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Faculty Member, Research or Professional Staff Judge Sign-Up
Thank you for your interest in serving as a judge for the Auburn Research Student Symposium 2019. The goal of the symposium is to showcase student research and creative scholarship across all disciplines to a broad audience . To this end, judges do not need to be experts in the discipline for which they serve as a judge.
If you are a faculty member, research or professional staff, or postdoctoral scholar , please use the following links to volunteer. Based on past experience, we recommend that you sign up for no more than one slot per session (oral sessions and/or posters). You are welcome to sign up for more than one session, however, as long as they are at different times. Please use the following links to volunteer:
Oral Sessions
Morning oral session (8:00 AM – 12:00 PM)—one-hour time slots
Afternoon oral session (1:00 PM – 4:00 PM)—one-hour time slots
Poster Sessions
Morning poster session (9:30 AM – 11:00 AM)
Noon poster session (12:00 PM – 1:30 PM)
Afternoon poster session (3:30 PM – 5:00 PM)
- Student Symposium Program
Judging Review Criteria for each category:
- Oral Presentation Evaluation Sheet
- Poster Presentation Evaluation Sheet
- Creative Scholarship Evaluation Sheet
- Project Abstracts
Graduate Student Judge Sign-Up
Graduate students, thank you for your interest in serving as a judge for the Auburn Research Student Symposium 2019. The goal of the symposium to showcase student research and creative scholarship across all disciplines to a broad audience. To this end, judges will be assigned to general categories according to the times they request. PhD students will be assigned to specific undergraduate presentations while Master level students will be assigned on a need-basis for judging. Please indicate all availability on the form.
Once you have signed up, you will receive an email confirming the time and group of students you will be responsible to judge.
To volunteer to judge please fill out this form (you will need to be logged into AU Involve): https://auburn.campuslabs.com/engage/submitter/form/start/255142 .
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Melisa Martinez ( [email protected] ).