
Search for dissertations in limo.

How to find a dissertation in Limo?

master's thesis ku leuven

  • In Limo :  click on  "Advanced search" , type in the following search terms:  ANY : contains: faculteit AND psychologie AND pedagogische. In the drop-down menu for "Material Type", select " D issertations".
  • Master's theses submitted from academic year 2023-2024 onwards, and for which a result of 14/20 or higher has been obtained, will be publicly available for anyone who accesses Limo (not only for Limo users within the KU Leuven network).

Paper copies of dissertations

Where can I find the paper copies of disserations in PBIB?

  • Before 2000 : in our depot. You can request these dissertations via Limo or ask for more information at our information desk.  
  • From 2000 till 2008 : on the ground floor of the library; walk past the information desk towards the back of the library.
  • Starting from 2009 : only available online via  Limo . 

Title lists dissertations Faculty PPW

Browse the available title lists for dissertations obtained at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences * below. They are grouped per examination period. The lists are arranged alphabetically using the students' last name; they also mention the supervisor's name.

Year Psychology Educational Sciences

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*All information on writing your master's thesis can be found on the student portal website of the PPW faculty. 

Format and layout of the Master's thesis

Cover page of the master's thesis.

You can download the template for the cover page of the master's thesis here , both in Word and in LaTeX.

This template does not apply in the case of dual degrees (Geography, Tourism). These programs provide their own customized cover page.

First Page of the Master's Thesis

On the first page of the master's thesis, the following copyright notice should be included at the bottom, in the same language as the rest of the thesis:

(For the master's degree in Geography, this applies only to students registered at KU Leuven.)

© Copyright by KU Leuven

Without prior written permission from both the supervisor(s) and the author(s), copying, reproducing, using, or realizing this publication or parts thereof is prohibited. For requests or information regarding the copying and/or use and/or realization of parts of this publication, please contact KU Leuven, Faculty of Science, Celestijnenlaan 200H - box 2100, 3001 Leuven (Heverlee), Telephone +32 16 32 14 01 .

Prior written permission from the supervisor(s) is also required for using the (original) methods, products, circuits, and programs described in this work for industrial or commercial purposes, and for submitting this publication for scientific awards or contests.

Without written permission from the supervisors and the authors, it is forbidden to reproduce or adapt in any form or by any means any part of this publication. Requests for obtaining the right to reproduce or utilize parts of this publication should be addressed to KU Leuven, Faculty of Science, Celestijnenlaan 200H - box 2100, 3001 Leuven (Heverlee), Telephone +32 16 32 14 01 .

Written permission from the supervisor is also required to use the methods, products, schematics, and programs described in this work for industrial or commercial use, and for submitting this publication in scientific contests.

Disclaimer in the Context of KU Leuven's Open Access Policy

In the context of KU Leuven's Open Access policy, starting from the academic year 2024-2025, a separate page for the popularising summary must be included. You can download the text for the disclaimer here .

Substantive Formatting of the Master's Thesis

Popularising summary.

A page with a popularising summary of the master's thesis must be included, written in a way that is understandable to a broad audience and in the language of the thesis. This summary will be uploaded via a mandatory field in the metadata form and does not need to be included in the thesis itself. The length of the summary is limited to one A4 page (3500 characters) and should be submitted without formatting.

The master's thesis must be consistent with respect to bibliography and references. At the end of the thesis, a comprehensive list of bibliographic references must be provided. References to figures, tables, and appendices should also be consistent.

The following items are included in the master's thesis:

  • Foreword: This should summarize the general purpose of the work. Additionally, everyone who contributed should be thanked here.
  • Contribution Statement (depending on the program): This section of the thesis should indicate the individual contribution and any support and contributions provided by others, such as the supervisor(s), daily advisor, fellow student, etc. Learn more about the contribution statement here .
  • Short Summary (max. 2 pages per language): This should summarize the main objectives and conclusions of the master's thesis, in Dutch and English for a Dutch-language master's program, and only in English for an English-language master's program.
  • List of Abbreviations and List of Symbols: This should include the main abbreviations and symbols used in the thesis, along with their meanings and units.
  • Content: An overview of the content should be provided with references to the correct page numbers (maximum of three sub-levels). All pages before Chapter 1 should be numbered with Roman numerals (I, II, …). From Chapter 1 onward, numbering should be with Arabic numerals (1, 2, …).
  • A detailed introduction that, in addition to outlining the approach and methods used, places the research in a broader context.
  • Results and discussion of the research.
  • A conclusion, which should include a general discussion of the research results. Suggestions for future research can also be included.
  • Appendices: These should include parts of the research that are essential but would detract from the readability of the text, such as lengthy mathematical derivations, experimental data, examples, figures, etc.

The font should always be one from the Helvetica Neue or Arial family, as prescribed by the KU Leuven house style. If you wish to work in LaTeX, you can use the template for doctoral theses from the Arenberg Doctoral School .

Submitting the Master's Thesis

The master's thesis must be submitted electronically via KU Loket: workflow for submitting and archiving electronic master's thesis .

Printing is no longer required.

Master's Thesis

Information for thesis students (2024-2025) .

  • Possible domains and subjects  
  • Choice form  (deadline 14/04/2024)
  • Assignment of the supervisors ​ : expected early May 2024

Information for thesis students (2023-2024) 

  • Assignment of the supervisors ​ : see Toledo (Master Mathematics/wiskunde)

General information

  • Information in the syllabus
  • Form and products of the master's thesis
  • Regulations (PDF)
  • Timeline (PDF)
  • Correct Referencing (PDF)
  • Information about the master's thesis on the web site of the Faculty
  • Scientific integrity at the faculty of science  

In the spotlight

Peter rousseeuw awarded the 2024 noether distinguished scholar award for nonparametric statistics, frontiers of science award for prof. nero budur, laureate 2024 vicent caselles prize, weerbericht voor de ruimte - interview met christine verbeke, in memoriam - prof. giovanni lapenta, academic year 2024-2025, seminar number theory and algebraic geometry 2023-2024, master thesis defenses - master mathematics, asymptotics for pólya ensembles and beyond (jiyuan zhang - ku leuven).

Submission Procedure Master's Thesis

Step 1 – individual study programme (isp).

At the latest on the third Wednesday of the beginning of the academic year that you want to submit your Master’s Thesis you have to select the course code of the Master’s Thesis into your ISP . Without this official registration in your study programme, you cannot submit the Master’s Thesis.

Step 2 – Submitting the Master Thesis Form

Before you can submit your Master’s Thesis (see step 3) you have to submit the Master Thesis Form using the application .

Important information:

  • The system will close at midnight, please start in time. Technical or internet problems cannot be accepted as an excuse for not submitting before the deadline.
  • If you have problems submitting, please contact ppw masterproef before the deadline.
  • When submitting a joint thesis, only one student has to submit the Master Thesis Form and mention the name(s) of the partner student(s). The partner student(s) will receive an email and have to confirm this in the application.
  • After submitting the form, you have to upload the electronic version of your Master’s Thesis in your KU Loket (step 3), so you don’t miss this deadline.

Step 3 – Submitting the electronic version of the Master’s Thesis

Once you have submitted the Master Thesis form (step 2), you have to upload the electronic version of your Master’s Thesis and the metadata form in your KU Loket. Please carefully read the following manuals: https://icts.kuleuven.be/docs/at/cm/rg/s/mastp/MasterThesis  and  https://www.kuleuven.be/english/education/student/examinations/submitting-the-electronic-copy-of-your-Masters-Thesis . Also carefully read the FAQ , that is shared on the Master's thesis portal.

You should also consult the webpage on how to convert your thesis into a pdf, how to use Bookmarks and how to create a handy table of contents. 

Additional information:

  • The Master's thesis itself (without appendices): "mastersthesis_monthyear_name_surname.pdf". The month is either January, June or September, choose the month of the exam period you hand in. You cannot use special characters.
  • The appendices: “appendices_monthyear_name_surname.pdf”. More information about the page numbering can be found in the FAQ . 
  • You enter the original title of your Master's Thesis in the "Title Master's Thesis"-field, the original language in the "Language"-field.
  • Click on "Add supervisor" to enter the name of your promotor. Only add a co-supervisor or a coach if you actually have one. A co-supervisor is not the same as a coach. Inform yourself when in doubt and report changes you cannot make yourself in time.
  • You only need to fill in the left column with the summary in the original language of the Master’s Thesis (English). You do not need to fill in the right column with the translation.
  • You can change the uploaded documents until the deadline. Please read the manual carefully for instructions.
  • You do not receive a confirmation afterwards. If you can see the uploaded documents, it suffices to save. Check if your pdf opens correctly.
  • Students who make a Master’s Thesis in group must separately submit an electronic version of their Master's Thesis.
  • The final title of your Master's Thesis will be copied from your Master’s Thesis document. This title will appear on your diploma, so make sure it is the correct one before you submit the file. Don't only use capitals.
  • If your Master’s Thesis should not be made public, you can request an embargo by means of the following form . You have to submit the completed form by emailing it to ppw masterproef at the latest on the day you are submitting your electronic version. 
  • Students have two examination attempts per academic year during which they take the course. You use an examination opportunity by submitting the master thesis. Once the three examination periods of the academic year have passed, the two examination attempts have been used whether you have submitted the master thesis or not. Students who submit their thesis during the first examination period and do not pass, can retry during the second or the third examination period. More information is available in the Regulations on Education and Examination.
  • The submission deadline of the electronic version of the Master’s Thesis is exactly 12 o'clock, midnight. Please fill in the metadata form and start uploading the electronic version of your Master’s Thesis on time. Technical or internet problems cannot be accepted as an excuse for not submitting before the deadline.
  • If you have problems submitting the electronic version, please contact the student administration ppw masterproef , before the submission deadline.
  • You can only submit your Master's Thesis in the January exam session if you can graduate after this exam session. If you have uploaded second semester courses or year courses into your ISP, you cannot submit your Master's Thesis in the January exam session. Students submit their request to graduate in January via this form , by 1 December at the latest.
  • Attention! if you want to submit your Master's Thesis in the September exam session, make sure you also register in time via your study progress file. This is possible after the announcement of the results of the June exam session. More information is found on the ' exam ' webpage of the faculty. 

Step 4 - Confirmation mail from Student Administration Office

When step 2 and 3 have been done within time, the Student Administration Office will perform a final check. You will receive a confirmation mail the day after the deadline ended.

Step 5 – Oral defence

Each student has to defend his/her Master's Thesis. More information on the defence procedure can be found in the Master’s Thesis regulations .

  • Defending the Master's Thesis is obligatory for all students. This means you are requested to keep your agenda free for all announced defence dates of the exam period you have submitted your Master's Thesis.
  • All students are to defend their Master’s theses individually (also in the case of a group Master’s Thesis). The defence presentations take place at the end of the exam period in which the Master’s Thesis is submitted. The exact dates and method are announced at the start of the academic year through the Student Portal. Students keep their agendas free for all the announced dates. Even after the own defence moment is known, the student must remain available to the select examination committee in case of suspicions of plagiarism on the last afternoon of the defence day(s). 
  • You are responsible for preparing your individual examination schedule (IES). If you select a course from a different faculty (outside of the programme), you must take the exam dates into account as an overlap between those exams and the defence dates are not a good enough reason to ask for a changes in dates.
  • The final defence dates, time and location will be announced via email to your student email address (Not in your IES!) at least one week before the defences.

Dissertation (& templates)


You will have to write a dissertation on your master’s thesis. A dissertation is a scientific report in which you contextualize the problem formulation and research questions which define your master’s thesis; you situate your research vis-à-vis the state-of-the-art and relevant literature; you discuss the methods you used to tackle the research questions; you display and critically discuss the results; and, finally, you formulate your conclusions. The dissertation contains 10.000 to 25.000 words. These limits are guidelines rather than strict rules. Depending on the type of master’s thesis and the writing style you employed, the number of words may fall outside this range.

If you are registered in the Dutch-language study programme, as a rule, you will write your dissertation in Dutch. With permission from your supervisor and co-supervisor, however, you may also write it in English. In this case you will still use the Dutch-language title page and mention your Dutch-language study programme on it.

If you are registered in an English-language study programme, you will write your dissertation in English and use the English-language title page.

Writing a dissertation of sufficient scientific quality may take longer than you expect. Don’t postpone writing it till just some weeks before the deadline; start in time and make sure you have clear agreements with your mentor(s) and/or (co-)supervisor(s) about when you can send them fragments from the paper. Also make agreements on what kind of feedback they could provide on your text. Before you hand in your master’s thesis your mentor(s) and supervisor(s) should have had the opportunity to look over the final version.

It may be useful to have somebody else read through your paper, to check whether or not it is clear and doesn’t contain any language errors. After so many readings you often start to miss them yourself.

If you are registered in a Dutch-language study programme, you are also required to write the following summaries:

  • a short, Dutch-language summary (max. 3500 characters).
  • a short, English-language summary (translation of the Dutch-language summary, max 3500 characters).

Both summaries have to be uploaded at KU Loket under ‘samenvatting’ and 'vertaalde samenvatting' respectively (see 'handing in your master's thesis' ). Those summaries may be used by KU Leuven to inform wider groups of people (such as the press).

If you are registered in an English-language study programme, you should only write a short English-language summary (max. 3500 characters). This short summary has to be uploaded at KU Loket under ‘summary’.

The template below shows where the summaries are to be placed within the paper.

Attention!  If you are registered in the Dutch-language study programme, as a rule, you will write your dissertation in Dutch. With permission from your supervisor and programme coordinator, however, you may also write it in English. In this case you will still use the Dutch-language title page and mention your Dutch-language study programme on it . If you are registered in an English-language study programme, you will write your dissertation in English and use the English-language title page.


Below you can find a file with stylistic guidelines on the master’s thesis. It contains guidelines concerning form and structure, figures and tables, and formulas and references. These guidelines are to be followed strictly. The file itself complies with the prescribed stylistic guidelines, so you are advised to use this file as a starting point for writing your master’s thesis. You can find both a Word-template and a LaTeX-template for your campus below.

Engineering Technology

  Dutch - without embargo Dutch - embargo English - without embargo English- embargo


Group T Leuven Campus

Geel Campus



Ghent Campus

Bruges Campus (Artificial Intelligence in Business and Industry)    
Bruges Campus (Smart Operations & Maintenance in Industry)    
De Nayer Campus (Welding Engineering)  


  • If your master’s thesis is under embargo, you are to use a specific template (which also mentions the embargo on the title page)
  • If you have completed your master's thesis on another campus, you must use the template (the title page) of your home campus, as you will obtain your diploma there.
  • You are to fill out the title page with correct information (name, title, supervisor, …)
  • You have to use the right titles of your (co-)supervisor(s). Herewith all titles have to start with a capital letter. Only behind the title 'Prof.' a full stop is placed, behind the other titles not, e.g. Prof. Dr Ir . 
  • The cover (title page and back page) is to be colour printed on white paper. You can find more information on Toledo (courses and communities of the master's thesis) or the webpages of your campus.
  • You are not to add company logo’s to the title page

You can use  your campus's ppt-template  for your PowerPoint presentation.

< Master's Thesis Guidance - Back to overview - Plagiarism and Plagiarism Control >

Master’s thesis

The master’s thesis is the capstone of the academic master’s programme in bioscience engineering. The graduate will actively work as a researcher within his/her chosen discipline. In this research project he/she must demonstrate a scientific mind and analytical, synthetic, problem-solving and organisational skills.

The master’s thesis accounts for 30 ECTS, on average corresponding to 750 to 900 hours of productive work, spread over two semesters. Only taking the weeks in which courses are taught (24) into account, this implies that a master’s thesis requires around 31 to 37.5 hours of work every week. However, the student may also have to provide some time outside of those course weeks, because of logistic preparations, prior training or because experiments, growing seasons or a stay outside Leuven often do not line up nicely with academic semesters.

The master’s thesis has to be submitted approximately two weeks before the end of the second semester.

The final evaluation is carried out by an examination committee consisting of your supervisor(sas well as members that were not directly involved in the research. The evaluation is based on three elements:

  • The student’s performance and growth process during the execution of their master’s thesis.
  • Written report (dissertation or thesis)
  • Oral presentation and defence

The most important evaluation criteria:

  • The student’s commitment
  • Own intellectual contribution of the student to the research
  • Originality of approach and elaboration of the scientific subject
  • Text quality
  • Quality of presentation and defence
  • Progress made during the master’s thesis with regard to own intellectual contribution and quality of reporting.

Master’s thesis Toledo community

Practical information, dates and deadlines can be found on Toledo in the master’s thesis community of your programme.

  • Masterproefstudenten BST, KAT, LB, LBK, L&V, MT (C-14413667-K)
  • Master’s thesis students ACE, CGE, HHE, IUPFOOD (C-14413672-K)
  • Master of Bioinformatics (C-6019422-K)
  • Water Resources Engineering Community (C-8210047-K)

Master's thesis

Welcome to the master's thesis portal.

From now on, all master's thesis information is put together per study programme on this renewed website. That way, as a student, you can easily find all important information that applies to your study programme and you'll be able to follow which part of the process you're currently in.

If you still have questions after going through the master's thesis portal, feel free to contact us via the master's thesis mailbox.











All programmes

  • English-language programmes of study
  • Programmes en français
  • Programa en español


Required in stage

Master's Thesis (B-KUL-E08U0A)

master's thesis ku leuven

Previous knowledge

Order of enrolment, is included in these courses of study.

The master's thesis in the 2nd master in Biomedical Sciences forms the final piece of your education in the master of Biomedical Sciences. With your master's thesis, you show that you have acquired sufficient knowledge, insight and competences to do independent scientific research in the future.  The master's thesis in the 2nd master Biomedical Sciences consists of research and a dissertation on the one hand - which together form the thesis - and on the other hand a defence of your thesis. 

The thesis research is aimed at making you acquainted with the independent research of a (specific) biomedical problem. You will gain experience in scientific research.

You will process and summarise different research elements (the problem, the goals, the methods and results) and you will discuss them afterwards in a scientific work, i.e. the master's thesis. 

In the defence of your thesis, you will present the essence of your work orally to a jury. Your answers to the questions that will be raised will have to be precise and clear.

Broad knowledge, insight and practical skills in the biomedical sciences.

You may only take this course if you comply with the prerequisites. Prerequisites can be strict or flexible, or can imply simultaneity. A degree level can also be a prerequisite. Explanation: STRICT: You may only take this course if you have passed or applied tolerance for the courses for which this condition is set. FLEXIBLE: You may only take this course if you have previously taken the courses for which this condition is set. SIMULTANEOUS: You may only take this course if you also take the courses for which this condition is set (or have taken them previously). DEGREE: You may only take this course if you have obtained this degree level.


The codes of the course units mentioned above correspond to the following course descriptions: E08U1A : Lab Rotations

You can only take this course if you have to acquire no more than 73 credits to obtain your degree. Mixed prerequisite: You may only take this course if you comply with the prerequisites. Prerequisites can be strict or flexible, or can imply simultaneity. A degree level can be also be a prerequisite. Explanation: STRICT: You may only take this course if you have passed or applied tolerance for the courses for which this condition is set. FLEXIBLE: You may only take this course if you have previously taken the courses for which this condition is set. SIMULTANEOUS: You may only take this course if you also take the courses for which this condition is set (or have taken them previously). DEGREE: You may only take this course if you have obtained this degree level. STRICT(E08U1A) The codes of the course units mentioned above correspond to the following course descriptions: E08U1A : Lab Rotations This course unit is a prerequisite for taking the following course units: E0E35A : Writing of a Grant Proposal E0J58A : Biomedical Research Abroad – SEM 1 E0J59A : Biomedical Research Abroad – SEM 2

master's thesis ku leuven

30 ects. Master's Thesis (B-KUL-E08U0a)

Course material, format: more information.

During the first study phase you select a topic in a biomedical domain. The content of these topics are announced annually. During the second study phase you will perform your research project in the chosen research domain. Under the guidance of your supervisors you will learn to perform independent scientific research and process the results in your Master's Thesis. After that, you prepare the presentation of your thesis during the thesis defense. Further information on various aspects of the thesis can be found on the website http://med.kuleuven.be/bmw/eindwerk or on Toledo. The Master's Thesis in the second study phase of the Master is the concluding piece of your training in the Master of Biomedical Sciences. With your thesis you can show that you have acquired enough knowledge, insight and skills to practise scientific research independently in the future. On the one hand, the Master's Thesis in the second study phase of the Master in Biomedical Sciences consists of the research phase and report phase, together referred to as the thesis, on the other hand the Master's Thesis also consists of the thesis defense. The research phase of the Master's Thesis is intended to make you familiar with individual research on a biomedical problem. You gain experience in scientific research and by performing experimental work you will practise techniques you have learned in the course of your training. Additionally, you learn new techniques, which are specific to the chosen domain.

Articles, Master's theses and protocol books are provided by the research group, where you perform your research, or can be found in the library or online. You get access to laboratory equipment and instruments of your research group.

You will be involved in the scientific research of your host laboratory and in particular in the research of your supervisor. You perform scientific research with the greatest possible independence and you process and present the results in your Master's Thesis. Finally, you present and defend the thesis orally during the thesis defense.

Evaluation: Master's Thesis (B-KUL-E28U0a)


Research should be done in compliance with the procedures regarding data protection (GDPR) and ethics review as described on the website of the Education-Support Committee (OBC) of the Group Biomedical Sciences. A research project should not start without the necessary ethical approvals.

The Master's thesis manuscript is a self-written text, drawn up according to the guidelines stated in Master thesis guidelines and in accordance with the Master's thesis regulations and the KULeuven guidelines regarding the use of GenAI . The Master's thesis (together with the mandatory appendices, such as the Turnitin report and the ethical approval OBC/EC) must be submitted digitally before a specified deadline (see Toledo). If this deadline is not respected, the student may not defend their Master's thesis and the student will receive a 'NA' score for the relevant examination period (with the exception of students in extraordinary circumstances).

The assessment of the Master's thesis takes place permanently, both in writing and orally. It includes a feedback moment (progress report) by the supervisor in the 2nd semester. After the research and the writing of the Master's thesis manuscript, the quality of the thesis and the oral on campus presentation and defense will be evaluated in front of a thesis jury.

The rules specified in the Master's thesis regulations and the Master's thesis manual need to be respected.

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master's thesis ku leuven

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master's thesis ku leuven

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Master's thesis regulations and official documents - Leuven

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Master's thesis regulations: campus Leuven  

Master's thesis regulations for the Master of Economics, Master of Business Economics, Master of Business Engineering and Master of Business and Information Systems Engineering

  • Master's thesis regulations for the Master of Information Management
  • Master's thesis regulations for the Master of Advanced Studies in Economics

Master's thesis regulations for the Master of Actuarial and Financial Engineering

Dutch Master's thesis regulations: campus Leuven

The regulations for master's theses written in Dutch can be found via  the Dutch student platform .

Master's thesis topics

Discover which topics are available for which programmes and find out how to suggest your own topic.

Submission deadlines and procedure

How and when to submit a master's thesis can be found on this page.

Information for staff

Form requirements.

Content is most important, but form can determine how the content of your master's thesis is received and evaluated. Therefore, be sure to keep in mind the form rules and templates. You can find them on this page.

Requirements for good research

What is good research? What do you need to achieve good research? And which basic requirements are absolutely necessary?

You don't make a master's thesis on your own. You will be supervised by a supervisor and/or a work leader. What can you expect from them and what can they expect from you?

Evaluation of your master's thesis

How and by whom your master's thesis will be evaluated can be found here.

Awards and prizes for master's theses

Your master's thesis usually deals with a socially or (business) economically relevant problem. There is often interest in it from the professional field. In exceptional cases, it can also win you prizes.

Master's thesis in one semester agreement

Students who only need to complete the master's thesis (which you take up for the second time) , or the master's thesis combined  with one or more courses organized during the first semester of the academic year, have the opportunity to write and defend the master's thesis in one semester (subject to the procedure foreseen for this purpose within art. 49 from the Regulations on Education and Examinations: Because of the didactic structure of the master's thesis, it is impossible for students who take the master's thesis for the first time to be assessed in the first examination period. Students who only have to complete the master's thesis, and have already taken it in a previous academic year, can be assessed in the first examination period ). In case you still need to pass courses from the second semester, your application will not be taken into consideration. The deadline to finalize the procedure is the 15th of December . Before submitting the official application form via the FEBadvisor to the Education and Students Administrative Office, the form has to be signed by your supervisor.

  • Request February Graduation

Anyone who makes use of this procedure has taken the first of a maximum of two exam opportunities (within one academic year) at the end of the first semester, regardless of whether or not the master thesis is submitted. The second examination opportunity can be taken in May/June (subject to the procedure foreseen for this purpose within art. 47 from the Regulations on Education and Examinations), or in August/September. The deadline to finalize the procedure is the 15th of April .

  • Request June Graduation

Please note : From academic year 2024-2025, the conditions for submitting a master's thesis in one semester will change.

Master's thesis confidentiality agreement

If you use confidential data or if your Master's thesis may not be published for any other reason, you must submit a confidentiality agreement. For example, if you cooperate with an external party that requires confidential treatment of its information, you can guarantee  confidentiality by means of the document you can find below.

You sign three copies of the confidentiality agreement: one copy is handed over to the external party, a copy remains in the possession of the student's affairs office and a copy should be submitted to your  master's thesis coordinator . Subsequently, your master's thesis coordinator will characterize your master's thesis as confidential via the master's thesis portal.

Note: Even if you write a Master's thesis with a confidential nature, it must be submitted via the Master's thesis  portal. In consultation with your daily supervisor and/or work leader check whether the option "confidentiality" was checked in the master’s thesis portal and confirmed by the master's thesis coordinator, ensuring that your master’s thesis will not be available via the LIBIS database. In that case your master's thesis can under no circumstances be consulted electronically.

  • Confidentiality form Master's thesis

master's thesis ku leuven

Still have unanswered questios? Reach out to an ombudsperson or to your master's thesis coordinator.  

Ombuds person       Master's thesis coordinator

Libraries & Agora Learning Centre

Agora learning centre.

Since 2013, the Humanities & Social Sciences Group has its own Learning Centre, i.e. the Agora Learning Centre.  The Centre is located in the former Pharmaceutical Institute, situated in the Van Evenstraat.  Because of the broad opening hours, the several Group Work Rooms and the wide range of educational and digital technology, the learning centre supports all forms of social and active learning.

Edward Van Evenstraat 4 box 3010 B-3000 Leuven   Route to Agora tel: +32 16 37 64 06 [email protected]

Opening Hours

Libraries Humanities & Social Sciences

The twenty-four KU Leuven libraries preserve top collections, manage inspiring learning centres and offer an extensive list of services to researchers, teachers, students and external visitors.

Within the Group Humanities & Social Sciences, you can go to several different libraries:

Artes is the research library that supports the Humanities Group and the Faculty of Arts.

University Library   



Economics & Business

The KU Leuven Libraries of Economics and Business provide a stimulating learning environment, an extensive collection of financial databases and (e-)publications and customized support for education and research.

Campus Leuven

Campus Antwerp

Institute of Philosophy

The Library of the Institute of Philosophy provides in a very extensive collection in all domains of philosophy. In addition, she manages large research collections in more specific areas, in particular regarding phenomenology and antique and medieval philosophy. The presence of a successful English program in the faculty gives the library a strong international appeal.

Maurits Sabbe Library

The Maurits Sabbe Library has an extensive research collection in theology and the religious sciences. She also preserves the heritage of these domains and manages an impressive collection of documentary religious artefacts.

Law & Criminology

The library of the Faculty of Law has an extensive judicial and criminological collection, mostly printed, but increasingly online as well. The renovated historic location with about 400 working spaces is used daily by many researchers, students and those concerned with law.

Social Sciences

The Library of Social Sciences actively supports the education and research in the social sciences. The collection specialises in the study of communication, political sciences, social and cultural anthropology and sociology.

Psychology & Educational Sciences

The collection of the Library of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences focuses on psychology, pedagogy and special education. They also maintain an extensive collection of historical schoolbooks and an educational collection.

Campus Brussels

The library Campus Brussels has merged in the Odisee library and offers a collection regarding Economics, Humanities (mainly Arts) and Law.

Campus Kulak

The Kulak Campus library offers access to the specialised scientific collection of 6 faculties. The library provides a second service as the learning centre of the campus at Kortijk.

The complete overview of all KU Leuven Libaries, with their opening hours and occupancy, you can find here.

Opening Hours & Occupancy

Assistent met onderzoeks- en onderwijsopdracht (3x2jaar)

(ref. AAP-2024-215) Laatst aangepast: 06/09/24

Website van de eenheid

  • Functioneren in een onderwijsteam van assisterend academisch personeel, wat instaat voor het doceren van practica in de  biostatistiek, o.a. in de opleidingen geneeskunde, farmacie, verpleegwetenschappen, tandheelkunde.
  • Onder begeleiding van een promotor wetenschappelijk onderzoek verrichten in de medische statistiek, ter voorbereiding van een doctoraat in de biostatistiek.
  • Bereid zijn om voor een beperkt deel van de tijd statistisch advies te verlenen aan onderzoekers binnen de Groep Biomedische Wetenschappen en de Universitaire  Ziekenhuizen van KU Leuven.
  • Actieve deelname aan nationale en internationale wetenschappelijke bijeenkomsten.
  • Master diploma in een kwantitatieve richting (statistiek, wiskunde, natuurkunde, informatica, (bio-)ingenieur, ...).
  • Ruime voorkennis van (toegepaste) statistiek.
  • Over goede didactische kwaliteiten beschikken.
  • Interesse in het doceren van biostatistiek aan studenten met geringe statistiek voorkennis en/of interesse.
  • Interesse in het toepassen van kwantitatieve methoden in de biomedische wetenschappen (geneeskunde, farmacie, verpleegwetenschappen, tandheelkunde, ...).
  • Interesse in het ontwikkelen van nieuwe statistiek methodologie om klinisch relevante vragen uit de biomedische wetenschappen te beantwoorden.
  • Goede studieresultaten kunnen voorleggen.
  • Degelijke kennis van het Nederlands en het Engels (gesproken en geschreven).

KU Leuven wil een inclusieve, respectvolle en sociaal veilige gemeenschap zijn. Wij omarmen diversiteit tussen individuen en groepen als een meerwaarde. Open dialoog en verschillen in perspectief zijn noodzakelijk in een ambitieuze onderzoeks- en onderwijsomgeving. In ons streven naar gelijke kansen erkennen wij de gevolgen van historische ongelijkheden. Wij aanvaarden geen enkele vorm van discriminatie op basis van, onder meer, geslacht, genderidentiteit en -expressie, seksuele oriëntatie, leeftijd, etnische of nationale afkomst, huidskleur, levensbeschouwelijke overtuiging, neurodivergentie, arbeidshandicap, gezondheid, of socio-economische status. Bij vragen over toegankelijkheid of aangeboden ondersteuning helpen we je graag op dit e-mailadres .

  • Sollicitatieprocedure
  • Arbeidsvoorwaarden
  • Loopbaanmogelijkheden

Heb je een vraag over de online sollicitatieprocedure? Raadpleeg onze veelgestelde vragen of stuur een e-mail naar [email protected]

av_timer Tewerkstellingspercentage: Voltijds

location_city Locatie : Leuven

timer Solliciteren tot en met: 01/10/2024 23:59 CET

bookmarks Tags: Wetenschappen

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master's thesis ku leuven

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  • Doctoral defence Siqi Zhao
  • https://www.law.kuleuven.be/home/algemeen/agenda-2024-2025/doctoral-defence-siqi-zhao
  • 2024-10-05T14:00:00+02:00
  • 2024-10-05T16:00:00+02:00

05-10-2024 van 14:00 tot 16:00 (Europe/Brussels / UTC200)

Promotiezaal, Universiteitshal - Naamsestraat 22, 3000 Leuven

On Saturday 5 October at 2 p.m.,  Siqi Zhao  will be defending her doctoral thesis and supplementary theses at the KU Leuven Faculty of Law and Criminology, with a view to obtaining the degree of doctor in law.

The public defence will take place on 5 October 2024 at 2 p.m. in Promotiezaal, Universiteitshal, Naamsestraat 22, 3000 Leuven. Professors wear academic robes.


The doctoral student also defends two supplementary theses, listed below.

Members of the examination committee: Prof. dr. Jan Wouters (KU Leuven, supervisor), Prof. dr. Geert Van Calster (KU Leuven, co-supervisor), Prof. dr. Bert Demarsin (KU Leuven), Prof. dr. Mira Burri (University of Luceren), Prof. dr. Ming Du (Durham University), Prof. dr. Marieke Wyckaert (KU Leuven, chair).

Siqi Zhao joined the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies and the Institute of International Law at KU Leuven as a doctoral researcher in October 2019. Her research delves into the intersection of international trade law and the protection of cultural diversity, with a particular emphasis on the treatment of creative and cultural goods and services under international trade law.

Before joining KU Leuven, Siqi earned dual bachelor's degrees in law and sociology from the Chinese University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) in 2017. She successfully passed the Chinese National Judicial Examination in the same year, obtaining the Legal Professional Qualification Certificate. Building on this foundation, she pursued a master's degree in European Legal Studies at the University of Turin in Italy, where she graduated cum laude in 2019. Her dissertation focused on the Domestic Merger Review and Investment Treaty of the EU and China.

Currently, Siqi Zhao is working as a lawyer at BenninkAmar Advocaten in Amsterdam, where her work centres on sanctions, export controls, and other trade law matters.

Supplementary theses

1. From the perspective of technology and AI innovation, the EU is lagging behind the US and China. The increasingly tightened immigration and trade laws and policies will further damage the vitality and competitiveness of the EU market.   2. Significant challenges and potential risks are associated with Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) research. However, at this moment, legislation is not able to effectively regulate and control the development and deployment of AGI technologies. It is too early to regulate AGI.  

College De Valk litho

  • Korte geschiedenis van de faculteit
  • College De Valk: geschiedenis

Extreme Cities and an idea of Greater Saint-Petersburg

Friday, October 1, 2010

Academic staff.


  1. KU Leuven Master’s Thesis Award for JUSTIN DIRKX

    master's thesis ku leuven

  2. PPT

    master's thesis ku leuven

  3. Masterthesis Criminology KU Leuven

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  4. KU Leuven Master’s Scholarship Fully Funded in 2024-2025 : Study in

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  5. My Master Thesis Presentation

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  6. PPT

    master's thesis ku leuven


  1. THESIS Essential Skills

  2. EDUA630 Assignment 4 Solution with complete guidelines by MALIK HAFEEZ

  3. Thesis

  4. Korea/Japan vs USA [2/3] (IBE 2008)

  5. Saba Mirzahosseini

  6. Unreal Engine Archiviz Interior 720p


  1. Dissertations

    Paper copies of dissertations. Dissertations before 2000 are available in the Artes University Library Always check Limo first! Starting 2000: only available online via Limo. Master dissertations FEB Antwerpen: all non-confidential dissertations are online available. EBIB - Doctoraten. Last update: Mar 15, 2024.

  2. Master's Thesis Portal

    This section is for students who want to submit their final Master's thesis. For students in a two-year programme it concerns Master's thesis, part 2. Arrangements about Master's thesis, part 1 can be made with the supervisor. Submission procedure and information about defences . Submission deadlines and defence date.

  3. Master's Thesis

    When you graduate, your Master's Thesis will be uploaded in the KU Leuven library database, which is an open source on the internet. In some cases, when the Master's Thesis is a co-operation with a company, confidentiality is required by the company. Then you can request an embargo for x-years on the Master's Thesis.

  4. Master's thesis

    The Master's thesis is a scientifically underpinned research project that is carried out independently by the student and of which its development is supervised by a supervisor. Through the Master's thesis, the student demonstrates analytical and synthetic competences and/or his/her independent problem-solving ability at academic level.

  5. Master's thesis at the Faculty of Science

    At KU Leuven, every master's thesis is screened for plagiarism using Turnitin. In cases of suspected plagiarism, the procedure for irregularities is initiated, as described in articles 85 and 86 of the education and examination regulations and the faculty note on scientific integrity.

  6. Dissertations

    In the drop-down menu for "Material Type", select "Dissertations". Master's theses submitted from academic year 2023-2024 onwards, and for which a result of 14/20 or higher has been obtained, will be publicly available for anyone who accesses Limo (not only for Limo users within the KU Leuven network).

  7. Format and layout of the Master's thesis

    In the context of KU Leuven's Open Access policy, starting from the academic year 2024-2025, a separate page for the popularising summary must be included. ... The master's thesis must be consistent with respect to bibliography and references. At the end of the thesis, a comprehensive list of bibliographic references must be provided. ...

  8. Master's Thesis

    Master's thesis; Master's Thesis. Information for thesis students (2024-2025) Possible domains and subjects Choice form (deadline 14/04/2024) ... Follow KU Leuven on. Master of Science in Mathematics language EN keyboard_arrow_down. Nederlands; English; Naar homepage kuleuven.be ...

  9. Submission Procedure Master's Thesis

    Students submit their request to graduate in January via this form, by 1 December at the latest. Attention! if you want to submit your Master's Thesis in the September exam session, make sure you also register in time via your study progress file. This is possible after the announcement of the results of the June exam session.

  10. Master's thesis portal

    Contracts. Master's thesis guidance. Dissertation (& templates) Plagiarism and plagiarism control. Confidentiality (embargo) Submitting the master's thesis. Evaluation. All (polivy- agreements for staff can be found . Laatste update 30-01-2024.

  11. PDF Guidelines for writing a master's thesis at the KU Leuven Faculty of

    Guidelines for writing amaster's thesis at the KU Leuven Faculty of Engineering Science Luc Van Eycken 5 April 2023 The evaluation of the master's thesis depends largely on the quality of the text. Because the master's thesis equals 40% of the marks of the last year, it is important that the presented work is clearly described.

  12. Templates and documents

    Content is the most important thing, but form can help determine how the content of your master's thesis is received and evaluated. Therefore, always keep in mind the form requirements and use the correct templates and documents. Timely preparation of the master's thesis administration is also important to succeed on your master's thesis.

  13. Dissertation (& templates)

    The dissertation contains 10.000 to 25.000 words. These limits are guidelines rather than strict rules. Depending on the type of master's thesis and the writing style you employed, the number of words may fall outside this range. If you are registered in the Dutch-language study programme, as a rule, you will write your dissertation in Dutch.

  14. Master's thesis, assignments

    The master's thesis is the capstone of your education as a bioscience engineer. As a student, you will actively participate in scientific research in your domain. ... Follow KU Leuven on. Faculty of Bioscience Engineering - KU Leuven Studying; Research; Collaborate with our faculty; News & Agenda; About the faculty; language EN keyboard ...

  15. Master's thesis

    The master's thesis accounts for 30 ECTS, on average corresponding to 750 to 900 hours of productive work, spread over two semesters. Only taking the weeks in which courses are taught (24) into account, this implies that a master's thesis requires around 31 to 37.5 hours of work every week. However, the student may also have to provide some ...

  16. Master's thesis

    Welcome to the master's thesis portal. From now on, all master's thesis information is put together per study programme on this renewed website. That way, as a student, you can easily find all important information that applies to your study programme and you'll be able to follow which part of the process you're currently in. If you still have ...

  17. Master's Thesis

    Master's Thesis. (B-KUL-E08U0A) The master's thesis in the 2nd master in Biomedical Sciences forms the final piece of your education in the master of Biomedical Sciences. With your master's thesis, you show that you have acquired sufficient knowledge, insight and competences to do independent scientific research in the future. The master's ...

  18. Master's thesis at campus Antwerp and Brussels

    On this master's thesis portal you will find all information about the master's thesis at the Faculty of Economics and Business on our Antwerp and Brussels campus. These pages are considered the master's thesis regulations. Please go through all the information in detail while conducting your master's thesis.

  19. KU Leuven wie-is-wie

    Recente publicaties. launch Tiukhova, E., Penaloza, E., Oskarsdottir, M., Baesens, B., Snoeck, M., Bravo, C. (2024). INFLECT-DGNN: Influencer Prediction with Dynamic ...

  20. Master in de sociologie

    Master in de sociologie. Wil je een expert worden in het begrijpen van de samenleving en het duiden van nieuwe sociale ontwikkelingen? De master in de sociologie aan KU Leuven biedt een evenwicht tussen theorie, onderzoek en beleid, en vormt zo veelzijdige sociologen die beroepshalve heel diverse kanten uit kunnen.

  21. KU Leuven Vacatures

    KU Leuven wil een inclusieve, respectvolle en sociaal veilige gemeenschap zijn. Wij omarmen diversiteit tussen individuen en groepen als een meerwaarde. Open dialoog en verschillen in perspectief zijn noodzakelijk in een ambitieuze onderzoeks- en onderwijsomgeving.

  22. Daria Kohler

    Daria Kohler. KU Leuven, Lectio Centre for the Study of the Transmission of Texts and Ideas in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and Renaissance, Post-Doc. Download. DARIA KONDAKOVA Ž [email protected] µ +32 494 198942 å Blijde‐Inkomststraat 5 bus 3004, 3000 Leuven, Belgium F dareiadareia ORCID ID 0000‐0002‐6634‐2762 POSTDOCTORAL ...

  23. Master's thesis regulations and official documents

    Master's thesis in one semester agreement. Students who only need to complete the master's thesis (which you take up for the second time), or the master's thesis combined with one or more courses organized during the first semester of the academic year, have the opportunity to write and defend the master's thesis in one semester (subject to the procedure foreseen for this purpose within art ...

  24. Libraries & Agora Learning Centre

    Agora Learning Centre. Edward Van Evenstraat 4 box 3010 B-3000 Leuven Route to Agora tel: +32 16 37 64 06 [email protected]. Opening Hours. More info.

  25. Iuliia Ruzankina

    I performed my Ph.D. thesis under the supervision of Prof. Gabriele Ferrini (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore), Prof. Johan Hofkens and Dr. Eduard From (KU Leuven), Prof. Gregory Hartland (University of Notre Dame). Title of the thesis project: "A multimodal approach for high-spatial-resolution, time-resolved spectroscopy".

  26. Assistent met onderzoeks- en onderwijsopdracht (3x2jaar)

    Functioneren in een onderwijsteam van assisterend academisch personeel, wat instaat voor het doceren van practica in de biostatistiek, o.a. in de opleidingen geneeskunde, farmacie, verpleegwetenschappen, tandheelkunde. Onder begeleiding van een promotor wetenschappelijk onderzoek verrichten in de medische statistiek, ter voorbereiding van een doctoraat in de biostatistiek.

  27. Doctoral defence Siqi Zhao

    On Saturday 5 October at 2 p.m., Siqi Zhao will be defending her doctoral thesis and supplementary theses at the KU Leuven Faculty of Law and Criminology, with a view to obtaining the degree of doctor in law. The public defence will take place on 5 October 2024 at 2 p.m. in Promotiezaal, Universiteitshal, Naamsestraat 22, 3000 Leuven.

  28. Extreme Cities and an idea of Greater Saint-Petersburg: ACADEMIC STAFF

    ACADEMIC STAFF. Professor of urbanism at Venice School of Architecture, Bernardo Secchi was professor at the Geneva School of Architecture, in Leuven, Paris, Rennes and Zurich and, from 1975 to 1982 Director of the Milan School of architecture; Doctor honoris causa at the University Mendes France, Grenoble, 1994; Grand Prix d'Urbanisme 1994 ...