Safety First

10 Laboratory Safety Precautions | Lab Safety Rules

precaution step in biology experiment

Stepping into a laboratory can be exciting, but it’s important to remember that fun experiments and cool discoveries go hand-in-hand with safety. A lab isn’t just another classroom – it’s a place where simple mistakes can have serious consequences. That’s why knowing and following lab safety rules is essential, not only for your own protection but for everyone around you. Whether you’re a seasoned scientist or a student just starting out, following these essential safety precautions will ensure your lab experiences are both rewarding and hazard-free.

Picture this: you’re in a lab, surrounded by beakers, test tubes, and maybe even some cool-looking equipment. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of experiments, but hang on a second! Safety has to come first. Labs can be awesome places for discovery, but they also have potential dangers. That’s why knowing and following the basic safety rules is absolutely non-negotiable. Here are 10 important ones to keep in mind:

1. Gear Up, Stay Safe

  • Eyes Are Precious:  Always rock safety goggles. No regular glasses, no contacts – your eyes need a proper shield.
  • Lab Coat = Superhero Cape:  It protects your clothes and skin from spills and mishaps.
  • No Flip-Flops Allowed:  Wear closed-toe shoes, so if you drop a beaker, your toes are still intact.
  • Tie it Back:  Long hair can get caught in equipment or dip into chemicals – not a good look!

Lab Safety Precautions

2. Tasting = Terrible Idea

  • Chemicals Aren’t on the Menu:  Seriously, never taste or smell anything in the lab unless your instructor tells you it’s specifically safe. Some fumes are toxic!
  • Waft, Don’t Sniff:  If you have to check a smell, gently waft the scent towards your nose with your hand. Don’t stick your face right in there.

3. The Lab Isn’t a Cafeteria

  • No Food or Drinks:  Contamination is a real issue – you don’t want chemicals with your coffee. Eat snacks outside the lab.
  • Hands Should Be Clean:  Always wash your hands thoroughly after handling chemicals and before you leave.

Laboratory Safety Precautions

4. Read the Instructions…Twice

  • Don’t Wing It:  Know the experiment inside out before you start. Ask questions if you’re unsure – it’s better to be safe than sorry.
  • No Rogue Science:  Never do experiments your instructor hasn’t approved. Things can go wrong quickly.

5. Spills Happen, Be Prepared

  • Clean Up Crew:  Know where the spill kit is and how to use it. If unsure, let the instructor handle it.
  • Broken Glass is Sharp:  Don’t pick it up with bare hands. Use a dustpan and brush, and know where the designated disposal container is.

What Are The 10 Lab Safety Rules

6. Common Sense is Your Superpower

  • Workstation Zen:  Keep your lab area neat and tidy. A cluttered space invites accidents.
  • Fume Hood Friend:  Use these specially ventilated areas when working with anything that gives off strong smells or dangerous vapors.
  • Horseplay Hurts:  The lab is for serious work, not messing around. Pranks can lead to injuries.

7. Leaving the Lab? Lose the Gear

  • Gloves Off:  Take ’em off before touching doorknobs, phones, or anything outside the lab. You don’t want to spread chemicals.
  • Lab Coats Stay in the Lab:  Same principle. These are meant to protect you  inside  the lab.

10 Laboratory Safety Rules

8. Know Your Surroundings

  • Emergency Equipment:  Where are the eyewash stations, fire extinguisher, first aid kits? Get familiar with their locations in case you need them quickly.

9. Waste Disposal Matters

  • Think Before You Pour:  Don’t just dump chemicals down the sink. Proper waste disposal procedures are super important for safety and the environment.

Lab Safety Rules

10. When in Doubt, Ask for Help

  • Your Instructor is Your Ally:  If you feel uncertain about anything, don’t hesitate to ask! The safest lab is where everyone communicates and follows the rules.

These safety rules might seem like a lot to remember at first, but trust me, they’ll quickly become second nature. Think of it this way: following lab safety isn’t about being scared or overly cautious, it’s about being smart. It means you get to enjoy all the amazing aspects of working in a lab without unnecessary risks. By making safety a habit, you’re protecting yourself, your colleagues, and the integrity of your experiments. Now that’s what I call winning in the world of science!

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The 10 Most Important Lab Safety Rules

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The science lab is an inherently dangerous place, with fire hazards, dangerous chemicals, and risky procedures. No one wants to have an accident in the lab, so it's imperative to follow lab safety rules. 

Key rules include following all instructions carefully, knowing the location and proper use of safety equipment, and dressing appropriately for lab work. These precautions help ensure a safer environment and minimize the risk of accidents. Here are the most important lab safety rules and why you must follow them.

The Most Important Lab Safety Rule

Follow the instructions. Whether it's listening to your instructor or lab supervisor or following a procedure in a book, it's critical to listen, pay attention, and be familiar with all the steps, from start to finish, before you begin. If you are unclear about any point or have questions, get them answered before starting, even if it's a question about a step later on in the protocol. Know how to use all of the lab equipment before you begin.

Why is this the most important rule? If you don't follow it:

  • You endanger yourself and others in the lab.
  • You could easily ruin your experiment.
  • You put the lab at risk of an accident, which could damage equipment as well as harm people.
  • You could get suspended (if you're a student) or fired (if you're a researcher).

Know the Location of Safety Equipment

In the event something goes wrong, it's important to know the location of the safety equipment and how to use it. It's a good idea to periodically check equipment to make sure it is in working order. For example, does water actually come out of the safety shower? Does the water in the eye wash look clean?

Not sure where safety equipment is located? Review lab safety signs and look for them before starting an experiment.

Dress for the Lab

Dress for the lab. This is a safety rule because your clothing is one of your best forms of protection against an accident. For any science lab, wear covered shoes and long pants, and keep your hair up so it can't fall into your experiment or a flame.

Make sure you wear protective gear , as needed. Basics include a lab coat and safety goggles. You may also need gloves, hearing protection, and other items, depending on the nature of the experiment.

Don't Eat or Drink in the Laboratory

Save your snacking for the office, not the lab. Don't eat or drink in the science laboratory. Don't store your food or beverages in the same refrigerator that contains experiments, chemicals, or cultures.

  • There is too much risk of contaminating your food. You could touch it with a hand that is coated with chemicals or pathogens or set it down on a lab bench that has residue from past experiments.
  • Having drinks in the lab risks your experiment, too. You could spill a drink on your research or lab notebook.
  • Eating and drinking in the lab is a form of distraction. If you are eating, you aren't concentrating on your work.
  • If you're used to drinking liquids in the lab, you might accidentally reach for and drink the wrong liquid. This is especially true if you did not label your glassware or used lab glassware as dishes.

Don't Taste or Sniff Chemicals

Not only should you not bring in food or drinks, but you shouldn't taste or smell chemicals or biological cultures already in the lab. Tasting or smelling some chemicals can be dangerous or even deadly. The best way to know what's in a container is to label it, so get in the habit of making a label for glassware before adding the chemical.

Don't Play Mad Scientist in the Laboratory

Another important safety rule is to act responsibly in the lab; don't play Mad Scientist, randomly mixing chemicals to see what happens. The result could be an explosion, fire, or release of toxic gases .

Similarly, the laboratory is not the place for horseplay. You could break glassware, annoy others, and potentially cause an accident.

Dispose of Lab Waste Properly

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Another important laboratory safety rule is to know what to do with your experiment when it's over. Before you start an experiment, you should know what to do at the end. Don't leave your mess for the next person to clean up.

Here are some questions to consider:

  • Are the chemicals safe to dump down the drain? If not, what do you do with them?
  • If you have biological cultures, is it safe to clean up with soap and water or do you need an autoclave to kill dangerous organisms?
  • Do you have broken glass or needles? Know the protocol for disposing of chemical sharps.

Know What to Do With Lab Accidents

 Getty Images/Oliver Sun Kim

Accidents happen, but you can do your best to prevent them and have a plan to follow when they occur. Most laboratories have a plan to follow in the event of an accident.

One particularly important safety rule is to tell a supervisor if and when an accident occurs . Don't lie about it or try to cover it up. If you get cut, exposed to a chemical, or bitten by a lab animal, or if you spill something, there could be consequences, and the danger isn't necessarily only to you. If you don't get the proper care, sometimes you could expose others to a toxin or pathogen. Also, if you don't admit to an accident, you could get your lab in a lot of trouble.

Leave Experiments at the Lab

Getty Images/G Robert Bishop

It's important, for your safety and the safety of others, to leave your experiment at the lab. Don't take it home with you. You could cause a spill, lose a specimen, or have an accident. This is how science fiction movies start. In real life, you can hurt someone, cause a fire, or lose your lab privileges.

While you should leave lab experiments at the lab, if you want to do science at home, there are many safe science experiments you can try.

Don't Experiment on Yourself

The premise of many a science fiction movie starts with a scientist conducting an experiment on him or herself. However, you won't gain superpowers or discover the secret to eternal youth. More than likely, whatever you accomplish will be at great personal risk.

Science means using the scientific method . You need data on multiple subjects to draw conclusions, but using yourself as a subject and self-experimenting is dangerous, not to mention bad science.

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Practical Biology

A collection of experiments that demonstrate biological concepts and processes.

Standard Health & Safety guidance

See the health and safety notes in each experiment. This is general guidance.

Health and safety in school and college science affects all concerned: teachers and technicians, their employers, students, their parents or guardians, as well as authors and publishers.

These guidelines refer to procedures in the United Kingdom. If you are working in another country you may need to make alternative provision.

Health & safety checking

As part of the reviewing process, the experiments on this website have been checked for health and safety. In particular, we have attempted to ensure that:

  • all common recognized hazards have been identified;
  • suitable precautions are suggested;
  • where possible, the procedures are in accordance with commonly adopted model risk assessments;
  • where model risk assessments are not available, we have done our best to ensure that the procedures are satisfactory and of an equivalent standard.


It is assumed that:

  • the practical work is carried out or supervised by a qualified science teacher with suitable knowledge of biology, chemistry, or physics (as appropriate) and the equipment used;
  • practical work is conducted in a properly equipped and maintained laboratory;
  • rules for student behaviour are strictly enforced;
  • mains-operated equipment is regularly inspected, properly maintained and appropriate records are kept;
  • care is taken with normal laboratory operations such as heating substances and handling heavy objects;
  • good laboratory practice is observed when chemicals are handled;
  • eye protection or goggles are worn whenever risk assessments require it;
  • any fume cupboard used operates at least to the standard of Building Bulletin 88, and has been tested within the last year;
  • students are taught safe techniques for such activities as heating chemicals, smelling them, or pouring from bottles;
  • hand-washing facilities are readily available in the laboratory;
  • eye wash facilities are readily available in the laboratory;
  • first aid facilities and a trained first aider are available within the school.

Teachers' and their employers' responsibilities

Under the COSSH Regulations, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations, and other regulations, UK employers are responsible for making a risk assessment before hazardous procedures are undertaken or hazardous chemicals and materials are used or made. Teachers are required to co-operate with their employers by complying with such risk assessments.However, teachers should be aware that mistakes can be made and, in any case, different employers adopt different standards.

Therefore, before carrying out any practical activity, teachers should always check that what they are proposing is compatible with their employer’s risk assessments and does not need modification for their particular circumstances. Any local rules or restrictions issued by the employer must always be followed, whatever is recommended here. However, far less is banned by employers than is commonly supposed.

Be aware that some activities, such as the use of radioactive material, have particular regulations that must be followed.

Reference material

Model risk assessments have been taken from, or are compatible with: CLEAPSS Hazcards (see CLEAPSS website ) CLEAPSS Laboratory handbook (see CLEAPSS website ) CLEAPSS Recipe cards (see CLEAPSS website ) CLEAPSS Guide L93 (see CLEAPSS website )

ASE Safeguards in the school laboratory 11th edition 2006 ASE Topics in Safety  4th edition, 2011 ASE Safety reprints , 2006 or later

Clearly, you must follow whatever procedures for risk assessment your employers have laid down. As far as we know, almost all the practical work and demonstrations on this website are covered by the model risk assessments detailed in the above publications, and so, in most schools and colleges, you will only need to adapt the model risk assessments for the particular circumstances of your school or class.

Special risk assessments

Only you can know when your school or college needs a special risk assessment. But thereafter, the responsibility for taking all the steps demanded by the regulations lies with your employer.

External websites

The Nuffield Foundation and its partners are not responsible for the content of external websites which may be linked from pages on this one.

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Lab Safety Rules and Guidelines

Important Lab Safety Rules

It’s important to follow lab safety rules to avoid accidents and be prepared in case of an emergency. Follow these 10 rules to protect yourself and others and get the most from your lab experience.

Follow the Instructions

The most important lab safety rule is to follow the instructions. Read or listen to instructions and get answers to questions before you start lab work. This is the most important rule because if you don’t follow it:

  • You could endanger yourself and others.
  • You could ruin your experiment.
  • You could cause an accident.
  • You could get suspended or fired.

Know the Location of Safety Equipment and How to Use It

It’s important to know the location of safety equipment and how to use it. Be familiar with key safety signs and know the location of the emergency exit. Make sure equipment is in working order.

Wear Appropriate Clothing and Gear

Wear shoes with covered toes and long pants. Tie back long hair and secure dangling jewelry. Avoid acrylic nails when working with flames. You shouldn’t wear contact lenses in chemical labs (and some biological labs). Once you get to the lab, wear appropriate safety gear. You may need goggles, a lab coat, gloves , hearing protection, or other gear.

Don’t Eat or Drink in the Lab

Don’t eat or drink in the lab. Similarly, don’t store food or beverages in a refrigerator that contains chemicals, cultures, or other experimental material. Don’t use lab glassware as cooking utensils. Even if it looks clean, it could retain chemical or biological residues from experiments.

Don’t Taste or Sniff Experiments

Tasting or smelling chemicals or biological cultures can be dangerous or possibly deadly. Use labels to identify samples. If you must sniff an experiment as part of a protocol, use your hand to waft the scent over toward your nose.

Don’t Play Mad Scientist

Be responsible in the lab. Don’t randomly mix chemicals or deviate from the lab protocol. You could cause a fire or explosion or produce toxic fumes. Similarly, don’t engage in horseplay in the lab. You could distract others, break glassware, or cause an accident.

Know What to Do in an Emergency

You can prevent most lab accidents, but should know what to do when one happens. Immediately report an accident when it occurs. Don’t lie about it or try to cover it up because there could be consequences for you, other people, or the facility.

Dispose of Waste Properly

Clean up after yourself and know what to do with an experiment once it’s completed.

  • Know where to dispose of “sharps” such as broken glass and needles.
  • Know whether chemicals can be poured down the drain. If not, learn how to neutralize or store them.
  • Know whether biological cultures can be cleaned with soap and water or require an autoclave.

Leave Experiments in the Lab

Don’t take experiment materials or specimens home with you. In some cases, lab notebooks must stay in the lab, too.

Treat Everything Like It’s Hazardous

Always label containers, even if they only contain water. Remember hot glass looks just like cool glass. If there’s heat in the lab, assume a container could be hot. Assume biological agents are infectious and treat them with respect. Basically, use caution with all lab equipment, chemicals, and specimens.

More Lab Safety Rules

  • Don’t experiment on yourself.
  • Don’t leave experiments unattended.
  • Don’t work alone in the lab.
  • Report unsafe conditions as soon as possible.
  • Never pipette by mouth. Always use a pipette bulb.
  • Don’t set hot glass directly on a lab bench. It will shatter.
  • Know emergency phone numbers in case you need to call for help.
  • Work using appropriate ventilation. If an experiment requires a fume hood, don’t perform it out in the open.
  • Check glassware for chips and cracks. Damaged glassware is harder to clean, more susceptible to breakage, and more likely to cut you.
  • Don’t use equipment until you have been trained in its proper usage.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water before leaving the lab.
  • Don’t put unused chemicals back in their original container.
  • Don’t mix chemicals in sink drains.

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Environmental Health And Safety

General laboratory safety rules.

A standard list of basic laboratory safety rules are given below and must be followed in every laboratory that uses hazardous materials or processes. These basic rules provide hygiene and behavior safety information to avoid accidents in the laboratory. Laboratory specific safety rules may be required for processes, equipment, and materials, which should be addressed by laboratory standard operating procedures (SOPs).

Basic Safety Rules:

  • Know locations of laboratory safety showers, eyewash stations, and fire extinguishers. The safety equipment may be located in the hallway near the laboratory entrance.
  • Know emergency exit routes.
  • Avoid skin and eye contact with chemicals
  • Minimize all chemical exposures.
  • No horseplay will be tolerated.
  • Assume that all chemicals of unknown toxicity are highly toxic.
  • Post warning signs when unusual hazards, hazardous materials, hazardous equipment, or other special conditions are present.
  • Avoid distracting or startling persons working in the laboratory.
  • Use equipment only for its designated purpose
  • Combine reagents in their appropriate order, such as adding acid to water.
  • Avoid adding solids to hot liquids.
  • All laboratory personnel should place emphasis on safety and chemical hygiene at all times.
  • Never leave containers of chemicals open.
  • All containers must have appropriate labels. Unlabeled chemicals should never be used.
  • Do not taste or intentionally sniff chemicals.
  • Never consume and/or store food or beverages or apply cosmetics in areas where hazardous chemicals are used or stored.
  • Do not use mouth suction for pipetting or starting a siphon.
  • Wash exposed areas of the skin prior to leaving the laboratory.
  • Long hair and lose clothing must be pulled back and secured from entanglement or potential capture.
  • No contact lenses should be worn around hazardous chemicals even when wearing safety glasses.
  • Laboratory safety glasses or goggles should be worn in any area where chemicals are used or stored. They should also be worn any time there is a chance of splashes or particulates to enter the eye. 
  • Closed-toe shoes must be worn at all times in the laboratory. Perforated shoes or sandals are not appropriate.
  • Determine the potential hazards and appropriate safety precautions before beginning any work.
  • Procedures should be developed that minimize the formation and dispersion of aerosols.
  • If an unknown chemical is produced in the laboratory, the material should be considered hazardous.
  • Do not pour chemicals down drains, and do not utilize the sewer for chemical waste disposal.
  • Keep all sink traps (including cup sink traps and floor drains) filled with water by running water down the drain at least monthly.
  • Do not utilize fume hoods for evaporations and disposal of volatile solvents.
  • Perform work with hazardous chemicals in a properly working fume hood to reduce potential exposures.
  • Avoid working along in a building. Do not work alone in a laboratory if the procedures being conducted are hazardous.
  • The permissable exposure limit (PEL) and the threshold limit values (TLV) must be observed in all areas. If exposure above a PEL or TLV is suspected for an ongoing process, please contact EHS immediately.
  • Laboratory employees should have access to a chemical inventory list, applicable safety data sheets (SDS), departmental laboratory safety manual, and relevant standard operating procedures.
  • Access to laboratories and support areas such as stockrooms or specialized laboratories should be limited to approved personnel only.
  • All equipment should be regularly inspected for wear or deterioration.
  • Equipment should be maintained according to the manufacturer's requirements and records of certification, maintenance, or repairs should be maintained for the life of the equipment.
  • Designated and well-marked waste storage locations are necessary.
  • No cell phone or ear bud usage is allowed in the active portion of the laboratories or during experimental operations.
  • Clothing made of synthetic fibers should not be worn while working with flammable liquids or when a hazard is present as these materials tend to melt and stick to exposed skin.
  • Laboratory coats should not be stored in offices or break rooms as this spreads contaminates to other areas.
  • Computers and instrumentation should be labeled to indicate whether gloves should be worn or not. Inconsistent glove use around keyboards is a source of potential contamination.
  • Avoid wearing jewelry in the lab as this can post multiple safety hazards.

Laboratory Specific Safety Rules

Safety rules for laboratory specific operations will be provided in appropriate laboratory SOPs. 

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Home / Services / Research Safety / Safe Lab Practices

  • Safe Lab Practices

Good lab practices are an integral part of conducting research safely.  Engineering controls can limit exposure to hazards and PPE can protect a researcher's body, but making sure your behavior doesn't expose you or your colleagues to risks is important.  These safe lab practices cover many of the common routes of exposure but are by no means a comprehensive list.

No Food or Drink

Consuming food in the lab can pose many hazards.

  • Eating or drinking in the lab can, first and foremost, increase your risk of exposure to hazardous materials.  
  • Food or drink can leave a mess increasing the risks for contamination of your experiments and potentially attracting pests.
  • Eating or drinking in the lab can also be a distraction that can lead to a spill or more serious incident.

Wear Your PPE and Proper Lab Attire

Lab coat, gloves, eye protection, and appropriate attire should be worn at all times in the lab. 

  • Long pants and shoes completely covering the top of the foot should be worn at all times when working in the lab.  
  • Lab coats will protect your clothes and your skin from splashes, spills, or other exposures to chemical or biological agents, and flames in some cases.
  • Safety glasses or goggles will protect your eyes from physical of chemical harm.  Skin will heal after minor burns or lacerations but your eyes will not.  Eyes are fragile and safety glasses take about three seconds to put on, an eye injury can be permanent.
  • Gloves protect your skin from hazardous materials your hands may come into contact with.  However exposure can occur when removing gloves and disposing of them.  Follow the steps in the video below to properly remove any gloves used in the lab. 

Good Hygiene

  • Wash hands after handling any hazardous materials, before and after eating, and before leaving the lab. 
  • Keeping personal items separate from lab work.  This will prevent spread of hazardous reagents and cut off a potential exposure route.
  • Do not apply cosmetics while in the lab.  Applying anything to your face, especially around your mouth or eyes, pose a significant risk of exposure.
  • Dry and cracked skin can provide a route to exposure.  Using lotion to keep the skin on your hands healthy can help prevent exposure.

Use Proper Storage Containers

  • Storing organic solvents in plastic bottles can compromise the container, just like acids in metal containers or HF in glass.  Chemicals should be stored in containers made of materials that will not react.
  • Large volumes of flammable chemicals must be stored in fire rated cabinets.  Acids and caustics should ideally be stored in separate cabinets lined with plastic to prevent any vapors from reacting with the metal housing.  Chemicals known to react violently when mixed should be stored separately.  
  • As with chemical storage, waste should be stored in non-reactive containers, or containers with non-reactive liners.  

  Label Your Work Space

  • All containers should be labeled with their contents.  This is crucial so those working near you and anyone visiting the lab will know what hazards may be present.  Ideally the hazards present should be included on any label.
  • Any research process with a particular hazard should also be labeled with that hazard.

Don't Work Alone

During normal operations one should never work alone in a laboratory setting. 

  • Additional eyes in a situation may notice hazards you can not initially see. 
  • Having other researchers around will also provide faster support in the event of an emergency.

Adapting to situations where it is necessary to reduce the number researchers in a space requires modifications to this policy.

  • Notify your PI or supervisor before entering the lab and upon departure. 
  • Communicate with neighboring labs so everyone knows when someone will be in the general area.

Lone Worker Devices

Lone worker (aka man down) devices may be appropraite for use in higher hazard laboratories. Contact EH&S for additional details.

Stay Focused and Aware of Your Surroundings

  • A lab can be a very busy environment.  Researchers are working side by side on differing projects that can have different hazards.  It is important to be aware of your surroundings and the work that is going on around you.  
  • Work with purpose.  Labs can also be an environment filled with distractions.  When working with hazardous material it is critical that you focus on what you are doing and try to eliminate distractions.
  • Avoid using headphones.  Listening to music while doing repetitive work can be relaxing but it eliminates one of your five senses used in situational awareness.  If you can not hear what is going on around you it is possible to miss the sound of a glass container breaking or a warning from a colleague.  To better hear what is around you try listening to music at lower volume, or with only one ear covered.

Participate in Safety Exercises

  • Ensure all lab members are familiar with the lab's safety equipment.
  • Make sure everyone knows where the nearest fire pull station, extinguisher, spill kit, first aid kit, and AED are.
  • Know how to get out of your building and where to go after and evacuation.
  • Organize or attend an annual evacuation drill.

Store and Use Batteries Properly

Batteries provide reliable power for devices used both in the lab and in the field.  While they are very useful for research they do pose potential hazards.  If stored improperly both lead-acid and lithium ion batteries are potential ignition sources for fire and can cause chemical burns.  Lithium ion batteries can pose a more serious fire risk if they are charged or used improperly.  Batteries should never be disposed of in the trash, instead they can be recycled at various locations across campus.  For more information on the proper use and storage of batteries click on the links below.

Lead Acid Battery Safety

Lithium Ion Battery Safety

UCSC Battery Recycling

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Last modified: January 4, 2021

Office of Environmental Health and Safety

Biosafety precautions for research with human clinical specimens that may contain infectious agents, including sars-cov-2, risk assessment.

  • Personal Protectiver Equipment (PPE)
  • Biosafety Cabinet

Collection of Specimens

High-risk procedures, spills and exposures.

Work with all unfixed human tissues must be conducted according to Biosafety Level 2 containment and work practices. Given the potential for exposure to SARS-CoV-2, additional precautions may be required.  

Upper and lower respiratory system specimens, such as nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal swabs, sputum, mucus, and lung tissues may present increased risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2. Stool samples may also contain the virus.  Blood and serum pose lower risk than the upper and lower respiratory system specimens. 

When handling specimens that pose unknown or higher risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2, use the following enhanced biosafety precautions: 

  • Work with biohazards inside a certified Class II Biosafety Cabinet (BSC). Waste generated must be collected within the BSC.
  • Take precautions to achieve minimal skin contact with biohazards.
  • All potentially contaminated items must be decontaminated before removal from the biosafety cabinet. 

The enhanced precautions described here are based upon recommendations from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization and the Public Health Agency of Canada.   These guidelines will be updated as new information becomes available. 

Virus isolation in cell culture and initial characterization of viral agents recovered in cultures of SARS-CoV-2 specimens may only be conducted in a Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) laboratory using BSL-3 practices. 

Routine diagnostic testing of specimens, such as the following activities, can be handled in a BSL-2 laboratory using Standard Precautions:

  • Staining and microscopic analysis of fixed smears
  • Pathologic examination and processing of formalin-fixed or otherwise inactivated tissues
  • Molecular analysis of extracted nucleic acid preparations
  • Final packaging of specimens for transport to diagnostic laboratories for additional testing (specimens should already be in a sealed, decontaminated primary container)
  • Using inactivated specimens, such as specimens in nucleic acid extraction buffer
  • Performing electron microscopic studies with glutaraldehyde-fixed grids

Biosafety level 2 with enhancements described in this document should be used for

  • Procedures with a high likelihood to generate aerosols or droplets
  • concentration of samples prior to inactivation (e.g., centrifugation of a bronchoalveolar lavage sample);
  • sample preparation for nucleic acid extraction, molecular testing of nucleic acids, and antigen and antibody assays
  • Processing or preparation of specimens
  • Nucleic acid extractions of specimens
  • Performing diagnostic test (not involving virus propagation)
  • heat/chemical inactivation of specimens

All laboratories should perform a specific risk assessment to identify and mitigate risks. 

The primary factors to consider in risk assessment and selection of precautions fall into two broad categories:

1. Agent hazards

a. Are known pathogens present in the tissues? b. Potential for exposure based on information available from provider of tissue c. Its capability to infect and cause disease in a susceptible human or animal host d. Route of transmission (percutaneous exposure, inhalation, mucous membrane, fomites, ingestion) e. Its virulence as measured by the severity of disease f. The availability of preventive measures and effective treatments for the disease g. Infective dose h. Stability in the environment i. Host range j. Endemic nature

2. Laboratory procedure hazards

a. Use of sharps b. Large volumes of culture c. Administration to animals d. Potential for activities to create aerosols:

  • Non-self-contained centrifuges
  • Vortex Mixers

3. Laboratory and Staff

a. Experience of laboratory staff handling specimens b. Immune status of laboratory staff

Note:  Consult with University Health Service by calling 8-5035 if you have concerns about your immune status due to pregnancy, underlying health conditions or use of prescribed medications prior to beginning research with potentially infectious materials. 

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Minimum PPE

Dedicate PPE within your laboratory for your experiments. Do not wear PPE to other non-lab areas and remove prior to leaving the BSL 2 laboratory . Depending on the number of labs you have and the nature of the work, researchers may need multiple lab coats for each area to avoid potential cross contamination

  • Lab coat, preferably disposable with cuffed sleeves
  • Sleeve covers should be worn to minimize contamination of wrists and lab coat sleeves.
  • Consider double gloving, particularly for all work within a biological safety cabinet (BSC).  The outer pair can be removed before exiting the biosafety cabinet and a new pair put on when re-entering the biosafety cabinet.
  • Wear safety glasses and disinfect after each use with 70% ethanol and air dry. Do not share with others in the lab.
  • Wear a chin-length face shield or safety glasses and a surgical mask if working outside of the biosafety cabinet with biohazards on the bench. This will protect the researcher’s facial mucous membranes from exposure in the event of a spill outside the biosafety cabinet during transfer of material to and from the incubator.

Removal of PPE/Hand Washing

  • In general, the most contaminated item is removed first. Usually, these are the outer pair of gloves if two pairs of gloves are worn. Discard gloves into the regulated medical waste receptacle.
  • If only a single pair of gloves have been worn, disinfect your gloves with your lab’s disinfectant (such as 70% ethanol) when you have finished your work and allow at least a 30 second contact time.
  • Wet some paper towels with your lab’s disinfectant and set aside. Disinfectant wipes can also be placed in the PPE removal location for the decontamination of reusable items after removal.
  • After this 30 second decontamination step, remove your lab coat or gown.
  • After removing your lab coat or gown, check for any visible contamination on your lab coat if reusable. Spray these areas with your lab’s disinfectant and allow to air dry. If wearing a disposable gown or lab coat, place in the biomedical waste container after removal.
  • Spray your gloves with your lab’s disinfectant and “wash” your gloved hands together for 30 seconds to disinfect them once again.
  • Remove your face shield or safety glasses and mask if worn. Place disposable items in the regulated medical waste receptacle. Use disinfectant-wet paper towels or disinfectant wipes to wipe down the face shield and safety glasses with disinfectant and allow to air dry.
  • Remove your inner gloves aseptically, or by avoiding contact with the exterior of each glove and in a manner, that prevents the exterior of either glove from contacting your skin. Discard gloves in the regulated medical waste container.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water for 30 seconds. Close the sink faucet off with paper towels after use. Do not touch the faucet handles with your hands after washing to avoid potential re-contamination of your hands

Removal of PPE Graphic »

Biosafety Cabinet (BSC)

  • Perform all work with specimens within a certified Class II BSC.
  • Turn on fan and allow it to operate for at least 10 minutes before beginning work.
  • Place all items required for the experiment within the biosafety cabinet before starting work.
  • Wipe items down with disinfectant or spray with 70% ethanol prior to placement within the biosafety cabinet.
  • Keep the front and rear grilles clear when working within the biosafety cabinet. Avoid blocking the rear grille.
  • Remind lab mates to minimize traffic and work behind the operator, as this may interfere with cabinet airflow.
  • Wipe items down with disinfectant prior to removal from the biosafety cabinet.
  • Wipe down biosafety cabinet with disinfectant after use (work surface, grilles, sides, back and inside front view screen).
  • Decontaminate liquid waste with household bleach diluted 10% against the volume of the waste. Allow at least a 30-minute contact time for full decontamination.
  • Collect dry waste (e.g. gloves, pipet wrappers, paper towels) in a small biohazard bag inside the biosafety cabinet. Seal bag prior to removal from biosafety cabinet.
  • Transport waste to autoclave in a leakproof container.
  • University students and staff responsible for collecting human specimens must receive training from Environmental Health and Safety.  Request training at [email protected] .
  • Following minimum personal protective equipment must be available: full face protection, such as a face-shield, or safety glasses and a surgical mask, gloves and either a lab coat or disposable gown.  Depending upon the sample type and collection method, EHS may also recommend an N-95 respirator.

Sample Packaging

  • Ensure that the exterior of the primary tube, bag or other container is disinfected after collection or prior to transfer to another laboratory. See disinfection section for information on appropriate disinfectants.
  • After a sufficient contact time, at least 3 minutes, label the container and place inside a clean secondary container.
  • Both primary and secondary containers must be leak-proof.
  • Place paper towels in the bottom of the secondary container to absorb any liquids if there was a leak in the primary container during transport.
  • Place a biohazard label on the outside of the exterior transport container with the lab’s contact information.

Domestic/International Shipment of Samples

  • Consult with EHS to determine proper shipment method. Suspected and confirmed SARS-CoV-2 patient specimens, cultures, or isolates must be shipped as UN 3373 Biological Substance, Category B by a trained person.
  • Dried blood spots can be shipped by mail or other carrier with no reasonable expectations of occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious material. Dried blood spots must be triple packaged:

a. The primary container is the filter paper matrix that contains the absorbed and dried blood. b. A secondary container must enclose the primary (filter paper) container. The secondary container should have a fold-over flap or an inner envelope to secure the contents. c. The third level of containment is an outer envelope of sturdy, high-quality paper. These levels of containment provide reasonable safety from occupational exposure and maintain optimal specimen integrity d. You must affix or print the international biohazard symbol on the either the primary or secondary container to meet U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration requirements.  Use of plastic, foil bags, or other airtight, leak-proof sealed containers may result in heat buildup and moisture accumulation. e. The outer shipping container must have a complete return address and delivery address. No content markings are required on the outer shipping container.

Initial Processing/Lysing of Specimens

If you are handling specimens from COVID-19 patients or suspect patients for testing or genetic analysis:

1. Wear minimum PPE* 2. Disinfect and open specimen containers in a biosafety cabinet. 3. Follow the lysing product instructions and allow the required contact time prior to considering the specimens to be “inactivated.”

Note: +ssRNA viruses, like SARS-CoV-2, are considered infectious as full-length RNA, as it could still establish an infection if it can gain entry to a human cell. CDC recommends handling full-length RNA using BSL 2 containment.

4. Disinfect the exterior of items prior to removal from the biosafety cabinet with the disinfectant you have selected for your research. 5. Continue to utilize PPE for working with RNA from this virus outside of the biosafety cabinet. A lab coat, safety glasses and mask or chin-length face shield, and gloves. 6. Follow the PPE removal*and hand washing guidance*

Flow Cytometry

  • High speed sorting of unfixed human cells can generate a large quantity of aerosols in the event of a clog or deflection.  If you are using the Molecular Biology Flow Cytometry/Cell Sorter Core laboratory, samples must be fixed prior to the sort.  You must have documentation that the fixation method is effective against SARS-Cov-2.
  • If you have your own high-speed cell sorter, notify EHS to request an evaluation of your process and for testing the containment of your cell sorter for the containment of biohazards.



  • Use sealed rotors or safety buckets as secondary containment for centrifugation.
  • Load and unload the rotor or safety buckets within the biosafety cabinet.
  • Do not overfill primary containers, limit to < ¾ full. Wipe exterior of all centrifuge tubes with disinfectant before loading.
  • Seal rotors or buckets and wipe down with disinfectant, remove outer gloves inside the biosafety cabinet before transport to the centrifuge.
  • Wait 2-5 minutes after the run to allow aerosols to settle in the event of a spill.
  • Transport sealed rotor or safety bucket to biosafety cabinet to complete your experiment. Don new pair of outer gloves before continuing your work inside the biosafety cabinet.
  • Decontaminate the rotor or safety bucket by spraying with 70% ethanol and allowing to air dry.
  • In the event of a release of specimen during centrifugation, close lid of centrifuge, leave laboratory and contact EHS at 609-258-5294.

Sharps Elimination/ Precautions:

  • Avoid the use of glass Pasteur pipettes or needles and syringes. Substitute plastic for glass whenever feasible.
  • Alternatives to glass Pasteur pipettes include: plastic pipettes, plastic transfer pipettes, plastic gel loading pipette tips and pipette tip extenders, aspirators, and flexible plastic aspiration pipettes.
  • Some researchers will either score and break the end off a 1 ml or 5 ml plastic pipette or remove the wool plug and use for aspirating cultures.
  • If sharps cannot be avoided, maintain a sharps container in the immediate vicinity of use and discard intact needles and syringes immediately after use. Use a one- handed disposal method (keep a hand behind your back or by your side, and do not place your other hand on or near the opening of the sharps container).
  • Never ever recap.
  • If you must remove the needle from the syringe, use forceps, tweezers, a Kelly clamp or small pliers for this purpose.

Other Equipment

  • HEPA-filtered incubators are recommended for tissue culture growth of biological specimens

Decontamination and Disinfection

  • All surfaces and equipment must be disinfected after use. This includes all surfaces within the biosafety cabinet, used research materials, equipment, bench tops and other work surfaces, transport and transfer containers.
  • SARS-CoV-2 and bloodborne pathogens such as HIV, HBV and HCV are inactivated with disinfectants that contain 62 – 90% Ethanol, 1-5% bleach in water solutions (made fresh daily) and >0.5% Hydrogen Peroxide. If you wish to use other disinfectants, please select from this list:

Best Practices for Disinfection

  • Ensure that the area is cleaned prior to initiating the disinfection process where applicable.   Use a “double” disinfection process, where the first application ensures that the surfaces are cleaned and the 2 nd application is the disinfection.
  • Ensure that the chemical disinfectant that you select for decontamination has proven efficacy against the biohazards in use or anticipated.
  • The amount of the chemical matters significantly. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for dilution if purchasing a commercial disinfectant.
  • No disinfectant works immediately. Disinfectants must be left on the surfaces or items to be decontaminated for a specified time and this varies by individual biohazard. Contact times of 1, 3, 5 or 10 minutes or even longer may be needed. Apply disinfectant until surfaces are glistening wet and allow surface to air dry. If your disinfectant has a higher evaporation rate (e.g. alcohols), and a longer contact time is needed, you may need more than one application.
  • Ensure that all surfaces are completely covered with the disinfectant. Merely spraying the disinfectant on a surface, especially if only applied quickly or lightly, can leave spaces in between the disinfectant drops.

Biomedical waste disposal

  • Follow the University’s regulated medical waste procedures, found here.
  • Wastes that contain human pathogens or higher risk recombinant DNA research wastes, must be autoclaved prior to disposal inside the regulated medical waste containers.
  • Liquid biohazard waste can either be autoclaved on slow-exhaust or chemically inactivated using household bleach at a final concentration of 10% against the volume of the waste to be treated for a contact time of 30 minutes. Dispose of liquid waste via lab sink drain, flushed with cool water.
  • Urine and blood can be disposed of via the sanitary sewer system. Wear a chin-length face shield safety glasses and a surgical mask.  After disposal, flush the drain with cool water and then disinfectant.

Follow normal procedure for spills of potentially infectious materials, found here.

Exposures :

An exposure is defined as contact with broken skin, eyes, nose, mouth, other mucous membranes, a percutaneous injury with a contaminated sharp, or contact with an infectious agent over a large area of apparently intact skin.


CLEAN IT.                                

SKIN Exposures: Immediately remove contaminated clothing and wash the contaminated area with soap and water for 15 minutes.

EYE Exposures: Immediately flush the eye with water for at least 15 minutes at an eyewash or faucet. Remove contact lenses while flushing the eye.


  • If an injury is life-threatening or you need transport assistance, call 911 .
  • Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., seek treatment at University Health Services. Ask a co-worker to call ahead (609 258 5035).
  • For exposures that occur during evening and weekend hours, contact the on-call Global Health Physician at 609-258-7971to seek advice on next steps. 
  • Report all exposures to your immediate supervisor and Principal Investigator.
  • Principal Investigators are responsible for reporting exposure incidents to EHS Biosafety .


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Interim Laboratory Biosafety Guidelines for Handling and Processing Specimens Associated with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19))…

Chang L, Zhao L, Gong H, Wang Lunan, Wang L. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 RNA detected in blood donations. Emerg Infect Dis. 2020 Jul [ April 16, 2020 ].

Public Health Agency of Canada: SARS-CoV-2 (Severe acute respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus 2)…

Wang W, Xu Y, Gao R, et al. Detection of SARS-CoV-2 in Different Types of Clinical Specimens. JAMA. Published online March 11, 2020. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.3786

World Health Organization Laboratory biosafety guidance related to coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)… -(covid-19)

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  • Science Experiments

How to Conduct a Science Experiment

Last Updated: June 5, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Meredith Juncker, PhD . Meredith Juncker is a PhD candidate in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center. Her studies are focused on proteins and neurodegenerative diseases. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 196,540 times.

Experimentation is the method by which scientists test natural phenomena in the hopes of gaining new knowledge.. Good experiments follow a logical design to isolate and test specific, precisely-defined variables. By learning the fundamental principles behind experimental design, you'll be able to apply these principles to your own experiments. Regardless of their scope, all good experiments operate according to the logical, deductive principles of the scientific method, from fifth-grade potato clock science fair projects to cutting-edge Higgs Boson research. [1] X Research source

Designing a Scientifically Sound Experiment

Step 1 Pick a specific topic.

  • For instance, if you want to do an experiment on agricultural fertilizer, don't seek to answer the question, "Which kind of fertilizer is best for growing plants?" There are many different types of fertilizer and many different kinds of plants in the world - one experiment won't be able to draw universal conclusions about either. A much better question to design an experiment around would be "What concentration of nitrogen in fertilizer produces the largest corn crops?"
  • Modern scientific knowledge is very, very vast. If you intend to do serious scientific research, research your topic extensively before you even begin to plan your experiment. Have past experiments answered the question you want your experiment to study? If so, is there a way to adjust your topic so that it addresses questions left unanswered by existing research?

Step 2 Isolate your variable(s).

  • For instance, in our fertilizer experiment example, our scientist would grow multiple corn crops in soil supplemented with fertilizers whose nitrogen concentration differs. He would give each corn crop the exact same amount of fertilizer. He would make sure the chemical composition of his fertilizers used did not differ in some way besides its nitrogen concentration - for instance, he would not use a fertilizer with a higher concentration of magnesium for one of his corn crops. He would also grow the exact same number and species of corn crops at the same time and in the same type of soil in each replication of his experiment.

Step 3 Make a hypothesis.

  • Typically, a hypothesis is expressed as a quantitative declarative sentence. A hypothesis also takes into account the ways that the experimental parameters will be measured. A good hypothesis for our fertilizer example is: "Corn crops supplemented with 1 pound of nitrogen per bushel will result in a greater yield mass than equivalent corn crops grown with differing nitrogen supplements."

Step 4 Plan your data collection.

  • Timing is incredibly important, so stick to your plan as close as possible. That way, if you see changes in your results, you can rule out different time constraints as the cause of the change.
  • Making a data table beforehand is a great idea - you'll be able to simply insert your data values into the table as you record them.
  • Know the difference between your dependent and independent variables. An independent variable is a variable that you change and a dependent variable is the one affected by the independent variable. In our example, "nitrogen content" is the independent variable, and "yield (in kg)" is the dependent variable. A basic table will have columns for both variables as they change over time.

Step 5 Conduct your experiment methodically.

  • Good experimental design incorporates what's known as a control. One of your experimental replications should not include the variable you're testing for at all. In our fertilizer example, we'll include one corn crop which receives a fertilizer with no nitrogen in it. This will be our control - it will be the baseline against which we'll measure the growth of our other corn crops.
  • Observe any and all safety measures associated with hazardous materials or processes in your experiment. [6] X Research source

Step 6 Collect your data.

  • It's always a good idea to represent your data visually if you can. Plot data points on a graph and express trends with a line or curve of best fit. This will help you (and anyone else who sees the graph) visualize patterns in the data. For most basic experiments, the independent variable is represented on the horizontal x axis and the dependent variable is on the vertical y axis.

Step 7 Analyse your data and come to a conclusion.

  • To share your results, write a comprehensive scientific paper. Knowing how to write a scientific paper is a useful skill - the results of most new research must be written and published according to a specific format, often dictated by the style guide for a relevant, peer-reviewed academic journal.

Running an Example Experiment

Step 1 Pick a topic and define your variables.

  • In this case, the type of aerosol fuel we use is the independent variable (the variable we change), while the range of the projectile is the dependent variable.
  • Things to consider for this experiment - is there a way to ensure each potato projectile has the same weight? Is there a way to administer the same amount of aerosol fuel for each firing? Both of these can potentially affect the range of the gun. Weigh each projectile beforehand and fuel each shot with the same amount of aerosol spray.

Step 2 Make a hypothesis.

  • The furthest-left column will be labeled "Trial #." The cells in this column will simply contain the numbers 1-10, signifying each firing attempt.
  • The following four columns will be labeled with the names of the aerosol sprays we're using in our experiment. The ten cells beneath each column header will contain the range (in meters) of each firing attempt.
  • Below the four columns for each fuel, leave a space to write the average value of the ranges.

Step 4 Conduct the experiment.

  • Like many experiments, our experiment has certain safety concerns we need to observe. The aerosol fuels we're using are flammable - we should be sure to close the potato gun's firing cap securely and to wear heavy gloves while igniting the fuel. To avoid accidental injuries from the projectiles, we should also make sure that we (and any observers) are standing to the side of the gun as it fires - not in front of it or behind it.

Step 5 Analyze the data.

  • We can even share our results with the world in the form of a scientific paper - given the subject matter of our experiment, it may be more appropriate to present this information in the form of a tri-fold science fair display.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • Science is about asking big questions. Don't be afraid to choose a topic you haven't looked at before. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Have fun and stay safe. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • In upper-level sciences, most data isn't used unless it is reproducible at least 3 times. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

precaution step in biology experiment

  • Wear eye protection Thanks Helpful 29 Not Helpful 1
  • Wash your hands before and after an experiment. Thanks Helpful 29 Not Helpful 3
  • Do not have any food or drinks near your workstation. Thanks Helpful 25 Not Helpful 5
  • If anything gets in your eyes rinse them out thoroughly with water for 15 minutes, then seek immediate medical attention. Thanks Helpful 7 Not Helpful 0
  • When using sharp knives, dangerous chemicals, or hot flames, make sure you have an adult supervising you at all times. Thanks Helpful 15 Not Helpful 3
  • Tie loose hair back Thanks Helpful 23 Not Helpful 7
  • Wear rubber gloves when handling chemicals Thanks Helpful 23 Not Helpful 8

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About This Article

Meredith Juncker, PhD

If you want to conduct a science experiment, first come up with a question you want to answer, then devise a way to test that question. Make sure you have a control, or an untested component to your experiment. For example, if you want to find out which fertilizer is best for growing crops, you would have one plant for each type of fertilizer, plus one plant that doesn’t get any fertilizer. Write down each step of your experiment carefully, along with the final result. For tips on organizing your data collection, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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precaution step in biology experiment

UCLA Research Safety & Animal Welfare Administration

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  • Regulatory Resources for Animal Research

Safety Procedures in the Use of Laboratory Animals

Laboratory hazards may occur naturally, or may be induced accidentally or experimentally. Hazards include those causing physical injuries, such as bites, scratches, cuts, abrasions, etc. to personnel; those causing injuries to laboratory animals; those causing disease in personnel; those causing disease in animals; and those causing damage to equipment and facilities. Principal Investigators or Instructors are responsible for the activities of their staff and for the conditions in the rooms within their jurisdiction.

These responsibilities include:

  • Being familiar with the requirements needed to provide a safe working environment
  • Educating personnel on potential hazards associated with specific tasks and on the appropriate precautions to be taken
  • Monitoring staff to assure compliance with safety procedures
  • Investigating the causes of accidents and initiating procedures to prevent their reoccurrence
  • Maintaining records of accidents and associated corrective actions and staff training

Every individual is responsible for:

  • Being familiar with the hazards associated with their duties
  • Instituting appropriate safety practices
  • Reporting accidents and unsafe conditions to the principal investigator

Principal Investigators or Instructors shall instruct personnel in the proper handling of animals and the correct use of equipment, chemicals and biohazardous agents, including their safe disposal. Such instruction should include discussion of applicable federal, State, and local regulations. Accurate records relating to training of personnel, including formal training and on-the job instruction, shall be maintained by the principal investigator.

All personnel handling animals should be immunized against tetanus. In addition, it is recommended that all personnel working with domestic or wild carnivores be immunized against rabies. Periodic tuberculin testing of individuals working with non-human primates is also required. These inoculations and tests may be arranged through the Occupational Health Facility (x56771).

The effectiveness of any sanitation program is dependent on the proper control of the actions and movements of personnel and authorized visitors. Principal Investigators are required to instruct their staff in disease prevention procedures and ensure compliance with the regulations of the animal housing facility.

Principal Investigators and Instructors are required to instruct their staff concerning procedures in case of animal bites.

  • Immediately upon being bitten, thoroughly cleanse and irrigate the full depth of the wound with surgical soap and running water. Allow at least 5 min direct contact of the solution with the wound.
  • Follow current "PROCEDURES IN CASE OF ACCIDENT TO PERSONS ON CAMPUS" issued by the Chancellor. [Report the injury to your supervisor; then, if an employee, go to Emergency Service (Occupational Health Facility, 67-120 CHS), or if a student, go to Student Health Service (Arthur Ashe Center, x54073) for treatment.  If injury or illness occurs after regular business hours, or urgent immediate medical attention is required, treatment can be obtained at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center Emergency Medicine Center.]
  • Identify the biting animal and all associated animals. If possible, preserve the life of the biting animal for diagnostic purposes.
  • Report all bites to the veterinarian who will examine the animal and institute the proper quarantine measures.
  • During the period of quarantine, a quarantine notice, signed by the examining veterinarian, shall remain on the cage. The animal shall not be removed from the cage or room, and shall not be used for experimental purposes until the period has expired.
  • Notify DLAM (X42571) if there is any sign of sickness or altered behavior in the biting animal during the quarantine period.
  • In case of death of the biting animal before or during the quarantine period, DLAM (X42571) must be notified, and the whole carcass shall be refrigerated. Do not freeze the carcass, as this interferes with diagnostic procedures.
  • Animals surviving the quarantine period will be released to the investigator for further use.
  • Scratches are not a mode of rabies transmission unless there is also salivary contact. Animals are not quarantined for scratches. Such injuries should be cleansed and reported as indicated above.

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Onion Peel Cell Experiment

The onion peel cell experiment is very popular for observing a plant cell structure. Onion is a eukaryotic plant that contains multicellular cells. We know that the cell is a structural and functional unit of life that builds up living structures.

The bulb of an onion is formed from modified leaves . Like plant cells, onion cells have a rigid cell wall and a cell membrane enclosing the cytoplasm and nucleus.

Onion epidermal cells exist as a single layer that serves as a protective skin. It separates the thick, juicy scale leaves of the onion. Thus, the bulb of onion is formed from modified leaves.

The epidermal cell of an onion bulb is simple and transparent. Its microscopic observation introduces the general view of plant anatomy to the students.

parts of an onion bulb

Firm and medium-sized onions are generally used to visualize the onion’s epidermal cells. This post explains the theory, requirements, and procedure of the onion peel experiment. Also the observation, result and precautions of the experiment are also discussed.

Content: Onion Peel Cell Experiment

Requirements, observation, precautions.

The main objective of performing the onion peel cell experiment is to observe the arrangement and structural components of the onion epidermis. The following facts about the onion peel cell experiment play a significant role in educating students:

  • The epidermis of the onion bulb is a single layer of tissue that is easy to separate. For this reason, onion peel is best for educational and experimental purposes to study the structure of plant cells.
  • Due to the large size of onion cells, the cells can be examined under low magnification.
  • It is also a simple experiment that the students can efficiently perform, plus they can practice how to use a microscope.

We need the following glassware and reagents to prepare a temporary slide of an onion peel.

Materials required to separate onion skin

  • Medium-sized onion

Materials needed to stain and mount the onion peel

  • Petri Plate
  • Distilled Water
  • Clean glass slide
  • Blotting paper
  • Compound microscope

An onion is a multicellular plant. The presence of a rigid cell wall and a large vacuole is a characteristic feature of a plant cell. Thus, onion being a plant, comprises features common to plant cells. Like plant cells, onion cells consist of a cell wall and cell membrane surrounding the cytoplasm, nucleus and a large vacuole.

  • The cell wall is a rigid, protective coat covering the cell membrane, including all the internal components. The rigid cell wall maintains the shape of onion cells and contributes to the compact arrangement of the epidermal cells in onion.
  • The cell membrane is interior to the cell wall surrounding the cytoplasm, including all the internal structures.
  • The cytoplasm is the cell’s inner space that appears jelly-like. It moves the cytosolic material around the cell through cytoplasmic streaming.
  • The nucleus is present near the periphery of the cytoplasm. It is the control centre of the cell and the largest organelle in the cell.
  • The vacuole is large and prominently seen at the centre of the cell. It stores solid and liquid contents. The basic shape or size of a vacuole differs depending on the needs of the cell.

Video: Onion Peel Cell Experiment

Procedure of Onion Peel Cell Experiment

The steps to perform the onion peel cell experiment are as follows:

steps to separate onion peel

Steps to separate an onion peel

A. Take an onion, separate its outermost peel and chop it into two equal halves.

B. Then, take one fleshy scale leaf of a chopped onion bulb and split it into two.

C. Then carefully pull a thin, transparent epidermal peel from the convex surface of the scale leaf using forceps.

D. Then, wash the separated peel in the Petri plate containing water. You can cut the onion peel into small rectangular pieces using a blade.

steps to stain and mount onion peel

Steps to stain and mount an onion peel

E. After that, transfer the onion peels into the Petri plate containing diluted safranin stain. Leave the peels undisturbed for about 3 minutes.

F. Finally, rinse the extra stain of the peel by again dipping it in the Petri plate containing water.

G. With the help of a brush or forcep, transfer the peel to the centre of a clean glass slide.

H. Then, to mount the onion peel, add a drop of glycerine over the centre of the slide. Glycerine prevents the peel from drying up.

I. After that, carefully mount a cover slip over the centre of the prepared slide by slowly lowering it with a needle. During this stage, you need to avoid the entry of any air bubbles.

J. Using a piece of blotting paper, remove extra glycerine from the margins of a cover slip.

K. Observe the temporary slide under the compound microscope.

  • First, turn on the microscope’s light and ensure the low objective lens is in line with the optical tube. Then, place the prepared slide on the stage of a microscope.
  • Looking from the side (not through an eyepiece), lower the tube using the coarse focus knob until the end of the objective lens is just above the cover glass. During this stage, do not crack the cover glass, or the objective lens may get damaged.
  • Now look through the eyepiece and adjust the smaller, fine focusing knob to move the optical tube upwards until an image comes into focus.
  • Then, swap the objective lens to a high objective lens so that you can notice the cells at greater magnification.
  • Prepare an observation table for the cells as seen under a microscope and note the features listed in the observation table.
  • Shape of cells: Rectangle
  • Arrangement of cells: Compact
  • Inter-cellular spaces : Absent
  • Nucleus : Present (at the cell’s periphery)
  • Stained portions : Cell wall and nucleus are darkly stained with less-stained cytoplasm
  • Unstained portions : Cell membrane and Vacuole

Epidermal cells of onion peel

  • Do not overstain the onion skin.
  • Avoid the folding of the peel.
  • The glass slide and cover slip should be dry and clean.
  • Put a coverslip carefully to avoid any air bubbles.
  • Using blotting paper, remove the extra glycerine.

Therefore, the onion peel cell experiment is an engrossing activity that can help a student to observe and study the plant cell structure . Students can prepare the temporary slide and observe the differences between the slide with stained onion skin and the slide without any stain. The microscopic observation of onion peel cells will allow students to closely examine each component of onion cells.

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Lab safety Rules and Precautions

A laboratory is a place bound by rules to ensure the safety of everyone. There are precautions to observe and safety measures to follow.

Lab safety Rules and Precautions

Safety rules in the laboratory are all the more crucial, especially now that we are in the midst of the pandemic.

The following has to be observed when you are in the laboratory:

Safety Precautions in the laboratory in the time of Covid-19

corona covid19 lab precautions

  • Limit close contact – Distance from one another must be observed at all times. Movement should also be limited to essential trips.
  • If possible, work remotely or stagger shifts to minimize the number of people in the lab.
  • Observe proper hand hygiene at all times. There should be a hand washing station and a hand sanitizing area.
  • Frequently touched surfaces must be kept clean and sanitized using products that meet the criteria set by the Environmental Protection Agency. It includes laboratory equipment and cabinet handles. Make sure to wear personal protective equipment while cleaning and sanitizing the lab.
  • If someone in the lab is positive of Covid-19, the protocols established by the Center for Disease Control should be followed. Track the areas used by the infected person and clean and decontaminate it using EPA-recommended disinfectant.

General safety rules in the laboratory

  • Be mindful of the safety signs and fire alarm. In case of an emergency, make sure you strictly follow safety and escape instructions.
  • Make sure you know your building’s evacuation procedures.
  • Know your laboratory equipment’s storage area and place of designation, especially those needed in times of emergency like:
  • First aid kits
  • Eyewash stations
  • Safety showers
  • Fire extinguishers
  • Memorize emergency phone numbers as it is seemingly beneficial during an emergency.
  • Appropriate warning signs must be placed and emphasized when working in a laboratory filled with hazardous materials like radioisotopes, lasers, biohazards, and carcinogens.
  • Avoid using open flames in the laboratory unless permitted by a qualified supervisor.
  • Familiarize the laboratory’s settings, especially the location of fire alarms and exits.
  • When doing a fire drill, see to it that electrical equipment is turned off and all containers are closed.
  • Make sure that the laboratory is well-ventilated, especially if you are working on something.
  • A big NO when inside the laboratory – eating, drinking, and chewing gums.
  • Laboratory apparatus such as glassware should be used for laboratory activities alone. Do not use it as a food container.
  • When using glass lab equipment, you should always check for any signs of chipping or the presence of cracks. Inform your lab supervisor should there be any damage to the equipment.
  • Use only equipment you are trained to handle. If you don’t know how to use it, then don’t use it to avoid any problems.
  • Report to the lab technician if any laboratory tools and equipment are not functioning properly. Do not attempt to do a repair on your own.
  • If you are in-charge to close the lab, do your part in making sure that all ignition sources are closed and doors are locked.
  • As much as possible, avoid working alone in the lab.
  • Make sure you complete the experiment. If it needs to be left for some time, see to it that there is someone looking after it. Do not leave your experiment unattended.
  • When working with solutions or any glassware, make sure that it is within your eye level. Do not lift it above your eye level to avoid the solution from dripping. Do not smell or taste chemicals as they can be extremely hazardous.
  • Follow proper lab waste disposal procedures.
  • Any incidents that resulted in broken equipment, tools, and injuries should be reported no matter how minor it is.
  • If you sustained an injury, ask for help immediately.
  • If the chemicals you are working with splashes into your eyes or skin, immediately flush with running water for at least 20 minutes.
  • Inform your supervisor the soonest time possible if you notice any unsafe conditions.
Also see : Lab safety symbols and their meanings

Housekeeping safety rules

Housekeeping safety rules lab

  • Keep your work area clean at all times.
  • Make emergency stations accessible and unobstructed, specifically emergency showers, eyewash stations, exit areas, and fire extinguishers.
  • Work areas are designated for materials and tools used for lab-related works.
  • When storing items on the cabinet, the heavy materials should be placed at the bottom while the light materials should be stored on top.
  • Keep solids away from the lab sink.
  • Equipment that needs ventilation (airflow) must be kept clear to avoid overheating.

Laboratory Dress Code

precaution step in biology experiment

There are clothing materials that must be worn inside the laboratory and there are those that need not be worn such as shorts and skirts. When going inside the laboratory, make sure that the following is carefully observed:

  • Hair that is chin-length or longer must be tied back.
  • Keep loose clothing and dangling jewelry secure. As much as possible, do not wear them in the laboratory.
  • Use proper footwear. Do not wear sandals or open-toed shoes. The footwear should completely cover the foot.
  • Wearing the proper clothing is a must. Do not wear shorts or skirts.
  • Remove acrylic nails when working with fire or things that could ignite fire such as lighted splints, matches, and Bunsen burners.

Personal Protection Safety Measures

Personal protection safety rules lab

It pertains to what lab personnel should wear to protect themselves from lab hazards and to observe proper hygiene, and avoid contamination.

  • Wear face shields and safety glasses when working with hazardous materials, chemicals, heat, and glassware.
  • Gloves should be worn when handling toxic or hazardous agents.
  • A smock or lab coat is worn when performing laboratory experiments.
  • Wash your hands before entering and after leaving the lab using clean water and soap.
  • When working with chemicals and performing experiments in general, you should refrain from touching your eyes, mouth, face, and other sensitive areas of the body.

Safety Rules When Handling Chemicals

Chemicals are one of the must-have items in the laboratory. Safety rules in handling chemicals in the laboratory have to be followed to avoid spills and chemical-related accidents.

  • All chemicals in the lab setting must be treated as dangerous.
  • Make sure that chemicals will not come in contact with your skin.
  • Chemicals should be labeled correctly: name, concentration, date received, and the name of the person responsible for it.
  • Read the label a few times before pouring the content from a chemical bottle.
  • Take only the chemical you need.
  • Unused chemicals should not be put back in the original container.
  • Chemicals and other laboratory solutions and materials should not be taken away from the lab.
  • Chemicals should not be mixed in the sink drain.
  • The fume hood is the designated place for chemicals tagged as volatile or flammable.
  • In the case of chemical spills, it should be cleaned immediately.
  • Observe proper chemical waste disposal.

Chemistry Laboratory Safety Rules

Chemistry Laboratory Safety Rules lab

  • Check the materials you are going to use and be aware of the hazards they bring.
  • Exercise extreme caution when refluxing, distilling, and transferring highly volatile liquids.
  • Pour chemicals from a large container to a smaller container.
  • Do not pour chemicals back into the stock container.
  • Never tap vacuum flask.
  • Be very mindful when handling chemicals. Do not mix, measure, or heat chemicals in front of your face.
  • Avoid pouring water into concentrated acid. The best way is to pour the acid slowly into the water while constantly stirring the water.

Electrical Safety Measures

Electrical safety rules lab

Electrical equipment can be found in a laboratory setting. It prevents errors in using electronic instruments, electric shocks, and other related injuries. The following has to be observed when dealing with electrical equipment in the lab:

  • Ask permission from your laboratory supervisor before using high-voltage equipment.
  • Make sure you do not modify or change the setting of high-voltage equipment.
  • When attaching a high-voltage power supply, make sure you turn it off.
  • Use one hand when adjusting high-voltage equipment. Your other hand should be placed behind your back or in your pocket.
  • As much as possible, do not use extension cords.

Safety Rules When Using Laser

precaution step in biology experiment

Many labs use lasers and lab personnel must strictly follow safety precautions when working with a laser to prevent injuries.

  • Never look into the laser beam even if it is tagged as low power or safe for your eyes.
  • Whenever lasers are present, you have to protect your eyes by wearing the right goggles. There are different types of laser-related injuries but the most common ones are caused by scattered laser light that reflects off the shiny surface of the side of the mirror, optical tables, and mountings. If you are wearing goggles, your eyes will be protected from laser’s scattered light.
  • Make sure your head is not at the same level as the laser beam. The laser beam should be below or at chest level.
  • Avoid laser beams from spreading into the lab by using beam stops.
  • Avoid walking through the laser beams.

The reminders and precautions provided were all considered and acknowledge! Thank you for the heads up!

I acknowledge full comprehension of all precautions and reminders, Thankyou!

All precautionary measures herein discussed and reminded are well taken with full comprehension. Thank you.

All of the safety precautions that are mentioned and emphasized here are fully understood and implemented. Thankyou.

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