1. The average h-index on ResearchGate

    h index researchgate

  2. H-index en ResearchGate

    h index researchgate

  3. H-index

    h index researchgate

  4. F2 Figure 2: Author-level metric

    h index researchgate

  5. H-index and H-index excluding self-citations

    h index researchgate

  6. Graphical representation of the " h‑index, " (a) the graph on the left

    h index researchgate


  1. Wavelet Decomposition using Matlab programming

  2. How to Claim Authorship on ResearchGate for Published Articles

  3. Diseño Sismorresistente 2024

  4. Implante imediato em área estética

  5. The Intricacies of Space-Time Inversion

  6. An algorithm for verifying Legendre's conjecture -- Math Major Seminar