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Ph.D. in Literature

Ziser teaching

Students in our Ph.D. program gain advanced knowledge of literature from the British Middle Ages and colonial America to global/postcolonial and U.S. contemporary, as well as knowledge of literary theory, literary analysis, and interdisciplinary methods. The course of study balances coverage of national literary traditions with innovative methods and topics such as literature and science; literature and environment; translation; gender and sexuality studies; and critical race studies.

Our Ph.D. students are involved in a range of interdisciplinary and public initiatives. For example, some affiliate with interdisciplinary  Designated Emphases ; others have received grants to create  podcasts , convene interdisciplinary  working groups , or organize annual graduate student conferences. Each year one student participates in a year-long exchange program with the  Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies  in Mainz, Germany; some have worked as Graduate Assistants and researchers for research centers such as the  Medieval and Early Modern Studies Program , the experimental media  Modlab , and the university’s  Datalab .

Students graduate with the qualitative and quantitative skills necessary for professional research and teaching in English, as well as extensive pedagogical training and a range of teaching experience that includes writing and composition, as well as designing and teaching Introduction to Literature courses. Our  Alumni Directory  includes titles of recent dissertations, as well as information about the diverse careers for which the Ph.D. has helped prepare our graduates. There is  an option to complete an MA in literature , but it is not a stand-alone program.

Questions? Contact:

Aaron Barstow Graduate Program Coordinator, Ph.D. Program in Literature [email protected]   (530) 752-2738 Pronouns: he/they

  • Ph.D. Program Requirements

Degree requirements for the Ph.D. program   (links to more details) include 50 units of coursework with at least 44 units taken for a letter grade, proficiency in one foreign language proficiency before degree conferral, preliminary and qualifying examinations, and a dissertation. In addition, there are also opportunities for students to pursue a  Designated Emphasis  and gain teaching experience.

Coursework Requirements

3 Core Courses (8 units) • English 200: Introduction to Graduate Studies (taken as Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) • One survey course in literary theory (Critical Theory 200A or 200C taken for a grade) 1 Workshop (2 units) English 288: Prospectus Workshop (taken as Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory); students may petition to complete this course independently with a Prospectus Adviser.

10 Graduate-level Seminars (40 units) • All courses must be taken for a grade • Five courses must satisfy the breadth requirement (see below) • Five courses will be comprised of electives (see below) • Students may count one undergraduate 100-level course as one of their ten required courses • Aside from ENL 200, no course graded Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory may count as one of the twelve required seminars • Independent and group studies may not be taken for a grade

13 Total Graduate Courses (50 units; 44 units taken for a grade)  Additionally, students who enter the Ph.D. program without a MA degree can earn one en route to the Ph.D. degree.

  • Foreign Language Requirement

The English Ph.D. requires a reading knowledge of  one  foreign language before completing the degree; it is not an admissions requirement. This could be satisfied through previous or current coursework or an exam. Any of the following demonstrates proficiency:

Completion within the past eight years of 3 semester-length, or 4 quarter-length courses in a foreign language at the undergraduate level. Students must earn a passing grade, but courses may be taken on a Pass/No Pass basis.

Students may take the Placement Test offered by the  UC Davis Language Center , testing out of the language at the intermediate level.

A Pass in the language exam offered in the English Department at the beginning of Fall or Spring quarter each year.

  • Breadth Requirement

The breadth requirements must be fulfilled by coursework in the Department of English or coursework taught by English Department faculty.  Five courses (of the total 40 units above) will satisfy this requirement. Students must complete two Earlier Period courses, and two Later Period courses, and one Focus course. 

Earlier Period Courses Pre-1800; or Pre-1865 if the course focus is on American literature

Later Period Courses Post-1800 or Post-1865 if the course focus is on American literature

Focus Course Interdisciplinary, Identity, Genre, Other National, Method, Theory

Faculty and/or the Graduate Advisor may choose to designate a course as fulfilling more than one category, but students may use the course to fulfill only one requirement. For instance, a student could use a course on women in Early Modern literature to satisfy the Earlier Period requirement, or the Focus (Identity) requirement, but not both. A student could use a course on Cold War Drama to satisfy the Later Period requirement or the Focus (Genre) requirement, but not both.

  • Electives Requirement
  • The electives requirement can be fulfilled by actual offered seminars inside or outside the English Department. Five elective courses will satisfy degree requirements. UWP 390 is acceptable as one of the electives. Also, be aware 299s are ungraded but still count towards overall units. With the approval of the Graduate Adviser, students may also enroll in a graduate class at another University of California campus through the  Intercampus Exchange Program .
  • Course Waiver and Course Relief

Students who enter the Ph.D. program with MA coursework from another institution may petition the Graduate Adviser for a Course Waiver up to three of the twelve required seminars; each approved petition will reduce the number of required courses by one. Students may not reduce their coursework to fewer than nine seminars.

Students holding an MA may also petition the Graduate Adviser for course relief for up to five of the breadth requirements; each approved petition allows the student to substitute elective courses. ENL 200 may not be waived or relieved.

For each waiver or relief request, students must submit to the English Graduate Office a Course Waiver or Relief Request form (available in the office) along with the syllabus from the course and the student's seminar paper.

  • Designated Emphasis
  • Graduate students may participate in a  Designated Emphasis (DE) , a specialization that might include a new method of inquiry or an important field of application which is related to two or more existing Ph.D. programs. The DE is awarded in conjunction with the Ph.D. degree and is signified by a transcript notation; for example, “Ph.D. in Literature with a Designated Emphasis in Native American Studies.”  More information
  • Preliminary Examination

In the Spring Quarter of the second year or Fall Quarter of the third year of graduate study, students take a Preliminary Examination in two historical fields and one focus field. Three faculty members conduct the oral examination, each representing one of the fields. Prior to taking the Preliminary Examination, students must have completed the following:

• Introduction to Graduate Studies (ENL200) • Survey of Literary Theory (CRI200A or CRI200C) • Four of five Breadth Requirements • Four of five Elective Requirements

Additionally, students select one focus field.  A student may devise her/his own focus list in collaboration with two faculty members or, as is more common, choose one from among the following:

• Black Studies • Critical Theory • Disability Studies • Ecocriticism and Environmental Humanities • Feminisms • Film Studies • Marxism • Media Technologies • Performance Studies • Poetics • Postcolonial Theory • Psychoanalysis • Queer Feminisms • Queer Theories • Race and Ethnicity Studies • Science and Literature • Science Fiction

English 299 (Independent Study) is ordinarily used the quarters before the Preliminary Examination to prepare for the oral  examination and is graded Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory. Students may register for ENL 299 under the Graduate Advisor or a faculty member in the field of their exam for the quarter(s) they intend to study.

In the event that the student does not pass the exam, the exam chair will report the decision to the Graduate Adviser, who will work with the committee to decide whether the student should be given a chance to retake the exam (no less than six months later) or whether the student should be dismissed from the program. The Graduate Adviser will report this final decision to the student within 72 hours of the exam’s conclusion.

Any remaining requirements after taking the Preliminary Examination must be completed before scheduling the Qualifying Examination.

Students will select two historical fields from among the following list.   Students who would like to do non-consecutive historical fields need to get prior approval from the Graduate Adviser.  These lists and additional helpful documents can be accessed via our box folder  "Preliminary Exam"  in the English Graduate Program file.

• 20th Century British • African American Literature 20th Century • American Antebellum, 1800-1865 • American Indian Literature, 1768-present • American Literature Early 20th c., 1900-1945 • American Literature, Later 1945-present • American Literature, Later 19th-c., 1865-1914 • Asian American & Pacific Islander Literature • Colonial - Early American to 1800 • Later Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Literature (1675-1792) • Middle English • Old English (Anglo-Saxon) • Postcolonial Literature • Restoration and Eighteenth Century Literature (1660-1792) • Romanticism (1776-1832) • Seventeenth-Century English Literature From 1604-1675  • Sixteenth-Century Literature From 1485-1603 • Victorian

  • Qualifying Examination

The Qualifying Examination  happens as early as the spring of the third year and should be taken no later than the spring of the fourth year. The reading list for this exam, which is conducted orally, is constructed by the student in consultation with his or her three-person dissertation committee. When making their lists, students may consult the standard lists for preliminary exams available on the department's Box site. If the student has elected a designated emphasis (DE), materials from that field should also be incorporated into the Qualifying Exam reading list.

Graduate Studies requires the  Qualifying Examination Application to be submitted at least 30 days prior the the scheduled exam date or it won't be approved.

Qualifying Examination Committee  The student, in consultation with their Prospectus Adviser and, if needed, the Graduate Adviser, nominates  four  faculty to serve on the Qualifying Examination Committee:  • The three proposed Dissertation Committee members • One member must be from outside the English graduate program (this may be a member of the Dissertation Committee)

The QE Committee is responsible for administering the exam. Neither the “Prospectus Adviser” nor the Dissertation Director (in many, though not all, cases these will be same) may be the chair of the QE Committee. Students with a designated emphasis (DE) must include one faculty member affiliated with the DE on both their qualifying and dissertation committee. DE paperwork must be approved before the QE application is submitted. The exam will focus on the Prospectus and the Qualifying Exam reading list. The bibliography of the prospectus will normally overlap substantially with the Qualifying Exam reading list.

A Report on the Doctoral Qualifying Examination - PhD   must be submitted withing 72 hours of the exam. Upon successful completion submit your Advancement to Candidacy application.

  • Exam Accommodations
  • If you are disabled, you are entitled to accommodations for all requirements of the program you’re enrolled in, a process formally handled by the  Student Disability Center . We recommend starting the process of coordinating with the SDC early in your graduate school journey, as it can take time for the Center to process information.  We must work with the SDC to implement your accommodations for your exams.  Please indicate your need for accommodations to us as soon as possible, so we can include the Center in our exam scheduling process.  Please notify us by the fourth week of the quarter in which you intend to sit the exam.
  • Dissertation
  • The dissertation must be an original work of scholarship and/or interpretation. It may be critical, bibliographical, historical, or biographical in its subject. Students work with a dissertation director and consult with two official readers as well as with other faculty knowledgeable about the project.  Additional details

Secondary Menu

  • Ph.D. Degree

The Graduate Program in Literature is a doctoral program, which means that all students enrolled prepare for the Ph.D. degree. The program does not grant M.A. degrees along the way. The typical time to completion for the doctoral program is 6 full years.

Requirements for the Ph.D.

  • 12 Seminars
  • 7 Literature Program courses
  • At least 5 courses in a teaching field of your choice
  • Foreign language proficiency in two languages
  • Preliminary Exam
  • Chapter Workshop
  • Dissertation Defense
  • Teaching Assistantship
  • Responsible Conduct of Research Training

Additional Course Guidelines

Undergraduate-level Courses - There are no restrictions on the number of undergraduate courses a student may take outside the Literature Program during their graduate career. The approval of the DGS must be sought in such cases, and in any case Graduate School Regulations do not allow courses below the 500 level to count toward the fulfillment of coursework requirements or to be included in a student's GPA calculation.  In general undergraduate courses tend to be limited to relevant language courses.

Independent Studies - Students can take up to three independent studies over the course of their careers. Students have to complete the “Independent Study Notification Form” every time they take an independent study and it must be signed by the DGS. Supplies of these forms are kept in the DGS Assistant’s office.

Inter-institutional Courses - The Registrar requires students to follow a special procedure when they register for courses at other Triangle universities (UNC, NCCU, NCSU). Forms and information are available at the Registrar's Office. You’ll need approval from Lit’s DGS & the professor of the course.

Typical Degree Timeline

What follows is a very general timeline that graduate students in the Program may use as a rough orientation for their six-year course of study. It is not meant to replace the guidance that you should actively seek , for your own specific circumstances and research field(s), from your mentors and advisors.

During the first year, you will familiarize yourself with the department, the university, and the profession at large. The many colloquia and conferences offered at Duke, UNC Chapel Hill, NC Central and NC State, present great opportunities for you to get to know your peers, professors, national and international scholars.

During the second year, you can start presenting your work at conferences in your field(s). You should by now identify your main advisor(s), and begin TAing so as to familiarize yourself with teaching duties. You may also begin to plan for a Certificate in College Teaching.

During the third year, you will complete your preliminary exams and start to work towards your dissertation. Make sure to complete, by the end of this academic year, all the required coursework, including any language requirement related to your specific field. To be competitive in a specific field, you may well need more than one language besides English: please consult with your advisors about this matter.

During the fourth year, your focus will be to complete, if not an entire first draft, at least a good part of your dissertation. This is also a good moment to make your work known in the profession by publishing a part of your dissertation and by presenting some of the other parts at professional conferences. Finally, you should attend the dissertation formatting training sessions offered by the Graduate School (either during the fall or the spring): this is very important, to avoid any last-minute surprises that could jeopardize your entire time-plan for the PhD.

If possible, you should try to finish your dissertation during your fifth year at Duke. You should also keep a presence at professional conferences, and you may also want to consider the possibility of public humanities publications. Finally, this is the year to start applying for jobs.

You should be ready to defend by the end of this year.

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Doctor of Philosophy in Literature

Program description.

The graduate program in literature brings together scholars, creative writers and translators who share a commitment to transnational and interdisciplinary approaches to literary study and practice. The PhD in literature provides students with a flexible context in which to pursue research across a wide range of literary traditions, critical approaches and theoretical debates. In addition to coursework in literary studies, students have the opportunity to participate in creative writing and/or literary translation workshops as well as seminars in other disciplines, such as film studies, the history of ideas, philosophy and the visual and performing arts.

Students pursuing the PhD in literature may, if their coursework supports it, submit a translation or creative writing project as part of their dissertation.

Career Opportunities

Graduates of the program seek positions such as: teacher/educator, writer, editor, publisher, translator and critic. Career settings may include higher education, nonprofits, cultural and historical organizations, publishing houses, government agencies, international development organizations, museums and archives, business/corporate entities and independent consulting.

Marketable Skills

Review the marketable skills for this academic program.

Application Requirements

Visit the  Apply Now  webpage to begin the application process.  

Applicants to the Doctoral degree program should have:  

  • A baccalaureate degree (BA or MA) or its equivalent from an accredited institution of higher education, normally in an arts and humanities field.  
  • Letters of Recommendation: Applicants must submit 3 letters of recommendation from faculty, or other individuals, able to judge the candidate’s potential for success in the program.  
  • Admissions Essay: Applicants must submit a 650-word narrative essay, which should be reflective rather than factual. The essay should address the applicant’s academic interests and goals and indicate how the program would enable such pursuits.  
  • A writing sample: Submit an academic writing sample (e.g., a seminar paper or a critical essay). 
  • International applicants must submit a TOEFL score of at least 80 on the internet-based test.  Scores must be less than two years old. See the  Graduate Catalog  for additional information regarding English proficiency requirements for international applicants.  
  • Each application is considered holistically on its individual merits. You must submit all supporting documents before the Graduate Admissions Committee can review your application. 
  • The Graduate Record Examination is not required. 

Deadline:  The application deadline is January 15. All applications completed by the deadline will be reviewed for admission. Applications submitted or completed after January 15 may be reviewed for admission only if spaces remain within the upcoming cohort and will be reviewed in order by the date the application file became complete.

Contact Information

Literature Graduate Programs Email: [email protected]

Dr. Charles Hatfield Associate Professor and Program Head Phone: 972-883-2780 Email: [email protected]

Graduate Advising Kelly Erb Phone: 972-883-6167 Email: [email protected]

Graduate Admissions Phone: 972-883-6176 Email: [email protected] Request Bass School Graduate Program Information

Harry W. Bass Jr. School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology The University of Texas at Dallas, JO31 800 W. Campbell Road Richardson, TX 75080-3021

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Best College Rankings

30 Best PhD Programs in English

college rank best phd programs english

Quick Highlights:

  • Our #1 ranked school for a PhD in English is  University at Buffalo , followed by  University of California, Berkeley .
  • PhD English programs focus on comprehensive English language and literature knowledge . They require coursework, exams, and a dissertation.
  • Specializations may be available in areas like rhetoric and digital humanities.
  • Many programs emphasize practical experience, including teaching opportunities and involvement in academic communities .

With one of the 30 top English PhD programs, career opportunities are numerous, because let’s face it: researching, writing, teaching, learning, communicating, and critical thinking all translate into a highly sought-after knowledge and skill set.

This is not a trick question: What would we do if we could not communicate with each other, whether verbally or in writing (or texting)?

Seriously think about it: Without language, what do we have?

There are those who live and breathe:

  • sentence structures

They can’t seem to get enough of learning about the dynamic subject we call English. If you love language, writing, research, learning, and continuously searching for that right word, a PhD in English may be the graduate program you’re looking for.

Check out our top English PhD program rankings and start preparing for your future!

  • Top MFA in Creative Writing
  • Best PhD in Communications

What Is a PhD in English?

A PhD in English is a terminal degree, meaning it’s the highest you can get in any given subject. While concentrations and programs of study differ, three parts of an English PhD are certain:

  • qualifying exams
  • a dissertation

Coursework typically includes various literature classes to provide a strong breadth of English language and literature knowledge. Most top English PhD programs also require foreign language requirements. After the coursework is finished in around 2-3 years, English majors will take a comprehensive qualifying exam to achieve doctoral status. This exam covers all they have studied this far, and passing it will allow them to move on to their dissertation.

A dissertation is the final step to earning a PhD in English. Think of it as an independent research project that takes years to:

  • compile information

The dissertation defense is the last step, where you present your project to a faculty panel.

Most top English PhD programs take five to seven years to complete, but of course, it depends on full-time or part-time status. It is also worth noting that many graduate schools, including the ones we have reviewed, provide full funding to the student earning a PhD.

You may also like: Doctorate vs PhD

What Are the Top English PhD Programs?

At CollegeRank , we strive to do our best to guide you and your family toward a fruitful academic career. The pursuit of knowledge is a noble one, and we want to help you reach your goals. Please feel free to visit our dedicated methodology page for a step-by-step breakdown. For questions, comments, badge downloads, or data corrections, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].

University at Buffalo

Buffalo, New York

Average Net Price

University of Buffalo

While all of our rankings in this article are notable, The University of Buffalo ranks in the top 1% of not just the country but the world by the Center for World University Rankings. Founded in 1846, SUNY Buffalo is the largest campus in the 64-campus SUNY system. It offers one of the best English PhD programs. It just happens to be our #1 choice!

What sets SUNY Buffalo apart from others? As a student, you are a part of a vibrant, supportive community as an active participant in every part of the program. You are not just going to school, but you are a part of the process. This includes attending and voting in department meetings and joining the English Graduate Student Association (EGSA).

This top PhD in English requires 72 credits, which are satisfied through ten graduate seminar courses in fields such as:

  • American and British literature
  • poetics and critical theory

You will then take an oral qualifying exam and complete and defend a “book-length work of original scholarship,” otherwise known as a dissertation.

As a graduate program student, you are encouraged to publish during your time at SUNY Buffalo and equipped with a third-year workshop for this goal. This graduate program takes approximately five years and is fully in person. You can apply through the Graduate Enrollment Services.

University of California, Berkeley

Berkeley, California


Globally ranked as the fourth-best university according to U.S. News & World Report rankings, University of California-Berkeley has been described as a “glorious place,” full of “commitment to excellence.” This is a top graduate program in the country. The PhD in comparative literature, is both “historical and theoretical”. It includes a “signature combination of teaching and research on literature, film, and other media.”

In this English PhD program , you will choose one literature from a historical and critical perspective and complete comparative work in three kinds of literature. You will then complete ten courses encompassing:

  • comparative
  • major types of literature
  • minor types of literature

The University of California-Berkeley says this program takes approximately seven years to complete and includes a recommended timetable to stay on track.

The University of California-Berkeley offers a myriad of fellowships and financial aid to help with the cost of this PhD program. In addition, you have the opportunity to seek employment through the department in teaching and research assistantship programs. Alumni have won national awards from the Modern Language Association and the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA).

University of Maryland

College Park, Maryland

University of Maryland

The University of Maryland is devoted to social entrepreneurship. It is recognized as the nation’s first  “Do Good” university. Home to over 41,000 students and 388,000 alumni, UMD spans 12 schools and colleges. It offers 297 academic programs, including the nationally ranked PhD in English. This graduate program prepares students who plan to teach at the university level with:

  • language courses

Along with You will study an in-depth range of topics such as:

  • literary and cultural history,
  • aesthetic, critical and cultural theory
  • digital and media studies
  • humanistic engagement with the sciences
  • language, rhetoric and composition

You will complete a minimum of 12 courses, including a foreign language requirement, while maintaining a 3.6 GPA. 

UMD’s top English PhD program is highly competitive but well worth the competition if you are accepted because all students receive a five-year funding package. To apply, you need to submit:

  • a statement of goals and research interests
  • transcripts
  • three letters of recommendation
  • a sample of critical writing
  • an academic CV

The University of Texas at Austin

Austin, Texas

University of Texas at Austin

UT Austin is not only known for its food (especially breakfast tacos!) and music, but it’s also our #4 ranking. It has:

  • excellent academic programs
  • extensive research
  • shared values of “equity, excellence, innovation, and empowerment”

It is ranked #20 in Best Graduate Schools from U.S. News & World Report . UT Austin offers a PhD in English with a concentration in literature or rhetoric and digital literacies.

Whether you enter the program with a bachelor’s or a master’s degree, you are required to complete 39 graduate seminar hours before the end of your third year. You must pass the third-year examination to achieve doctoral candidacy. The final milestone for the PhD in English is the dissertation defense. Graduate students have access to six years of funding from combined teaching assistantships.

UT Austin’s admission is highly competitive. Each year, this English PhD program accepts 12-14 students into the literature concentration and four in the rhetoric and digital literacies program. You can apply through ApplyTexas if you have a BA or MA plus at least 15 hours of upper-division English credits with a minimum 3.0 GPA.

University of Wisconsin – Madison

Madison, Wisconsin

University of Wisconsin Madison

A top-ranked university with 19 faculty and alumni Nobel Prize winners? Yes, please! Check out UW-Madison, awarded #13 in America’s Best Colleges from U.S. News & Report . UW Madison offers more than 9,000 courses across over 450 academic programs, including a PhD in English with the following specializations:

  • Composition and rhetoric
  • English language and linguistics
  • Literature studies

This graduate program “combines a sharp focus on conceptual approaches to literary and cultural works with a commitment to broad coverage of the field of Anglophone literature.” As a student, you will tailor the program to your career goals through a required minor. You will also study interdisciplinary areas such as:

  • literary theory and criticism
  • gender studies
  • race and ethnic studies

You will complete 51-63 coursework credits depending on which concentration you choose. Each concentration includes:

  • major courses
  • minor courses
  • research/method/tools courses

While some of the best English PhD rankings offer online or hybrid formats, UW-Madison’s coursework is face-to-face. Applicants must have a bachelor’s or master’s degree from an accredited institution. English degrees are preferred but they are not required.

Texas Tech University

Lubbock, Texas

Texas Tech

Texas Tech warded a “Very High Research Activity” category by Carnegie Classification of Institution of Higher Education. It is a comprehensive public research university that spans 13 colleges and schools and 200 degree programs. At Texas Tech, you can earn a PhD in English with a specialization in literature.

One of the best parts of Texas Tech’s PhD in English is vast areas of study. You can choose any of the following concentrations:

  • Early British literature
  • Later British literature
  • English and American literature
  • Comparative literature, globalization, and translation
  • Creative writing
  • Linguistics
  • Book history and digital humanities
  • Film and media studies
  • Literature, social justice, and environment

No matter which concentration you choose, you will take courses such as:

  • Research Methods
  • Critical Methods
  • Writing for Publication
  • Teaching College Literature

Texas Tech employs a holistic assessment for applicants while looking for:

  • critical analysis skills
  • a focused academic purpose
  • strong letters of recommendation

University of South Florida

Tampa, Florida

University of South Florida

Located in the heart of Tampa Bay, the University of South Florida is one of the fastest-rising universities in the nation. U.S. News and World Report ranks it as the 46th best public university in the country. At UCF, you can earn a PhD in English with either a literature or rhetoric and composition concentration.

UCF’s top English PhD program requires at least 30 hours of coursework, including:

  • Scholarly Research and Writing
  • Teaching Practicum
  • Studies in Criticism and Theory

After completing your coursework, you must create and submit a portfolio and fulfill a foreign language requirement before you are admitted to doctoral candidacy. Then, the real fun starts: writing your dissertation.

USF graduate students can also earn graduate certificates in:

  • comparative literary studies
  • creative writing
  • digital humanities
  • professional and technical communication

UCF’s program is pretty competitive. You need:

  • a Master of Arts from an accredited university
  • at least a 3.7 GPA
  • “competitive” GRE verbal and analytical writing scores
  • recommendation letters
  • a scholarly writing sample
  • a personal statement

University of Utah

Salt Lake City, Utah

University of Utah

“Step One: Imagine. Step Two: Do.”

The University of Utah is fondly known by students, faculty, and alumni as “The U,”. It features a simple yet profound motto that has inspired many graduates to go on and make their mark on the world. Notable alumni include writer Orson Scott Card and award-winning actor Stephen Covey, among many others.

You, too, can imagine what is possible and then take action by checking out the top PhD in English . It has concentrations in rhetoric and composition or literacy and cultural studies. The program entails:

  • Ten seminar courses (including four concentration courses)
  • Four additional English courses
  • Two courses in writing and rhetoric studies
  • A qualifying exam
  • A successful dissertation

The Department of English features ample opportunities for publications, along with the graduate student reading series, Working Dog, where you can showcase your original work to not only other classmates, but the public.

University of Arizona

Tucson, Arizona

University of Arizona

The University of Arizona is a nationally ranked university in public research and best value. It features a rich Native American history. The first graduating class in 1895 included three students before Arizona was even a state!

Check out the PhD in rhetoric, composition, and teaching of English – perfect if you intend to teach at a four-year college or a writing program.  UA’s Department of English states that the graduates of this doctoral program are “distinguished for their public engagement and action-oriented research, published scholarship, and innovative teaching.” 

The University of Arizona has an outstanding 97% job placement. English PhD graduates find themselves as nationally recognized scholars teaching, researching, and writing all over the world.

In this top English PhD program, you will complete 66 credit units, which includes 18 dissertation credits. Courses include:

  • Research Methods in Rhetoric and Composition
  • Qualifying Portfolio Workshop

To apply, you need to submit:

  • a CV, a statement of purpose
  • unofficial transcripts
  • a writing sample in rhetoric or composition

Louisiana State University

Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Louisiana State University

LSU is Louisiana’s flagship institution. Louisiana State University is known for its top-notch academics and impressive return on investments. Ninety-two percent of all students receive scholarships or financial aid. Two in three students graduate with absolutely no debt. LSU’s PhD in English arms graduate students with the knowledge and skills to become expert:

  • researchers

Similar to most English PhD programs, this program is organized into three phases:

  • dissertation

The coursework consists of 48 credit hours of literature that “range across periods, genres, and traditions,” and critical and theoretical methods. Students will then take their exams and progress into the dissertation phase.

Students typically write one chapter of their dissertation per semester while enrolled in the Dissertation Writing Workshop. A perk of this program is that you can apply if you have either a Bachelor’s or Master’s of Arts. If you already have a master’s degree, you can apply up to 24 credit hours toward this degree and finish the PhD in just four years.

Arizona State University

Tempe, Arizona

Arizona State University

Arizona State University boasts several national recognitions. This includes #1 in the country for most innovative school and the best graduate schools from U.S. News & World Report. Among the half a million alumni include notable:

  • politicians
  • actors and actresses

ASU features a PhD in English literature that is worth checking out!

The PhD in English literature emphasizes literary texts not only from a cultural and historical perspective but also from the “production, distribution, and reception.” The “texts” are defined as “folklore, oral traditions, popular culture, and film and digital media in addition to traditional literature.” The graduate program includes 42-72 hours in coursework. It also includes 12 hours of dissertation work.

This doctoral program is highly flexible and allows you to take courses in your interest areas. Sample courses include:

  • Methods and Issues in Teaching Composition
  • Rhetorical Traditions

To apply you need:

  • statement of purpose
  • an academic writing sample of 10-25 pages

The deadline to apply is January 1, and the GRE is not required.

University of California – Los Angeles

Los Angeles, California


Have you ever wondered which U.S. city features the most museums and theaters than any other city? Well, it’s Los Angeles!  UCLA is proud to be right in the center of the excitement. (And in case you’re wondering, LA is home to 105 museums and 225 theaters!) At UCLA-Los Angeles, you can join the current 15,724 graduate students and earn a comprehensive PhD in English literature.

UCLA structures its PhD in three stages. Stage one entails 14 graduate seminars in English literature, with various requirements to ensure a diverse depth of literature. Stage one also includes a first qualifying exam before you proceed to stage two for a second qualifying exam. Stage three is the research, writing, and completion of a dissertation. It begins in year five and typically takes two years to complete.

Component of UCLA’s PhD program include:

  • dissertation project
  • teacher training

Teaching assistantships are available and encouraged for graduate students. To apply you need to submit:

  • a writing sample of 15-25 pages

Currently, the GRE exam requirement is waived because of Covid-19.

University of Michigan – Ann Arbor

Ann Arbor, Michigan

University of Michigan

The University of Michigan-Ann Arbor was voted #1 for Best Small College Town in America and Best U.S. Public University ( QS World University Rankings and Wallethub ). It is globally recognized for its exceptional academic quality. U-M Ann Arbor features a stellar doctoral program in English language and literature for those who aim to:

  • write in a collective community

This top English PhD program allows you to specialize in British, American, or anglophone literature. Also, to“explore a wide range of critical, theoretical, and cultural perspectives.” The program focuses on learning as a social process. This is one reason why English graduate students are guaranteed six years of program funding! A huge perk.

In your first year you will:

  • complete two basic languages or one advanced language
  • Introduction to Graduate Studies
  • three upper-level seminars

Your second year will be devoted to the preliminary examination. In the third year, a third-year review, which will provide feedback and direction. Finally, you will devote your last few years to your dissertation.

University of Missouri

Columbia, Missouri

University of Missouri

If you know what the Tiger Walk and Tiger Prowl are, you certainly are familiar with the University of Missouri. It is fondly known as Mizzou. With a long history of traditions, Mizzou’s pride is seen all over the world. You can earn a PhD in English in just five years, including 30 hours of coursework that provides “deep knowledge and methodological sophistication. with a concentration on creative writing or literature.

Sample courses include:

  • Literacy Criticism
  • The Theory and Practice of Teaching in English
  • English Linguistics
  • creative writing workshops if you choose the creative writing concentration

By the spring of your third year, you should begin writing your dissertation. This could be scholarly or creative, depending on your concentration. You will have two years to complete your dissertation before you defend it by the end of your fifth year.

Recent dissertation titles include:

  • “Medieval Romance, Fanfiction, and the Erotics of Shame” 
  • “Science Frictions: Science, Folklore, and ‘The Future ” 
  • “Magical Safe Spaces: The Role of Literature in Medieval and Early Modern Magic” 

University of Virginia – Main Campus

Charlottesville, Virginia

University of Virginia

The University of Virginia is one of the very best in the nation. Both U.S. News & World Report and Money Magazine rank UVA #2 and #4 as the best public university and the best value. UVA houses a PhD in English language, literature, and research that leads graduates to all types of careers in:

  • education administration

This best English PhD program entails 72 credits, including courses like:

  • Introduction to Literary Research
  • Dissertation Seminar

During the second semester of the fourth year, students will give a 40-min talk about their dissertation. This is a great opportunity for students to share their work with a formal venue before they defend their dissertation later.

In addition to this degree, you can earn graduate certificates in:

  • Comparative literature
  • Gender and sexuality studies
  • African studies
  • Environmental humanities
  • Digital humanities

Accepted students receive financial support and health insurance for at least five years of their duration in the program.

University of Tennessee Knoxville

Knoxville, Tennessee

University of Tennessee Knoxville

Founded in 1794, UT Knoxville is one of the oldest in the country. UT Knoxville spreads across 910 acres. The 294 buildings house 11 colleges and 900 programs of study! If you’re a teacher and want to continue your education studies, then UT’s PhD in literacy studies and education may be for you.

This program is not a standard PhD in English. It combines English and education and allows you to choose from a number of concentrations and specializations. You can choose between literacy studies and education. Then you can further choose an emphasis like:

  • children’s and young adult literature
  • ESL education
  • literacy education

This program includes 48 credit hours beyond a master’s degree. This includes six credits in a cognate area and 24 hours of doctoral research and dissertation courses. Comprehensive exams should be completed in five years. The dissertation should be completed within eight years. To apply to this program, you need at least three years of teaching experience.

University of Louisiana

Lafayette, Louisiana

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Smart. Spirited. Solution-Driven.

Those are words to describe the University of Louisiana at Lafayette It is the second-largest university in Louisiana, home to over 19,000 students. We also must mention that UL’s sports teams are THE Louisiana Ragin’ Cajuns®! With a PhD in English from UL, you will receive a strong background in British and American language and literature. You can further customize your program to match your career goals.

UL now has over 100 students in its PhD program, which is a lot for a PhD in English! You can specialize in four areas (out of 21!) such as:

  • critical theory
  • Africana literature
  • feminist theory and criticism

The degree requires 72 credit hours, which include 48 in coursework and 24 in dissertation research.

UL’s PhD program asks for application materials that “testify to solid academic preparation for advanced work.” These materials include:

  • Transcripts
  • Recommendation letters
  • A Statement of purpose
  • A CV with relevant academic/professional experience
  • A critical (or creative) writing sample
  • Optional GRE scores

To enter in the spring, submit your application by November 15.

New York University

New York City, New York


Imagine studying English in one of the most vibrant cities in the nation: New York City. New York University Steinhardt is a top university. It is ranked #10 among the Best Graduate Schools in Education ( U.S. News & World Report ). NYU Steinhardt offers a range of programs:

  • doctoral programs

This includes the notable PhD in English education: secondary and college.

This doctoral program at New York University prepares graduates to become:

  • university researchers
  • English curriculum specialists
  • post-secondary English language educators

You will enjoy small classes in one of the most diverse settings in the world: New York City! As a student, you will complete 48-60 credits, depending on the focus area and prior coursework.

Coursework includes:

  • teaching and learning seminars
  • two cognate courses
  • foundation requirements
  • research methodology classes

Before beginning your dissertation, you will complete a research experience course to prepare you. While many programs require full-time status, you can complete this PhD full-time or part-time. To apply, you need:

  • A statement of purpose
  • A writing sample (no more than 20 pages)
  • Three recommendation letters

University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania

Benjamin Franklin once said, “well-done is better than well-said.” This statement, by the school’s founder, serves as the cornerstone tradition of the University of Pennsylvania. Since the 1740s, Penn continues to evolve into a place of social activism, touching all of its programs. Penn’s PhD in English combines English and American literature to produce a comprehensive program with a range of specializations.

This “intellectually dynamic and rigorous” PhD program prepares students to be scholars and educators of English. You can specialize in one primary field. Or you can specialize in two additional fields such as:

  • contemporary poetry

Penn recognizes that true learning comes when students become active participants in their academic and social community. The program’s emphasis is on the relationships between scholars and faculty.

In this top English PhD program , you will take courses such as Teaching of Literature and Composition. This is along with six literature courses spanning throughout various time periods. During your third year, you will choose a specialization as you start working on your dissertation. All PhD students receive the Benjamin Franklin Fellowship, which covers tuition and health insurance for five years.

Harvard University

Cambridge, Massachusetts

literature phd programs

Have you ever wondered which academic institution is our nation’s oldest? Well, it’s Harvard University, established in 1636! With over 400,000 alumni all over the world including:

  • 49 Nobel Laureates
  • 32 heads of state
  • 48 Pulitzer Prize winners

It’s no wonder Harvard University made our list of top English PhD rankings. After all, it’s Harvard! Check out Harvard University’s PhD in English that covers topics ranging from medieval literature to criticism and theory.

Harvard’s PhD in English provides a broad knowledge of English and teaches students to:

  • research and write well
  • teach effectively
  • present their research at conferences and seminars

The first two years are devoted to coursework and preparing for the PhD qualifying exam, while the rest of the time is spent working on the dissertation.

Check out the many past doctoral theses and dissertations published on Harvard University’s website. Harvard states that this program typically takes between four and seven years. Most students finishing in five or six years. While GRE scores are not required for admission, past English classes, strong writing samples, and excellent letters of recommendation are.

Columbia University in the City of New York

literature phd programs

A private Ivy League University, Columbia University has been a leader in higher education for over 250 years. Columbia University spans three undergraduate schools and 13 graduate schools. This includes the Teacher College, which opened in 1880. Columbia’s Teacher College features a PhD in English education for students who aim to become teachers and researchers in higher education.

This English PhD program includes 75 credits, and students may transfer up to 30 credits from previous graduate work. All PhD English education majors will take courses like:

  • Research Paper: Teaching of English
  • Professional Seminar: Foundational Texts

As a student, you stay on track through:

  • milestones of coursework
  • meeting with your dissertation committee

While most doctoral English PhD programs only admit students once a year, Columbia’s program allows entry in both the summer and fall. To apply you need:

  • a master’s degree in English
  • education or a related field
  • at least 3-5 years of full-time teaching experience
  • an academic writing sample

Cornell University

Ithaca, New York

literature phd programs

Cornell University is a private Ivy League research university in Ithaca, NY. It is home to over 24,000 students. This top-ranked university includes 15 colleges and schools, including The College of Arts and Sciences at Cornell University. You can earn a PhD in English and language literature. This English PhD program comes with a generous financial package for students.

Cornell’s PhD in English language and literature allows you to customize your plan of study to suit your interests. You will form a faculty committee that will work with you on selecting your courses and writing and revising your dissertation. You can choose from a myriad of areas such as:

  • Romance studies
  • Cultural studies

This graduate program also emphasizes teaching an essential part of this plan of study. As a student, you are required to teach writing-intensive courses for at least one year during your time at Cornell. As mentioned, Cornell University provides five years of funding that includes:

  • full tuition
  • health insurance

Syracuse University

Syracuse, New York

literature phd programs

Syracuse University, a highly-ranked private research institution, states that “being orange is more than just a color, a place or degree. It embodies a lifelong connection to a global network of innovators, thinkers, and creative solution finders.” Join the “Orange Community” of 22,000 other students when you earn a top PhD in English from Syracuse University.

Syracuse’s Ph.D. in English includes “specialized professional training in criticism, theory, research, and the teaching of literary and filmic texts”. It prepares you to teach at the college and university level.  You can apply whether you have a BA or master’s degree, and you will take between 12-18 courses, depending on your past academic records.

This PhD program is pretty straightforward. You will take courses like:

  • Introduction to Critical Theory
  • focused graduate seminars
  • a foreign language

You will also take two exams: the field exam and the qualifying exam. This will qualify you as a doctoral candidate to begin:

  • researching
  • defending your dissertation

Syracuse boasts an excellent job placement record for PhD in English graduates.

Washington University in St. Louis

St. Louis, Missouri

literature phd programs

Washington University was founded in 1853 in St. Luis. WashUis an independent university with more than 16,000 students from all 50 states and more than 100 countries. It offers many opportunities, including:

  • customizable programs
  • study abroad experiences
  • impressive financial aid options

You won’t want to miss the PhD in English and American literature from the College of Arts and Sciences.

Washington University’s PhD in English and American literature is described as “innovative, collegial, competitive, and generously funded, offering one of the top financial packages in the nation”. The program is rooted in literary history. As a student, you can tailor your plan of study to incorporate areas of English that you want to explore.

During your time at WashU, you will serve as both a graduate assistant and instructor in undergraduate English and literature courses. During year four, you will submit a dissertation prospectus. The next two years you will spend working on your dissertation. By April of year six, you will be ready to defend your dissertation and become a Doctor of English!

Northwestern University

Evanston, Illinois

literature phd programs

Ranked #9 in the U.S. News & World Report 2020 Best Colleges, Northwestern University is a comprehensive research university. It has more than 13,000 graduate students and an impressive student-to-faculty ratio of 6:1. Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences at Northwestern University features a PhD in literature that emphasizes:

  • literary history
  • criticism, and theory
  • interdisciplinary studies

This best English graduate program includes:

  • lectures and workshops from global scholars
  • student-organized colloquia
  • reading groups, conferences
  • many ways to learn from not only the faculty, but from peers

You will complete 20 graduate-level courses in diverse historical periods during your first three years. In addition, you will complete a foreign language requirement by the end of year one.

At Northwestern, you will:

  • work as a graduate assistant
  • teach at least one course
  • work on your dissertation during years four and five

While this PhD program can be completed in five years, most students complete it in six. As a graduate student at Northwestern, you will receive:

  • full financial aid
  • travel grants
  • pedagogical training
  • job placement

University of Miami

Coral Gables, Florida

literature phd programs

Established in 1925, the University of Miami is a private research academic institution with numerous national recognitions in academic and research success. Check out UM’s Pride Points and what it means to be part of the Hurricane family. While you’re at it, check out the PhD in English with concentrations in Caribbean studies or early modern literature. This is a degree full of diversity and opportunity.

UM’s PhD in English is nationally ranked by the National Research Council for student and faculty diversity. As a student at UM, you will enjoy diverse topics such as:

  • Caribbean literature
  • early modern literature
  • cultural theory

The cohorts are only five to seven students, so you will be among a tight-knit community of English scholars.

UM admits incoming students with either a bachelor’s or a master’s degree in English, and your previous degree(s) will determine whether you need to take 54 or 36 credits of coursework. You will also receive:

  • at least five years of tuition remissions

UM reports that over 90% of its PhD graduates have full-time employment within nine months of graduating.

University of Chicago

Chicago, Illinois

literature phd programs

The University of Chicago, a highly-ranked private research university, is known for its value of free and open inquiry. This has led to research breakthroughs such as:

  • finding the cancer-genetics link
  • discovering revolutionary economics links
  • improving the graduation rates in urban cities

UChicago’s PhD in English language and literature involves intensive research for solutions, and open expression, staying true to UChicago’s values.

The University of Chicago’s PhD in English language and literature “prepares students for independent work as teachers, scholars, and critics by developing their abilities to pose and investigate problems in the advanced study of literature in English.” The four major elements of this program include:

  • the dissertation.

Part of the appeal of this program are the dynamic courses like:

  • The Print Revolution and New Readers: Women, Workers, Children
  • Early Science Fiction
  • Readings in Exile
  • scanned transcripts
  • 3-4 recommendation letters
  • a 15-20 page writing sample
  • a 1-3 page statement of purpose

Boston College

Newton, Massachusetts

literature phd programs

“Education with a heart and soul – and the power to transform” is Boston College’s motto. Boston College is the first higher education institution in Boston. This private Jesuit research university is among one of the nation’s leaders. Boston College’s PhD in English gives graduate students the choice of a wide range of courses to tailor the program to their interests and career goals.

As a student, you are required to take just four PhD seminars along with courses in composition theory and pedagogy and research colloquium. The rest is up to you, and you will work with your advisor to build your program. Teaching is another component and starting with your second year, you will become a teaching assistant in a British or American literature class.

We’ll be honest: the very thing that we love about this program—the small classes—means that each year Boston College only admits 4-5 students. Applications for the fall semester are due by January 2. To apply you need:

  • a critical writing statement

The Catholic University of America

Washington, D.C.

literature phd programs

Right in the heart of our nation’s capital, you will find the Catholic University of America. It is the only national research academic institution found by the U.S. bishops. CatholicU is a great place to earn a  PhD in English language and literature offering:

  • more than 250 academic programs
  • 5,700 students
  • 90,000+ alumni

And who wouldn’t want to study literature in Washington D.C.?

CatholicU’s English language and literature program includes 54 credit of coursework, a comprehensive exam, and a dissertation. The comprehensive exam consists of three parts:

  • literary theory
  • the history of criticism

After you pass the exam, you will begin your dissertation, described by CatholicU as “a substantial piece of original research,” which “gives the doctoral program its capstone.”

CatholicU’s location allows you to become fully immersed in literary history since you are among some of the most reputable museums, research collections, and libraries. Classes are small, so you will get personalized attention, including pedagogical training. CatholicU offers funding for this English language and literature PhD program for up to seven years.

University of Notre Dame

Notre Dame, Indiana

literature phd programs

Notre Dame’s College of Arts and Letters features a “flexible and dynamic” PhD in English that entails 42 credits of literary criticism courses, preparing you for:

  • individualized reading courses
  • independent study

Your written and oral exams in the third year will assess your knowledge and skills in your specialization, a secondary field, literary theory, and methodology.

You will then focus on researching for your dissertation, which you will defend in year five or six. 

Notre Dame also offers a 5+1 program that gives job incentives for students finishing this program in five years.

Frequently Asked Questions

PhD graduates can find rewarding careers in academia, journalism, media, and other communication fields. You can also become a content strategist or explore writing opportunities. Your expertise in language and literature opens doors to diverse fields of research and publishing.

Historical trends indicate PhDs in English graduates find jobs in academia, research, publishing, and related fields. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of postsecondary teachers (which includes university professors) is projected to grow 8% through 2032. This should result in about 118,000 new job openings each year, over the next 10 years.

Pay varies for PhD in English graduates, based on factors such as experience, location, and employment sector. In academia, assistant professors with a PhD in English start with salaries ranging from $60,000 to $80,000, while more experienced professors earn higher salaries.

A PhD in English typically takes 5 to 7 years. It involves coursework, comprehensive exams, dissertation research, and writing. Some online PhD programs allow students to finish their degree in less time, but the average is 6 years.

Many PhD programs in English offer financial support to students, which can include tuition waivers, stipends, and teaching or research assistant positions. Students often receive compensation for their teaching or research contributions, helping to offset costs during their doctoral studies. Stipends and compensation for teaching or research assistantships can range from a few thousand dollars to more substantial amounts, depending on the university, location, and program.

Yes, earning a PhD in English grants you the title of “Doctor.” When you successfully complete a doctoral program, including a PhD in English, you’re awarded the academic title of “Doctor of Philosophy.” You can use the prefix “Dr.” before your name in professional and academic contexts.

Yes, it is possible to pursue a PhD in English without a master’s degree. Some doctoral programs accept students with a bachelor’s degree directly into their PhD programs, providing specific academic and admission requirements are met.

English (Literature), PHD

On this page:.

At a Glance: program details

  • Location: Tempe campus
  • Second Language Requirement: No

Program Description

Degree Awarded: PHD English (Literature)

The PhD program in English with a concentration in literature trains students in various methodologies, pedagogies and areas of inquiry that constitute literary and cultural studies.

With a diverse and distinguished faculty, the program offers opportunities for specialization in traditional areas of literary criticism, cultural analysis and theory, as well as various fields of interdisciplinary study.

A doctorate in literature equips students with a range of highly sought-after skills and competencies: research and analysis of complex material, communication in written and oral modes, collaboration, independence and self-motivation, creativity and adaptability.

The PhD in English (literature) at ASU is a premier graduate program in the U.S. with strong interdisciplinary ties and faculty links to research centers on campus and in the state, including the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, the Center for the Study of Race and Democracy, the Institute for Humanities Research, and the Virginia G. Piper Center for Creative Writing. With these resources and a strong mentorship program at their fingertips, our graduates are prepared for a wide array of professional opportunities including careers in college teaching, research, writing, editing, higher education, and humanities-related organizations.

Lee Bebout ,  Director  

Kira Assad, Program Manager

Faculty in Literature

Doctoral Examinations

Doctoral Procedures and Timeline

Teaching Assistantships

Degree Requirements

Curriculum plan options.

  • 84 credit hours, a foreign language exam, a written comprehensive exam, an oral comprehensive exam, a prospectus and a dissertation

A student with an appropriate master's degree must complete a minimum of 54 credit hours of approved graduate work, which includes 12 credit hours of dissertation, provided the student's master's degree is accepted by the supervisory committee and the academic unit. Research hours may be used toward coursework in consultation with the advisor.

A student without an appropriate master's degree must complete 84 credit hours of work at ASU. At the advisor's discretion, students may include up to 12 credit hours of appropriate, graduate-level coursework undertaken at another university and not previously counted toward any other degree.

Specifically required are six credit hours in theory courses and ENG 501 Approaches to Research. Students must complete eight graduate courses in any of the following categories:

  • cultural studies
  • ethnic studies
  • gender studies
  • history and structure of the English language
  • literature 1500--1660
  • literature 1660--1900
  • literature since 1900
  • literature to 1500
  • postcolonial or anglophone literatures

Students must take at least five graduate seminars at the 600 level en route to the doctorate, at least three of which must be taken in the doctoral program. Up to 12 credit hours taken outside the department may be counted toward the degree. Students should consult with their supervisory committees when choosing electives.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must fulfill the requirements of both the Graduate College and The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Applicants are eligible to apply to the program if they have earned a bachelor's or master's degree from a regionally accredited institution.

Applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 (scale is 4.00 = "A") in the last 60 hours of their first bachelor's degree program, or a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.50 (scale is 4.00 = "A") in an applicable master's degree program.

All applicants must submit:

  • graduate admission application and application fee
  • official transcripts
  • statement of purpose
  • resume or curriculum vitae
  • three letters of recommendation
  • academic writing sample relevant to the field
  • statement of teaching philosophy (teaching assistantship only)
  • proof of English proficiency

Additional Application Information An applicant whose native language is not English and has not graduated from an institution of higher learning in the United States must provide proof of English proficiency, regardless of current residency. Applicants can find more information about English proficiency requirements on the school website . Please note that official scores must be sent to ASU in order for the application to be processed.

The well-considered, one- to two-page, single-spaced statement of purpose should explain the applicant's scholarly background and training, career goals, proposed research specialization, any secondary field of interest and why the applicant wishes to pursue a PhD in English (Literature) at Arizona State University. Applicants applying for funding must also submit a statement of teaching philosophy.

Next Steps to attend ASU

Learn about our programs, apply to a program, visit our campus, application deadlines, learning outcomes.

  • Identify and evaluate various disciplinary arguments, trends, traditions and debates within the knowledge community of literary and cultural studies scholars.
  • Demonstrate the ability to produce written work of publishable quality.
  • Demonstrate research skills necessary to bring a project of literary or cultural analysis to fruition, including the ability to evaluate disciplinary debates and developments; and the ability to produce research on historical and cultural meanings of texts and related cultural productions.

Career Opportunities

Graduates are prepared for careers in higher education and other fields that value this expertise. Sectors employing high numbers of arts and humanities graduates include information and communication, financial and insurance, public administration and defense, arts and entertainment, and education.

Career examples include:

  • art director
  • criminal investigator or special agent
  • intelligence analyst
  • market research analyst
  • museum curator, educator or exhibit designer
  • political analyst
  • public relations specialist or manager
  • technical writer

Global Opportunities

Global experience.

With over 250 programs in more than 65 countries (ranging from one week to one year), study abroad is possible for all ASU students wishing to gain global skills and knowledge in preparation for a 21st-century career. Students earn ASU credit for completed courses, while staying on track for graduation, and may apply financial aid and scholarships toward program costs.

Program Contact Information

If you have questions related to admission, please click here to request information and an admission specialist will reach out to you directly. For questions regarding faculty or courses, please use the contact information below.

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  • PhD in Literature

Doctorate in Literature

Interdisciplinary clusters.

The Department of English's Doctoral program in Literature  offers advanced study and research in literary history, criticism, and theory, with excellent opportunities for interdepartmental and interdisciplinary study. Courses within the department cover major genres, periods, authors, and a broad range of methodological and theoretical approaches.

The graduate curriculum is enhanced by frequent lectures and workshops with Northwestern faculty and visiting scholars from around the world. Student-organized colloquia, conferences, reading groups, and dissertation groups provide opportunities for students to present their research to an audience of peers.

The PhD program provides superb professionalization and training in a variety of settings, including teaching assistantships for undergraduate lecture courses and the opportunity to develop and lead courses in Northwestern's Writing Program and the School of Professional Studies .

Comparative Literature

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Harvard’s Department of Comparative Literature is one of the most dynamic and diverse in the country. Its impressive faculty has included such scholars as Harry Levine, Claudio Guillén, and Barbara Johnson. You will study literatures from a wide range of historical periods and cultures while learning to conduct cutting-edge research through an exhilarating scope of methods and approaches.

Your dissertation research is well supported by Harvard’s unparalleled library system, the largest university collection in the world, comprising 70 libraries with combined holdings of over 16 million items.

Recent student dissertations include “Imagined Mothers: The Construction of Italy, Ancient Greece, and Anglo-American Hegemony,” “The Untimely Avant-Garde: Literature, Politics and Transculturation in the Sinosphere (1909-2020),” and “Artificial Humanities: A Literary Perspective on Creating and Enhancing Humans from Pygmalion to Cyborgs.”

In addition to securing faculty positions at academic institutions such as Princeton University, Emory University, and Tufts University, graduates have gone on to careers in contiguous fields including the visual arts, music, anthropology, philosophy, and medicine.  Others have chosen alternative careers in film production, administration, journalism, and law.

 Additional information on the graduate program is available from the Department of Comparative Literature and requirements for the degree are detailed in Policies .

Admissions Requirements

Please review the admissions requirements and other information before applying. You can find degree program-specific admissions requirements below and access additional guidance on applying from the Department of Comparative Literature .

Writing Sample

The writing sample is supposed to demonstrate your ability to engage in literary criticism and/or theory. It can be a paper written for a course or a section of a senior thesis or essay. It is usually between 10 and 20 pages. Do not send longer papers with instructions to read an excerpt; you should edit the sample so that it is not more than 20 pages. Writing samples should be in English, although candidates are permitted to submit an additional writing sample written in a different language.

Statement of Purpose

The statement of purpose should give the admissions committee a clear sense of your individual interests and strengths. Applicants are not required to indicate a precise field of specialization, but it is helpful to tell us about your aspirations and how the Department of Comparative Literature might help in attaining these goals. The statement of purpose should be one to four pages in length.

Personal Statement

Standardized tests.

GRE General: Optional GRE Subject: Optional

Theses and Dissertations

Theses & Dissertations for Comparative Literature

See list of Comparative Literature faculty


Questions about the program.

The University of Edinburgh home

  • Schools & departments

Postgraduate study

English Literature PhD

Awards: PhD

Study modes: Full-time, Part-time

Funding opportunities

Programme website: English Literature

Introduction to Postgraduate Study at the University of Edinburgh

Join us online on 25 September to learn more about Scotland, the city of Edinburgh and postgraduate study at the University.

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Research profile

Doctorate-level study is an opportunity to expand upon your interests and expertise in a community that really values research; and to make an original, positive contribution to learning in literature and related fields.

As the oldest department of English Literature in the UK, based in one of the largest and most diverse Schools in the University of Edinburgh, we are the ideal place for PhD study.

Our interdisciplinary environment brings together specialists in all periods and genres of literature and literary analysis.

Research excellence

Based on our performance in the latest Research Excellence Framework (REF), over 90 per cent of our research and impact is classed as world-leading and internationally excellent by Research Professional. 69 per cent is graded at the world-leading level – the highest of REF’s four categories.

In Times Higher Education's REF analysis, English at Edinburgh is ranked fifth in the UK (out of more than 90 institutions) for:

  • the overall quality of our publications and other outputs
  • the impact of our research on people’s lives
  • our supportive research environment

Given the breadth and depth of our expertise, we are able to support students wishing to develop research projects in any field of Anglophone literary studies. These include American studies, literary and critical theory, the history of the book, gender and sexuality studies, and global Anglophone literatures - where our specialisms include Pacific, African, South Asian, and African-American writing.

We have particular strengths in each of the main periods of English and Scottish Literature:

  • Renaissance/early modern
  • Enlightenment
  • 21st century
  • Contemporary

Emergent research themes in the department include the digital humanities, the economic humanities, the environmental humanities and literature and medicine.

  • Explore our range of research centres, networks and projects in English and Scottish Literature

Working with colleagues elsewhere in the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures, and across the wider University, we are able to support PhD theses crossing boundaries between disciplines and/or languages.

  • Be inspired by the range of PhD research in the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures

Over the course of your PhD, you’ll be expected to complete an original body of work under the expert guidance of your supervisors leading to a dissertation of usually between 80,000 and 100,000 words.

You will be awarded your doctorate if your thesis is judged to be of an appropriate standard, and your research makes a definite contribution to knowledge.

  • Read our pre-application guidance on writing a PhD research proposal

Go beyond the books

Beyond the Books is a podcast from the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures (LLC) that gives you a behind-the-scenes look at research and the people who make it happen.

Listen to a mix of PhD, early career and established researchers talk about their journey to and through academia and about their current and recent research.

  • Browse Beyond the Books episodes and hear our research community talk about their work

Training and support

Between the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures (LLC), the Careers Service, and the Institute for Academic Development (IAD), you’ll find a range of programmes and resources to help you develop your postgraduate skills.

You will also have access to the University’s fantastic libraries, collections and worldwide strategic partnerships.

Part of a community

As part of our research community, you will be immersed in a world of knowledge exchange, with lots of opportunities to share ideas, learning and creative work.

Activities range from talks by visiting speakers and work-in-progress seminars, to reading groups, conferences, workshops, performances, online journals and forums, many of which are led by PhD candidates.

Highlights include student reading for the James Tait Black Prizes, Britain's oldest literary awards which typically involve reading submissions across fiction and biography and advising the judges on the shortlists.

  • Read an interview with 2022 James Tait Black reader, Céleste Callen

Our graduates tell us that they value the friendliness of the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures (LLC), the connections they make here and the in-depth guidance they receive from our staff, who are published experts in their field.

A UNESCO World City of Literature, Edinburgh is a remarkable place to study, write, publish, discuss and perform prose, poetry and drama.

Take a PhD with us and you will be based in the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures (LLC) in the historic centre of this world-leading festival city.

You will have access to the University’s many literary treasures. These include the libraries of:

  • William Drummond
  • Lewis Grassic Gibbon
  • Hugh MacDiarmid
  • Norman MacCaig

The Centre for Research Collections holds the W.H. Auden collection; the Corson Collection of works by and about Sir Walter Scott; and the Ramage collection of poetry pamphlets.

It also holds a truly exceptional collection of early Shakespeare quartos and other early modern printed plays put together by the 19th century Shakespearean James Halliwell-Phillipps, the correspondence of Thomas and Jane Welsh Carlyle (the focus of one of the major editorial projects in Victorian studies of the last half-century), and the extensive Laing collection of medieval and early modern manuscripts, as well as letters and papers by - and relating to - authors including:

  • Christopher Isherwood
  • Rudyard Kipling
  • John Middleton Murry
  • Walter de la Mare
  • George Mackay Brown
  • Compton Mackenzie

Many of the University's Special Collections are digitised and available online from our excellent Resource Centre, Computing Labs, and dedicated PhD study space in the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures (LLC).

Look inside the PhD study space in LLC

In the city

Our buildings are close to the National Library of Scotland (where collections include the Bute Collection of early modern English drama and the John Murray Archive), Edinburgh Central Library, Scottish Poetry Library, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Writers’ Museum and a fantastic range of publishing houses, bookshops, and theatres.

We have strong links with the Edinburgh International Book Festival, which annually welcomes around 1,000 authors to our literary city.

Entry requirements

These entry requirements are for the 2024/25 academic year and requirements for future academic years may differ. Entry requirements for the 2025/26 academic year will be published on 1 Oct 2024.

A UK masters, or its international equivalent, with a mark of at least 65% in your English literature dissertation of at least 10,000 words.

If your masters programme did not include a dissertation or included a dissertation that was unmarked or less than 10,000 words, you will be expected to produce an exceptional research proposal and personal statement to show your ability to undertake research at the level required by this programme.

International qualifications

Check whether your international qualifications meet our general entry requirements:

  • Entry requirements by country
  • English language requirements

Regardless of your nationality or country of residence, you must demonstrate a level of English language competency at a level that will enable you to succeed in your studies.

English language tests

We accept the following English language qualifications at the grades specified:

  • IELTS Academic: total 7.0 with at least 6.5 in each component. We do not accept IELTS One Skill Retake to meet our English language requirements.
  • TOEFL-iBT (including Home Edition): total 100 with at least 23 in each component. We do not accept TOEFL MyBest Score to meet our English language requirements.
  • C1 Advanced ( CAE ) / C2 Proficiency ( CPE ): total 185 with at least 176 in each component.
  • Trinity ISE : ISE III with passes in all four components.
  • PTE Academic: total 70 with at least 62 in each component.

Your English language qualification must be no more than three and a half years old from the start date of the programme you are applying to study, unless you are using IELTS , TOEFL, Trinity ISE or PTE , in which case it must be no more than two years old.

Degrees taught and assessed in English

We also accept an undergraduate or postgraduate degree that has been taught and assessed in English in a majority English speaking country, as defined by UK Visas and Immigration:

  • UKVI list of majority English speaking countries

We also accept a degree that has been taught and assessed in English from a university on our list of approved universities in non-majority English speaking countries (non-MESC).

  • Approved universities in non-MESC

If you are not a national of a majority English speaking country, then your degree must be no more than five years old* at the beginning of your programme of study. (*Revised 05 March 2024 to extend degree validity to five years.)

Find out more about our language requirements:

  • Fees and costs

Read our general information on tuition fees and studying costs:

Scholarships and funding

Featured funding.

There are a number of scholarship schemes available to eligible candidates on this PhD programme, including awards from the Arts and Humanities Research Council.

Please be advised that many scholarships have more than one application stage, and early deadlines.

  • Find out more about scholarships in literatures, languages and cultures

Other funding opportunities

Search for scholarships and funding opportunities:

  • Search for funding

Further information

  • Phone: +44 (0)131 650 4086
  • Contact: [email protected]
  • School of Literatures, Languages & Cultures
  • 50 George Square
  • Central Campus
  • Programme: English Literature
  • School: Literatures, Languages & Cultures
  • College: Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences

This programme is not currently accepting applications. Applications for the next intake usually open in October.

Start date: September 2024

Awards: PhD (36 mth FT, 72 mth PT)

Application deadlines

Due to high demand, the school operates a number of selection deadlines. We will make a small number of offers to the most outstanding candidates on an ongoing basis, but hold the majority of applications until the next published selection deadline when we will offer a proportion of the places available to applicants selected through a competitive process.

Deadlines for applicants applying to study in 2024/25:

Round Application deadline Places awarded by
1 24 November 2023 15 December 2023
2 30 April 2024 14 June 2024
  • How to apply

The online application process involves the completion of a web form and the submission of supporting documents.

For a PhD programme, you should include:

  • a sample of written work of about 3,000 words (this can be a previous piece of work from an undergraduate or masters degree)
  • a research proposal - a detailed description of what you hope to achieve and how
  • Pre-application guidance

Before you formally apply for this PhD, you should look at the pre-application information and guidance on the programme website.

This will help you decide if this programme is right for you, and help us gain a clearer picture of what you hope to achieve.

The guidance will also give you practical advice for writing your research proposal – one of the most important parts of your application.

Find out more about the general application process for postgraduate programmes:

PhD in Literature

London Global Gateway

London Global Gateway

The London Global Gateway promotes activities that advance the mission and raise the profile of the University in London and around the world.

O'Connell House Dublin Ireland

O'Connell House Dublin Ireland

The Keough-Notre Dame Study Centre every summer offers the Irish Seminar at the O’Connell House in Dublin.

 Rome Global Gateway

Rome Global Gateway

The Rome Global Gateway is one block from the Colosseum. The Gateway also fosters research and graduate education.

Study literature, acquire and practice languages, learn a profession, find opportunities: follow your passion! Apply to an innovative, transnational and transdisciplinary program.

Literary Future

National literature is losing its significance; this is the era of world literature, and everyone should hasten its development. Goethe, On World Literature, 1827.

Please note: the Ph.D in Literature Program at the University of Notre Dame is no longer admitting new students.

Ph.D. in Literature

General info.

  • Faculty working with students: 16
  • Students: 26
  • Students receiving Financial Aid: 93%
  • Part time study available: No
  • Application terms: Fall
  • Application deadline: December 2

Roberto Dainotto Director of Graduate Studies Program in Literature Duke University Box 90670 Durham, NC  27708-0670

Email: [email protected]


Program Description

The Graduate Program in Literature (GPL) endeavors to train future scholars in theory and global culture. Originally conceived as a critical expansion of "comparative literature" beyond its founding Eurocentrism and its (near) exclusive focus on literature and language, the GPL hosts a robust range of scholarship and teaching in a variety of areas, ranging from feminist and gender studies to political theory and Marxism, from psychoanalysis to cognitive studies and neuroscience, from philosophy of language and experimental literature to media studies in the digital age, and from global cinema and film theory to visual culture and postcolonial studies. The program defines itself through its diverse investment in theory and is dedicated to understanding literary and cultural history as a complex and evolving exchange between the past and the (future-oriented) present.

The immense geopolitical changes of the last decades have challenged the logic of the traditional disciplines, altered the status of the arts, and interrogated classical aesthetic values. With its broad and open-ended embrace of global cultural objects and processes, the GPL seeks to theorize the cultural upheaval of recent times in all of its contemporary richness.  By questioning the traditional conception of literature as a privileged cultural domain, and of the literary text as an isolatable aesthetic object, the GPL adopts a "post-textualist" approach to culture - including literature - that engages the profusion of diverse modes of production across received boundaries. We encourage our students to explore the connections between theory and innovations in other disciplines - anthropology, psychoanalysis, philosophy, art history, film and media, gender and sexuality studies, religious studies, the history and philosophy of science and technology, law - that share an investment in narrativity, structure, communication, and interpretation.

  • Literature: PhD Admissions and Enrollment Statistics
  • Literature: PhD Completion Rate Statistics
  • Literature: PhD Time to Degree Statistics
  • Literature: PhD Career Outcomes Statistics

Application Information

Application Terms Available:  Fall

Application Deadline:  December 2

Graduate School Application Requirements See the Application Instructions page for important details about each Graduate School requirement.

  • Transcripts: Unofficial transcripts required with application submission; official transcripts required upon admission
  • Letters of Recommendation: 3 Required
  • Statement of Purpose: Required
  • Résumé: Required
  • GRE Scores: GRE General (Optional)
  • English Language Exam: TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo English Test required* for applicants whose first language is not English *test waiver may apply for some applicants
  • GPA: Undergraduate GPA calculated on 4.0 scale required

Department-Specific Application Requirements (submitted through online application)

Writing Sample The submission of a writing sample (limited to 15-25 pages) is required.  It should be an essay (nonfiction), preferably a critical or scholarly essay submitted as an academic requirement in a course related to literary/critical theory broadly understood.  The writing sample should be uploaded in the Departmental Requirements section of the application.

We strongly encourage you to review additional department-specific application guidance from the program to which you are applying: Departmental Application Guidance

List of Graduate School Programs and Degrees

  • Search This Site All UCSD Sites Faculty/Staff Search Term
  • Literature Faculty
  • Faculty Leadership
  • Graduate Students - PhD
  • Graduate Students - MFA
  • Graduate Program Leadership
  • Office Hours
  • PhD Students
  • Program Handbook
  • Campus Resources
  • Department Resources
  • New Writing Series
  • Alumni Publications
  • Honors Program
  • Language and Culture Programs
  • Study Abroad
  • Careers in Literature
  • Awards & Writing Contests
  • Prospective Students
  • Course Offerings
  • UCSD Course Catalog
  • Schedule of Classes
  • UCSD Course Websites
  • Final Exam Schedule
  • Alumni Lecture Series
  • Arts & Humanities Events
  • The James K. Binder Lectureship
  • Electronic Mailing List
  • The Robert C. Elliott Memorial Lecture
  • Employment Opportunities
  • New Publications
  • UCSD News | Center
  • Upcoming Events
  • School of Arts and Humanities
  • Arts & Humanities FAQ for Students
  • Alumni Assocation
  • American Studies Association
  • Chinese Studies Program
  • Program in Classical Studies
  • Educational Studies
  • German Studies
  • Center for Hellenic Studies
  • Italian Studies
  • Japanese Studies
  • Jewish Studies
  • Program in Transnational Korean Studies
  • Linguistics Language Program
  • Middle East Studies
  • National Women's Studies Assocation
  • Program for the Study of Religion
  • Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies
  • Summer Session
  • Visitor Guide to UCSD
  • Department Relations Policy
  • Faculty Resources
  • Computer Services

Geisel Library

Our offices are not currently open to in-person walk-ins, but we are here to help.

If you are a PhD student and you have any questions for our advising staff or would like to schedule a Zoom meeting, please contact us at  [email protected] .

We appreciate your flexibility, and we hope everyone stays healthy.  If/when we are able to re-open in-person advising, we will update you.

PhD Program

The organization of the Department of Literature is unusual in that it is neither a department of English nor a department of Comparative Literature as either is traditionally construed. Rather, from its beginning, the Literature Department at UCSD has aimed to be a department of world literatures and cultures within a single unit committed to the multilingual historical study of the connections and conflicts between cultures and society. This commitment includes the ambitious project of teaching and conducting research in Chinese, English, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Italian, Korean, Latin, Russian, and Spanish, as well as the study and practice of writing.

At the graduate level we offer two distinct degree programs: a single Ph.D. in Literature and an MFA in Writing . The Ph.D. in Literature stresses the transnational outlook of our program and emphasizes its stake in theoretical, interdisciplinary, and cultural studies. 

The Department of Literature at UCSD offers an intriguing example of how the Humanities can renew their place in today’s university by reconfiguring literary and cultural studies in an era of unprecedented global exchange. The collective strengths of our diverse faculty suggest ways in which it might be possible to develop theoretical sophistication and openness to various forms of cultural production while remaining sensitive to the nuances of the literary text; to be up-to-date in the exploration of contemporary culture without losing sight of a rich historical legacy that extends back to antiquity; to offer fresh looks at familiar works while remaining attuned to new voices in contemporary culture and receptive to those who have not been clearly heard in the past; and to place local concerns in global context.

Degree Codes

  • LT77   - PhD in Literature
  • LT85   - PhD in Literature w/ Specialization in Critical Gender Studies
  • Faculty Statement
  • Department Statement
  • Undergraduate
  • Administration

Graduate Program

Our graduate program is recognized as one of the leading Comparative Literature programs in the country. The Department is a vibrant place for the research and study of literatures and cultures in an interdisciplinary framework, from transnational and cross‐cultural perspectives. Our faculty and graduate students develop new historical and theoretical frameworks, and rethink those we have inherited, opening new perspectives on social and cultural forms and relations.

Comparative Literature provides students with tools for engaging, analyzing, and interpreting texts; and for writing, editing, translating, and thinking across disciplinary and national boundaries. Our graduates take up various literary traditions, historical periods and genres, modalities, forms, and contexts, from, for example, Latin American concrete poetry, to discourses of political and race theory, to Yiddish experimental fiction. The Department offers rigorous training in numerous areas that highlight the expertise of our internationally recognized faculty, including Classics, East Asian Literatures and Arts, English, French, German, Italian, Hebrew Studies, Hispanophone Literatures, and Slavic Literatures and Cultures, as well as Critical Theory, Early Modern and Renaissance Studies, Film and Media, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Performance Studies, Comparative Poetry and Poetics, and Postcolonial Theory.

Graduate students in our program are able to pursue rigorous research in a variety of literary and cultural fields, undertake team‐based projects, participate in discussions about political, aesthetic, and social issues, and develop a nuanced cross‐cultural understanding of historical and social processes. Many graduate students present and publish scholarly writings in the most prestigious venues, as well as producing translations, literary writings, or works of theater. (Recent graduates have twice won the PEN Center's Translation Prize since 2016.) All our students work closely with leading scholars in their fields in small seminars that coordinate individual and collective work. Students also participate in the Designated Emphasis Programs on campus, including Critical Theory, New Media Studies, Gender and Women’s Studies, Jewish Studies, Medieval Studies, and Renaissance and Early Modern Studies. Students have opportunities to design and team teach courses on topics of interest to them. Comparative Literature students form a well‐integrated community, and also have access to the resources of the entire Berkeley campus, including departments, programs, and faculty; in fact, our program requires that students take seminars in other departments for interdisciplinary training. Our department has one of the most successful placement records of any program in the U.S. or internationally. Our doctoral graduates have become prominent Comparative Literature and national literature faculty across the country and internationally.

  • Resources for Prospective Graduate Students
  • Program Requirements
  • How to Apply
  • Alumni Directory
  • Commencement

Bass School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology

literature phd programs

Literature Graduate Programs

Join our community of scholars, creative writers, and translators who share a commitment to transnational and interdisciplinary approaches to literary study and practice.

Our graduate programs in literature provide a flexible context to pursue research across a wide range of literary traditions, critical approaches, and theoretical debates. In addition to coursework in literary studies, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in creative writing and/or literary translation workshops as well as seminars in other disciplines such as film studies, the history of ideas, philosophy, and the visual and performing arts.

View the Graduate Handbook for Literature .

View the Graduate Recruitment Brochure for Literature .

Doctor of Philosophy in Literature

Students pursuing the PhD in literature may, if their coursework supports it, submit a translation or creative writing project as part of their dissertation.

On campus; full- and part-time options are available
5-7 years

Forty-five semester credit hours of which at least 24 are taken as organized graduate-level courses in Literature (LIT).

Required Courses: 36 semester credit hours 

LIT 6300  Proseminar in Literary Studies

ARHM 6310  Team-Taught Interdisciplinary Seminar

LIT 7300  Academic Writing Workshop

18 semester credit hours of organized graduate-level  LIT  courses

9 semester credit hours of  LIT 8305  Field Exam Preparation

Elective Courses: 9 semester credit hours

Nine semester credit hours of electives in any graduate-level courses.

Students in all PhD programs in the Bass School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology are expected to demonstrate intermediate-level reading proficiency in a foreign language (equivalent to two years of foreign-language study at the undergraduate level). Students must fulfill the language requirement before scheduling doctoral field examinations. 

As part of its approval of a dissertation proposal, the Graduate Studies Committee will consider the appropriateness of a candidate’s language preparation for the research or creative project. Faculty members chairing field examinations and dissertations should ensure that students possess the necessary language proficiency to carry out their proposed doctoral research. 

The requirement can be satisfied upon enrollment in a PhD program by demonstrating evidence of one or more of the following: 

  • Completion of a second-semester, intermediate-level foreign language course or higher (e.g., an undergraduate literature course in a foreign language) with a grade of B or better. 
  • Completion of a graduate course taught in a foreign language or with more than 25% of its required readings in a foreign language. 
  • An undergraduate major, graduate degree, or certificate in a foreign language. 
  • Successful completion of graded coursework at a foreign university at which the primary language of instruction is not English. 
  • A degree in any discipline from a foreign university at which the primary language of instruction is not English. 

The requirement can be satisfied during graduate study at UT Dallas in one of the following ways: 

  • Completion of a second-semester, intermediate-level foreign language course or higher at UT Dallas or elsewhere with a grade of B or better. 
  • Successful completion of  LIT 6326 : Translation Workshop with a grade of B or better. 
  • Successful completion of one of the following:  HUMA 6330 : French Workshop;  HUMA 6331 : Spanish Workshop;  HUMA 6333 : German Workshop with a grade of B or better.
  • Passing a written translation exam in an approved foreign language at UT Dallas.

The doctoral field examination consists of two written sections and an oral defense. The examining committee, composed of three members of the faculty (at least two of whom are faculty in the Literature Program), oversees definition and preparation of the two broad examination fields. Initial committee formation must take place during the semester in which students complete thirty-six semester credit hours of coursework, which will typically be followed by nine semester credit hours of  LIT 8305 : Field Exam Preparation. Students complete their doctoral field examination ideally during the semester in which they complete 45 semester credit hours, but no later than the semester in which they complete 54 semester credit hours.

Students are formally advanced to PhD candidacy when they have successfully completed the doctoral field examinations and received final approval for dissertation topics. Students should submit a preliminary dissertation proposal for consideration during the oral section of the doctoral field examination. After that examination, a four-person supervising committee is formed, normally from the examining committee plus an additional faculty member, to oversee dissertation work. The supervising committee must then approve a formal dissertation proposal before the student submits it to the Graduate Studies Committee for final approval.

Each candidate then writes a doctoral dissertation, which is supervised and defended according to general University regulations.

PhD in Literature Fact Sheet

Robert Plant Armstrong Fellowship

Mabel H. Bremer Travel Award

Dr. Roger N. and Adrienne T. Rosenberg Graduate Fellowship

Explore Other Scholarships and Financial Aid →

Toni Muñoz-Hunt

Toni Muñoz-Hunt,

PhD in Literature, Spring 2021

“Shortly after I received my undergraduate degree, I was looking for an institution with a strong interdisciplinary education where I could make my way and fashion my own academic plan. I met with a few local universities, and I felt most at home when I stepped foot onto this wonderfully diverse campus.”

Master of Arts in Literature

The MA in Literature can provide you with a flexible context to pursue research across a wide range of literary traditions, critical approaches and theoretical debates. In addition to coursework in literary studies, you’ll have the opportunity to participate in creative writing and/or literary translation workshops as well as seminars in other disciplines, such as film studies, the history of ideas, philosophy and the visual and performing arts.

Choose between the professional option (coursework only and no foreign language requirements) and the research option (coursework with foreign language requirements plus a portfolio). If you choose the research option, you may, if your coursework supports it, submit a translation or creative writing project as part of your portfolio.

On campus; full- and part-time options are available
2-3 years

Thirty-three semester credit hours of which at least 18 semester credit hours are taken as organized graduate-level courses in Literature (LIT).

Required Courses: 21 semester credit hours 

LIT 6300 : Proseminar in Literary Studies

15 semester credit hours of organized graduate-level  LIT  courses

Free Electives: 12 semester credit hours 

Twelve semester credit hours of electives in any graduate-level courses.

Students in the professional option must complete 33 semester credit hours of coursework. They are not required to complete a portfolio or meet the foreign language requirement.

Students in the research option must complete 33 semester credit hours of coursework, fulfill a foreign language requirement, and complete a portfolio.

The research option MA degree requires demonstrated proficiency in an approved foreign language. The requirement can be satisfied upon enrollment in the MA program by demonstrating evidence of one or more of the following: 

  • Successful completion of one of the following:  HUMA 6330 : French Workshop;  HUMA 6331 : Spanish Workshop;  HUMA 6333 : German Workshop with a grade of B or better. 
  • Passing a written translation exam in an approved foreign language at UT Dallas. 

Two research papers or a creative project plus a scholarly essay originating in or completed for graduate courses are revised and presented in a portfolio for evaluation by a master’s committee.

MA in Literature Fact Sheet

Graduate Certificate in Creative Writing

The Graduate Certificate in Creative Writing focuses on the theory and practice of creating literary works.

The certificate consists of four graduate creative writing workshops, which can be completed in one genre or in more than one genre.

More information on this certificate can be found in the University Catalog .

Graduate Certificate in Literary Translation

The Graduate Certificate in Literary Translation focuses on the history, theory, and practice of literary translation. Students will learn to study and produce literary translations.

The certificate consists of four courses: two foundational courses in the theory and practice of translation; one of two advanced courses in translation studies; and a seminar or workshop related to the student’s area of research.

Program Highlights

Students reading at a discussion session

Research Opportunities

Our graduate students conduct and present research national and internationally. See graduate student accomplishments.

Faculty Mentors

Our faculty members will help you gain the knowledge, skills and support you need for a rewarding career. Meet Literature faculty .

Dr. Nomi Stone

Dr. Nomi Stone

Assistant professor of literature and creative writing

“I love the hybridity and cross-pollination at UT Dallas. I’m an anthropologist and a poet — a scholar who also writes creatively — so this is just the exact right fit for me. Braiding these things together is my passion. I haven’t seen a place that does collaboration as well as this place. I see a real investment in bringing seemingly disparate things together.”

Contact Information

Dr. Charles Hatfield Associate Professor and Program Head Phone: 972-883-2780 Email:  [email protected]

Kelly Erb Graduate Academic Advisor Phone: 972-883-6176 Email:  [email protected] Office:  JO 4.508C

Graduate Advising Bass School of Arts, Humanities, and Technology The University of Texas at Dallas, JO31 800 W. Campbell Road Richardson, TX 75080-3021 Phone: 972-883-4706 Email:  [email protected]

Office of Admission and Enrollment 800 W. Campbell Road Richardson, TX 75080-3021 972-883-2270 or 1-800-889-2443 [email protected]

Doctoral Application Deadlines

Jan 15

MA Application Deadlines

March 1
October 1
  • Degrees, Minors & Certificates
  • Graduate Student Writing Resources

Reach out to us  to get more information about your program of interest.

Review the Bass School’s  graduate application process and requirements.

Comparative Literature Graduate Program

The Ph.D. program in Comparative Literature is committed to providing students the resources and training needed to successfully complete a challenging and rewarding intellectual project. By "resources" we mean not only formal classes, libraries, and financial support in various forms, but also an open community of scholars and learners, both within Comparative Literature and the broader Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages (DLCL), and also across a rich array of other departments, schools, and interdisciplinary programs, and tapping into our vibrant Stanford Humanities Center and its global online platform, ARCADE. The size of our graduate student community is small, which facilitates interpersonal dialogue and conversation. 

By "training" we mean formal classes on pedagogy, a regular and year-long colloquium where students present and discuss each others' work, close work with mentors and advisors, and workshops on topics suggested by both faculty and students. Finally, by "success" we mean not only satisfying departmental and university requirements, but more importantly achieving a sense of personal fulfillment at completing an original and creative exploration of a question of importance to the student.

Comparative Literature at Stanford believes in the importance of linguistic skills in at least three languages, deep historical thinking, and an understanding of the main currents of literary criticism and theory, past and present, and with an eye on emergent knowledge that may embrace fields outside of traditional literary studies. Our faculty includes specialists in Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Japanese, Chinese, French, Italian, English, Hebrew, Russian, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and covering broad historical periods. We have a particularly well-established program in Philosophy and Literature, and welcome interdisciplinary projects that involve areas such as film studies, gender studies, studies in race and ethnicity, environmental studies, human rights, and other topics.

At base, the Ph.D. program is designed for students whose linguistic background, breadth of interest in literature, and curiosity about the problems of literary scholarship and theory (including the relation of literature to other disciplines) make this program more appropriate to their needs than the Ph.D. in one of the individual literatures. Students take courses in at least three literatures (one may be that of the native language), to be studied in the original. The program is designed to encourage familiarity with the major approaches to literary study prevailing today.

Before starting graduate work at Stanford, students should have completed an undergraduate program with a strong background in one literature and some work in a second literature studied in the original language. Since the program demands an advanced knowledge of two non-native languages and a reading knowledge of a third non-native language, students should at the time of application have an advanced enough knowledge of one of the three to take graduate-level courses in that language when they enter the program. They should be making enough progress in the study of a second language to enable them to take graduate courses in that language not later than the beginning of the second year, and earlier if possible. Language courses at the 100- or 200- level may be taken with approval from the Director of the department. Applicants are expected to take an intensive course in the third language before entrance.

The Ph.D. minor is designed for students working toward the Ph.D. in the various national literature departments. Students working toward the Ph.D. in English are directed to the program in English and Comparative Literature described among the Department of English offerings.

For more detailed information on our program, please see the corresponding pages in the Stanford Bulletin :

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Comparative Literature
  • Doctor of Philosophy Minor in Comparative Literature

Graduate Program Application Details

My experience in the Comparative Literature Ph.D. program was filled with intellectual exploration, learning new skills, and amazing mentorship in both research and teaching. Also, having had scholars from other departments to talk through my ideas and my professional plans, especially in ILAC and History, was instrumental for my success in pursuing the career I wanted.

Russell Berman

Russell Berman Director of Comparative Literature Pigott Hall, Bldg 260, Rm 201 (650) 723-1069 berman [at] (berman[at]stanford[dot]edu)

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Position Currently Open Undergraduate Student Services Officer Pigott Hall, Bldg 260, Rm 128 (650) 279-3630 dlclstudentservices [at] (dlclstudentservices[at]stanford[dot]edu)

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Graduate Admissions

Office of graduate admissions.

820 Idaho Avenue Morrill Hall, Room 205 Moscow, ID 83843

University of Idaho 875 Perimeter Drive MS 3019 Moscow, ID 83844-3019

Phone: 208-885-4001

Email: [email protected]

Web: More Contact Information

Graduate Programs and Certificates

Select program to review admissions requirements and apply.

Accountancy (M.Acct.)

Adult Organizational Learning and Leadership (M.S.)

Agricultural Education (M.S.)

Animal Physiology (Ph.D.)

Animal Science (M.S.)

Anthropology (M.A.)

Applied Economics (M.S.)

Architecture (M.Arch.)

Art (M.F.A.)

Athletic Training (D.A.T.)

Athletic Training (M.S.A.T.)

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (M.S., Ph.D.)

Biological Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Biology (M.S., Ph.D.)

Chemical Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Chemistry (M.S., Ph.D.)

Childhood Development (M.S.)

Civil Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Climate Change - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Computer Engineering (M.Engr., M.S.)

Computer Science (M.S., Ph.D.)

Creative Writing (M.F.A.)

Criminology (M.S.)

Curriculum & Instruction - Career and Technical Education (Ed.S.)

Curriculum & Instruction - Career and Technical Education (M.Ed.)

Curriculum & Instruction (Ed.S.)

Curriculum & Instruction (M.Ed.)

Cybersecurity (M.S.)

Dietetics (M.S.)

Education (Ed.D., Ph.D.)

Educational Leadership (M.Ed., Ed.S.)

Electrical Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Emerging Media (M.A.)

Engineering Management (M.Engr.)

English (M.A.)

Entomology (M.S., Ph.D.)

Environmental Science (M.S., Ph.D.)

Experimental Psychology (Ph.D.)

Family and Consumer Sciences (M.S.)

Food Science (M.S., Ph.D.)

Geographic Information Science: Geospatial Aspects of Sustainable Planning Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: Geospatial Habitat Assessment Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: Geospatial Intelligence Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: Geotechnician Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: GIS Programming Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: Natural Hazards and Emergency Planning Application (M.S.)

Geographic Information Science: Remote Sensing (M.S.)

Geographic Information, Skills, Mapping, and Monitoring - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Geography (M.S., Ph.D.)

Geological Engineering (M.S.)

Geology (M.S., Ph.D.)

Gerontology (Study of Old Age M.S.)

Groundwater Hydrology (M.S.)

History (M.A., Ph.D.)

Human Factors (Psychology M.S.)

Hydrology (Groundwater Hydrology (M.S.))

Integrated Architecture and Design (M.S.)

Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Interdisciplinary Studies (M.A., M.S.)

Kinesiology and Leisure Sciences (M.S.)

Landscape Architecture (M.L.A.)

Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Master of Natural Resources (Natural Resources (M.N.R.))

Mathematics (M.A.T.)

Mathematics (M.S., Ph.D.)

Mechanical Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Microbiology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (Ph.D.)

Music (M.A., M.Mus.)

Natural Resources - Environmental Education and Science Communication (@MOSS) (M.N.R.)

Natural Resources - Fire Ecology and Management (M.N.R.)

Natural Resources - Fish and Wildlife Science and Management Option (M.N.R.)

Natural Resources - Integrated Natural Resources (M.N.R.)

Natural Resources - Restoration Ecology and Habitat Management (M.N.R.)

Natural Resources (M.S., Ph.D.)

Neuroscience (M.S., Ph.D.)

Nuclear Engineering (M.Engr., M.S., Ph.D.)

Nutritional Sciences (M.S., Ph.D.)

Online Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.)

Physical Education (M.Ed.)

Physics (M.S., Ph.D.)

Plant Pathology (M.S.)

Plant Science (M.S., Ph.D.)

Political Science (Ph.D.)

Precision Nutrition for Human and Animal Health - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Professional Science Master (Interdisciplinary Science & Technology (P.S.M.))

Psychology (M.S.)

Psychology (Ph.D.)

Public Administration (M.P.A.)

Secondary Education (M.A.T.)

Soil and Land Resources (M.S., Ph.D.)

Special Education (M.Ed.)

Statistical Science (M.S.)

Sustainable Soil and Land Systems - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (M.A.)

Technology Management (M.S.)

Theatre Arts (M.F.A.)


Water Resources - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.)

Water Resources (M.S., Ph.D.)

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Admission Steps

English and literary arts - creative writing - phd, admission requirements.

Terms and Deadlines

Degree and GPA Requirements

Additional Standards for Non-Native English Speakers

Additional standards for international applicants.

For the 2025-2026 academic year

See 2024-2025 requirements instead

Fall 2025 quarter (beginning in September)

Final submission deadline: December 16, 2024

Final submission deadline: Applicants cannot submit applications after the final submission deadline.

Degrees and GPA Requirements

Bachelors degree: All graduate applicants must hold an earned baccalaureate from a regionally accredited college or university or the recognized equivalent from an international institution.

Masters degree: This program requires a masters degree as well as the baccalaureate.

University GPA requirement: The minimum grade point average for admission consideration for graduate study at the University of Denver must meet one of the following criteria:

A cumulative 2.5 on a 4.0 scale for the baccalaureate degree.

A cumulative 2.5 on a 4.0 scale for the last 60 semester credits or 90 quarter credits (approximately two years of work) for the baccalaureate degree.

An earned master’s degree or higher from a regionally accredited institution or the recognized equivalent from an international institution supersedes the minimum GPA requirement for the baccalaureate.

A cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale for all graduate coursework completed for applicants who have not earned a master’s degree or higher.

Official scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), International English Language Testing System (IELTS), C1 Advanced or Duolingo English Test are required of all graduate applicants, regardless of citizenship status, whose native language is not English or who have been educated in countries where English is not the native language. Your TOEFL/IELTS/C1 Advanced/Duolingo English Test scores are valid for two years from the test date.

The minimum TOEFL/IELTS/C1 Advanced/Duolingo English Test score requirements for this degree program are:

Minimum TOEFL Score (Internet-based test): 80

Minimum IELTS Score: 6.5

Minimum C1 Advanced Score: 176

Minimum Duolingo English Test Score: 115

Additional Information:

Read the English Language Proficiency policy for more details.

Read the Required Tests for GTA Eligibility policy for more details.

Per Student & Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) regulation, international applicants must meet all standards for admission before an I-20 or DS-2019 is issued, [per U.S. Federal Register: 8 CFR § 214.3(k)] or is academically eligible for admission and is admitted [per 22 C.F.R. §62]. Read the Additional Standards For International Applicants policy for more details.

Application Materials

Transcripts, letters of recommendation.

Required Essays and Statements

Writing Sample

We require a scanned copy of your transcripts from every college or university you have attended. Scanned copies must be clearly legible and sized to print on standard 8½-by-11-inch paper. Transcripts that do not show degrees awarded must also be accompanied by a scanned copy of the diploma or degree certificate. If your academic transcripts were issued in a language other than English, both the original documents and certified English translations are required.

Transcripts and proof of degree documents for postsecondary degrees earned from institutions outside of the United States will be released to a third-party international credential evaluator to assess U.S. education system equivalencies. Beginning July 2023, a non-refundable fee for this service will be required before the application is processed.

Upon admission to the University of Denver, official transcripts will be required from each institution attended.

Three (3) letters of recommendation are required.  Academic recommendations preferred.  Letters should be submitted by recommenders through the online application.

Essays and Statements

Essay instructions.

Applicants should submit a sample of critical prose (e.g., a seminar paper, scholarly publication, or excerpt from thesis or other longer work demonstrating familiarity with the conventions of academic research and writing) not to exceed 20 pages.

Personal Statement Instructions

Personal statements should be 2 pages maximum and should address the applicant's past academic experience, future scholarly goals, and their suitability for graduate study and research in our program.

Résumé Instructions

The résumé (or C.V.) should minimally include the applicant's educational history, work experience, academic experience (including research opportunities or presentations), selected publications, and/or volunteer work.

Writing Sample Instructions

Applicants must submit representative samples of creative work (for Prose, no more than 30 pages; for Poetry, 5 - 10 poems).

Start the Application

Online Application

Financial Aid Information

Start your application.

Your submitted materials will be reviewed once all materials and application fees have been received.

Our program can only consider your application for admission if our Office of Graduate Education has received all your online materials and supplemental materials by our application deadline.

Application Fee: $65.00 Application Fee

International Degree Evaluation Fee: $50.00 Evaluation Fee for degrees (bachelor's or higher) earned from institutions outside the United States.

Applicants should complete their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by February 15. Visit the Office of Financial Aid for additional information.

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Applying to the PhD Program

Doctoral student studying and taking notes.

What you need to know to apply

If you are intellectually curious and like to be challenged by new ideas and experiences, consider a Kellogg PhD. Our students shift from being consumers of knowledge to being producers of new knowledge. Through their publications and teaching, Kellogg graduates contribute to business practice and society.

Preparing to apply

Each year, Kellogg receives over 850 applications to its eight PhD programs. On average 25 students enroll each fall.

PhD study requires strong quantitative skills to develop theories and manage and analyze data. This program is especially well suited to those who have previously studied social sciences (such as economics, political science, psychology and sociology), mathematics, natural sciences or engineering.

To be eligible for admission, you must hold a U.S bachelor’s degree — or a comparable non-U.S. degree — from a regionally accredited institution. You may be considered for admission before you finish your undergraduate degree, but you must complete that degree before you enroll at Kellogg. A three-year bachelor’s degree is also accepted.

Application review

During the admissions process, we will evaluate your application file and how your research interests align with the research expertise of our faculty. Also included in our review is the strength of your recommendation letters, academic record, and performance on standardized tests. Your application will help us understand if you are ready to seize all the opportunities that come with joining Kellogg.

Our faculty will assess your:

  • Application responses


  • Test scores
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Writing sample (optional)

For international candidates, the committee also assesses:

  • English language proficiency 

Master’s degree holders

A master’s degree is not required for enrollment in our PhD programs. For applicants with a master’s degree, note that the coursework taken in a master’s program will not shorten your time to degree. No transfer credit is provided with a master’s and students must satisfy their PhD coursework requirements in full while studying at Kellogg.

Opportunities for collaborative research across programs and schools at Northwestern University are always available; interdisciplinary research is our strength. However, Northwestern permits applicants to apply to one PhD program a year .

There is an exception through the dual application option with the Economics PhD Program, which is outlined below.

Academic experience

The Kellogg PhD Program offers eight distinct areas of focus, each with varying types of experience that are needed for success.

Economics-based PhD programs

  • These include Accounting Information & Management, Finance, Financial Economics, Managerial Economics & Strategy, Operations Management, and Marketing (quantitative area)
  • Evidence of solid training in math, econometrics and statistics within the application
  • Recommended math courses include calculus, linear algebra, probability and mathematical statistics

Behavioral/Sociological-based PhD programs

  • These programs include Marketing, Management & Organizations, and a joint program between Management & Organizations & Sociology
  • Evidence of statistics for social scientists and quantitative thinking, as well as a strong understanding of central concepts of probability and statistics
  • Background in social psychology and sociology

Dual application with Weinberg Economics

Applicants seeking to enroll in an economics-based doctoral program have the option to submit a second application for review to the Economics PhD Program. Kellogg PhD programs participating in this dual application option include, Accounting Information & Management, Finance, Managerial Economics & Strategy and Marketing (quantitative area).

More details about this option are available on The Graduate School website.

Financial aid

Kellogg offers a five-year financial aid package to all admitted doctoral students that includes a stipend, tuition scholarships, health insurance, moving allowance and a subsidy to purchase a computer.

Contact CollegeNET Technical support for help with its online application .

Get a sense for Kellogg faculty expertise, academic research and published work.

  • Faculty directory
  • Northwestern Scholars database
  • To apply for a Kellogg PhD, you will need an updated version of your resume or CV, transcripts from all academic institutions, test scores, an academic statement, a personal statement and three recommendation letters.

How to write your application

Your resume or cv.

Your resume or CV should summarize all of your qualifications, honors, educational accomplishments, and if applicable, current research papers.

Please list all schools where you were registered for courses at the college level, including community colleges, study abroad institutions and current registrations whether or not in a degree program.

Provide one transcript from each college/university you have attended that documents each course taken beyond high-school level, whether or not within a degree program. Certification of degrees received, including the date the degree was awarded, should be noted on the transcript and/or diploma. Please note:

  • The Kellogg PhD application requires unofficial transcripts . There is no need to send official transcripts prior to enrollment. Official transcripts are needed only if you decide to enroll
  • For applicants who studied at international institutions, transcripts must be accompanied with an official English translation, if applicable

Form for courses taken

The Courses Taken form lets anyone applying to our economics-based programs highlight advanced university courses that directly support their chosen field of study and proficiency in the subject matter. The form allows for up to six advanced courses in each specific area. If you cannot access our form, you may create and upload a form that contains the same information in applicable areas of study.

Download the following forms if you plan to apply to one of these programs. Forms are required with your application submission:

  • Accounting Information & Management
  • Financial Economics
  • Operations Management

If you plan to apply to either of these programs, we highly recommend you fill out one of these forms:

  • Managerial Economics & Strategy
  • Marketing (quantitative)

Standardized tests

All applicants are required to submit either the GRE or the GMAT regardless of previous experience and/or advanced degrees. We take a holistic approach to the application-review process, meaning there is no minimum score required for eligibility. Test scores are reviewed within the context of the entire application.

GRE required for:

  • Management & Organizations & Sociology

GRE or GMAT required for:

  • Management & Organizations

The Finance program prefers the GRE, but will accept the GMAT.

The GRE At Home and the GMAT Online and GMAT Focus exams are accepted. GRE and GMAT scores are valid for five years from the date taken. The institution code for GMAT is: 6WZ-3J-54 (PhD Program, Kellogg). The institution code for GRE is: 1565 (Northwestern Graduate School).

Unofficial test score reports are used during the application review process; however, official GRE and GMAT test scores are required if admission is recommended.

English language proficiency tests

If your native language is not English, The Graduate School requires that you certify proficiency in the English language in one of the following ways:

If your native language is not English, Northwestern requires that you certify proficiency in the English language in one of the following ways:

  • TOELF:  We accept 600 or higher on the paper-based exam, 250 or higher on the computer-based exam, or 100 or higher on the Internet-based exam. TOEFL scores through at-home testing service are accepted. The TOEFL institution code is: 1565 (The Graduate School)
  • IELTS:  Unofficial score report, submitted at the time of application, for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) . The IELTS Academic test must be taken no more than two years before the intended quarter of entry (fall quarter). IELTS test takers should score 7.0 or higher. IELTS scores submitted through its at-home testing service are accepted
  • MET:  We accept Michigan English Test scores of 70 or higher
  • Earning an undergraduate or graduate degree from an accredited institution where the language of instruction is English. Please note, Kellogg provides the waiver after an application is submitted and transcripts have been reviewed. No additional documentation is required. Applicants will see the waiver noted within their online account
  • Automatically Waived:  Applicants that are citizens from the following countries where English is the native language will have the requirement automatically waived upon submission of the application (Australia, Barbados, Bermuda, Great Britain, Gibraltar, Israel, Jamaica, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands)

Standardized exams must be taken no more than two years before the intended quarter of entry. Unofficial scores are used during the review process. Official test scores are required only if admission is recommended.

DuoLingo or TOEFL Essentials are not accepted. Kellogg does not require the Test of Spoken English (TSE).

This is your opportunity to share the depth and breath of your academic education. In addition to the tactical and practical elements, think about how each experience helped you grow into the candidate you are today.

Academic statement 

You have a max limit of 1,000 words to answer the following questions:

  • What are your academic interests, and why do you wish to pursue graduate studies in this specific program?
  • How has your academic and professional background prepared you for graduate study? (Include any research, training, or educational experiences that align with the program you are applying to)
  • How will our program help you achieve your intellectual and professional goals?
  • What scholarly questions do you wish to explore in the program? (Make sure to include any specific faculty members whose research interests align with your own)

Personal statement 

Write a statement that addresses the following prompt (500 words max):

The Graduate School values diverse backgrounds, approaches, and perspectives, understanding them as essential ingredients for true academic excellence. As a Northwestern graduate student, how would you contribute to an intellectual community that prioritizes equity, inclusion, belonging and cultural humility?

Your answer may draw upon past or present experiences, whether in academic work, extracurricular or community activities, or everyday life.

While a paper is not required for admission to Kellogg’s PhD programs, the Sociology Department does require one, where the applicant is the sole-author, for consideration to the joint program in Management & Organizations and Sociology.

We do not require a writing sample to be submitted with the application; however, you may include one writing sample (30-page maximum) with your application. Hyperlink this paper and any other papers you have on your resume. *Please note: Only one writing sample will be reviewed. Do not upload more than one paper.

We require three letters. Additionally, we ask all recommenders to include Northwestern University’s Graduate Applicant Assessment Form found within the application. Recommendation letters from professors or instructors could include:

  • A description of the nature of your relationship. Did you take one or more classes with the professor?
  • A description of a research project or honors thesis, discussing the quality of the work, technical and writing skills, research methods used, data analysis, originality, depth of research undertaken, questions/problems raised, contribution to the field, etc.
  • The letter should also provide a ranking — how you compared to other students

Recommendation letters from employers and business associates could include:

  • Insights into your aptitude, character and working style — ability to work on your own, self-starter, complete a project on time, etc.
  • Any research or data analysis you have done within the scope of your work

All letters must be submitted online through our web-based application, CollegeNET . Directions for uploading letters and accessing the Graduate Applicant Assessment Form will be sent to recommenders once the applicant has entered the contact information within the application. We are not able to accept recommendation letters by email.

A $95 non-refundable fee must be paid by credit or debit card within the online application. For those participating in the dual application option with the Economics PhD Program, the application fee is $175. The Graduate School (TGS) at Northwestern University administers the fee waiver program. If you wish to be considered for a fee waiver, please refer to The Graduate School’s website on Application Fees .

After you submit

You’ve invested time, energy and resources into completing your application, so no doubt you’ll want confirmation that your application was received. And we want you to have that peace of mind, too.

So, once you submit your application, you can log back into CollegeNet at any time to view the status and double check that all sections were successfully completed.

We welcome anyone who is interested in reapplying to the doctoral program. Additional time can frequently further cement your research goals and application strength. However, we are unable to provide specific application feedback if you applied in the past.

All candidates can reapply in future years, but you must submit a new application, supporting documents and application fee.

Application dates and deadlines

Application deadline Decision released
Round 1 Dec. 15, 2024

Application questions? We’re here to help

literature phd programs

Applying for a Doctoral Program

a doctoral student leans over a microscope

Start Your Application

Manage Your Application

A Doctorate is the highest academic degree awarded by universities in most fields of study. It involves several years of rigorous research, culminating in a dissertation that contributes new knowledge to the field. Doctoral candidates work closely with a faculty advisor to explore and answer complex questions, often pushing the boundaries of what is known.

Applying to a doctoral program is like applying for a job. This process requires more diligence and patience than applying for a Master’s degree. To stand out from a competitive pool of candidates, you must prepare a strong application that includes your academic achievements, any related research experience, and a clear statement of your research interests and goals. Be sure to demonstrate your passion, fit for the program, and your interest in RIT.

Explore our doctoral programs

How to Apply for a Doctoral Program

For details on the exact application requirements for your program, visit the Application Details section on your degree page and thoroughly review the graduate application instructions page .

  • Most doctoral programs have an application deadline of January 15 and admit to Fall terms only, but be sure to verify the application deadline for your program and start terms before applying. Many programs will accept applications on a rolling basis after the priority deadline has passed until all spots are filled. For tips on completing your application, view our Ph.D. Application 101 recording . 
  • Early applicants may see a “Hold for Program Deadline/Review Date” on the checklist in their portal. This an administrative hold that prevents applications from going for review until after December 15th. You will be notified when your file is sent to the review committee by email.
  • Choose the Right Doctoral Program:  Review individual doctoral program pages carefully to learn the curriculum, research focus areas, facility profiles, and facilities to determine if the program is a good fit for you and to ensure that your interests and background align with the degree. The application will allow you to enter up to three choices in order of preference.
  • Research Your Faculty Interests: Identify faculty members whose research aligns with your interests. Matching your research area with potential advisors strengthens your application and helps ensure a good fit. It is not necessary to secure a faculty advisor in order to submit your application. Learn more about researching faculty and areas of interest
  • Craft Your Statement of Purpose for Research: This requirement should clearly convey your research interests, indicate what faculty member(s) you would like to work with, your experience, and why you want to pursue a doctorate at RIT. Each program may have specific guidelines, so be sure to address them. There is no minimum or maximum length. If you listed more than one program choice in your application it is suggested that you prepare separate statements for each program (doctoral and/or master’s). You may upload all three at the time you submit your application, or wait for a decision on your first choice program.  View program-specific criteria
  • Choose Strong References: Make sure you choose the right people to submit letters of recommendation and give them plenty of time so they can prepare their support letter in advance. References should speak to your ability and promise to become a successful independent researcher. Professors, research supervisors, or professional mentors make ideal choices.
  • Update Your CV/Resume: Ensure your CV or resume is current and highlights relevant academic achievements, research experience, publications, and professional skills.
  • Verify Admission Requirements: Double-check all admission requirements and application details for your chosen program. Ensure you have all necessary materials, including transcripts, test scores, and any additional documents. You do not need to submit financial documents as part of your doctoral application. Focus on preparing a strong academic and research-focused application to showcase your qualifications and readiness for doctoral study.
  • Understand Decision Timing: The review process typically starts in late January and may take several weeks to a few months. Be patient as the committee evaluates your application and aligns faculty advisors with candidates in matching research areas where funding is available. You may be invited to interview if faculty would like to know more about you. Interviews are not required. Admission decisions are first communicated in mid-March and continue until the class is full. If you are not admitted to your first choice program, allow additional time for review for second and third choices. RIT does not simultaneously review for multiple programs. 
  • Replying to an Offer of Admission: Accepted candidates must respond to their doctoral degree offers by April 15 or the date indicated on your admit letter and in their portal. If you decide to accept your offer, you are expected to honor your commitment to enroll at RIT as a doctoral student. This ensures a smooth transition into your program and reflects your professionalism and reliability. 

Researching Faculty Advisors and/or Research Interest Areas

Identifying a potential faculty research advisor(s) and research interest areas in your Statement of Purpose for Research is important. It is not necessary to secure a faculty advisor(s) in order to submit your application.

Here are avenues for your research:

Align Research Interests

Ensure your research interests align with those of potential advisors. This alignment is crucial for a productive and supportive mentoring relationship. Review faculty members' recent publications and current projects to understand their focus areas. Visit the program page to learn about the current research for your program.

Use RIT’s “Find an Expert” Tool

Utilize RIT’s Find an Expert tool to identify faculty members with specific expertise. This resource can help you narrow down potential advisors based on your research interests. You may also want to use Google Scholar and search for RIT faculty.

Explore RIT’s Faculty Directory

Start by exploring the RIT Faculty Directory to find faculty members whose research aligns with your interests. This directory provides detailed profiles, including research areas, publications, and contact information.

Explore our Research Centers and Institutes:

RIT is home to a diverse array of research centers and institutes that drive innovation across various fields. These centers provide state-of-the-art facilities and collaborative environments to support groundbreaking research. Explore our extensive list of research centers and institutes

Reach Out to Potential Advisors

Once you’ve identified potential advisors, you may choose to reach out to them with a well-crafted email. This is not required but encouraged. Introduce yourself, briefly explain your research interests, and express why you’re interested in their work. Attach your CV and any relevant documents. Be respectful of their time and follow up if you don’t hear back within a couple of weeks. Do pay attention if it is documented that a faculty advisor is not taking on new students.

Funding Sources for Doctoral Students

Doctoral students typically receive full tuition and an RIT Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) or Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) that will pay a stipend for the academic year. There is not a separate application process for scholarship and assistantship consideration

Assistantships and Stipends

Research and teaching assistantships provide valuable experience and come with stipends that help cover living expenses during the school year, such as room and board. 

Summer Support Some programs are able to offer stipend support during the summer. Eligibility for summer funding will be determined by the graduate advisor and/or program director. 

Funding Throughout Program Funding throughout your doctoral program will depend on your satisfactory academic and research performance. Students are expected to fulfill their assistantship duties responsibly and make satisfactory progress towards their degree. It is expected that starting your second year, funding will be provided from your college either through a Teaching Assistantship or by your graduate advisor from external funds.

Student Fees Full-time students are responsible for both Student Activity and Student Health Services fees. In addition, RIT expects that all students will have health care insurance. Learn more about student fees

Timing and Distribution of Stipends

Graduate Research Assistants and Graduate Teaching Assistants receive a semi-monthly stipend payment starting a few weeks after the initial enrollment term. For U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents, no taxes are withheld at the time the payment is made. However, students are encouraged to file estimated tax payments quarterly. Detailed information about the timing and distribution of stipends will be provided by your academic department. 

Financial Document Submission

Doctoral applicants are not required to submit financial documents as part of the application process. Focus on showcasing your academic and research potential without the added stress of financial documentation. If you are admitted, you will receive funding notification with your admission offer and international students who require a student visa will be assisted through the I-20 process.

Student Support and Community

two students sit at a table doing work together

Doctoral Student Association

The Doctoral Student Association provides an inviting environment that brings students together to encourage collaborative work. Doctorate students collaborate to produce high-quality journal publications and conference presentations in a friendly and encouraging environment. The group also provides information about professional and social activities to help produce well-rounded graduate students.

Learn more about the Doctoral Student Association

a student stands at a podium in front of banners

RIT Graduate School

The RIT Graduate School acts as a central hub, enhancing the academic journey for graduate students by cultivating a diverse scholarly community and offering robust professional development programs. This supportive environment, backed by dedicated faculty and staff, empowers students to excel in their research, scholarship, and creative endeavors.

Learn more about the RIT Graduate School

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a doctorate and a master’s degree?

Understanding the differences between a doctorate (Ph.D.) and a master's (M.S.) degree program is crucial in making an informed decision. While a master's program typically focuses on advancing your knowledge and skills in a specific area, a doctorate emphasizes original research and developing new theories or applications.

Can I go from a Bachelor’s degree to a Doctorate? Do I need a Master’s degree first?

Yes, you can go directly from a Bachelor's degree (BS) to a Doctorate program. You are not required to get a master’s degree before pursuing a Doctorate. This pathway can be a strategic choice depending on your career goals and readiness for advanced research. 

May I have an application fee waiver?

The $65 application fee covers the management and processing of your record and admission materials. If you are unable to pay our application fee due to financial hardship, we encourage you to carefully consider the expenses associated with graduate study before applying.

Is there a set GPA requirement for being considered for a doctoral program at RIT?

Admitted doctoral students typically have a GPA of 3.0 or above. If it is lower, you will not necessarily be eliminated from consideration. You are welcome to apply. The Admissions Committee will consider your complete application when making a decision.

Do I need to provide GRE or GMAT scores ?

Requirements vary by program. Refer to your doctoral program page or the  deadlines and requirements  table for details. For programs that require test scores, we do not state minimum GRE or GMAT scores. Official scores should be sent to RIT directly from the testing agency using Institute code 2760.

What are the English language test score requirements? As an international student do I need to submit scores?

An official score report for the TOEFL, IELTS Academic, PTE Academic exam, or  RIT English Language Proficiency Test  is required of all international applicants who are not eligible for a waiver. We do not accept letters from your college or university indicating "English proficiency" or letters indicating courses were taught in English in place of official English language test scores. We do not accept Duolingo scores. See the “English Language Test Requirements” section in the  Application Materials  section of the  Application Instructions  for full details.

Do I need to have authored research papers to apply for admission to a doctoral degree?

No, you do not need published research papers to apply for a doctoral degree. A majority of admitted students do not have prior experience authoring research papers. However, admission to a doctoral degree is very competitive, and having published research papers helps strengthen your application.

How many students apply for doctoral study, and how many are admitted?

Admission to an RIT doctoral program is highly competitive. The number of applications received and the number of fully funded opportunities are limited and vary from year to year and by program.

Will the stipend fully cover living costs in the US?

The stipend should cover modest living expenses (housing and food), fees (student activity fee and health services fee), and costs for books, supplies, and some personal expenses. However, each student differs in their preferred living styles and their relative expenses. Doctoral students are permitted to take on other part-time employment so long as it does not interfere with their doctoral work (international students are only able to work on campus, for a total of 20 hours per week including their research positions). On-campus opportunities can be found through Career Connect .

Do doctoral students need to have personal finances available upon arriving at RIT?

Though our Ph.D. is fully funded, students do need to have their own funds available for travel and arrival in the US and to get settled in Rochester immediately upon entering the program. Please be sure to keep this in mind as you consider applying and your finances. If admitted, your first payment/stipend would not be until a few weeks into the program, so you will need to have a foundation of funds available for housing and other living expenses before that.

Is funding throughout the program guaranteed?

Your full tuition and assistantship stipend responsibilities will be determined by your graduate advisor and/or program director. It is our expectation that you will fulfill your duties responsibly and make satisfactory progress towards your degree. Funding in future years will depend on your satisfactory academic and research performance. It is expected that starting your second year, funding will be provided from your college either through a Teaching Assistantship or by your graduate advisor from external funds.

Our team is here to help you as you apply to RIT's doctoral programs. Do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions or need assistance.

Contact Your Admissions Counselor

Email  [email protected] to be connected with your admissions counselor

Chat with Us

For general questions about RIT or applying to one of our doctoral programs, use our live chat or search your question in the chatbot.

Request an Appointment or Schedule a Campus Visit

An in-person visit or virtual meeting with an admissions counselor will provide a personalized experience that suits your needs.

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  • PhD in Education - Overview
  • Program Delivery

The Ph.D. in Education equips students to systematically examine the theoretical and practical challenges evident across the P-20 educational pipeline to address the issue of inequity. The degree program will prepare individuals for careers in academia, research, and policy centers, as well as for high-level administration and curricular positions at educational institutions and agencies.

The program offers seven concentrations:

  • Comparative and International Education 
  • Higher Education Leadership
  • Mathematics Education
  • Science Education

The educational objectives for the PhD in Education are the following:

  • To advance research on inequity issues within the full P-20 educational pipeline.
  • To prepare students to use original and existing research to transform educational practice.
  • To equip future educational researchers with innovative teaching experience and cutting-edge transdisciplinary research experience to become attractive job candidates on the academic market.
  • To prepare candidates to create a collaborative learning community that integrates all the various educational contexts.
  • To prepare candidates to be critical thinkers who focus on leadership, policy, ethics, and social justice.

Candidates for the PhD in Education degree must complete a minimum of 54 academic credit hours, pass the comprehensive exam, and submit and successfully defend a research-based dissertation. All students in the program will be expected to complete academic core and research courses of 27 credits and concentration courses of 27 credits. The concentration courses are presented on the the relevant pages and in the PhD Program Handbook .

The Core 27 credits consist of the following:

Academic Core (9 Credits):

  • ASLP 600 Introduction to Doctoral Studies and Academic Writing (3)
  • ASLP 640 Race and Public Policy in Education (3)
  • ASLP 642 Equity and Social Justice in Education (3)

Research (15 Credits)

  • ASLP 620 Introduction to Educational Research (3)
  • ASLP 700 Methods of Inquiry (3)
  • ASLP 710 Quantitative Research Methods (3)
  • ASLP 712 Qualitative Research Methods (3)
  • *Students will complete an additional 3 credits of advanced research electives related to their chosen methodology.

Dissertation (3 credits)

  • ASLP 997/998 (3)

The department offers different delivery options for each concentration. For a full listing please click here .

Students in concentration areas that offer both the High and Low Residency option will be required to select their delivery mode upon admission into the program. Students who wish to switch their delivery option will need to make a formal request to the program direction with an acceptable reason.

Prospective students should complete this brief interest form to be connected to a faculty member for more information.

Admissions Deadlines:

  • Priority deadline for those seeking graduate student funding : January 15
  • Assessment, Evaluation, and Research: March 1
  • Community College Leadership: July 1
  • Comparative and International Education: March 1
  • Higher Education Leadership: March 1
  • Mathematics Education: July 1
  • Science Education: July 1
  • Urban Educational Leadership: March 1

The School of Graduate Studies coordinates the application process. 

Our program offers three types of funding:

  • Graduate Research Assistantships
  • Graduate Teaching Assistantships
  • Tuition Awards

Many of our students also leverage their Tuition Remission benefits from local institutions like the   USM schools ,   JHU , or   Morgan State . Tuition Remission is determined and coordinated by your institution. We encourage you to speak with your HR representative about how to use these benefits. 

Contact Information

Dr. Frimpomaa Ampaw Chair Department of Advanced Studies, Leadership and Policy Banneker Building #315J

P: (443) 885-1908 E: [email protected]

Interested in Our Programs? Please contact us:

  • International Applicants

PhD in Education: Higher Education

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School code

Entry Level Courses

Enter up to 30 credits in entry level/advanced coursework in education or related field to be transferred or completed prior to matriculating into the degree program. If there are not 30 credits of eligible transfer courses, or required doctoral courses were taken as part of a Warner Master’s degree, the student must take additional electives to reach the 90 credits total for the doctoral degree.

Research Methods Courses

ED506 Concepts and Issues in Social Science Research

ED504 Quantitative Research Methods

ED507 Qualitative Research Methods

ED528 Using Quantitative Data Analysis Software (1 credit)

Program Core

EDU576 Contemporary Issues in Higher Education

ED437 Diversity and Equity in Higher Education

Specialization Courses

Choose three (3) from the following foundations of higher education courses

ED430 College Retention: Theory, Research, and Practice

ED439 Policy Analysis in Education

EDU446 Entrepreneurial Skills for Educators

EDE451 Organizational Theory: Theoretical Traditions, Future Directions

ED485 College Students and Student Development Theory

EDU490 Higher Education Law

EDU492 Governance, Policy, and Administration of Higher Education

EDU493 History of Higher Education

EDU496 Fiscal Issues in Higher Education

ED475 Leadership and Management in Higher Education

EDE479 Assessment, Accreditation and Accountability in Higher Education

Milestones and Dissertation Research

EDE560 Portfolio Review: Ed Leadership

EDE553 Comprehensive Exam Research: Higher Education PhD

ED513 Research Writing: The Literature Review

ED505 Advanced Quantitative Research Methods

ED527 Advanced Qualitative Research Methods

ED523 Mixed Research Methods

Other Electives

Choose courses to help you develop content and research methods expertise to prepare for a dissertation on a topic addressing higher education (as needed to reach minimum of 90 credits total). (See note 3 for suggestions.)

Contact admissions

(585) 275-3950

[email protected]

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Title: Meet Our 2024-2025 Post Doctoral Fellows!

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CCAS Events and Programs Manager, Coco Tait , interviewed our 2024-2025 post doctoral fellows.

Natalie El-Eid

What brought you to be interested in contemporary transnational literature and cultures of the Arab world, and what drove you to pursue an opportunity at Georgetown? 

As a Druze Lebanese American who grew up between the U.S. and Lebanon, in many ways my interests in transnational literatures and cultures of the Arab world shaped who I am. I grew up listening to the stories of our pasts and developed a deep love of the diverse and beautiful cultures of the Arab world from a very young age. When I began my graduate career and delved more fully into academic scholarship on the Arab world, I was struck by the scarcity of research on the lives and experiences of contemporary Druze peoples. As one of the only institutions around the world and in the U.S. in particular that supports scholarship on the Druze, finding and pursuing the American Druze Foundation postdoctoral fellowship at the CCAS was thus immensely exciting and rewarding.   

Tell me about your dissertation. What research methods did you use? What are the major takeaways you learned while working on your dissertation? 

My dissertation, “Transnational Druze and Reincarnation: Remembering, Recording, and Reconnecting,” focuses on the Druzes’ ethnoreligious belief in reincarnation in order to reshape and redefine contemporary understandings of trauma, memory, and gender within and across multiple and overlapping fields of thought. I engaged interdisciplinary and diverse textualizations and representations of Druze reincarnation across film, novels, and self-conducted oral interviews with reincarnated Druze peoples. Curating and examining an archive of Druze reincarnation stories allowed me to explore questions such as: What does it mean to inherit trauma and memory, not only from family or culture, but from a past life? How do the afterlives of traumatic experience continue to shape lives, experiences, memories, histories, (un)official archives, and politics across the contemporary Arab world? What interventions can/do Druze experiences and stories make in individual, national, and global contexts? What future possibilities in seeing, listening to, understanding, and, ultimately, transforming the transnational Arab world are forged when we pay attention to its marginalized voices? By introducing a concept I name as “Druze afterlives,” my research offers new ways of understanding how empire, war, trauma, memory, and gender intersect within and across the borders, bodies, and stories of the transnational Arab world. My key takeaway from this work has been the incredible realization that each one of us is uniquely positioned to offer new ways of understanding and transforming the world around us. Pay attention to the silences. Break them whenever you can. And always remember the power of your own voice. 

Many of our students may consider pursuing a PHD at some point in their careers after CCAS. How did a doctorate program support your work and help you shape your career path?

A doctorate program gives you the opportunity to develop an intervention into a field or fields of thought that you find important, exciting, and engaging. For me, studies of the contemporary Arab world at the intersections of trauma, memory, and gender left me wanting to read more about Druze cultures and lives in pages where we often could not be found. Creating scholarship and thus shaping future knowledge and understanding across your fields of interest is something very unique and special about pursuing a doctorate degree. A PhD also affords you the opportunity to teach in institutions of higher education such as Georgetown, which has always been a goal of mine. As a teacher in a university classroom, you share the scholarship that has shaped you, and that perhaps you have also helped shape, with students from diverse backgrounds, positionalities, and interests. I have always believed education is central to growth, liberation, and transformation, and pursuing a PhD has allowed me to receive and share critical knowledge that I believe can and will change our collective future.  

How does funding from ADF for this post-doctoral fellowship help you achieve your goals? What do you plan to work on during your fellowship at CCAS? 

The ADF postdoctoral fellowship is something I am incredibly grateful for, as it has provided me with time and support for pursuing both my research and teaching goals over the next year. During this time, I plan on developing a book proposal as well as evolving my dissertation into a book manuscript. Having spent the last several years of my life cultivating this research project, I am thrilled by the opportunity to begin sharing it with larger audiences, both academic and non. I am also very excited by the opportunity to design and teach my own course about trauma and memory in the contemporary Arab world. As arguably one of the most politicized, militarized, and, thus, traumatized regions of the globe, my course will examine socio- and geopolitical developments of the 20th century (including but not limited to the Nakba, the Arab-Israeli conflicts, 9/11, and the ongoing War on Terror), in order to better understand how the Arab world today, in particular, the Levant, has become heavily affiliated with notions of war, violence, terrorism, refugeeism, exile, and migration. In doing so, we will examine the major concepts and paradigms informing the fields of Arab, transnational, memory, and trauma studies, drawing critical lines of connection often unmade or unseen between these schools of thought. These interdisciplinary critical theories will be grounded in analyses of various cultural productions that engage articulations of trauma and memory within and across notions of nation, religion, class, and gender in the transnational Arab world. 

What is one thing you would like the CCAS community to know about you (whether within or outside of academia)? 

I strongly believe what we learn in the classroom can and must be carried beyond the walls of the university. Therefore, my work “outside” of academia is deeply interwoven into my work within the classroom, particularly when it comes to living at the intersections of academic scholarship and activism. I have always been very engaged with community groups within and beyond university campuses that work towards mutual understanding, aid, and commitments to liberation and justice. You can often find me at book talks, teach-ins, film screenings, marches, and other community events that foster these efforts. Or at a cat cafe. Kitties and coffee are also great! 

Mariam Taher

What brought you to be interested in security, gender, indigeneities, and processes of racialization? What drove you to pursue an opportunity at Georgetown?

I grew up in Egypt, but then did part of my high school and university education in Europe. Growing up in Egypt, you sort of get used to heavy security presences in your daily life, but then, traveling and coming back throughout my teenage years and early twenties, I would become more aware of soldiers and policemen in Egypt, in daily life. I became curious about: how do people experience such presences? Is there this counterintuitive effect where, because the security presence is so heavy, it somehow becomes invisible or normalized? When I thought about how and where to study these questions, I decided to look at a place in which processes of securitization were shifting and being newly and differently experienced by the community. I felt that in a place like Cairo, it might be difficult to assess how, for example, someone walking through a busy market area felt about one or several policemen stationed nearby. I imagined, they probably did not notice them. The Siwa Oasis, on the other hand, was at the time undergoing gradual and ongoing processes of securitization. They had not been previously “untouched” by the state but the mode of interaction was changing and security was a key factor in molding this evolving relationship. 

So, my starting point was security – or a critical security studies approach. As I engaged with this angle, the other points became relevant, specifically processes of racialization, and their intersections with gender and class, as well as the particularities of this indigenous community in Egypt – one of several. 

I was thrilled to come across this post-doctoral opportunity at Georgetown. I am extremely privileged to be surrounded by a community whom I respect and look up to, especially at this time of immense suffering, outrage, frustration. I am lucky to find myself in a place of nurturing through learning that is both critical and caring, and through justice-oriented education and understanding. 

Tell me about your dissertation “In the Shadow of Territory: Gendered Mobilities in Siwa, Egypt.” What research methods did you use? What are the major takeaways you learned while working on your dissertation? 

I conducted ethnographic fieldwork in the Siwa Oasis using methods of participant-observation, unstructured, open-ended interviews, and oral histories. I also used the concept of mobility as a kind of method and analytical tool. As in, I accompanied my interlocutors in daily life, with a particular focus on how different community members moved through space. My days were soon filled with a lot of household and childcare labor, but also going on regular trips to the garden, packing ourselves into trucks traveling between the town and outlying villages, excursions into the surrounding desert, and travels along the highway to the Mediterranean city of Marsa Matrouh, and sometimes to Alexandria, or Cairo. This methodological and analytical focus on mobility led me to identify how different individuals interacted with and navigated rules surrounding their movement, or mobility regimes. I found that there was an interesting interrelation between the mobility regimes enforced by the community and those enforced by the state. I found these systems sometimes overlapped, and sometimes contradict one another – but they generally centered on heteropatriarchal valuations of propriety, surveillance, protection, and care. And people tended to discuss these written and unwritten rules in terms of suspicion, threat, safety, and security. This eventually lead me to the key takeaway of my thesis, namely the key role of gender in our understandings of security, its relevance across the realms of the Siwan community, the wider Egyptian public, and the state’s visions and practices of securitization, and the different ways in which we can trace throughout processes of territorialization. Gender emerged as a kind of shared language or currency that different people used to navigate their immobility and their interactions with multiple and evolving surveillance techniques in daily life. 

Many of our students may consider pursuing a PHD at some point in their careers after CCAS. How did a doctoral program support your work and help you shape your career path?

Let me first say, I am still a freshly minted doctor and not yet quite used to it! I will also add that after my master’s, I moved back to Egypt and worked there for a few years. I wanted to take the time to think through whether I really wanted to pursue a PhD or whether I was considering it just because it was the next rung on the academic ladder. I also wanted to be sure I could find a topic that really interested me, something that I could work on for years to come and that would keep me curious. 

I can confirm now that the process has been extremely rewarding (though not without its challenges, of course!). Pursuing my doctorate confirmed to me that I do thrive in academic settings, that I do take pleasure in critically engaging a concept for long periods of time, considering it from different angles and perspectives, and arriving at different answers in classic anthropological fashion. 

Even for students unsure about their future trajectories, the PhD opens new doors across academic and non-academic domains. Of course, it is worth considering what you are interested in and what this degree adds (or not) in that discipline/ occupation. If you do choose to pursue it, my last piece of advice would be to get yourself into a program that is nurturing for you. I was fortunate to have an excellent advisor and can say – from my own experiences and those of colleagues at different institutions – that this can be the deciding factor in whether students complete the program, whether they feel welcomed, supported, and empowered to enter the academic world. 

How does the Qatar post doctoral fellowship help support you in achieving your goals this year? What do you plan to work on during your fellowship at CCAS? 

The Qatar post-doctoral fellowship is a huge support to me. It gives me the time and space to further investigate the theoretical foundations of my dissertation. I also intend to prepare and submit at least one piece of writing for peer review and publication (maybe two!). 

Moreover, having the opportunity to teach in the spring means that I can explore topics relevant to my work together with a whole room of curious and critical minds. My work centers on an oral ethnolinguistic (Amazigh) minority in Egypt. The course I would like to teach in the spring expands our analytical view to consider different minorities across the region. This includes critical questions such as: How is the category of minority made and by whom? We will look at different processes of minoritization and consider how people experience such processes in daily life. We will ask how categories of race, gender, or class intersect with (or at times define) minoritization; what the historical roots of such processes are in different contexts throughout the SWANA (MENA) region and how they have shifted over time.

What is one thing you would like the CCAS community to know about you?

Having relocated to DC, I am also looking forward to lots of cycling, long walks and maybe some hiking trips. I enjoy running, swimming, and yoga. I am thinking about taking up a self-defense or martial art class. I also miss having pets, so if you wanted to give me some time with your dog or cat, you would be doing us all a favor. 

I am really glad to be here, I look forward to meeting each and every one of you – please reach out to me if you want to chat about any of the above! I was very active in solidarity movements in Chicago but I am still finding my footing here – if you would like to go to particular events together, let me know. 

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PhD—Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Science

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A Holistic View of Nursing Science

The UW School of Nursing Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Science (PhD) program faculty are global leaders in nursing science. Students from all over the world create a community of scholars and learn from expert researchers. Our expert nursing scientists provide mentorship tailored to student needs using technology-driven instruction.

The UW PhD program is ideal for students with diverse backgrounds who want to become premier leaders in nursing research.

We maintain a holistic view of nursing science and our faculty’s scholarship represents a broad array of research projects and innovative methodologies. Some examples include:

  • Symptom science
  • Laboratory sciences
  • Health promotion and disease management across the lifespan
  • Policy analysis and advancement of cost-effective health care systems
  • Health equity
  • Innovative methodologies

Hear from #HuskyNurse Sarah McKiddy and her experience with the PhD program.

A Community of Scholars

We welcome applicants with a baccalaureate degree in any field. We encourage post-baccalaureate students, as well as most master’s and DNP students who are ready to begin intensive study of nursing science, to apply.

UW PhD students have a wide range of academic backgrounds, including:

literature phd programs

  • Public health
  • Complementary and alternative medicine
  • Healthcare systems and policy
  • Music therapy

Our PhD program is highly individualized to create independent thinkers with demonstrated ability to articulate, investigate, and report on original research that substantially contributes to health care knowledge.

The flexible program reflects the enormous scope and impact of the latest nursing research and policymaking. Although the PhD curriculum can be completed in three years of full-time study, individual student program lengths are expected to vary.

Once offered admission as a PhD student, you are matched with a faculty adviser. Your adviser provides guidance and helps answer questions until you select a supervisory committee chair (between years one and three). Your chair then serves in an advisory capacity and as the supervisor for your dissertation.

View the PhD Sample Curriculum Grid PhD Required and Elective Courses

  • Optional: Statistics Concentration

The first year of the full-time PhD program and the first two years of part-time focus on required core courses emphasizing nursing philosophy, conceptual frameworks, theory, and research methodologies.

In addition, students complete their statistics sequence and may take selected electives or engage in research or teaching practicum. Students complete the preliminary exam at the end of the first year of full-time study and the end of two years of part-time study.

Students who enter the PhD program with a BSN can earn an MS in Nursing Science during the program following successful completion of the first year of the PhD program and the preliminary examination.

After the first year of full-time study and the first two years of part-time study, courses and other scholarly activities are determined by you and your supervisory committee to comprise your individual program of study. The supervisory chair is a School of Nursing graduate faculty member whose research approach, interest, or research methods align with your proposed dissertation project.

You and your chair complete the supervisory committee by selecting faculty members from the School of Nursing, the UW at large, and other appropriate experts outside the University. This committee approves your program of study and guides you through the general examinations, dissertation research, and final defense.

The Nursing Science Statistics Area of Concentration requires a minimum of 14 credits of advanced statistical methods coursework above and beyond the 10 credits of statistics required for the PhD degree. Of these, two credits are fulfilled by the CSSS Seminar, and a minimum of 12 credits are fulfilled by at least four advanced statistics courses, three of which must come from the list of CSSS courses approved for the concentration.

All courses taken as part of the statistics concentration must be graded.

However, a 500-level course that is graded credit/no credit may be considered for inclusion in your Area of Concentration proposal if:

  • In the course, you submit an individual project (i.e., not a group project); and
  • Major course assignments are submitted to your Supervisory Committee for review

CSSS seminar: minimum two credits

A minimum of two quarters in CS&SS is required. The most up-to-date course descriptions for statistics course options can be found on the CSSS website .

Course Credits
CS&SS 590: CSSS Seminar 1

Approved CSSS advanced statistics course options

The most up-to-date course descriptions for statistics course options can be found on the CSSS website .

Course Credits
CS&SS 510: Maximum Likelihood Methods for the Social Sciences 5
CS&SS 526: Structural Equation Models for the Social Sciences 3
CS&SS 527: Survey Research Methods 4
CS&SS 529: Sample Survey Techniques 3
CS&SS 536: Analysis of Categorical and Count Data 3
CS&SS 544: Event History Analysis for the Social Sciences 5
CS&SS 560: Hierarchical Modeling for the Social Sciences 4
CS&SS 564: Bayesian Statistics for the Social Sciences 4
CS&SS 565: Inequality: Current Trends and Explanations 3
CS&SS 566: Causal Modeling 4
CS&SS 567: Statistical Analysis of Social Networks 4
CS&SS 568: Game Theory for Social Scientists 5
CS&SS 589: Multivariate Data Analysis for the Social Sciences 3 (max. 6)
CS&SS/POLS 591: Panel Data Analysis TBD
CS&SS/SOC WL 594: Longitudinal Data Analysis 1-5

Variation in area of concentration coursework

One advanced methodological course in nursing, political science, psychology, public health, sociology, statistics, economics, educational psychology, social welfare, and other related fields may be considered as part of the Nursing Science Statistics Area of Concentration four course requirements if it contributes to the overall coherence of the student’s program of study and is consistent with the student’s research goals.

This course would be in addition to the ten credits of statistics courses required for the PhD in nursing.

Admissions Requirements

  • An in-process or earned bachelor’s degree from an accredited university in any discipline
  • A minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0, or a 3.0 GPA for the last  60 semester/90 quarter graded college/university credits
  • Meet the  Essential Behaviors for PhD Students
  • International applicants   who plan on taking clinical nursing courses  must have an active, unrestricted U.S. RN license  at the time of application
  • If your native language is not English,  proof of proficiency in English  (reading, writing, and comprehension)


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  2. Research Topics for PhD in English Literature

  3. #studygram Study with me for a Literature PhD at #cambridgeuniversity. #shakespeare

  4. Sample Review of related literature📚 #phd thesiswriting✍️ #9958067504 #makemyassignmentsandprojects

  5. The First English Literature PHD of Mhainamtsi, under Peren District

  6. 📖 what im currently reading for my literature phd ! 📖


  1. Ph.D. in Literature

    Ph.D. in Literature. Students in our Ph.D. program gain advanced knowledge of literature from the British Middle Ages and colonial America to global/postcolonial and U.S. contemporary, as well as knowledge of literary theory, literary analysis, and interdisciplinary methods. The course of study balances coverage of national literary traditions ...

  2. Ph.D. Degree

    The Graduate Program in Literature is a doctoral program, which means that all students enrolled prepare for the Ph.D. degree. The program does not grant M.A. degrees along the way. The typical time to completion for the doctoral program is 6 full years. Requirements for the Ph.D. 12 Courses 12 Seminars; 7 Literature Program courses

  3. Doctor of Philosophy in Literature

    The graduate program in literature brings together scholars, creative writers and translators who share a commitment to transnational and interdisciplinary approaches to literary study and practice. The PhD in literature provides students with a flexible context in which to pursue research across a wide range of literary traditions, critical ...

  4. 30 Best PhD Programs in English

    Quick Highlights: Our #1 ranked school for a PhD in English is University at Buffalo, followed by University of California, Berkeley. PhD English programs focus on comprehensive English language and literature knowledge. They require coursework, exams, and a dissertation. Specializations may be available in areas like rhetoric and digital ...

  5. 2023-2024 Top Literature Graduate Programs

    6 reviews. Other: Southern Adventist University has an amazing fine art program. Professors meet with students one by one, letting students know what areas can grow, and help build a strong portfolio. The fine arts classes get as big as twenty-five, and as small as ten; because of this, students are able to showcase their projects one by one to ...

  6. English (Literature), PHD

    The PhD in English (literature) at ASU is a premier graduate program in the U.S. with strong interdisciplinary ties and faculty links to research centers on campus and in the state, including the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, the Center for the Study of Race and Democracy, the Institute for Humanities Research, and the Virginia G. Piper Center for Creative Writing.

  7. Doctorate in Literature

    The Department of English's Doctoral program in Literature offers advanced study and research in literary history, criticism, and theory, with excellent opportunities for interdepartmental and interdisciplinary study. Courses within the department cover major genres, periods, authors, and a broad range of methodological and theoretical approaches.

  8. Comparative Literature

    Harvard's Department of Comparative Literature is one of the most dynamic and diverse in the country. Its impressive faculty has included such scholars as Harry Levine, Claudio Guillén, and Barbara Johnson. ... Additional information on the graduate program is available from the Department of Comparative Literature and requirements for the ...

  9. English Literature PhD

    A UNESCO World City of Literature, Edinburgh is a remarkable place to study, write, publish, discuss and perform prose, poetry and drama. Take a PhD with us and you will be based in the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures (LLC) in the historic centre of this world-leading festival city. On campus

  10. English and Comparative Literature, PhD

    Program Category: PhD Programs Chair: Denise Cruz Director of Graduate Studies: Austin Graham Website: Degree Programs: Full-Time: MA, MPhil, PhD Full-Time/Part-Time: Free-Standing MA The Department of English and Comparative Literature has played a significant role in the history of literary study in the United States and abroad since its inception.

  11. PhD in Literature // University of Notre Dame

    PhD in Literature 323 O'Shaughnessy Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Phone (574) 631-0481 [email protected]. Notre Dame's innovative Ph.D. in Literature program enables students to complete a Ph.D. with a specialization in a national literature, a genre or a historical period or literary theory.

  12. Ph.D. in Literature

    Program Description. The Graduate Program in Literature (GPL) endeavors to train future scholars in theory and global culture. Originally conceived as a critical expansion of "comparative literature" beyond its founding Eurocentrism and its (near) exclusive focus on literature and language, the GPL hosts a robust range of scholarship and teaching in a variety of areas, ranging from feminist ...

  13. Graduate Programs

    At the graduate level we offer two distinct degree programs: a single Ph.D. in Literature and an MFA in Writing. The Ph.D. in Literature stresses the transnational outlook of our program and emphasizes its stake in theoretical, interdisciplinary, and cultural studies. The Department of Literature at UCSD offers an intriguing example of how the ...

  14. Graduate Program

    Graduate Program. Our graduate program is recognized as one of the leading Comparative Literature programs in the country. The Department is a vibrant place for the research and study of literatures and cultures in an interdisciplinary framework, from transnational and cross‐cultural perspectives. Our faculty and graduate students develop new ...

  15. Literature in United States: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Why Study Literature in United States. Studying Literature in United States is a great choice, as there are 63 universities that offer PhD degrees on our portal. Over 957,000 international students choose United States for their studies, which suggests you'll enjoy a vibrant and culturally diverse learning experience and make friends from all ...

  16. Literature Graduate Programs

    Our graduate programs in literature provide a flexible context to pursue research across a wide range of literary traditions, critical approaches, and theoretical debates. In addition to coursework in literary studies, you'll have the opportunity to participate in creative writing and/or literary translation workshops as well as seminars in other disciplines such as film studies, […]

  17. Comparative Literature Graduate Program

    The Ph.D. program in Comparative Literature is committed to providing students the resources and training needed to successfully complete a challenging and rewarding intellectual project. By "resources" we mean not only formal classes, libraries, and financial support in various forms, but also an open community of scholars and learners, both ...

  18. Graduate Programs and Certificates

    Professional Science Master (Interdisciplinary Science & Technology (P.S.M.)) Sustainable Soil and Land Systems - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.) Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (M.A.) Water Resources - Interdisciplinary Science and Technology (P.S.M.) Choose a graduate program of study from list to view ...

  19. Program: Literature, Creative Writing, and Social Justice

    Two letters of recommendation attesting to the applicant's potential for success in the MA/MFA programs in Literature, Creative Writing and Social Justice. Submission of official satisfactory scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) taken within the last five years.


    Explore the doctoral programs offered by Lomonosov Moscow State University, the oldest and most prestigious university in Russia and the world. Learn from the leading experts and researchers in various fields and disciplines.

  21. PhD in Literacy, Language and Culture

    Program Contact. Amy Burke, Ph.D., Program Chair 940-898-2234 [email protected] . Application Deadlines. March 1: Priority deadline for financial aid and scholarships April 15: Deadline for summer admission (program has a summer start) Admission Requirements. Minimum 3.0 GPA in previous undergraduate and graduate courses.

  22. PhD Programs

    Chemistry of Organoelement Compounds (PhD Honors Degree) Lomonosov Moscow State University. Moscow, Russian Federation (Russia) 13. 2013-05-15. Colloid Chemistry, Physical and Chemical Mechanics (Doctor of Science Honors Degree) Lomonosov Moscow State University. Moscow, Russian Federation (Russia) 14.

  23. English and Literary Arts

    Degrees and GPA Requirements Bachelors degree: All graduate applicants must hold an earned baccalaureate from a regionally accredited college or university or the recognized equivalent from an international institution. Masters degree: This program requires a masters degree as well as the baccalaureate. University GPA requirement: The minimum grade point average for admission consideration for ...

  24. How to Apply

    However, Northwestern permits applicants to apply to one PhD program a year. There is an exception through the dual application option with the Economics PhD Program, which is outlined below. Academic experience. The Kellogg PhD Program offers eight distinct areas of focus, each with varying types of experience that are needed for success. ...

  25. Applying for a Doctoral Program

    For details on the exact application requirements for your program, visit the Application Details section on your degree page and thoroughly review the graduate application instructions page.. Start Early: Begin your application process well in advance. This gives you ample time to gather the necessary documents, research programs, and prepare a compelling application.

  26. PhD in Education

    The concentration courses are presented on the the relevant pages and in the PhD Program Handbook. The Core 27 credits consist of the following: Academic Core (9 Credits): ASLP 600 Introduction to Doctoral Studies and Academic Writing (3) ASLP 640 Race and Public Policy in Education (3) ASLP 642 Equity and Social Justice in Education (3)

  27. PhD in Education: Higher Education

    Enter up to 30 credits in entry level/advanced coursework in education or related field to be transferred or completed prior to matriculating into the degree program. If there are not 30 credits of eligible transfer courses, or required doctoral courses were taken as part of a Warner Master's degree, the student must take additional electives ...

  28. Meet Our 2024-2025 Post Doctoral Fellows!

    CCAS Events and Programs Manager, Coco Tait, interviewed our 2024-2025 post doctoral fellows. Natalie El-Eid What brought you to be interested in contemporary transnational literature and cultures of the Arab world, and what drove you to pursue an opportunity at Georgetown? As a Druze Lebanese American who grew up between the U.S. and Lebanon, in […]

  29. PhD—Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Science

    A Holistic View of Nursing Science The UW School of Nursing Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Science (PhD) program faculty are global leaders in nursing science. Students from all over the world create a community of scholars and learn from expert researchers. Our expert nursing scientists provide mentorship tailored to student needs using technology-driven instruction. The UW PhD program is ...