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Dynamic Traffic Assignment

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# Background

Traditional user equilibrium highway assignment models predict the effects of congestion and the routing changes of traffic as a result of that congestion. They neglect, however, many of the details of real-world traffic operations, such as queuing, shock waves, and signalization. Currently, it is common practice to feed the results of user equilibrium traffic assignments into dynamic network models as a mechanism for evaluating these policies. The simulation models themselves, however, do not predict the routing of traffic, and therefore are unable to account for re-routing owing to changes in congestion levels or policy, and can be inconsistent with the routes determined by the assignment. Dynamic network models overcome this dichotomy by combining a time-dependent shortest path algorithm with some type of simulation (often meso or macroscopic) of link travel times and delay. In doing so it allows added reality and consistency in the assignment step, as well as the ability to evaluate policies designed to improve traffic operations. These are some of the main benefits of dynamic network models .

DTA models can generally be classified by how they model link or intersection delay. Analytical DTA models treat it in the same manner as static equilibrium assignment models, with no explicit representation of signals. Link capacity functions, often similar or identical to those used in static assignment, are used to calculate link travel times. Analytical models have been widely used in research and for real-time control system applications. Simulation-based DTA models include explicit representation of traffic control devices. Such models require detailed signal parameters to include phasing, cycle length, and offsets for each signal in the network. Delay is calculated for each approach, with vehicles moving from one link to the next only if available downstream capacity is available. The underlying traffic model is often different, but at the network level such models behave in a similar fashion.

Demand is specified in the form of origin–destination matrices for short time intervals, typically 15 minutes each. Trips are typically randomly loaded onto the network during each time interval. As with traffic microsimulation models, adequate downstream capacity must be present to load the trips onto the network. The shortest paths through time and space are found for each origin–destination pair, and flows loaded to these paths. A generalized flowchart of the process is shown below.

Typical DTA model flow

As with static assignment models, the process shown above is iteratively solved until a stable solution is reached. The memory and computing requirements of DTA, however, are orders of magnitude larger than for static assignment, reducing the number of iterations and paths that can be kept in memory. Instead of a single time period, as with static assignment, DTA models must store data for each time interval as well. A three-hour static assignment would involve only one time interval. A DTA model of the same period, however, might require 12 intervals, each 15 minutes in duration. These are all in addition to the memory requirements imposed by the number of user classes and zones.

# Early Experiences

Research into DTA dates back several decades, but was largely limited to academics working on its formulation and theoretical aspects. DTA overcomes the limitations of static assignment models, although at the cost of increased data requirements and computational burden. Moreover, software platforms capable of solving the DTA problem for large urban systems and experience in their use are recent developments.

(opens new window) has been successfully applied to a large subarea of Calgary and to analyses of the Rue Notre-Dame in Montreal. Although user group presentations of both applications have been made, and reported very encouraging results, the work is currently unpublished and inaccessible except through contact with the developers.

(opens new window) . The network from the Atlanta Regional Commission (ARC) regional travel model formed the starting point for the DTA network. Intersections were coded, centroid connectors were re-defined, and network coding errors were corrected. A signal synthesizer derived locally optimal timing parameters for more than 2,200 signalized intersections in the network. Trip matrices from the ARC model were divided into 15-minute intervals for the specification of demand. Approximately 40 runs of the model were required to diagnose coding and software errors. Unfortunately, the execution time for the model was approximately one week per run. The resulting model eventually validated well to observed conditions; however, the length of time required to render it operational and the run time required prevented it from being used in studies as originally intended. Subsequent work by the developer has resulted in substantial reductions in run time, but this remains a significant issue that must be overcome before such models can be more widely used.

# Current Practices

# research needs.

A number of cities are currently testing DTA models, but are not far enough along in their work to share even preliminary results. At least a dozen such cases are known to be in varying stages of planning or execution, suggesting that the use of DTA models in planning applications is about to expand dramatically. However, in addition to the issue of long run times, a number of other issues must be addressed before such models are likely to be widely adopted:

  • Criteria for the validation of such models have not been widely accepted. The paucity of traffic counts in most urban areas, and especially at 15, 30, or 60 minute intervals, is a significant barrier to definitive assessment of these models.

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Dynamic traffic assignment: model classifications and recent advances in travel choice principles

  • Review Article
  • Published: 21 November 2011
  • Volume 2 , pages 1–18, ( 2012 )

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static vs dynamic traffic assignment

  • W. Y. Szeto 1 &
  • S. C. Wong 1  

224 Accesses

39 Citations

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Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) has been studied for more than four decades and numerous reviews of this research area have been conducted. This review focuses on the travel choice principle and the classification of DTA models, and is supplementary to the existing reviews. The implications of the travel choice principle for the existence and uniqueness of DTA solutions are discussed, and the interrelation between the travel choice principle and the traffic flow component is explained using the nonlinear complementarity problem, the variational inequality problem, the mathematical programming problem, and the fixed point problem formulations. This paper also points out that all of the reviewed travel choice principles are extended from those used in static traffic assignment. There are also many classifications of DTA models, in which each classification addresses one aspect of DTA modeling. Finally, some future research directions are identified.

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Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

W. Y. Szeto & S. C. Wong

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Szeto, W.Y., Wong, S.C. Dynamic traffic assignment: model classifications and recent advances in travel choice principles. cent.eur.j.eng 2 , 1–18 (2012).

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Received : 30 May 2011

Accepted : 02 November 2011

Published : 21 November 2011

Issue Date : March 2012


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Traffic assignment: A survey of mathematical models and techniques

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  • Center for Interacting Urban Networks

Research output : Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter

This chapter presents the fundamentals of the theory and techniques of traffic assignment problem. It first presents the steady-state traffic assignment problem formulation which is also called static assignment, followed by Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA), where the traffic demand on the network is time varying. The static assignment problem is shown in a mathematical programming setting for two different objectives to be satisfied. The first one where all users experience same travel times in alternate used routes is called user-equilibrium and another setting called system optimum in which the assignment attempts to minimize the total travel time. The alternate formulation uses variational inequality method which is also presented. Dynamic travel routing problem is also reviewed in the variational inequality setting. DTA problem is shown in discrete and continuous time in terms of lumped parameters as well as in a macroscopic setting, where partial differential equations are used for the link traffic dynamics. A Hamilton–Jacobi- based travel time dynamics model is also presented for the links and routes, which is integrated with the macroscopic traffic dynamics. Simulation-based DTA method is also very briefly reviewed. This chapter is taken from the following Springer publication and is reproduced here, with permission and with minor changes: Pushkin Kachroo, and Neveen Shlayan, “Dynamic traffic assignment: A survey of mathematical models and technique,” Advances in Dynamic Network Modeling in Complex Transportation Systems (Editor: Satish V. Ukkusuri and Kaan Özbay) Springer New York, 2013. 1-25.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationAdvances in Industrial Control
Number of pages29
StatePublished - 2018

Publication series

NameAdvances in Industrial Control
ISSN (Print)1430-9491
ISSN (Electronic)2193-1577

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Control and Systems Engineering
  • Automotive Engineering
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

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  • 10.1007/978-3-319-69231-9_2

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  • Link to the citations in Scopus


  • Mathematical Model Keyphrases 100%
  • Traffic Assignment Keyphrases 100%
  • Mathematical Techniques Keyphrases 100%
  • Mathematical Modeling Mathematics 100%
  • Variational Inequality Mathematics 100%
  • Dynamic Traffic Computer Science 100%
  • Travel Time Social Sciences 100%
  • Dynamics Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology 100%

T1 - Traffic assignment

T2 - A survey of mathematical models and techniques

AU - Kachroo, Pushkin

AU - Özbay, Kaan M.A.

N1 - Publisher Copyright: © Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2018.

N2 - This chapter presents the fundamentals of the theory and techniques of traffic assignment problem. It first presents the steady-state traffic assignment problem formulation which is also called static assignment, followed by Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA), where the traffic demand on the network is time varying. The static assignment problem is shown in a mathematical programming setting for two different objectives to be satisfied. The first one where all users experience same travel times in alternate used routes is called user-equilibrium and another setting called system optimum in which the assignment attempts to minimize the total travel time. The alternate formulation uses variational inequality method which is also presented. Dynamic travel routing problem is also reviewed in the variational inequality setting. DTA problem is shown in discrete and continuous time in terms of lumped parameters as well as in a macroscopic setting, where partial differential equations are used for the link traffic dynamics. A Hamilton–Jacobi- based travel time dynamics model is also presented for the links and routes, which is integrated with the macroscopic traffic dynamics. Simulation-based DTA method is also very briefly reviewed. This chapter is taken from the following Springer publication and is reproduced here, with permission and with minor changes: Pushkin Kachroo, and Neveen Shlayan, “Dynamic traffic assignment: A survey of mathematical models and technique,” Advances in Dynamic Network Modeling in Complex Transportation Systems (Editor: Satish V. Ukkusuri and Kaan Özbay) Springer New York, 2013. 1-25.

AB - This chapter presents the fundamentals of the theory and techniques of traffic assignment problem. It first presents the steady-state traffic assignment problem formulation which is also called static assignment, followed by Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA), where the traffic demand on the network is time varying. The static assignment problem is shown in a mathematical programming setting for two different objectives to be satisfied. The first one where all users experience same travel times in alternate used routes is called user-equilibrium and another setting called system optimum in which the assignment attempts to minimize the total travel time. The alternate formulation uses variational inequality method which is also presented. Dynamic travel routing problem is also reviewed in the variational inequality setting. DTA problem is shown in discrete and continuous time in terms of lumped parameters as well as in a macroscopic setting, where partial differential equations are used for the link traffic dynamics. A Hamilton–Jacobi- based travel time dynamics model is also presented for the links and routes, which is integrated with the macroscopic traffic dynamics. Simulation-based DTA method is also very briefly reviewed. This chapter is taken from the following Springer publication and is reproduced here, with permission and with minor changes: Pushkin Kachroo, and Neveen Shlayan, “Dynamic traffic assignment: A survey of mathematical models and technique,” Advances in Dynamic Network Modeling in Complex Transportation Systems (Editor: Satish V. Ukkusuri and Kaan Özbay) Springer New York, 2013. 1-25.

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M3 - Chapter

AN - SCOPUS:85047219067

T3 - Advances in Industrial Control

BT - Advances in Industrial Control

PB - Springer International Publishing


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What is an ip address, internal ip addresses, what is a dynamic ip address, external ip addresses, what is a static ip address, how to set an internal static ip address, how to get an external static ip address, usually, dynamic is all you need, key takeaways.

Dynamic IP addresses are allocated by your router and subject to change while static IP addresses are manually configured and never change. For most cases, dynamic IP addressing is perfectly adequate. A static IP address is useful, though, if you want to access your home network remotely.

Dynamic IP addresses are set automatically, but liable to change each time your computer boots up. Static IP addresses need manual configuration, but always survive reboots. Is one better than the other?

An IP address is a numerical label that identifies each device on a network. Networking protocols use the address of each device to deliver network traffic to them. The most commonly used networking protocol is TCP/IP ( transmission control protocol/internet protocol ). This is where the "IP" in "IP address" comes from.

Each IP address must be unique. When two devices communicate across a network, data is transmitted by one device and received by the other. In an on-going two-way "conversation", this is repeated back and forth between the two devices for as long as they need to communicate.

The data is broken down into manageable chunks, called packets , which are sent as a sequence of short transmissions. Each packet is labeled with metadata . The metadata contains information like the size of the packet, the total number of packets in the transmission, and the number of the packet in the sequence.

This allows the data to be reconstructed when it has been received, and it allows missing packets to be identified.

Of course, each packet needs to be labeled with the IP address of the destination device so that the network switches and routers know where to send them. The IP address of the sending device is included too, so that the receiving device knows who to reply to, or to request that missing packets be resent.

IP Version 4 and IP Version 6

There are two IP standards in use. One is the older and much more common IP version 4 or IPv4, and the other is the newer IP version 6 , or IPv6.

IPv6 was designed to overcome the problem of the world running out of IPv4 addresses. As the number of connected devices rises, the pool of available IPv4 addresses dwindles. The IPv6 standard raises the number of possible addresses by a massive order of magnitude.

An IPv4 address uses 32 bits to describe the entire address, giving 8 bits to each of four numbers that can range from 0 to 255. IPv4 IP addresses look like this:

An IPv6 address uses 128 bits to describe the address, allocating 16 bits to each of 8 hexadecimal numbers that can range from 0x0 to 0xFFFF (65535). A full IPv6 address looks like this:


IPv6 addresses can be written with leading zeroes removed.


Once per address, a sequence of consecutive zeroes can be omitted.


IPv4 is still the most commonly used format .

Every networked device, whether using a wired connection or Wi-Fi , has an IP address. Because they're used to direct network traffic to the correct recipient devices, they must be unique within their own networks. Two (or more) devices with the same IP address will cause problems with failed transmissions and lost packets.

Internal IP addresses are used to identify devices and to route network traffic in local networks. They're not visible to computers in other, external networks such as the internet.

When a computer on a private, local network wants to connect to a remote computer such as a web server, it sends its connection request to its local router. The router communicates across the internet on the local computer's behalf. It brokers the bi-directional communication between the local computer with its private, internal IP address, and the remote server.

A dynamic IP address is one that's automatically assigned to a device by a router. Computers and laptops aren't manufactured with IP addresses baked into them. They need to be given an IP address when they're connected to a network. On large networks this is a tedious task. Some network hardware such as routers have a default IP address of so that they match typical private network settings, but these can be changed if they don't match your network.

What is burned into every network device, however, is a MAC ( media access control ) address. MAC addresses are unique, globally.

Network routers maintain a list of MAC addresses and IP addresses . They look up the destination IP address of each packet, find the MAC address, and send the packet to that hardware.

Instead of requiring each device to be manually configured with an IP address, dynamic IP addressing automates manages the process of allocating IP addresses to network devices. The DHCP ( dynamic host configuration protocol ) makes this automation possible.

In a DHCP-enabled network, a device joining the network sends a DHCPDISCOVER signal out on the network. The DHCP server — on home networks this is usually inside your router — responds with a DHCPOFFER message. This offers an IP address the device could use, and other information about the network.

If the device wants to use that IP address, it sends a DHCPREQUEST signal to the DHCP server. The DHCP server responds with a DHCPACK signal, verifying the IP address and other settings that the device should use.

Dynamic IP Addresses Can Change

In that way, the device automatically gets an IP address and all the information it needs to connect to — and communicate across — the network. However, it only gets the IP address on a lease. It isn't assigned to it permanently. If the device wants to keep the IP address, it must periodically make a request to renew the lease . The lease period is part of the information included in the DHCPOFFER message.

Usually, there's no problem in the device being reallocated the same IP address. But if a device is turned off and cannot make a lease renewal request before the lease expires — for home networks the lease period is often set to 12 hours — the IP address is free to be allocated to a different device. The device that was using that IP address previously is given a different IP address when it is restarted.

We can use the dhclient command with the -v (verbose) option to see some of the communication between your Linux computer and your DHCP server.

sudo dhclient -v

Using the dhclient -v command to inspect DHCP messages, in Ubuntu Linux

We're told the MAC address that the computer is listening and sending on, and we can see the DHCPREQUEST and DHCPACK messages.

Networks that connect to the internet have an IP address allocated to them by their ISP (internet service provider), known as an external IP address. This is the IP address that the network displays to the internet, so they're also called public IP addresses.

Because your router acts a bridge between your private network and the internet, it needs an internal IP address so it is accessible to the devices on your network, and an external IP address so that it can communicate with your ISP's equipment. All of your internet traffic goes through this external IP address.

Your internal IP addresses are likely to start with 10, 172, or 192. External IP addresses can use (practically) all the other values.

Loosely similar to the function of a DHCP list in your private network, the internet's DNS ( Domain Name Service ) translates domain names and URLs to IP addresses, directing internet traffic to the correct (external) IP addresses.

A static IP address is an IP address that never changes and is unaffected by tools like DHCP. A device with static IP addressing retains its IP address no matter how often it's rebooted or how long it's offline.

Static vs. Dynamic IP Addressing

There's an obvious convenience to using DHCP to automatically allocate IP addresses. The drawback with DHCP is the leasing of IP addresses. You cannot guarantee that a computer — or any other network device — will get the same IP address if it is restarted after being offline.

Most of the time, that won't matter. As long as your devices are connected and operational on the network, and can get to the internet, that's usually all that we need. But sometimes you'll have applications that need to talk between computers, or devices such as a NAS ( network attached storage ) or media center that work best with fixed, static IP addresses.

It's perfectly acceptable, and quite common, for a network to use a mixture of DHCP and static IP addressing. DHCP is used to simplify the allocation of IP addresses to the majority of devices, and static IP addressing is used for the special cases.

Setting a static IP address in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. The first step is to make sure you're selecting and configuring an IP address that isn't already in use by another device. You can use the ping command to check that.

Once you've selected your IP address, you can use the ncmli con add command to add a connection, and the nmcli con mod command to set it to static IP addressing. We've got a detailed step-by-step tutorial that walks you through the process. It covers a GUI method too, if you prefer to avoid the command line.

You can use static IP addresses on Windows 10 and 11 computers too, and of course we've got guidance for you on that.

If you use containers such as Docker, you can assign static IP addresses to your containerized computers .

Without a static external IP address, your router's external IP address is liable to change if it reboots. In almost all cases, this really doesn't matter. But if you have self-hosted services that you need to reach when you're out and about , an external static IP address is a must.

Your external IP address is provided by your ISP, and they're the only ones who can change the settings on it. For a small additional charge, your ISP should be able to allocate an external static IP address to you.

You can use an external static IP address to remotely access your router and the private network behind it, because you'll always know what your external IP address is. Domain names are easier to remember and share with others. You could buy a domain name and have it point to your external static IP address.

Another way to obtain the same effect is to use DDNS (Dynamic Domain Name System) routing . With this setup, you configure your router to contact your DDNS provider each time it boots or gets a new external IP address.

The DDNS provider updates the domain name entry for your domain so that it points to the new external IP address. All connection requests that come into your domain name are routed to your current external IP address.

Unless you have specialist cases, dynamic internal and external IP addresses are all that is required. As long as your devices have unique addresses — and DHCP will look after that for you — you'll have nothing to worry about.

If you need to guarantee that a computer or other device on your local network always has the same IP address, configure it with a internal static IP address.

If you need to be able to remotely access your network, either pay your ISP for an external static IP address, or use a DDNS service.

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static vs dynamic traffic assignment

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Dynamic traffic assignment: model classifications and recent advances in travel choice principles

Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) has been studied for more than four decades and numerous reviews of this research area have been conducted. This review focuses on the travel choice principle and the classification of DTA models, and is supplementary to the existing reviews. The implications of the travel choice principle for the existence and uniqueness of DTA solutions are discussed, and the interrelation between the travel choice principle and the traffic flow component is explained using the nonlinear complementarity problem, the variational inequality problem, the mathematical programming problem, and the fixed point problem formulations. This paper also points out that all of the reviewed travel choice principles are extended from those used in static traffic assignment. There are also many classifications of DTA models, in which each classification addresses one aspect of DTA modeling. Finally, some future research directions are identified.

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static vs dynamic traffic assignment

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  • Corpus ID: 15677103

Dynamic Traffic Assignment: A Primer

  • Y. Chiu , J. Bottom , +4 authors Jim Hicks
  • Published 1 June 2011
  • Engineering
  • Transportation research circular

216 Citations

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TRID the TRIS and ITRD database

A Comparison of Static and Dynamic Traffic Assignment Under Tolls in the Dallas–Fort Worth Region

As the number of drivers in urban areas increases, the search continues for policies to counteract congestion and for models to reliably predict the impacts of these policies. Techniques for predicting the impact of such policies have improved in recent years. Dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) models have attracted attention for their ability to account for time-varying properties of traffic flow. A feature common to all DTA approaches is the ability to model traffic flow changes over time. A variety of formulations exists, with significant differences in how traffic flow is modeled, or in how the mathematical program is described. Simulation is sometimes used to incorporate more realistic flow in traffic models while maintaining tractability. Peeta and Ziliaskopoulos (2001) provide a comprehensive survey of DTA approaches and difficulties. While recognizing the dynamic features of traffic is more realistic, it introduces issues that are irrelevant in static assignment, such as ensuring first-in-first-out queuing disciplines. Also, significantly more input data are required because DTA models require time-dependent travel demand, rather than the aggregate figures that suffice for static assignment. Thus, it is not surprising that DTA formulations lead to complicated solutions that require a substantial amount of computation time when applied to large networks. It is natural to wonder, therefore, what justifies the added computational and data requirements. To this end, this work investigates the differences in results obtained from applying static and dynamic assignment to a large network under a congestion pricing scenario. The Dallas–Fort Worth (DFW) network used here contains 56,574 links and 919 zonal centroids. Comparisons are made of three models: traditional static traffic assignment (STA), the TransCAD approximator (an analytical, link performance–function–based approximation to DTA), and VISTA’s simulation-based DTA approach. An additional contribution is an algorithm that efficiently generates a time-varying demand profile from aggregate demand data (static origin–destination trip tables) by interpolating a piecewise linear curve. This algorithm is described, and is followed by brief descriptions of the TransCAD add-in and the VISTA model, as well as key issues that arise when attempting to compare these models with static assignment. A method to facilitate comparisons of the approximator’s results with those of static assignment is also described, as well as the DFW network results and a summary of modeling contributions and limitations.

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static vs dynamic traffic assignment

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  • Boyles, Stephen
  • Ukkusuri, Satish V
  • Waller, S Travis
  • Kockelman, Kara M
  • Innovations in Travel Demand Modeling Conference
  • Location: Austin Texas, United States
  • Date: 2006-5-21 to 2006-5-23
  • Publication Date: 2008
  • Media Type: Print
  • Features: References; Tables;
  • Pagination: pp 114-117
  • Monograph Title: Innovations in Travel Demand Modeling: Summary of a Conference. Volume 2: Papers
  • Transportation Research Board Conference Proceedings
  • Issue Number: 42
  • Publisher: Transportation Research Board
  • ISSN: 1073-1652

Subject/Index Terms

  • TRT Terms: Algorithms ; Alternatives analysis ; Congestion pricing ; Dynamic traffic assignment ; Time dependence ; Traffic assignment ; Traffic flow ; Traffic models ; Travel demand
  • Identifier Terms: TransCAD (Computer program) ; VISTA (Computer program)
  • Geographic Terms: Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Area
  • Subject Areas: Highways; Planning and Forecasting; I72: Traffic and Transport Planning;

Filing Info

  • Accession Number: 01121608
  • Record Type: Publication
  • ISBN: 9780309113434
  • Files: TRIS, TRB
  • Created Date: Feb 13 2009 4:26PM


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Static vs Dynamic IP Addresses: Which IP Is Best?

Static IP addresses can offer a more reliable internet connection, but they're only useful and cost-effective for some people. Learn about the differences between static vs. dynamic IP addresses and which type of IP you should use. Then, get a VPN to keep your IP address secure and encrypt all your online activity.

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What is a static IP address and how does it work?

A static IP address is an IP address that doesn’t change. When a device is assigned a static IP, the address won’t change over time, which can help some online services work more smoothly. Static IPs are used by commercial VPN servers to help employees connect easily when working remotely and by websites to help visitors access content seamlessly.

What is a dynamic IP address and how does it work?

A dynamic IP address can change when it needs to, such as when a device is connecting to a new network. Most home networks use dynamic IP addresses, because they’re easier and more cost-effective for Internet Service Providers to assign.

Your ISP has a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) that automatically assigns you an IP address from a pool of possible IP addresses. If you’re wondering how to get a dynamic IP address, you’re probably using one already. Dynamic IPs work well in terms of speed and reliability, but static IPs dedicated to specific, large-scale purposes often perform better.

In terms of security, dynamic IP addresses can be more secure and offer more anonymity. But if you want a new IP address immediately, your ISP likely won’t change your dynamic IP to suit your needs. Hopping between IP addresses with a VPN is the best way to control your online activity and stay private online.

If you want to learn more about other types of IP addresses, check out the differences between public vs. private IP addresses and public vs. local addresses .

What’s the difference between a static vs dynamic IP address?

The main difference between a static vs. dynamic IP address is the consistent connection that static IPs offer. It’s not a problem for your personal device’s dynamic IP to change, which it does when you go online on different networks. But commercial websites — like Netflix, CNN, Facebook, etc. — need static IP addresses to help their customers connect seamlessly to their sites.

Static IPs ensure that the speed and connection quality stays the same and, for streaming sites, that nobody’s videos get interrupted. But while static IP addresses often offer better connections and higher speeds, they usually cost more to set up.

Why do IP addresses change at all? The short answer is that there aren’t enough unique IP addresses for everyone using the internet. Static IP addresses require a complex manual setup, while dynamic IP addresses are configured and assigned automatically — like the home connection you’re probably using right now.

Static IP addresses are useful for large servers hosting tons of traffic, while dynamic IP addresses are better for home devices.

How are static and dynamic IP addresses used?

Static IP addresses are used for important devices with access to sensitive systems (like Netflix servers). Dynamic IP addresses are assigned to home devices like your home computer or smartphone. ISPs prefer to use dynamic IP addresses, because they’re cheaper and the limited number of IPv4 addresses allows them to reclaim IP addresses that aren’t being used.

Nobody really notices if your device’s dynamic IP address is different than it was yesterday. Most of your online life is managed through usernames, passwords, caches, cookies , and other data. As long as you remember your password — or use a good password manager — you likely won’t notice if and when your ISP changes your dynamic IP.

But some servers hold important data that lots of people need to access every day. A dedicated, static IP address ensures an uninterrupted connection for all those people who need to access that server (for example, everyone who connects to Netflix’s servers to watch TV online ).

Another difference between static and dynamic IP addresses is that a remote device is easier to use if it keeps the same address — you shouldn’t have to keep changing the connection settings for a security cam, for example.

How to change the dynamic IP address on your device

Dynamic IP addresses are usually used on home devices, so it’s relatively easy to change your IP address when you want to. Here are some of the ways you can change your dynamic IP address:

Use a VPN One of the easiest ways to change your dynamic IP address is to use a VPN. AVG Secure VPN offers tons of server locations around the world to choose from, so your dynamic IP address can change as often as you want.

Use a proxy Some types of proxy servers can hide your IP address while you browse online, allowing you to unlock geo-blocked content and keep your activity private. But some proxies don’t include built-in encryption , meaning your usernames, passwords, and other data may be vulnerable.

Use the Tor browser The Tor browser is a super-encrypted web browser that will also change your IP address. But browsing on Tor can be slow. The network routes traffic through a series of nodes, which helps increase data security but comes at the cost of connection speeds.

Reset your network You can also change your dynamic IP address by going straight to the source. By unplugging your router and turning it back on again, you can reset your network — and your IP address.

Change your network to get a different IP address Any easy way to change your dynamic IP address is to simply switch networks. If you’re on your phone, simply switch between a Wi-Fi connection and your mobile data plan. If you’re on a computer, connect to a different network. Every time you switch networks, your IP address should change.

Ask your ISP to change your IP address If you want to change from a dynamic IP to a static IP, you’ll need to contact your ISP. Keep in mind that the cost of static IPs is significantly higher than dynamic IPs.

Is it better to have a dynamic or static IP?

Whether a dynamic or static IP address is better just depends on how accessible you want to be. A business’s servers using a static IP address should be as accessible as possible to its users or clients, but a personal device using a dynamic IP address probably shouldn’t be allowing connections from thousands of people daily.

A static IP is more preferable if you’re undertaking a project that requires a premium connection, as static addresses have better speeds and connection quality. For example, if you’re developing a website from home, a static IP address is probably better.

A Dynamic IP address is preferable if you want to make your activity less traceable and therefore more secure — but only in principle. To gain even more control over your IP address, consider using a VPN to encrypt all your internet activity.

Dynamic IP: pros and cons

Standard for most home connections Most people are fine with dynamic IP connections. Even gamers usually won’t notice a difference in dynamic IPs assigned by their ISP.

Potentially more secure A changing IP address makes it more difficult for others to snoop on your internet activity. But a dynamic IP by itself isn’t a substitute for strong security features like those offered by a VPN.

Simple to set up and use Your ISP has got you covered, because their DHCP server easily gives you a dynamic IP address.

No problems with conflicting IP addresses Since dynamic IP addresses are set up automatically, they’re less likely to disrupt communications over a network. And what’s more, dynamic IP addresses can be reused.

Not ideal for hosting Your average home connection isn’t configured to handle a ton of traffic. A changing address can confuse the DNS (Domain Name System), the system which converts a URL to its IP address and vice versa.

Greater possibility of going offline One reason your connection might go down is that your ISP can’t assign you an IP address. This could be catastrophic if you’re hosting a website for a business.

Harder to connect remotely You’ll have a better connection to remote working technologies when you have the same IP address to connect to all the time.

Static IP: pros and cons

More reliable Static IP addresses are configured to work all the time, which is essential if you’re hosting a service or running an e-commerce site. The DNS will have no problems connecting your URL to your website. And static IPs can also help protect against DNS hijacking .

Fewer dropped connections in conference calls Your connection to the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) that governs online voice-messaging services like Zoom will be smoother, making online meetings more efficient.

Manages large numbers of connections Static IP addresses are ideal for servers that get a lot of traffic. If you’re selling a product and it takes off, you want to be ready.

Less secure The same address all the time can make you an easier target for hackers. Most businesses have special security measures to compensate, though, so you’ll want to set up an advanced security suite before you go live.

Costs more Unsurprisingly, a connection that requires more heavy-duty usage and manual configuration is going to cost more to run.

What kind of IP address do I have?

It’s easy to find your IP address and also discover whether it’s static or dynamic, or IPv4 or IPv6 .

Here’s how to check what kind of IP address you have:

Go to WhatIsMyIPAddress and click Show Complete IP Details .

A screenshot from What is my ip showing the user's IP address. The link "show complete IP details" is circled.

Look at the Assignment field.

 Further details of IP address shown on what is my IP, with assignment and the text "Likely Static IP" circled.

If you want to know more about how to hide your IP address , look into the benefits of getting a VPN . If you want to know how to get a static IP address vs. a dynamic one, try calling your ISP to start setting one up — just get ready to pay a bit more.

Protect your IP address

Now you can identify the difference between a dynamic IP address and a static IP address. But, regardless of the type of IP address you have, your location, security, and online privacy could still be at risk from uninvited third parties. A trusted VPN like AVG Secure VPN will change your IP address and keep your data private automatically.

AVG’s ideally placed servers provide a fast and reliable connection, and its highly advanced protocol will encrypt all of your activity for ironclad privacy. Try AVG Secure VPN for free today.

Protect Your IP With a VPN

Download AVG Secure VPN to protect your IP address, secure your internet connection, and stay private online.

Install AVG Secure VPN to protect your IP address, secure your internet connection, and stay private online.

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Difference between Fixed and Dynamic Channel Allocations

In telecommunication and networking channel allocation is important for proper communication to take place. In data communication channels are defined as the media or the frequency band utilized in transmitting data. The allocation of these channels can be managed in two primary ways, It includes what we can refer to as fixed and dynamic systems. It is crucial to comprehend those distinctions to make the best out of the network performance and resources.

What is Fixed Channel Allocation?

Fixed Channel Allocation is a strategy in which fixed number of channels or voice channels are allocated to the cells. Once the channels are allocated to the specific cells then they cannot be changed. In FCA channels are allocated in a manner that maximize Frequency reuse . If all channels are occupied and user make a call then the call is blocked. Borrowing Channels handles this type of problem. In this cell borrow channels from other cells.

Advantages of Fixed Channel Allocation

  • Simplicity: FCA requires little specific attention as to the channels they are assigned to, in contrast to other load balancing techniques where channels must be constantly monitored and changed.
  • Predictability: Since channels are predetermined there is no interference or congestion resulted from those changes thus providing reliable network performance.
  • Low Overhead: Since it does not need any on-the-fly decision making or channel reallocation, FCA only incurs for limited processing resources.

Disadvantages of Fixed Channel Allocation

  • Inefficiency: It also has a disadvantage of fixed channels which may remain idle during periods of low traffic hence underutilization of the channel capacity.
  • Inflexibility: FCA cannot suddenly scale upward to accommodate more traffic hence leading to congestion or bottleneck when the traffic exceeds the FCA capacity.
  • Limited Scalability: Moving on the case of large number of users or devices FCA becomes impractical due to the fact that it requires the pre allocation of large number of channels.

Fixed Channel Allocation

What is Dynamic Channel Allocation?

Dynamic Channel Allocation is a strategy in which channels are not permanently allocated to the cells. When a User makes a call request then Base Station (BS) send that request to the Mobile Station Center(MSC) for the allocation of channels or voice channels. This way the likelihood of blocking calls is reduced. As traffic increases more channels are assigned and vice-versa.

Advantages of Dynamic Channel Allocation

  • Efficiency: DCA enables optimum use of available channels since it distributes them according to demand which would help in minimizing cases of channel inefficiency.
  • Flexibility: DCA is able to track changing traffic levels for each channel; channels can be assigned to areas which require it most therefore enhancing the efficiency of the network.
  • Scalability: DCA is equally applicable with large, constantly fluctuating customers’ base since it will be in a position to adapt to the changes in customer numbers in the network.

Disadvantages Of Dynamic Channel Allocation

  • Complexity: DCA thus involves constant monitoring and decision making to ensure that channels are adequately allocated hence making it even more complex to execute or manage.
  • Potential for Interference: This allocation of channels is dynamic in nature, meaning that there may be Interference or Congestion in case appropriate measures are not taken as may be observed in different networks.
  • Higher Overhead: The requirement of real-time channel management degrades the network’s processing capacity and generates additional overhead.

Difference between Fixed Channel Allocation(FCA) and Dynamic Channel Allocation(DCA)

Fixed Channel Allocation(FCA) Dynamic Channel Allocation(DCA)
Fixed number of channels or voice channels are allocated to cells. Fixed number of channels are not allocated to cells.
If all the channels are occupied and user make a call then the call will be blocked in FCA. If all the channels are occupied and user make a call then Base Station(BS) request more channel to the Mobile Station Center(MSC).
Frequency reuse is maximum because cells channels are separated by minimum reuse distance. Frequency reuse is not that maximum in DCA because of channel randomness allocation.
In FCA no such complex algorithms are used. In DCA complex algorithms are used to decide which available channel is most efficient.
Fixed Channel Allocation Strategy is less costly than the DCA Dynamic Channel Allocation Strategy is costly because lot of computation is required in real-time.
In FCA allocated channels remains to the cell, once the call is completed In DCA once the call is completed then the channel or the voice channel return to the MSC.
Mobile Station Center(MSC) has less responsibilities. Mobile Station Center(MSC) has more signalling load and responsibilities.
Performs better under heavy traffic Performs better under light/moderate traffic
Low computational efforts Moderate to high call set up delay
Centralized control Centralized, distributed control depending on the scheme

Fixed and dynamic channel allocation is important in network management as they meet specific needs and in certain conditions. One of the benefits of fixed allocation method is that it ensures stability and ease in usage; it is thus preferred for organization that experiences a stable demand. Conversely, dynamic allocation, which is time and resource consuming, is most suitable in setting which has varying demands and higher level of scalability. Which of the two is used depends on the nature of the requirements of the network as well as the type of communication needs that are required.

Frequently Asked Questions on Fixed and Dynamic Channel Allocations – FAQ’s

Which is better for a high-traffic network: fixed or dynamic channel allocation.

Dynamic Channel Allocation is usually more beneficial for high trafficked networks since it may be able to change its channel allocation according to the current traffic.

Can Fixed Channel Allocation be used in modern cellular networks?

This particular scheme, known as Fixed Channel Allocation, is rare in present day cellular networks because of the high density of users and the resulting inability to effectively allocate channels to people with differing traffic requirements. Dynamic methods are most often used.

 How does Fixed Channel Allocation handle peak traffic periods?

One of the disadvantages of FCA is that during the high traffic density there is no reallocation of the channel of communication, which in turn can be congested and may not perform optimally.

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Static vs. Dynamic IP Address

Learn about IP address types, how they differ, pros & cons, and how to protect them.

About Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses

An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a unique identifier assigned to each device that accesses local networks or the internet. IP addresses are governed by the  Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) , which defines the rules for formatting data sent across networks.

An  IP address  contains location information that enables devices connected to the same network to communicate and share data. It is composed of a set of four numbers ranging from 0 to 255 separated by periods, which means an IP address can range from to IP addresses are essential to internet processes—they enable devices to discover, exchange, and send information with each other. An IP address also helps differentiate between computers, routers, and websites.

IP addresses are allocated through the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), a division of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a nonprofit established in 1998 whose primary mission is to make the internet secure and easy to use. 

IP addresses are split into two types: static vs. dynamic IP addresses. This article will explore the difference between static and dynamic IP.

What is a Static IP Address?

A static IP address is a manually configured signifier assigned to a device that remains consistent and cannot change across multiple network sessions. All devices that use IP addresses, such as desktop computers, laptops, routers, and tablets, can be configured to have static IP addresses. Individuals do not typically need a static IP address, but businesses need them to host their own servers. Server and account administrators may also use whitelisted static IP addresses to manage sensitive assets that block most IP addresses.

Pros of static IP

The advantages of static IP addresses include:

  • Better online name resolution : Devices with static IP addresses can be reliably discovered and reached via their assigned hostnames and do not need to be tracked for changes. For this reason, components like File Transfer Protocol (FTP) servers and web servers use fixed addresses. 
  • Anywhere, anytime access : A static IP address makes a device accessible anywhere in the world. Users can work on projects and communicate with their colleagues while traveling. Additionally, static IP addresses make it quick and easy for employees to locate and use shared devices, such as a printer on their network.
  • Reduced connection lapses : A static IP address reduces internet connection lapses, which typically happen when devices are not recognized by the network. An IP address that never resets or adjusts is essential for devices processing vast amounts of data.
  • Faster download and upload speeds : Devices with static IP addresses enjoy higher access speeds. High-speed downloads and uploads are essential for heavy data users.
  • Accurate geolocation data : A static IP address provides access to precise geolocation data. More accurate data means businesses are better able to manage and log incidents in real time, as well as detect and remediate potential attacks before they cause damage to networks. A static IP address also offers benefits like asset location information, content customization, better delivery management, fraud detection, and load balancing.

Cons of static IP

There are also downsides to static IP addresses, such as:

  • Easy-to-track addresses : The constant nature of static IP addresses makes it easy for people to track a device and the data they access or share. This could be a security concern, giving cyber criminals a route into a machine and subsequently unauthorized access to corporate networks.
  • Post-breach difficulties : Static IP addresses increase the risk of a website being hacked. In the aftermath of a data breach, they also make it more difficult to change IP addresses, making the business more susceptible to ongoing issues. 
  • Cost issues : The costs of static IP vs. dynamic IP addresses are often significantly higher. Many internet service and hosting providers require users to sign up for commercial accounts or pay one-time fees in order to assign a static IP on each of their devices and websites.

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What is a Dynamic IP Address?

Internet service providers (ISPs) temporarily assign dynamic IP addresses via the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. This means an IP address can change every time a user reboots their router or system, and when the user connects to their ISP service.

When not in use, a dynamic IP addresses can be automatically assigned to another device. This makes dynamic IP addresses more suitable for home networks than large organizations.

Pros of dynamic IP

The advantages of deploying dynamic IP addresses include:

  • Cost reduction : Obtaining a dynamic IP address is typically automated, making it a more cost-effective option. 
  • Enhanced security : Devices with dynamic IP addresses are more difficult to track, reducing the risk of attackers targeting business networks. 
  • Improved configuration : Dynamic IP addresses are automatically configured by a DHCP server, which removes the need for users to do so manually. This minimizes the risk of a misconfiguration that can render employees unable to access networks or applications.
  • Increased flexibility : Different devices can reuse addresses and are assigned a new IP address every time they join a network. This process prevents address conflict issues.

Cons of dynamic IP

When assessing "static IP vs. dynamic IP, which is better," consider the potential drawbacks of each. For dynamic IP addresses, you have the following:

  • Hosting problems : The changing nature of dynamic IPs means users may encounter problems with the  Domain Name System (DNS) . This makes dynamic IP addresses less effective for hosting servers and websites and tracking geolocations.
  • Poor technical reliability : Dynamic IP addresses can result in frequent periods of downtime and connection dropout issues. This makes dynamic IP addresses ineffective for data-intense online activities like online gaming, conference calls, and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). 
  • Remote access : Users with dynamic IP addresses may have trouble accessing the internet from devices outside their primary network. The frequent IP address change can make remote access to networks a challenge.

What Is The Difference Between A Dynamic And Static IP Address?

An IP address is considered to be "dynamic" if it is pulled from a pool of availabl IP addresses by the router every time the user or device connects to the network. An IP address is considered to be "static" if the same IP address is assigned every time the user or device connects.

A user or device may receive the same dynamically assigned IP address over several sessions, but the assignment is never guaranteed.

Similarities Between Static and Dynamic IP

The similarities of static and dynamic IP addresses are limited to a user’s location. Static and dynamic IP addresses are public information and reveal the user’s local region and ZIP code.

Static vs. Dynamic IP Address: What is Better for Enterprises? 

The decision to use static or dynamic  IP adddresses typically depends on what they will be used for. A static IP address is the better option for enterprises that own websites and internet services. Dynamic IP addresses are better suited for home networks and personal internet use. 

Static IP addresses are particularly useful for enterprises that need to guarantee server and website uptime. They also offer reliable internet connections, quicker data exchanges, and more convenient remote access via the following features and capabilities:

  • Establishing a unique identification on the internet
  • Simple IP whitelisting
  • Indefinite firewall rule validation, which removes the need to continuously update firewall rules 
  • Hosting services within a local-area network (LAN) that is accessible from the public internet
  • Full responsibility for IP reputation, DNS settings, and IP geolocation

How to Protect IP Addresses from Bad Actors?

Regardless of the IP address businesses and individuals use, static vs. dynamic IP address, information about their location is visible to their ISP—and cyber criminals, too! Bad actors can use IP addresses to trace users’ locations, which can provide them with access to information like their internet browsing history and login credentials .

It is therefore advisable to hide IP address information using a  virtual private network (VPN) , which ensures all internet browsing activity and  personally identifiable information (PII)  is kept private. Businesses should also use firewalls and updated antivirus software to keep their networks and data secure and prevent unauthorized access. Users should also strengthen the passwords on their routers, which usually come with default logins from the ISP or manufacturer. 

Static vs Dynamic IP Address FAQs

What are the two types of ip addresses.

IP addresses are split into two types: static vs. dynamic IP addresses. The main difference between static and dynamic IP addresses is that a static IP address stays the same while a dynamic IP address changes whenever the device connects. 

A static IP address is a manually configured signifier assigned to a device. All devices that use IP addresses, such as desktop computers, laptops, routers, and tablets, can be configured to have static IP addresses. Individuals do not need a static IP address, but businesses need them to host their own servers.

Internet service providers (ISPs) temporarily assign dynamic IP addresses via the  Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)  server. This means an IP address can change every time a user reboots their router or system, and when not in use, can be automatically assigned to another device.

How to get a static or dynamic IP address?

Dynamic IP addresses are automatically configured by a DHCP server, which removes the need for users to do so manually. This minimizes the risk of a misconfiguration that can render employees unable to access networks or applications.

The costs of static IP vs. dynamic IP addresses are often significantly higher. Many internet service and hosting providers require users to sign up for commercial accounts or pay one-time fees in order to assign a static IP on each of their devices and websites.

Is it better to have a static or dynamic IP?

The similarities of static and dynamic IP addresses are limited to a user’s location.The decision to use static or dynamic IP typically depends on the use case. 

In general, a static IP address is the better option for enterprises that own websites and internet services. Dynamic IP addresses are better suited for home networks and personal internet use. 

Static IP addresses are particularly useful for enterprises that need to guarantee server and website uptime. They also offer reliable internet connections, quicker data exchanges, and more convenient remote access capabilities.

What type of IP address do you have?

To determine whether your system has a static or dynamic IP address, look at the PC or router network setting to see if a static or dynamic IP address has been input. For dynamic IP network  configurations there is a dynamic IP check box and on a static IP there is a form for entering the specific IP address for that system.

Is static IP safer than dynamic?

Both static and dynamic IP addresses are public information and reveal the user’s local region and ZIP code. However, static IP addresses are typically less secure than dynamic IP addresses. Dynamic IP addresses change regularly, making it more difficult for cyber criminals to track devices and target corporate networks.

Is static or dynamic IP faster?

Static IP addresses are ideal for businesses and users that want:

  • Faster access to content
  • Guaranteed download and upload speeds

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  17. Dynamic traffic assignment: model classifications and recent advances

    Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) has been studied for more than four decades and numerous reviews of this research area have been conducted. This review focuses on the travel choice principle and the classification of DTA models, and is supplementary to the existing reviews. The implications of the travel choice principle for the existence and uniqueness of DTA solutions are discussed, and the ...

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    Dynamic travel demand modelling provides better planning and management scope in view of this research focus has been diverted to dynamic traffic assignment (DTA). The main aim of DTA is to manage ...

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  23. Static vs. Dynamic IP Address

    One of the main differences between static vs. dynamic IP addresses is that static IPs stay the same while dynamic IPs change. A static IP address is better for enterprises that own websites and internet services. Dynamic IPs are better suited for home networks and personal internet use.