since they were following the journal’s publications. But they didn’t recognize that this might be a relevant paper.

Eventually we learned about the paper from a collaborator from a different institute. Later when I was presenting my work at conferences, I encountered many other researchers who missed this paper, even though it was clearly relevant to them.

So, what’s the issue with this title? Read on my tips on how to write a great title , and learn along the way what is problematic with this title and how we can fix it.

1. Headline the main result, not the main effort

If your paper has a clear main finding that can be summarized in a sentence , put it in the title. Such a title is much more interesting (and informative) than a title describing your approach.

Prof. Kevin Plaxco gives the following examples in his commentary article The art of writing science :

  • Main effort (not optimal): A phylogenetic analysis of humans and chimps
  • Main result (preferred): Phylogenetic evidence indicates an exceptionally close relationship between humans and chimps

Here is another example:

  • Main result missing: Cognitive-behavioural stress management skills and quality of life in stress-related disorders
  • Main result in the title: Cognitive-behavioural stress management skills improve quality of life in stress-related disorders

Concerning our case study example, the title Distinct contributions of Na V 1.6 and Na V 1.2 in action potential initiation and backpropagation does (kind of) contain the main result, albeit it is not formulated as a full sentence. We’ll see later how we can improve it.

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2. Adapt the level of detail to your target audience

If your article is intended for a broader audience (that is, you want to publish it in a general journal), your title should be more general , so that it is understandable to this broader audience.

On the other hand, if your article is intended for a specialized audience and a specialized journal, you can include more details and jargon in the title.

  • article published in the broad journal Nature: The hippocampus is crucial for forming non-hippocampal long-term memory during sleep
  • article on a similar topic published in the specialized journal Neurobiology of Learning and Memory: Sleep enhances memory consolidation in the hippocampus-dependent object-place recognition task in rats

However, be careful with short and general titles . Such titles are typical for review articles , because they suggest a broad scope of the article. So your readers might mistaken your original research article for a review article.

For example, the title Axon Initial Segment–Associated Microglia sounds like it’s a review, but it is an original research article. Such a title is misleading for the readers, so it’s better to avoid it.

example title in research paper

Not every neuroscientist knows what is “Na V 1.6″ and “Na V 1.2″. My supervisor didn’t know either — and it turns out that this was one of the reasons why he and the other professor missed this article. “Na V 1.6″ and “Na V 1.2″ are sodium channels — and every neuroscientist knows what are those. So the keyword “sodium channels” should definitely be included in an article title published in such a general journal as Nature Neuroscience .

3. Avoid “fluff” at the beginning of the title

Beginning of the title is especially salient , especially visible to the reader. And often this is your only chance to convince your potential reader that this paper is relevant to them.

So it’s a mistake to start the title with “fluff”, that is, a phrase that doesn’t carry much content and can be safely omitted. Instead, begin your title with an important keyword .

For example:

  • Aspects of ​immune dysfunction in end-stage renal disease
  • Revisiting the role of xanthophylls in nonphotochemical quenching

Our case-study title Distinct contributions of Na V 1.6 and Na V 1.2 in action potential initiation and backpropagation does not start with a meaningless phrase that can be simply deleted. However, it also doesn’t start with an important keyword. Let’s see in the next point what would be a better beginning of the title.

4. Use the Context – Emphasis structure

A great title follows the optimal sentence structure : The beginning of the title acts as context for the rest of the title while the end of the title is naturally emphasized (if the reader gets this far).

So a good strategy is to include at the beginning of the title a keyword that will be recognized by all of your target readers and at the end of the title a keyword that is specific to your paper and its contribution.

However, what is a general keyword and what is a specific contribution might depend on your audience .

For example, the title Selective Adsorption to Particular Crystal Faces of ZnO suggests that this article primarily targets researchers interested in adsorption processes: “selective adsorption” is the general process, which is examined in this paper for the particular case of ZnO. However, if the paper targets researchers working on ZnO (zinc oxide), then it would be better to mention “ZnO” at beginning of the title.

Now let’s consider our case study : Distinct contributions of Na V 1.6 and Na V 1.2 in action potential initiation and backpropagation .

example title in research paper

Then, what is a specific keyword related to the contribution of this paper? I would say it could be “Na V 1.6 and Na V 1.2 sodium channels”: although there are some previous studies investigating these two channel types, this paper put all the puzzle pieces together and provided a coherent picture about the interplay of these two channel types in — you guessed it — action potential initiation and backpropagation.

So, let’s improve this title by putting “Action potential initiation and backpropagation” at the beginning and “Na V 1.6 and Na V 1.2 sodium channels” at the end. Then we can rearrange the rest such that it makes sense — and reveals the main message of the paper:

Action potential initiation and backpropagation is differentially regulated by Na V 1.6 and Na V 1.2 sodium channels

A much better title, don’t you think?

5. “Context: Details” structure also works

But what to do with papers that have no single take-home message that can be summarized in a sentence?

For explorative papers that cover several problems or aspects of a topic, the “Context: Details” structure is often suitable. Here, you start with the general contextual keyword(s) that grab the attention of the reader, and then supplement relevant details after the colon.

  • UCB revisited: Improved regret bounds for the stochastic multi-armed bandit problem
  • Single Cell Assay for Molecular Diagnostics and Medicine: Monitoring Intracellular Concentrations of Macromolecules by Two-photon Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging

Here are some examples that don’t work very well:

  • Noise statistics identification for Kalman filtering of the electron radiation belt observations: 2. Filtration and smoothing
  • A better oscillation detection method robustly extracts EEG rhythms across brain state changes: The human alpha rhythm as a test case

In these cases, the first part before the colon is too long, it provides much more information than just the context, and therefore the whole title becomes harder to understand and remember.

So for an effective “Context: Details” type of title, make sure that the first part before the colon is short and memorable . Then the second part after the colon can be longer and detailed, and the title will still create a clear image in reader’s mind.

6. Title as a question or catchy title? It depends…

Now you might ask yourself: can’t we write more interesting titles than those that accurately reflect the content of the paper? These can be pretty boring… What about titles formulated as questions? And “catchy” titles?

Well, the general rule is to follow the conventions of your field . If some of the research articles you are reading have catchy titles, then it’s most probably OK for you to do this as well.

For example, questions and catchy titles are quite common in research articles from psychology:

  • How often is p rep close to the true replication probability?
  • Must interesting things be pleasant? A test of competing appraisal structures.

On the other hand, I have rarely seen a question as a title in a research article from neuroscience.

However, in most fields catchy and even funny titles are appreciated in commentary and opinion articles . For example, the “news & views” commentary article introducing our case-study paper Distinct contributions of Na V 1.6 and Na V 1.2 in action potential initiation and backpropagation is entitled Who let the spikes out?

Also the titles of review articles might be less formal. Which brings us to the next point…

Titles of review articles

Titles of review articles tend to be more general and broad than titles of original research articles. This, of course, reflects the broader scope and content of review articles. For example:

  • Carbohydrate inhibitors of cholera toxin
  • Neural circuits underlying thirst and fluid homeostasis

These titles don’t consist of a full sentence — because there is rarely a main take-home message in a review article. However, what is helpful here is to follow the Context-Emphasis structure introduced in point 4.

Titles of review articles often include the word “review” in the title, for example:

  • Gap junctions in developing neocortex: a review
  • A systematic review of COVID-19 epidemiology based on current evidence

And as we said in the previous point, titles of review articles may be less formal and more catchy even in fields where such titles are not used for original research articles:

  • Spooky sodium balance
  • Remembering the past to imagine the future: the prospective brain

How to find the perfect title for your article

Now you have learned all the rules for good titles, but one question remains: How to proceed? How to come up with a great title for your article?

example title in research paper

Then I recommend the following procedure :

  • First, generate 10 possible titles . These 10 titles don’t have to be unique: some of them might only differ in one or two words or in the word order.
  • Next, select the best title . You can do this together with your co-authors. Or each co-author picks one or two favorites and then you discuss and select the final title together.

With this procedure it’s much easier to find the most suitable title for your paper than if you would create just one title and then try to improve it.

So that was quite some theory about how to write a great title. Now if you want to practice this new knowledge, here is a little exercise for you.

What is good and what is not optimal about these titles? How would you improve them?

  • Analysis of processes leading to localized electron enhancements in the outer radiation belt
  • Wild-type and cancer-related p53 proteins are preferentially degraded by MDM2 as dimers rather than tetramers
  • A New Murine Model to Define the Critical Pathologic and Therapeutic Mediators of Polymyositis

If you are currently writing a manuscript and would like to get feedback and suggestions for your title: please, feel free to post it as a comment . Alternatively, you can also ask for feedback in our Facebook group Academic writing — peer feedback .

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3 thoughts on “ 6 tips for writing a great title for your research article ”

Dear Martina,

Thank you very much for another portion of valuable information! It’s really helpful!

I’d be very greatful if you could comment on a title for a review article I’m writting now. Which of the two title you think is better:

Novel approaches to epigenetic therapies Novel approaches to epigenetic therapies: from drug combinations to epigenetic editing

Thank you for your suggestion, Kind regards, Aleksandra

Dear Aleksandra,

I am happy to hear that you found the article helpful!

Concerning your question: I prefer the second, longer title. It gives the reader a much better idea of what your review article is about. “Novel approaches to epigenetic therapies” alone is rather unspecific…

All the best, Martina

That was my choice as well! Thank you for ensuring me about it!

All the best, Aleksandra

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  • Thesis & Dissertation Title Page | Free Templates & Examples

Thesis & Dissertation Title Page | Free Templates & Examples

Published on May 19, 2022 by Tegan George . Revised on July 18, 2023.

The title page (or cover page) of your thesis , dissertation , or research paper should contain all the key information about your document. It usually includes:

  • Dissertation or thesis title
  • The type of document (e.g., dissertation, research paper)
  • The department and institution
  • The degree program (e.g., Master of Arts)
  • The date of submission

It sometimes also includes your dissertation topic or field of study, your student number, your supervisor’s name, and your university’s logo.

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Table of contents

Title page format, title page templates, title page example, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions.

Your department will usually tell you exactly what should be included on your title page and how it should be formatted. Be sure to check whether there are specific guidelines for margins, spacing, and font size.

Title pages for APA and MLA style

The format of your title page can also depend on the citation style you’re using. There may be guidelines in regards to alignment, page numbering, and mandatory elements.

  • MLA guidelines for formatting the title page
  • APA guidelines for formatting the title page

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example title in research paper

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We’ve created a few templates to help you design the title page for your thesis, dissertation, or research paper. You can download them in the format of your choice by clicking on the corresponding button.

Research paper Google Doc

Dissertation Google Doc

Thesis Google Doc

A typical example of a thesis title page looks like this:

Thesis title Page

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The title page of your thesis or dissertation should include your name, department, institution, degree program, and submission date.

Usually, no title page is needed in an MLA paper . A header is generally included at the top of the first page instead. The exceptions are when:

  • Your instructor requires one, or
  • Your paper is a group project

In those cases, you should use a title page instead of a header, listing the same information but on a separate page.

The title page of your thesis or dissertation goes first, before all other content or lists that you may choose to include.

In most styles, the title page is used purely to provide information and doesn’t include any images. Ask your supervisor if you are allowed to include an image on the title page before doing so. If you do decide to include one, make sure to check whether you need permission from the creator of the image.

Include a note directly beneath the image acknowledging where it comes from, beginning with the word “ Note .” (italicized and followed by a period). Include a citation and copyright attribution . Don’t title, number, or label the image as a figure , since it doesn’t appear in your main text.

Cite this Scribbr article

If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the “Cite this Scribbr article” button to automatically add the citation to our free Citation Generator.

George, T. (2023, July 18). Thesis & Dissertation Title Page | Free Templates & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 6, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/dissertation/title-page/

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Need editing and proofreading services, how to create the perfect thesis title page in 2024.

  • Tags: Academic Writing , APA Style , Chicago Style , Formatting Guidelines , MLA Style

Create the perfect thesis title page with our practical guide! From important elements to include in a title page to formatting guidelines, we’ve covered everything. 

For those who wish to quickly create a title page, we’ve also mentioned popular title page generators. So let’s start by understanding the components of a thesis title page!  

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What to include in a thesis title page? 

A thesis title page contains important details such as the thesis title, author’s name, institution’s name, submission date, department name, and degree program’s name. It’s important to refer to your university’s guidelines about the thesis title page. 

In many cases, the title page for a thesis can also include the following components:

  • Student number: Often placed below the author’s name or in the bottom corner.
  • Instructor’s name: Usually positioned in the middle or lower third of the page.
  • Institution’s logo: Typically at the top of the page, either centered or in a corner.
  • Location: If included, usually placed at the bottom of the page.
  • Committee members: Names of other faculty serving on the thesis committee.
  • Copyright statement: A declaration of the author’s rights to the work.
  • Submission statement: A formal statement indicating the thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of degree requirements.
  • Disclaimer: If necessary, a statement about the confidentiality or restricted use of the thesis.
  • Funding acknowledgment: Mention any grants or scholarships that supported the research.

Now let us see the formatting guidelines for a thesis title page. 

How to format a thesis title page? 

It’s essential to crosscheck the institution’s guidelines for the thesis title page format. There should be consistency and uniformity regarding the formatting of the margins, text alignment, and font size. 

Now let’s understand the basic formatting guidelines for creating a title page according to APA, MLA, and Chicago style guides. 

Guidelines for formatting an APA title page 

The format of an APA title page differs, depending on whether it’s required for a student paper or a professional paper. While a professional paper requires a running head (title mentioned on top of every document page), student papers don’t require it unless it’s specified by the university.

Here are some general guidelines for formatting an APA title page:

  • Maintain a 1-inch margin on all sides. 
  • Apply double spacing consistently. 
  • Include the running head on the left. (for professional papers) 
  • Add the page number on the right side. 
  • Centrally align your thesis paper’s title. 
  • Use fonts like Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial, Lucida Sans Unicode, Georgia, and Computer Modern. 

You can read the article “ How to Create an APA Title Page ” to know more. 

Guidelines for creating an MLA title page 

  • Write the author’s name first, followed by the instructor’s name, course name, subject name, and title. 
  • For a thesis involving multiple authors, list every author’s name on a separate line.
  • Centrally align your paper’s title.
  • Except for the paper’s title, align all important details to the left. 
  • Use italics to format the title of media works, including books, movies, and TV series. 

To know in detail, you can read the article “ How to Create an MLA Title Page ”. 

Guidelines for creating a Chicago-style title page 

  • Centrally align the title of your thesis paper. 
  • After the title, write details such as the teacher’s name, course name, and date in 3 separate lines. Ensure that they are centrally aligned towards the bottom of the page. 
  • Utilize the Times New Roman font (size- 12). 
  • If there is a subtitle, end the title with a colon ( : ) and write the subtitle on the next line. 
  • Omit the page number from the thesis paper’s title page. 

To know more about creating a title page in Chicago Style, you can read the article “ Chicago Title, Cover Page & Body | Paper Format Guidelines

Now, let’s see a thesis title page example to understand better! 

Thesis title page example 

If you want to see more templates for a thesis title page, we’ve got you covered. Explore the next section to know more! 

Thesis title page templates 

Access the following document to see various thesis title page templates! 

Thesis title page templates

Now, let’s quickly see five pointers to follow while creating a thesis paper title page. 

Bonus section: Important pointers 

Following are 5 important pointers for creating a thesis title page: 

  • Use proper capitalization- Capitalize the title correctly and make the first letter capital for any nouns , verbs , adjectives , and adverbs in the title. 
  • Avoid unnecessary decorative elements- Stick to a clean professional layout and avoid any unnecessary graphics and borders. 
  • Carefully proofread- Double-check the title page for any spelling or grammatical errors . You can also use English corrector tools to do this! 
  • Use a template for reference- Many universities provide a sample template. It’s better to refer to the template to ensure the correct thesis title page format. 
  • Get feedback- If you’re unsure about any element of a thesis title page, you can consult your instructor or advisor about this. 

You can also use title page generators like Ivy Panda, Writing-Services.org, and Custom-Writing.org to create a title page. However, it’s essential to ensure that you follow your institution’s guidelines. 

This concludes our guide about the title page of a thesis! Once your title page is ready, the next step is to edit your paper. As experts in editing and proofreading services , we’d love to perfect your paper. 

Here are some more useful resources for you: 

  • 2024’s Top 10 Thesis Statement Generators (Free Included!)
  • The 10 Best Essential Resources for Academic Research
  • Academic Writing in 2024: 5 Key Dos & Don’ts + Examples
  • Best ChatGPT Prompts for Academic Writing (100+ Prompts!)
  • The Ethics of Academic Research

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the title page of a thesis, how to title a thesis, how do you format a thesis title page.

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Call for Research

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example title in research paper

Whether you are planning to release the next issue of your journal, or you are organizing an academic conference , you are going to need the scholars in the field of concern to submit their original research papers. Instead of emailing all of the academics you know, you can put up a call for research papers on your website, social media pages, and inside universities.

A call for research papers is an invitation for researchers and academics to participate in a gathering of brilliant minds in the field. Interested researchers can express their intent to participate by sending you abstracts of original scholarly articles. If it is for a journal, the articles will be up for peer review. For conferences and workshops, a committee will screen the submissions and send out confirmation emails to the people whose research papers and articles are accepted for presentation. The call can also be an invitation for esteemed academics to speak at the conference.

Popping The Science Bubble

It wasn’t always that scientific findings were made known outside the academic circle. Communication about scientists’ findings and discoveries were like whispers within the scientific community, available to only the very few. Private entities funded scientific studies and received the results in return. It wasn’t until science-born innovations in the 19th century began to positively impact how people lived that public institutions began sponsoring research studies. With that, research was gaining a wider audience.

Diffusion Of Knowledge

With the realized potential scientific pursuit for future developments, research grants and funding have been made available to studies that align with an entity’s principles and goals. Another catalyst for the exposition of research to the public also occurred in the 19th century. Knowledge was no longer confined within elite circles as industrialization allowed for more inclusive learning, uplifting the literacy of the common man. The interest in science and research increased. By the end of the century, scientific communication exists in publicly accessible mediums for public consumption.

Stewards Of Science

Today, access to research articles and scientific buzz is a lot easier, thanks to a variety of communication media that people can subscribe to. It is our responsibility as an academic institution and scientific organization to keep the lines open between scientific knowledge and society. Media like online and printed journals allow the public to learn about the recent advances in different scientific fields. They also serve as official chatboxes for scientists to discuss with fellow academics the current research projects and happenings in the community. Meanwhile, conferences are a more personal platform for this conversation. These events also allow students to interact with and learn from mentors and veteran scientists.

10+ Call for Research Examples

A call for research, therefore, is more than a formal invitation for scholarly work and participation. It allows for the growth and dissemination of scientific knowledge. After all, it was the availability of knowledge that ignited the masses’ interest in science and research. That raging fire brought us to where we are today. It is beneficial that we keep these learning channels open through the calling for submission of research papers and articles.

1. Call for Agriculture Research Example

Call for Agriculture Research Example

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2. Call for Targeted Research Example

Targeted Call for Research

Size: 34 KB

3. Joint Call for Research Example

Jiont Call for Research Example

Size: 882 KB

4. Basic Call for Grant Research Example

Basic Call for Grant Research Example

Size: 368 KB

5. Call for Research Synthesis Example

Call for Research Synthesis Example

Size: 616 KB

6. Multilateral Call for Research Example

Multilateral Call for Research

Size: 706 KB

7. Call for Research Chair Example

Call for Research Chair Example

Size: 670 KB

8. Call for Research Manuscripts Example

Call for Research Manuscripts

Size: 126 KB

8. Formal Call for Research Example

Formal Call for Research Example

Size: 640 KB

9. Printable Call for Research Example

Printable Call for Research

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10. Standard Call for Research Example

Standard Call for Research Example

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11. Call for Research Projects Example

Call for Research Projects

  • PDFPDF …

Size: 124 KB

Calling for Research Papers

Anyone can announce research paper submissions, but not all of these notices will be well-received. How do you make your bulletin informative and noticeable to your desired audience?

1. Ditch Black And White

Get creative. No metric imposes a standard paper-and-plain-text format for your announcement. Instead of following the black and white crowd, add color or photos in your poster and online post. A well-made, professional poster will make your announcement appear official and legitimate. This will also give you good quality submissions.

2. Full Disclosure

Don’t skimp on the important details. State in your notice the scope and focus of your journal issue or the motive for the call in your conference poster . Elaborate why the research on a topic is timely and relevant, how your institution is related to the issue, and how it will impact society. However, this doesn’t mean that you slap a novel in your notice. Keep the details informative and concise.

3. Keep In Touch

Include the contact details, such as phone numbers, email addresses, and websites in your creative poster  for a call for research papers. Should there be any questions, people can contact your organization for clarification. Print the submission instructions clearly. This section includes where and when to send the abstracts of the research papers.

4. Use Different Platforms

You can contact universities and ask if you can post notices inside the campuses. This approach will encourage students to join your event. You should also take advantage of the virality of social media posts. Create a page for your institution and establish a following. Posting in platforms like Facebook costs less money and effort than printing high-resolution posters. One of the determinants of a trustworthy organization is a well-maintained website . Aside from legitimacy, posting notices is also easier and faster.

You can make use of all these tips in your next call for research papers. With the threat of predatory journals that rob from and take advantage of vulnerable researchers, it is worth noting that the quality of your bulletin will significantly influence the quality of research article submissions.


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    Step 4: Create a working research paper title. To create a working title, remove elements that make it a complete "sentence" but keep everything that is important to what the study is about. Delete all unnecessary and redundant words that are not central to the study or that researchers would most likely not use in a database search.

  3. Writing Effective Research Paper Titles: Advice and Examples

    In addition to the above process, keep the following main tips in mind when writing an effective research paper title: Write your paper and abstract first, then work on your title. This will make the process much easier than trying to nail a title down without a full, finished paper to start from. Keep your title short!

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    Scientific Paper Title. Here are 5 examples of research titles for scientific papers: "Exploring the Impact of Climate Change on Biodiversity Patterns in Tropical Rainforests: A Multidisciplinary Analysis". "Quantifying the Influence of Microplastic Pollution on Aquatic Ecosystems: A Comprehensive Field Study".

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  11. How To Write A Good Research Paper Title: Examples & Tips

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  15. How to Write a Research Paper Title

    Paste your content: Once logged in, paste your research paper's content or abstract onto the document. Generate your title: Click on 'Templates' in the side navigation pane, go to Titles, and select 'Generate'. Paperpal will analyze your content and propose a fitting research paper title. If it doesn't quite hit the mark, simply ...

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  17. 6 tips for writing a great title for your research article

    Let me tell you an example from my own research, about an important paper that we missed because of its title. Article entitled Distinct contributions of Na V 1.6 and Na V 1.2 in action potential initiation and backpropagation has been published in July 2009 in the prestigious journal Nature Neuroscience .

  18. APA Title Page (7th edition)

    The student version of the APA title page should include the following information (double spaced and centered): Paper title. Author name. Department and university name. Course number and name. Instructor name. Due date of the assignment. The professional title page also includes an author note (flushed left), but not a course name, instructor ...

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  20. Title Page Setup

    Format. Example. Paper title. Place the title three to four lines down from the top of the title page. Center it and type it in bold font. ... For a professional paper, the affiliation is the institution at which the research was conducted. Include both the name of any department and the name of the college, university, or other institution ...

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    A good research paper title: So here are three basic tips to keep in mind while writing a title: 1] Keep it simple, brief and attractive: The primary function of a title is to provide a precise summary of the paper's content. So keep the title brief and clear. Use active verbs instead of complex noun-based phrases, and avoid unnecessary details.

  22. Research Paper Title Page

    Title of the paper: The title should be concise and descriptive, reflecting the main idea or focus of the research paper. The title should be centered on the page and in title case (capitalize the first letter of each major word). Author's name: The author's name should be written below the title, also centered on the page.

  23. Thesis & Dissertation Title Page

    The title page (or cover page) of your thesis, dissertation, or research paper should contain all the key information about your document. It usually includes: Dissertation or thesis title. Your name. The type of document (e.g., dissertation, research paper) The department and institution. The degree program (e.g., Master of Arts)

  24. Review Paper Format: How To Write A Review Article Fast

    The review paper format not only organises your thoughts but also guides your readers through the complexities of your topic. Title & Abstract. Starting with the title and abstract, you set the stage. The title should be a concise indicator of the content, making it easier for others to quickly tell what your article content is about.

  25. Research Guides: APA Style Guidelines: Synthesizing Multiple Sources

    Example One: Acceptance of Tattoos in the Workplace Increases, but Limits Remain. According to the Wall Street Journal, surveys show that the number of Americans reporting that a household member had a tattoo doubled between 1999 and 2014 (Zitner & Dougherty, 2020).Similarly, a Pew Research report showed that "almost four in 10 millennials have a tattoo" (as cited in Knudson, 2020, p. 45).

  26. How to Create the Perfect Thesis Title Page in 2024

    Centrally align your paper's title. Except for the paper's title, align all important details to the left. Use italics to format the title of media works, including books, movies, and TV series. To know in detail, you can read the article " How to Create an MLA Title Page ". Guidelines for creating a Chicago-style title page Centrally ...

  27. Call for Research

    Include the contact details, such as phone numbers, email addresses, and websites in your creative poster for a call for research papers. Should there be any questions, people can contact your organization for clarification. Print the submission instructions clearly. This section includes where and when to send the abstracts of the research ...

  28. Models of instructional design in gamification: A systematic review of

    Gamification allows for the implementation of experiences that simulate the design of (video) games, giving individuals the opportunity to be the protagonists in them. Its inclusion in the educational environment responds to the need to adapt teaching-learning processes to the characteristics of homo videoludens, placing value once again on the role of playful action in the personal ...