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Rationale The Department of Education is trying to pursue an educational system that has quality and excellence, efficiency and effectiveness, as well as significance and receptiveness in all school levels fact, DepEDSecretary ArminLuistro addressedthat the pursuit of Every Child a Reader Program (ECARP) of the Department of Education is hoped to achieve. Reading interventions were implemented in order to help each learner become a reader especially during their formative years of formal education. The conduct of the Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil-IRI) is one of the best examples in identifying the reading level of each learner. Instructional materials for reading are also provided in order to manifest better reading outcomes among the learners (Yap and Adorio, 2012). All over the country, schools had encountered various problems among students especially on their reading skills despite of the hard works and efforts done by the leaders in education. The Philippines is supposedly has high literacy rate yet many Filipinos can hardly read and write. Filipinos are very uncompetitive in the global economy due to significantly low level of literacy and reading skills reported by the National Statistics Office (NSO), the overall simple literacy of the Filipinos aged ten years and older fell by 0 percent from 1994 to 2003(Luz, 2014). In a report on literature and literacy, a nation of nonreaders, differentiated literacy and reading. To him literacy and reading are synonymous. Literacy signifies a

Comment [R1]:quotations/ anecdotes are first presented, discuss First paragraph: If a vignette/ your vignette in relation to your study.

level of excellence while reading is a skill. Since reading is a skill, it requires the development of a habit that a person should exercise daily to enhance the ability to read and retain what had been read. Without the habit to read, the skill might be forgotten added that literacy has two measures: simple and functional. The ability of an individual to read and write with comprehension on a message, text, language or any dialect denotes simple literacy while functional literacy creates the higher level of literacy which includes numeracy, higher order thinking skills, reasoning, and the capacity to communicate through written language. Professor Dina Ocampo of the University of the Philippines School of Education states that literacy of a person must be functional not simple. A functionally literate individual has the ability to construct and create from or through written language (Edwards, 2013; Garrette, 2013; Lamper, 2012; Samuel, 2015). Based from a survey conducted by the National Statistics Office (NSO) in 2003, girls had a higher rate at 86 percent functional literacy compared to boys with 81 percent aged 10- 64 years old. From this result, the literacy rate of the entire country is quite high but it is troubling to note that most pupils in public schools have a frustration reading level. It is frustrating also that the English Proficiency of Filipino workers is declining. The issues are very realistic that the Filipino workers and managers’ productivity and competitiveness is low. There are many reading interventions that school leaders provided to all schools as stipulated in DepED Order Number 244 to address the low level reading performance among school children. These are the Read-A-Thon, Drop Everything and Read (DEAR), the Five Words a Week or a Paragraph a Day. These reading interventions are directed by the

Comment [R2]: Use Inventory RRL here

become part of their daily life. I am interested how these groups of teachers socially understand handling non-readers using a social representations approach. Purpose of the Study The purpose of this phenomenological study was to capture the socially elaborated knowledge of the teachers handling non- readers in remoteschools of Banaybanay District in elementary level also aimed to find out the processes through which these shared knowledge were created. At this stage in the research, handling non- readers in remote schools is a social issue and a phenomenon that actually exists in the field of education. Teachers handling these non- readers encountered many experiences that sometimes put them into risks, threatens them, or making them unhappy and ineffective. With these daily undertakings, they may create a common knowledge through their communication, allowing them to come up with different themes. These themes will become part of their daily livesthus; they socially elaborate these themes in their conversations. This phenomenological study would add to the growing body of knowledge about the usefulness of the theory of Social Representation in investigating social issues such as of handling non-readers in far-flung schools. Through this study, I would be able to acquire salient information that would help us understand how human beings create meanings about a social phenomenon such as handling non- readers in far-flung schools. It also aims to capture the unheard voices of teachers handling non-readers in remote schools; and how these teachers cope with the common problems they encountered in helping the non-readers to read at the end of

Comment [R3]:urgency or the need to conduct the study. Then cite Present the research gaps, the problems in the global, national and local setting ifapplicable. It is recommended that personal experiences be presented in relation to the problemand the outcomes it has caused

the school year. It also seeks future directions for teachers how to facilitate learning inside the classroom with non- readers even if they put themselves into risks or hardships. This study also visualizes documenting the different experiences of the ten teachers in in-depth interviews and seven teachers in the focus group discussion both the positive and negative one from their own workplaces, the remoteschools of Banaybanay District, Division of Mati City. Moreover, the intent of this study is to seek, listen, and understand the unheard stories of the participants as they willingly share their experiences during the interview addition, this study aims to gain additional knowledge in the field of research concerning teachers handling non- readers in far-flung schools. Research Questions This study seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What are the experiences of teachers handling non- readers in far- flungschools? 2. How do these teachers handle their teaching tasks? 3. What are the insights of these teachers as regards totheir students? Theoretical Lens This phenomenological study is anchored onMoscovici’s (1973, 1981, 1988, 1993 and 2001) Theory of Social Representations as a useful lens in investigating issues and concerns such as handling non-readers in far-flung schools. Since my study is all about the experiences of the teachers in far- flung schools handling non- readers, Social Representation Theory is the very useful lens in investigating this

Comment [R4]: The purpose of this ________________________ ( Purpose of the Study : phenomenological, grounded theory, ethnographic,biographical, case) study is ( was? Will be? To grounded ___________________( understand ?Describe? Develop? Discover?) the ___________________________________( centralfocus for the study ) for ____________________ ( the unit of analysis: a person? Processes? Group?Site?. At this stage in the research, _______________________ ( central focus, beingStudied) will be generally defined as ________________________________( provide ageneral definition of the central concept).

Comment [R5]: At least 2 to 3 Research Questions Research Questions

On the other hand, social representation as a process is a means of communication created and elaborated by a group about a social object and its definitions (Moscovici, 1988). It is a way of raising social understanding between groups on issues that they considered relevant (Clemence, Devos, and Doise, 2001); and a way of constructing their reality about an issue (Philogne, 2001). Social discourses of many topics are oftencommunicated and happened within the societies (Wagner, 1995). Social representations play a vital role in people’s undertakings every day because they are the core of collective memory (Markova, 2001) and of the links people forge together as they are the precondition for a general action (Moscovoci, 1988). Meaning, most knowledge on social issues is provided to us by means of communication that affects our way of thinking and creates new contents (Moscovici, 1988). Social Representation Theory is aimed to determine the link between human psychology and modern social and cultural trends by focusing on everyday communication and thinking (Moscovoci, 1988). It is concerned with the contents of everyday thinking and the stock of ideas that gives coherence to our religious beliefs, political ideas and the different acquaintances we generate naturally, as we breathe (Moscovici, 1988). With this view of social representations, the study under investigation gives a clearer view on how teachers in far- flung schools generate their ideas, opinions, concepts, and concerns in handling non- readers. As such, teaching non- readers became a part of their daily lives and it would really affect their whole being.

This phenomological study is mirrored also on the chase between frustrations and sense of achievement. Teaching non- readers in quite remote areas is seems to be aggravating especially that most of the teachers assigned there are mainly an urban residents. However, (Catapano,2009) pointed out that frustrations are challenged over high level of achievements through persistent and continuous approach to achieve success. Reading teachers feel frustrated everytime their students beyond reasonable expectation do not complete the expected tasks given to them particularly on reading activities. To Catapano (2009), giving up is not an option. Setting appropriate and achievable objective is the best remedy on the aggrevating circumstances thay may arise in the teaching and learning environment. To him, students’ achievements of high probabilities occur when teachers believe that all students can learn, grow, and excel. Failures may result at many times, but like in gaming, that expectation may fail at multiple times, yet if students and teachers endure, gaining success is possible (Catapano, 2009). Catapano (2009) inspires all school workers on the statement of Kim Campbell, author of ―Students of Academic Rise (SOAR)‖ that in failing we learn, learn from our mistakes, and keep on trying. Meaning, teachers have to balance between challenge and frustration. These are known as elements that mitigate frustrations and after doing such, there is a sense of achievement and satisfaction. Catapano (2009) suggested that to overcome frustrations, teachers have to follow the following steps: let the students know their supports, get more adults involved, believe in students, let students know you believe in them, and make

teaching the students how to perform a task, teachers have to acknowledge their accomplished behavior. As additional incentives on their accomplishments, motivators are used for them to continue performing the yearning they wanted to pursue. Human beings are social well- being. As mirrored on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, they need interpersonal relationship, which involves the feelings of belongingness (Maslow, 1943). This need is very essential during man’s childhood days such as the non- readers in elementary level in remote public schools. The students who have learning difficulties needs emotionally significant relationships such as love, friendship, intimacy, family, and belongingness (Maslow, 1943). To Maslow’s Theory of Human Motivation, humans need a sense of belongingness and acceptance whether in small or large social groups. Small social groups include family members, intimate partners, teachers, peers, and confidants. To non- readers, they need their family members, teachers, and close friends to help them feel a sense of belongingness and acceptance. Struggling students are also humans, they need to love and to be loved in return (Maslow, 1943). Significance of the Study I am confident that this phenomenological study would add to the usefulness and significance of educating nonreaders especially in far-flung schools. It is throughthis study that I was able to obtain information about the teachers’ daily communications in handling nonreaders, their emotions, hardships, achievements, dedication and commitment, as well as the different problems they met while teaching non-readers and to how they cope with these unfavorable experiences.

I am confident that the result of this study would add to the knowledge about the usefulness of Social Representations Theory as a lens of investigating a social phenomenon. Moreover, this knowledge would be helpful in attaining the quality education goal by the Department of Education. Thus, this study is a premeditated and strategic way of promoting quality education in our country is not only that the non- readers who will be benefitted in this study. Moreover, to theteachers in general who willingly share their experiences in handling non- readers; on the sense that they can pour their deepest and sincerest sentiments in teaching non-readers. In such a way, these experiences might be a significant factor of having a paradigm shift in the aspect of achieving quality education, this study would somehow assistother researchers in the future who are interested to conduct a study relatedto teaching non-readers in far-flung schools. It will lend them a hand on identifying areas of teaching non-readers in public schools that needs further study and investigation. Definition of Terms The following terms used in this are defiend operationally and conceptually: Non-readers are pupils who cannot read any printed material and they belong to frustrated reading level are schoolchildren with inability to read properly. They have the behavior of withdrawing from reading situations (Luz, 2007). Far-flungschools are schools at a considerable distance or largely in space or time. These are remote schools as to what extent they can be reached by any means of transportation. Social representation a product, it is the shared knowledge about a phenomenon that is co- constructed by the members of a social group. It is also

Comment [R7]: Two paragraphs only Significance of the Study importance of the study (personal statement).The first paragraph should contain the beneficiaries of the study from macro to microThe Second paragraph should present the level (Example for Education : From DepEdOfficials , school heads, teachers, students, parents (if applicable), community residents ( ifapplicable), and future researchers.

The non-readers here refer to the schoolchildren who have the difficulty in understanding any reading materials interviews were quite difficult, especially in transcribing, coding, and analyzing my data. In addition, I no longer included the gesture of my participants during the interview in the full transcriptions of my data. Everything however, was captured in the video and sound recorder and these files were properly saved and were kept confidential the number of sample for this study was limited, there is probably lack of generalizabilty on the general conception or principle on the phenomenon under investigation(Burns and Groove, 2007).The informants answered all the guide questions of the interview though there were times they felt hesitant and not sure of their answers. I made follow through questions for them to be motivated to create more comprehensive details of the data I wanted to gather. This study however does not mean that there were no weaknesses and limitations. For instance, there were answers of the participants that were rejected since they were not important anymore in designing the results. Another was the data collection. I went to the far- flung schools twice and some other thrice due to the data I gathered were not clearly saved so I need to repeat the interviews. Some of my participants, one or two of them were new in their service as teachers on non- readers in remote schools, so they were not able to narrate widely on the phenomenon being studied experiences were not enough. However, to produce good results of my study, I started with my assumptions and used theoretical lens that would fit to the natural setting in capturing the social or human problem (Denzin and Lincoln, 2011) such as teaching non- readers in far- flung schools.

Comment [R9]:the subjects/ participants of the study, the First paragraph : introduce organizations/ companies they belong and theplace where the study is to be conducted. How the data are to be gathered ( Number of IDI andFGD). delimitations of the study by stating similar withSecond paragraph : State the limitations and this : ....

However, I acknowledge the weaknesses which may not allow this research to achieve the expected generalizability of this study. Due to the small sample who participated in the study, results may not be generalized and cannot adequately support claims of having achieved valid conclusions. In addition, I cannot guarantee the perfect recollection of all the experiences of the participants due to the fact that the real stories shared are past events and are subject for human error in terms of memory. Qualitative research has its own weakness it is because the generalizability of the data cannot be conluded due to the number of informants are less. At times, there are ethical issues that the researcher has to think likely such as acknowledging the culture, customs, and traditions of the participants and the venue of the research (Creswell, 2012). With this, it is very important to gain consent and respect from the participants (Creswell, 2012). Organization of the Study In the presentation of my study, different ideas and concepts were organized consequently. Discussions of the different chapters are presented in a detailed and substantial manner in order for the readers to have a clear understanding of the phenomenon under investigation. Chapter 1. Itdescribes the phenomenon being studied. The importance of the study is given emphasis on this chapter. It is followed by the discussion on the purpose of the study that is to depict the unheard voices of teachers in remote schools in public elementary handling non- readers and how they cope with those experiences especially in times the teachers were put into risk. Then, research

Comment [R10]:generalizability of the study similar to Finally, state the presentation below : Sample:

Chapter 5. It presents the discussion of the results. It explains further the most important findings relative to the mentioned literatures. This chapter also enclosesimplications of the study, suggestions or implications for future observations in the field of research and on educational practices, as well as the concluding remarks. Comment [R11]:paragraph First paragraph : Opening to be presented. Describe briefly how manySecond paragraph : Explain how the research is chapters the manuscript has, the content of eachchapter. It is an overview of what the manuscript contains:


This chapter coversthe review of literature related to this study. After discussing the significance of literacy rate and the different reading programs and interventions, I now present some previous studies that had been conducted on teaching non-readers particularly in far-flung schools in the elementary level. After which, I will discuss Social Representation Theory as a lens in investigating this phenomenon on the non- readers in public elementary classes and their teachers in far-flung schools. Moreover, I will present in the chapter theories regarding on the themes emerged from the data collected and interpreted. Factors that Causes the Huge Numbers of Non-Readers Being a teacher of a non-reader is not that easy. Therefore, it is a challenge to all teachers to help all students to develop a love for reading, how this goal could be achieved where in fact, there are many reasons or causes on the increasing number of non-readers in our country, to mention, the extreme poverty that our schoolchildren are seem to choose feeding their hungry stomach rather than to learn. They are forced to work by their parents and not prioritizing themselves to learn in school. Parents in their involvement in the learning process are also very important. They need to be informed on the reading interventions conducted and update them regularly on the reading progress of their child. They have not to rely their child’s learning to their teachers but ideally, they have to make follow-ups to their child’s

Comment [R12]:different topics related to the study. Extensive literature on the

who scored 24 percentile and below were considered below reading level, 25- were considered at the level, and above 75 percentile were taken as above the reading level. With this grade three requirement now as law in Ohio, schools are under intense pressure. The current third graders about 30% are not reading at the prescribed level law implemented calls for these students to be retained in the third grade(Lesnick, et. al., 2010). Similar to this law, one of the principals in Florida expresses on a video about a new law that it brings enormous pressure on schools. To her, students are struggling and almost half of the students in kindergarten to grade three are reading below their respective grade levels. The number of reading specialists are not enough compared to the needs of the schools. The principal suggested for more reading interventions. The said law also exists for several years already in Florida and it seems to be quite effective by investing a lot more for their struggling students by providing more reading interventions and conducting summer classes(De Dios, 2011). Reading Programs and Interventions UNESCO reported in 2013 that literacy involves a continuous process of learning that enable individuals to achieve their goals. Literate persons have the opportunity to develop and expand their own potentials and knowledge, and make them capable to fully participate in the community and even to the wider society. To rehabilitate student’s difficulty to comprehend, a teacher should give the students plenty of ways to facilitate reading comprehension. Successful early reading interventions recommend that serious reading problems are preventable through

Comment [R15]:references or sources be cited after the sentence It is recommended that or paragraph.

persistent and hard work by both the students and teachers in achieving reading proficiency (Stanberry and Swanson, 2009). As documented in a review of research literature there were effective early reading interventions such as daily reviews, statements of an instructional objective, teacher presentations of new material, guided practice, independent practice, and formative evaluations. These sound instructional practices are strong instructional core and the heart of any good interventions on reading have a necessary foundation for reading fluency and comprehension, students are encouraged to reread a book several times in order to build fluency. Repeated reading of a text develops comprehension and improves word- recognition. Stanberry and Swanson (2009) added that it is important to use direct instruction for students with learning disabilities to uimprove their word recognition skills. This direct instruction includes drill, repetition and practice that can be delivered to an individual child or to a small group of students. Inability to achieve these reading abilities, an individual is said to be illiterate. That is why reading interventions and programs must be intensified especially in the primary level of education(Arnold, 1977 as cited by Stanberry, 2009). One of the church law of the Kingdom of Sweden in 1686 enforced literacy to their people. In 1800, their ability to read is almost 100% however, in the late 19th century, many Swedes especially women, could not write. It happened that Englishwomen signed their marriage contracts using their finger mark. According to the historian Ernest Gellner, Continental European countries were more successful in educational reform education since their governments were more focus on the

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