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  • How to Write a Problem Statement | Guide & Examples

How to Write a Problem Statement | Guide & Examples

Published on November 6, 2022 by Shona McCombes and Tegan George. Revised on November 20, 2023.

A problem statement is a concise and concrete summary of the research problem you seek to address. It should:

  • Contextualize the problem. What do we already know?
  • Describe the exact issue your research will address. What do we still need to know?
  • Show the relevance of the problem. Why do we need to know more about this?
  • Set the objectives of the research. What will you do to find out more?

Table of contents

When should you write a problem statement, step 1: contextualize the problem, step 2: show why it matters, step 3: set your aims and objectives.

Problem statement example

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Frequently asked questions about problem statements.

There are various situations in which you might have to write a problem statement.

In the business world, writing a problem statement is often the first step in kicking off an improvement project. In this case, the problem statement is usually a stand-alone document.

In academic research, writing a problem statement can help you contextualize and understand the significance of your research problem. It is often several paragraphs long, and serves as the basis for your research proposal . Alternatively, it can be condensed into just a few sentences in your introduction .

A problem statement looks different depending on whether you’re dealing with a practical, real-world problem or a theoretical issue. Regardless, all problem statements follow a similar process.

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example of a problem statement in education

The problem statement should frame your research problem, giving some background on what is already known.

Practical research problems

For practical research, focus on the concrete details of the situation:

  • Where and when does the problem arise?
  • Who does the problem affect?
  • What attempts have been made to solve the problem?

Theoretical research problems

For theoretical research, think about the scientific, social, geographical and/or historical background:

  • What is already known about the problem?
  • Is the problem limited to a certain time period or geographical area?
  • How has the problem been defined and debated in the scholarly literature?

The problem statement should also address the relevance of the research. Why is it important that the problem is addressed?

Don’t worry, this doesn’t mean you have to do something groundbreaking or world-changing. It’s more important that the problem is researchable, feasible, and clearly addresses a relevant issue in your field.

Practical research is directly relevant to a specific problem that affects an organization, institution, social group, or society more broadly. To make it clear why your research problem matters, you can ask yourself:

  • What will happen if the problem is not solved?
  • Who will feel the consequences?
  • Does the problem have wider relevance? Are similar issues found in other contexts?

Sometimes theoretical issues have clear practical consequences, but sometimes their relevance is less immediately obvious. To identify why the problem matters, ask:

  • How will resolving the problem advance understanding of the topic?
  • What benefits will it have for future research?
  • Does the problem have direct or indirect consequences for society?

Finally, the problem statement should frame how you intend to address the problem. Your goal here should not be to find a conclusive solution, but rather to propose more effective approaches to tackling or understanding it.

The research aim is the overall purpose of your research. It is generally written in the infinitive form:

  • The aim of this study is to determine …
  • This project aims to explore …
  • This research aims to investigate …

The research objectives are the concrete steps you will take to achieve the aim:

  • Qualitative methods will be used to identify …
  • This work will use surveys to collect …
  • Using statistical analysis, the research will measure …

The aims and objectives should lead directly to your research questions.

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You can use these steps to write your own problem statement, like the example below.

Step 1: Contextualize the problem A family-owned shoe manufacturer has been in business in New England for several generations, employing thousands of local workers in a variety of roles, from assembly to supply-chain to customer service and retail. Employee tenure in the past always had an upward trend, with the average employee staying at the company for 10+ years. However, in the past decade, the trend has reversed, with some employees lasting only a few months, and others leaving abruptly after many years.

Step 2: Show why it matters As the perceived loyalty of their employees has long been a source of pride for the company, they employed an outside consultant firm to see why there was so much turnover. The firm focused on the new hires, concluding that a rival shoe company located in the next town offered higher hourly wages and better “perks”, such as pizza parties. They claimed this was what was leading employees to switch. However, to gain a fuller understanding of why the turnover persists even after the consultant study, in-depth qualitative research focused on long-term employees is also needed. Focusing on why established workers leave can help develop a more telling reason why turnover is so high, rather than just due to salaries. It can also potentially identify points of change or conflict in the company’s culture that may cause workers to leave.

Step 3: Set your aims and objectives This project aims to better understand why established workers choose to leave the company. Qualitative methods such as surveys and interviews will be conducted comparing the views of those who have worked 10+ years at the company and chose to stay, compared with those who chose to leave.

If you want to know more about the research process , methodology , research bias , or statistics , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.


  • Sampling methods
  • Simple random sampling
  • Stratified sampling
  • Cluster sampling
  • Likert scales
  • Reproducibility


  • Null hypothesis
  • Statistical power
  • Probability distribution
  • Effect size
  • Poisson distribution

Research bias

  • Optimism bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Implicit bias
  • Hawthorne effect
  • Anchoring bias
  • Explicit bias

Once you’ve decided on your research objectives , you need to explain them in your paper, at the end of your problem statement .

Keep your research objectives clear and concise, and use appropriate verbs to accurately convey the work that you will carry out for each one.

I will compare …

All research questions should be:

  • Focused on a single problem or issue
  • Researchable using primary and/or secondary sources
  • Feasible to answer within the timeframe and practical constraints
  • Specific enough to answer thoroughly
  • Complex enough to develop the answer over the space of a paper or thesis
  • Relevant to your field of study and/or society more broadly

Writing Strong Research Questions

Research objectives describe what you intend your research project to accomplish.

They summarize the approach and purpose of the project and help to focus your research.

Your objectives should appear in the introduction of your research paper , at the end of your problem statement .

Your research objectives indicate how you’ll try to address your research problem and should be specific:

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McCombes, S. & George, T. (2023, November 20). How to Write a Problem Statement | Guide & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 3, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/research-process/problem-statement/

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3 Problem statement examples and steps to write your own


We’ve all encountered problems on the job. After all, that’s what a lot of work is about. Solving meaningful problems to help improve something. 

Developing a problem statement that provides a brief description of an issue you want to solve is an important early step in problem-solving .

It sounds deceptively simple. But creating an effective problem statement isn’t that easy, even for a genius like Albert Einstein. Given one hour to work on a problem, he’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and five minutes finding solutions. (Or so the story goes.)

Einstein was probably exaggerating to make a point. But considering his success in solving complex problems, we think he was on to something. 

As humans, we’re wired to jump past the problem and go directly to the solution stage. In emergencies, this behavior can be lifesaving, as in leaping out of the way of a speeding car. But when dealing with longer-range issues in the workplace, this can lead to bad decisions or half-baked solutions. 

That’s where problem statements come in handy. They help to meaningfully outline objectives to reach effective solutions. Knowing how to develop a great problem statement is also a valuable tool for honing your management skills .

But what exactly is a problem statement, when should you use one, and how do you go about writing one? In this article, we'll answer those questions and give you some tips for writing effective problem statements. Then you'll be ready to take on more challenges large and small.

What is a problem statement?

First, let’s start by defining a problem statement. 

A problem statement is a short, clear explanation of an issue or challenge that sums up what you want to change. It helps you, team members, and other stakeholders to focus on the problem, why it’s important, and who it impacts. 

A good problem statement should create awareness and stimulate creative thinking . It should not identify a solution or create a bias toward a specific strategy.

Taking time to work on a problem statement is a great way to short-circuit the tendency to rush to solutions. It helps to make sure you’re focusing on the right problem and have a well-informed understanding of the root causes. The process can also help you take a more proactive than reactive approach to problem-solving . This can help position you and your team to avoid getting stuck in constant fire-fighting mode. That way, you can take advantage of more growth opportunities.  

When to use a problem statement

The best time to create a problem statement is before you start thinking of solutions. If you catch yourself or your team rushing to the solution stage when you’re first discussing a problem, hit the brakes. Go back and work on the statement of the problem to make sure everyone understands and agrees on what the real problem is. 

Here are some common situations where writing problem statements might come in handy: 

  • Writing an executive summary for a project proposal or research project
  • Collaborating   on a cross-functional project with several team members
  • Defining the customer issue that a proposed product or service aims to solve
  • Using design thinking to improve user experience
  • Tackling a problem that previous actions failed to solve 

How to identify a problem statement

Like the unseen body of an iceberg, the root cause of a specific problem isn’t always obvious. So when developing a problem statement, how do you go about identifying the true, underlying problem?

These two steps will help you uncover the root cause of a problem :

  • Collect information from the research and previous experience with the problem
  • Talk to multiple stakeholders who are impacted by the problem

People often perceive problems differently. Interviewing stakeholders will help you understand the problem from diverse points of view. It can also help you develop some case studies to illustrate the problem. 

Combining these insights with research data will help you identify root causes more accurately. In turn, this methodology will help you craft a problem statement that will lead to more viable solutions. 

What are problem statements used for?

You can use problem statements for a variety of purposes. For an organization, it might be solving customer and employee issues. For the government, it could be improving public health. For individuals, it can mean enhancing their own personal well-being . Generally, problem statements can be used to:

  • Identify opportunities for improvement
  • Focus on the right problems or issues to launch more successful initiatives – a common challenge in leadership
  • Help you communicate a problem to others who need to be involved in finding a solution
  • Serve as the basis for developing an action plan or goals that need to be accomplished to help solve the problem
  • Stimulate thinking outside the box  and other types of creative brainstorming techniques

3 examples of problem statements

When you want to be sure you understand a concept or tool, it helps to see an example. There can also be some differences in opinion about what a problem statement should look like. For instance, some frameworks include a proposed solution as part of the problem statement. But if the goal is to stimulate fresh ideas, it’s better not to suggest a solution within the problem statement. 

In our experience, an effective problem statement is brief, preferably one sentence. It’s also specific and descriptive without being prescriptive. 

Here are three problem statement examples. While these examples represent three types of problems or goals, keep in mind that there can be many other types of problem statements.        

Example Problem Statement 1: The Status Quo Problem Statement


The average customer service on-hold time for Example company exceeds five minutes during both its busy and slow seasons.

This can be used to describe a current pain point within an organization that may need to be addressed. Note that the statement specifies that the issue occurs during the company’s slow time as well as the busy season. This is helpful in performing the root cause analysis and determining how this problem can be solved. 

The average customer service on-hold time for Example company exceeds five minutes during both its busy and slow seasons. The company is currently understaffed and customer service representatives are overwhelmed.


Example company is facing a significant challenge in managing their customer service on-hold times. In the past, the company had been known for its efficient and timely customer service, but due to a combination of factors, including understaffing and increased customer demand, the on-hold times have exceeded five minutes consistently. This has resulted in frustration and dissatisfaction among customers, negatively impacting the company's reputation and customer loyalty.

Reducing the on-hold times for customer service callers is crucial for Example company. Prolonged waiting times have a detrimental effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty, leading to potential customer churn and loss of revenue. Additionally, the company's declining reputation in terms of customer service can have a lasting impact on its competitive position in the market. Addressing this problem is of utmost importance to improve customer experience and maintain a positive brand image.


The primary objective of this project is to reduce the on-hold times for customer service callers at Example company. The specific objectives include:

  • Analyzing the current customer service workflow and identifying bottlenecks contributing to increased on-hold times.
  • Assessing the staffing levels and resource allocation to determine the extent of understaffing and its impact on customer service.
  • Developing strategies and implementing measures to optimize the customer service workflow and reduce on-hold times.
  • Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of the implemented measures through key performance indicators (KPIs) such as average on-hold time, customer satisfaction ratings, and customer feedback.
  • Establishing a sustainable approach to maintain reduced on-hold times, taking into account both busy and slow seasons, through proper resource planning, training, and process improvements.

Example Problem Statement 2: The Destination Problem Statement

Leaders at Example company want to increase net revenue for its premium product line of widgets by 5% for the next fiscal year. 

This approach can be used to describe where an organization wants to be in the future. This type of problem statement is useful for launching initiatives to help an organization achieve its desired state. 

Like creating SMART goals , you want to be as specific as possible. Note that the statement specifies “net revenue” instead of “gross revenue." This will help keep options open for potential actions. It also makes it clear that merely increasing sales is not an acceptable solution if higher marketing costs offset the net gains. 

Leaders at Example company aim to increase net revenue for its premium product line of widgets by 5% for the next fiscal year. However, the company currently lacks the necessary teams to tackle this objective effectively. To achieve this growth target, the company needs to expand its marketing and PR teams, as well as its product development teams, to prepare for scaling. 

Example company faces the challenge of generating a 5% increase in net revenue for its premium product line of widgets in the upcoming fiscal year. Currently, the company lacks the required workforce to drive this growth. Without adequate staff in the marketing, PR, and product development departments, the company's ability to effectively promote, position, and innovate its premium product line will be hindered. To achieve this kind of growth, it is essential that Example company expands teams, enhances capabilities, and strategically taps into the existing pool of loyal customers.

Increasing net revenue for the premium product line is crucial for Example company's overall business success. Failure to achieve the targeted growth rate can lead to missed revenue opportunities and stagnation in the market. By expanding the marketing and PR teams, Example company can strengthen its brand presence, effectively communicate the value proposition of its premium product line, and attract new customers.

Additionally, expanding the product development teams will enable the company to introduce new features and innovations, further enticing existing and potential customers. Therefore, addressing the workforce shortage and investing in the necessary resources are vital for achieving the revenue growth objective.

The primary objective of this project is to increase net revenue for Example company's premium product line of widgets by 5% in the next fiscal year. The specific objectives include:

  • Assessing the current workforce and identifying the gaps in the marketing, PR, and product development teams.
  • Expanding the marketing and PR teams by hiring skilled professionals who can effectively promote the premium product line and engage with the target audience.
  • Strengthening the product development teams by recruiting qualified individuals who can drive innovation, enhance product features, and meet customer demands.
  • Developing a comprehensive marketing and PR strategy to effectively communicate the value proposition of the premium product line and attract new customers.
  • Leveraging the existing base of loyal customers to increase repeat purchases, referrals, and brand advocacy.
  • Allocating sufficient resources, both time and manpower, to support the expansion and scaling efforts required to achieve the ambitious revenue growth target.
  • Monitoring and analyzing key performance indicators (KPIs) such as net revenue, customer acquisition, customer retention, and customer satisfaction to measure the success of the growth initiatives.
  • Establishing a sustainable plan to maintain the increased revenue growth beyond the next fiscal year by implementing strategies for continuous improvement and adaptation to market dynamics.

Example Problem Statement 3 The Stakeholder Problem Statement

In the last three quarterly employee engagement surveys , less than 30% of employees at Eample company stated that they feel valued by the company. This represents a 20% decline compared to the same period in the year prior. 

This strategy can be used to describe how a specific stakeholder group views the organization. It can be useful for exploring issues and potential solutions that impact specific groups of people. 

Note the statement makes it clear that the issue has been present in multiple surveys and it's significantly worse than the previous year. When researching root causes, the HR team will want to zero in on factors that changed since the previous year.

In the last three quarterly employee engagement surveys, less than 30% of employees at the Example company stated that they feel valued by the company. This indicates a significant decline of 20% compared to the same period in the previous year.

The company aspires to reduce this percentage further to under 10%. However, achieving this goal would require filling specialized roles and implementing substantial cultural changes within the organization.

Example company is facing a pressing issue regarding employee engagement and perceived value within the company. Over the past year, there has been a notable decline in the percentage of employees who feel valued. This decline is evident in the results of the quarterly employee engagement surveys, which consistently show less than 30% of employees reporting a sense of value by the company.

This decline of 20% compared to the previous year's data signifies a concerning trend. To address this problem effectively, Example company needs to undertake significant measures that go beyond superficial changes and necessitate filling specialized roles and transforming the company culture.

Employee engagement and a sense of value are crucial for organizational success. When employees feel valued, they tend to be more productive, committed, and motivated. Conversely, a lack of perceived value can lead to decreased morale, increased turnover rates, and diminished overall performance.

By addressing the decline in employees feeling valued, Example company can improve employee satisfaction, retention, and ultimately, overall productivity. Achieving the desired reduction to under 10% is essential to restore a positive work environment and build a culture of appreciation and respect.

The primary objective of this project is to increase the percentage of employees who feel valued by Example company, aiming to reduce it to under 10%. The specific objectives include:

  • Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the factors contributing to the decline in employees feeling valued, including organizational policies, communication practices, leadership styles, and cultural norms.
  • Identifying and filling specialized roles, such as employee engagement specialists or culture change agents, who can provide expertise and guidance in fostering a culture of value and appreciation.
  • Developing a holistic employee engagement strategy that encompasses various initiatives, including training programs, recognition programs, feedback mechanisms, and communication channels, to enhance employee value perception.
  • Implementing cultural changes within the organization that align with the values of appreciation, respect, and recognition, while fostering an environment where employees feel valued.
  • Communicating the importance of employee value and engagement throughout all levels of the organization, including leadership teams, managers, and supervisors, to ensure consistent messaging and support.
  • Monitoring progress through regular employee surveys, feedback sessions, and key performance indicators (KPIs) related to employee satisfaction, turnover rates, and overall engagement levels.
  • Providing ongoing support, resources, and training to managers and supervisors to enable them to effectively recognize and appreciate their teams and foster a culture of value within their respective departments.
  • Establishing a sustainable framework for maintaining high employee value perception in the long term, including regular evaluation and adaptation of employee engagement initiatives to address evolving needs and expectations.


What are the 5 components of a problem statement?

In developing a problem statement, it helps to think like a journalist by focusing on the five Ws: who, what, when, where, and why or how. Keep in mind that every statement may not explicitly include each component. But asking these questions is a good way to make sure you’re covering the key elements:

  • Who: Who are the stakeholders that are affected by the problem?
  • What: What is the current state, desired state, or unmet need? 
  • When: When is the issue occurring or what is the timeframe involved?
  • Where: Where is the problem occurring? For example, is it in a specific department, location, or region?
  • Why: Why is this important or worth solving? How is the problem impacting your customers, employees, other stakeholders, or the organization? What is the magnitude of the problem? How large is the gap between the current and desired state? 

How do you write a problem statement?

There are many frameworks designed to help people write a problem statement. One example is outlined in the book, The Conclusion Trap: Four Steps to Better Decisions, ” by Daniel Markovitz. A faculty member at the Lean Enterprise Institute, the author uses many case studies from his work as a business consultant.

To simplify the process, we’ve broken it down into three steps:

1. Gather data and observe

Use data from research and reports, as well as facts from direct observation to answer the five Ws: who, what, when, where, and why. 

Whenever possible, get out in the field and talk directly with stakeholders impacted by the problem. Get a firsthand look at the work environment and equipment. This may mean spending time on the production floor asking employees questions about their work and challenges. Or taking customer service calls to learn more about customer pain points and problems your employees may be grappling with.    

2. Frame the problem properly  

A well-framed problem will help you avoid cognitive bias and open avenues for discussion. It will also encourage the exploration of more options.

A good way to test a problem statement for bias is to ask questions like these:



Does the problem appear to have only one possible solution?

Look for ways to rephrase it to open up more possibilities.

Does the statement describe a symptom instead of the problem?

Dig deeper for the root cause.

Does the statement suggest the problem is that you don’t have enough time, money, or people?

Find a way to pose the problem that will lead to more creative solutions. 

Does the problem statement lack an obvious solution?

Great! You’re probably ready to start exploring solutions.

Does the statement stimulate brainstorming and discussion?

Good job! Keep the discussion going by asking why.

3. Keep asking why (and check in on the progress)

When it comes to problem-solving, stay curious. Lean on your growth mindset to keep asking why — and check in on the progress. 

Asking why until you’re satisfied that you’ve uncovered the root cause of the problem will help you avoid ineffective band-aid solutions.

What to avoid when writing a problem statement

When crafting a problem statement, it's essential to communicate the issue clearly and effectively. A well-formulated problem statement sets the stage for understanding and addressing the challenge at hand. However, there are common pitfalls that can undermine its clarity and purpose. Here's what you should avoid:

  • Vagueness : Be specific about the problem and its context.
  • Complexity : Keep the language simple and direct.
  • Overgeneralization : Avoid broad statements that don’t address specific issues.
  • Assumptions : Don’t presume solutions or causes without evidence.
  • Jargon : Use clear, accessible language that can be understood by all stakeholders.

Refining your problem statements

When solving any sort of problem, there’s likely a slew of questions that might arise for you. In order to holistically understand the root cause of the problem at hand, your workforce needs to stay curious. 

An effective problem statement creates the space you and your team need to explore, gain insight, and get buy-in before taking action.

If you have embarked on a proposed solution, it’s also important to understand that solutions are malleable. There may be no single best solution. Solutions can change and adapt as external factors change, too. It’s more important than ever that organizations stay agile . This means that interactive check-ins are critical to solving tough problems. By keeping a good pulse on your course of action, you’ll be better equipped to pivot when the time comes to change. 

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Madeline Miles

Madeline is a writer, communicator, and storyteller who is passionate about using words to help drive positive change. She holds a bachelor's in English Creative Writing and Communication Studies and lives in Denver, Colorado. In her spare time, she's usually somewhere outside (preferably in the mountains) — and enjoys poetry and fiction.

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45 Research Problem Examples & Inspiration

45 Research Problem Examples & Inspiration

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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research problems examples and definition, explained below

A research problem is an issue of concern that is the catalyst for your research. It demonstrates why the research problem needs to take place in the first place.

Generally, you will write your research problem as a clear, concise, and focused statement that identifies an issue or gap in current knowledge that requires investigation.

The problem will likely also guide the direction and purpose of a study. Depending on the problem, you will identify a suitable methodology that will help address the problem and bring solutions to light.

Research Problem Examples

In the following examples, I’ll present some problems worth addressing, and some suggested theoretical frameworks and research methodologies that might fit with the study. Note, however, that these aren’t the only ways to approach the problems. Keep an open mind and consult with your dissertation supervisor!


Psychology Problems

1. Social Media and Self-Esteem: “How does prolonged exposure to social media platforms influence the self-esteem of adolescents?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Social Comparison Theory
  • Methodology : Longitudinal study tracking adolescents’ social media usage and self-esteem measures over time, combined with qualitative interviews.

2. Sleep and Cognitive Performance: “How does sleep quality and duration impact cognitive performance in adults?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Cognitive Psychology
  • Methodology : Experimental design with controlled sleep conditions, followed by cognitive tests. Participant sleep patterns can also be monitored using actigraphy.

3. Childhood Trauma and Adult Relationships: “How does unresolved childhood trauma influence attachment styles and relationship dynamics in adulthood?

  • Theoretical Framework : Attachment Theory
  • Methodology : Mixed methods, combining quantitative measures of attachment styles with qualitative in-depth interviews exploring past trauma and current relationship dynamics.

4. Mindfulness and Stress Reduction: “How effective is mindfulness meditation in reducing perceived stress and physiological markers of stress in working professionals?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Humanist Psychology
  • Methodology : Randomized controlled trial comparing a group practicing mindfulness meditation to a control group, measuring both self-reported stress and physiological markers (e.g., cortisol levels).

5. Implicit Bias and Decision Making: “To what extent do implicit biases influence decision-making processes in hiring practices?

  • Theoretical Framework : Cognitive Dissonance Theory
  • Methodology : Experimental design using Implicit Association Tests (IAT) to measure implicit biases, followed by simulated hiring tasks to observe decision-making behaviors.

6. Emotional Regulation and Academic Performance: “How does the ability to regulate emotions impact academic performance in college students?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Cognitive Theory of Emotion
  • Methodology : Quantitative surveys measuring emotional regulation strategies, combined with academic performance metrics (e.g., GPA).

7. Nature Exposure and Mental Well-being: “Does regular exposure to natural environments improve mental well-being and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Biophilia Hypothesis
  • Methodology : Longitudinal study comparing mental health measures of individuals with regular nature exposure to those without, possibly using ecological momentary assessment for real-time data collection.

8. Video Games and Cognitive Skills: “How do action video games influence cognitive skills such as attention, spatial reasoning, and problem-solving?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Cognitive Load Theory
  • Methodology : Experimental design with pre- and post-tests, comparing cognitive skills of participants before and after a period of action video game play.

9. Parenting Styles and Child Resilience: “How do different parenting styles influence the development of resilience in children facing adversities?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Baumrind’s Parenting Styles Inventory
  • Methodology : Mixed methods, combining quantitative measures of resilience and parenting styles with qualitative interviews exploring children’s experiences and perceptions.

10. Memory and Aging: “How does the aging process impact episodic memory , and what strategies can mitigate age-related memory decline?

  • Theoretical Framework : Information Processing Theory
  • Methodology : Cross-sectional study comparing episodic memory performance across different age groups, combined with interventions like memory training or mnemonic strategies to assess potential improvements.

Education Problems

11. Equity and Access : “How do socioeconomic factors influence students’ access to quality education, and what interventions can bridge the gap?

  • Theoretical Framework : Critical Pedagogy
  • Methodology : Mixed methods, combining quantitative data on student outcomes with qualitative interviews and focus groups with students, parents, and educators.

12. Digital Divide : How does the lack of access to technology and the internet affect remote learning outcomes, and how can this divide be addressed?

  • Theoretical Framework : Social Construction of Technology Theory
  • Methodology : Survey research to gather data on access to technology, followed by case studies in selected areas.

13. Teacher Efficacy : “What factors contribute to teacher self-efficacy, and how does it impact student achievement?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Theory
  • Methodology : Quantitative surveys to measure teacher self-efficacy, combined with qualitative interviews to explore factors affecting it.

14. Curriculum Relevance : “How can curricula be made more relevant to diverse student populations, incorporating cultural and local contexts?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Sociocultural Theory
  • Methodology : Content analysis of curricula, combined with focus groups with students and teachers.

15. Special Education : “What are the most effective instructional strategies for students with specific learning disabilities?

  • Theoretical Framework : Social Learning Theory
  • Methodology : Experimental design comparing different instructional strategies, with pre- and post-tests to measure student achievement.

16. Dropout Rates : “What factors contribute to high school dropout rates, and what interventions can help retain students?”

  • Methodology : Longitudinal study tracking students over time, combined with interviews with dropouts.

17. Bilingual Education : “How does bilingual education impact cognitive development and academic achievement?

  • Methodology : Comparative study of students in bilingual vs. monolingual programs, using standardized tests and qualitative interviews.

18. Classroom Management: “What reward strategies are most effective in managing diverse classrooms and promoting a positive learning environment?

  • Theoretical Framework : Behaviorism (e.g., Skinner’s Operant Conditioning)
  • Methodology : Observational research in classrooms , combined with teacher interviews.

19. Standardized Testing : “How do standardized tests affect student motivation, learning, and curriculum design?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Critical Theory
  • Methodology : Quantitative analysis of test scores and student outcomes, combined with qualitative interviews with educators and students.

20. STEM Education : “What methods can be employed to increase interest and proficiency in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields among underrepresented student groups?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Constructivist Learning Theory
  • Methodology : Experimental design comparing different instructional methods, with pre- and post-tests.

21. Social-Emotional Learning : “How can social-emotional learning be effectively integrated into the curriculum, and what are its impacts on student well-being and academic outcomes?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence Theory
  • Methodology : Mixed methods, combining quantitative measures of student well-being with qualitative interviews.

22. Parental Involvement : “How does parental involvement influence student achievement, and what strategies can schools use to increase it?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Reggio Emilia’s Model (Community Engagement Focus)
  • Methodology : Survey research with parents and teachers, combined with case studies in selected schools.

23. Early Childhood Education : “What are the long-term impacts of quality early childhood education on academic and life outcomes?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Erikson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development
  • Methodology : Longitudinal study comparing students with and without early childhood education, combined with observational research.

24. Teacher Training and Professional Development : “How can teacher training programs be improved to address the evolving needs of the 21st-century classroom?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Adult Learning Theory (Andragogy)
  • Methodology : Pre- and post-assessments of teacher competencies, combined with focus groups.

25. Educational Technology : “How can technology be effectively integrated into the classroom to enhance learning, and what are the potential drawbacks or challenges?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)
  • Methodology : Experimental design comparing classrooms with and without specific technologies, combined with teacher and student interviews.

Sociology Problems

26. Urbanization and Social Ties: “How does rapid urbanization impact the strength and nature of social ties in communities?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Structural Functionalism
  • Methodology : Mixed methods, combining quantitative surveys on social ties with qualitative interviews in urbanizing areas.

27. Gender Roles in Modern Families: “How have traditional gender roles evolved in families with dual-income households?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Gender Schema Theory
  • Methodology : Qualitative interviews with dual-income families, combined with historical data analysis.

28. Social Media and Collective Behavior: “How does social media influence collective behaviors and the formation of social movements?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Emergent Norm Theory
  • Methodology : Content analysis of social media platforms, combined with quantitative surveys on participation in social movements.

29. Education and Social Mobility: “To what extent does access to quality education influence social mobility in socioeconomically diverse settings?”

  • Methodology : Longitudinal study tracking educational access and subsequent socioeconomic status, combined with qualitative interviews.

30. Religion and Social Cohesion: “How do religious beliefs and practices contribute to social cohesion in multicultural societies?”

  • Methodology : Quantitative surveys on religious beliefs and perceptions of social cohesion, combined with ethnographic studies.

31. Consumer Culture and Identity Formation: “How does consumer culture influence individual identity formation and personal values?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Social Identity Theory
  • Methodology : Mixed methods, combining content analysis of advertising with qualitative interviews on identity and values.

32. Migration and Cultural Assimilation: “How do migrants negotiate cultural assimilation and preservation of their original cultural identities in their host countries?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Post-Structuralism
  • Methodology : Qualitative interviews with migrants, combined with observational studies in multicultural communities.

33. Social Networks and Mental Health: “How do social networks, both online and offline, impact mental health and well-being?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Social Network Theory
  • Methodology : Quantitative surveys assessing social network characteristics and mental health metrics, combined with qualitative interviews.

34. Crime, Deviance, and Social Control: “How do societal norms and values shape definitions of crime and deviance, and how are these definitions enforced?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Labeling Theory
  • Methodology : Content analysis of legal documents and media, combined with ethnographic studies in diverse communities.

35. Technology and Social Interaction: “How has the proliferation of digital technology influenced face-to-face social interactions and community building?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Technological Determinism
  • Methodology : Mixed methods, combining quantitative surveys on technology use with qualitative observations of social interactions in various settings.

Nursing Problems

36. Patient Communication and Recovery: “How does effective nurse-patient communication influence patient recovery rates and overall satisfaction with care?”

  • Methodology : Quantitative surveys assessing patient satisfaction and recovery metrics, combined with observational studies on nurse-patient interactions.

37. Stress Management in Nursing: “What are the primary sources of occupational stress for nurses, and how can they be effectively managed to prevent burnout?”

  • Methodology : Mixed methods, combining quantitative measures of stress and burnout with qualitative interviews exploring personal experiences and coping mechanisms.

38. Hand Hygiene Compliance: “How effective are different interventions in improving hand hygiene compliance among nursing staff, and what are the barriers to consistent hand hygiene?”

  • Methodology : Experimental design comparing hand hygiene rates before and after specific interventions, combined with focus groups to understand barriers.

39. Nurse-Patient Ratios and Patient Outcomes: “How do nurse-patient ratios impact patient outcomes, including recovery rates, complications, and hospital readmissions?”

  • Methodology : Quantitative study analyzing patient outcomes in relation to staffing levels, possibly using retrospective chart reviews.

40. Continuing Education and Clinical Competence: “How does regular continuing education influence clinical competence and confidence among nurses?”

  • Methodology : Longitudinal study tracking nurses’ clinical skills and confidence over time as they engage in continuing education, combined with patient outcome measures to assess potential impacts on care quality.

Communication Studies Problems

41. Media Representation and Public Perception: “How does media representation of minority groups influence public perceptions and biases?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Cultivation Theory
  • Methodology : Content analysis of media representations combined with quantitative surveys assessing public perceptions and attitudes.

42. Digital Communication and Relationship Building: “How has the rise of digital communication platforms impacted the way individuals build and maintain personal relationships?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Social Penetration Theory
  • Methodology : Mixed methods, combining quantitative surveys on digital communication habits with qualitative interviews exploring personal relationship dynamics.

43. Crisis Communication Effectiveness: “What strategies are most effective in managing public relations during organizational crises, and how do they influence public trust?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT)
  • Methodology : Case study analysis of past organizational crises, assessing communication strategies used and subsequent public trust metrics.

44. Nonverbal Cues in Virtual Communication: “How do nonverbal cues, such as facial expressions and gestures, influence message interpretation in virtual communication platforms?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Social Semiotics
  • Methodology : Experimental design using video conferencing tools, analyzing participants’ interpretations of messages with varying nonverbal cues.

45. Influence of Social Media on Political Engagement: “How does exposure to political content on social media platforms influence individuals’ political engagement and activism?”

  • Theoretical Framework : Uses and Gratifications Theory
  • Methodology : Quantitative surveys assessing social media habits and political engagement levels, combined with content analysis of political posts on popular platforms.

Before you Go: Tips and Tricks for Writing a Research Problem

This is an incredibly stressful time for research students. The research problem is going to lock you into a specific line of inquiry for the rest of your studies.

So, here’s what I tend to suggest to my students:

  • Start with something you find intellectually stimulating – Too many students choose projects because they think it hasn’t been studies or they’ve found a research gap. Don’t over-estimate the importance of finding a research gap. There are gaps in every line of inquiry. For now, just find a topic you think you can really sink your teeth into and will enjoy learning about.
  • Take 5 ideas to your supervisor – Approach your research supervisor, professor, lecturer, TA, our course leader with 5 research problem ideas and run each by them. The supervisor will have valuable insights that you didn’t consider that will help you narrow-down and refine your problem even more.
  • Trust your supervisor – The supervisor-student relationship is often very strained and stressful. While of course this is your project, your supervisor knows the internal politics and conventions of academic research. The depth of knowledge about how to navigate academia and get you out the other end with your degree is invaluable. Don’t underestimate their advice.

I’ve got a full article on all my tips and tricks for doing research projects right here – I recommend reading it:

  • 9 Tips on How to Choose a Dissertation Topic


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Home » Problem Statement – Writing Guide, Examples and Types

Problem Statement – Writing Guide, Examples and Types

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Problem Statement

Problem Statement


Problem statement is a clear, concise, and well-defined statement that outlines the issue or challenge that needs to be addressed. It is a crucial element in any project or research as it provides a clear understanding of the problem, its context, and its potential impact.

Types of Problem Statements

There are various types of problem statements, and the type of problem statement used depends on the context and purpose of the project or research. Some common types of problem statements are:

Business Problem Statement

Business Problem Statement identifies a problem or challenge within an organization that needs to be solved. It typically includes the impact of the problem on the organization and its stakeholders, such as customers, employees, or shareholders.

Research Problem Statement

Research Problem Statement outlines the research question or problem that the study aims to address. It describes the research objectives, the significance of the research, and the potential impact of the research findings.

Design Problem Statement

Design Problem Statement defines the problem or challenge that a design project aims to solve. It includes the user’s needs, the design constraints, and the desired outcomes of the design project.

Social Problem Statement

Social Problem Statement describes a problem or challenge in society that needs to be addressed. It typically includes the social, economic, or political impact of the problem and its effect on individuals or communities.

Technical Problem Statement

Technical Problem Statement defines a problem or challenge related to technology or engineering. It includes the technical requirements, constraints, and potential solutions to the problem.

Components of Problem Statement

The components of a problem statement may vary depending on the context and purpose of the project or research, but some common components include:

  • Problem description : This component provides a clear and concise description of the problem, its context, and its impact. It should explain what the problem is, who is affected by it, and why it needs to be addressed.
  • Background information : This component provides context for the problem by describing the current state of knowledge or practice related to the problem. It may include a review of relevant literature, data, or other sources of information.
  • Objectives : This component outlines the specific objectives that the project or research aims to achieve. It should explain what the project or research team hopes to accomplish by addressing the problem.
  • Scope : This component defines the boundaries of the problem by specifying what is included and excluded from the problem statement. It should clarify the limits of the project or research and ensure that the team remains focused on the core problem.
  • Methodology : This component outlines the approach or methodology that the project or research team will use to address the problem. It may include details about data collection, analysis, or other methods used to achieve the objectives.
  • Expected outcomes : This component describes the potential impact or outcomes that the project or research aims to achieve. It should explain how the solution or findings will address the problem and benefit the stakeholders.

How to write Problem Statement

Here are some general steps to follow when writing a problem statement:

  • Identify the problem : Clearly identify the problem that needs to be addressed. Consider the context, stakeholders, and potential consequences of the problem.
  • Research the problem: Conduct research to gather data and information about the problem. This may involve reviewing literature, analyzing data, or consulting with experts.
  • Define the problem: Define the problem clearly and concisely, using specific language and avoiding vague or ambiguous terms. Be sure to include the impact of the problem and the context in which it occurs.
  • State the objectives : Clearly state the objectives that the project or research aims to achieve. This should be specific and measurable, with clear outcomes that can be evaluated.
  • Identify the scope: Identify the boundaries of the problem, including what is included and excluded from the problem statement. This helps to ensure that the team remains focused on the core problem.
  • Outline the methodology : Outline the approach or methodology that the project or research team will use to address the problem. This should be based on research and best practices, and should be feasible and realistic.
  • Describe the expected outcomes : Describe the potential impact or outcomes that the project or research aims to achieve. Be specific about how the solution or findings will address the problem and benefit the stakeholders.
  • Revise and refine : Review the problem statement and revise it as needed to ensure clarity, accuracy, and completeness.

Applications of Problem Statement

Here are some of the applications of problem statements:

  • Research : In academic research, problem statements are used to clearly define the research problem, identify the research question, and justify the need for the study. A well-crafted problem statement is essential for the success of any research project.
  • Project management: In project management, problem statements are used to identify the issues or challenges that a project team needs to address. Problem statements help project managers to define project scope, set project goals, and develop project plans.
  • Business strategy: In business strategy, problem statements are used to identify business challenges and opportunities. Problem statements help businesses to define their strategic objectives, develop action plans, and allocate resources.
  • Product development : In product development, problem statements are used to identify customer needs and develop new products that address those needs. Problem statements help product developers to define product requirements, develop product features, and test product prototypes.
  • Policy-making: In public policy-making, problem statements are used to identify social, economic, and environmental issues that require government intervention. Problem statements help policymakers to define policy objectives, develop policy options, and evaluate policy outcomes.

Examples of Problem Statements

Examples of Problem Statements are as follows:

  • High student-to-teacher ratios are leading to decreased individualized attention and lower academic achievement.
  • Limited funding for extracurricular activities is limiting opportunities for student development and engagement.
  • The lack of diversity and inclusion in curriculum is limiting cultural understanding and perpetuating inequalities.
  • The need for continuous professional development for teachers is crucial to improving teaching quality and student outcomes.
  • Unequal access to education due to socio-economic status, geographical location, or other factors is contributing to disparities in academic achievement.
  • The shortage of healthcare professionals is leading to increased patient wait times and decreased quality of care.
  • Limited access to mental health services is contributing to the high prevalence of mental health issues and suicides.
  • The over-prescription of opioids is contributing to the current opioid epidemic and increasing rates of addiction and overdose.
  • Limited access to affordable and nutritious food is leading to poor nutrition and increased rates of chronic diseases.
  • The lack of standardized electronic health record systems is limiting coordination of care and leading to medical errors.

Environmental Science

  • Pollution from industrial and agricultural practices is contributing to climate change and increased health risks.
  • The overexploitation of natural resources is leading to decreased biodiversity and ecological imbalance.
  • Limited access to clean water is leading to health issues and affecting agriculture and economic development.
  • The destruction of natural habitats is leading to the extinction of many species and disrupting ecosystems.
  • Climate change is leading to more frequent and severe natural disasters, causing significant damage to infrastructure and displacement of populations.


  • The inadequate design and maintenance of bridges and roads is leading to increased accidents and fatalities.
  • The lack of reliable and sustainable energy sources is contributing to environmental degradation and limiting economic growth.
  • The lack of cybersecurity measures in critical infrastructure is making it vulnerable to cyber attacks and compromising public safety.
  • The lack of efficient waste management systems is contributing to pollution and environmental degradation.
  • The need for developing technologies that are environmentally friendly and sustainable is crucial to addressing climate change.

Social Work

  • The lack of resources for mental health and social services is contributing to homelessness and the need for emergency assistance.
  • The high prevalence of child abuse and neglect is leading to long-term physical and emotional harm to children.
  • The lack of affordable and accessible childcare is limiting the opportunities for working parents, especially mothers.
  • The stigmatization of mental health issues is limiting access to mental health services and perpetuating discrimination.
  • The limited access to education, employment, and housing opportunities is contributing to poverty and social inequality.
  • The increasing use of ad-blocking software is limiting the effectiveness of traditional digital advertising.
  • The lack of transparency in digital advertising is leading to ad fraud and decreased trust in online marketing.
  • The need to adapt marketing strategies to changing consumer behaviors and preferences is crucial to reaching target audiences effectively.
  • The high competition in the marketplace is making it challenging for small businesses to compete with larger corporations.
  • The need to balance marketing goals with ethical considerations is crucial to maintaining consumer trust and avoiding negative publicity.
  • The high prevalence of anxiety and depression is leading to decreased productivity and increased healthcare costs.
  • The limited access to mental health services in certain geographic areas is limiting access to care and contributing to disparities in mental health outcomes.
  • The need for effective prevention and intervention programs for substance abuse and addiction is crucial to reducing rates of addiction and overdose.
  • The lack of awareness and understanding of mental health issues is perpetuating stigma and limiting access to care.
  • The need for culturally sensitive mental health services that are tailored to the needs of diverse populations is crucial to improving mental health outcomes.

Purpose of Problem Statement

The purpose of a problem statement is to clearly and concisely describe a specific problem or issue that needs to be addressed. It serves as a clear and succinct explanation of the problem, its context, and its importance, providing the necessary information to understand why the problem is worth solving. A well-crafted problem statement also helps to define the scope of the problem, which in turn helps to guide the research or problem-solving process. In essence, a problem statement sets the stage for identifying potential solutions and determining the best approach to solve the problem.

Characteristics of Problem Statement

The characteristics of a good problem statement include:

  • Clear and concise : A problem statement should be written in clear and concise language, free of technical jargon, and easily understandable to the intended audience.
  • Specific : The statement should clearly define the problem and its scope. It should identify the who, what, where, when, and why of the problem.
  • Measurable : A problem statement should be measurable in some way, whether through quantitative or qualitative methods. This allows for objective assessment of progress towards solving the problem.
  • Relevant : The problem statement should be relevant to the context in which it is presented. It should relate to the needs and concerns of stakeholders and the broader community.
  • Feasible : The problem statement should be realistic and achievable, given the available resources and constraints.
  • Innovative: A good problem statement should inspire creative and innovative solutions.
  • Actionable : The problem statement should lead to actionable steps that can be taken to address the problem. It should provide a roadmap for moving forward.

Advantages of Problem Statement

Advantages of Problem Statement are as follows:

  • Focus : A problem statement helps to clearly define the problem at hand and provides focus to the problem-solving process. It helps to avoid wasting time and resources on issues that are not relevant.
  • Alignment : A well-written problem statement ensures that everyone involved in the problem-solving process is on the same page and understands the issue at hand. This alignment helps to ensure that efforts are focused in the right direction and that everyone is working towards the same goal.
  • Clarity : A problem statement provides clarity about the nature of the problem and its impact. This clarity helps to facilitate communication and decision-making, making it easier to develop effective solutions.
  • Innovation : A well-crafted problem statement can inspire creativity and encourage innovative thinking. By clearly defining the problem, it can help to identify new approaches and solutions that may not have been considered before.
  • Measurability : A problem statement that is clear and specific can be used to measure progress and success. It helps to ensure that efforts are focused on addressing the root cause of the problem and that progress towards a solution can be tracked and evaluated.

Limitations of Problem Statement

While problem statements have many advantages, they also have some limitations, such as:

  • Limited Scope: A problem statement is usually focused on a specific issue or challenge. As a result, it may not capture the full complexity of a larger problem, which can limit the effectiveness of the solutions developed.
  • Lack of Detail : In some cases, problem statements may be too broad or lack sufficient detail, which can make it difficult to develop effective solutions. It’s important to ensure that the problem statement is specific enough to guide the problem-solving process.
  • Bias : The way in which a problem statement is written can sometimes reflect the biases or assumptions of the person or group writing it. This can lead to a narrow or incomplete understanding of the problem and limit the effectiveness of the solutions developed.
  • Inflexibility : A problem statement may be too rigid or inflexible, which can limit the exploration of alternative solutions. It’s important to keep an open mind and be willing to adapt the problem statement as new information or perspectives emerge.

About the author

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Muhammad Hassan

Researcher, Academic Writer, Web developer

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How to Write a Problem Statement: An In-Depth Guide with Examples

How to Write a Problem Statement: An In-Depth Guide with Examples

In the dynamic world of business and academia, the ability to clearly identify and articulate a problem is fundamental to success. A problem statement serves as the foundation for project management, research initiatives, and business strategy development. It succinctly outlines a specific issue that needs resolution, setting the stage for focused analysis and solution development. This blog post aims to demystify the process of crafting an effective problem statement, offering readers practical examples and guidance to enhance their strategic planning and problem-solving efforts.

What is a Problem Statement?

A problem statement is a concise description of an issue to be addressed or a condition to be improved upon. It identifies the gap between the current (problem) state and desired (goal) state of a process or product. At its core, a problem statement provides a clear and precise identification of a specific problem, helping stakeholders understand the significance of the issue at hand.

Purpose and Usage

The purpose of a problem statement is twofold: it guides the problem-solving process by providing a clear focus and it communicates the importance of the issue to others. Problem statements are commonly used in:

Business: To initiate projects aimed at operational improvements, market expansion, or product development.

Research: As the basis for academic theses, grant proposals, or scientific studies, defining the scope and objectives of the investigation.

Project Management: To clearly define the objectives of a project, ensuring team alignment and guiding decision-making.

A well-formulated problem statement is critical for ensuring that efforts are directed toward a meaningful and impactful resolution. It acts as a lens through which the problem is viewed and understood, enabling a systematic approach to finding effective solutions.

example of a problem statement in education

Key Components of a Problem Statement

A compelling problem statement is built on several key components that ensure it is both informative and actionable. Understanding these elements is crucial for anyone looking to draft a clear and effective problem statement:

Description of the Problem: This is a clear and concise statement of the issue that needs addressing. It should be specific, measurable, and outline the scope of the problem.

Impact of the Problem: This section details the effects of the problem, highlighting the negative outcomes on operations, financial performance, customer satisfaction, or other relevant areas. It answers the question of why the problem needs immediate attention.

Needs that Must be Met: Here, you outline the requirements or conditions that must be satisfied to address the problem effectively. This part sets the criteria for the potential solution, guiding the direction of problem-solving efforts.

Stakeholders: Identifying the individuals or groups affected by the problem and those who will be involved in solving it is crucial. This ensures that all relevant perspectives are considered in the solution process.

Incorporating these components ensures that the problem statement is not only clear and focused but also grounded in the reality of the business or research context, making it a powerful tool for initiating change.

Steps to Writing an Effective Problem Statement

Creating a problem statement that is clear, concise, and actionable is crucial for guiding the direction of your project or research. Follow these steps to craft an effective problem statement:

1. Identify the Problem

Research and Observation: Start by gathering as much information as possible about the issue. This can involve qualitative research, such as interviews and observations, or quantitative research, like surveys and data analysis. Understanding the depth and breadth of the problem is crucial.

Be Specific: Clearly articulate what the problem is. Avoid broad or vague descriptions. Instead, focus on specific aspects of the problem that can be addressed. Detail the symptoms of the problem and its effects on operations or objectives.

2. Understand the Impact

Quantify the Problem: Use data to illustrate the extent of the problem. This could include metrics like decreased sales, lower customer satisfaction scores, increased costs, or any other relevant indicators.

Highlight the Urgency: Explain why it is critical to address this problem now. Discuss what could happen if the problem is not resolved, including potential long-term impacts on the business or project.

3. Specify the Needs

Define Success Criteria: What does a successful resolution look like? Specify the outcomes you aim to achieve by solving the problem. This helps in focusing the problem-solving process and sets a clear goal.

Consider Constraints: Identify any limitations that might affect the solution. This could include budgetary constraints, time limitations, technological barriers, or resource availability. Acknowledging these constraints early on helps in shaping a more realistic and achievable problem statement.

4. Propose a Solution (Optional)

In some cases, it might be beneficial to propose a preliminary solution or objective within your problem statement. If you choose to do so, ensure that your proposal is:

Feasible: The suggested solution should be practical and achievable, given the constraints and resources available.

Aligned with Goals: Ensure that the solution directly addresses the issues outlined in the problem statement and meets the defined success criteria. It should offer a clear pathway to overcoming the identified problem.

By methodically following these steps, you can develop a problem statement that not only accurately reflects the issue at hand but also serves as a guiding beacon for your project or research efforts, ensuring focused and effective problem-solving strategies.

Examples of Problem Statements

Problem statement for a digital marketing agency.

Business Overview: A digital marketing agency that specializes in creating targeted social media campaigns for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Problem Statement: Despite providing a comprehensive suite of digital marketing services, the agency has experienced a significant decline in client retention rates over the past year. This issue stems primarily from the agency's inability to offer personalized campaign analytics, leading to diminished client satisfaction and reduced revenue. The lack of detailed insights into campaign performance prevents clients from understanding the value generated by their investments, ultimately driving them to seek services from competitors who offer more granular analytics and reporting features.

Problem Statement for a Coffee Shop Based in a Suburban Downtown

Business Overview: A locally-owned coffee shop situated in the heart of a suburban downtown, known for its organic coffee and community-driven atmosphere.

Problem Statement: In recent months, the coffee shop has witnessed a steady decline in daily customer visits, attributed to the influx of larger coffee chain competitors and a lack of effective local marketing strategies. This decrease in foot traffic threatens the shop's market share and its established presence within the community. Without a strategic response to counteract these challenges, the coffee shop risks losing its competitive edge and diminishing its role as a community hub.

Problem Statement, with solution, for a SAAS - Plannit AI  

Business Overview: Plannit AI is an innovative platform designed to simplify the business planning process for entrepreneurs through the use of artificial intelligence.

Problem Statement: Entrepreneurs face significant obstacles when developing comprehensive business plans, impeding their progress and ability to secure funding or launch successfully. The traditional process of creating a business plan is time-consuming and daunting, particularly for individuals without prior experience. The complexity of integrating various business elements into a coherent and strategic document can be overwhelming, resulting in entrepreneurs either abandoning their ventures, wasting time on unviable ideas, or diverting attention away from core business operations.

Solution: Plannit AI addresses these challenges by offering an AI-driven platform that streamlines the creation of detailed, professional business plans. Unlike generic solutions that lack depth and interactivity, Plannit AI provides a focused, user-friendly experience that guides entrepreneurs through each step of the planning process. With real-time, interactive features, the platform enables users to quickly transform their ideas into comprehensive business plans, leveraging AI to enhance productivity and innovation. By demystifying the business planning process, Plannit AI empowers entrepreneurs to effectively communicate their vision and objectives, increasing their chances of success in the competitive business landscape.

These examples illustrate the diversity of problem statements across different business contexts, highlighting the unique challenges each entity faces. A well-crafted problem statement, such as Plannit AI's, not only identifies the issue but also proposes a viable solution, demonstrating a clear understanding of the target market's needs and how to address them effectively.

Tips for Crafting a Compelling Problem Statement

Crafting a compelling problem statement is an art that requires clarity, focus, and a deep understanding of the issue at hand. Here are some best practices to guide you:

Be Concise and Precise: A problem statement should be brief yet comprehensive enough to cover the essence of the problem. Aim for clarity and precision, avoiding any unnecessary jargon or complex language that could obscure the issue.

Stay Focused: Keep the problem statement focused on a single issue. Trying to address multiple problems at once can dilute the effectiveness of your statement and complicate the solution process.

Adopt a Solution-Oriented Approach: While it's important to describe the problem, framing it in a way that opens up avenues for solutions can be more productive. This approach not only defines the problem but also sets the stage for identifying potential remedies.

Engage Stakeholders: Involving key stakeholders in the process of crafting the problem statement can provide valuable insights and perspectives. Their input can help refine the statement, ensuring it accurately reflects the problem and resonates with those affected by it.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even with the best intentions, it’s easy to fall into common traps when writing problem statements. Here are some pitfalls to avoid:

Being Too Vague: A problem statement that lacks specificity can be ineffective. Avoid vague descriptions and instead provide concrete details that paint a clear picture of the problem.

Being Overly Broad: Trying to tackle a problem that's too broad can make finding a feasible solution challenging. Narrow down the problem to something manageable and specific.

Solution Bias: While it's useful to think about potential solutions, a problem statement overly focused on a particular solution can limit creativity and innovation. Keep the statement open-ended to allow for a range of solutions.

Ignoring the Underlying Problem: Sometimes, the apparent problem is just a symptom of a deeper issue. Ensure you're addressing the root cause, not just the surface-level manifestations.

Overlooking Stakeholder Perspectives: Failing to consider the views and needs of all stakeholders can lead to a problem statement that doesn't fully capture the issue. Engage with a diverse range of stakeholders to ensure a comprehensive understanding.

By adhering to these tips and avoiding common mistakes, you can craft a problem statement that effectively sets the stage for identifying and implementing solutions. A well-conceived problem statement is a powerful tool in the problem-solving arsenal, guiding efforts towards meaningful and impactful outcomes.

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Problem Statement: What It Is, How to Write + Examples

Learn a problem statement, how to craft one effectively, and find practical examples. Master the art of problem statement writing.

A well-defined problem statement is the foundation of any successful project, research, or initiative. Whether you’re a student, a professional, or an entrepreneur, understanding a problem statement and how to craft one effectively is crucial. 

In this blog post, we will dive deep into problem statements, explaining what they are, how to write them, and providing real-life examples to guide you.

What Is a Problem Statement?

A problem statement is a concise and clear description of an issue or challenge that needs to be addressed. It serves as a roadmap for problem-solving and decision-making, helping individuals and teams define the scope of their work and focus on the most critical aspects of a problem. 

The problem statement underscores the need for exploring viable solutions and potential solutions to tackle the rising energy consumption in our community.

A well-crafted problem statement should be:

  • Specific: Clearly define the problem, avoiding vague or general descriptions.
  • Measurable: Include criteria to assess the success or completion of the solution.
  • Achievable: Ensure that the problem can be solved or improved within reasonable constraints.
  • Relevant: Align the problem statement with your goals and objectives.
  • Time-bound: Set a timeframe for solving the problem or achieving progress.

When to Use a Problem Statement

A problem statement is a concise and clear description of an issue or challenge that needs to be addressed. It is often used in various contexts, including business, research , project management, and problem-solving. 

Here are some key elements of situations in which you should use to write a problem statement in a brief and focused manner:

  • Project Proposals: When proposing a project, whether it’s for a business world initiative or a research endeavor, concise writing problem statements help stakeholders understand why the project is necessary and what it aims to solve.
  • Business Plans: A brief error statement can provide context for the business goals and objectives in a business plan or strategy document. It helps identify the specific market or industry challenges the business addresses.
  • Research Proposals: In academic or scientific research proposals, a succinct error statement outlines the research question or problem the study intends to investigate. It sets the stage for the research objectives and methodology.
  • Product Development: When creating a new product or service, a short problem statement helps the design process and development teams focus on solving a specific user or market problem.
  • Policy Development: In the public sector, government agencies and policymakers often use error statements to define and communicate the issues that need attention, leading to the formulation of policies or regulations.
  • Conflict Resolution: In conflict resolution or mediation processes, a concise error statement can help parties involved in a dispute to understand the core issues and work towards a resolution.
  • Quality Improvement: In quality management or process improvement initiatives, a brief error statement helps identify the areas in a process where improvements are needed.
  • Marketing and Advertising: When creating marketing campaigns or advertising materials, a problem statement can be used to highlight a consumer’s pain point and show how a product or service can solve it.
  • Innovation Challenges: In innovation competitions or hackathons, participants often start by defining a clear and concise error statement before brainstorming a proposed solution.
  • Personal Goals: Even in personal development or goal-setting, it can be helpful to formulate a concise problem statement to clarify what you want to achieve and why.

How to Write an Effective Problem Statement

Writing an effective problem statement is crucial for any project, research, or initiative because it sets the stage for addressing the issue at hand. A well-crafted problem statement clarifies the problem, provides context, and serves as a guide for developing and implementing solutions. 

Here are the steps to write an effective problem statement:

01. Understand the Problem:

Begin by thoroughly understanding the problem you intend to address. Conduct research, gather data, and talk to relevant stakeholders to gain insights into the issue. Identify the scope and boundaries of the problem.

02. Define the Problem Clearly:

Your problem statement should be clear and concise. Avoid vague or ambiguous language. State the problem in simple terms so anyone reading it can understand the issue.

03. Provide Context:

Give background information to help readers understand the problem’s significance. Explain why it is important, who it affects, and what its implications are. Provide relevant statistics, trends, or examples to illustrate the problem’s financial costs, scope and impact.

04. Identify the Root Cause:

Try to identify the underlying causes or factors contributing to the problem. This will help address the issue at its core rather than just its symptoms.

05. Be Specific:

Avoid broad or generic problem statements. Instead, narrow down the problem to a specific issue that can be tackled effectively. Specificity will make it easier to develop targeted solutions.

06. Use Measurable Criteria:

Include measurable criteria for success. This allows you to evaluate whether the problem has been resolved or improvements have been made. Quantifiable metrics help in tracking progress.

07. Make It Feasible:

Ensure that the problem statement reflects a realistic and achievable challenge. It should be addressed within your resources and constraints.

08. Avoid Solution Language:

This should focus on describing the problem, not proposing solutions. Avoid phrases like “we need to do X” or “we should implement Y.” Save the solution-oriented discussions for later in the design thinking process.

09. Consider the Audience:

Tailor your own problem statement to the audience it is intended for. Use language and terminology that your audience can understand and relate to. Adapt the level of technical detail accordingly.

10. Seek Feedback:

Share your problem statement with colleagues, experts, or stakeholders to gather feedback and refine it. Their input can help ensure clarity and completeness.

11. Revise and Refine:

Continue to revise and refine the error statement as you gather more information and insights. It may evolve as your understanding of the problem deepens.

12. Test for Objectivity:

Ensure that your problem statement is free from bias and reflects a balanced perspective. Avoid making assumptions or assigning blame without evidence.

Examples of Problem Statements

The problem statement serves as the foundation for your research, outlining the key challenges and issues we aim to address in just a few sentences and providing a clear direction for our study. To further illustrate how to create effective problem statements, let’s explore some real-life problem statement examples:

Example 1: Education

“The high school dropout rate in our community has risen by 20% over the past two years, negatively impacting our future workforce. We need to implement targeted intervention programs to reduce dropout rates and ensure a more educated workforce.”

Example 2: Healthcare

“Patients in our clinic often face long wait times for appointments, resulting in dissatisfaction and delays in medical care. We must streamline our appointment scheduling process to reduce wait times and improve patient’s customer satisfaction ratings.”

Example 3: Business

“Our e-commerce website experiences a high cart abandonment rate, leading to lost sales opportunities. We must identify the reasons for cart abandonment and implement strategies to increase conversion rates.”

A well-crafted problem statement is fundamental for effective problem-solving in any field or endeavor. Following the steps outlined in this blog post and studying the examples provided can enhance your ability to define, address, and ultimately solve complex problems. 

Whether you’re a student tackling a research project or a professional seeking to improve your organization’s processes, mastering the art of problem statement writing is a valuable skill that can lead to greater success.

QuestionPro streamlines problem-solving with versatile surveys, data analysis, segmentation, and real-time reporting. It offers a comprehensive toolkit for gathering valuable insights, facilitating informed decision-making, and addressing problem statements effectively.



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How to Write an Effective Problem Statement for Your Research Paper

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Table of Contents

The problem statement usually appears at the beginning of an article, making it one of the first things readers encounter. An excellent problem statement not only explains the relevance and importance of the research but also helps readers quickly determine if the article aligns with their interests by clearly defining the topic. Therefore, the problem statement plays a unique role in the widespread dissemination of the paper and enhancing the researcher’s academic influence.  

In this article, we will focus on writing ideas, structure, and practical examples of the problem statement, helping researchers easily write an excellent problem statement.  

Basic Writing Strategies for the Problem Statement  

The problem statement aims to highlight the pressing issue the research intends to address. It should be concise and to the point. Researchers can follow a two-step approach: first, think about the content of the problem statement, and then organize the writing framework.  

Before writing, clarify the following points¹ :  

  • What is the reader’s level of understanding of the research topic?  
  • How can the significance of the research be effectively conveyed to the reader?  

After addressing these two questions, you can organize the content according to the following structure:  

  • Clarify what you aim to achieve with your research.  
  • Explore why the problem exists and explain how solving it helps reach the goal.  
  • Outline the potential impact of the research, such as possible outcomes, challenges, and benefits.  
  • Recommend a plan for your experiment that follows the rules of science.  
  • Explain the potential consequences if the problem is not resolved (if applicable).  

Three Important Parts of the Problem Statement  

The content and length of the problem statement can vary depending on the type of research. Although there’s no fixed format, it’s helpful to include these three key parts:  

  Research Background:  

Explain clearly what problem your research focuses on. Describe how things would be better if this problem didn’t exist. Also, talk about what other researchers have tried to do about this problem and what still needs to be figured out.  

  Research Significance:  

Clarify the impact of the problem on the research field and society, and analyze the cause of the problem. Explain who will benefit from solving the problem, thus demonstrating the relevance of the research and its contribution to the existing research system.²  To illustrate the relevance, consider aspects such as the geographical location or process where the problem occurs, the time period during which it exists, and the severity of the problem.  


Describe the research objective and the expected solution or results.  

Understanding the Writing Method Through Examples  

To further explore the writing method of the problem statement, let’s look at the following case.  

Research Topic: 

The benefits of vitamin D supplementation on the immune system.  

Problem Statement: 

  • Review existing research on the role of vitamin D in the immune system, emphasizing the potential impacts of vitamin D deficiency on the human body.  
  • List the obstacles encountered when trying to increase vitamin D levels in the body through supplements, and briefly mention the physiological or molecular mechanisms behind these obstacles.  
  • Clarify feasible ways to overcome these obstacles, such as new methods to promote the absorption of vitamin D in the intestine. Then, focus on the benefits of these methods, such as helping postmenopausal women with breast cancer improve their blood vitamin D levels.   

Points to Note: 

When crafting your problem statement, focus on essential details and avoid unnecessary information. Additionally, absolute terms such as “must” should be avoided.  

( The examples in this article are used only to illustrate writing points, and the academic views contained therein are not for reference. )  

By mastering these techniques and methods, you can enhance the clarity and impact of their problem statements. This not only makes the articles more engaging for reviewers and readers but also increases the likelihood of broader dissemination.  

For efficient and professional assistance, consider reaching out to Elsevier Language Services. Our team of expert editors, who are native English speakers across various disciplines, can help refine every aspect of your article, including the problem statement. Our goal is to ensure your research achieves efficient publication and has wide-reaching impact, supporting your academic journey in the long term.  

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  • SURF Workshop Resources: Problem Statements – Purdue OWL® – Purdue University. (n.d.). https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/subject_specific_writing/writing_in_the_purdue_surf_program/surf_workshop_resources_problem_statements/index.html
  • Problem Statement | A practical guide to delivering results. (n.d.). Copyright (C)2024 a Practical Guide to Delivering Results. All Rights Reserved. https://deliveringresults.leeds.ac.uk/delivering-results-lifecycle/problem-statement/

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How to write a problem statement

example of a problem statement in education

What is a problem statement?

Why write a problem statement, when are problem statements commonly written, how do i write a problem statement, the format of a problem statement, the trademarks of a good problem statement, an example of a problem statement, frequently asked questions about problem statements, related articles.

A problem statement is a clear and concise description of the problem or issue a team aims to address in a project.

A problem statement identifies a problem’s current state, desired future state, and the gaps that lie between the two. It doesn't define the solution to the problem or provide a road map for solving the problem; it only gives an outline of what the problem is.

However, the researcher or team can later use the problem statement to validate that their work delivered an outcome that resulted in the solution.

A problem statement is a useful communication tool, as it keeps the whole team on track and tells them why the project is important. A problem statement helps someone to define and understand the problem, identify the goals of the project, and outline the scope of work.

A problem statement is especially relevant for projects that aim to improve processes, as it allows for the easier development of solutions. Referencing it helps guide the activities carried out and aids the research team in staying focused. The information in a problem statement also helps a team make important decisions.

When the desired solution is implemented later on, a problem statement can help make sure that steps are put into place to prevent the original problem from recurring in the future.

Problem statements are used in both academic and business contexts. In a business environment, project managers can use them to help execute process improvement projects.

But in an academic setting, they can help researchers to contextualize and understand the significance of the problem in a research project. This guide focuses on academic problem statements.

Before planning or writing out your academic problem statement, ask yourself some important questions, and make notes with your answers:

  • What is the problem?
  • How often does the problem occur?
  • Where does the problem occur?
  • When does the problem occur?
  • Who does the problem impact?
  • What causes the problem?
  • How would things ideally work if the problem wasn't present?
  • Why is this a problem, and why does it matter?
  • What impact does the problem cause?
  • Which possible solution/s to the problem are you going to propose?
  • What are the predicted benefits or outcomes of your solutions?

When you write your problem statement, split it into four sections:

  • Problem: Here, simply define what your problem is, clearly and concisely. Make it no longer than one or two sentences.
  • Background: This is the section where you can describe what causes the problem, how often it occurs, where and when it occurs, and who the problem impacts.
  • Relevance: You'll want to show how the problem is relevant, as well as why it matters and requires a solution. This is a great space to specify why it's a problem and what impacts it causes. If it fits comfortably, you can also articulate how things would ideally work if the problem wasn't present.
  • Objectives: This section doesn't require great detail or length, as the problem statement isn't the area of your research project in which to specifically problem-solve. However, you should lay out a brief plan of what you're going to do to investigate and how that should help you formulate solutions. You can also hypothesize on possible solutions you're going to propose, and the benefits you predict from these.

A quality problem statement should be:

  • Concise: You should be able to summarize your problem, as well as the different elements of how and why it's a problem, in succinct sentences. If you can't, revisit your initial notes and clarify what you want to achieve with your project.
  • Specific: Only write about one issue in a problem statement, even if there's more than one impact of that issue. Your research and actions then only have to focus on solving the one problem, and there's no confusion.
  • Measurable: Be clear about how you're able to measure and convey both the problem and your proposed objectives. This is usually by communicating the problem in terms of degree and frequency.

Below is an academic problem statement example. You don't need to include any headers in your real problem statement, but we'll do so here to show you how the sections of the document function in practice.

There is worryingly low uptake of free cervical cancer screening in the UK amongst women aged 25 to 35.

According to an assessment conducted by X Health Trust, only 60% of 25- to 35-year-old female patients attended cervical cancer screening appointments within the last two years.

This could be due to several contributing factors:

  • Female patients in this age group may be more likely to believe they are not susceptible to cervical cancer due to their younger age.
  • There has been an absence of regular and informative public health announcements on this subject within the last seven years.
  • Cervical cancer screening has a reputation for being an unpleasant experience, which could be off-putting for patients due to attend one.

Cervical cancer is the 14th most common cancer in females in the UK, representing a notable health risk. As of 2017, there were around 3,200 new cervical cancer cases, with 850 consequent deaths, in the UK every year.

Although mortality rates in the UK for cervical cancer are highest in females aged 85 to 89, incidence rates for the disease are still highest in females aged 30 to 34.

When cervical cancer is diagnosed at its earliest stage, 96% of people diagnosed will survive their disease for one year or more. This is compared with only 50% of people when the disease is diagnosed at the latest stage.

Screening is a vital health service as many cervical cancer patients will be symptomless until they are in a later stage of the disease.

We are going to conduct a survey of 10,000 females in the UK between the ages of 25 and 35. We will first ask them the question of whether they have attended a cervical screening appointment in the last five years. For those who answer “no,” we will then present them with multiple-choice options that answer the question, “why not?”

From the results we gather, we should be able to accurately assess the most common reasons why there is a low uptake in cervical cancer screening in this age group. We will then propose interventions to the medical community based on our findings.

Our ultimate goal is to increase the uptake of cervical cancer screening by females between 25 and 35 in the UK over the next five years.

🔲 Background

🔲 Relevance

🔲 Objectives

A problem statement helps you define and understand a problem, identify the goals of your project, and outline the scope of your work. A problem statement is especially important for projects that aim to improve processes, as it allows for the easier development of solutions.

A good problem statement is concise, specific and measurable. It summarizes the different elements of how and why it's a problem. It focusses on solving this one problem, and there is no confusion as to what the problem is and how it is solved. It is clear how the problem can be solved and how this can be measured.

To start a problem statement, first ask yourself some important questions to define the problem, like:

  • Which possible solutions to the problem are you going to propose?

When you write your problem statement, split it into these sections:

A smart problem statement is concise, specific and measurable. It should briefly describe the problem, where it is occurring, the timeframe over which it has been occurring, and the size and magnitude of the problem.

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Learn everything you need to know to develop a Problem Statement by an Ex-McKinsey consultant . Includes best practices , examples, and a free problem statement template at the bottom.

“A problem well stated is a problem half solved.”

– Charles Kettering, Early 1900s American Inventor

I remember my first day on my first project at McKinsey, the partner got the team in a room for us to spend a few hours “defining the problem statement.” At first, I thought to myself, “man, what a dumb idea…this client is paying us millions of dollars, and we don’t even know what we are trying to solve?” But, as we started to debate the context of the client, the issues they faced, and the reasons why they brought us on, I started to appreciate defining the problem statement and the ability for the right problem statement to frame and focus problem solving .

What is a problem statement?

A problem statement is a clear description of the problem you are trying to solve and is typically most effectively stated as a question. Problem statements are subtly critical in effective problem solving. They have an uncanny ability in focusing the efforts of brainstorming , teamwork, and projects .

To understand this better, let’s go through some examples of how you can position a brainstorming session on various topics.

problem statements

Beyond brainstorming, problem statements should be used at the beginning of any project to frame and focus on the problem. A good problem statement defines the “who” the problem involves, and defines the scope of the problem. Since problem statements guide much of the problem solving of a project, it is important not to be too narrow or broad with the problem statement.

How do you create an effective problem statement?

As stated before, every McKinsey project starts with the development of a problem statement. Once we landed on a strong problem statement, then we had to align the client with the problem statement. The easiest way for a project and team to get off track is if the team and the client are trying to solve different problems. A good problem statement aligns the expectations of the client with the team’s activities and output.

Here are the best practices when creating an effective problem statement:

Use the 5 Ws and one H

One of the most useful tools when developing a problem statement is the 5 Ws and one H, which is simply utilizing who, what, why, where, when, and how questions to frame the problem statement. Simply thinking through these questions as they relate to the problem can help you create a strong problem statement.

Ask the most crucial question, “What are we trying to solve?”

We’ve all been in those brainstorming sessions, meetings or on those projects, where you’re just scratching your head, as the conversation or directions are more like an Olympic ping-pong match going from one topic to the next. The most effective question that I’ve used in over a thousand meetings and conversations is simply “what are we trying to solve?” It cuts through the clutter, confusion, and misalignment, and quickly centers the focus and energy of everyone.

Frame the problem statement as a goal

Some of the best problem statements are simply goals formatted as questions. If you need to increase sales by 10%, a good problem statement is, “Within the next 12 months, what are the most effective options for the team to increase sales by 10%?”

Force the prioritization 

Often, the most effective problem statements force the prioritization of issues and opportunities. Using phrases such as “the most important for the customer” or “the best way” will force prioritization.


To get you going on defining a strong problem statement, download the free and editable Problem Statement PowerPoint Worksheet.

problem statement worksheet template

Correctly defining a problem statement at the beginning of a project or initiative will dramatically improve the success of the project or initiative. Problem statements help guide problem solving, analysis , hypotheses , and solutions.

Developing a problem statement is an iterative brainstorming process. Get the major stakeholders in a room for a few hours and start the process by having everyone write down what they think the problem is on index cards. Collect the index cards and post them on a whiteboard. You can either discuss each one or have the group pick the top 3 and then discuss them. You can use the Problem Statement Worksheet to further define the problem by answering the 5 Ws and 1 H. The key is to find the right problem statement all stakeholders feel strongly about, in that, if the problem statement were solved, the problem would be solved.








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Problem and Problem Statements

Purpose Statement (PS)

When reading research literature, once often finds a PS. The PS is used to introduce the reader to the purpose of the study; it outlines the intent of the author -- his or her central idea of research report; the thesis statement.

Often the PS is presented early in the research report, usually within the first two or three paragraphs. Commonly authors provide brief background information about the issue to be studied. This background information is used simply to familiarize the reader with the issue, and to make the importance of the issue apparent. The background sets the frame of the study--the focus of the study. Once the background information is provided, the author then presents the purpose statement which makes clear what will be presented in the research report.

Purpose Statement Characteristics

  • Significance - either theoretical or practical importance of the issue will be clear to the reader
  • Researchable - the issue to be addressed in the report should be researchable; this means that the issue can be studied or addressed by collecting and analyzing data
  • Variables - the important variables to be studied should be present in the PS
  • Relationships - the relationships among the variables studied should be clear--that is, one should be able to identify which are the independent and dependent variables

Examples of Purpose Statements

PS may be stated in two forms: question and implicit question. The implicit question is more common. Some examples of each are listed below.

  • The purpose of this study was to compare differences between high and low achievers in the ninth grade on measures of originality and divergent thinking.
  • In this study we investigated whether the ability to discriminate among parts of speech increased with chronological age and educational level.
  • The purpose of the present research was to investigate the separate and combined effects of the principal components of mastery learning and team learning on student mathematics achievement.
  • The purpose is to examine the relationship between rote learning ability and socioeconomic status.
  • The main purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of two reading methods, sight and phonics, in increasing verbal comprehension.
  • What is the relation between intelligence and achievement?
  • Do students learn more from a directive teacher or a non-directive teacher?
  • Do students who are described unfavorably by their teacher tend to describe themselves more unfavorably than those students described favorably by their teacher?
  • Does the repetitious use of prompting in a learning program impair the effectiveness of programmed materials?
  • Are students aged 55 and older more likely to drop out of college than students of ages between 30 and 40?
  • Is the relationship between age and dropping-out behavior affected by the student’s perception of the utility of the program to his or her future needs?
  • How do three counseling techniques differ in their effectiveness in decreasing test anxiety in high school juniors?
  • What is the relationship among leadership skills, intelligence, and achievement motivation of high school seniors?

Examples of Purpose Statements within Opening Sections of a Research Report

In the following examples, the PS is underlined.

Speculation among educators and educational researchers holds that increases in academic standards may have detrimental effects on students, especially academically at-risk students (Johnson, 1994; Jones, 1993). With state mandates requiring increased standards, such as the adoption of minimum competency tests, educational researchers have argued that high school dropout rates will increase substantially once students begin experiencing difficulty passing competency tests (Adam, 1983). The purpose of this study is to investigate whether increased standards, in the form of minimum competency tests, influence students' decisions to leave school before graduation. If increased academic standards do, in fact, influence students' decisions to drop out of school, then policy makers need to reconsider both the goals for, and implementation of, such standards.

(Note. The IV in this PS is increased standards [use of minimum competency tests] and the DV is withdrawing from school.)

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia are two eating disorders that affect females in the United States and Europe every year, and both are recognized as major medical and psychiatric problems. Anorexia is a disorder that most commonly affects females in their teenage and young adult years. Leichner and Gertler (1988) estimate that as much as 20% of women on college campuses demonstrate anorectic behaviors. Despite improved therapeutic approaches, the mortality rate of this disorder is between 5% and 20% (Zerbe, 1993). Bulimia, the other eating disorder, also affects adolescent females, and the prognosis for individuals with bulimia is often worse than those with anorexia. Because of the prevalence and severity of eating disorders, psychological researchers desire to learn of the symptoms that precede such eating disorders, how those symptoms develop, and the additional problems that accompany such symptoms.

Clinicians, in an attempt to document symptoms that precede eating disorders, are often confounded by the fact that females are usually secretive in regard to their eating disorders. Adding further to the problem is the fact that many teenagers diet, and eating disorders can sometimes be confused with dieting. Thus, as noted by Zerbe (1993), early signs of eating disorders, such as weight loss, frequently go unnoticed by family members and are ignored by physicians. Since physical and other observable warning signs are often disregarded, and since eating disorders are related to, and perhaps caused by, underlying personality characteristics, emotions, and conflicts, it seems that a method of assessment that would project these underlying tendencies would be helpful in the early diagnosis of eating disorders.

Usually eating disorders are connected to emotional conflicts, personality characteristics, and other psychological problems. Researchers have long used human figure drawings (HFD) for the assessment similar psychological problems in children and adults (Dileo, 1983; Koppitz, 1968), and, according to Klepsch and Logie (1982), such drawings can capture symbolically on paper some of an individual's thoughts, feelings, and present state of mind or attitude. Note that such states or attitudes may be governed by developmental and social-emotional conditions at any given moment (Mortensen, 1984).

Since HFDs may capture various social-emotional conditions on paper, perhaps HFDs may be used as a diagnostic tool in an attempt to differentiate among individuals with and without eating disorders. Therefore, the purpose of this investigation will be to determine whether HFDs, viewed as a diagnostic tool, can adequately identify individuals with eating disorders.

(Note. The IV is HFDs and the DV is identification of eating disorders.)

Hebb (1955) theorized, based on an extensive analysis of all the then currently available data relating performance to arousal, that a curvi-linear relationship existed between arousal and performance. Typically, Hebb postulated, behavioral efficiency, i.e. performance, increases with increasing levels of arousal, but at a certain arousal point performance will begin decreasing even as arousal-levels continue to increase. This relationship holds broad implications, especially when one considers the possible impact upon diagnostic assessments of performance. Since school psychologists frequently administer diagnostic tests to students, and since there is an established non-linear relationship between arousal and performance, controllable factors that may influence children's arousal- or anxiety-levels when administered such tests would prove invaluable to school psychologists in obtaining more accurate and valid diagnostic scores.

Given that excessive levels of arousal or anxiety interact in a negative fashion with performance, it is important to know whether mundane factors, such as school psychologists’ attire or sex, influence students’ arousal-levels. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the dress and/or sex of school psychologists influences children’s levels of arousal during the administration of a diagnostic test. Should the data indicate that attire or sex influences arousal-levels, then further research will be needed to learn methods for best controlling the impact of these factors. Because children with learning disabilities constitute the largest population of special education students, and because the majority of children with learning disabilities are referred for services in the third grade (Kirk, Gallagher, & Anastasiow, 1993), third-graders referred for possible learning disabilities will be targeted in this investigation.

(Note. The IVs are dress and sex and the DV is level of arousal.)

Problem Statements

It is less common to see Problem Statements in today's research. A problem statement identifies for readers the problem the researcher wishes to address through the purpose of the study. Using Example 1 from above, the problem statement could be worded like this:

"High school dropout rates are high, and there is speculation that use of minimum competency tests may be contributing the high rate of school dropout."

A more common approach to identifying problems that will be addressed in a study is to problem a brief introduction to the problem like shown in the examples above. For each example, the introductory material is several sentences or a paragraph (or two) describing the problem in some detail and why it is important to study. Once the problem is identified and explained, one then typically presents the study purpose and this is often followed by study research questions or hypotheses.

example of a problem statement in education

Examples Of A Problem Statement

Mehak’s organization is a few years old. As an entrepreneur, her efforts are geared toward implementing streamlined processes and procedures…

Problem Statement Examples in Business

Mehak’s organization is a few years old. As an entrepreneur, her efforts are geared toward implementing streamlined processes and procedures to make sure things keep running smoothly.

At the end of the fourth year, she decides to take stock of where they are compared to where they were. She identifies a few problems and decides to consolidate that information in a few problem statements.

“ We must reduce our turnaround time by 50%, improve response time and follow through significantly to improve communication and meet our targets. ”

A problem statement defines the gap between your desired goal and the current state of things. With a problem statement, organizations and individuals are able to describe what’s standing in their way, and come up with viable solutions.

Read on to learn more about problem statement examples in business and education to understand what makes a good problem statement.

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What Is An Example Of A Problem Statement?

Problem statement examples in business, problem statement examples in education, defining problems to find solutions.

Before digging deeper into a problem statement, let’s look at an example of a problem statement:

“We don’t have an effective, flexible and versatile customer relationship management or CRM system. We need to upgrade our CRM efforts to improve brand recall.”

Marketing efforts may suffer if you don’t have a robust CRM to support your ideas. This problem statement clearly defines the problem and states why it’s important. This example of a problem statement is descriptive, concise and cohesive.

Problem statements are essential in both business and education. Whether you’re writing a business report or a 5,000-word research essay, a problem statement will help you condense information to make it easier to communicate. The simpler the problem statement, the easier it is to share with all stakeholders—clients, employees, investors, teachers or classmates.

Examples of a good problem statement may be based on professional or personal accomplishments. Your problem statement may be about spending your time off more effectively. But problem statement examples in business are targets to solve specific business needs like increasing sales targets, establishing businesses online or reducing employee turnover.

For instance, consider the following example of a problem statement :

Employee turnover rate is up by 60% with most of them leaving due to lack of support for growth opportunities. To retain top talent, we need to invest in quality training and development initiatives.

This problem statement states the organization is suffering from an uptick in employee turnover. Based on feedback, most employees left because they felt their ambitions to grow weren’t supported. The solution offered hence is investing in employee training and development.

In college, we submit test reports, projects and assignments that start with either an abstract or an introductory paragraph that explains the contents. These are the problem statement examples in education . It could be the basis for a master’s thesis that addresses the problem and explains the method used to solve it, along with the results.

For essays and reports, the problem statement can be longer than a problem statement in a professional context. Here’s an example:

There have been several problems with transitioning to a fully online study model in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The report aims to describe the advantages and disadvantages of this transition, with interviews and case studies. The study has interviews from eleven K-12 teachers in charge of different courses and subjects. Their experience of teaching online classes, with cohorts of different sizes, reveals that online learning is challenging, but advantageous in the long run.

The problem statement can be a few paragraphs long. You can add any setbacks you faced and how you overcame them during your research. In education, it’s important to set the context like you would for a layperson.

The first step in problem-solving, one of the greatest workplace skills, is to define the problem in clear and concise terms. If you want to communicate a problem to others, they need to be able to understand it without diving into much background information. Harappa’s Defining Problems course will teach you how to present a problem in a simple, streamlined manner. From barriers to problem-solving to identifying the Harappa Problem Definition Framework, our helpful modules will transform you into an effective problem solver. Become a solution- and goal-oriented professional with the right toolkit to achieve excellent results.

Explore Harappa Diaries to learn more about topics such as What Is a Problem Statement , Analyze Problems , Problem Solving Process and Problem Solving Methods to classify problems and solve them efficiently.


Home Blog Business How to Write a Problem Statement: Hands-On Guide With Examples

How to Write a Problem Statement: Hands-On Guide With Examples

Cover for SlideModel's guide on How to Write a Problem Statement

When trying to call an audience to action, it is easy to become fixated on coming up with unassailable arguments and bulletproof evidence. Yet, crafting a compelling problem statement is the first step to getting your proposals heard and acknowledged.

In this post, you’ll get a lowdown on how to write an effective problem statement.

Table of Contents

  • What is a Problem Statement?

When Should You Write a Problem Statement

How to write a problem statement, common mistakes to avoid when writing a problem statement, what is a problem statement.

A problem statement is a concise and clear description of the issues or challenges that must be addressed. The main objective of this problem-solving strategy is to establish a common ground with your audience about the existence of a problem before moving to more delicate matters, which is the solution. More importantly, it helps garner support from decision-makers, team members, or funding bodies by presenting a compelling case for why the problem needs attention and resources.

A good problem statement should:

  • Provide a concise explanation of the specific issue, leaving no room for ambiguity
  • Explain why the problem is significant and requires immediate attention
  • Highlight the discrepancy or gap between the current state and the desired state.

Crafting a problem statement is often the first step when writing a project proposal to show stakeholders you are solving a realistic problem. A problem statement is also an effective hook when starting a presentation and getting your audience to lean in.

Whether in written documents, presentations, or team discussions, a well-crafted problem statement can be a compelling hook that draws your audience in and paves the way for successful outcomes.

When writing a problem statement, it’s good to have a structure to follow. It helps to articulate the issue, define its scope, and guide the reader’s understanding of the problem. Below are the elements you would want to include in your problem statement.

  • Background or context of the problem
  • The specific issue being addressed
  • The consequences of not solving the problem
  • Brief background of the solution (Optional)

Let’s look at a problem statement example for an internal project proposal to test our recipe.

example of a problem statement in education

The problem of Healthcare Cost at CompuSoft

Corporate healthcare cost inflation in the U.S. is rising at an alarming rate. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recently estimated that medical claims in the country would triple by the year 2025. Such a surge in healthcare expenses poses a formidable challenge for companies like CompuSoft.

In 2017, the average healthcare compensation claim per employee at CompuSoft was $3,136.20. This doubled when the pandemic hit in 2020 at $6,095.49 and has consistently increased since. Controlling these mounting expenses is crucial, as they significantly threaten CompuSoft’s corporate profits.

Maintaining healthy employees offers direct financial benefits to companies, including reduced insurance claims and lower absenteeism rates. I propose that CompuSoft consider implementing an employee fitness program to address this issue.

Step 1. Providing a Background of the Problem

The problem statement should begin with the big picture of the issue and then narrow it down to the specific problem. In the example above, the writer started by providing the context of the problem, which is the rising corporate healthcare cost in the US, with a statement from the health services bureau. This way, the audience understands the extent of the problem and validates the solutions the presenter may propose.

Step 2. Articulating Specific Issue Being Addressed

In the second paragraph, the writer brings the discussion closer to home by focusing on the impact of rising healthcare costs on CompuSoft. This localized approach personalizes the issue and makes it more relatable to the reader, as it directly affects a specific company they can relate to.

The concrete figures quantify the problem and make it more tangible. They add a sense of immediacy and relevance, capturing the reader’s attention and underscoring the significance of the problem for the company’s well-being.

Step 3. Identifying Risks of Not Solving the Problem

This part of the problem statement may be the final blow you need to bring the stakeholders on board with you. When they understand the potential negative consequences and risks of not addressing the problem, they are more likely to recognize the urgency of finding a solution and actively participate in the resolution process.

This statement should be explained concisely – preferably in a one-liner. In the example above, the writer briefly mentioned how escalating healthcare costs could erode the company’s profits.

Step 4. Providing a Background to the Solution

Finally, you should discuss potential solutions that may be implemented. The purpose is to introduce the general approach to solving the problem. This background information serves as a teaser, prompting further discussion with stakeholders.

In the example, the presenter briefly mentioned “implementing an employee fitness program” but did not discuss the specific approach to take. Whether the solution is to build an in-house fitness center or provide fitness-club membership is a topic that should be discussed in the body of the proposal.

1. Being too Vague or Broad

A vague or broad problem statement defeats why you are writing it in the first place – that is, to orient your audience to the significance of your proposal. Vague problem definition lacks insights and often leads to unsuccessful proposals. The broad problem statement, on the other hand, lacks scope and tries to solve multiple problems, diluting the effectiveness of the proposed solution. 

You can avoid this mistake by quantifying the problem with concrete figures and focusing on one central issue. A single, specific problem can be more easily measured and evaluated to determine the effectiveness of the solutions. 

Bad Problem Statement: The company’s healthcare claim cost is so high. We need to lower the claims, improve the wellness of employees, and increase our profit.

Improved Problem Statement: The company’s average healthcare claim cost per employee has increased by 50% from $3,136.20 in 2021 to $4704.3 in 2022. We need a wellness program that will help decrease the growth rate to 10% this year.

2. Failing to Identify the Root Cause of the Problem

The best approach to resolving any issue begins by analyzing the situation from its foundational elements and gradually working toward a solution. This method allows for a thorough understanding of the problem and its underlying causes.  When you fail to identify the root cause of the problem in the problem statement, you are likely to propose an inadequate solution that doesn’t address the core issue.

The Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Diagram is a critical tool in this process. A problem-solving method credited to Sakichi Toyoda , RCA helps find the underlying problem by visually mapping out the potential contributing factors or categories influencing the issue.

6-Step Root Cause Analysis

Problem: Mounting healthcare expenses of CompuSoft

Causes: national healthcare cost inflation, the impact of COVID-19, the health status of the employees, age of the employees, medical pay for absentee days, and wellness of the employees.

Our fictitious problem statement above pinpointed several causes of the mounting healthcare expenses of CompuSoft, such as (1.) the national healthcare cost inflation, (2.) the impact of COVID-19, (3.) the health status of the employees, and (4.) the absence of fitness programs for employees. While the first two root causes may be external and beyond the direct control of CompuSoft, the organization can still focus on addressing the latter causes to control corporate healthcare costs.

3.  Focusing on Symptoms Instead of the Problem Itself

What would you do if you broke your bone? You’d probably take a pain reliever to ease the pain, right? You need to see a doctor and get a cast to heal your injury properly. This is a classic example of differentiating symptoms.

In the workplace, not tackling the underlying problem can result in recurrent issues and an inefficient allocation of resources.

In our example, CompuSoft can switch to a health insurance partner that offers the best deal, but that will only provide temporary relief by reducing immediate healthcare expenses. Encouraging wellness programs and prioritizing employee health is a more comprehensive and sustainable solution.

4. Using Biased or Subjective Language

This needs no lengthy explanation. Biased language may not accurately reflect the facts or reality of the problem. This reinforces the objectivity of the problem statement.

A well-crafted problem statement provides a clear direction for proposal development and increases the odds of gaining buy-in from stakeholders. If, in the end, the audience rejects your solution, at least you leave them convinced of the problem’s existence and that something needs to be done. That’s a win on your part!

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WTO / Business / Statements / 26 Best Statement of Problem Examples [How to Write]

26 Best Statement of Problem Examples [How to Write]

Writing a statement of a problem in simple terms evaluates a specific condition that can be improved or an issue that is expected to be addressed promptly.

A statement of problem concisely explains the issue at hand by addressing the current state of the problem and the desired future state while pointing out the gaps identified between the two.

It is, therefore, a description of the undesirable gap between the current state and the desired one.

Free Downloads (Examples & Templates)

Problem Statement Template 01 - Editable - Word

Importance of Problem Statement

Various scenarios may require the writing of a statement. In organizations such as businesses, a well-written statement is a vital anchor to improvement projects. A proper understanding of a project at hand in an organization is crucial to discovering and implementing the solutions.

In academic research , a problem statement is a roadmap that contextualises and helps the researcher understand the significance of their research problem. The ability to efficiently articulate a statement of a problem is an essential tool to communicate what a project is trying to solve.

Guide projects

A problem statement serves as a guiding light to projects by establishing focus by identifying the goals. These statements outline a path to a solution and ensure that the teams remain on track. It also offers teams a platform to look back on the problem at the end of the project. Teams can evaluate whether they accomplished fully solving the problem that was initially identified by an assessment of all the associated metrics goals.


A problem statement serves several purposes in any organisation. It offers a guide to refer back to in the making of decisions and activities on a project. It also helps organisations gain support when in need of buy-in in the project or financial support; This is because it offers stakeholders a platform to verify that the problem against its goals is accurate and valuable enough for them to provide their support.

A well-written problem statement will centre and focus a team at the start, help them remain on track during the solution effort, and finally validate that the effort was why the team delivered the solution that solved the outcome.

In academic research, a problem statement is the starting point that contextualises a problem and establishes the significance of the whole investigation. Depending on the research problem’s scope, the statement may range from several paragraphs, a chapter, or as little as a few introductory sentences.

Problem Statement: When It is Required?

Practical research problems in an organisation necessitate a problem statement. Once a problem is identified in an organization, a statement reviews the matter in detail and offers viability for any efforts to counter the problem.

The organization has had a constant breakdown in communication channels over the past year since employees began working remotely; this has affected most departments’ ability to deliver on their projects due to poor communication. Project managers have held several seminars with their teammates to straighten out the communication mishaps; however, the efforts have seen little to no input in bettering the circumstance.

Theoretical research problems in fields like science, history science, and geography form a background to developing a thesis. Problem statements, for instance, put debated issues into perspective.

Residents in region X reporting chest complications and cancers have increased steadily over the past seven years. In contrast to other regions in the country, according to surveys and tests conducted by Y, residents of zones neighbouring major industrial companies report higher chest complication cases and cancers. There have been a few effective attempts by region X industries to reduce their toxic waste emission. However, the measures are yet to show any significant impact in reducing health hazards to the residents.

Writing a Problem Statement

One of the fundamentals of writing an excellent problem statement is making it as accurate and straightforward as possible. To report a reliable statement, have the following are essentials to have in mind to achieve the required level of clarity and conciseness:

Explain the situation

Describe the ideal process to contextualise the problem at hand. To achieve this, articulate how things would function if the issue at hand did not exist.  Have the end-user in mind when undertaking this process. Answer what, when, where, who and why to help you remain on track and keep you from including self-based opinions instead of facts.

Assuming you have an idea on how to increase the efficiency of in-house communication in an organization. You would begin by explaining how an effective communication system should run within an organization. For scientific research, let’s say you have a proposal to reduce industrial company waste to the environment. You could begin by describing an ideal theoretical situation where companies operate on a minimal waste release structure.

Mention the problem

Apart from stating the problem, a problem statement needs to include why the problem is a problem and why developing a solution is crucial. Consider this; what is the problem, why is it a problem, and why should we resolve it.

As you mention the problem, include who is affected and why they need a solution. Feel free to have any prior attempts to solve the issue at hand and why they failed to offer a solution.

Using our previous example on an ideal communication system, contrast the ideal situation with the problematic reality in your organization such as delays in receipt and passing of information, exposure to getting hacked, frequent miscommunication, some employees missing the messages, or ideas leaking to competitors.

Describe the importance of solving problem

The problem will always exist in any given organization at different times of operation. That is why you should show the importance of solving the problem. What will it benefit from solving the problem, and what harm is caused by failing to solve it? If the problem worsens as time goes by, including staying wary of time when taking action to solve the problem.

The faulty communication system reduces the organization’s productivity by a constant failure to meet deadlines and causes multiple miscommunications. If the organization fails to attend to the matter, essential messages will continue to clutter through the numerous email strings and even get lost.

An environmentally friendlier means of releasing toxic waste would significantly preserve the lives and health conditions and the growing population of region X residents.

Mention financial costing

Stakeholders, such as the partners, rate analysts, or designers, will analyse your problem statement to determine the effort’s financial implications. Therefore, you want to refrain from talking about all the money they will require to pour into the project. Instead, explain how costly it would be if the problem does not get fixed.

Businesses are centred on cost-efficiency. The problem in question is likely adding extra costs to the business’s operations; it could even damage the public image or brand. Ensure you have included this in your statement by putting out the potential losses should the problem remain unaddressed. Get as specific as possible.

The failure to meet client deadlines has led to multiple clients pulling out their deals while others have shifted their allegiance and new deals to our competitors. The decrease in productivity of employees also costs the organization more to deliver on tasks. Health complications for region X residents are costly to their families, reduce their quality of life and reduce the region’s productivity.

Back up claims

Since your statement generally claims that the problem is costing the organization money and any other loss, you must include evidence of the same. Speculate any backup question that may follow your claims and precisely but thoroughly place the answers to these questions in the problem statement. Conduct plenty of research and cite credible sources.   

Smart and Savvy modern home builders, Artic designs ltd, and Metaorder Ltd, our long-term clients, have allocated all their new upcoming project contract tenders to Prime enterprise, our top competitor. The shift was a result of our failure to meet deadlines and deliver projects as precisely as requested. According to a report by Minilabs and the National health council Region X reports approximately 1000 cancer patients yearly. 600 more than the yearly average.

Explain goals

Explain the goals and aims of addressing the issue at hand gives your problem statement relevance. The goals and aims of this statement show whether the whole matter is worth putting effort into. The aims and objectives, however, do not need to change the world. The important thing is that you set achievable goals that are feasible, researchable, and ones that address a matter relevant to the field you are in.

A noteworthy point of direction to have in mind when writing the aims and objectives is that your goal should not be finding a definitive solution. This section should frame out how you intend to address the matter. The aims and goals should elucidate the reasons behind the issue then propose better approaches to understanding or tackling the subject.

I aim to investigate the root causes of the miscommunication, the barriers within our current forms of communication, and what platform would be free of these problems.

This project investigates the impact of the current waste release measures by industries in and near region X. The project aims to explore a new approach that seeks to reduce the toxicity of materials released by industries.

Present a solution

A problem statement needs to include an initial proposed solution to the subject matter. However, the write-up shouldn’t focus on finding a single solution, and it should articulate the cause of the problem and how you’d imagine the solution practically. An easy way to present a solution is by stating the objectives of the solution.

I propose that members of the organization all adopt and sign up for slack which we should use for most in-house communication. Through slack, conversations are easily searched since they are organized through channels. Emails should be left for formal announcements.

I propose using XYZ chemical, which filters the F component in toxic substances and releases through the MNO model of emission.

Advantages of the solution

By the time you get to this segment, you have described what the issue should look like, pointed out the problem, and explained any cost concerns of not solving the said problem. Having proposed a solution, an efficient statement will follow up to demonstrate why the proposed solutions will work.

Focus on the solution’s financial impact and efficiency while tying the advantages back to how they will benefit the organization, employees, students, society, or the affected. In a single short paragraph, detail these benefits.

The use of slack will offer a timely delivery of information across departments; department heads can easily monitor the responses and have joint discussions without the cluttered email form of discussion. This will lead to increased productivity and prevent any potential loss of clients. The F component has been the root cause of chest complications and cancers; current filtration systems fail to meet the threshold that would comprehensively beat this component. Component F dissolves in XYZ; the element’s liquid disposal will significantly minimize the component’s interaction with the air residents breathe, which was the primary route for cancer and chest complication development.

Conclude properly

The final segment of a problem statement is a summary of what is already stated. The section summarizes the problem and the need to fix it. Include a summarized argument of why your proposed solution is the fix. The section ensures that readers accurately understand the situation you intend to solve. Have in mind the impact of the problem on the organization, society, or any group of people. Re-stating any academic support here will also strengthen your conclusion.

Communication is a primary factor in any effective working system . A more efficient system will increase productivity, improve creativity due to clear channels of communicating ideologies, and an overall image improvement with current and future clients. Health complications and loss of lives through cancer are some of the most significant problems worldwide. Any effort at combating cancer-causing industrial waste would be a life-changing addition to the general improvement of life.

Problem Statement Example

As the current pandemic has led to company employees working from home, speedy communication is crucial for the success of the new remote working procedures. Many employees, however, have been dealing with poor connectivity issues. The inability to communicate in live sessions and trouble sending and receiving messages quickly and conveniently has resulted in miscommunication. The constant miscommunication across the departments has negatively impacted the overall productivity. I suggest that the company provide all employees with better data packages and train them to use reliable online communication applications.

5 Questions to Guide Your Problem Statement

Suppose you are still encountering problems trying to contextualise the situation into a statement. In that case, the following are five questions to help you break down the matter before drafting your problem statement:

  • Who does the said problem affect? Customers, employees, organizations, the environment, and are concerned a small group or an in large numbers?
  • What is the problem? What is this issue, its impact, what happens when the problem is fixed, and what happens if it’s left unattended?
  • When does the problem occur? Does the problem occur throughout specific times or under certain conditions?  When should the team address the problem?
  • Where does the problem occur? Is the problem specific to a particular location, or is location irrelevant to the matter?
  • Why does the problem take place? Why does the problem occur, and why is it essential to fix it? Why is it vital for your team or organization to fix the problem?

Barriers in Writing an Effective Statement

Problem statements should be very objective; the significant challenge for writing an objective piece is the distraction from the following sources:

The associated symptoms of a problem confuse when trying to directly and specifically describe an issue. Jumping to the solutions too quickly may also hinder you from making an effective statement. To combat this confusion, especially when dealing with a problem that has meandered into causing multiple issues, do not end your research until you have confirmed and established the root cause . Once you establish this, ensure you have a profound understanding of the status quo.

Blame is a natural reflex when afflicted with a problem. However, refrain from subjectively placing blame on the causes you discover. State the reason for the problem in a detailed, straightforward, and concise manner at the beginning of your statement of the problem.

Frequently Asked Questions

A problem statement should be short and elaborate; a page is enough to suffice a good statement.

A problem statement should include a status quo, which highlights the current state of things against how the ideal situation should be, highlighting the problem at hand and the importance of solving it. Additionally, it should include a solution to the problem and the goals and aims of the solution.

A problem statement is an area of concern requiring improvement. It’s a dive into a difficulty that needs elimination, and sometimes it’s a theoretically existing troubling question that necessitates deliberate investigation of a problem to create meaningful understanding. A well-written statement will keep the effort focused since it made a preview of a problem’s solvability.

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A clear problem statement is the cornerstone of any successful project or initiative. It succinctly articulates the issue at hand, guiding stakeholders towards effective solutions. This article will explore the significance of crafting a robust problem statement and learn how free templates from Boardmix can streamline this crucial process.

Why is the Problem Statement Important?

In any project or research, defining a clear " problem statement " is a critical step. It helps understand the problem at hand, the scope of its impact, and the necessity of finding a solution. Here's why the problem statement is important:


1. Provides Direction

The problem statement acts as a compass that guides the course of your research or project. It defines what you need to accomplish, helping focus your efforts on specific goals and avoid getting sidetracked.

2. Sets the Scope

A well-crafted problem statement delineates the boundaries of your project or research. It helps determine what is included within the project scope and what falls outside of it.

3. Assists in Problem Solving

The first step in solving any problem is understanding it thoroughly, which is exactly what a problem statement does. By clearly defining the problem, it becomes easier to brainstorm effective solutions.

4. Facilitates Communication

The problem statement provides a clear explanation of the issue to all stakeholders involved, ensuring everyone has a shared understanding of what needs to be addressed.

5. Helps Measure Success

The problem statement sets a baseline against which you can measure the success of your solution. It allows you to evaluate whether or not the solution has effectively resolved the problem.

6. Aids in Decision Making

A clear problem statement can help you prioritize tasks and resources. By knowing exactly what problem you're trying to solve, you can make better decisions about where to invest your time and effort.

All in all, the importance of a problem statement lies in its ability to provide clarity, focus, and direction for your project or research. A well-defined problem statement is instrumental in developing effective solutions and ensuring successful project execution.

How to Use Free Templates to Craft Your Problem Statement

Boardmix is an efficient tool for managing projects, and it includes free templates to streamline various processes, including crafting a problem statement. Free problem statement templates can simplify the process and make it easier to craft your problem statement. Here's how you can leverage Boardmix's templates to create an effective problem statement:

1. Select the Right Template

Log into your Boardmix account and navigate to the templates section. Look for a problem statement template. Depending on your needs, you might prefer a template that is simple and concise or one that allows for more detailed information.


2. Understand the Template Structure

Typically, a Boardmix problem statement template will have the following sections:

Description of the Issue

Impact of the Problem

Background or Context

Problem Specifics


Proposed Solutions or Hypothesis

Ensure you understand what each section requires, and how it contributes to the comprehensive picture of your problem statement.


3. Fill in the Template

Once you've selected your template, start filling it out:

Description of the Issue: Here, state your problem clearly and concisely.

Impact of the Problem: Explain how this problem affects stakeholders or the overall project.

Background or Context: Provide any relevant information that offers more depth to your problem.

Problem Specifics: Here, you can include numerical data or specific observations about the problem.

Goals/Objectives: Clearly state what you hope to achieve by addressing this problem.

Proposed Solutions or Hypothesis: If applicable, share your initial ideas for solving the problem or any hypotheses that you plan to test.


4. Review Your Problem Statement

After filling out the template, take some time to review your problem statement. Make sure it's concise and communicates the issue at hand. If any part of the statement seems vague or unnecessary, refine it for clarity and relevance.

5. Share for Feedback

Boardmix allows for collaborative work. Share your draft problem statement with your team members or stakeholders for feedback. Their insights can help refine your problem statement and ensure it is accurate and comprehensive.

example of a problem statement in education

10 Practical and Effective Problem Statement Examples

The key to crafting an effective problem statement is to strike a balance between specificity and brevity. Below are ten practical examples of problem statements that clearly define a particular issue, its impact, and the need for a solution.

1. Traffic Congestion

"During peak hours, the traffic congestion in City X increases travel time by 60%, causing commuter frustration and affecting overall productivity."

2. Customer Retention

"Our software company has witnessed a 25% decline in customer retention over the last quarter, indicating potential issues with product satisfaction or customer service."

3. Pollution

"Over the past five years, City Y's air pollution levels have doubled, exacerbating public health risks and hindering sustainable development."

4. Cybersecurity

"With the increasing incidences of cyber threats in our organization, there is a need to enhance our cybersecurity measures to safeguard sensitive data."

5. High Employee Turnover

"High employee turnover within our sales department is resulting in lower team morale and increased training costs."


6. Lack of Clean Water

"Community Z lacks reliable access to clean water, compromising residents' health and well-being."

7. Slow Website Speed

"Our e-commerce website's slow loading speed is causing a high bounce rate, which may lead to potential loss of sales."

8. Poor Communication

"Cross-departmental communication in our organization is inefficient, leading to project delays and decreased productivity."

9. Decreased Market Share

"Our company's market share in the organic food industry has decreased by 15% over the past year due to increasing competition."

10. Low Literacy Rates

"The literacy rate in Region Q is significantly lower than the national average, restricting economic growth and individual progress."

Each of these problem statements successfully pinpoints a specific problem, presents measurable details of its impact, and underscores the importance of finding a solution. By following these examples, you can craft a problem statement that will guide your project or research toward effective problem-solving.

Key Elements of a Well-Crafted Problem Statement

A well-crafted **problem statement** acts as a guide for your research or project, helping maintain focus and drive toward effective solutions. Here are the key elements that make up a robust problem statement:

1. Concise Description of the Issue

A problem statement should begin with a clear and succinct description of the issue. This helps establish an immediate understanding of the problem at hand.

2. Explanation of the Problem's Impact

Highlighting the problem's impact helps stakeholders grasp the gravity of the situation. This element explains why it is crucial to address the issue and outlines the consequences of ignoring it.

3. Context and Background

It's important to provide relevant context or background information that sheds light on the problem. This might include details about its origins, previous attempts at resolution, or the current circumstances surrounding it.

4. Problem Specifics

Delineate specific aspects of the problem in a tangible, measurable way. This could include numerical data, timelines, or qualitative details that help illustrate the problem's size and scope.

5. Goal Statement

Outline what you hope to achieve by solving the problem. This forms a critical part of the problem statement as it provides a target to aim for, helping measure progress and success.

6. Hypothesis or Proposed Solution

Although not always required, some problem statements may include a preliminary hypothesis or proposed solution. This provides an initial direction for the investigation or project.


Remember, an effective problem statement is clear, concise, and focused. It sets the stage for the entire project or research by defining its purpose, guiding its trajectory, and establishing measures for success. Ensuring these key elements are present will help create a well-defined, effective problem statement.

In conclusion, the strength of a problem statement lies in its clarity, specificity, and focus on the issue at hand. Harnessing the power of well-crafted problem statements with free templates from Boardmix, you can empower your projects with clarity and direction, utilizing practical examples and key elements to drive meaningful solutions and achieve your objectives. With Boardmix's free problem statement templates , crafting a compelling problem statement becomes an organized and efficient process. Start and give it a try!

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Four of the biggest problems facing education—and four trends that could make a difference

Eduardo velez bustillo, harry a. patrinos.

Woman writing in a notebook

In 2022, we published, Lessons for the education sector from the COVID-19 pandemic , which was a follow up to,  Four Education Trends that Countries Everywhere Should Know About , which summarized views of education experts around the world on how to handle the most pressing issues facing the education sector then. We focused on neuroscience, the role of the private sector, education technology, inequality, and pedagogy.

Unfortunately, we think the four biggest problems facing education today in developing countries are the same ones we have identified in the last decades .

1. The learning crisis was made worse by COVID-19 school closures

Low quality instruction is a major constraint and prior to COVID-19, the learning poverty rate in low- and middle-income countries was 57% (6 out of 10 children could not read and understand basic texts by age 10). More dramatic is the case of Sub-Saharan Africa with a rate even higher at 86%. Several analyses show that the impact of the pandemic on student learning was significant, leaving students in low- and middle-income countries way behind in mathematics, reading and other subjects.  Some argue that learning poverty may be close to 70% after the pandemic , with a substantial long-term negative effect in future earnings. This generation could lose around $21 trillion in future salaries, with the vulnerable students affected the most.

2. Countries are not paying enough attention to early childhood care and education (ECCE)

At the pre-school level about two-thirds of countries do not have a proper legal framework to provide free and compulsory pre-primary education. According to UNESCO, only a minority of countries, mostly high-income, were making timely progress towards SDG4 benchmarks on early childhood indicators prior to the onset of COVID-19. And remember that ECCE is not only preparation for primary school. It can be the foundation for emotional wellbeing and learning throughout life; one of the best investments a country can make.

3. There is an inadequate supply of high-quality teachers

Low quality teaching is a huge problem and getting worse in many low- and middle-income countries.  In Sub-Saharan Africa, for example, the percentage of trained teachers fell from 84% in 2000 to 69% in 2019 . In addition, in many countries teachers are formally trained and as such qualified, but do not have the minimum pedagogical training. Globally, teachers for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) subjects are the biggest shortfalls.

4. Decision-makers are not implementing evidence-based or pro-equity policies that guarantee solid foundations

It is difficult to understand the continued focus on non-evidence-based policies when there is so much that we know now about what works. Two factors contribute to this problem. One is the short tenure that top officials have when leading education systems. Examples of countries where ministers last less than one year on average are plentiful. The second and more worrisome deals with the fact that there is little attention given to empirical evidence when designing education policies.

To help improve on these four fronts, we see four supporting trends:

1. Neuroscience should be integrated into education policies

Policies considering neuroscience can help ensure that students get proper attention early to support brain development in the first 2-3 years of life. It can also help ensure that children learn to read at the proper age so that they will be able to acquire foundational skills to learn during the primary education cycle and from there on. Inputs like micronutrients, early child stimulation for gross and fine motor skills, speech and language and playing with other children before the age of three are cost-effective ways to get proper development. Early grade reading, using the pedagogical suggestion by the Early Grade Reading Assessment model, has improved learning outcomes in many low- and middle-income countries. We now have the tools to incorporate these advances into the teaching and learning system with AI , ChatGPT , MOOCs and online tutoring.

2. Reversing learning losses at home and at school

There is a real need to address the remaining and lingering losses due to school closures because of COVID-19.  Most students living in households with incomes under the poverty line in the developing world, roughly the bottom 80% in low-income countries and the bottom 50% in middle-income countries, do not have the minimum conditions to learn at home . These students do not have access to the internet, and, often, their parents or guardians do not have the necessary schooling level or the time to help them in their learning process. Connectivity for poor households is a priority. But learning continuity also requires the presence of an adult as a facilitator—a parent, guardian, instructor, or community worker assisting the student during the learning process while schools are closed or e-learning is used.

To recover from the negative impact of the pandemic, the school system will need to develop at the student level: (i) active and reflective learning; (ii) analytical and applied skills; (iii) strong self-esteem; (iv) attitudes supportive of cooperation and solidarity; and (v) a good knowledge of the curriculum areas. At the teacher (instructor, facilitator, parent) level, the system should aim to develop a new disposition toward the role of teacher as a guide and facilitator. And finally, the system also needs to increase parental involvement in the education of their children and be active part in the solution of the children’s problems. The Escuela Nueva Learning Circles or the Pratham Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL) are models that can be used.

3. Use of evidence to improve teaching and learning

We now know more about what works at scale to address the learning crisis. To help countries improve teaching and learning and make teaching an attractive profession, based on available empirical world-wide evidence , we need to improve its status, compensation policies and career progression structures; ensure pre-service education includes a strong practicum component so teachers are well equipped to transition and perform effectively in the classroom; and provide high-quality in-service professional development to ensure they keep teaching in an effective way. We also have the tools to address learning issues cost-effectively. The returns to schooling are high and increasing post-pandemic. But we also have the cost-benefit tools to make good decisions, and these suggest that structured pedagogy, teaching according to learning levels (with and without technology use) are proven effective and cost-effective .

4. The role of the private sector

When properly regulated the private sector can be an effective education provider, and it can help address the specific needs of countries. Most of the pedagogical models that have received international recognition come from the private sector. For example, the recipients of the Yidan Prize on education development are from the non-state sector experiences (Escuela Nueva, BRAC, edX, Pratham, CAMFED and New Education Initiative). In the context of the Artificial Intelligence movement, most of the tools that will revolutionize teaching and learning come from the private sector (i.e., big data, machine learning, electronic pedagogies like OER-Open Educational Resources, MOOCs, etc.). Around the world education technology start-ups are developing AI tools that may have a good potential to help improve quality of education .

After decades asking the same questions on how to improve the education systems of countries, we, finally, are finding answers that are very promising.  Governments need to be aware of this fact.

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Eduardo Velez Bustillo's picture

Consultant, Education Sector, World Bank

Harry A. Patrinos

Senior Adviser, Education

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    3. There is an inadequate supply of high-quality teachers. Low quality teaching is a huge problem and getting worse in many low- and middle-income countries. In Sub-Saharan Africa, for example, the percentage of trained teachers fell from 84% in 2000 to 69% in 2019.