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Electronic thesis/dissertation (ETD) submission checklist

Before you can submit your thesis or dissertation, you must receive an e-mail from Libra  with the subject: “ Access to upload your approved thesis or dissertation to LIBRA ”. The e-mail is sent after your defense milestone has been updated by a Graduate Administrator and after Libra receives notice of it.

If you are a graduate student whose thesis is not a graduation requirement, or an undergraduate, you can still deposit your work in Libra. Please contact your advisor or graduate administrator and have them e-mail [email protected] .

Use the instructions below to successfully  submit your ETD  to Libra (LibraETD).

Before you submit

1. review copyright information.

Check out the Copyright Essentials for Scholarly Work page to get a better understanding of a few key copyright concepts. These will be important as you draft and submit your thesis or dissertation, both in understanding how and when you can use copyrighted third-party content in your own work, and in understanding your rights and opportunities to share your work as the author of your thesis or dissertation. Thinking about publishing your thesis/dissertation in part or whole, before or after graduation? Check out the Publisher Policy Checker from MIT Library. Use this resource to find publisher policies regarding inclusion of previously published articles in theses and dissertations, and policies on accepting journal submissions that first appeared in an author’s previously released thesis or dissertation.

2. Know your school’s instructions

Check with your school for information on the proper process, workflow, and timing for submitting your thesis or dissertation.

Your school will direct you on its process for submitting your work:

  • Engineering School Graduation Procedure (MS Candidates)
  • Engineering School Graduation Procedure (PhD Candidates)
  • Arts & Sciences Thesis Submission (MA, MS, PhD)
  • School of Education and Human Development, Doctoral Student Degree Completion (Ed.D. and Ph.D.)  or email  [email protected]
  • School of Nursing (DNP)
  • School of Medicine (Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program)
  • Darden School of Business PhD Program  (Darden student access only, authentication required.)
  • School of Architecture - Constructed Environment

3. Know your open license options

Libra lets you choose an open license when you post your work, and will prominently display the CC license you choose as part of the record for your work.

  • CC-BY  (permitting free use with proper attribution)
  • All rights reserved (no additional license for public reuse) – users who download your work from Libra must comply with ordinary copyright law and seek permission for uses that are not fair use or otherwise permitted by law

A CC-BY license helps readers find your work, and makes it more likely that it will be read and re-used. If you would like to use a more restrictive Creative Commons license, please contact a Libra administrator . Review the Creative Commons section of Copyright Essentials for Scholarly Work for further information.

4. Know your access and visibility options

All graduate students are required to discuss access options (including embargo) with their advisor or committee prior to submitting to Libra. To understand your options, please see the Access and Visibility Options page.

If you are thinking about requesting an embargo, do not complete your Libra submission until your request has been approved AND applied to your Libra record. 

To request an embargo, first consult with your thesis or dissertation committee, then contact your schools’ dean’s office for final approval.

5. Prepare an abstract and keywords

  • An abstract is required for submission to Libra. It describes your work’s main focus to researchers interested in your topic. Using the abstract already included in your thesis or dissertation is fine. If your thesis does not already have an abstract, use a word processing or text editing program to create and save at least a paragraph describing your thesis to potential readers. Copy and paste your abstract into the submission form.
  • Keywords are optional but encouraged. Select at least 2 to 3 keywords that best describe the content of your thesis or dissertation. Keywords can be taken from the abstract and/or title. Individual words and/or phrases may be used. Use keywords that will be easily recognized by others in your discipline.

6. Proofread

You may not delete dissertations and theses once they are deposited in Libra . Major changes or deletions require a dean’s approval.

Submit your work

7. upload to libra.

  • Log in  to Libra (LibraETD) with your UVA NetBadge credentials.
  • An  ORCID iD is a unique researcher identifier, used worldwide, that you can keep throughout your life and retain even if you move institutions. It distinguishes you from other researchers, even if they have the same name, and enables authoritative links to be created between you and your research activities.
  • Create or link your ORCID iD in  LibraETD   by clicking the “Create or Connect Your ORCID ID” button on your dashboard (main) page in LibraETD. You may remove the Libra link to ORCID at any time by clicking the red X next to your ORCID iD on the dashboard.
  • Find out more about  ORCID at UVA .
  • Check the title displayed for your active thesis or dissertation on your Dashboard. The title in Libra must match the title as approved by your committee or advisor. If it does not, please report the discrepancy to your departmental administrator to make the corrections in SIS. Return to this step when the title has been corrected and proceed with your deposit.
  • From your Dashboard, click “Edit” to enter description information. Required fields are indicated. Report errors in pre-populated fields to your Graduate Office.
  • You must enter (one) advisor (primary advisor, committee chair, practicing mentor, etc.). You may enter additional advisors and/or committee members.
  • Select an open license in the “Rights” field.
  • Upload at least one file containing the final, approved version of your thesis or dissertation.
  • If the approved version is a document, it MUST be in PDF format (PDF/a preferred).
  • Acceptable file types for alternative theses and dissertations & supplemental files are: CSV, GIF, HTM, HTML, JPEG, JPG, MOV, MP3, MP4, PDF, PNG, TIF, TIFF, TXT, XML.
  • MP4 videos should have these specifications:  H.264 codec, with AAC audio, in a .mp4 container.
  • Consider uploading large supplemental files or data sets to  LibraData  and linking them to your thesis or dissertation.
  • Contact Libra staff  if you have questions about acceptable formats or need assistance with video or data file deposits.
  • Give each uploaded file a descriptive label that will be viewable to Libra visitors, or accept the recommended label  N _ LastName_FirstName_Year_DegreeType  (e.g. 1_Jefferson_Thomas_1871_MA.pdf).  The descriptive label will be the default name of the file when saved and downloaded.
  • If desired, see the Provost's policy on Submission of Electronic Theses and Dissertations on how to request an Embargo.
  • Read the  Libra Deposit License  for Student Theses and Dissertations and check the box to agree or contact your Graduate Office if you do not agree.
  • Click “Save and Exit” at any point to save a draft of what you have added and return to Libra later to “Edit” and complete your submission.
  • Click “Save and Continue” to view your descriptive information.
  • If you did not create/connect your ORCID iD, and you want to, you can do so from this information page by clicking the “Create or Connect Your ORCID ID” button . See the  Optional  step above. Find out more about  ORCID at UVA .
  • If there is information that needs editing or added, click “Edit” to make further changes.
  • Click “Preview before Submission” to preview the public view of your work before finalizing your submission.
  • You may not delete or make major changes to your dissertation or thesis once you have clicked “Submit Thesis”  so click “Edit” if you need to make additional changes.
  • Click “Submit Thesis” to finalize your submission.

After you submit

8.  check your submission.

  • Note the persistent link (DOI - Digital Object Identifier) for your scholarship. Add it to your CV, and share it if you chose to make it immediately open. Always provide the DOI when sharing your work with colleagues, collaborators, and on social media for the most accurate metrics on views and downloads.
  • Approximately an hour after deposit, you may check that your scholarship was successfully added to the Library’s collection by searching for your thesis or dissertation in VIRGO, the UVA online library catalog.
  • 24 hours after deposit, please verify that SIS has been updated to reflect that you have completed this requirement.
  • You will also receive email confirmation of your deposit, including the persistent link (DOI) for your scholarship.

Congratulations on your achievement!

Libra Contents

  • Libra: Search and submit
  • About Libra
  • About LibraETD
  • About LibraData
  • About LibraOpen
  • Copyright essentials

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Q. How do I submit my thesis or dissertation to the library?

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Answered By: Jennifer Huck Last Updated: Jan 09, 2021     Views: 144

Per graduation requirements, ALL schools require deposit of dissertations into our ETD Repository, which we call “LibraETD."  Most UVA masters programs have a graduation requirement to deposit masters theses in LibraETD as well.  View the Electronic Thesis & Dissertation Checklist  (ETDs) for more info. 

Theses deadlines are set by the schools, not by the Library.

Once a student defends their thesis/dissertation, a school or department administrator records that “milestone” in the student information system (SIS). The SIS system sends that information to LibraETD AND then sends an email to the student informing them that they can now deposit. Students CANNOT log on and deposit UNTIL they get a confirmation email from LibraETD.  This is important as many students think that as soon as they defend they can upload,  but they MUST wait until they receive an email message.

If a student has not received an email from LibraETD, and think that they should have, they need to email:    [email protected]    and the Libra Team will check.

 We offer an ETD Checklist to walk students through what to expect during the deposit in LibraETD:


All questions and problems about depositing in LibraETD should go to the email address:     [email protected]

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Searching for Theses and Dissertations

Master's theses and doctoral dissertations form a large -- and largely underutilized -- source of information available to students and researchers.  Even if you are not working on a master's degree or Ph.D., the bibliographies included in these kinds of documents can provide useful information for your own papers and projects.  They can also save you time and effort when doing research of your own.

For locally produced theses and dissertations search in VIRGO just as you would for a book .  You can search by the author's name or by keyword, limiting your search by Item Type to Thesis. 

Our collection includes: 

  • Fourth Year SEAS Undergraduate Thesis Portfolios
  • Masters' Thesis
  • PhD Dissertations

For more information on finding dissertations, check out our Dissertation Libguide  or use  Ask a librarian for assistance , if you need help. 

For dissertations written at other institutions, use the following databases:

  • China Doctoral Dissertation & Masters' Theses Database (CDMD) 中国博硕论文全文数据库 This link opens in a new window CDMD contains nearly 450,000 doctoral dissertations and over 4.4 million master’s theses on a wide range of topics, including basic science, engineering and technology, agriculture, medicine, philosophy, and humanities and social sciences. Users can browse by subject or degree grantor, or search multiple fields in quick, basic, professional, fund or sentence search modes.
  • Dissertations & Theses Global This link opens in a new window Full text (PDF) of most US dissertations from 1997 on, many earlier works and some from outside the US plus some master's theses. Also lists all dissertations and theses from 1861 on from US universities and some works from Europe and Asia from 1637 on. Abstracts included after July, 1980. See also Finding Dissertations
  • Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD) NDLTD is an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination, and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs).
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Electronic theses & dissertations (ETDs)

Electronic dissertations and masters’ theses have been deposited in the Libra scholarly repository at the University of Virginia since 2012. Libra makes UVA scholarship available to the world and provides safe and secure storage for the scholarly output of the UVA community. Submitting your work to Libra is a graduation requirement for all graduate students whose programs have required theses and for PhD students. LibraETD is can be used by all students, undergraduate  or graduate, whose programs have optional theses or capstones.

Before you upload your thesis or dissertation, be sure you have reviewed:

Copyright Essentials for Scholarly Work  (including Graduate Students)

The ETD Submission Checklist

Older dissertation formats

All dissertations submitted to the UVA Library in CD format were deposited into Libra in early 2014. Access to these items is UVA-only, replicating the accessibility level of the originally deposited CDs.

If you are the author of one of these dissertations and would like to change the access level to be world-wide open access, please  contact us .

Paper copies

We no longer accept paper copies for the Library shelves.  Many frequently requested dissertations from the UVA collection have been added to Libra through a generous grant from Jefferson Trust. If you are the author of one of these dissertations now in Libra and would like to change the access level to be world-wide open access, please  contact us .

If your dissertation was published in paper previously and you would like it to be added to Libra, please  contact us .

Many UVA dissertations were deposited in ProQuest until 2012, and some students continue to take the option to deposit to this commercial vendor of databases and other information products. ProQuest’s  Dissertations and Theses Full Text  database contains many dissertations published in the U.S. and is used by scholars worldwide whose institutions opt to provide paid access to the database. ProQuest also sells full-text copies of dissertations directly to the public, though it is worth noting they do not share revenue from those sales with authors. NOTE: To access "online" ETD's in Proquest, you must be affiliated with an institution that subscribes to the ProQuest database.

ProQuest charges fees for submission, and they have particular formatting and copyright requirements.  Please see their  submission instructions  for details. UVA does not require thesis or dissertation deposit to ProQuest, nor does UVA have an institutional agreement with ProQuest for such deposit. Students who opt to deposit with ProQuest do so as individuals contracting with this vendor.

Libra Contents

  • Libra: Search and submit
  • About Libra
  • About LibraETD
  • About LibraData
  • About LibraOpen
  • Copyright essentials

Add your dataset to LibraData

LibraData is a place for UVA researchers to share data publicly, and is part of the Libra Scholarly Repository suite of services which includes works of UVA scholarship such as articles, books, theses, and data.

Step One: Start with the LibraData Checklist

Step Two: Select the collection in which you want to add a dataset. You can create a dataset at the main level of LibraData or in a sub-collection.

More Information:

  • FAQs about LibraData
  • Policies & Community Sharing Norms
  • Need help? Send us an email!  

Search Datasets

Browse selected open libradata sub-collections.

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ETDs: Virginia Tech Electronic Theses and Dissertations

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Virginia Tech has been a world leader in electronic theses and dissertation initiatives for more than 20 years. On January 1, 1997, Virginia Tech was the first university to require electronic submission of theses and dissertations (ETDs). Ever since then, Virginia Tech graduate students have been able to prepare, submit, review, and publish their theses and dissertations online and to append digital media such as images, data, audio, and video.

University Libraries staff are currently digitizing thousands of pre-1997 theses and dissertations and loading them into VTechWorks. Most of these theses and dissertations are fully available to the public, but we will, in general, honor requests by the item's author to restrict access to Virginia Tech only. See our process for Requesting that Material be Amended or Removed .

To search all Virginia Tech print and digital theses and dissertations, use the University Libraries ETD resource guide .

Materials that are restricted to Virginia Tech only may be requested via your own university or public library's Interlibrary Loan program or through the VTechWorks request form that appears when you try to access the item. You might also be able to obtain a copy of the work through ProQuest's database of theses and dissertations. If you are on a Virginia Tech campus but are unable to find the pre-1997 thesis or dissertation you are seeking in VTechWorks, you may also be able to order a physical copy from library storage. Please check the library catalog at http://www.lib.vt.edu/ for physical copies.

The guidelines that apply to Virginia Tech's graduate students as ETD authors can be found at http://guides.lib.vt.edu/ETDguide .

Collections in this Community

Results per page, sort options.

  • Award-winning Theses and Dissertations   78
  • Doctoral Dissertations   17326
  • Masters Theses   22838
  • Undergraduate Theses   4
  • Virginia Tech ETD Resources   17 Documentation about creating and formatting Virginia Tech ETDs

Master of Logic / ILLC

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Recent Theses

On the ILLC site you may find a full list of ILLC research reports and dissertations . Additionally, the electronic archives may also be accessed by using the Search Form of the ILLC Eprints server.

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Scholarly Communication @ UVic

UVic Library digitizes over three thousand Masters theses

by Sarah Kahale | Sep 18, 2024

uva master thesis database

UVic Libraries has digitized and made accessible online over 3,000 (1967 to 2004) Masters theses. This multi-year project marks a significant milestone in making student research available to a global audience. The theses were deposited in UVic’s open access repository. These are also browsable within departmental theses collections on UVicSpace .

In a previous phase of the project most of the doctoral dissertations were added to UVicSpace. Next, we will seek out the theses and dissertations that have not yet been added to UVicSpace. If you would like to have your thesis or dissertation digitized and added, please send a message to Dean Seeman, Head of Collection Management Services, at [email protected] .

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Documents and forms

For a detailed explanation of the entire procedure, look under  Obtaining a PhD at the UvA . (You can also find these forms and documents in that section). It is important to be aware of this information and place the documents and forms in that context.

Save a form before filling it in, to avoid losing any information you have filled in.

Please note: for PhDs at the AMC Medical Center (Faculty of Medicine) the practical details of the PhD process are slightly different. You can find information about the process on the AMC website . 

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  • Future Planet Studies (bachelor)
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  • Geneeskunde (schakelprogramma)
  • General Linguistics (master)
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  • Geschiedenis (master)
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  • Geschiedenis, Educatie en communicatie (master)
  • Gezondheidsrecht (master)
  • Gezondheidszorgpsychologie (master)
  • Global Arts, Culture and Politics (bachelor)
  • Griekse en Latijnse taal en cultuur (bachelor)
  • Hebreeuwse taal en cultuur (bachelor)
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  • Holocaust and Genocide Studies (master)
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  • Kunstgeschiedenis (schakelprogramma)
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  • Medical Anthropology and Sociology (master)
  • Medical Anthropology and Sociology (premaster)
  • Medical informatics (master)
  • Medical informatics (premaster)
  • Medische informatiekunde (bachelor)
  • Midden-Oostenstudies (master)
  • Midden-Oostenstudies (schakelprogramma)
  • Militaire geschiedenis (master)
  • Museum Studies (duale master)
  • Music Studies (master)
  • Music Studies (premaster)
  • Muziekwetenschap (bachelor)
  • Natuurkunde en sterrenkunde (bachelor, joint degree)
  • Nederlands als tweede taal en meertaligheid (duale master)
  • Nederlands als tweede taal en meertaligheid (schakelprogramma)
  • Nederlands, Educatie en communicatie (master)
  • Nederlands, Educatie en communicatie (schakelprogramma)
  • Nederlandse taal en cultuur (bachelor)
  • Nederlandse taal en cultuur (master)
  • New Media and Digital Culture (master)
  • Nieuwgriekse taal en cultuur (bachelor)
  • Onderwijswetenschappen (bachelor)
  • Onderwijswetenschappen (master)
  • Onderwijswetenschappen (schakelprogramma)
  • (Forensische) Orthopedagogiek (schakelprogramma)
  • Oudheidwetenschappen (bachelor)
  • P&A: Advanced Matter and Energy Physics (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: Astronomy and Astrophysics (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: Biophysics and Biophotonics (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: General Physics and Astronomy (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: GRAPPA - Gravitation, Astro-, and Particle Physics (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: Science for Energy and Sustainability (master, joint degree)
  • P&A: Theoretical Physics (master, joint degree)
  • Pedagogical Sciences (master)
  • Pedagogische wetenschappen (bachelor)
  • Pedagogische wetenschappen (master)
  • Philosophy (master)
  • Philosophy (research master)
  • Philosophy of the Humanities and the Social Sciences (master)
  • Philosophy of the Humanities and the Social Sciences (schakelprogramma)
  • Physics and Astronomy (master, joint degree)
  • Political Science (bachelor)
  • Political Science (master)
  • Political Science (premaster)
  • Politicologie (bachelor)
  • PPLE - Politics, Psychology, Law and Economics (bachelor)
  • Preservation and Presentation of the Moving Image (duale master)
  • Preventieve jeugdhulp en opvoeding (schakelprogramma)
  • Privaatrechtelijke rechtspraktijk (master)
  • Psychobiologie (bachelor)
  • Psychologie (schakelprogramma)
  • Psychologie (bachelor), NL
  • Psychologie (master), NL
  • Psychology (premaster)
  • Psychology (bachelor), EN
  • Psychology (master), EN
  • Psychology (research master), EN
  • Public International Law (master)
  • Publieksgeschiedenis (master)
  • Quantum Computer Science (master)
  • Rechtsgeleerdheid (bachelor)
  • Rechtsgeleerdheid met HBO-vooropleiding (schakelprogramma)
  • Rechtsgeleerdheid met WO-vooropleiding (schakelprogramma)
  • Redacteur/editor (duale master)
  • Religiewetenschappen (bachelor)
  • Religious Studies (research master)
  • Russische en Slavische studies (bachelor)
  • Scandinavië studies (bachelor)
  • Scheikunde (bachelor, joint degree)
  • Science, Technology & Innovation (bachelor)
  • Security and Network Engineering (master)
  • Sign Language Linguistics (bachelor)
  • Social Sciences (research master)
  • Sociale geografie en Planologie (bachelor)
  • Sociologie (bachelor)
  • Sociology (bachelor)
  • Sociology (master)
  • Sociology (premaster)
  • Software Engineering (master)
  • Spaanse en Latijns-Amerikaanse studies (bachelor)
  • Spirituality and Religion (master)
  • Spirituality and Religion (schakelprogramma)
  • Staats- en bestuursrecht (master)
  • Stads- en architectuurgeschiedenis (master)
  • Stochastics and Financial Mathematics (master)
  • Strafrecht (master)
  • Taalwetenschappen (bachelor)
  • Technology Governance (advanced master)
  • Television and Cross-Media Culture (master)
  • Theaterwetenschap (bachelor)
  • Theatre Studies (master)
  • Universitaire Pabo van Amsterdam (bachelor)
  • Urban and Regional Planning (master)
  • Urban and Regional Planning (premaster)
  • Urban Studies (research master)
  • Vertalen (master)
  • Vertalen (schakelprogramma)
  • Wiskunde (bachelor)

uva master thesis database

Presentation Master's thesis - Sven Goll - Work & Organisational Psychology

Roeterseilandcampus - Building G, Street: Nieuwe Achtergracht 129-b, Room: GS.01


  1. GitHub

    uva master thesis database

  2. (PDF) The Archive as Database. Theoretical and practical analysis of an

    uva master thesis database

  3. GitHub

    uva master thesis database

  4. GitHub

    uva master thesis database

  5. The Database of UVA students( Data for UVA students

    uva master thesis database

  6. UVA Masters of Science in Data Science Online Program Introduction

    uva master thesis database


  1. SQL Server Class One

  2. Mukhannas

  3. Sexual Alchemy: Lust vs. Love

  4. Boston bombing suspect was 'added' to US terrorist database

  5. YouTube transcripts summarisation and RAG chatbot in Javascript chrome extension

  6. 2. Choosing the Perfect Database- USE


  1. Electronic theses & dissertations (ETDs)

    Electronic dissertations and masters' theses have been deposited in the Libra scholarly repository at the University of Virginia since 2012. Libra makes UVA scholarship available to the world and provides safe and secure storage for the scholarly output of the UVA community. Submitting your work to Libra is a graduation requirement for all ...

  2. Search for UvA Research and Theses

    Searching for UvA Theses UvA Scripties is a service through which the University of Amsterdam (UvA) enables worldwide digital access to the theses (master / bachelor) of its students.

  3. Libra: Search and submit

    Libra is the University of Virginia's open access institutional repository, the online archive of scholarship created by the University community. It provides a central, stable location for the scholarly output of the University community (journal articles, datasets, theses/dissertations, etc.). Anyone can search, view and download content.

  4. Scripties

    UvA Scripties UvA Scripties maakt scripties (bachelor en master) van de Universiteit van Amsterdam (UvA) wereldwijd online toegankelijk.

  5. Home

    Virgo, UVa's online catalog, provides discovery of all theses and dissertations originating at the University of Virginia as well as many others. Newer theses and dissertations are accessible online.

  6. Electronic thesis/dissertation (ETD) submission checklist

    Electronic thesis/dissertation (ETD) submission checklist Before you can submit your thesis or dissertation, you must receive an e-mail from Libra with the subject: "Access to upload your approved thesis or dissertation to LIBRA". The e-mail is sent after your defense milestone has been updated by a Graduate Administrator and after Libra receives notice of it.

  7. Dissertations & Theses

    Dissertations & Theses Global. Full text (PDF) of most US dissertations from 1997 on, many earlier works and some from outside the US plus some master's theses. Also lists all dissertations and theses from 1861 on from US universities and some works from Europe and Asia from 1637 on. Abstracts included after July, 1980.

  8. A-Z Databases

    Find the best library databases for your research. The Library provides access to these e-resources for current UVA students, faculty, and staff, but it issubject to licenses and termsof their contracts. Among other prohibitions, systematic/excessive downloading can result in suspension of access for the entire campus. We appreciate your ...

  9. SEAS Thesis Portfolio Guide

    A complete overview to the thesis portfolio from the history to submission. A guide to finding techincal reports and STS theses from past years in the UVA Library.

  10. Q. How do I find dissertations written by PhD students at UVA?

    Check Virgo for print copies of dissertations. Many are held in Ivy Stacks. Search ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text Database for the full text of graduate works published since 1997. (You can also use this to find dissertations from other universities.) Search Libra, UVA Library's Institutional Repository, for dissertations and theses.

  11. Q. How do I submit my thesis or dissertation to the library?

    Most UVA masters programs have a graduation requirement to deposit masters theses in LibraETD as well. View the Electronic Thesis & Dissertation Checklist (ETDs) for more info. Details Theses deadlines are set by the schools, not by the Library.

  12. Dissertations

    Dissertations & Theses Global. Full text (PDF) of most US dissertations from 1997 on, many earlier works and some from outside the US plus some master's theses. Also lists all dissertations and theses from 1861 on from US universities and some works from Europe and Asia from 1637 on. Abstracts included after July, 1980.

  13. Thesis and graduation project

    This page contains general information about the thesis and graduation project: starting with the content of and when to start your thesis and ending with information to help you write, submit and publish your thesis. For specific rules and guidelines, see Canvas or ask your thesis supervisor. Show information for your study programme.

  14. Electronic theses & dissertations (ETDs)

    Electronic dissertations and masters' theses have been deposited in the Libra scholarly repository at the University of Virginia since 2012. Libra makes UVA scholarship available to the world and provides safe and secure storage for the scholarly output of the UVA community. ... All dissertations submitted to the UVA Library in CD format were ...

  15. University of Virginia Dataverse

    LibraData is a place for UVA researchers to share data publicly, and is part of the Libra Scholarly Repository suite of services which includes works of UVA scholarship such as articles, books, theses, and data. Step One: Start with the LibraData Checklist.

  16. How to find Master's theses?

    There is UvA's own database UvA Scripties. From the faculties of Law, Humanities and Medicine, this database contains the Master's theses only, but from the other faculties the Bachelor theses, as well. Library UvA. Search the Collection. Library.

  17. Online Access to Collection

    UvA students and staff members can access databases and digital journals to which the Library subscribes also from outside the UvA by logging in with their UvAnetID.

  18. How to find PhD theses?

    International theses Full-text theses may be downloaded from: Open Access Theses and Dissertations (OATD): PhD and Master theses worldwide OAIster, part of Worldcat: open access academic publications worldwide. If need be, refine results by Format: Thesis/Dissertation. DART-Europe: theses from 28 European countries More databases with dissertations: Registry of Open Access Repositories: select ...

  19. Publishing your thesis

    It is possible to publish your Master's thesis not only on paper, but also electronically in the digital repository UvA Scripties, which is managed by the Library of the University of Amsterdam. These are easily found online with Google, for example.

  20. ETDs: Virginia Tech Electronic Theses and Dissertations

    Virginia Tech has been a world leader in electronic theses and dissertation initiatives for more than 20 years. On January 1, 1997, Virginia Tech was the first university to require electronic submission of theses and dissertations (ETDs). Ever since then, Virginia Tech graduate students have been able to prepare, submit, review, and publish their theses and dissertations online and to append ...

  21. MA Theses

    MA Theses. Students in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage write their MA theses during the latter half of the second year. For conservation students this is halfway through their studies to become a fully trained conservator, while students in Technical Art History, or Conservation Science, conclude their studies with the MA-thesis.

  22. Recent Theses

    Recent. Theses. Archive. On the ILLC site you may find a full list of ILLC research reports and dissertations. Additionally, the electronic archives may also be accessed by using the Search Form of the ILLC Eprints server. MoL-2024-07: Swapnil Ghosh An Exploration of Contraction Free Arithmetic.

  23. UVic Library digitizes over three thousand Masters theses

    UVic Libraries has digitized and made accessible online over 3,000 (1967 to 2004) Masters theses. This multi-year project marks a significant milestone in making student research available to a global audience. The theses were deposited in UVic's open access repository. These are also browsable within departmental theses collections on UVicSpace.

  24. Documents and forms

    Documents and forms. This is an overview of the documents and forms required for admission to and completion of the doctoral programme. For a detailed explanation of the entire procedure, look under Obtaining a PhD at the UvA. (You can also find these forms and documents in that section). It is important to be aware of this information and ...

  25. Presentation Master's thesis

    Presentation Master's thesis - Puk Plooij- Clinical Psychology. Last modified on 18-09-2024 16:25. share. print. ... UvA emergency number Important topics Toggle item. Go to Toggle item. Information for Toggle item. Contact Toggle item. Follow the UvA on social media. facebook instagram linkedin youtube.

  26. Presentation Master's thesis

    Presentation Master's thesis - Sven Goll - Work & Organisational Psychology. Laatst gewijzigd op 16-09-2024 10:36. share. print. The Right Way to Take Sick Leave from Work: How Disclosure Strategies and Leadership Position Changes People's Perceptions about Absentees. ... Volg de UvA op sociale media.