IB Extended Essay: Assessment Criteria
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Score Descriptors for each Criterion:
- A - Focus and Method
- B - Knowledge and Understanding
- C - Critical Thinking
- D - Presentation
- E - Engagement
Printable: Full Rubric for all subjects
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Grade Boundaries
What's Expected?
- A: Focus/Method
- B: Knowledge
- C: Critical Thinking
- D: Presentation
- E: Engagement
- A: Focus and Method (6 marks)
- B: Knowledge and Understanding (6 marks)
- C: Critical Thinking (12 marks)
- D: Presentation (4 marks)
- E: Engagement (6 marks)
- Total marks possible: 34 (see grade boundaries below)
- Printable: Full Rubric
- Printable: A3 size with details
- Printable: Details for each criterion , via the Oxford guide
Criterion A: Focus and Method (6 points)
What It Means: This criterion focuses on the topic, the research question and the methodology. It assesses the explanation of the focus of the research (this includes the topic and the research question), how the research will be undertaken, and how the focus is maintained throughout the essay.
Questions to ask:
- Does this essay meet the requirements for the subject for which you are registering it?
- Is your research question stated as a question?
- Have you explained how your research question relates to the subject that you selected for the extended essay?
- Have you given an insight into why your area of study is important?
- Is your research question feasible within the scope of the task? Could your research question be “answered” or it is too vague?
- Did you refer to your research question throughout the essay (not only in the introduction and conclusion)?
- Did you explain why you selected your methodology?
- Are there other possible methods that could be used or applied to answer your research question? How might this change the direction of your research?
- If you stated a particular methodology in the introduction of your essay, or specific sources, have you used them?
- Are there any references listed in the bibliography that were not directly cited in the text?
(Source: Susan Trower, via West Sound Academy)
Criterion B: Knowledge and Understanding (6 points)
What It Means: This criterion assesses the extent to which the research relates to the subject area/discipline used to explore the research question; or in the case of the world studies extended essay, the issue addressed and the two disciplinary perspectives applied; and additionally, the way in which this knowledge and understanding is demonstrated through the use of appropriate terminology and concepts.
- Have you explained how your research question relates to a specific subject you selected for the extended essay?
- Have you used relevant terminology and concepts throughout your essay as they relate to your particular area of research?
- Is it clear that the sources you are using are relevant and appropriate to your research question?
- Do you have a range of sources, or have you only relied on one particular type, for example internet sources?
- Is there a reason why you might not have a range? Is this justified?
(Source: Oxford EE manual, p. 110)
Criterion C: Critical Thinking (12 points)
What It Means: This criterion assesses the extent to which critical thinking skills have been used to analyze and evaluate the research undertaken.
- Have you made links between your results and data collected and your research question?
- If you included data or information that is not directly related to your research question have you explained its importance?
- Are your conclusions supported by your data?
- If you found unexpected information or data have you discussed its importance?
- Have you provided a critical evaluation of the methods you selected?
- Have you considered the reliability of your sources (peer-reviewed journals, internet, and so on)?
- Have you mentioned and evaluated the significance of possible errors that may have occurred in your research?
- Are all your suggestions of errors or improvements relevant?
- Have you evaluated your research question?
- Have you compared your results or findings with any other sources?
- Is there an argument that is clear and easy to follow and directly linked to answering your research question, and which is supported by evidence? Are there other possible methods that could be used or applied to answer your research question? How might this change the direction of your research?
(Source: Oxford EE Manual p. 111)
Handy Links:
- Presentation One Pager via Catalina Bordoy
- Presentation Checklist
- Sample Title page (see below - top half of the page)
Criterion D: Presentation ( 4 points)
What It Means: This criterion assesses the extent to which the presentation follows the standard format expected for academic writing and the extent to which this aids effective communication.
- Have you read and understood the presentation requirements of the extended essay?
- Have you chosen a font that will be easy for examiners to read on-screen?
- Is your essay double-spaced and size 12 font?
- Are the title and research question mentioned on the cover page?
- Are all pages numbered?
- Have you prepared a correct table of contents?
- Do the page numbers in the table of contents match the page numbers in the text?
- Is your essay subdivided into correct sub-sections, if this is applicable to the subject?
- Are all figures and tables properly numbered and labelled?
- Does your bibliography contain only the sources cited in the text?
- Did you use the same reference system throughout the essay?
- Does the essay have less than 4,000 words?
- Is all the material presented in the appendices relevant and necessary?
- Have you proofread the text for spelling or grammar errors?
Criterion E: Engagement
- Three reflections (best after meeting with your supervisor)
- 500 words TOTAL (100 + 150 + 250?)
- Reflections are done in Managebac on your Reflection space
- See the "Reflections" tab above for prompts to write about
(Source: Oxford EE Manual p.135)
(Source: Oxford EE Manual p.133)
- Sample Reflections
- Full chapter on Reflections from the Oxford Guide
Criterion E: Engagement (6 points)
What It Means: This criterion assesses the student’s engagement with their research focus and the research process. It will be applied by the examiner at the end of the assessment of the essay, after considering the student’s RPPF (Reflections on planning and progress form).
- Have you demonstrated your engagement with your research topic and the research process?
- Have you highlighted challenges you faced and how you overcame them?
- Will the examiner get a sense of your intellectual and skills development?
- Will the examiner get a sense of your creativity and intellectual initiative?
- For prompts to deepen your reflections, go here and then to the bottom of the page
- Presentation Quick Guide
- << Previous: In-Text Citations
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- Last Updated: Apr 9, 2024 9:39 AM
- URL: https://sis-cn.libguides.com/ExtendedEssay
Economics scoring rubric
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Economics Extended Essay Guide: Everything You Need to Learn
by Antony W
April 18, 2024
This guide covers everything you need to learn before you write an IB Economics Extended Essay.
We look at the definition, structure, assessment criteria, topic selection, data collection, analysis and evaluation, and reflection.
What is an IB Economics Extended Essay?
An Economics Extended Essay is a 4,000-word autonomous, self-directed report based on a topic of personal interest. This project allows you to:
- Improve your research skills.
- Apply economic theories to a real-world issue.
- Analyze and evaluate the outcomes of your study.
The essay requires 40 hours of preparation and writing. Moreover, you’ll get help from your school-based supervisor throughout this period. The result should be a clear and well-organized analytical essay.
To write a comprehensive Economics EE, you must dedicate time to conduct in-depth research to collect meaningful and reliable data you can use to analyze the context of your theory and research issue.
IB Economics Extended Essay Structure
Your Economics EE should feature a title page, table of contents, introduction, methodology, main body, conclusion, bibliography, and appendices.
- Title Page: Write the title of the essay, the EE research question , subject, and word count.
- Table of Contents: Make sure each section mentioned in your table of contents has corresponding page numbers.
- Introduction: Explain the focus of the essay, the scope of the research, and your line of argument.
- Main Body: Write reasoned arguments for the issue under investigation. Use subheadings for methodology, analysis, discussion, and evaluation.
- Conclusion: Communicate what you’ve achieved. Mention the limitation of your research and note what your research question couldn’t answer.
- Bibliography: Cite all the EE sources to demonstrate that you engaged in in-depth research and that you care about academic integrity.
IB Economics Extended Essay Assessment Criteria
The assessment criteria for an extended essay in economics examine focus and method, knowledge and understanding, critical thinking, presentation, and engagement. The following table is a complete summary of the marking scheme.
Economics Extended Essay Topic Selection
The best economics EE topic is the one that you find interesting enough to explore, as long as the focus remains on the fundamentals of economic concepts.
We strongly suggest you choose a topic that allows you to apply economic theories, methods and instruments present in the curriculum. Remember, the assignment requires you to conduct secondary research. However, you may also conduct pertinent original research depending on the topic you choose.
Your topic should:
- Be historical. However, your focus should be on a research issue that’s no more than five years old.
- Allow you to use economic theories and concepts to answer your research question.
- Provide opportunities for critical analysis of the information and data collected.
- Allow enough room for analysis while sticking to the scope of the essay.
Don’t choose a broad topic because the essay needs critical and reflective thinking and analysis on something specific. And don’t pick an excessively narrow theme because you may not have access to specific data.
So choose your topic wisely, making sure that it isn’t too wide or too narrow to fit within the scope of the EE’s requirements.
Data Collection in Economics Extended Essay
You have to conduct original research on topics covered in the economics curriculum. Therefore, spend just enough time establishing value for your topic in microeconomics, macroeconomics or the global economy.
Doing original research goes a long way to show that the title and the research question is an issue unanswered by secondary sources.
If you’ve decided to write an EE on microeconomics, you may have to use primary research in the form of surveys, questionnaires, or interviews with pertinent businesspeople direct to the study subject.
Themes from macroeconomics and the global economy require more secondary research in the form of data extraction from published academic papers, historical records, government publications, newspaper/online articles, and statistical databases.
Analysis and Evaluation in Economics EE
The analysis of your economics extended essay can only be effective if you use pertinent economic theories to analyze data collected.
You have to incorporate applicable economic theories, models, and methods in your research’s findings.
For example, you can exhibit critical analysis and evaluation by a sound assessment and judgment of the amount to which the applicable economic theory is beneficial in addressing your research question .
If you cannot establish relevant connections between your selected topic and the research question, avoid establishing knowledge claims based on economic theories, models, and instruments.
Criterion C of the assessment instrument requires you to provide precise findings for each analyzed point, and there has to be interim conclusions throughout your writing.
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the limitations of your own research, flaws in the economic theories, and underlying assumptions of the models utilized when developing your arguments. Also, evaluate the extent to which an economic theory may or may not describe your topic.
IB Economics EE Reflection Session
Being reflective is one of the IB learner profile characteristics, and it is now a formal requirement of the EE evaluation criteria.
IB uses the Reflections on Planning and Progress Form (RPPF), which has a 6-point value, to evaluate reflections. This is a substantial amount of points, which can determine the distinction between two grades on the final examination.
As part of the EE requirements, you will be required to hold three mandatory reflection sessions with your supervisor, and each of these reflection sessions appear on the official RPPF.
Reflection in the EE focuses on the process of the assignment itself.
Consider the following areas of reflection for each portion of the RPPF:
- How did you overcome the problems, setbacks, and barriers you encountered, and what did you learn in the process?
- Which of the IB learner profile characteristics apply to you?
- What did you learn, and did new views emerge?
The maximum word count for all three reflections is 500. You must write the reflection in your own word and pertain only to your personal learning journey throughout the course.
About the author
Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.
Mar 8, 2024 · Economics EE Criteria and Checklist . Economics extended essay is graded for a total of 34 points, the assessment consists of the following criteria: Criterion A: Focus and method - 6 points . The main aspects of this criterion are the topic, research question, and methodology. You should clearly state them at the beginning of your essay.
Apr 9, 2024 · Criterion B: Knowledge and Understanding (6 points) What It Means: This criterion assesses the extent to which the research relates to the subject area/discipline used to explore the research question; or in the case of the world studies extended essay, the issue addressed and the two disciplinary perspectives applied; and additionally, the way in which this knowledge and understanding is ...
Jun 14, 2024 · Read about the extended essay in greater detail. You can also read about how the IB sets deadlines for the extended essay, find examples of extended essay titles from previous DP students and learn about the world studies extended essay. Learn more about the extended essay in a DP workshop for teachers. Extended essay subject brief
Economics Extended Essays – scoring rubric Student: Numerical Score: Predicted Letter Grade: Faculty Adviser: Use the guidelines & rubric on the following pages to award scores for each criterion: A: Research Question out of 2 B: Introduction out of 2 C: Investigation out of 4 D: Knowledge & Understanding out of 4 E: Reasoned Argument out of 4 F: Application of Analytical Skills out ...
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The topic and context of the economics extended essay must be clearly established at the beginning of the essay. This should include the theoretical area of economics to which the essay relates with a clear indication as to how the topic fits into this area and why it is worthy of investigation.
Apr 18, 2024 · What is an IB Economics Extended Essay? An Economics Extended Essay is a 4,000-word autonomous, self-directed report based on a topic of personal interest. This project allows you to: Improve your research skills. Apply economic theories to a real-world issue. Analyze and evaluate the outcomes of your study. The essay requires 40 hours of ...
Section 2: IBO Evaluator Comments--What the IBO Examiners Say About Essays in Every Area: In each of the following reports, Extended Essay graders point out common problems in each section of the rubric in each subject area. It is essential that both the supervising teacher and the student discuss the following pitfalls that students frequently ...
This document provides guidance on writing an extended essay in economics for the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. It discusses choosing a focused research topic, formulating a clear research question, collecting relevant primary and secondary data, and applying appropriate economic theories and concepts to analyze the research question. The essay should demonstrate analytical ...
The extended essay, including the world studies extended essay, offers the opportunity for IB students to investigate a topic of special interest, in the form of a 4,000-word piece of independent research. The area of research undertaken is chosen from one of the students’ six Diploma Programme subjects, or in the case