research project 8613 solved 2021 pdf

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B.Ed (1.5 Year / 2.5 Year)

Course Code: 8613

Name: __________________________________________________________

Roll No. ________________________________________________________

Registration No. ___________ _____________________________________

Semester: _____Autumn 2021_________________________________________________

Region: ____ ___________________________________________________

Theme: _____Children socio economic development___________________________________________________

Sub-theme: _____Resolving Conflicts________________________________________________

Topic: ____Investigate conflicts during classroom learning at grade 6 level children_____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

Name of the School (where the action research was conducted) : ________ _________________________________________________________________

Overall background of the participants of the project; area / school: (socio-economic status, occupation / profession – earning trends of majority of the parents, literacy rate, academic quality, and any other special trait of the community where the school is situated) 10 ( marks)

_I selected ................. For my Project.

The participants of my project or my research were the students of grade 6th.

It was local research that called action research. Before starting my project it was necessary for me to know the overall background of the students . I made a perfoma to collected the overall background and information of the students.

The school is situated in the center of the village 22 MB .This school is many years ago old 8 rooms and two offices and a assembly ground with beautiful greenery. The building of the school is not very good .The school is in the nice place. The view of the school is so good .Many plants and trees are there in the school. There is also a small play ground .Children play many games in it like cricket and hockey.

Socio economic status:

I adopted grade 6 the in the Elementary school 22 MB .

The number of students of grade 6th is 21 .All the students have different background.All the students have different background. Every students have different story. Different kind of people live in this area in which poor,middle and upper status included.

Occupation and earning trends of the parents:

It is rural area therefore most people are attached with agriculture.25% of the parents of students were attached to agriculture.5 % in teaching and 8% were labour and servants in army and police departments.

Most of the students parents had a medium economic level ,So they did not acquire full financial help from family .The involvement of the students in the investigation led to their intelligence for the project.

Literacy rate:

I noted that literacy rate of the village was not so bad. It was 45% but it was good from other villages around 22 MB .People of this village are not educated but know k value of education for this purpose   they send their children to school.

Special trait in community:

The community where the school is situated people have good hobbies like greenery,plomtation and playing games like cricket,volley ball etc.Many peoples migrate to urban areas.


Theme: ______Children socio emotional development.

Sub-theme: __________Resolving Conflict ______________________________________________________

Topic: ___________To investigate resolving conflicts during classroom learning at grade 6th level children __________________________________________________________

1.Why did you select this specific sub-theme and topic? Relate it to your experience / problem in your classroom / institution. (10 marks)

(Give the background and rationale of the study)

I am a trainer teacher and choose Govt Girls Elementary school 22 MB Tehsil Qaidabad District khushab .

For my re project .I choose to improve problem solving skills in students .We know that childhood education is an education scheme for children to grow and develop optimally.

In this stage the development of children is spread in whole aspects ,physical,psychological,social ,spiritual and also being sensitive to students received   from environment.

Easily childhood education is guiding effort which is adressedto children from they born until they are six years old which is conducted through the giving of educational stimitation to help the physical and have mental development to make save that children poses the availability entering in high level of education.


Whenever I started work on this research at very first day . I come to know that its made to be direct invelvoment of patents and teachers frequently appear in the problem solving.Which is forced by children their research aims to describe the level of children skills in solving daily problems based on problem solving.


As a teacher when I started my class .I observed that there are some basic issues regarding to the learning of children .I tried very simple and effective methods to deliver a lecture but at the end of the class I evaluated the class whether they have learn or not but the resultes of the evaluation were not satisfactory.

Then I conducted that there should be some issues reading learning serious steps should be taken in order to   resolve the problems .

There are three reasons about the importance of the problem solving skills for early childhood ,those reasons are .

1:Influencing the function of self adjustment in facing the conflicts.

Being positive and continual spetition to from these competences and positive problem solving which possibly influence the relationship with friends.

This research will explore three benefits of learning problem skills at school .

1:improve academic   performance.

2:Increase confidence

3:Carrior readiness.

I visited some others classes and discuss with other teachers   conclusion were just like my experience in my class.

Due to this problem so that this could be implemented in whole school .

Now a days there is a race of numbers and percentage between students due to all this they do a lot of cramming and can't focus on basic learning skills I want to do research on this topic so that quality of learning .Skills can be ensured .

According to our state of Pakistan we know that all these students will take forward the opportunities to excel but due to very low learning skills they can't guide others colleague and as a result we are going backwards in this era.  

2.What was your discussion with your colleague / friend / senior teacher or supervisor regarding the problem? (05 marks)

(Provide your discussion with your colleague or supervisor for better understanding of the problem and alternate solutions. ___

After attending my class .I visited the headmister's office and informed him my recent evaluation and some of my conclusion related to my research   topic. He appreciated my thoughts and arranged a meeting in which other colleagues also attended and give their feedback on their problem .Teachers discussed that some students are brilliant but due to lack of learning skills which will be effective four their upgrading they cannot show their low% in studies .Then I total my senior teacher that I want to conduct a research on this problem and find atrentative solution to these

problems.From these solutions I will know how there are affecting socio economic background or issues and then I informed all my first day discussion which were between me and my colleagues .He lates on helped me with the provided some solving techniques   and also provided some alternative solutions neighboring to this whole topic which are the alternative solution for this problem are AV aids (audio ,Video) visual demonstration.

These are all my imaginations for this research ,hops in fulfilled all needs which have imagination which complete my research project.

As a trainer teacher I want to solve the problems which the students are facing I noticed that there are many skills in students but they feel shy to show them.They need motivation.

  3.What did you find about the problem in the existing literature (books / articles / websites)? (10 marks)

(Explore books and online resources to know what and how has been already done regarding this problem) _

___In my research project .I read different articles and books on websites.I found that data about my project .Before this many researches worked in how to improve problems solvings skills in students .

We are well aware about the problems of learning in young students so .

I thoroughly studied all the relevant data about my topic which I selected for the aspects regarding this problem solving skills is not only used by adults but it is also essential to create the basics of children's problems solving skills in this growth and development phase Solasamano(2012) also states that

"Problem solving skills is resulted in the learning process which is an important learning result an education"

Problem solving skills for early childhood is very essential to be passed because when children can solve problems they can treate the ability to think logically ,critically systematically (Romadona and Hamadoymi (2018).

Izzapy (2010) adults in her research that there are three reasons about the importance of problem solving skills for early childhood.Those reasons influencing the function of see far adjustment in focusing conflict.

Bring positive and continued reputation to compethenics.

Positive problem solving which possibly influenced the relationship with friends.

The problems faced by children should be immediately solved or responded. In many adults often getting involved and solve problem that should be solved by their children's.

However,whatever problems faced by children even on small things can be an opportunity for the children to develop their problems solving skills.(Brown 1988).

Another research shows children obtain problems solving skills which start from pee school   period and experiment based education programme. Can be implemented to improve children problem solving skills (Unal Aral 2014).

A research by MCLenna 2012 )Faced that by using arts in solving the problems which can be regularly done,can help children to be long life thinkers .

According to Bin ghom ,children problems solving skills see how child ran with problems solving skills utilize .The opportunity they have ,find out different solutions to solve different solutions to solve difficulty they face and make presentation about something children maintain their interests and attention to certain topics for the long period they also notice the details and realize their mistakes (Mclennan 2012).

Errors arise naturally with respect to I logical interference rules .Since ,In individuals processing limits and basics competition from others non delective strategies ,un cectainities about the corrections of a rule can all interference with the way people use them .Role of a teachers and parents to direct students attention to explain with friends and being difficult with learning new   things new games   and others .(VShadiq 2009 .Utomi dkk 2017).

4.What were the major variables / construct of your project? Give definitions / description from literature. (05 marks)

(What are the key terms in your topic or study? what do you mean of these terms? What particular meaning you will attach to the term when used in this project?) In In_____my project learning skills are major variables and its definitions is a problem solving is the act of defining problem determing the cause of problem ,identiciation ,prioritizing and selecting alternative for a solution and implementing a solution .

• Depend variable:

Was tendency teaching of English and problem solving skills using different activities.

• Discrele Variables:

Counts of individuals items or value e.g number of the students in a class.

•Continous variables:

Measurement of continuous or non finite values e.g distance ,volume age, etc.

Some worry that school may emphasize such rudiments as reading and computations at the expense of others essential skills as comprehension ,analysis solving problems and drawing conclusions ( National commission on Excellence in education 1983).

5.What did you want to achieve in this research project? (05 marks)

(Objective / purpose of the study; what was the critical question that was tried to be answered in this project) ______________My topic that__choose   project as was to improve problem solving skills in students through the use of puzzle and giving daily life problem situations.

According to my topic the objectives are:

1)To find the possible methods and ways to reduce the problem solving techniques.

2) Identify methods appropriate for solving problems .

3) Identify methods appropriate for solving problems with working with children .


The main purpose is to find out its ability to find the root cause of difficult problems and to from variable solutions for the problem .

Critical questions!

The critical questions in my topic is How can I improve the problem solving skills in students.

6.Who were the participants in your project? (05 marks)

(Give details of the individuals or groups who were focused in this project e.g. the early-grade students whose handwriting in Urdu was not good or the students of class VIII who did not have good communication skills)   _______________My research topic was related to how problem solving skills can be solved for the students using different method .Participants of my project were given below   with individual details.



3:Parents of students_.

Individually each participants plays different roles.

•1)Students .

My   research was conducted of grade 6 .Many students gave me positive response but poor in problem solving skills .

•2)Parents .

I hold many meeting of parents to students I observed huge difference between educated and uneducated parents speaking and thinking skills .

7.How did you try to solve the problem? (10 marks)

( Narrate the process step-wise. Procedure of intervention and data collection ) _________According to my topic ,problem solving skills in students and I choose grade 6 th for my project .Firstly I judeged the problem and I prepared a performa and observation sheet.I knew about the problem through apitiude problem solving   .My research is a kind of descipline research which describes and ansumes related to phenomenon whether single variable ,correlation or comparison of model.

• Method:

Children who participated into group A and B of Govt Elementary School 22 MB district khushab .

Students from 7 - 9 years joined the activity for 3-5 minutes . They are asked to see pictures and see what they experienced some open questions are used as an instruments to obtain results . The results of interview are responses from   children which are collected by congnize the level of problem solving skills .

I solved this problem through google voice,tablets and different AV aids .

• Practice:

I watched the student different games and pentings .I set my lecture starting friendly .

• Data collection.

At last I prepared a questionaire and then I judged about improvement collected data through the questionnaire .    

8.What kind of instrument was used to collect the data? How was the instrument developed? (05 marks)

(For example: observation, rating scale, interview, student work, portfolio, test, etc)

  The data is going to he collected from the students of Govt Elementary school 2MB.

My project on problem solving skills are to improve them by many methods one of the best method was to solve daily life problems .

I also used electronic media to resolve the problem solving   skills in students and decided to we different types of instruments .

Long term memory.

Short term memory and working memory .

Response to learning test or problem .

• Observation    sheet in the beginning of class I prepared an observation sheet to judge general aspects of problem solving skills.

• Rating Scale:

Rating scale prepared for critesian description ,scale length   scale format and scale user.It is a data collection method that was usable for future research.

Students work during class I asked the students new questions in order to understand whether they have understood the problem or not.

However ,I found that some students understood the problem very quickly but some very lazy to understanding .

• Portfolio:

I also collected the paragraphs ,drawing etc,that were   used for my work .

• Questionaire preparation:

In this method prepared questionnaire to rate the ability of students in understanding the problem e.g strong agreed     .

Natural disagree   .  

9.What were the findings and conclusion? ( Provide instruments and analysis as appendix ) (10 marks) I I          __I__collected the data from different grades 1to 8 .

The research was temporary and on load level.

Test data: Based____on   test results after the action of this research the problem solving skills of children were improved .The analysis of the students problem solving skills show that that there is a gradual improvement.

In the pee test mean of students score is 38.2 while post man of study scores was 78.5.

Category ( low      ,high     ,medium ) (9    ,11. 5).

Based on table 2 it can be seen that the result of problem skills of children on high category only research 20%.

  That result is the whole result of children in the school . However the achievement between groups A and B can be seen in figures 2. Based on figure 2,it can be seen that the identification results of in to be see and compare children's problem solving skills between group A and B which is not significant different .      


•Questionaire Results :

Based on first questionnaire that distributed before the auction result the students admitted that their confidence and their intrincis were low but after all the activity students gave me good response .They enjoyed the lesson because they could watch cartoons,films and games also and could learn something from it .

• Research findings:

The improvement of students problem solving skills.Students learning experience. The improvement of class room situation during teaching and learning desires.

The students behavior outside the class.

•Before action research :

The students problem solving skills were low.

Using traditional methods keep leatening .

•After action research:

The students problem solving skills get better using various teaching media.

Having tending to become more careful and talkative .

The goal of research was to improve problem solving skills .In which as a result of questionnaire was bad almost 29.6% students were strongly agreed 49% students were normally agreed and 13.9% gave nectural answers .Therefore it seems majority of students agreed to fact of improving problem solving skills.


My conclusion was that the problem solving skills through games computer ,T.v cartoons ,films and otherAV aids   were very effective because they can be improved very efficiently .The students problem solving skills is shown from it difference of the students mean score between before and after the action.

The improvement was shown from the students   attitude during the action .During the implementation of the action the students were more active and relaxed .It was totally different from their attitude in first meeting but it was difficult from this attitude in first but it was difficult improve skills because it was rural area.

•Appendix,Guideline for reflective report.

The following questions are guideline to reflect you feeling and progress.

Do feel more improved.

Which find more useful part?

What were solving strategies you used to over come problem .

How is it helping in your problem solving skills improvement.

10.Summary of the Project (05 marks)

(What and how was the research conducted – main objective, process and findings)

For my project I selected Govt Girls Elemtery school 22 MB university recommended some developing basic skills in which theme and sub the me resolving conflict and my topic is To improve problem solving skills in child . My project participants were students of grade 6.

Before starting my work I prepared a performa to guide the problems of students and their skills to improve them. In rural areas the mother language was Punjabi and students faced many problems. I decided to solve their problem by electronic media. Students watched t.v cartoons ,films they used google .After this activity students learn to solve their problem and they learn some skills.They faced problems to learning and pronouncing many English words e.g A word is ANTARICA the students performed pronounced the word as AN - TAR-TICA. Similar my they faced problem is learning the lenghthy questions. They faced problem in practicing the simple question of mathematics After viewing some tricks on google and TV they learnt many ideas and tricks to learn the lesson.

   After performing the activity the students work happy and were satisfied .   They were very active.They took interest in learning new ideas from electronic media for students .By this activity .I found best result in students .Use of electronic media for students was veryeffective in developing new skills in the students.

11.How do you feel about this practice? What have you learnt? (self-reflection) (10 marks) __

My research in rural area school Govt Girls Elementary school 22 MB on improving problem solving skills in students and my project participants were class students .

My students were of grade 6 .In rural areas people usually speak language in Punjab.

Varying the problems also requires changing the strategies that will yield successful solution.

Especially in math teachers creates problem sets that all use the games arithmetic operations.(Butt 1980).

One suggestion for creating problem requiring different strategies is to start with mathematical sentences and work back to develop a word problem that restates that math sentences.(Riediesel 1969).

I choose electronic media for improving problem solving skills in students. The main objectives of small scale study was to identify frequency manners and typed of electronic devices were used to practice and improve problem   solving skills.

I used different activities in class many students have weak problems solving skills   .

After this activity (watching t.v cartoons ,games )students were happy and learn quickly with interest .I feel very good and I think in rural areas teachers should concentrates on the students who have weak problems solving skills.

12.What has it added to your professional skills as a teacher? (05 marks)

It added some new things in my knowledge ,key points are given below.

It made me a good organizer .

It has made me ready for everything I was not a good organizer.

It is very more effective learning environment.

It has made me innovative . I started to find out new things before .

I had no interest but I started my project ,I felt great change in my thinking . I am capable to find out new things and this project made me very innovative.

It has made me a good ,effective teacher and mentor .It has made me capable to guide the students for right direction.It has made me a good role model.How can I encouraged the students and lead me capable to guide the students for right direction.How can I encourage the students to right success .

It has made me confident .A teachers confidence can help to influence others to be better person. It has made me capable to understand the technology .I understood clearly all digital tool of electronic media.

After this activity .I feel that other students can absorb more information by using AVaids .Student response was positive .Students say that this activity us very interesting and they learn a lot from this activity.It has improved their skills of learning and pronouncing the words .I also lwarnt many skills which that I did not know already and I corrected my concepts that were wrong. It added many new skills of listening .Learning and skills of problem solving of students all these skills are added to my professional by the help of this project.

13.List the works you cited in your project (follow the APA manual – 6 th Edition). (05 marks)

Examples of format are available on websites. ____•Abdullah F.A.P.B(2006). The pattern of physical problems solving from the perspective of metacognition .Master dissentation . University of Combridge http:\\People /kst 24/.

Research students /Abdullah 2006 metacognition .polf .

•Artz,A.F and Armous Thomas E .(1992).

Development of a cognitive metacognitive framework for protocol analysis of mathematical problems solving in same groups .

•Heywarth R .M (1999) procedural and conceptual knowledge of experts and novics students for solving of a basic problem.

•Elavell .J.H (1976) Metacognitive aspects of problem solving .In Resick L.B (FD).

The nature of intelligence .Hillsdale,NT .Lawrence Eslhaum.

•Friege ,G and lind G (2006) types and qualities of knowledge and their solution of problem solving and their solving in physical international Journel of science and Mathematical Education 4,437-465.

•Lee K.W.L(1985) Cognitive variable in problem solving in chemistry research in science education 15.43 -50 . 

•Lee K.W.L ,Tong ,W,Goh Nomd chia (2001) the predicting role of cognitive variable in problem solving in mole concept,chemistry education .Research and practice in Europe .

•Lee K.W.L ,Goh ,N chia L.S and chia (1996) Cognitive variables in problem solving in chemistry ,A revisiteds study ,science education 80,691-710.

•Pasandsford .J.and stein B (1984).

The IDEAL ,Problems solves .A guide for improving thinking ,learning and Creating ,New York W.H freeman .

•Gobel .D.L and Bunce D.M (1994) .

Research on problem solving ,chemistry in D.L Gabel (Ed).

Hand book of research on science ,teaching and learning project of national Science Haches association New York .

AIOU Research project 8613 solved spring 2021 Resolving Conflict To investigate resolving conflicts during classroom learning at grade 6th level children 

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Aiou 8613 research project topics 2023 solved pdf download, theme for research project (c-8613), bed (1.5 & 2.5 years).

Latest New AIOU 8613 Research Project Topics 2023 Autumn 2023 Click Here

About the subject cited above, the theme and related sub-themes for conducting a research project (C-8613) for Spring 2023 semester will be as follows:

Soft Skills


To access a sample research project on the theme of Soft Skills and its sub-themes, please click on your desired sub-theme for the AIOU 8613 Research Project.

  • Time management
  • Decision making
  • Conflict resolution
  • Work ethics
  • Attention to details
  • Problem-solving

AIOU 8613 Research Project Topics 2023 Solved Pdf Download Flexibility and Adaptability Hard skills are related to specific technical knowledge and training while soft skills are personality traits (some of them are enlisted above).

A successful professional in this modern-day world requires both hard and soft skills. Schools are meant to transform students and develop them holistically for future life, so they are responsible for developing all kinds of skills among their students required in their future workplaces.

B.Ed Research Project 8613 Solved Spring 2023: Click Here

AIOU 8613 Research Project Topics 2023 Solved Pdf Download The primary objective of the Research Project is to involve student-teachers in the action research process. This engagement enables them to go through a cycle that involves collecting data, formulating inquiries, reflecting on their findings, and determining a suitable course of action.

By undertaking research projects, students can gain a deeper understanding of specific issues or phenomena while also enhancing their grasp of the research process.


  • The impact of leadership development programs on leadership skills among secondary school students.
  • Exploring the relationship between leadership skills and academic achievement in secondary school students.
  • Assessing the influence of student leadership positions on personal growth and self-confidence.
  • The role of leadership in promoting a positive school culture and student engagement.
  • Investigating the gender differences in leadership aspirations and development among secondary school students.
  • Examining the effectiveness of peer mentoring programs in fostering leadership skills among secondary school students.
  • The impact of leadership training on students’ transition to higher education and future careers.
  • Analyzing the challenges and opportunities for student leaders in a diverse secondary school environment.
  • Exploring the role of leadership in extracurricular activities and community service among secondary school students.
  • Investigating the relationship between leadership skills and social-emotional development in secondary school students.
  • The benefits and challenges of collaborative learning in secondary school classrooms.
  • Investigating the impact of teamwork on academic achievement and problem-solving skills among secondary school students.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of team-building activities in enhancing collaboration among secondary school students.
  • Exploring the influence of team dynamics on student motivation and engagement in group projects.
  • Analyzing the role of communication and active listening skills in successful teamwork among secondary school students.
  • The impact of diverse team compositions on creativity and innovation among students.
  • Examining the relationship between team cohesion and student satisfaction in secondary school settings.
  • Investigating strategies for resolving conflicts and promoting effective communication within student teams.
  • The influence of teamwork on social skills development and peer relationships among secondary school students.
  • Exploring the impact of team-based assessments on student learning outcomes and overall academic performance.

Time Management:

  • The relationship between time management skills and academic success among secondary school students.
  • Exploring the impact of technology on time management practices and study habits among students.
  • Assessing the effectiveness of time management workshops in improving academic performance in secondary school.
  • Time management strategies for balancing academic workload, extracurricular activities, and personal responsibilities.
  • The influence of procrastination on time management and its effects on student achievement.
  • Examining the role of self-regulation and goal-setting in developing effective time management skills among students.
  • The impact of time management interventions on student stress levels and overall well-being.
  • Analyzing the time management challenges faced by secondary school students in remote learning environments.
  • Exploring the relationship between time management skills and student motivation in secondary school settings.
  • Investigating the link between time management skills and successful transition to higher education.

Decision Making:

  • Exploring the decision-making processes of secondary school students in choosing their academic paths.
  • The impact of decision-making skills on academic planning and goal-setting among students.
  • Analyzing the role of self-efficacy and self-awareness in effective decision-making among secondary school students.
  • The influence of decision-making styles on academic performance and satisfaction in secondary school.
  • Examining the factors that influence secondary school students’ choices regarding extracurricular activities.
  • The role of career guidance and counseling in supporting informed decision-making among students.
  • Investigating the decision-making strategies of secondary school students in course selection and subject choices.
  • The impact of decision-making interventions on students’ confidence and resilience in secondary school.
  • Exploring the influence of ethical considerations on decision-making among secondary school students.
  • Investigating the decision-making processes of secondary school students regarding future education and career paths.

Conflict Resolution:

  • The role of conflict resolution skills in promoting positive peer relationships among secondary school students.
  • Analyzing the impact of conflict resolution training on student satisfaction and social-emotional well-being.
  • Investigating the conflict resolution strategies employed by secondary school students in interpersonal relationships.
  • The influence of cultural diversity on conflict resolution approaches among students.
  • Examining the effectiveness of peer mediation programs in reducing conflicts and bullying incidents in schools.
  • The impact of restorative justice practices on conflict resolution and student disciplinary processes.
  • Analyzing the factors that contribute to conflicts among secondary school student groups and clubs.
  • The role of emotional intelligence in conflict resolution and empathy among students.
  • Exploring the relationship between conflict resolution skills and academic engagement in secondary school.
  • Investigating the effectiveness of conflict resolution interventions in promoting a positive school climate.

Work Ethics:

  • The influence of work ethics on academic integrity and honesty among secondary school students.
  • Analyzing the relationship between work ethics and student motivation in secondary school settings.
  • Investigating the impact of work ethics education on ethical decision-making among students.
  • Exploring the role of work ethics in promoting responsibility and accountability among secondary school students.
  • The influence of work ethics on student engagement in extracurricular activities and community service.
  • Assessing the perception of secondary school students regarding the importance of work ethics in their academic journey.
  • The impact of work ethics on teamwork and collaboration among student groups and clubs.
  • Examining the ethical considerations in academic research and project work among secondary school students.
  • The role of mentors and role models in instilling work ethics and professionalism among students.
  • Investigating the relationship between work ethics and future career success among secondary school students.

Attention to Details:

  • The influence of attention to detail on academic performance and achievement among secondary school students.
  • Assessing the impact of attention to detail on written assignments, presentations, and project work.
  • Exploring strategies for improving attention to detail in note-taking and information processing among students.
  • The role of attention to detail in scientific experiments and laboratory work among secondary school students.
  • Analyzing the influence of attention to detail on critical reading and comprehension skills in secondary school.
  • Investigating the relationship between attention to detail and academic integrity among students.
  • The impact of attention to detail on accuracy and precision in data collection and analysis.
  • Examining the attention to detail challenges faced by secondary school students in online learning environments.
  • The influence of attention to detail on the quality of student contributions in class discussions and debates.
  • Assessing the perception of secondary school students regarding the importance of attention to detail in their academic and personal lives.


  • The impact of problem-solving skills on academic performance and critical thinking abilities among secondary school students.
  • Analyzing the relationship between problem-solving abilities and innovation among students.
  • Exploring problem-solving strategies employed by secondary school students in academic and real-life contexts.
  • Investigating the influence of creativity on problem-solving approaches and outcomes among students.
  • The role of technology in enhancing problem-solving skills and digital literacy among secondary school students.
  • Assessing the impact of problem-based learning on student engagement and problem-solving abilities.
  • The influence of problem-solving interventions on student persistence and academic success.
  • Examining the problem-solving challenges faced by secondary school students in interdisciplinary projects.
  • The role of metacognitive strategies in developing effective problem-solving skills among students.
  • Investigating the relationship between problem-solving skills and future career success among secondary school students.
  • The role of curiosity in promoting active learning and inquiry-based education among secondary school students.
  • Analyzing the impact of curiosity-driven research projects on student engagement and motivation in secondary school.
  • Exploring strategies for cultivating curiosity and fostering a love for learning among students.
  • Investigating the influence of curiosity on information-seeking behaviors and independent study habits.
  • The Role of Curiosity in interdisciplinary learning and knowledge integration among secondary school students.
  • Assessing the perception of secondary school students regarding the importance of curiosity in their academic journey.
  • The impact of curiosity on student-driven projects and exploration of new subjects.
  • Examining the relationship between curiosity and critical thinking skills among secondary school students.
  • Investigating the factors that enhance or hinder curiosity in secondary school students.
  • Exploring the influence of curiosity on student career exploration and decision-making processes.

The Research Project is structured as an activity-based course, where student-teachers are required to complete the project under the guidance of a supervisor. To familiarize students with the concept and methodology of action research, a 3-day workshop will be conducted. During this workshop, students will be assigned their supervisors, and it is recommended that the research topic be finalized at this time.

Regular one-on-one meetings between the student-teachers and their supervisors will take place to monitor progress and determine the way forward. A minimum of nine meetings will be scheduled, based on mutual agreement between the supervisor and the student-teachers.

It is mandatory for the student-teachers to complete the work (booklet) within the specified timeframe and submit it to the regional office with the supervisor’s approval. Only students who have attended at least 80% of the workshop sessions will be permitted to submit their reports to the regional offices.

To ensure effective supervision, each supervisor will be assigned a maximum of 25 students at a time. However, in exceptional cases, the number of students may be increased with prior approval from the Chairman of the Department of Early Childhood Education and Elementary Teacher Education.

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 AIOU Research Project (C-8613) Bed, Autumn 2022

on 1 year ago

Aiou research project (c-8613) bed, autumn 2022.

Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad

Theme For Research Project (C-8613),

Bed (1.5 & 2.5 Year), Autumn 2022

Contact For Solved Research Project 0316-4962025

Theme: Developing 21 st Century Skills Among Students

  • Building Creativity Among Students Through Classroom Activities.
  • Developing Creativity Through Classroom Presentations Among Grade 8 Students
  • Developing Creativity Through Model Activity Among Students Of 7th Grade
  • Developing Creativity Through Discussion Activities Among Grade 8th Students
  • Enhancement Of Creativity Among Students Using Problem-Based Instructions
  • Developing Creativity By Self-Esteem Among Grade 7th Students
  • Developing Creativity In 6th Graders Through Setting Goals And Achieving Them
  • Click Here For Download Solved Manual Research Project 8613


  • Enhance Collaboration Through Teamwork Among 9th Class Students
  • Developing Collaboration Through Extra-Curricular Activities Among Students Of 8th Grade
  • Developing Collaboration Among Students Through Team Work In Grade 5th
  • Developing Collaboration In Students By Program Activities In Class 6th Grade Students
  • Developing Collaboration Among Children By Group Task At Level Of Grade 5
  • Developing Collaboration Through Story Telling Method Among 4th Grade Students
  • Developing Collaboration Through Student Participation Strategies Among Students Of Grade 5

Information Literacy

  • Improving Information Literacy Through Self-Discipline Among Elementary Grade Students
  • Developing Information Literacy Through Discussion Activities Among Grade 8th Students
  • Develop The Information Literacy Of Student Of Class Five Through Use Of Modern Technology
  • Enhancing Information Literacy Through Effectiveness Of Inquiry Teaching Among Class 8 Students
  • Enhancing Information Literacy Among Students Through Project Work At Grade 9th

Global Awareness

  • Enhancing Global Awareness Of Students Through Communication And Interaction Among Grade 5
  • Enhancing Global Awareness Among Students Through Motivation At Grade 6
  • Enhancing Global Awareness Through Respecting Others Among 7th Graders
  • Enhancing Global Awareness Through Trust And Relationship Among Class 7th Students
  • Enhancing Student’s Global Awareness At Grade 4th Through Story Book

Social Responsibility

  • Developing Social Responsibility Through Accomplishing Shared Goals Among Grade 6th Students
  • Developing Social Responsibility In Students Through Group Activities Among Grade 5th Students
  • Developing Social Responsibility Through Comparing Yourself With Other Among 7 Class Students
  • Development Of Social Responsibility Among Students In School Using Social Test Method
  • Examine Role Of Public Education Schools In Developing Social Responsibility In The Light Of Contemporary Global Trends
  • Developing Roots Of Social Responsibility In Childhood And Adolescence
  • Action Research To Check The Sense Of Responsibility Of Primary School Students

Media Literacy

  • Enhancing Media Literacy of 7th grade students through presentations
  • Enhancing Media Literacy through self-esteem activities among grade 8th students
  • improve Media Literacy through organizations skills among primary grade students
  • Developing Media Literacy through questioning among grade 6 children

Self - Regulation

  • Developing Self-Regulation Trough Telling Story Among 5 Grade Students
  • Developing Self-Regulation Using Determination Among 7th Grade Students
  • Strategies For Building Emotional Regulation And Empathy In Children At Secondary School Grade 10th
  • Developing Self-Regulating Behavior In Children Using Educational Apps
  • Recognizing And Supporting The Self-Regulating Habits Among Children At Primary Level
  • To Develop Self-Regulating Behavior In Children Through Motivation At Grade 5

Global Citizenship

  • Enhancing Global Citizenship Though Leadership Skills
  • Developing Global Citizenship Among 8th Grade Students Through Islamic Stories

Civic Literacy

  • A Study On Civic Literacy Through Embracing Self-Acceptance Among Students At Secondary Level
  • Develop Civic Literacy In Young Children Through Collaborations
  • Examine Need For Civic Education In 21st-Century Schools
  • Examine Primary School Students’ Civic Literacy And Its Affecting Factors

Digital Literacy

  • Developing Digital Literacy Through Praising And Acknowledging Accomplishment Among Secondary Level Students
  • Developing Digital Literacy For Students Thought Positive Reinforcement Among Grade 5
  • Developing Digital Literacy By Using Group Activities Among 5th Grade Students
  • Developing Digital Literacy Through Different Activities Among Students Of Grade 5th
  • Enhancing Digital Literacy Of Students Through Boosting Activities At Primary Level
  •, Joher, Numan Usama Khan


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AIOU B.ED Thesis Format Solved Manual Research Project 8613

Students who are seeking AIOU B.ED (1.5 YEAR/2.5 YEAR) Thesis Manual Format Solved 8613 Research Project online. This page is for those students who need assignments research project thesis. We provide all kinds of assignments with 100% Approval guarantee. A very highly qualified professionals staff always available for help. We also provide AIOU B.Ed all subjects manual research project pdf and Solved Assignments in PDF and MS Word Format. You are on the right place where if you looking for how to write a B.ed thesis of AIOU for free.

We will give you step by step guidelines of it’s Procedure and Formatting. It is very easy to complete your Manual Research Project by just submitting the assignments, giving examinations and doing a workshop of 2 weeks.

AIOU 8613 Research Project Solved pdf

Allama Iqbal open University was established in 1974. The University follows a modified two semesters per year (Spring-Autumn). Admission forms and prospectus could be purchased from the University’s main campus, 44-Regional Campuses and more than 100- Coordinating Offices across the country. Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad was established in 1974, it is Asia’s first open university with a strong emphasis on providing distance education in philosophy, natural science and social sciences. AIOU offers extensive undergraduate and post-graduate programs in academic disciplines. AIOU is one of oldest and well-known university of Pakistan that has the privilege of being the second Open University of the world.

AIOU 8613 Research Project 8613 Thesis Manual Format

Aiou b.ed thesis sample click here to download.

We also provide research project thesis of all levels. Those students who need any kind of help regarding any AIOU research project, free to discuss in the comment box given. Our expert team will help you in any case and also will help to solve the educational/social problem.

AIOU B.ed Thesis Guidelines Click here to Download

Please note that the 3-days workshop is a mandatory component of the course and at least 80% attendance in the workshop sessions is compulsory. The failing student will be disqualified for report submission and evaluation and he/she has to attend again the workshop.

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Aiou Research Project 8613 solved Solved Manual Research Project 8613 Thesis The purpose of this research project 8613 is to train the teacher so that they are able to teach student when appointed in their relevant school in a better way. Thesis manual research project is a way for the new teacher to provide good teaching methodology and modern way of teaching. But I saw that many trainee teacher s are unable to understand this Bed Research project thesis 8613 and facing many trouble to solved Research project course code 8613 and being worried about that and asking each other that how to solve Research project course code 8613. The main of this research project is to make the teacher program more effective. Due to this AIOU has started this project for their students. AIOU is very good platform that provide brilliant knowledge to their student on their homes. AIOU has started this program so that every student who have aim to come in teaching profession must be learn how to teach in the class which methodology is best for student to understand lecture or lesson while during delivered. For this purpose I asked the teacher don’t worry I am going to tell you How to Solve Manual Research project code 8613. First of all you have the option to choose the project topic for example I choose the topic “Improving speaking skills and improving the confidence in the student” Here I am going to solve manual Research project course code 8613 Mnual Research Project Course Code 8613 B.ed 1.5 year/2.5 year Name: Here you must write your name only Roll Number: Write your roll number Registration Number: Write Registration number Semester: write your semester for example spring 2020 Region: Write your region city Theme: write the theme of te topic for example to improve speaking skills Sub theme: Write sub them relevant ot your topic and subtheme Topic: Write your topic for example I choose the topic “Improving speaking skills and improving the confidence in the student” TOPIC APPROVAL FORM “This form must be submitted during the 03 days’ workshop” Student Name: Write your name Registration Number: Write Registration Number Roll Number: Write your roll number Programme: Write programe for example B.ed 1.5 year Supervisor Name: Write your supervisor name for example Sarfraz Khan Theme: write the theme of te topic for example to improve speaking skills Sub theme: Write sub them relevant ot your topic and subtheme Topic: Write your topic for example I choose the topic “Improving speaking skills and improving the confidence in the student” Workshop Coordinator Signature: Sign of the workshop training teacher Resource Person-1 Signature: Sign of the resource person Resource Person-2 Signature: Sign of the resource person Date of Approval of Topic: Write the date Name of the School : Write the name of the school where your manual action research was conducted for example Govt High School Rawalpindi Theme: write the theme of te topic for example to improve speaking skills Sub theme: Write sub them relevant ot your topic and subtheme Topic: Write your topic for example I choose the topic “Improving speaking skills and improving the confidence in the student” Question No:1 Why did you select this specific sub-theme and topic? Relate it to your experience , problem in your classroom ,institution. It has ten 10 marks) (Give the background and rationale of the study) In this area write the background and socio economic status it mean living life style of the people of the people live near the school and also their occupation and earing trend.Give the heading like Socio Economic Status: First of all I selected the class 9th of the school Govet High School Rawalpindi. Total number of the student in this class was 50.All the student were present on this day. Each and every student have different back ground and living socio economic living status. Occupation Write the occupation of the people lived in this area if they belongs to a rural area than write that most of the people were framer. Rate Of Literacy Aiou Research Project 8613 solved

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    This document outlines the guidelines for a research project course required for B.Ed students. The project aims to engage students in an action research process to address an educational problem or improve a classroom practice. It will be supervised by qualified faculty and involve workshops, meetings, data collection, analysis and a written report. The goal is for students to experience the ...

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    B.Ed Research Project 8613 Solved Spring 2023: Click Here. AIOU 8613 Research Project Topics 2023 Solved Pdf Download The primary objective of the Research Project is to involve student-teachers in the action research process. This engagement enables them to go through a cycle that involves collecting data, formulating inquiries, reflecting on ...

  18. AIOU Research Project (C-8613) Bed, Autumn 2022

    Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad. Theme For Research Project (C-8613), Bed (1.5 & 2.5 Year), Autumn 2022. Contact For Solved Research Project 0316-4962025. Theme: Developing 21 st Century Skills Among Students. Sub Theme. Creativity. Building Creativity Among Students Through Classroom Activities. Developing Creativity Through Classroom ...

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