15+ Programming Projects for Resume to Show Your Coding Skills

Are you trying to get your first programming job to set foot in the fast-growing IT sector? Or perhaps you’re a seasoned programmer hustling to get a placement in your dream fortune 500 company?

15+ Programming Projects for Resume to Show Your Coding Skills

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If you have been trying for some time, you might have already realized there’s a missing part on your resume: programming projects.

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you should know about selecting and listing programming projects for your resume .

This includes:

  • 15+ programming project examples: code, no-code, and low-code.
  • How to list them on your resume: the right way.
  • How to get hired even when there’re no active vacancies in the company.
  • Tips to land your dream job faster with your programming projects.

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Why Do You Need to List Coding Projects On Your Resume?

Your work experience on the resume would speak about your skills and achievements. The problem is that everyone has worked somewhere in IT and the technical skills they have mastered are almost the same.

Then there’s you with a portfolio of outstanding personal projects that are highly relevant to the position you’re applying for.

I would love to be that hiring manager to make an on-the-spot hiring decision.

There’re reasons to list projects on your resume for both entry-level and experienced programmers. Here are a few of them 👇.

When you are new

When you’re applying for your first programming job or internship, you can’t keep your experience section empty. A great way to fill up your resume is with your personal programming projects.

The best time to start is while you are still studying. Start early.

In a Career Transition

If you’re an experienced network engineer or a web developer and trying to change your career into a software development job, your previous experience though they are technical would not impress a hiring manager.

Taking some quality time to develop a few programming projects that showcase your skills would be ideal rather than explaining your coding skills in an interview.

It’s also a great way for you to assess the technical requirements and skills for the new job.

Shows your passion

Even if you are an experienced candidate, having worked on a couple of personal projects would come in handy – it shows your passion for the task as opposed to most people coding just for the paycheck and not having a real interest in their work.

More Exposure

A personal programming project gives you more exposure to technical and non-technical aspects of development.

At work, you only get to handle a part of a project and you won’t have time to think about the rest. You’ll be working with a team of developers, designers, copywriters, and even with marketing teams.

Now, in your personal project, you’ll take charge of everything – and that will give you a sound understanding of how each function interrelates to develop a final product.

Coding Projects for Your Resume

15+ Coding Projects You Could List on Your Resume

This list consists of projects that you can complete by yourself. However, the area of specialization, skill requirement, and time consumption would be different for each project. Choose what is relevant to you before you start.

We have listed 15 categories of best programming projects to list in your resume where you will find many project ideas under each of them.

1. A website

Creating a website would be a great project if you’re interested in web development.

The simplest project you could start with is a blog or a personal portfolio.

You could use any content management system (CMS) to build your website – you could use Squarespace, Wix, or WordPress. The most cost-effective option is WordPress as it’s completely free. You’ll only have to spend on the domain, hosting, and any third-party plugins if necessary.

The basic programming skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript would come in handy to create a personalized web experience.

If you create a personal portfolio, you could easily demonstrate the other programming projects on the website so that it will be easier to send it to the recruiters. Make sure the website you create is mobile responsive.

If you’re particularly looking for a career in web development, creating a basic e-commerce website would add a lot of value.

In this project, you’ll use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You’ll also learn product integration techniques, add to cart, check out, and payment gateway integration.

Also, consider creating a listing website for real estate, used car selling website, or garage sales, which could even turn out to be a side hustle if you could bring in some traffic.

Games are a great way to showcase your understanding of basic logic and algorithms.

Based on your interest and requirement, the type of games you should be creating would be different.

If you’re planning to apply for a major game development firm, that won’t be enough. Then you should use C++, Python, and JavaScript to create more complex games – you could start with a Chess game or Snake game.

Though creating more sophisticated games with 3D characters and storylines takes more time and resources, if you’re interested, you could create one with a game engine software like Unity, CryEngine, Godot, or Unreal Engine may be as a group project.

Showcase Programming Projects on Your Resume

3. A mobile application

If you’re interested in developing mobile applications for Android and iOS, having a couple of projects on your portfolio would be important.

You could showcase your technical skill in Java with Android app creation and Swift is a robust open-source programming language created by Apple to develop iOS applications.

Start with simple mobile applications such as a calculator, To-Do-List, Daily Planner, or a task management software and eventually move into more complex programming projects such as a listing app, messaging app, or a simple mobile shopping app.

Be creative. Think about a concept that you’ll throw your money to make an impulsive purchase decision on your app store or play store. If you as a user value it, there’ll probably be many people who think it is useful.

Check on platforms like Quora and Reddit to learn what people talk about in terms of their needs. Create an application to solve such a problem.

Top firms need top talent who make creative developments with their technical skills.

4. A data analysis model or data forecasting model

Data analysis or data forecasting models are not generic applications. Thee are very specific to a problem an organization or a project face.

Therefore, the solution is also a unique one.

You’ll be able to showcase your understanding of basic statistics, data structures, math, logic, and machine learning algorithms in coding such a program.

Python, C, and C++ are excellent programming languages to develop data models – data analysts will use SQL to communicate with the database.

5. A chatbot

Chatbots are widely used on corporate websites, mobile applications, and social media pages to save time on repetitive communication.

If you’re to create a chatbot, you need to collect the right data to feed into the AI and test them to train it.

You can use any popular programming language including Python Java, and PHP to create one.

Choosing a suitable algorithm would be important here. Some of the popular algorithms used to create chatbots are Markov chains, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Support Vector Machines, and Decision Trees.

These are projects with great commercial significance and the hiring manager would love to explore more about you.

API stands for Application Programming Interface – which enables two software components to communicate with each other to perform a task.

Here’re a few example programs you could create with APIs:

  • A social media post scheduling tool
  • Weather reporting mobile app
  • A hotel or flight booking website
  • Car ride booking website connected to the map

You could create an API using any language that can interface with SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) – Java, PHP, and Python are mostly used.

7. An AI-powered software

What if you could create something so exciting like Google Assistant, Alexa, Siri, or Cortana?

You could showcase your programming skills, artificial intelligence knowledge, and data processing skills in a single project.

However, this could be quite complex. So if you’re an experienced candidate trying to get a placement in one of the fortune 500 companies or applying directly to an AI-based programming job, you should try this.

You could create a self-driving toy car, a virtual assistant, or an AI-based marketing automation software. The right project could even make you an entrepreneur and you’ll no longer need your resume.

Inclusions on Your Resume to Impress Recruiters

SaaS (Software as a Service) is a way of delivering applications over the internet instead of the conventional installation method. Most applications are delivered either free of charge or at a monthly subscription which the user can cancel at any time.

There’re hundreds of Billion Dollar businesses that have emerged in SaaS in many industries such as healthcare, fitness, technology, communication, design, and many more .

These are some of the popular examples:

  • Adobe creative cloud

Especially if you’re applying to work for a SaaS platform, having a simple yet creative SaaS in your portfolio would be an advantage.

You could even use JavaScript or SQL to develop your SaaS, but Python would be a great choice because of its flexibility in many use cases.

9. A payment gateway

Though this will be a quite challenging project to take up, it surely will stand out your application from the rest of the developers.

Python would be the go-to language for developing a payment gateway while you’ll get experience in different APIs and web security features – such as two-factor authentication and fraud detection systems.

10. A simple robot

Use Python, C, and C++ to code a robot.

Robots are being popular for the last half a century and the developments are still going on to create use cases to effectively utilize robotics technology.

You don’t have to create a complex robot that can drive a vehicle or go shopping with your grandparents.

Create a simple project that showcases your programming skills and mechanical systems knowledge. You’ll get hands-on experience using motors, motion sensors, cameras, and a whole lot of hardware.

Consider creating:

  • A stair climber
  • A line follower
  • A floor cleaner
  • A robotic arm

11. A simple simulation

You could build an interesting computer simulation project. Every simulation doesn’t have to be visual and some could give a numerical or textual output depending on the project.

You could use JavaScript, Python, or C++ to code the simulation.

12. Web scraping

Web scraping is the process of extracting content and data from a website. This is particularly an illegal practice to do it for a publically unavailable domain.

But if you do it right: the legal way, it would have tremendous applications for companies to collect important data efficiently from other websites on the internet.

Python is the most popular language for web scraping. Its large collection of libraries such as Numpy, Matlplotlib, and Pandas provides faster web scraping and data manipulation techniques.

13. A simple blockchain project

A blockchain is a digital ledger of transactions that is publicly distributed across its entire network making it impossible to cheat, hack, or change.

As blockchain is becoming popular and powerful with web 3.0, having a project under your wing would be highly valuable.

Here’re some of the projects you could consider creating:

  • A cryptocurrency wallet or a blockchain wallet
  • Digital asset marketplace (DAM)
  • A fake product identification system
  • A peer-to-peer ridesharing platform
  • A blockchain-based simple voting system

Solidity is the most stable programming language used for blockchain developments while other coding languages such as Java, Python, C++, and Ruby can also be used.

programming projects for resume

14. A simple NFT project

This is a type of blockchain project that is widely popular these days with many use cases and most employers are requesting candidates to have a basic understanding of the technology.

NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens) are unique cryptographic tokens that exist on a blockchain. These tokens can not be replicated making them easier to buy, sell, and transfer without fraud.

Though you could create an NFT without any coding, try creating it from scratch to take full technical advantage of it in your portfolio. Coding the solidity smart contract, deploying it onto the Mainnet, and setting the NFT price would get you through an important earning curve.

You’ll need the skills in Metamask, Solidity, Hardhat, Pinata, and Alchemy for the project.

15. A no code or low code project

The world is going in the direction of no-code and low-code developments. If you’re a programming specialist, you’re part of a team that facilitates this change.

But if you’re a beginner in IT, you could create some low-code and no-code projects to showcase your creative thinking and logical problem-solving approach.

Here’re some example projects you could create without coding:

  • Websites: most CMSs allow to build websites with just drag and drop functions
  • Mobile apps: simple task manager, weather app

How to Find Relevant Programming Projects to Work On?

All these projects need skills in different programming languages and most importantly TIME. You can’t do all these and you don’t have to before applying for a job.

As a programmer, you might have already decided your path – the type of work you’re looking for – and the type of company. If you haven’t decided yet, it’s time to do that.

Search your ideal job description on LinkedIn and see the type of coding skills they’re looking for.

Go to your ideal company website and crawl through it to find out the company’s vision, mission, and future strategic direction. Study their plan for the next 10 years – and their views on new technologies.

With these, you’ll have a pretty good understanding of what projects you should focus on.

Get Paid for Your Projects

When you decide which projects you’re going to execute, without jumping straight into coding, see whether you know anyone in your network who would need this.

You can post about the project on LinkedIn stating that you’re looking for a sponsor or a client for the project.

For example, if you decide to build an e-commerce website, build it for a real business. Give the client a great price that they can’t get from outside.

This is important for three reasons:

  • You can cover your cost and the value of your time.
  • You don’t have to keep paying for the domain and hosting for years.
  • A live project example is worth more in an interview than a mere sample.

Tips to Land Your Dream Job with Your Coding Projects

This is an approach in which you could get a placement in a firm even if they don’t have active vacancies right now.

This is also called Permissionless Apprenticeship.

The best platform to execute this is LinkedIn.

Connect with the technical managers, hiring managers, and C-level executives of the company you want to get a job in.

Find an immediate solution or improvement you could make to their software, system, or product.

Create a sample of the work and post that on LinkedIn mentioning the managers who are connected.

Showcase where they can improve instead of criticizing their existing systems.

There’s a higher chance you’ll get a placement for a job, internship, or even a chance to implement a one-time freelance project in the company.

How to List Programming Projects on Your Resume Masterfully

When writing your projects on the resume, use a consistent format. Make a separate section on your resume after your main experience and education sections – name it "Personal Projects", "Programming Projects", or "Coding Projects".

As you send your resume in digital format, include links to your projects.

Here’s the format we suggest to write your projects:

  • Name of the project and timeline
  • Project description
  • Client (if available)
  • Programming languages used
  • Challenges faced/ results achieved
  • Link to the project
  • Link to the source code

Pick the information you’re going to write based on the project and the space availability.

A SaaS product that turns a blog post into a video

Python and JavaScript

API integration


A free version is currently live with 1200 monthly users

programming projects for resume

Where Else to List Your Projects on the Resume?

You could list some of your projects in the other sections of your resume if you find them related to the position you’re applying for.

Add the link to your portfolio website that you created in your header. That is your project which consists of detailed information about all other projects you carried out.

Professional Summary

If one of your projects is directly related to the position you’re applying for, you could include that in the professional summary.

Professional summaries introduce candidates and their key achievements to hiring managers – show them that you’re a perfect fit for the job by including the most relevant project from your portfolio.

A passionate web developer with 2 years of experience working with WordPress, Shopify, Magento, and Joomla and with advanced HTML and CSS knowledge seeks to join Apex Holdings as a web developer. One of the e-commerce websites I developed for a fitness supplement company made $2M in sales in the last year.

Include any achievements or accomplishments related to your project in your professional summary.

Cover Letter

A cover letter should consist of 3 or 4 short paragraphs describing your key skills and experience. Use one paragraph to briefly describe your key project experience related to the job.

Show the hiring manager that you're already familiar with the work you'll be doing.

Check out our resume builder to create a perfect cover letter .

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software project ideas resume

If you are an entry-level candidate without any previous experience in the industry, you could list your personal projects under your main experience section. This way, you can utilize more space in your resume to showcase your projects in detail.

However, if you’re an experienced candidate with years of experience, you should have a separate section after your experience and education to list your personal projects.

If you have started a programming project and are still on your way to completing it, you could list that on your resume. In this, you should state after the project name that the project is in progress. Also, note an expected completion date.

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Advice for getting a job



10 Programming projects to boost your resume

Sean Allen

Personal programing projects may get you your next job.

But they're not right for everybody.

This guide will tell you everything you need to know about using programming projects in your resume to help you get a job.

Table of contents

How to tell if coding projects will help your resume.

  • How to pinpoint the skill to use in your personal projects?
  • 4 qualities interviewers look for in a personal project
  • 4 characteristics to bake into your programming projects to maximize success
  • When is the best time to work on personal coding projects?

10 personal programming projects you can start this weekend

Managing your time, how to present your project online and in your resume, more posts in the career guide.

  • Are there enough functional programming jobs?
  • Where to find functional jobs
  • Where do you find the time to get productive in functional programming?
  • What do you really need to know to be hireable?
  • The 5 hurdles of hirability
  • 10 Programming projects to boost your resume ← you are here
  • Join and build a social network
  • Job application action plan
  • How to leap past 90% of applicants

Put yourself in your interviewer's shoes. Chance are, you are one of hundreds of applicants for this job. The interviewer is tired. They have limited time and energy to spend on each applicant. They probably won't read your resume before the interview.

What are they worried about? Themselves. Their status. How they look to others.

Specifically, they are worried about hiring an unqualified person and looking like a fool.

Your #1 job in the interview is to appear highly qualified for that job. And to do so quickly and clearly, because the interviewer does not have time to check if you really are qualified. I'm not saying you should lie. What you should do is make the truth clear. Your resume needs to highlight interesting facts from your life that make it obvious you would do well in this job.

So that brings us to the question: should you include programming projects in your resume?

Yes, if they clearly and quickly contribute to the picture that you are qualified for the position.

Do any of these people fit your situation? See if you can figure out whether personal projects will help each person.

Jill is a new graduate looking for her first job as a programmer. She has some work experience, but it's mostly helping people fix their websites. It's relevant, but she wants to show that she can code more sophisticated applications so she can work in the finance industry. Are personal Computer Science projects a good idea for Jill?

Yes! Jill has little work experience. Personal coding projects will show:

  • She has the skills
  • She has the motivation
  • She can learn new things
  • She has resolve to finish
  • She has something interesting to talk about during the interview

The next question for Jill is what skill she would like to develop in the project. Then she'll need to choose a project. We'll talk about that in a later section.

For now, let's move on to Bill.

Bill has been working as a software tester for 5 years. He is familiar with software and wants to make the leap to programming for the better pay and more freedom. Will cool programming projects help him make the switch?

Yes! Bill has more experience than Jill, but it's in a different field. An interviewer might wonder whether Bill really was ready. How much training would he need? Personal projects on his resume can help answer that question.

Bill's next question should be to figure out how to translate the job listing he's targeting into skills he can demonstrate. We'll get to that.

But before we do, let's look and Colleen.

Colleen has been working in software for ten years on a successful product. She's now looking to change companies. She basically wants to continue to work in software. She knows the tech stack of her employer, but she's concerned that any new company will have a different stack. Should she do some programming projects to prove that she can learn new things?

No! As an experienced professional programmer, nothing she could do in her spare time would compare to the magnitude of working on the same software for ten years. She should focus on highlighting aspects of that software that could be interesting to an interviewer at her target company. Think about it: you work on an e-commerce system for ten years. How is a tiny blog engine you wrote one afternoon going to compare to that? It won't seem serious and it won't be worth talking about in the interview.

And what about that new tech stack? Read a book, try to set it up, and mention your opinions on it in the interview. Just to be clear, when I say tech stack , I'm talking about the combination of database, operating system, and other services that make up the software. Because they are combinations, there are millions of them. No two companies have exactly the same setup. Companies expect that it will take some time to learn, so if you don't know everything in the stack, that's okay.

Tech stack is one thing, but what about programming language? Or even programming language paradigm? Let's take a look at John.

John is a JavaScript programmer, but after a few years of professional experience, he's feeling like JavaScript is not for him. He's heard lots of exciting things about Clojure and Elm. They fit the way he thinks. He wants to apply for jobs where they use functional programming. Should John do some side CS projects?

Yes! Since he doesn't have professional experience in functional programming, a couple of coding projects showing he can make the paradigm shift will be helpful. Plus, knowing multiple languages will always put you above someone who only knows one.

I hope these examples made it easy to understand how to think about this. The main question is: will this help my interviewer see that I am the right person for this job? Just answer that question for yourself.

If you've determined that you need some personal projects, how do you go about choosing them? There is one more question you should ask before you start designing the project.

What skill should you use in your personal programming projects?

If you're making a career move, you should plan your personal projects with the career move in mind. So how do you do that? The first step is to read the job listing. The job listing often lists technical skills they are looking for. You probably won't be able to do all of them in your coding projects. Pick ones that can supplement your other experience.

When is the best time to work on personal programming projects?

Let me ask you this: when is the best time to learn to cook a new style of food? When you're hungry? For the important dinner with your boyfriend's parents? No.

The best time to learn to cook is when you're not hungry. When the meal is not that important. A lot can go wrong. But the risk is not the most important part of the equation.

Learning something new takes experimentation. It takes time. And it takes a certain amount of leisure. You can't get that leisure when you're under the pressure of an important deadline like a mealtime or because you really need the functionality.

So to answer the question: you should start your personal projects now. Don't wait until you desperately need a job. Take a good look at your career and start building projects that lead that way, on the side, starting now.

4 qualities of a good personal coding project

Remember, your interview er is looking for something to make you stand out. They want to find someone who is unlikely to embarrass them. Here are the things an interviewer is looking for.

  • It uses a relevant skill
  • It is complete
  • It is interesting
  • It is realistic

Let's go through these, shall we?

1. Relevance

This one is pretty obvious, so I put it first to get it out of the way.

The project should use skills that you will need on the job. You should highlight those skills. For instance, if the job says "SQL skills are required", mention that you use Postgres in your project. Did you have to do anything interesting? Did you use an obscure feature? Did you hand-roll your SQL? For a good reason? Put that in the resume.

Relevant is a key term. It doesn't have to be exactly the same skills. For instance, if they use Apache and you've used nginx, that's probably okay. They're both web servers. Just make sure you could justify the difference.

2. Complete

Starting lots of projects and never finishing them is a bad sign to interviewers. Why didn't you finish? Did you give up when it got tough? Are you disorganized? Do you lack focus? Those are the thoughts that are going to spring to the interviewer's mind. Don't put projects on your resume that don't have some kind of completeness.

Let me be clear: software is never done. But software does get deployed. Does your Twitter bot tweet? Does your weather app show the weather? Does your blog serve pages to the public internet? You're looking for something that shows that it works, it serves a purpose, and you didn't give up.

I've hired people in the past myself. The #1 problem I've encountered with bad employees is that they give up too soon. Sticking to it is especially important for programmers. There are many, many challenges in the life of a software project. Showing that you can carry on is really important. Plus, it can make for some interesting stories to talk about in your interview.

Your best bet for completing the project is to make it small . It's so important, we'll go over that soon.

3. Interesting

Remember that the interviewer is tired. They've looked at hundreds of resumes very similar to yours. They've talked to candidates just like you. They want something to help energize them and motivate them to talk to you about your projects. That's why you want to make them interesting.

There are a lot of ways your project could be interesting. One is if it gets really popular. "Developed a library used by 100,000 people". That would be a great line on the resume. Unfortunately, that's not likely to happen. Stay realistic.

Another way is for someone to lend credibility. "Rich Hickey and Jose Valím both personally reviewed the code and publicly praised the craftsmanship." That would be awesome! But also unrealistic.

Your best bet is to go with something whimsical . That will require some explanation, which we'll go over soon.

4. Realistic

Your interviewer wants to know that you can solve real world problems. It's all too easy to avoid problems when building a side project. You could avoid writing a GUI by making a terminal app. You can avoid using a database by writing to files. You can avoid making it fast because it's just one user.

Avoiding problems is a useful skill! But so is bravely facing them and overcoming them. Your interviewer might be impressed by your ability to sidestep issues, but they know their customer-facing application needs a GUI. They use a database. And it needs to be fast. Those features, or a list like it, might be non-negotiable. Have you dealt with those kinds of real-world constraints? Show the interviewer you're capable of facing real-world challenges by making your software realistic.

I think an example would help.

Let's say you build an application to catalogue your reptile pet collection. You start easy: it's just a web server you run locally that stores all of its data in-memory. How can you make this more realistic?

  • Deploy it on the open web
  • Use a database instead of in-memory storage
  • Add a user management system
  • Talk to a 3rd-party API

All of these things force you to face real-world issues. Luckily, these will also coincide with the skills you would like to showcase.

4 characteristics to bake into your personal projects to maximize success

I have a warning: it's easy to overcomplicate these things. Your goal is to present something finished and deployed. If you're trying to learn a new language, or you want to learn some new aspect of it, by all means work on a project. But don't make it something so vital that you can't afford to mess up. You will struggle and maybe wind up hating the language. The best thing to do is something small and whimsical.

Grand adventures start with a bold, but tiny, first step. Hello, World! Is a good first program for a reason. There's so much to learn at first. The build tool, the command to run it, input + output, so much! At the beginning, getting all of that settled is hard enough without dealing with bugs in your program.

Of course, you'll want something slightly bigger than Hello, World! on the command line. But think for a moment: what's the equivalent of Hello, World! for web apps? What's the equivalent for Twitter Bots? That's what you should build first. Deploying something small is much better than never deploying anything. You can always add to it later if you need to.

2. Whimsical

The most impressive early works of artists come out of a very free exploration of a medium. Sure, masters can make even ugly colors look beautiful. But let's face it. At the beginning, we're all bad at that. The reason Hello, World! Is so great is that it captures that frivolous spirit of the artist. What could be more unnecessary than a program that says "Hello"?

The whimsy is what lets you produce something, anything, even if it's worthless. Deploying something that works is better than a failed grand vision that doesn't do anything. Whimsy is what lets you change course when you realize your idea won't work. What's something silly that could work? Whimsy avoids boredom and dead ends. It dodges perfectionism and welcomes serendipity. And after the fact, nobody knows what you had planned to do before you started.

3. Familiar +1

Chances are, you're probably aspiring for a job just outside your skillset. You can use your projects to try out the new stuff you'll need for the job. If you still like it, you'll also have proof that you can work with the tech. However, what you don't want is to bite off more than you can chew. Seriously, build something you know how to build, with one extra thing you've never used.

What do I mean? If you are familiar with traditional web apps, build a web app, but in a new language. The familiar is the web app, the +1 is the new language. Or build a web app in a language you know, but with a new database. You don't want the project to fail because you hit too many roadblocks. Remember, you can always add more stuff later. Which brings me to ...

4. Expandable

The best place to be is to have a stable, working, deployed project that you can add features to whenever you want to learn a new skill. Maybe you've got a small blog engine that you can add user login to. Or a Re-frame frontend. Or a spellchecker. Or AI categorization. Each of those features is digestible on the weekend. But if you tried to do them all at once, you'd probably never finish. Build your project in pieces. But first, your main goal is to get something small and basic working and deployed.

Okay! With that out of the way, here are ten projects you can keep small and probably do over a weekend. But each can then be a platform for adding to later, if needed. I've also included the skills that each project demonstrates and some possibilities for expansion. Keep in mind that you have a choice for the platform these run on. For instance, your weather app could be a mobile app or a web app.

This is a classic exercise from the early days of the we b. Serve pages out of a database based on the URL.

  • Skills: Database, HTTP server, HTML
  • Expansion: User login, frontend editing, build an API, search, link analysis

2. Twitter Bot

Build a program that submits new status messages to Twitter.

  • Skills: API access (including OAuth), error handling
  • Expansion: Generate Markov statuses, use a database of pre-written tweets, timing, respond to other users' messages

3. Weather App

Use the Forecast.io api to display the weather near you.

  • Skills: API access
  • Expansion: User can interact with weather over time, notify you of bad weather

4. GitHub Notifier

Listen for events from GitHub and notify you.

  • Skills: HTTP server (for post hooks)
  • Expansion: Rules engine for deciding when to notify you, GUI, database for history

5. TODO App

The classic app keeps track of a list of items and their status.

  • Skills: UI work
  • Expansion: Backend (api design), database, social sharing, real-time collaboration

6. Twilio Bot

Twilio is an API for text messages and phone calls. Make a bot you can call that will tell a joke.

  • Expansion: Connect it to TODO list, Connect to GitHub Notifier, Connect to Weather App

7. Meme generator

Basically, put text onto an image!

  • Skills: Graphics, file IO
  • Expansion: Preview, submission to social networks, GUI

8. RSS aggregator

Poll RSS feeds for new articles and make a new feed that combines them.

  • Skills: XML, database
  • Expansion: Frontend (add new feeds, list of article titles), filtering, saving for later, share buttons

9. Food log

Keep track of everything you eat with a simple submission form.

  • Skills: Database
  • Expansion: Show trends, search, filter by date, database of known foods, calorie counting

10. Google Map

Make a website that shows places on a Google Map.

  • Skills: JavaScript interop
  • Expansion: UI to add/remove places, database for saving places

These are just some projects doable in a weekend. Remember to keep them small and whimsical. If you're serious about your functional career, you're going to do better with some support. Sign up for PurelyFunctional.tv and you'll get step-by-step lessons teaching you the skills you need to build real projects to prove you can ship with Functional Programming.

Many people give up on side projects because of lack of time. The reason? They don't manage their time well. Here are some things to maximize your success.

Carve out one 3-hour block on the weekend. Ask your significant other for uninterrupted time. Make sure the kids can't distract you. Leave the house if you have to. The goal is to feel like you've got the mental space to focus 100% on it and achieve success in those 3 hours.

**Plan out a small, achievable goal for those 3 hours. **During the week, make notes about what you plan to achieve. It needs to be small. You want those three hours to result in something tangible, however insignificant it may seem.

For example, your goal may be to start with the Luminus template and deploy it to the web unmodified using a build pipeline. That may seem insignificant, but many issues can pop up. I've gotten stuck with lost passwords to Heroku, a spotty internet connection, and a typo in a config file. You can waste an hour just on those things. You want the margin of error so you are guaranteed to succeed.

Plan out some small extras you can add if you have time. If you don't finish these, it's okay. It's still a success. But you want to be able to play with your project once you've achieved your objective.

Use the time during the week to guarantee success. It may seem like you don't have time, but you probably do have a few minutes here and there. I'm not saying act frantically and non-stop. We need rest and breaks. What I am saying is if y ou're thinking about your weekend project, you should be focusing on success. Don't dream up all the features you could possibly have. I've done that and it only stresses me out that I'll never finish. Instead, use your time to make your project easier and smaller.

Can you eliminate a risky piece of the puzzle? Do it. Can you double check your Heroku credentials ahead of time? Do you have the tools you need installed? Those things will keep the project front of mind and maximize those three hours you've got blocked off.

Remember: the goal is to have a basic platform for adding features to. You'd be surprised how much you can add to a basic, working product. Once you've got the basic platform working and solid, adding a new feature can be as simple as pulling out your laptop and experimenting. If it works, commit it. Otherwise, oh well! The hardest part is getting all the tools set up.

Okay, once you've got something to show, you've got to present it to the world. I like to host my code on GitHub.


And one great thing about GitHub is that it shows the README file front-and-center when you load the repo. That means you can leverage the README to showcase what makes your project special.

Here's the minimum the README should contain:

  • What does the project do?
  • Who is the project for?
  • Why is it different?
  • How do I use it? (installation instructions)
  • How does it work?

Code quality

If you expect someone to read your code, make sure that it's well-formatted and readable. Spend some time renaming functions and consider the reader. What will help them navigate? Where should they start?

In the resume

If you're putting it in your resume, make a new section for Personal Projects. List them similar to how you list your jobs and education. You want one sentence for what it does, a line of technologies that are relevant to the job, and one interesting tidbit. I also like to include a "what I learned" se ntence that lets me highlight me as someone who learns from experience.

For example, here's what I would write for my blog engine I wrote about 7 years ago:

Tiberius - Personal static blog engine Python, Pandoc, Markdown, S3 - 100-line Python script to publish a blog - an exercise in the power of simplicity Taught me to appreciate constraints. Robustness comes from eliminating the unnecessary.

The Personal Projects section needs to go in your resume where it makes the most sense. The most important section should be at the top. If you want to highlight your professional experience, put that at the top. If you want to show your academic achievements, that goes first. But if you think academic and professional are less relevant than your personal projects, move the personal projects to the top.

software project ideas resume

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How to List Projects on a Software Engineer Resume

Last updated by Ashwin Ramachandran on Apr 19, 2024 at 04:29 PM | Reading time: 9 minutes

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12+ Best Programming Projects for a Resume

Struggling with creating your perfect programming resume? Make it better by adding personal projects and specific expertise. Here is the list of the projects you may create on your own, plus winning tips for improving your resume with their help.

How do you get your foot in the door if you are a newbie in the field of IT? How do you jump over toothy competitors if you already have experience? There is one answer to both of these questions - start with your resume, as it creates the first (and usually right impression of you). In this article, we suggest adding some personal projects to your portfolio to make it even more impressive. Below is a list of ideas you can use to boost your resume and give yourself a better chance of being noticed by a great company.

Why Should You Have Personal Programming Projects on a Resume?

The IT field is not only dynamic - it is quite competitive. What is more, the entrance level is quite low. In other words, everyone who has the basic skills and knowledge gained with the help of computer science courses and self-leaning has the opportunity to become a cutting-edge IT specialist. Therefore, if you want to be a part of the most innovative and money-promising industry, you will have to be creative to get your dream job. Having some personal programming projects for your resume is one way to attract your future employer’s attention and leverage your chances of being hired. Here is why.

Show Your Skills

Your personal project is a way to improve your skills and show them on your resume. For example, you can claim that you are excellent at programming in JavaScript, but a mobile application created using this language and its frameworks will tell much more about your coding skills.

Show Your Passion

Willingness to do work in your free time is a sign of true passion and love for your job. Of course, the development of a personal project takes time, but the presence of such a project shows you as a person who sincerely invests their time and soul into this process.

Show Your Readiness to Learn

Any personal project can have pitfalls, especially if you are at the beginning of your journey. In the process of creating them, you are faced with problems and tasks that you need to solve. This is an excellent opportunity for self-study in a relaxed environment free from the pressure of deadlines. Therefore, use it.

Prompt! When adding your personal projects to your resume, you can also briefly indicate a list of specific tasks, challenges, and pitfalls you have encountered. But be prepared to explain how you overcame them when a technical specialist interviews you.

Thus, personal projects reflected in the resume is a tremendous competitive advantage for a beginner specialist. However, do experienced programmers need personal projects? Or is solid experience enough to find a new job?

Indeed, a personal programming project works equally well for beginners and professionals alike. Of course, projects created by Senior coders will be much more difficult, and this is another reason to add them to your resume since complex projects show your advanced skills and specific expertise.

The List of Good Programming Projects for Resume

So, what are some interesting programming projects to put on a resume? Here are 13 alternatives you may consider. Each of them requires specific knowledge, skills, and technology usage, so make sure to pick up the ones that suit your specialization best.

1. A simple website or blog

If you're a beginner or self-learning web developer , start by creating a simple website or blog. To do this, you don't need to know more than the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. But remember - your solution shouldn't be too simple. There is Wix that does not require an ordinary user to be a genius to put together a site or blog piece by piece. So your task is to come up with something original.

For example, you can think about site scaling possibilities and foresee them in your structure in advance. Or pay attention to the design. For example, create a sales-boosting website using graphic elements and motivating colors.

2. An eCommerce website prototype

eCommerce websites are laborious to create since you need to come up with a lot of sections, listings, integrations, and, most importantly, make outstanding user experience and a smooth sales funnel your top priority. We suggest focusing on one of your future store’s components and matching it with your best skills.

For example, if you are good at user interface prototyping, suggest a prototype that will generate sales and profits. As for the technologies to use, everything will depend on your initial idea - you may create an eCommerce store in the form of a native app or a website powered by Shopify and other specific solutions.

3. A cryptocurrency wallet

A cryptocurrency wallet is also a reasonably simple solution, even though it may sound incomprehensible to someone who hears this term for the first time. To do it, it will be enough to use Bitcoin SDK or Coinbase SDK and synchronize your future wallet with the blockchain ecosystem using APIs.

Great idea! If you create an eCommerce website as your personal project, consider adding Bitcoin as a payment option. This is an advanced way to pay, and more and more websites will embed this function very soon.

4. A listing website

Obviously, you shouldn’t create a jaw-dropping solution like Zillow. However, you still should show your web development skills. To create such a solution, you need basic HTML/CSS and basic programming skills, plus design thinking abilities. What is more, your personal listing shouldn’t be for listing accommodations only. For example, you may create an ads placement platform, a job board, or a car selling website.

5. A simple game

The most important thing in a game is dynamics and high-quality content. To prove your creative talents, come up with some really cool, interesting, and highly demanding characters that will meet the expectations of today's gamers. Among the technologies you need for this is Unity 3D, Visual Studio, and C++.

6. A data analysis model

Models for data analysis are in great demand, and what's more, it's not that hard to create one if you have a dataset. To further improve your self-presentation, create several data models that will work on the principle of regression analysis and classification.

7. A forecasting software

Predictive analytics is another capability of data analysis software. What is more, you may reuse your data analysis model explained in the previous paragraph to turn it into a predictive tool.

8. A chatbot

Creating chatbots is very simple. However, you may make your chatbot more innovative by enabling it with speech and image recognition functions.

9. A simple task manager

There is nothing complex about creating task management software like Trello or Evernote. Take these apps as an example, and come up with your solution. Creating this app, you could show how you understand the Kanban approach - this will be a significant plus for an employee who follows it.

10. A food diary

Weight management and nutritional apps are trendy. Create it to spice up your portfolio. Such applications do not need a lot of features. The most important thing is to make it user-friendly. What is more, you can create such a solution for both iOS and Android using the appropriate programming languages or create a cross-platform application.

An interesting function that you can implement! Add a barcode scanner so a potential user can add meals to the diary using the camera. It will show how you handle the integration of embedded applications with your solution.

An even more fun feature! How about creating a tool for recognizing a meal and its ingredients? Yes, you will have to create an artificial intelligence solution that can recognize images; however, you must agree, this is an entirely different level of professionalism.

11. An instant messenger

Creating an instant messenger, you may showcase your skills for instant data transfer solution creation plus API integration and entertainment features development. Instant messengers are not so difficult to create - their branding will definitely take more time, so this is your chance to strengthen your resume with a trendy application example.

12. A payment gateway

Creating a payment gateway is quite a challenging task; however, it will significantly enrich your portfolio. Developing this solution will require using different APIs and paying close attention to the security features. For example, you may integrate a machine-learning fraud detection algorithm and make an outstanding fintech solution.

13. A recommendation engine

A recommendation engine is an AI-powered tool; however, it shouldn’t be a part of an eCommerce store exclusively. For example, you could develop a book recommendation app that suggests a book based on age, preferences, and previously read stories. To create it, you need an AI programming platform, plus a database.

Enhancing Programming Resume Tips and Lifehacks

Adding your personal programming projects to your resume is a good strategy to highlight your skills, showcase achievements, and stand out from the competition, especially if you are a newcomer to the field of IT. However, there are some pitfalls you should avoid. Below are some winning tips and life hacks that will help you improve your resume, balance personal project development with job search, and attract your future employee’s attention.

Focus on Your Core Skills

You undoubtedly have enough skills to create any projects listed above; however, you should stick only to the most suitable ones. Unfortunately, if you create ten different projects that require entirely different skills, this will not improve your resume . It will give the impression that you do not know what you do best and just try everything.

For example, if you are an iOS developer, there is no point in creating an Android mobile app to add to your resume. Instead, pick up the ideas that suit your knowledge, skills, and competencies best, then focus on the overall quality of your personal projects.

Don’t Bite off More Than You Can Chew

Your passion for software projects and development is undoubtedly good, but you need to assess your strengths sensibly. Cool and popular projects are created by whole teams of specialists from different fields, but you will have to act alone when creating your personal project.

Therefore, before you get to work, make sure you can handle what you have in mind. Start by being clear about the skills you need to complete the project and anticipate potential pitfalls.

For example, if you are a good Python programmer but feel you lack UI design skills, prepare educational materials to find answers and find useful forums where you can ask for help in advance.

Manage Your Time

Looking for a new or first job is time-consuming. You should do a lot of preparatory work, research the open positions, and personally get in touch with each company you are interested in working. Therefore, you need to plan your time correctly and maintain an optimal balance. For example, you might spend three hours a day developing your personal project, and after that, devote three hours to finding new jobs, improving your resume, and writing cover letters .

Show Your Problem-Solving Abilities

Don't create your personal projects just to fill in blank lines on your resume. Templated solutions that are too simple, like a blog quickly designed on Wix, will not surprise your employer but rather spoil the experience. Instead, solve a specific user problem, even if it is hypothetical.

Make Your Code Accessible

GitHub is the best place to store your code, share it with other programmers, and ask the more experienced professionals to give you feedback. This is also a good place for your personal projects. At the technical interview stage, the team lead will definitely ask you to talk about your professional and personal projects and show the code you created.

Prompt! Make sure your code is easy to read and understand, do not create spaghetti - for this, ask other GitHub community members for an opinion before you show your code to a potential employer.

Showcase Your Projects on Your Resume

Once your projects are in place, it's time to add them to your resume to amplify a positive impression and show your best abilities right away. How to add programming projects to your resume?

To do this, you need to include a new section titled Personal Project and list them in the following sequence:

  • The name of the project - for example, a Weather App for Android
  • The set of technologies been used - for example, Java, Weather API
  • The set of skills - for example, general programming, database management, API integration

Optionally, you may track the time needed to create each of the projects and specify the timing to let your potential employee evaluate your working speed and the quality of the code you create.

Get More Attention With the Help of a Cover Letter

Having a logical, structured, and beautiful resume that reflects your personal and professional projects is half the battle in the hiring process. However, you can do one more thing to increase your chances of being interviewed and hired —a cover letter that you send every time you offer your candidacy for a position.

With the help of a cover letter, you show yourself as a candidate who is really interested in working for this particular company. This is an excellent opportunity for you to say the most important things about your skills, abilities, and competencies and explain to a potential employer why you are a great candidate for an open position.

However, writing code and writing persuasive texts are not the same things. That is why creating an eye-catching cover letter with the help of our automated solution will be a better strategy.

The IT industry is dynamic and rapidly growing. There is a free space for everyone who is open to new knowledge and innovations and is ready to learn on the go. What's more, the industry is hiring the best talents, as only the best can innovate by solving problems in new ways. Feel like you want to belong to this industry? You already know what to do.

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32 Software Engineer Resume Examples Designed for 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Software Engineer Resumes
  • Software Engineer Resumes by Experience
  • Software Engineer Resumes by Role

Writing Your Software Engineer Resume

If you’re looking to take the next step in your software engineering career, there’s no better time than now, especially with many companies releasing salary information thanks to  pay transparency laws across the states .

You have the skills and experience to land your next software engineer job, but figuring out  how to write a resume  is entirely different.

We’ve analyzed countless developer resumes seeing what works and what doesn’t. That’s why we’ve written 32 software engineer resume samples that have  helped developers get jobs at top tech companies like Google, Uber, and Twilio .

Whether you’re wondering how to use ChatGPT to write a resume or are already  checking your resume  for improvements, you’re in the right place to help you get more interviews in 2024!

Software Engineer Resume Example

or download as PDF

Software engineer resume example with 10 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Always check the job description and the company’s mission statement to determine what you should include in your resume. If you have experience that doesn’t fit into your software engineer resume, but you still want to include, you can try to add some in your  software engineer cover letter .
  • Try to include metrics relating to revenue, increased user counts, or increased efficiency. There are numbers there; you just have to find them!

Software Developer Resume Example

Software developer resume example with 9 years of experience

  • Because of the amount of niche positions, you need to be careful when titling your resume. Always adjust the title on your resume to match the job to which you’re applying.
  • Even if your work experience is different from the description, you can include some of the necessary skills and keywords. However, if your work experience is vastly different from the job description, you might want to consider applying for a different type of job.

Software Engineer Student Resume Example

Software engineer student resume example with project's experience

  • As long as you have relevant project experience, you’ll be good to go. Plus, points for a strong career objective that clearly labels why you’re joining a company and your main aim after being hired.

New Grad Software Engineer Resume Example

New grad software engineer resume example with internship experience

  • A word of caution: resist the urge to feature just anything in your piece. Instead, strive to unearth duties and wins relevant to the target company and its KPIs. Talk about using Jenkins for integration automation, building custom UIs with Django, optimizing databases with MySQL, and more.

Software Engineer Intern Resume Example

Software engineer intern resume example with data entry experience

  • Companies will understand that you’re just starting out in your career, so including technical courses like ‘Computer Organization and Architecture’ in your software engineer intern resume will show them you have a solid understanding of the fundamentals.

Software Engineer New Grad Resume Example

Software engineer new grad resume example with internship experience

  • If you’re a recent grad, employers will understand that you have limited work experience but would like to see some proficiency in the technical aspects of the job. Use the job description to know the company’s requirements and adjust the skills you include in your software engineer resume to align with what the company is looking for.

Entry-Level Software Engineer Resume Example

Entry-level software engineer resume example with internship experience

  • Plus, a template lets you easily adjust stylistic elements like color, font type, and layout. Make your resume as unique as you are!
  • The first option is to demonstrate your ability to create and maintain new projects that are easily scalable and solve real problems. You can include college projects, personal projects, or even start something new so you have something to add!
  • The second option is to show off any internships you’ve gotten. You can treat them just like work experience, but you can include it in your work experience or projects section.

Junior Software Engineer Resume Example

Junior software engineer resume example with 6 years of technical support experience

  • Your time as a developer in a personal endeavor may have involved several responsibilities and accomplishments that make for a worthy addition to your junior software engineer resume.

Associate Software Engineer Resume Example

Associate software engineer resume example with 1+ years of training experience

  • Of course, if you have more than 10 years of experience, use a  resume summary  instead. Objectives and summaries aren’t too different, but summaries have more achievements and experience.
  • Personal pronouns like “I,” “me,” and “my” take up space, so cut them out.
  • Use active voice and active verbs to make sure your work experience bullet points are as short as possible.

Senior Software Engineer Resume Example

Senior software engineer resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Highlighting a lengthy career with multiple software engineering roles is key to getting noticed, especially when you pair it with quantifiable data from various sources.
  • Always check the job description to get an idea of what the employer wants to see. Try to include six to eight skills in your  resume skills section  to give a wide range of your available skills.
  • Focus more on adding technical skills, but you can include a few soft skills to highlight how well-rounded you are.

Experienced Software Engineer Resume Example

Experienced software engineer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • For example, take the case of a Certified Software Development Associate (IEEE) certification included in this resume. It’s credible evidence that proves you have a concrete understanding of software design, testing, maintenance, and quality assurance—all of which are integral to any software engineering role.

Mid-Level Software Engineer Resume Example

Mid Level Software engineer resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Your mid-level software engineer resume should give prominence to accomplishment metrics that touch on your application tools competencies, process streamlining, project timeline reductions, and ability to utilize resources to meet outcome expectations.

Lead Software Engineer Resume Example

Lead software engineer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Your lead software engineer resume will go up a notch once you mention a master’s degree in computer science. It gives more credibility and shows that you’ve professionally learned how to lead other engineers and also keep systems running smoothly.

Java Software Engineer Resume Example

Java software engineer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • But don’t forget to quantify your contribution. Try using multiple metrics in one bullet point to be extra flashy and prove that your Java skills are second to none.

Front End Software Engineer Resume Example

Front end software engineer resume example with IT technical support experience

  • If you don’t have the best technical highlights, add names of the most famous companies you’ve worked for in your front end software engineer resume. They can alone show that you weren’t hired for nothing.

Amazon Software Engineer Resume Example

Amazon software engineer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Create an unmatchable Amazon software engineer resume by listing your best achievements so far like “Grew Amazon Prime subscriptions by 18%” to show your to-be employer you’ve got what it takes to leverage technology and use it to drive better customer experience metrics.

Software Quality Engineer Resume Example

Software quality engineer resume example with 6 years of experience

  • We know automation’s a big part of this job, but it doesn’t mean you spam the word in every bullet point. Draw out other important impacts you’ve created on the job such as reducing coding errors and expanding test coverage to be a standout candidate.

Backend Software Engineer Resume Example

Backend software engineer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Then, why not let your piece showcase your eye for detail? Take the time to go through it, ensuring every line is polished to perfection. While tools like Grammarly can be handy here, they aren’t foolproof, so be critical of the suggestions. Even better, enlist a friend or family member—a fresh pair of eyes might catch something you missed.

Staff Software Engineer Resume Example

Staff software engineer resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Did your overhauling MYSQL schema indexation expedite data access? Mention time saved in hours per month or week. Can you recount how many technical guides you built or published or how many users benefited from your software programs? Specify the numbers. Dollar-amount savings should also suffice in your metrics.

Software QA Engineer Resume Example

Software QA engineer resume example with 9 years of experience

  • Subsequently, choose a template (preferably Elegant) that gives ample spacing in the skills section for you to write down all the things you’re an expert at. Keep things simple by using a good color accent and let loose on all your past work experiences.

Director of Software Engineering Resume Example

Director of software engineering resume example with 13 years of software engineer experience

  • It is paramount that your director of software engineering resume shows your numbers for managing teams, cutting costs, expediting processes, and properly managing and prioritizing resources to exceed targets and goals.

Software Engineering Manager Resume Example

Software engineering manager resume example with 3+ years of experience

  • Adding measurable results to your software engineering manager resume will help an employer evaluate the progress and results you’ve brought to companies you’ve previously worked with. This simple addition of observable statistics can go a long way in setting your resume apart from the crowd.

Google Software Engineer Resume Example

Google software engineer resume example with 5 years of software engineer experience

  • For instance, adding tools and cloud-based services under the Google Cloud umbrella to your Google software engineer resume shows the company you’re well-versed in multiple development solutions.

Principal Software Engineer Resume Example

Principal software engineer resume example with 3 years of experience

  • While you may have several hobbies and interests, ensure you include those most relevant to the role you’re applying to. Participating in coding challenges and hackathons shows you’re passionate about software engineering, even outside work hours—something any employer will love to see!

Python Developer Resume Example

Python developer resume example with 6 years of experience

  • That’s why it can be useful to include a projects section. Of course, you want the majority of your resume to focus on work experience, but if you’ve got some unique experience that might fit the  software engineer job description , consider adding this optional section.
  • We’d recommend making your  web developer skills  section about 70 precent technical skills, but you can include soft skills for the rest. 

Software Engineer Front-End Resume Example

Software engineer front-end resume example with 7+ years of experience

Full-Stack Software Engineer Resume Example

Full-stack software engineer resume example with 9 years of experience

  • Include multiple programming languages in your  resume skills section  to increase your value and better fit the ATS screening criteria.
  • Start by reading the  software engineer job description  and looking for repeated keywords. You can also look at other local software engineer jobs to look for more key phrases to include.

Embedded Software Engineer Resume Example

Embedded software engineer resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • This will inform recruiters and hiring managers that, in addition to your technical coding skills, you have applicable knowledge of CPU architectures, operating systems, and more. You can also include soft skills related to communication and collaboration to showcase your ability to work with teams.
  • This is the perfect place to briefly convey your achievements, your experience, and what you hope to accomplish at your future company. Always tailor it to each job for which you apply!

Software Integration Engineer Resume Example

Software integration engineer resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Your layout should have a good “visual voice” that’s as unique as you are, so don’t be afraid to play with colors, font types, and layouts. So long as it’s easy to read, format your resume to match your style!
  • For example, did you start working with a team and end up leading a team? That’s an excellent example of scalable growth!
  • Highlight versatile skills (like types of tools you’ve used) and scalable achievements to prove that you can improve your future workplace!

Security Engineer Resume Example

Security engineer resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Our special  resume tip : cut the fluff away from any novice jobs to leave more room for more impressive credentials you got later in your career.
  • Demonstrate how your programming skills have evolved or how your interpersonal abilities helped advance your team. And be sure to back your claims with data! 
  • Having a variety of jobs shows that you’re well-rounded with a host of skills you may not have obtained otherwise.
  • Show this off in your work experience bullet points with a mix of transferable skills and unique abilities from other positions.

Software Development Engineer Resume

Software development engineer resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Unload as many education qualifications as you possess to maximize the impression that you’re a certified software developing maestro. These aren’t just fancy additions to your resume but proof of your problem-solving and critical skills , making you the go-to guy for any tech need.

FAANG Software Engineer Resume

FAANG software engineer resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Including skills like PostgreSQL, Apache Hadoop, and Git enrich your FAANG software engineer resume and prove to employers that you’re basically the Swiss Army knife of technology, all ready to confront any software needs Silicon Valley throws your way.

Related resume guides

  • Scrum Master
  • Tableau Developer
  • Program Manager
  • Web Developer

Content employee smiles and works at desk with blue laptop and coffee mug

When you apply for an engineering job at a company, the first person looking at your resume is actually not a person. Companies use something called an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to filter out a majority of applicants for a role based on keyword matching.

If you pass this initial scan, your resume will get reviewed by a non-technical recruiter. Then at long last, the technical hiring manager will look at your resume.

So, how do you write a resume that will get you through all these hoops to get that first interview? That’s what this guide is designed to help you do!

We’ve analyzed numerous resumes from software engineers and to come up with valuable  resume tips  to get your foot in the door.

Here’s what we’re going to cover in this guide:

  • What to put in the vital skills section of your resume.
  • How to properly  format your resume  to appease the ATS filters, including what sections to include or omit.
  • How to talk about your work experience and personal projects to convincingly appeal to technical and non-technical audiences.
  • How to customize your resume for each job to which you apply (it’s easier than it sounds).

software project ideas resume

Software engineer skills for resume

The skills section is a vital part of your software engineer resume. This will make or break whether you get through the first phase of the resume review, aka the dreaded ATS scan.

Your  resume’s skills section  shouldn’t be a laundry list of frameworks and programming languages. Especially don’t try to include what you wouldn’t be comfortable coding; just reading about Java is not enough to have it in your skills section.

The worst thing that can happen is that you claim knowledge of a programming language and then can’t answer basic questions about that language in an interview. It’s much better to have true expertise in one programming language than to claim knowledge of 10 different languages.

Good hiring companies know that quality engineers can learn new frameworks as needed. So, it’s a big red flag if you list every programming language under the sun.

There are a few options for organizing your skills section on your resume. First, you can organize them by your proficiency level. You can use categorizations like “Advanced” vs. “Familiar” or “Expert” vs. “Working Knowledge.”

Skills organized by proficiency

Skills organized by proficiency

Or you can organize them by the type of skill you’re discussing. So you can separate the programming languages you know, the frameworks, the tools, and the databases you’ve used.

Skills organized by skill type

Skills organized by skill type

Finally, you can list the programming languages you know and include the frameworks associated with that language you’ve used. You can also list your years of experience with that language. This is useful for recruiters, but it can take up a lot of space on your resume, so make sure your resume format allows for an extended skills section.

Skills organized by years of experience

Skills organized by years of experience

Software engineer resume format

Threading the needle of making your resume ATS-readable, HR-readable, and technical-hiring-manager-readable is not an easy task. So, try to quantify your achievements without getting too in the weeds (while also not being too broad).

General formatting tips

The most important  resume formatting  tip that you should internalize is making your resume one page long, maximum. Recruiters spend, on average, only  six seconds reviewing your resume . They’re not going to read a several-page resume.

Here are the quick hits for how to properly format your resume:

  • Keep it to one page.
  • Avoid long paragraphs of text to make it readable.
  • Bullet points should be self-contained, complete ideas.
  • Keep your tenses consistent. Refer to old roles and projects in the past and refer to your current position in the present.
  • Avoid pronouns like “I” or “we.”
  • Check for grammar and spelling errors . Don’t let this be the reason you don’t get the job!

It’s tough to fit all of your projects and work accomplishments on a single page, but remember, you’re more than your resume. Recruiters understand this and know if a resume looks good initially, they can ask more questions in the interview.

Your goal with your resume isn’t just to include your best talking points; it’s also to make the life of the person reviewing it as easy as possible. Make sure you don’t have long paragraphs of text so it’s easier to read. Break up your would-be paragraphs into singular ideas that are more appealing to the reader.

Bad bullet point formatting

Designed and built out the backend for a client application that enabled users to build their own recipe books. Used Angular on the front-end and NodeJS on the back-end. Working closely with product managers, scaled this application to 200,000 users and generated annual revenue of $1.4M. (If you’re still reading this, then well done, because it’s far too long.)

Good bullet point formatting

  • Designed and built out the back-end for a client application that enabled users to build recipe books.
  • Used Angular on the front-end and NodeJS on the back-end. Working closely with product managers, scaled this application to 200,000 users and generated annual revenue of $1.4M.

Your bullet points should be self-contained, so you don’t need periods after each point. Within your bullet points, make sure your verb tenses are consistent (past tense is preferable).

Also, we’d recommend avoiding singular pronouns, so don’t use “I” or “we.” They waste time and look unprofessional, so don’t include them. For example, instead of saying, “I worked on building the back-end for a project,” you should say, “Worked on building the back-end for a project.” There are plenty of ways to avoid saying “I.”

Lastly, please  review all grammar and spelling . Don’t give recruiters or hiring managers an easy excuse for someone to put you into the “no” pile. Too many great software engineers don’t  check their resumes  and leave typos and punctuation errors.

Contact information and title

Your name should be the first thing on your resume, and it should be listed in a bigger font. Directly underneath it, you should include a title. This title should always be the job for which you’re applying. So, if your current title is “software engineer” and you’re applying for a senior engineering role, your title should be “senior software engineer.” After your title, include your contact information, including:

  • City and zip code (you don’t need to give your specific address)
  • Email address (make sure it sounds professional and includes your name)
  • Telephone number
  • LinkedIn profile URL
  • GitHub profile URL
  • Personal website (if you have one)

And although you know already to review your resume for typos,  triple-check your contact section  for anything that’s incorrect. We once had a great engineer misspell his email here, and although he was a great fit for the role to which he was applying, the company couldn’t contact him, so he didn’t get an interview!

This may seem like a lot of information to include, but you can make it compact. Here’s a great example:

Sample contact information

What you include in the education section of your resume will vary depending on whether you’re applying for an entry-level software engineering role or a more senior role.

Regardless of your seniority, you should always include the school you attended, the year you graduated, and your major. If you had a minor or a specific concentration, include that.

If you’re applying for anything  other  than an entry-level role, that’s all you should include in your education section. Why? Because real estate is valuable on a resume, and your work experience and projects will convey more about your qualification than your GPA or college courses.

Suppose you’re  applying for a software engineering internship  or  looking for your first full-time role . In that case, your education section will be more expansive to accurately convey your qualifications. Plus, you’ll want to mention relevant courses to the role for which you’re applying. For software engineering roles, this means any classes related to software engineering. Took a databases class? Completed an algorithm design course? You get the idea.

If you want to include your GPA, make sure it’s above a 3.2. Otherwise, leave it out.

Entry-Level Software Engineer Education

Entry level software engineer education

Senior Software Engineer Education

Senior Sofware engineer education.

Software engineer resume summary

Unless it’s done exceptionally well, we strongly recommend that you don’t include a  resume summary  or objective on your software engineer resume. Why? Because they rarely, if ever, convey meaningful information to the person reviewing your resume. Let’s break down a typical objective statement:

Sample software engineer resume objective

I have 3+ years of experience, and I’m looking to leverage my Django expertise to work on challenging problems as a Senior Software Engineer.

There isn’t anything new in this objective. Their 3+ years of experienceand Django expertise should be demonstrated in their work experience. There’s no customization for the specific job, and it’s far too short.

Remember, recruiters typically only look at your resume for six seconds. Don’t make them waste precious time on anything that doesn’t demonstrate new information about why you’re a great fit for the role.

Anything unique to your situation or circumstance (for example, you’re undergoing a career change) should be discussed when creating a cover letter . You can elaborate on what you’re looking for in your next role without the constraint of space.

software project ideas resume

Work experience

Your work experience section is, without a doubt, the most important section on your resume. This is where a resume reviewer spends most of their time and attention. It’s here that they’ll decide whether they want to move you onto the first stage of the interview process. So, this is not the place to be humble. Show off the good work you’ve done.

If you’re a junior developer, this section will be shorter (in favor of a longer “Projects” section). If you have two-plus years of work experience, this should take up the majority of the space on your resume.

So how do you talk about your work experience convincingly? The key is to  be specific  and  quantify the impact of your work  whenever possible.

Developers rarely work in complete isolation, especially at larger companies. So you must tease out what you did specifically on each project. If you worked as part of a team to turn a multi-page web app into a single-page app, and you were in charge of re-designing the back-end infrastructure for the new app, talk about that specifically.

Good work experience description

Architected the new back-end in Ruby to change multi-page primary product into a single-page app, resulting in $1.2M in annual incremental revenue.

Bad work experience description

The team changed our primary product from a multi-page app to a single-page app, resulting in $1.2M in annual incremental revenue.

Notice that when talking about your actual work, you want to be specific about your particular role. However, when talking about the project’s impact, you can talk about the overall effect that the team had.

Again, quantify the impact of the projects you worked on whenever possible. Businesses hire engineers to move the company forward, and the best way to demonstrate you can do that is to show you’ve had a measurable impact in your past roles.   Rough estimates of impact are okay if you don’t have exact numbers; just be reasonable and logical in your assessments.

Here are some other ways you can try to quantify your work:

  • Reduced downtime by X%
  • Improved the speed of the application by X%
  • Implemented a product feature that improved customer retention by X%
  • Improved customer satisfaction (as measured by NPS) by X%
  • Built a feature that improved click-through rate by X%
  • Scaled a product that successfully handled X concurrent users
  • Automated a process that saved X hours of manual labor each week
  • Improved a product feature that increased usage by X%
  • Worked on a project that led to a cost savings of $X
  • Implemented unit tests that improved test coverage by X%
  • Fixed a bug that reduced customer complaints by X%  

The formula for discussing your work experience is “my specific contribution to a project” + “the overall quantitative impact.” This describes the same work experience, just in different ways.

Let’s look at an example of this in action to see how effective it is.

Good: Specific contribution plus quantitative impact

Good: Specific contribution plus quantitative impact

Bad: Vague description and no quantitative impact

Vague description and no quantitative impact

Software engineer resume projects

The size of your projects section on your software engineer resume should be directly tied to your seniority level when applying for a developer job. The more junior your role, the more space you should allocate to your projects.

If you have more than two years of experience, you should only list one project of which you’re especially proud. Most of your resume should be composed of what you did in your previous jobs.

Try to talk about your projects in the same way you would talk about your work experience. The goal of your projects is to demonstrate your technical skills in context. Show how you used a language or framework to build something that satiated your curiosity or solved a problem.

Your projects should give more color to your skills section. While it’s great to say you know Ruby, it’s even better to say how you built the back-end of your movie recommendation engine in Ruby. Anyone can list a skill on their resume, but showing how you used that skill demonstrates even stronger mastery of that skill.

If you worked on substantial coding projects during school, you should include them here. When possible, always include the projects you’ve listed on your resume in your Github profile or on your personal website.

Here’s the format of how you should talk about your projects on your resume:

  • Describe the problem you were trying to solve and how you solved it at a high level. In the example above, “Built an Android app to allow party-goers to vote on what song should play next.”
  • Next, discuss some technical details in either one or two bullet points.

Again, you’re trying to demonstrate two things to a hiring manager with your projects. First, you want to give context to the skills you list on your resume. Next, you want to show that you can identify a problem and then implement a solution to solve that problem.

software project ideas resume

Interests & hobbies

If you have a bit of extra space and have a hobby or interest that might interest employers, you should include it. Some companies appreciate personality, so this would be the place to highlight that.

software project ideas resume

Customize your resume for each job

We know, we know; customizing your resume is tedious. But we have some good news! You don’t have to overhaul your resume for each job to which you apply. You will likely have to change one or two bullet points on your resume for each application.

Read the  software engineer job description  for the job to which you’re applying. Do any particular projects you’ve worked on or languages you’ve used come to mind when reading it? Those should absolutely be included in the resume you submit for that role.

Now, let’s say you’re applying for the following role:

software project ideas resume

Clearly, they want an engineer who has experience developing APIs. So, instead of just one bullet talking about my experience building out APIs, you should allocate two to three bullet points to my work.

When customizing your resume for each job you apply for, be sure to expand on the work experience or projects you’ve worked on that are especially relevant to the position at hand.

software project ideas resume

How to write an effective software developer resume

Here are the major takeaways you should keep in mind when  writing a professional resume :

  • Keep your resume to one page.
  • Proofread your resume  multiple times  to avoid any grammar or spelling errors.
  • If you’re applying for an entry-level role, mention any relevant college courses. Otherwise, don’t let your education section take up a lot of space.
  • Unless you tailor it, you don’t need a summary or objective section on your resume.
  • Only include skills for which you’d be comfortable being interviewed.
  • Always mention your specific contribution and quantify the overall project’s impact on the business.
  • If you’re applying for an entry-level role, talk about any personal coding projects you worked on.

Remember, the goal of this resume is to get your foot in the door. Once you get that first phone interview, your skills and personality will surely shine through.

Applying to new jobs can be daunting, but one of the most complex and most confusing parts is now over. You’ve done the research, and you’re ready to  write your resume ! You can use our free  AI resume builder  to start your resume from scratch or a template, and our  free resume checker  uses AI-powered tips to suggest improvements and resolve errors.

You’ve got the knowledge; now go land your dream job!

Create my free resume now

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  • Software Development Life Cycle
  • Waterfall Model
  • Software Requirements
  • Software Measurement and Metrics
  • Software Design Process
  • System configuration management
  • Software Maintenance
  • Software Development Tutorial
  • Software Testing Tutorial
  • Product Management Tutorial
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  • Agile Methodology
  • Selenium Basics

Top 15 Software Engineering Projects (2024)

Software Engineering has become the mainstream for IT Industry today. Every year more than 3 Lakh students land software engineering jobs as fresher and the demand for software engineers has been rapidly rising. 

Software Engineering Projects Ideas

With the increase in demand, the competition has been rising every year and it would require you to practice rigorously so that you can easily fit into IT Industry. To begin with this, you are required to analyze which domain (programming language & S.E. stream) to pick, and then only you’ll be able to build projects to gain expertise and confidence .

Table of Content

Why is Software Engineering Required?

Software engineering projects for beginners, 1. chess game, 2. social networking, 3. web scraping, 4. calculator, 5. to-do list, software engineering projects for intermediate, 6. daily reminder, 7. weather forecasting, 8. local train ticketing system, 9. patient tracker, 10. online fuel delivery, software engineering projects for expert, 11. exchanging loyalty points, 12. fingerprint voting system, 13. railway time tracking & prediction system, 14. suspicious activity tracker, 15. emotion-based music player, why is project-based learning effective , conclusion .

In this article, we will be sharing the best hand-picked software engineering projects from Beginner – Intermediate – Expert levels that will help you in sharpening your programming skills.

But, before we move ahead, let’s talk about the need for software engineering in today’s world. 

Looking to master software testing and automation? Enroll in the “ Manual to Automation Testing: A QA Engineer’s Guide ” course. Gain hands-on experience with Java, Selenium, and Cucumber to excel in real-world testing challenges.

Today, every business (small or medium, or large) wants to keep itself updated. The demand for software engineering has grown 3x – 4x ever since (past 10 years stats) . Software Engineering & Software Development requires developers to keep digging for a better approach and they also help in organizing, managing, and delivering quality output within the timeline.

Besides this, some of the major companies/sectors that are actively hiring Computer Science Engineers are:

  • Technology – 37%
  • Fortune 500 – 21%
  • Telecommunication – 5%
  • Media – 5%
  • Internet – 5%

As of now, there are more than 1,02,000+ (India) jobs available for software engineers & 9,02,000+ (Worldwide) , and the figures are continuously growing every day. In this article, we’re going to talk about how we can achieve certain goals to become good software engineers along, and the ability to deliver high-quality post-service guidance/maintenance. You’ll get some of the best software engineering projects be it a beginner, intermediate or expert level.

It’s a well-designed game built to play in a very interactive way where pieces get moved from block to block by the system itself. This project is built to predict (human) moves and accordingly, it takes action. This app can be so satisfying and will make you feel like you’re playing in the real world. The best part is that you can even play with friends (remotely) and with the computer as well.

It would require you to set up a MySQL database so that user’s details can be stored (including name, score, ranking, etc.). You can also check out the article based on Chess Game for the best reference.

Key Features

  • The “Moves” section will keep track of all the records of the player’s moves and will proceed accordingly
  • This game will directly start with the main display and that will accelerate processing speed. 
  • A bare minimum system is required for this app – Windows XP or Windows 7

This is a beginner-level web-based social networking system that can be built in the software industry (small-scale) for any group, community, college, school, etc. The best part about this app is that it helps in connecting the targeted group and all the necessary details/announcements can be broadcasted seamlessly.

There will be 2 major modules in this project, i.e. Admin & Participants in which participants will be allowed to upload images, post feeds, follow or add people, etc. Besides this, all the feeds can be viewed by participants from the main section and they can even communicate with each other (just like Facebook Messenger) to establish a better connection.

  • This software engineer project can be helpful especially for students to keep track of everything like Placement details, Course Material, Lecture schedules, etc.
  • The admin will have access to remove any user or post.
  • The user will have multiple methods for signing up for their account.

Web Scraping is a fun activity app that can be built for features like customer review analysis, price prediction, lead generation, data collection, etc. It is very useful to build projects by using Beautiful Soup (which is a free, open-source Python Library), and all the necessary data can be crawled back as per the preference.

Companies like Expedia, Amazon, Skyscanner, etc. are actively using this method to offer customers a door for analysis/comparison. This gives an opportunity for users to pick any item or submit a review on any platform (such as Amazon) as per their choice (fully transparent).

  • This tool can be used for performing sentimental analysis.
  • If you want to build any analytic system/app, then it is suggested to use Selenium & smtplib
  • Web scraping is a big tool for providing assistance in scaling up businesses on a mass level.

One of the best software engineering projects is a simple or scientific calculator that can be used for educational organizations. This tool can be the best solution for solving complex mathematical calculations and it majorly focuses on numbers, arithmetic operations, etc. which are well-suitable for engineering students.

However, a simple calculator can also work well, but to generate powerful calculations, this tool can be the overall solution. Besides this, it’s a beginner-level software engineering project and you can easily find related apps over play/app store.

  • OS: Windows XP or 10
  • Processor: Pentium IV 
  • RAM: 512 MB Hard disk: 2 GB
  • Language: C Programming
  • The calculator will be simple to use & response time will be extremely fast
  • Multiplication
  • Subtraction
  • Square Root 
  • Inverse, etc.

It’s a fancy way of maintaining records to carry out all your daily tasks. It’s a simple, web-based app that enables users to add, edit, delete, etc. to their list. Besides this, users will have the option to change font, text color, mark pointers, share on any other platform, etc. You may find similar apps on the play store/app store too.

If you want to start building this project, we recommend you check JavaScript Project on your To-do List and start working on it right away.

  • You can start building this project with minimal requirements. However, they can be scaled up on a higher level (depending on the changes you’re looking for).
  • There would be some basic items in this app – Title, Description, Priority, Checklist, etc.
  •  These software engineer projects are highly useful as it provides users to share their To-do lists on any platform.

The Task reminder app is a useful project to keep track of every necessary task regularly. In this application, users will be allowed to view all of their tasks in the form of a list. You can even set custom reminders for any dedicated tasks along with the Alarm tone so that you never skip any daily/weekly/monthly task.

It’s a simple app that can save a lot of time and can be a useful resource for achieving your goals. You can start working on this project by carrying below-mentioned prerequisites:

  • Android Studio
  • Java or Kotlin
  • This task can be built using Android Studio (Java & XML), SQLite, etc.
  • Users can add, edit or remove any task along with the date & time
  • The user will also be allowed to put notifications on any of the certain tasks 

This project is being divided into two modules, Data Gathering & Pre-processing, and Prediction Algorithm. This project would be based on prediction and that’s why data needs to be prepared in a structured way. For this, you can either be parsing or one-hot encoding. It’s best to implement Scikit-Learn (linear regression) model to train the datasets and once they’re trained you can provide inputs (temp, pressure, etc.)

This app is well-capable in predicting 6-7 days (up to) data sets and will fetch weather details on an hourly basis. It will also offer users to change location and measurements as per their choices. 

  • This project would require Linear Regression to predict the amount of Rainfall (in inches).
  • This project will take certain parameters to measure weather i.e. temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc.
  • Software requirement – Jupyter Notebook, Windows/Linux, Python 3, etc. 

This a simple Java-based ticketing platform by which users can book tickets as per their choices for traveling in local trains. Users will have the option to choose the number of seats, class, and journey date, along with the source and destination.  

The payment system can also be included in this application so that users can add funds (via UPI, Netbanking, debit/credit cards, etc.), and likewise, they won’t be required to print their tickets while traveling. This will allow the user to download their tickets in pdf or other formats (just like a movie ticket), and with the same mode, they can also request to Cancel their tickets within 3 hours of the journey.

Key Features:

  • Booking Panel
  • With the help of this app, users can save a lot of time & users will no longer be required to stand in queues for hours.
The course on Full Stack Development with React & Node JS – Live  is the best choice if you want to become a full-stack web developer. Along with learning, this course also has some MCQ-based learning, and track-based learning methods, and at the end of the course, you’ll also get a course completion certificate which when added to your resume adds value to it. 

This is an Android-based application that aims to ensure maintain patient information along with the medical condition. In this project, the doctor would be able to fetch all the records of the patient every time he/she visits for a checkup. This will require Eclipse and SQL to build this project.

This system will work in two phases where the first would be for the patient to submit their record and the other one would be for the dedicated doctor who will fetch and check all the necessary details. This system will eliminate all the unnecessary paper works and will eventually reduce human interaction.

  • This project will be beneficial for patients to maintain their medical records and to participate actively to keep themselves aware.
  • Doctors can look into records by just applying a filter for the arrival date, disease, last visit, etc.
  • This project is efficient to deploy in small-mid segment hospitals/dispensaries. 

The working module of this project is based on a food delivery system (app). You can use Kotlin or Flutter to build this project in which the user can order both Petrol and Diesel. Once the order is placed, users will be notified with their transaction details and delivery will be made at their location. 

However, you may also find apps like Yoshi, Fuelster, etc. are working on the same pattern. It is also one of the best ways of saving time, minimizing expenses, and providing service during emergencies.

  • The app will consist of 3 main modules i.e. Admin, User, and Driver
  • In this, users will also have the option to compare fuel stations (by distance, ratings, availability, etc.)
  • In this project, both user and the fuel station will have the option to modify or cancel the placed order.

Nowadays most companies & banks are offering loyalty points on every purchase they make. But, the major drawback is that more than 60% of points get wasted due to unstable tracking of those points. To boost this, blockchain-based exchange of loyalty points will enable an easy exchange platform for their users.

With this project, a tokenized loyalty point system can be introduced so that perform 3 tasks seamlessly:

  • Track their loyalty points
  • To check no tampering has been done
  • To spend loyalty points on their desired choices
  • This software engineer project aims to provide a decentralized system which means there will be only one ownership i.e. USER
  • This project aims to provide advanced high security which can be achieved using Tomochain , which is a scalable blockchain network.
  • This project can reduce operational costs and will minimize the chances of errors.

This project focuses on building a finger-print EVM (Electronic Voting Machine) that will lead to conducting successful elections. It’s a solid solution for any small-scale elections and can also be used within organizations for conducting polls during meetings.

Since, this project runs in electronic mode, the manpower, time, and transportation would be relieved if this can be planned to introduce on a bigger scale. It would also require Proteus Design Suite for ARM module operation which will alert when one candidate will try to vote multiple times.

  • This project would require – 1 Voting System, a Fingerprint module, and an ARM (Advanced RISC Machine) controller.
  • Paperless User Identification can be conducted after the introduction of fingerprint EVM which can save lots of time and resources.
  • In this project, both the candidates and the admin can view the results in real-time.

This app is intended to build to fetch details from one end and push it to the user’s end. By using this application, users can easily track their train along with its timing, running status, and expected time to reach (user’s desired) station. It’s a web-based application having two modules i.e. admin and user.

Applications like these use predictive methods and rail tracking applications can also be found nowadays on the play store and app store. The app will be designed to help local commuters and can also be used to use for tracking buses (after applying minor upgradation).

  • This software engineer project entails an admin system (module) that will fetch all the required details of the train including train number, timing, etc. and the same will be passed through the server which can be later tracked by the user.
  • Admin will have permission to add/remove information such as train arrival, expected arrival/departure, and so on.
  • Software Requirements: Windows – SQL – VS 2010

This project will build an automated AI camera system to track any suspicious activity to prevent any unfortunate incidents in Banks, Malls, Airports, etc. The activity tracker will use schematics to work on the behavioral patterns and gestures of a person on the live feed.

If any such activity (fighting, pointing guns, etc.) occurs, an automated alarm will start ringing and nearby Police will get notified about the incident. This would require training cameras and deploying ML models, also customized functions can be added for auto-triggering the message/calls. 

  • Raspberry Pi 4
  • Speaker or Amplifier
  • This software engineer project would require an ML model to teach working on normal modules such as walking, talking, reading, etc. so that the camera can be trained for this project.
  • You can use TensorFlow, Lobe, or Edge Impulse to prepare this model and the method can be aligned with Raspberry Pi to convert the normal camera into a smart one.

The introduction of AER (Audio Emotion Recognition) and MIR (Music Information Retrieval) has made it possible to build systems by applying machine learning algorithms. This project entails working on automation to generate playlists for users.

Where the AER technology will evaluate the audio waves depending on the mood and emotions of the user, the MIR will follow a pattern to fetch the desired outputs based on the provided input.

  • The emotion modules included in this project could be sadness, joy-anger, joy-surprise, joy-excitement, joy, sad-anger, and anger.
  • The accuracy may vary between 80% -90% for detecting real-time images.
  • This software engineering project can revolve around three pillars i.e. Audio Feature Extraction Module, Emotion-Audio Recognition Module, and Emotion Extraction Module.

It’s always said that practice is better than theory and that’s what coding is all about. The more you will practice, the more you’ll grab concepts. PBL or Project-based learning enables students to implement coding effectively through active participation, joining webinars, sharing thoughts, etc. College students can take a lot of benefits out of it in 5 major ways:

  • Critical Thinking
  • In-depth knowledge of any Live project

In other words, Project-based Learning can provide an opportunity, to build strong relationships, improve test results and create more projects that can provide benefits during placements.

The objective was to provide a list of software engineer project ideas for all levels i.e. Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced. Working on projects can be fun, and that’s how you’ll learn and grow in the IT industry. In this article, we have provided a segregated list of different levels of projects and any language can be chosen to start with the project. 

It’s time for you to start creating some cool apps and push them Live for general usage. However, if you wish to check out more apps, you can browse the Internet to find out the resources that might be helpful during your software engineering journey. 

What are the different types of software projects?

There are majorly two classifications of software – Application Software and System Software. Working on a Software Engineering project requires an individual to use the right tools & technology (such as Python, Java, etc.). Some of the major kinds of Software Engineering projects are: Front-end Development Back-end Development Desktop GUI Application Full-stack Development Mobile App Development Database Development Web Development DevOps, etc.

Which project is best for software engineering?

Software engineering is a vast category & caters to many segments, they are responsible for creating games apps, web-based apps, etc. This can be achieved using different programming languages, frameworks, etc. Some of the best software engineering projects include: Chess Game Calculator Fuel Tracker Ticket System Web Scraping, etc.

Which software engineering projects are best for college students?

College students are required to work with beginner’s level engineering projects which require less expertise, some of them are: Health Management System Website Designing CRM for School/College Campus Face Detection Battery Saver


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Modern-day technology has changed the world into a global village, the internet and computers are an important part of it. Computer Science Engineering, thus, has become a very popular field, with excellent scope. CSE or computer Science Engineering has appeared as a very sought-after educational course. This stream concerns those candidates who have the passion to generate something amazing using computer programs and their creative minds.

The IT Industry is a thriving sector. India has demonstrated itself as a leader in the IT sector with its professionals much popular around the world. The software industry in India has registered exceptional growth in the last few years. The market for computer science engineers has been substantial both in India and overseas. The scope of computer science engineering students’ careers is phenomenal and prospects exist both in IT and non-IT companies for 

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Software Engineer Resume [2024] - Example + How-to Guide

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You’re a software engineer. You use your talents to build the future.

Well, once you get the job.

There’s one thing in your way:

The huge pile of other resumes sitting on the recruiter’s desk.

It’s time to make your talents stand out.

In this guide, we take you through a step-by-step process to creating a software engineer resume that gets results.

  • An example of a finished software engineer resume that works
  • How to write a software engineer resume that’ll fill up your interview diary
  • How to make your software engineer resume stand out [with top tips & tricks]

For some inspiration, here’s a software engineer resume example, created with our very own online resume builder :

software engineer resume sample

Looks good, right?! Now it’s time to create your own.

Besides the software engineer resume example, we've got a bunch more examples for professionals in the computer science field:

  • Java Developer Resume
  • Web Developer Resume
  • Computer Science Resume
  • Artificial Intelligence Engineer Resume
  • Engineering Resume
  • Data Scientist Resume
  • Data Analyst Resume
  • Data Entry Resume

How to Format a Software Engineer Resume

Now, before you can highlight your talents, you need to format your resume correctly. 

Your resume should be easy to read and not be hard work for the recruiter to skim through. 

The “reverse-chronological” resume format  is the most commonly used format, and we can see why. It positions your top talents at the top of your resume, so the recruiter can immediately see your value proposition.

reverse-chronological format software engineer

These software engineering resume formats also get our approval…

  • Functional Resume – If you have strong software engineering skills, but a small amount of work experience, this resume format is recommended
  • Combination Resume – The final format combines both “Functional” and “Reverse-Chronological” formats. As such, it is ideal for software engineers who have skills AND work experience.

Once you’ve chosen your format, you need to organize your resume layout .

Use a Software Engineer Resume Template

Word is a great application for creating documents.

Creating a resume with text editors is a different story all together!

This is due to formatting issues.

In fact, there’s a chance your entire layout will fall apart as you make alterations. 

Want to skip any formatting issues? Use a software engineer resume template .

What to Include in a Software Engineering Resume

The main sections in a software engineering resume are:

  • Work Experience
  • Contact Information

Want to go a step further? You can also add these optional sections:

  • Awards & Certification

Interests & Hobbies

But wait – what should you write for each of these sections? 

Read on to learn how.

Want to know more about resume sections? View our guide on What to Put on a Resume .

How to Correctly Display your Contact Information

Now, this section doesn’t need any creativity, but it must be factually correct. 

Play close attention to this section – the last thing you want is an impressed recruiter who wants to interview you, but can’t contact you!

The contact information section must include:

  • Title – Align this to the job description, which is “Software Engineer”
  • Phone Number – Check this multiple times
  • Email Address – Use a professional email address ([email protected]), not your childhood email ([email protected])
  • (Optional) Location - Applying for a job abroad? Mention your location.
  • Lauren Hill - Software Engineer. 101-358-6095. [email protected]
  • Lauren Hill - Ninja Software Engineer. 101-358-6095. [email protected]

How to Write a Software Engineer Resume Summary or Objective

Here’s a shocking fact for you –

Recruiters spend less than 6 seconds on each resume .

With hundreds of resumes to get through, it’s no surprise that recruiters simply glance over resumes looking for the most important information. 

As such, you want to make the most important information clear to see.

The best way to do this is via a resume summary or objective , which are snappy paragraphs that go on top of your resume.

Their purpose is to quickly highlight why you are the best candidate for the software engineering job. They can be seen as a “small preview” to the rest of your resume.

software engineer resume summary

But what is the difference between the two sections?

A resume summary is a 2-4 sentence summary of your professional experiences and achievements.

  • Experienced software engineer with a strong background in developing award-winning strategies for a diverse clientele. 12+ years of industry experience includes leading large engineering teams to achieve concrete goals on a strict deadline. Strong skills include Database management and MySQL, .NET and Java.

A resume objective is a 2-4 sentence snapshot of what you want to achieve professionally.

  • Motivated software engineer looking to pursue a successful career in software development at Company X, where I can help in the delivery of state-of-the-art software solutions. Experience includes coding, troubleshooting, and testing for my own personal projects while at University X. Relevant skills include PHP, Data Structures, Machine Learning, and Debugging.

So, which one is best for your situation, summary or objective?

Generally, we recommend experienced software engineers go with a summary. If you have the skills but lack the industry experience, you should choose a resume objective (graduates, career changers, or those still studying).

How to Make Your Software Engineer Work Experience Stand Out

Recruiters want to know that you can do the job, and do the job well. The easiest way to instil confidence in the recruiter is with your work experience.

Here’s how we recommend you structure your work experience section:

  • Position name
  • Company Name
  • Responsibilities & Achievements

Software Engineer


03/2017 - 07/2020

  • Built an ecommerce site integrated with multiple payment APIs for a 32% in company revenue
  • Developed new infrastructure to easily handle over a million client files 
  • Consistently achieved 100% compliance with industry best practices
  • Reduced security breaches by 84%

To separate your resume from the competition, you should highlight your top achievements. Doing so will allow the recruiter to see the obvious benefits in hiring you.

Instead of saying:

“In charge of infrastructure”

“Developed new infrastructure to easily handle over a million client files”

Simply put, the first statement doesn’t say much.

This is in direct comparison with the second statement that shows how your work benefited the company greatly. Hard numbers that prove your skills – can’t argue with that!

What if You Don’t Have Work Experience?

Not everyone will have a wealth of work experience.

Maybe you’re a graduate looking for your first engineering job?

The question is how to tackle this part of your resume when you have no experience.  

The answer –

Talk about your internship experience, volunteering work, or any achievements at your place of education. 

You can even create a portfolio of your own work!

There are several ways to build a portfolio (and even get paid for it):

  • Pick up some relevant freelance gigs on UpWork
  • Start you own software project as a side-hustle

Are you recent engineering graduate? Make sure to check out our student resume guide!

Use Action Words to Make Your Software Engineer Resume POP!

…are all common words that the recruiter sees time and time again.

However, you don’t want your resume to resume the competition, which means you should use power words to make your achievements stand out:

  • Conceptualized
  • Spearheaded

B.A. in Software Engineering

The University of Chicago

2012 - 2016

• Relevant Courses : Software Engineering Project, Distributed Systems Development, Information Systems Modelling, Specification of Software Systems, Software Evolution, Software Quality, Agile Methods

Now, you may need more information. If so, here are the answers to some of the most frequent questions that we get:

What if I haven’t completed education yet?

  • Regardless of whether you’re an engineering graduate or still studying, you should still mention every year of education to date

Should I include my high school education?

  • Generally, only include your highest form of education. Therefore, include your high school education if you don’t have a relevant degree in engineering

What do I put first, my education or experience?

  • Experiences are the priority, so those go first. If you’re a recent graduate, you will likely need to start with education

Need more information? Check out our guide on how to list education on a resume .

Top 10 Skills for a Software Engineer Resume

Your software engineer resume must do one thing—

Show that you’ll do a better job than the other candidates.

But how can you do this? 

Well, by highlighting the right software engineer skills on a resume.  

This is done by looking at the job description, and then comparing the skills needed with the skills you already have.

Put all relevant skills on your resume. Here are the most commonly used skills for a software engineer resume:

Hard Skills for a Software Engineer:

  • Data Structures
  • Machine Learning
  • Web Development

Soft Skills for a Software Engineer:

  • Creative Thinking
  • Communication
  • Time-Management
  • Team Player
  • Try to sprinkle your skills throughout the document, not just in the skills section. You can drop some of your skills in the resume summary, education section, and work experience section.

Here’s a more comprehensive list of 101+ must-have skills this year .

What Else Can You Include?

That’s all of the essentials covered.

But ask yourself one question –

Does your resume stand out ?! 

The above sections should be enough to get you onto the shortlist, but adding some extra sections could be the deciding factor between you and another candidate.  

Awards & Certifications

Have you won an award for your engineering work?

Have you completed any courses that improve your skills?

If you have any awards or certifications, be sure to list them in your resume!

Here’s an example:

Awards & Certificates

  • “Advance Software Engineering” - Coursera Certificate
  • “Critical Thinking Masterclass” - MadeUpUniversity

Even though you will unlikely need to speak an alternative language in your job, the skill is still impressive to any recruiter. As such, feel free to add a language section if you have space.

Rank the languages by proficiency:

  • Intermediate

Now, you’ll probably thinking, “why is my love of fishing relevant to the job application?”

Well, listing your hobbies allows the recruiter to get to know who you are.

They can also show that you’ll be a good part of the team, especially if you enjoy social activities. 

Here’s which hobbies & interests you may want to mention.

Include a Cover Letter with Your Resume

Cover letters are just as important as they always have been.

You see, a cover letter instantly makes your application specific and more personal. 

Unlike a generic resume that has been sent to ten other companies, a cover letter shows the recruiter that you want to work for their company.

For a winning cover letter, you need the correct structure. Here’s what we recommend:

cover letter structure for software engineering

You should complete the following sections:

Personal Contact Information

Your full name, profession, email, phone number, location, and website (or Behance / Dribble).

Hiring Manager’s Contact Information

Full name, position, location, email

Opening Paragraph

As the recruiter will likely skim through your application, you need to win their attention within the first few sentences. Use concise language to mention:

  • The position you’re applying for
  • Your experience summary and best achievement to date

Now it’s onto the main body of the cover letter, where you should delve into the following specifics:

  • Why you want to work for this specific company
  • What you already know about the company
  • How your engineering skills will help you to do the job
  • Which similar positions have you held before

Closing Paragraph

To wrap up your cover letter, you should:

  • Conclude the main points made in the body paragraph
  • Thank the recruiter for the job opportunity
  • Finish with a call to action that leaves the conversation open, such as “At your earliest opportunity, I’d love to discuss more about how I can help company X” will work

Formal Salutations

End the letter in a professional manner. Something like, “Kind regards” or “Sincerely.”

For more inspiration, read our step-by-step guide on how to write a cover letter .

Key Takeaways


If you followed the advice above, you’re well on your way to landing that elusive software engineering role.

Before we go, let’s summarize the main points:

  • Format your software engineer resume correctly. Use the reverse-chronological format, and then follow our layout recommendation
  • Use a summary or objective at the top of your resume
  • Highlight your achievements in your work experience section
  • Make sure your portfolio is the best it can be. If you don’t have one, think about getting one
  • Include a convincing cover letter to separate you from the competition

Suggested Reading:

  • Guide to Green Careers - All You Need to Know
  • How to Answer “What Is Your Greatest Strength” [4 Samples]
  • Why Should We Hire You - 10+ Best Answers

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Resume Worded   |  Proven Resume Examples

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  • Manager Resumes
  • Project Manager Resume Guide & Examples

Software Project Manager Resume Examples: Proven To Get You Hired In 2024

Hiring Manager for Software Project Manager Roles

Jump to a template:

  • Software Project Manager
  • Software Product Manager
  • Program Manager

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Jump to a resource:

  • Software Project Manager Resume Tips

Software Project Manager Resume Template

Download in google doc, word or pdf for free. designed to pass resume screening software in 2022., software project manager resume sample.

As a Software Project Manager, you're not just a tech enthusiast. You're the thread that holds the chaos in check, driving the rhythm of a shared heartbeat amongst coders, testers, designers, and stakeholders. It's a balancing act between understanding technical specifics and team management. Recent trends show an emphasis on Agile and Scrum methodologies, coupled with a stronger focus on 'ship fast, iterate faster' strategies. In crafting your resume, remember, it's not about being a master of everything, but a maestro in orchestrating the symphony of software creation. In recent years, there's been a surge in remote and distributed teams. Therefore, your resume should reflect not just your ability to manage projects, but also your proficiency in handling teams scattered across different time zones. Demonstrate your ability to handle the unique challenges that come with managing remote teams, and keep an eye out for the latest project management tools and platforms trending in the industry.

A polished resume for a Software Project Manager role.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Recruiter Insight: Why this resume works in 2022

Tips to help you write your software project manager resume in 2024,    demonstrate proficiency in project management methodologies.

Agile, Scrum, and Kanban methodologies have become a mainstay in the software development process. In your resume, discuss projects where you've successfully applied these methodologies. You should elucidate how you have adapted and applied them to drive project success.

Demonstrate proficiency in project management methodologies - Software Project Manager Resume

   Exhibit capabilities in managing distributed teams

Show your potential employers that you can handle the challenges of managing remote teams. Elucidate instances where you've effectively navigated through issues of communication, time-zones and cultural obstacles to achieve project goals.

Exhibit capabilities in managing distributed teams - Software Project Manager Resume

Software Product Manager Resume Sample

Program manager resume sample.

We spoke with hiring managers from top tech companies like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft to gather their best tips for software project manager resumes. These tips will help your resume stand out and increase your chances of getting hired.

   Highlight your leadership experience

Employers want to see that you have experience leading software projects from start to finish. Use specific examples to showcase your leadership skills:

  • Led a team of 12 developers to deliver a new mobile app, which increased user engagement by 25% and revenue by $500K
  • Managed a $2M budget and successfully delivered the project on time and under budget
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams including design, QA, and product management to ensure successful product launches

Quantify your impact where possible, and focus on the results you achieved through your leadership.

Bullet Point Samples for Software Project Manager

   Showcase your technical skills

While you may not be coding on a daily basis, it's important to show that you have a strong technical foundation. Highlight your experience with:

  • Programming languages like Java, Python, or C++
  • Agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban
  • Tools like JIRA, Trello, or Asana for project management
  • Cloud platforms like AWS or Azure

If you have certifications like PMP or Scrum Master, be sure to include those as well.

   Tailor your resume to the job description

Many candidates make the mistake of sending a generic resume to every job posting. Instead:

  • Read the job description carefully and note the key skills and experience required
  • Customize your resume to highlight your most relevant qualifications
  • Use similar language and terminology as the job posting

This shows the employer that you've done your research and are a strong fit for the specific role.

   Provide context for your achievements

Don't just list your responsibilities; provide context for the scope and impact of your work. Compare:

  • Managed software development projects
  • Managed a portfolio of 8 software projects with budgets ranging from $500K to $5M, leading teams of 5-20 developers

The second example gives much more context about the scale and complexity of the work.

   Include relevant metrics

Where possible, quantify your achievements with metrics to show your impact. For example:

  • Delivered projects 15% faster than industry average by implementing Agile best practices
  • Reduced defects by 25% through improved QA processes, resulting in higher customer satisfaction scores
  • Increased team productivity by 20% by mentoring junior developers and implementing code review processes

Metrics help employers understand the tangible results you can bring to their organization.

   Highlight your communication skills

Software project managers need to be able to communicate effectively with both technical and non-technical stakeholders. Show evidence of your communication skills, for example:

  • Presented project status updates to executive leadership on a weekly basis
  • Collaborated with product managers to translate business requirements into technical specifications
  • Managed relationships with third-party vendors to ensure successful project delivery

Emphasize your ability to bridge the gap between technical teams and business stakeholders.

Writing Your Software Project Manager Resume: Section By Section


A resume summary, also known as a professional summary or a summary statement, is an optional section that sits at the top of your resume. It provides a brief overview of your professional experience, skills, and achievements, tailored to the specific job you're applying for.

While a summary is not a mandatory section, it can be beneficial for Software Project Managers to include one, especially if you have extensive experience in the field or want to highlight specific skills that are not immediately evident from your work history. However, it's crucial to avoid using an objective statement, as it focuses on your goals rather than what you can offer to the employer.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Software Project Manager resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Software Project Manager resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Software Project Manager Resume Summary Examples , or Software Project Manager Resume Objective Examples .

1. Tailor your summary to the job description

When crafting your summary, it's essential to align it with the requirements and responsibilities outlined in the job description. Identify the key skills, experience, and qualifications the employer is looking for and incorporate them into your summary.

For example, if the job description emphasizes experience with Agile methodologies and stakeholder management, your summary might look like this:

Experienced Software Project Manager with a proven track record of delivering complex projects using Agile methodologies. Skilled in collaborating with cross-functional teams and managing stakeholder expectations to ensure project success. Adept at identifying and mitigating risks, optimizing processes, and driving continuous improvement.

Avoid using a generic summary that could apply to any Software Project Manager role, like:

Results-driven Software Project Manager with 5+ years of experience in managing software development projects. Excellent communication and leadership skills. Committed to delivering high-quality software on time and within budget.

2. Highlight your impact and value

Your summary should not only showcase your skills and experience but also demonstrate the value you bring to the organization. Focus on the impact you've made in your previous roles and how you can contribute to the success of the company you're applying to.

Instead of simply listing your responsibilities, emphasize your achievements and the results you've delivered. For example:

  • Led a team of 15 developers to successfully deliver a $2M software project, increasing client satisfaction by 30%
  • Implemented process improvements that reduced project delivery time by 20% and saved the company $500K annually

Avoid using vague or generic statements that don't provide concrete examples of your value, such as:

  • Managed software projects from start to finish
  • Worked closely with development teams to ensure project success


Your work experience section is the heart of your resume as a software project manager. It's where you show recruiters and hiring managers how you've put your skills to work. In this section, we'll cover what to include in your work experience section, how to highlight your achievements, and how to tailor your experience to the job you're applying for.

1. Use strong action verbs to describe your project management experience

When describing your work experience, use strong action verbs that showcase your project management skills. Instead of saying you were 'responsible for' a project, use verbs that highlight your leadership and initiative.

Compare these two examples:

  • Responsible for managing a team of 5 developers to deliver a new feature
  • Led a team of 5 developers to deliver a new feature on time and under budget, using Agile methodologies

Some great action verbs for software project managers include:

  • Spearheaded
  • Orchestrated

Action Verbs for Software Project Manager

2. Quantify your impact with metrics and numbers

Whenever possible, use numbers and metrics to quantify your impact. This helps recruiters and hiring managers understand the scale and significance of your work. For example:

  • Led a team of 12 to deliver a $500K project 10% under budget
  • Implemented Scrum methodology, increasing sprint velocity by 25%
  • Managed a portfolio of 15+ projects with budgets ranging from $50K to $1.2M

If you don't have access to exact metrics, you can still provide numerical context:

  • Managed a team of 20+ across 3 countries
  • Delivered projects for Fortune 500 clients in the finance industry

3. Highlight your career growth and promotions

Recruiters love to see career progression on your resume. If you've been promoted or taken on increasing responsibilities, make sure to highlight that in your work experience section.

Software Engineer, ABC Corp, 2015-2018 Senior Software Engineer, ABC Corp, 2018-2020 Lead Software Engineer, ABC Corp, 2020-Present

Even if your job title didn't change, you can still show growth in your bullet points:

  • Started as individual contributor, then promoted to lead a team of 5
  • Took on additional responsibilities including mentoring junior PMs and presenting to C-level stakeholders

4. Tailor your experience to the job you want

One mistake many software project managers make is using the same generic work experience for every job application. To really stand out, you need to tailor your experience to the specific role you're applying for.

Before writing your work experience section, carefully review the job posting. Note any key skills, tools, or experiences they're looking for. Then, emphasize the most relevant parts of your experience.

For example, if a job posting mentions Agile methodologies:

  • Implemented Agile/Scrum methodology, leading to a 30% reduction in time to market

If it mentions specific tools:

  • Managed projects using JIRA, Trello and Microsoft Project to track tasks and deliverables


The education section of a software project manager resume should be concise yet impactful. It's an opportunity to showcase your relevant academic background and certifications that qualify you for the role. Follow these tips to write a compelling education section that will catch the hiring manager's attention.

How To Write An Education Section - Software Project Manager Roles

1. Highlight your relevant degree

As a software project manager, it's essential to have a relevant degree in a field such as computer science, software engineering, or project management. When listing your degree, be sure to include:

  • The full degree name (e.g., Bachelor of Science in Computer Science)
  • The university or college you attended
  • Graduation year

Here's an example of how to format your degree:

Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering University of California, Berkeley Graduated: May 2015

2. Include relevant coursework

If you're a recent graduate or have taken courses directly related to software project management, consider listing them under your degree. This can help demonstrate your knowledge and skills to potential employers. For example:

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science XYZ University Relevant Coursework: Software Development Life Cycle, Agile Methodologies, Database Management Systems

However, avoid listing irrelevant or general education courses like this:

  • Introduction to Psychology
  • English Composition 101

3. Showcase your certifications

In the tech industry, certifications can be just as valuable as degrees. If you have any relevant certifications, such as PMP, Scrum Master, or ITIL, include them in your education section. For example:

Certified Scrum Master (CSM), Scrum Alliance, 2018 Project Management Professional (PMP), PMI, 2020

Avoid listing certifications that are not relevant or recognized in the industry, such as:

  • Online course completion certificates
  • Outdated or lesser-known certifications

4. Keep it concise for senior roles

If you're a senior software project manager with extensive work experience, your education section should be brief. Hiring managers will be more interested in your professional accomplishments than your academic background. Here's an example of a concise education section for a senior role:

M.S. in Computer Science, ABC University B.S. in Software Engineering, XYZ University

Avoid including graduation years, as it may lead to age discrimination. Also, don't list irrelevant or outdated information like this:

  • High school diploma
  • Coursework from over a decade ago


The skills section is one of the most important parts of your software project manager resume. It's where you show hiring managers that you have the technical and leadership abilities to succeed in the role. Here are some tips for writing a strong skills section:

How To Write Your Skills Section - Software Project Manager Roles

1. Highlight relevant technical skills

As a software project manager, you need to have a good understanding of the technologies your team works with. Include specific programming languages, frameworks, and tools that you're proficient in.

Here's an example of how you might format your technical skills:

Programming : Java, Python, C++ Web Development : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React Databases : SQL, MySQL, MongoDB Tools : Git, JIRA, Jenkins

Avoid listing generic skills like "programming" or outdated technologies that are no longer widely used in the industry.

2. Include project management methodologies

Hiring managers want to see that you're well-versed in project management best practices. List any methodologies or frameworks you have experience with, such as:

If you have certifications like PMP or CSM, definitely include those as well. They show that you've invested in your project management education and have a deep understanding of how to lead software teams effectively.

3. Showcase your leadership abilities

While you should avoid generic soft skills like "leadership" or "communication" in your skills section, you can showcase these abilities through more specific skills. For example:

Team management Stakeholder management Risk management Budget management Conflict resolution

These skills demonstrate that you have the leadership chops to guide a software team to successful project outcomes. They give hiring managers a more concrete sense of how you put your soft skills into practice.

4. Be mindful of Applicant Tracking Systems

Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to automatically scan resumes for relevant skills and keywords. To ensure your resume makes it past these filters, be sure to include skills that are commonly mentioned in software project manager job descriptions.

Here's an example of an ATS-friendly skills section:

Agile methodologies Scrum JIRA Risk management Stakeholder management Java SQL

Avoid formatting your skills section in a complex way with tables or graphics, as the ATS may not be able to parse that information correctly.

Skills For Software Project Manager Resumes

Here are examples of popular skills from Software Project Manager job descriptions that you can include on your resume.

  • Embedded Software
  • Agile Methodologies
  • .NET Framework
  • Agile Project Management

Skills Word Cloud For Software Project Manager Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Software Project Manager job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more likely you should include it in your resume.

Top Software Project Manager Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

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Improve your Software Project Manager resume, instantly.

Use our free resume checker to get expert feedback on your resume. You will:

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Software Project Manager Resumes

  • Template #1: Software Project Manager
  • Template #2: Software Project Manager
  • Template #3: Software Product Manager
  • Template #4: Program Manager
  • Skills for Software Project Manager Resumes
  • Free Software Project Manager Resume Review
  • Other Manager Resumes
  • Software Project Manager Interview Guide
  • Software Project Manager Sample Cover Letters
  • Alternative Careers to a Software Project Manager
  • All Resumes
  • Resume Action Verbs

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software project ideas resume

  • • Led a team of 12 developers in the successful delivery of 5 major software products, increasing customer satisfaction ratings by 25%
  • • Managed product lifecycle from concept to deployment, reducing time-to-market by 15% and meeting 100% of release deadlines
  • • Administered a yearly budget of over $2 million, ensuring optimal resource allocation and expense reduction by 10%
  • • Developed a continuous improvement process that increased software development efficiency by 20%
  • • Negotiated and maintained partnerships with third-party vendors, driving down costs by 12% while improving service quality
  • • Implemented a comprehensive risk management plan that decreased project delays by 30%, resulting in enhanced operational resilience
  • • Supervised cross-functional project teams of 8 engineers to develop cybersecurity software solutions, contributing to a 40% increase in product features
  • • Defined project scopes and objectives, achieving a 97% alignment with stakeholders expectations
  • • Streamlined communication protocols with customers, leading to a 20% reduction in issue resolution time
  • • Spearheaded agile transformation initiatives that improved sprint velocity by 30%
  • • Optimized the product configurations management process, enhancing system reliability by 15%
  • • Directed development of a cloud storage platform that garnered positive industry reviews and increased market share by 10%
  • • Coordinated with manufacturing teams to ensure timely delivery of software updates, maintaining a 98% on-schedule rate
  • • Implemented user analytics to guide product improvements, elevating user engagement by 15%
  • • Collaborated in the design of a scalable continuous delivery pipeline, boosting deployment frequency by 25%

10 Software Project Manager Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

In the role of Software Project Manager, you oversee project planning, execution, and delivery while ensuring that team goals align with client expectations. Highlight your experience in managing cross-functional teams, delivering projects on time and within budget, and your familiarity with Agile methodologies on your resume. Consider adding skills such as risk management, effective communication, and problem-solving to demonstrate your expertise. Additionally, mentioning successful project outcomes and your ability to foster team collaboration can significantly enhance your appeal to potential employers.

All resume examples in this guide

software project ideas resume

Single Column

software project ideas resume

Resume Guide

Resume Format Tips

Resume Experience

Skills on Resume

Education & Certifications

Resume Summary Tips

Additional Resume Sections

Key Takeaways

Software Project Manager resume example

As a software project manager, you may struggle with articulating your diverse project experiences without overwhelming your resume with technical jargon or making it too lengthy. Our guide provides targeted strategies to concisely convey your expertise, ensuring you strike the perfect balance between detail and readability.

  • Apply best practices from professional resumes to spotlight your application;
  • Quantify your professional experience with achievements, career highlights, projects, and more;
  • Write an eye-catching software project manager resume top one-third with your header, summary/objective, and skills section;
  • Fill in the gaps of your experience with extracurricular, education, and more vital resume sections.

We've selected, especially for you, some of our most relevant software project manager resume guides. Getting you from thinking about your next career move to landing your dream job.

  • Software Programmer Resume Example
  • Software Consultant Resume Example
  • Hadoop Developer Resume Example
  • Azure Devops Engineer Resume Example
  • Angular Developer Resume Example
  • Senior Oracle Developer Resume Example
  • J2EE Developer Resume Example
  • Ruby On Rails Developer Resume Example
  • Software Engineering Manager Resume Example
  • Drupal Developer Resume Example

Tips and tricks for your software project manager resume format

Before you start writing your resume, you must first consider its look-and-feel - or resume format . Your professional presentation hence should:

  • Follow the reverse-chronological resume format , which incroporates the simple logic of listing your latest experience items first. The reverse-chronological format is the perfect choice for candidates who have plenty of relevant (and recent) experience.
  • State your intention from the get-go with a clear and concise headline - making it easy for recruiters to allocate your contact details, check out your portfolio, or discover your latest job title.
  • Be precise and simple - your resume should be no more than two pages long, representing your experience and skills that are applicable to the software project manager job.
  • Ensure your layout is intact by submitting it as a PDF. Thus, your resume sections would stay in place, even when assessed by the Applicant Tracker System (ATS).

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Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

Showcase any ongoing or recent educational efforts to stay updated in your field.

The key to your software project manager job-winning resume - present your expertise with these sections:

  • A header to make your resume more scannable
  • Snapshot of who you are as a professional with your resume soft skills, achievements, and summary or objective
  • Job advert keywords in the skills section of your resume
  • Resume experience quantifying your past job successes with metrics
  • A relevant education, certification, and technical sills section to provide background to your technological/software capabilities

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Demonstrable experience in managing the full software development life cycle (SDLC) from inception to deployment
  • Strong proficiency in project management tools such as JIRA, Asana, or Microsoft Project
  • Proven track record of successful delivery of software projects on time and within budget
  • Expertise in agile methodologies, scrum practices, and sprint planning
  • Excellent interpersonal and leadership skills, with experience in managing cross-functional and remote teams

Essential tips for crafting your software project manager resume experience section

The experience section is indeed the core of your software project manager resume . It's where you present your past and current job roles. But how should you approach this crucial part?

A common error is treating the experience section as merely a list of job duties. Many candidates fall into the trap of detailing what they did without illustrating the impact of their actions.

To effectively write your software project manager resume experience section, consider these guidelines:

  • Emphasize your achievements, supported by concrete metrics such as percentages, revenue increases, or customer satisfaction rates;
  • Avoid using generic buzzwords like communication, hard work, or leadership. Instead, demonstrate how these skills added value in your previous roles;
  • Begin each bullet point with a strong action verb, followed by a skill, and then the result of your actions;
  • Tailor your resume for each job application by selecting the most relevant experiences, responsibilities, and successes.

We have an array of resume examples that illustrate how to optimally curate your software project manager resume experience section.

  • Led a cross-functional team of 15 developers and analysts to develop a CRM system for a global financial services firm, enhancing customer retention by 20%.
  • Managed the project budget of $3M, reducing costs by 10% through strategic negotiations with software vendors and optimizing resource allocation.
  • Introduced Agile SCRUM methodology, which decreased time-to-market for new feature releases by 30% and improved team productivity.
  • Spearheaded the development of a SaaS platform that allowed for integration with third-party services, resulting in a 35% increase in platform adoption.
  • Facilitated the transition of software development processes to a DevOps model, improving deployment frequency by 40% and reducing critical system outages by 25%.
  • Oversaw a distributed team of 25+, successfully delivering a major e-commerce platform overhaul on time and under budget.
  • Implemented a continuous integration/continuous delivery pipeline for a suite of mobile applications, which cut release cycles by half and increased release stability.
  • Negotiated with key stakeholders to prioritize the product backlog, resulting in the delivery of high-impact features that drove a 15% increase in user engagement.
  • Developed rigorous quality assurance protocols that reduced bug rates by 70% post-launch.
  • Coordinated the international collaboration between teams in the US, India, and Germany for a software consolidation project, aligning efforts and ensuring the meeting of critical deadlines.
  • Delivered a user-friendly content management system for a major media outlet, which supported a 50% growth in online user base within the first year.
  • Implemented risk management strategies that effectively navigated through three major project roadblocks, thereby avoiding anticipated delays of over two months.
  • Managed the successful update of a legacy enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to a modernized architecture, improving system performance by 40%.
  • Streamlined communication channels by introducing a centralized project management office, leading to an increase in project transparency and a 25% improvement in stakeholder satisfaction.
  • Formulated a comprehensive user training program that bolstered the adoption rate of new software by 60% within the first three months post-go-live.
  • Oversaw the migration of enterprise data to a cloud-based infrastructure, accomplishing the move with 99.9% data integrity and zero downtime during business hours.
  • Directed a multidisciplinary team in the rapid development of a blockchain-based payment processing system, shortening transaction time by 80% compared to traditional methods.
  • Conducted a detailed project post-mortem that led to the revision of the company's best practices, significantly improving subsequent project performance metrics.
  • Collaborated in a multinational team environment to deliver a custom telecommunications software solution, improving data throughput by 55% for client operations.
  • Pioneered the implementation of an AI-driven analytics tool for project data, which enhanced decision-making and cut time spent on data analysis by over 40%.
  • Regularly presented project updates to C-level executives, receiving commendations for clarity and insightful progress assessments.
  • Successfully executed a series of fast-paced projects to develop financial software applications, which collectively managed over $4B in transactions annually.
  • Introduced a project health tracking system that monitored project vitality across five key dimensions, slashing project derailment instances by over 50%.
  • Customized an agile framework to fit the company's dynamic project requirements, which became the de facto standard for all subsequent software projects.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Include the number of team members you've managed to demonstrate leadership scale and team coordination skills.
  • List the budgets you've been responsible for to show financial management and cost optimization abilities.
  • Specify the percentage of projects delivered on time to highlight project completion and time management effectiveness.
  • Detail the improvement in project delivery time to show efficiency increases under your supervision.
  • Mention the reduction in critical bugs or issues post-release to emphasize quality assurance and attention to detail.
  • Quantify user or customer satisfaction improvements to illustrate customer-centric approach and outcome orientation.
  • Include the size and scope of the projects you've handled to portray experience with complex and large-scale operations.
  • State any increases in revenue or cost savings achieved through project success to demonstrate direct business impact.

Action verbs for your software project manager resume

Target Illustration

What can candidates do about their resume, if they have no experience

Job requirements can sometimes be answered by other elements you could make more prominent in your software project manager resume.

Thus, you'd be substituting your lack of experience with your relevant:

  • Education with details of skills you've obtained that align with the job
  • Internships and short-term jobs that are once more dedicated to putting your expertise in the spotlight
  • Skills section answering basic and - potentially - more specific job qualifications
  • Strengths or accomplishments to show the unique value you present, even as a candidate with less or no professional experience in the industry.

Recommended reads:

  • Should You Include Eagle Scout On Your Resume?
  • How to List Continuing Education on Your Resume

List your educational qualifications and certifications in reverse chronological order.

Creating your software project manager resume skills section: balancing hard skills and soft skills

Recruiters hiring for software project manager roles are always keen on hiring candidates with relevant technical and people talents. Hard skills or technical ones are quite beneficial for the industry - as they refer to your competency with particular software and technologies. Meanwhile, your soft (or people) skills are quite crucial to yours and the company's professional growth as they detail how you'd cooperate and interact in your potential environment. Here's how to describe your hard and soft skill set in your software project manager resume:

  • Consider what the key job requirements are and list those towards the top of your skills section.
  • Think of individual, specific skills that help you stand out amongst competitors, and detail how they've helped you succeed in the past.
  • Look to the future of the industry and list all software/technologies which are forward-facing.
  • Create a separate, technical skills section to supplement your experience and further align with the software project manager job advert.

Top skills for your Software Project Manager resume:

Agile Methodologies

Project Management Software (e.g., Jira, Trello)

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Version Control Systems (e.g., Git)

Budget Management Tools

Risk Management Techniques

Quality Assurance Processes

Technical Documentation

Cloud Platforms (e.g., AWS, Azure)

API Management


Problem Solving

Time Management

Team Collaboration

Conflict Resolution


Critical Thinking

Stakeholder Management


Highlight any significant extracurricular activities that demonstrate valuable skills or leadership.

Software Project Manager-specific certifications and education for your resume

Place emphasis on your resume education section . It can suggest a plethora of skills and experiences that are apt for the role.

  • Feature only higher-level qualifications, with details about the institution and tenure.
  • If your degree is in progress, state your projected graduation date.
  • Think about excluding degrees that don't fit the job's context.
  • Elaborate on your education if it accentuates your accomplishments in a research-driven setting.

On the other hand, showcasing your unique and applicable industry know-how can be a literal walk in the park, even if you don't have a lot of work experience.

Include your accreditation in the certification and education sections as so:

  • Important industry certificates should be listed towards the top of your resume in a separate section
  • If your accreditation is really noteworthy, you could include it in the top one-third of your resume following your name or in the header, summary, or objective
  • Potentially include details about your certificates or degrees (within the description) to show further alignment to the role with the skills you've attained
  • The more recent your professional certificate is, the more prominence it should have within your certification sections. This shows recruiters you have recent knowledge and expertise

At the end of the day, both the education and certification sections hint at the initial and continuous progress you've made in the field.

And, honestly - that's important for any company.

Below, discover some of the most recent and popular Software Project Manager certificates to make your resume even more prominent in the applicant pool:

The top 5 certifications for your software project manager resume:

  • Project Management Professional (PMP) - Project Management Institute
  • Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) - Scrum Alliance
  • PRINCE2 Practitioner (PRINCE2) - AXELOS
  • Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) - Project Management Institute
  • Certified Project Manager (IAPM) - International Association of Project Managers

If you happen to have plenty of certificates, select the ones that are most applicable and sought-after across the industry. Organize them by relevance to the role you're applying for.

  • How to List Expected Graduation Date on Your Resume

The ideal software project manager candidate resume summary or objective

You may have heard that your resume top one-third plays an important part in your application.

It basically needs to show strong alignment with the job advert, your unique skill set, and your expertise.

Both the resume summary and resume objective could be used to ensure you've shown why you're the best candidate for the role.

  • Resume objective to pinpoint your current successes, that are applicable to the field, and your vision for your career. Remember to state how you see yourself growing within this new career opportunity.
  • Resume summary as an instrument to pinpoint what is most applicable and noteworthy form your professional profile. Keep your summary to be no more than five sentences long.

At the end of the day, the resume summary or objective is your golden opportunity to shine a light on your personality as a professional and the unique value of what it's like to work with you.

Get inspired with these software project manager resume examples:

Resume summaries for a software project manager job

  • Seasoned Software Project Manager with over 10 years of experience in leading cross-functional teams for multimillion-dollar technology initiatives. Excel at boosting productivity by implementing Agile methodologies and DevOps practices. Notable achievement includes a successful deployment of a cloud-based solution that increased system efficiency by 40% for a Fortune 500 company.
  • Dynamic former IT Consultant with 8 years of experience making the leap into Software Project Management. Armed with a profound understanding of complex systems integration and a keen ability to bridge the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders. Instrumental in overseeing a major digital transformation project that resulted in a 150% increase in customer engagement for a leading financial institution.
  • Accomplished educator pivoting to a Software Project Management career, drawing upon a strong foundation in curriculum design and technology integration to drive successful project outcomes. Eager to apply a decade of experience in strategic planning and team leadership to manage software development projects that deliver educational technology solutions.
  • Adept Marketing Professional transitioning to Software Project Management, bringing over 6 years of experience in digital campaign management and a passion for leveraging technology to achieve business goals. Eager to apply marketing insights and project coordination skills to deliver software projects that drive significant user engagement and customer satisfaction.
  • Aspiring Software Project Manager with a freshly minted degree in Computer Science and an insatiable appetite for tackling software development challenges. Keen to apply theoretical knowledge and refined problem-solving skills in managing projects that align with cutting-edge technological advancements and produce tangible results in the tech industry.
  • Recent graduate aiming to launch a career in Software Project Management with a strong foundation in programming, data analysis, and collaborative project work. Driven by an intrinsic motivation to contribute to software solutions that have a profound impact on users' lives and business operations.

Bonus sections for your software project manager resume

Looking to show more personality on your software project manager resume? Then consider including a couple of extra sections.

They'd benefit your application by highlighting your most prominent:

  • Industry recognitions ;
  • Community efforts ;

Key takeaways

We've reached the end of our software project manager resume guide and hope this information has been useful. As a summary of our key points:

  • Always assess the job advert for relevant requirements and integrate those buzzwords across various sections of your software project manager resume by presenting tangible metrics of success;
  • Quantify your hard skills in your certificates and skills section, while your soft skills in your resume achievements section;
  • Ensure you've added additional relevant experience items, such as extracurricular activities and projects you've participated in or led;
  • Use both your resume experience and summary to focus on what matters the most to the role: including your technical, character, and cultural fit for the company.

software project manager resume example

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  • Resume and Cover Letter
  • How to List Projects on a...

How to List Projects on a Resume (with Examples)

10 min read · Updated on February 23, 2024

Marsha Hebert

Projects on your resume can prove you have what it takes to succeed

You've likely heard a few catchphrases related to resume writing. Things like “show, don't tell” and “be an achiever, not a doer.”  One of the most effective ways to put these principles into action is by including projects on your resume. But how exactly do you list projects on a resume, and why are they so important?

You've come to the right place. Here, you'll learn how to list projects on your resume in a way that catches the eye of hiring managers and helps you to stand out from the competition. 

It doesn't matter if you're fresh out of college or have a decade of experience under your belt; including projects on your resume can significantly enhance your chances of landing your dream job.

Your old resume may have been a list of work experiences, but your new resume will outshine the competition and win you the interviews you seek. 

Projects vs work experience

Depending on where you're at in your career, it can be tough to separate projects from actual work experience, especially if you're a freelancer or regularly tackle projects as a part of your job. While both are exceedingly valuable in telling your career story, you have to be a bit discerning to determine which is more important. 

Obviously, you gain experience from working at jobs and completing projects, but listing projects separately can help you to highlight specific skills that might get lost when you explain work you did in a previous job. 

The main differences can be summarized as: 

Projects are concise and specific

Work history provides a broader view of your career trajectory

At the end of the day, you must pick the things you want to include on your resume with the aim of balancing your knowledge and skills with what's being called for in the job description. Relevancy and tailoring your resume are critical, allowing prospective employers to see what you have to offer their team. 

Why listing projects can be good for you

When you're trying to prove to an employer that you're an achiever rather than a doer, having a project or two to back up your claims can do wonders for your candidacy. Not only do projects on your resume have the ability to demonstrate relevant skills, but they also allow you to showcase initiative and accomplishments. 

In the context of standing out from the crowd, projects on your resume can add depth to your experience to paint a more well-rounded and comprehensive picture of what you bring to the table for the new employer. One thing that a lot of people miss is that you can also use projects on your resume to fill in any experience gaps that may be present. 

Types of projects you can highlight on your resume

While the projects you list on your resume are as unique as you are, there are some common types. Knowing what type of project you're going to list on your resume will help you to determine if the project is relevant and can also guide you in knowing where on your resume to list it. 

There are four basic types.

This is any project you've done in your position with a company. It was probably part of your job description, but it could've also been something you were called on to do outside of your day-to-day role. Perhaps you led a team to launch a new product or created a new process for doing something that saved time and money. Work projects are good to have on your resume because they demonstrate that you're the type of person to go above and beyond to achieve an objective. 

2. Academic

These are projects that you complete in a classroom or educational setting. You'll definitely need to include academic projects if you're fresh out of college and have little to no work history or relevant professional experience. Academic projects for your resume can be anything from conducting a research study and writing a thesis or dissertation to developing a software application as part of a class project. Including academic projects on your resume gives you a chance to highlight relevant skills and prove to a future employer that you have a passion for learning and development. After all, continuous improvement is a highly sought-after skill. 

3. Personal

Sometimes, you get bored at home and decide you want to build a personal website or create a blog. There have even been folks who've created apps that work with their smart home devices to automate activities. It doesn't matter that these are personal projects, if you find that your resume is lacking particular skills or achievements you can use these projects on your resume to round out your candidacy. That said, adding a personal project to your resume should be a last resort. 

4. Freelance

'Tis the time we live in – a lot of people work as independent contractors or freelance. It's a great way to fill in employment gaps or have some income if you're on a sabbatical . The most common freelance projects center around things like graphic design, marketing, tech, and writing. These types of projects can be valuable additions to your resume. 

How to add projects to your resume

Since you want to keep your resume relevant to the job you're applying for, the first step is to create a list of projects from your history and compare them to what employers need. 

Analyze the job description to dissect out the keywords and phrases. Once you have that list, compare it to the skills and achievements you can talk about with each project. Beyond picking the right project to match the job, you also have to consider space.

Bear these guidelines in mind:

Pick projects for your resume that match the job description

Pick projects that allow you to keep your resume on the right number of pages

The final step is to properly format the project entries in their respective sections. 

Where to include projects on your resume

For the most part, you'll format a project listing the same way you would a work history listing. The only difference is that you may not have a company to list indicating where you did the project. If you can't list the client or location associated with the project, don't let that stop you from adding it. 

As you would expect, work projects would be listed in the Professional Experience section, academic projects are best suited in the Education section, and some projects may even merit having their own special section. 

What does all of that look like? Let's take a look.

Projects in their own section 

For the most part, your resume should have at least five sections:

Contact information

Profile (which contains your title and summary paragraph)

Work history

You can also add an entirely new section called “Projects,” “Selected Projects,” “Relevant Projects,” or “Academic Projects.” 

Depending on how hard you have to lean on those projects to wow a hiring manager will be the deciding factor on whether you place this new section above or below “Professional Experience.” If you really need them to make your candidacy, then put them above. If you want them on there just to give the hiring manager one more glimpse into what you can do, then put them below. 

Example of projects in their own section

You should create a title for the section and then list each project with relevant bullet points that call out things you achieved in working on that project. It's also appropriate to put the dates you were working on each project. 

Selected Projects

Post Evaluation Platinum LEED Office Building | 04/2022 - 10/2022

Used advanced knowledge of Occupant Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) Survey benchmarks and performed literature review / precedent studies to present data-driven solutions regarding visual and thermal comfort. 

Authored and presented findings related to underfloor air distribution (UFAD) system analysis. 

Integrated Façade Simulator: Hybrid Reality Simulations for Assessing Human Façade Interaction | 09/2020 - 05/2021

Created a novel integrated hybrid system that simulated a multi-sensory environment and observed participants and the impact of environmental stimuli for sensation, perception of comfort, and energy consumption. 

Projects in the experience section

If you're one of those people who get chosen by a boss to work on a project or if you've spent a significant time as an independent contractor , then it's probably going to serve you best to include projects within the “Professional Experience” section of your resume. 

Example of projects in the experience section

Format it like you would any other position within your experience section, including the name of the company, the dates you were employed, your position title, and some achievement bullets. Then, beneath those achievement bullets for your job, add “Noted Projects” and talk about the project as separate from what you accomplished as an employee. 


XYZ Company | Location 05/2015 to Present

Senior Biologist

Achievement bullet #1

Achievement bullet #2

Achievement bullet #3

Noted Projects:

Major Development Plan and Infrastructure Project – 03/2019 - 06/2021

Monitored site conditions to ensure the protection of sensitive species, including California gnatcatcher, cactus wren, least Bell's vireo, arroyo chub, arroyo toad, and general nesting birds.

Oversaw end-to-end project management processes, including scoping, planning, timelines, delivery, execution, and status reporting. 

Subdivision Development Project – 04/2013 - 01/2017

Directed biological resource protection initiatives for a 180-acre development project, resulting in approximately 475 acres of preserved, restored, and enhanced habitats. 

Conducted protocol and non-protocol environmental impact surveys for 3 years, in the wake of a widespread wildfire, to assess gnatcatcher habitat, population density, and movement. 

Projects in the education section

It can be hard to craft a resume when you've just graduated college and have no real experience to show future employers. Fortunately, you can lean on things you did at school to inject experiences, achievements, and skills into your resume. You just write an expanded education section. 

Relate reading: How to List Education on Your Resume (with Examples)

Example of projects in the education section

Whether you're listing your GPA or relevant coursework, you can always add some college projects to your resume education section if you need to prove your salt to a new company. 


Bachelor of Finance, | State University – Location (Expected May 2024)

Coursework : Current Economic Problems, Macroeconomics, Accounting Principles, Money and Capital Markets, Business Statistics, Spreadsheet Modeling in Finance, Global Financial Markets

Academic projects

Secured funding for a non-fungible token (NFT) from State University's Board of Trustees and generated a 100% return on investment (ROI). 

Placed in the top 10% of a financial modeling competition. Analyzed comparative values over time to predict future performance and identified a portfolio of stocks that were graded and ranked in terms of profit and loss and accuracy of predictions. 

Projects on your resume win interviews

Remember that the main goal of your resume is to win interviews. Adding projects can be just the thing that makes you stand out from the crowd of job seekers. Use projects wisely, though. Leverage them to boost your skills, enhance your achievements, and inject necessary keywords into your resume that align with what the job description asks for in a new employee. 

Once you get all of that written, we'll give it a once-over for you with a free resume review . After all, it's always good to get expert, objective feedback on your resume. 

Recommended reading:

Guide to Writing a Great Resume with No Work Experience

Ask Amanda: How Do I List Self-Employment & Freelance Work On My Resume?

47 Accomplishment Examples for Your Resume: Expert Picks

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Do Hiring Managers Actually Read Cover Letters?

How to Create a Resume With No Education

Why You Lose When You Lie on Your Resume: Learning From Mina Chang

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