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27 Good Study Habits of Straight-A Students

27 Good Study Habits of Straight-A Students

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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good study habits, explained below

Study habits refer to the consistent practice and approach to study, on a regular basis, to enhance academic performance.

The good thing about a habit is that once you do it on a regular basis, it becomes easy. So, your job is to get into this habit early. Once you’re into the habit, university becomes easy (well, easier ).

Good study habits that I recommend include getting into the routine of heading to the library (or a similar study space) to study without distractions, chunking your studies by subject, and using spaced repetition for things that require rote memorization .

I also recommend studying with friends – such as by testing one another – whenever possible.

The integration of efficient study habits enhances academic performance and motivation to study . By developing effective study strategies adjusted to your personal learning style, you improve concentration and retention of information – and concentration, more than time spent studying, is found to be a key factor for success (Nonis & Hudson, 2010).

Good Study Habits

1. Time Management Time management refers to being able to efficiently allocate your time so you don’t run out of time, and so you have enough time to allocate to all important tasks. As a basis, you could initiate a dedicated study schedule, specifying the time slots for each subject. For instance, you might want to allot your mornings for theory-heavy subjects like Anatomy, and save the afternoons for practice-oriented subjects like Clinical Skills. Don’t forget to also block time for regular study breaks and social events. This is crucial to prevent burnout and maintain longevity – university is a marathon, not a sprint.

Read Also: 7 Things to do in your First Week of University

2. Using Active Reading Strategies This is the process of engaging with the material by asking questions and drawing connections. Instead of passively reading your texts, you can participate more actively by summarizing the information in your own words, teaching it to someone else, quizzing yourself, or creating visual aids like diagrams and mind maps. As Issa et al. (2012) found, reading relevant information daily is an effective study habit for improving grades.

3. Setting Realistic Goals This strategy involves laying out achievable objectives for each study session or topic. Setting goals not only keeps you focused, but also helps gauge your progress. For example, instead of aiming to read an entire biology textbook in two days, you might target mastering one chapter per day. I recommend setting both short-term study goals and long-term study goals using the SMART Goals method .

4. Prioritization Successful students often prioritize tasks based on their deadlines and degree of importance. You might follow the Eisenhower Box method: divide your tasks into four categories, namely, important and urgent, important but not urgent, not important but urgent, and not important and not urgent. For instance, an upcoming exam translates into an important and urgent task, hence it would be first on your list.

5. Spaced Repetition This strategy involves studying information over incremental intervals instead of cramming it in one sitting. You might review your notes on the day you learn something, then again in a couple of days, then after a week, and so forth. There are even apps like the Anki flashcards app that have a built-in spaced repetition algorithm that can space how often ideas are presented to you.

6. Creating a Suitable Environment Each individual’s ideal study environment may differ based on personal preferences . Some people need complete silence, while others work better with some background noise. If you like silence, the quite section of a library is a good place to start – I recommend making it a habit to go to the library at your university as often as possible. Conversely, if you feel background noise helps you to concentrate, consider studying at a cafe. But the key is to ensure your environment is right for you. As Ogbodo (2010, p. 229) argues: “Where to study is as important as what to study and how to go about studying.”

7. Taking Breaks Integrating regular short breaks into your study pattern can boost your productivity and mental agility because it decreases distractions during focused study time. And this is important. As Walck-Shannon, Rowell and Frey (2021) found, “students reported being distracted about 20% of their study time, and distraction while studying negatively predicted exam performance.” So, let’s avoid that – by splitting our time between strong focus, then rest. Typically, the Pomodoro technique is a popular method for this, where you study for 25 minutes, then take a 5-minute break. After four such cycles, you take a longer break of 15-20 minutes. During your breaks, you can engage in some light activity such as stretching or walking to invigorate yourself.

8. Maintaining Physical Health Eating well, getting regular exercise, and ensuring enough sleep are often overlooked aspects of efficient studying. Research shows that a balanced diet, physical activity, and proper sleep improve cognitive functions , including memory and concentration. You may want to establish a regular sleep schedule, incorporate a balanced diet, and schedule regular exercise sessions each week into your routine.

9. Using Technology Wisely Technology offers a range of tools that can streamline your study process. For instance, you can use apps for time management (e.g., Rescue Time), note-taking (e.g., Evernote), or spaced repetition (e.g., Anki). While these apps can be beneficial, remember to keep checks on screens’ disruptive nature and the habit of digital distraction. As practice, try turning off your phone’s notifications when you study, or set ‘Do Not Disturb’ intervals.

10. Review and Revise Sessions Regular review of study materials aids in long-term retention of information. You can allocate specific time slots each week to revisit old notes, attempt self-test papers or engage in group discussions. For instance, you might dedicate your Sunday mornings to revising everything you’ve covered during the preceding week.

11. Active Writing Transcribing information demands active engagement, thereby reinforcing your understanding and memory of the subject. You might opt to rewrite complex concepts in your own words or diagrammatically represent intricate processes. For example, instead of merely reading about the human circulatory system, consider drawing it out with brief annotations.

12. Seeking Help When Needed Understanding when to seek help is an underrated study habit. If you find yourself struggling with a subject, don’t hesitate to approach your professors, peers, or study groups for clarification. You might also seek online resources such as academic forums or educational websites. Remember, it’s better to clarify doubts initially than to have misconceptions hamper your overall learning.

13. Mindfulness and Focus Mindfulness, or present-moment awareness, can help enhance your comprehension and retention during studying. You could practice mindfulness by removing distractions, concentrating on the task at hand, and making a conscious effort to absorb the material.

14. Integrating Study with Real-Life Scenarios Applying the theoretical knowledge learned during study sessions to real-life instances can facilitate a deeper understanding. You might relate basic principles of economics to household budgeting or chemistry to cooking. This practice can help convert abstract concepts into tangible examples.

15. Regular Self-Assessment Implementing regular exams or quizzes to assess your understanding and memory can be a direct way to monitor progress. You can either use ready-made quizzes available online or design a short assessment yourself. As you answer, mark out the areas you struggled with for further review. This method will help you know where you stand in your preparation and what areas need extra effort.

16. Employing Mnemonics This involves using techniques to retain and retrieve information. The method could be as simple as creating an acronym or conjuring up a relevant mental image. For example, in recalling the taxonomical rank in biology – Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species – you might use the well-known mnemonic phrase: “King Phillip Came Over For Good Soup.” Examples of additional mnemonic techniques include the method of loci and memory linking .

17. Incorporating Understandable Examples Since abstract concepts can be confusing, associating them with relateable analogies can help you grasp the idea. This technique depends heavily on your creativity and could be as simple as linking a literary theme to a popular movie plot. Ensuring your examples make sense to you is vital.

18. Varying Study Methods It is beneficial to avoid monotony and experiment with multiple learning techniques. This can include oscillating between solitary studying and group study sessions, or alternating between text-based learning and audio-visual aids. For instance, following a hefty reading session, you might want to watch a related documentary or podcast on the topic. Switching up strategies not only prevents burnout but also caters to different facets of your learning style.

19. Note-Taking Strategy Effective note-taking is a skill that helps in better understanding and remembrance of knowledge. You should decide a note-taking strategy which could be outlining, mind mapping, or the Cornell method, and stick to it. For example, you might use the Cornell Method, which divides the paper into notes, cues, and a summary section for enhancing retention and review.

20. Regularity and Consistency Consistency is the cornerstone of strong study habits. Establishing a regular routine that allocates specific periods for study each day leads to better academic performance. For instance, studying for two hours per day consistently is more effective than cramming for fourteen hours once a week.

21. Engage All Senses Engaging multiple senses aids in strengthening your memory of the subject matter. This could involve reading aloud, rewriting notes, creating visual aids, or even using software to convert text to speech. The goal is to consume the information through as many sensory channels as possible to maximize retention. For example, if you’re studying foreign vocabulary, you could listen to the pronunciation, read the definition, write the word several times, and visualize an image related to it.

22. Reflective Learning Reflective learning involves regularly taking a few moments to contemplate what you’ve learned. This process ensures you understand the main concepts and helps you evaluate how effectively the learning material has been understood. For instance, after reading a section on World History, take a moment to think about what questions have been answered and what new questions have arisen in your mind about the topic.

23. Preparing for the Next Class Reviewing the material that will be covered in the next class helps make the class more productive and understandable. By having prior knowledge of the topic, you can better participate in class discussions and raise insightful queries. For example, if tomorrow’s Physics class covers Electromagnetic Waves, you might want to read the corresponding chapter tonight.

24. Constructive Procrastination While complete avoidance of procrastination is the goal, sometimes it’s unavoidable. Constructive procrastination involves doing another task that also needs to be done when you feel like procrastinating. If you find yourself unable to study Civil Law, consider switching to another pending task, such as completing your Mathematics assignment. This way, you remain productive while giving in to the urge to procrastinate.

25. Visualization Techniques Visualization involves picturing the information in your mind, which can significantly improve memory and recall. For instance, when studying Anatomy, envisioning the body parts, systems, and processes can enhance your understanding. If you’d like to explore this strategy more, read my article on the visual peg-word system for memorization .

26. Listen to Music Without Lyrics Listening to music while studying is a controversial topic. Some people think it helps them to achieve a flow state, while most research suggests that “ media multitasking ” is a distraction whether we realize it or not (Xu, Wang, & Woods, 2019). Generally, I recommend that if you do like that background nose, try to listen to music without lyrics, like lo-fi playlists from YouTube, which act as background noise and could potentially prevent your mind from wandering.

27. Study with Friends Thalluri (2016) found that “study buddy support groups” significantly support studying. Friends can keep each other accountable and help motivate one another. And, according to social learning theory , working in groups helps us to reinforce knowledge. For example, if you’re talking about the course content with friends, you’ll hear their unique perspectives, which you can critically compare to your own, which augments, supports, positively alters, and strengthens your own perspectives.

Study habits act as the building blocks of your academic journey. Efficient study habits not only ensure better academic performance but also help in gaining lifelong skills like time management, goal-setting, and self-discipline. By adopting effective study habits, you modulate your academic journey to a more favorable and fruitful path.

If you want to dive deeper into getting good study habits, I’d recommend James Clear’s Atomic Habits book – it’s an amazing book for learning to get more productive and optimize your time as a student.

Issa, A.O., Aliyu, M.B., Akangbe, R.B., and Adedeji, A.F. (2012). Reading interest and habits of the federal polytechnic students. International Journal of Learning & Development, 2 (1): 470-486.

Nonis, S. A., & Hudson, G. I. (2010). Performance of college students: Impact of study time and study habits.  Journal of education for Business ,  85 (4), 229-238.

Ogbodo, R. O. (2010). Effective Study Habits in Educational Sector: Counselling Implications.  Edo Journal of Counselling ,  3 (2), 230-242.

Thalluri, J. (2016). Who benefits most from peer support group?–First year student success for Pathology students.  Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences ,  228 , 39-44.

Walck-Shannon, E. M., Rowell, S. F., & Frey, R. F. (2021). To what extent do study habits relate to performance?.  CBE—Life Sciences Education ,  20 (1). doi:

Xu, S., Wang, Z., & Woods, K. (2019). Multitasking and dual motivational systems: A dynamic longitudinal study.  Human Communication Research ,  45 (4), 371-394. doi:


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Essay on Good Study Habits

Students are often asked to write an essay on Good Study Habits in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Good Study Habits

Setting a study schedule.

Creating a study plan helps you manage time wisely. Choose a time of day when you can focus best, maybe after a snack or playtime. Stick to this schedule every day to make studying a normal part of your routine.

Quiet Study Space

Find a peaceful place at home where you can study without noise. Keep this area clean and organized with all your study materials, like books and pencils, so you won’t be distracted looking for things.

Taking Breaks

Studying for too long can make you tired. After every 30 minutes, take a short break. Walk around or stretch to feel fresh and ready to learn more.

Asking Questions

When you don’t understand something, ask a teacher, parent, or friend for help. It’s important to clear up confusion right away so you can keep learning without any doubts.

Reviewing Your Notes

250 words essay on good study habits.

To build good study habits, making a plan is key. Think of it like a timetable that tells you what to study and when. It’s important because it helps you use your time wisely. Try to study at the same times each day so your brain gets into a routine.

Creating a Perfect Study Spot

Your study area should be quiet, comfortable, and free from distractions. Keep your books and supplies in this spot so you’re ready to get to work. A good study space helps you focus and do your best.

Taking Notes

When you’re learning something new, write down the important points. Your notes can be short and simple. Later, you can read them again to remember what you learned. This makes studying for tests easier.

Asking for Help

If something is hard to understand, don’t be shy to ask for help. You can talk to your teacher, friends, or family. They can explain things in a different way that might make more sense to you.

Reviewing Often

Go over your notes a little bit every day. This is better than waiting until the day before a test. When you review often, the information stays fresh in your mind.

Rest and Health

Remember, good study habits are about being regular, organized, and taking care of yourself. Stick to these simple rules, and you’ll be able to learn better and remember more.

500 Words Essay on Good Study Habits

Understanding good study habits.

Good study habits are like secret tools that help you learn better and faster. Imagine your brain as a garden. Just like a garden needs the right care to grow, your brain needs good habits to learn new things. These habits can make studying less hard and more fun.

Planning Your Study Time

Creating a study space.

Your study space is like your personal learning zone. It should be quiet, tidy, and have everything you need, like pencils, paper, and your books. A good space helps you focus and keeps you from wasting time looking for things.

Setting Goals

Setting goals is like having a treasure map for your studies. You decide what you want to learn or how much you want to read each day. Small goals can lead to big wins, and when you reach your goal, it feels great!

When you don’t understand something, asking questions is a super power. It’s okay not to know everything. Asking helps you learn, and teachers are there to help you understand.

Going over what you’ve learned, again and again, is like practicing a sport. The more you review, the better you remember. You can use flashcards, read your notes, or teach someone else what you’ve learned.

Staying Organized

Keeping your notes, books, and schedule organized is like keeping your toys in order. When everything is in the right place, you can find what you need quickly and it makes studying easier.

Just like you need rest after playing, your brain needs breaks during study time. Short breaks help you stay fresh and pay attention. You can stretch, walk around, or just close your eyes for a few minutes.

Staying Healthy

Eating well, sleeping enough, and moving your body keep your brain sharp. Think of healthy habits as fuel for your brain. Just like a car needs gas to run, your brain needs good food and rest to work best.

Getting Help When Needed

Sometimes, even with good habits, studying can be tough. It’s smart to ask for help when you need it. This could be from a teacher, a family member, or a friend. Everyone needs help sometimes, and it’s a part of learning.

In conclusion, good study habits are key to doing well in school and learning new things. By planning your time, setting up a nice study space, writing goals, taking notes, and asking questions, you can become a super learner. Remember to review what you’ve learned, stay organized, take breaks, stay healthy, and get help when you need it. These habits will make studying easier and more successful for you.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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Education Corner

10 Study Habits of Highly Effective Students

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The key to becoming an effective student is learning to study smarter, not harder. As you advance in your education, this becomes even more important.

An hour or two of studying a day is usually sufficient to make it through high school with satisfactory grades. But when college arrives, without smart study habits, you can feel like there aren’t enough hours in a day to cover your coursework.

While some students breeze through school with minimal effort, the vast majority of students succeed because they deliberately develop and apply effective study habits.

The following are the top 10 study habits of highly effective students:

10 Study Habits of Highly Effective Students

If you want to become a successful student, don’t get discouraged or give up. Work to develop each of these habits, and you’ll see your grades rise, your knowledge increase, and your ability to learn and assimilate information improve.

1. Don’t attempt to cram all your studying into one session

Are you ever up late at night spending more energy trying to keep your eyelids open than you are studying? If so, it’s time to change your approach.

Research shows that spacing out study sessions over longer periods improves long-term memory . In other words, if you have 4 hours to spend on a subject, it’s better to study it for one hour each for four days than to cram all 4 hours into one.

Likewise, cramming everything right before an exam may probably help you with grades, but it is horrible for your long-term memory retention. Without realizing it, you may be undercutting your learning in the long term.

Successful students typically space their work out over shorter periods and rarely try to cram all their study into just one or two sessions. If you want to become a successful student, you need to learn to be consistent in your studies and have regular, yet shorter, study periods.

2. Plan when you’re going to study

Successful students schedule specific study times throughout the week and stick to them, while those who do not perform as well typically study sporadically and whimsically.

A study schedule can help you plan, break your study load into manageable amounts, and ensure you don’t rush on assignments when following deadlines.

In short, a study plan helps you manage and achieve your learning goals better.

Even if you’re all caught up with your studies, creating a weekly routine, where you set aside some time every few days a week to review your courses, will ensure you develop habits that will enable you to succeed in your long-term education.

3. Study at the same time; be consistent

Not only is it important to plan when you’re going to study, but it’s also essential that you create a consistent, daily study routine.

The power of consistency is well understood in academics. It helps you rely a lot less on intensity – which means fewer late nights or all-nighters and fewer moments of overwhelm and panic, which is a positive for your mental health.

When you study at the same time every day, you develop a habit. You rely less on willpower. Motivation increases, and you’ll be mentally and emotionally prepared for each session. This will improve productivity.

Your schedule may require adjustments from time to time due to unexpected events, and that’s okay, but it is important to get back to your routine as soon as the event has passed.

Here are some strategies to stick to your routine:

  • Prepare a timetable – even if your track record of sticking to timetables is poor, make one. Make it realistic and display it in your place of study. Timetables aid in better time management, which research has shown to have a direct positive impact on academic results .
  • Exercise and meditate – To be consistent in your studies, your health, as well as your mind, must support you. Physical exercise helps you maintain good health and a fresh mind, while meditation helps reduce stress and anxiety .
  • Reward yourself – If you follow your timetable, you deserve a reward. Go outside and enjoy some free time with your friends and family. And when you do it, don’t think about your studies. Rewarding yourself will motivate you to be consistent .
  • Take breaks –  Contrary to popular belief, taking breaks , if they are of the right kind, can increase productivity rather than decrease it. Avoid activities such as scrolling through social media or surfing the internet. Instead, take a short walk, have a healthy snack, or speak with your roommate.

4. Each study time should have a specific goal

Simply studying without direction is not effective. You need to know exactly what you need to accomplish during each study session.

If you observe, most adults around you – from those working in great companies to your favorite athletes and entrepreneurs will have written goals and objectives. Goals dictate their day-to-day activities and how they manage their time.

There is enough research evidence to show a positive correlation between goals and student outcomes . Hence, before you start studying, set a study session goal that supports your overall academic objectives. Here are some best practices:

  • Set optimally challenging goals – your goals must be such that you must push yourself to achieve them, but at the same time, they must not be so hard that they demotivate you.
  • Make your goals specific, measurable, and time-bound – a good example is “Memorize 30 Spanish vocabulary words in 60 minutes to ace the Spanish test.” It’s a good goal because it tells you what exactly to do, how to measure it, and by what time you must complete it. A not-so-good example is “Study Spanish to ace the Spanish test” – this does not tell you what to focus on, the results can’t be properly measured, and you don’t know when to complete this task.
  • Set mastery goals – your goals must focus on deeply understanding concepts and skills. This will help you in your long-term learning journey that extends far beyond your exams and grades. 
  • Define goals positively – How you frame your goal can make a difference. If you word your goal such that it sounds more like a threat rather than a challenge, it may adversely impact your achievement. For example, “I will complete at least 7 out of 10 tasks correctly” is a better goal than “I will not make more than 3 mistakes when attempting 10 tasks”

To understand why goals work, look at the below diagram:

Why goals work

Setting goals clarifies what needs to be done. You know where to focus your attention and effort while avoiding distractions. This clarity encourages you to put in more effort and seek out or develop new strategies for success.

You apply what you know innovatively and learn new methods. Reaching your goal boosts your confidence in your abilities, enhances your motivation, and sets you up for further success.

5. Never procrastinate your planned study session

It’s very easy and common to put off your study session for several reasons – the subject may not be interesting, you may have other things to do, or it may be because the assignment is very hard.

Successful students DO NOT procrastinate when studying.

It is a tough habit to break, particularly when the Internet allows you to escape frustrations with the click of a mouse.

Procrastinating can have negative effects – your study will be much less effective, and you may not accomplish everything you need, which could lead to rushing at the last minute – the number one cause of errors.

It can also affect your mental health by increasing stress and anxiety:

Procrastination and stress

Procrastination can increase stress levels and affect a student’s mental health and well-being.

Procrastination results from the emotional part of your brain taking over the logical side. Your logical brain surrenders when you choose Facebook over work or decide to binge on another Netflix series.

Here is what you can do to give your logical brain the upper hand:

seven procrastination triggers

  • Reverse the trigger: Consider which of the seven triggers your study activity sets off. Then, try to think differently about the task – make the idea of completing it more attractive. For example, if studying history through plain reading can be boring, you can make it interesting by drawing a timeline with important events and characters.
  • Work within your resistance level: Let’s say you have a complicated math problem to solve. To find your resistance level, consider the effort you commit to that task along a scale. For example, could you focus on it for an hour? No, what about 30 minutes? Shorten the amount of time until you find a period with which you’re no longer resistant to the task, and then do it.
  • Do something, anything, to get started : tasks that induce procrastination are rarely as bad as we think. It’s easier to keep going once you have overcome the initial hump of starting it in the first place. Starting a task means you’ll continue to process it, making you more likely to resume the work later.
  • List the costs of procrastination: remind yourself about what it would cost you to postpone something.
  • Disconnect – Put your phone in another room or shut off the Wi-Fi. Cut down the distractions that can stop you from focusing on the task.

6. Start with the most difficult subject first

Your most difficult assignment or subject will require the most effort and mental energy; hence, you should start with it first.

Research has shown that when you are tired, your brain tries to save mental energy to help you make decisions quickly . It tags effort as bad (because it’s hard work), and you are likely to “go with your gut” instead of carefully considering all the available information.

When your focus is not at its best, studying hard subjects can be, well, hard!

But if you complete the most challenging part of your study in a fresh state of mind, completing the more accessible ones later becomes easier. This can significantly improve the effectiveness of your study sessions and your academic performance.

7. Always review your notes before starting an assignment

Research shows that 10 minutes of review for every lecture hour, done within 24 hours of class, dramatically improves recall. Hence, regularly reviewing class notes is one of the most powerful study strategies.

Obviously, before you can review your notes, you must first have notes to review. While there is no single right approach to note-taking, the following are some of the popular ones:

describe your study habits essay

Cornell method

Split up your paper into three sections (see image). The first aspect requires you to write out notes during class as you hear them. Once class is over, you reread your “Notes” section and add any questions or essential ideas within the “Cues” section.

Once you have filled in these two sections, it is time to write a summary of the lesson that you can refer to study. You will have a stack of neatly organized notes from each lecture by exam time. Learn more about the The Cornell System for taking notes .

Mapping method

Allows a visual representation of your notes in a way that shows the relationships between ideas. Start by jotting down the lecture’s main idea and add subheadings throughout the class. By the end, you should have a main topic with many subheadings and additional notes beneath them.

Sentence method

It is a relatively simple method that requires a main topic followed by notes in sentence or point form. The heading creates some organization while at the same time allowing for freedom.

While these three are time-tested pen-and-paper methods, you can also use electronic devices for note-taking. Apps like Evernote, Microsoft OneNote, or Google Keep can help you stay organized with your note-taking.

Before you start each study session and a particular assignment, review your notes thoroughly to ensure you know how to complete the assignment correctly. This will help you remember important subject matter learned during the day and ensure your studying is targeted and effective.

Learn how to improve your note taking .

8. Make sure you’re not distracted while you’re studying

The negative outcomes of distracted learning have been well documented . It can prolong learning tasks due to the need for reacquaintance with material, induce mental fatigue from constant task-switching, and reduce long-term memory retention.

But everyone gets distracted by something. Maybe it’s the TV, or maybe it’s your family or the very many electronic gadgets that surround you. When you’re distracted, you lose your train of thought and cannot focus, leading to ineffective studying.

Some students cannot study when it’s too quiet. Research has shown that some people study better with a bit of background noise .

You must experiment and identify what surroundings suit you best. Whether it is a quiet cubicle in the recesses of the library or a common area with a bit of background noise, find a place where you won’t be disturbed or distracted.

9. Use study groups effectively

Study groups can help you externalize your thoughts, address procrastination, stimulate study sessions, and maintain accountability. They can be an effective part of your comprehensive study plan.

Working in groups enables you to get help from others when struggling, complete assignments more quickly, and teach others, which is a great way to internalize the subject.

Here are some best practices for forming effective study groups:

  • Limit the group size – in larger groups, it becomes increasingly difficult to keep everyone involved. Typically, 3-5 students can ensure a good functional dynamic.
  • Have a structure – define the goals for every session and stick to them. 
  • Come prepared – it is much easier as a group to help each other if each member comes to the session with a list of questions or topics to discuss.
  • Empower each other – Don’t hesitate to help your fellow classmates. Tutor-tutee relationships are mutually beneficial. Help someone else, and they will help you!
  • Quiz each other – Quizzing each other on facts and concepts is a valuable way to prepare for an exam. This could also mean designing practice tests together.
  • Work independently but together – if you work hard on your own before meeting as a group, your group time will be more rewarding. Groups are your place to experiment, seek help, and share your learning. However, you must develop an independent grasp of concepts to do well in a course.
  • Form friendships – connections can leave you feeling more motivated than ever, making studying enjoyable.

It is also helpful to designate one of the members to facilitate the group. This person will be responsible for scheduling, tracking group progress, and helping the group stay focused. A good way to do this is by designating a “leader of the week” on a rotation basis.

Study groups are not just about meeting right before an exam. To achieve great results, you must meet regularly throughout the semester. Online tools such as Zoom, Teams, and Slack are great ways to connect when you cannot meet in person.

10. Review your notes, schoolwork, and other class materials over the weekend

Successful students review what they’ve learned during the week over the weekend. Research shows that academic success is positively correlated with weekend study time .

But remember, the weekend is just 48 hours, and time flies quickly. So, reflect on your goals and prepare ahead. Here are some tips:

  • Use Friday after school to plan your weekend.
  • Keep a journal – record how you spend your time and where you can improve.
  • Look at it as a time to practice for “real life” – you are totally in charge of your time.
  • Balance your sleep and energy.
  • Budget time for sports and other activities – keep twice the time you think you’ll need.
  • Get ahead of others – wake up early (most don’t). Mornings are a good time to study.

A well-spent weekend can prepare you to continue learning new concepts that build upon previous coursework and knowledge acquired the previous week.

In summary, you can learn the “10 study habits of highly effective students” and consciously apply them to improve the effectiveness of your study. We’re confident that if you develop these habits, you’ll see a significant improvement in your academics.

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Creating Positive Change: Good Study Habits Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Good study habits are best described as a set of tools that facilitate an increase of the amount of information learned and also make the information to be remembered for a long time. Well, I did not grow up with good study habits, I used to spend most of my free time playing video games, watching movies and listening to music, and hardly doing my homework. Despite my parents’ effort of taking me to a good school, I paid little attention to schoolwork. As a result of these, I registered very poor school grades, which in turn led to frustrations both for me and my parents. It is this experience that made me convict myself to creating a positive change towards studying my school work. I realized that developing good study habits was paramount because through them, I could gain success and satisfaction during the school years and the same could be extended to the working world.

The journey towards attaining this positive change has not been easy though. I am still working on this endeavor. The very first step I am taking is to make sure that, my home is a good place to study. For any positive results to be attained in studying at home, the home environment should be made conducive for thinking. It is now clear to me that, I can only concentrate on one thing at a time; this then means that, the home environment should be free from noise and distraction. In light of the importance of quietness and less distraction, I now design a time chart for one week in which I allocate study time late in the afternoons and early evening because at this time there is minimal activity in my house.

The second step I am taking to make this change happen is to eliminate common distractions such as television, radio, and stereo, just to mention but a few. Well, I was used to studying in a noisy environment. But at the moment, I switch off the television and reduce the volume of the radio while studying. I am optimistic that, within a short time, I will be able to study in absolute silence. Furthermore, I have arranged for phone time when I can make or receive calls to avoid disruptions during study time. In addition, I have informed my friends of the appropriate time they can visit me. Lastly, I keep all the supplies I need in the study area, for instance, pens, papers, clips, calculators, and many others.

The third important step I am taking to make this change happen is providing physical conditions in the study area that are conducive for concentration. To achieve this, I have good lighting, cool temperatures, a comfortable chair, and a table to help me be alert.

For me to have reached where I am now, it took me hard work and patience. When I was starting to cultivate this habit, I felt fatigued and was almost giving up. I even lost some of my friends. Sticking to the goal of developing good study habits in order to make a change for the better, has made me realize the importance of developing a routine and term commitment to each and every decision I make in life. It is through this experience that I also realize, good concentration doesn’t just come but it takes time and patience to shape.

In conclusion, good study habits are acquired and developed by an individual. In order to achieve this, it is equally important to set a study time for work at home, allocate a comfortable amount of work every day without being too pushy, provide a conducive studying environment free from destructions and noise, and above all have a positive attitude, commitment, and patience.

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IvyPanda. (2021, December 3). Creating Positive Change: Good Study Habits.

"Creating Positive Change: Good Study Habits." IvyPanda , 3 Dec. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Creating Positive Change: Good Study Habits'. 3 December.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Creating Positive Change: Good Study Habits." December 3, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Creating Positive Change: Good Study Habits." December 3, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Creating Positive Change: Good Study Habits." December 3, 2021.

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12 Academic Success Study Habits to Develop: Increase Your Learning Potential and Achieve Outstanding Results

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Developing strong study habits is essential for academic achievement. You may increase your learning experience, knowledge retention, and test performance by using efficient study approaches. Prioritizing your education and developing disciplined study habits are critical for getting the most out of your learning experience. Good study habits are the cornerstone for academic performance, whether they include establishing a suitable study atmosphere, managing time effectively, or adopting active learning tactics. Adopting these habits not only allows you to get the most out of your education, but it also provides you with vital abilities for lifetime learning.

Here are 11 good study habits that you can develop to boost your learning potential and achieve outstanding results:

  • Find a quiet place to study.

It is important to choose a calm and interruption-free setting for productive learning. Selecting a spot where you can focus completely on your job without being distracted by noise or other people is an important. A private room, a library, or even a quiet spot in a coffee shop might be used. The lack of external distractions helps you to retain a deep degree of concentration and interact more successfully with your study materials. You may improve your learning experience and overall productivity by establishing a calm study environment on purpose.

  • Set aside specific times to study.

Setting aside time for study on a daily or weekly basis is really useful. You build an organized routine that helps you remain on track with your academic objectives by assigning specified study times. Setting aside regular study periods ensures that you devote enough time to engaging with the content, reviewing topics, and completing projects. This technique also aids in the prevention of procrastination and the maintenance of constant progress in your learning path . Whether it’s setting out a few hours each day or designating certain days of the week for concentrated study, sticking to a timetable boosts your productivity and allows you to make considerable progress in your education.

  • Create a study schedule.

Following the establishment of your study periods, it is critical to develop a well-structured study timetable that separates your task into digestible parts. Breaking down your work into smaller, more manageable chunks helps you stay focused and avoids feelings of overload. Consider categorizing and prioritizing your study resources according to subject, issue, or deadline. Set aside specified time blocks for each work, ensuring that reasonable and achievable objectives are met within those time constraints. In addition, taking brief pauses between study sessions might help refresh your mind and keep you productive. You may successfully manage your workload, remain motivated, and make consistent progress in your learning journey by following a set study program.

  • Take breaks.

It is essential to take frequent breaks throughout study sessions in order to retain maximum productivity and attention. Short bursts of physical exercises, such as stretching or walking about, serve to minimize mental weariness and improve blood circulation, which leads to enhanced alertness. Stepping outdoors for a breath of fresh air may give a change of environment as well as a mentally refreshing impact. These pauses allow you to unwind, clear your mind, and refresh your mental energy. You may increase your attention, reduce fatigue, and eventually improve the overall efficacy of your study sessions by including regular periods of rest and activity in your study practice.

  • Organize your materials.

Maintaining an organized system for your study materials is crucial for efficient and focused studying. By keeping your materials well-organized, you minimize the time and frustration spent searching for specific resources when you need them. Create designated spaces or folders for different subjects, textbooks, notes, and supplementary materials. Utilize labels, color coding, or digital tools to categorize and sort your resources effectively. This organization not only saves time but also promotes a sense of clarity and reduces distractions during study sessions. When everything is easily accessible, you can swiftly locate the information you need, stay focused on your work, and make the most of your study time.

  • Take notes.

Taking notes is a very efficient approach to learning and remembering information. Active note-taking needs careful listening and real-time processing of the content. You may increase learning and memory consolidation by translating knowledge into your own words or summarizing crucial aspects. The process of taking notes encourages critical thinking by allowing you to identify and prioritize the most important information. Furthermore, returning to your notes later may be a useful review tool, reinforcing themes and boosting long-term recall. This technique, whether it’s handwritten notes, digital comments, or a mix of the two, aids in internalizing the content and actively participating in the learning process.

  • Review your notes regularly.

Regularly revisiting knowledge is an important method for improving memory retention and recall. By returning to the content at regular intervals, you strengthen the brain connections associated with that knowledge, making it simpler to recall later. Implementing a systematic review plan, such as daily, weekly, or monthly, helps you to keep your comprehension of the subject matter current and dynamic. To actively interact with the content, use numerous tactics throughout the study process, such as flashcards, practice quizzes, or explaining ideas to someone else. Spaced repetition, or spacing out your review sessions across time, has been demonstrated to be especially useful in enhancing long-term memory. By studying the material on a regular basis, you strengthen your knowledge and improve your capacity to remember it when required.

  • Study with a group.

Studying in a group may bring several advantages for learning and motivation. Collaborative study sessions allow you to participate in active conversations, exchange opinions, and acquire insights from diverse angles. You may reinforce your grasp of the content while also helping others strengthen their knowledge by quizzing each other. Explaining complicated things to one another promotes deeper understanding and improves your capacity to communicate successfully. Furthermore, group study may create a friendly and encouraging atmosphere in which you can share resources, clarify concerns, and approach difficult subjects jointly. A study group’s synergy may generate a feeling of responsibility and togetherness, increasing motivation and making learning more fun.

  • Ask for help when you need it.

It is essential to overcome hesitation and seek help when facing difficulties with a concept or assignment. There is a wealth of support available from various sources, including teachers, classmates, and parents, who are usually more than willing to assist you. Approaching your teachers for clarification or guidance can provide valuable insights and personalized assistance. Engaging with classmates through group discussions or study sessions can offer different perspectives and collaborative problem-solving. Your parents or guardians can also offer support and encouragement, providing a fresh viewpoint and assisting with your academic challenges. Remember, asking for help is a sign of strength and a proactive approach to overcoming obstacles, ultimately leading to a deeper understanding of the subject matter and improved academic performance.

  • Get enough sleep.

Getting sufficient sleep is indeed vital for optimal learning and memory consolidation. When you are well-rested, your brain functions at its best, allowing you to focus more effectively and absorb information efficiently. During sleep, the brain processes and integrates the knowledge and experiences acquired during the day, leading to enhanced memory retention. Adequate sleep also supports cognitive functions such as attention, concentration, and problem-solving abilities , enabling you to engage more deeply with the material. Prioritizing quality sleep by maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and creating a conducive sleep environment can significantly enhance your learning capacity and overall academic performance. Remember, a well-rested mind is better equipped to absorb and retain information.

  • Take care of yourself.

Taking care of yourself physically and emotionally is crucial for maintaining overall well-being and optimizing your focus and productivity. A balanced diet rich in nutritious foods provides essential nutrients and energy to support cognitive function. Regular exercise promotes circulation, releases endorphins, and enhances mental clarity. Managing stress through effective coping mechanisms, such as practicing mindfulness or engaging in relaxation techniques, helps you maintain a calm and focused mindset. Taking breaks, pursuing hobbies, and nurturing social connections are also important for emotional well-being. Remember, a healthy body and mind contribute to better concentration, memory retention, and the ability to handle academic challenges effectively. Prioritizing self-care allows you to approach your studies with resilience and a positive mindset.

Developing good study habits takes time and effort, but it’s worth it. Good study habits can help you learn more effectively, retain information better, and perform better on exams. If you want to get the most out of your education, it’s important to develop good study habits.

Here are some additional tips that can help you develop good study habits:

  • Find a study partner.  Studying with a friend or classmate can help you stay motivated and accountable.
  • Set realistic goals.  Don’t try to cram too much information into one study session. Instead, set realistic goals for each study session and focus on mastering one concept at a time.
  • Reward yourself.   When you reach a study goal, reward yourself with something you enjoy. This will help you stay motivated and on track.

By following these tips, you can develop good study habits that will help you succeed in school and beyond.

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Develop Good Habits

13 Effective Study Habit Examples: Improve Your Study Routine

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Are you a student looking to build effective study habits? Is your study routine not as effective as it could be?

Maybe it’s time to follow a new study schedule that will help you better retain material, manage your time, help you retain information and even help you improve your concentration and focus.

Here are 13 good study habit examples you can use to enhance your learning style, develop a quality study routine and start achieving your educational goals . ​

Let’s get to it.

Table of Contents

#1 – Keep Track of Important Dates

Carrying different dates around in your head is a surefire way to forget or start muddling up important dates. Getting a planner or calendar is an easy way to store this vital information.

A calendar or planner allows you to keep track of due dates, examinations, and various tasks to complete for different projects – having this on paper eases your mental load.

A good planner allows you to keep track of everything you need to know and also allows you to organize your own time easily. This leads to more effective studying and less wasted time.

To get started, here are our recommended study planners .

#2 – Know Your Dominant Learning Style

It’s important to know that there are many different styles of learning and each person will retain information better in different ways.

  • As you can see, visual learners learn best when pictures, images, and spatial understanding is used. (Check out our collection of vision board ideas for students .)
  • Auditory learners prefer using music, sounds or both.
  • Kinesthetic learners prefer a more physical style of learning through using the body, sense of touch and hands.
  • Logical learners desire to use reasoning, logic and systems. (And like answering logic questions !)
  • Verbal learners will prefer using words in writing and speech.
  • Social learners will prefer to learn with other people or in groups.
  • Solitary learners are able to learn best alone.

This infographic provides a good overview of the seven learning styles. You can use it as a quick reference guide.

Once you have figured out which style of learning works best for you, it will help you determine how to study, where to study, when to study, what distracts you and what study aids you should use.

Consistency gets results!

Make your study habit part of your morning routine so that it becomes an effortless part of your day. Get excited about learning instead of dreading your study schedule.

To learn more about the different learning styles, read our article on the Learning Retention Pyramid .

#3 – Create and Write Down Realistic Study Goals

If your goal is too big to achieve, then you might be setting yourself up for failure and this will also not help motivate you to study and accomplish your SMART student goals , or if you're in college, your SMART college student goals .

Once you know your learning style, do a self-assessment of your current study habits and your current grades.

Here are some questions to ask yourself that will help you create realistic goals and come up with a plan for good study habits.

  • When do you usually study and for how long?
  • Do you find that it is effective?
  • Are you happy with your grades?
  • What subjects do you need to focus on or are having difficulty with?
  • What grades do you need to have in order to pass?
  • What are your personal commitments and priorities?

Here's our roundup of the best (and free) study plan templates to help make sure you stay on top of your academic goals.

After answering and reflecting on these questions, you’ll be able to see areas where you need to focus.

Maybe you are not spending enough time doing the right amount of work necessary each day or perhaps you choose to study late at night when you’re not as alert and energetic.

If you have noticed your grades are slipping in certain courses then perhaps you need to hire a tutor to help you with those subjects.

Social commitments or spending time on social media can eat away the hours. While it’s fun to socialize, pruning back some time spent here to study can pay off hugely in the long run.

Use the SMART method when setting up goals: set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals.

Check out this guide to learn the 13 steps to write and set SMART goals .

#4 – Make Study Time a Part of Your Daily Routine

If cramming all of your study time into a few long days isn’t working for you then it’s time to try something new (and way less stressful). Make time for studying every single day, with or without exams coming up. 

Remember that consistency is key and once you start getting into good study habits, it will become a routine and that you will be able to maintain throughout the school year. Self-discipline is key.

Check your schedule for the week or month, and see where you have free time or what you can discard:

  • Establish your priorities – whether that’s chores, must-attend activities, or appointments. By looking at your calendar, and setting up your priorities, you will be able to schedule your study sessions for the month.
  • Choose blocks of time when you feel you’re at your best.
  • Try to stay committed to your new study schedule.

Some people work best in the mornings, and others, at night. If you’re unsure when you work best, try studying at different times of the day to see which suits you and your body clock best.

READ: The Study Plan Schedule Strategy (That Actually Works!)

describe your study habits essay

Once you have found which blocks of time work best, you can always add in additional time to study by waking up an hour early to review your notes, or an hour later if you study better at night.

Make sure you build flexibility into your schedule. Your calendar and schedule will change because of unforeseen events. Be ready to plan around some things that come your way and still make time to study.

#5 – How to Structure Your Daily Study Routine

The following are some great ideas to structure your study routine. These work best when you are using a mixture of learning styles as mentioned above.

Start with watching or attending your lectures, and then doing an additional one to three hours of personal study (with breaks) to review your notes on those lectures.

This way, you are using both auditory and visual learning styles as well as repetition, which will help fix what you’re learning into memory.

Start with the difficult topics and subjects first, so that you are not going to put them off until a later date. Shorter study sessions are more effective for subjects you find difficult.

To get started, we recommend you time block your study session so it looks like this:

  • Schedule study sessions in two, 30-minute to one hour blocks
  • Take short 5- to 10-minute breaks in between.
  • When you take breaks, you allow your mind to rest, revitalize and be ready for more learning.

If you want to see what this looks like then here are 17 free study plan templates .

#6 – Establish a Study Zone

Establish a study zone, especially if you're engaged in virtual learning . Some people like quiet places, others will need a little bit of background noise.

Which one do you prefer?

If there is too much going on at your house then maybe it’s time to think about going to the library or a coffee bar and using headphones.

Make sure you have the necessary items with you when you study. You’ll need a desk that’s big enough to spread your books, laptop, paper, and supplies.

Using the best study lighting is also important for everyone when studying. If you want to preserve your eyesight and maximize your time and energy, then choose lighting that will not cause eyestrain or fatigue so you can keep your study session effective at any time of the day.

Don’t be afraid to establish boundaries in your study zone. Let anyone living with you know when your door is closed, it means you do not want to be disturbed. Try not to be distracted by  phone calls or texts, as this breaks your focus.

Girl reading in a study zone

It’s best to find not just one place to study, but at least two or three additional options . This way, you will have a backup plan in case your main study area can’t be used.

A change of environment is said to improve concentration and creativity so even if you don’t need to change places, it wouldn’t be a bad idea.

While you establish rules for others, you also need to establish rules for yourself:

  • Get rid of all distractions.
  • Don’t choose a place where you will be tempted to watch TV, check in with your smartphone, or study in a high-traffic area where people will be coming and going.
  • Choose to study offline as much as possible. There are way too many distractions that are only a click away.
  • If you need to check something, write it down and check it after your study session is over.

Also, here are a few helpful study tips to get the most out of your study session:

  • Avoid eating a heavy meal before studying. A heavy meal can make you sleepy which will make it more difficult for you to study. Choose to eat small and frequent meals instead.
  • Move or take a short walk before sitting down to study. Stretching, walking or even dancing will help prepare your body and mind to be more receptive to learning.
  • Prioritize your assignment dates: write down every assignment or task when you first hear about it instead of just “remembering” it. We live in such a fast paced world that’s full of distractions and it’s easy and normal to forget things.
  • Include important details such as page numbers, due dates, test dates, pointers, or anything else that might be helpful when writing assignments down.

One way to make prioritizing your tasks simple is to organize your study notes by using colors or labels. Whether you use an online notebook or a binder, developing your own color-coding system will help you (and your thoughts) get organized.

You can use colors to color-code your subjects, projects and even teachers. You can also use different colored pens, highlighters, sticky notes, folders and labels.

Colors and labels will also help you later when you when you need to review your notes, the colorful sections will help those notes stand out and be unique and memorable.

If you struggle to understand complex study material, using the Feynman technique can help you learn faster and more efficiently.

#7 – Take Great Notes

Do you find yourself struggling with taking good notes?

Develop your note-taking skills to aid what you’re in the process of learning. When you review your notes, they should help you study and remember the most essential information.

You don’t need to take notes of everything ! If the teacher keeps repeating something or has written down any important terms – you should make note of this.

Your note-taking style might also depend on your learning style like we mentioned above. Perhaps you might need to draw little diagrams in your notes if you are more of a visual learner.

It is important to take notes to study at peak efficiency

An auditory learner will learn better if you record the class discussions and lectures, or you can listen to informational and educational podcasts related to the subject. Your notes do not need to be handwritten if your learning style is auditory.

A good study routine plays to the strengths of your learning style.

Another fun way to remember things is to use mnemonics for better memory recall . For any type of list, steps, stages or parts you can use mnemonic devices to help you retain information. Mnemonic types include: music, name, expression, rhyme, spelling and more.

(If you're looking for another way to improve your memory, check out these memory games .)

#8 – Review Your Notes

Before and after your study sessions, you should always skim your notes from the recent lesson or topic you studied before starting on a new one. Reviewing your notes once before going to bed will also help to cement new knowledge into your brain.

You can get the most out of your notes by breaking up the topic you’re learning into shorter tasks. Spending over an hour reviewing your notes is counter-productive but shorter review blocks are a powerful learning strategy.

Finally, if you have piles of notes and are struggling to find the ones you need – you can digitize your notes! This resource tells you how to digitize your notes in 3 easy steps .

#9 – Use Technology Wisely During Class

If you are using a laptop for note-taking in class, then make sure you are still able to focus and pay attention. Laptops and phones can bring down your grade . Don’t believe us? This Michigan State University article shows why surfing the web in class is a bad idea.

You don’t want to get into the habit of surfing the web, checking social media, or using your smartphone in class. if you’re frequently checking the internet or your smartphone when studying, then you’re likely to sabotage your own learning efforts in the classroom.

#10 – Consider Joining a Study Group

Social learners should consider forming a study group. Study groups help you to remember and learn more effectively because you can ask questions to clarify difficult points. You also get the added advantage of discovering how others learned a subject or solved a problem.

One of the best benefits of joining a study group is that you will be able to ask, discuss, debate , and quiz each other on the topics at hand. You could even keep your study group online if traveling to one spot won’t work well for everyone.

In order to find study groups that will work for your needs; find people as dedicated as you are. You don’t want to study with a group that isn’t devoted and willing to work hard.

The study group's numbers shouldn’t be too big, or else it becomes more of a party. Having around 6 people in a group allows you all to benefit without it becoming distracting and counter-productive.

Study groups of college students

Exchange contact details or establish a means of communicating and decide on a location to host your study group. You will have to organize the group to fit everyone’s schedule to get the most benefit.

The most important thing is creating the logistics of the group – you meet up at the same place and have a reliable schedule. You should also determine how you’re going to communicate (you could use Slack, Whatsapp, etc) this keeps everyone in the loop and makes it easier to meet up.

The best study groups are not a competition. Some members of the group might pick up things faster than others, but this is an opportunity to demonstrate your own learning and fill in any gaps in your knowledge.

#11 – Ask for Help

There are plenty of resources available for anyone who might be stuck. It’s never a bad idea to ask for help and assistance and make the most out of the resources that are there to provide it.

Professors are usually more than willing to help any student who is struggling with a topic ( as it shows an honest effort to learn what they’re teaching). They can also help to explain a subject in a different light if your notes aren’t making sense.

You can also leverage the help of a tutor if you’re struggling with a specific topic. A tutor can help you in a one-to-one setting – which is especially valuable as they can cater the topic you’re struggling with to your learning style.

#12 – Get Enough Sleep and Rest

Studying when you’re sleepy is ineffective. If your body is telling you that you’re tired, then have a nap or go to bed early.

A good night’s sleep will help you understand and remember information better. It is also much less stressful to take an exam or attend a class when you feel well rested and alert.

If you’re finding that you are getting stressed out or tired, reflect back on your study schedule and priorities.

student sleeping in class | importance of good nights sleep to study and learning

Make sure that you have dedicated time for rest and de-stressing. You can’t be a study machine 24/7 and taking some time away from learning is a great way to relax your mind.

Good study habits require you to be fresh and sharp. A good night's sleep is far more effective than a night cramming for a test could ever be.

If you want some handy tips this guide will cover 17 healthy ways to fall asleep earlier .

#13 – Create a Daily Study Timetable

Make sure you track your grades along with your study hours and lesson notes to see if your new studying techniques are helping.

If you find that it is not helpful, then it’s time to re-prioritize your schedule to fit in more time for studying and re-examine your goals for success:

  • Remember that throughout school, work and life, you will always need to be learning something.
  • When you have set up the proper studying techniques and note-taking skills, you are giving yourself one of the greatest gifts possible, the ability to learn.
  • Don’t burn yourself out studying too hard all of the time. It’s important to find a little time to relax, as being too stressed can negatively impact your learning.
  • Don’t forget to play to your strengths, and explore different methods of learning if one thing isn’t working for you. The most important thing is to never give up.

Final Thoughts on Good Study Habits

You can use your morning routine to set yourself up for success in your learning efforts. When you start applying and practicing your study habits you will see a big difference in the quality of your learning.

Take a look at this study plan schedule strategy if you want to beat procrastination and make any learning project much easier.

Looking for more ways to improve your learning ability? Here's our post on how to learn anything fast!

Finally, if you want a PROVEN method to mastering your next test, then take this short masterclass on how to study for exams and getting excellent grades .

A good study routine can help you learn how to study effectively and build good 11 Good Study Habits for Students

25 thoughts on “13 Effective Study Habit Examples: Improve Your Study Routine”

Reading this post I noticed some underlying principles, useful in developing good habits in any area: -know thyself -break your goals into disciplines -focus -take a proper care of your body -track your results and tune your methods

Hi SJ – good stuff, as usual. thanks for the post.

I am a big fan of having a good study routine. Personally, it was one of those little things that have made a big difference, not only to my grades when I was a student, but also later in my life.

In my opinion, the key to success is also to keep the motivation up and focus on intrinsic rewards (rather than extrinsic): the road to mastery, your purpose/mission and achieving the milestones toward your big goal. Tracking your progress is a great way of keeping the focus on your intrinsic motivation.

I just wanted to add one more thing to the section on creating a study routine: make it enjoyable. How? set it up the way you can look forward to it. For instance, I do it in the morning, before my family gets up: and it’s my best time of the day (peak productivity), my ‘me time’, my favorite cup of coffee, and I really enjoy it. I still get up at 5.15am, even though I’m not at the uni anymore. I always find something to learn – I’ve done many MOOCs, and other courses. I don’t HAVE to, but I do it for the joy of learning.

SJ, love your books. Could I get the contact info for your designer (I’ve heard you’re willing to share that.). Also, I do a podcast for traders with about 20,000 listeners and would love to interview you about “waking up happy” and morning routines sometime.

My contact info is rob at

First of all, I would love to do your podcast. It is an honor. Shoot me an email at stevescottsite AT gmail DOT com and we will set up a time that is good for both of us.

Re: Cover Designer: The person I use is Kyle. He charges around $150 for a cover design. If you’d like to use a certain graphic, then you’d need to purchase it off a website (I use for this.) What Kyle provides is the basic, “Kindle-Ready” cover. That means if you need the design converted to a paperback version, that’s something he charges extra for.

This is a great post SJ!

Habit 1 resonated with me so much and because it is very true that each of us have his or her own comfortable learning style. I remember back in high school and college, I used to study for major exams just after midnight. I will eat early and make sure to be in bed by 6 or 7PM. I will sleep until 12AM to 1AM and then get up and study with a cup of coffee right by my side. I love the tranquility of those hours. Place is quiet, except for the sound of barking dogs so I was able to focus.

Thanks for sharing!

That is an interesting way of studying. I also love that quite time when no one is awake. It really is a good time to get things done!

What’s the name of your editor? Can you provide a link? I assume he or she is on elance

I am writing these comments a few dozen times, Idk why but the commenst plugin doesnt approve my website? About the goal topic, I want to add that there is a book titled Goal suck and James Altucher says goals will fail you when themes will help you succeed.

Sorry, comment was sitting in my “approve” queue. Once and a while it wordpress drops people in there, even though they have had approved comments before. I will shoot you an email with editor info shortly.

Goals suck. That is a Matt Stone book. I know that guy. I agree, mostly. Goals are essential and vital, IMO. But spending too much time focused on goals and not enough on doing is a recipe for failure. Like many other things moderation is the key to using them with success.

This is nice and effective post SJ. Thanks a lot.I love to learn and again thanks for the precious 11 study habits.Thanks!!!

I am really very thankful to you for such 11tips for studies.

What are some of the benefits of having a good study timetable and a good time schedule?

Yes, I agree. I’m studying for a public tender in my country. Ihaven’t girlfriend, for I need time. Will be do I doing the right thing? I need help you all. It’s not nice to live without a partner, but i’m trying the impossible. Am I toward the right way? This is my doubt.

See you!!!!!!!

I think it is best to always work on yourself first. The women will come in time, and it is a lot easier to get/keep them with a good job.

I really liked this article, it was really refreshing! You did a great job writing it, and I can tell you did your research. All of these tips have the potential to help you utilize your study time better. However, it is a good idea to try various things until you hit on the exact combination of factors that allow you to develop good study habits and ultimate success in your future.

Good information. I’ve written an article about effective study habits. The techniques of an effective way of studying the lessons are based on cognitive science studies. Maybe the article can add to the information you have here. If you want you can visit . Thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful piece of information.

-Some info that I found helpful, was to not eat a big meal before studying, because it will cause you not to focus. -Something that I will do this year, is use study habits that work for me/I like. For ex: I like visual studying/videos. -a tip of my own, is to use flash cards.

wow this is amazing, things i took for granted or less important are things that are helpful, it changed my mentality toward reading, this is great, thanks for the tips.

I am not good at study and you written a long essay , if I good at study why should i searched for good such kind of tips looking such tips which change my life towards study , please give some good and interactive tips which really helps .

Regards, AJ

Very well written and useful. I like how you distinguish different ways for people because we all are very different.

‘As you can see, visual learners learn best when pictures, images, and spatial understanding is used. Auditory learners prefer using music, sounds or both. Kinesthetic learners prefer a more physical style of learning through using the body, sense of touch and hands. Logical learners desire to use reasoning, logic and systems. Verbal learners will prefer using words in writing and speech. Social learners will prefer to learn with other people or in groups. Solitary learners are able to learn best alone.’ That’s thoughtful.

Thanks for explaining these 7 types of learning to us. Each student will have different statistics. of learning. But the only thing depends is how you learn and effectively implement the same in your learning. One must isolate yourself from all your distractions. One must not waste time too much. And also one must find the best time to study. You gave nice tips.

Wonderful post. These habits are ones that all of us should use but we sometimes forget in the rush of every day work. A great list to keep nearby and remind yourself to slow down and pay attention. Thanks.

Wow! Really great post. The 4th one is really important. When I was a kid, I used to study continuously but after sometimes this is quite difficult for me to remember anything. That’s why I love Pomodoro technique. Study for a while and take 5-10 minute rest.

You also discussed study zone and style of learning. This really important because a learning environment can help us to learn quickly as well as effectively.

Thanks for Sharing!

SJ, I genuinely liked this one. very interesting and of course knowledgeable too.. thank you so much as i am a bit (not a bit ,very very much) lazy . it was good though

keep motivating!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s actually very difficult in this active life to listen news on Television, thus I just use internet for that reason, and get the most recent information.

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Improving Study Habits: A Path to Academic Success essay

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6 Crucial Study Habits for College Students

August 16, 2018 | Written By Ana Felce

6 Crucial Study Habits for College Students

It’s important to form good study habits for college early on so that you don’t fall behind when faced with more challenging or time-consuming readings, subject material, and exams. Make these six study habits a part of your regular routine and you’ll start off your college experience on the right foot.

1. Find a Place to Study Regularly

Consistency is key when it comes to studying, so do your best to make a habit of it! It’s a good idea to find a spot on campus where you feel comfortable and inspired to dive into a successful study session.

The environment should be whatever works best for you—whether that means having complete silence, some light background music, or a more lively atmosphere. Give it some thought and try out a few different spots. The sooner you find the space that works for you, the sooner you’ll be able to study effectively.

2. Keep Track of Deadlines and Important Dates

You might have the best of intentions when buying a new planner, but to really make the most of it, you should be sure to review it every day and write down due dates for assignments, exams, and other important events. Keeping track of what you need to study for can help you stay ahead of crucial projects and develop good study habits for college.

You can get ahead of upcoming assignments by checking your calendar on a weekly (and daily) basis, outlining each deadline in advance, and blocking off time to study. And don’t forget the best part of keeping a list of tasks—crossing them off once they are completed!

3. Don’t Cram for Your Exam

If you follow the previous tip, you likely won’t find yourself in a difficult situation, but it’s worth repeating: Remember to schedule your study time wisely to make the most of it. Studies show that reviewing material in smaller chunks of time—over a longer time span—is more effective than trying to cram a ton of material into one session . Slow and steady wins the race.

Once you have your course syllabus and schedule for the semester, find periods of time between classes and activities when you can fit in some studying. This way, you won’t have to stress the night before a big exam trying to review everything at the last minute.

4. Organize a Study Group

Studying on your own works well for many subjects, but it also might be easier to learn the material if you can bounce ideas off of your classmates. During your first year at college, give group study sessions a try. There’s a good chance your fellow students will be interested in getting together to review course materials. You might discover a new way to study while also making a few new friends!

5. Review Your Notes After Class

Taking notes during the lecture is a study habit you might already be used to, but do you take the time to review those notes after class? If not, consider reviewing your notes later the same day. Going over your notes after seeing the material in class will improve your memory and can help you more effectively learn the material.

6. Ask for Help

When you arrive at college, you’ll find a team of professors and advisors who are there to help you succeed . It’s normal to find a class challenging at times, but don’t feel like you have to face it alone.

Everyone needs help at some point—and it’s better to reach out as soon as you think you need it rather than let yourself fall behind. Reach out to tutoring services, your professor, or an advisor if you don’t understand the material or need extra assistance in adjusting to college academics.

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Good Example Of Study Habits And Routines Essay

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Present , Students , Habits , Learning , Study , Future , Night , Teacher

Published: 01/10/2023


I have been (present perfect) an average student in the past. I was (simple past) not too serious about studies. However, I do (simple present)as good as possible for me. The guidance of the teacher and the study materials matters (simple present) a lot for me. I cannot (simple present) function like a machine. If I understand (simple present) a lesson, I get (simple present) more comfortable with it. This is (simple present) the reason for my changing the major subject a few times in the past. Taking notes and being organized make (simple present) me more comfortable in the class. By the time the midterm or the final exam arrives, I am (simple present) generally ready with my work and the notes of the syllabus. I believe (simple present) my listening to the teacher and focus (simple present) on understand what he or she says in class works in my favor a lot. But, it is (simple present) hard for me to memorize the learning material. In past, negative habits also had (simple past) an impact on me as a student. I used (simple past) to study all night the day before exam. I would try (simple future) to learn all the lessons on that day. However, I understand (simple present) that instead of doing this, if I would have learnt (future perfect) some lessons every night instead, it would have been (perfect continuous) easier for me. Also, my routine of going to sleep late is (simple present) a major issue when it comes (simple present) to learning. In conclusion, I can say (simple present) that negative and positive habits are (simple present) there in every student. It is (simple present) on the student to change the negative habits into positive ones.


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11 Techniques to Improve Your Study Habits

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8 Effective Study Habits for College Students

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Effective study habit is very important for success in college. This is for the students who need to make their study effective in their college.

So if you want to become a successful student, don’t give up, just work to develop your study habits. These top eight habits for an effective study will help for college students into their day-to-day routine & grow their selves into disciplined and adept students.

Effective Study Habits for College Students

1. Take notes while in class

You should always take notes while you are sitting through a lecture or doing a reading. You will write on key terms and ideas quickly in their notebooks immediately. It will help you to revise your lessons and get good marks on your exams.

2. Make a study plan

Planning is very important for studies, scheduling your time according to your studies are an imperative. Many students just make a timetable and think they have the make study schedule and they don’t follow. In colleges, you should require a comprehensive approach for your studies. First, you figure out time that how much time you will need for every subject and what are the alternatives study techniques you have.

3. Arrange your time

Arrange your time according to your studies is very important. You should start studying every study session. Having a set time and place to study and focus on the subject you need to cover. It has been very difficult to manage study and job together, so you should arrange your time carefully.

4. Manage distractions

You need to manage distraction, despite the fact that social media and technology are useful tools but when you studying this time they can distract too much. You should silent or switch your mobiles while studying. So avoid distractions while your studies.

5. Study with a group

Study with the group can help to student grow. When you study with a group you present at a specific time, you can learn faster, learn new study skills, and get the new perspective. The study group environment provides students with an opportunity to engage the discussion of course. It assists students in deep learning in the more effective way.

6. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Don’t be afraid to reach out to professors, classmates and tutors. If you have any doubt you should go to the professors and ask for help. It will help to clear your doubts and problems and increase your knowledge of the particular topic or subject.

7. Testing yourself

Testing yourself is a good practice for studies. As students, it is very good to test yourself. You should be testing your own knowledge through many creative techniques is a good way to increase your knowledge. You can create your own question paper from any topic you studied and check yourself and try new creative ways to test yourself.

8. Take proper rest

Proper rest is very important for students, your brain needs to rest in order to absorb new information. Sleep – deprivation is one of the common issues in young college students, these results in brain fog and making difficulty in right decisions. So sleeping seven and a half hours a day should do, find your apt sleeping time to get the right amount of rest before striking the books.

Being successful in life is a matter of habit, practice and discipline. Students should follow these studying habits and make their studies effective in their college.

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    868 Words4 Pages. My Current Study Habits It seems today weither it be work or school we hear the term homework alomost everuday which means go home and study. To be honest I have meet very few people who likes studying things that are given to them, unless they are interested in that perculiar subject. Being interest in the subject is usuful ...

  12. 13 Effective Study Habit Examples: Improve Your Study Routine

    Schedule study sessions in two, 30-minute to one hour blocks. Take short 5- to 10-minute breaks in between. When you take breaks, you allow your mind to rest, revitalize and be ready for more learning. If you want to see what this looks like then here are 17 free study plan templates.

  13. Develop Good Study Habits Free Essay Example

    Essay, Pages 3 (698 words) Views. 11269. During the past few years, students who maintain good study habits are becoming fewer and fewer. Social activities become more important than staying at home and study. Believe me; developing good habits these days are hard. With all the cool new stuff around, who wouldn't want to skip studying and go ...

  14. Essay On Study Habits

    Essay On Study Habits. 2311 Words10 Pages. INTRODUCTION. Education is the most important invention of mankind, it has a very wide meaning and it is not possible to give it a precise meaning. Different philosophers and scholars have defined education according to their own ideas and philosophies. Education helps an individual to give his/her ...

  15. Improving Study Habits: A Path to Academic Success

    Views. 3505. Developing effective study habits is an essential aspect of academic success, yet it is a challenge many students face. Reflecting on my own study practices, I have realized the need for a transformative shift in my approach to learning. Throughout my three-year tenure as a student at Sierra College, I have grappled with recurring ...

  16. My Study Habits Essay

    806 Words. 4 Pages. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More. Every person has their own academic struggles. They can range from procrastination, to not studying, to even not getting enough sleep. I am guilty of doing many of these myself. I know that I'm going to need to change my study habits in college, I cannot afford ...

  17. Study Habits Essay

    Study Habits: Auditory, Visual, And Tactile. While many individuals may have a multitude of learning abilities, some may be more prominent than others. There are many variations of individuals who contain different learning characteristics or character traits that make them successful in their schooling or work environment.

  18. 6 Crucial Study Habits for College Students

    This way, you won't have to stress the night before a big exam trying to review everything at the last minute. 4. Organize a Study Group. Studying on your own works well for many subjects, but it also might be easier to learn the material if you can bounce ideas off of your classmates. During your first year at college, give group study ...

  19. Good Example Of Study Habits And Routines Essay

    Good Example Of Study Habits And Routines Essay. Type of paper: Essay. Topic: Present, Students, Habits, Learning, Study, Future, Night, Teacher. Pages: 1. Words: 300. Published: 01/10/2023. ORDER PAPER LIKE THIS. I have been (present perfect) an average student in the past. I was (simple past) not too serious about studies.

  20. 11 Techniques to Improve Your Study Habits

    Let's not forget about your home. No matter the size of your apartment or house, we recommend dedicating a little office space just for studying—away from any distractions. Study Habit #2. Avoid social media. Speaking of distractions, nothing can sap away your time for a good 20-30 minutes like good old social media!

  21. 8 Effective Study Habits for College Students

    3. Arrange your time. Arrange your time according to your studies is very important. You should start studying every study session. Having a set time and place to study and focus on the subject you need to cover. It has been very difficult to manage study and job together, so you should arrange your time carefully. 4.

  22. please describe in detail three (3) of your personal study habits

    Peer Discussions: Engaging in discussions with peers has been a game changer for my study habits. I actively seek out study groups where we can collaboratively explore difficult topics. During these sessions, we take turns explaining concepts to one another, which reinforces our understanding.