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  • Video Essay for MBA Admissions – Tips that work
  • MBA Admissions

Have you ever wondered what questions are asked in an MBA video interview or what an MBA video essay looks like? If you haven’t, that’s okay; you’re not alone. Numerous leading business schools, including Yale School of Management and MIT’s Sloan School of Management, use this application component. MBA video essays can be hard for applicants, mostly because of the impromptu nature that they have where you may have just a few seconds to prepare a response to a prompt you receive. The key to success in this interview format, as in other interview formats and essays, is practice!

rotman mba video essay questions

What are video essays, why do they matter, and how can I create a video essay that will create a positive impact in the minds of admissions officers? We will answer these questions and more in this blog post.

Why do video essays exist?

What are mba video interview questions / video essays, types of mba video essays, kellogg school of management, rotman school of management, london business school, 11 mba video essay tips that work, final thoughts.

Video is all around us these days. We watch videos on our smartphones, computers, and TVs. It’s hardly shocking that many MBA programs need video essays as part of the application. Why? Because video can transmit a lot of information quickly, including nonverbal communication that just isn’t possible in a written essay.

According to the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, which was the first to use video essays as part of the application process, the video essay lets the admissions team look for different skills and abilities as part of the evaluation process.

INSEAD’s admissions committee says that the video essay gives students a unique chance to talk about what they love, what drives them, and who they are. The Admissions Committee wants to get a true picture of the applicant as a person. They want to know how a student thinks on his or her feet and how he or she communicates ideas.

Both the MBA video interview and the MBA video essay are brief, self-recorded, or platform-recorded videos in which applicants respond to questions posed by the admissions committee via video rather than in written form. Some business schools have only recently added this criterion to their application process. It’s important to note that video essays don’t replace the written MBA admission essay or the final interview for admission.

It’s also important to know that business schools have different names for this essay because it’s new to the MBA application process. Kellogg and London Business School both call it a video essay, while INSEAD and MIT call it a video interview and a video statement, respectively. Every business school has certain unique nuances to video essays.

So, what types of video essays exist? Let’s find out.

There are two types of video essays asked:

  • Impromptu video Essays

Pre-recorded video essays

Impromptu video essays.

In this approach, applicants answer interview questions and record a video on the spot. Candidates generally have 30 to 60 seconds to prepare replies and 60 to 90 seconds to record video essays. The time limit may vary from school to school, but the format essentially remains the same, depending on the school’s admissions policies. In this setting, applicants are not given a second chance to answer questions, therefore it’s important to be well-prepared.

In this format, candidates are asked to record a short video answering a specific question or prompt from the admissions committee. The time limit and questions or topics are usually given to you ahead of time, giving you more time to think about your answers and make sure your video essay is the best it can be.

So, which business schools ask for a video essay, and what are their specific guidelines? Let’s understand these in the next section.

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MBA Video Essay Questions of Business Schools

To apply to Kellogg’s MBA programs, applicants must send in one program-specific essay, two written MBA admission essays, and answers to three MBA video essays. There are three essay prompts as part of Kellogg’s MBA video essay evaluation process. Applicants have 20 seconds to think about the response to each question and 60 seconds to answer it. The first two questions are set, but the third one is usually chosen at random.

The video essay evaluation process has three questions, each of which is meant to help you show who you are and talk about some of the things that led you to where you are now.

As you get ready to finish this section, here are some things to think about:

  • Video essays have to be turned in 96 hours after application submission.
  • After you send in your application and payment, you will see a link to your video essay on the page that shows the status of your application.
  • You need a computer that can connect to the internet and has a webcam and a microphone.
  • Including the time it takes to set up, making the video should take between 20 and 25 minutes. (This does not include preparation time)

Video essay 1: Please tell the people in charge of admissions about yourself.

Think of this as your chance to tell Kellogg’s admissions committee what you want them to know about you. What makes you, you? To what extent do your personal and professional experiences demonstrate your leadership potential, character traits, and other distinguishing characteristics?

Video essay 2: What path are you interested in pursuing, how will you get there, and why is this program right for you?

This question was designed to be quite open-ended so that you may respond in a straightforward and relevant way. Kellogg’s admissions committee wants to know why you want to get an MBA and why you want it from Kellogg. To answer this question well, you must:

  • Mention your short-term and long-term career goals after getting your MBA. 
  • Mention certain Kellogg offerings such as classes, clubs, competitions, student names, professors, etc., as well as anything else that is exclusive to Kellogg and could assist you in achieving your post-MBA career goals.

Video essay 3: This question will be based on a challenge you’ve faced and what you’ve learned from it.

Kellogg’s admissions committee wants to learn more about your leadership and personality traits. Ideally, we recommend using the STAR framework to frame your response. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, Result. So, you should talk about the challenge, how you overcame it, and what actions helped you overcome the obstacle. You should also talk about what you learned and how you created a big impact, which you should try to quantify if you can.

Tips from Kellogg’s Admissions Committee

Kellogg’s admissions committee has also shared a few tips to help applicants navigate the video essay section. Here is what they recommend:

  • You can answer practice questions as often as you want to get used to the format and technology. The practice questions and experience are meant to be like the real video essay, so this is a good way to help you feel ready.
  • They strongly recommend you practice so that when it’s time to answer the real questions, you already know how they are set up. This is important because the answers you give in the actual video essay questions cannot be changed.

Here is how the Rotman MBA video essay works. After submitting your application, a company called Kira Talent will send you an email. This email will have a link that gives you access to the video essay platform. Two questions will be asked aloud, one at a time, after you have logged in and begun the session. You will have 30 seconds to think about each question and 90 seconds to answer it. You can’t redo the question, and you only get one chance to answer.

Then, one written question will be sent to you. You’ll be given a question and given 10 minutes to answer it. You should write between 250 and 500 words. The question for the written answer is meant to find out how you would write in a business or school setting.

Questions are chosen at random.

No matter when you send in your application, you need to send in your response to the video essay within two weeks. This can happen no later than two weeks after your target round’s deadline. But you should try to send in the video essay as soon as possible since your application won’t be looked at until the video essay is done.

As part of your application to MIT Sloan, you must send in a video statement along with other documents. Once you have recorded the video you can upload it on the MIT Sloan video statement portal, which is different from how the video essay works at other schools.

Here’s the MIT Sloan video essay prompt: Introduce yourself to your future classmates

Here’s your chance to put a face to a name, show who you are, talk to people, and just be yourself.

Videos should follow these guidelines:

  • No more than one minute (60 seconds)
  • Single take (no editing)
  • Speaking directly into the camera.
  • Don’t add background music or captions.

After you send in your application and pay the fee, you’ll be able to see the video essay questions . The video questions are part of your MBA application, not a replacement for the interview.

A member of the admissions team will ask each candidate a set of random questions that have already been recorded.

The Deputy Director of Admissions, Kristen Mercuri, gives applicants a few tips:

  • Video essays are not a deal-breaker or deal-maker. You can rehearse with the available tool before beginning your recordings, but other than that, no prior preparation is necessary.
  • For the recorded responses, one piece of advice is to get used to the 60-90 second time frame. You don’t want to feel rushed or like you only have 10 seconds to say something.
  • Lastly, make sure you have a good internet connection and a private, quiet place to work. 

After you send in your application and are chosen for an interview, the LBS admissions team will send you an email. This email will have a link that lets you get to the platform for video essays. What sets apart LBS’s video essays from many others is that, for LBS, you share it after you are invited for the interview.

After you sign in and start the session, you’ll be asked two questions, one at a time. You’ll have 40 seconds to think about each question and then 90 seconds to answer.

You can’t redo the responses, which means you only get one chance to speak and give your answer.

The first question is chosen at random, and the second is a fixed question: “What will you gain from the London Business School MBA program that you won’t get from another MBA program?”

Kira Talent on behalf of INSEAD will notify you via email with a link to 4 video interviews shortly after you submit your online application to the INSEAD MBA program. The application system dashboard will also display your link.

The video is a one-of-a-kind chance to show the INSEAD admissions committee what drives you, what inspires you, and who you really are. The MBA Admissions Committee wants to observe how you respond to unexpected situations and express yourself in your own words.

Please note that the video interviews are a supplement to in-person interviews with Alumni, not a replacement for them.

INSEAD will not consider your application complete until they have received your responses to the video interviews. Video interviews should be sent as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours after the application deadline.

Here are 11 tips that will help you prepare well and consequently do well on your MBA video essay.

You can also take a look at this video for more helpful tips:

Gather anecdotes, both personal and professional

Most schools ask applicants to think about the questions and answer them in less than a minute. Use the Situation, Task, Action, and Result (STAR) method to answer the questions. Answer the essay questions by talking about a situation you’ve been in, what you did about it, and what happened as a result. Using the STAR method to answer a question will help you say what you need to say quickly and in an impactful manner.

Answer to the point

Many of the video essay questions are about why you want to get an MBA or what your career goals are. Depending on the category, you should make a list of your professional experiences and write your answers around them. Talk about why that business school is a great fit for your career goals when you have the chance. Talk about what your exact goals are and how this program will help you reach them.

Choose a place that is quiet and well-lit

While you’re making the video, there shouldn’t be any noise that gets in your way. To avoid verbal distractions during the interview, ask a friend or family member to monitor the area.

Use good recording equipment

Even though most schools don’t say anything about the video output, it’s best to use a high-quality webcam and microphone to record your video essay. You can use an external webcam to record video if you’re unhappy with the quality captured by your laptop’s internal camera. Make sure the microphone you select allows for clear speech. You must record a test video and check the video quality, audio output, and lighting.

Don’t let your gadgets steal your focus

Before the interview, make sure your phone is set to “Do Not Disturb” mode and close any programs or browser tabs that you don’t need.

Choose a solid color background

It’s best to record in front of a solid color background, so go with something simple if you can. If there are too many things going on behind you, the viewer may not be able to pay attention to what you are saying.

Keep a pen and notepad ready

Have a notepad and pen ready, as most essay questions will give you less than a minute to organize your thoughts before you have to give your answer. You may need a notepad and pen at the table to write down your main points and supporting examples while answering.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Take the help of a question bank available online and shared by business schools to practice as many questions as possible. Remember, always practice in the setting that you are going to be in while answering the real video essay prompts.

Record yourself answering the questions on your list using a camera. Having the answers recorded will help you think about how you sound. Start judging the video only after at least a couple of hours have passed as it will give you a fresh perspective. While evaluating, make sure you are not saying fillers like “like..” and “umm…”. Hemming and hawing give the impression that you are unprepared.

Check your posture and facial expressions as you answer the questions. If you don’t like the first try, keep trying until you get the result that you want. Send your final production to people you trust for critique. It’s the best way to figure out what kind of opinions someone will have when evaluating your video essay.

Dress professionally

It is important to dress appropriately for the video essay because it is viewed as a “pre-interview” with the admissions committee.

Maintain a good body language

Body language is a very important thing to keep in mind during your video essay. Make sure to sit up straight during the whole recording and have a smile on your face. The best way to figure out what’s wrong with your body language is to record yourself answering some of the questions on your list and then looking at the video. By practicing while fixing these kinds of mistakes, you can get rid of any nervous ticks before the final take.

Position the camera accordingly to be able to sit in an upright posture

Adjust the webcam so that it is at eye level so that you can answer while maintaining a straight posture. Never answer without first looking directly into the camera.

A video essay is not meant to be scripted but prepared. It’s a way for business schools to check your level of preparedness and awareness with your application. With some organized planning, you can make a great video essay. 

We can help you craft an outstanding video essay. Get in touch with us to know more about our MBA application services.

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Advice, tips and insights from the admissions dream team., table of contents, unleash your uniqueness: how to tackle the rotman mba essay “spike factor” question.

  • By Melissa Jones

rotman mba video essay questions

When you are applying to an MBA program, it’s crucial to stand out from the crowd. Business schools seek diverse and dynamic cohorts, so they ask candidates to showcase their distinctive qualities and potential contributions to the community. Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto takes this a step further with its “spike factor” question.

In this article, we explain how to tackle this unique Rotman MBA essay question and align your spike with Rotman’s values to set yourself up for admissions success.

The spike factor question is the only Rotman essay required. However, applicants will be required to submit a required video response to two interview questions. Rotman also requires candidates to submit a timed, 10-minute written response component. Applicants will receive an email within 24 hours of submitting their application with further instructions and a link to the video component. (See our advice on how to ace the videos .)

The “Spike Factor” Essay Question

Explain your spike factor (something unique about yourself) that you believe will contribute to the Rotman community and is aligned with Rotman values. How will your spike factor help you succeed as an MBA student and beyond? (hard cutoff at 500 words

The Rotman School coined the term “the spike factor” to describe something extraordinary or unique about an applicant. It’s an aspect of your background, upbringing, experience or personality that sets you apart from other applicants. It’s a characteristic that makes you a valuable addition to the Rotman community. So, how do you identify and explain your own spike factor in the Rotman MBA essay?


To start, look inward. Reflect on your upbringing, life experiences, personal journey and professional accomplishments. What sets you apart?  As Rotman asks, “What are the things that you have done in your life that demonstrate passion, grit, resilience, innovation, drive, ambition, and more?”

This can encompass all or any aspect of life outside of work—volunteerism, awards, entrepreneurial ventures, sports and the arts. It could be an exceptional skill, a transformative experience or a hobby you’re devoted to that defines you.

Don’t limit yourself to traditional notions of success. Your spike factor doesn’t have to be a world-changing invention; it can be a personal story that demonstrates resilience, adaptability or creativity.

Alignment with Rotman Values

Rotman values qualities such as diversity, leadership, innovation and a commitment to making a positive impact. Consider how your spike factor aligns with these values and connect them in your Rotman essay. For instance, if your unique experience involves leading a diverse team through a challenging project, you can emphasize your leadership and commitment to fostering diversity.

Show, Don’t Tell

Don’t just describe your spike factor; show how it has influenced your actions and decisions. Use specific examples that highlight the impact of your uniqueness. Instead of stating, “I have a passion for sustainability,” share a story of how you initiated a successful sustainability project and its impact or outcomes.

Note that Rotman invites you to upload your  “spikiest” pictures. Although this is optional, I strongly suggest that you include some. Images create a more personal, memorable and longer-lasting impression. Note that images should be combined into a single PDF and uploaded to the supplemental items section of the application.

Community Contribution

Demonstrate how your spike factor will contribute to the Rotman community. Will it enrich classroom discussions, inspire your peers, contribute to a student club or enhance the learning environment? Highlight the potential ripple effects of your uniqueness within the school.

Beyond the MBA

Remember that Rotman is interested in your long-term potential. The admissions committee seeks to build a diverse class of exceptional individuals “who will go on to make the School proud as professionals and alumni.”

Explain how your spike factor will continue to be an asset in your post-MBA career and/or community involvement. Will it open doors, drive innovation or help you make a lasting impact in your profession or volunteer work?

Sample Approach

Let’s illustrate these principles with a hypothetical example. Suppose your spike factor is a background in competitive ballroom dancing. Here’s how you might tackle the question:

“My spike factor is my background in competitive ballroom dancing. [Add more details on your dancing here; for example, how long you’ve been dancing, the cities around the world where you’ve competed and any competitions you may have won] . At first glance, this pursuit may seem unrelated to business. However, I believe it aligns perfectly with Rotman’s values of diversity, leadership and innovation.

In ballroom dancing, I learned the art of leading and following — skills that are invaluable in collaborative work environments. Dancing in front of large audiences around the world honed my communication and presentation skills as well as my confidence. I believe all three will contribute to vibrant classroom discussions at Rotman.

Teaching ballroom dance to various age groups, including senior citizens, has given me joy. It’s a tremendous feeling to give back and see people’s smiling faces. Teaching dance also honed my leadership skills. I will use this skillset at Rotman in my working groups, leading the [X club—perhaps related to your post-MBA goal]. I will also  deploy these skills on my non-profit boards and charities fellowship through the Rotman Onboard Fellowship Program.

Beyond the classroom, my spike factor has the potential to make a lasting impact. As someone who grew up in an underprivileged family, it’s been important for me to give back to those in similar situations. That’s why I volunteered for five years with Save the Children as [x]. Based on that experience, I envision organizing and performing in an annual “Rotman Dance for Diversity” event. This event will celebrate Rotman’s multicultural community and raise funds for underprivileged students in Toronto. It will promote diversity and showcase Rotman’s commitment to innovative and inclusive initiatives.

In my future career as a business leader in [x] , I see my ballroom dancing background as a unique asset. I routinely rehearsed about 15 hours per week, enduring several injuries and training a new substitute dance partner at the last minute before a performance. This has taught me discipline, perseverance and the ability to adapt to rapidly changing circumstances — all qualities essential in today’s dynamic business world. I plan to leverage this background to foster creativity, teamwork and adaptability within my future organizations.

My spike factor is not just about dancing; it’s about a mindset of diversity, leadership and innovation that I am eager to bring to the Rotman community and carry forward into a successful career.”

An essay such as this could be supplemented with a photo of dancing in a competition somewhere around the world, one leading dance classes and one from volunteering at Save the Children.

Final Thoughts

Think of an idea that would stand out from the crowd and make you memorable. If you are stumped, speak to friends and family members, who might mention something you hadn’t thought of or didn’t think was unique.

Approach this essay with authenticity, clarity and a forward-thinking perspective. Nailing down and clearly communicating your spike factor portrays you as someone Rotman will want in their next class. Moreover, it sets the stage for a transformative MBA experience and a successful career that resonates with the Rotman Schools’s values.

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Fortuna Admissions is a dream team of former MBA admissions directors and officers from top business schools. With our unparalleled collective expertise, we can help you develop a clear vision of your goals for business school and beyond. We work closely with you throughout the application process and provide expert guidance at every stage to maximize your chances of admission to a top school.

Our free consultations are consistently rated as the best in the industry. To learn more about what Fortuna can do for you  and get a candid assessment of your chances of admission to other top programs, book your free session now .

Melissa Jones

  • Posted on August 13, 2024

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rotman mba video essay questions

September 11, 2024

Toronto Rotman MBA Essay Tips and Deadlines [2024-2025], Class Profile

rotman mba video essay questions

The University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management is one of the leading business schools in Canada. Known for its design approach to MBA education and strong emphasis on problem-solving, Rotman’s program continues to grow in renown and was ranked number one in Canada in the 2024 QS Global MBA Rankings .

Through its uniquely engaging essay question and the opportunity to shape a rich and in-depth message over a generous word limit, Rotman invites you to demonstrate the self-knowledge and personal insight that will convey your fit with the values and culture of the program.

Ready to get to work on your Toronto Rotman application? Read on.

Toronto Rotman application essay tips

Toronto rotman deadlines, toronto rotman class profile, essay .

Our admitted students stand out by doing interesting things with their personal and professional lives — something we describe as the ‘spike factor’. 

What are the things that you have done in your life that demonstrate passion, grit, resilience, innovation, drive, ambition, and more? This can cross all or any aspects of life outside of work – hobbies, volunteerism, awards, entrepreneurial ventures, sports and the arts. We believe that exposure to a rich diversity of viewpoints makes for a superior learning experience, and pride ourselves on building a diverse class of exceptional individuals who will go on to make the School proud as professionals and alumni.

Explain your spike factor (something unique about yourself) that you believe will contribute to the Rotman community and is aligned with Rotman values (up to 500 words).


If you don’t know what the adcom means by “spike factor,” check out Accepted’s podcast episode with Mohammad Salhia, managing director of recruitment, admissions, and business development at Rotman. 

The important thing with this essay is to first share your “spike factor” – what makes you unique and how that will add value to your classmates. Make any explanation short and sweet. You do have to explicitly explain your “spike factor,” because the question directs you to. But you don’t have to do it at the start of your essay, and you don’t have to do it at length. Consider beginning your essay with an anecdote to engage the reader. 

Next, you need to be sure to communicate your ideas clearly and logically yet stay within the 500-word limit. What you reveal about yourself in the essay helps the adcom discover who you are and whether you would be a good fit for their program. “Fit” is a very difficult term to explain concretely, but adcoms know how to identify it. They’ve learned over the years which candidates have the potential to be leaders, which ones have the potential to be creative and innovative, and which ones just won’t be right for the program.

Once you decide on the spike factor you will present, identify up to three illustrative anecdotes from both work and outside of work that illustrate it, and make sure each one shows a different context or facet of the spike factor. Be strategic about which anecdotes you use. For example, what are some meaningful “zoom-in” moments or experiences from your life (at least one of which should be relatively recent) that would enhance your application in relevant ways? Use this essay to fill in the mosaic of who you are.

The emphasis on the word “diverse/diversity” in the preamble to the question indicates that the adcom appreciates reflections that are not only individual perspectives but that also connect the applicant to a broader group in some way. If you portray such a connection, great; just make sure it adds a distinctive nuance or message.

Optional: You can upload 1-3 of your ‘spikiest’ pictures to the supplemental items section of your application. Note: Your photos must be uploaded as a single PDF.

Sometimes, a picture is worth a thousand words, so if you can show what is unique about you using a photo, then do so. Perhaps add a one-line comment to identify the photo, or consider referring to the photo(s) in your essay. You’ll want to explain why you chose the photo and why the experience depicted in the photo made an impact on you.

Required video interview

Required video interview (2 questions) with a new timed written response component (10 minutes in length). Applicants will receive an email within 24 hours of applying with a link to the video component. 

The video interview component is a required part of Rotman’s admissions process, designed to give all candidates guaranteed “face time” with the adcom. Note that only after your application has been submitted will you receive an invitation (via email) to complete your video interviews and the essay, which must be done within two business days of receiving the invitation. So keep your eyes on your Inbox!

Rather than panicking at the thought of doing a recording on an unknown subject, look at this as a fun challenge. You get to show the adcom who you are, what gets you excited, what your values are, and why Rotman is the right school for you. You will have an opportunity to test your audio and video (which you should also do in advance) and then will be asked two pre-recorded questions that you will have 90 seconds to answer, followed by a real-time, ten-minute written response (no video with this component.) Both video questions are personality/values based and are designed to be answered without advanced preparation. The written question is designed to simulate the typical email communications you will create as a Rotman MBA student. 

Without knowing what the questions are, it’s best to approach the video interview with both your application essays and the Rotman program fresh in your mind. This will help you avoid being both (1) redundant and (2) contradictory or inconsistent. I suggest viewing and approaching it as a continuation of the dialogue started in your essay. Yes, this part of the application might present a challenge, particularly for non-native English speakers and writers who might typically take more time to polish their writing in English. But again, be calm! Perhaps make notes about particular classes you want to take or professors you’d like to work with as you are reviewing the website, so you can call up their names without being flustered. If you’ve spoken with students or alumni, try to bring that element into either the video recordings or the associated written essay. And if the opportunity presents itself, mention the Leadership Development Lab or the Self-Development Lab, two core features of the Rotman program, or the school’s incorporation of artificial intelligence into its curriculum. While it’s natural for a follow-up piece like this essay to be less polished and less thoughtful than essays on which you are able to spend more time, it should not sound as though a different person wrote it or present such a gap in English writing ability that it raises doubts about the authorship of the written portions of your application. If you are worried about these elements, practice. Give yourself sample topics and a five- to ten-minute response window. Use tough questions, to make the actual one (hopefully) seem easier!

You’ve worked so hard to get to this point in your journey. Now that you’re ready for your next achievement, make sure you know how to present yourself to maximum advantage in your Rotman application. In a hotly competitive season, you’ll want a member of Team Accepted in your corner, guiding you with expertise tailored specifically for you. Schedule a free consultation with an Accepted expert today!

Round 1September 25, 2024
Round 2January 15, 2025
Round 3March 5, 2025
Round 4April 30, 2025

Source: Rotman website.

***Disclaimer: Information is subject to change. Please check with Rotman directly to verify its essay questions, instructions, and deadlines.***

Here is a look at the Rotman MBA Class of 2025 (data taken from the Rotman website ):

Total students: 266

Black or Indigenous: 10%

Average age: 28

Age range: 21-36

Average years of work experience: 5

Range of years of work experience: 0-14

Average GPA: 3.6

Average GMAT: 672

GMAT range (80%): 630-720

Global reach

  • Born outside of Canada: 79%
  • International students: 70%
  • Speaks two languages: 46%
  • Passport regions represented: 41
  • First languages spoken: 37
  • Domestic students: 30%
  • Speak three or more languages: 15%

Industry background

  • Consulting: 29%
  • Financial services: 28%
  • Technology: 17%
  • Healthcare/Biotech/Pharma: 6%
  • Consumer goods: 5%
  • Manufacturing: 2%
  • Not-for-profit: 1%
  • Media/Entertainment: 1%

Academic background

  • Business/Commerce: 34%
  • Engineering: 20%
  • Economics: 14%
  • Math/Computer science: 5%
  • Life sciences: 4%
  • Social sciences: 4%
  • Applied Sciences: 3%
  • Humanities: 3%
  • Physical sciences: 1%

Christie St John

Dr. Christie St-John has more than 25 years of higher ed and admissions experience, including ten years in admissions at Dartmouth Tuck. She was formerly the director of MBA recruiting and admissions, director of international relations, and an adjunct faculty member at Vanderbilt University. Having also served on the board of directors of the MBA Career Services & Employer Alliance and the Consortium for Graduate Studies in Management, Christie has a deep knowledge of MBA and other graduate admissions. Want Christie to help you get Accepted? Click here to get in touch!

Related Resources:

  • The Winning Ingredients of a Dynamic MBA Goals Essay , a free guide
  • Do You Have the Spike for Toronto Rotman MBA? , podcast Episode 581
  • MBA Selectivity Index , a free tool

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Rotman MBA 2024: Comprehensive Essay Guide and Application Insights

Are you planning to apply for the Rotman MBA program in 2024? Read this comprehensive guide breaking down the Rotman MBA application essays, filled with analysis, insights, and expert tips to boost your chances of success.


If you aspire to pursue a Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree, the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto offers an exceptional opportunity. However, getting accepted into this prestigious program is highly competitive, and one of the crucial aspects of the application process is writing compelling essays. In this article, we will delve into the Rotman MBA application essays for the year 2024, analyzing what the admissions committee seeks and providing valuable insights to help you craft outstanding essays that reflect your uniqueness and potential

The Rotman School of Management in downtown Toronto, Canada, is widely regarded as the country’s premier business school. It is affiliated with the prestigious University of Toronto and has a distinguished faculty that ranks among the top 20 in the world for business research, making it the largest in Canada. Students at Rotman benefit from a varied and supportive atmosphere, which is backed up by a robust network of leaders, mentors, and instructors.

The Full-time MBA Program at Rotman is the largest in Canada and has been ranked as the #1 business school in the country by Financial Times. Located in Toronto, a bustling and multicultural city known for its fintech and banking sectors, the Rotman MBA is a rigorous 20-month program, which includes 16 months of academic study and an option for a 4-month paid internship.

The MBA program has a significant global presence, with over 17,000 alumni spread across 90 countries. International students interested in pursuing the two-year MBA program will find the tuition to be $103,001 (CAD $131,120). Moreover, Rotman offers various generous scholarships based on merit for outstanding international candidates, such as the Joseph L. Rotman Scholarship, Rotman Family Healthcare Scholarship, Business Design Initiative (BDI) Scholarship, 30% Club Full-Time MBA Scholarship, and Rotman African and Caribbean Business Club (RACBC) Scholarship.

The Significance of Rotman MBA Application Essays

When applying to the Rotman MBA program, your academic qualifications and work experience are essential, but the application essays are your chance to showcase your personality, goals, and motivations. The admissions committee uses these essays to gain deeper insights into your aspirations and determine if you are the right fit for their program.

Breaking Down the Rotman MBA Application Essays

Essay 1: Our admitted students stand out by doing interesting things with their personal and professional lives — something we describe as the ‘spike factor’; what are the things that you have done in your life that demonstrate Passion/ Grit/ Resilience/ Innovation/ Drive/ Ambition and more? This can cross all or any aspects of life outside of work – hobbies, volunteerism, awards, entrepreneurial ventures, sports and the arts. We believe that exposure to a rich diversity of viewpoints makes for a superior learning experience, and pride ourselves on building a diverse class of exceptional individuals who will go on to make the School proud as professionals and alumni.

Explain your spike factor (something unique about yourself) that you believe will contribute to the Rotman community and is aligned with Rotman values. (up to 500 words)*  

Optional – Please upload 1-3 of your ‘spikiest’ pictures to the supplemental items section of your application here. Note: Your photos must be uploaded as a single PDF.

The very first tip, would be checking the value system of any school, for Rotman:

Rotman is distinguished by its class diversity and its use of various educational methods within the MBA program, encompassing lectures, labs, and experiential learning. More on the insides or Rotman later in this blog so you can understand the curriculum better. As a result, every student not only needs to adeptly navigate the MBA’s structure but also actively contribute to their classmates’ education both within the classroom and the broader Rotman community. This aspect aligns with Rotman’s fundamental vision, offering applicants the opportunity to explore their own values. More importantly, it allows candidates to demonstrate how they can uniquely enrich Rotman’s diverse student body by bringing their distinctive contributions.

The objective of this essay is to present to Rotman who you are as an individual and what sets you apart. While you have the option to focus on any of the characteristics mentioned in the question, it is not mandatory. To begin, reflect on your personal and professional journey to pinpoint the crucial moments that have shaped your life. Examine the bell curve of your career and mark the points that have brought you to your current position. It centres around the concept of the “spike factor,” which refers to a person’s primary differentiator, making them stand out or special. 

The essay encourages candidates to discuss accomplishments and experiences outside of work that showcase qualities like passion, perseverance, innovation, and diversity-related perspectives. It emphasizes that whatever is highlighted in the essay should align with Rotman’s core values of respect, diversity, excellence, and integrity. The essay, not only should you detail these experiences, but also elaborate on how they have influenced your personal growth and life decisions. Make a bell curve of your career path and analyse the “spike points” and describe the profound impact these moments have had on shaping your character and molding the path you’ve chosen to take

Previously, the essay had a word limit of 1,000 words and optional “spike” photos. However, the updated version now requires candidates to upload these pictures. As there are fewer words available, it’s essential to make use of supporting photos to reinforce the main message of the essay. The images should be chosen thoughtfully to create a lasting impression with the admissions committee and provide nonverbal information to associate with the candidate’s profile

Required Video Interview: Required video interview (2 questions) with a timed written response component (10 minutes in length)

In essence, the purpose of this “essay” application is to showcase your ability to think and express yourself spontaneously, both verbally and in writing. Candidates have no luxury of time to prepare extensively, seek feedback, or revise their responses, as is common with typical application essays, including video ones. Rotman’s approach for the video essay and written accompaniment is designed to reveal your true, unfiltered self. The admissions committee wants to see the real you, believing that “what you see is what you (really) receive.”

Although this may sound intimidating, there’s no need to view it negatively. As a prospective Rotman MBA student, you have valuable qualities to offer. Use this opportunity to demonstrate how you would engage in the classroom, excel in job interviews, and contribute to the school’s community. There is no definitive right answer to this question, unlike other MBA application prompts. The goal is to find the right fit for the program, and it’s essential not to pretend to be someone you’re not during your two years at Rotman. So, be genuine and answer the questions honestly, using your natural tone, voice, and vocabulary. Confidence, authenticity, and being true to yourself matter more than the specific content of your responses.

However, we recommend working on reducing filler words and phrases (such as “um,” “uh,” “like,” and “you know”) as early as possible. By doing so, you’ll be less likely to rely on them during the actual video session. This practice will benefit you not only in this application but also in your future classroom experiences and interviews. So, start retraining yourself now to enhance your communication skills.

What should your video essay show?

Your passion and goals.

Your essays should reflect your passion for your chosen field and your clear career goals. Use specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate how your experiences have shaped your aspirations and how an MBA from Rotman will play a pivotal role in achieving them.

Highlighting Your Leadership Skills

Leadership qualities are highly valued at Rotman. Demonstrate your leadership skills through past experiences, team collaborations, and how you intend to make a positive impact on your peers and the business world as a whole.

Emphasizing Cultural Fit

Rotman prides itself on its diverse and inclusive community. Showcase your cultural awareness, adaptability, and how you plan to contribute positively to the collaborative and supportive environment at Rotman.

Addressing Weaknesses and Failures

Everyone faces setbacks in their professional journey. Be honest and transparent about your weaknesses and failures, but focus on how you learned from these experiences and how they have made you a stronger individual.

Demonstrating Research About the Program

To stand out, demonstrate that you have thoroughly researched the Rotman MBA program. Mention specific courses, faculty members, or extracurricular activities that excite you and align with your interests.

Structuring Your Essays Effectively

Organize your essays with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Maintain a logical flow and ensure that your ideas are cohesive and well-structured.

Utilizing Concrete Examples

Avoid vague statements and use concrete examples to support your arguments. Quantify your achievements and provide specific instances to back up your claims.

Showcasing Cross-Cultural Experiences

Rotman values applicants with exposure to diverse cultures and environments. Highlight any international experiences or projects that have broadened your worldview and enhanced your global perspective.

Displaying Emotional Intelligence

Effective leadership involves emotional intelligence. Demonstrate your ability to empathize, understand others’ perspectives, and handle difficult situations with maturity.

Addressing Industry Trends and Challenges

Display your industry knowledge by discussing current trends and challenges. Offer insights into how your skillset will be instrumental in addressing these issues.

Collaborative Spirit and Teamwork

Highlight instances where you’ve worked collaboratively as part of a team and achieved remarkable outcomes. Showcase your ability to work harmoniously with others to achieve shared objectives.

Balancing Confidence and Humility

Exhibit confidence in your abilities without appearing arrogant. Combine self-assuredness with humility to show that you are open to learning and growing.

Avoiding Clichés and Jargon

Steer clear of overused phrases and business jargon. Be authentic in your writing, allowing your true voice to shine through.

The Power of Storytelling

Craft narratives that captivate the reader and provide a deeper understanding of your motivations and aspirations. Storytelling can make your essays memorable and engaging.

Course Curriculum Summary: for a more compelling application by S4G exclusively.

The rigorous Full-Time Rotman MBA program consists of 16 months of academic study and a 4-month paid internship opportunity. The program starts with a core curriculum in the first year that connects Rotman’s special problem-solving and creative technique with the basic business disciplines while letting you concentrate on building certain skill sets through more than 90 optional courses.

First Year: Foundations

The first year of the program, which begins in September, is organized into four core terms that are focused on developing your MBA toolbox in the key functional areas of business and designed to introduce and reinforce a special approach to problem-solving and decision-making. You have the option to use three optional courses in the final term, starting in March, to develop your area of interest and your internship preparation.

  • Self-Development Lab (SDL)

Through a series of intense one-on-one coaching sessions and small group seminars, the Self-Development Lab (SDL) has been thoughtfully created to provide you with highly individualized feedback on your behavioral performance, communication style, and overall presence. You will receive advice from professionals, including qualified psychologists, playwrights, and former management consultants, on how to cultivate your interpersonal and self-awareness abilities, which are essential for being a productive collaborative problem-solver.

  • Internship Options

The  Flexible Internship Program * offers three internship periods after your first year: May-August, September-December, and January-April.

Second Year: Choosing a Direction

Choice is the focus of Rotman’s second year. You can choose from one of 15 MBA majors to focus on, or you can tailor your MBA education by selecting from among more than 100 optional courses. In order to earn useful executive experience, give back to the Rotman community, and expand your network to include MBA students in the incoming class, you will also have the chance to take on a leadership role in one of Rotman’s student-run industry clubs or the Graduate Business Council.

Businesses must navigate a complicated landscape of ethical, legal, and governance-related concerns. This course focuses on the role that managers have in identifying these problems and finding effective and efficient solutions. An organization established on sound principles serves as a standard by which all stakeholder interests are judged, and ethical behavior starts with management. This course will explore ethical decision-making and its relationship to the fundamentals of good governance through an “active” case study.

  • The Joe Weider Foundation Leadership Development Lab (LDL) 

A cutting-edge program called the Joe Weider Foundation Leadership Development Lab (LDL) assists qualifying Rotman students in their second year in developing personally and professionally across a range of leadership-related aspects. The LDL will improve your command of self-management, communication, and interpersonal skills by examining the implicit mental models required to intentionally reframe beliefs and change behavioral patterns in order to more effectively produce desired results. It is based on the sciences of psychology and neurology. 

Rotman Deadlines

Here are the deadlines for the 2023-2024 season. 

Application Details  

Application requirements – following are the mba application requirements:.

  • GMAT/GRE score
  • Academic transcripts
  • Two professional references
  • Essay + reflection question + Video interview with timed response
  • TOEFL/IELTS if applicable (Not required if you’ve graduated from an English-language university)
  • Interview (By invitation only)

Application Fees  –  $195 (CAD)

Securing a spot in the Rotman MBA program is a highly rewarding accomplishment that can open doors to exciting career opportunities and personal growth. The application essays are your chance to stand out from other candidates and communicate your unique value. Remember to present a compelling narrative, align with Rotman’s values, and demonstrate your potential to become an exceptional business leader.

Ensure that your essays are well-structured, error-free, and a true reflection of your aspirations and accomplishments. Seek feedback from others to gain valuable perspectives, and above all, be authentic in your writing.

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of breaking down the Rotman MBA application essays, you can confidently begin crafting your responses. Best of luck on your journey towards becoming a part of the esteemed Rotman community!

  • What is the Rotman MBA application deadline for 2024?  Rotman’s application deadline for the 2024 intake typically falls in the late summer or early fall of the previous year. Be sure to check the official Rotman website for the exact date.
  • Can I apply to multiple MBA programs simultaneously, including Rotman?  Yes, you can apply to multiple MBA programs at different universities, including Rotman. However, ensure that you tailor your essays to each school’s unique requirements and values.
  • Are interviews part of the Rotman MBA application process?  Yes, after reviewing the application essays, the Rotman admissions committee may invite selected candidates for an interview. The interview is an opportunity for applicants to further showcase their personality, communication skills, and fit for the program.
  • What qualities does Rotman look for in applicants?  Rotman seeks candidates who demonstrate strong leadership potential, critical thinking abilities, adaptability, and a passion for contributing to a diverse and collaborative community. Moreover, they value candidates with a commitment to ethical business practices and a desire to make a positive impact on the world.
  • Does Rotman prefer applicants from specific professional backgrounds?  Rotman does not have specific preferences for professional backgrounds. Instead, they value diversity and appreciate applicants from various industries and experiences, as it enriches the classroom discussions and learning experiences.

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Homepage > MBA Admissions > How to make an impressive MBA Application Video Essay

How to make an impressive MBA Application Video Essay

Posted by Nayeem Noor | Oct 4, 2022 | MBA Admissions , MBA Application Process

How to make an impressive MBA Application Video Essay

Video essays are an integral part of the MBA application process for many business schools. They are also an excellent opportunity for the admission committee to evaluate your interpersonal skills.

Through the video essay, the admissions committee gets a more direct understanding of who you are, and you get a chance to substantiate the authenticity of your story and offer a glimpse into your personality.

Here is a brief outline of this article:

  • What is a video essay?

Types of MBA Video Essays

  • Top B-Schools which ask for video essays and common questions

Tip #1 – Plan your answers

  • Tip #2 – Create an ideal set-up for video recording
  • Tip #3 – Importance of practice
  • Tip #4 – Present yourself well

Tip #5 – Don’t get tensed

Instead, you can also watch this video on expert advice from admissions officers and consultants on how to create a video essay.

What is an MBA video essay?

The reason business schools made video essays a part of the MBA application was that they were looking for more genuine responses from applicants, without any direct involvement of admissions consultants or other professionals. Below are the responses of admission committees of Rotman, Kellogg, and INSEAD on why business schools ask Video Essays as a part of their application process?

  • University of Toronto’s Rotman School, the B-School, which pioneered the video essay as a part of the application process, says that the video essay allows the admissions team to screen for different aptitudes and competencies in the admissions process.
  • Kellogg MBA Admissions committee, says, “the video essay provides students with an added opportunity to demonstrate what they will bring to our vibrant Kellogg community — in an interactive way.”
  • According to INSEAD’s Admissions committee , the video should be a unique opportunity for students to share their passions, their motivations, and who they are. The Admissions Committee is interested in finding an authentic view of the applicant as a person, to see how a student thinks on your feet and how he/she convey ideas.

Typically, the school will provide one or more questions, and some time to think about them (around 30 – 60 seconds per question) and is then expected to provide the school with a recorded answer.

Learn the importance of MBA Essays in Business School applications

Types of MBA Video Essays

There are two types of videos an applicant may be asked to submit as a part of the MBA application.

  • Questions specified in the school’s application instruction: In such questions, you will get an opportunity to prepare for the question prior. The question can vary from asking about your career path to introducing yourself to the admission committee.
  • Random Questions: School will ask a random question to each student. You will be provided a time frame to think and answer the questions. You must prepare yourself with some personal situational stories that are relevant to diverse topics.
  • Record offline and submit the video : Schools like MIT Sloan asks applicants to provide a video statement on the topic specified in the application instruction. Most of the school as for single take (no editing) videos not lasting more than one minute.

For some business schools such as Texas McCombs, the video essay is not mandatory to submit during application. But the student gets an optional video essay as a part of the application. If you get an optional video essay as part of the application, it is better to take it. The optional video essay is an opportunity for you to showcase your personality and the motivation to pursue an MBA program.

A video essay is one of the 5 types of MBA essays typically asked in a business school application.

Top B-Schools which ask for Video essays and common questions

B-schools and Video essay questions

Below are some of the top business schools which ask applicants to submit a video essay as a part of their admission process:

INSEAD Video Essay

After finishing your online application , you will receive an e-mail from the admission committee with a unique link to complete the video essay portion. Each applicant will be asked to record answers to 4 questions. The questions can be related to your interest in INSEAD, teamwork, diversity & culture, etc. After receiving the question, you will have 45 seconds to prepare each answer and 1 minute to record your answer.

You can practice on the INSEAD online platform before recording your answers. The practice session will have multiple questions available, and you practice as many questions as you need to feel comfortable. You can create an account on the online platform and come back later without any limit on the number of practice sessions.

Northwestern Kellogg Video Essay

Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management is the first amongst the M7 B-Schools, which popularized the video essay in the MBA admission process . After submitting your application and payment, you can access the video essay portal from your Kellogg application status page.

You will be asked to answer 3 questions. You will be given 20 seconds to think about the question and up to 1 minute to give your response. Out of 3 questions, Kellogg provides questions upfront in their application instructions for two, and one will be randomly selected question.

For the intake of 2020, the static questions given by the admission committee are, ‘Please introduce yourself to the admission committee’ and ‘What path are you interested in pursuing, how will you get there, and why is this program right for you?’.

The third question will be a behavioral type question that asks about how you handled a challenging situation in your professional or personal life. You can answer as many practice questions as required to get comfortable with format and technology in the application portal.

Yale SoM Video Essay

After submission of your application, you will receive access to the video questions portal. You will get three basic behavior-based questions as a part of the admission process . You will get 30 seconds to structure your thought and 90 seconds to respond to the questions. Like Kellogg and INSEAD, you can utilize Yale’s Video question practice tool to get familiarised with the technology.

MIT Sloan Video Essay

As a part of the MIT Sloan application , you must submit a video statement along with other documents. Unlike the other schools, where you record the video in the admission portal, in MIT Sloan video statement, you can record and upload the video at your convenience on their portal.

The video prompt is – ‘Introduce yourself to your future classmates’. The video statement must be a single take (no editing) with a duration of fewer than 60 seconds. The admission committee recommends delivering a response that includes a bit on your experience and why you chose MIT Sloan to pursue your MBA. Upload instructions are provided with the application.

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How to prepare for video essays?

How to prepare for video essay?

Video essays allow MBA admissions to evaluate your confidence, language skills, and capability to think on your feet. A video essay is one opportunity you can leverage to leave a long-lasting effect upon the admissions committee. The following are the top 5 tips that will help you create a better video essay for your MBA application.

Create Question banks and Scripts

Many applicants wobble when they hear ‘you have to think on your feet while facing video questions’. However, you will not feel like you’re being thrown under a bus when you see a question prompt on the screen if you create and a question bank and use a framework for your responses.

Identify personal and professional stories: You will get many practice questions from your target school’s website. You can find a part of questions school asks on the application instruction. A few business schools also mention the category under which the random question will fall into.

Many of the video essay questions fall under the why MBA/career goals, or behavioral type questions. Based on the category, you should create a repository of personal/career experiences and jot down your answers around it. When you get the opportunity, talk about why that B-School is an excellent match for your career ambition. Talk about your exact goals and how you will accomplish them through this specific program.

Learn to answer succinctly : Most of the schools ask applicants to think and answer the questions in less a minute. Try to answer questions in Situation, Action, Result (SAR) method. Answer the essay questions by using one of your personal or professional examples of a situation that you were in; the action that you took; and the result. Approaching questions in the SAR method will help you to answer concisely.

Choose words wisely : One key aspect of communication is vocabulary. You should keep your vocabulary on a professional level and choose words carefully. Avoid the usage of colloquial words, and although you are required to be formal, you should avoid the frivolous use of formality in the video essay.

Tip #2 – Create a set-up for video recording

While preparing your set-up for your video essay recording, make sure to follow the given instructions.

Choose quite and well-lit area : Make sure you choose a space where there is enough light on your face and no background noise. You should have any noise distractions while recording the video. If possible, ask a friend or family member to surveillance the area to avoid any voice distraction while you take the interview.

Recording accessories : Even though most of the schools don’t mention about the video output, it is advisable to use good quality webcam and microphone for recording your video essay. If you feel your laptop webcam output is substandard, connect an external webcam to record the video. When you choose the microphone, make sure your voice is audible properly. You must record a sample video and test the quality of the video, audio output, and the lighting.

Make sure your devices don’t take away your attention : Before starting the interview, make sure your mobile phone is on Do not disturb mode and close all unnecessary computer applications and browser tabs.

Chose plain background : While recording, it is advisable to choose a single color background. If there are too many elements behind you, the viewer may lose focus away from your presentation.

Keep a notepad and pen handy : In most of the essay questions, you will get less one minute to structure your thought before delivering the answer. You may need to keep a notepad and a pen ready in the table to jot down the main points and supporting examples you want to deliver while answering.

Tip #3 – Practice makes perfect

Practice well

Once you have the question bank, learned how to respond in a crisp & clear manner, and set up your recording area, it is now time to practice and perfect your responses.

Using a camera, film yourself giving the response to the questions you have on your list. Filming the responses will help to introspect the style in which you respond. Start evaluating the video after at least a few hours have passed. While evaluating, make sure you are not saying fillers like “like..” and “umm…”. Hemming and hawing create the impression of being unprepared.

Check your posture and facial expressions while answering the questions. If you are not satisfied with the first take, do retakes, till you get the desired output. Send your final production to people you trust for critique. It is the best way to figure out what kind of judgments a person will make while evaluating your video essay.

Another way to practice is to get the help of a friend and replicate the video essay set-up at your home. Provide your question bank to your friend and connect for a video call through applications like Skype with your friend. Make sure he/she switches off the video. This mock video essay activity is an excellent exercise for you to get rid of camera shyness and improve your confidence.

Some B-Schools have portals where an applicant can practice video essay questions before starting the official attempt of essay questions. Using this portal is the best way to get a hold on the type of questions asked and get familiarised with B-School’s video essay recording platform.

During your final recording, you may get a situational question, choose whether one of your stories can help you answer the question. Also, be ready to think swiftly because some questions are genuinely random. The best response is to be authentic, so be yourself and don’t overthink things. While practicing with your friend, you can instruct him to ask a question that is out of your question bank to get used to such random questions.

Tip #4 – Present yourself well

Present yourself well

Dress Professionally : The video essay is a professional video, and it is considered as a ‘pre-interview’ communication with the Admissions Committee. Because of the same reason, it is important to dress professionally.

Avoid excess motion : The video should be conversational like a speech. So, you should avoid excessive gesturing and movement throughout the recording of your video essay.

Speak Clearly with proper enunciation :  Make sure you do not narrate the whole essay expressionlessly. You should take enough pauses in between to emphasize your words and thoughts to encourage the admissions committee to accept you as a serious applicant. You must deliver the response in a fluid tone and pitch that carries your conviction and passion.

Mind your body language : It is a vital aspect to pay attention to during your video essay. You should keep in mind to sit straight throughout the recording. The best way to identify issues with your body language is by filming yourself, giving the response to some of the questions in your list, and analyzing them. Practicing while correcting such errors will remove nervousness and nervous ticks before sitting down for the final take.

Position the camera : Make sure you do not lean forward or put your head down to face the camera. Position the webcam to your eye level to deliver the answer with your head straight. Always make sure you look into the camera while responding.

Using a camera, film yourself responding to a few questions on your list. Evaluate your background, lighting, and outfit to make sure they look good.

Don’t get tensed

You aced the GMAT, curated an impressive resume, got your letters of recommendation, filled out your entire application, and checked it thrice. You crossed all the hard checkpoints. For video essay, it is just one mantra – be your best self. When it’s showtime, let yourself relax and enjoy the experience. As you respond to the questions to the questions, don’t forget to smile.

Avoid these MBA application mistakes and make it to your dream business school.

Key Takeaways | How to Prepare for MBA Video Essays

  • Video Essays are an opportunity for the admission committee to evaluate your interpersonal skills and determine your ‘fit’ for an MBA program.
  • Video essay questions can be related to your personal and career experience, your post-MBA goals, and Why MBA?
  • Prepare for your Video Essays by creating a framework and identifying stories from your personal and professional life that relate to the above topics.
  • Many business schools offer the option to practice video essays and familiarise yourself with the process. Take advantage of this opportunity.

An increasing number of B-Schools have started to integrate video essays into their MBA applications. In a video essay, you are not expected to be scripted. You are expected to be prepared. The admission committee hopes applicants who are not great on paper will have a chance to shine and exhibit their personality that is not seen elsewhere in a traditional application. With structured preparation, you can make an outstanding video essay without it getting on your nerves.

About The Author

rotman mba video essay questions

Nayeem Noor

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The Rotman MBA Interview – What to Expect + Sample Questions

Oct 28, 2023

rotman mba video essay questions

How the Rotman Interview works 

Who is rotman looking for, how can you prepare for your rotman interview, what to do if you get a question you haven’t prepared an answer for, effectively tell your story during your rotman interview.

UPDATE : This article was originally posted on February 5, 2020. It has been updated with 2023/24 information and tips below. 

For an increasing number of students worldwide, Rotman School of Management is at the top of their business school target list. 

However, with impressive recruiting statistics, a visa program for MBA graduates, and the Creative Destruction Lab , the competition to join Rotman’s elite MBA is more difficult than ever. 

That’s why we’ve prepared this guide to help you use your Rotman admissions interview to stand out. We’ve rounded up not only our best tips but have also included sample interview questions to ensure you give your Rotman interview your best shot. 

Making sure you shine during your Rotman interview is no easy task. 

Rotman interviews, since they are conducted by the admissions committee, tend to be highly personalized and based on your whole application . 

During the interview, the interviewer is also trying to gauge how solid your motivations for wanting to pursue an MBA are and how interested you seem in the Rotman program.

Interviewers often ask many standard MBA interview questions, as well as questions designed to test just how collaborative you really are. You can also expect numerous follow-up questions. 

Our clients who have interviewed with Rotman in the past say that the interviewer was very friendly and demonstrated a genuine interest in their answers . Though questions do tend to focus on standard MBA interview questions, be ready for anything. 

Who will interview you?

You will interview with a member of Rotman’s admissions committee . 

Rotman prefers conducting in-person interviews whenever possible, but they will continue doing virtual admission interviews if they are unable to meet our international applicants in person. 

Will the interviewer have read my application?

Yes. The interviewer will have read your entire application. Past reports indicate that interviewers develop specific questions based on your application , so make sure to take the time to review what you presented. 

How long will the Rotman interview last?

30 minutes. 

Rotman students

Source: Rotman’s website

“ We believe that exposure to a rich diversity of viewpoints makes for a superior learning experience, and pride ourselves on building a diverse class of exceptional individuals who will go on to make the School proud as professionals and alumni.” Rotman Admissions 

This year, Rotman’s admissions team selected 284 students for the honor of joining their prestigious MBA program. With a focus on academic and career excellence as well as on diversity, Rotman admits to the Class of 2025 had an average of 5 years of work experience and GMAT scores of 673 (slightly down from 674 last year).

Rotman class of 2025

Though no interview is 100% predictable, Rotman interviews do tend to center around a fairly standard list of MBA interview questions. As such, we have prepared some model questions below that previous candidates have received in their past Rotman interviews. 


The questions below are drawn from our clients’ interview reports, as well as from sites like . Though these are not all the potential questions you could possibly receive during your Rotman interview, preparing for these (and any follow-up questions you think you might be asked) should give you a very solid foundation for your interview. 


  • Tell me about yourself. (Expect follow-up questions)
  • What are the highlights of your CV?
  • What are your short-term and long-term career goals?
  • Name three firms you would like to work at after your MBA.
  • Why did you quit your previous job?
  • Why do you want an MBA?
  • Why Rotman?
  • What will you bring to Rotman?
  • What excites you the most about Rotman?
  • Why are you interested in a Canadian MBA program?
  • What other schools have you applied to? If you get into all of them, how will you choose where to go?
  • Have you visited campus? Spoken with alumni?
  • How have you innovated in your career in the past?


  • Tell me about a time you had to handle a conflict. 
  • Tell me about one instance when you disagreed with your boss and how you handled the situation
  • Tell me about a time you faced a challenge as a team. How did you handle it?
  • How do you explain leadership?
  • What is your leadership style?
  • What do you think are the three most important qualities a leader must possess? Why? 


  • Tell me about a time you failed. 
  • Tell me about a time when you were pushed to your limits at work.
  • How would your friends describe you?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • Tell me about a time you benefitted from networking.
  • If someone is not performing as you expect, how do you handle the situation?
  • Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?
  • Is there anything you wish I had asked you?
  • Questions for me?

We have found that answering real interview questions on the spot is a much better means of preparation than reading lists of interview questions for most candidates.

We highly suggest you take a look at mock interview questions and sample interview responses before your interview . 

Our MBA Resource Center has dozens of real interview mocks from Rotman, as well as detailed guides to help you prepare for questions ranging from “Why our MBA program?” to “Tell us about a time you failed.”

The Ellin Lolis Consulting MBA Resource Center is your one-stop shop for interview success. Click to join !

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Finally, just because your interview is likely to happen on Zoom this year doesn’t mean you can relax and assume your non-verbal cues don’t matter. Though body language is not as apparent on camera as in person, it’s still an important aspect of the interview you want to make sure to take charge of. 

If you’re still not quite confident with your interview skills, our interview experts can help you craft your answers or prepare you for the Rotman interview through mock interviews tailored to your profile. 

Despite your most diligent preparation, you will almost always receive a question you had not prepared. 

First, stay calm and take a deep breath . You have already made it this far in the process, and one question will not trip you up!

Second, make sure you directly answer the question the interviewer asked you. For example, if the interviewer asks you about a time you had to deal with a difficult manager, make sure to tell a story about a difficult manager and how you handled the situation. 

If you’re having trouble thinking of an answer or an example to support your answer , however, take a drink of water to give yourself a few more minutes to think. If you really can’t think of an example from your personal or professional experience, you can use a hypothetical answer about how you would act in a certain situation. 

Finally, assume that the interviewer is testing how you think on your feet and respond to questions you didn’t prepare in advance. Though your answer might not be as polished as if you’d had weeks to rehearse it, smile and confidently respond to show you can handle any question they throw at you. 

One of the most common mistakes we see in MBA interviews is that candidates fail to tell compelling, well-constructed stories about their profiles while also nailing the basics. 

Striking this balance between sharing STAR-format examples that show off your background while also presenting strong answers to questions like “Why do you want an MBA?” is a challenging task that requires significant thought and preparation. 

Because of this, it’s no surprise that, on average, 50% of interviewed applicants walk away without an offer . 

This is why our interview preparation process here at Ellin Lolis Consulting is known as the best in the industry. We offer customized 1:1 support that ensures you’re able to turn your application’s strengths into compelling answers that show fit and sell your profile in any type of interview. That’s why 98.9% of our complete consulting clients get into at least one of their target schools. 

Not only can you take advantage of our development process through multiple sessions – you can also benefit from a single session! If your budget is tight, our interview experts can focus your session on a single aspect of the preparation process, from workshopping your answers to providing mock interviews. 

Forget simulation platforms or long lists of tips – our 1:1 preparation focuses on playing to your strengths and overcoming your weaknesses to turn you into an interview expert . Hire our interview services here. VIP packages that allow you to work directly with Ellin sell out quickly, so make sure you sign up today !

interview prep

Real MBA Essays That Got People In

School-specific sample essays that got our clients accepted

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98.9% Success Rate

With our expertise and 98.9% success rate in placing our consulting clients in at least one of their target schools, we can add more value to your application than you ever thought possible.

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Admissions & finances

Everything you need to know about applying to the Full-Time MBA program.

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How to apply

  • International Applicants
  • Tuition fees & expenses
  • Scholarships & financial options

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The Rotman Full-Time MBA program attracts top talent from around the world with an incredibly diverse range of professional and academic backgrounds.

Take some time to get to know us. Review our admission requirements and application deadlines. Attend our admissions events and connect with our recruitment team. We want to help you prepare your strongest application.

What we look for.

Every individual we admit to the program has been chosen to contribute their unique experiences and perspectives to broaden and enrich the MBA experience.

paint splatter

We believe that exposure to a rich diversity of viewpoints makes for a superior learning experience, and pride ourselves on building a diverse class of exceptional individuals who will go on to make the School proud as professionals and alumni. Our admitted students stand out by doing interesting things with their personal and professional lives.

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Admission requirements

1. undergraduate degree.

  • An appropriate bachelor's degree, or its equivalent, with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (at least mid-B average) in the final year from a recognized university.
  • If you studied outside of Canada, use the  International Degree Equivalencies  site to calculate your GPA.
  • Once you are admitted, we require your official transcript sent directly from each institution where you earned a degree. Take a look at our transcript requirements  to make sure you meet official transcript requirements.

You do not need to submit official transcripts to apply. All applicants upload scanned transcripts at the time of application. If you are admitted, you will need to submit official transcript sent directly from each institution where you earned a degree to enroll. All offers of admission are conditional until the receipt and verification of official transcripts and degree certifications.

Note:  University of Toronto alumni and current students who have a transcript on ROSI do not have to submit an official transcript to our office. Please include your student number in the online application.

2. GMAT or GRE score

  • Applicants must obtain a satisfactory score on the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE; General Test). Test results are valid for five years.  
  • For average GMAT score and undergrad GPA, please see our class profile.  
  • Valid GMAT or GMAT Focus tests will be accepted.  
  • You can register for GMAT at and familiarize yourself with the test by viewing these free  sample questions  and  practice tests , though we do not endorse any particular GMAT prep source and we encourage you to do your own research.    
  • Official score must be sent. Rotman’s Full-Time MBA test codes are: GMAT: BTDKS98 GRE: 0853  
  • Exemptions from the GMAT and GRE requirement are granted to applicants who have:   
  • Passed at least the Level II examination of the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation, or equivalent designations in other jurisdictions at the discretion of the Academic Director.  
  • Passed the Common Final Exam (CFE) (or former UFE) for a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation, or equivalent designations in other jurisdictions at the discretion of the Academic Director.  
  • Attained the professional designation in Engineering (PEng) or in Actuarial Sciences (ACIA or FCIA), or equivalent designations in other jurisdictions at the discretion of the Academic Director.  
  • Graduated their first entry undergraduate degree from the University of Toronto with high distinction (cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher), subject to final approval by the Academic Director.

Please send confirmation of your professional designation via email to  [email protected] .

3. Work experience

  • A minimum of two years of full-time work experience is required except for those who are applying for some combined degrees .
  • For average work experience in the Full-Time MBA class, please see our class profile.  
  • Review our tips for polishing your professional resume .

4. Professional references

Before you submit your application, you must receive two professional references, preferably from workplace supervisors from current or previous employment.

Review our tips for references . 

When you start your application, you will be asked to provide contact information for your references, and a form will be sent to be submitted by them. If you are self-employed, you may use a customer or a partner as a reference. Please do not use academic references. 

5. Essay and video interview

  • Essay: Our admitted students stand out by doing interesting things with their personal and professional lives — something we describe as the ‘ spike factor ’. What are the things that you have done in your life that demonstrate passion, grit, resilience, innovation, drive, ambition, and more? This can cross all or any aspects of life outside of work – hobbies, volunteerism, awards, entrepreneurial ventures, sports and the arts. We believe that exposure to a rich diversity of viewpoints makes for a superior learning experience, and pride ourselves on building a diverse class of exceptional individuals who will go on to make the School proud as professionals and alumni. Explain your spike factor (something unique about yourself) that you believe will contribute to the Rotman community and is aligned with Rotman values (up to 500 words). Optional: You can upload 1-3 of your 'spikiest' pictures to the supplemental items section of your application. Note: Your photos must be uploaded as a single PDF.
  • Required video interview (2 questions) with a new timed written response component (10 minutes in length). Applicants will receive an email within 24 hours of applying with a link to the video component. 

6. English language proficiency

One of the following:

  • Undergraduate or graduate degree from a recognized English language university  
  • TOEFL iBT (internet based test) score of 100 overall, with a minimum of 22 on speaking and writing. The Rotman MBA TOEFL test code is 8696. 
  • IELTS  score of 7.0  (Academic) with at least 6.5 for each component . The IELTS test is available in two test formats: Academic or General Training. All candidates take the same Listening and Speaking modules. It is the Reading and Writing components that differ. The Academic version of IELTS measures English language proficiency needed for an academic, higher learning environment. This is the format that is required for an application to the University of Toronto. After you have taken the test, please arrange with the testing agency to send your score electronically to the Rotman School of Management. There is no need to send a paper score sheet.
  • Grade B from  Academic English Level 60  at the  University of Toronto English Language Program is acceptable in terms of meeting the English facility requirement.

Note: Students in India and Pakistan do  not  require further proof of English language proficiency if they have graduated from an English-language university.

7. Interview

All candidates who are admitted to the program will be interviewed. Interviews are by invitation only.

Application Deadlines

We are accepting applications for the Full-Time MBA Class of 2027 starting in September 2025:

  • Round 1 : September 25, 2024
  • Round 2 : January 15, 2025
  • Round 3 : March 5, 2025*
  • Round 4 : April 30, 2025

* All international applicants (excluding US Citizens) are highly encouraged to apply by Round 3 (early March) in order to ensure ample time for visa processing after accepting the offer of admission. 

Note : To be considered for entrance awards, no separate application is required. We assess all applications for eligibility and we advise applicants to apply as early as you are ready . 

Applying by an application deadline guarantees that you will receive a decision by the corresponding decision date. We consider applications once all required documentation is received. If you submit your application between round deadlines, we will typically issue a decision within 8 weeks. 

We encourage you to submit your application as soon as it is ready. 

Admission process

1. get to know us.

  • Understand what we look for by reviewing our admissions requirements . 
  • Attend our admission events to learn how you can put together your strongest application
  • Connect with us to arrange a pre-application meeting to discuss your MBA plans and career goals, get advice on your candidacy, and answer your questions. 

2. Start your application

  • Create your account on our application portal to start your application. 
  • Obtain copies of your official transcripts and have official test scores sent to us. Test scores, transcripts and letters of reference may be added to your application after it has been submitted.
  • Request to meet our graduate student ambassadors to get additional insights from someone who has successfully gone through the process.
  • Connect with us to answer any questions you may have and get tips on submitting your strongest application. 
  • For  combined degree programs , such as JD/MBA or MGA/MBA, you may need to be accepted for admission by the partner program first. Be sure to consult the admission process and requirements for the joint program you are seeking before applying to Rotman. 

3. Submit application

  • Submit your application by the application deadline for the round in which you are applying.
  • Be sure to include all necessary application components: your essay answers, transcripts, self-reported test scores, letter of recommendation, resume, and so on. 
  • You may submit with your application with unofficial (self-reported) test scores and transcripts. Once you have received an offer, you will be required to provide your official documents to remove conditions. 

4. Complete outstanding requirements

  • Complete your video assessment within 7 days of receiving your invitation. All applicants are required to complete the video assessment.
  • Submit any outstanding documents (e.g. test scores, references) that are required to complete your application. 
  • Mail all physical copies of documents to:  University of Toronto  Rotman School of Management  Full-Time MBA Program  105 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3E6

5. Monitor status

  • Once you've submitted your completed application, you can monitor your application status via the Applicant Community page. While we review your application, we encourage you to check your email inbox for application updates.
  • Did you receive a promotion, or did you re-take the GMAT, GRE, or EA exam since you submitted your application? If you have a substantial update to your application, please contact us directly by emailing [email protected] . Please note, there is no guarantee that your update(s) will be considered for evaluation of your candidacy. 

6. Review decision

  • All applicants are reviewed in rounds. The Admissions Committee will make a decision by the date published during the round in which you submit your application.
  • Once a decision has been released on your application, you will receive an automated email to review your admissions decision.
  • All admissions decisions are final for the application cycle.

Additional tips to help your application

  • Apply early  for your best chance of being admitted. By the time the final application deadline arrives, the class is already close to full. Many excellent but late candidates end up on the wait list and remain there until a spot becomes available.
  • Remember to proof read your application . Even native English speakers make spelling errors, typos and grammatical mistakes on their applications. Take the time to read for errors in order to present a clear, concise and compelling application. Be sure you understand our transcript requirements .
  • Pay close attention to the essay questions . It’s tempting to try to save time by using the same essay for different business schools, however, it’s fairly easy to tell when someone is not answering the particular questions that are part of the Rotman application package. Take time to formulate a terrific response.
  • Remember that the GMAT is only one admission requirement  in assessing your suitability for the program. Don’t spend too much time on your GMAT if it means neglecting the rest of your application.  At Rotman, we take the whole package approach to our applicants , which means we accept candidates with relatively low GMAT scores, as long as the rest of their application – including grades, work experience, admission essays and references – are excellent.
  • Be honest about your work experience . Most candidates have only worked about two years before entering the Rotman MBA program. In such a relatively short time span, it’s unlikely you would have the opportunity to lead a team or gain much senior management experience. So if you’re a future star and not a star already, don’t worry. At Rotman, we’re interested in building your potential. Just be realistic about your achievements and tell us how you did your best with the opportunities that you were provided. Review our tips for polishing your professional resume to showcase your experience and make yourself stand out. 
  • Choose great references . Part of this means giving your references the right preparation. Take the time to discuss your application with your references and remind them of your accomplishments and achievements. Ask if they will support your application and hope they will answer honestly. But not negatively, of course. A poor reference will limit your chance of admission. Read more tips for choosing references .
  • Be realistic about your extracurricular activities and volunteer positions . If you’ve participated in a sport recreationally, avoid portraying yourself as an Olympic athletic. And if you’re one of many volunteers for a charity, there’s no need to claim to be on the board of directors. On the other hand, if you really have performed as an elite athlete, started a charity, and made a significant impact on an organization, we’d love to hear about it.
  • Prepare for the interview . You only have one shot at the admission interview. Use the opportunity to show yourself in the best light, to demonstrate that you’re a good fit for the program, and that you’re enthusiastic about becoming a Rotman student.

Launch your career in Canada

We offer a range of services – from academic orientation to professional development – designed to help your transition to living and studying in Canada.

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Rotman is one of the most diverse and international student bodies of any leading business school. 

All international graduates from the Rotman Full-Time MBA program are eligible for a 3-year Canadian work permit . And your spouse can work while you study. 

Learn more about living and working in Canada

Tuition fees & expenses

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Calculate your costs.

Review our tuition fees and estimated living expenses that you can expect during your time in Toronto.

Estimated tuition fees

The tuition fees charged for each session of registration have three components:

  • Academic fee
  • Rotman ancillary fees
  • University incidental fees

See the Office of the Registrar and Academic Services for more details.

The estimated annual tuition fees for the Full-Time MBA Class of 2026 starting the MBA program in September 2024, are listed below in Canadian dollars (CAD) and US dollars (USD): 

Full-Time MBA academic fees*


Canadian citizens and permanent residents

CAD $92,540
USD $67,888

CAD $46,270
USD $33,944

CAD $46,270
USD $33,944

International students on a study permit

CAD $139,140
USD $102,069

CAD $68,880
USD $50,528

CAD $70,260
USD $51,540

Fees above do not reflect tuition for our combined degree programs. US dollar (USD) figures are based on the annual exchange rate of $1.3632CAD to $1USD set by the Bank of Canada as of December 31, 2023.

JD/MBA academic fees*


Applicable Fee**

Law Fee

CAD $46,270
USD $36,202

CAD $46,270
USD $36,202

CAD $46,270
USD $36,202

In addition to the annual academic fee noted above, students are required to submit payment for University incidental fees* and Rotman ancillary fees*:

  • The University incidental fees amount to approximately CAD $1,600, which covers the terms from September – end-April and include campus fees and student society fees. The University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP) fee will automatically be added to fees invoices for International Students only. See more about UHIP .
  • The Rotman ancillary fees amount to approximately CAD $650, for the first year of the MBA program. Additional details, information and finalized amounts will be updated as available and found on your fees invoice, available in mid-July.

* Please note that the annual academic fee, University incidental fees and Rotman ancillary fees are set by the University and are subject to change. The University incidental fees amount noted above for future academic years are subject to approval by the Governing Council’s annual meeting in May. 

Typical living expenses

The following is an estimate of the minimum funds a single student will need for living expenses for the first 12 months in Toronto:

  • Textbooks: CAD $2,000
  • Laptop: CAD $1,600 – $2,000
  • Accommodation: CAD $12,000 – $25,000
  • Food: CAD $4,000 – $5,500
  • Personal expenses: CAD $2,000
  • Public transportation: CAD $1,500
  • Health Insurance (UHIP) for international students: CAD $756 Total CAD $23,856 – $38,756

Costs, which will vary by individual, are listed in Canadian dollars (CAD) and based on residency in downtown Toronto.

Scholarships & financial options

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Finance your studies.

Rotman awards over $6 million in scholarships and entrance awards each year. Learn more about the financial options that are available to you to help you cover the cost of your studies.

Fellowship programs

Rotman is a proud partner of many fellowship programs, which offer scholarships, mentorship, and other benefits for students who meet particular criteria.

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Scholarships & awards

All applicants are considered for scholarships and entrance awards. Many scholarships are also available to Canadian citizens and international students beyond those awarded by the Rotman School and the University of Toronto.

A speaker looks up at their presentation during their talk.

Government support & loans

Learn about financial options available to you through government support and student loan programs.

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Frequently asked questions

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Ask us anything.

Get answers about our admissions process.

If I fulfill the minimum criteria of admission to the Rotman MBA Program, what are my chances of entry?

Fulfilling the minimum criteria only guarantees you consideration for admission to the program. Successful admission often depends upon both your application and the comparative applications of the other candidates who are vying for the same program. Due to the competitive nature of the application process, successful applicants tend to significantly exceed the admissions criteria both quantitatively and qualitatively.

What are the most heavily-weighted factors?

There are no one or two most heavily weighted factors in the application. At Rotman, we take a holistic approach, looking at all factors of an application and weighing each according to the individual’s total file.

What is a competitive GMAT score?

We value a holistic approach to admissions and take pride in reviewing all parts of your application, which includes your GMAT/GRE score.

While we encourage applicants to put their best foot forward with a score of 525 for GMAT Focus, 550 for previous GMAT test, or equivalent GRE, we consider  your total application to be much more than your test score.

If your score is below the range you see in our class profile, we encourage you to get in touch with us to receive feedback on possible next steps. It is important to note, that no preference is given to one test over the other and that if you test multiple times, you may choose to submit all or only the highest result. When submitting multiple tests, we will take the highest score and all of its subsection scores. 

Do you offer GMAT exemptions?

Yes! If you hold a professional designation, you may qualify for an exemption. 

Exemptions from the GMAT and GRE requirement are granted to applicants who have:  

How many spaces are available each year?

The Full-Time MBA Program has approximately 295  spaces, though this may vary slightly year over year. 

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See the impact of the investment you're choosing to make in yourself. Download our Employment and Salary Report, and learn more about what our personalized career services can do for you.

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Your MBA experience

Learn more about our program structure and explore how you can create the MBA experience you want through elective courses, experiential learning, and international study opportunities.

A panel speaks to an off screen audience.

More than a classroom

Learning at Rotman is more than going to class — it's also in your growing network when you get here. Read more on how to unlock the power of Rotman's learning and professional networks.

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U of T Rotman Commerce: Supplemental Application & Interview Questions Examples 2023/2024

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If you’re looking for guidance on the University of Toronto Rotman Commerce Supplemental Application , as well as tips, strategies, and examples for the written/video interview questions, then you’ve come to the right place. 

This Application Prep guide is fully updated with this year’s 2023/2024 application (i.e. for applicants planning on starting the program in Fall 202 4).

Before you dive in, it’s important to understand that the admissions committee receives thousands of applications every year. To help you stand out from the crowd , you need to demonstrate a clear sense of self , strong life experience , and exemplary communication skills .

Our ‘full student’ coaching process does exactly that. If you’re not working with a coach, be sure to read the Self-Awareness , Goal-Setting , and Narrative Communication Skills Guides.

The Narrative Communication Approach™ is a particularly useful storytelling framework that helps you tell a clear and concise story, while creating an emotional connection with the reader. All U of T Rotman examples and templates use this approach.

Our templates show you a suggested answer structure that uses the Narrative Communication Approach™. Using this structure does not mean your written/video answers will be the same as other students. That’s like saying using the 3 Act Structure makes every play, movie, and novel the same. The content of that story makes it unique.

We’ve also created a comprehensive Interview Skills Guide that covers every step of the interview process so you can ace any question that comes your way.

If you’re serious about getting into Rotman Commerce and reaching your fullest post-secondary potential, connect with a coach . It’s never too early to receive coaching.

Table of Contents

  • 2023/2024 Rotman Commerce Supplemental Application : Set questions (i.e. Activities Question and Intro Question, Qs 2-3); Randomly selected questions (Qs 4-6); Question examples; Question themes and tips; and More. 
  • Application Prep Tips: Question themes; Preparing your answers; Submitting your application; and More.

U of T Rotman Supplemental Application 2023-2024

For the 2023/2024 University of Toronto Rotman Commerce Supplemental Application, all applicants must complete 4 written/video questions :

  • 1 set written question (which they share in advance): 200 words, 20 mins
  • 1 set video question (which they share in advance): 30 secs to prep, 45 secs to deliver
  • 1 set written question (which they do not share in advance, but is the same for all applicants): 200 words, 20 mins
  • 1 random video question: 60 secs to prep, 60 secs to deliver

The Supplemental Application questions are are designed to give you an opportunity to showcase your experiences, interests, leadership potential, and other skills.

Your reviewers only know the surface level information, like your name and high school grades — they know nothing about who you are as a person, where you come from, and how your experiences have shaped your personality, interests, and goals. These questions are your chance to make a lasting first impression and show what makes you unique and a perfect fit for the program.

Rotman Commerce is looking for students who are articulate , passionate , and dedicated . They also want to see that you have the drive to succeed in the program. 

The entire Supplemental Application is completed through the external video interview platform, and must be submitted by December 15, 2023 for early consideration for all applicants OR February 1, 2024 at 11:59pm EST as a final deadline for all other applicants. IMPORTANT : Submitting your application to U of T for early consideration as an OUAC 101 applicant will NOT impact the admission decision or give you a better chance of getting accepted. The only difference is that if you are accepted, you might receive an admission decision earlier than someone who applied for regular consideration. Click here to learn more information, and if you have questions, connect with a coach any time for support.

Keep reading below for writing tips, strategies, possible questions, submission instructions, and much more for both the written and the video questions. If you have questions about this year’s application and need help preparing for your written/video questions, connect with a coach for 1-on-1 support.

IMPORTANT : The suggested questions below are for PREP PURPOSES ONLY and are NOT the actual questions you’ll receive during your Rotman Commerce interview.  

Rotman Supplemental Application Question 2: Activities Question (Written)

Talk about 2 extracurriculars (clubs, paid/unpaid employment, community involvement, etc.) you’ve done within the last 4 years, describing what the activity is, how long you’ve been doing it, your role, and things you’ve accomplished.

Rotman Commerce Supplemental Application Question 2 – Breakdown

You have 20 minutes to complete this question so make sure you take your time and ALWAYS proofread your work before clicking “Submit”. 

For this question you want to choose activities that will allow you to show your leadership abilities , as well as activities that you can quantify , ones that are unique , and allow you to show your commitment . 

Also pick activities that will let you show off skills like project management, organization, problem solving, and more. The Rotman admissions committee wants to hear about activities that have made a huge impact on your life . 

COACH’S TIP : If you write this question before the Assessment (which we recommend) DO NOT COPY AND PASTE YOUR ANSWER from another document or the external video interview platform will pick it up as plagiarism. Print out the answers you’ve prepared and manually type in each one yourself at the time of the Assessment. 

We know that identifying (and participating in) activities like this can be difficult, especially if you don’t know where to start. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back.

Our unique approach will help you and your coach identify and execute audacious and authentic goals (we call these AYA goals) that are perfectly aligned with your interests and passions, so you can accomplish what you want (and have amazing experiences to talk about on your application!). Connect with a coach to get started and check out our Goal-Setting Guide now.

Rotman Commerce Supplemental Application Question 2 – Template

REMEMBER : When you’re typing in your answers, you will see the word count at the bottom left of the page. You MUST keep your answer to 200 words or less for this question.

Your response to the Activities Question should have these three components for EACH ACTIVITY: 

  • Briefly describe the activity/organization and your role.
  • State when you did this activity (start date and duration), as well as the commitment level (e.g. 10 hours per week). 
  • Briefly describe what you achieved in this activity. Use quantifiable outcomes (like money raised, hours spent, etc.). Focus on skills you built (like leadership), as well as the impact this activity has had on you. Finally, tie this activity to Rotman and state how it will help you if accepted.

Want to really stand out with your answer? Create a memorable and unique answer using storytelling to draw your audience in and make a connection with them. Check out our Narrative Communication Approach™ Guide and connect with a coach to learn how.

Ace your Rotman Commerce interview.

Rotman BCom Grad & Youth Coach™

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Rotman Commerce Supplemental Application Question 2 – Example

Here’s an example of how to answer this question. 

REMEMBER : This is an EXAMPLE ONLY and is NOT meant for you to copy. Why? First and foremost, this is plagiarism and is a serious offense . Plagiarizing these essays will result in immediate disqualification from the admissions process . This can be easily detected using technology and application reviewers are usually trained and/or able to spot when an application isn’t original and does not align with an applicant’s background, personality, values, etc.

rotman commerce supplemental application

COACH’S TIP : For this Activities Response, you must have a combined 150 words for both activities. You are not required to have each activity be 75 words exactly, but one activity can be longer/shorter than the other. Notice in the example above that the student spends more of his word count on the first activity (that is totally fine!).

Rotman Supplemental Application Question 3: Introductory Question (Video)

Tell us more about you, like who you are, your experiences, values, interests, skills, etc. Drawing on these details, talk about one way that you will contribute to the Rotman community.

Rotman Commerce Supplemental Application Question 3 – Breakdown

We call this question the Introductory Question because it is the first time the admissions committee gets to meet you (virtually) and you get to tell them a bit more about who you are. 

We all know that first impressions are everything , so we’ve put together some tips to help you out.

We all have a bunch of different skills, interests, experiences, etc. so it can be tough to come up with a concise answer in only 45 seconds .

When thinking about what details you want to choose (and describing how you’ll contribute to the Rotman community), be completely honest and truthful . Speak to what makes you, you. 

Refer to your Student Identity Blueprint™ and talk with your coach about the points you went over during your Discovery call (if you haven’t done this, connect with a coach now). 

The important thing is to provide details that will let you emphasize traits that Rotman looks for, as well as unique experiences centred around your passion which have made you a better person and stronger student. 

For the competitive swimming example, you would go beyond talking about how much you love to swim and talk about a unique experience where you got to travel to the US for a competition, and prepping for that competition helped teach you invaluable lessons about teamwork, dedication, and perseverance. 

If you need some help identifying which passion to discuss and how to strategically draw out experiences and perspectives that Rotman looks for, connect with a coach now. 

Rotman Commerce Supplemental Application Question 3 – Template

When thinking about the type of answer you’ll give for this question, try to answer the following points and details. 

  • Give some general information, like your name and where you’re from. Include interesting facts that would differentiate you, like living in seven countries or being a 20 under 20 winner (only do this if it is really unique and a high level achievement.  Keep this section relatively short.
  • Your Passions : Think about an interest/passion that makes you unique and has contributed to making you the person you are today. Briefly describe what that passion is here.
  • Rotman Connection : Based on this passion, talk about the experiences you’ve had to lessons you’ve learned that will help you as a student at Rotman. Highlight skills, points of view, dedication, etc.


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Rotman Supplemental Application – Question 4: Set Written

This is a 200-word essay, with 20-minutes to write.

Questions 4 is a set written question, which is the same for all applicants.

However, they do not share this in advance.

Please speak to your coach on how to prepare effectively for this question, as we know what it is.

Hint: it has to do with self-awareness.

Rotman Commerce Supplemental Application – Question 5: Random Video Question

This is a totally randomly selected video question.

60 seconds to prepare, 60 seconds to deliver.

As our coaches have been working with students on preparing for their 2023/2024 U of T Rotman Commerce Supplemental Application, they’ve noticed a few general things about the questions.

The written and video responses for Questions 5 will fall into two main types , as described below.

We believe more of these questions are oriented around personal, rather than problem-based questions.

But it’s important to be prepared for both.


Personal questions are all about YOU.

They will ask you things like what you would do in a certain situation, what you value, the experiences you have had working on your own and with others, etc.. 

These questions give you the change to talk about where you come from , while showing how you react to situations and how you apply key skills like leadership, problem solving, organization, and time management in all areas of your life. 

COACH’S TIP : Don’t waste your valuable time coming up with different answers to every single practice question. To help make your interview prep process easier, we’ve analyzed hundreds of personal questions from programs like Rotman, and we’ve identified 10 common themes that personal questions fall into. We’ve broken each theme down, and provided templates and examples of each type so you’ll be prepared to answer any question that comes your way. Check out the themes and much more in our Interview Skills Guide .

When answering personal questions, we recommend using storytelling to help make your answers more unique , memorable , and authentic .

How can you do this?

Check out our  Narrative Communication Approach™ Guide  to learn how to make an emotional connection with the reviewers so that you can stand out from other applicants and showcase your skills, values, interests, and experiences.


Problem-based questions ask you to take a position or discuss your opinion about a specific issues, question, or topic. Learn more about effective ways to approach problem-based questions and ace your Rotman interview in our Interview Prep Skills Guide .

These questions might seem scary, but just remember that they are meant to be this way!

The admissions committee wants to see your critical thinking and problem solving skills, as well as your ability to keep your cool under pressure and make a logical and structured argument .

What you want to do for these questions is take a position , justify that position with a couple supporting arguments, and then briefly explain what your answer says about you (so that it benefits your application).

Trust us…it’s not as complicated as it sounds.

Our Deductive Communication Approach™ will help make this process easier for you because it uses a top-down method , where you state your Answer, back it up with some Main Arguments and Supporting Arguments, and then talk about why it all matters (and how it has allowed you to learn and grow as a student).

By having this communication approach in your interview toolkit, you can go into the interview super confident that you’ll be able to give a logical answer and keep your cool — no matter what question they throw at you.

COACH’S TIP : Problem-based questions can seem intimidating, but DON’T PANIC. The most important thing is how you come across vs. what exactly your answer is. The admissions committee isn’t expecting a perfect answer — what they really want to see is a strong thought process and that you can form a logical answer that’s backed up by solid reasons and evidence. For example, we’ve seen the question: “Do you believe there should be a cap on rent charged in large cities?” In this case, the admissions committee isn’t expecting that you’ll know a ton about economics models. Instead, they want to see that you can stay calm, form a rational and logical answer and back it up with solid reasoning.

If you need some help preparing your answers and doing some mock interviews for personal and problem-based questions, connect with a coach now.

rotman mba video essay questions

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Rotman Commerce Interview Questions – Sample Questions

Here are some typical interview questions to help you think about the types of things that might come up on the Rotman Commerce interview for the written and/or video responses.

rotman commerce supplemental application personal questions

No matter whether then question is personal or problem-based, the admissions committee wants to see that you have self-awareness . This means that they want to make sure you know what your skills are (and what you need to improve on), what you value, and how you plan to make a difference in the world.

It may seem obvious and you’re probably thinking, “Duh.. of course I know what I’m good at and what I care about.” 

This might surprise you, but very few students actually focus on self-awareness. You might think you have it all figured out, but it’s probably more surface-level than you think. 

That’s why we have a whole phase in our coaching methodology (the Discovery phase) where we use a Student Identity Blueprint™ to help you figure out who you are and what makes you tick. Then, when questions like the ones above come up on your Rotman Supplemental Application, you will know EXACTLY how to respond. 

If you haven’t already, connect with a coach to get started on your Student Identity Blueprint™.

Rotman Commerce Supplemental Application Question 4-6 – Template

Even though you don’t know what the written questions will be, you can prepare beforehand by getting more familiar with our Narrative Communication Approach™ , which will make your answers unique, authentic, and memorable. 

This approach uses storytelling to draw out character development and create an emotional connection with your reviewers. 

No matter what the question is, if you incorporate these 5 components into your answer, we guarantee you’ll stand out from other applicants. 

Here’s a template using these 5 components that you can use as a starting point for thinking of responses to the possible questions listed above. To learn more about these components, read our blog here .

  • Capture the reviewer’s attention by listing a captivating experience that creates an emotional connection from the beginning. Keep this section short.
  • Provide the necessary background information, including the 5Ws (who, what, when, where, and why). Provide key details the reviewer must know, along with some personal insight so they can understand who you are and what’s important to you. 
  • Describe a shift or change (it can be a specific event or a change over time). Discuss the conflict or struggle or obstacle you were faced with and how this turned out to be an opportunity for you to grow.
  • State the end result/impact and provide a resolution for what was described in the Catalyst section. 
  • Discuss the moral of the story, and describe what you learned, using deep and unique learning outcomes and insights. 
COACH’S TIP : This template can be used BOTH for written and video responses. If you’re using it for the video interview questions, DO NOT read off this sheet because you will look too practiced and super inauthentic. Instead, use the template to come up with some talking points that you want to cover in your answer when a personal/problem-based question comes up.

For more support on using approaches and strategies like the Narrative Communication Approach™ to prepare for your Supplemental Application and give standout answers, check out our Interview Skills Guide and connect with a coach now.

Rotman Commerce Supplemental Application Questions 4-6 – Examples

Example 1: Opinion Question (Video Response)

Here’s a sample answer for the question,  “You win the lottery and are awarded $1 million. What do you do with the money?”.

In this video, Youthfully coach, Marina, will go through her answer and tell you exactly how to prepare for random questions like this, so you can ace them during your interview.

Example 2: Field of Business Interest and Development (Written Response)

Here’s an example written answer for the question.

REMEMBER : This is an EXAMPLE ONLY and is NOT meant for you to copy.

“Where did your interest in business start and how has it evolved over time? “

rotman interview questions

COACH’S TIP : In all of your written and video questions, make sure you have a statement (or a ‘pitch’) at the end of each answer that shows exactly why you are the perfect fit to go to Rotman and how you would add value to their program. Show that your interests are perfectly aligned and that you would achieve great things by attending. 

Example 3: News & Point of View (Written Response)

Describe the details of a news story you came across recently. What made it stand out to you, and what were some of your initial reactions to it and why? Briefly discuss how this story and/or issue will affect the future (socially, politically, financially, etc.).

REMEMBER : We have to say it again, this is an EXAMPLE ONLY.

rotman supplemental application

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U of T Rotman Commerce Interview Questions – Prep Tips

Here are a few things you can focus on as you prepare for your interview. Remember, if you ever need any help, we’re here for you. Check out this comprehensive Interview Skills Guide we created to help you through the entire interview process, and connect with a coach for all the support you need.

Rotman Commerce Interview Questions – Themes 

Whether you know what the question will be ahead of time (Questions 2-3) or whether the questions are chosen at random (Questions 4-6), it helps to think generally about a few themes and ideas that you can use across various types of questions . 

Then, as you’re completing your Supplemental Application questions, you can draw on these ideas and your Student Identity Blueprint™ to easily come up with an answer. 

​​ COACH’S TIP : Don’t memorize your answers beforehand. This will come across as inauthentic and over practiced. Instead, think of some talking points, experiences, and interests that fit many different types of questions and then answer the question in the moment as best as you can. 

Here are some themes you can draw upon as you’re thinking about your answers.


This is probably the most important theme you should focus on. In your answers, you need to be able to specifically communicate why you want to attend Rotman .

Make sure to do lots of research and use it in your answer. The more depth to your research, the more differentiated your answer will be. In all of your answers, make sure you have a statement (or a ‘pitch’) at the end of each answer that shows exactly why you are the perfect fit for Rotman and how you would add value to their program as a student. You should also be very familiar with the program , streams and specializations , courses , professors , and resources offered .

This may seem obvious, but a lot of applicants know nothing about these, so if you can show you have a strong knowledge of Rotman and communicate your passion for going there, you will have a better change of getting in.

You should easily be able to answer the question: “Why business?” You need to go beyond obvious answers like, “I’m good at math” or “I’ll be able to get a good job when I graduate.”

Relate your interest in business to a particular passion you have, like sustainable investing (see the example above) or international finance.

When thinking about your interest in business, take the time to understand what is personally appealing about business (and how it relates to Rotman Commerce). This way, during the interview you’ll be able to show exactly why you’re there and what you hope to get out of the program — and this self-awareness will really set you apart from other applicants. 

It is very likely that there may be a question around leadership. To prepare for this, make sure you know a few examples of how you have shown leadership in the past. It is important to not just explain what the leadership role you had, but actually how you demonstrated that leadership (being the President of a club doesn’t necessarily mean you are a good leader).

Rotman wants students who are actively involved in the community, not just because it shows commitment, selflessness, and passion, but also because it highlights time management. 

Make sure you have 1 or 2 examples of how you have been involved in your community. As much as possible, quantify the impact you had. 

There is often a question about how you have dealt with conflict. This is mainly around how you have dealt with conflict in a team setting or a potential inflammatory situation. Remember to not just focus on the problem, but more so the resolution or lessons learned. 

In addition to conflict in team settings, a lot of the time there are questions about how you have worked in a team effectively. Once again, make sure you can clearly define how you succeed in the team, and not just the team’s success.


There are questions that are really just structured around seeing how you handle pressure and manage your time. Be sure to really explain why the example you are giving is a good example of how you can manage your time and operate under stressful situations. 


This is an opportunity for you to discuss something you have achieved. For this, try to think of something that is differentiated and you can really explain how you achieved it, and why that achievement will help you at Rotman.

If you want to learn how you can align these themes to your unique interests and experiences, connect with a coach now.

Rotman Interview – Questions Tips 

Many students ask us for tips for writing the Rotman Commerce Supplemental Application.

Here are the ones we think will help you the most for the video and written questions:


It can seem really scary to see yourself talking on screen and worrying about how you are coming across to the admissions committee.

Open up your camera and practice answering Question 3 (discussed above) or any of the possible questions in Questions 4-6 a few of the possible questions. Seeing yourself on camera will help you get the hang of things and get comfortable with seeing yourself on camera.

If you want to take your prep to the next level, work 1-on-1 with a coach and do some mock interviews so you know exactly what to do when you’re recording your answers for real.


It seems silly, but it is common to get off track and later realize you didn’t answer the question. 

Break down each part of the question into smaller components, and address each one as you move through your answer. If you’re working on a written question, take some time at the end while you’re proofreading to make sure you’ve answered everything. 


Sometimes when you know you have a limited amount of time you might speed through everything like a mad race against the clock. 

For the video questions, remember to take a breath and pause between your sentences to allow the reviewer time to process what you said. Focus on speaking clearly and slowly. 


Remember that every answer you give should tell the interviewer something about you that boosts your application, even if the question isn’t about you. 

Highlight your skills and experiences, show that you have thought about goals, and use the questions to help the admissions committee learn more about you. You’d be a great addition to their program — tell them how!


Your answers should be clear and to the point, leaving out unnecessary information. In the video questions, you don’t want to ramble — get to the point and be clear. 

The written questions are the same. 150 words isn’t that much so you have to make every word count. Get rid of information that is repetitive or doesn’t add value. It is better to have a short, concise answer than a convoluted answer that is redundant and possibly unfocused. 


When preparing for your video questions make sure that you come across as a young professional with something special to offer the program. How can you do this? 

  • Dress professionally
  • Make sure the background behind your camera is empty
  • Go somewhere that is quiet and free from distractions
  • Maintain eye contact with the camera as you give your answers

While it’s important to be professional, it’s also important to have fun with these questions. The admissions committee wants to admit unique people who have a shining personality and the experiences to match. Show them who you are and be yourself.


The admissions committee reviews thousands of applications. You’ll never stand out if your answers are the same as everyone else’s, so come up with answers that are unique. 

For example, if there’s a question that asks “Describe a time when you had to adapt” don’t simply talk about how COVID made everything more difficult. Instead, you can talk about a leadership experience where you took on a challenge and tried something that hadn’t been done before. Then, shift the question into talking about your successes and what you learned from the experience.  

Trying to come up with a different approach is important and you should only resort to these easy answers if you get stuck. Using storytelling to create an emotional connection with the reviewers can also make a huge difference in creating a unique, authentic, and memorable application. Check out this blog about our Narrative Communication Approach™ to learn more. 

If you would like more tips to help you prepare, as well as the chance to up your game and do some mock video/written questions, connect with a coach today. Our coaches have helped hundreds of students conquer their video interview questions and achieve admissions success!

Submitting Your Rotman Supplemental Application

Navigating the U of T site and submitting your written/video questions is a bit complicated, so here we’ll do a step-by-step breakdown to show you exactly how to complete your Supplemental Application. 

Step 1: After you submit your OUAC application, you will receive an email with a link to sign into the JOIN U of T website, along with your credentials for your JOINid. Click the “Login to the JOIN U of T Website”.

Step 2 : Once you’ve logged in, you will come to a “Connect with U of T” page, where you will see a page with the header “Your Application Status” and a button that says “Check Your Application Status”. This is where you will complete your Supplemental Application.

Step 3 : Once you’ve clicked that, you can complete your Supplemental Application under the “Required Documents” list and then click “Check In” on the next page. 

COACH’S TIP : On this Check In page, you will also see the first written question listed as well as the first video response question under the “Structure and Content” header. These are questions that you can prepare in advance of the actual assessment. Keep reading to get a breakdown of these two questions, as well as tips for preparing them and examples. If you have any questions about the prepared questions, please connect with a coach any time.

Next, you will be redirected you to a third-party site, where you’ll do the timed written and video questions. 

REMEMBER : The external video interview platform is invitation only, online interviewing platform that uses text and video questions. You will NOT interact with live people. Instead, you will get text or video questions and then provide the corresponding answers. 

Step 4 : After you check in, make sure you watch the Welcome Video first so you can become more familiar with the platform and you know exactly what to expect. 

Step 5 : Next, click the “Registration” button and enter all of your information. 

Step 6 : Next, complete the device setup to ensure that your camera and microphone are working properly.

Step 7 : Now it’s time to do your practice questions. These are REALLY important to do so you know exactly how the written/video questions will look. The last thing you want is to be stressed out, so getting a feel for the platform will help ease the stress a bit. 

You will get to practice two video questions and one written question .

Once you’re done practicing, you are ready to begin the questions for real!

REMEMBER : For the Welcome Video, Registration, Device Setup, and Practice sections, you can exit and come back whenever. When you click “Assessment” you WILL NOT be able to exit and come back , so only click it when you’re ready to record your answers for real.

You’ve Got a Dedicated Coach in Your Corner

For over a decade, we have worked with thousands of students to help them achieve more than they ever thought possible.

Our coaches have a strong success rate supporting students as they apply to U of T Rotman Commerce, among other top university programs.

Our 1-on-1 Youth Coaching fills that gap that most high schools miss. We can help you build self-awareness through probing questions and assessments, set bigger goals to elevate your extracurriculars and future career plans, and improve skills that matter on supplementary applications, such as interviewing, written communication, critical thinking, and creativity.

We use a coaching methodology, called ‘full student’ development, that’s been proven to increase your chances of admission to top-tier universities and obtaining competitive jobs/internships.

So, what are you waiting for? Fulfill your post-secondary potential with the mentorship and coaching you’ve always wanted! 🙂

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Supp App Qs 2-3

  • App Overview

Supp App Qs 4-6

  • Q4-6: Random - Possible Qs
  • Q4-6: Random - Template
  • Q4-6: Random - Examples

Interview Prep Tips

  • Question Themes
  • How to Submit

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MBA Admission Consultants

  • May 19, 2023

Make way for the Video Essays in MBA admission process

Updated: Jun 8, 2023

A surge in International applicants has led the school to use new tools like Video Essays to check the applicant's communication skills. Here we explore more about how one can approach a video essay.

How to Plan and Create a Perfect Video Essay Outline

Although video essays might seem intimidating to produce, it is pretty easy to create one. All you need is a good plan and some guidelines. So how do you put your video essay together?

The main goal of a video essay is to answer one question in the first 30 seconds of the video.

However, don't narrow it down to just this sentence because then your content won't explore any other potential related topics. To create a concise outline, try answering the following questions:

a) What is the topic of my video essay?

b) Who will be viewing my content?

c) What are some potential themes that I can explore?

d) What types of evidence will I use in my video essay?

The Most Important Part of Your Video Essay Is Your Introduction

The introduction is an essential part of your video essay. You should be able to capture your audience's attention and hook them with a hook.

The introduction of the video, even though informative, shouldn't be very long and cumbersome. It would help if you also didn't ramble on about things that are not relevant to your argument.

How to Structure and Write an Effective Introduction to Your Video Essay

A video essay is a video that illustrates an author's thoughts or feelings about a particular topic.

As the first section of your video essay, you should introduce your audience to the topic and tell them what you're going to be talking about.

At this point, you should have been in your research phase for at least a week and have some notes on what you've found out so far. This will help structure your introduction and general outline for the rest of your video essay.

It would be best to decide which piece of footage or audio clip will support the issues you want to make in your essay. If possible, try to find yourself some footage or audio that speaks specifically to what's going on right now in terms of the topic.

Why is Structure Critical in Writing a Successful Introductory Sequence in Your Video Essay?

A good introduction sequence can entice, seduce, and engage the audience. It can also establish an expectation of what is to come in your video essay. You can create a captivating opening that will immerse your audience into your video essay with the proper structure.

A well-structured introduction sequence will help you to:

1. Establish the audience's expectations and context of the video essay

2. Introduce the central argument or thesis for each section of your video essay before it begins

The main goal of a video essay is to answer one question in the first 30 seconds of the video. However, don't narrow it down to just this sentence because then your content won't explore any other potential related topics.

To create a concise outline, try answering the following questions:

The video essay has been incorporated as an integral part of the applicant evaluation in many leading business schools. Some leading schools which have integrated the video essay component with the application submission are discussed here.

Ivey Business School MBA

The video essay is mandatory in the Ivey Business School MBA process. The process is implemented as a KIRA interview at the application submission stage.

INSEAD MBA Video Essay:

English as a second language is tested well with the video essay component. The school expects a candid response from the students to behavioural questions. The video essay is able to convey the passion of the applicant much more easily than the written essay questions.

KELLOGG MBA Application Video Essay:

At Kellogg the school asks the students to convey the value they will add to the school through different video essay questions. A series of short video questions lead to greater insights into the applicant's motivations. The first essay is an introduction to the admissions committee.

Kellogg Video essay 1: Please introduce yourself to the admissions committee.

The second essay is the career direction and the motivation of the applicant for the same.

Video essay 2: What path are you interested in pursuing, how will you get there, and why is this program right for you? The third video essay at Kellogg is a random question about decision making situations in personal or professional life.

Just like in life there is no retake or an edit here.The applicant has 20 seconds to think about the question and up to one minute to respond.

ROTMAN MBA Video Essay Requirements:

Rotman Business School incorporates the video essay component combined with a timed writing prompt in addition to the regular written essay with the application. Rotman MBA application requires the applicant to fill two KIRA video essay questions, followed by a real-time written response on the KIRA interview platform for the final submission.


Schulich MBA application requires the submission of a KIRA interview response and a timed written response with its application submission form. Application to Schulich MBA requires the applicant to complete two video essays and a five-minute timed writing prompt for the KIRA interview process.

Mastering the Art of Video Essays with GOALisB: Unleash Your Creativity and Make a Lasting Impression in Your MBA Applications!

Discover the dynamic and innovative world of video essays, a medium that allows individuals to showcase their skills, creativity, and unique personalities. Whether you're a college applicant or a professional seeking career opportunities, understanding video essays is crucial for leaving a memorable mark. Submitting a video essay is a dynamic way that allows your personality to shine, captivate your audience, and convey your message in a visually engaging way.

Definition and Purpose: An overview of the Video Essay

Video essay serve as a creative alternative to traditional written essays, enabling applicants to express themselves through audiovisual means. They offer a broader canvas beyond written text, allowing for a more holistic representation of who you are.

Common Formats and Platforms:

Video essays come in various formats, depending on their purpose and requirements. Some common formats include:

Structured Interviews: Respond to pre-recorded or live interview questions, demonstrating your ability to think on your feet and articulate your thoughts.

Personal Stories: Share anecdotes or narratives that highlight your experiences, values, and motivations.

Visual Presentations: Create visually engaging presentations using slides, images, and graphics to convey your ideas and achievements.

Documentary-style Videos: Produce short documentaries or mini-films that capture your journey, showcasing your skills, interests, and aspirations.

These video essays can be shared through dedicated platforms, video hosting sites like YouTube or Vimeo, or even integrated systems within MBA application portals.

Importance to Admissions Committees:

Admissions committees view video essays as a valuable opportunity to gain deeper insights into applicants' personalities and assess their fit within their programs or organizations. They consider perspectives such as authenticity, creativity, communication skills, and cultural fit.

Structured Techniques to Answer Common Video Essay Questions:

We provide structured techniques for answering common video essay questions, ensuring you present your experiences effectively. From handling challenging team experiences to sharing personal stories related to diversity and inclusion, exploring ethical predicaments, articulating leadership experiences, and aligning future goals with the program, we guide you step by step.

Unlock the Power of Video Essays with GOALisB:

When it comes to video essays, GOALisB is your trusted partner. We offer expert guidance, ensuring you craft outstanding MBA applications. Let us help you unleash your creativity, make a lasting impression, and showcase your true potential. Lights, camera, action! Get in touch with us on Whatsapp at +91 7719497187 or email at [email protected] for MBA application and interview assistance.

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MBA Video Essay

Are you curious about the MBA video interview questions/MBA video essay? You're not the only one. This relatively new application component has become a part of the admissions process for several top business schools, including some  Ivy League schools  like Yale University's school of management and other prestigious institutions like MIT . MBA video interviews or essays can be challenging for applicants, mainly because most applicants are unsure how to prepare for them. Much like with other interview formats and essays, the key to success is practice! In this blog, we will share some common MBA video essay prompts so that you have some questions to practice with, and we will also provide some sample answers to those questions to help you prepare.

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What are mba video interview questions/video essays.

MBA video interviews and MBA video essays are short, self-recorded videos where candidates answer questions given by the admission committee in a video instead of writing. This application component has simply been added to the admission process of some business schools; it does not replace any other written MBA admission essay or the final interview for admission. 

It's also important to note that because this concept is relatively new in the MBA application process, business schools refer to it by different names. For example, Kellogg Business School and London Business School both call it a video essay, while INSEAD refers to it as Video Interview, and MIT refers to it as a Video Statement. Ultimately, these are all the same thing. The only thing that may vary is the format of the video essay. 

There are two main types of MBA video essays:

This format asks candidates to record a short video answering a specific question or prompt given by the admission committee. The timeframe and questions or topics are usually provided beforehand, thus giving you more time to think through your answers and ensure that your video essay is of the best quality. ","label":"Pre-recorded video essays","title":"Pre-recorded video essays"}]" code="tab1" template="BlogArticle">

Kellogg Business School

Kellogg business school  is one of the pioneers of the MBA video essay. This component was added to their already thorough application process in 2013 and is here to stay. Kellogg no longer publishes their admission statistics, but in previous years, the acceptance rate was roughly 20%, making it one of the most selective business schools in the world. To apply to Kellogg’s MBA programs, applicants must submit two written  MBA admission essays , and answer 3 MBA video essay questions.

Kellogg Business School's acceptance rate

The Kellogg MBA video essay comprises three essay prompts. Applicants have 20 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to answer each question. The first two questions are predefined, and the third question is usually randomized. It should be noted that this is subject to change. For example, not too long ago, the admissions committee was specifically asking students about their experience with COVID as a third question instead of using a random prompt. So, it is always best to verify the school’s website for the most up-to-date information.

My name is Angela Faye, and I am a corporate lawyer from New York City. I was born in Normandy, France, but I moved to the United States at the age of eighteen to attend university. I quickly fell in love with the melting pot of cultures found in New York and the different aspects of American culture. So, I decided to stay and make a life for myself here. I am a wife and mother to two beautiful children who look up to me and for whom I'd like to set a good example by doing what it takes to accomplish my goals. One of those goals is to open a law firm of my own, and I believe that the next step for me on my journey to making that happen is to gain more knowledge and experience in business administration and management. ","label":"Sample answer","title":"Sample answer"}]" code="tab2" template="BlogArticle">

I aim to own and operate an affordable, sustainable clothing brand that caters to women of all sizes and body types. I have been working towards this goal for the past five years. I own a personal shopping business, and I have noticed how limited the options are for ethically made clothes, especially for women with different body shapes. In the past five years, I have taken the time to research and learn about the logistics of the clothing industry, study the market and begin gathering funds for this project. The next step for me is to gain even more knowledge about what it takes to successfully and ethically run a business while networking with some of the best business minds in the world. Based on my research, the best place for me to do that is at Kellogg business school. ","label":"Sample answer","title":"Sample answer"}]" code="tab3" template="BlogArticle">

This is the power that the main character of the sci-fi show Heroes possesses. This power allows you to learn and replicate the abilities of those in close proximity to you. This means that you would be able to learn a wide array of abilities, including flight, invisibility, and anything else that exists. To succeed, you need to be prepared and have multiple tools at your disposal. This superpower definitely gives you that. ","label":"Sample answer","title":"Sample answer"}]" code="tab4" template="BlogArticle">

Be sure to read some Kellogg MBA essay examples for inspiration! Here are a 10 additional common Kellogg MBA video essay questions that you can use to practice:

  • What piece of technology could you not live without and why?
  • Who do you approach when you have a problem for advice and why?
  • What accomplishment are you really proud of?
  • What's the best piece of advice you have ever received?
  • If you were given a chance to meet anyone, current or historical, who would you meet and why?
  • What was the most interesting class you took at university? 
  • How have you changed in the last five years?
  • What risk have you taken, and what did you learn?
  • What impact do you have on your co-workers?
  • What inspires you?

The  University of Toronto  is not only one of the best  universities of Ontario , but it attracts candidates from all over the world yearly. So it is not surprising that Rotman school of management is an increasingly popular choice for MBA hopefuls. To get into Rotman, you need to ace the MBA video interview/MBA admission essay. 

The university uses the  Kira talent  platform, which uses both video and text. Applicants will answer two different questions on video and one question in writing. For the video portion of this MBA video interview, candidates will hear the question, have 30 seconds to think, and then 90 seconds to answer. The questions used during the interview will vary, but we looked at a few past prompts so that we can share sample answers and questions for you to practice with.

I decided to cut back on my hours at the tutoring center, and I enlisted the help of a different student so that I could delegate some tasks and have more time to study. That experience taught me a lot about time management. ","label":"Sample answer","title":"Sample answer"}]" code="tab5" template="BlogArticle">

I would much rather be good and on time than perfect and late. Nothing is perfect. We can try to get as close to perfect as possible, but there comes the point where chasing perfection becomes a waste of time, and time is far too valuable to be wasted. If something is good and on time, then it will stand out, and you may even have a chance to improve on it and \"perfect\" it while it is already operational. For example, recently, I was assigned to design the logo for a new client, and when the deadline came, I found that the product was not perfect. I wanted to fix it up a little more, but I realized that it would be best to give my clients something good on time and get their feedback so that we can work together to perfect it. ","label":"Sample answer","title":"Sample answer"}]" code="tab6" template="BlogArticle">

Here are a 10 additional MBA video essay questions from Rotman that you can use to practice:

  • Who is your mentor outside your family, and why?
  • Apart from money, what else would keep you in your current organization?
  • What is one good habit, and what is one bad habit of yours?
  • If you had to delete all apps but three from my phone, which ones would I keep and why?
  • If you got a chance, what subject would you teach?
  • Out of the four seasons, which do you like the most and why?
  • What is one good habit and one bad habit that you have?
  • If you had no financial downsides from quitting your job, what job would you prefer to be doing?
  • Which of the following aspects of your life are you most in touch with: emotional, spiritual, or physical?
  • If you could have anyone over for dinner, who would it be?

Yale University  is an Ivy League institution with a worldwide reputation and a highly selective admissions process. The video interview component for Yale School of Management uses a set of randomized, previously recorded questions. This means that applicants will likely not have the same set of questions in one interview cycle. The school's website states that the questions asked are similar to typical interview questions. In other words, while the video essay may not have "trick questions," it will have some tricky ones. One tip we can give you is to  prepare for your MBA interview  early. This will not only improve your chances of doing well during your MBA interview, but it will also help you with your performance on this MBA video essay component. 

Yale video essay comprises three questions. Applicants will have 20 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to answer the first two questions. For the third question, applicants will have 30 seconds of preparation time and 90 seconds to answer. Let's take a look at some of the prompts that have been used for Yale MBA video essays in the past:

I have wanted to pursue a Master's in Business Administration for a few years now, but I needed to accomplish a few things before embarking on this journey. First, I needed to get a few years of practical experience after spending most of my undergraduate years learning business theories. Secondly, I wanted enough savings to cover most of the tuition fees and expenses. I plan on giving my studies my full attention for the next two years, and I find that the best way to do that is to pace yourself and remove as many distractions as possible. Having enough money to ensure that my tuition is paid gives me more choices and allows me to focus on that instead of anything else. ","label":"Sample answer","title":"Sample answer"}]" code="tab7" template="BlogArticle">

As a business owner, I often find myself in a position where I have to make difficult decisions or handle challenging situations. Recently, I had to decide whether it was time to let go of our office building and become a fully remote company or for a hybrid model for my employees. Everyone, from the senior management staff to the part-workers, had a different opinion. In the end, even though I listened to what they had to say, I had to compare what they were saying to what the numbers showed. Our statistics showed that most of the team was actually performing better from home and that we would save considerable money if we kept working online and spent some money on communication networks that would allow us to communicate better as a team. ","label":"Sample answer","title":"Sample answer"}]" code="tab8" template="BlogArticle">

\"Without Arts, an education can not be accomplished.\" I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. People learn in different ways, and many of those ways include various pieces of art. For example, I am a visual learner. So Whenever a presentation, poster, or textbook includes images, I tend to remember it better. Furthermore, because artists and the world of arts, in general, are a big part of our culture, one cannot claim to be educated about the world without at least understanding some of it. ","label":"Sample answer","title":"Sample answer"}]" code="tab9" template="BlogArticle">

Here are a 10 additional Yale SOM MBA video essay questions that you can use to practice:

  • What is the biggest challenge facing leaders today?
  • Tell us about a creative solution you designed
  • Please respond to the following statement: "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand." Do you agree or disagree? why?
  • Do you agree or disagree with the notion that the chief executive's first priority should be a profit for shareholders?
  • What accomplishment are you most proud of?
  • Tell us about a shortcut you and a team could have taken, but decided not to
  • If we asked your colleagues about your weaknesses and strengths, what would they say ?
  • How will you resolve a conflict with your future classmates at the program?
  • Tell us about a difficult decision and how you handled it?
  • "The People who we remember most are the people who break the rules." Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

MBA video essays should not be underestimated. While the questions and format used by the business schools are not designed to trick you, they are definitely intended to challenge you. This means that it gives you a chance to rise to the challenge and the admissions committee a chance to find out which candidates took the time to research and prepare for this application component. If you're reading this blog, then you have already taken a step in the right direction by looking at common video essay prompts and sample answers. To prepare further, we recommend using the questions we listed to practice. Remember that these video essays are timed, so familiarize yourself with the time limits by using a timer while practicing. You should also take the time to set up and test your equipment before your interview, to make sure it is stable and that your background is appropriate. If you truly want to maximize your chances of success, you should consider working with an  MBA essay consultant  or participating in  MBA mock interviews. 

The level of competition will depend on the specific school you're applying to, but MBA programs are generally quite selective.

This is a relatively new application component used by a few business schools. Essentially, they are short videos during which candidates answer essay questions given by the admission committee.

The admission committee typically provides questions or prompts for your video essay. You should verify the admissions information of the school you are applying to, as some schools make the questions to the video essay available in advance.

No, not all of them do. Video essays and Video interviews are still a relatively new practice. They are only used by a few business schools in the world, but the practice is rising in popularity, so it is best to be prepared.

There are a few schools around the globe that require MBA video essays, including Yale, Kellogg, MIT, Rotman, London Business School, INSEAD, etc.

Yes. Most business schools ask for both written essays and video essays. Some schools also include a written essay in their MBA video interview process, like Rotman, for example.

The video essay serves a similar purpose as the  MBA personal statement  or  MBA diversity essay . If you meet the standards set by the admission committee, you may still get called for an in-person or virtual interview.

You can prepare by planning or structuring your answers in advance, timing yourself when you rehearse, participating in mock interviews, and investing in  MBA admissions consulting.

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rotman mba video essay questions


Lights, Camera, Acceptance: Crafting Compelling Video/Kira Essays for MBA Admissions

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By Arvind Kumar

23 September 2023

In recent years, the MBA admissions process has evolved to incorporate various innovative elements, and one such element gaining prominence is the video essay.

While traditional written essays and standardized test scores remain significant factors in the application, many top-tier business schools have started asking applicants to submit video essays.

Video essays allow candidates to showcase their personality, communication skills, and suitability for the MBA program. 

In this article, we will delve into the why and how of video essays for MBA admissions, examining their significance, the qualities admissions committees seek, and tips for acing video essays at some of the top business schools.

We’ve also compiled the list of video essay questions for B-schools that include this component in their application process: Northwestern Kellogg, INSEAD, Rotman, Yale SOM, MIT Sloan, Oxford Saïd, IESE and IE.

Why Business Schools Ask for a Video Essay

What do mba video essays entail, types of video essays, northwestern kellogg, rotman school of management, oxford saïd, iese business school, ie business school, creating video/ kira essays for mba admissions: tips for pre-recorded and impromptu versions, final thoughts.

Business schools request video essays as part of the MBA admissions process for various reasons. These video essays offer a unique opportunity to assess applicants beyond traditional written materials. 

Here’s a list of 10 key qualities that business schools are looking for in applicants and how different aspects of the video essay can help assess these qualities:

Communication Skills

  • Quality Demonstrated: Clarity of Expression
  • Video Essay Component: The ability to articulate thoughts coherently and persuasively in the video.


  • Quality Demonstrated: Genuine Self-Presentation
  • Video Essay Component: Authenticity is revealed through unscripted, spontaneous responses that show the real personality of the applicant.

Confidence and Poise

  • Quality Demonstrated: Ability to Handle Pressure
  • Video Essay Component: Maintaining confidence and composure while responding to unexpected questions or prompts.
  • Quality Demonstrated: Ability to Capture Attention
  • Video Essay Component: Keeping the viewer engaged by using storytelling techniques and compelling anecdotes.

Cultural Fit

  • Quality Demonstrated: Alignment with School Values
  • Video Essay Component: Demonstrating enthusiasm for the school and its culture through genuine expressions of interest.

Problem-Solving Skills

  • Quality Demonstrated: Analytical Thinking
  • Video Essay Component: Responding effectively to complex or challenging questions, showcasing problem-solving abilities.

Leadership Potential

  • Quality Demonstrated: Presence and Influence
  • Video Essay Component: Portraying oneself as a confident and impactful leader who inspires and motivates others.

Teamwork and Collaboration

  • Quality Demonstrated: Ability to Work Well with Others
  • Video Essay Component: Sharing experiences highlighting teamwork, cooperation, and the ability to collaborate effectively.


  • Quality Demonstrated: Flexibility and Resilience
  • Video Essay Component: Adapting to unexpected prompts and situations, demonstrating the ability to think on one’s feet.

Passion and Drive

  • Quality Demonstrated: Enthusiasm and Commitment
  • Video Essay Component: Conveying genuine passion for one’s goals and showcasing the drive to make a meaningful impact.

These qualities are essential for success in an MBA program and in the business world. The video essay serves as a valuable tool for admissions committees to assess these qualities in applicants, allowing them to make more informed decisions about who would thrive in their academic environment and contribute positively to their MBA community. 

As an applicant, you should use the video essay as an opportunity to showcase your unique strengths and qualities that set you apart from the competition.

MBA video essays involve candidates responding to prompts from the admissions committee through self-recorded videos instead of relying on written responses.

This component has been introduced as an additional element in the application process for select business schools, without replacing traditional written MBA admission essays or the final admission interview.

It’s worth highlighting that due to the relatively recent incorporation of this concept into the MBA application process, different business schools may use varying terminology.

For instance, Kellogg Business School may label it as a video essay, while INSEAD may term it a Video Interview, and MIT may refer to it as a Video Statement. Despite the nomenclature differences, they all essentially entail the same process, with the only potential variation being the video essay’s format.

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There are generally two types of video essays asked in MBA admissions: Live/Impromptu and Pre-recorded. Each type serves a unique purpose and presents its own set of challenges and advantages.

Live/Impromptu Video Essays

Live or impromptu video essays require MBA applicants to respond to questions or prompts in real time.

Candidates are typically given a limited amount of time to prepare their thoughts, often ranging from 30 seconds to a few minutes. Once the preparation time is up, they must begin recording their response immediately. 

This format aims to assess an applicant’s ability to think on their feet, communicate clearly, and maintain composure under pressure. Admissions committees use live video essays to gauge an individual’s spontaneity, poise, and how effectively they can address unexpected topics or situations.

Pre-recorded Video Essays

Pre-recorded video essays, on the other hand, allow MBA applicants more control over the timing of their responses.

In this format, candidates receive a set of questions or prompts in advance and are allotted a specific amount of time to record their answers. This time frame typically ranges from a few hours to several days, depending on the business school’s requirements. 

Pre-recorded video essays allow applicants to carefully craft and rehearse their responses, emphasizing their communication skills, creativity, and thoughtfulness in addressing the given prompts. This format allows for a more polished presentation but still evaluates an applicant’s ability to convey their ideas effectively through video.

Which business schools ask to submit a video essay?

Applicants are required to complete three video essay questions as part of their application.

These questions provide a valuable opportunity for candidates to showcase their personality, communication skills, and alignment with Kellogg’s values. The video essays are due 96 hours after the application deadline, so plan your application timeline accordingly. 

Remember that you have a 20-second preparation period and up to one minute to respond. Use the prep time wisely to outline your answer mentally, and then deliver a clear and concise response within the allotted minute.

Let’s delve into each of the three video essay questions:

Question 1: Please introduce yourself to the admissions committee.

The introduction sets the tone for your application.

Be concise, authentic, and memorable. Start with a brief overview of your background, highlighting key experiences that have shaped your journey.

Mention your name, current profession, and what drives your passion for pursuing an MBA at Kellogg. Use this opportunity to provide a glimpse of your unique personality and values.

Question 2: What path are you interested in pursuing, how will you get there, and why is this program right for you?

Tip: This question demands a strategic approach.

Clearly articulate your career goals, emphasizing both short-term and long-term objectives.

Explain why Kellogg is your ideal platform for achieving these goals. Mention specific resources, courses, or aspects of the Kellogg program that align with your aspirations.

Your response should reflect a deep understanding of Kellogg’s offerings and a strong connection between your goals and the school’s unique advantages.

Question 3: This question will be based on a challenge you’ve faced and what you’ve learned from it.

Tip: Use this question to highlight your resilience and growth. Choose a challenge, either personal or professional, that showcases your ability to overcome adversity and learn from the experience.

Describe the challenge briefly, focusing more on the lessons learned and how it has influenced your character and decision-making.

Conclude by explaining how these lessons will contribute to your success as an MBA candidate at Kellogg.

Compilation of Kellogg Video Essay questions (2023) 

  • Introduce yourself outside of your CV.
  • Tell us something about yourself that we won’t know from your resume
  • There are many MBA schools. What’s so unique about Kellogg?
  • How long have you been considering an MBA and what have you learned about your goals in this time?
  • Whose leadership style do you admire the most and you wish to adopt?
  • Tell us about a time you were uncomfortable. How did you feel?
  • What is one misconception coworkers have about you and how do you plan to change that?
  • Tell us about the best piece of advice you have received, how you utilized it and how it impacted you?
  • Tell us about a time you received harsh feedback. What was your reaction and how did you proceed to act on it?
  • Tell us about one time when you received feedback that changed your perspective about something
  • Tell us about  time you received feedback that you didn’t agree with
  • Tell us about a time when you helped improved a process in your company, organization or community
  • When and how did you resolve a conflict?
  • Tell us about a time when you faced unforeseen or unexpected challenges
  • Tell us about a time you failed and used an unconventional approach the next time. What happened?
  • Tell us about a time when a conflict affected the productivity of the team? How did you handle it? What did you learn from it?
  • Tell us about a time where an unexpected situation arose? Why did it arise? What did you do to pivot and why?
  • Tell us about a time where you used a unique or creative way to solve a problem. What did you do and what was the outcome?
  • What is one value or quality that you bring to the Kellogg community and how will it help others?
  • Tell us about an experience outside school and outside office that motivated you to pursue a postgraduate education?
  • Tell us about a time you leveraged a professional relationship to achieve your goals
  • Tell us how you created an environment where differences and diverse ideas are respected. What was the outcome?
  • Tell us about a time you added value in a professional capacity 
  • Tell us about a time when you had to ask for help. What did you learn?

Note: Please consider this list indicative and not exhaustive

After you’ve successfully submitted your INSEAD MBA online application, an email notification from Kira Talent will swiftly arrive in your inbox, containing a unique link for you to embark on four video interviews. 

These interviews entail answering four distinct questions, and it’s essential to note that the questions presented to you may differ from those posed to other applicants. You’ll have a brief 45 seconds to prepare for each question and a minute to articulate your response.

These video interviews present a distinct opportunity for you to unveil your passions, motivations, and your true essence. The MBA Admissions Committee seeks an authentic portrayal of you as an individual, eager to witness your ability to think on your feet and effectively communicate your thoughts.

It’s important to emphasize that these video interviews do not replace face-to-face/online interviews with Alumni, which will still be a part of the assessment process. The video essay has to be submitted within 48 hours after the deadline of the Round in which you apply to INSEAD.

Tips for INSEAD Video Essay

  • To ensure a seamless experience, INSEAD recommends using either Microsoft Edge or Chrome for recording your Kira videos. Preparing extensively by practicing is encouraged, as it allows you to convey authentic and genuine responses, even though the practice questions and your responses won’t be disclosed to the Admissions Committee.
  • Before you begin recording, conduct a brief technology check by testing your camera and microphone. Once satisfied with the technical aspects, shift your focus to the camera, envisioning that you are addressing the Admissions Committee directly.
  • Wear Business or Business Casual Attire.
  • Lastly, consider keeping a notebook handy during the interviews to jot down key ideas. Remember, you’ll have just 45 seconds to prepare for each answer, followed by 60 seconds to deliver your response to the Admissions Committee.

Compilation of INSEAD MBA Video Essay questions (2023) 

  • What keeps you engaged and motivated at work?
  • How will INSEAD help you achieve your professional objectives?
  • Describe a time when you saw someone else doing something differently. How did you react?
  • Describe a time when you received negative feedback. How did you feel?
  • Do you consider yourself to be creative?
  • What do you think is the biggest challenge in leading a global team?
  • If you look back 10 years into your life, what would success mean to you?
  • Who or what inspires you the most?
  • What is the leadership quality you admire? Why?
  • How do you handle frustration at work and give constructive criticism?
  • How can INSEAD help you to contribute to the community?
  • What skills do you think you are missing that you want to work on while at INSEAD?
  • Tell us about something that your family or company borrowed from someone else, its advantages and its disadvantages
  • Why should we select you?
  • Tell us about the most pressing climate concern today and how you will tackle it?
  • How do you handle frustration at work? How do you openly communicate to resolve the frustration?
  • Are you aware of your biases? How does that affect your thoughts?
  • If you were given unlimited resources, which product or services would you offer to community and why?
  • What are your guiding principles or involvement in Coporate and Social Responsibility
  • How is diversity handled at your organization?
  • Tell us about a new app that was released in the past 3 and has resonated with you.
  • What do you think are the qualities of a good friend.
  • How do you generate ideas
  • What would you do if a new boss was acting in a surprising or offensive way to the local culture
  • A teammate of yours is shy of speaking out. How would you help them?
  • Most challenging decision you have taken?
  • Has your family or company adopted anything from other culture? What impact (positive or negative) it has had on you?
  • If you won 10 billion dollars, what would you do?
  • What is the most difficult aspect of working with you?
  • What do you think people often misunderstand about you?
Applying to INSEAD? Learn from Adhiraj’s successful journey to the INSEAD MBA with scholarships

Once you’ve submitted your application, expect an email from Kira Talent, a designated service provider. Within this email, you will discover a link granting access to the video essay platform, a crucial component of Rotman’s application process, which comprises two video questions.

Upon accessing the platform and initiating the session, you will be presented with a total of two spoken questions, delivered sequentially, one after the other.

Once you receive the question, you will be granted a 30-second window for contemplation, followed by a 90-second timeframe for your response. It’s essential to note that there are no opportunities for revisiting or reattempting the question; you have just one opportunity to express your thoughts and provide your answer.

Regardless of when you initially submit your application, remember that the clock starts ticking once you access the video essay platform. You must submit your video essay response within two weeks of submitting your application to complete this vital step in the Rotman admissions process.

Once you’ve successfully submitted your application, expect an email notification from Kira Talent, the designated company for Yale’s video essay component. Inside this email, you’ll find a link that grants access to the video essay platform.

Upon logging in and commencing the session, you’ll encounter a total of three Yale video essay questions, presented one at a time. These questions are randomly generated but fall into distinct categories, each with its own focus.

The Yale video essay questions are thoughtfully categorized into three groups:

  • MBA Motivations (Group 1) : The initial question in the Yale SOM video essay will center on your motivations, specifically regarding your interest in Yale or the rationale behind pursuing an MBA.
  • Behavioral Questions (Group 2) : Yale values individuals who embody purpose-driven adaptability, teamwork, and strong communication skills. Therefore, they often pose questions aimed at assessing your ability to collaborate effectively and your potential to contribute positively to the Yale community.
  • The Thinking Question (Group 3) : In addition to traditional interview queries, you will be tasked with responding to a “thinking question,” akin to a case study, during the Yale video essay. This question serves to evaluate your ability to think on your feet, a crucial aspect tested in Yale’s raw case method.

As you approach these questions, keep in mind that for the first and third, you’ll have 20 seconds to prepare and 60 seconds to provide your response. However, for the second question, you’ll be granted 30 seconds of preparation time and 90 seconds to articulate your answer.

Regardless of when you submit your initial application, remember that it’s imperative to complete and submit your responses to the Yale video essay questions within a maximum of 48 hours following the round’s application deadline. This ensures your application remains complete and on schedule.

Compilation of Yale SOM Video Essay questions (2023) 

  • Why are you doing an MBA now?
  • What motivates you to get an MBA at this point?
  • Tell us about a time when a team member was not doing his share of work and how you handled it
  • Tell us about a time you or your team fixed a critical problem at work
  • Tell us about a problem that you solved by breaking down into its pieces
  • Tell us about a time when there was a potential problem at work and how did you prevent it?
  •  Mention a vague problem that was given to you and how did you solve it?
  • Tell us about a teacher who has impacted you in life?
  •  Yale School of Drama has produced many world renowned artists (e.g. Meryl Streep). Which artist do you admire most and why?
  • Which type of art holds significance to you among the various arts across Yale Center for European arts, Yale Center for Natural arts and Yale Center for British arts?
  • New Haven has great architectural significance ( something along these lines ). What piece of architecture has the greatest significance to you in your hometown or region? Why? 
  • What is a tradition you hold dear to yourself?

Question: “Please take a minute to introduce yourself to your future classmates.”

This is your opportunity to introduce yourself and make a personal connection. Unveil your true self, let your personality sparkle, and have a genuine conversation – this is your moment to shine.

Keep the following criteria in mind when creating your videos for MIT:

  • Keep it under 60 seconds, no more!
  • Record it all in a single take, no editing allowed.
  • Speak directly into the camera.
  • Avoid adding background music or subtitles to your video.

In order to learn more about applicants and assess their ability to think quickly, Oxford Saïd’s MBA application process includes an online assessment.

Once the MBA application is submitted, you will find a link in the application status portal. This link allows you to register with Kira Talent, the online assessment platform, and complete the assessment. The assessment can be done anytime before the application deadline for the desired stage, for instance, Round 1 applicants must complete the assessment by the Round 1 deadline.

The online assessment consists of three parts:

  • Two motivation-based questions that all candidates must answer. These questions aim to let you explain your reasons for pursuing an MBA and why you believe the Oxford MBA is the best fit for you. Each applicant receives the same two questions.

Example: “Why do you think pursuing an MBA is the next step in your career?”

  • One competency-based question chosen randomly from a pool of available questions. This question allows you to demonstrate skills and qualities such as decision-making, problem-solving, leadership, teamwork, influencing, change management, and communication.

Example: “Could you share an experience where you successfully handled a challenging situation, either in your professional or personal life? How did you approach resolving it?”

  • A written response (essay), which will be randomized and light-hearted to display how you can think on your feet and write.

Example: “What was your favorite book as a child and why?”

For each motivation-based question, you have 60 seconds to prepare and 90 seconds to respond. For each competency-based question, there is 45 seconds of preparation time followed by 60 seconds to provide an answer.

It’s important to note that there are no opportunities to redo the questions, and you have only one chance to respond and share your answers during the assessment. The entire online assessment should take about 30 minutes to complete, so plan accordingly.

Compilation of Oxford Saïd MBA Video Essay questions (2023) 

  • Since how long have you wanted to do your MBA? Why now is the right time and what skills do you hope to gain?
  • Students apply to many programmes and B schools. According to you, what makes Oxford unique?
  • Tell us about a time you were overloaded with work, how did you handle it?
  • Tell us about a time you asked for help and how did it go?
  • Tell us about a time you led a diverse team, what specific skill did you use and why?
  • Tell us a time when you had an idea and had to convince your project team.
  • What is the most significant personal weakness that you have identified, what did you do about it and what was the result?
  • Imagine you are proposing a business innovation idea for a class project and the audience is not interested. What would you do?
  • How would you convince a team about your idea if you were sure of its positive outcome?
  • How do you describe the color red to someone who can only see in black and white? 
  • Do you prefer cats or dogs? Explain why.

IESE Business School has introduced Video Essays as part of the application process this year, replacing the previous personal essay requirement.

The purpose of this change is to gain a deeper and more authentic understanding of applicants. It allows the Admissions Committee to get insights into the thought process and communication style of each candidate.

After submitting the written application and paying the required fees, you will receive a Kira Video Essay link within 24 hours, to be completed by the Application Round Deadline. This link will expire 48 hours after receipt. You will receive detailed instructions along with the link. Upon clicking the link, you can create a Kira account and practice before recording your video essay.

Each applicant will need to respond to two video essay questions. For each question, there will be a preparation time before recording the response.

Applicants are encouraged to be concise, as they have a limited time of 1.5 minutes to provide each answer. The Admissions Committee values authenticity and is interested in getting to know the real applicant, rather than hearing what they think the committee wants to hear.

It’s important to note that the application will be considered complete and ready for review only after all components, including the video essays, have been submitted.

Compilation of IESE MBA Video Essay questions (2023) 

  • How do we pronounce your name?
  • Tell us something about you not in your resume.
  • Tell us something that’s unique about you – traits and attributes uniquely you.
  • What is the one feedback you received that you didn’t agree with? How did you react and what was the outcome?
  • Every team has a certain archetype: architect, analyst etc. Which archetype are you when you play in a team? And why?
  •  Tell us one thing you like and one thing you don’t like about your current job.
  • Give a background of yourself and what abilities you can bring to the IESE MBA.
  • When was the last time you were creative.
Check out our interview with IESE MBA Adcom including insights on the application process, interviews, careers and more here

This year, IE Business School has introduced a video essay to get to know you better. The online assessment is quick and won’t take more than 30 minutes.

IE Business School has added this to its admissions process because they believe in innovation. This part of the process helps them understand your personality and how you respond in real time. 

You’ll need a computer with an internet connection, a microphone, and a webcam. You’ll answer three live questions – two in video format and one in writing. You can practice several times, but remember, once you officially start the assessment, you only have one chance to respond. You have one week from when you submitted your online admissions application to complete this online assessment.

Video essays have become a vital component of the MBA admissions process, offering applicants a unique platform to showcase their personality and communication skills. Whether it’s a pre-recorded or impromptu video essay, here are ten tips to help you excel in this aspect of your application:

Understand the Purpose

  • Pre-Recorded: Pre-recorded video essays often have prompts that allow for structured responses. Understand the specific question and ensure your video essay directly addresses it.
  • Impromptu: In impromptu video essays, you may not know the questions in advance. Focus on providing insightful, concise answers to the given prompts.
  • Pre-Recorded: Use your allotted time efficiently. Be concise in your response while ensuring you provide a complete and well-structured answer.
  • Impromptu: Stay on point and avoid rambling. Use the given preparation time to outline your response and make your points concisely during the recording.

Prepare Thoroughly

  • Pre-Recorded: Take time to brainstorm ideas, outline your response, and rehearse multiple times. Ensure your message is clear and compelling.
  • Impromptu: Since you may have limited time to prepare, practice answering diverse types of questions to build your ability to think on your feet. Doing Mock Interviews can particularly help.

Showcase Your Personality

  • Pre-Recorded: Your video should provide a glimpse of your character and values. Let your authenticity shine through by being yourself.
  • Impromptu: Be genuine in your responses. Authenticity is highly valued in impromptu video essays.

Maintain Eye Contact

  • Pre-Recorded: Look directly into the camera to establish a connection with the viewer. This creates a sense of engagement and sincerity.
  • Impromptu: Even when you don’t know the questions in advance, maintain eye contact with the camera during your responses to appear confident and composed.

Have a Strong Opening and Closing

  • Pre-Recorded: Begin with a compelling introduction and end with a memorable conclusion that reinforces your main points.
  • Impromptu: Use the initial seconds to frame your response and conclude succinctly by summarizing your key message.

Eliminate Distractions

  • Pre-Recorded: Choose a quiet, well-lit location with minimal distractions for your recording. Ensure your background is professional.
  • Impromptu: Find a quiet spot where you can focus solely on your response without interruptions.

Manage your Time Well

  • Pre-Recorded: Allocate sufficient time for recording, reviewing, and editing if necessary. Avoid rushing the process.
  • Impromptu: Manage your time wisely during preparation and response. Stick to the given time limits.

Rehearse Video Recording Technology

  • Pre-Recorded: Familiarize yourself with the recording equipment and software. Ensure your audio and video quality are top-notch.
  • Impromptu: Check your internet connection, camera, and microphone in advance to avoid technical glitches.

Seek Feedback

  • Pre-Recorded: Share your video with mentors, advisors or trusted friends to gather constructive feedback and make improvements.
  • Impromptu: After practicing impromptu responses, seek feedback on your communication skills and clarity.

In both pre-recorded and impromptu video essays, the key is effectively communicating your message while showcasing your suitability for the MBA program. With preparation, practice, and attention to these tips, you can create impressive video essays that enhance your MBA application.

In an increasingly competitive MBA admissions landscape, video essays offer you a chance to stand out and convey your unique value to the business school of your choice.

Use this opportunity to not only address the questions asked but also to paint a vivid picture of your aspirations, experiences, and character. It’s a tool that, when used effectively, can elevate your application and set you on the path to success in your MBA journey. So, embrace the challenge, be yourself, and make your video essay a compelling testament to your candidacy.

If you would like our support on your B-school applications, feel free to reach out!

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Compilation of Video Essay Interview Questions and Tips

Question banks.

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INSEAD Video Interview Questions & Tips

  • Foster School of Business Compiled Video Interview Questions
  • Kellogg Video Questions | More Questions and Essay Tips from Aringo
  • LBS Video Essay Tips
  • Fisher(Ohio) video questions
  • Notre Dame kira interview
  • Purdue Kranert video questions
  • Kellogg video questions
  • Carlson video questions
  • Emory video questions
  • Oxford Said video questions
  • Mendoza KIRA interview
  • Babson KIRA interview
  • Rice Jones KIRA interview
  • Ivey KIRA interview
  • Schulich KIRA video assessment
  • Rotman KIRA interview

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  • You get 45 second to prep, 60 seconds to answer.
  • I recommend that you review the questions below, and come up with an idea for each one.
  • DON’T write out a detailed script that you have to memorize.
  • DO brainstorm content for each question, and sketch out the main points. For example, write out something like, “discuss Napal story and (fill in blank thing you did) to keep my travel group safe in a blizzard.”
  • Once you have brainstormed ideas for each question, put it to the test. Record yourself several times; iterate. One of the most difficult things is getting into a rhythm of the timing; what 60 seconds feels like. I have my candidates record themselves, upload to YouTube and send me the link so I can coach them around it.
  • For the “give me an example” questions use STAR format ... on,_result in a nutshell, tell the story beginning, middle and end.
  • Do NOT have a script on the screen and “read” from it.
  • Do NOT sound like a robot who memorized each of the answers.
  • Do make little grammatical mistakes – it’s charming.


  • Eliminate “ums” and stuff – but the key to doing well here is to be as NATURAL as possible.

Question List

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Compiled Video Interview Questions for Foster School of Business

Set 1 : - (Thanks to abhimahna )

Set 2 : - (Thanks to murtuzahn )

Set 3 : - (Thanks to injineer )

Set 4 : - (Thanks to okhotnikovaalina )

Set 5 : - (Thanks to TravisfromAUS )

Set 6 : - (Thanks to saswata4s )

Set 7 : - (Thanks to Siddharth.Juneja )

Set 8 : - (Thanks to diligent )

Set 9 : - (Thanks to subi007 )

Set 10 : - (Thanks to praneshchitre )

Set 11 : - (Thanks to hannibal535 )

Set 12 : - (Thanks to msbae0308 )

Set 13 : - (Thanks to gauravs2 )

Set 14 : - (Thanks to ngplnikhil )

Set 15 : - (Thanks to nadirhashmi )

Set 16 : - hehe! The below are the questions that I faced. No thanks to anyone :-P

Set 17 : - (Thanks to Talayva )

The following are the questions I found in a document , Here is the link to download it ( -


Kellogg Video Questions

Video Interview Tips by ENGRTOMBA2018 , Kellogg Class of 2018.

Kellogg Video Questions Shared on Forum

LBS Video Essays

Video Essay Tips

  • Be sure to use the "setup" function to test your network, microphone and video. I tried it several times to find the best network to use. Don't use the network which it reminds like "you may expect delay during your assessment", just find a better one.
  • Pay attention to the countdown of preparation, it will immediately begin recording after 3,2,1.
  • The loading of question video and uploading of your answer can be very slow, just stay calm and patient!
  • My second question is "Describe a time when you were a leader".

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Fisher(Ohio) video questions

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Notre Dame Kira Interview

Krannert (Purdue) video questions

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Carlson Video Questions

Emory Video Questions


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  9. Tips For MBA Video Essay Questions

    2. It should go without saying, but keep your language clean — no profanity. 3. Think for a few seconds before you reply and then minimize pauses that we tend to fill with "ums" and "uhs.". They don't contribute to "presence.". 4. If you tend to perspire, put on the air conditioning so the room is cool. 5.

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  12. How to make an impressive MBA Application Video Essay

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  13. The Rotman MBA Interview

    With a focus on academic and career excellence as well as on diversity, Rotman admits to the Class of 2025 had an average of 5 years of work experience and GMAT scores of 673 (slightly down from 674 last year). Nonetheless, Rotman looks beyond demonstrated brain power and seeks to compose a diverse class of leaders from around the world.

  14. Video Essay : MBA Archive

    Feel free to dive into our dedicated Rotman Forum for all fresh things related to the Rotman MBA program. Thank you for understanding, and happy exploring! tallyho_88 Manager. Joined: 15 Mar 2016 . Posts: 93. Own Kudos ... I have done the video essay. questions seem to be quite fun though such as what is your hero or role model and if you have ...

  15. Admissions & finances

    7. Interview. Application Deadlines. We are accepting applications for the Full-Time MBA Class of 2027 starting in September 2025: Round 1: September 25, 2024. Round 2: January 15, 2025. Round 3: March 5, 2025*. Round 4: April 30, 2025. * All international applicants (excluding US Citizens) are highly encouraged to apply by Round 3 (early March ...

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  19. MBA Video Essay Samples

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  21. Video Essay for MBA Admissions

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    As you know there are already 2 standardized questions which I won't go over but ill go over the 3 random questions... (written) Briefly explain why you are interested in the field of business, and what you have done so far to develop this interest. (200 words I believe) (20 minutes as well) (Video) (60 secs to prepare and speak) Do you think ...

  23. Compilation of Video Essay Interview Questions and Tips

    Hello Applicants, This thread is going to be a repository for all video essay/interview questions shared on GMAT Club by community members. Thanks to Mo2men for coming up with the brilliant idea to have such a collection. I am also grateful to pikolo2510, MBAPrepCoach, and other MBA moderators as well as members who are active in MBA forum, for searching every possible source to find and ...

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