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thesis in international law

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Presented here is a selection of theses and dissertations from the School of Law. Please note that this is not a complete record of all degrees awarded by the School.

This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

Recent Submissions

Scots law of donation , isolation in scottish prisons: what does it mean to be alone inside a socio-legal analysis , taking legal change seriously: examining calls for modernising the rules providing for seller's liability for defective goods in the chilean civil code , conceptualisation and implementation of res judicata in the transnational arbitral legal order , out of place and out of time: older prisoners in chile , mind the gap: an empirical study of terrorism offences, law-making, and discretion , challenges and limitations of granting legal personality to distributed/decentralized autonomous organizations , development of international shipping standards under the auspices of the imo and their implementation in practice: a case study of thailand , adequacy of the ex post armed attack framework of the jus ad bellum in relation to the evolving means and methods of warfare , governing disputed maritime areas , what we say when we criminalise: a metanormative inquiry , testamentary law in england, c. 1450-1540 , sovereign immunity from execution of foreign arbitral awards in the 21st century , conceptualizations of addiction in harm reduction strategies for effective and ethical uk drug policy , liminality and the lived experience of law in medicine: the legal consciousness of physicians in encounters with people living as undocumented migrants , contested citizenship and statelessness in question: an anlysis of cases of overseas taiwanese people and tibetan exiles in taiwan , eternity and the constitution: the promise and limits of eternity clauses , hate speech in the british press: a theoretical and practical assessment of the case for broader regulation , liberty versus security under illiberal constitutionalism: the legality of criminalising humanitarian assistance in hungary and greece , operationalising ‘publicness’ in data-intensive health research regulation: an examination of the public interest as a regulatory device .

thesis in international law

Stanford Law School | Robert Crown Law Library

Stanford Law School's Theses and Dissertations Collection

  • Early Thesis and Dissertation of Stanford Law School, 1929 to 1956
  • Theses and Dissertations of Stanford Law School,1970-1995
  • Stanford Program in International Legal Studies’ Theses, 1996 to 2010
  • Stanford Law School’s Dissertations, 1996 to 2010
  • Stanford Program in International Legal Studies Theses, 2011 to 2025

Title: Stanford Law School’s Dissertations, 1996 to 2010

Title: Stanford Law School’s Dissertations Inclusive Dates: 1996 to 2010

Access Restrictions: None Copyright Restriction:  Property rights reside with Robert Crown Law Library Special Collection.  Copyrights are retained by the creator of the records or their heirs.

Series Description:

This series consists of dissertations produced by Stanford Law School’s candidates in the Doctor of the Science of Law or the Doctor of Jurisprudence programs during the years of 1996 to 2010.  Each dissertation is original research that each individual submit to a committee of Stanford law professors to prove that they add substantial original scholarly works.  Subject matter that Dissertation covers is diverse in nature. This series is arranged by call number and author's last name. 

Extent: 3 linear feet (textual) Location(s) : GS-SU-06-02-01 to GS-SU-06-01-06

3781 1996 C - Environmental Protection Under and After Socialism: A Study of Poland  3781 1996 C - Riverrun: Three Essays about the Uses of History in Legal Problems Concerning Native Americans  3781 1996 D - Do you Speak Genomics?: Patenting Biotechnology "Translation" Inventions and Other Macromolecules  3781 1996 S - Corporate Governance in Quasi Public Corporations: A New Perspective in Cameroon   3781 1997 B - Innovation Market Concept: A Model for European Merger Control?  3781 1997 E - The Dispute Settlement System in the Egyptian Capital Market and Economic Development  3781 1997 H - Private Property, Culture, and Ideology: Israel's Supreme Court and the Jurisprudence of Land Expropriation 3781 1997 Y - Medical Malpractice in Taiwan: Myth and Reality  3781 1997 Z - A Critical Analysis of the Ethical Duty of Confidentiality in the American law 3781 1998 B - The accommodation of Interests in Freedom of the Press and Protection of Reputation in the Constitutional Doctrine of the United States and Spain   3781 1998 C - Differential Treatment in International Law: A New Framework for the Realisation of Sustainable Development   3781 1998 C - International Tax Policy Under NAFTA: The Impact of National Tax Differences on Capital Flows under Regional Trade and Investment Integration   3781 1998 C - Telecommunications Reform in Mexico: Challenges for Entering the Global Digital Economy  3781 1998 H - Rethinking the Legal Structure of Bank Securities Powers: "Universal Banking" vs. the "Glass-Steagall Act" in Taiwan   3781 1998 K - Property Rights and Biodiversity Management in Kenya: The Case of Land Tenure Regimes and Wildlife Management 3781 1998 L - Economic and Sociological Theories of Contingent Employment: Critique and Implications for Law Reform   3781 1998 N - Copyright and a Democratic Civil Society   3781 1998 R - Constitutional Gravity and Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Unitary Theory of Public Civil Dispute Resolution 3781 1998 Y - Embedded Strategies, Corporate Partners, and Markets in the Digital Age  3781 1999 C - Assessing the Impacts of Trade Liberalization on Forests  3781 1999 D - The Impact of Plant Intellectual Property Rights on Thailand's Agriculture: Implications of the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)  3781 1999 Y - International Strategic Alliances in High Technology Industries: A Law and Economic Analysis From an Antitrust Perspective  3781 2000 D - Volume 1 Sexual Harassment Law: History, Cases, and Theory  3781 2000 D - Volume 2 Sexual Harassment Law: History, Cases, and Theory  3781 2000 K - Restructuring the Liability Regime in the Oil Pollution Act of 1990  3781 2000 L - Minimal State and Distributive Justice: An Essay on Nozick's Theory with Some Comparative Aspects to Rawls' 3781 2000 O - Law, Gender Relations and Social Change in Nigeria 3781 2000 W - Environmental Pollution in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria: A Case for Direct Equity Participation

3 781 2001 C - Self-Censorship and the Struggle for Press Freedom in Hong Kong 3781 2001 H - Administrative Litigation and Court Reform in the People's Republic of China  3781 2001 H - Critical Eating: Genetically Engineered Foods in International Relations: Designing International Bodies on Risk Management in Evolving Science & Technology with Global Impact  3781 2001 R - Counsel for the Indigent Accused in the United States and the Republic of Korea: Constitutional Reflections and Suggestions for Changes in the South Korean Criminal Justice System  3781 2001 R - Strategic Alliances in the United States Microelectronics Industry 3781 2001 W - Four Traces of Michelman and Sunstein's Legal Republicanism: Republican Historiography, Communitarianism, Habermasian Philosophy and Rawlsian Liberalism   3781 2001 W - The Comparison of Prosecutorial Functions in the U.S.A. and in Taiwan 3781 2001 Z - Human Rights Law and Public Interest Lawyering: A Study on the Interdependence of Jurisprudence and the Legal Profession in Israel 3781 2002 C - Environmental Cooperation Institution Building in Northeast Asia 3781 2002 E - Personal Bankruptcy in Israel  3781 2002 L - Custody Decisions in Social and Cultural contexts: The Best Interests of the Child Standard and Judges' Custody Decisions in Taiwan  3781 2002 L - Legal Culture and Social Change: The Case of Taiwanese Family Law Development  3781 2002 M - A Tale of Two Networks: Interconnection in Early Telephony and the Comme[r]cial Internet  3781 2002 M - A Tale of Two Networks: Interconnection in Early Telephony and the Comme[r]cial Internet  3781 2002 R - 2001: A Space Odyssey: Law, Space, and Society in Contemporary Israel  3781 2002 T - The Political Economy of Regulatory Competition: A Diachronic Institutional Theory of Legal Change in an Era of Globalization  3781 2002 W - Crypto Policy and Online Public Forums  3781 2003 B - The Puzzle of Mass Torts: A Comparative Study of Asbestos Litigation  3781 2003 J - Pharmaceutical Differential Pricing: Reality or Wishful Thinking?  3781 2003 S - Constructing Copyright and Literary Creativity in Kenya Cultural Politics and the Political Economy of Transnational Intellectual Property  3781 2003 X - Mediation in China and the United States: Toward Common Outcome  3781 2004 H - Why Do They Not Obey the Law?: A Case Study of a Rural-Urban Migrant Enclave in China  3781 2004 L - Unfinished Business: Challenging Microsoft in Taiwan 3781 2004 M - Kiamas: Rethinking Access to Justice in Domestic Violence Cases in Kenya  3781 2004 N - Commercializing Motion Pictures and Sound Recordings Through the Internet: Copyright Law and Technological Change  3781 2004 P - Balancing in Constitutional Law: A Suggested Analytical Framework Applied to American Constitutional Law  3781 2004 S - An Analysis of the Political Economy of Japanese Fisheries: The Dynamics of Bureaucratic Policymaking in Domestic and International Fisheries 3781 2005 A - An Attempt to Mediate Immigrant Integration: Intercultural Mediators in Catalonia  3781 2005 C - Paying for Nature Conservation with Tax Dollars?: An Evaluation of the Role of Fiscal Policy Reform in Promoting Biodiversity Conservation in Canada through Legal, Economic, Ecological, Fiscal and Political Lenses   3781 2006 A - Banking System in Islamic Countries: Saudi Arabia and Egypt  3781 2006 A - Democratic Deliberation of Trade Legislation in Ghana: Institutions, Interests and Accountability 3781 2006 A - The Legal Culture of the European Court of Human Rights  3781 2006 H - Women's Experience in Court: The Implementation of Feminist Law Reforms in Civil Proceedings Concerning Domestic Violence  3781 2006 L - Divorce and Annulment in San Mateo County, California 1950-1957  3781 2006 N - Toward Better-Balanced Copyright Regulations in the Digital and Network Era: Law, Technology, and the Market in the U.S. and Japan 3781 2006 P - Criminal Investigation and Prosecution in Mexico City: A Case Study of Miguel Hidalgo County and its Ministerio Público  3781 2006 Y - Legal Risk and Investment in India: A Case Study of the Dabhol Power Project  3781 2007 C - Unbundling Path Dependence: A Case Study of Telecommunications Reform in Mexico (1990-2006)  3781 2007 G - All in the Family: The Influence of Social Networks on Dispute Processing: A Case Study of a Developing Economy 3781 2007 H - Social Symmetry: A Theory of Altruism and Cooperation 3781 2007 L - From Imitation to Innovation: The Role of Patent in China's Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Industries  3781 2007 M - Clientelism, Competition and Corruption: Informal Institutions and Telecommunications Reform in Kenya 3781 2007 W - Legal Framework for the Development of Venture Capital in China: Policy Recommendations for the Establishment of a Growth Enterprise Market ("GEM")        3781 2008 M - Rules and Engagement: A Comparative Qualitative Evaluation of European Union Rule-of-law Promotion in Romania, Turkey, Serbia, and Ukraine  3781 2008 N - The Role of Competition Law and Policy in the Economic Development of Korea 3781 2008 P - "In the Public Interest": Threats to Self-regulation of the Legal Profession in Ontario, 1998-2006   3781 2008 P - The Next Generation of Mexican Lawyers: A Study of Mexico's System of Legal Education and its Law Students  3781 2008 S - Beyond Legalism: The Mexican Supreme Court in the Democratic Era  3781 2009 L - The Neglected Role of Non-Profit Organizations in the Intellectual-Commons Environment  3781 2009 P - The Political-Economy and the Causes of Compliance of Trade and Investment Agreements: NAFTA and the Sweeteners Sector  3781 2009 S - "Outside the Pale of the Law": The Processing of Disputes in Buduburam Refugee Camp in Ghana  3781 2009 S - Recalcitrant Victims and Refractory Systems: An Exploratory Study of Attrition During the Investigation of rape Complaints in Post-Apartheid South Africa 3781 2009 T - The Design of Micro Credit Contracts and Costs of Credit: A Case Study of Micro Enterprise Finance in Uganda  3781 2010 C - Improving the Business Climate Under the Hot Sun: Do Small Business Associations Make a Difference?: A Study of Four Districts in Nyanza Province, Kenya 3781 2010 F - From Gender Based-Violence to Women's Violence in Haiti  3781 2010 F - From State Street to Bilski: Patent Protection in the Financial Industry 3781 2010 L - Weak Independent Directors, Strong Controlling Shareholders: Do Independent Directors Constrain Tunneling in Taiwan? 3781 2010 M - Access to Justice and Resolution of Criminal Cases at Informal Chiefs' Courts: The Ewe of Ghana 3781 2010 O - Measuring Japan's Nursery Quality Within the UNCRC Framework: International Standards for Young Children's Social Services and Their Implications for Japan   3781 2010 S - How do Principals Deal with Underperforming Teachers?: A Study of How Principals from Secondary Schools in Mexico City Manage Underperforming Teachers   3781 2010 T - Cross-border Enforcement of Patents

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International Law Dissertation Topics

International Law Dissertation Topics

Navigating the Complexities of International Law: Key Dissertation Topics

Introduction: International law is a dynamic field that plays a crucial role in governing the interactions between nations, addressing global challenges, and upholding justice on the international stage. Choosing the right dissertation topic in international law is essential for conducting meaningful research and contributing to the evolving landscape of global governance. In this article, we explore some compelling dissertation topics in international law that reflect the complexities and significance of this field. 1. “The Principle of Non-Intervention in Contemporary International Law: A Critical Analysis”: – This topic delves into the fundamental principle of non-intervention in the affairs of sovereign states and examines its relevance and limitations in today’s world. 2. “International Law and Indigenous Rights: Challenges and Prospects”: – Investigate the evolving legal framework for protecting indigenous rights at the international level, considering issues of cultural preservation and self-determination. 3. “Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect: Legal and Ethical Considerations”: – Explore the legal and ethical dimensions of humanitarian interventions and the concept of the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) in cases of mass atrocities. 4. “The Impact of Climate Change on International Law and Environmental Protection”: – Analyze how international law addresses climate change, environmental degradation, and the rights of future generations in the context of environmental protection. 5. “Trade Sanctions and International Economic Law: Effects on Global Commerce”: – Investigate the use of trade sanctions as a tool of foreign policy, their compliance with international trade law, and their economic and political consequences. 6. “The Role of International Criminal Courts and Tribunals in Ensuring Accountability”: – Examine the effectiveness and challenges faced by international criminal courts in prosecuting war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity. 7. “The Legal Framework for Refugee Protection in an Era of Forced Migration”: – Explore the international legal instruments and mechanisms that protect the rights of refugees and displaced persons in a world marked by ongoing conflicts and displacement. 8. “The Role of International Organizations in Promoting Peace and Security”: – Assess the functions and limitations of international organizations like the United Nations in maintaining global peace and security. 9. “Cyber Warfare and International Law: Emerging Challenges and Norms”: – Investigate how international law addresses cyber warfare, state responsibility, and the protection of critical infrastructure in the digital age. 10. “The Use of Force in International Relations: Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello”: – Analyze the legal aspects of the use of force between states, encompassing the principles of jus ad bellum (right to war) and jus in bello (laws during armed conflict). Conclusion: These dissertation topics in international law encompass a wide range of contemporary issues and challenges that demand rigorous research and analysis. Whether you are interested in human rights, environmental protection, security, or emerging technologies, the field of international law offers numerous opportunities to contribute to the development of global norms and the promotion of a just and peaceful world. Selecting the right topic aligning with your passion and expertise is the first step towards making a meaningful impact in this vital discipline.

Dissertation Topics

12 dissertation topics related to international law: 1. “The Impact of Cybersecurity Threats on International Law: Challenges and Responses.” 2. “The Role of International Human Rights Law in Addressing Refugee Crises.” 3. “State Sovereignty vs. Responsibility to Protect: A Critical Analysis.” 4. “Environmental Protection and International Trade: Balancing Interests in a Globalized World.” 5. “The Role of International Criminal Tribunals in Accountability for War Crimes.” 6. “The Application of International Law in Outer Space Activities.” 7. “Trade Agreements and Investor-State Dispute Settlement: A Comparative Study.” 8. “The Legal Framework for Counterterrorism Measures: Human Rights Implications.” 9. “Maritime Disputes in the South China Sea: An Analysis of International Law and Geopolitics.” 10. “The Evolution of International Humanitarian Law: Challenges in Modern Armed Conflicts.” 11. “State Responsibility for Cyber Attacks: Developing a Framework for Attribution and Accountability.” 12. “The Impact of Global Health Crises on International Law: Lessons from COVID-19.” These topics cover a range of important issues in international law and can serve as a starting point for your dissertation research.

30 International Law Dissertation Topics

30 dissertation topics related to international law: 1. “The Principle of Non-Intervention in Contemporary International Law: A Critical Analysis.” 2. “International Law and Indigenous Rights: Challenges and Prospects.” 3. “The Role of International Courts and Tribunals in the Settlement of Interstate Disputes.” 4. “Humanitarian Intervention and the Responsibility to Protect: Legal and Ethical Considerations.” 5. “The Impact of Climate Change on International Law and Environmental Protection.” 6. “Armed Conflicts in the 21st Century: Adapting International Humanitarian Law.” 7. “Trade Sanctions and International Economic Law: Effects on Global Commerce.” 8. “The Legal Framework for Refugee Protection in an Era of Forced Migration.” 9. “The Role of International Organizations in Promoting Peace and Security.” 10. “Cyber Warfare and International Law: Emerging Challenges and Norms.” 11. “The Evolution of International Criminal Law: From Nuremberg to the International Criminal Court.” 12. “Territorial Disputes and Boundary Delimitation: Case Studies and Legal Analysis.” 13. “The Protection of Cultural Heritage in Armed Conflicts: International Legal Frameworks.” 14. “Transnational Terrorism and State Responsibility: A Comparative Study.” 15. “The Law of the Sea and Maritime Boundary Disputes: Recent Developments.” 16. “Gender and International Law: Advancing Women’s Rights and Equality.” 17. “The Legal Implications of Outer Space Commercialization: Satellite Deployment and Resource Extraction.” 18. “The Right to Self-Determination in International Law: Recent Applications and Controversies.” 19. “The Impact of International Economic Agreements on Labor Rights.” 20. “The Use of Force in International Relations: Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello.” 21. “International Investment Arbitration: Balancing Investor Protection and State Sovereignty.” 22. “International Water Law and Transboundary Water Disputes: Case Studies and Legal Analysis.” 23. “Counter-Terrorism Measures and Human Rights: A Comparative Legal Study.” 24. “The Legal Aspects of Cybersecurity and Information Warfare in International Relations.” 25. “State Responsibility for Environmental Damage: Liability and Remedies.” 26. “The Role of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Shaping International Law.” 27. “The Legal Framework for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament.” 28. “The Application of International Law in Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Peacebuilding.” 29. “Customary International Law: Formation, Evolution, and Contemporary Relevance.” 30. “Transparency and Accountability in International Trade Agreements: The Role of Dispute Settlement Mechanisms.” These topics cover a wide range of issues within international law and can provide a foundation for your dissertation research.

10 International Law Dissertation Topics

10 dissertation topics related to international law: 1. “The Role of International Human Rights Law in Addressing Mass Surveillance and Privacy Rights in the Digital Age.” 2. “The Legal Implications of Climate Migration: Protecting the Rights of Climate Refugees Under International Law.” 3. “The Concept of State Sovereignty in the Era of Globalization: Challenges and Adaptations.” 4. “The Intersection of International Trade Law and Environmental Protection: A Critical Analysis.” 5. “The Use of Drones in Armed Conflicts: Compliance with International Humanitarian Law.” 6. “Cybersecurity and International Law: Legal Frameworks for Cyber Conflict and State Responsibility.” 7. “The Protection of Cultural Heritage in Times of Armed Conflict: Assessing the Effectiveness of International Conventions.” 8. “International Law and the Regulation of Autonomous Weapons: Balancing Technological Advancements and Ethical Concerns.” 9. “The Legal Framework for Counterterrorism Measures: Human Rights Implications and State Practice.” 10. “The Role of International Organizations in Promoting Global Health: A Legal Perspective.” These topics explore various contemporary issues and challenges in international law, providing a solid foundation for dissertation research.

10 dissertation topics related to international law that are particularly relevant to India

10 dissertation topics related to international law that are particularly relevant to India: 1. “India’s Approach to Bilateral Investment Treaties: Balancing Investor Rights and National Interests.” 2. “The Kashmir Conflict: An Analysis of International Law and Its Implications on India-Pakistan Relations.” 3. “Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development in India: Compliance with International Agreements.” 4. “India’s Role in Climate Change Negotiations: Assessing Commitments and Contributions.” 5. “The Impact of International Trade Agreements on India’s Economy and Legal Framework.” 6. “Maritime Disputes in the Indian Ocean: Legal Challenges and Regional Security Implications.” 7. “Counterterrorism Measures in India: A Comparative Analysis of International Law Compliance.” 8. “Protection of Human Rights in India: Evaluating International Standards and Domestic Implementation.” 9. “India and the International Court of Justice: A Study of State Practice and Legal Disputes.” 10. “India’s Nuclear Policy and Non-Proliferation Commitments: A Legal and Strategic Perspective.” These dissertation topics center on India’s engagement with international law and its impact on various aspects of the country’s domestic and foreign policies. They offer opportunities to explore India’s role in the global legal landscape and its adherence to international norms and agreements.

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Home > Dean Rusk Center > LLM Theses and Essays

Dean Rusk International Law Center

LLM Theses and Essays

Submissions from 2013 2013.

Some Important Causes for Settlement in American Civil Litigation , Felipe Forte Cobo

Submissions from 2011 2011

TO REVEAL OR CONCEAL?—AN ISP’S DILEMMA, Presenting a New “Anonymous Public Concern Test” for Evaluating ISP Subpoenas in Online Defamation Suits , Cayce Myers

Submissions from 2008 2008

Infrastructure Development in Emerging Economies and the Roles Played by Multilateral Institutions , Amjad Ahasan Basheer

Universal Human Rights and Threat to International Peace and Security: The United Nations' Obligation to Intervene , Godfrey Mhlanga

Submissions from 2007 2007

Applicable Law Provisions in International Uniform Commercial Law Conventions , Paolo E. Conci

Licenses, Leases and Other Contractual Arrangements for the Exploration and Production of Petroleum A Comparative Study Between Nigeria and the United States , Omolara Elumelu

Judicial Review of International Commercial Arbitral Awards by National Courts in the United States and India , Aparna D. JUJJAVARAPU

Ethiopia's Sovereign Right of Access to the Sea under International Law , Abebe T. Kahsay

Comfort Women: Human Rights of Women from Then to Present , Jinyang Koh

Imports or Made-in-China: Comparison of Two Constitutional Cases in China and the United States , Xiao Li

Taxing Emotional Distress Recoveries: Does Murphy Show the Way? , Kaushal P. Mahaseth

The Land of the Free: Human Rights Violations at Immigration Detention Facilities in America , Caitlin J. Mitchel

International Legal Standards Governing the Use of Child Soldiers , Dorcas B. Mulira

Corporate Restrictions in Mexico and the United States , Dennis Rios

Regulating Transnational Corporation for Environmental Damage , Sonal Sahu

The Need for a Transnational Appellate Arbitral Review Body , Priya Sampath

A Consumption Tax versus a Federal Income Tax in the United States , Shelly-Ann R. Tomlinson

Financial Holding Company System and Relevant Legislation , Ye Wang

Submissions from 2006 2006

The Hamburg Rules , Kweku G. Ainuson

Tourism in Antarctica: History, Current Challenges and Proposals for Regulation , Juan Y. Harcha

Reconsidering the Medical Expert Witness System , Yunwei Jiang

A Comparative Study of the Legal Responses to Domestic Violence in the United States and Hungary , Adam Keri

Enforcement of Human Rights under Regional Mechanisms: a Comparative Analysis , Fekadeselassie F. Kidanemariam

Shareholders' Agreements in Close Corporations and Their Enforcement , Ricardo Molano Leon

A Comparative Study on the Trade Barriers Regulation and Foreign Trade Barriers Investigation Rules , Junrong Song

How to Deal with Multi-party Nominations of Arbitrators in International Commercial Arbitration - a Comparative Study of Appointment Procedures with Emphasis on U.S.-European Commerce between Private Entities , Marie-Beatrix Tupy

Balancing Regulations and Incentives for Foreign Direct Investment: a Case Study of Mexico and Kazakhstan , Dauren B. Tynybekov

Submissions from 2005 2005

The Legality of Humanitarian Intervention , Eric Adjei

A Comparative Assessment of U.S. Direct Investment in China and India , Kalpana Arjunan

Pre-contractual Obligations in France and the United States , Florence Caterini

Comparative Law: Alcohol, Drug Abuse & Jurisprudence from the United States to Korea , Hyun J. Cho

Commercial Speech in the United States and Europe , Oxana Valeryevna Gassy-Wright

Accountability of Transnational Corporations under International Standards , Lea Hanakova

Protection of "Persona" in the EU and in the US: a Comparative Analysis , Anna E. Helling

Income Tax Preferences to Foreign Investment in China since the Late 1970s , Xiaoyang Hou

Role of the World Bank and IMF in Issuing Loans to Russia: Responsibility, Tricks, Corruption, Mafia, and Important Use of Legal Enforcement , Elmira A. Makova

Governance and Responsibility of Multinational Enterprises: the Use of Codes of Conduct and Litigation to Change Multinational Enterprises' Behavior , Maria Fernanda Matach

Free Movement of Goods: a Comparative Analysis of the European Community Treaty and the North American Free Trade Agreement , Pedro A. Perichart

The Drafting Process For a Hague Convention on Jurisdiction and Judgements with Special Consideration of Intellectual Property and E-Commerce , Knut Woestehoff

The Drafting Process for a Hague Convention on Jurisdiction and Judgments with Special Consideration of Intellectual Property and E-commerce , Knut Woestehoff

Trade-related Environmental Measures and GATT: the Conflict between Trade Libralization and Environmental Protection , Fang Zheng

Submissions from 2004 2004

The Question of Non-trade Issues in the WTO from a Developing Country Perspective , Cecilia Alzamora

Cybercrime , Karissa Ayala

Protection of Children from Exploitation in West Africa: Illusion or Reality? , Afua Brown-Eyeson

Legal Structures of European Security and Defense Policy and War Powers under the U.S. Constitution , Heiko Buesing

U.S. Antidumping Law and Practices against Korean Exports , Jinwook Choi

Regulation of Hate Speech , Haiping Deng

The Institutional Framework of the European Union for the Conduct of Foreign Affairs , Frederic Eggermont

Comparison of New Zealand and United States Securities Markets through the Looking Glass of the Efficient Market Hypothesis , Carla Natalia Gargiulo

Private Party Participation in the World Trade Organizations , Taehyung Im

Issues Regarding the Most Effective Tool of U.S. Bankruptcy Law , Zeenat Kera

Contracts and Electronic Agents , Sabrina Kis

Historical Aspects of State Arbitration Policy , Elton R. Lanier

Regulating Non-territorial Commercial Environments in Territorial-based Legal Systems , Pedro Martin G. Less Andrade

Unilateral Refusals to Deal in Intellectual Property as Monopolistic Conduct , Bolanle Meshida

Comparative Analysis of Federal Income Tax Imposed on U.S. C Corporations and Russian Joint Stock Companies , Alina Y. Mitskevich

Legislation and Implementation of International Environmental Law by African Countries: a Case Study of Ghana , Brigitte L. Okley

The Challenges of Tax Collection in Developing Economies (with Special Reference to India) , Pramod K. Rai

Family Businesses, Choices of Legal Entity , Martina L. Rojo

Sound Record Producers' Rights and the Problem of Sound Recording Piracy , Stanislava N. Staykova

The Change of Corporate Governance Structure in the United States and Taiwan , Yifan Tseng

Fiduciary Duties of Directors in the Context of Going-private Transactions to the Minority Shareholders under Delaware Law , Yuan Wang

Recognition and Enforcement of International Commercial Arbitration Awards , Shouhua Yu

Submissions from 2003 2003

Interim Measures in International Commercial Arbitration: Past, Present and Future , Sandeep Adhipathi

Reservations, Human Rights Treaties in the 21st century: from Universality to Integrity , Pierrick Devidal

Technological Advances Leading to the Diminishing of Privacy Rights , Anabelle Maria D'Souza

Protection of Consumer Privacy in E-commerce , Choong L. Ha

Mergers and Acquisitions in Europe: Analysis of EC Competition Regulations , YoungJun Lee

Security Interests in Intellectual Property Rights: the Time Has Come for the Enactment of New Laws , Esteban Mazzucco

The Convergence of Trade and Environment and the Relative Role of WTO , Xiaoxi Meng

The Main Characteristics of State's Jurisdiction to Tax in International Dimension , Alfred Nizamiev

U.S. Foreign Direct Investment in Developing Countries: a Case Study of Malaysia, Mexico and South Africa , Abenaa A. Oti-Prempeh

Free movement of goods: A comparative analysis of the European community treaty and the north American free trade agreement , Pedro A. Perichart

A Historical View of Intellectual Property Rights in the Palestinian Territories , Ihab G. Samaan

Submissions from 2002 2002

An Analysis of the Duty to Negotiate in Good Faith: Precontractual Liability and Preliminary Agreement , Aarti Arunachalam

Multinational Corporations Facing the Varying Concepts of Jurisdiction : "forum non-conveniens", Contrasts between the Anglo-American and the European Law Systems , Sandrine Buttin

Minority Shareholders and Oppression in Close Corporations: Contracting as an Effective Protection Device , Marcella Machado Carneiro

Freedom of Speech, Cinema and Censorship: a Comparative Analysis of Issues of Freedom of Speech Violations as a Result of the Rating Regulation Authorities in the Motion Picture Industry in France and the United States , Stephanie Grenier

International Corporate Governance Practices and Their Implications on Investors , Namwandi Hamanyanga

Current Problems of International Taxation of Electronic Commerce , Nuran G. Kerimov

An End to the Political Question Doctrine in Korea?: A Comparative Analysis , Myeong-Sik Kim

The Evolution of the Law's Treatment of the Confessions of Mentally Disabled Criminal Suspects , John E. Knight

Public and Private Interests in Copyright Law: Creativity, Science and Democracy vs. Property and Market , Daryana I. Kotzeva

The Intra-enterprise Conspiracy Doctrine as Applied to Affiliated Corporations under Section 1 of the Sherman Act , Michael B. Menz

Privacy and Personal Data Protection in the Information Age: A Comparative Evaluation , Emeka B. Obasi

The Right to Freedom of Religion vis a vis Religious Intolerance in the New Millennium , Buihe P. Okenu

Conflict of Laws in the Enforcement of Foreign Awards and Foreign Judgments: the Public Policy Defense and Practice in U.S. Courts , Anupama Parameshwaran

Balancing Interests: Statute of Limitations and Repose in Medical Malpractice Cases , Laurie L. Paterson

A Comparison of Environmental Impact Assessment Process between the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) and the Basic Environmental Protection Act (BEPA) , V An Rhee

Offshore Investments , Ana Maura M. Safrin

Lawyers' Value in Mergers and Acquisitions under the New World of Multidisciplinary Practices , Yunling Wu

Submissions from 2001 2001



David vs. Goliath (2001): An Analysis of the OECD Harmful Tax Competition Policy , Truman Butler

Transfer Pricing: A Comparative Study of the French and U.S. Legal Systems , Valerie Ciancia



Foreign Direct Investment in Colombia , Juliana Gomez


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Tilburg Law School

Master thesis International and European Law

To complete the Master's Program International and European Law, students of both tracks (International Law and Global Governance, and European Law and Global Risk) must write an individual LLM thesis (12 ECTS) in International or European Law.

The Master's thesis must fulfil the following requirements:

  • The LLM Thesis must be written in English.
  • The LLM Thesis must be the outcome of individual work.
  • The LLM Thesis should contain 12.500 words (+/- 10%), excluding citations, table of contents, indexes, summary, bibliography (and appendices, if included).

For all students in the track International Law and Global Governance, thesis supervision is structured via the compulsory course called Research Design and Methods for Postnational Lawyers (RePL).

Learning goals

By researching and writing an individual LLM thesis in International or European law, students will:

  • Learn how to formulate a feasible research question by distinguishing core questions from minor issues
  • Learn how to choose a methodology and to design a research project, which are well suited to answer the formulated research question
  • Engage in self-study to follow and assess legal developments in the field of thesis research
  • Learn how to articulate and critically analyse a complex legal problem
  • Learn how to formulate sound conclusions based on the conducted research.

Students will start to work on their LLM thesis projects in the first semester of the program. The thesis trajectory includes three feedback moments: two group meetings and one individual feedback meeting. The timeline for completing the thesis is a fixed one, and it is announced in the LLM thesis manual (available on Canvas).

The first step of the thesis trajectory is the thesis sign-up process, which will be announced and managed via Canvas. Based on students’ preferences and supervisors’ capacity, students will be assigned to a thesis circle. Each circle will consist of a group of students writing on a related topic.

In the first semester, there will be two thesis circle meetings. These are meetings where all students working on a related topic meet and receive oral feedback from their supervisors on the proposed research project. During these thesis circles, the following subjects will be discussed: the choice of subject, the formulation of the research question, the design of the thesis.

After the second thesis circle meeting, students must submit a thesis proposal that will be assessed by the supervisor. The approval of the thesis proposal is an essential step to continue the thesis trajectory.

In the second semester, students are entitled to one individual meeting, which is generally used to discuss two substantial thesis’ chapters.

Deadlines to submit both the thesis proposal and the complete thesis are set at the program level.

Thesis defense

After finishing and submitting the final version of their LLM thesis, students will orally defend the thesis. The defense will take 50 minutes. During this time students will be asked to briefly (maximum 10 minutes) present the topic, and to outline the methodology and findings of the thesis. Subsequently the defense committee will ask the student several questions about the thesis. The defense committee consists of the student’s supervisor and a second reader – both employed at the Law Faculty of Tilburg University.

More information in Osiris and Canvas

For more information on the thesis trajectory, please consult Osiris (690933-M-12) and Canvas.

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  • CanLII CanLII is a non-profit organization managed by the Federation of Law Societies of Canada.
  • HeinOnline Digital archives of legal information consisting of several full-text collections : The Law Library Journal - over 400 legal scholarly journals.
  • La référence (REJB/DCL) The Barreau du Québec French only databases are available to Faculty of Law students and professors.
  • Lexis Advance Quicklaw Online collection of court and tribunal decisions, legislation, exclusive current awareness sources, expert commentary, and legal news.
  • Soquij-Recherche juridique (Azimut) SOQUIJ publishes decisions from the judicial and administrative tribunals of the Province of Québec.
  • WestlawNext Canada WestlawNext Canada is a legal database that offers comprehensive coverage of U.S. and International material (Westlaw International) and Canadian material (LawSource).

THESES > uOttawa

A dissertation or thesis presents the author's research and findings for submission in support of their academic degrees. Thesis topics normally present a new discovery or an area in which the author is personally interested. You will find lot of new academic ideas, so theses are absolutely worthwhile to explore.

The University of Ottawa Library gives you access to theses from the University of Ottawa and other institutions. The following titles are examples of theses in international law.

  • The notion of Equity in the Determination of Maritime Boundaries and its Application to the Canada-United States Boundary in the Beaufort Sea. - St-Louis, Carole, author Call Number: Available online Publication Date: Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Ottawa, 2014. Format: E-Thesis
  • The Politics of Torture, Human Rights, and Oversight : The Canadian Experience with the UN's Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT) - Holmes, Erin author Call Number: Available online Publication Date: Thesis (M.A.)--University of Ottawa, 2013. Format: E-Thesis
  • The Principle of Integration in Sustainable Development Through the Process of Treaty Interpretation: Addressing the Balance Between Consensual Constraints and Incorporation of Normative Environment - Hagiwara, Kazuki author Call Number: Available online Publication Date: Thesis (L.L.M.)--University of Ottawa, 2013. Format: E-Thesis
  • The Nature of the Relationship between American Multinational Corporations and Chinese Businesses and Its Effect on the Problem of Intellectual Property Law - Radonjic, Katarina. Call Number: Available online Publication Date: Thesis (L.L.M.)--University of Ottawa, 2012. Format: E-Thesis

THESES > Databases

Access the following databases to locate theses:

  • Center for Research Libraries Catalog An international consortium of university, college, and independent research libraries.
  • ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global Provides bibliographic information and abstracts for doctoral dissertations and Masters theses from accredited North American, UK and Irish universities. From 1957 to present, dissertations with appropriate copyright permissions may be downloaded at no charge. To obtain copies at a discount of dissertations not available for download, request them through interlibrary loans.
  • ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. UK & Ireland A compilation of citations to British and Irish dissertations and theses, with approximately 15,000 citations added annually.
  • Système universitaire de documentation (SUDOC) The Sudoc catalogue allows you to search bibliographic information on all types of documents held by French academic libraries, as well as other higher educational establishments, and on periodicals to be found in 2,900 institutions. Holdings information is provided as well. Please Note: This database provides bibliographic information on dissertations written in France.
  • Theses Canada » Ce lien s'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre / This link opens in a new window Provides the full-text of Canadian theses published from January 1998 to August 2002, and bibliographic access to all Canadian theses.
  • UO Research. Electronic Theses (FGPS) uO Research, the University's institutional repository includes theses, articles, working papers, technical reports, conference papers, data sets in various digital formats, etc.
  • WorldCat (OCLC FirstSearch) (max users: 5) Connect to 10,000+ libraries worldwide
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  • The application of administrative law in community schemes in South Africa  Masilo, Abraham ( 2024-02 ) This study examines the shortcomings in the Community Schemes Ombud Services Act's implementation in South Africa to eradicating lawlessness. This revolutionary legislation aims to close the wealth gap between South Africans, ...
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  • Rethinking land administration in the Kwara state of Nigeria : towards enhancing the right of access to land  Jimoh, Yahaya ( 2022-02-20 ) Fundamental reform of the current system of access to land in Nigeria is imperative to ensure a process of land administration that is simple, accessible and sufficiently comprehensive to redress the impact of colonisation ...
  • South Africa's obligation to prevent, suppress and punish grave breaches of humanitarian law  Ndebele, Nomazulu ( 2022-01 ) This study examines South Africa’s legal obligations to prevent, suppress and punish grave breaches of international humanitarian law (IHL). Whereas South Africa signed, ratified, and domesticated instruments that seek to ...
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Home > Student Scholarship > THESES

Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.





Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023


Combating Transnational Organized Crime in Thailand , Kiattisak Chanjana

Humanitarian Protection in International Refugee Law, Sexism and Exclusion: Case for Human Rights Assessment , Carol Ijeoma Njoku

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

Internally Displaced Persons & Covid-19 Under International Law , Bezawit G. Abebe

Cybercrimes and the Rule of Law in West-Africa: The Republic of Cote d’Ivoire as a Case-Study. , John N. Adu

Criminal Liabilities of Boko Haram in Nigeria , Dilibe Eche

The Legal and Regulatory Aspect of International Cybercrime and Cybersecurity: Limits and Challenges , Nnesochi Nweze-Iloekwe

How General Data Protection Regulation Advances and Harmonizes the International Controller, Processor and Data Subject Contracts , Azam Zarechahoki

Transnational Bankruptcy Under International Law: Making a Case for Establishing a Unified System , Yanjun Zhao

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

The Adoption of a Harmonized Tax System and Tax Policy for ASEAN Tax Administration , Rady Lim

A Comparative Study of Copyright Protection in China and the U.S, In the Context of U.S-China Trade Disputes , Lin Zhu

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Impact of the “War on Terrorism” On Development of International Criminal Law , Ayser Alhelme

Corporate Compliance in International Technology Licensing , Homa Badamchi

Human Rights In the Context of Sustainable Development , Kuruvilla Mathen

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

The Legal Management of International Watercourses and Its Impact on Relations With the Reference to Turkey, Syria, and Iraq Over the Utilization of the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers , Mohammed Lateef Hama Ali

Nigeria's Constitutional Pluralism: Implications for Peace, Security and National Development , Hon. Samuel Uchenna Ogbu-Nwobodo, Esq.

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Controlling the Non-Pecuniary Private Benefits of Influencing Shareholders in Publicly Traded Corporations Through Judicial Dissolution , Murat Can Pehlivanoglu

The Effect of Culture and Religion on Enforcement of International Arbitration Awards in Iran , Atoosa Zeinali

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017


The Future of Egyptian-Israeli Peace Treaty Under The Doctrine of Fundamental Change of Circumstances , Sapri T. Kota

Comparative Analysis of Traditional Knowledge as Prior Art in Patent System of the United States and Thailand , Sanpetchuda Krutkrua

Re-assessment of Acts of Piracy Under Contemporary International Law With Particular Reference to Activities of Somali Pirates , Nutcha Sukhawattanakun

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016



Why Immigrants Benefit the United States Economy and the Legal and Tax Issues Chinese, Filipinos and Vietnamese Face When Immigrating to the U.S. , Marc Santamaria

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Ban on Women Pursuing Judgeships in Iran as It Relates to Violations of International Human Rights , Delaram Farzaneh

The Agreement of Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Effect on Clean Energy Technology Transfer , Seda Gayretli


Deterring Corruption Through Tax Reform: The Case of Thailand , Benjamas Junyarungruang

The U.S.-China Collaboration on Developing Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS) Legal Framework , Shufan Sung

International Taxation: Issues and Solutions of Cross-Border Stock Options Under the Laws of the U.S. & Australia for Purposes of Reforms of Thailand Tax Laws , Kollavachr Therdwikrant

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

A Structural Comparison of African Union [AU] and Organization of American States [OAS] Through the Lens of Conflict Management and Human Rights , Samuel Bamidele Akingbulu

A Comparative Analysis of Scotland and the United States’ Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems , Catherine Cary

A Comparative Analysis of International Laws the Protect the Elderly From Abuse , Johanna Gomez

A Re-Assesment [sic] of the Effectiveness of OAU (AU) Conventions on Preventing and Combating Terrorism , Chinyere Christiana Okpala


Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Protecting Women Under the International Humanitarian Law: A Study of the Social, Cultural, and Political Conditions in Iraq and Palestine That Have an Adverse Affect on Women , Nour Mawloud Najeeb Fnish

Development of a Commercial Arbitration Hub in the Middle East: Case Study -- The State of Qatar , Aida Maita

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan’s Legal, Economic and Fiscal Empowerment Through Commerce and Active Trade Agreements , Thouqan Makableh

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Arbitrability and Public Policy in Regard to the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Award in International Arbitration : the United States, Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia , Veena Anusornsena

Human Security in the Pacific : the Climate Refugees of the Sinking Islands , Cosmin Ioan Corendea

Service-Oriented Foreign Direct Investment: Legal and Policy Frameworks Protecting Digital Assets in Offshoring Information Technology (IT) - Enabled Services , Tilahun Mishago

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Mismanagement of Emerging Stock Markets: Analysis of the Role Played by "Legislative Infidelity" - a Norm of Int'l Economic Jurisprudence - in the N8.1tn ($60bn) Crash of Nigeria Stock Market , Collins U.C. Ikebudu

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

East Asian Economies' Cooperation in Cross-border Direct Investment Arrangements , Mary Hui-Yi Hsu

Civil Liberty Comparative Study Between the United States and France , Gustave A. Lele

Strengthening and Deepening ASEAN Economic Integration through the ASEAN Free Trade Area : Legal Aspects of the Implementation of AFTA , Nimnual Piewthongngam

Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR): an Alternative Solution to Regulate the International Electronic Waste Trade , Tiptira Rammaniya

Moral and Legal Issues Concerning Contemporary Human Cloning Technology : Quest for Regulatory Consensus in the International Community to Safeguard Rights and Liberties Essential to the Future of Humanity , Ching-Pou Shih

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

The Crisis in Darfur: An Opportunity for the United Nations to Reclaim its Status as Standard Bearer for Peace and Security for the International Community , Leilani F. Battiste

Arbitration as an Alternative Means of Settlement of Disputes Arising Out of Thailand's State Contracts Involving Foreign Direct Investments , Patcharang Chaiworamukkul

Realization Right to Health in the Context of Pharmaceutical under International Law , Huei-Ying (Lucille) Hsu

International Human Rights : the Protection of the Rights of Women and Female Children in Africa : Theory and Practice , Eleazar Echezonachi Otiocha

Peacemaking Operations in Southern Thailand , Pantanin Pisalasupongs

Dissertation on The Prosecution and the Trial of Heads of State under International Law: The case of Slobodan Milosevic and Charles Ghankay Taylor , Julia A. Shilunga

Pharmaceutical Data Protection Law and Policy and Their Effects on the Right to Medicines : a Comparative Analysis , Yun-Ching Yeh

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Comparative Study of Cruel and Unusual Punishment: In International Conventions, The United States And Iran , Sanaz Alasti

Integrity and Ethics in Western Adjudicatory Systems : Toward a Standard , Ruth S. Astle

Reforming Copyright Law in the Digital Age: a Comparative Study of the Legal Resolutions on P2P Transmission Between Taiwan and the United States , I-Hsien Chiu

Internal Displacement Law and Policy: Analysis of International Legal Norms and Domestic Jurisprudence , Gouda Bushra Ali Gouda

The Effective Approaches of International Law Regarding Cartels , Sanghyun Lee

History and Influence of Law Code of Manu , Charles J. Naegele

Protection of Journalists in Situations of Armed Conflict : Enhancing Legal Protection Under International Law , Hong Tang

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

Transitional Authority in Iraq : Legitimacy, Governance and Potential Contribution to the Progressive Development of International Law , Zakia Afrin

Privatization and Foreign Investments in Nigeria , Lawrence O. Azubuike

Reshaping Natural Resources Management in a Globalized World : a Balancing Act , Lila Barrera-Hernández

International Travel, Tourism and Sustainable Development Law: A Handbook , Phil Cameron

The Use of Offender Profiling Evidence in Criminal Cases , Norbert Ebisike

Human Embryonic Stemcell Research in the New Millennium: Analysis of Pertinent Issues and the Necessity of International Uniform Regulations , R. H. Frazier

The Arbitral Chain: Linking the Arbitral Past with China's Arbitral Present , Arthur J. Gemmell

The Major Influences of the U.S. Constitutional Law Doctrines on the Interpretation and Application of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea : Critical Analysis on the Current Constitutional Court's Decisions and Thoughts of the Necessity of Amendment of the Current Constitution of the Republic of Korea , Hanjoo Lee

Contemporary International Law and the Participation of Children in Armed Conflicts , Ndubuisi Joseph Madubuike-Ekwe

Legality of Responses to the Problems of International Terrorism and "Failed States" Phenomenon Considering Afghanistan and Iraq within the Context of Contemporary International Law Rules and Practice , Olumide Kolawole Obayemi

The Evolving and Challenging Roles of Certain International Financial Institutions in Developing Countries Under International Law with Particular Reference to Nigeria, South Korea, and Brazil , Sunday C. Ogbodo

The Need for International Legal Protection of Sea Turtles and the Enforcement of Seafood Ecolabelling Standards , Lalaina N.R. Rakotoson

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

International Air Carrier's Liability to Passengers Under the Warsaw Convention 1929 and the Montreal Convention 1999 , Jiang Bo

The 1998 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court: Scope of the Subject Matter and Personal Jurisdiction of the Court Towards Individual Criminal Accountability , Remigius Oraeki Chibueze

The Law of the World Trade Organization and Its Domestic Implementation: With Special Reference to the People's Republic of China , Hongliu Gong

A Comparative Analysis of the Copyright Law of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Copyright Law of the United States of America : Within the Context of International Trade , Sutee Iamcharoenying

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

From Inquisitorial to Accusatorial? Pro-Accusatorial Evidential Reforms on the ROC Criminal Procedure Code , Ming-Woei Chang

Nepal's Accession to WTO and Nepalese Legislation Required to Give Effect to WTO Covered Agreements , Ramesh Bikram Karky

Legal Aspects of Humanitarian Intervention in International Practice: A Survey of Evolving Norms , Mohamed Makkawi

International Commercial Arbitration: To Focus on the Party Autonomy , Kazutake Okuma

A Just New World Order in the Global Finance , Insop Pak

Legal Protection of Sui Generis Databases , Chana Rungrojtanakul

Copyright and Anti-Trust Law : Public Performance Rights Licensing of Musical Works into Audiovisual Media , Christian Seyfert

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Current International Legal Problems in the Pursuit of Extradition Requests: The Practice of Saudi Arabia , Ayedh Hadi Alotaibi

International Telecommunication Regime and Its Influences on Taiwan's Telecommunication Regulations , Chun-Hung Lin

Theses/Dissertations from 2003 2003

Challenges and Responses : An Analysis of Economic Development Among Some East Asian Newly Industrializing Countries (NICs) or Areas; The Effect of Their Using Tax Incentive Systems to Attract Foreign Investment with Lessons From Taiwan's Tax Incentive System as an Illustration , Li Pai Chia Kuo

Securing Online Commercial Transactions by Digital Signatures: a Comparative Analysis of the U.S. E-sign Act and Thai E-transactions Act , Watchara Neitivanich

Theses/Dissertations from 2002 2002

International Law and Business Practice : Corporate Accountability and Compliance Issues in the Petroleum Industry , Emeka Duruigbo

The Status of Taiwan Under International Law and in a Changing World , Eric Ting-Lun Huang

Theses/Dissertations from 1997 1997

Argentine "Dirty War" : Human Rights Law and Literature , Alexander H. Lubarsky

Theses/Dissertations from 1995 1995

Role of an Indonesian Notary in the Making of Deeds for Foreign Investment Corporations , Misahardi Wilamarta

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The Work of International Law

Monica Hakimi , University of Michigan Law School Follow

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This Article crystallizes and then critiques a prominent view about the role of international law in the global order. The view - what I call the "cooperation thesis" - is that international law serves to help global actors cooperate, specifically by: (1) curbing their disputes, and (2) promoting their shared goals. The cooperation thesis often appears as a positive account of international law; it purports to explain or describe what international law does. But it also has normative force; international law is widely depicted as dysfunctional when it does not satisfy the thesis. In particular, heated or intractable conflict is thought to betray the limits of international law - to show that, on some issues, international law is not serving its functions. That view of internationalaw is conceptually flawed. It incorrectly assumes that conflict is an impediment to international law or a problem for international law to mitigate. As scholars from other disciplines have shown, however, conflict is symbiotic with the very functions that the thesis prizes. Even as international law enables global actors to curb their disputes and work toward their shared aims, it also enables them to do the opposite: to hone in on their differences and disagree - at times fiercely and without resolution. It does so because the two kinds of interactions are interdependent, and the legal mechanisms for both are the same. To put the point more starkly, conflict does not necessarily reveal deficiencies in international law because enabling it is inherent in the project of international law.

Recommended Citation

Hakimi, Monica. "The Work of International Law." Harv. Int'l L. J. 58, no. 1 (2017): 1-46.

Since September 27, 2017

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213 In Depth Law Thesis Topics For Perfect Score

law thesis topics

Universities around the world require learners to complete papers on law thesis topics when pursuing advanced legal studies. Completing this task is both stressful and exciting because of the reward of writing a quality paper. However, selecting a title for your project, researching it, and writing is not easy.

For this reason, students should select interesting legal topics to enjoy working on their theses. What’s more, they should settle on issues that provide ample research scope. A thesis or dissertation is a lengthy academic paper. Therefore, learners should select topic ideas they can manage and work with comfortably over time. Here are sample topics for learners with difficulties selecting topics for their dissertations.

Interesting Law Topics for Theses

Perhaps, you’re looking for exciting topics to form the basis of your academic papers. In that case, consider these exciting law dissertation topics for inspiration.

  • Examining presumption validity resulting advancement and trusts have acquired defunct status requiring their abolishment
  • How Harison vs. Gibson decision changed the intention certainty law
  • Investment trustee powers: Examining the financial benefits considerations by the courts
  • Examining the courts’ attitude as shown in relevant rulings towards trusts with political purposes
  • How the prevailing media entities’ attitude and the first Amendment rights to speech freedom advance the public interest
  • Examining legal and moral issues surrounding abortion procedures on a long-term basis
  • The ramifications of Roe v Wade amendments to offer adequate protection to the father’s rights
  • Examining the conflict between public safety and civil liberties in the anti-terrorism legislation arena
  • Analyzing the judicial review process from the weak vs. strong perspective
  • Analyzing the law that governs the state authority to intervene in citizens’ private lives when a child’s welfare is in question
  • How the law responds to domestic violence effects on male victims
  • Examining the central trademark protection’s rationale as a way for businesses to protect brand value versus public interests
  • Can the copyright system respond to intellectual property digitalization and the internet challenges?
  • Comparing the U.K. and U.S. trademark and copyright law, including damages
  • How viable is benefit-sharing as a way to regulate intellectual property rights?
  • Examining the conflict between corporate trade secrets and business law
  • Analyzing the role of customs and cultural norms in international criminal law’s development
  • Examining the relationship between international law and national law
  • What are the legal ramifications of authoritative norms breaches in international law?
  • Analysis of the legal ramifications of a stem cell study to use human embryos for profits
  • Should governments restrict journalists’ expression freedom?
  • An investigation of the weak and strong points of the judicial review process?
  • How effective are anti-corruption laws in your state?
  • Abortion legalization- How the law treats abortion and the moral elements of the problem
  • Relocating with a child- Discussing the legal gaps in relocation
  • Assets division after divorce- How fair is the divorce law?
  • Child protection from abuse and neglect- Gaps in the current law
  • Child labor prevention- Legal mechanisms for detecting and preventing child labor
  • Mediation role in family law- Should it be mandatory?
  • Changes in the cohabitation law- Should cohabitating and married couples enjoy equal treatment?
  • Can copyright owners and authors protect their rights under the current copyright law?
  • Copyright law and modern art- Which contemporary artworks should enjoy copyright protection?
  • Trade secrets protection under business law- How to ease the existing conflict
  • National and international law- Which are the prevailing rules?
  • Peaceful international conflicts resolution- Discuss the current international dispute settlement mechanisms.
  • International law attitudes towards the self-determination concept- How to set a fair balance between the minorities and majorities interests
  • Organ retention legislation- How to regulate the existing problems and controversies
  • When should the international criminal court come into play?
  • How domestic violence accurate picture differs from statistics
  • Why does the law give severe punishment for some crimes?

A carefully selected example in this category can spark exciting research that will lead to a brilliant thesis. Nevertheless, pick an exciting idea to come up with a dissertation that will impress your educator.

Commercial or Business Law Thesis Topics

Maybe you’re looking for the best business or commercial law master’s thesis topics. That means you need titles that will allow you to focus on the legal aspects of the rights, conducts, and relations of organizations or individuals that engage in merchandising activities, trade, or commerce. Here are exciting business law topics to write about when working on your thesis.

  • Do the current commercial laws in the U.S. need any change?
  • How effective are the international business law programs in U.S. universities?
  • How effective is business law in supporting commercial transactions?
  • Does corporate social responsibility have a mediating role in companies’ performance?
  • What are the impacts of international commercial laws on U.S. business laws?
  • A review of the international business law use in new projects
  • An evaluation of commercial laws for dealing with dishonest business managers
  • Commercial partnerships- A closer look at the potential results and dangers
  • Regulations for stopping corruption- A UK case study
  • Analyzing pre-incorporation contracts- How they work
  • Evaluating arbitration under business law- Understanding the U.K. policy practices
  • What are the difficulties, significance, and essence of a commercial lease to business owners?
  • Regular versus commercial lease- Analyzing its advantages and disadvantages for businesses.
  • The role of the legislature in working and interpreting contracts
  • Commercial law’s role in business framework establishment in society
  • An evaluation of contract laws and their effects on businesses
  • Verbal and non-verbal agreements in the business law’s context
  • Analyzing business entity’s role concerning commercial law
  • Evaluating business laws for fighting corruption in companies
  • How effective is commercial law in prompting transactions?
  • Copyright infringement- How offline and online law enforcement differ.
  • Business partnerships- Understanding legal remedies, results, and threats
  • Commercial laws for guiding businesses in energy projects
  • How to work within the advertising law’s guidelines and framework when advertising online
  • Analyzing the significance, role, and application of wills within the business law
  • International vs. national commercial laws
  • Analyzing pre-incorporation contracts
  • Assessing the effectiveness of international commercial law
  • Why investing in a business’ trademark and copyright application matters
  • Commercial law arbitration- An in-depth evaluation and analysis of policy practice
  • An evaluation of anti-corruption business regulations using a relevant case study
  • Corporate social responsibility laws for businesses
  • Termination agreements- Significance, role, and application in business transactions
  • Contract law- Role and interpretations in business transactions
  • Director’s guarantee- Transaction structure and role within business law
  • Analyzing business entity’s role in commercial law
  • Exploring loopholes in international laws that allow business corruption
  • Consumer protection in Wales and England after the Brexit era
  • Investigating Wales and England’s insolvency laws for addressing insolvency instances
  • A legal assessment of the commercial law role in sustaining public-private partnerships, depending on what happened during the Carillion Collapse

These research topics in law can be the basis of a paper that will earn you the top grade. However, be ready to research your preferred idea and analyze information to write a high-quality essay.

International Law Thesis Topics for Research

Some learners find international law research topics quite interesting because they focus on legal aspects of businesses during global pandemics and wars. You can also focus on the economic trade aspect when writing a thesis on any of these ideas. Here are exciting topics for a law school thesis in this category.

  • Precedence importance during international court hearings
  • Internet and digital legislation- Future forecasts
  • How civil liberties and public safety relate within the context of international laws
  • Analyzing the principles of the international law
  • Challenges facing different parties during the application of the Vienna Convention on the international sale of good contracts
  • Assessing business implications of the future possibilities of the U.K. and U.S. military cooperation in fighting terror
  • When international law allows a country to intervene in another nations’ affairs
  • A closer look at the human rights gaps from the international law’s perspective
  • Analyzing the U.S. involvement in Iraq- Was it a violation of international law or a justified move?
  • How to enforce international law in third world countries
  • Analysis of international tribunals’ efficiency in addressing war crimes
  • International human rights hearings- Why precedence matters
  • Challenges facing parties in contracts relating to the international sale of goods and the application of the Vienna Convention
  • Why the international law matters for the digital laws and internet legislation
  • How effective are international tribunals in taking action for war crimes?
  • Analyzing conditions when the international law permits a country to intervene in trade matters
  • Assessing the international criminal laws’ principles and why change could be necessary
  • Analyzing the human rights law from an international perspective
  • Human rights and international law violations- A case study of U.S. involvement in Iraq
  • The impact of civil liberties as enshrined in the international law on public safety
  • International consumer protection during the post-Brexit era
  • International laws for protecting consumers against unlawful communication during the war
  • International laws for protecting and rescuing the refugees’ human rights at sea
  • Top five offenders facing the international law and their offenses
  • How the international law can protect child soldiers during the Israel-Palestine conflict
  • NATO ethics in Afghanistan and Iraq
  • Human rights violation in Africa- How the international law can address them
  • Describe the appeal process for the international criminal court
  • Analyzing the international tribunals
  • XYZ corporation’s transnational crimes- A detailed analysis

These are exciting thesis topics for law students interested in international law. Nevertheless, learners must invest time and effort in research and data analysis to develop quality papers.

Controversial Law Topics for Academic Research

Some law master thesis topics can trigger debates while encouraging learners to take a stance in support or against an idea. Such titles can include constitutional law paper topics and sensitive matters in different legal study fields. Here are exciting topics in this category.

  • Does the world need gun law review?
  • Analyzing human rights vis a vis the Islamic criminal law
  • Transgender rights- Solving injustice and discrimination arising from inequality.
  • Legal implications of blocking international students temporarily during the COVID-19 pandemic
  • Deportation protection and the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program
  • Immigration reforms and restrictions- Change and improvement scope
  • Black lives matter- Analyzing the lack of legal or political repercussions of custody deaths.
  • Abortion- Legal angles for pro-life and pro-choice
  • Analysis of religious freedom in law and the choice freedom to deny person services depending on their religion
  • Addictive opioids prescription as legal painkillers- Justifications and the aftermath
  • The legal framework for animal research
  • Vaccine administration from the legal implications perspectives, non-compliance and compliance, parental and herd immunity’s duty
  • Privacy rights- Conflict between public safety versus individual privacy
  • Free market capitalization- Free trade versus government regulations
  • Analyzing government regulations, environmental support policies, and economic costs
  • Equal minimum wage system- Legal parameters, remedies, and controversies
  • Legalizing marijuana for recreational and medicinal usage
  • White supremacy- How this political ideology affects the economic and legal framework
  • The legal justification of capital punishment
  • Marriage equality act- Analyzing responsibilities and rights in a same-sex marriage.
  • The ethics of capital punishment
  • Law code and mental hospitals
  • Analyzing the legal implications of sniffer dog practices
  • College violence causes and legal implications
  • Legal code in different states in America
  • Crime propaganda and modern music culture- Using the law to address the emerging issues.
  • Is the law biased against African-Americans?
  • The limited rights for police officers
  • The importance of eyewitness evidence
  • How developing countries can improve business laws’ effectiveness
  • Does the world have more female lawyers than males?
  • Trade union role in championing for the workers’ rights
  • Effects of technology on business laws’ viability
  • Impact of coronavirus on business laws
  • Why employees deserve a role in business laws’ formulation
  • Why business laws are employee-oriented instead of siding with team members
  • Business laws and their role in preventing malicious competition
  • Can business law undermine women’s empowerment?
  • Should every country have unique business laws for foreign investors?
  • How sufficient are business laws in covering cyber espionage?

These are controversial ideas to explore in dissertations. However, learners should prepare to research extensively to write winning papers.

Child in Conflict with the Law Thesis Topics

This category comprises titles relating to legal issues concerning kids that contravene the law by committing juvenile offenses. Nevertheless, they are exciting law enforcement topics to explore when pursuing masters or Ph.D. studies.

  • Analysis of children’s rights against economic exploitation and harmful work
  • Laws and human rights that support children during illegal migration
  • Exploitation and violence leading children into legal conflicts
  • Court procedures for children that break the law
  • Abuse and exploitation of children that violate the law and how to prevent it
  • Rights and legal protection for children during cases
  • The legal framework for guiding the people handling children’s cases
  • How to deal with children involved in legal matters in metro cities
  • How to improve legal protection for children during conflict
  • Analysis of the measures for reintegrating children into the society after conflicting with the law
  • Laws for facilitating children’s rehabilitation after conflicting with the law

Criminal Law Thesis Topics

Criminal law entails the study of rules governing individuals’ prosecution after committing crimes. Here are titles to consider in this category.

  • Crimes and religious laws in developing countries
  • Analyzing the war against terror and potential crimes
  • Examining racial prejudice during incarceration
  • Police interrogations- Legal framework, human rights, and principles
  • Balancing legal rights for the defendant and the victim during a lawsuit
  • Anatomy justification with the defendant and victim in mind
  • Challenges in the crime’s nature identification and distribution- A case study analysis
  • Criminal theory- A review for exploring crime and morality connection
  • Death penalty justification, research, and history
  • Male and female rape legislations- Evaluating the critical differences
  • Lie detectors use in criminal law courts- Assessing their efficacy
  • How to protect victims in case of manslaughter cases
  • Analyzing crime-related factors best left out of the court

Family Law Thesis Topics

Family law has several ideas to explore in a dissertation. Here are examples of such notions.

  • Grandparents’ role in the family law provisions and social fabrics
  • Non-consensual adoption- What are the legal implications?
  • Family laws that govern divorce and marriage for transgender individuals
  • Children rights to family life within non-marital families
  • Impacts of Islamic traditions on family laws for UK-based Muslims
  • Custody rights for children with learning disabilities
  • Divorce laws- Are they perception or gender-based?

Medical Law and Ethics Thesis Topics

This field focuses on the responsibilities and rights of medical professionals and patients. Here are brilliant ideas to consider in this category.

  • Laws governing medical research- Animals protection against cruelty
  • Can medical practitioners treat mental disorders without bias?
  • Ethical and legal challenges relating to bio-banks
  • Effects of lawsuits on medical practitioners dedication and commitment
  • Medical, ethics, and legal perspectives of assisted suicide
  • Medical laws and ethics in practice

Sports Law Topics

If interested in sports law, consider these topics for your papers.

  • Coaches employment laws and contracts
  • Policies facilitating rights protection and promotion for transgender athletes
  • Rules for fighting sexual harassment in the sporting field
  • Constitutional rights for student-athletes
  • Practices and policies of sports law in the U.S.
  • The legal stance for national sports governing bodies
  • Lifestyle sports- What sports laws say about them
  • Analyzing the negligence of cheerleading teams with a case study
  • The role of legal aspects of sporting events at the international level
  • Transnational sports’ management perspective
  • Laws relating to club sports management
  • Match-fixing and the related laws
  • Legal issues relating to sportsperson marketing
  • The legal implications of sports promotion aids

Hot Thesis Topics in Employment Law

Do you want to write a thesis on employment law? If yes, consider any of these ideas for your paper.

  • How to improve zero-hour contracts
  • Wrongful vs. unfair- What provides better protection within the employment laws
  • Studying the right to fair employment practices
  • 2010 Equality Act and the disabled people’s rights
  • Employment laws for the disabled
  • Effectiveness of sexual harassment laws at the workplace
  • Gender variations in employment regulations and laws
  • How working parents benefit from Flexible Working Regulations 2002
  • The convergence of employment laws with religion
  • The impact of trade unions on businesses
  • Unfair dismissal- What the law says
  • Legal aspects of social work employment

If you pick any of these topics and then have difficulties down the road, seek help with research paper from the best-rated online experts. Using affordable thesis help, you can complete your project on any of these titles. Nevertheless, work with a professional company to get cheap and quality assistance.

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International collaboration is a legal education opportunity

Cross-cultural understanding can enrich the ways in which educators in law integrate comparative legal analysis into their teaching, writes Petra Butler

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Petra Butler

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In our interconnected world, climate change , environmental degradation and human rights are among the concerns shared by many of us, our students and wider society. These issues transcend borders and affect societies across continents and datelines. While cultural nuances shape how these concerns play out within each society, at their core they reflect our shared human aspirations of protection, safety and the need to have the freedom to be ourselves. Our shared aspirations provide a rich source of material for encouraging discourse and learning about the law. 

As a law academic, I see the way we approach legal education internationally as playing a pivotal role in addressing these challenges. In my view, the understanding of different legal systems can enrich our engagement and inform better decision-making. For example, as a human rights lawyer, I have often explored conflicting viewpoints in my teaching (and research). While personally I may never understand the death penalty, the discourse with those who hold opposing perspectives is essential. As we seek to regulate and uphold rights, international discussion and collaboration is vital. 

Learning from similarities and differences

To incorporate alternative perspectives that other legal systems have to offer in our teaching, we must venture beyond our comfort zone. Engaging with legal traditions other than our own doesn’t imply a suggestion that they necessarily offer a better solution. Their incorporation into the academic discourse contributes to and encourages students’ critical thinking , enriching the classroom. Importantly, it gives students a licence to explore ideas outside the pattern of their own legal systems. For global issues such as climate change, understanding diverse approaches is crucial. By testing our ideas against traditions different from our own, we enhance our legal toolbox.

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In the context of the Commonwealth, the shared foundation of English common law across many member countries provides a solid basis for examining how these legal systems address specific issues. This common heritage creates an “echo chamber” effect, where similar legal principles may resonate across jurisdictions. Conversely, exploring legal systems with different roots, such as those in civil law countries, allows for a comparative analysis to see if they arrive at similar solutions or offer unique insights. This process is akin to a game of Chinese whispers, where ideas are introduced into the discourse to observe the varied outcomes.

Law as a cultural lens

Law reflects culture, so understanding a society’s legal framework has the potential to provide our students with valuable insights into its values, norms and historical context. Through law, one can gain an understanding of what a culture is like. The true meaning of tolerance is real understanding and therefore, in theory, a real understanding of another culture or cultures should lead us to less conflict. I'm a great believer that having the discourse is a first step to persuading somebody. 

To integrate this approach into teaching, one can compare and contrast legal issues across different jurisdictions. This involves not only examining the legal principles but also setting the social and cultural context of the countries being compared, as law often mirrors the society from which it originates.

The power of discourse in academia

Engaging, questioning and seeking empathy can change minds. When I was working in the Gulf states, I witnessed students transform through dialogue and begin to ask questions from outside their traditional philosophy that they might never have thought of before. If you can get one student to reflect deeply, or change their mind or way of thinking about the death penalty, for example, then that’s the discourse we need or else there will never be change. 

Sometimes it needs a bit of research, but one will often find case law from other jurisdictions tackling the same issue coming to different outcomes or coming to the same outcome but with different reasoning from that of one’s own jurisdiction. Again, the question of the legality of the death penalty is illustrative: the decision of the South African Constitutional Court in S v Makwanyane and Another can be discussed in light of the US Supreme Court in Gregg v. Georgia . It is, however, important to give the cultural, social and political context in which those decisions were made. That context in turn can lead to a further discussion – for example, of the role of the courts and separation of powers in the case of S v Makwanyane , where the court held the death penalty unconstitutional in the knowledge that the overwhelming majority of South Africans supported it. 

Cross-cultural understanding significantly enhances the use of comparative materials by deepening the comprehension of different legal solutions for the same issue. It helps to prevent superficial comparisons by ensuring that any analysis includes the necessary context. As mentioned earlier, setting the law within its cultural and societal framework is crucial, and cross-cultural dialogue can facilitate this process.

In conclusion, integrating comparative legal analysis into teaching is greatly enriched by cross-cultural understanding. By examining legal issues across different jurisdictions, we can leverage the shared foundation of English common law to identify commonalities and differences. This echo-chamber effect allows for a deeper exploration of how similar legal principles are applied. Additionally, comparing these with civil law systems provides valuable insights into alternative legal solutions. Cross-cultural dialogue is essential to this process, ensuring that comparisons are meaningful and contextually grounded, thereby preventing superficial analyses and fostering a more comprehensive understanding of global legal landscapes.

Humans strive for the same things. We want to be protected. We want to be safe. We want to be free to express ourselves. By exchanging diverse views on how we attain these, we gain a richer understanding. Let’s lead the way, fostering vital cross-cultural dialogue, with the aim of nothing less than shaping a more just and informed world. 

Petra Butler is the executive dean of law at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. She was appointed a senior research fellow by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and is the director of the Institute of Small and Micro States, which promotes scholarly and governmental research.

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    Petra Butler is the executive dean of law at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. She was appointed a senior research fellow by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law and is the director of the Institute of Small and Micro States, which promotes scholarly and governmental research.