1. 40 Years of the RAND Health Insurance Experiment

    the rand health insurance experiment

  2. The RAND Health Insurance Experiment: A Retrospective at 40 Years

    the rand health insurance experiment

  3. 40 Years of the RAND Health Insurance Experiment

    the rand health insurance experiment

  4. The RAND Health Insurance Experiment: A Retrospective at 40 Years

    the rand health insurance experiment

  5. 40 Years of the RAND Health Insurance Experiment

    the rand health insurance experiment

  6. PPT

    the rand health insurance experiment


  1. RAND's Health Insurance Experiment (HIE)

    The RAND Health Insurance Experiment was a 15-year, multimillion-dollar effort that encouraged the restructuring of private insurance, helped increase the stature of managed care, and shaped current understanding of how cost sharing affects health care use and health outcomes. Skip to page content;

  2. RAND Health Insurance Experiment

    The RAND Health Insurance Experiment (RAND HIE) was an experimental study from 1974 to 1982 of health care costs, utilization and outcomes in the United States, which assigned people randomly to different kinds of plans and followed their behavior. Because it was a randomized controlled trial, it provided stronger evidence than the more common observational studies and concluded that cost ...

  3. The Health Insurance Experiment

    Use of Medical Care in the RAND Health Insurance Experiment: Diagnosis- and Service-Specific Analyses in a Randomized Controlled Trial. Santa Monica, Calif.: RAND Corporation, R-3469-HHS, December 1986. Joseph P. Newhouse and the Insurance Experiment Group. Free for All? Lessons from the RAND Health Experiment. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard ...

  4. 40 Years of the RAND Health Insurance Experiment

    Results from the RAND Health Insurance Experiment were published in many reports and articles, as well as a book by Joseph Newhouse, Free for All: Lessons from the RAND Health Insurance Experiment.The the study paved the way for increased cost-sharing for medical care in the 1980s and 1990s: Immediately after the initial publication of findings in the early 1980s, there were substantial ...

  5. The RAND Health Insurance Experiment, Three Decades Later

    A Brief Summary of the RAND Health Insurance Experiment. In the RAND experiment, families were assigned to plans with one of six consumer coinsurance rates (that is, the share of medical expenditures paid by the enrollee), and were covered by the assigned plan for three to five years.

  6. What Does the RAND Health Insurance Experiment Tell Us About the Impact

    The gold standard of evidence supporting this conclusion is the RAND Health Insurance Experiment (HIE), which was a randomized trial of higher cost sharing conducted in the 1970s.

  7. The RAND Health Insurance Experiment, Three Decades Later

    Their email addresses are [email protected], [email protected], and afi [email protected]. In this essay, we reexamine the core fi ndings of the RAND health insurance experiment in light of the subsequent three decades of work on the analysis of randomized experiments and the economics of moral hazard.

  8. The RAND Health Insurance Experiment, Three Decades Later

    (Winter 2013) - Between 1974 and 1981, the RAND health insurance experiment provided health insurance to more than 5,800 individuals from about 2,000 households in six different locations across the United States, a sample designed to be representative of families with adults under the age of 62. More than three decades later, the RAND results ...

  9. The RAND Health Insurance Experiment, three decades later

    R37 AG032449/AG/NIA NIH HHS/United States. We re-present and re-examine the analysis from the famous RAND Health Insurance Experiment from the 1970s on the impact of consumer cost sharing in health insurance on medical spending. We begin by summarizing the experiment and its core findings in a manner that would be standard in the current age ….

  10. PDF The Health Insurance Experiment A

    The Health Insurance Experiment A Classic RAND Study Speaks to the Current Health Care Reform Debate A fter decades of evolution and experiment, the U.S. health care system has yet to solve a funda-mental challenge: delivering quality health care to all Americans at an aff ordable price. In the coming years, new solutions will