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- Prof. Matthew Kressy
- Prof. Steven Eppinger
- Prof. Thomas Roemer
- Prof. Warren Seering
- Sloan School of Management
- Mechanical Engineering
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- Operations Management
- Systems Design
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Product design and development, assignments.
This page contains both a set of sample assignments from the class as well as the assignment guidelines. These assignments culminate in a final project, examples of which can be seen in the projects section.
Sample Assignments
Sample assignments from previous semesters.
All sample assignments are courtesy of the students named and used with permission.
Sample Assignment 1 - Design Project Proposal I ( PDF )
Sample Assignment 1 - Design Project Proposal II ( PDF )
Sample Assignment 1 - Design Project Proposal III ( PDF )
Sample Assignment 1 - Design Project Proposal IV ( PDF )
Sample Assignment 2 - Lane Ballard, Tom Burns, John Celmins, Paul Glomski, Amber Mazooji, Minja Penttila, Chris Piscitelli, Tomer Posner ( PDF )
Sample Assignment 3 - Lane Ballard, Tom Burns, John Celmins, Paul Glomski, Amber Mazooji, Minja Penttila, Chris Piscitelli, Tomer Posner ( PDF - 1.2MB )
Sample Assignment 4 - Lane Ballard, Tom Burns, John Celmins, Paul Glomski, Amber Mazooji, Minja Penttila, Chris Piscitelli, Tomer Posner ( PDF )
Sample Assignment 5 - Lane Ballard, Tom Burns, John Celmins, Paul Glomski, Amber Mazooji, Minja Penttila, Chris Piscitelli, Tomer Posner ( PDF )
Sample Assignment 6 - Lane Ballard, Tom Burns, John Celmins, Paul Glomski, Amber Mazooji, Minja Penttila, Chris Piscitelli, Tomer Posner ( PDF - 3.3MB )
Sample Assignment 7 - Lane Ballard, Tom Burns, John Celmins, Paul Glomski, Amber Mazooji, Minja Penttila, Chris Piscitelli, Tomer Posner ( PDF )
Assignment Guidelines
Assignment 1: project proposal.
Assignment 1 is the only individual assignment for this class. Only students that complete this assignment will be allowed to stay enrolled in this class. Please refer also to the Guidelines for Projects in the projects section, to assist you with both, identifying appropriate project proposals and selecting among the proposed projects. Exercises 2 and 3 in chapter 4 of the textbook can also serve as a starting point for project proposals.
Assignment 1a: Proposal Handout
Prepare a project proposal in any format that fits on one 8.5x11 page (one side only). Sample proposals from previous classes are available above. We will photocopy the proposals and distribute them in Ses #3. Proposals should include:
- A brief, descriptive project title (2-4 words). This is critical!
- The 3 nearest competitors (existing solutions) and price.
- Your name, phone number, email, department/degree program, and year.
- A description of the product opportunity you have identified. Your description may include any of the following: Documentation of the market need, shortcomings of existing competitive products, and definition of the target market and its size.
- Please do not present any of your own product ideas or solutions at this point; our strict focus in this phase of the course is on the market opportunity and not on solution concepts.
Assignment 1b: Proposal Presentation
Prepare a 50-second presentation to be delivered in class. Your presentation should include:
- A verbal or visual demonstration of the product opportunity you have described in your proposal. Given that the audience will be able to read your proposal at their leisure, you might spend your time explaining the richness of the market opportunity and demonstrating the existing competitive products.
- Convincing arguments why your classmates should vote for your product proposal.
- Any special skills or assets you have (marketing expertise, access to a shop, materials, electronics wizardry, etc.)
Showing one or two overhead slides is recommended. You may also use video. However, note that the 50-second time constraint will be ruthlessly enforced. A low tech approach is therefore typically more efficient.
Assignment 1c: Project Preferences
Submit your project preferences on a project selection card. List the ten projects you would most like to work on, in order of preference. If you would like to work with a particular group of classmates (up to 4), you should all list the exact same project preferences and clip your cards together. We will assign the rest of the team. Team and project assignments will be sent by email to the class no later than the next week. You are not required to select your own project proposal. However, if your proposal is selected, you will only be assigned to it if you have listed it with a high enough preference.
Team Assignments
With the exception of Assignment 8, all team assignments must be handed in at the beginning of the class session in which they are due. Assignment 8 does not require the submission of any written material; instead the teams will show their α-prototype to their advisors. The assignments are intended to pace the development process for your product. Since there is virtually no slack in this schedule the assignments must be completed on or before the scheduled due date in order to maintain the project schedule. All, but the first assignment, are to be completed as a team.
Guidelines for Team Assignments
Please adhere to the following guidelines for your team assignments:
- Be concise. Most assignments can be completed in very few pages. One exception to this guideline is concept sketches, which should be formatted with one concept per page.
- Please provide a short (less than one page) description of the process your group adopted in completing the assignment. However, there is no need to repeat a summary of the textbook if you adopt the exact approach in the text. In particular, please comment on what worked well and what did not.
- Combine all your work in one Microsoft® PowerPoint® file. (Occasionally, we will ask teams to give ad hoc presentations of their homework to exhibit best practices and pitfalls).
- Hand in three copies for your team so that the course faculty can provide comments. Keep a copy for your records.
Assignment 2: Mission Statement and Customer Needs List
- Describe your team’s processes for getting organized and for identifying customer needs. Comment on this process and on your results.
- Write a mission statement for your project team as described in chapter 3. From now on, please include your mission statement on all remaining assignments . If you have decided to change your mission statement, please indicate so and explain your reasoning.
- Develop an organized list of customer needs for your product as described in chapter 4.
- Also hand in a copy of the original project proposal from Ses #3, even if you have already modified the description of this opportunity in your team’s mission.
- You do not need to have completed an importance survey by this time, although if you feel the need to further understand preferences and tradeoffs, you should do this soon and turn it in for review.
Assignment 3: Concept Sketches, Target Specifications and Patent Review
- Describe some of the steps of your concept generation and target specifications processes. Comment on the process and the results.
- Hand in sketches and bullet-point descriptions of 10 to 20 alternative concepts for your product. For each sketch, note which of the important customer needs it addresses and which it does not.
- Choose a few (perhaps 3 or 4) critical customer needs from your list. For these critical few, prepare a list of the target specifications and provide documentation to support these decisions.
- Perform a preliminary patent review searching on United States Patent and Trademark Office for any prior art and related ideas. Briefly describe the 3 closest matches and attach appropriate material from the Web site.
Assignment 4: Preliminary Concept Selection and Schedule
- Hand in sketches of the two or three concepts you believe are most promising.
- Show the concept selection matrix (screening or scoring) that you used to make these choices. Include a simple description or sketch of each of the concept alternatives considered.
- Prepare a list of the key uncertainties or questions you still need to address to determine the viability of your product. For each one, specify an associated plan of action (such as analysis, mock ups, interviews, experiments, etc.).
- Draft a schedule in Gantt-chart form (see p. 335 of the text) showing the plan of work to complete the project over the next two months. Include at least the following activities: detail design, materials and components selection, vendor selection, procurement of materials and components, testing, and completion of assignments.
- Describe your team’s process. Comment on the process and the results.
Assignment 5: Review: Final Concept and Model
- For the Faculty Project Consulting in Ses #13, bring in and discuss some form of proof of concept to demonstrate that you will be able to overcome your key challenges.
- Prepare a 15-minute presentation of your (single) selected product concept. The presentation should include a review of your mission statement, customer needs, selected concept, and your key target specifications.
- As part of your presentation, demonstrate some form of “proof-of-concept” prototype model.
- Hand in a one-page description and sketch of your selected concept.
Assignment 6: Drawings, Plans, and Revised Schedule
- Prepare an assembly drawing of the alpha prototype you intend to build. An assembly drawing shows all the parts in their assembled positions.
- Prepare dimensioned sketches of each piece part for your planned prototype. Include documentation showing how you arrived at critical dimensions (a stress calculation may be needed, for example).
- Include a bill of materials indicating whether the prototype parts will be purchased or fabricated, and a description of the assembly process. Indicate the material and fabrication process you have selected for each prototype part.
- Provide photocopies of the vendor specification sheets for the purchased materials and components. On catalog pages, identify which items you have selected for purchase.
- List the Web resources and vendors you have found to be helpful.
- Make a drawing or sketch of the production version of the product. Describe the differences between the prototype you will build and the production product. Briefly explain how the production product would be manufactured.
- Summarize the important decisions you have made since the previous assignment. Describe your prototyping plans. By this time, you should have price quotes and should be ready to place orders for any parts to be fabricated or purchased.
- Revise the schedule of your project work for the remaining weeks. Include your planned design work, vendor interactions, prototyping, testing, redesign, photography, and preparation of the presentation.
Assignment 7: Financial Model
- Prepare a financial model. Explain the scenario you are analyzing (startup activity, established manufacturer, etc.). Document the assumptions you have made in the analysis. Note that you will require estimates for the production tooling and variable costs.
- Perform a sensitivity analysis of the key financial uncertainties you face.
- Describe your team’s process, including a brief status report on your prototyping and testing progress.
Assignment 8: Alpha Prototype
- You should be testing your product prototype by this time. Show your prototype hardware to your team advisor and faculty during the Faculty Project Consulting. No report is to be turned in this week.
Assignment 9: Final Presentation and Demonstration
- Prepare a 20-minute presentation describing and demonstrating your product. Your presentation should concentrate on the product itself, although you may wish to emphasize any particularly impressive portions of your development process. An effective presentation includes color photographs or video presentation along with a live display of the hardware. This presentation should be of the quality you would make to convince a top management group to purchase the rights to your product or to fund its final development and launch. A panel of experts will observe your presentations and evaluate the products. Be prepared to answer questions about all aspects of your project.
- Create and demonstrate a Web page designed to promote your product (optional).
- Turn in a copy of the (slide) presentation (and files for the optional Web page).
- Turn in several high-quality digital photos of the prototype hardware. Be sure to include photos of the product in use.
Team Surveys
In the middle and at the end of the semester, each student must fill out a survey of his or her team and its members. The purpose of the evaluations is threefold. First, they help teams spot unbefitting team dynamics early on and take corresponding corrective action. Second, they present an opportunity to provide and receive individual feedback and determine personal strength and growth opportunities. Third, they are part of a long term study on the effectiveness on product development teams.
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11 Project Plan Examples: Real-Life Project Plan Samples
Fahad Usmani, PMP
December 28, 2022
The success of a project depends on the project plan. Without a project plan, project managers cannot measure the project’s progress, team members will be in the dark, and the project will be unsuccessful.
Today’s blog post will provide a few project plan examples and samples to help you develop your project plan.
However, before that, let’s understand the project plan.
A project plan is a collection of project documents and subsidiary plans that comprise the project. These plans help the project team to execute the tasks and complete the project on schedule and without exceeding the budget.
A few common sub-plans and components are as follows:
#1: Purpose of the Project: This section has the project charter and explains the project’s purpose. It can include elements of the feasibility study and cost-benefit analysis .
#2: Executive Summary of the Project: This section provides a high-level project summary; it can have a high-level overview of all subsidiary plans and explains the following:
- Work Breakdown Structure: This work breakdown structur e includes the project work broken down into work packages .
- Deployment Plan: This plan ensures that the system reaches to intended users and benefits are realized.
- Change Control Management: This ensures every change request is reviewed, processed, and integrated into the project baselines after approval.
#3: Schedule Management: Here, you establish a schedule management plan and schedule baseline. A schedule baseline helps measure the project’s progress and allows project managers to determine whether the project is on schedule.
The subsections under schedule management include:
- Milestones: Contains key project milestones and their expected achieving dates.
- Project Schedule: It shows the schedule of the project. You can base the project schedule on a Gantt chart , Milestone, CPM , or PERT .
- Dependencies: This section describes the key project management dependencies.
#4: Cost and Budget Management: A cost baseline helps measure the project’s progress in terms of cost; you can see if the project is under or over budget.
#5: Quality Management: This section helps you measure the quality of the project and ensure the project’s final product conforms to the specifications and is free of errors.
#6: Resource Management: This section covers the resource requirement, acquiring, developing, and managing these resources.
#7: Communication Management: This section collects the communication requirements of stakeholders, develops communication plans, and then engages stakeholders throughout the project life cycle.
#8: Risk Management: This section discusses risk management . Establish a risk management plan , risk definition, identify risks, develop a risk response plan, and then monitor and mitigate those risks until the project is complete.
#9: Issue Management: This section manages project issues. It includes an issue log that documents incidents occurring throughout the project lifecycle .
#10: Procurement Management: This section covers procurement activities. Purchasing equipment, hiring team members, assigning jobs to subcontractors, etc.
#11: Compliance-related Planning: This section discusses the policies businesses must comply with. For the project team to succeed, they must adhere to the regulations. In addition, the government bodies vested in the project are project stakeholders, and you must manage them closely.
Now we will see the examples of project plans and samples.
Project Plan Examples and Samples
Now, we will review eleven examples of project plans and samples.
#1. Simple Cross-Functional Project Plan
Managing complex projects can be easy by using a straightforward cross-functional project schedule. It improves the success rate and decreases the likelihood of expensive execution faults. You can manage the project using a single integrated and specialized functional plan at the highest level.
#2. Product Marketing Sample: Plan the Next Launch
Before introducing a product, businesses conduct market research to test the waters to decide on market tactics.
The strategy focuses on persuading the target audience to try the product. Ensure you have a plan before moving ahead to sell a product.
Here is a sample of a marketing strategy to help plan a new launch:
#3. Content Calendar Plan Sample: Hit Publishing Deadlines
Product managers constantly seek new ideas to give them a competitive advantage. They promote products across many platforms, including social media. Timing is the key to attracting the right audience on social media.
To plan posts successfully, product managers rely on content calendar templates to plan content, keep up with trends, and be ready for any changes.
Product managers can better plan and organize upcoming content with the help of a content calendar. They can track the content’s progression, identify gaps, and evaluate how well they are meeting the goals.
A content calendar can include upcoming articles, status updates, planned promotions and partnerships, and planned content revisions.
You can use Google Sheets, Excel, and other project management tools to organize and publish content.
You can use the following content calendar sample:
#4. Marketing Campaign Sample Template: Map out The Plan
A marketing campaign can drastically affect the digital marketing approach. Consider it a digital road map to the desired outcome, such as increased sales, brand recognition, or lead generation. You can use it to identify precise marketing goals, forecast future trends, get funding, and improve procedures.
Below is an example of marketing campaign planning:
#5. Agency Management Sample: Nail the Next Collaboration
When working with agencies, you must consider deliverables, finances, proposal writing, and planning, among other things. You can avoid following up on lengthy email exchanges to keep up with the latest updates and ideas if you use agency management planning.
It offers a comprehensive summary of everything the agency is working on, facilitating easy collaboration on projects and contact with internal and external stakeholders.
You can synchronize time and establish priorities. To assist the agency in comprehending what you expect of them, develop priority levels and dates for the required completed outputs.
It keeps everyone updated on the agency’s activities and problems by giving regular status reports, which you can use to share progress.
It streamlines approvals. Tracking and moving agency work through approval phases makes it possible to launch campaigns quickly and ensure nothing becomes dispatched without approval.
#6. User Research Template: Organize Uxr Projects
Getting consumers’ attention is valuable. Before researching users, it is imperative to have clear goals, expectations, and questions available to discuss with anyone who inquires.
A user research plan conveys crucial user details. These documents, with protocol and research roadmap, ensure everyone is on the same page and is aware of their responsibilities.
#7. Sprint Planning Template: Manage Agile Teams
Sprint planning helps agile teams prioritize their workload and identify which members can best handle particular tasks. It is difficult to assign work at the right time without a plan.
#8. Board Meeting Agenda Template: Take Meeting Minutes
The board of directors consists of influential stakeholders who also have a lot of other responsibilities. They can make better use of their time thanks to the meeting agenda.
The structure of a board meeting agenda can include the following:
- Heading: This section should have the meeting’s time, place, and date.
- Call To Order.
- Changes to Agenda.
- Approval of Minutes.
- Reports.
#9. Work Requests Template: Simplify the Intake Process
Work requests can come in at any time and can distract team members. Priorities can misplace if you don’t have a mechanism to handle these requests, which can distract team members. To avoid this, you can use work request templates to manage work requests and boost the team’s productivity.
#10. Sales Plan Sample Template: Set Strong Goals
Sales managers depend on a sales plan. This plan has the sales goals and establishes the plans and strategies. It helps estimate the budget, identify the sale market prospects, plan staff requirements, and obtain a timeline for achieving the goal.
Developing a sales plan costs effort, time, and money. However, you can avoid these expenses by using templates for efficiency and organization and investing in other areas to make the sales plan successful.
Below is an example of a sales plan:
#11. New Employee Onboarding: Standardize Onboarding
New employee onboarding involves getting a new employee and helping with their onboarding.
The following questions can help onboard new employees:
- When will the process begin?
- How long would it last?
- What are the cultures and work environments the new employees need to know?
- What are the goals for new employees?
The success of a project can be organized and shaped with the use of project planning assistance.
You can construct a strategy for your next effort with the project plan examples and samples provided in this post.
I am Mohammad Fahad Usmani, B.E. PMP, PMI-RMP. I have been blogging on project management topics since 2011. To date, thousands of professionals have passed the PMP exam using my resources.
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Database design and development, prepared for:, madam zatul amilah shaffei, company’s name:, sukarelawan masjid kampung jenjarom, prepared by:, name student id, 1 jayrell jerry 2022611492, 2 alesha binti mohamad ruzi 2022697468, 3 anis safiah binti amir 2022697408, 4 nurina syazliana bt suhaimi 2022882892, table of content.
- 1 COMPANY BACKGROUND...............................................................................................................
2 PROBLEM STATEMENT....................................................................................................................
3 objective...........................................................................................................................................
- 4 ENTITY RELATIONSHIP DIAGRAM (ERD)..................................................................................
5 3NF RELATIONAL SCHEMA............................................................................................................
- 2NF................................................................................................................................................................
- 3NF..............................................................................................................................................................
- 6 Table BENEFICIARY....................................................................................................................................
- 6 Table CHARITY.............................................................................................................................................
- 6 Table DONATION..........................................................................................................................................
- 6 Table DONOR................................................................................................................................................
- 6 Table MEMBER.............................................................................................................................................
- 7 DATA DICTIONARY..........................................................................................................................
8 DATA DEFINITION LANGUAGE OUTPUT..................................................................................
- 9 MENU............................................................................................................................................................
- 9 REPORTS.......................................................................................................................................................
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Question 2: When do the NGO are actively operate? Since 2019
Question 3: Which area this NGO activities are covered to provide help?
We help communities throughout Malaysia. Not only did we provide assistance in Selangor, but we also went as far as Kelantan and Terengganu when there was a severe flood once upon a time. In addition to the states on the peninsula, we have also gone as far as Sabah to serve the community.
Question 4: How to give a donation to this NGO?
- The team will promote the donation on social media sites like Facebook.
- For anyone who wants to donate money or goods, they can do an online money transfer or give the item physically at the mosque itself.
Question 5: What kind of donation does this NGO usually receive?
Usually we receive financial aid, clothes, dry food, household cleaning tools, health tools such as oxygen tanks and adjustable beds for patients who are unable to get up, and other basic necessities. Question 6: How does the donation distribute to places that are chosen by NGO?
Members of our own group who will go to the field to disaster or damage-stricken areas, and so on.
Question 7: How does this organization differentiate the type of donation to each place?
For each of our organization's relief efforts, we will provide assistance according to the current needs of the place. For example, help cleaning houses for flood victims, or help with furniture and temporary housing for victims of house fires, and so on. Question 8: Who are responsible to handle the distribution of donation?
According to our organisation chart, Mr. Ruzi will lead the distribution of available donations, followed by other top organisation members.
Question 9: What kind of donation is given to users in such an event?
For the necessary medical supplies, we provide 56 adjustable beds, 4 oxygen tanks, and face masks. Meanwhile, for fire victims and flood victims, we provide temporary housing, daily necessities such as dry food, toiletries, clothing, and school equipment, as well as cash of RM500 per head. Question 10: What is the system currently used by this
Currently, we have an organised organization. We have active members and
NGO to handle inventory or resources given by donors? bureau chiefs in each sector to ensure that every task can be completed thoroughly.
Evidence: Screenshot Telegram chat
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- Creating and developing capable volunteers for Masjid Kampung Jenjarom.
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Table of Contents
Types of project proposals, project proposal vs. project charter, project proposal vs. business case, project proposal vs. project plan, project proposal outline, how to write a project proposal, project proposal example, project proposal tips, what is a project proposal.
A project proposal is a project management document that’s used to define the objectives and requirements of a project. It helps organizations and external project stakeholders agree on an initial project planning framework.
The main purpose of a project proposal is to get buy-in from decision-makers. That’s why a project proposal outlines your project’s core value proposition; it sells value to both internal and external project stakeholders. The intent of the proposal is to grab the attention of stakeholders and project sponsors. Then, the next step is getting them excited about the project summary.
Getting into the heads of the audience for which you’re writing the project proposal is vital: you need to think like the project’s stakeholders to deliver a proposal that meets their needs.
We’ve created a free project proposal template for Word to help structure documents, so you don’t have to remember the process each time.
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Project Proposal Template
Use this free Project Proposal Template for Word to manage your projects better.
In terms of types of project proposals, you can have one that’s formally solicited, informally solicited or a combination. There can also be renewal and supplemental proposals. Here’s a brief description of each of them.
- Solicited project proposal: This is sent as a response to a request for proposal (RFP) . Here, you’ll need to adhere to the RFP guidelines of the project owner.
- Unsolicited project proposal: You can send project proposals without having received a request for a proposal. This can happen in open bids for construction projects , where a project owner receives unsolicited project proposals from many contractors.
- Informal project proposal: This type of project proposal is created when a client asks for an informal proposal without an RFP.
- Renewal project proposal: You can use a renewal project proposal when you’re reaching out to past customers. The advantage is that you can highlight past positive results and future benefits.
- Continuation project proposal: A continuation project proposal is sent to investors and stakeholders to communicate project progress.
- Supplemental project proposal: This proposal is sent to investors to ask for additional resources during the project execution phase.
All the elements in the above project proposal outline are present in our template. This free project proposal template for Word will provide you with everything you need to write an excellent project proposal. It will help you with the executive summary, project process, deliverables, costs—even terms and conditions. Download your free template today.
A project proposal is a detailed project document that’s used to convince the project sponsor that the project being proposed is worth the time, money and effort to deliver it. This is done by showing how the project will address a business problem or opportunity. It also outlines the work that will be done and how it will be done.
A project charter can seem like the same thing as a project proposal as it also defines the project in a document. It identifies the project objectives, scope, goals, stakeholders and team. But it’s done after the project has been agreed upon by all stakeholders and the project has been accepted. The project charter authorizes the project and documents its requirements to meet stakeholders’ needs.
A business case is used to explain why the proposed project is justified. It shows that the project is worth the investment of time and money. It’s more commonly used in larger companies in the decision-making process when prioritizing one project over another.
The business case answers the questions: what is the project, why should it be taken up, who will be involved and how much will it cost? It’s therefore related to a project proposal, but the project proposal comes before the business case and is usually part of the larger proposal.
Again, the project proposal and the project plan in this case are very similar documents. It’s understandable that there would be some confusion between these two project terms. They both show how the project will be run and what the results will be. However, they’re not the same.
The project proposal is a document that aims to get a project approved and funded. It’s used to convince stakeholders of the viability of the project and their investment. The project plan, on the other hand, is made during the planning phase of the project, once it’s been approved. It’s a detailed outline of how the project will be implemented, including schedule, budget, resources and more.
There are several key operational and strategic questions to consider, including:
- Executive summary: This is the elevator pitch that outlines the project being proposed and why it makes business sense. While it also touches on the information that’ll follow in the project proposal, the executive summary should be brief and to the point.
- Project background: This is another short part of the proposal, usually only one page, which explains the problem you’ll solve or the opportunity you’re taking advantage of with the proposed project. Also, provide a short history of the business to put the company in context to the project and why it’s a good fit.
- Project vision & success criteria: State the goal of the project and how it aligns with the goals of the company. Be specific. Also, note the metrics used to measure the success of the project.
- Potential risks and mitigation strategies: There are always risks. Detail them here and what strategies you’ll employ to mitigate any negative impact as well as take advantage of any positive risk.
- Project scope & deliverables: Define the project scope, which is all the work that has to be done and how it will be done. Also, detail the various deliverables that the project will have.
- Set SMART goals: When setting goals, be SMART. That’s an acronym for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. All your goals would be defined by those five things.
- Project approach: Define the approach you’ll use for the contract. There are several different types of contracts used in construction , for example, such as lump sum, cost plus, time and materials, etc. This is also a good place to describe the delivery method you’ll use.
- Expected benefits: Outline the benefits that will come from the successful completion of the project.
- Project resource requirements: List the resources, such as labor, materials, equipment, etc., that you’ll need to execute the project if approved.
- Project costs & budget: Detail all the costs, including resources, that’ll be required to complete the project and set up a budget to show how those costs will be spent over the course of the project.
- Project timeline: Lay out the project timeline , which shows the project from start to finish, including the duration of each phase and the tasks within it, milestones, etc.
In addition to these elements, it’s advisable to use a cover letter, which is a one-page document that helps you introduce your project proposal and grab the attention of potential clients and stakeholders.
To make the best proposal possible, you’ll want to be thorough and hit on all the points we’ve listed above. Here’s a step-by-step guide to writing a persuasive priority proposal.
1. Write an Executive Summary
The executive summary provides a quick overview of the main elements of your project proposal, such as your project background, project objectives and project deliverables, among other things. The goal is to capture the attention of your audience and get them excited about the project you’re proposing. It’s essentially the “elevator pitch” for the project life cycle. It should be short and to the point.
The executive summary should be descriptive and paint a picture of what project success looks like for the client. Most importantly, it should motivate the project client; after all, the goal is getting them to sign on the dotted line to get the project moving!
2. Provide a Project Background
The project background is a one-page section of your project proposal that explains the problem that your project will solve. You should explain when this issue started, its current state and how your project will be the ideal solution.
- Historic data: The history section outlines previously successful projects and those that could have run more smoothly. By doing so, this section establishes precedents and how the next project can be more effective using information from previous projects.
- Solution: The solution section addresses how your project will solve the client’s problem. Accordingly, this section includes any project management techniques , skills and procedures your team will use to work efficiently.
3. Establish a Project Vision & Success Criteria
You’ll need to define your project vision. This is best done with a vision statement, which acts as the north star for your project. It’s not specific as much as it’s a way to describe the impact your company plans to make with the project.
It’s also important to set up success criteria to show that the project is in fact doing what it’s proposed to do. Three obvious project success criteria are the triple constraint of cost, scope and time. But you’ll need to set up a way to measure these metrics and respond to them if they’re not meeting your plan.
4. Identify Potential Risks and Mitigation Strategies
To reduce the impact of risk in your project, you need to identify what those risks might be and develop a plan to mitigate them . List all the risks, prioritize them, describe what you’ll do to mitigate or take advantage of them and who on the team is responsible for keeping an eye out for them and resolving them.
5. Define Your Project Scope and Project Deliverables
The project scope refers to all the work that’ll be executed. It defines the work items, work packages and deliverables that’ll be delivered during the execution phase of your project life cycle. It’s important to use a work breakdown structure (WBS) to define your tasks and subtasks and prioritize them.
6. Set SMART Goals for Your Project Proposal
The best mindset when developing goals and objectives for your project proposal is to use the SMART system :
- Specific – Make sure your goals and objectives are clear, concise and specific to the task at hand.
- Measurable – Ensure your goals and objectives are measurable so it’s obvious to see when things are on track and going well, and conversely, when things are off track and issues need to be addressed. Measurable goals make it easy to develop the milestones you’ll use to track the progress of the project and identify a reasonable date for completion and/or closure.
- Attainable – It’s important every project has a “reach” goal. Hitting this goal would mean an outstanding project that extends above and beyond expectations. However, it’s important that the project’s core goal is attainable, so morale stays high and the job gets done with time and resources to spare.
- Relevant – Make sure all of your goals are directly relevant to the project and address the scope within which you’re working.
- Time-Based – Timelines and specific dates should be at the core of all goals and objectives. This helps keep the project on track and ensures all project team members can manage the work plan that’s ahead of them.
7. Explain What’s Your Project Approach
Your project approach defines the project management methodology , tools and governance for your project. In simple terms, it allows project managers to explain to stakeholders how the project will be planned, executed and controlled successfully.
8. Outline The Expected Benefits of Your Project Proposal
If you want to convince internal stakeholders and external investors, you’ll need to show them the financial benefits that your project could bring to their organization. You can use cost-benefit analysis and projected financial statements to demonstrate why your project is profitable.
9. Identify Project Resource Requirements
Project resources are critical for the execution of your project. The project proposal briefly describes what resources are needed and how they’ll be used. Later, during the planning phase, you’ll need to create a resource management plan that’ll be an important element of your project plan. Project requirements are the items, materials and resources needed for the project. This section should cover both internal and external needs.
10. Estimate Project Costs and Project Budget
All the resources that you’ll need for your project have a price tag. That’s why you need to estimate those costs and create a project budget . The project budget needs to cover all your project expenses, and as a project manager, you’ll need to make sure that you adhere to the budget.
11. Define a Project Timeline
Once you’ve defined your project scope, you’ll need to estimate the duration of each task to create a project timeline. Later during the project planning phase , you’ll need to create a schedule baseline, which estimates the total length of your project. Once the project starts, you’ll compare your actual project schedule to the schedule baseline to monitor progress.
Now let’s explore some project proposal examples to get a better understanding of how a project proposal would work in the real world. For this example, let’s imagine a city that’s about to build a rapid transit system. The city government has the funds to invest but lacks the technical expertise and resources that are needed to build it, so it issues a request for proposal (RFP) document and sends it to potential builders.
Then, the construction companies that are interested in executing this rapid transit project will prepare a project proposal for the city government. Here are some of the key elements they should include.
- Project background: The construction firm will provide an explanation of the challenges that the project presents from a technical perspective, along with historical data from similar projects that have been completed successfully by the company.
- Project vision & success criteria: Write a vision statement and explain how you’ll track the triple constraint to ensure the successful delivery of the project.
- Potential risks and mitigation strategies: List all risks and how they’ll be mitigated, and be sure to prioritize them.
- Project scope & deliverables: The work that’ll be done is outlined in the scope, including all the deliverables that’ll be completed over the life cycle of the project.
- Set SMART goals: Use the SMART technique to define your project goals by whether they’re specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.
- Project approach: Define the methodology that the project manager will employ to manage the project. Also, figure out what type of contract will be used to define the project.
- Expected benefits: Show how the project will deliver advantages to the company and define what these benefits are in a quantifiable way.
- Project resource requirements: List all the resources, such as labor, materials, equipment, etc., needed to execute the project.
- Project costs & budget: Estimate the cost of the project and lay that out in a project budget that covers everything from start to finish.
- Project timeline: Outline the project schedule, including phases, milestones and task duration on a visual timeline.
Whatever project proposal you’re working on, there are a few tips that apply as best practices for all. While above we suggested a project proposal template that would have a table of contents, meaning it would be many pages long, the best-case scenario is keeping the proposal to one or two pages max. Remember, you’re trying to win over stakeholders, not bore them.
Speaking of project stakeholders , do the research. You want to address the right ones. There’s no point in doing all the work necessary to write a great proposal only to have it directed to the wrong target audience. Whoever is going to read it, though, should be able to comprehend the proposal. Keep the language simple and direct.
When it comes to writing, get a professional. Even a business document like a project proposal, business case or executive summary will suffer if it’s poorly constructed or has typos. If you don’t want to hire a professional business writer, make sure you get someone on your project team to copy, edit and proof the document. The more eyes on it, the less likely mistakes will make it to the final edition.
While you want to keep the proposal short and sweet, it helps to sweeten the pot by adding customer testimonials to the attachments. Nothing sells a project plan better than a customer base looking for your product or service.
ProjectManager & Project Proposals
ProjectManager allows you to plan proposals within our software. You can update tasks for the project proposal to signify where things stand and what’s left to be done. The columns allow you to organize your proposal by section, creating a work breakdown structure (WBS) of sorts.
When building a project proposal, it’s vital to remember your target audience. Your audience includes those who are excited about the project, and see completion as a gain for their organization. Conversely, others in your audience will see the project as a pain and something to which they aren’t looking forward. To keep both parties satisfied, it’s essential to keep language factual and concise.
Our online kanban boards help you think through that language and collaborate on it effectively with other team members, if necessary. Each card shows the percentage completed so everyone in the project management team is aware of the work done and what’s left to be done.
As you can see from the kanban board above, work has begun on tasks such as product documentation and design. Tasks regarding stakeholder feedback, ideation, market research and more have been completed, and there’s a good start on the engineering drawings, 3D rendering, supply chain sourcing and translation services.
A PDF is then attached to the card, and everyone added to the task receives an email notifying them of the change. This same process can be used throughout the life-cycle of the project to keep the team updated, collaborating, and producing a first-class project proposal. In addition to kanban boards, you can also use other project management tools such as Gantt charts , project dashboards, task lists and project calendars to plan, schedule and track your projects.
Related Project Planning Content
- Project Documentation: 15 Essential Project Documents
- How to Create a Project Execution Plan (PEP)
- How to Write a Scope of Work
Project proposals are just the first step in the project planning process. Once your project is approved, you’ll have to solidify the plan, allocate and manage resources, monitor the project, and finally hand in your deliverables. This process requires a flexible, dynamic and robust project management software package. ProjectManager is online project management software that helps all your team members collaborate and manage this process in real-time. Try our award-winning software with this free 30-day trial .
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