Mar 24, 2017 · This presentation provides an overview of computer generations from the first to fifth generation. It discusses the key developments and technologies that define each generation, including vacuum tubes, transistors, integrated circuits, microprocessors, and artificial intelligence. ... Nov 19, 2014 · The second generation introduced transistors, making computers smaller and more efficient. The third generation used integrated circuits and silicon chips, allowing for interaction through keyboards and monitors. The fourth generation began using microprocessors, leading to the development of personal computers and networks. ... Aug 24, 2012 · 5. Fourth Generation Computers Time Period : 1975 to Today Technology : VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) Incorporated many millions of transistors & electronic circuits on a single chip Size : Small as compared to first generation computer Processing : Faster then first generation computer Characterized by: The personal computer and user friendly micro-programs, very fast processor chip ... ... Generations of Computer The computer has evolved from a large-sized simple calculating machine to a smaller but much more powerful machine. The evolution of computer to the current state is defined in terms of the generations of computer. Each generation of computer is designed based on a new technological development, resulting in better, cheaper and smaller computers that are more powerful ... ... Third generation computers; urth generation compu ers (1971-present) The microprocessor brought the fourth generation of computers, as thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a single silicon chip. The Intel 4004 chip, developed in 1971, located all the components of the computer. From the central processing unit and memory to input ... ... * Generations of Computer Currently, there are five generations of computer. In the following subsections, we will discuss the generations of computer in terms of the technology used by them (hardware and software), computing characteristics (speed, i.e., number of instructions executed per second), physical appearance, and their applications. ... Computer Generations Generation in computer terminology is a change in technology a computer is/was being used. Initially, the generation term was used to distinguish between varying hardware technologies. But nowadays, generation includes both hardware and software, which together make up an entire computer system. There are totally five computer generations known till date. Each generation ... ... Dec 19, 2019 · The Five Generations of Computers. The Five Generations of Computers. First generation computers (1940-1956). The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory. They were often enormous and taking up entire room. First generation computers relied on machine language. 10.4k views • 11 slides ... Nov 19, 2014 · The Five Generations of Computers. The Five Generations of Computers. First generation computers (1940-1956). The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory. They were often enormous and taking up entire room. First generation computers relied on machine language. 10.41k views • 11 slides ... Jan 15, 2014 · The document discusses the five generations of computers from the first generation in 1946 to the present fifth generation. The first generation used vacuum tubes and were large, heat-producing machines. The second generation introduced transistors, reducing size and heat. The third generation used integrated circuits which further reduced size. ... ">


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Generations of computer

Published by Valentine Harris Modified over 6 years ago

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Generations of computer

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Generations Of Computer Copyright(c)2011 Presentation Point( om)

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Nov 19, 2014

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GENERATIONS OF COMPUTERS. FIRST GENERATION 1951 - 1959. Use of vacuum tubes as a means of storing data in the memory. Made the use of punched cards obsolete Computer boards were replaced by computer program Storage capacity of 100 bytes to 2 kilobytes (2,000 bytes)

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  • generation computers
  • output devices
  • storage capacity
  • fourth generation computers
  • improved secondary storage devices


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FIRST GENERATION 1951 - 1959 • Use of vacuum tubes as a means of storing • data in the memory. • Made the use of punched cards obsolete • Computer boards were replaced by computer • program • Storage capacity of 100 bytes to 2 kilobytes • (2,000 bytes) • Can perform 2,000 to 16,000 addition • per second

SECOND GENERATION 1959 - 1964 • Use transistors and diodes • Computers are smaller in size, faster, more reliable • and much greater in processing capacity • Has built-in error detecting device • Printers were developed • Storage capacity of 6 KB to 1.3 MB • Can process up to 6,000 to 3M operations per • second TRANSISTORS • made of silicon • forty times faster than vacuum tubes

THIRD GENERATION COMPUTERS 1965 - 1970 • Integrated solid circuitry was developed • Improved secondary storage devices • New input and output devices was developed • Increased speed of about 10,000 by means of IC’s • Multitasking • Can perform 100,000 to 400M operations per second INTEGRATED CIRCUITS • Has many transistors in one silicon • Developed by Jack St. Claire Kilby in 1958 • First IC was invented in 1961 • Also known as the “silicon ship”

FOURTH GENERATION COMPUTERS 1970 - present • Development of microelectronics • Multiprocessing, multiprogramming, time sharing, • Multitasking miniaturization, operating speed, • and virtual storage • Can do more than one function • Its size was of the television or smaller • It can do 500, 000 to 1B operations per second MICROPOCESSOR • Less than 1 inch square and can contain millions of • electronic circuits • A complete computer on a chip • Can input, process and output

FIFTH GENERATION COMPUTERS Present and beyond Artificial Intelligence • Devices are based on artificial • intelligence and are still in development • Includes voice recognition • Goal is to develop devices that respond • to natural language input and are capable • of learning and self - organization

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  1. Presentation on computer generation | PPT - SlideShare

    Mar 24, 2017 · This presentation provides an overview of computer generations from the first to fifth generation. It discusses the key developments and technologies that define each generation, including vacuum tubes, transistors, integrated circuits, microprocessors, and artificial intelligence.

  2. The five generations of computers presentation | PPT - SlideShare

    Nov 19, 2014 · The second generation introduced transistors, making computers smaller and more efficient. The third generation used integrated circuits and silicon chips, allowing for interaction through keyboards and monitors. The fourth generation began using microprocessors, leading to the development of personal computers and networks.


    Aug 24, 2012 · 5. Fourth Generation Computers Time Period : 1975 to Today Technology : VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration) Incorporated many millions of transistors & electronic circuits on a single chip Size : Small as compared to first generation computer Processing : Faster then first generation computer Characterized by: The personal computer and user friendly micro-programs, very fast processor chip ...

  4. The Five Generations of Computers - ppt download - SlidePlayer

    Generations of Computer The computer has evolved from a large-sized simple calculating machine to a smaller but much more powerful machine. The evolution of computer to the current state is defined in terms of the generations of computer. Each generation of computer is designed based on a new technological development, resulting in better, cheaper and smaller computers that are more powerful ...

  5. Generations Of Computers - PowerPoint Slides - LearnPick India

    Third generation computers; urth generation compu ers (1971-present) The microprocessor brought the fourth generation of computers, as thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a single silicon chip. The Intel 4004 chip, developed in 1971, located all the components of the computer. From the central processing unit and memory to input ...

  6. The Five Generations of Computers -

    * Generations of Computer Currently, there are five generations of computer. In the following subsections, we will discuss the generations of computer in terms of the technology used by them (hardware and software), computing characteristics (speed, i.e., number of instructions executed per second), physical appearance, and their applications.

  7. Generations of computer - ppt download - SlidePlayer

    Computer Generations Generation in computer terminology is a change in technology a computer is/was being used. Initially, the generation term was used to distinguish between varying hardware technologies. But nowadays, generation includes both hardware and software, which together make up an entire computer system. There are totally five computer generations known till date. Each generation ...

  8. PPT - The 5 generations of computers PowerPoint Presentation ...

    Dec 19, 2019 · The Five Generations of Computers. The Five Generations of Computers. First generation computers (1940-1956). The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory. They were often enormous and taking up entire room. First generation computers relied on machine language. 10.4k views • 11 slides

  9. PPT - GENERATIONS OF COMPUTERS PowerPoint Presentation, free ...

    Nov 19, 2014 · The Five Generations of Computers. The Five Generations of Computers. First generation computers (1940-1956). The first computers used vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory. They were often enormous and taking up entire room. First generation computers relied on machine language. 10.41k views • 11 slides

  10. Generation of computer | PPT - SlideShare

    Jan 15, 2014 · The document discusses the five generations of computers from the first generation in 1946 to the present fifth generation. The first generation used vacuum tubes and were large, heat-producing machines. The second generation introduced transistors, reducing size and heat. The third generation used integrated circuits which further reduced size.