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Disney Professional Internship Essentials: Get Noticed, Get hired

The Disney Professional Internships team is eager to find talented candidates like you for our wide variety of internship opportunities. The next chapter of your story could be a Disney internship, and we want to help!

Top 5 ways to get noticed for a Disney Professional Internship

  • Make your résumé stand out by making it concise and easy-to-read – recruiters only spend a few seconds before deciding whether or not to move on, so make it easy for them to locate your key skills. Your résumé should be appropriate for the roles you are applying for, for example, a legal or analytical résumé should be standard in format, while a creative résumé for an art or graphic design position should showcase your skills.

cover letter for disney college program

  • If you write a cover letter, use it to tell why you are excited about that particular role and how you would be a great fit, rather than reiterate what is on your résumé. Make it easy to read, too, using short paragraphs and bullet points if appropriate.
  • Use your contacts – sometimes it is who you know, even if that means just getting your résumé “pulled from the stack” and put in front of the right person. And remember, your contacts may help you get your foot in the door – but you have to win the internship yourself.
  • If you are invited to a preliminary interview, take it seriously as it the gateway to an interview with the decision-maker. Do your homework about the job and the company, and show your enthusiasm through your tone and your questions.
  • Interviews with hiring leaders will be more in-depth than a preliminary interview – be even more prepared – and be on time. Expect to share examples from your previous experience and have questions prepared. A thank-you note can separate you from other candidates.

Top 5 ways NOT to get noticed for a Disney Professional Internship

  • Present a sloppy résumé that is too long, not formatted well, or inappropriate for the industry you are applying to. Recruiters review A LOT of résumés, and will pass by one that is difficult to read, disorganized or unsuitable.
  • Write a cover letter that is riddled with grammatical errors, incorrect company names or job titles. If your letter states that you have strong attention to detail, but has the wrong company name, you WILL be passed over.

cover letter for disney college program

  • Ask a contact or a recruiter to tell you what jobs are available or best for you. Even if you do have a connection who can help, don’t make them do the work for you. Tell them what positions you are interested in, why you would be a good fit, and how you would like them to help. Do your homework first, and apply to the position online. Be polite and appreciative. And always attach your most recent résumé. Make it easy for them to help.
  • Treat a preliminary phone interview casually. Please do not answer the phone inappropriately, forget about the interview, or talk while walking your dog. Really.
  • Waste a leader’s time by not being on time, not being prepared, and not being professional.

Put your best self forward – we are excited to meet you!

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Let The Magic Begin: How I Landed My Disney Professional Internship (And How You Can Too!)

cover letter for disney college program

One to three percent—that’s the statistic I read as I Googled the acceptance rate for getting a Disney Professional Internship. When I got the life-changing call that I was invited to interview for Disney with a recruiter, I think my heart may have actually stopped for a hot second. 

Now, flash-forward a couple months, and one of my biggest dreams came true. I’m now working as a Professional Intern for Disney General Entertainment. I work for the Disney Branded Television segment, and I get the amazing opportunity to work with passionate teams to bring movies and TV shows to children and families around the world. I love how hands-on and exciting the environment is, even from a virtual setting. I’ve gotten to meet with production teams, analytics teams and so many other groups across the company as a Professional Intern (not to mention all the important programming and fun events that are offered, and the chance to network and make new friends!).

But it’s definitely not been easy; I’ve had to learn how to strategize my time more precisely than ever to manage working 40 hours a week, my student schedule, social events, extracurriculars, taking care of my mental and physical health and basically still being a person. But I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long time. And I think that’s because I’m spending every day (no matter how busy) learning something new, growing my skills and doing what I love. 

Now, it’s your turn: I want to help you find that magic for yourself! 

So, the run-down: there are two types of opportunities for college students to work for the Walt Disney Company. The first is through the Disney College Program , where you go to live and work at the Parks. The second is through the Disney Professional Internship Program, which aligns more closely with the corporate and business sectors, which is what I’m currently doing. 

Here are five of my biggest tips on landing your own Disney internship, from the application process to the interview portion!

1. Polish your resume by analyzing your experiences

So step one: the application process. Yeah, it can definitely be daunting, but in the words of the man Walt himself: “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” 

I suggest making a whole new resume. Start from scratch (you can use your old resumes to help you fill in information), but now is the time for reflection. Design this new resume that shows off why you’d be the perfect candidate. Don’t use filler words. Be purposeful in what you’re trying to say.

You’ve spent years building up those leadership roles, background skills, class work and volunteering. Now is your time to shine! Include your top experiences in your resume, and here’s the important part: write in bullet points about what you actually did in those experiences. Remember: quality over quantity!

2. optimize keywords

Really read the job description, multiple times if necessary. Don’t just apply because it has “Disney” in the title. The more you spend time assessing if this position is for you, then the better chance you have of arguing your case and explaining to the Disney Campus Recruiter and hiring managers why you think this would be a good fit. 

After you’ve spotted that special position for you, I recommend reading over your resume one more time and seeing where you can put in those keywords. For example, if you’re applying for a marketing position, see how you can further explain your marketing skills and if you feel like there’s a strong connection between what you’re capable of and this interesting new opportunity.

P.S. – Now that you’ve got your killer resume down, I also recommend turning your LinkedIn notifications on and being proactive—search what jobs within the company are available and try to check out all the cool positions out there! You never know what just might be the perfect fit for you.


The amount of times that I’ve gotten asked questions in an interview about my cover letter or portfolio is mind-blowing! Cover letters are special because they give that personal touch to you as an applicant. They tell hiring managers that this isn’t just another job for you…it’s something you are keen on and passionate about! 

A lot of people don’t add cover letters because it’s “one less step” but going that extra mile can really make a key difference.

Personalize your cover letter, but don’t repeat what’s in your resume. Tell your story. Be sincere and confident. This is your chance to stand out…show them what you have to offer. 


Voila! You reading this article right now brings you one step closer to being more prepared for your big interview day. Research is critical to both the application and the interview processes (but mostly the interview one).

Before my first Disney interview, I was on a short vacation in Michigan with my family when I woke up at sunrise to sit by the lake and just do research for hours. I read dozens of blog posts, articles and watched so many YouTube videos about the company and what accepted interns actually do. I wanted to get a more informed understanding of the actual interview process and the internship operations, so I followed the official Disney Programs YouTube account and highly recommend you start there!

I also followed their official Instagram accounts to stay updated and get an insider look at how current professional interns are interacting with this opportunity and the company.


Practice, practice, practice! I practiced a dozen times in front of my bathroom mirror (while of course listening to some Disney tunes to hype myself up). It’s important to prepare but also not to lose your sense of self. There are thousands and thousands of applicants every year. You got this far for a reason and it’s already such an honor to be chosen to interview. 

For the interviews, be yourself. I had a phone interview and a Zoom one, but that may be different for you. I recommend taking the extra step and preparing questions for the interviewers. Be kind, be curious and stay professional! 

Oh, and one more thing—loving the brand is good, but obsession…eh, not too much. Don’t spend a lot of time talking about how much you love the company; instead, talk about why this is a good fit for your skills and what you can bring to the table. There needs to be that healthy professional balance between your appreciation for the Disney brands and movies, and the business standpoint. You have to think about the well-being of the company and not just your personal connection to the movies or the parks.

All in all, my last piece of advice is, don’t give up. As they say, “When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are…anything your heart desires, will come true.” 

So keep trying, grow your skills and have fun! After all, this is an adventure to find the perfect opportunity for you and sometimes everything ends up working out just so…well, magically.

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Sample cover letter for Internship position at Disney

Integrated marketing intern.

I am a freshman at the University of Pennsylvania, and I am very interested the position of Integrated Marketing Intern for the Disney ABC Television Group. I have always been interested in working at a company like Disney, so I found this opportunity through the Disney Careers website. The Walt Disney Company produces stories that touch the minds and hearts of countless people, and I would love to be a part of such an exciting group.

Throughout my academic career, I have developed an interest in marketing and public relations. The summer before last, I interned at an international nonprofit organization in Shanghai. My position entailed cold calling hundreds of corporate representatives and managing website media for an international conference. The position required me to have strong communications skills, be proficient in using Microsoft Office, and utilize social media. I was also able to apply my experience with image editing tools and my familiarity with Chinese to assist the organization in publicizing their large-scale event.

I believe my other leadership experiences are also relevant to the position. I worked with a local community newspaper for three years, which allowed me to develop a strong writing ability. As the editor-in-chief, I improved my management skills as well. As the fundraising commissioner in another student organization, I often brainstormed ideas for events to raise money, which required creativity and organization. At the same time, I served as the president of a student club. I frequently coordinated workshops and social events, which helped me develop interpersonal skills. Overall, these experiences led me to become a better team player and a more well rounded person.

The Walt Disney Company emphasizes an engaging and rewarding work environment, a philosophy that is very appealing to me. Digital media design is a hobby of mine, and I am familiar with software such as Photoshop, Premier, and iMovie. I can’t imagine a better place to apply that passion, or a more inspiring workplace. With my enthusiasm and experience, I firmly believe that I will be a good fit in Disney’s innovative environment.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Applying & Interviewing


  • --> I don't see an internship I can apply to. Can I still submit my resume?
  • --> What is the status of my application?
  • --> When are Disney Internships posted?

Application Tips

  • Tips for creating a standout resume
  • Technology internship application tips
  • Cover letter tips
  • Disney Internship Search Tips

Application Troubleshooting

  • I am not receiving email updates about my application.
  • I can't finish the Disney Internship application I started.
  • How do I reset/unlock my candidate dashboard?
  • I made a mistake on my application.
  • How do I reset/unlock my Disney Careers dashboard through LinkedIn?

Qualifications & Requirements

  • --> Why was I disqualified for the internship I just applied to?
  • --> I am an international student. Can I still apply to a Disney Internship?
  • Current Disney College Program Participants/Interns Eligibility
  • What are the basic qualifications for a Disney Internship?
  • Disney Internship Extension Fees

Phone/Zoom Interview

  • How should I write a thank-you note to my interviewer, and how can I send it?
  • Using Zoom for your virtual interview

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Can I Edit My Application, After It Has Been Submitted?

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Once you submit your application, you are unable to make any changes, nor can we make changes for you. Additionally, you are unable to submit multiple applications for the same job posting. We encourage you to take your time and utilize the review page prior to submitting any applications. 

However, uploading additional documents would not constitute changing your application. If you need to upload your CV/resume, cover letter, or portfolio, you can do so by going to your Profile on your Dashboard.

Log into your Dashboard . Once in your Dashboard , go to Profile . From that page, toggle over to where it says My Files and that will grant you the ability to edit and upload your documents.

Have more questions? Send a message.

cover letter for disney college program


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  1. Have more questions? Send a message.

    Every cover letter should be customized to ensure it addresses why you could potentially be a great fit for the posting. Just remember, a recruiter will likely spend far more time reviewing your resume than a cover letter. Therefore, we recommend concentrating your time on developing your resume. You may address a cover letter to "Hiring ...

  2. Cover letter tips

    Tell a brief story or share a unique fact as appropriate - we like getting to know you! Since there will be multiple people reviewing applications, please address your cover letter to "Recruiter," "Hiring Leader," or "To Whom It May Concern.". There is no need to include a physical address - a city and state are enough.

  3. Applying

    What Email Address Should I Use When Applying for the Disney College Program? I'm Unable to Select an Option on the State/Region/Province Field on the Application. What Would Make My Resume/Application Stand Out to a Recruiter and Who do I Address a Cover Letter to?

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    Q - Answered. Hello I am very excited for when Applications open up for the 2024 fall session of the Disney College Program! I do have a couple of questions before the application opens up however as I want to clear things up. First question I heard the first interview (or personality esq test) is timed how much time do you have to complete this?

  5. DCP Spring 2023 Applications FAQS and Application Link

    Per Disney, "We are recruiting for program arrival dates between October 2022 and April 2023. Departure dates will begin no earlier than May 2023. Individual program lengths will vary." So in theory you could have a program going October -> May which would act as a Spring Advantage if you will, thus being 8 months~.

  6. What Email Address Should I Use When Applying for the Disney College

    What Would Make My Resume/Application Stand Out to a Recruiter and Who do I Address a Cover Letter to? What Email Address Should I Use When Applying for the Disney College Program? When creating your account during the application process, we recommend using a personal email address, NOT a school email ending in 'EDU.' ...

  7. Disney Professional Internship Essentials: Get Noticed, Get hired

    Top 5 ways NOT to get noticed for a Disney Professional Internship. Present a sloppy résumé that is too long, not formatted well, or inappropriate for the industry you are applying to. Recruiters review A LOT of résumés, and will pass by one that is difficult to read, disorganized or unsuitable. Write a cover letter that is riddled with ...

  8. I am in high school or early in my college career. How can I prepare

    You can also visit your school counselor or career center for assistance on crafting a well thought out resume and cover letter. Although cover letters are not always required, they can provide supplemental information that is not in your resume. We also recommend learning more about the Disney College Program as well. It is another opportunity ...

  9. Disney Professional Internship

    In this video, I talk all about how to make a 5-Star Cover Letter and Resume. This video is not only for aspiring Disney Professional Internship hopefuls, bu...

  10. Application Tips

    Tips for creating a standout resume. Technology internship application tips. Cover letter tips. Disney Internship Search Tips. DASHBOARD.

  11. Let The Magic Begin: How I Landed My Disney Professional Internship

    The first is through the Disney College Program, where you go to live and work at the Parks. The second is through the Disney Professional Internship Program, which aligns more closely with the corporate and business sectors, which is what I'm currently doing. Here are five of my biggest tips on landing your own Disney internship, from the ...

  12. DISNEY CULTURAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM: Resume & Cover Letter Tips

    Apply Now!: - 3:10 About The Program & Me! 3:1...

  13. 05+ Best Disney Cover Letter Samples To Get Hired

    Dear Disney, I am writing to apply for the job of_________ that you have advertised. I am confident that I possess the necessary skills and qualifications for this role, and would be a valuable asset to your team. As a lifelong fan of Disney, it would be a dream come true to work for such an iconic and beloved company.

  14. Tips for creating a standout resume

    References and headshots are also not necessary. A recruiter will ask you to provide them, if needed. Providing too many lists can cause your best points to get lost and cause a recruiter to miss them. Be concise and try to keep your resume from being too lengthy. Bonus Tip: Include a portfolio if you have one.

  15. Sample cover letter for Internship position at Disney

    If given the opportunity, I look forward to contributing in any way that I can to the team at Disney College Program as a cast member. Enclosed is my resume for your review. If you need any additional information, please contact me at X or at X. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

  16. Sample cover letter for Internship position at disney

    After my Disney College Program during the Spring semester of 2014, I realized my passion of the leisure and travel industry. ... Get access to over 7,000 cover letters from candidates getting jobs at your target companies. Get Full Access Link. Popular Cover Letters 1. Deloitte - Internship

  17. Application Submission

    Disney Programs Facebook; Instagram: @OfficialDisneyPrograms; You Tube; The Walt Disney Company LinkedIn; Life at Disney

  18. Sample cover letter for Internship position at Disney

    With my enthusiasm and experience, I firmly believe that I will be a good fit in Disney's innovative environment. Thank you for your time and consideration. Get access to over 7,000 cover letters from candidates getting jobs at your target companies.

  19. Disney College Program Resume Sample

    disney college program resume example with 15+ years of experience Jessica Claire Montgomery Street , San Francisco , CA 94105 609 Johnson Ave. , 49204 , Tulsa , OK

  20. Applying & Interviewing

    When are Disney Internships posted? Application Tips. Tips for creating a standout resume; Technology internship application tips; Cover letter tips; Disney Internship Search Tips; Application Troubleshooting. I am not receiving email updates about my application. I can't finish the Disney Internship application I started.

  21. Cover letter for disney

    Email Me This Cover Letter. Download Pdf. Hello Disney, I am Gustav and I am interested in the Analyst in Content Management position that you have open. I have a few years of experience in content management and I think that I would be a great fit for this position. I really like the idea of working for a company like Disney.

  22. Can I Edit My Application, After It Has Been Submitted?

    However, uploading additional documents would not constitute changing your application. If you need to upload your CV/resume, cover letter, or portfolio, you can do so by going to your Profile on your Dashboard. Log into your Dashboard. Once in your Dashboard, go to Profile. From that page, toggle over to where it says My Files and that will ...

  23. Disney College Program Merchandise Resume Sample

    Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94105 (555) 432-1000 [email protected]. Summary. Highly creative and charismatic Professional Communication graduate accustomed to surpassing expectations in deadline-driven environments. Relevant Skills.