IELTS Charlie

Your Guide to IELTS Band 7

IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay: tips, mistakes, questions & essays

In this lesson we are going to look at how to answer an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages essay.

You will learn about this  IELTS Writing Task 2  essay, using  authentic IELTS essay questions , plus the most common mistakes. And I will finish with an  IELTS model essay  written by me in response to a  sample IELTS essay question . So let’s get started!

What Is Your Task?

In this IELTS question type, you are presented with a situation, a development or a trend. Your task is to discuss the advantages and disadvantages related to this situation, development or trend.

In some tasks, you may also be asked to give an opinion on whether the advantages are more  significant  than the disadvantages. These “outweigh” questions are more common in the IELTS Academic Writing Test, but they can also appear in the IELTS General Training Writing Test.

In many countries, paying for things using mobile phone (cellphone) apps is  becoming increasingly common. 

Does this development have more advantages or more disadvantages? 

Cambridge IELTS 15 General Training Test 4

How To Plan An IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay

If you are aiming for a high band score (band 7 and above) it is absolutely vital that you plan your essay. A good plan will help you to see if you have answered the question, developed your ideas and organised them BEFORE you start writing.

We’re going to plan an essay using my  4 Step Planning Process .

4 Step Planning Process

Step 1: Understand The Task

First, you need to make sure you understand exactly what you need to write about. So you need to read the question carefully, not quickly!

Think about these three questions:

What is the topic about?

What is the topic NOT about?

How should you respond to the topic?

Let’s go back to this essay question, and answer those 3 questions:

The topic is about mobile phone payments, such as digital wallets, payment apps like Google Pay and Apple Pay, and QR code payments.

The task is NOT about mobile phone apps in general, so don’t discuss the advantages of mobile phones or mobile apps. The task is specific to payment apps.

The question “does this development have more advantages or more disadvantages?” tells you how to respond to the topic. You simply need to answer that question.

Step 2: Decide Your Position

Next, you need to decide your position. In other words, you need to decide what you think.

In an advantages disadvantages essay, your position is your answer to the question .

So in the example question above, your position is your answer to the question: “does this development (i.e. paying for things using mobile phone apps) have more advantages or more disadvantages?”

Step 3: Extend Your Ideas

When you decided your position, you may have started thinking about the reasons for your position, the reasons for your answer. In other words, WHY are you taking this view?

Giving reasons for your view is essential in an IELTS essay. In fact, all IELTS questions tell you to “give reasons for your answer”. So in Step 3, you need to think about your reasons a little more.

However, just presenting your  reasons is not enough. You need to develop them.

The two best ways of developing your ideas is by:

  • giving explanations of what you mean
  • giving specific examples which illustrate what you mean

Together, these add more detail to your answer.

You MUST do this to get Band 7. If you fail to develop your ideas in detail, your band score for Task Response may be limited to Band 6.

Read more about how to develop your ideas in an IELTS essay.

Step 4: Structure Your Essay

The final step in the planning process is to structure your essay. This simply means deciding which main ideas to put in which paragraphs.

I suggest you use almost exactly the same structure, regardless of whether you are taking the Academic or General Training Test:

  • Paragraph 1: introduction
  • Paragraph 2: discuss  what you think   are  the advantages
  • Paragraph 3: discuss  what you think are  the disadvantages
  • Paragraph 4 (Ac): explain if you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages
  • Paragraph 4 (GT): summarise your views

IELTS advantages disadvantages essay questions are usually on topics where there are both advantages AND disadvantages. In other words, if you argue that there are only advantages, the IELTS examiner might decide your essay lacks balance, and this could limit your band score for Task Response.


How To Write Your IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay

Let’s go through how to write the different parts of the essay.

How To Write The Introduction To an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay

In the introduction to an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages essay, you need to do one or two things.

If you are asked “what are the advantages and disadvantages?” , then just briefly introduce the topic of the essay.

If you are asked for an opinion – e.g. “ do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages”, or “does this development have more advantages or more disadvantages?”, then also add a second sentence where you present your answer to this question.

Introduce The Topic

You should begin with a background sentence which introduces your reader to the topic of the essay. The best way to do this is to paraphrase the topic statement.

How To Paraphrase

Think about the meaning of the topic statement, and briefly rewrite it using your own words. Try not to use the same grammatical structures as in the essay question, and try to move language around. In other words, be flexible. This is important if you are aiming for a Band 7 or higher.

In the example essay question above, the topic statement said:

“In many countries, paying for things using mobile phone (cellphone) apps is becoming increasingly common.”

Here is one way of paraphrasing this:

“Purchasing goods with apps on mobile phones has grown in popularity over recent years.”

This sentence has the same general meaning as the original sentence, but uses different vocabulary and different grammatical structures.

How NOT To Paraphrase

When you paraphrase, do NOT just change individual words with synonyms, or you will get some very strange sentences, e.g.

“In a lot of nations, buying items using portable communication software is becoming more customary.”

DON’T DO THIS! It sounds unnatural and can be confusing for your reader.

Give Your Opinion

If you are asked questions like:

  • “do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages”, or
  • “does this development have more advantages or more disadvantages?”

then you are being asked for your opinion, in addition to a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages.

So write a 2nd sentence in which you clearly answer this question. e.g.

“In my view, this development has significant drawbacks overall.”

There’s little point in adding a scope sentence:  “This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this development.” This kind of sentence doesn’t add much to your essay and the language is quite basic.

Just start writing the body.

How To Write The Body Paragraphs

In an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages essay, you need to present the advantages and disadvantages in the body paragraphs.

Write the advantages and disadvantages in separate paragraphs.

Each main body paragraph should contain:

  • An advantage (or disadvantage) – your main idea
  • A more detailed explanation of this
  • An example which illustrates this
  • You can also include a 2nd advantage or 2nd disadvantage in the same paragraph.

This structure is what is meant by developing your ideas, and it is essential for a Band 7.

You can read more about  developing your ideas here .

How To Write The Conclusion

In the conclusion to an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages essay, what you write depends on the question.

If you are asked “what are the advantages and disadvantages?” then just write a summary of your ideas.

If you are asked for your opinion – e.g. “do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?” – then answer this question in the conclusion.

Do NOT write any new ideas in your conclusion. If you think of new ideas while writing your conclusion, forget them! It’s too late

Common Mistakes in an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay

These are the most common mistakes made by Test Takers when writing an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages essay:

  • presenting too many advantages and disadvantages: you MUST develop ALL of your ideas to get a high band score, so it’s best to present 3 or 4 advantages / disadvantages in total and explain them all
  • not answering the “do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?” question. This question does not appear in all advantages disadvantages essays, but when it does, you must answer it
  • writing an overly general statement about the topic in the introduction (e.g. Education is a topic of hot debate)
  • The advantages / disadvantages are not explained and illustrated in enough detail. You need to develop all of your points to get a Band 7.
  • Not fully understanding the essay question. This is often caused by reading the question quickly, not carefully.
  • Using memorised phrases (e.g. “a hot topic”, “in a nutshell”, “pros and cons”)
  • Using “research studies” as examples: examples should illustrate your ideas, not prove them. Read about  how to use examples in IELTS essays .
  • Trying to use rare or “novel” language: examiners are looking for groups of words used naturally, not rare words.

Sample IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay Questions

In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers. Do you think the advantages of driverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages?

(Cambridge IELTS 16 Academic Test 4)

In some cultures, children are often told that they can achieve anything if they try hard enough. What are the advantages and disadvantages of giving children this message?

( Cambridge IELTS 15 Academic Test 4 )

Today more and more tourists are visiting places where conditions are difficult, such as the Sahara desert or the Antarctic. What are the benefits and disadvantages for tourists who visit such places?

(Cambridge IELTS 12 General Training Test 5)

At the present time, the population of some countries includes a relatively large number of young adults, compared with the number of older people. Do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages?

(Cambridge IELTS 12 Academic Test 6)

Model IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essays

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mobile phone advantages and disadvantages ielts essay

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Charlie is a former IELTS Examiner with 25 years' teaching experience all over the world. His courses, for both English language learners and teachers, have been taken by over 100,000 students in over 160 countries around the world.

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Discover the 7 STEPS to BAND 7 in IELTS Writing Task 2


IELTS Writing: The pros and cons of mobile phones

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There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of the mobile phone?

Nowadays, the increasing popularity of mobile phones seem to be an unstoppable trend. However, whether the social, medical and technical dilemmas it causes will outweigh the benefits remains a controversial issue. My view is that despite the detrimental aspects, we can not just discard the little tiny tools.

First, it is obvious that the mobile phones have tremendously promoted and facilitated our communications, bridging the gap between people no matter how far away they are separate from each other. With mobile phones, businessmen can negotiate without bothering travelling long distance to meet; parents can know where their kids are at any time. If we do not have the devices, communication would definitely pose a significant obstacle to our social development.

Moreover, integrated with the cutting-edge Internet technologies, the mobile phones can be treated as little computers in people’s pockets. After installing varied apps, it can help navigate the route when driving, interact with friends with text, images and videos, and even act as an office assistant dealing with emails and office documents – the list is endless. Therefore, the mobile phones have become an integral part of our life.

That is not to say that we could disregard the negative aspects. It has been reported that some heart diseases, indulging in virtual world, invading the individual’s privacy are caused by overuse of phones. But any way, to be honest, all powerful technologies should be harnessed strictly under regulations.

In sum, mobile phones are just indispensable to our daily life; meanwhile, though the pros clearly outweigh the cons, the problems should be handled by efforts. Only by doing so can wen ensure that we can utilise the devices smartly, making our society more convenient and interesting.

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IELTS Essay: Technological Devices

by Dave | Real Past Tests | 3 Comments

IELTS Essay: Technological Devices

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay on the topic of technological devices from the real IELTS exam.

Make sure you don’t miss out on my exclusive sample answer PDFs by signing up for my Patreon for as little as $1 here .

Many people think technological devices such as smart phones, tablets and mobile phones bring more disadvantages than advantages.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

The availability of new technologies to the average citizen in the form of consumer electronics brings with it both advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, though these devices are convenient, their use is a negative overall given the impact on mental health.

Proponents of phones and tablets can point to the all but limitless functionality they provide. It is possible, just by owning a small, affordable device that fits in your pocket, to instantly capture video, take photos, send emails, check social media, make phone calls, watch movies, listen to music, play games and use a wide variety of productivity applications. There is no arguing with the near miraculous achievements found in smartphones and tablets. Used properly, these save time and widen the possible outlets for self-expression and creativity. An amateur film-maker, for example, can shoot and edit digital video directly on their phone, add in sound effects and post it easily to a website like YouTube.

Nonetheless, the potential of phones is hindered by their corrosive effect. It is almost impossible to use a phone as a tool to enhance creativity and productivity because it is also home to applications designed to prey on the weaknesses of the human psyche. Companies like Facebook tap into a natural human desire for affirmation and trigger addictive dopamine bursts as rewards for posting selfies. Those not addicted to social media, may find themselves wasting hours playing videogames, receiving roughly the same chemical incentive. Over time, users become dependent on unhealthy habits that humans have not had time to evolve counters for and the ostensible convenience of these handheld devices becomes an excuse, rather than a reason, to own one.

In conclusion, phones and tablets open up new possibilities but their abuse has led to a generation of dependent users. It is up to individuals, not organisation and governments, to limit their screen time to preserve their mental well-being.

1. The availability of new technologies to the average citizen in the form of consumer electronics brings with it both advantages and disadvantages. 2. In my opinion, though these devices are convenient, their use is a negative overall given the impact on mental health.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion and include your main ideas if possible. Read more about introductions here .

1. Proponents of phones and tablets can point to the all but limitless functionality they provide. 2. It is possible, just by owning a small, affordable device that fits in your pocket, to instantly capture video, take photos, send emails, check social media, make phone calls, watch movies, listen to music, play games and use a wide variety of productivity applications. 3. There is no arguing with the near miraculous achievements found in smartphones and tablets. 4. Used properly, these save time and widen the possible outlets for self-expression and creativity. 5. An amateur film-maker, for example, can shoot and edit digital video directly on their phone, add in sound effects and post it easily to a website like YouTube.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Use specific details to support your main idea.
  • Vary long and short sentences.
  • State the results to keep developing.
  • Write a specific example for further support.

1. Nonetheless, the potential of phones is hindered by their corrosive effect. 2. It is almost impossible to use a phone as a tool to enhance creativity and productivity because it is also home to applications designed to prey on the weaknesses of the human psyche. 3. Companies like Facebook tap into a natural human desire for affirmation and trigger addictive dopamine bursts as rewards for posting selfies. 4. Those not addicted to social media, may find themselves wasting hours playing videogames, receiving roughly the same chemical incentive. 5. Over time, users become dependent on unhealthy habits that humans have not had time to evolve counters for and the ostensible convenience of these handheld devices becomes an excuse, rather than a reason, to own one.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea .
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop it with specific examples.
  • Continue developing it by considering all the effects.
  • Conclude with a strong statement.

1. In conclusion, phones and tablets open up new possibilities but their abuse has led to a generation of dependent users. 2. It is up to individuals, not organisation and governments, to limit their screen time to preserve their mental well-being.

  • Summarise your main ideas and repeat your opinion.
  • Add in a final thought/detail. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean?

The availability of new technologies to the average citizen in the form of consumer electronics brings with it both advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, though these devices are convenient , their use is a negative overall given the impact on mental health .

Proponents of phones and tablets can point to the all but limitless functionality they provide. It is possible, just by owning a small, affordable device that fits in your pocket , to instantly capture video , take photos, send emails, check social media, make phone calls, watch movies, listen to music, play games and use a wide variety of productivity applications . There is no arguing with the near miraculous achievements found in smartphones and tablets. Used properly , these save time and widen the possible outlets for self-expression and creativity . An amateur film-maker , for example, can shoot and edit digital video directly on their phone, add in sound effects and post it easily to a website like YouTube.

Nonetheless, the potential of phones is hindered by their corrosive effect . It is almost impossible to use a phone as a tool to enhance creativity and productivity because it is also home to applications designed to prey on the weaknesses of the human psyche . Companies like Facebook tap into a natural human desire for affirmation and trigger addictive dopamine bursts as rewards for posting selfies . Those not addicted to social media, may find themselves wasting hours playing videogames, receiving roughly the same chemical incentive . Over time, users become dependent on unhealthy habits that humans have not had time to evolve counters for and the ostensible convenience of these handheld devices becomes an excuse , rather than a reason , to own one.

In conclusion, phones and tablets open up new possibilities but their abuse has led to a generation of dependent users. It is up to individuals, not organisation and governments, to limit their screen time to preserve their mental well-being .

availability can be used now

new technologies more advanced tech

average citizen normal person

in the form of manifested in

consumer electronics phones, tablets, etc.

brings with it also includes

convenient easy to use, helpful

negative overall given not good on the whole because

mental health psychological state

proponents supporters

point to argue

all but almost

limitless functionality unlimited uses

affordable cheap

fits in your pocket can be put in your pocket, can be carried

instantly capture video right away shoots videos

wide variety of productivity applications many types of programs for saving time

there is no arguing with it is indisputable

near miraculous achievements almost impossible successes

found in on

used properly not abused

save time more efficient

widen the possible outlets increase the avenues for

self-expression expressing yourself

creativity art

amateur film-maker not professional movie maker

edit digital video directly work on videos right after shooting on their phones

add in sound effects put in sounds

post it share it online

hindered by slowed by

corrosive effect impact that hurts

enhance creativity make one more creative

home to has

designed to prey on made to take advantage of

weaknesses drawbacks

human psyche psychology

tap into exploit

natural human desire part of human nature

affirmation reassurance

trigger addictive dopamine bursts make you feel happy

posting selfies putting up pictures you took of yourself

addicted can’t stop using

wasting hours not using time well

receiving roughly getting abotu the same

chemical incentive bursts of happiness

dependent rely on

unhealthy habits not good for you

evolve counters for find ways to defend oneself from

ostensible convenience seemingly good for you

handheld devices phones, tablets

excuse a reason for doing something

rather than a reason instead of a real cause

open up new possibilities allows for new opportunities

abuse not use properly

generation group of people born around now

up to responsible for

limit restrict

screen time time spent on computers, phones

preserve maintain

mental well-being mental health


əˌveɪləˈbɪlɪti   njuː tɛkˈnɒləʤiz   ˈævərɪʤ ˈsɪtɪzn   ɪn ðə fɔːm ɒv   kənˈsjuːmər ɪlɛkˈtrɒnɪks   brɪŋz wɪð ɪt   kənˈviːniənt ˈnɛgətɪv ˈəʊvərɔːl ˈgɪvn   ˈmɛntl hɛlθ prəˈpəʊnənts   pɔɪnt tuː   ɔːl bʌt   ˈlɪmɪtlɪs ˌfʌŋkʃəˈnælɪti   əˈfɔːdəbl   fɪts ɪn jɔː ˈpɒkɪt ˈɪnstəntli ˈkæpʧə ˈvɪdɪəʊ waɪd vəˈraɪəti ɒv ˌprɒdʌkˈtɪvɪti ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)nz ðeər ɪz nəʊ ˈɑːgjuːɪŋ wɪð   nɪə mɪˈrækjʊləs əˈʧiːvmənts   faʊnd ɪn   juːzd ˈprɒpəli seɪv taɪm   ˈwaɪdn ðə ˈpɒsəbl ˈaʊtlɛts   sɛlf-ɪksˈprɛʃən   ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvɪti ˈæmətə(ː) fɪlm-ˈmeɪkə ˈɛdɪt ˈdɪʤɪtl ˈvɪdɪəʊ dɪˈrɛktli   æd ɪn saʊnd ɪˈfɛkts   pəʊst ɪt   ˈhɪndəd baɪ   kəˈrəʊsɪv ɪˈfɛkt ɪnˈhɑːns ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvɪti   həʊm tuː   dɪˈzaɪnd tuː preɪ ɒn   ˈwiːknɪsɪz   ˈhjuːmən ˈsaɪki(ː) tæp ˈɪntuː   ˈnæʧrəl ˈhjuːmən dɪˈzaɪə   ˌæfɜːˈmeɪʃ(ə)n   ˈtrɪgər əˈdɪktɪv ˈdəʊpəmiːn bɜːsts   ˈpəʊstɪŋ ˈsɛlfiz əˈdɪktɪd   ˈweɪstɪŋ ˈaʊəz   rɪˈsiːvɪŋ ˈrʌfli   ˈkɛmɪkəl ɪnˈsɛntɪv dɪˈpɛndənt   ʌnˈhɛlθi ˈhæbɪts   ɪˈvɒlv ˈkaʊntəz fɔː   ɒsˈtɛnsəbl kənˈviːniəns   ˌhændˈhɛld dɪˈvaɪsɪz   ɪksˈkjuːs ˈrɑːðə ðæn ə ˈriːzn ˈəʊpən ʌp njuː ˌpɒsəˈbɪlɪtiz   əˈbjuːs   ˌʤɛnəˈreɪʃən   ʌp tuː   ˈlɪmɪt   skriːn taɪm   prɪˈzɜːv   ˈmɛntl wɛl-ˈbiːɪŋ

Listening Practice

Remember and fill in the blanks:

The a_____________y of n_____________________s to the a_____________n i_________________f c_____________________s b______________t both advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, though these devices are c_____________t , their use is a n________________l g_______n the impact on m______________h .

P_____________s of phones and tablets can p_________o the a_______t l______________________y they provide. It is possible, just by owning a small, a____________e device that f__________________t , to i_____________________o , take photos, send emails, check social media, make phone calls, watch movies, listen to music, play games and use a w______________________________________s . T_____________________h the n________________________________s f____________n smartphones and tablets. U________________y , these s____________e and w_____________________s for s______________________n and c___________y . An a____________________r , for example, can shoot and e____________________y on their phone, a______________________s and p_________t easily to a website like YouTube.

Nonetheless, the potential of phones is h____________y their c___________________t . It is almost impossible to use a phone as a tool to e_____________________y and productivity because it is also h__________o applications d__________________________n the w_____________s of the h___________________e . Companies like Facebook t_________o a n_______________________e for a______________n and t_______________________________s as rewards for p_____________s . Those not a____________d to social media, may find themselves w_________________s playing videogames, r____________________y the same c___________________e . Over time, users become d_______________t on u__________________s that humans have not had time to e__________________r and the o_______________________e of these h__________________s becomes an e__________e , r____________________n , to own one.

In conclusion, phones and tablets o_______________________s but their a________e has led to a g______________n of dependent users. It is u____o individuals, not organisation and governments, to l_________t their s__________e to p__________e their m________________g .

Listen below about the effects of social media on your brain:

Reading Practice

Read below about the effects of mobile phones on teenagers:

Speaking Practice

Answer the following questions from the real speaking exam :

Time Management

  • How can people manage their time better now compared to the past?
  • What are the differences in what people do with their time now?
  • How has technology helped people to save time?
  • What are the qualities of a person with good time management?
  • Will people have more free time in the future?

Writing Practice

Write about the following topic then check with my sample answer:

Some people believe that smartphones are destroying social interaction today.

IELTS Writing Task 2 General Training Sample Answer Essay: Mobile Phones and Social Interaction (Real Past IELTS Exam/Test)

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Thank you Dave, for compiling all the resources and helping us getting better-acquainted with the IELTS


You’re very welcome Robin! Where are you from?


It is often said that the availability of technological gadgets has more drawbacks than benefits. Personally, I believe that, despite the convenience, devices have a detrimental effect on the people’s concentration and the well-being of the nation.

To begin with, being tethered to the mobile phones, both adults and children do not realize how are they distracted by dozens of notifications from social media, messages and games. If it were not smart phones, children would study properly without having poor concentration and short attention span. To illustrate, when children work on tablets or laptops, they usually do not devote attention to the teacher as they try to surf the Internet or even play video games. In addition, the majority of adults are tend to use phones while they are driving to answer on the call or to use GPS; thus, not focusing on the road, they are likely to cause an accident and even die or injure other people such as pedestrians and drivers.

Another point to consider is that interaction with electronic devises has an adverse impact on the mental and physical health of human beings. Gadgets contribute to eyestrain, headaches and blurred vision by emitting human’s organism. Moreover, long engagement with laptops and mobile phones affects the brain work causing mental illnesses such as insomnia, depression and panic attacks. There is a growing body of research which suggests that almost all people in the future will suffer from one of these illnesses.

In conclusion, while some people are certain that technological devices is the most genius invention, I am convinced that it has more harmful features than useful, and people should think properly before using it in some moments of their life like driving the car or studying, otherwise they can be affected by physical or mental illnesses.

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Essay on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones | Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones Essay for Students and Children

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones:  Mobile phones are one of the most advanced, convenient, and time-saving technology that is being used by almost everyone all over the globe.

Mobile phones nowadays are available in various sizes and shapes and have different technical features used for various purposes, and hence it’s called a smartphone. Like every technological device, it has its advantage and disadvantages.

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Long and Short Essays on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones for Students and Kids in English

We provide students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay of 150 words on the topic Advantages and Disadvantages Of Mobile Phones for reference.

Long Essay on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Mobile phones are the largest invention of technology, and nowadays are being used all over the world. The medium for communicating with people is a lot easier due to the huge use of mobile phones. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages to using a mobile phone.

Due to mobile phones nowadays, any information can be sent either orally and written, which was impossible in the old days. As there is no wire attached to mobile phones, it can be carried easily anywhere, and as its size is not too big, individuals can also keep it in their pockets.

A student can also use a phone to immediately contact their parents in case of any student’s emergency. Mobile phones are considered very useful and have proven their importance to call security forces or an ambulance in emergencies like fires, medical issues, or maybe an accident.

A mobile phone is used to call or text someone and has multi-purposes like sending emails, taking pictures if someone doesn’t have a camera or communicating with people online, and making new friends. Nowadays, everything is being done online, and by using a mobile phone, one can effortlessly do almost everything with a single touch. Online banking, access to modern services and apps, improved networking capabilities, and online shopping are major tasks that can be performed using mobile phones.

But on the other side, the disadvantages of mobile phones are also there. As mobile phones are a constant, real-time communication and always available avenue, the incoming calls, texts, social-media related notifications, or emails can get into someone’s phone within seconds. It is convenient in some cases, but while in a meeting or attending a lecture, if the mobile phone starts to ring, it interrupts and disturbs everyone.

As communication becomes really easy due to mobile phones, the gripping feeling to text, make calls, or video calls while working, studying, or driving is a big distraction. Reports suggest that close to nine individuals die due to road accidents caused by phone distracted drivers every day. Isolation is also one of the huge negative impacts of using mobile phones. Everyone is busy using mobile phones even if they meet face-to-face, which is also one of the major causes of harm between relationships in an individual’s life.

The health problems due to the massive use of mobile phones are increasing day by day. Playing mobile phone games and having late night chats on bright screen results in damage to the eyes. According to researches, the network can cause skin cancers. Insomnia, eye cancer, and even infertility are some of the health problems caused by mobile phones’ huge use.

So, even though there are downsides to using mobile phones, it can be concluded that the benefits of using mobile phones are numerous; hence mobile phones have hugely benefitted humanity through numerous provisions of services. If an individual uses mobile phones while keeping in mind all the problems it can cause, the harms of using mobile phones can be reduced.

Short Essay on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Mobile phones are considered one of the best technologies that are hugely included in our daily lives. As mobile phones are very convenient to use, many people use it. The major advantage of using a mobile phone is it provides a platform for communication with an individual’s family and friends no matter where they are. A mobile phone is very useful while making a work schedule, keeping in touch with an individual’s workplace, surfing on the internet, and being even used to relaxing.

But there are many disadvantages to using a mobile phone too. Blood barriers, dizziness, ear problems, and brain damage are some of the bad effects one may get if they use mobile phones too much. Many driving accidents take place because the driver was using his mobile phone while driving.

Hence, even though mobile phones are not good for health, having a mobile phone in their hand does solve many issues as it holds most of the information from all around the world.

Read More: Disadvantages Of Mobile Phones Essay

10 Lines on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones in English

  • Mobile phones are technological devices that are used for communication and are easy to carry.
  • Initially, mobile phones were used just for text messaging and phone calls; however, mobile phones have also evolved to improve technologies.
  • Mobile phones nowadays can be termed as a portable computer as there are lots of activities which can be done on a mobile phone.
  • The overuse of mobile phones can cause isolation between individuals.
  • Another disadvantage of using mobile phones is wastage of time majorly in teens’ case as they end up playing games, watching movies and other entertainment wasting their precious time.
  • Many road accidents occur due to mobile phones’ use during driving, so mobile phones are a huge distraction source.
  • Security issues and cyberbullying are famous issues that are faced by mobile phone users.
  • However, mobile phones can be someone’s lifesaver in case of huge emergencies like accidents, fires, or medical emergencies by contacting emergency services immediately.
  • The Internet, which is accessible through mobile phones, is a huge relief as one does not need to visit internet cafes or sit in front of their computers to access the internet.
  • Depending on how an individual uses a mobile phone, mobile phones’ pros and cons vary, but mobile phones do make one’s life more commodious and pleasant.

FAQ’s on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones Essay

Question 1.  Are mobile phones important? Why?

Answer: Mobile phones are very important nowadays because they make an individual’s life more convenient and are the perfect way to stay connected with everyone.

Question 2.  Are mobile phones functional for a student?

Answer: Mobile phones are very useful for students because, through mobile phones, students can easily get in touch with higher officials through social media for any help. Students can also study online by using mobile phones, which is very convenient for them.

Question 3.  What is the effect of mobile phones on our life?

Answer: Mobile phones use, and addiction have increased mental health diseases like anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders. Studies have concluded that, on average, a person checks his phone one time every 12 minutes, which adds up to 80 times per day, which leads to a wastage of time. These are some of the effects of mobile phones in our daily lives.

Question 4.  How does using mobile phones affect an individual’s brain?

Answer: According to research conducted by the National Institute of Health in the US, the mobile phone harms our brain. They reported that after every fifty minutes on the phone, the sugar use inside the brain increases, which is a sign of increased activity, which is bad for our brain.

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Essay on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones

Mobile Phones have become an integral part of our day-to-day life. Teaching children to use their phones more thoughtfully can benefit them in both their personal and academic lives and help them become more effective citizens of society.

A mobile phone is a personal communication device that uses a wireless connection to do various functions such as sending and receiving messages, making and receiving calls, and accessing the internet. This article will help the readers to have an overview of the examples of different types of essays on the topic “Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones”.

Let’s dive right in.


Table of Content

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phone Essay 100 words

200 words essay on advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone, advantages and disadvantages of mobile phone essay 300 words, advantages of mobile phone, disadvantages of mobile phone, 10 lines essay on advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones.

There are advantages and disadvantages to mobile phones. First, let’s discuss the positive aspects. Our mobile phones facilitate easy communication with friends and family. With our phones, we may use the internet to discover new things as well. With their maps, they make it easy for us to locate our route, and we can even snap photos with them.

However, there are also some drawbacks. Overuse of phones by some individuals can be problematic. It might cause eye pain or even make it difficult to fall asleep. Furthermore, excessive phone use might cause us to lose focus when driving or walking, which is risky.

Thus, we must use our phones responsibly. It’s important to remember to take pauses and not use them excessively. Similar to consuming candy, moderation is key when it comes to this. Utilizing our phones sensibly may make them enjoyable and beneficial. However, we must exercise caution so as not to allow them to cause us issues.

With so many benefits, mobile phones have become an essential part of our life. They facilitate communication and let us stay in touch with loved ones no matter where we are or when we want. Additionally, mobile phones offer instant access to information, which keeps us up to date on global events. They are also useful for navigation, taking pictures to save memories, and even handling our money using mobile banking.

But there are also some disadvantages to these advantages. Overuse of a phone can become addictive, diverting our attention and decreasing our productivity. Extended periods of screen usage can lead to health problems like strained eyes and disturbed sleep cycles. Other drawbacks include privacy issues and the possibility of cyberbullying, which emphasise how crucial it is to use mobile phones properly.

In conclusion, even while mobile phones are incredibly beneficial for communication, information access, and convenience, it is important to consider the possible risks they may pose to one’s health, privacy, and general well-being. Maintaining a balance in the use of mobile phones is crucial to maximise their benefits while minimising their drawbacks.

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Mobile phones also referred to as cell phones, are now an essential component of our everyday existence. As with every technology, they have disadvantages in addition to their many advantages.

  • Earning Money: People can investigate flexible job choices by using mobile technology, which offers potential for generating revenue through a variety of channels, including freelance work, online markets, and gig economy applications .
  • Navigation: Cell phones with built-in GPS technology make travelling easier by making it simple for users to get directions, explore new areas, and successfully navigate uncharted territory.
  • Photography: The inclusion of high-quality cameras in mobile phones has made photography more accessible to a wider audience by encouraging innovation, enabling quick moment capture and sharing, and providing a platform for individual expression.
  • Safety: Cell phones help people stay safe because they give them a way to communicate in an emergency, ask for assistance, get in touch with authorities, and keep aware of their surroundings.
  • Health Problems: Extended usage of mobile phones is linked to possible long-term health hazards resulting from continuous exposure to radiofrequency radiation, as well as physical health problems such as soreness in the neck and back.
  • Cyber Bullying: Cell phones provide people with a platform to harass, threaten, or disseminate damaging information online, which puts the victims’ mental health in serious danger.
  • Road Accidents: Cell phone usage while driving increases the risk of distracted driving and traffic accidents, endangering the safety of both pedestrians and drivers.
  • Noise & Disturbance: M obile phone use may cause noise pollution in public areas, which can disrupt the peace and discomfort of others. This includes loud phone conversations, notification noises, and other mobile phone-related disruptions.
  • Easy Communication: Instantaneous and convenient communication is made possible by cell phones, which also develop real-time connections and bridge geographical distances, improving interpersonal relationships and job productivity.
  • Online Education: Since the development of mobile technology, more people have had access to educational materials than ever before, which enables them to pursue online courses, pick up new skills, and engage in lifelong learning at their own speed.
  • Social Connectivity: Through the use of various social media platforms, cell phones enable social engagement and networking, keeping individuals in touch with friends, family, and coworkers and promoting a feeling of community and shared experiences.
  • Banking & Transactions: The ease with which users may manage their accounts, transfer money, and complete transactions is made possible by mobile banking applications, which lessen the need for in-person bank visits and increase overall financial accessibility.
  • Promoting Buisness: Cell phones are effective instruments for marketing, communication, and company promotion. They let companies advertise to a wider audience, interact creatively with clients, and promote their goods and services.
  • Entertainment: Mobile phones have completely changed the entertainment sector by giving consumers access to a vast array of games, streaming services, and multimedia material that can be enjoyed while on the go.
  • Emergency Assistance: When it comes to emergency circumstances, cell phones are invaluable since they provide prompt access to emergency services, facilitate communication during emergencies, and serve as a lifeline for those in need of rapid aid.
  • Addiction & Distraction: Cell phone addiction may result from excessive use, which also makes people easily distracted, reduces productivity, and lessens in-person social contacts.
  • Sleeping Disorders: Due to the blue light that cell phones emit, prolonged use of them, especially right before bed, can interfere with sleep cycles, impair the generation of melatonin, and worsen insomnia and other sleeping problems.
  • Hearing issues: Long-term exposure to high decibel levels via headphones or phone conversations can cause hearing issues, such as loss or impairment of hearing, and pose a serious risk to the health of the auditory system.
  • Vision Problems: Digital eye strain, which can result in symptoms including dry eyes, headaches, and impaired vision, may be exacerbated by excessive cell phone screen usage. This condition may eventually cause long-term visual issues.
  • Privacy & Security Risks: Since personal data is vulnerable to hacking, unauthorised access, and abuse, there is a danger to both individuals and organisations while using mobile phones, which has led to worries about privacy breaches and security threats.
  • Wastage of Time: Using mobile phones excessively for unproductive purposes, including endlessly browsing social media or playing games, may lead to a major time waster that interferes with both personal and professional obligations.

The below are the 10 lines on advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones in English:

  • Mobile phones help us talk to friends and family easily.
  • They provide quick access to information through the internet.
  • Mobiles make it easy to find our way using maps and GPS.
  • We can capture memories with cameras on our phones.
  • Banking and managing money is convenient with mobile apps.
  • Mobiles offer entertainment with games and videos.
  • Using phones too much can be bad for our health.
  • It might disturb our sleep and hurt our eyes.
  • Too much phone use can be a distraction and affect our work.
  • Privacy can be at risk, and there might be issues like cyberbullying.

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FAQs on Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones Essay

What are the advantages of using mobile phones.

The advantages of using mobile phones are that they make our lives easier. They help us in easy communication, online education, banking and transactions, safety, emergency assistance etc.

What are the disadvantages of using mobile phones?

Some disadvantages of using mobile phones include addiction & distractions, sleeping disorders, hearing aids, noise & disturbance, wastage of time etc.

Why are mobile phones important?

Mobile phones are very important nowadays because they make an individual’s life more convenient and are the perfect way to stay connected with everyone.

How does using mobile phones affect an individual’s brain?

Research from the US National Institute of Health indicates that using a cell phone damages our brains. According to their findings, our brains utilise more sugar after every fifty minutes of phone usage. This is because sugar is an indicator of increased activity, which is detrimental for the brain.

What are the advantages of phone and disadvantages of phone?

Mobile phones offer communication and provide us the access to enormous information, but at the same time they can be addictive, cause distractions and invade our privacy.

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Guide to Advantage Disadvantage IELTS Essay Type

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ielts essay advantage disadvantage type

IELTS advantage/disadvantage essays ask you to write about the benefits and drawbacks of a topic as well as (sometimes) asking for your opinion.  This guide covers everything you need to know to complete an Academic IELTS advantage/ disadvantage essay. Let’s start preparing with Benchmark IELTS!

Table of Contents

1.1 understanding the question, 1.2 example advantage/disadvantage questions, 2.1 essay structure 1, 2.2 essay structure 2.

  • 3.1 Identify key words and phrases

3.2 Organise your ideas

3.3 identify vocabulary, 4.1 introduction, 4.2 main body paragraphs, 4.3 conclusion, 5.1 complete the sample advantage/disadvantage essay, 5.2 advantage/disadvantage sample essay, 1. advantage/ disadvantage essay overview.

This section of the guide will show you how to identify an IELTS advantage/disadvantage question.

Remember, there are five main types of writing task 2 questions:

  • Advantage/disadvantage
  • Double question
  • Problem/solution

It is very important to understand what type of question you are given in the exam so you can respond in an appropriate way: different question types will require different responses.

Advantage/disadvantage essay questions can be presented in several different ways.

Here are some examples of the way an advantage/disadvantage question may be worded:

  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your opinion.
  • Describe the advantages and disadvantages of _____ and give your opinion.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of _____?

You may also see questions using synonyms for advantage and disadvantage, for example:

  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of…?

Be careful, the question itself might not always use words or phrases relating to advantage/disadvantage and they could be hidden in the statement,  as seen here:

  • Some people believe that using a bicycle as your main form of transport has a lot of advantages , whereas others believe that it has many disadvantages . Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Here is another example of a question where you are asked to give your opinion:

  • Do the advantages of … outweigh the disadvantages

After you have identified the essay type , you need to understand what you are being asked to do. To do well in the Task achievement marking component, you need to ‘ address all parts of the task’ .

This type of essay question will always be split into two parts:

  • The IELTS statement
  • The question

You must always write about both the advantages and disadvantages of the given topic. As we can see in example questions 1-6, sometimes you are asked to give your opinion on the question, and sometimes you are not. Let’s compare the following questions:

You are not being asked to give your opinion

Here are some example advantage/disadvantage essay questions:

In the past, when students did a university degree, they tended to study in their own country. Nowadays, they have more of an opportunity to study abroad.

Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Today children spend a lot of their free time watching TV.

Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of this practice?

Also, read the following IELTS Essay Writing Guides

  • IELTS Discussion Type Questions
  • Double Question IELTS Essay Topics
  • Opinion-based Task 2 IELTS Guide
  • Problem Solution IELTS Writing Task Statement

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace. Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy.

The benefits of nuclear technology far outweigh the disadvantages.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In the past, when students did a university degree, they tended to study in their own country. Nowadays, they have the opportunity to study abroad.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development?

More and more people prefer to read news online rather than on paper.

Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience.

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2. Essay Structures for Advantage/Disadvantage Essays

There is more than one way to structure your advantage/disadvantage essay. You could take a thesis-led (opinion in the introduction) or an evidence-led (opinion in your conclusion).

You could also choose to focus on one or more than one advantage/disadvantage in each of your main body paragraphs.

The next two sections will give you two possible ways that you could structure your essay using four clearly organized paragraphs.

Thesis-led approach

Evidence-led approach

3. Planning your Advantage/Disadvantage Essay

Before you start writing your essay, you should give yourself 5 minutes to analyze the question and organize your ideas . Follow the tips below to create a well-planned essay!

3.1 Identify keywords and phrases

It sounds simple, but it is very important that you read the question carefully and understand what you are being asked to write about. To analyze the question, first, identify any keywords and phrases .

You should first identify the topic of the essay. If you do not write about the correct topic, you will score poorly in Task achievement . The general topic can always be found in the IELTS statement.

Let’s take a look at one of the previous examples:

The threat of nuclear weapons maintains world peace . Nuclear power provides cheap and clean energy .

The topic words are underlined and show the general topic of this essay question in nuclear weapons/power/technology .

After you have identified the general topic, you need to locate other keywords that give you more detail about the topic. In this question, the words world peace and cheap and clean energy in bold give you more information about the general topic. Therefore, your essay should only relate to these aspects of nuclear weapons/power/technology .

Now take a look at the question for our model answer at the end of this guide. Can you identify the general topic?

This is an important step that is often skipped by test-takers. By quickly writing down your key ideas, you will avoid repeating or missing any points and improve your score in both Task achievement and Coherence and cohesion .

You could use bullet points , columns , or another preferred method of writing down ideas . Here is an example for our sample essay:

Take a look at our Master Guide for a more in-depth look at idea generation and organizing your ideas.

Taking a moment to write down more uncommon vocabulary related to the essay topic will not only make you feel more relaxed in the exam but will also help you to improve your score in Lexical resources .

This doesn’t have to be a long list, just a few ideas that come into your mind. Here are some examples of the topic of studying abroad:

  • Culture shock
  • Language barrier
  • Broaden one’s horizons

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4. Writing your Advantages/Disadvantages Essay

Your introduction should be the shortest paragraph in your essay (about 40-60 words is perfect).

You need to rephrase the IELTS statement in your own words. This is known as paraphrasing (a key skill to develop for the IELTS exam).

Take a look at our example:

In the past, when students did a university degree, they tended to study in their own country. Nowadays, they have the opportunity to study abroad. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development?

You can also briefly state what your essay will be about in one clear sentence. For instance:

This essay will discuss both points of view and then I will give my opinion.

If you are taking a thesis-led approach, you can use one of the following sentence starters to briefly give your opinion:

  • I believe that…
  • It is my belief that…
  • In my opinion,…

A note on the use of the first person ‘I’: Unlike writing task 1, it is appropriate to use the first person in your writing task 2 essay. In fact, it is unavoidable when giving your opinion. But , you should not overuse ‘I’ in your essay and we recommend you limit your use to your introduction and conclusion.

Topic sentences Usually, the first sentence of your main body paragraph will be a topic sentence . The purpose of your topic sentence is to introduce the main idea of your paragraph .

You should include one topic sentence for each advantage/disadvantage . This means that, if your main body paragraphs focus on two advantages/disadvantages , then you should have two topic sentences per paragraph.

Here’s an example: One advantage of studying abroad is that students can improve their language skills.

Here are some other sentence starters you can use for your essays (you can replace the underlined words with vocabulary linked to your topic):

  • One advantage of studying abroad is that ….
  • Another benefit of studying abroad is that…
  • One downside of studying abroad is that…
  • Another downside of studying abroad is that…

Supporting sentences You should then expand on your topic sentence with a supporting sentence/sentences . Your sentence(s) could either describe a result of the advantage/disadvantage, go into more detail , or explain the reason(s) why these benefits/drawbacks occur.

Our example supporting sentence describes a result of the advantage given in the topic sentence.

Topic sentence – One advantage of studying abroad is that students can improve their language skills.

Supporting sentence – This means that when the students return to their home countries, they will have more employment opportunities.

Here are some sentences starters you can use to begin your supporting sentences:

  • This is because…
  • The result/consequence/reason is that…
  • This means that…
  • As a result/consequence,…
  • In other words,…  

Giving examples For all writing task 2 essay types , you must support your response with examples. Do not personalize your examples and link them to your life instead, Keep your examples more general . Also, do not refer to made-up statistics .

Here are some instances of suitable and non-suitable examples:

Suitable For example, many young people who study in an English-speaking country for a few years develop strong communication skills and have the confidence to work in an international company when they return home.

Not suitable My cousin spent three years in an English-speaking country and they got an excellent job with an international country when they came back to Spain. ( this example is too personal as it refers to the writer’s family ) ❌

According to statistics, international students are 30% more likely to get a job in an international company when they study overseas. ( this example contains a made-up statistic )

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You must include a conclusion to achieve a good score in Task achievement . Your conclusion does not have to be very long, but it needs to be clear and do two main things:

  • Paraphrase yourself : summarise the key points in your body paragraphs
  • Give your opinion : It depends if you have taken an evidence-led or thesis-led approach, you will either be re-stating the opinion given in your introduction or giving your opinion for the first time.

Make your conclusion easy to identify for the examiner by starting with linking phrases such as:

  • To sum up,…
  • To summarise,…
  • In conclusion,…

When you are paraphrasing the main points of your essay, you need to state that you have examined both sides of the argument (as that is what the question has asked you to do). To do this, consider using a phrase like:

In conclusion, having looked at this topic in detail, it is clear that there are both advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad .

You would need to replace the underlined section with your essay topic.

To give your opinion, you need to use a range of cohesive devices to introduce each example such as:

  • From my perspective,…
  • In my view,…

You then need to clearly state which side of the argument you agree with (advantage or disadvantage). Remember, your actual opinion does not matter, it is how you present your opinion using English that is important.

Here are some example sentences to do this effectively:

  • In my opinion, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
  • From my perspective, the drawbacks outweigh the benefits .

5. Example Advantage/Disadvantage Essay and Exercise

Now you’ve taken a look at how to write an advantage/disadvantage essay, let’s look at a model answer.

We have removed some of the words so you can put your knowledge to the test.

Select the correct missing words and complete the model answer.

years, it has become much more common for to complete their degree overseas instead of their country. Many believe that there are significant of doing this, while others argue that there are also connected to studying abroad. This essay will discuss both points of and then I will give my opinion.

One advantage of abroad is that students can improve their skills. This means that when the students return to their home countries, they will have more employment opportunities. , many young people study in an English-speaking country for a few years develop strong communication skills and have the confidence to work in an international company when they return home. benefit of studying abroad is that you can develop a better understanding of other cultures, for , learning about a country's customs, traditions and cuisines. The consequence of this is that people become more open-minded.

, there are some disadvantages of studying abroad. One is that students may miss their friends and family and feel . They may also find it difficult to connect with other students and make friends due to a . Another disadvantage is that students can experience a real culture shock when moving to another country. This is because the culture and language may be different which could lead to frustration for the student and with their study experience.

To , it is clear that there are both advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. In my , the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Although it is true that the experience may be challenging at first, on , if you study abroad you will have an enriching experience that will broaden your horizons and increase your future prospects.

/ 21

In recent years, it has become much more common for students to complete their degree overseas instead of their house country. Many persons believe that there are significant benefits of doing this, while others argue that there are also drawbacks connected to studying abroad. This essay will discuss both points of mind and then I will give my opinion.

One advantage of study abroad is that students can improve their employee skills. This means that when the students return to their home countries, they will have more employment opportunities. An example, many young people who study in an English-speaking country for a few years develop strong communication skills and have the confidence to work in an international company when they return home. On the other hand benefit of studying abroad is that you can develop a better understanding of other cultures, Example , learning about a country’s customs, traditions and cuisines. The consequence of this is that people become more open-minded.

In the other hand, there are some disadvantages of studying abroad. One backdraw is that students may miss their friends and family and feel homesad. They may also find it difficult to connect with other students and make friends due to a language barrier . Another disadvantage is that students can experience a real culture shock when moving to another country. This is because the culture and language may be different which could lead to frustration for the student and dissatisfaction with their study experience.

To overall , it is clear that there are both advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. In my thought, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks. Although it is true that the experience may be challenging at first, on balance , if you study abroad you will have an enriching experience that will broaden your horizons and increase your future prospects.

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Paying for Things Using Mobile Phone Apps – IELTS Writing Task 2

Kasturika Samanta

Updated On May 22, 2024


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mobile phone advantages and disadvantages ielts essay

Table of Contents

  • Band 7 Sample Answer for Writing Task 2 Question – Paying for Things Using Mobile Phone Apps
  • Band 8 Sample Answer for Writing Task 2 Question – Paying for Things Using Mobile Phone Apps
  • Band 9 Sample Answer for Writing Task 2 Question – Paying for Things Using Mobile Phone Apps
  • IELTS Writing Task 2 Connectors You Can Use in the Sample Answers for ‘Paying for Things Using Mobile Phone Apps’

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Advantage Disadvantage essays, like ‘Paying for Things Using Mobile Phone Apps’, are an integral part of IELTS Writing Task 2. Usually, in this kind of essay, you have to note down the benefits and drawbacks of a particular aspect, like studying abroad, tourism, school systems, etc.

Let’s have a look at the  Advantages and Disadvantages essay , Paying for Things Using Mobile Phone Apps from Cambridge IELTS 15 General Training Test 4 Writing Task 2 with three expert-curated sample answers ranging from Band 7 to 9. If you feel you need to practise more essays to master this task, you can check out the  IELTS Writing Task 2 Practice Tests .

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

In many countries, paying for things using mobile phone (cellphone) apps is becoming increasingly common. does this development have more advantages or disadvantages, give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience., write at least 250 words..

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Band 7 Sample Answer for Writing Task 2 Question – Paying for Things Using Mobile Phone Apps

Payment apps are getting more and more common in many nations across the world. This essay explains why people’s occasional technical troubles are not as detrimental as they may be given the benefits of this occurrence, which include convenience and safety.

To begin with, people find it more convenient to use bank applications rather than actual cash. For instance, a lot of people no longer carry cash because they might require more than they have on hand. Therefore, they have more freedom to spend the money they need or want when they choose to use paid apps. Additionally, using phone apps is safer. This is because cash or cards can be lost or stolen, but these applications have security built in case they fall into the wrong hands. For example, Apple Pay uses biometric authentication, adding an extra layer of security to transactions, thereby reducing the risk of fraud.

Nevertheless, there is a drawback to making mobile applications your primary mode of payment, which is the lack of internet access. Officers typically advise travelers to bring some cash in case their phones’ batteries die or their mobile data runs out. On such occasions, people would find themselves in a foreign nation without any financial means, which could lead to significant problems and a waste of time.

In conclusion, the benefits of utilising bank applications for payments, such as their practicality and security, far exceed the drawbacks of occasionally experiencing technical issues with internet connections or running out of battery life. These problems can also be resolved by searching for locations with free wifi and portable chargers. (266 words)

Band 7 Vocabulary 

  • Detrimental

Meaning:  causing harm or damage; having a negative effect

Example:  Drinking junk food on a daily basis is detrimental to health.

  • Biometric Authentication

Meaning:  a security process that relies on unique biological characteristics, such as fingerprints or facial features, to verify a person’s identity

Example:  Scientists are using multiple levels of biometric authentication to protect the secret code.

Meaning:  wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain

Example:  Nowadays, people become victims to various kinds of frauds.

  • Wrong hands

Meaning:  a situation where something falls into the possession or control of someone who should not have it, often with negative consequences

Example:  Make sure that this document does not fall into wrong hands.

  • Practicality

Meaning:  the quality or state of being practical; the degree to which something is useful, feasible, or suitable for a particular purpose

Example:  While purchasing something, considering the practicality is very important.

Meaning:  easily carried or moved, especially because of being relatively small or compact

Example:  Mr. Hooda always carries a portable chair with him.

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Band 8 Sample Answer for Writing Task 2 Question – Paying for Things Using Mobile Phone Apps

The practice of using mobile phone banking to make payments has gained popularity. This strategy has its pros and cons, but in my opinion, the advantages exceed the disadvantages. I’ll go into greater depth about the reasons in the following paragraphs.

First and foremost, convenience is undoubtedly a major benefit of making payments online. As long as there is an Internet connection, it is indisputable that this payment method can be used anytime, anyplace, and with only a few easy taps on the issuers’ smartphones. Put it in another way, it simplifies the payment process, allowing customers and businesses to save time and make purchases more quickly. In addition, the security aspect is responsible for the widespread use of e-transactions. Many mobile apps use advanced security measures, such biometric authentication, and encryption to safeguard users’ financial data and lower the possibility of financial fraud. As a result, a lot of customers think that using an online payment method offers them more security and comfort than using credit or cash.

However, accessibility is a major drawback of cashless payment methods. Recognising that not everyone has access to smartphones or dependable Internet connectivity is crucial, especially in remote or underdeveloped areas. Because of this, relying only on online payment may exclude people who cannot afford to use these technologies, hence widening the socioeconomic divide.

In summary, although using smartphone apps to make payments offers several advantages in terms of security and convenience, there are significant accessibility-related disadvantages associated with this trend. How users, companies, regulators, and technology providers handle the drawbacks and optimize the benefits will determine how effective this strategy is overall. (269 words)

Band 8 Vocabulary 

  • Indisputable

Meaning:  not open to question or dispute; unquestionable

Example:  Mario wants to be the indisputable king among his people.

  • e-transaction

Meaning:  the process of conducting business or financial transactions electronically, typically over the internet

Example:  People are mostly dependent on e-transaction nowadays.

Meaning:  process of converting information or data into a code to prevent unauthorized access or interception, especially during transmission over a network

Example:  Coders will check the encryption on this software.

  • Accessibility

Meaning:  quality of being easy to access or available for use; the degree to which something is reachable or usable

Example:  Accessibility is a problem in the remote areas of the mountain.

  • Socioeconomic divide

Meaning:  gap or disparity in income, wealth, education, opportunities, and other socioeconomic factors between different groups within a society

Example:  One cause of poverty is the socioeconomic divide.

Meaning:  make the best or most effective use of something; to improve efficiency or performance

Example:  You need to optimize your efforts and preparation to be successful.

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Band 9 Sample Answer for Writing Task 2 Question – Paying for Things Using Mobile Phone Apps

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Technological advancement has impacted every industry and opened up new opportunities. It has also changed the way that we currently make payments. Due to its accessibility and ease, mobile phone applications like digital wallets are seeing a rise in popularity for transactions. This essay will discuss how the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

Making the transition to online payments has a number of benefits. Firstly, this method of payment is easy to use and convenient. Anyone with a bank account and a debit card can complete the easy-to-understand payment procedures. Secondly, it lessens the necessity of carrying actual currency when venturing outside. Finally, it gives users access to an audit feature that allows them to monitor transactions on a daily basis. For example, the GooglePay mobile app keeps a passbook that can be viewed at any time to see the payments made from the account, which lessens the likelihood of disputes arising from transactions between parties.

On the other hand, the main problem of digital payment is the rise in fraud and cybercrime. These days, thieves are highly creative and constantly coming up with new ways to take advantage of people’s money. To exemplify, many incidents have been reported where lakhs of rupees were swiped from people’s accounts by tricking them into sharing their unique authentication PIN. Moreover, the possibility of technical malfunctions that could cause payment procedures to be disrupted is a serious drawback. For instance, software faults or network connectivity problems could momentarily make mobile payment apps unusable, which would be inconvenient for consumers and might even result in financial disruptions.

To sum up, using a phone to make payments has several advantages that improve people’s daily lives. But when making payments, one should be cautious and aware of the risks. (291 words)

Band 9 Vocabulary 

Meaning:  influenced or affected in some way

Example:  The flood impacted the lives of many people before the dam was built.

Meaning:  going somewhere that is potentially dangerous or unfamiliar; undertaking a risky or daring journey or activity

Example:  We stopped him from venturing into the cold.

Meaning:  inspection of financial accounts or records, typically to ensure accuracy, compliance with regulations, or detection of fraud

Example:  After the audit, new steps will be taken to control the loss.

Meaning:  chance of something happening; how likely it is for something to occur

Example:  There is no likelihood that he will attend the seminar.

Meaning:  criminal activities carried out using computers or the internet, typically involving theft, fraud, hacking, or other illegal activities

Example:  Social media and cybercrime go hand in hand.

  • Malfunction

Meaning:  failure to function or operate correctly; a defect or breakdown in the proper functioning of a machine, system, or process

Example:  Due to the malfunction in the machine, the project was stopped.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Connectors You Can Use in the Sample Answers for ‘Paying for Things Using Mobile Phone Apps’

Connectors or Linking words helps to bring coherence to your writing and increase your chances of scoring a high band. So, check out the list of  connectors/linking words  used in the sample responses for the IELTS Writing Task 2 – Paying for Things Using Mobile Phone Apps.

  • To begin with/First and foremost
  • For instance/For example/To exemplify
  • Therefore/As a result
  • Additionally/ In addition/Moreover
  • Nevertheless/However
  • In conclusion/In summary/To sum up
  •  Put it in another way
  • Because of this
  • Firstly…Secondly…Finally
  • On the other hand

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Kasturika Samanta

Kasturika Samanta

Kasturika is a professional Content Writer with over three years of experience as an English language teacher. Her understanding of English language requirements, as set by foreign universities, is enriched by her interactions with students and educators. Her work is a fusion of extensive knowledge of SEO practices and up-to-date guidelines. This enables her to produce content that not only informs but also engages IELTS aspirants. Her passion for exploring new horizons has driven her to achieve new heights in her learning journey.

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Fully explain your ideas

To get an excellent score in the IELTS Task 2 writing section, one of the easiest and most effective tips is structuring your writing in the most solid format. A great argument essay structure may be divided to four paragraphs, in which comprises of four sentences (excluding the conclusion paragraph, which comprises of three sentences).

For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

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How to Plan & Write IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essays

Questions for IELTS advantages and disadvantages essays  can be worded in several different ways. Here is some typical wording that might be used:

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of….?
  • Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages and give your opinion.

It is also common for synonyms of ‘advantages’ and ‘disadvantages’ to be used, such as ‘benefits’ and ‘drawbacks’, as can be seen in this sample question.

A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not well-managed.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world? Do you think that the benefits of tourism outweigh its drawbacks?

I’ll be using this question to guide you through the process of planning and writing an IELTS advantage and disadvantages essay later on in this lesson.

Here’s what the lesson covers:

  • Understanding IELTS advantages & disadvantages essay questions 
  • Essay structures
  • How to plan
  • How to write an introduction
  • How to write main body paragraphs
  • How to write a conclusion

Want  to watch and listen? Click on this video.

Click the links to see lessons on each of these Task 2 essay writing topics. 

Once you understand the process, practice on past questions. Take your time at first and gradually speed up until you can plan and write an essay of at least 250 words in the 40 minutes allowed in the exam.

The Question

IELTS advantages and disadvantages essay questions fall into two main categories:

  • Questions that ask for your opinion.
  • Questions that do not require you to state your opinion.

The first part of the question will always be a statement. You will then be asked to write about  both  the advantages  and disadvantages of the idea stated. You may also be required to state your opinion.

Here are two more sample questions for illustration. For the first one, you must give your opinion but in the second, you should not.

1. Small businesses are disappearing and being replaced by large multinational companies.

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

2. Most career choices demand vocational skills or specialist knowledge. However, despite this, most schools still teach academic subjects such as history or social studies.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this?

Essay Structures

Now let’s look at two simple structures you can use to write IELTS advantages and disadvantages essays. They're not the only possible structures but are ones I recommend because they are easy to learn and will enable you to quickly plan and write a high-level essay.

I’ll explain later why I’m giving you two slightly different structures.

mobile phone advantages and disadvantages ielts essay

These structures will give you a well-balanced essay with 4 paragraphs.

One Advantage and Disadvantage or Two?

The question will state 'advantages' and 'disadvantages' in the plural, that is, more than one. However, it is acceptable to write about just one.

This should give you an essay of just over the minimum 250 words. To write about two advantages and disadvantages will require you to write nearer 400 words which are a lot to plan and write in the 40 minutes allowed.

It is better to fully develop one advantage and one disadvantage than ending up with your second idea missing an explanation or an example because you run out of time, but you can write about two if you feel able to or more comfortable doing so.

Having said that, using essay structure 2, where you start with the examples, will enable you to easily add more than one advantage and disadvantage without having to write many more words.

It will be more suitable for some questions than others so bear this in mind when you're writing practice essays and try out both structures.

I’m going to use essay structure 2 to show you step-by-step how to write an IELTS advantage and disadvantages essay. I’ll also give you a model answer using essay structure 1 so that you can compare the two.

How To Plan IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essays

The planning process only takes around 5 minutes but it is essential as it will save you time overall and will result in a far better essay and thus, higher marks. Th ere are the 3 things you need to do:

  • Analyse the question
  • Generate ideas
  • Identify vocabulary

# 1  Analyse the question

Analysing the question will ensure that you answer it fully. It’s quick and easy to do. You just need to identify 3 different types of words:

  • Topic words
  • Other keywords
  • Instruction words

Topics words are the ones that identify the general subject of the question and will be found in the statement part of the question.

Here is the question we’re going to be working on. I’ve highlighted the topic words in blue.

So, this question is about ‘ tourism’ .

Many people do this first step of the process and then write about the topic in general. This is a serious mistake and leads to low marks for task achievement.

What we need to do now that we know the general topic, is to understand exactly what aspect of tourism we're being asked to write about.

The  other keywords  in the question tell you the specific topic your essay must be about. 

A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income . Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not well-managed.

By highlighting these words, it’s easy to see that you are being asked to write about the conflicting issues of tourism being ‘a main source of income’ in many places, yet also being ‘a source of problems’.

Your essay must only include ideas relevant to this aspect of tourism.

The  instruction words  are the question itself. They tell you exactly what to include in your essay.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of tourism in the modern world? Do you think that the  benefits of tourism outweigh its drawbacks ?

Here, we are required to write about:

  • The advantages of tourism in relation to income generation.
  • The disadvantage of tourism in relation to problems it can cause.
  • Our opinion as to whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Note the use of the synonyms ‘ benefits ’ and ‘ drawback ’ in the second sentence of the question.

# 2  Generate ideas

The next task is to generate some ideas to write about.

There are several different ways to think up ideas. I cover them fully on the  IELTS Essay Planning  page.

I’m going to demonstrate two of them for you here – the ‘friends technique’, which is suitable for most IELTS essays, and the ‘example method’, which perfectly fits essay structure 2.

The ‘ friends technique ’ is the method I generally prefer as it allows you to take a step back from the stress of the exam situation and think more calmly.

Here’s how it works. Imagine that you are chatting with a friend over a cup of coffee and they ask you this question. What are the first thoughts to come into your head? Plan your essay around these ideas.

Doing this will help you to come up with simple answers in everyday language rather than straining your brain to think of amazing ideas using high-level language, which isn’t necessary.

Here are my ideas using the friends technique:

mobile phone advantages and disadvantages ielts essay

There are far too many ideas here to include in an essay of just over 250 words. Think up a few then pick one advantage and one disadvantage that you think you can develop well.

With the ' example method ', on the other hand, you start by thinking of specific examples related to the question. They can come from your own experience or be something you’ve read or heard about. These examples will generate ideas that will become the main points of your essay.

It works particularly well for the model question I’ve selected for this lesson which is why I’ve included the second essay structure.

Here are my ideas using the examples technique:

mobile phone advantages and disadvantages ielts essay

Now that we have some ideas, we’re almost ready to start writing our IELTS advantages and disadvantages essay, but first, we have one more task to do.

# 3  Vocabulary

During the planning stage, quickly jot down some vocabulary that comes to mind as you decide what you're going to write about, especially synonyms of key words. This will save you having to stop and think of the right language while you’re writing.

Writing an IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

We’re ready to begin writing our essay. For the first model answer, I’m going to take you step-by-step through essay structure 2. I’ll then give you a model answer for essay structure 1.

Here’s a reminder of the question and the essay structure. 

We’ll now start work on the introduction.

How To Write an Introduction

The introduction to an IELTS advantages and disadvantages essay should have a simple 2 or 3 part structure:

  • Paraphrase the question
  • Outline the main ideas
  • State your opinion (if required)

Our tourism question asks for our opinion so our introduction will have 3 parts.

1)  Paraphrase the question

Start your introduction by paraphrasing the question statement.

     Question:   A lot of places in the world rely on tourism as a main source of income.             

      Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems if it is not well-managed.

Paraphrased question:  

Although holidaymakers contribute hugely to the economies of many popular destinations, the influx of tourists can also cause serious issues.

Note my use of synonyms for some of the key words. It’s fine to repeat one or two words if you can't think of suitable synonyms. Above all, your language must sound natural.

2)  Outline statement

Now we need to add a statement where we outline the main points that we’ll be covering in the rest of the essay, that is, an advantage of tourism and a disadvantage of tourism.

Here are the two main ideas I’ve chosen to write about:

  • Advantage – Poor areas are now prosperous tourist resorts
  • Disadvantage – Displacement of local people

Outline statement:  

This essay will demonstrate how tourism can transform the economy of poor areas but will also show that this can lead to such problems as the displacement of local people.

3)  Opinion statement

The question also asks for our opinion and it’s essential that we include it in the introduction.

Opinion statement:  

Whilst acknowledging that there are drawbacks, the essay will argue that the advantages of the tourist industry outweigh the disadvantages.

So, let’s bring the three elements of our introduction together.


mobile phone advantages and disadvantages ielts essay

This introduction achieves three important functions:

  • It shows the examiner that you understand the question.
  • It acts as a guide to the examiner as to what your essay is about.
  • It also helps to keep you focused and on track as you write.

The two ideas in your introduction will become your two main body paragraphs.

Main body paragraph 1  – Poor areas are now prosperous tourist resorts

Main body paragraph 2  – Displacement of local people

How To Write Main Body Paragraphs

Main body paragraphs in IELTS advantages and disadvantages essays written using structure 2, should contain 3 things:

  • Topic sentence – give an example
  • Explanation – explain the benefits/advantages
  • Consequence – state the result

Main Body Paragraph 1

The  topic sentence  summarises the main idea of the paragraph. It plays an important role in ensuring that your ideas flow logically from one to another. It does this by acting as a signpost for what is to come next, that is, what the paragraph will be about.

If you maintain a clear development of ideas throughout your essay, you will get high marks for task achievement and cohesion and coherence.

In this instance, the topic sentence will introduce our first example, for which I’ve chosen Thailand.

  • Main idea –  Poor areas are now prosperous tourist resorts
  • Example – Thailand

Topic sentence:  

One country that has experienced a significant economic boost from tourism is Thailand.

Next, we must write an  explanation sentence  that states the main point of our example.

Explanation sentence: 

Over the past 50 years, many of its small fishing villages, where people often struggled to make a living, have been developed into thriving holiday destinations.

Finally, we explain the  consequence or result  of the situation. This is where we give an example of one specific advantage. It is better to pick one and develop it than to just add a long list.


With all the hotels, restaurants, shops and other tourist facilities that have been developed, there are now enough jobs for everyone and the general standard of living has greatly increased.  Many local people have spotted new business opportunities and become entrepreneurs which has further diversified the economy.

That’s the 3 parts of our first main body paragraph complete. Here’s the finished paragraph.

mobile phone advantages and disadvantages ielts essay

We’ll now follow the same process for our second main body paragraph.

Main Body Paragraph 2

Main idea –  Displacement of local people

Example – Venice

First, we write the  topic sentence  to summarise the main idea.

Topic sentence:

In Venice, on the other hand, the huge popularity of the beautiful canals and stunning architecture with visitors from around the world has had a negative impact on local residents.

Now for the  explanation sentence   that states the main point of our example.

Explanation sentence:

The growing need for tourist accommodation, places to eat and shops has forced many people from their homes to make way for this new development.

Finally, a specific example to explain the consequence .

Not only have these people suffered by having to move away from their family and friends but the situation has also resulted in a lost sense of community in the worst affected areas.

That’s the 3 parts of our second main body paragraph complete. Here’s the finished paragraph.

mobile phone advantages and disadvantages ielts essay

Now we need a conclusion and our IELTS advantages and disadvantages essay is done.

How To Write a Conclusion

The conclusion is a summary of the main points in your essay and can generally be done in a single sentence. It should never introduce new ideas.

If you're below the minimum 250 words after you’ve written your conclusion, you can add a prediction or recommendation statement.

Our essay is already near the minimum word limit so we don’t need this extra sentence but you can learn more about how to write a prediction or recommendation statement for IELTS advantages and disadvantages essays on  the Task 2 Conclusions page.

The conclusion is the easiest sentence in the essay to write but one of the most important.

A good conclusion will:

  • Neatly end the essay
  • Link all your ideas together
  • Sum up your argument or opinion
  • Answer the question

If you achieve this, you’ll improve your score for both task achievement and cohesion and coherence which together make up 50% of the overall marks. Without a conclusion, you’ll score below band 6 for task achievement.

You can start almost any final paragraph of an IELTS a dvantages and disadvantages essay  with the words:

  • In conclusion


  • To conclude

Now all you need to do is briefly summarise the main ideas into one sentence.

Here’s a top tip . Go back and read the introduction to the essay because this is also a summary of the essay. It outlines what you are going to write about.

To create a great conclusion, you simply have to paraphrase the introduction. 


Here's the same information formed into a conclusion:

mobile phone advantages and disadvantages ielts essay

That’s it. We’ve completed our advantages and disadvantages essay. Here it is with the 4 paragraphs put together.

Finished IELTS advantages and disadvantages essay.

mobile phone advantages and disadvantages ielts essay

Go through this lesson as many times as you need to in order to fully understand it and put in lots of practice writing IELTS advantages and disadvantages essays from past exam questions. Practice is the only way to improve your skills.

Example IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essay for Structure 1

Now, here’s a model answer for essay structure 1. First, a reminder of the structure and the ideas I generated using the friends technique.

mobile phone advantages and disadvantages ielts essay

Ideas generation - Friends technique

I’ve underline the ideas I’ve chosen to write about in this second essay:

Advantages of tourism – source of income:

  • Provides jobs for local people
  • Opportunities for local entrepreneurs
  • Tourist spending boosts both national & local economy
  • Brings improvement in local infrastructure & facilities which benefit whole community
  • Helps maintain traditions & culture

Disadvantages of tourism – the problems:

  • Money goes to wealthy business owners not local people
  • Increased crime
  • Illegal activities, e.g. drugs
  • More pubs & clubs – changes the local culture
  • Increase in property values
  • Destruction of the natural environment to build hotels, airports & other facilities
  • Displacement of indigenous people 

See if you can identify the different parts of the essay and how I have developed them.

mobile phone advantages and disadvantages ielts essay

That's it. Now it's time for you to get practicing.

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The 5 Types of Task 2 Essay   – How to recognise the 5 different types of Task 2 essays. 15 sample questions to study and a simple planning structure for each essay type.

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How To Plan a Task 2 Essay  – Discover why essay planning is essential & learn a simple 4 step strategy, the 4 part essay structure & 4 methods of generating ideas.

How To Write a Task 2 Introduction  – Find out why a good introduction is essential. Learn how to write one using a simple 3 part strategy & discover 4 common mistakes to avoid.

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How To Write Task 2 Conclusions  – Learn the easy way to write the perfect conclusion for a Task 2 essay. Also discover 4 common mistakes to avoid.

Task 2 Marking Criteria  – Find out how to meet the marking criteria in Task 2. See examples of good and poor answers & learn some common mistakes to avoid.

The 5 Task 2 Essay Types:

Step-by-step instructions on how to plan & write high-level essays. Model answers & common mistakes to avoid.

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  Advantages & Disadvantages Essays

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phones Essay

iit-jee, neet, foundation

Table of Contents

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phone Essay: In this essay about mobile phones, children can learn about the good and bad sides of using them. Mobile phones are very important in our daily lives. If we teach kids to use their phones wisely and at the right times, it will help them in school and in their personal lives. A mobile phone is a small device that lets us talk to others, send messages, use the internet, and do other things without wires. Mobile phones are now a big part of our lives. They have made a world where almost anything is possible and made communication much faster. In the future, mobile phones will keep getting better and change how people connect with each other in society.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phone Essay 100 words

Mobile phones offer a significant advantage nowadays by providing continuous entertainment, keeping people from getting bored. They also make accessing information easier, especially through the internet, which is a vast source of knowledge. With mobile phones, you can stay connected to the internet and access any information you need.

However, there are downsides to mobile phones. Students often get distracted from their studies due to the allure of phones, affecting their focus on education. Additionally, the constant availability of information through mobile phones has led to various security threats, which can be harmful.

In summary, while mobile phones offer entertainment and quick access to information, they can also be distracting for students and pose security risks. It’s important to use mobile phones responsibly and balance their advantages with their drawbacks.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phone Essay 200 words

Mobile phones serve as a convenient tool for human interaction, offering quick communication and easy access to information through the internet. This benefits students, professionals, and homemakers, especially with the rise of online education after Covid-19.

However, excessive mobile phone use can have drawbacks. It can distract students and adults from their work or studies. Students may use phones during study time for non-educational purposes, causing concern for parents and teachers. Additionally, prolonged screen time, like watching movies or playing games, can lead to eye discomfort such as dryness, redness, and itching. To avoid these issues, it’s advisable to take short breaks and regularly cleanse your eyes when using a mobile phone extensively.

In summary, while mobile phones offer valuable advantages in communication and information access, they should be used mindfully to prevent distractions and potential health issues related to prolonged screen time.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phone Essay 300 words

Mobile phones, commonly known as cell phones, have become an essential part of our daily lives. They bring many benefits, but like any technology, they also have drawbacks.


  • Communication: Mobile phones have transformed how we communicate. They keep us connected with family, friends, and colleagues, no matter where we are. This is especially crucial in emergencies.
  • Access to Information: With the internet at our fingertips, mobile phones provide quick access to a vast amount of information. They act as mini-computers, answering questions, providing news, and offering educational resources.
  • Convenience: Mobile phones offer unmatched convenience. They allow us to make calls, send texts, check emails, and perform various tasks on a single device that easily fits in our pocket.
  • Safety: Mobile phones enhance personal safety. In emergencies or unfamiliar places, they enable us to call for help or use GPS to find our way.
  • Entertainment: Mobile phones offer a wide range of entertainment options. You can play games, watch videos, listen to music, and even read books—all on your mobile device.


  • Distraction: Mobile phones can be distracting, especially for students and those at work. Notifications, social media, and games can divert attention from important tasks.
  • Health Concerns: Prolonged mobile phone use can lead to health issues like eye strain, neck pain, and poor posture. Additionally, concerns exist regarding potential long-term effects of radiofrequency radiation exposure.
  • Privacy: Mobile phones can compromise your privacy. Personal information stored on your device can be vulnerable to hacking, and your location can be tracked.
  • Social Isolation: Ironically, excessive mobile phone use can lead to social isolation. People may spend more time on their phones than interacting with those around them.
  • Addiction: Some individuals develop addiction-like behaviors toward their mobile phones. This addiction, often referred to as nomophobia, can negatively impact mental health.

In conclusion, mobile phones have unquestionably changed how we live and communicate. While they offer incredible benefits in terms of convenience and connectivity, it’s crucial to use them mindfully, balancing their advantages with potential drawbacks, to ensure a healthy and productive lifestyle.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phone Essay 500 words

The Impact of Mobile Phones on Our Lives

Mobile phones have significantly transformed the way we live in today’s modern world. This remarkable innovation has brought convenience and comfort to our lives, but like everything else, it has its drawbacks.

  • Easy Communication: Mobile phones have made it incredibly easy to stay connected with family and friends, even those who live far away. They make communication more convenient and affordable. With features like video calls, text messaging, and recorded calls, staying in touch has never been easier.
  • Education Accessibility: During and after the Covid-19 pandemic, many educational institutions started offering online classes. Since not everyone has a laptop or computer at home, mobile phones have played a crucial role in helping students access online education. They’ve brought education to even the most remote corners of the world.
  • Eye Health: Prolonged use of mobile phones can harm eyesight. Complaints like redness, itching, watery eyes, and dryness are common among frequent mobile phone users. Harmful rays emitted by mobile phones can also affect vision in some cases. To counter these effects, it’s advisable to perform basic eye muscle exercises, regularly wash your eyes, and take breaks while using the phone.
  • Distraction: Parents often complain about their children using mobile phones excessively, which can lead to less study and playtime. Even adults can get distracted from work or important tasks by mobile phones. To combat this, it’s a good idea to allocate specific time slots for mobile phone use. For example, students can study for an hour and then spend 10 minutes on their phone, repeating the cycle. Installing time-blocking apps that alert you when you’ve spent too much time on an app can also help.

In today’s age of technological advancement, mobile phones have become incredibly important. They’ve simplified our lives in many ways. However, how we use mobile phones can have both positive and negative effects. While they are designed to improve human interaction and provide quick access to information, overuse can lead to adverse outcomes, including negative health effects.

It’s crucial for both students and adults to be mindful of their mobile phone usage. We can make the best use of mobile phones for accessing information, communication, and entertainment when we use them mindfully and in moderation. Remember, balance is key to reaping the benefits of this technological marvel while minimizing its downsides.

10 Lines on Disadvantages and Advantages of Mobile Phones in English

  • Mobile phones are convenient communication devices that are easy to carry.
  • Initially, they were mainly used for texting and calls, but they have evolved to offer more features.
  • Today, mobile phones can be considered portable computers due to the various tasks they can perform.
  • Excessive mobile phone use can lead to social isolation.
  • Another drawback is the time wasted by teenagers on games and entertainment.
  • Mobile phone use while driving can cause accidents as they are a major distraction.
  • Security concerns and cyberbullying are common issues faced by mobile phone users.
  • However, in emergencies like accidents or fires, mobile phones can be a lifesaver by enabling immediate contact with emergency services.
  • Access to the internet through mobile phones is convenient, eliminating the need for internet cafes or computers.
  • The pros and cons of mobile phones depend on how individuals use them, but they generally enhance convenience and enjoyment in life.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Phone Essay FAQs

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a mobile phone essay.

Mobile phones have benefits like communication and convenience but drawbacks such as distraction and privacy concerns.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones?

Mobile phones offer communication and access to information, but they can be addictive and invade privacy.

What are the 10 advantages of mobile phone?

Mobiles help in communication, internet access, GPS navigation, and more. They're convenient for work and social connections.

What are the advantages of phone and disadvantages of phone?

Phones connect us and provide information, but they can lead to distractions and privacy issues.

What are 3 disadvantages of mobile phone?

Mobiles can cause addiction, distractions, and privacy concerns

What are the disadvantages of mobile for students?

Students may face distractions, reduced focus, and cyberbullying with mobiles.

What are 5 disadvantages of a phone?

Mobiles can be addictive, affect sleep, lead to privacy issues, cause accidents, and contribute to social isolation.

What are 10 advantages of mobile phone?

Mobiles offer communication, internet access, GPS, entertainment, and convenience for tasks like banking and shopping.

Mobiles can lead to addiction, distractions, privacy concerns, sleep disturbances, and cyberbullying.

What is mobile phone essay?

A mobile phone essay discusses the pros and cons of using mobile phones in everyday life.

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How to Write An IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay?

How to Write and IELTS Advantages - Disadvantages Essay - IELTS Luminary

Are you aiming to achieve a high band score in the IELTS exam? Do you find yourself puzzled by the task of writing an 'IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay'? Then you've landed in the perfect place!

In this comprehensive guide, we'll unlock the secrets to acing this challenging yet rewarding part of the IELTS writing exam. We'll take you step-by-step through understanding the structure of an 'IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay', crafting an effective outline, and using a practical template to write a well-balanced essay.

Whether you're a seasoned IELTS test-taker or new to the game, our guide is packed with actionable tips and examples to help you shine in the exam. Our aim is to make your IELTS preparation journey as smooth as possible.

So, sit back, grab your notepad, and let's dive into the world of IELTS writing. By the end of this guide, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and confidence to write an outstanding IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay. Let's start the journey towards IELTS success together!

IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay Structure

Introdu ction

An effective introduction is vital for setting the tone of your essay. It should introduce the topic in a clear and concise manner, provide some context, and outline the structure of the essay. The intr oduction should be designed to pique the reader's interest, prompting them to read on. Here's a sample introduction for an essay on "The Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning":

"With the rapid advancement of technology, online learning has become a prevalent mode of education. This essa y will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this modern educational approach."

Advantages and Disadvantages

The body of your essay will consist of two main sections: the advantages and the disadvantages. Each of these sections should contain one or two paragraphs explaining the relevant points.

For each advantage or disadvantage, start with a topic sentence that clearly states the point. This should be followed by supporting details and examples. A balanced view is crucial here; try to give equal attention and depth to both sides of the argument.

Here's an example for the aforementioned topic:


"One significant advantage of online learning is its flexibility. Unlike traditional classroom settings, online courses allow students to learn at their own pace, making education more accessible for people with busy sc hedules. For instance, working professionals can take up online courses to upskill themselves without compromising their job commitments."

"Another benefit is the vast amount of resources available online. Students have access to a plethora of learning materials like videos, eBooks, and online forums, thereby diversifying their learning experience."

Disadvantag es:

"Despite its numerous benefits, online learning also has its drawbacks. One major disadvantage is the lack of face-to-face interaction. This can lead to feelings of isolation and can also hinder the development of essential social skills."

"Additionally, not everyone has reliable internet access or the necessary technological devices, which can exclude some individuals from accessing online education, thus widening the digital divide."

The conclusion is the final section of your essay. It should not introduce any new information but rather summarise the main points discussed in the essay. It should also reiterate the significance of the topic and provide a clear and compelling concluding statement.

Here's a sample conclusion for our example:

"In conclusion, online learning presents numerous advantages, including flexibility and vast learning resources. However, it also has its pitfalls such as lack of personal interaction and potential exclusion of those without adequate technology or internet access. Thus, while online education is a powerful tool in the modern world, these considerations should be addressed to make it more effective and inclusive."

Remember that the structure outlined here serves as a general guide. The specific requirements might vary depending on the given essay prompt, so it's essential to read the instructions carefully. Keep practicing, and soon you'll master the art of writing an excellent IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay.

Exploring the IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay Outline

An effective outline is your roadmap to a successful essay. It helps organise your thoughts, ensuring a logical flow of ideas from start to finish.


Introduce the topic: Your introduction should set the stage for your essay. Begin with a general statement about the topic, then narrow it down to the specific issue you'll be discussing. For example, if you're writing about online learning, you might start by discussing the role of technology in education.

Give a brief overview of what will be discussed in the essay: Following the topic introduction, your next sentence should preview the points you'll discuss - the advantages and disadvantages of the issue. Using our online learning example: "This essay will explore the advantages, such as flexibility and access to vast resources, along with disadvantages like potential isolation and technology disparities, of online learning."

Topic sentence outlining the first advantage: The first sentence of this paragraph should clearly state the advantage you're discussing. For instance: "A key advantage of online learning is its unprecedented flexibility."

Explanation and examples supporting the advantage: Next, explain this advantage in more detail, providing relevant examples or evidence. You could say, "Online courses allow learners to engage with materials at their convenience. For example, a working professional might study after work hours, something not possible with traditional, scheduled classes."


Topic sentence outlining the first disadvantag e: Like the advantages section, begin with a clear topic sentence stating the disadvantage. Example: "Despite its benefits, online learning also presents challenges, notably a lack of personal interaction."

Explanation and examples supporting the disadvantage: Explain this disadvantage further, again providing examples or evide nce. You could explain, "In online classes, students miss out on face-to-face engagement with peers and teachers, which can lead to feelings of isolation and a lack of essential communication skills."

Summarize the main points: The first part of your conclusion should briefly recap the main points of your essay. Avoid introducing new information here. Using our example, "Online learning, while offering flexibility and a wealth of resources, also presents challenges in terms of personal interaction and technological disparities."

Restate the significance of the topic: Reiterate why your topic is important. You might say, "As technology continues to evolve, understanding the pros and cons of online learning is crucial for educators and students alike."

Provide a clear and compelling concluding statement: Finally, end with a powerful statement that ties your essay together. For instance: "Thus, while online education is a powerful tool in the modern era, its challenges must be addressed to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive learning experience."

Remember, an outline is a flexible tool. It should guide your writing, but don't be afraid to deviate from it if your essay's flow requires it. Use it as a roadmap, not a strict rulebook.

Utilizing the IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay Template

The IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay Template is a powerful tool for shaping your thoughts and ideas into a coherent and persuasive piece of writing. Let's delve into the specifics using an example topic: "The rise of electric vehicles".

Your introduction should succinctly introduce your topic and provide an overview of what the essay will cover. For our example, this might look like:

"The increasing popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) is a significant trend in today's automotive industry. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this growing shift towards electric transportation."

Now it's time to discuss the benefits. Each advantage should be addressed in its own paragraph, beginning with a topic sentence, followed by an explanation, and then an example.

Advantage 1:

Topic sentence: "One notable advantage of EVs is their contribution to environmental sustainability."

Explanation: "Unlike traditional vehicles, EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, reducing the amount of harmful pollutants released into the environment."

Example: "For instance, replacing a conventional car with an electric one can save approximately 1.5 million grams of CO2 per year."

Advantage 2:

Topic sentence: "Another b enefit of EVs is their potential for cost savings in the long run."

Explanation: "Although the upfront cost of EVs can be higher, their lower operating costs over time can offset this initial investment."

Example: "Research shows that EVs can be 2-3 times cheaper to run per mile compared to petrol or diesel vehicles, depending on electricity prices and driving habits."

Next, outline the drawback s of th e topic, again devoting one paragraph to each point.

Disadvantage 1:

Topic sentence: "Despite their benefits, EVs also have drawbacks, including the current limitation s of battery technology."

Explanation: "EV batteries often have a limited range and can take a considerable amount of time to charge, which can be inconvenient for users."

Example: "For instance, a typical EV may need to be recharged after 150-200 miles, and full charging can take up to 12 hours, depending on the charger type and battery size."

Disadvantage 2:

Topic sentence: "Another disadvantage is the insufficient charging infrastructure, particularly in remote or rural areas."

Explanation: "The lack of widespread, accessible charging stations can make long-distance travel with EVs more challenging."

Example: "In certain rural regions, charging points can be over 100 miles apart, making EV usage less feasible."

Conc lusion

The conclusion shou ld recap the main points, restate the topic's significance, and provide a clear concluding statement.

"In conclusion, the rise of electric vehicles brings substantial benefits, including environmental sustainability and potential long-term cost savings. However, challenges such as battery limitations and insufficient charging infrastructure remain. As the automotive industry continues to evolve, addressing these challenges will be crucial to fully realize the potential of electric transportation."

Remember, the template provided here is a guide, and should be adapted based on the specifics of your essay prompt and the ideas you want to convey. With understanding, practice, and perseverance, you'll be well-equipped to master the IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay.

10 key tips How to write a High Band Advantages Disadvantages Essay

Understand the Structure: Familiarize yourself with the IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay Structure. Your essay should have an introduction, two body paragraphs (one for advantages, one for disadvantages), and a conclusion.

Create an Outline: Before you start writing, make an outline. This will help you organize your thoughts, ensure a logical flow of ideas, and make sure you don't miss any crucial points.

Use the Right Template: Use the IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay Template as a guide to structure your essay appropriately. This template ensures you don't miss any crucial elements in your essay.

Balance Your Arguments: Make sure to present a balanced view. You should provide an equal amount of information for both the advantages and disadvantages. This shows the examiner that you can objectively discuss a topic.

Use Examples: Include relevant examples to support your points. Examples make your points more concrete and persuasive.

Mind Your Language: Use clear, precise, and formal language. Avoid slang and contractions, and make sure your grammar and punctuation are correct.

Stay on Topic: Stick to the topic throughout the essay. It's easy to go off on tangents, but staying focused on the topic ensures you address the question effectively.

Use Transition Words: Transition words like "However", "Moreover", "Additionally", and "On the other hand" can help your essay flow better. They guide the reader through your thoughts, making your essay easier to follow.

Practice and Review: Regular practice is key to improving your essay writing skills. After each practice, review your essay to identify areas where you can improve.

Manage Your Time: You will have a limited amount of time to write your essay during the IELTS exam. Practice writing essays within a set time frame to ensure you can effectively manage your time during the actual test.

Remember, writing a compelling essay takes practice and patience. Keep refining your writing skills, and you'll be well on your way to achieving a high score on the IELTS exam. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay?

An IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay is a type of essay that appears in the writing section of the IELTS exam. It requires candidates to discuss both the pros and cons of a given topic, displaying a balanced and objective understanding.

2. How do I use the IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay Template?

The IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay Template is a guide to help structure your essay. It typically includes an introduction, separate paragraphs for advantages and disadvantages, and a conclusion. Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence, followed by explanation and examples.

3. What is the best way to structure an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay?

The best way to structure an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay is by following the IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay Structure, which includes four main sections: introduction, advantages, disadvantages, and conclusion. Ensure to maintain balance in your arguments, providing equal attention to both pros and cons.

4. How can I create an effective IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay Outline?

To create an effective IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay Outline, start by listing the main points you plan to discuss in your essay. Break down each section into smaller parts, including topic sentences, explanations, and examples for each advantage and disadvantage.

5. How important is it to use examples in an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay?

Using examples in an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay is very important. Examples provide solid evidence to support your points, making your arguments more persuasive and relatable.

6. What are some tips for writing an excellent IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay?

Key tips for writing an excellent IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay include understanding the structure, creating an outline, using the right template, balancing your arguments, using examples, sticking to the topic, using transition words, practicing regularly, and managing your time effectively.

7. What are the common mistakes to avoid while writing an IELTS Advantages Disadvantages Essay?

Common mistakes to avoid include straying off-topic, presenting unbalanced arguments, skipping the conclusion, failing to use examples, and not using transition words to link ideas. Additionally, using informal language, not managing time effectively, and not reviewing your work for errors can negatively impact your score.

Please note, if you want to boost your IELTS Writing score, check these comprehensive eBooks   and personalised Essay Feedback by an experienced IELTS examiner.

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IELTS Advantage Disadvantage Essay Lesson

This lesson is about IELTS advantage disadvantage essay questions when you are told to assess whether the benefits of something outweigh the drawbacks.

The topic of the essay which is used as an example is about the trend to live and work abroad.

Take a look at the essay question we are going to analyse:

People now have the freedom to work and live anywhere in the world due to the development of communication technology and transportation.

Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Understanding the Task

When you have this type of advantage disadvantage essay it is important to distinguish between this and one that asks you to discuss advantages and disadvantages but does  not  ask your opinion.

If you are asked “ What are the advantages and disadvantages of….. ” you are not being asked your opinion. You simply have to discuss the benefits and drawbacks.

You could do this in  two body paragraphs:

  • Body One: The positive points
  • Body Two: The negative points

However, if you have the word “ outweigh ” or “ Will this trend have more positive or negative effects? ” then you are being asked for  your opinion  and you must say which there are the most of – positive or negative impacts. 

If you do not do this then you may get your score reduced on ‘ Task Response ’ for not fully addressing the question.

If you look at the  IELTS   public band descriptors  (available to download if you do an internet search or available from your local IELTS centre), you will see that this could reduce your band to a 5 for this criteria (it would not necessarily affect the other three criteria).

(Check this lesson on  IELTS Band 7  for an overview of the criteria for getting a band 7 if you are unsure of what the criteria are).

Take a look at these examples:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?

This advantage disadvantage essay is not asking for your opinion. You could simply write one paragraph on the advantages and another on the disadvantages.

However, this one does:

Will this have more positive or negative impacts?

What does 'Outweigh' mean?

Another point to be careful of is using the word ‘ outweigh ’. It is common for IELTS students to get mixed up when they write the thesis statement, and actually say the opposite to what they write in the essay!

For example, they will say the drawbacks outweigh the benefits, but then give more benefits in the essay. This makes no sense. 

So if you are not sure you can use the word correctly, I would recommend  not  using it in this type of IELTS advantage disadvantage essay. You can just say what your opinion is, as in the thesis in the model answer:

I believe that this has more benefits than drawbacks.

This will avoid any mistakes. 

Writing your Thesis

You then need to think of  3 supporting ideas . One for one side and two for the other side.

So you will then have three body paragraphs, one with the drawback / benefit and two with the advantages / disadvantages.

It is common academic practice to  start with the opposing opinion to yours, so you can start with the point that you have one idea for.

As explained above, it is very important, especially if you are looking for a band 7 or higher, that your opinion reflects what is in your essay. So if you have said there are more benefits, then you would have two benefits and one drawback.

Now take a look at the advantage disadvantage essay model answer.

Model Advantage Disadvantage Essay 

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge.

Write at least 250 words.

Advantage Disadvantage Essay Model Answer

These days many people choose to live or work in other countries, which has been made possible because of the convenience of air travel and modern communications. I believe that this has more benefits than drawbacks. 

The disadvantage of this development is the distance that is put between family members. If a person moves away it is true that air travel and devices such as skype mean that communication and contact can be maintained. However, it is likely that a person will only be able to return one or two times a year during holidays, and speaking on skype or via email is not the same as face-to-face contact. 

Despite this, there are significant advantages it can bring to people’s lives. Firstly, it means that people have the opportunity to see other parts of the world and the way people live. For example, people from the West often go to work in Asia or the Middle East and visa-versa. This enriches many people’s lives as they get to learn about other languages, traditions, cultures and different ways of working from their own country.  

In addition to this, on a wider level it may also benefit other countries. If someone moves abroad for work, it is usually because their skill is required there. To illustrate, nurses and Doctors often move to work in hospitals in other countries when there is a shortage, so this is very valuable to the place they move to. 

I would therefore argue that although there are disadvantages of the current trend to live and work abroad, they are outweighed by the advantages. It can enrich people’s lives and lives of the people in the countries that they move to.  

( 283 Words )

As you can see in the essay, the writer believes there are more benefits so the essay is biased towards this opinion, giving more advantages than disadvantages.

The opinion is very clear, and repeated in the conclusion, and the body of the essay reflects this opinion so there will be no confusion when someone reads it.

Other Ways to Answer the Question

This is not to suggest that this method is the only way to answer this type of question. There could be other ways.

For example, some people advise to write two body paragraphs - one on the advantages and another on the disadvantages, then in the conclusion state which one outweighs the other.

You can do this, but it can look at bit odd if you write about them equally, but then say there are more of one than the other! A conclusion can be cleverly worded to make this work, but that is a high level skill that many candidates do not have.

You could write only about the advantages or only about disadvantages and argue that one vastly outweights the other. However, the fact that the question uses 'outweigh' or 'more' is suggesting that there are both benefits and drawbacks.

The benefit of organising your advantage disadvantage essay as illustrated in this lesson is that by looking at both sides, you will have  more ideas to brainstorm . And importantly, your  opinion is clear and this is  reflected in the essay , which is balanced to reflect and support your opinion.

A model answer for this essay will be posted shortly so watch this space, or  sign up using the form on the right  to be notifed when there are updates to the site.

Now you can have a practice.

Try to answer this advantage disadvantage essay question:

More and more students are choosing to study at colleges and universities in foreign countries.

Do the benefits of studying abroad outweigh the drawbacks?

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