Adya Rosyada Yonas
June 6, 2024 • 7 minutes read
Yuk kita berlatih soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 SD semester 1 dan semester 2! Lengkap dengan kunci jawaban/pembahasannya, lho! –
Jika parents atau teacher sedang membutuhkan referensi soal untuk latihan bahasa Inggris anak kelas 5 SD, maka artikel ini adalah jawabannya.
Sebelumnya, English Academy sudah membuat soal bahasa Inggris untuk kelas 4 SD juga, loh .
Sekarang, ayo kita naik level! Oh ya , will be better agar anak tidak melihat terlebih dahulu jawabannya ya!
30 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Semester 1 dan Jawabannya
In this section, please choose one of the best answers for the questions!
1. My auntie is a ….. She works in a hospital.
a. chef b. nurse c. carpenter d. mechanic
2. What profession works in a laboratory?
a. Journalist. b. Scientist. c. Artist. d. Baker.
3. The …. are playing with elephants.
a. pilot b. bank teller c. photographer d. zookeper
4. I want to teach in university when I grow up. I want to be ….
a. a vet b. an engineer c. a teacher d. a lecturer
5. I …. to the store yesterday.
a. walking b. walk c. walked d. walks
6. We …. pizza for dinner last night.
a. eat b. ate c. eaten d. eating
7. He will …. his new job next Monday.
a. start b. started c. starting d. starts
8. Summer is the season when the weather is usually …. and the sun shines brightly.
a. cold b. cloudy c. warm d. rainy
9. When the weather is very cold and it snows a lot, people sometimes build a …..
a. snowman b. sandcastle c. treehouse d. tent
10. The leaves on the trees change color and fall off in …..
a. summer b. autumn c. winter d. thunder
11. There are … seasons in Indonesia.
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
12. Spring is the season when flowers …. and the weather starts to get warmer.
a. wilt b. bloom c. wither d. dry
13. We bring umbrella on …. season.
a. dry b. spring c. rainy d. autumn
14. What is the shape of this object?
a. rectangle b. circle c. cube d. triangle
15. The shape of the pyramids is a …
a. cube b. square c. oval d. triangle
16. A book is usually …. in shape.
a. square b. round c. oval d. triangle
17. Which of the following is a type of public transportation?
a. Scooter b. Taxi c. Skateboard d. Roller skates
18. Which of the following vehicles is used for farming?
a. Combine harvester b. Sports car c. Limousine d. Boat
19. What type of vehicle is used for train travel?
a. Car b. Bus c. Truck d. Locomotive
20. Father – coffee – drank – yesterday – my
The correct order is ….
a. Coffee drank my father yesterday b. My coffee drank father yesterday c. My father drank coffee yesterday d. Drank my father coffee yesterday
B. In this section, please write down the right answer for the questions!
21. Abby: “Hello. Can I use the toilet?” Waitress: “Yes, …..”
The correct answer is …
Jawaban: You can
22. “Eleven thousand and five hundred rupiah” in number is ….
Jawaban: Rp 11.500
23. A : “How much do I have to pay for this juice?” B : “It’s Rp25.600”
Rp25.600 in words is ….
Jawaban: Twenty five thousand and six hundred rupiah
24. Andi is playing badminton using …. (raket)
25. Mention four names of the seasons!
Jawaban: Summer, winter, spring, autumn
26. It is 11.40.
The clock in a sentence is ….
Jawaban: Twelve past forty
27. Feby – breakfast – always – to – before – school – eat – going
Jawaban: Feby always eat breakfast before going to school
28. A: When do you go to bed every night? B: I usually go to bed at …. pm.
(write using words)
Jawaban: ten past nine
29. We (membeli) ….. two books in the market last week.
Jawaban: bought
30. What time is it in numbers if it is half past two in the afternoon?
Jawaban: 2.30 pm
Baca Juga: 50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SD dan Kunci Jawabannya
Ingin mendapat soal bahasa Inggris yang lebih variatif, plus proses belajar anak bisa semakin efektif? Daftar English Academy saja, parents! Gurunya sudah tersertifikasi internasional! Konsultasi gratis , sekarang!
20 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 SD Semester 2 dan Jawabannya
1. Which direction is opposite of south?
a. West b. North c. East d. Southwest
2. The sun set in the ….
a. east b. west c. north d. south
3. Tangkuban Parahu is a legend from ….
a. East Java b. North Sumatra c. West Java d. South Kalimantan
4. What is a public space?
a. A space that is only for the use of one person. b. A space that is only for the use of a family. c. A space that is open for anyone to use. d. A space that is closed to the public.
5. Which of the following is not a public space?
a. A restaurant b. A cinema c. A park d. A house
Baca Juga: 50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 SD, Ada Kunci Jawabannya!
6. What does that sign mean?
a. Drivers are not allowed to park their vehicles in the area b. Drivers can park their vehicles for a while c. Drivers must park their vehicles d. Drivers can park their vehicles anywhere they want
7. What sign is usually used to instruct drivers to come to a complete stop?
8. Which of the following is an odd number?
a. 6 b. 7 c. 8 d. 10
9. Which of the following is equivalent to 3/4?
a. 0.3 b. 0.5 c. 0.75 d. 0.8
10. What is the result of seven times nine?
a. 45 b. 54 c. 76 d. 63
11. 49 devided with 7 equals ….
12. My job is to protect and serve communities. I work in a police station. What is my profession?
Jawaban: Police officer
13. In the winter, the air feels so ….
Jawaban: Cold
14. I go to school everyday using ….
Jawaban: Bus
15. Mention 3 types of water transportation!
Jawaban: Boat, ferry, sailboat
16. What shape has no sides or angles?
Jawaban: Circle
17. Where did the story of “Malin Kundang” originate?
Jawaban: West Sumatra
18. What direction is halfway between north and east?
Jawaban: Northeast
19. The sun rises in the ….
Jawaban: east
20. The flowers bloom in …. season.
Jawaban: spring
Baca Juga: 50 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD dan Jawabannya
Finish ! Jangan lupa, Anda harus tetap memberikan penjelasan yang lengkap pada anak agar mereka lebih paham dengan materi yang diujikan.
Selain itu, English Academy nggak bosan untuk mengingatkan kalau soal latihan ini tidak terikat pada kurikulum sekolah tertentu.
Alias, soal-soal di atas hanyalah gambaran umum materi yang biasa diberikan pada anak kelas 5 SD.
Kalau Anda lebih suka hal-hal yang pasti, ajak saja buah hati untuk belajar di English Academy!
Di sana, belajarnya pakai kurikulum internasional Cambridge bareng guru lokal dan guru internasional. Keren, ya?
Cek dulu sudah sejauh mana kemampuan bahasa Inggris anak untuk menentukan kelas yang cocok lewat Placement Test . Gratis dan bersertifikat!
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Berdasarkan kalender pendidikan 2024 dari, ujian tengah semester 2 (UTS) akan dilaksanakan pada Maret 2024.
Untuk menghadapi ujian, siswa dapat mengerjakan latihan soal mulai dari sekarang. Selain mata pelajaran sulit seperti Matematika dan IPA, siswa juga harus belajar materi lain, termasuk bahasa Inggris.
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Berikut ini 30 soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 5 semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka dan kunci jawaban sebagai panduan belajar.
The kids are enjoying the food and drinks. They have plates of sandwiches, and slices of pizza. Some children are eating a few fruits, like strawberries and oranges. They also have small glasses of milk and some cans of soda. Everyone is having a great time eating and drinking together.
1. What are the kids enjoying?
a. Playing games b. Watching a movie c. Food and drinks d. Painting pictures
2. What food are they eating?
a. Sandwiches and pizza b. Oranges and strawberries c. Milk and soda d. Oranges and sandwiches
3. What are the kids drinking from the small glasses?
a. Lemonade b. Cold milk c. Oranges juice d. Hot chocolate
Baca Juga: 25 Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka
4. Diana is eating a banana. Banana tastes?
a. Sweet b. Sour c. Bitter d. Spicy
5. Limes dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya?
a. Pisang b. Jeruk c. Jeruk nipis d. Nanas
6. Bitter dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya?
a. Manis b. Asin c. Pahit d. Pedas
7. My mango tree is bearing many?
a. Foods b. Fruits c. Drinks d. Dessert
8. Sweet sugar dalam bahasa Indonesia artinya?
a. Gula b. Manis c. Gula manis d. Gula pedas
9. A scoop of ice cream. Indonesia is?
a. Satu gelas es krim b. Satu piring es krim c. Satu mangkuk es krim d. Satu sendok ice cream
10. Jessica is thirsty. She wants a ... of orange juice.
a. Bottle b. Glass c. Cup d. bow
11. Which of the following...
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